
scott_evDell cuddles Canonical for big Ubuntu fluffer love01:12
scott_evthat title really really needs to be changed......do you know what a fluffer is?01:13
Pendulumakgraner: scott_ev has a really good point there. is there any way to change the title slightly?01:23
akgranerwe don't change the titles we report them as they are listed01:23
Pendulumand I assume there are no other articles talking about the same thing?01:24
akgranerI can't see what anyone is typing01:24
Pendulumscott_ev: have you read the article?01:24
akgranerand there are other uses for the word fluffer as well - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluffing01:28
scott_evno, I haven't read the article but a fluffer in the porn industry is the person that gets the man ready for his scene01:28
scott_evakgraner: I see that my section isn't done....I can do it real quick if you want me to knock it out01:29
akgranerit's done01:32
scott_evok, I'm so sorry I didn't get it done earlier in the week before I quit my meds.  the withdrawls will be over before next week's release01:32
akgraneragain no worries - I just hope you feel better :-)01:34
akgranerI'm just fixing the camelcases right now01:34
scott_evI just noticed that there are only 2 brainstorms this week...bummer01:37
akgraneryep Can't add what isn't there01:43
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:02:13
akgranerI shortened the title I figured it's easier to get chewed on for changing the title rather than not changing it - sigh02:14
akgranerhey all - highvoltage, internalkernel, holstein, nigelb, Pendulum and others work can begin on 202 - http://www.ietherpad.com/UWN and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue202  also THANK YOU very much for all your work on Issue 201! - Great Job!03:06
nigelbdidn't work on this fine, but I will work on next one :)03:08
akgraneralso the gdoc has been cleared out and can be used as well :-)  https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfODlkODNxNnRnZA&hl=en03:09
akgranerHave a great evening - need to get some rest before developer week starts tomorrow :-)03:10
MTeck-ricerakgraner: favorite issue yet - (except for the couple where i was mentioned :P)03:13
=== MTeck-ricer is now known as MTecknology
nigelbMTecknology: whats with the new nick? ;)05:26
nigelbI agree with you - I community is what unites us all :)05:26
MTecknologynigelb: I've had that a while - I wear it sometimes when I start tweaking my kernel05:27
MTecknologyor when I'm ricing some other part of my buntu system05:28
MTecknologymaco: hey there babe05:40
* maco blinks05:40
* nigelb blinks twice05:40
MTecknologymaco: haven't talked to you in a while, how've you been?05:40
macowas doing fairly well after just hanging out with some friends. am now being a sourpuss05:42
MTecknologyI'm sorry..05:42
* MTecknology feels like an a-hole now05:42
PendulumMTecknology: it's not really appropriate to adress anyone as "hey there babe" unless you're in a rather close personal relationship with them05:43
Pendulumand is especially inappropriate in an Ubuntu channel, IMO05:43
MTecknologyPendulum: It's actually kinda common place around here05:44
Pendulumdoesn't make it appropriate05:44
nigelb*NOT* appropriate even if you're in a relationship IMHO05:44
Pendulumand I really haven't seen that happen in many Ubuntu channels05:44
Pendulumnigelb: well, I'm thinking that if my partner said it, I wouldn't be offended05:44
* maco agrees with Pendulum05:44
nigelbPendulum: yes, but unless everyone knows you're partners, they might go "what the..."05:45
maconigelb: i think then youd get a PM asking whether you're partners :P05:45
Pendulumnigelb: fair enough :-) I don't generally date people who'd say such things on IRC anyway05:45
Pendulum(at least in public)05:45
nigelbmaco: exactly05:45
macoive "dear"d partners in channels before05:45
macolike "yes dear" or "thank you dear"05:46
nigelbthats okay05:46
Pendulumthere are channels where I'll accept it a little more liberally, but none of them are Ubuntu channels05:46
nigelbI've deared people who're not partners when buttering them to do something for me :p05:46
pleia2for next week: maybe mention the new UW logo?06:30
pleia2I didn't bother mentioning it since we have so many UW on the news team ;P06:31
* maco grumbles about being dragged onto the news team lately06:32
macoi am officially not on this team! you cant make me!06:32
nigelbmaco: haha06:42
nUboon2AgeDell cuddles Canonical for big Ubuntu fluffer love  http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/07/07/dell_canonical_ubuntu_clouds/  akgraner08:45
akgranernUboon2Age, what about that?13:41
akgranerwe included it already - this week we will need items that cover July11-17 :-)13:43
nUboon2Ageakgraner: never mind then ;)16:25
pleia2akgraner: can you look in the -news-team list queue and see if anything there is good for UWN? (I've left it there for a couple of days hoping someone with more expertise in this could determine :))18:28
akgranerpleia2, yep it's on my todo list :-)18:29
nUboon2AgeUbuntu 10.10 to get a new installer  http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Ubuntu-10-10-to-get-a-new-installer-1036674.html akgraner19:03
akgranerwe included new installer in issue 201 :-)19:03
nUboon2Age:)  Well here's some good screenshots that might be of interest...   Ubuntu 10.10 Will Have a Revamped Installer   http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-10-10-Will-Have-a-Revamped-Installer-146644.shtml19:06
akgranerthe softpeida article is the one we included :-)19:07
nUboon2Age:)  Here's an Vancouver article that about half way through highlights Randall Ross and the Vancouver LoCo:  Ubuntu: a computer operating system built around community http://www.vancouverobserver.com/blogs/megabytes/2010/07/10/ubuntu-computer-operating-system-built-around-community19:11
nUboon2AgeGoogle App Inventor: Make Your Own Android Apps    http://www.providingnews.com/google-app-inventor-make-your-own-android-apps.html19:15
nUboon2AgeThat one specificaly mentions it works on Ubuntu 8+19:16
nUboon2AgeSpeed up your Ubuntu machine boot time  http://www.ghacks.net/2010/07/12/speed-up-your-ubuntu-machines-boot-time/19:19
nUboon2AgeSpotify music streaming service comes to Linux  (shown on Ubuntu) http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Spotify-music-streaming-service-comes-to-Linux-1036731.html akgraner19:23
johnc4510pleia2: ping20:05
nUboon2AgeUbuntu's "Free" Ride Into the Enterprise  http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/linux_unix/article.php/3891546/Ubuntus+Free+Ride+Into+the+Enterprise.htm akgraner20:07
johnc4510pleia2: nm20:15
nUboon2AgeIs Chrome OS a Threat to Ubuntu or Windows? http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/osrc/article.php/3892351/Is-Chrome-OS-a-Threat-to-Ubuntu-or-Windows.htm  akgraner20:26
akgranergot it :-)20:26
akgranernUboon2Age, can you add the links to the ideas wiki page and I'll just look at them all at once :-)20:27
akgraneryou don't have to worry about what section you can just add the to the In the press area if ya want  - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Ideas20:28
akgranerand I'll just move them as needed20:28
akgranerThat way I won't have to search the logs for any of the links you post20:28
pleia2johnc4510: hey20:46
akgranerpleia2, I held off on the new logo b/c it wouldn't stand out with all the other news - but was going to include it with a post that includes your interview..20:46
pleia2akgraner: ok, I just figured it wouldn't really be "news" anymore after this week, it's already being remixed and updated everywhere20:48
pleia2just want to make sure it gets in sometime :)20:48
nUboon2Ageakgraner: hi i just came back and saw your request. I'm assuming you're talking about for the future?  Right now i don't seem to have access to edit that page.20:48
akgranerhmm are you on Launchpad?20:49
nUboon2Ageakgraner: yes20:50
akgraneryou can also add them to the etherpad as well - http://ietherpad.com/UWN20:50
akgraneror you can add to the googledoc and just drop the links there as well20:53
akgraner* Topic for #ubuntu-news set by akgraner!~akgraner@ubuntu/member/akgraner at Thu Jun  3 20:44:05 201022:44
=== akgraner changed the topic of #ubuntu-news to: Next Meeting: August 5th, 2010 @ 2300UTC | The Ubuntu News Channel - You report it, we publish it! Serving the Fridge, Ubuntu Weekly News, and other fine publications. | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewsTeam
nhandlerakgraner: Is this meeting on the fridge?23:44

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