
dakermhall119, is there any django session ?03:15
=== MTeck-ricer is now known as MTecknology
* ilmari idly wonders when maverick packages are going to show up on packages.ubuntu.com (bug 599887)13:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 599887 in ubuntu-website "packages.ubuntu.com is missing maverick (affects: 3) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59988713:22
mhall119daker: there will be a django session Friday14:46
mhall119two actually14:47
dakeroh thanks14:47
newz2000hey all14:54
newz2000webmaster job is hitting the site soon14:54
newz2000if you're interested, in a nutshell: location is London, drupal experience, google analytics and "Immaculate attention to detail"14:54
newz2000contact me directly and I can help you get your foot in the door14:55
stas__newz2000: don't you have something for wordpress guys? :)15:14
newz2000stas__: sorry, not at the moment.15:14
newz2000Were you thinking about moving to London?15:15
stas__newz2000: hmm, not really, just wanted to know about wordpress too :)15:16
=== daker_ is now known as daker
mhall119newz2000: is the location a strict requirement, or just a nice to have?22:31
newz2000mhall119: I'm guessing they're going to consider this a strict requirement for now, but if no suitable candidates turn up they may open it22:38
newz2000I've seen that happen before22:39
diekinewz2000: You sent my paste.u.c theme to the person that is in charge of that, but he's neither contacted me or altered the website. Was my theme not suitable?23:55

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