
shadeslayermaxwellian: hehe.. i have a 40 GB / thats 13 GB used :00:00
maxwellianshadeslayer: Me too, I think 40 gig.  I pretty much screwed my Windows partition when I installed Ubuntu, it runs out of disk all the time. :P00:01
maxwellianshadeslayer: Serves it right.00:01
shadeslayermaxwellian: true :D00:02
maxwelliantumbleweed: Sorry, just to be sure, are you saying most of the savings are gained through a cache?00:03
tumbleweedmaxwellian: no, I'm saying you can save some bandwidth with a proxy. But for the ocassional pbuildering it's possibly not worth it00:18
shadeslayertumbleweed: bug 60383100:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603831 in fprint-demo (Ubuntu) "Please Merge fprint-demo from debian" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60383100:24
shadeslayeri dont understand what you mean00:24
shadeslayerdid  debian release a new version?00:25
shadeslayertumbleweed: bug 604102 , rbot can be syncd00:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604102 in rbot (Ubuntu) "Please merge rbot 0.9.15+post20100705+gitb3aa806 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60410200:30
micahgshadeslayer: you should change the merge bug to a sync bug then00:31
shadeslayermicahg: hmm ok00:31
shadeslayermicahg: done00:32
shadeslayerbuild log is attached00:32
tumbleweedshadeslayer: re fprint-demo: you attached an ubuntu to ubuntu diff. Where's the debian to ubuntu diff00:50
shadeslayermeh.. how did i not see that :S00:53
tumbleweedshadeslayer: re rbot: when you have dealt with a reviewers comments, you should set the bug back to new/confirmed and re-subscribe sponsors. (no need to do that now, because I'm looking at it)01:01
shadeslayertumbleweed: oh.. i didnt know01:02
tumbleweedalso, for sync bugs, it helps if you have set a public e-mail address in launchpad, then the ack-sync tool can automatically use it.01:03
shadeslayertumbleweed: i can set it now01:03
shadeslayertumbleweed: i just have to unselect Hide my email addresses from other Launchpad users , right?01:04
shadeslayertumbleweed: thanks :)01:26
shadeslayeruh.. it failed 0_o01:27
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shadeslayerhow come it built in pbuilder and failed in buildd01:28
shadeslayerhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/51750280/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.rbot_0.9.15%2Bpost20100705%2Bgitb3aa806-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz << if anyone can tell me why it failed01:29
tumbleweedshadeslayer: read the buildlog, it explains. I'm off ot bed01:29
shadeslayertumbleweed: i am reading it...01:29
shadeslayertumbleweed: thanks anyways01:29
* shadeslayer is not sure what the error means01:29
shadeslayeranyone else around to help? :)01:33
shadeslayerbrr... im off to sleep as well01:35
micahgshadeslayer: empty translations files?01:42
YokoZarhmm, why did imagemagick disappear from maverick archive...01:59
micahgYokoZar: looks like it's there02:02
jmarsdenYokoZar: rmadison -s maverick imagemagick says: imagemagick | 7: |      maverick | source, amd64, i38602:04
YokoZarmicahg: jmarsden: so why does http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=imagemagick  not show any results for maverick?02:22
micahgYokoZar: it probably doesn't show any results for anything in maverick02:22
YokoZarahh ok02:22
YokoZarit has a maverick search box though ;)02:23
micahgYokoZar: yeah, that site's been having issues, it's known though02:23
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dholbachgood morning07:59
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bilalakhtarSomeone, please help me with http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51744908/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.krename_4.0.4-2ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz08:38
bilalakhtarSomeone, please help me with http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51744908/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.krename_4.0.4-2ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz08:45
bilalakhtarsebner: you there?08:51
RhondaServer is too old for streaming pull, reconnecting.  (Upgrade the server to Bazaar 1.2 to avoid this)08:52
sebnerbilalakhtar: just entered, yes08:52
RhondaI get this message when I do a bzr checkout of the planet-ubuntu config.08:52
bilalakhtarsebner: please help me with http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51744908/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.krename_4.0.4-2ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz08:54
sebnerbilalakhtar: I'm no kde guy but either you have a wrong versioning in your controls file or the kde libs are currently b0rken in the archibe08:58
bilalakhtarsebner: ok, I will push the package to my PPA for another test build.09:00
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Laneybilalakhtar: why don't you try asking in09:20
Laney...in #kubuntu-devel?09:20
Laneyin general if someone doesn't answer it means that nobody knows09:21
sebnerhuu Laney :)09:22
Laneyalright boss09:22
bilalakhtarLaney: thanks09:23
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Rhondacjwatson: Any news on the packages site? Just curious, not pushing.09:58
Rhonda… or any other canonical employee who could take a look for me in the internal RT?09:59
cjwatsonRhonda: I haven't heard anything10:04
RhondaAh, alright. It sounded a bit like that elmo would take a look last time we spoke. But I can understand that he tries to contact Frank first.10:07
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SpamapSSo, the CEPH project produces their own userspace tool .deb's and debian source packages.. debian doesn't have them yet though (there's an ITP but its gone a bit stale). Since upstream produces debs.. can Universe take those directly until Debian gets the packages?12:24
rippsCan someone help me get my wacom-dkms package into ubuntu. It doesn't seem the kernel is going to fix the broken bamboo ctl-460 (and other new models) anytime soon. I have a working packages for lucid and maverick in my ppa:ripps818/wacom. I have the current version of my package uploaded to REVU12:29
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shadeslayermicahg: how come it builds on my pbuilder then 0_o14:10
shadeslayerScottK: poke14:18
shadeslayerScottK: thanks :D14:19
shadeslayer<micahg> shadeslayer: empty translations files? << thats what micahg said14:19
ScottKFigure out why that's happening.14:20
shadeslayerScottK: but why does it build in pbuilder then?14:20
shadeslayerand it does seem the file is empty14:21
EzraRanyone want to review a package on REVU? It has one advocation already and I have fixed the remaining problems.14:21
ScottKshadeslayer: Because your pbuilder chroot doesn't have pkgbinarymangler installed.14:23
ScottKThat's on the buildds, but not part of the standard install14:24
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gesershadeslayer: because you don't pkgbinarymangler installed (and enabled) in your pbuilder15:39
shadeslayergeser: yeah ScottK mentioned that...15:40
shadeslayergeser: altho i dont understand the concept of pkgbinarymangler15:40
geser!info pkgbinarymangler15:40
ubottupkgbinarymangler (source: pkgbinarymangler): strips translations and alters maintainers during build. In component main, is extra. Version 69 (lucid), package size 17 kB, installed size 128 kB15:40
shadeslayergeser: hmm.. so that translations go into another package?\15:41
gesernot exactly, they got put into an own tar which then somehow into LP (rosetta), but I don't know the details15:42
dpmshadeslayer, geser -> here are the details: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/TranslationLifecycle15:43
dpmbasically, pkgbinarymangler extracts translations from a package, puts them in a tarball and imports them into Launchpad. Then these are exposed to translators at translations.lp.net/ubuntu to complete or change. Their translations are periodically exported from Launchpad in a big tarball containing all translations, which is fed to the langpack-o-matic script, which ultimately produces a set of language pack packages, which contain the transaltions15:46
hyperairis there a way i can glob files in python?16:12
hyperairlike the equivalent of for file in *someglobpattern*; do something_with_$file; done16:13
danohuiginnhyperair: http://docs.python.org/library/glob.html16:20
hyperairaha, thanks.16:20
Laneyhyperair: porting git-archive-all?16:22
hyperairLaney: *sigh* yea.16:24
Laneyyou get all the fun :)16:25
hyperairLaney: it's easy enough to do half-baked support for submodules, but proper support for submodules needs recursion.16:25
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hyperairhmm maybe i'll just work around it.16:27
Laneywhat's wrong with that?16:28
Laneyjust recursively archive-all the submodules16:28
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek starting in 12 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom16:48
shadeslayeranyone around to help me with rbot ?17:16
shadeslayerim stuck with the fact that one of the translations is empty :p17:16
geserstill the same problem or a new one?17:16
geserthe .pot files, right?17:17
shadeslayergeser: same problem,but i was thinking that i could use the current git checkout and use that translation as a patch17:17
shadeslayergeser: yes17:17
shadeslayermeh.. its empty in git too17:18
shadeslayergeser: ^17:18
shadeslayergeser: seems some translations are empty...17:20
geseradd "find -empty -name '*.pot' -delete" to the clean target to make pkgstriptranslations happy17:20
shadeslayergeser: ok.. and the new version would be 1ubuntu1 right?17:21
shadeslayergeser: and i guess testing in pbuilder is useless :P17:22
geserno, install pkgbinarymangler inside your pbuilder (and enable it) and you can reproduce the problem in your pbuilder17:23
shadeslayergeser: how do i enable it in pbuilder?17:26
geser"pbuilder login --save-after-login"; "apt-get install pkgbinarymangler"; edit "/etc/pkgbinarymangler/stripstranslations.conf" (the file is inside the pbuilder) and set 'enable: true'17:29
geserand while you are it you could check if "/etc/pkgbinarymangler/santitychecks.conf" is also enabled (enable: true). Don't remember if it's enabled by default or if I changed it.17:31
geserand if you want that your pbuilder also creates .ddebs install "pkg-create-dbgsym" too17:32
shadeslayergeser: delta debs?17:32
geserdebug debs, those with the debug symbols17:33
shadeslayergeser: i see a control.in file.. is that required?17:36
geserno, some packages generate the control file from a template (control.in)17:37
shadeslayergeser: so i can remove it?17:37
geserI don't know if the package really needs it in this case, but it creates an unnecessary delta if you remove it17:40
shadeslayeryeah.. ill leave it as such then17:41
shadeslayergeser: http://pastebin.com/JKKJL9C817:48
geserbut you got a source package?17:49
shadeslayergeser: i guess thats the work of the clean rule i added17:49
geseryes, and you can ignore those warnings17:50
MTecknologyWhat's the right way to install a file to /etc/default/ just install -f my_file /etc/default/ in rules ?17:50
gesershadeslayer: it because the file deletion can be stored in the .debian.tar.gz but that is no problem here as we remove them on every clean call17:50
geserMTecknology: IIRC yes17:51
MTecknologygeser: thanks17:52
shadeslayergeser: still fails :P17:54
shadeslayerthis time at rbot-fortune.po17:55
geserthen remove empty .po files too17:55
tumbleweedMTecknology, geser: dh_installinit will install debian/packagename.default appropriately17:56
shadeslayergeser: didnt the clean part do that?17:56
gesershadeslayer: if you look at the find call, you will notice that it only delete empty files matching "*.pot"17:57
MTecknologytumbleweed: thanks18:00
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shadeslayergeser: http://pastebin.com/vqL3MfZC18:02
gesershadeslayer: what exactly did you change in debian/rules?18:03
shadeslayergeser: i added find -empty -name '*.pot *.po' -delete in the clean part18:04
shadeslayergeser: http://pastebin.com/W6eb0DBt18:05
shadeslayernow come to think of it.. i should just to *.po*18:06
geseryeah, that would work18:08
shadeslayergeser: seems to work now18:12
gesershadeslayer: or "find . -empty \( -name '*.pot' -o -name '*.po' \) -delete" if you only want to match those two cases18:12
* shadeslayer has to learn regexp18:15
geserand the syntax of find18:16
shadeslayergeser: regex first since im using it in ruby as well18:17
shadeslayergeser: your rule seems to work too18:18
ryanakcaHow can I force something into /usr/local ? dh_usrlocal seems to insist on trying to clobber everything I try to put there.... (It's a work related package with hardcoded paths to /usr/local ... )18:18
shadeslayergeser: redy to sponsor? :D18:18
shadeslayergeser: want me to pastebin debdiff?18:20
geseryes, that's enough18:20
shadeslayergeser: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=kSSXnjhs18:20
shadeslayergeser: thanks for telling me how to do it right ;)18:20
carstenhryanakca: by using override_dh_whatever, see man 1 dh - alternatively you could use the more verbose debian/rules variant (examples are in /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples)18:22
ryanakcacarstenh: Thanks18:22
gesershadeslayer: uploaded18:27
shadeslayergeser: thanks :D18:28
ryanakcacarstenh: Hmm... now dpkg-deb quits because of files in /usr/local :/ Would it be easier just to 's@/usr/local@/usr@g' in the files that match /usr/local ?18:31
carstenhryanakca: weird, "$ grep usr/local *" in dpkg.git/dpkg-deb/ returns nothing18:35
ryanakcasorry, dh_builddeb18:36
carstenhryanakca: if you can adapt the hardcoded paths faster than you could convince dpkg-deb to install files to usr/local you should probably just do it ;)18:36
carstenhgrep local =dh_builddeb returns nothing too18:36
carstenh(zsh, not bash)18:37
ryanakcaHmm... odd.  sed it is.18:37
carstenhryanakca: ok, so you either spend this evening with finding the error or you use a workaround (fixing the hardcoded paths) and get time to drink a beer ... your choice18:39
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shadeslayergeser: i think something is wrong with the builder :P18:49
shadeslayerits building since 20 mins :D18:49
shadeslayerand its not that huge a package18:49
geserdamn pastebin :(18:50
shadeslayergeser: :S18:50
shadeslayergeser: i gave you raw output :S18:51
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shadeslayergeser: you wget'd the link?18:51
shadeslayerthat explains it18:51
geserI looked over the debdiff before signing and uploading but missed it18:53
geser2nd try :)18:54
gesermicahg: Hi, as I hope that you are much more familiar with xul-ext-* packages than me: do you know if we should keep weave (binary: xul-ext-sync) in the archive or remove it again? (regarding the mozilla extension policy)19:17
micahggeser: was it accidentally sync'd?19:18
micahggeser: it'll probably be integrated into either Firefox 4 or Firefox 4.119:18
* micahg forgets if there are binary components in it19:18
gesermicahg: sort of, it's a new package19:18
geserit got synced together with the other new packages as it isn't (yet) on the sync blacklist19:19
gesershadeslayer: rbot: Successfully built19:19
shadeslayergeser: whee19:19
shadeslayergeser: ++19:19
micahggeser: I'm torn, since it's arch specific, I think it should be in, but on the other hand, they plan on integrating it19:22
micahgchrisccoulson: what do you think about weave ^^^19:22
micahggeser: I'd say let's take it for the moment and we can review before beta freeze19:24
gesermicahg: ok, it FTBFS too19:24
micahggeser: heh, I'll need to file a bug to add it to my package set19:24
tumbleweedshadeslayer: I'm glad to hear that :)20:06
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ari-tczewporthose: thanks for sponsoring21:11
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ari-tczewporthose: do you want take next?21:16
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porthoseari-tczew, sorry busy with one of my upstream, leave me a bug number and I will look later21:26
ari-tczewporthose: hmm, ok, so in this case I'm going to ask tumbleweed to sponsor: bug 60423521:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604235 in xmp (Ubuntu) "Merge xmp 3.2.0-0.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60423521:27
tumbleweedlooks like I'm doing too much sponsorship then... :)21:28
porthosetumbleweed, are you going to look at xmp?21:33
porthosetumbleweed, if not, I will :)21:34
tumbleweedporthose: I will21:34
porthosetumbleweed, k21:35
tumbleweedari-tczew: please don't close the lp merge bug on the same line as "Add PulseAudio support". It makes it look like that bug was the original bug adding this support21:38
ari-tczewtumbleweed: could you move up LP: ?21:39
tumbleweedof course21:39
tumbleweedari-tczew: besides that, looks good. building21:41
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ari-tczewtumbleweed: thanks!22:12
tumbleweedgarr, I keep forgetting -sa tonight22:15
ari-tczewtumbleweed: done 7 sponsorships for me22:16
LaneyI saw some stats on how many packages are synced, merged, packaged separately, ... — does anyone know where these are?22:30
Laneythink it was a graph22:30
geserthe ones on MoM?22:31
Laneymaybe. /me looks22:31
Laneyah I like that, thanks geser22:32
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