
nikitisDanDare, the Adjustable DPI settings are built into the hardware.  And it works, just that after a few seconds I get the ill effects.00:00
magicianlordmy screen got locked00:00
fabioim using the lastest version of ubuntu00:00
bhalashmagicianlord: Yeah, I've been using it under Openbox, but I'm back in Gnome tonight00:00
fabiobut without apparent reason the amules exit00:00
hiexpo!hi | fabio00:00
ubottufabio: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:00
nikitisDanDare, All i want out of this mouse is basic functionality, since that seems to be not what I have00:00
fabioany one have solution for this?00:01
slidinghornfabio: run it from terminal and post the error(s) given to http://paste.ubuntu.com00:01
sesevwhat might be my problem and how can I solve it? when I have harddrive plugged and dvd drive plugged, when I try to install it gives me error: (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system00:01
seidosah sudo kill -9 pid worked00:01
Wamphyrianyone know of a good howto to run dual monitors?00:01
DanDarenikitis, try that USB->PS2 adapter so... not sure if it will work but most like00:01
sesevbut when I take hard drive away and boot only with dvd drive, setup goes like it should go00:01
Oerfabio amule under wine ?00:01
straeanyone know how i can use a custom trash icon i've created?00:01
slidinghornsesev, you have to set your BIOS to boot from the cd/dvd rom first00:01
sesevslidinghorn: it boots00:01
sesevbut it gives that error00:02
magicianlordwhat error?00:02
sesev(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system00:02
ejvhello, I've recently come into possession of an Ipod, what's the best app to use under Ubuntu, that wouldn't totally f*** it up? I want to play existing music and load additional music. :)00:02
magicianlordthen it's booting from the hard drive00:02
Godfather8850Hello! is there a way to disable the Keyring password popups? (it is the same with my general password)00:02
Zekacan somebody help me on pwt ???00:02
sebsebseb!language | ejv00:02
ubottuejv: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:02
sesevso that hard drive is broken?00:02
sebsebsebejv: I think it will just work in Rythombox and Banshee at the moment00:02
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:03
ejvum... i used asterisks sebsebseb lol00:03
hiexpo!best | ejv \00:03
ubottuejv \: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:03
sebsebsebejv: still counts as swearing00:03
ejvjesus christ you guys love your commands00:03
sebsebsebejv: here00:03
ejvok thx00:03
sesevit's IDE hard drive, and my jumper settings are: dvd Master, hdd slave00:03
ejvi'll start clicking00:03
magicianlordif it boots from the dvd with the hdd unplugged, then more likely the order to boot is not set in the bios, or if it but you are not pressing a key to boot from dvd/cd when it prompts, and it defaults to booting from hdd.00:03
magicianlordok sesev00:03
sesevit goes to that menu00:03
magicianlordset the hdd to master, dvd to slave00:03
Benkinoobyhi, is there a wa00:03
sebsebsebejv: also what you just said, might offend some religious people, so thats something to think about00:03
slidinghornejv -- it helps to give people frequently requested info quickly00:03
sesevwhere you can choose if to try live cd or install ubuntu00:03
magicianlordoh, so it does boot from the cd. ok00:04
sesevbut it doesn't go further00:04
ejvoh no im not complaining, too much help is far better than no help00:04
magicianlordit gives you the error then?00:04
hiexpolive cd00:04
sesevit starts loading but then comes that error00:04
magicianlordis the iso burned properly?00:04
sesevit's ordered from ubuntu website00:04
ejvima give that ipod guide a look through, im deathly afraid of attaching this ipod, and having it re-initialized00:04
magicianlordhave you tried it on another pc to see if the cd works?00:04
hiexpomd5sum the cd00:05
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:05
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.00:05
sesevmagicianlord: umm, not yet, but that setup works when I have not plugged hdd00:05
=== Wolphie_ is now known as Wolphie
Poisoned_GoldGreetings to all... The one and only Poisoned Gold is here!!!00:05
sesevand live option works when hdd is'nt plugged00:05
Benkinoobyhi, i was wondering if i can get a basic, stripped down ubuntu. like no services and all, no gui. in the end i am looking for something like fluxbuntu (which looks quite dead to me). i could use debian but buntu is more up-to-date and userfriendly.00:06
magicianlordso it goes past the error when the hdd is not plugged in?00:06
slidinghorn!minimal | Benkinooby00:06
ubottuBenkinooby: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:06
sesevmagicianlord: that error doesn't come00:06
sesevit works smoothly without hdd00:06
hiexpoopen terminal   place iso in home folder type md5sum isofilename interminal00:06
magicianlordthat's an odd problem. it may be the hdd then.00:06
sebsebsebBenkinooby: actsually  Debian Testing is always more up to date than Ubuntu, since Ubuntu gets based on that00:06
magicianlordbut sesev, try setting hte jumpers00:06
sebsebseb!debian | Benkinooby00:06
ubottuBenkinooby: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!00:06
magicianlordthe hdd should be master and cd slave00:06
SamualUsing gparted on a livecd, is it possible to resize a ext4 partition (My system partition) on a disk without erasing the partition? I still want to keep the data, but I want to make the partition smaller to make room for another Linux OS00:06
magicianlordSamual: yes00:07
Wamphyrihas anyone ever setup a dual monitor system using a ati card and a nvidia card?00:07
Samualmagicianlord, K thanks.. Just wanted to make sure before I proceed with doing it.00:07
nikitisDanDare, hmm I don't even have a PS/2 port available on my machine, it only came with a keyboard port00:07
bhalashWamphyri: A portal to hell opened. It was a terrible, terrible shame.00:07
indianaKhello everyone!00:08
DanDarenikitis, sorry i dont have any clue00:08
hiexpo!hello | indianaK00:08
ubottuindianaK: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:08
Wamphyribhalash: huh?00:08
slidinghornWamphyri, let's assume we have....what issue are you having and how would they be able to help you?00:08
jeissonno pero esto es en ingles00:08
nikitisDanDare, I can't even alt-tab with my ps/2 keyboard when that mouse is plugged in00:08
jeissonno hay en spanish?00:08
Wamphyrislidinghorn: just setting it up lol00:08
sebsebseb!es | jeisson00:08
ubottujeisson: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:08
slidinghorn!es | jeisson00:08
Benkinoobyslidinghorn: thx. seems the only difference is the installation process.so kernel and the rest is the same. good. thank you00:08
sebsebseb!es | magicianlord00:08
ubottumagicianlord: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:08
hiexpo!es | jeisson00:08
magicianlordok man. i get it00:09
Wamphyrislidinghorn: i don't even know where to start00:09
slidinghornBenkinooby, no problem :)00:09
jeisson"/join #ubuntu-co"00:09
jubobawhere should I go to get help with sockets in C?00:09
slidinghorn!dualmonitor | Wamphyri try taking a look @ this: no pero esto es en ingle00:10
ubottuWamphyri try taking a look @ this: no pero esto es en ingle: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama00:10
* slidinghorn sucks at life00:10
Benkinoobysebsebseb: seems, it would be worth to gibe debian a try...00:10
Wamphyrislidinghorn: thank you for the start :)00:10
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.00:10
sebsebsebBenkinooby: yeah  I guess,  espeasily when quite a few distros that were Ubuntu based,  are based on Debian now instead.  theres one with openbox  or whatever, can't remember which one now00:11
slidinghornhiexpo, you got nailed so darn it if you're not gonna *use* that factoid ;-)00:11
magicianlordactually, crunchbang inspired me to explore a similar set up with other distros.00:12
hiexposlidinghorn,  yep \00:12
sebsebsebBenkinooby: yeah bingo  thanks magicianlord,  yeah crunchbang00:12
Wamphyrihiexpo: so between the point that slidinghorn made his last comment and i did the lol there was alot of extra communication to not be able to figure out why i put lol?00:12
magicianlordand i replicated crunchbang on 10.04 as well00:12
magicianlordit works nicely00:12
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages00:12
DanltheManlI am getting pretty sick of traditional Desktop OS's they're stale and old. We need some innovation and new way of doing things.00:13
hiexpoWamphyri,  - just  making a point sorry00:13
sebsebsebBenkinooby:   magicianlord  Also Mint is actsauly is working on a version based on Debian as well,  nothing for the public to try just yet though,  and main version will still be based on Ubuntu for now.  Getting a little off topic here though.00:13
magicianlordDanltheManl: what did you have in mind? i use openbox00:13
Wamphyrihiexpo: far enough :)00:13
bhalashDanltheManl: Buy an iPod?00:13
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:13
magicianlordsebsebseb: oh that's cool. i didnt know they were. i openboxed squeeze as well00:13
hiexpoWamphyri,  i got kicked for it00:14
Benkinoobysebsebseb: sounds interesting. at the moment i find fluxbox to be the best gui (for me), but spending some minutes on reading about chrunchbang can't be wrong. thanks again for the advice... i heard, that the debian community is not all that noob-friendly.... more like rtfm... i will find out soon ^^00:15
magicianlordif anyone is interested in getting a crunchbang-like setup with the ubuntu 10.04 alternate installer, i know exactly how to do that00:15
[-DvL-]is anyone familiar with reassigning audio ports of realtek onboard audio?00:16
sesevmagicianlord: I swiched those jumpers, but now that computer doesnt boot :-(00:16
hiexpopeople mistake me 4 a nice guy i am not nice i amfriendly00:16
Sam_FisherIn TestDisk I am trying to make an Image.dd of my windoze partition and I want to put it into a hard drive. It only lists folders of my Ubuntu. How to get it to save into Hard disk?00:16
Wamphyrihiexpo:  i'm neither00:16
magicianlordsesev: but it boots with the hdd plugged in and no dvd?00:16
sebsebsebBenkinooby: I think the Debian community  will be alright,  as long as not asking them really basic questions.00:16
Sam_FisherPLease stay on topic here00:16
sesevmagicianlord: that hdd does have nothing in it00:17
nikitisis it me or is linux-gamers.net down?00:17
Sam_FisherOtherwise I will ban you00:17
ejvi think i've used dwm and wmi in the past, http://dwm.suckless.org/ and http://wmii.suckless.org/ ; I personally preferred wmii.00:17
sebsebsebSam_Fisher: as far as I know you don't have op00:17
slidinghornSam_Fisher, you're not an op here....?00:17
IdleOneSam_Fisher: please don't threaten to ban people.00:17
magicianlordit seems like it's juts not botting from the cd properly. bios setting maybe00:17
magicianlordsorry. i dont know more00:17
Sam_Fishersebsebseb, seriously? You have to save to your Ubuntu? Useless00:17
ejvDanltheManl: see what i said ^00:18
IdleOne!ot | Sam_Fisher00:18
ubottuSam_Fisher: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:18
Sam_FisherIdleOne, BANNED00:18
IdleOneSam_Fisher: please stop.00:18
slidinghornSam_Fisher, umm.. IdleOne actually *is* an op..00:18
Sam_FisherIdleOne, KICKED00:18
=== irvy is now known as irv
jpdsSam_Fisher: HI.00:18
IdleOne!guidelines > Sam_Fisher00:19
ubottuSam_Fisher, please see my private message00:19
fabiohi im using the lastest version of ubuntu. but i have problems with aMule. it simple exit00:19
fabioits starting well00:19
Oerfabio amule under wine ?00:19
vltHello. Everytime I plug in a usb storage media f-spot opens automatically and tries to import images. How can I disable this behaviour?00:19
IdleOnefabio: run amule from terminal and paste any errors to pastebin00:19
fabiolet me wait till exit00:20
* slidinghorn wonders why fabio didn't do that 20 min ago when *he* told him00:20
a5an0!guidelines > a5an000:20
fabiosorry man00:20
ubottua5an0, please see my private message00:20
fabiokde crashing00:20
Wamphyrislidinghorn:  your not a @ ;) you dunno what your talking about  (joking of course)00:20
trojan_spikeVLT,, change the setting in f-spot00:21
WamphyriOer: why would you run amule under wine?00:21
OerWamphyri, i know amule as a windows application00:21
fabioi think amule its not possible to run in wine00:21
nshhow likely are generic bluetooth headphones to work in ubuntu lucid?00:21
WamphyriOer: your thinking of emule :)00:22
fabioOer that app is emule00:22
fabiothis is similar00:22
trojan_spikeDepends on drivers nsh00:22
hiexposo ure saying u kicked idleone?00:22
Sam_Fishernsh, you mean like for cell phone type?00:22
Benkinoobythx for help every100:22
IdleOneLet's please stick to support.00:22
Oeric, thanks fabio Wamphyri00:22
IdleOneLess discussion and more helping :)00:22
Robertm305sound problems keeps getting cut off and my youtube video start playing fine but the i get delays00:23
vlttrojan_spike: What am I looking for there?00:23
thune3vlt: in a nautilus(file manager) window > edit>preferences [media tab]. I think you can set the automatic action there for photos.00:23
WamphyriOer: no worries :)00:23
hiexpoIdleOne,  :)00:23
humanflyhi all00:24
DanltheManlHey humanflu00:24
Robertm305sound problems keeps getting cut off and my youtube video start playing fine but then i get lag can any one help00:24
ejvanybody use banshee unstable build? how 'unstable' is it eactly...00:24
Robertm305sound problems keeps getting cut off and my youtube video start playing fine but then i get lag can any one help00:24
ejvmy ipod won't read under the current version of banshee00:24
nshtrojan_spike, yes, it also depends on the presence of heat exchange and the quantum mechanics of electron holes in silica. what i wanted to know was whether i might have a reasonable expectation of a randomly selected bluetooth audio device working without masochistic configuration 'out of the box' :)00:24
DanltheManlejv what kind of iPod do you have?00:24
Robertm305sound problems keeps getting cut off and my youtube video start playing fine but then i get lag can any one help00:25
phawxin RhythmBox everytime i edit a tag of one mp3 file,  and save it, it keeps reverting back to the original....is this a rythmbox issue or a rights issue?00:25
ejvipod.... nano ?00:25
ejvi dunno00:25
Robertm305sound problems keeps getting cut off and my youtube video start playing fine but then i get lag can any one help00:25
nshsuch as one expects with, for example, a wireless usb keyboard, or an external monitor00:25
IdleOne!patience | Robertm30500:25
ubottuRobertm305: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:25
ejvits a 3rd generation ipod nano00:25
Robertm305sorry i just need help00:26
AdolaHello!  I'm able to use my Xbox 360 controller's mic in Windows, can I do the same in Linux?00:26
nshsearching for the relevant terms seems to bring up a whole load of contentless ad-bait blogspam00:26
DanltheManlejv: do you see a synchronize iPod button?00:26
=== Clown is now known as Guest6025
nshso i was hoping someone might have some experience00:27
xanderrobertm are u using versin 10 of flash player ? and are you using pulse audio00:27
kurt_how is everyones experience been with the newest ubuntu? Good, Bad or what? I am just now trying it for the last week and love it.00:27
ejv"Banshee can rebuild your database, but some settings might be lost. Using Banshee and iTunes with the same iPod is not recommended."00:27
trojan_spikedont pm me ndh00:27
Guest6025Hi, I played around with Compiz on my Xubuntu, and I was wondering how I can remove it completly to get back to the default window management, I used a terminal command in which made it work, how do I revert it, "compiz --replace"00:27
_jesse_nsh: I was able to connect my bluetooth headset fine, I think you'll be ok00:28
DanltheManlejv: well you can decide what to do then.00:28
ejvDanltheManl: yea I'm not so sure I want to risk this...00:28
xanderi had simular problem with avi files had to uninstall pulse and reinstall fixed it for me but your dealing with youtube00:28
xandercould be flash related00:28
soreauGuest6025: On xfce, just use 'xfwm4 --replace' and save your session00:28
DanltheManlejv: it shouldn't be too bad, you can always restore your iPod nano in iTunes fairly easily.00:28
AdolaI'm able to use my Xbox 360 controller's mic in Windows, can I do the same in Linux?00:28
Guest6025soreau, im new to ubuntu, installed it yesterday, How do I save the session?00:29
DanltheManlAdola: sure, find a driver.00:29
vltthune3: Found it, thank you.00:29
ejvDanltheManl: yea but am I at risk of losing the music already on it?00:29
AdolaDanltheManl: I presume someone has written a 360 controller driver for Linux?00:29
nsh_jesse: right, thanks -- trojan_spike, not intending to00:29
IdleOneAdola: you can test it, download the Live CD00:29
DanltheManlejv: yeah it would resync the music from banshee and delete the stuff on the iPod00:29
ejvthat sounds bad00:30
ejvI don't have a backup00:30
AdolaIdleOne: I am actually on 10.0400:30
DanltheManlejv: You should always backup :P00:30
Robertm305can any one help00:30
soreauGuest6025: it's in xfce-menu somewhere IIRC. Also close all other windows before saving your session since it will restart any currently running programs after you relogin00:30
ejvok how do I back it up? :)00:30
kurt_how does everyone like 10.04 ubuntu?00:30
IdleOneAdola: so plug it in and see if it works00:31
AdolaIdleOne: I did, and it's not.00:31
ejvterrible, i wish i woulda used slackware kurt_ ;)00:31
kurt_has anyone had any problems yet with it? i suppose so.00:31
DanltheManlejv: I'm not sure, but maybe if you look at the iPod in the linux filesystem, you might be able to find your music files00:31
sebsebsebejv: Slackware is for people who know how to use Desktop Linux poperly00:31
DanltheManlejv: Then you could copy them to the computer00:31
Guest6025Soreau, thanks for the quick response and help, did the trick00:32
=== jeisson is now known as AwakE
trojan_spikei think rythmbox is able to read i-pod files??00:32
ejvkurt_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs00:32
soreauGuest6025: No problem00:32
kurt_so ejv whats the problem you are having with 10.04 ubuntu?00:32
sebsebsebtrojan_spike: yes  I guess so,  however Banshee can sync them00:32
kurt_thanks for the link00:32
ejvkurt_: i was being sarcastic btw00:33
ejvyou're welcome00:33
IdleOneAdola: sorry not sure what else to suggest. maybe unplug it and run dmesg in terminal and plug it back in00:33
ejvDanltheManl: hmmm or I could find a windows computer and backup through iTunes, right DanltheManl , keep in my i've never owned an iPod until now lol00:33
sebsebsebejv: yes the Slackware comment was sarcastic, thats what I thought, and I think you were meant to message me with that not kurt_ :D00:33
AdolaIdleOne: dmesg suggests it's plugged in.  But not sure how to get the mic on it to work :/00:34
sebsebsebejv: the saying it was sarcastic I mean00:34
ejvsebsebseb: he asked if people were having problems... ;)00:34
ejvha ok, now im just confused00:34
* ejv claps00:34
DanltheManlejv: Yeah you coudl backup through iTunes. Even if Banshee messes everything up, you can Restore the iPod OS and restore from the backup you made.00:35
imaginativeonewhat server am I on?00:35
kurt_i am liking ubuntu and have tried many flavors of linux and this version of ubuntu is pretty good for me so far00:35
FiremanEd!ot | kurt_00:35
ubottukurt_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:35
ejvimaginativeone: gibson.freenode.net [Oslo, Norway]00:35
IdleOneAdola: have you checked your sound prefs and made sure the mic is not muted?00:35
IdleOne!sound > Adola00:35
ubottuAdola, please see my private message00:35
ejvimaginativeone: /whois imaginativeone00:36
imaginativeoneI'm unable to get onto the #macdevelop channel00:36
hiexpo*/me broke00:36
IdleOneAdola: this is a wii controler with a mic built in?00:36
AdolaIdleOne: No way, it's a Microsoft Xbox360 controller with headset.00:36
AdolaThe headset plugs into the controller.00:37
DanltheManlAdola: You could write a driver xD00:37
jubobaanyone knows about sockets?00:37
dignanI do.00:37
AdolaDanltheManl: :p I'd rather just buy a new mic!00:37
ejvok wow I fired up Rhythm box, and I'm able to see the music files, now am i able to load new mp3's I have, or does that first require a 'sync' necessitating using Banshee?00:37
ejvgod this is confusing...00:37
jubobahey dignan00:37
IdleOneDanltheManl: How is that helpful?00:37
magicianlordejv: vlc00:37
dignanjuboba: what is your q00:37
DanltheManlIdleOne: It's extremely helpful...00:37
hiexpo.me hmm00:38
jubobadignan: I need to send data using UDP00:38
[-DvL-]would remapping audio ports be on or off topic?00:38
dignanjuboba: what programming language00:38
IdleOneDanltheManl: if you knew how to do that he wouldn't be here asking.00:38
jubobadignan: C00:38
hiexpo/me wow00:38
dignanjuboba: have you read beej's guide?00:38
IdleOneAdola: sorry I don't know what else you can try.00:38
sebsebsebejv: maybe you are confussed as to what Banshee is00:38
jubobadignan: I got it in my hands00:38
sebsebsebejv: Banshee is an alternative music player that you can use instead of Rythombox00:38
dignanjuboba: what about your code is failing you?00:38
IdleOneDanltheManl: my last statement made no sense but I think you know what i meant00:39
macfireI need help with the instalation00:39
DanltheManlBanshee > RhythmBox00:39
[-DvL-]use audacious00:39
AdolaIdleOne: I'm about to test another mic of mine...But god...Linux seems to have such trouble with mics.00:39
jubobadignan: the thing is I need that the Client sends a message to the server asking wich ports are open for him to connect (he'll always connect to a specific port)00:39
dignanjuboba: udp is connectionless00:39
jubobadignan: I know00:40
sebsebsebmacfire: installation of what Ubuntu?00:40
dignanjuboba: if you want to find which port to connect, you should try connect on a few ports and see if it succeeds00:40
jubobadignan: but the server know wich ports are recvfrom()ing00:40
humanflymsg roseclds would u offer00:40
ejvsebsebseb: no I understand that, but I thought I read from you guys that Rhythm can't do the sync, so that I should use banshee instead00:40
jubobadignan: can I PM you?00:40
macfiresebsebseb do ubuntu 10.0400:40
dignanjuboba: ok00:40
sebsebsebejv: I think both can do the sync, but Banshee will useaully be better out of the two or something for that,  I think00:40
humanflyubuntu ftw :)00:40
sebsebsebmacfire: Install Ubuntu 10.04?00:41
ejvalso im getting this in rhthym box when I try to play: "the stream is encrypted and decryption is not supported"00:41
* ejv facepalms00:41
macfiresebi_` yes00:41
macfiresebsebseb yes00:41
sebsebsebejv: I probably can't help much since I don't have an Ipod, and happy enough with  standard old fashioned portable CD players,  however if I was going to buy something more modern for portable music,  I would get something from Cowon I guess :)  since they also support open music formats such as OGG and Flac00:42
macfiresebsebseb I'm having problems with X's live CD, the picture gets all distorted00:42
* hiexpo thimgs dif here the bkslash me don't work here 00:42
sebsebsebejv: well yeah that would be the main reason, the open format support :)00:42
hiexpooops now it did00:42
sebsebsebmacfire: X's Live CD?00:42
macfiresebsebseb my hardware is nvidia 7150m nforce 630m00:42
[-DvL-]so none of you ever reassign audio ports?00:42
sebsebsebmacfire: I think what your trying to say is that xorg isn't working properly on the Ubuntu Live CD ?00:42
macfiresebsebseb yes00:42
ejvsebsebseb: yea those Cowon players are nice00:43
macfiresebsebseb do you watch a movie with the problem?00:43
sebsebsebejv: yeah so I have read :)00:43
magicianlordi had no problem with the live cd00:43
macfiresebsebseb 34s?00:43
sebsebsebmacfire: a Live CD is meant to be used to try Ubuntu from CD, and then install if  hardware works properly00:43
ejvhow about this00:43
ejvwhat if I completely hosed the iPod, can I load new mp3s without this apple encryption/decryption nonsense?00:44
hiexpoexactly |  sebsebseb00:44
macfiresebsebseb but i dont see, because the pictures gets all distorted00:44
=== user is now known as whome
ejvand just never return to Itunes ever?00:44
sebsebsebmacfire: ok00:44
sebsebsebmacfire: two possible reasons for that.  1.  your CD is bad, since for example a bad ISO.  2.  your graphics card isn't supported00:44
macfiresebsebseb in old version they are suported00:45
sebsebsebmacfire: it could be some other reason why you got the problem, but those two are the most likely reasons as to why00:45
sebsebsebmacfire: ok which old version?00:45
sebsebsebmacfire: and which card?00:45
macfiresebsebseb karmic00:45
macfireor koala00:45
macfirei dont know00:45
magicianlordkarmic is mroe stable00:45
sebsebsebmacfire: ok Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Kaola00:45
sebsebseblikes what magicianlord  said :)00:45
* sebsebseb doesn't like 10.04 that much for various reasons, so now thinks 9.10 is better00:46
magicianlordis it the theme?00:46
macfiresebsebseb this problem only this version, 10.0400:46
sebsebsebmagicianlord: more to it then just that, but that would be off topic to go on about in here00:46
macfiresebsebseb watch the movie, are 34 seconds  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ki-h0GOrcE00:46
magicianlordok, sebsebseb. i also prefer 9.1000:46
* hiexpo agrees with sebsebseb likes 9.10 also better00:47
sebsebsebalso when it comes to  releases that are supported still.  9.04 is my favourite :)  sadly  support will run out  at the end of October,  just like it was said when 8.10  ran out of support on 30th April 2010.  anyway right back to support then00:47
sebsebsebmacfire: ok i'll look at the video00:48
sebsebsebmacfire: ok looks odd, is that your own video by the way?00:50
sebsebsebmacfire: Have you still got the ISO for 10.04?00:51
sebsebsebmagicianlord: was that a reply to the question?   I was messaging macfire00:52
magicianlordoh ok.00:52
sebsebsebmagicianlord: however you had some problem with 10.04 as well, didn't you?00:52
magicianlordonly with the design and stability00:53
sebsebsebmagicianlord: oh more details please :)  what did you mean by that00:53
magicianlordnot a specific problem. i've resolved anything i needed to by now00:53
studentwhat''s this room.???????????00:53
sebsebsebstudent: Ubuntu Support Channel00:53
AdolaOk, do any of you guys have a Cyber Acoustics headset?00:54
AdolaIt's a USB headset, and I can't get it working >.>00:54
sebsebsebmagicianlord: I have  on the other computer, except for the horrible  boot up, and odd shut down I am getting.00:54
lobitoplease I need help to compile ffmpeg =( I compiled it and something went wrong =((( please help00:54
macfiresebsebseb and?00:54
sebsebsebmacfire: ok good your back00:54
sebsebsebmacfire: I saw we lost you00:54
sebsebsebmacfire: Have you still got the ISO for 10.04?00:55
macfiremy conection is bad00:55
lobitohow can I uninstall it and compile it again? apt-get remove/purge not working00:55
Dr_Willislobito:  theres some guides out. and i even recall some scripts that automate teh compuiling of ffmpeg00:55
studentoh well i totally need some support.....00:55
sebsebsebstudent: right so ask a question00:55
mwbrownIs there any way to check what options were loaded with snd-hda-intel? I need to get the sound working on my Gentoo install, and I would like to copy what Ubuntu did with it to get it working.00:55
Dr_Willislobito:  if you installed from source. You use the 'sudo make uninstall' sort of command to remove it00:56
Dr_Willislobito:  unless you made a .deb package00:56
macfireping timeout00:56
sebsebsebmacfire: Have you still got the 10.04 ISO?00:56
Jac0bdid she go?00:56
Jac0bwrong channel..00:56
macfiresebsebseb yes00:56
sebsebsebmacfire: ok check the ISO00:56
sebsebseb!md5sum | macfire00:57
ubottumacfire: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:57
Dr_Willislobito:  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/script-to-automatically-download-and.html00:57
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.00:57
sebsebsebmacfire: and if it passed ok good :)  if not bad download,  so bad CD00:57
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macfiresebsebseb both00:57
Guest95016does anyone here have experience running 10.04 on Dell's Inspiron 15n? http://www.dell.com/ubuntu00:57
sebsebsebmacfire: both ?00:57
Guest95016I need a new laptop and can't find any reviews on it00:58
sebsebseb!ot | Guest9501600:58
ubottuGuest95016: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:58
macfiresebsebseb i have amd64 iso, correct md5 and xi386 md5 correct md500:58
sebsebsebGuest95016: This channel is for people who already have Ubuntu installed, or are wanting to install it00:58
Dr_Willislobito:  i dont recall having the issues with aac  when i messed with  ffmpeg last time. Ive no thad to recompile it in some time00:58
Guest95016ok thanks00:58
macfirei test again00:58
sebsebsebGuest95016: plus all tehse idlers and such, so yeah off topic00:58
studentwhen i open up the internet, it turns white. how caan i fix that.???00:59
Wamphyridoes virtualbox reconize usb?00:59
Dr_Willislobito:  it might reinstall over it.. i dont know. if you installeed from source.  and ./cconfigure, make, make install.. use 'make uninstall' in the source tree.00:59
Dr_WillisWamphyri:  the one from the vbox homepage can. not the one in the repos00:59
sebsebsebWamphyri: not the open source version in the repo, but the other version from website/server does.  and theres a guide for setting up usb in Virtualbox on the Ubuntu site00:59
Wamphyrisweet thank you00:59
sebsebsebWamphyri: your welcome00:59
ajninHey, folks.  I'm a recent convert to Ubuntu and am attempting to get grub2 to accept my wundows 7 installation.  I've done this:   http://erickoo.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/how-to-add-vista-partition-to-grub-2-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/    to no avail, and have tried many derivatives of it.  When updating grub, it hangs on "Adding Windows" and never proceeds to "Done."  I am using 2 separate disks rather than simply 2 partitions like in the01:00
ajninexample at the website.  Any ideas?01:00
Jordan_Umacfire: If you press a key early in the boot of the LiveCD do you get a boot menu?01:00
macfiresebsebseb md5 correct01:00
sebsebsebmacfire: maybe you burnt the CD a bit to fast, so bad CD01:00
AdolaHey!  The second post of this forum, I can't follow.  There is no /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base file on Ubuntu 10.04 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22479701:01
sebsebsebmacfire: anyway nothing wrong with going back to 9.10.  Newer is not always better!  Also 9.10 is still supported untill the end of April next year :)01:01
MavJactest - this is my first time to use IRC01:01
LjLMavJac: test successful01:01
AdolaMavJac: It's a wondeful place ;p01:01
zuswhen using the rhythmbox in the radio, is there supposed to be  something telling me who is  playing and what not?01:01
slidinghorn!hi MavJac01:02
slidinghorn!hi | MavJac01:02
ubottuMavJac: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:02
* Flare183 laughs01:02
* dignan sees MavJac 01:02
Jordan_Umacfire: When you start to boot the liveCD you should see a screen like this: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/tmp/Screenshot-1.png if you press any key while that screen is up you should see a menu like this: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/tmp/Screenshot-2.png01:02
whomesup :D01:02
meatbunanyone have a netbook installed with grub, now can not access restore partition via alt-f sequence command?01:03
macfiresebsebseb wubi.exe and iso is correct md501:03
Dr_Willismeatbun:  you can set up gruib to boot the restore partition if you wanted to.01:03
Odd-rationaleis there a command to list all packages that exists in a certain repository that you have?01:03
sebsebsebmacfire: uh01:03
sebsebsebmacfire: you  installed Wubi?01:03
Flare183meatbun: that is, if you let the installer delete/format it01:03
Dr_Willisgrub added an entry for my normal and restore partitions here. I had to comment out the restopre pariottion one01:04
LjL!caps | student01:04
sebsebseb!caps | student01:04
Jordan_U!caps | student01:04
Flare183!caps | student01:04
ubottustudent: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:04
LjLoh lord.01:04
* Flare183 lolz01:04
studentlol i'm sorry01:04
LjLOdd-rationale: not an easy way that i've found. aptitude has some option to search for packages coming from a certain source, but i don't think you can actually specify a repository01:04
Dr_Willisdont open the whole internet.. just parts of it.01:04
askhaderseries of tubes01:04
macfiresebsebseb not, i teste to win 7 with winmd5sum01:04
Odd-rationaleLjL: ok. thx01:04
LjL!ops | WhoRez01:04
ubottuWhoRez: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!01:04
meatbunFlare183: no. grub writes a boot strap code on hdd. now bios tries alt-f sequence keys, to restore windows xp01:05
whomepoint in that? :D01:05
=== samferry is now known as ircd
Flare183meatbun: well that's not going to work01:05
studentso no help.????????????01:05
Flare183!ask | student01:05
ubottustudent: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:05
meatbunFlare183: this is hda1/xp, hda2/ubuntu, now wants xp fresh reinstall01:05
LjLhe did ask :| although the question was... weird01:05
Oerstudent, edit preferences and add a startpage01:05
sebsebsebLjL: maybe someone who thinks they are ok  to join and leave loads like that, once they got a hostmask,  not reolizing that Freenode staff can take them away as well01:05
AdolaHow can I make USB The imput for a microphone?01:06
Flare183meatbun: BIOS settings?01:06
* Flare183 isn't sure01:06
LjLsebsebseb: uh? that person didn't have a freenode-granted hostmask01:06
magicianlordwhere do you adjust the font type and size for gtk 1 xmms?01:06
sebsebsebLjL: oh right yeah of course01:06
meatbunFlare183: bios has some code to boot restore partition, and let u reinstall xp on the netbook01:06
sebsebsebLjL: since what it is01:06
[FB]ChrisHi, I keep on trying to mount a samba share using "smbclient // -U it", but it doesn't work, it fails with the error "Server not using user level security and no password supplied". I do supply a password. Any ideas?01:07
Flare183meatbun: you should know it won't work because the restore partition probably doesn't exist anymore01:07
macfiresebsebseb i try install again, anyway tks01:07
meatbunFlare183: partition is still there. but boot sequence does not work01:07
Jordan_Umacfire: Have you tried booting from the CD? Can you see my questions to you?01:07
sebsebsebmeatbun: hang on01:07
sebsebsebJordan_U: ah we lost him01:07
Flare183that has to be a grub thing then01:08
meatbunsebsebseb: ok01:08
LjLTm_T: don't bother, was k-lined01:08
sebsebsebmeatbun: no  I messaged wrong person01:08
* meatbun hangs on to a thin twig01:08
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Jordan_Umeatbun: Do you want to have a menu entry for booting the recovery partition or do you want to be able to use the same alt+f sequence?01:09
MavJacwhat is the command to login?  thanks01:09
Flare183MavJac: login to what?01:10
meatbunJordan_U: i suppose, a menu for botting recovery partition may solve the prob01:10
meatbunhow to enable it?01:10
MavJacirc - I just an e-mail with a command to verify my registry.  I entered the command and it said I must login first.  Sorry, I am a noob to IRC.01:10
Flare183MavJac: /msg nickserv help register01:10
slidinghornMavJac, do that in a private session with NickServ in case you mess up so no one sees your password01:11
sebsebseb!register | MavJac01:11
=== gary_ is now known as Guest99054
ubottuMavJac: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode01:11
Jordan_Umeatbun: Can you run boot info script as explained here and pastebin the output: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 ?01:11
opijhas anyone here gotten SopCast to work?01:12
AdolaOk, getting somewhere, My mic shows up in pavucontrol as Audio Adapter Analog Mono, but I can't get it to work anywhere else.01:14
IdleOnecs deop01:14
AdolaAlso, again, thanks for the help yesterday Jordan_U.  (I'm the one who needed a HDD wipe ;]_01:14
craig_Hey all, testing out an HP server trying to install 10.04 running into (what I suspect is) a grub boot problem.  After POST just a cursor in top left of screen.  Server has a SAS RAID controller with 3 disks in RAID 1 + spare, thinking that plays into it.  Thoughts?01:16
optywat up01:16
Jordan_UAdola: You're welcome.01:17
MavJacFinally got registered... Can someone tell me again where I need to go to ask about ubuntu with certain laptops?01:17
KB1JWQMavJac: What laptop?01:17
AdolaJordan_U: Saved me about....So many hours of pain ;]01:17
MavJacdell inspiron 15n http://www.dell.com/ubuntu01:17
KB1JWQMavJac: Ouch. :-)  Could try #ubuntu-laptop01:17
opijI keep getting the following error when trying to install sopcast front end, even though the dependency is installed. The error I'm getting is:  Dependency is not satisfiable: ia32-libs|lib32stdc++5"01:17
optyany one have any info on how to make the filesystem bigger? im using ubuntu installed from windows and i need more space lol01:17
MavJacok thanks01:17
sheena1i have an exe file that is "not marked as executable". does anyone have a link to a page on how to fix this so i can open it?01:18
optydont wanna use /host just wanna make more space :\01:18
Aliv3lol #ubuntu-laptop01:18
Aliv3try #ubuntu?p=laptop01:18
Aliv3lol php01:19
opijI keep getting the following error when trying to install sopcast front end, even though the dependency is installed. The error I'm getting is:  Dependency is not satisfiable: ia32-libs|lib32stdc++5"01:19
[FB]ChrisHi, I keep on trying to mount a samba share using "smbclient // -U it", but it doesn't work, it fails with the error "Server not using user level security and no password supplied". I do supply a password. Any ideas?01:19
authintic_cajun_I'm haveing trouble with cheese webcam thingy, it is slow and slugish when I record video01:20
=== AndChat is now known as Guest87910
authintic_cajun_I am haveing trouble with chese webcam01:21
Jordan_Uopty: Yes, with LVPM http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html01:22
zushow can i get the ubuntu one cloud icon in the panel?01:23
Guest87910What isn't ubuntu?01:24
jiohdiGuest87910: puppy01:24
optyJordan_U, thanks :)01:24
teage_I am wondering im supposed to see another computer connected to my router or if they ever where? Isnt there a program in the channel this?01:24
Jordan_Uopty: You're welcome.01:24
jiohdibut even that has a ubuntu version now...01:24
mj8741zus: right click - add to launcher01:24
teage_for this?01:24
Guest87910Puppy linux?01:24
EvilTrekGuest87910:  Windows isnt ubuntu  (chanops don't ban me for saying that plz)01:25
jiohdinever mind, thats ubuntu now too :)01:25
optyJordan_U,  would that stuff work if i just wanted to transfer my ubuntu to the harddisk?01:25
Jordan_Uopty: Yes.01:25
jiohdiGuest87910: there are still dozens of other linux distro's that are not ubuntu01:25
jiohdimost are highly specialized01:25
zusmj8741,  and say i want to remove it at a later date?01:26
jiohdiand not for the average user coming in from windoze01:26
OerUbuntu is not hard to learn01:26
mj8741zus: right click - remove from panel01:26
optyJordan_U, do i need to install gparted just to resize the fs?01:26
edbianGuest87910, Ubuntu is the only thing that is Ubuntu01:26
optyJordan_U, or can i just install lvpm and do a resize?01:27
zusmj8741,  ok i did as ya said i dont see the icon.....01:27
zusmj8741,  never mind01:27
Jordan_Uopty: You'll need to boot from a liveCD/USB to do the resize.01:27
zusmj8741,  was in the wrong place, or rather not where i was expecting it to have been at.01:28
optyJordan_U, good point01:29
kmudrickis there a more up to date version of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomRestrictedModules ? linux-restricted-modules-common no longer exists in lucid01:29
mj8741zus: you can right click and move - you should lock for future though01:29
zusmj8741,  i thought when youre connected an icon should appear and disappears when logged out01:31
jimi_Does ubuntu support distro upgrades from within the package manager without using cds?01:31
edbianjimi_, Yes01:31
optyhas anyone got a nvidia gx 220 card?01:31
Jordan_Uopty: Wow, reading that page it appears that the standard way to do it does not require a LiveCD/USB, it creates a second (larger or smaller as you choose) copy of the virtual disk file then you reboot from the new resized file.01:31
optyi dont have any hdmi audio :(01:31
edbianjimi_, But only from one version to the next.  (e.g. you can't upgrade directly from 7.04 to 9.10) because you have to skip 7.10, 8.04 and 8.1001:31
sheena1i have an exe file that is "not marked as executable". does anyone have a link to a page on how to fix this so i can open it?01:31
Jordan_Uopty: I am fairly sure that you can do it faster with a LiveCD/USB though as you wouldn't need to copy all of the data.01:32
edbiansheena1, You cannot open .exe files in linux because they are code that has been compiled for windows.01:32
mj8741zus: should not go away when reboot or logout01:32
jimi_edbian, oh ok, can you point me at documentation for how to do that?01:32
optyJordan_U, indeed01:32
pablosk8ola pesoal01:32
sheena1edbian: i know. im using wine, and its giving me a security-type error. is it a wine thing?01:32
edbiansheena1, To mark a file executable though you right click it and select properties and look at the permissions tab01:32
slidinghorn!br | pablosk801:32
ubottupablosk8: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:32
edbianjimi_, Open the upgrade manager.  What version are you on?01:33
edbianjimi_, I can just tell you.  It's easier :)01:33
sheena1edbian: thanks so much! that was real easy. i knew it had to be something simple.01:33
jimi_edbian, i am on 9.1001:33
edbiansheena1, Yep!  No worries01:33
optyso im using Ubuntu-supplied Linux modules for version 2.6.32-22-generic ALSA snapshots from a ubuntu PPA dev01:33
optyit shows up in sound as HDMI01:33
edbianjimi_, Did you open the update manager in system->admin ??  Does it show a distribution upgrade available?01:33
optybut no sould01:33
zusmj8741,  i dont need this icon if i get the same thing from the me menu...except when i c;lick on the me menu i have no icon letting me know if im connected or not.01:34
sheena1edbian: Seriously, thank you for being here and offering support. I'd stick around to help others, but I'm pretty useless still. so thank you, tahnk you thank you! i love the ubuntu community01:34
jimi_edbian, ah ok, to 10.4 yes ty01:34
kmudrickanyone build a custom kernel and figure out how to rebuild restricted modules?01:34
edbiansheena1, ha ha.  I'm glad to help :)  It's fun01:34
Jordan_Uopty: Basically the way that I would do it would be to append as many GB of zeros to the file as you want using dd (*very* carefully, as a small mistake could whipe out all your data) then use ntfsresize.01:34
edbiansheena1, I was once too useless to help.  It just takes time and practice with linux.01:35
edbianjimi_, No problem!  Glad I could help.  Be warned.  It will take about 6 hours to download and upgrade the system.01:35
ShadowFoxBiH6 hours?01:35
ShadowFoxBiHdamn what are you on dial up?01:35
jimi_edbian, can i use it while its upgrading?01:35
edbianjimi_, Yep01:35
littlebearROFL, i'm using dialup01:35
edbianjimi_, Linux is great like that! :)01:36
mikesrvDoes anyone know of any channels that discuss news about malware, securty etc.?01:36
ShadowFoxBiHoh damn im sorry dial up sucks01:36
littlebearno it isn't01:36
sheena1edbian: i've been using ubuntu for 2 full years now. still learning all the time, and i can do real basic stuff on my own, but occasionally something simple evades me!01:36
ShadowFoxBiHi havent used dial up in a long time01:36
littlebearit's awesome to host a personal website, http://www.littlebearz.com lol01:36
jimi_littlebear, thats not dialup :P01:36
edbiansheena1, Glad to hear it.  Isn't Ubuntu great?  I encourage you to keep tinkering and I'm thrilled that I was able to help you :)01:36
littlebearjimi_: it is, my upload speed is 56kb/s01:37
kmudrickanyone know *anything* about how restricted kernel modules work in 10.04?01:37
jimi_is it like download over coaxle, upload over phone line, littlebear ?01:37
=== ircd is now known as samferry
edbiankmudrick, They work just like any other module.  They're restricted simply because they're proprietary.  It's just a name, not really a description of the module.01:38
armahi guys can everybody help me?! i have an thinkpad sl510 with a graphic card  'Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD' my problem i have graphic bugs on ubuntu 10.04 with gnome, a frind said me that i need a graphic driver but i cant found anything (sorry my english ist terrible)01:38
littlebearjimi_: the isp restricted, it's cable so I assume it's coaxle01:38
jimi_oh ok01:38
jimi_I had 'cable' one time that was downloading over a coaxle, but still used a phone line for uplaods01:38
jimi_in Michigan01:38
littlebearjimi_: technically I get 10Mb/s down and up, but they limit up I think01:38
wgrantarma: What is the problem that you're having? The default drivers should work fine.01:39
kmudrickedbian: here's the problem. i built a new custom kernel, with patches to make my trackpad work. but now, my wireless no longer works, and the docs that tell you how to build restricted modules, is not applicable to 10.0401:39
sheena1edbian: two years ago, i bought a laptop that came with a certain OS. i was completely unimpressed with the "stupid protection" that basically wouldn't let me make my computer as i wanted it. i'd heard of linux cause my mom used it when i was a kid, so i googled "{other os} user linux" and found 3 or 4 sites right away that said ubuntu was THE linux for {os} users. when i first installed it, i clicked something wrong and ended up with a du01:39
optyanyone have any suggestions on running ubuntu without a hdd? i can boot from cd but thats crappy :\01:40
edbiankmudrick, That I am not able to help you with!  I've never built a kernel module.  I'm impressed by your ability to build a custom kernel :)01:40
MavJacOnce you go Ubuntu you never go back01:40
littlebearMavJac: that's so false01:40
zusmav hahahaha01:40
wgrantopty: Can your computer boot from a USB flash drive?01:40
armawgrant, if i see an animation or somthing like this i have for 0,1 secons strips on my desktop01:40
optywgrant, idk it has no screen lol01:40
MavJacI have run Ubuntu from my PalmPre, External HDD and Jumpdrive01:40
Aliv3i know somewhat about kernel01:40
edbiansheena1, This is off topic.  Will you pm me?  Also you didn't finish that sentence :)01:40
Aliv3you can run off of a usb i believe01:40
optywgrant, no primary screen.... its a laptop without the screen :\ it broke01:40
Dr_Willisopty:  you can do a normal install to a usb flash druive and have decent performance01:40
kmudrickMavJac: oh I'm about to switch to something else01:40
littlebearMavJac: it's slower than other distro, like puppylinux or archlinux, but it's usually targeted for normal users01:41
Aliv3wait is ubuntu linux?01:41
MavJacUbuntu is my first experience with an OS other than windows01:41
edbianMavJac, I don't think it's much slower than archlinux.  It is def slower than puppy but puppy fits entirely in ram! :)01:41
Dr_WillisAliv3:  Ubuntu is a Linux disrtobution. yes.01:41
Brydennguys i'm having a networking issue of some sort. think it has to do with DNS (not sure though).01:41
Brydennhere is a screen shot of my current configs01:42
joejoe11anybody got a list of webcams supported OOB for 9.04?01:42
Dr_Willisedbian:  Puppy also has its own share of.. err.. lets just say Quirks. :)01:42
Brydennthis is a clean install btw01:42
Brydennand i cant get to any other website other than GOOGLE01:42
Brydennkinda strange01:42
zusthis might be a silly question BUT, if a many people were to open rythmbox and click on the trance station would we all be listening to the same song? ( always listened to cd never got into online radio and such)01:42
edbianDr_Willis, Very true.  But slow it isn't!01:43
wgrantopty: I run a laptop without its LCD, too. Can you not flip it to use the external screen in the BIOS?01:43
SuziHello, last night I installed kubuntu 10.04 in my Hp pavilion-dv4 machine, everything's working fine except microphone01:43
_jesse_zus: afaik yes, the same song01:43
_jesse_jsut like radio01:43
Suzii cannot use my inbuilt mice.01:43
zus_jesse_,  thanks01:43
Aliv3only google?01:43
BrydennAliv3, yes01:43
Aliv3hmm is it a fresh boot or have you loaded before?01:44
wgrantopty: Some (eg. Lenovo) laptops have an option in the BIOS to use the external screen by default. Others (like my Dell) do not, so you have to do it manually if you want it before X starts.01:44
optywgrant, i cant but i can boot from a cd and it will use the ext monitor.01:44
wgrantopty: What model is it?01:44
BrydennAliv3, fresh install. wiped the whole HD and installed Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop01:44
optymmm sony pcg or something01:44
optyits got core 2 duo01:44
optyi wanna use it to compile :\01:44
lostQuestion: About to install Ubuntu, but it's giving a warning about a drive having a sector size of 2048... what's up with that and is it safe to install?01:44
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* opty brb01:46
Jordan_Ulost: Many utilities (and almost all current BIOSs AFAIK) do not yet work with drives that have a sector size other than 512.01:46
Dr_WillisHmm. How did he get a drive with that size i wonder.01:46
Dr_Willislost:  whats on the hard drive right now?01:46
Jordan_Ulost: So there is a chance that your BIOS can't even boot from that drive.01:47
lostJordan_U, the thing is, the installer warned about /dev/sdc having that sector size.  Once gparted opened, it doesn't list an sdc.01:47
AutumnAiAnyone familiar with the new Ubuntu Netbook Remix?01:48
Jordan_Ulost: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" ?01:48
lostJordan_U, one sec...01:48
lostJordan_U, could you post the pastebin link real quick?01:48
opijI keep getting the following error when trying to install sopcast front end, even though the dependency is installed. The error I'm getting is:  Dependency is not satisfiable: ia32-libs|lib32stdc++5"01:49
avihey, I'm in desperate need of help. I recently installed Ubuntu on a computer. It had WinXP functioning, although barely. So I installed ubuntu on an external usb drive. During the install, I think grub installed itself to the internal (winxp) drive. Now I am unable to boot into Windows xp. GRUB will not load it, and if I disconnect my xternal HD, grub won't even let me boot from a (windows restore) cd/ windows xp on the drive. It just says01:49
avi "device not found" , then "grub rescue>". I'd like to be able to boot back into windows. The files are all still there.01:49
opijI keep getting the following error when trying to install sopcast front end, even though the dependency is installed. The error I'm getting is:  Dependency is not satisfiable: ia32-libs|lib32stdc++5"01:49
Jordan_U!paste | lost01:49
ubottulost: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:49
AutumnAiI'm trying to update to the newest Netbook Remix package, but I keep getting errors on startup.01:49
lostJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu.com/462287/01:50
AutumnAiDoes anyone know of anything weird going on with it?01:50
opij!details AutumnAi01:50
opij!details | AutumnAi01:50
ubottuAutumnAi: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:50
Maletor I'm trying to make it so that user guest cannot access anything in maletors home folder except the music folder, YET all other users can view everything in maletors folder01:50
Jordan_Uavi: First, from Ubuntu run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" One of the questions that it will ask is which devices to install grub to, uncheck your internal drive, check your external drive and make sure that *no* partitions are selected.01:51
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:51
jefftoHi everybody01:51
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Aliv3Hello jeffto01:51
zus_jesse_,  shouldnt something then scroll letting one know what song is playing?01:51
DasEiMaletor : chmod is your firend then01:52
aviJordan_U, Okay, let me try that now.01:52
MaletorDasEi: Can you be a little more verbose?01:52
Suzimic is not working in my kubuntu10.04 hp pavilion-dv4 machine01:52
_jesse_zus: no idea, I don't usually use rhythembox01:52
lostJordan_U, whatever sdc is, and I have no idea, that isn't where I'd be installing Ubuntu to.01:52
AutumnAiI attempted to install the latest package through Ubuntu's Update Manager, and when I went to restart the computer, I kept getting an error saying it couldn't find something /dev and a long string of numbers and letters.01:52
Jordan_Ulost: Can you use the disk in another computer / OS?01:52
AutumnAiI have a dual boot Windows 7 and Netbook remix01:52
jefftoI've just installed ubuntu 10.04 over an Dell Zino. Everything goes well but sound card doesn't sound. It's conexant high definition smartaudio 221. The system recognize it but no sound. I have look if alsa system have low volume but nope01:52
lostJordan_U, which disc?01:52
lostI don't know what sdc is01:53
zusis there an channel for rhythmbox01:53
DasEiMaletor: sure, man chmod , chmod +w UserName for writeaccess, -r for read01:53
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_jesse_zus: doubt it, just check the docs01:53
Jordan_Ulost: If you're not installing to sdc then you can probably safely ignore any warnings, but I'm curious what sdc is. Do you have more than one internal drive? Any external drives? Any RAID controllers?01:54
DasEiMaletor : -R for effect on subdirs, too01:54
MaletorDasEi: http://pastie.org/104020201:55
AutumnAiI am using the 2.6.32-21, since it's the usable one.01:55
AutumnAiShould I just delete the 2.6.32-23 images so I don't bother using them as a temporary fix until I can track down what's breaking it?01:56
opijAutumnAi: you might want to repeat your question every few minutes or post it on the forums01:56
lostJordan_U, I doubt it.  This is my friend's computer... bought at Best Buy, completely stock.01:56
AutumnAiopij: Sorry about that. I'm used to slower-moving IRC channels.01:56
opijAutumnAi: no problem. im not an op anyway.01:56
bjegoviccan anybody tell me how long will be to upgrade 9.1 unbutu to 10.4 ???  1mps01:57
DasEiMaletor : user guest already exists ?01:57
Kaspibjegovic: the update process should actually tell you01:57
slidinghornbjegovic, depends on your system & your internet connection01:57
bjegovicno :S01:57
AutumnAiIs there a known issue with 2.6.32-23 and Ubuntu netbook remix?01:57
MaletorDasEi: But ls ~/Documents still shows all my docs... How do I prevent it from.-- yes user guest exists01:57
bjegovicinternet connection 1 mps01:57
edbianbjegovic, You have to download ~ 600Mbs and then install takes about 40 minutes01:57
Dr_Willisbjegovic:  it basically has to redownload everything on a cd. so thats 700+mb - and update any extras that may be installed.. so its hard to tell01:57
bjegovicok, so long XD01:58
MaletorDasEi: I just want guest to view Music that's it01:58
Dr_Willisa upgrade may actually take lonter then an install..01:58
avi Jordan_U, I'm about to run the command, will it remove grub in the non-checked locations? I think the issue is that Window's bootloader got killed/over written by grub.01:58
ibnarrashidbjegovic: it's probably faster to reinstall, if you are willing to do that01:58
bjegovicok, i will be on 9.101:58
bjegovicis 10 much better ?01:58
DasEiMaletor: guest will see the files, but can make them unreadable by -r01:58
opijI keep getting the following error when trying to install sopcast front end, even though the dependency is installed. The error I'm getting is:  Dependency is not satisfiable: ia32-libs|lib32stdc++5"01:59
king11does anyone know if asterisk + freepbx can be installed on a ubuntu 10.04 laptop or do would you need a os that is like a server edition01:59
Jordan_Uavi: Once you're done with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" you can restore a microsoft style MBR that will just boot windows with "sudo apt-get install mbr" then "sudo install-mbr /dev/sdX" (where sdX is something like "sda" *not* a partition like "sda1")01:59
Dr_Willisking11:  ive seen very few things that 'require' a server install/edition. In fact - i cant think of a single one..01:59
bjegovicit tell me to this will take 56 min xD01:59
bjegovictoo long01:59
MaletorDasEi: But I can't just chown -r ~/* ... Then chown +r Music. I dont' think I'm understanding something.02:00
Dr_Willisbjegovic:  a whole hr! :) Egads...02:00
bjegovici must take drogs02:00
Kaspibjegovic: yeah, you won't be playing counter strike for an hour..02:00
king11dr_willis: cool thanks that means it will work on my laptop without me having to do it through virtualbox and running cent os02:00
Dr_Willisking11:  i cant imagine why it wouldent work.02:00
bjegovici now must sleep, in my country now is 4 am02:00
Dr_WillisHmm.. let it upgrade while you sleep?02:00
jefftois there a way to try to change alsa for pulse to try to see if this fix the sound problem?02:01
ibnarrashidbjegovic, clean installs are well, cleaner, save the files you need on a disc and do a clean install, I used to do one every 6 months whien using ubuntu.02:01
Dr_Willisjeffto:  depends on the program and the problem.02:01
bjegovici have bipolar connected with my sleeping i cant sleep02:01
Wamphyriis anyone familiur with virtualbox?02:01
DasEiMaletor: sudo chown -R -r guest ~/*02:01
Dr_WillisWamphyri:  lots of people use it. it also has some very well done docs.02:01
jimi_edbian, it says that support for a lot of my packages has ended, like bluetoth, etc02:02
Dr_WillisWamphyri:  and lots of wiki/guides02:02
DasEiMaletor: sudo chmod -R -r guest ~/* , darn02:02
bjegovici have now installed ubuntu 9.1 and it takes about hour...02:02
bjegovichalf hour*02:02
MaletorDasEi: what? will that make it only applicable to guest?02:02
raisdeadI am having problems running Ubuntu 10.04 on a sony VAIO z1290X (http://goo.gl/YYBp) When I attempt to boot into the conputer all i see is the flashing cursor and I never see the pretty loading screen. Any ideas?02:02
bjegovicand now i must wait hour02:02
robbmunsonWamphyri, what would you like to know about it?02:02
Kaspiibnarrashid: yeah, you just have to install the #!$-load of packages again :)02:02
edbianjimi_, Be more specific.  How is this a problem for you?  What says that packages are no longer supported?02:02
jefftoDr_Willis: well, the sound card is detected but doesn't sound. So I think maybe with pulse this can work02:02
bjegoviccan 10.4 be on 512 mb of ram ????02:02
avi2Jordan_U, Hey, i'm on that computer now. I ran the command, I get " The following Linux command line was extracted from /etc/default/grub or the `kopt' parameter in GRUB Legacy's menu.lst.  Please verify that it is correct, and modify it if necessary. " and then a text box reading "Linux command line:"02:02
DasEiMaletor: you will remove read access to guest with that02:03
WamphyriDr_Willis: i'll agree with that setting up the usb to my ppc can connect to xp was simple, but my eyes are getting sore (old age) and was just wondering how to copy files back and forth between the 202:03
jimi_edbian, the upgrade manager.02:03
AutumnAiI cannot use the newest update (2.6.32-23) on my netbook. It keeps pushing me down into shell, and I cannot do anything with it.02:03
Dr_Willisjeffto:  pulse is used by default in ubuntu.02:03
edbianjimi_, So you can't upgrade or?  What?02:03
bjegoviccan 10.4 be on 512 mb of ram ????02:03
Jordan_Uavi2: It's normal for that to be blank, just keep the defaults for all but the install_devices question.02:03
jimi_edbian, i can upgrade, but i need bluetooth support02:03
DasEibjegovic: yes, though not nice02:03
jefftoDr_Willis: so I can disable and try to use alsa directly?02:03
Kaspiraisdead: sounds like a problem with the X server, is it configured correctly?02:04
bjegovicwhat mean thought not nice?  i dont understand eng very well02:04
edbianjimi_, Well bluetooth is supported in the newer version of Ubuntu.  I can promise that.  I think it might be referring to the packages in your system right now?  I'm not really sure.02:04
Dr_WillisWamphyri:  between a vbox vm. and the host os?  you can treat the 2 as 2 seperate machines and use whatever services you want. samba, nfs. scp, and so on.,. OR you can install the 'guest addations' in the guest OS. and use the special VirtualboxShare feature.02:04
DasEibjegovic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems02:04
edbianWho here uses bluetooth on Ubuntu 10.04??02:04
Dr_Willisjeffto:  many programs have a setting to use alsa directly.  vlc, and mplayer can.02:04
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WamphyriDr_Willis: thank you very much :) i'm off to the land of bleeding eyes to read about VirtualbShare lol02:04
lostHmm... trying to install Ubuntu 10.04, but while resizing the Windows partition, it's been at 0% for 5 minutes.  That an issue?02:05
Dr_WillisWamphyri:  theres a lot of good info in the Vbox docs at its homepage.  it even has a PDf manual i recall02:05
avi2Jordan_U, Here's a screenshot of that screen. http://i.imgur.com/VF1ck.png Should I just leave it blank and hit return?02:05
Dr_Willislost:  how big a HD is it resizeing?02:05
bjegovici will install xfce, its faster02:05
Jordan_Uavi2: Yes02:05
WamphyriDr_Willis: thanks again :)02:05
DasEibjegovic: or icewm even02:05
lostDr_Willis, 160gb02:05
raisdeadI am having problems running Ubuntu 10.04 on a sony VAIO z1290X (http://goo.gl/YYBp) When I attempt to boot into the conputer all i see is the flashing cursor and I never see the pretty loading screen. Any ideas?02:05
ibnarrashidlost: 5 minutes may not mean anything, I have had it stall for upto 1502:06
Dr_Willislost:  I normally let windows do the resizeing. it seems to be much faster at the job.02:06
bjegovicso i dont need to install ubuntu 10 ???02:06
Jordan_Uraisdead: Do you have more than one hard drive?02:06
Kaspiraisdead: <Kaspi> raisdead: sounds like a problem with the X server, is it configured correctly?02:06
DasEi!who | bjegovic02:06
Dr_Willisbjegovic:  depends on whaart you want to do.02:06
ubottubjegovic: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:06
lostDr_Willis, ibnarrashid, alright... just checking.  Thanks.02:06
AutumnAiraisdead: I think I have the same issue with a Toshiba NB20502:06
raisdeadYes I do02:06
MaletorDasEi: but what about teh dotfiles. THis doesn't seem correct.02:06
jefftoDr_Willis: I'm going to try something, seems it's hardware problem related to the sound output02:07
jefftothanks :)02:07
DasEiMaletor: dotfiles are attributed hidden02:07
Maletordoesn't mean guest can't read them ... and write them02:07
DasEiMaletor: right02:07
DasEiMaletor: this is set by read/write attribs02:08
schnitzeldoes anyone know of a advanced 'tree' command or tool/program that can create HTML pages with directory structures that can be opened and closed. I know the tree command can do HTML pages, but i cant make it create a directory structure that i can brows (eg. open and close folders, some sort of javascript stuff)02:08
avi2Jordan_U, Okay, there was another window about silent boot or something, i just hit enter. Now i'm at that GRUB install devices window. The screenshot linked is the defaults. It seems to be what you described to me, should I just hit enter? (sda is internal, sdb is external)02:08
avi2Jordan_U, http://i.imgur.com/fNFsW.png02:08
DasEiMaletor: you have several ways to regulate permissions : file wise, owner-wise, group-wise02:08
MaletorDasEi: well none of those work fo rme02:09
Jordan_U!pm | raisdead02:09
ubotturaisdead: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:09
lostDr_Willis, I wasn't aware that Windows even had a partitioning tool...02:09
lostDr_Willis, or do you mean during a Windows installation?02:09
Kaspischnitzel: how about this? http://www.zzee.com/ahl.inf/Javascript-directory-tree.html02:10
Jordan_Uavi2: Uncheck /dev/sda (the internal) and check /dev/sdb (the external)02:10
DasEiMaletor: if you did a adduser, guest shall have his own home now, just remove all other access then and put any files in there they are allowed to read or alter02:10
avi2Jordan_U, Oh, I'm an idiot. I would've missed that. okay, done.02:10
Jordan_Uraisdead: Have you tried changing the boot order?02:10
schnitzeloo, thanks Kaspi02:11
Jordan_Uavi: Once you're done with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" you can restore a microsoft style MBR that will just boot windows with "sudo apt-get install mbr" then "sudo install-mbr /dev/sdX" (where sdX is something like "sda" *not* a partition like "sda1")02:11
MaletorDasEi: but if i did that, then I would create an ln -s to /home/maletor/Music which SSH follows02:11
raisdeadJordan_U: In my bios. Yes I have.02:11
DasEiMaletor: y02:11
Jordan_Uavi: So in your case it would be "sudo install-mbr /dev/sda"02:11
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Kaspischnitzel: did you know it's the first google result for "javascript directory tree" ?02:11
MaletorDasEi: so that doesn't work either02:11
lostDr_Willis, Jordan_U: Interesting note... the partitioner was sitting at 0% for about 10 minutes and suddenly it's done.  Never progress... possible gparted bug?02:12
avi2Jordan_U, Okay, excellent. It output installation finished, no errors reported, then it listed all of my partitions, and it found the WinXP one. What's next? (thanks for the help by the way, lifesaver!)02:12
schnitzelKaspi, heh, guessed so :D02:12
DasEiMaletor:  why not ? use ssh to alow access only on that homefolder02:12
Jordan_Uraisdead: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the output?02:12
Jordan_Uavi2: You're done :)02:13
dextro_what media player can handle 1080p mkvs02:13
coz_hey guys... when I installed lucid and the nvidia_current driver  firefox bookmarks scroll about one bookmark every 2 seconds...painfully slow :)  any solutions02:13
MaletorDasEi: because chroot locking doesn't work. it follows symlinks02:13
Kaspischnitzel: wouldnt be faster using google then? before asking..02:13
avi2Jordan_U, Woah. Didn't you mention I needed to install mbr back onto it or something?02:13
Jordan_Uavi2: I thought you meant that the install-mbr command had finished. Yes, you still need to do that.02:14
DasEiMaletor : chroot ? you can make ssh to allow user guest only access to it's homefolder02:14
Jordan_Uavi2: "sudo apt-get install mbr && sudo install-mbr /dev/sda"02:14
schnitzelKaspi, I figured google would give me results, but some might be better than others and i'd need to test a few, after all, human advice is always better than a computer02:14
MaletorDasEi: that's awesome! please tell me how02:14
MaletorDasEi: that's what i'm talking about: it's a root lock02:15
DasEiMaletor: /etc/ssh/sshd_config02:15
MaletorDasEi: but it won't work because it follows symlinks02:15
Maletori would have to mount02:15
Maletorwhich is a pain02:16
avi2Jordan_U, Okay, I ran both commands. the second one didn't seem to output anything, but I suppose that's because all went well. Restart and cross fingers time?02:16
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Jordan_Uavi2: Yes.02:16
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joejoe11kthomas from fukuoka?02:16
DasEiMaletor: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91598502:16
avi2Jordan_U, Okay! I'll be switching back to avi now. I'll report in 45 seconds if all is well!02:17
MaletorDasEi: it won't work; i've tried it02:17
Maletori would chroot /home/guest then create teh symlink in there02:18
DasEiMaletor: what does not work in it ?02:18
Jordan_Uavi: You're welcome :)02:18
Maletorwhich ssh would follow and then it would fail because then we are right back where we started02:18
Maletormight as well chroot /home/maletor02:18
Wamphyriwow this is elusive, can't find the file sharing...02:20
barrrrthi. my capture device is always going to be deactivated after restarting my system. is there a chance to fix this to "always on"? i dont want to add after every restart a "amixer sset Capture cap" into the shell02:20
MaletorDasEi: is this making sense?02:21
DasEiMaletor: what does not work in it ?02:21
MaletorDasEi: the fact that guest can still see everything in ~02:22
oblubarrrrt: put this command to /etc/rc.local or maybe to try different audio mixer. maybe someofthem are trying to save it somewhere.02:22
DasEiMaletor : you can build a jail for ssh , and no read access, nor write will be possible ,just follow the given link02:23
barrrrtoblu: i did put the command into the rc.local file... i also made it executable with chmod +x, but it doesnt work.. is it possible, that rc.local is executed before the gdm start? or something else that sets it back to "not active"?02:23
DasEiMaletor : http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-rssh-chroot-jail-setup.html02:23
Wamphyriusing virtualbox, how do you share a folder between the host and guest? host being ubuntu and guest being xp02:24
Alazairanyone attempted resizeing ext4 partion02:24
Alazairi have about 90gigs of unalllocated space id like to use02:24
oblubarrrrt: apparently something overrides this setting in gui :)02:24
DasEiWamphyri: #vbox ;; install additions and lookup FAq on VB-homepage02:24
barrrrtoblu: do u have an idea how i can check what exactly occurs my problem?02:25
WamphyriDasEi: thanks for the channel, i already have additions installed..02:25
DasEiAlazair: use gparted, is the unallocated next to / ?02:25
oblubarrrrt: you can ofcourse create a different startup script with S9999902:25
DasEiWamphyri: it's in the FAQ of vbox-homepage, easy to find02:26
oblubarrrrt: and unfortunately i dont know ubuntu very well :(02:26
Alazairtried wouldnt let me resize it02:26
oblubarrrrt: so my support ends here.02:26
DasEiAlazair: you have to do from live cd or other sys (mussn't be mounted and also alter fstab afterwards02:26
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)02:26
barrrrtoblu: but u did mean the /etc/rc.local file, right? and i just had to add the amixer command BEFORE the exit 0.. right?02:27
Dr_WillisWamphyri:  still havent read the docs yet? :)02:27
DasEiAlazair: could you do a patie of : sudo fdisk -l ?02:27
barrrrtoblu: that is just a question to be sure, that i didnt make a stupid mistake.. i just use linux for 2 days now02:27
oblubarrrrt: sure, but you still can create your own startup script.02:27
Dr_WillisWamphyri:  or set up ssh and use ssh or winscp on the other os. as if the 2 were different machines on teh same lan.02:27
oblubarrrrt: which will be initated after the gdm or something starts ..02:28
WamphyriDr_Willis: i did ready the docs, shows you howto setup the share on the host, but nothing about the guest02:28
oblubarrrrt: but you should definitely check the gui :) its gonna be somewhere hidden..02:28
Dr_WillisWamphyri:  it mentions how to do it for different OS's on teh guest. You HAVE to install teh guest addations on teh guest os.02:28
ka1ysadose off the record work here on irc?02:29
robbmunson!ot | ka1ysa02:29
ubottuka1ysa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:29
barrrrtoblu: u can do that also in ubuntu in system->preferences ->startup...   ill try my best to add the amixder command in there... cause i dont know WHAT is always setting my settings back to off :P02:29
robbmunsonor do you mean the chat plugin?02:29
WamphyriDr_Willis: done did that02:29
ka1ysaok thanks02:30
barrrrtoblu: thx for ur help02:30
DasEiAlazair: think you get by ?02:30
oblubarrrrt: cool, didn't really know about this 'startup' thing ;)02:30
Dr_WillisWamphyri:  you dont have to use the guest addations/special vbox sjhare. You can treat the Guest OS as if it was just another machine on a LAN and use samba, or ssh, or whatever you want02:30
barrrrtoblu: im not sure if this will help me :) but if u want to have a short wiki page about it, ill give u a link02:31
tylernolI opted out of encrypting my home folder when I installed, and now I've changed my mind.  how do I set it to encrypt now?02:31
Wamphyriguess its ssh then lol02:31
Alazair@ DasEi sorry missed what you said02:31
DasEiAlazair: could you do a pastie of : sudo fdisk -l ?02:32
Alazairi messaged you the link02:32
xeagle_why the load average is too high when I use the startx command02:32
xeagle_someone can help me ?02:32
obluxeagle_: too high? all the time? even now ?02:33
xeagle_just at it starts02:33
tylernolI opted out of encrypting my home folder when I installed, and now I've changed my mind.  how do I set it to encrypt now?02:33
xeagle_about 2m02:33
DasEiAlazair: if you run gparted, where is the unallocated at ? next to which parti , or beetwenn .. where ?02:33
|littlebear|xeagle: get better machine02:33
Alazairbefore my ext402:33
Gypsy_Slayerxeagle_,  system load will always be high when starting larger programs02:33
Alazairi can screenshot gparted02:33
Gypsy_Slayerxeagle_,  its like that on every OS02:34
xeagle_but it run all right before i upgrade my ubuntu02:34
venetinhoi face a problem with grub 2,it recognise my backtrack partition,and ubuntu 10.04 partition, but no windows xp partition...if someone believe he will help me,talk to me...thanks02:34
Gypsy_Slayerwhy does it matter if system load is high for 2 seconds?02:34
Gypsy_Slayerusused resources are wasted resources anyway02:34
obluvenetinho: grub-legacy is the way out of the missery.02:34
venetinhogrub legacy is grub 2?02:36
tylernolDoes anyone know how to enable home folder encryption?02:36
obluvenetinho: no, its 1.02:36
Antonygosh today airodump just does not like me :/02:36
venetinhook..thanks oblu..i will search for it02:36
obluvenetinho: just apt-get grub-legacy02:36
DasEivenetinho: nope legacy is 1 and below, 2 is above 102:36
obluvenetinho: just apt-get install grub-legacy02:36
Alazair@ DasEi http://img46.imageshack.us/i/screenshotze.png/02:37
Jordan_Uvenetinho: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?02:37
venetinho/dev/sda7:Ubuntu 8.10 (8.10):Ubuntu:linux02:38
humanflyrenegeade soundwave02:38
Gypsy_Slayertylernol, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedHomeFolder02:38
obluJordan_U: holly shit :) now i remember why i ditched grub2 ...02:38
Jordan_Uoblu: os-prober is used with grub legacy also...02:38
realubotIs there any way to get the notification area in Docky? I want to be able to have icons notifying me about mails, chat messages etc even without using ordinary panels.02:38
xeagle<Gypsy_Slayer>: 3q for your help02:38
xanguaAlazair: you can¿t use gparted while the partitions you want to modify are mounter or in use, better use gparted in a live cd02:38
obluJordan_U: but its not autoimporting these to grub.conf right ? :)02:39
Jordan_Uvenetinho: Are all of your ntfs partitions mountable?02:39
xanguarealubot: no, but avant window navigadoes does02:39
humanflyGypsy_Slayer, i never cared for you ?02:39
xanguaavant also supports indicators realubot02:39
Alazairi know this xangua i used partedmagic live cd and it still wouldnt let me02:40
Alazairbrb smoking cig02:40
raisdeadJordan_U I booted into recovery mode from the disk and evuntually got this http://pastebin.com/utKzxiAk02:40
zushaha i was so used to amorok i didnt realize the ticker doesnt "scroll" in rhythmbox02:40
ThiagoMedeirosHow to stop dhcp to rewriten resolv.conf ?02:40
DasEiAlazair: you don't want the 8mb in top, but the rounded 70 above sdb5, that will work from a live system with that fs unmounted, after resizing got to fit your /etc/fstab, else system won't boot02:40
Gypsy_SlayerThiagoMedeiros, kill dhclient02:40
Jordan_Uoblu: The problem is most likely that windows wasn't shut down properly and so his windows partition can't be mounted, which means that os-prober can't tell that windows is there.02:41
Gypsy_SlayerThiagoMedeiros, do your addressing statically02:41
xanguaAlazair: parted magic¿¿ there is a gpartid standalone live cd, you can also boot from a usb02:41
ThiagoMedeirosbut i need to get ip using dhcp and dns manualy02:41
realubotxangua: Yeah, I know that. Well, maybe AWN will do as well.02:41
ThiagoMedeirosi need to use a manual dns to all connections02:41
obluJordan_U: interesting, but i do not believe that its the same behaviour as in grub102:41
DasEiAlazair: have you got a live cd ?02:42
Alazairwell usb02:42
Alazairbut i can burn a live cd i guess02:42
realubotxangua: Does AWN have an autohide like Docky has?02:42
DasEiAlazair: that's fine too, reboot to it and come back here, so I'll guide you02:42
Gypsy_SlayerThiagoMedeiros, then kill dhclient after you get dhcp info02:42
mghtdan, congratulations, you crashed my ubuntu system with that last pic!02:43
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ThiagoMedeirosbut kill every day.. have a tip to not rewrite it ?02:43
Gypsy_SlayerThiagoMedeiros, you can also edit dhclient.conf and add a prepend domain-name-servers directive02:43
ThiagoMedeiroshmmm good02:43
ThiagoMedeirosi will see this02:44
xanguarealubot: it has intelhide like docky, it also just hide02:44
realubotxangua: ok, thanks.02:44
Gypsy_SlayerThiagoMedeiros, see http://linux.die.net/man/5/dhclient.conf02:44
Jordan_Uvenetinho: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the output?02:45
wolterDoes nm-applet use wpasupplicant?02:45
TannIn Lucid (server edition), what would I install to get sound?02:46
xanguapulseaudio ¿¿02:46
wolteri would say pulseaudio too02:47
TannWhat package02:47
wolterapt-cache search pulseaudio02:47
xanguawell sudo apt-get install pulseaudio :)02:47
TannI've heard bad things about pulseaudio, I'm sot sure02:48
omeganfirepulseaudio is the devil's sound server02:48
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wolterDoes anybody know if nm-applet use wpa_supplicant?02:48
Gypsy_Slayerpulse has lots of bugs with flash02:49
macowolter: it does02:49
AzMooHey guys, a little while back I read something about an Ubuntu Development Framework for rapid app development. Anybody know what it's called?02:49
macoGypsy_Slayer: more like flash (closed source software that we cant fix) has a lot of bugs in its PA support02:49
macoAzMoo: quickly02:49
AzMoomaco: that's the one, cheers.02:49
Gypsy_Slayermaco, ALSA cooperates much better02:49
Tann(oh, and PA isn't supported by what I'm using)02:49
omeganfireodds of flash going away for html5?02:49
wolterI am having a problem with nm-applet, wifi won't be even loaded when I turn my laptop on. Problem is temporarily solved by reinstalling wpa_supplicant02:50
wolterPlease help :)02:50
TannHere's a better question...02:51
TannHow would I install ALSA on my ubuntu server box?02:51
Jordan_Uvenetinho: Can you boot into windows now?02:52
macoTann: alsa is already there. its built into the kernel02:52
venetinhogrub don't see windows...its only ubuntu and backtrack  on the boot list..02:52
Tannthanks maco02:52
TannI'll look more into this then.02:53
Jordan_Uvenetinho: According to the boot info script output windows should be in the boot list now.02:55
patxwhat do you have to do to become a ubuntu member?02:55
Odd-rationalepatx: you have to be awesome...02:56
hobanhello, I had the nvidia driver installed and want to switch back to nouveau. how is this done please?02:56
maco!member | patx02:56
ubottupatx: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership02:56
DasEihoban: use synaptic or jockey-gtk02:56
macopatx: i'm on one of the regional membership boards, and i can tell you that documenting what you do and having testimonials from people who've seen you do good work (no they dont have to already be members) is extremely important02:57
venetinhohmm..ok Jordan_U ,thanks for the help,maybe i will delete backtrack and reinstall ubuntu..02:57
hobanDasEi, I'll look into that, thanks!02:57
sebsebsebhoban: uninstall the Nivida driver, and of interest why do you want to switch back to the open source one?02:57
patxmaco, ok... and thats the only way to get the bete new just released font?02:58
sebsebsebhoban: and you can uninstall it  easilly, system > administration > hardware drivers02:58
macopatx: well itll be in 10.10 and i think public beta is only a month away02:58
sebsebsebhoban: well if its one from the repo anyway02:58
hobansebsebseb, I want to use ICC profiles with gnome-color-profiles which the nvidia driver isn't supported with02:58
DasEi..jockey-gtk :)02:58
kdar1987Hey all!02:58
sebsebsebhoban: I don't know what ICC profiles are02:58
macopatx: i dont think "but i want to play with the font" is a good reason to give during the interview for why yu want to be a member :P02:58
patxmaco, oh ok...02:59
hobansebsebseb, used for accurate color between monitors and printers etc.02:59
sebsebsebmaco:  patx  The beta for 10.10 is Thursday 2nd September02:59
macosebsebseb: the beta for the font is aug 8 i think jorge said though, right?02:59
sebsebsebmaco: oh the font, I don't know about that03:00
patxmaco, yea i know... if i found a cool enough member they would send me the .ttf? prolly get kicked for asking, even suggestion this :P03:00
patxits aug 8 i think03:00
macopatx: we're not supposed to do that03:00
zushas anyone used the radio feature in rhythmbox? can i actually listen to fm stations from like newyork?  is kroc still around?03:01
wolterzus, i think its only internet stations03:02
Odd-rationalezus: i think you can only do internet radios03:02
sebsebsebzus: no  I don't think I have, but now I remember I know of a great site for online radio03:02
DasEizus: I use amarok for it , or streamtuner03:02
DasEizus: streamtuner employs audacity03:02
zuswouldnt krock have internet station?, also what about xm radio?03:03
DasEizus : or just get the address and use vlc03:03
DasEizus : another poosib is winamp on wine03:03
ross_how do you change the login password03:03
sebsebsebross_: easy03:03
zusWINE is  poop. lol nothing works in it im quite mad about it03:03
sebsebsebzus: yeah proper partitioend installs are better :)03:04
DasEiross_: passwd UserName03:04
DasEiross_: sudo  passwd UserName03:04
wolteris nobody else having problems with internet on every login?03:04
sebsebsebross_: sure what DasEi  put, however you need root terminal first,  so  the one in recovery mode will do it03:04
zussebsebseb,  i wont open wine tricks and i cant get past "enter game" in runes of magic03:04
DasEizus: try the ppa, the one from repo is outdated, visit #winehq03:04
sebsebsebross_: if you can't log into Ubuntu at all,  you will need recovery mode from the Grub boot loader, or a Live CD03:05
zusi did get the ppa from the site.  it says i dont need winetrisck or anything if i followed the rules on installation but still its not working i dont know what im doing  wrong or if its just a myth03:06
firas10مبروووووووووووووووك اسبانيا03:06
DasEizus: on which app ?03:06
firas10Viva La Espana03:06
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:06
zusDasEi,  i wanted to try runes of magic -03:07
zusDasEi, i have wow and star wars galaxy next on my list but one wont  even work...03:08
DasEizus: haven't tried it, but you said wine lists it as possible ? then winehq might help03:08
zusmaybe  during the week ill try ,...  it was not much help last night.03:10
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ross_what is the command for listing all users03:11
colleeni think its just "users"03:11
macocolleen, ross_: no thats just all *currently logged in* users03:11
colleenoh :)03:11
ross_yes how do you list all users03:11
macocolleen, ross_: and if you have >1 shell open for one of those users, theyre listed twice03:11
ross_and how do you delete users03:11
ross_on the shell03:12
DasEideluser, ross_03:12
adamr41I'm trying to copy a .zip file into my "Home" folder but it isn't allowing me to do so. How can I do it?03:12
mintcan somebody walk me through this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows im having a bit of trouble03:12
DasEimint: ok, pastie of fdisk -l ?03:12
macoross_: cut -d : -f 1 /etc/passwd  <-- lists all users03:13
mintDasEi:  nothing comes u[p03:13
meowbuntuhi i would like to learn how to activate my nvidia drivers again they did not load on startup. wiat is the terminal comand . i do not wnat to reboot computer03:13
DasEimint: sudo fdisk -l  will do03:13
DasEimint: you know pastebinit ?03:14
ross_maco: that doesn't work03:14
DasEimint: sudo fdisk -l >| pastebinit03:14
macoross_: whatd it do instead? for me it prints every user in the /etc/passwd file03:14
geowanymeowbuntu, only restart Xorg by $ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:14
meowbuntu!paste |mint03:15
ubottumint: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:15
macoross_: did you start from cut and end at passwd?03:15
ross_can you put the command in quotes so i know exactly what to type in03:15
meowbuntuthanks geowany03:15
DasEimint: are you on live cd now ?03:15
macoross_:  `cut -d : -f 1 /etc/passwd`03:15
DasEi!who | mint03:15
ubottumint: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:15
mintya DasEi03:16
macoylmfos: what are you doing?03:16
ross_ok that doesn't list all the users03:16
macoross_: does it give you an error or something instead?03:16
DasEimint: there are two linux partis, which is your rroot ? sda5 ?03:16
ross_it lists like the main programs03:16
macoross_: its listing all the users03:16
mintyeah sda5 DasEi *03:17
ross_syslog is not a user03:17
macoross_: yes it is :)03:17
macoross_: its a system user03:17
ross_what i meant was03:17
ross_to list the human users accounts03:17
macoross_: so that tasks for logging arent run by root which would be very bad for security03:17
DasEimint: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt03:17
mintkk done DasEi03:17
macoross_: there is no way to differentiate those03:17
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DasEimint: sudo mount --bind /dev/  /mnt/dev03:17
DasEimint: sudo mount --bind /proc/  /mnt/proc03:18
DasEimint: sudo mount --bind /sys  /mnt/sys03:18
KiRaShi_cahello, i'm experiencing a problem where usb drives wont show up at all when plugged in. is there a known problem with this?03:18
DasEimint: sudo mount --bind /proc  /mnt/proc          ^typo03:18
macoross_: assuming all human users have their human names set up when they're created...03:18
jagosixhello people03:18
mintkk done DasEi03:18
DasEimint: sudo chroot /mnt03:18
macoross_: hmm no wait that sugestion wont work. some daemons have their names set...03:19
jagosixI've installed Crossove Linux pro 8 a few months ago with all of my needed apps03:19
jagosixI now have crossover pro 903:19
DasEimint : pastebinit /etc/default/grub03:19
jagosixIf i install, will that upgrade03:19
jagosix8 to 903:19
jagosixI dont want ot reinstall all that software03:19
jagosixoops to03:19
prince_jammysross_: grab users whose user ID is greater than whatever the number is in ubuntu. probably 1000.03:19
macoprince_jammys: oh good idea!03:20
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:20
DasEijagosix: ask in #linux03:20
asdf1i have a problem, the buttons (close, minimize, miximize ) are gone03:20
asdf1what i have to do?03:20
asdf1to bring them back03:20
xanguaasdf1: alt+f2 > write: metacity > enter03:21
rwwasdf1: Is the titlebar (with the window name in it) still there?03:21
macoross_: egrep "1[0-9]{3}" /etc/passwd | cut -f 1 -d :03:21
prince_jammysross_: getent passwd | awk -F: '$3>=1000 {print $1}'03:21
DasEimint : pastebinit /etc/default/grub              ...03:21
firas10I want to strip a mature fatty lady03:21
asdf1rww:  what do you mean?03:21
GerwinDasEi: TMI03:21
DasEi!ot | firas1003:21
ubottufiras10: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:21
macofiras10: thats not appropriate for this channel03:21
Ross____ok im back i got disconnected03:21
GerwinNvm DasEi03:21
Gerwinfiras10: TMI03:21
macoRoss____: egrep "1[0-9]{3}" /etc/passwd | cut -f 1 -d :03:21
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rwwasdf1: are just the buttons gone, or is the whole titlebar that the buttons live in also gone?03:21
macohmm wait smart maco would do this...03:22
takayukianyone got a webcam recommendation for 9.04?03:22
macoRoss____: egrep "[0-9]{4}" /etc/passwd | cut -f 1 -d :03:22
DasEimint: whole command, give pastie here03:22
macoRoss____: no wait go back to the one that starts with a 103:22
asdf1rww:  the second03:22
mintDasEi: http://pastebin.com/mxhvxE6Y03:22
asdf1all the bat rww03:22
Ross____ah what??03:22
colleentakayuki, does the logitech 9000 work?03:22
colleenit has one of the better sensors of webcams on the market03:22
rwwasdf1: I'd start with what xangua said, then03:22
macoRoss____: egrep ":[0-9]{4}:" /etc/passwd | cut -f 1 -d :03:22
bsmith093can i put mkv files on a dvd and play them in a dvd player or do i need to convert them to mpg or mp403:22
macoRoss____: thatll do it03:22
macoRoss____: human users have user id's greater than 1000 so theyd be 4 digits03:23
macoRoss____: that is searching for 4-digit numbers03:23
DasEimint: errm,, thats the whole file ?? strange kinda short.. anyway:03:23
jagosixwell.. bsmith093 - depends on the type of dvd player you have03:23
macoRoss____: though the awk one someone suggested above may be smarter03:23
takayukidunno, can't find a good list on the net... did some searching on the newegg reviews but nuttin03:23
jagosixit must ne able to decode the file type and also recognize it03:23
mintyeah DasEi03:23
asdf1rww:  xangua i did this, but nothing03:23
DasEimint : sudo apt-get install --reinstall grub203:23
Ross____ok that works thanks03:24
mintkk DasEi  done03:24
DasEimint: no errors ?03:24
bsmith093ok i checked with winff the video stream is h264 the audio is ac3 is that compatibkle03:24
mint1 sec03:24
xanguaasdf1: are you using gnome¿03:24
asdf1xangua:  yes03:24
mintDasEi:  http://pastebin.com/8BnnQZU803:24
Ross____man i love ubuntu03:25
xanguaasdf1: then open a terminal, writer 'nautilus' and hit enter; what does it say¿¿03:25
plusin666someone uses ubuntu to winamp streaming?03:25
DasEimint: grub seems fine, got another ppa in there, later..03:25
mintwhat DasEi ?03:25
DasEimint: your dpkg has another, non grub-related error, we can look after it later03:26
asdf1xangua:  nothing, it opens only the home folder03:26
takayukijust need something that works OOB, so grandma can see the kids03:26
mintokay :)03:26
mintis grub2 all finished?03:26
isleshocky77Any idea on what driver I should tell Ubuntu 10.04 Server to use on a Seagate Barracuda LP SATA HD?  Ubuntu says it doesn't know what driver to use on a new install. Windows was able to read the drive fine.03:26
DasEimint: grub-install --recheck /dev/sda03:26
asdf1xangua:  on terminal doesn't say anything03:26
DasEimint: paste that again, please03:27
adamr41I'm following this tutorial here: http://maketecheasier.com/turn-ubuntu-lucid-mac-os-x/2010/06/01 and I get to the "configuring global menu" step, and when I do the killall gnome-panel I get an error message. Help?03:27
mintDasEi:  http://pastebin.com/K9JxknJc03:27
Ross____maco: what did the numbers do exactly in that command? the 0-9 4 and such03:27
mintwoops 1 sec03:27
DasEimint: grub-install --recheck /dev/sda  ,two "--"03:27
mintyeah sorry03:27
xanguaasdf1: sorry, it was not jusr 'metacity' it was 'metacity --replace'03:27
macoRoss____: looks for 4 instances of digits03:27
mintDasEi:  http://pastebin.com/gpyA0gT303:27
macoRoss____: in a row, between two :'s03:28
asdf1ok xangua03:28
DasEimint looks fine, try reboot03:28
Ross____maco: ok but why does that list all the human users?03:28
mintok brb03:28
asdf1xangua:  on terminal?03:28
Ross____maco: i'm just trying to understand it a little better03:28
DasEiBRB, too03:28
animeloe[net]anyone good with diagnosing md / issues?03:29
DasEisignal-event reboot03:29
animeloe[net]md root issues03:29
zombie-robothow can i make a pop-up window reminder that goes off at the same time every day?03:29
xanguaasdf1: alt+f2 ;)03:29
animeloe[net]this is an install on vmware03:29
|littlebear|zombie-robot: um. put a echo into your cron?03:29
patxmaco, u still here?03:29
animeloe[net]I did a netboot install, then installed the vmware tools, now it won't boot anymore03:29
jiohdizombie-robot: I think Orage calendar can do that03:29
animeloe[net]it's failing on the chroot (switch_root) from the initramfs03:29
macopatx: yes03:30
asdf1xangua:  it's ok now, but i don;t have the effects of compiz, what i have to do to have compiz?03:30
macoRoss____: it should. it finds everything that has a 4-digit number, and user ids for humans are 4-digits03:30
xanguaasdf1: compiz --replace03:30
macoRoss____: unless of course you copy over from a fedora system.they start humans at 500 and we start at 100003:31
asdf1xangua:  thnx a lot :)03:31
Ross____maco: ah i see it's like a relational database kinda thing , right?03:32
Niglophey DasEi  its mint, it worked, thanks alot :D03:32
macoRoss____: /etc/passwd is a text file. between the UIDs in it and /etc/shadow and /etc/group they sort of approximate one03:32
patxmaco, sorry to keep it up but do u think there is _any_ chance that i might find a member would would send me the .ttf ?03:33
macopatx: its possible, though we've been instructed not to hand it out03:34
patxah ok03:34
KiRaShi_causb drives arent showing up when plugged in, what should i do?03:34
Niglophey DasEi  its mint, it worked, thanks alot :D03:35
DasEi!yay | Niglop03:36
ubottuNiglop: Glad you made it! :-)03:36
Niglop:) now the other problem DasEi ?03:36
dulioim new here03:36
asdf1gn ppl03:36
DasEiNiglop: yep.. sudo apt-get update         pastie please03:36
zombie-robotI want to make a 4:20 reminder popup.like the restart window. except have it pop up at 4:19 and say its almost 4:20 and have a 2min countdown like it used to do when shutting down or restarting. and have it go away automatically at 4:21.03:37
=== Hirato is now known as graphitemaster
NiglopDasEi:  http://pastebin.com/pRh1yRQC03:38
=== ]thor[ is now known as [thor]
maco!cn | shd_03:40
ubottushd_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:40
DasEiniglop: that's not the last 4 lines, anyway , pidgin ppa was your problem, (and no mint support here for usual) , which version (lsb_release -a tells you)03:40
NiglopDasEi:  http://pastebin.com/cKzhv25z03:40
Over^KillHow would I enable compositing?03:41
IdleOne!mintsupport | Niglop03:41
ubottuNiglop: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:41
DasEiNiglop: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:41
Niglopokk ty03:41
Niglopwhat do i say when i get there?03:41
NiglopDasEi:  nothings happens03:42
AJ_Z0Over^Kill: Do you mean the COMPOSITE X11 extension? If so, then it depends on the video driver and configuration03:42
Niglopadam@Adam ~ $ gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:42
Niglopadam@Adam ~ $03:42
Over^KillAJ_Z0, ah damn - nvidia I need to install the xorg drivers or whatever right?03:43
Over^Killor has that goten easier, its been a few years03:44
DasEiNiglop: (filled) file open ?03:44
AJ_Z0Over^Kill: With the nvidia driver, composite is enabled by default and should "just work"03:44
Niglopwhat DasEi ?03:44
DasEiNiglop : or just send it over, so I'll correct it , pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list03:45
NiglopDasEi:  http://pastebin.com/UA01UWZg03:45
qcjnhi, need help for connecting wi-fi. Gateway minilaptop, ubuntu netbook 10.04 on pendrive for now. The wi-fi did work with the puppeee pendrive03:45
=== KiRaShi_ca is now known as kirashi
kirashiqcjn: have you tried a program called ndiswrapper? its for installing windows drivers on linux. might work.03:46
Over^Killoh well I guess I just dont get docker :/03:46
DasEiNiglop: strange, no pidgin listed there, anyway, add to sources :03:46
kirashidoes anyone know why usb devices wont mount on a fresh install of linux mint?03:47
DasEiNiglop: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin-developers/ppa/ubuntu karmic main03:47
DasEiNiglop: save file, close gedit , then :03:47
DasEiNiglop: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys A1F196A803:48
Niglophow do i add that source DasEi ?03:48
qcjnkirashi, nop, i didn't try. But since i'm not connected to internet, i'd have to do it via an ethernet cable03:48
DasEiNiglop: open the file as above told :03:48
DasEiNiglop: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:48
qcjnand i'm not quite sure this weould resolve the thing03:48
DasEiniglop : add line :03:48
DasEiNiglop: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin-developers/ppa/ubuntu karmic main03:48
Niglopi have to install gedit one sec.03:49
DasEiniglop : thats a line, not  alink03:49
kirashiqcjn: well its worth a try, linux mint has ndiswrapper preinstalled and it got an atheros 5001G wifi card working with win drivers03:49
sebsebsebNiglop: if your on Mint, you should be using their support channel03:49
sebsebseb!mintsupport | Niglop03:50
ubottuNiglop: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:50
Niglopsebsebseb:  DasEi  doesnt mind helping me backoff03:50
DasEiNiglop: as told, listen to sebseb.. , as their might be an own ppa for mint03:51
sebsebsebNiglop: Mint support is off topic in this channel!03:51
IdleOneNiglop: mint is NOT supported here03:51
Fudgeanyone know if pcmanfm can be intergrated into gnome easier than having to open it initially03:51
qcjnkirashi, thanks.03:51
kirashiyour welcome :) now is there anyone who knows why a usb drive wont mount on linux?03:53
Niglopkk DasEi  all done03:53
DasEiNiglop : sudo apt-get update03:53
IdleOneNiglop: DasEi I will remove both of you. go private or go to the mint support channel.03:54
DasEiIdleOne: right, I go private03:54
ross_how do you change the login screen settings? such as the background picture and the theme03:54
IdleOne#ubuntu does not support Mint.03:54
DasEiNiglop: I'll pm you03:54
ross_i just downloaded a new theme but i don't know how to install it : (03:54
sebsebsebross_: right yeah03:54
sebsebsebross_: the old GDM can be themed with loads of nice themes,  the new one nope :(03:54
ross_are you serious??03:55
ross_i can't change the theme??03:55
=== dm_ is now known as Delvien
sebsebsebross_: yes, but don't worry ,their are good alternatives03:55
ross_so how??03:55
sebsebsebross_: also their are programs that can change its background03:55
ross_tell me please master03:55
sebsebsebross_: also can get old one installed and used, but not as simple as just installing and useing.   KDM is a nice alternative the one for KDE.  Theres also Slim which is very customizable and some rather nice themes on the site for it.  Plus theirs LXDM and XDM.03:56
sebsebsebross_: KDM is what I would use with Ubuntu03:57
jimericksonhow does one get dwm to run at start up?03:57
jenueanyone knows how to disable Library Structure in Rhytmbox?03:58
sebsebsebross_: hope your partition isn't realy silly sized though, since  it would want to put on quite a bit of KDE stuff.  Plus this isn't Windows, you can have loads of programs installed without the system slowing down :)03:58
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
Spaztic_OneSo, I am begining to wonder if Ubuntu is starting to drag my computer through the mud. Its progressivly getting slower, and I've only had it for like a week.04:00
qcjnkirashi, ok, i ve installed ndiswrapper via synaptic package manager...and then ??04:00
aviSpaztic_One, Care to elaborate?04:00
ThiagoMedeirosi edited the dhclient.conf to use manual dns, but now after restart dhclient the resolv.conf have 3 lines, 2 that i puted to use manual and 1 automatic of the router, how to disable this one?04:00
FinityHey guys, I had a quick question04:00
sebsebseb!ask | Finity04:01
ubottuFinity: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:01
FinityI have Ubuntu 10.04, and I need to install WICD on it04:01
sebsebsebFinity: Need to install what on it?  Whats WICD ?04:01
gethohtwhy do you need to install wicd?04:01
aviHey, can anyone help me get VNC over the internet working?04:01
sebsebseb!vnc > avi04:01
ubottuavi, please see my private message04:01
gethohtnetwork manager works just fnie04:01
Finitygethoht: I had to do this with my old laptop, so I'm just more familiar with it04:01
gethohtoh,,, gotcha04:01
Merlin__hey can anyone help me with ecryptfs?04:02
gethohtfinity tried apt-get install wicd    ?04:02
avisebsebseb, Uh, perhaps I should've said, I need help connecting to my vnc server running on Ubuntu over the net.04:02
Finityproblem is, I have no wired access, because the lan port is damaged, so I'm having to manually install it through USB04:02
FinityI just wanted to know, if there's some way to do a "sudo apt-get" into a single deb. file with all dependencies :X04:02
gethohtwell you should still be able to connect wireless with network manager now... install wicd then tool around with disabling network manager04:02
Finityor am I asking for the impossible?04:02
sebsebsebavi: open ports or something I guess04:03
DasEiFinity: you want to install a single deb ?04:03
gethohtif you want to install a single deb it's dpkg -i whatever.deb04:03
FinityDasEi: I need to install wicd-client, along with all of it's dependencies04:03
Finitywithout having to painfully download all of those dependencies and install them04:03
gethohtgod ubuntu 10.04 launches SO QUICK on an ssd04:04
Fudgeu cant apt-get build-dep package?04:04
Spaztic_OneWell, start up, and this probably has nothing to do with ubuntu, is slow. When I first power my laptop on, it takes it like 20 seconds to load bios, and it did it instantly before. Waking up and going to sleep takes longer than when Ubuntu was first installed, and of no relation to the slowness, there are miscellaneous errors and etcetera.04:04
gethohtlike 4 seconds from post to login screen04:04
DasEiFinity: sudo apt-get install wicd-gtk04:04
ThiagoMedeirosi edited the dhclient.conf to use manual dns, but now after restart dhclient the resolv.conf i got 3 lines, 2 that i puted to use manual and 1 automatic of the router, how to disable this one? i removed the lines domain-name and domain-name-servers at request line.. but this automatic dhcp dns continues04:04
jimericksongethoht yes it does doesnt it!!04:04
DasEiFinity: in your case, get it to usb and then : sudo dpkg -i  wicd...deb04:05
gethohti impress all my mac friends with my boot speed... they're jealous04:05
DasEiFinity: have you got another working box ?04:06
gethohti will always have an sdd in my laptops from now on04:06
Finityyeah, windows xp, though04:06
avigethoht, Care to share your specs? I'm in the market for a SSD lappy.04:06
Finitysince my e key is broken on my other Ubuntu Laptop04:06
Spaztic_OneAlso, what is the command to unload and reload sound drivers?04:06
Finity(and my password requires the e key :( )04:06
DasEifinity: funny one you are, reset passwd in single user mode04:07
jimericksonSpaztic_One modprobe04:07
zombie-robotI want to make a 4:20 reminder popup.like the restart window. except have it pop up at 4:19 and say its almost 4:20 and have a 2min countdown like it used to do when shutting down or restarting. and have it go away automatically at 4:21.04:07
DasEifinity: idea is to use a live cd/usb, get the lappi on ssh from another box, chroot, have it easy to install04:07
Spaztic_Onejimerickson: OK, how do I get a list of drivers in use or whatever I need to do to find out what driver I'm using for sound?04:08
DasEiMerlin__: you need to mount luks - partition ?04:08
jimericksonSpaztic_One lsmod04:08
gethohtmine's just an old Latitude D620, core 2 duo(1.83gGHz) with 4GB RAM and a 64GB intel SSD that I took out of a HP Blade server at work (we weren't using it)04:09
Merlin__maybe, i use ubuntu's ecrypt setup when i installed my server04:09
Merlin__and now i cannot mount it04:09
DasEi!who | Merlin__04:09
ubottuMerlin__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:09
gethohtit takes longer to POST then for ubuntu to boot completely04:09
ThiagoMedeirosi edited the dhclient.conf to use manual dns, but now after restart dhclient the resolv.conf i got 3 lines, 2 that i puted to use manual and 1 automatic of the router, how to disable this one? i removed the lines domain-name and domain-name-servers at request line.. but this automatic last dns continues04:09
DasEiMerlin__: if you run gparted, what is the type of that fs, I assume you crypted your homedir04:09
mr_chrisConsidering that xorg.conf no longer exists in Ubuntu Lucid, what's the "proper" way of switching to 16 bit color mode?04:10
gethohtthiago, you might have to edit your dhcp server if that's possible04:10
thune3ThiagoMedeiros: are you saying you have a 3rd nameserver, not specified in the prepend command, or the "search" element in resolv.conf is still there?04:11
Merlin__DasEi  : what command do i use with parted?04:11
DasEiMerlin__: sudo gparted04:11
gethohti love docky... man if I could only get it to work reliably04:11
Spaztic_Onegethoht: Yeah, that has become true of my computer (taking longer to post) but only because my computer has started taking about 20 seconds to post each time I start it up and then about 2-5 to start ubuntu04:11
Merlin__DasEi  : This is a server i dont have x04:11
DasEiMerlin__: ah04:11
ThiagoMedeirosthune3:  3rd not sprecified, but in know this dns is the dns auto of the router04:12
gethohtspaztic_one: try updating your bios and all system firmware to the latest04:12
ThiagoMedeirosthune3:  3rd not specified, but i know this dns is the dns auto of the router04:12
Merlin__DasEi  : I dont think its stored in its own partition04:12
gethohtmake sure that fastboot is on or that mem check is disabled (unless you want it enabled)04:12
ThiagoMedeirosthune3: in prepend used only 204:13
Spaztic_Onegethoht: It was taking a short time to post about a week ago though. Is there any reasonable explanation as to why it takes so long now?04:13
gethohti'd guess memory check or something enabled in teh bios04:13
gethohtlook for a "fastboot" option somewhere in your bios04:13
gethohtor maybe try "load optimized settings" in the bios as awell04:14
Spaztic_OneWould it be doing all of that before I even get to the bios menu screen or whatever?04:14
DasEiMerlin__: I#m not too experienced with it, what does a : sudo ecryptfs-mount-private                return ?04:14
FinitySpaztic_One: that kinda machine do you have?04:14
Spaztic_OneI mean, my screen will be completely black for about 20 seconds before doing anything04:14
FinitySpaztic_One: what*04:15
mzuverinkAnone know a good journaling program for person aluse, stretchable via mysql or something, thaat is only accessible bu me not over the webb, gmonr app?04:15
Spaztic_OneFinity: Compaq Presario cq50. It was taking just a couple of seconds to do all of that and then start loading ubuntu about a week ago and has increased about ten fold since.04:15
gethohtspaztic_one: you might have a hardware issue as well... dimm might be going bad or something04:15
manisahello everyone04:15
manisaI am just so new to ubuntu04:15
mzuverink*anyone sorry for the typo04:16
manisawhich book should I buy to learn the OS from bottom to top?04:16
DasEiMerlin__: ?04:16
Merlin__DasEi  : Inserted auth tok with sig [*************] into the user session keyring04:17
IdleOne!manual  manisa04:17
IdleOne!manual  | manisa04:17
ubottumanisa: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:17
Merlin__DasEi  : fopen: no such file or directory04:17
gethohti like "running linux" by o'reilly press ... i'm sure there are a ton of good ubuntu specific books out there04:17
DasEiMerlin__: mmh, sorry I can't help you further, it's posix, i use luks mostly, can't help there04:18
* oldIT78 bows to all the nice people. 04:18
thune3ThiagoMedeiros: does your resolv.conf say it was "Generated by NetworkManager"?04:18
Merlin__DasEi  : point me to the right people?04:18
avihey, how can I make an account that doesn't have any access to any files, other than what's in his come directories?04:18
DasEiMerlin__: ask again for someone used to ecryptfs04:19
gethohtgrrr docky... you're making me angry .... every third reboot or so it loses most of it's icons04:19
Merlin__anyone familiar with ecryptfs?04:19
gethohtdocky is so cool when it works04:19
gethohtmerlin, i've used dm-crypt in the past and use truecrypt currently04:20
xanguagethoht: docky works perefectly, are you using the experimental ppa or the one incluided in the repositorie¿s04:20
annach# Appears as ANNA04:21
annach(#G88:E686RM1) hi yall!04:21
annach(#G=10E;10M1) Whats up?04:21
Merlin__gethoht : i managed to mess up my home server, and now i cannot get into my encrypted /home/04:21
DasEiMerlin__: pastie of fstab will be helpfull : pastebinit /etc/fstab04:21
gethohtoh boy04:21
mzuverinkanyone know of a good howto to install a wordpree blog on my site?04:21
n0a1ias_sorry lol04:22
stercorHow do I download marked articles in Pan?04:22
DasEin0a1ias_: short, yes04:22
annach(#G>10E114RM1) Feeling good today lol04:22
gethohtxangua: i'm using the one in the repo's, not the experimental04:22
annach(#G010E210M1) Microsoft Comic Chat is the best program, ever.04:22
gethohtxangua: i'm running 64-bit ubuntu if that makes a difference04:22
n0a1ias_dasei, im at the level wit with the rocket launcher, what do i do?04:22
annach(#G92:E<26RM1) Comic Chat 4 life!04:23
xanguagethoht: mmm better ask #docky then04:23
gethohtthey've been worthless04:23
IdleOne!ot | annach04:23
ubottuannach: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:23
gethohtno help at all04:23
gethohtxangua: what's the version you're running04:23
gethohtxangua: 2.0.4?04:24
boomchahello guys any news for Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:4357] (rev 01) i ve got an hp2137 sl and aircrack (used for testing my wireless security)doesn' work with this card , when open driver will be avaible?(hope it isn't wrong talk about this but as i sad before itìs for legal testing)04:24
DasEin0a1ias_: heh, help in installing here, find a gaming channel, idk04:24
cpu_austinhello everyone, i seem to be having issues connecting from my ubuntu 10.04 laptop to my ubuntu server via pptpd04:24
xanguagethoht: i don't use docky 2, i liked more the previous version where do & docky were together04:24
gethohtboomcha: best to get a pcmcia card that will work with you program, or replace the internet minipci card with one that will work04:24
cpu_austinwhich is also running 10.04 server edition04:24
gethohthrmm... should I try uninstalling docky 2 and maybe just installing gnome-do?04:25
gethohtcpu_austin: why are you trying to connect via pptpd ... vpn?04:26
DasEiMerlin__: as said, I'm just approaching it, fstab ?04:26
oldIT78n0a1ias_: what is nessus? is it a game for Ubuntu?04:26
DasEioldIT78: yep04:26
Merlin__DasEi : im working via ssh, i have to retype fstab into pastebin04:26
oldIT78is it free?04:26
DasEiMerlin__: no..04:26
boomcha@gethoht thanks for the advice04:26
cpu_austinanyone in here use pptp vpns?04:27
DasEiMerlin__: sudo apt-get install pastebinit04:27
cpu_austini need some help with mine04:27
n0a1ias_oldIT78, yes go to ubuntu software center, and click games04:27
DasEiMerlin__: pastebinit /etc/fstab04:27
DasEiMerlin__: copy url from trml (mark and middle-mouse)04:27
Merlin__fopen: permission denied04:28
Merlin__this problem seems to be system wide04:28
venetinhoback again,i did a downgrade from grub 2 to grub 1,5 but in the boot list its only ubuntu choice,not the other 2 OS i have...is there any way to put the other 2 OS to the boot list?(i repeat,i have now grub 1,5)04:28
DasEiMerlin__: sudo it04:28
Merlin__i did04:28
Merlin__i know what i did tomess things up, i dont know if i can fix it04:28
gethohtboomcha: yeah i've been down that road before and it's really the easiest way to work around those issues04:28
DasEiMerlin__: rcp it ?04:28
oldIT78n0a1ias_: i have not found a game called nessus in the Ubuntu software center04:28
DasEi!info rcp | Merlin__04:29
ubottuMerlin__: Package rcp does not exist in lucid04:29
cpu_austinscp :)04:29
=== zz_severity1 is now known as severity1
IdleOne!info scp04:29
ubottuPackage scp does not exist in lucid04:29
DasEi!info scp | Merlin__04:29
ubottuMerlin__: please see above04:29
cpu_austin!info sftp04:29
ubottuPackage sftp does not exist in lucid04:29
n0a1ias_sorry its nixuiz04:29
DasEi Merlin__ : man scp04:29
DasEiMerlin__: scp copies files remote over ssh04:30
oldIT78n0a1ias_: I was wondering if you were talking about that game.04:30
iceman_3233nessus is a Security scanner04:30
* scriptwarlock waves good morning04:30
n0a1ias_lol so have you played it?04:30
oldIT78iceman_3233: indeed it is.04:30
oldIT78n0a1ias_: yes but i didnt get very far, if i remember correctly.04:30
rollmanoldit78: i think its called Nexuiz right?04:30
DasEiiceman_3233: nexius is the game, right04:30
ejvhelp, i lost my sound icon on gnome-panel, how do I add it back?04:31
andy_h_Hi, all.  I need help.  I suddenly got weird mouse behavior in certain places, altering the effect of control keys.  Alt works fine in keyboard shortcuts, so it is not the key itself.  I can open an application window normally, but when I click inside a window it shows the hand mouse pointer and I can drag the window.  When I press the alt key, it usually behaves like a normal click.  Not fixed by rebooting. ???04:31
n0a1ias_icema_3233, yep, i use it too, oldIT78, yes its kinda confuzing04:31
xanguaejv: add indicator applet to the panel04:31
scriptwarlockejv: just restore your panel04:31
ejvthanks xangua , thanks scriptwarlock04:32
rollmani'm try it, it looks ok04:32
scriptwarlockejv: or add thru dragging from preference sound and put it at the top panel04:32
stOrmBlasthello ppl, hows it going?04:32
oldIT78I wish there was a good RPG for ubuntu NON-mmo rpg that is. sighs.04:33
oldIT78Has anyone here successfully used Wine to install MS office 2007.04:34
gethohti can't wait until the official steam client for linux04:34
gethohtold: no sir can't say that I have04:34
scriptwarlockoldIT78: yes04:34
jcmxwlDid anyone know how to play swf embbed in excel in ubuntu?04:34
DasEiMerlin__: right, so no own partition, what does a : cd /home && ls     show ?04:34
oldIT78gethoht: i was just playing fallout 3 on my buddies tricked out PC ... i really want to keep playing but am too poor to buy a decent vid card for my comp.04:35
oldIT78scriptwarlock: may i pm you?04:35
scriptwarlockoldIT78: go ahead04:35
Merlin__DasEi : username04:35
gethohtok... uninstalling docky and installing gnome-do, let's see what happens here04:35
stOrmBlasthey scriptwarlock can u help me pls?04:35
scriptwarlockstormBlaster: what is it04:36
stercorI need a Pan newsreader user.  I've marked the articles but don't know how to download them.04:36
stOrmBlastmen im new in ubuntu :$04:37
stOrmBlastand i from colombia :D04:37
andy_h_Any ideas?  I need help.  I suddenly got weird mouse behavior in certain places, altering the effect of control keys.  Alt works fine in keyboard shortcuts, so it is not the key itself.  I can open an application window normally, but when I click inside a window it shows the hand mouse pointer and I can drag the window.  When I press the alt key, it usually behaves like a normal click.  Not fixed by rebooting. ???04:37
stercorstOrmBlast: the work-free drug place?04:38
annach(#G7::E=10M1) hello what's up everyone04:38
annach(#G1<:E@10M1) I am bored04:38
DasEiMerlin__: reading up ecryptfs, I'm overasked by ssh, can you boot a live cd on it ?04:38
Flannelannach: Please turn off your color (it's broken) and head to #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting, this isn't a social channel, thanks.04:38
jiohdiandy_h_: could be a stuck key04:38
DasEi!ot | annach04:38
ubottuannach: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:38
Finityalrighty, I installed WICD04:38
Merlin__DasEi : no cdrom anymore, i replaced it with a HDD . thats when the problems began04:38
DasEiMerlin__: usb boot possible ?04:39
Finitybut if I do sudo ifconfig wlan0 up, I get "SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory"04:39
Merlin__DasEi : what would i do if i could?04:39
scriptwarlockst0rmBlaster: what is it?04:40
DasEiMerlin__: found http://tinyurl.com/39axnyk04:40
andy_h_jiohdi:  I don't see how:  pure key use without mouse click is fine.04:40
fridgeratorI recently installed ubuntu server 10.04 on an old computer and set up an SSH server.  I was able to ssh from my laptop with no problems, but now after rebooting the server machine when i try to ssh over i get "connection refused".  i did not change settings other than editing the fstab.  any ideas?04:40
FinityI have a BCM4401-B0 Wifi card (as determined by sudo lshw -C network04:40
scriptwarlockst0rmBlast: what is it04:40
DasEiMerlin__: down that page it's desribed04:40
stOrmBlasti need to find a colombia chatroom :$04:40
stOrmBlastcan u help me ?04:40
scriptwarlockst0rmBlast: for ubuntu?04:40
jiohdiandy_h_: dont know but funky behaviors can sometimes end when you press all the keys and giggle them a bit04:41
Finityoh nevermind, that's my ethernet port -.-04:41
jiohdiandy_h_: sometimes shaking them a bit too, food stuffs between the keys :)04:42
Merlin__DasEi : this machine has ~300 MB ram, would a live cd boot on this?04:44
andy_h_johdi:  the key works fine in all cases except with the mouse.  The mouse works fine outside applications windows, like when first accessing a panel.  I'm not sure if modified keys have any effect at that point.04:44
frodoI need to run a command on Startup that requires sudo root privileges to execute.  I placed the command in the "Startup Applications" but because it needs sudo it does not appear to be executing.  How do you execute a command at Startup that requires sudo?  Thanks.04:44
DasEiMerlin__: that's truly hard, well there is swap.. maybe that also works on ssh, but I just read up now, so can't tell04:45
scriptwarlockfrodo: bash -c ?04:45
Flannel!bum | frodo04:45
andy_h_jiohdi:  sorry i misspelt.  the key works fine in all cases except with the mouse.  The mouse works fine outside applications windows, like when first accessing a panel.  I'm not sure if modified keys have any effect at that point.04:45
ubottufrodo: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto04:45
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scriptwarlockwew sorry bad idea04:45
DasEiMerlin__: you said it occured when adding a new drive, already tried just to unplug it again ?04:46
gethohtok... loading docky from gnome-do ... i'm trying to understand what gnome-do does, it looks like it has some neat features for productivity04:46
jiohdiandy_h_: I suppose it could be a key binding conflict, but I could not help you find it04:46
The_Flying_OSi'm installing ubuntu 10.04 on my hdd and  i got to 'prepare disc space' but it says 'this computer has no operating systems on it' yet I have windows xp on it.04:46
Merlin__DasEi : i didnt04:46
jiohdiThe_Flying_OS: thats no operating system ;)04:46
DasEiMerlin__: maybe easiest way to least acces it's data again04:46
Merlin__DasEi : just install a new drive, i tried to use it for the /var/ directory04:46
gethohtok moment of truth.... let's run some reboots and see if my configuration stays04:46
andy_h_jihohdi:  thanks for your thoughts.04:46
stOrmBlastwell i need any colombian room :$04:46
xanguastOrmBlast: if you are looking for ubuntu support in spanish you can go to #ubuntu-es04:47
IdleOne!es | stOrmBlast04:47
ubottustOrmBlast: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:47
Merlin__DasEi : i think it botched the whole system, and i just want to get as much data as i can off it before i reinstallubuntu04:47
The_Flying_OSjiohdi  seriously i dont want it to override windows xp04:47
ejvfrodo: what you want resides in /etc/init.d/rcS04:47
stOrmBlastubottu i got IRC in my ubuntu how i can join in a colombian room here:O?04:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:47
jiohdiThe_Flying_OS: the best way to avoid that is to create a partition with nothing on it... but if ubuntu is failing to recognize, it will not automatically include xp in grub, but that can be added later04:48
ejv!espanol | stOrmBlast04:48
ubottustOrmBlast: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:48
DasEiMerlin__: I can tell for luks, but I'm entirely new to ecryptfs, I don't know how it works.. sorry04:48
Merlin__DasEi : k04:48
The_Flying_OShow do i create a partition for windows xp alone?04:49
ejvfdisk, parted, gparted, take your pick The_Flying_OS04:49
jiohdiThe_Flying_OS: gparted from live cd can resize the hdd and you can make the new space completely unformated and empty04:50
stOrmBlastubottu if i type this i need to leave this room ?04:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:50
The_Flying_OScan i do this in the 'prepare disc space' step of the installation process?04:50
scriptwarlockst0rmBlast: it will only open a new room for you04:50
jiohdiThe_Flying_OS: ubuntu will detect the empty space and ask if you want to use it04:50
stOrmBlastwow ty:D04:52
The_Flying_OSjiohdi where will ubuntu do that? i'm at the 'prepare disc space' of the installation process. i really don't want to restart04:52
jiohdiThe_Flying_OS: it should ask you if you want to use the exact missing area, if not, then something is wrong and it is not reading your hdd correctly04:53
=== KenjiP0p|away is now known as KenjiP0p
icedteahow do you change the boot and login themes?04:53
scriptwarlockicedtea: pls read the grub2 site04:54
The_Flying_OSwhat is /dev/mmcblk0p1 ?04:54
The_Flying_OSunder this computer has no operating systems' there's a blue bar that's labeled dev/mmcblk0p104:54
mattgyverThe_Flying_OS, generally its an SD card04:56
jiohdimmc may be like those used for cameras04:56
jiohdinot the normal sd card04:57
watsonhello everyone04:57
scriptwarlockst0rmBlast: for login see the gdm204:57
scriptwarlockicedtea: for login see the gdm204:57
scriptwarlockst0rmBlast: sorry xsend04:58
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The_Flying_OSmaybe ubuntu was reading my sd card instead of my hdd04:59
The_Flying_OSthat's what i think happened04:59
gethohti'm glad ubuntu moved away from the brown themes04:59
The_Flying_OShm i wonder what that was like04:59
kiaasI still say it was always ORANGE.04:59
gethohtok it looks like docky as part of gnome-do is behaving a little better and keeping my settings05:00
n0a1ias_anybody have any expereince wit haircrack? im trying to get it to select a network to crack05:01
Merlin__DasEi : this machine wont boot off usb05:01
kiaasSo, I have 3 Ubuntu boxes that are used often. there was an updated a week or 2 ago... me and my uncle just restarted our boxes, and lost networking. my cousin restarted immediately after the update and lost networking then.05:01
scriptwarlockn0alias: not the place to ask05:01
kiaas2 10.04 LTS and 1 9.04 boxes05:01
zcf115hello everyone05:01
DasEiMerlin__: connect the sda to another comp ? same situation as a live then ..05:01
fr0stbyteim trying to find LAST_ACK's with tcpdump but dont know what im looking for in the dump :s http://pastebin.org/38975305:01
Merlin__DasEi : ill seewhat i can do05:02
scriptwarlockkiaas: is your inet connection static or dhcp05:03
humanfly-Flannel around ?05:03
kiaasscriptwarlock, it's DHCP. a single windows and 2 macs continue to function correctly on the same switch and Wireless router.05:04
kiaas2 boxes are wireless, 1 was wired.05:04
scriptwarlockkiaas: is the wifi enable on that lappy?05:05
humanfly-i need rest can i get a hand on how to clean up my desktop based on file extension ?05:05
kiaasscriptwarlock, no laptops.05:05
Jordan_Ukiaas: On the wired box what is the output of "sudo dhclient eth0"?05:05
gethohtkiass: can you be more specific about "lost networking" ... does the wireless connect but you can't get on the internet?05:06
scriptwarlockkiaas: desktop using wifi dongle?05:06
The_Flying_OSi'm at Prepare Disc Space  in the installation process of Ubuntu 10.04 and now it recognizes Windows XP BUT it's not giving me the option to install ubuntu side by side with winxp. the only option i get is 'erase all and use the entire disct'  and i can specify the partitions manually but the bar is completely orange05:06
kiaasscriptwarlock, PCI Wireless cards Jordan_U, the wired box is offline, had to use its power cord and ethernet cable for this mac.05:06
scriptwarlockkiaas: we'll be happy if you send more little infos on your boxes pastebin... its not easy to guess05:07
Jordan_Ukiaas: Wired problems are generally easier to debug than wireless ones.05:07
gethohtYay! docky works again, but only as part of gnome-do ... docky2 by itself doesn't seem to work on my 10.04 64-bit machine05:07
Blue1didn't stuckey's go out of business?05:08
Blue1err sorry05:09
kiaasI was just wondering if there was a more general problem, as 3 different boxes running 2 different versions of ubuntu, with 3 different networking chipsets all failed after the same updates. I'll try to get them running next to the mac tomorrow, so I can be on IRC and fiddle with them at the same time.05:09
ranjananybody here knows HylaFAX fax server setup??05:09
Blue1ranjan: nope sorry --05:10
gethohtkiass: open up a terminal and type in ifconfig on all the ubuntu boxes and paste it in pastebin05:10
ranjanBlue1, any idea about a t38modem ??05:10
Blue1ranjan: no sorry - I haven't used a fax machine in over a decade...05:11
ranjanBlue1, ok :)05:11
gethohtkiass: haev you tried anything simple, like turning the power off of the router for one minute and putting it back in?05:11
Blue1ranjan: but when you need them, they are invaluable05:11
gethohtkiass: or actually... unplug the power from the router/modem for 1 minute and plug it back in ... sorry on the grammar fail05:12
kiaasgethoht, yeah. Done everything but replaced the switch and DSL Modem/router. I did replace the Wireless AP.05:12
scriptwarlockkiaas: start pasting the machines info, pastebin... eth0's whatever...05:13
scriptwarlockkiaas: include the pci wireless card..05:14
kiaasscriptwarlock, as I have access to a total of 1 machine affected... and can only have 1 machine running at a time in my house, that's a problem.(I live in an RV.) I have to wait to use the office in the Main Building, which is locked at this time of night.05:15
=== administrator is now known as Guest8383
Guest8383Can someone help me with a battery power management issue revolving around FATAL: Module pmu_battery not found - I need the pmu_battery module05:16
gethohtkiass: can you ping dslmodem/router from the boxes?05:16
The_Flying_OSis it easier to install win xp first and then ubuntu or is it easier to install ubuntu first and then winxp?05:16
Jordan_UThe_Flying_OS: Windows first is easiest.05:17
gethohtThe_Flying_OS: windows first.... ubuntu's bootloader will see XP and automatically add it so you can dual-boot the machine05:17
Guest8383Not necessary, just resize your partitions if necessary then install ubuntu05:17
Guest8383Use Grub 2 for your mbr, solved05:18
robbmunsonThe_Flying_OS: dont be deterred, if you have done the opposite, its not going to destroy your computer, just a little more "getting the hands dirty" to be done in the long run later, thats all.05:18
MrWGWhey, does Windows run in Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud?05:18
The_Flying_OSi don't have my winxphome installation disc and ubuntu is having trouble detecting or working with winxp and i think it's because my winxp is infected and i screwed around with the registry files. i'm going to have to download the image for winxphome .05:18
The_Flying_OSdo you think ubuntu is having trouble setting up side by side with winxp because winxp doesnt want to boot because of an infection?05:19
kiaasgethoht, no, they fail to get an IP, and while they are trying, I haven't seen them even having the correcy hostmask or gateway.05:19
gethohtkiass: have you tried giving them a static ip and then trying to ping the router?05:20
_jesse_The_Flying_OS: that "shouldn't" effect it05:20
minthey DasEi  when i tried booting up windows it said the device 2834712 bla bla could not be found so i had to reinstall windows and now i have to get the grub boot loader back again :(05:20
The_Flying_OSwell the last time i tried to install ubuntu, it detected winxp but it didn't give me the option to install side by side.05:21
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Tniffochow do I "untar a tarball"05:21
gethohttar xvf file.tar05:21
robertzaccouris there any speed difference between kubuntu and mint 9 kde?05:21
Blue1The_Flying_OS: wel you can manually parition it...but I'd not recommend that for newbies.05:21
_jesse_The_Flying_OS: well you'd need two martitions05:21
gethohtor it's a tar.gz then the command is tar zxvf file.tar.gz05:22
mintrebert i havnt tried either but im guessing they are the same since they use the same window manager05:22
Blue1_jesse_: I sorta like windows - you have to give it all the cookies (disc space), then steal some back to install linux, and hey windows doesn't care05:22
gethohtrobertzaccount: i run but ubuntu, kubuntu and a mint 9 box(running gnome) and there is no speed difference from what I can tell05:23
gethohti'm not happy with kubuntu... it's always seemed to have more problems then ubuntu05:23
kiaasif I can't use DHCP with ubuntu, that might be a problem. my router only allows me to set 4 static IPs in it, and setting them on the machines themselves has had problems in the past. (namely my router likes to assign the IP to another machines as soon as the one using it goes offline.)05:23
robertzaccouroh ok thanks05:23
gethohtthough mint is awesome... definitely the distro i recommend for newbies, or people lazy enough to not want to install all their media codecs manually.... plus they do have some nice mint specific tools05:24
_jesse_Blue1: haha I suppose, you don't *need* to give it all of the disk though, it'll run on a parition05:24
Blue1kiaas: the sounds like dhcp to me05:24
_jesse_Blue1: * smaller partition05:24
scriptwarlockgethoht: agree :)05:24
Blue1_jesse_: I had to do that last night to re-install windows -- and after that, I did a clean install of 10.04 so ehh okay05:24
gethohtkiass: the "only 4 static ip" statement makes absolutely no sense05:25
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
gethohtthe router shouldnt' care at all how many static ip's you have on the lan side of the network unless you have some really funky subnet mask05:25
kiaasgethoht, I can't reserve IPs for specific mac addresses in my DSL modem/router, after 4. I have 16 machines.05:25
k0sho hai, is ubuntu-netbook more optimized to use less power than regual desktop ubuntu?05:25
Blue1kiaas: what type of router, what software?05:26
DanZ3hi, I am trying to redirect the output from time to append the results into a file. According to the man pages for for time, I can do somethine like "time -a -o mylog ./myprogram", but that returns an error "-a: command not found"05:26
gethohtwell you don't have to reserve them for static ip's, just put them out of your dhcp range05:26
scriptwarlockkiaas: i smell router issue05:26
bastid_raZork0sh: from my understanding it is just optimized for smaller screens05:26
gethohtyeah kiass: i'm feeling this is a networking issue...05:26
gethohtkiass: is your router a different piece of equipment then your wireless access point?05:27
Blue1DanZ3: well the man page doesn't show a -a option05:27
DanltheManlHas anyone tried ubuntu on the HTC HD2?05:27
Jordan_UDanZ3: That's because you're using the shell's built in time05:28
gethohtDan: no... does ubuntu even have support for arm architecture?05:28
DanltheManlgethoht: somebody recently ported it05:28
kiaasI have DSL Modem, SPeedstream 4200. The router software on it is a little buggy, but has only stopped me from being able to forward ports, in the past. It also refuses to stop prodividing certain functions to use any single interfaced device as a router.05:28
Jordan_UDanZ3: env time -a -o  mylog ./myprogram05:28
Finityguys, when I type rfkill list05:29
Finitymy wireless has a hardware block on on it05:29
kiaasgethoht, there's the DSL Modem, which is my router, an 8 port switch, and then the AP. there's 3 more switches on the network, but they are not connected to the machines having issues05:29
Finitythough, my BIOS has the wireless set to enabled05:29
gethohtkiass: make sure that dhcp is turned off on the access point, and check for switch loops05:30
DanZ3thanks that worked. Although can some one explain to me why that was happening?05:30
kiaasI'm connected on the iMac with the cable on the wired ubuntu box failed with.05:31
kiaasso If it's an issue with my hardware, it seems to only be affecting Ubuntu boxes. the iMac can also use the AP just fine.05:31
quellhorstwhats the console command to reconfigure the network?05:32
The_Flying_OShow do i make a partition for winxp and  partition for ubuntu?05:33
sebsebseb!dualboot | The_Flying_OS05:33
ubottuThe_Flying_OS: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:33
_jesse_!partition | The_Flying_OS05:33
ubottuThe_Flying_OS: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap05:33
The_Flying_OSwhat's !partition?05:34
lobitohello, where the ffmpeg.1 file is located??05:34
The_Flying_OSis that a terminal command?05:34
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap05:34
sebsebseb!manual | The_Flying_OS05:34
ubottuThe_Flying_OS: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:34
Blue1lobito: /usr/share/man/man1/ffmpeg.1.gz05:35
Blue1 ?05:35
sebsebsebThe_Flying_OS: The manual also has a basic install Ubuntu guide05:35
The_Flying_OSit's a command to the bot05:35
fr0stbytehas anybody used tcpkill? does this make sense to kill all connectings when they send FIN (not working, think its cause its an advanced filter with quotations)? tcpkill -9 'tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-fin) != 0'05:35
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lobitoplease help, what is the full path of the ffmpeg.1 file05:36
lobito(manual of ffmpeg)05:37
Blue1lobito: best I could do05:37
Blue1yannf: sup?05:37
joel750hello to all in this room05:37
yannfI have a Lenovo laptop, model B450, and the monitor brightness can't be adjusted05:38
scriptwarlockquellhorst: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces05:38
Blue1joel750: welcome what is your question?05:38
yannfkernel 2.6.32-23-generic05:38
minthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows im stuck on the Overwriting the Master Boot Record bit05:38
Alazairanyone have an idea why i have a refresh line on my bigscreen when playing movies05:38
Alazairbut no other time05:38
joel750do you guys know a sudo command for Ubuntu 9.10 for  webcam to work?05:38
Blue1mint - well you can write zeroes to the mbr and clear it if tht would help05:39
scriptwarlockjoel750: to work for? skype, empathy or what05:39
kullHello.  I've edited the plymouth boot screen and everything looks great when logging out, however, when logging back in I still see the original purple Ubuntu theme and not my own customizations.  _Only_ when I log out do I see my custom edits.  I edited the files in /lib/plymouth/themes/* and even deleted the old Ubuntu themes.  Why does it still show up?05:39
Blue1mint: I had to do that last night, because I was in a grub boot loop05:39
mintyeah blue1 can you walk me through it?05:40
joel750for creative laptop cam05:40
Blue1mint: private message okay?05:40
scriptwarlockjoel750: tried camorama or cheese?05:40
scriptwarlockjoel750: lsusb05:40
joel750ok ty and i'll try that05:40
=== KenjiP0p is now known as KenjiP0p|away
gethohtkiass: so we know dhcp is working, because the mac get's ip address via dhcp?05:41
kiaasgethoht, yes, and so does the single windows box.05:41
Jordan_Ugethoht: I think you mean kiaas.05:42
scriptwarlockgethoht: your lost hehehe05:42
scriptwarlockgethoht: so many cues?05:42
kullHello.  I've edited the plymouth boot screen and everything looks great when logging out, however, when logging back in I still see the original purple Ubuntu theme and not my own customizations.  _Only_ when I log out do I see my custom edits.  I edited the files in /lib/plymouth/themes/* and even deleted the old Ubuntu themes.  Why does it still show up?05:43
gethohthrmm apparently so.... i have had a couple beers05:44
scriptwarlockkull: have you tried gdm2?05:44
kullscriptwarlock: I am asking about plymouth, not GDM or GDM2.05:45
kullIrrelevant to my question, but thanks anyways.05:45
scriptwarlockkull: worry xsend pm chat05:45
scriptwarlockkull: sorry05:45
dextro_what should i install on my ubuntu netbook so i can rdp it05:45
hungnvonce I install one application that require input information, like ldaputils on Ubuntu, the installation process will popup a buffer to ask for input information. How can I discard it?05:45
gethohtscriptwarlock: care pointing out exactly where i'm lost... i was just going through some troubleshooting with kiass05:46
MaRk-Idextro_: system/preferences  doesnt have a "remote desktop" entry?05:46
scriptwarlockgethoht: k05:46
TniffocI'im deleting drupal05:47
TniffocThis is bullshit05:47
FloodBot4Tniffoc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:47
kiaasgethoht, well, you do consistently spell my name wrong. @.@ double a, not s.05:47
scriptwarlockkiaas: yo where are we now in network problem05:47
TniffocHow can I get rid of drupal entirely?05:47
gethohtoh... ha that's it05:47
Tniffocjust drop the database and delete the files?05:47
kiaasgethoht believes DHCP is working fine, because 2 boxes on the same switch, and 1 on the same cable, as the wired machine that quit working, works fine.05:48
dextro_MaRk-I: checking... nope nothing, its the 10.04 netbook version would that matter?05:48
=== gateway is now known as Guest3644
kiaasBut I can't really do anything with the machines themselves until tomorrow, still, but I can do some network diagnostics on OS X.05:48
Evil_When I installed ubuntu on my computer, did it erase the recovery partition of Windows 7?05:48
scriptwarlockkiaas: so we wait tommorow05:48
MaRk-Idextro_: no idea, just go to software center or synaptic, look for remote desktop ... think it's called vino-server05:48
mintcan somebody walk me through recovering grub the guide gets me confused05:49
Jordan_UEvil_: Not unless you told it to use the entire drive.05:49
Jordan_Umint: At what step are you?05:49
Evil_Is there a way I can check? I think I may have ._.05:49
scriptwarlockkiaas: can we have the lspci in that machine05:49
mneptokscriptwarlock: can your access point do routing, as well?05:50
mneptokkiaas: ^^^05:50
bastid_raZorEvil_: sudo fdisk -l will show you all the drives/partitions you have connected05:50
mintJordan_U:  recovering master boot or something05:50
mintOverwriting the Master Boot Record05:50
Evil_yep; I'm pretty sure it's deleted lol, all I have is Linux, Extended, and Linux Swap / Solaris05:51
Jordan_Umint: If you want an easier option you can boot from Super GRUB2 Disk, re-installing grub is much easier if you're atually booted into Ubuntu.05:51
minti am on a livecd05:51
mintJordan_U:  i am on a live cd05:52
=== slidinghorn is now known as SlidingHorn_out
Gerwinmint: What exactly seems to be the problem?05:52
annach(#G210EA10M1) use grub livecd05:53
annach(#G1<:E114M1) I used it for my w98 partition :)05:53
ljsoftnethow do i install this? kbasic_professional_linux.tar.gz05:53
gethohtthings i'd do.... make sure there is only 1 dhcp server running on the network, configure one of the ubuntu boxes with a static ip and try to at least ping the router, make sure all appropriate services are running, (try a /etc/init.d/networking restart), make sure there are no switch loops... that's about all i can think of without having more information from the boxes05:53
=== KenjiP0p|away is now known as KenjiP0p
gethohtcaps makes it bigger05:54
Jordan_U!caps | Mul_Tsafe05:54
ubottuMul_Tsafe: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:54
Out_Coldljsoftnet, by the sounds of it, you need to untar it and most likely compile with build-essentials05:54
dextro_installed/configured vino and windows rdp client cant connect to it is there something specific im suposed to be using05:55
* Mul_Tsafe slaps Jordan_U around a bit with a rocket launcher05:55
mintGerwin:  i instlaled windows and now i am trying to recover grb05:56
Out_Colddextro_, i think i read something about xrdp i think it's called05:56
Gerwinmint: I got that, but where exactly are you stuck?05:56
Jordan_Umint: Do you have more than one hard drive?05:56
realubotWill the H55 chipset work as expected using Ubuntu 10.04?05:56
soreauMul_Tsafe: careful, you'll damage your launcher05:56
PutragisAnyone can guide me? im already here at LiveCD but i cant seem to get any Upgrade?05:57
scriptwarlockdextro_: care to buttin?05:57
soreauPutragis: What are you trying to do exactly?05:57
Blue1Putragis: you'd need to install linux from the livecd in order to get any updates05:57
Roasted_just curious, if ffmpeg in any way shape or form illegal? or is it just the fact ffmpeg relies on restricted-extras whcih in some countries might not be compliant?05:57
PutragisBluel: like i need to download it?05:58
Putragissoreau: i dont want to use LiveCD anymore i want to use normal Ubuntu.05:58
GerwinPutragis: If you're on a LiveCD you have already downloaded it.05:58
soreauPutragis: So install it to the hard drive05:59
Blue1Putragis: next step would be to install the cd.....05:59
Jordan_UPutragis: Click the install icon on the desktop to install Ubuntu to your hard drive.05:59
Putragisi dont see any install button? or any syntax?05:59
soreauPutragis: With a live cd session, ubuntu is only running in memory, which means any changes you make (including updates) will be discarded when you reboot. If you install it to the hard drive, everything will be saved and written to disk05:59
gethohthrmm.... rcconf is nice... i just discovered that program ... i'm used to chkconfig in RedHat05:59
soreauPutragis: There should be an 'install' button on the desktop05:59
Putragistheres no install icon at my desktop05:59
Putragisall here is CDROM05:59
soreauthat's strange06:00
scriptwarlockPutragis: that means it is already installed06:00
ibnarrashidRoasted_, you are right in your assumtion, there are some legal/copyright restrictions associated with the package06:00
scriptwarlockPutragis: you cant update? is there any errors during update?06:00
Putragisscriptwarlock: installed? everytime i get the cd. it wont boot06:00
ibnarrashidRoasted_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats for more info.06:00
soreauPutragis: Are you sure you aren't already running ubuntu from the hard disc? If you have the internet, look in sys>admin>software sources to set the sources where updates will come from06:01
annach(#G210E210M1) is there Microsoft Comic Chat for Ubuntu OS? I love this IRC client.06:01
GerwinPutragis: Are you booting with the CD in the drive?06:01
kullHello.  I've edited the Ubuntu plymouth boot screen and everything looks great when logging out, however, when logging back in I still see the original purple Ubuntu theme and not my own customizations.  _Only_ when I log out do I see my custom edits.  I edited the files in /lib/plymouth/themes/* and even deleted the old Ubuntu themes.  Why does it still show up?06:01
MaRk-Idextro_: you should use "vnc" on windows06:01
Putragisalright easy guys.. im dealing you guys one by one06:01
MaRk-Ior vinc-viewer06:02
Putragisscriptwarlock: i cant update cause theres something URL error06:02
mintJordan_U:  i only have one hard drive Gerwin  i dont know how to recover grub06:02
minti dont understand what the guide is telling me to do06:02
Putragissoreau: i dont see any software sorces06:02
scriptwarlockPutragis: post the url error just one line06:03
PutragisGerwin: yes im botting it06:03
Putragisok wait06:03
DanltheManllol botting06:03
GerwinPutragis: Errr, botting?06:03
Jordan_Umint: Looking back at your earlier messages it seems like you have already sucessfully re-installed grub. Have you tried rebooting?06:03
kulltry "update-grub2"06:04
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PutragisGerwin: i have no error booting...06:04
kullsudo update-grub206:04
Putragisscriptwarlock: it says " Your distribution is no longer supported"06:04
GerwinPutragis: Take the CD out and let the computer boot of your harddisk06:04
scriptwarlockPutragis: there you go06:05
Blue1kull: doh I told him update-grub -- what a dimwit I am.06:05
gethohtdextro: you could also use a program called "NX" or nomachine, it's the best cross platform remote desktop application that I've found http://www.nomachine.com/06:05
Putragisscriptwarlock: like where?06:05
Putragisscriptwarlock: ill boot without the LiveCD?\06:05
scriptwarlockPutragis: if install yes06:05
gethohtdextro: nx is fast, easy and uses ssh encryption by default so it's super secure06:05
kullmint: recover grub?  Grab a LiveCD, mount the drive that Master Boot Record/Grub is installed, open a terminal and type "sudo update-grub2"06:05
Putragiswell brb ima get my LiveCD outa my rom06:06
Jordan_Ukull: update-grub doesn't install grub to the mbr, it only updates /boot/grub/grub.cfg06:06
Putragisscriptwarlock: but the good thing is that the system wont let me eject my CD06:06
Blue1Jordan_U: how to you install grub to the mbr?06:06
kullJordan_U: then he needs to reinstall it via the LiveCD like I said.06:07
Putragisscriptwarlock: this means that its not installed yet06:07
GerwinPutragis: Turn off, take CD out, turn on.06:07
PutragisOk.. brb06:07
kullBlue1: see what I said to mint06:07
kullBlue1:  Grab a LiveCD, mount the drive that Master  Boot Record/Grub is installed, open a terminal and type "sudo  update-grub2"06:07
scriptwarlockPutragis: power off your machine look for the little hole beside the dvd stick a paper clip06:07
lakeofteai've running xeyes using x11 fowarding.  is there anyway to leave xeyes running when i turn the computer that i'm x forwarding to off?06:07
Roasted_ibnarrashid, is that the ONLY restriction with ffmpeg, is the codecs it uses, etc?06:07
Jordan_Ukull: No, that does *not* install grub to the mbr.06:07
kullBlue1: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html06:08
kullJordan_U: I thought grub was already on the mbr and he was just recovering?  Jesus, some people need to use full sentences to avoid confusion.06:08
kullHello.  I've edited the Ubuntu plymouth boot screen and everything looks great when logging out, however, when logging back in I still see the original purple Ubuntu theme and not my own customizations.  _Only_ when I log out do I see my custom edits.  I edited the files in /lib/plymouth/themes/* and even deleted the old Ubuntu themes.  Why does it still show up?06:09
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Blue1Jordan_U: went back 10 min in the log I guess I mssed it...06:09
kullAny ideas?06:09
scriptwarlockkull: if not sure just please use the links to point them to the right direction06:09
Jordan_Ukull: Youre advice wouldn't have worked in any context...06:09
kullJordan_U: cry about it.06:09
mintJordan_U:  yeah i did but then i had a different problem and i had to reinstall windows and now i lost grub again06:10
mintmint / # sudo update-grub206:10
mintgrub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /.06:10
kullNone of you know Google-fu? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows06:11
Blue1mint: yeah all stuph we basiclaly tried before06:11
tripelbhas anyone seen and tried this program?  http://www.stereopsis.com/flux/   It changes the color temperature of your screen (home or mobile) to reflect the time of day.06:11
kullmint: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows06:11
tripelblol google-fu kull06:11
kulltripelb: I'm not outside when using a computer.  So, non.06:11
tripelbkull adjusts for inside lights. And did you see it and choose not to do it? non. lol.  je crois.06:12
tripelbI'm going to try it if no negative comments kull et al06:12
scriptwarlockkull: theres a simplier way to edit your gdm themes i suggest use gdm2 and see if it works for you during boots06:13
kullIve never tried it.06:13
Jordan_Umint: Run these commands: http://pastebin.com/861C3aWu06:13
kullscriptwarlock: it's not GDM. It's plymouth.06:13
gethohttripelib: i've heard about it... it's supposed to be a tool that you can use to help regulate sleep patterns as well due to the frequencies it filters out06:13
kullscriptwarlock: Plymouth and GDM are not teh same thing.06:14
kullThanks anwyays.06:14
scriptwarlockkull: wew im too lazy for backreading sorry...06:14
imgx64I'm following a guide to set up samba and SWAT, I'm supposed to get this: (http://imagebin.org/104948) but instead I'm getting less buttons (http://imagebin.org/104945). What am I doing wrong?06:14
tripelbkull I extracted and clicked on it. it says it is an executable. but nothing happens.06:15
kullscriptwarlock: you wouldnt need to back read, you just need to read my question.  I explicityly state that I edited "plymouth".  Nowhere did I mention "GDM".06:15
tripelbannach dont shout06:15
kulltripelb: right click it, see if it has permissions to execute06:15
adantehi, what is the command to update the drives in a system?06:15
kulladante: drives or drivers?06:15
adantekull: drives06:15
kullsudo apt-get upgrade usually updates all software.  I dont know what you mean about updating drives.06:16
adantekull: my /dev/sdXY is out of date, i need to update it06:16
kullYou need to be more elaborate with yoru question.  Provide more information and if possible the end-goal.06:16
tripelbtype executable (application/x executable) kull, is that what I am looking for (this in properties)06:16
DasEiadante: sudo fdisk -l shows your drives06:16
adantei know that normally it stays in sync, but sometimes it doesn't. there is a command to refresh the /dev/sdXY devices, i can't remember what it is06:16
TweKi am trying to make it so i can grab and move my program windows from desktop to desktop i can do it using crt alt shift06:16
TweKwhere can i change it in config editor06:17
kulladante: tyrp /path/to/drive/ restart06:17
tripelbkull yes, "allow executing as program" is checked06:17
MaRk-Ikull: did you update initramfs ?06:17
DasEiadante: hdparm -z lets you re-read partiton table06:17
kullMaRk-I: It's a vanilla install of Lucid with all updates.06:18
Jordan_Ukull: Please stop giving advice about things you are not familiar with.06:18
kullJordan_U: what the hell are you talking about?  GTFO please06:19
MaRk-Ikull: I mean to make the plymouth them change take effect06:19
kullMaRk-I: No, I was not aware I had to.  The change works for logging out, so how would an update to initrd fit into the equation?06:19
adantekull: so /dev/sdd1 restart ? ahhuh06:20
imgx64TweK: try compizconfig settings manager (install with 'sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager', then run from System -> Preferences -> compizconfig settings manager).06:20
kullmany services can be restarted that way.  It was a suggestion, mnot a cure for AIDS and Cancer.06:20
MaRk-Ikull: according to this site http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/13  after editing the plymouth theme you have to run "sudo update-initramfs -u"  for the change to take effect06:21
IdleOnekull: Please watch the attitude. Remember we are here to help each other. Thank you06:21
macokull: drives are not services06:21
kullIdleOne: please ask the others to stop breathing down my neck as if they are some sort of higher power>  Elitism is for asshats.06:21
macokull: services are in /etc/init.d/06:21
macokull: have some idea what you're talking about when you give out commands before you break somebody's system06:22
IdleOnekull:  please join #ubuntu-ops06:22
scriptwarlockkull: yeah why not use update-initramfs -u for your plymouth06:22
Putragisim stucked at "GRUB...."06:22
scotty00sudo rm06:23
MaRk-Iscriptwarlock: he cant type right now06:23
Putragisscripwarlock: whats next move?06:23
scriptwarlockPutragis: what grub? menu?06:23
Putragisboot... after i reboot06:23
Jordan_UPutragis: What version of Ubuntu are you using?06:24
scotty00in compiz has desktop sphere been removed in lucid06:24
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scotty00i can get a cube but i used to use a sphere06:24
PutragisJordan_U: im using LiveCD 5. something06:24
imgx64I'm following a guide to set up samba and SWAT, I'm supposed to get this: (http://imagebin.org/104948) but instead I'm getting less buttons (http://imagebin.org/104945). What am I doing wrong?06:24
scotty00anyone using aircrak-ng06:25
soreauscotty00: you need to install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra06:25
scriptwarlockscotty00: i think thers a channel for that aircrack-ng06:25
Jordan_UPutragis: 5.04 and 5.10 are both *very* old releases, and have not been supported for some time. Please download or order a recent version of Ubuntu.06:25
soreau! anyone | scotty0006:25
ubottuscotty00: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:25
PutragisJordan_U: dang..06:26
soreauPutragis: Oh wow, that is really ancient06:26
Niglopok well i installed windows and then recovered grub so i can boot into my old ubuntu also and now when i go to windows it says: there is no such device d4d8283ed82820ea06:26
scriptwarlockPutragis: tagal na yan ah06:26
Putragiswow im from ice age06:26
soreauPutragis: You will want to get at least 9.10 or 10.0406:26
scriptwarlockscotty00: #aircrack-ng06:26
Putragisok but wait.. im looking at my Gparted right now06:26
soreauPutragis: FYI, the versions of ubuntu go yy.mm. So 5.04 was released in april 5 years ago06:27
Jordan_Usoreau: That's why there was no install icon :)06:27
soreauJordan_U: All makes sense now ;)06:27
TweKimgx64 what setting after that06:27
alkisgPutragis: the live cd doesn't show a grub message as it doesn't use grub at all... maybe you should check again what you're using06:27
PutragisOk going to DL now...06:27
scriptwarlockPutragis: nice... dl the 10.0406:27
Niglopok well i installed windows and then recovered grub so i can boot into my old ubuntu also and now when i go to windows it says: there is no such device d4d8283ed82820ea06:27
Putragisalkisg: well thats what it says man06:28
alkisgPutragis: where exactly? After you boot with the live cd?06:28
Jordan_UNiglop: Have you tried running "sudo update-grub"?06:28
Putragisalkisg: after i remove my LiveCD06:28
imgx64TweK: Desktop -> Desktop Wall -> Edge Flipping -> Edge Flip Move06:28
alkisgPutragis: ah, after the installation? Ok yeah then download something more recent, e.g. 10.04.06:29
Putragisscripwarlock: tol, im going to repartition my HD so msdos is ok? or what?06:29
scotty00soreau how do u supose i install the extra plugins cause it does not sudo apt-get compiz-fusion-plugins-extra06:29
soreauscotty00: apt-get install pkg06:29
=== Putragis is now known as Escemo2010
Escemo2010lol.. this fits well06:29
scriptwarlockPutragis: go ahead but use the latest ubuntu06:29
=== Escemo2010 is now known as Putragis
NiglopJordan_U:  i think that was the problem :p ill try reboot now06:30
bribroderhey guys, what channel should I be asking in for web design?06:30
TweKimgx64: thank you06:30
Gerwinbribroder: Certainly not #ubuntu...06:30
scotty00soreau i had a miss spelt word sorry and cheers06:30
Putragiscan i directly install it after i DL the version 10?06:30
bribroderGerwin, you guys are just the ones I know and love :p06:30
IdleOnebribroder: #html maybe06:30
bribroderIdleOne, thanks :)06:31
Jordan_UPutragis: Do you know how to burn an iso file to a CD?06:31
scriptwarlockPutragis: do you have some space for ubuntu? is this dual booting or06:31
DasEibribroder: #html ? #php ? ?06:31
PutragisJordan_U: im planning to boot it in USB06:31
Putragisscripwarlock: yes i have space its 80g, im repartitioning it rightnow06:31
soreauscotty00: Make sure to restart compiz and ccsm after installing new plugins06:32
Jordan_UPutragis: What OS will you be setting up the USB in ?06:32
DasEiMerlin__: any succces with your crypt ?06:32
scriptwarlockPutragis: good make half for ubuntu and your good to go after burning the dl iso06:32
Merlin__DasEi : not yet06:32
scotty00soreau i would have but i have already started some extra plugins and they work so thankyou06:32
scotty00will reboot shortly06:32
DasEiMerlin__: did you plug the hd to your running sys ?06:33
Merlin__DasEi : Define "running"06:33
DasEiMerlin__: the box you are talking from now06:33
PutragisJordan_U: no other OS..06:34
Merlin__DasEi : its in another pc, ubuntu 10.04 live.06:34
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mattgyverInstalled new ATI graphics card and proprietary drivers, ran aticonfig --initial, X wont start.  Anyone familiar with configuring ATI cards?06:35
kalumbaI have a big problem: Ubuntu (Lucid) keeps saying that I am out of power even though the battery is fully charged and the battery's hardware indicator is green (fully recharged). I am also connected to socket and the gnome-power-manager still says that the battery is discharging. What is going on?06:35
DasEiMerlin__: my idea was to connect the drive to it, so can use it as a live cd (which you said is a problem) on it06:35
scriptwarlockPutragis: burn the iso the lowest speed or use the usb stick instead of live cd06:35
scriptwarlockPutragis: much faster06:35
kjelemattgyver: Do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?06:35
Putragisscripwarlock: yes im planning on USB...06:35
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia06:36
Merlin__DasEi : i did, its running a live 10.04 distro. i installed openssh-server so i can sftp my config files out.06:36
lintcan someone help me? im trying to apply a patch for a bug in compiz but i dont know how to compike the script06:36
mattgyverkjele, yes.  I have temporarily removed it as the card works (without 3d accel) and then the X loads.06:36
mattgyverkjele, however, with the configured X, it does not06:37
mattgyverxorg.conf i mean06:37
DasEiMerlin__: if you just connect that drive (sda from server) , no more need for live, can directly mount it and use the guide concerning how to mount ecryptfs06:37
kjelemattgyver: How did you install the driver then?06:37
Jordan_U_Putragis: What OS will you be setting up the USB in? (sorry if you've already answered, I was disconnected.06:37
scotty00mattgyver have u had a previous ati vid card installed under the same os06:37
scriptwarlockJordan_U: he is using to boot thru usb instead of live cd it much faster06:38
Merlin__DasEi : what root am i using? sda from my server?06:38
mattgyverkjele, attempted both through system > Admin > hardware drivers and also from ati's site. both failed.06:38
mattgyverscotty00, no, this is the first ATI my onboard is an nvidia which is currently turned off in the bios06:38
DasEiMerlin__: as explained in the tut, you chroot into the servers root06:38
kjelemattgyver: What card do you have?06:38
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mattgyverkjele, ATI Radeon HD545006:39
Merlin__DasEi : but thats giving me the same errors i had when it was booting normally06:39
DasEi!chroot | Merlin__06:39
ubottuMerlin__: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot06:39
scriptwarlockJordan_U: he is using to boot thru usb instead of live cd runs much faster06:39
DasEiMerlin__: you will have to open the crypted system06:40
kjelemattgyver: Sounds very new06:40
Merlin__DasEi : i know, and its giving me encrypted file names06:40
PutragisJordan_U: no other OS..06:40
PutragisJordan_U: just ubuntu\06:40
mattgyverkjele, I just got it today, actually says it supports linux and they had the model specific driver available online but like i said that did the same thing06:40
Jordan_UPutragis: It's going to be difficult to create a bootable USB from within the ancient LiveCD you have.06:41
scotty00mattgyver try     sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg06:41
scotty00mattgyver boot into repair/safe mode or ctrl/alt/f1 to term06:41
kjelemattgyver: ok remove the xorg file and run "aticonfig --initial" again then pastbin the xorg file06:41
scriptwarlockPutragis: unetbootin to do the job for your usb stick06:42
PutragisJordan_U: No im DL version 10 right now Jordan_u06:42
mattgyverkjele, http://pastebin.com/vyD5rw3c06:42
mattgyverscotty00, I will give that a go in just a few06:42
lintcan someone tell me how to compile a patch?06:42
Jordan_UPutragis: What OS are you downloading it with?06:42
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:42
GerwinDamn you server06:43
PutragisJordan_U: i have no other os.. just ubuntu06:43
kjelemattgyver: Then "sudo modprobe fglrx"06:43
tripelbhas anyone seen and tried this program?  http://www.stereopsis.com/flux/   It changes the color temperature of your screen (home or mobile) to reflect the time of day. --BUT I cant get it to install.06:43
DasEiMerlin__: you mounted your (external) root-partition ..06:43
the_flying_os1is there any reason that ubuntu 10.04 would be frying my monitors?06:43
mattgyverkjele, did that but dont notice anything06:44
scotty00mattgyver you can manually remove your xorg.cof file thru terminal using sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:44
mattgyverscotty00, thats what ive been doing, actually just temporarily renaming it06:44
DasEiMerlin__: like sudo mount /dev/sdbX /mnt .., then used the mount --bind ones for sys and proc, right ?06:44
Merlin__DasEi : from ubuntu live cd yes06:44
kjelemattgyver: "lsmod | grep fglrx" to see if it is loaded06:44
imgx64I'm following a guide to set up samba and SWAT, I'm supposed to get this: (http://imagebin.org/104948) but instead I'm getting less buttons (http://imagebin.org/104945). What am I doing wrong?06:45
scotty00mattgyver do that then the reconfigure command06:45
mattgyverscotty00, okay06:45
Jordan_UPutragis: Then it's going to be difficult to make a Bootable USB drive from the iso you're downloading.06:45
tripelbOIC it's supposed to open with wine (kull)06:45
kalumbaI have a big problem: Ubuntu (Lucid) keeps saying that I am out of power even though the battery is fully charged and the battery's hardware indicator is green (fully recharged). I am also connected to socket and the gnome-power-manager still says that the battery is discharging. What is going on?06:45
DasEiMerlin__: or there, same for /dev , then chrooted in ..06:45
mattgyverkjele, two entries 1.  fglrx                2093229  0    2.06:45
mattgyverkjele, agpgart                31788  1 fglrx06:45
DasEiMerlin__: became root , then did : ecryptfs-add-passphrase --fnek06:46
hungnvhow to skip input question using apt-get? everyone?06:46
Merlin__DasEi : yes06:46
kjelemattgyver: The other part could be integrated card. Try to start X now06:46
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scotty00the fglrx driver is no longer needed for 3d support in ubuntu for the ati graphics card06:46
the_flying_os1i dont know why but my monitors were flickering an then they turned off and they told me there wasn't a signal even though everything was connected properly. i disconnected, restarted, reconnected but my monitors still wouldnt pick p the signal06:46
DasEiMerlin__:does it ask for a passphrase ?06:47
Merlin__DasEi : yes06:47
DasEiMerlin__: ecryptfs-mount-private06:47
mattgyverkjele, I am actually in x now on the machine so should i reboot, and then perform the steps again?06:48
kjelemattgyver: "service gdm restart" should do it06:48
DasEiMerlin__: mount should tell you where it is then06:48
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kjelemattgyver: relog then06:48
scotty00mattgyver what does your system say when you  go to system/administratin/hardware drivers06:49
undecimWhat command can I use to loop a sound file a specified number of times with 0 delay? I've tried mplayer -loop, but that has a 1 second delay.06:49
scotty00but u cant even get into x can u06:49
kjelemattgyver: Everything ok now?06:50
DasEiscotty00: matttg.. was off at your lat posts06:50
mattgyverkjele, no but like a dummy my xorg.conf is not in place so i need to totally restart i think06:50
KeggAnyone know of an OSX equivalent of gparted?06:50
scotty00dasei yeah i saw that cheers06:50
kjelemattgyver: Just check if driver is loaded with lsmod06:50
mattgyverkjele, yes it is06:51
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kjelemattgyver: Then it is using it if you relogged.06:51
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DasEiMerlin__: accesible now ?06:52
Merlin__DasEi : no06:52
kjelemattgyver: you can try "lspci -vv" and look under VGA which module it is using06:52
TarkersI'm looking for advice troubleshooting choppy graphics in 10.04, I have the ATI proprietary driver installed and have it functioning decently, but I have to play 3D games on fairly low settings, and if I watch high quality videos, it becomes very choppy.  My graphics card is a RadeonHD 5770 so it should have no problem handling this kind of stuff.06:53
kjelemattgyver,scotty00: But I have to go to work now hope scotty00 will take over :)06:53
the_flying_os1on the netbook edition of ubuntu 10.04, can you set up a WiFi connection for a desktop user ?06:53
DasEiMerlin__: ecryptfs-mount-private << what does it respond ?06:53
mattgyverkjele, thanks for your help06:53
Merlin__DasEi : old on i had to reboot the pc06:53
Merlin__DasEi : locked up :/06:54
scotty00yeah im here kjele06:54
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scotty00talk in private mattgyver06:54
LxndrI just downloaded a program called 'Bluefish' to use as a text editor. I'm trying to make it word wrap. Unfortunately, it fails to do this, even after I check the 'word wrap' option under preferences. Is there some other sweet voodoo I need to do?06:54
DasEiMerlin__: pc froze or file locked up ?06:54
Merlin__i couldrun a sudo reboot06:55
DasEiMerlin__: you're still in the chroot ?06:55
Merlin__DasEi : no i rebooted, ill retry it06:55
DasEiMerlin__: or try to install ecryptfs-utils, then try via nautilus (no chroot then)06:56
dayaCan anyone suggest why the C like loop construct for ((x = 0 ; x <= 100 ; x++)); is not working in 10.0406:56
deividalguien de mexico?06:57
MaRk-I!es | deivid06:57
ubottudeivid: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:57
Jordan_Udaya: "for ((x = 0 ; x <= 100 ; x++)); do echo $x; done" works fine here (in bash)06:58
Merlin__DasEi : how do i do it with nautilus? i cannot enter the directory06:58
moonosany performance tuning tips for moon os?06:59
DasEiMerlin__: you booted live cd, installed the utils, then just look under places, navigate there07:00
=== brebrebrebre is now known as |_ocke
Merlin__DasEi : utils comes installed on the cd , and when i change into /mnt/home/username/ in nautilus i get "the folder contents could not be displayed"07:01
jagadishscriptwarlock, hey man how are you07:01
undecimWhat command can I use to loop a sound file a specified number of times with 0 delay? I've tried mplayer -loop, but that has a 1 second delay.07:01
dayaJordan_U, ye, its working, its my bad I just try to execute the file by simply using sh ,07:01
scriptwarlockjagadish: fine07:01
Catwomandoes anyone know of a good dock that will integrate well with xfce?07:02
jagadishscriptwarlock, can i update my onboard intel graphics to the latest version..??07:02
jagadishscriptwarlock, if yes .. How..?07:02
scriptwarlockjagadish: why is the current not enough?07:03
TarkersI'm getting pretty bad lag while watching 1080p videos on Youtube, I'm using a RadeonHD 5770 with the latest proprietary driver, anyone know what could be causing the lag?07:03
the_flying_os1how much longer until Steam goes linux07:03
jagadishscriptwarlock, i cant enable effects..07:03
jagadishscriptwarlock, my onboard card is intel 82845G07:03
DasEiMerlin__: at your former try in the chroot, did you get a "Inserted auth tok with sig .... ?07:04
scriptwarlockjagadish: intel is supported but cant enable fx?07:04
Merlin__DasEi : i think so07:04
jagadishscriptwarlock, yeh i cant enable fx..!!07:04
scriptwarlockjagadish: lay your graphics intel chipset here07:04
jagadishscriptwarlock, rest of it seems fine07:05
jagadishscriptwarlock, i ran lspci command which game me the following07:05
mltngclkim having trouble installing flash 10 in ubuntu 8.04. ive tried the tar file, the deb...no luck, it will say it installs and will even list itself as installed such as synaptic, but no flash, and in firefox it doesnt list it in about:plugins....im considering going back to 9, but I can't find a link for that package07:05
jagadishscriptwarlock, VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device07:05
Merlin__DasEi : who should own the files in /home/username?07:06
Catwomanmltngclk: try adobe site or gnash07:06
DasEiMerlin__: so you succesfully opened it, so afterwartds can also mount it ... sudo mount -t ecryptfs /home/Name  /any/mountpoint (from within chroot)07:06
DasEiMerlin__: the username, but you became root before, so no matter then07:06
mltngclkMerlin__, gonna try to install 9 from the adobe site. is gnash laggy or anything? I've used it on an OLPC before but not on a machine that actually plays video well (like this one) so i've no real exp with it07:07
jagadishscriptwarlock, hey ... did u get the chipset . .??07:08
Merlin__mltngclk : i think your asking the wrong person, i dont know a thing about gnash07:08
Catwomanmltngclk: gnash mixed experiences...adobe 9 may be the answer07:08
mltngclkMerlin__, ah okay, that's cool, hopefully it won't come to that07:09
mltngclkCatwoman, hopefully so07:09
scriptwarlockjagadish: yes07:09
jagadishscriptwarlock, VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device07:09
scriptwarlockjagadish: glxinfo | grep render07:10
Merlin__DasEi : ok after i chroot into the old root, what next07:11
jagadishscriptwarlock, grep render is doing something.. .07:11
scriptwarlockjagadish: what07:11
aneesh2Hi all07:12
jagadishscriptwarlock, i dont know i typed in grep render its been doing something (what's it supposed to do...)07:12
DasEiMerlin__: server-root to /mnt, proc,sys,dev << mount --bind, then chroot, ok ..07:13
DasEiMerlin__: sudo ecryptfs-add-passphrase --fnek07:13
DasEiMerlin__:enter pass07:13
scriptwarlockjagadish: supposed to display some infos about rendering07:13
DasEiMerlin__:sudo mkdir /crypt07:13
jagadishscriptwarlock, lets see it seems to take time...!!!07:14
DasEiMerlin__:sudo mount -t ecryptfs /home/TheUsername  /crypt07:14
DasEiMerlin__:cd /crypt07:14
DasEiMerlin__:ls      << files there ?07:14
Merlin__DasEi : error attempting to evaluate mount options07:15
jagadishscriptwarlock, its doing nothin...07:17
scriptwarlockjagadish: ctl+c07:17
jagadishscriptwarlock, i did it07:18
jagadishand glxinfo i dont have the program installed07:18
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Merlin__DasEi : logs say, unable to detect any kernel ciphers07:18
jagadishscriptwarlock, u want me to install mesa_utils07:19
DasEiMerlin__: sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils07:19
DasEiMerlin__: (though should be there from installing)07:19
scriptwarlockjagadish: sure07:19
Merlin__DasEi : latest version07:20
DasEiMerlin__: you succesfully entered pass, token was inserted, right ?07:20
tru7hcould someone help me with getting my wifi running?07:21
DasEiMerlin__: sudo mount -t ecryptfs /home/yourUsernName/.Private    /home/username/Private07:21
DasEiMerlin__: sudo mount -t ecryptfs /home/yourUsernName/.Private    /crypt , sorry ^07:21
cos-zay7 wat the hell07:21
cos-zay7 someone help my ass lol07:22
jagadishscriptwarlock, i did and it gave a long list of numbers07:22
jagadishscriptwarlock, u want to see the log07:23
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/07:23
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tru7hif that string has letters in it i believe that is your encryption key07:23
Merlin__DasEi : now its asking me to update ecryptfs-utils . wth07:23
DasEiMerlin__: exact message ?07:24
jagadishscriptwarlock, ??07:24
=== EvilTrek is now known as Mithos
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scriptwarlockjagadish: glxinfo | grep render07:25
jagadishscriptwarlock, yeh i got it07:25
jagadishscriptwarlock, direct rendring: yes07:25
jagadishscriptwarlock, OpenGL renderer string : software rasterizer07:26
rukubitesHi there. I have a SATAII WD 1.5gb drive, and Ubuntu 10.04 won't detect the drive. I looked at Ubuntuforums and there were some suggestions for fixing this, but I come a blank. Help?07:26
scriptwarlockjagadish: and you want to run the desktop effects?07:26
cipherzhello, i am running ubuntu 10.04, after a reboot my usb keyboard/mouse stopped working in x07:26
cipherzif i remotely kill gdm my keyboard works in th econsole, both keyboard and mouse is ''seen'' by hal and udev07:27
Merlin__DasEi : http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/SVsUinxb07:27
jagadishscriptwarlock, is it not possible.. by updating any drivers07:27
=== Mithos is now known as EvilTrek
emstrandWhy doesn't Empathy list rooms?07:28
realubotWill it be possible to use two networks card in one conputer wehre one of the cards connect to another conputer in a LAN and the other one connects to Internet? I mean, instead of using a router?07:29
scriptwarlockjagadish: hang for awhile busy for ues07:29
jagadishscriptwarlock, is it not possible at all..??07:29
scriptwarlockjagadish: possible of course07:29
jagadishscriptwarlock, take ur time man.. i'm there07:29
DasEiMerlin__: ecryptfs-mount-private           works ?07:30
DasEirealubot: yes, will work07:30
DasEi!ics | realubot07:30
ubotturealubot: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php07:30
Merlin__DasEi : no07:30
realubotDasEi: Ok, thank you.07:30
Merlin__DasEi : ERROR: Encrypted Private is not setup properly07:31
rukubitesHello, any help on installing Ubuntu with an undetected SATA drive?07:31
DasEirealubot: have a look at dnsmasq07:31
jagadishscriptwarlock, reply me when ur free07:31
DasEi!info dnsmasq | realubot07:31
ubotturealubot: dnsmasq (source: dnsmasq): A small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.52-1 (lucid), package size 13 kB, installed size 120 kB07:31
=== Fudgey is now known as Fudge
realubotDasEi: Isn't that like using the computer (gateway) as a router?07:32
cos-zay7any movie files ?07:32
derekHow do I connect to an irc.rizon.net server?07:32
DasEirealubot: yes, and dnsmasq is a very convient way to achieve this, even offers dhcp for more boxes07:33
cos-zay7need movies any one got good torrent files07:33
DasEiMerlin__: I'm lerning.. hehe, it stores suff in /var also , and now I get why it's broken .. uuids07:34
DasEiMerlin__: so you will also have to get the /var on it, and mount --bind it as proc, sys,dev07:34
emstrandI'm going to use Pidgeon or Xchat...Empathy is crap07:34
realubotDasEi: ok, but maybe I shall use a real router instead.07:35
mneptokemstrand: "Pidgin" ;)07:35
emstrandmneptok: "Pidgin"...misspehld07:36
DasEiMerlin__: copy the /home/Username/.Private over to a working system and de-crypt it there, in a functional environment07:38
ross_how many ubuntu xchat rooms are there? this can't be the only one out there, right?07:38
DasEiMerlin__: I'm too new on this to say where ecryptfs stores it's file information07:39
barrrrtunder system->systemsettings->autostart i made an entry with "/home/barrrrt/alsa.sh". if run the sh in the shell it works, but when my system starts, it seems as if it doesnt work. did i make any mistakes?07:39
Merlin__DasEi : i know there is some stuff in /var/lib/ecryptfs/username/07:39
DasEiMerlin__: each disk /partition has an unique identifier, a long number, which of course changes if you change a drive, that's what happened there07:39
Merlin__DasEi : just any ubuntu system, and install ecryptfs-utils?07:39
DasEiMerlin__: yes, it's host independent, but need a working environment07:40
Merlin__DasEi : no its not, it was me moving the /var directory07:40
DasEiMerlin__: so it's changed in uuid07:41
DasEi!blkid | Merlin__07:41
ubottuMerlin__: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)07:41
scriptwarlockjagadish: im back07:41
Merlin__DasEi : a lot of permissions got botched when i moved the /var directory, it has nothing to do with uuid's07:41
jagadishscriptwarlock, yeh...07:41
DasEiMerlin__: to repair the server, you'd have to find out where ecryptfs stores that info and correct it to your new /var07:42
scriptwarlockjagadish: where are we now?07:42
jagadishscriptwarlock, gfxinfo | ....07:42
scriptwarlockjagadish: oh yes i remember that intel graphics somewhere in launchpad07:43
scriptwarlockjagadish: hmm read this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/29723407:43
meowbuntui researched its not ask at #ubuntu on freenode07:44
scriptwarlockjagadish: and here http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146720207:44
jagadishscriptwarlock, so u think i can blacklist my intel card and start using my nv44..??07:45
emmais there any application that's like gimp but a perhaps less featured but a nicer interface?07:45
k0shi want to run a script before *all* other boot scripts will take place, but just after initrd, where should i plug it?07:45
scriptwarlockjagadish: could be according to the link why not try run compiz in the terminal07:45
bobbyyuWhen I start Firefox, the program loads, but the browser doesn't show itself.07:45
domino14i just installed07:46
Merlin__DasEi : YES! worked this time07:46
Merlin__DasEi : Thanks for your patience.07:46
DasEi!yay, Merlin__:07:46
soreaujagadish: If you have intel and nvidia, you want to blacklist the intel and use the nvidia if power isn't an issue for you and you want 3D like compiz07:46
bobbyyuI am using Ubuntu 9.107:46
domino14i just installed Ubuntu on my mom's AMD64 computer and it works fine, except the graphical interface (X) doesn't start up when the computer boots.. why is htis?07:46
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domino14i have to login and type in startsx07:46
SoulShadowokay quick question07:46
scriptwarlockjagadish: just type compiz iin the temrinal and see the result07:46
DasEiMerlin__: as I said , I just went on reading it, sorry for slow-mo help, nice then07:47
SoulShadowis there a way for the host computer to watch an ssh session?07:47
imgx64I'm following a guide to set up samba and SWAT, I'm supposed to get this: (http://imagebin.org/104948) but instead I'm getting less buttons (http://imagebin.org/104945). What am I doing wrong?07:47
bobbyyuIt says "Starting Up", but the browser does not show itself.07:47
soreauscriptwarlock: It would need to be compiz --replace on lucid and intel is most likely blacklisted07:48
jagadishscriptwarlock, Blacklisted PCI ID 8086:2562 detected07:48
DasEiMerlin__: for future thngs, consider using luks or truecrypt-container, they are easier to maintain as I think and more common07:48
jagadishscriptwarlock, and a couple of warnings07:48
soreaubesides, there's no reason to mess with intel if you have nvidia except to reserve power on a lappy07:48
scriptwarlockwhat kind og warning but does it launches?07:49
DasEiMerlin__: they get mounted automatically at bootup and are also to be moved elsewhere case things mess, and won't bother like this07:49
bobbyyuscriptwarlock: to me?07:49
Merlin__DasEi : Encryption is not terribly important to me at this point. seems like more trouble than i get in return.07:49
scriptwarlockto jagadish07:49
scriptwarlockjagadish: what kind of warning? doe sit launches?07:49
DasEiMerlin__: yes, it's somethin for readers.. have a multiboot on softraid is the most fun with it ;-)07:50
SlimpCan anyone tell me how to set ufw to just allow all traffic?07:50
rukubitesCan someone please help me get Ubuntu to detect my harddrive?07:50
DasEiSlimp: disable it, sudo ufw disable07:50
ThiryalHello! I am trying to load up knoppix from a USB key, it appears to work fine, but then halts at "Searching for Knoppix 6 in: /dev/sda2". Any ideas or way I can get a command shell?07:51
DasEirukubites: sudo fdisk -l shows it ?07:51
SlimpDasEi: okay, well I want it enabled, allowing all traffic, and then I want to add a couple specific rules to it.07:51
rukubitesDasEi: Nope07:51
jagadishscriptwarlock, hey ...07:51
jagadishscriptwarlock, i ran compiz in terminal and it game me some errors07:51
DasEirukubites: kinda drive ? usb..internal.. ?07:51
FlannelThiryal: #knoppix would be able to help you more than this channel07:52
scriptwarlockjagadish: what error is that?07:52
rukubitesDasEi: It is an internal SATA2 WD drive.07:52
ThiryalFlannel: Thanks. I tried that chan but it's pretty much empty. :/07:52
DasEirukubites: did you look in bios if it's seen ?07:52
rukubitesWindows 7 sees it, but the bios doesn't seem to.07:52
jagadishscriptwarlock, it blackListed my pci card at some  address... and then07:53
DasEirukubites: man ufw for it, and first flush iptables then (empty it's ruleset)07:53
jagadishscriptwarlock, launching fallback window manager07:53
scriptwarlockjagadish: make your way here http://wiki.compiz.org/Hardware/Blacklist07:53
rukubitesDasEi: Mismessage?07:53
DGnomeHey! Should I be worried if I cant see any active connections with ipvsadm on a keepalived NAT setup? Inactive connections do show though and the services work, aparently...07:53
scriptwarlockjagadish: see if your hardware is one of those07:54
DasEirukubites: yes, sorry07:54
DasEislimp: man ufw for it, and first flush iptables then (empty it's ruleset)07:54
scriptwarlockbobbyyu: pkill firefox and relaunch it07:54
DasEirukubites: if it spins up, first checkin bios if drive can be found , sata enabled..07:55
jagadishscriptwarlock, no ...07:55
DasEirukubites: bios often has different modes for it07:56
jagadishscriptwarlock, my hardware is not one of those07:56
scriptwarlockjagadish: can you paste some lines of error here07:56
rukubitesDasEi, well sata is enabled, it is on the bootlist as SATA0. And Windows detects it. On the other hand, I'm not sure what you mean by sata enabled.07:56
jagadishBlacklisted PCI ID 8086:2562 detected07:56
jagadishLaunching fallback window manager07:56
FloodBot3jagadish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:57
cipherztrying to debug my x11 input problem, on a working 10.04 setup is: lshal > /tmp/hallist && grep 'input.x11' /tmp/hallist supposed to give results (reading: http://who-t.blogspot.com/2008/12/evdev-xorgconf-hal-and-other-fud.html)07:57
scriptwarlockjagadish: one line to paste is enough07:57
k0shboot scripts question: i want to run a script before *all* other boot scripts will take place, but just after initrd, where should i plug it?07:57
jagadishscriptwarlock, sorry]07:57
rukubitesDasEi: No luck with 9.10 or 10.0407:58
DasEirukubites: bios often offers different emulations for drives, like ide, scsi, legacy and whatnot07:58
DasEirukubites: ide/ata modes07:58
rukubitesDasEi: It said "IDE"07:58
DasEirukubites: can you change it to another ?07:59
rukubitesI'll go back to bios now. Was trying 9.1007:59
rukubitesDasEi: Which do you suggest?08:00
DasEirukubites: are you in there on another box ?08:00
DasEirukubites: choices ?08:00
rukubitesDasEi: I am on a separate box now. The bios says ide, raid, ahci08:00
DasEirukubites: ide should be right, try ahci08:01
rukubitesWith configuration as: "disable, compatible, enhanced"08:01
DasEirukubites: compatible08:01
jagadishscriptwarlock, what's wrong08:01
DasEirukubites:ide/compa should be right08:02
scriptwarlockjagadish: i dont know if this will help you mkdir -p ~/.config/compiz; echo SKIP_CHECKS=yes >> ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager08:02
rukubitesDasEi: I had no joy with compatible before. Will try it again.08:02
jagadishscriptwarlock, u want me to copy that and paste it in the terminal right08:03
scriptwarlockjagadish: ya just try it anyway its simple to remove08:03
scriptwarlockjagadish: now try to launch compiz in terminal08:05
xfactI was installing KDE in my Ubuntu 10.04, before starting installation it prompts for choosing the default Display manager, I chosen kdm, but now I want my gdm back, any ideas?08:05
rukubitesDasEi: Nothing08:06
scriptwarlockjagadish: if everything failed then visit the compiz channel08:06
DasEirukubites: your turn for try and error ,if that all fails , examine /var/log/syslog08:07
scriptwarlockjagadish: #compiz08:07
Flannelxfact: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm08:08
rukubitesDasEi, thanks for trying. The forums had a few ideas which failed also.08:08
DasEirukubites: so you're on it longer, what does syslog say about that drive ?08:09
xfactFlannel: Thank a lot man, you saved my day!08:09
=== KenjiP0p is now known as KenjiP0p|away
rukubitesDasEi, whereabouts in the syslog?08:10
rukubitesAlso, I may try the alternate cd.08:10
soreauscriptwarlock: 1) Compiz checks are hardcoded into the lucid compiz binary with no skip checks workaround 2) The intel driver is quite buggy so compiz will just crash in the driver or crash X or worse 3) I already said there is no reason to mess with the intel gpu aside from power issues if there is an nvidia card available08:11
GryllidaHi! I'm on Ubuntu 10.04. A Windows XP computer in the LAN shares a folder. When I'm saving files to it, the Windows machine user is unable to open them, gets 'access denied' warning. What can I do?08:11
DasEirukubites: whole story, you try to install ubuntu to it , and the installer won't detect the disk ?08:11
EvilTrekGryllida:  install ubuntu on the Windows system?  :P08:11
k0shwhat is run after initrd? any help on how does the boot path look at ubuntu?08:11
rukubitesDasEi: That's it.08:12
GryllidaEvilTrek: Indeed, LOL. I would. But not its user...08:12
cipherzbtw my input problem was solved, had tried to setup my touchscreen (and the idiot i was i had overwritten 60-persistent-input rule), removed this file, rebooted and input worked again08:12
EvilTrekGryllida:  lol08:12
Gryllidaas for now I badly need to fix permissions problem08:13
=== KenjiP0p|away is now known as KenjiP0p
GryllidaEvilTrek: *laughing* your idea is too good for some people to understand how good it is08:15
ArchanaIs there any other like compiz ?08:16
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:16
GryllidaArchana: with what functionality?08:16
DasEirukubites: apart from a missing driver, defect cd (2 of them, hmm) I have the idea of bootoptions like acpi=off could help, in syslog you'll search for error or /dev/sdb (if It#s the second hd)08:16
ArchanaFor visual effects...08:17
ArchanaGryllida: for visual effects08:17
rukubitesDasEi: It's a brand new box because an old one died. The 9.10 one worked fine on the old box.  It's only one HD.08:18
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DasEirukubites: try to boot cd with acpi=off08:19
rukubitesDasEi, sure.08:19
rukubitesDasEi: I was trying it with the raid off version. I'm also going to try the alternate CD.08:20
DasEirukubites: yes, next bet08:21
YromrakSi know a little bit about wine for using windows applications on linux, but is it possible/is there a way to run mac applications on linux?08:21
GryllidaYromrakS: hmm... does mac really have apps?08:23
rukubitesDasEi: Alas. :~(08:24
Gryllidahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=676894 YromrakS08:24
GryllidaYromrakS, looks like a no08:24
GryllidaYromrakS, unless they are open source and you could compile08:24
c1rcuitim trying to watch a dvd via vlc and the damn thing keeps failing08:25
c1rcuiti tried manually mounting /dev/sr008:25
c1rcuitbut its a no go as well08:25
FloodBot3c1rcuit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:25
DasEic1rcuit: start vlc from commandine and report the error08:27
DasEirukubites: you said win on the sme box finds it  ?08:28
DGnomec1rcuit: you aren't supposed to mount a DVD video disc08:28
c1rcuitim not im trying to mount /dev/sr008:28
DasEirukubites: same*08:28
DGnomec1rcuit: you are still not supposed to mount DVD's :)08:29
DGnomec1rcuit: unless it has a data-portion08:29
rukubitesDasEi: Yes.08:29
c1rcuitthen i dont understand the error08:29
DasEic1rcuit: pastie of dmesg | tail ?08:30
k0shboot scripts question: i want to run a script before *all* other boot scripts will take place, but just after initrd, where should i put it in?08:31
DGnomec1rcuit: umount /dev/sr0 and try again :)08:31
c1rcuitnow its giving me something about no medium being ofund08:31
domino14i just installed ubuntu on my computer, and when i reboot it, it boots into the command prompt instead of X08:33
domino14what should i do?08:33
c1rcuithm could the buffer I/O errors be caused bcause of this being a copyrighted dvd?08:34
c1rcuiti can play other dvds but this one and a few others fail08:34
c1rcuitbut its always consistant in which ones fail08:34
Sbiokohow to reduce frequency of video card in NVIDIA X Server Settings?08:35
Sbiokoin other words, make the videocard slower08:35
Sbiokoits Temp is 57 C08:35
Sbiokolaptop; on battery08:35
Sbiokoplease help08:35
CJCHi guys, I have just setup my new Ubuntu Server and now, I need your help. I am looking for an Ubuntu-friendly solution, that can facilitate some sort of CRM, I guess. Basically, I need to mail someone to get some feedback from them. Like a rating system that Discovery have? Any Ideas?08:37
baishi I have a bug on pidgin08:37
baiswith kubuntu 10.04 + pidgin08:37
iceroot!bug | bais08:38
ubottubais: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:38
b3n_Hello, trying to install the latest ubuntu, live cd locks up giving error soft lockup, cpu stuck for 61s, I´ve looked around and can´t find a workaround, same problem in this thread http://wwww.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9283461, does anyone know a workaround? I´m installing on a bit older machine with a Abit NF7 motherboard, 1gb ram and a AMD Athlon 2000+ processor.08:41
Sbiokohow to reduce videocard's frequency?08:43
SbiokoUbuntu 10.0408:43
SbiokoNvidia card08:43
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kop_ok where did my remote desktop viewer go ?08:44
DasEirukubites: still have no idea, if it's ablank box, I could ssh in it and have a look08:45
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ljsoftnetcan i install kbasic? i only have this file kbasic_professional_linux.tar.gz08:49
chrisXFCEWelcome to #ubuntu, <too many users to name here>! :o08:49
SamualI'm attempting to run multiple X sessions at once, each using a different monitor (Well, one of them is on a twinview screen using two monitors, and the other is on the right monitor) - The problem is that, even if I specify the display (:0.0 or :0.1) for the WM to start, it always starts it on both displays anyway08:50
pizzleanyone know how to get rid of a bootup error msg looking for drive that was disconnected without unmounting? The disk drive for /media/backup1 is not ready yet or not present continue to wait; or press s to skip mounting or m for manual recovery08:50
pat5starpizzle: is there an entry in your /etc/fstab file to auto mount /media/backup1?08:51
pizzlepat5star how would i check that and where would i edit it if so?08:52
ljsoftnetcan i install kbasic? i only have this file kbasic_professional_linux.tar.gz08:52
pat5starpizzle: grep backkup1 /etc/fstab08:52
SamualEh no one has any ideas?08:52
pat5starpizzle: run that command in a terminal, then put the results (if any) here08:53
pizzle2 entries08:53
pizzleunfortunately it's on another computer08:53
SlimpCould someone point me in the right direction to having my internet connection sharing/firewall ubuntu machine also take over DNS for my lan?  I want to block hostnames.08:54
pat5starpizzle: just noticed a typo...do this: grep backup1 /etc/fstab08:54
kop_RDP disappeared from the applications > internet menu ?!08:54
kop_where does it hide08:55
Th3raid0rHow do I set a default soundcard, or blacklist the ones i don't use? I am running KUBUNTU, but no one in the IRC or the forums know how to solve my prob08:55
pat5starpizzle: what do you mean it's on another computer?08:55
abhi_navkop_, what is rdp?08:55
kop_remotedesktop viewer08:55
darth_tux71wow too many things on my screen lols08:55
abhi_navkop_, right click on ubuntu logo which on left side of the menu "Applications" then go to edit menu and select rdp08:56
ljsoftnetcan i install kbasic? i only have this file kbasic_professional_linux.tar.gz08:56
pizzlepat5star: i started a private chat08:56
{g}Hey People! I have a Lenovo x301. A wonderful machine and everything works perfectly with ubuntu. Except the build in speaker. It doesnt make a sound. Via headphones, the sound works perfectly. Any ideas? Maybe its just a setting somewhere?08:56
SlimpCan anyone tell me how to have my ubuntu internet connection sharing machine block hostnames, not just ips?08:56
pat5starpizzle: I don't have time right now, sorry...I came here just to ask a question myself08:57
Th3raid0r{g},  Have you tried unchecking the "headphone detect" box? Sometimes headphone detection can be a bit buggy and cause the soundcard to only play through headphones08:58
darth_tux71hmm anyone know a good system monitor for the desktop08:58
pat5staranyone know how to display what mode you're using with wifi? I have a wireless n router, but I can't figure out how to see if I'm actually connecting over mode n or g08:58
Th3raid0rHow do I set a default soundcard, or blacklist the ones i don't use? I am running KUBUNTU, but no one in the IRC or the forums know how to solve my prob08:58
{g}Th3raid0r: where is that box?08:58
pat5starI've tried a bunch of things such as iwconfig, iwlist scan, nm-tool, etc. nothing (so far) shows me what mode I'm connected in08:59
Th3raid0r{g}:  two places, the easiest is to go to the terminal and type in alsamixer and find a switch in there09:00
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ActionParsnipdarth_tux71: conky is pretty sweet09:00
darth_tux71oh yeah conky thanks forgot about that one09:00
ljsoftnetcan i install kbasic? i only have this file kbasic_professional_linux.tar.gz09:01
{g}Th3raid0r: hmm... a console thingy comes up. it has master, pcm, s/pdif, s/pdif def, docking mi, external m, internal m.09:01
SlimpI'm using ubuntu as an internet gate way/firewall.  How can I block internet hostnames - not just IPs - from computers on my lan?09:01
ActionParsnipSlimp: you could use firestarter and add a rule09:01
SlimpActionParsnip: what kind of rule?09:01
SwedeMikeSlimp: you can't do that in a firewall.09:02
SwedeMikeSlimp: firewalls only knows about IP addresses, not DNS.09:02
{g}Th3raid0r: is that what you mean?09:02
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto09:02
Th3raid0r{g};  hit f5 to show all09:02
pizzlehow do i get rid of these entries in ftab? pizzle@Lizzle:~$ grep sizzle /etc/fstab09:02
SlimpSwedeMike: What are my options?  I figured I might have to have the gateway machine also be the lans DNS server.09:02
Th3raid0rHow do I set a default soundcard, or blacklist the ones i don't use? I am running KUBUNTU, but no one in the IRC or the forums know how to solve my prob09:02
jagadish_123hi can any one help me regarding the Intel 82845G no effects issue09:03
jagadish_123hi can any one help me regarding the Intel 82845G no effects issue]09:03
SwedeMikeSlimp: yes, that might work, you can hijack local DNS queries. You could also install an application proxy (web proxy for instance) and block URLs in there.09:03
ActionParsnipSlimp: like only allow traffic to the other services you have and deny evrything else, not sure if it can use names. You could set the systems you want access to use a different IP range, then just ban all IPs which dont fall into that range09:03
eokeSlimp: Take a look at http://www.squid-cache.org09:03
M82Hello, I am trying to install a tarball from source (first time I had to do this) and I am following an online guide.  When I tried issuing the command "./configure" I get "No such file or directory".  What am I doing wrong? Am I not supposed to type './configure' exactly as I see it?09:03
jagadish_123hi can any one help me regarding the Intel 82845G no effects issue]09:03
jagadish_123hi can any one help me regarding the Intel 82845G no effects issue]09:04
Slimpeoke: I had a look at squid.  I'm not sure why it's what I need.09:04
iceman_3233go ahead jagadish_12309:04
ActionParsnipM82: with the terminal's pwd in the right folder, yes (assuming it needs to be ran)09:04
ljsoftnetcan i install kbasic? i only have this file kbasic_professional_linux.tar.gz09:04
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: sure, extract it and see what you have downloaded09:04
jagadish_123iceman_3233, i have a Intel 82845G/GL/GE/PE adapter and i cant use effects09:05
SwedeMikeljsoftnet: it seems you can't because you're asking here.09:05
GryllidaHi! I'm on Ubuntu 10.04. A Windows XP computer in the LAN shares a folder. When I'm saving files to it, the Windows  machine user is unable to open them, gets 'access denied' warning. What can I do09:05
=== Lanta is now known as Lantizia
SlimpIs there an Ubuntu google group?09:05
iceman_3233i have the same one and no prob?09:05
M82ActionParsnip: Oh! So, when I issued the command 'tar -zxvf' I extracted the folder from within?09:05
MaRk-Iljsoftnet: uncompress that file and search for a "readme.txt" it will tell you how to install09:05
jagadish_123iceman_3233, was that msg to me09:05
GryllidaIs Ubuntu supposed to write files on windows shared location without breaking the file permissions?09:05
ljsoftnetActionParsnip: what do i do next?09:05
ActionParsnipM82: yes, then cd into the folder and start sniffing around09:06
iceman_3233are you running compiz-fusion?09:06
M82ActionParsnip: thank you very much for your help :D09:06
ljsoftnetMaRk-I: i read the readme.txt its not there09:06
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: i dont know, i dont have the file or kde, look in the files you have and find a readme or install file09:06
Th3raid0rHow do I set a default soundcard, or blacklist the ones i don't use? I am running KUBUNTU, but no one in the IRC or the forums know how to solve my prob09:06
dignanyou need to edit asound.conf09:06
dignantheere might be a better ubuntu way to do it09:06
jagadish_123iceman_3233, nope i try;d but it gives some Blacklised error09:06
dignanbut that's how i've done it with other distros.09:06
eokeSlimp: You can configure your clients to access the internet via the squid and block them from accessing it directly in the firewall.  You can then setup access control lists in Squid to control what sites they can / can't access.09:07
Th3raid0rdignan,  where is that file?09:07
dignanalso pulseaudio. you have been warned.09:07
ActionParsnipTh3raid0r: if you have a soundcard and an onboard soundcard you dont wish to use you can disable the onboard in bios09:07
dignanTh3raid0r: should be one in /etc. also check for ~/.asoundrc09:07
iceman_3233how about restricted driver, have you checked09:07
jagadish_123how do i check for that09:07
dignan#ubuntu(+CLcfjnt #ubuntu-unregged 5:10)] [Act: 4,6,7]09:07
Th3raid0rActionParsnip:  Well, that i have already done, but there is a sound device on my ATI graphics card09:08
ljsoftnetActionParsnip: it says it needs KDE 4.009:08
Slimpeoke: seems over complicated.  I have to do what to my clients?  Install a program on each of them?09:08
iceman_3233system, admin, hardware09:08
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: you need to read the instructions, there may be some on the website you downloaded from09:08
jagadish_123iceman_3233, yeh... it says there are no prop drivers in use...09:09
ljsoftnetActionParsnip: i already did but its not there, the website said KDE/Gnome09:09
zusis evolution 2.30 stable? should i update 10.04 evolution (i havent even set it up yet)09:09
iceman_3233do you know how to get into your custom tab?09:09
MaRk-Iljsoftnet: http://www.kbasic.com/download.html   read below "Installation on linux"  you also have to install the list of dependencies09:10
iceman_3233for effects09:10
Slimpeoke: it seems like squid is a web proxy, not an internet proxy.09:10
dignanSquid is remarkably flexible09:10
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jagadish__1234iceman_3233, did i miss something09:11
SwedeMikeSlimp: there is no such things as "Internet Proxy".09:11
dignanproxy is as proxy does. that's what my mom said09:11
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ActionParsnipljsoftnet: ok i extracted the file, there are executables in the folder, you can launch the app using those09:11
* dignan throws Gryllida a life preserver09:11
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iceman_3233Go to System > Preferences > Appearance09:12
iceman_3233 09:12
iceman_3233Go to System > Preferences > Appearance09:12
iceman_3233 09:12
iceman_3233hold on09:12
SlimpSwedeMike: Point is I want to block all services to and from certian hosts, not just a few like web and ftp.09:12
FloodBot4iceman_3233: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:12
GryllidaI'm unable to write files to a network-shared windows directory for the user to open.,09:12
SwedeMikeSlimp: yes, I've understood that that's what you want, and it's not that easy. There is no way to do that currently.09:12
SwedeMikeSlimp: only way is to disallow all Internet access and force the internal hosts to use application based proxies.09:13
ActionParsnipGryllida: does the account you are using have write access?09:13
dignanWhat do you mean that's not possible?09:13
dignanYou can do that with iptables09:13
SwedeMikedignan: no you can't.09:13
ActionParsnipdignan: ip tables uses ips, user wants to do it with host names09:14
GryllidaActionParsnip: it does, and I am able to write, but when windows user tries to open the files, the 'access denied' warning pops up, while I'm still able to edit and open the file fine.09:14
ljsoftnetActionParsnip: i already extracted the file, just dont know the command to launch the app and what file09:14
dignanOh, that is a different story.09:14
sullen_sultani need a help for update my hardware driver for my pc09:14
SlimpSwedeMike: There has to be a way.  Can't I just have my gate machine be a dns server, and not serve DNS requests to certain hosts, while also have my firewall denying access to any dns but the gate machine it's self?09:14
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: i'm guessing kbrun, you have 3 executable files, try them09:14
pat5starhow can you display wifi network information that shows what mode you're connected with? I've tried several things and just can't find it. I have a wireless 'n' router, in mixed mode, and I want to know what mode my laptop is in right now09:14
chrisXFCESlimp, SwedeMike: You can specify a hostname --> in /etc/hosts09:15
ActionParsnipGryllida: ok then check the ownership of the files.09:15
darth_tux71ok next big question : a creative Xi-Fi card09:15
ljsoftnetActionParsnip: just kbrun in terminal or with a command?09:15
SwedeMikeSlimp: yes, that'd work but how would you then block access that is directly to the IP, or if a user locally enters the hostnames into their hosts-file?09:15
SlimpchrisXFCE: how do you mean?09:15
dignanchrisXFCE: good idea.09:15
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: you can double click it in dolphin or whatever file manager you use09:15
darth_tux71this is for pesty09:15
SlimpSwedeMike: I see what you mean.09:15
chrisXFCESlimp, "cat /etc/hosts"  -- See what those files does. :)09:15
ljsoftnetActionParsnip: ok09:15
dignanSlimp: by changing the host alias in /etc/hosts you'll resolve the hosts to localhost instead. clever solution.09:16
Slimpdignan, chrisXFCE: that would only work if done on the client machine.09:16
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: you will need to satisfy deps as the app hasnt been installed via apt-get so if you are missing stuff it needs it wont run09:16
wawawawaSlimp: I missed the beginning of this discussion... Why do you want to limit access by hostname?09:16
dignanSlimp: then if you have a DNS server, use the same tactic.09:16
ljsoftnetActionParsnip: i just opened the IDE, gonna explore now09:16
ljsoftnetActionParsnip: i double clicked on kbide09:17
Slimpwawawawa: to block windows pcs on the network from accessing automatic update, even if users fiddle.09:17
chrisXFCESlimp, I joined recently (and is playing video games online). Yes, it would be done on the client. Unless you use a machine to act as a router.09:18
Slimpdignan, you're saying configure my gate to also be the networks DNS server, and do what you said to block the hostname?09:18
dignanor what Chris said.09:19
wawawawaSlimp: my first thought would be to run your own caching nameserver and have an authoritative record blackholing the windows update A record.09:19
dignanThat's how a lot of filtering is done.. Opendns.com does that09:19
loquitusHi. I just updated to Lucid. Why is it that I have a double mount for my drives? For example, in my /media folder, my USB drive is mounted as both /media/foo and /media/foo_09:19
zuswhat is gmail's  recieving encryption ssl or tls?09:19
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Slimpwawawawa: okay, so what's the best way to go about that?09:19
eokezus: TLS port 58709:20
wawawawaslimp: set up bind. create a zone file for the windows update zone. you're basically hijacking the response from the real one...09:20
ActionParsniploquitus: is that what mount says? You can't double mount a block device09:20
eokezus: That's assuming you mean their SMTP server09:21
wawawawaslimp: you only need one A record in the zone file that points to or some other "non destination09:21
Slimpwawawawa: I'm hijacking the responce?  That implies it's receiving something first.  I'd rather it heard nothing to begin with.09:21
zuseoke,  receiving.09:21
loquitusActionParsnip: no. mount does not. but in /media, the foo drive is mounted as both foo/ and foo_/, and one of them is mounted as root and the other is mounted as the corrected user09:21
GryllidaActionParsnip: how do I check the ownership of the files?09:21
kop_ok i give up what s the "stock " remote desktop viewer ?09:22
wawawawaslimp: sorry - bad explanation.  clients will lookup the windows update name and your local dns server will give them a "fake" response pointing to a local ip or some other thing09:22
DarsVaedahi, i'm on a two-monitor setup, one of the screens is dead now...how can i switch to a one monitor setup as easiest as possible so i can revert back to a two monitor setup if i get a new screen?09:22
ActionParsnipGryllida: is it a windows user having issues accessing or the ubuntu user having issue?09:22
GryllidaActionParsnip: right click, properties, permissions returns 'permissions could not be determined'09:22
eokezus: POP or IMAP?09:22
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
zuseoke,  pop09:22
Slimpwawawawa: okay.  So I'm new to bind, it says there differnt config scenarios.  Do I want a "chaching server"?09:23
GryllidaActionParsnip: it's me having issues putting my files to a windows share, I have no idea how to set permissions for that user to be able to open the file.09:23
ActionParsniploquitus: can you use www.pastie.org and give the output of: mount    thanks09:23
zuseoke,  i am not familliar with the imap... i hear it's better09:23
ActionParsnipGryllida: which user though. Is the same user making the file then unable to read the file?09:23
chrisXFCE!away > JimmyJ|zz09:23
ubottuJimmyJ|zz, please see my private message09:23
GryllidaActionParsnip: no, another username09:23
eokezus: port 995 but not sure if it's SSL or TLS09:23
wawawawaslimp: yes. I think that's a good start. You'll need to create a zone file for the windows update zone too09:24
loquitusActionParnsip: I think I found the answer. thanks09:24
zuseoke,  i think its ssl then if SMTP is TLS...09:24
ActionParsnipGryllida: so one ubuntu usr puts a file on a windows share, then another user logs onto ubuntu and cannot read the same file09:24
ActionParsniploquitus: np man09:24
GryllidaActionParsnip: sorry I must have been unclear09:24
zuseoke,   ill see in a sec  hehe09:25
GryllidaActionParsnip: I'm putting my file to a windows share on machine X, then user B logs on to machine X (using windows xp) and tries to read the file, gets access denied09:25
ross_how many ubuntu xchat rooms are there? this can't be the only one out there, right?09:25
GryllidaActionParsnip: all this time I'm connected to machine X using my own username and am able to read/write this file allright09:26
GryllidaActionParsnip: I'm on Ubuntu 10.0409:26
llutzross_: type "/msg alis list *ubuntu*" and count09:26
ActionParsnipGryllida: ok from ubuntu, what is the output of: ls -la file     of the file on the share?09:26
eokezus: It's also worth noting if you logon to gmail and click the settings link top right then the Forward POP/Imap link there are step by step instructions available for many clients.09:26
MaRk-Iross_: what do you mean by "ubuntu xchat room"?09:26
GryllidaActionParsnip: how would I put the filepath there?09:26
GryllidaActionParsnip: smb://computername/foldername/ ... or what?09:26
darth_tux71ActionParsnip, do you have any knowledge of a creative Xi-Fi card?09:26
zuseoke,  thanks.09:26
Jordan_Uross_: Xchat is just one of many IRC clients: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat09:27
ross_this chat room09:27
ActionParsnipGryllida: you will need to access it maybe from ~/.gvfs   or mount the share09:27
ross_there are other xchat ubuntu chatrooms out there09:27
ross_this isn't the only one, right? that's what i'm asking09:27
BigCCan anyone walk me thru creating an ad hoc, I want to share my internet with my iPod Touch through wifi from my laptop.  I have followed a few tutorials I have found on the forums, but have been unsuccessful09:27
zuseoke,  is imap better than pop? and  do you know if  evolution 2.30 is stable? should i update it?09:27
ActionParsnipross_: xchat is an app, you dont need to prepend ubuntu chat room with xchat, its silly09:27
ross_you know what i mean09:28
ross_i was just asking09:28
MaRk-Iross_: you mean rooms related to ubuntu, in xchat go to "server" menu select "list of channels"  type ubuntu and search09:28
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iceman_3233jagadish: http://pastebin.com/F3xZm0cR09:30
ActionParsnipross_: run:  /msg alis list *ubuntu*    in the place you type text and in the new tab it will show you all the channel aliases / names containing the word ubuntu, you can now count them09:30
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=== pete_ is now known as Guest15940
ActionParsnipdarth_tux71: i know creative can be a real pain, i wholeheartedly advise to avoid them09:30
darth_tux71well pesty has one and it is not working =(09:30
ActionParsnipllutz: nice command dude09:30
Guest15940tee hee09:31
=== Guest15940 is now known as localhost
eokezus: For a comparison of pros and cons see http://www.upperhost.com/pop3imap.htm.  I've not used evolution myself so can't really comment.09:31
ActionParsnipdarth_tux71: i buy mid to low end cards and have never had a single sound issue in my life09:31
localhostubuntu ftw!09:31
zuseoke,  thank you.09:31
darth_tux71yeah sigh i need to find a fix for this09:31
* snuxoll facepalms09:31
snuxollwaitaminute, what did I just agree to09:31
opijcould anyone please help me out with this? none of the streams play on this site: http://wwitv.com/portal.htm even though streams from other sites work fine. could anyone please explain?09:32
nocturnuswhat's the name of the program that lets you move the mouse pointer with the arrow keys?09:32
GryllidaActionParsnip: -rwx------ 1 user user 0 2010-07-12 17:57 test.txt09:32
GryllidaActionParsnip: what does it mean?09:32
ActionParsnipGryllida: ok and is the users username 'user'?09:32
=== localhost is now known as Scotsman
GryllidaActionParsnip: yes, my own username on this ubuntu machine is 'user'09:32
* snuxoll headdesks now09:32
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snuxollI think I just accepted a date :|09:33
MaRk-IGryllida: check the permissions on samba.conf  http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=159009:33
ActionParsnipGryllida: it means thats 'user' is the outright owner and has full read/write/execute access, no other users have any access at all09:33
* Scotsman is fed up09:34
llutzMaRk-I: smb.conf doesn't affect shares from other machines09:34
Th3raid0rHow do i figure out the sound driver names for my HDA ATI HDMI card or my CA010609:34
ActionParsnipGryllida: if you run: chmod a+r ./test.txt    then anone will have read access09:34
ActionParsnipTh3raid0r: sudo lshw -C sound09:34
GryllidaActionParsnip: how do I set it tobe the default, so that all files I put onto that machine can be read by all its users?09:34
ActionParsnipGryllida: not sure, there may be a config someplace but i dont use windows shares, only ubuntu sharing with samba09:35
GryllidaMaRk-I: I'm in etc/samba/smb.conf now, what should I ddo?09:35
ActionParsnipGryllida: you may have to set the folder in windows to inherit down the permissions on the folder to the file and folders below09:35
Th3raid0rOkay, now what would I put in my alsa-base.conf to set the priority?09:35
Th3raid0rwould it be snd-HDA-Intel?09:36
Th3raid0ror snd-CA0106?09:36
GryllidaActionParsnip: I'd rather set the default for all my new files have same permissions as the folder they are in09:36
GryllidaActionParsnip: How can I do it?09:37
ActionParsnipGryllida: windows can do that if you tell the folder to replicate the permissions down09:37
MaRk-IGryllida: I posted a link with an example that should give you an idea how to set the permissions09:37
BigCI am trying to create an ad hoc network, I followed this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-an-adhoc-host-with-ubuntu.html but I still can't get it to work, it pretends to try to connect, then says "Wireless network Disconnected"  I tried finding other guides, but they all lead you to that page09:38
kop_unless it's w7 then you need a witch doctor09:38
GryllidaActionParsnip: I know, I _could_ tell windows to do it only AFTER opening it the permissions to the file to it09:38
GryllidaActionParsnip: as for now, I seem to be the only user with access to the file09:38
Th3raid0rOkay, now what would I put in my alsa-base.conf to set the priority? would it be snd-HDA-Intel?or snd-CA0106?09:38
=== bora is now known as Borai
Th3raid0rOr did I miss the mark entirely09:39
GryllidaMaRk-I: 'valid users = USERNAME' this line, can I just put some regexp like * there?09:39
ActionParsnipGryllida: could ask in #samba   otherwise I'm not sure09:39
Scotsmananyone around to help with xchat, no no ones in the room09:39
GryllidaActionParsnip: okay.09:39
ricalhow do I forward incomming http calls at a different port to an internal server at port 80?09:39
MaRk-IGryllida: put the username you created a password for in samba09:40
ActionParsnip!ics | rical09:40
ubotturical: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php09:40
ActionParsniprical: it shows how to perform masquerades etc and will set that up for you09:40
ricalActionParsnip: so that works for incomming traffic as well?09:41
GryllidaMaRk-I: like I log in to the windows share as 'john', I put 'john' there, and if 'bob' comes to use the machine, they would not have access?09:41
ActionParsniprical: sure09:42
BoraiI am using a tecra M7 convertible tablet, when i close the lid in tablet mode, no ACPI event is generated, but when I open the lid back it is, (regular closing generates an event). the ACPI events are recognized by windows but not under linux.09:42
ricalActionParsnip: ActionParsnip: as "sharing my internet connection" don't sound like what I want to do, but its the same thing? no NAT or firewall blocking traffic that has not originated from the inside?09:42
ActionParsniprical: its the same kinda premise, your system will be acting like a router and pushing port 80 TCP connection requests to another PC09:43
MaRk-IGryllida: just a sec... i'm on phone sorry09:43
ricalActionParsnip: okey, great, thanks09:43
BoraiThis has been mentioned on the forums before, I tried all bios versions available for my hardware so It looks like it is not a bios issue (hence it also works under windows).09:44
kop_<--- D'Oh! sudo apt-get vinagre09:44
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darth_tux71rofl my old ass lappy just had a critical vid card failure09:46
YromrakSi'm having fun messing with compiz settings...09:48
GryllidaMaRk-I: ok09:48
YromrakSi would like to have a cylindrical cube but i only have 2 workspaces09:48
darth_tux71so use 409:49
YromrakSsorry i was having trouble typing cylindrical..09:49
YromrakShow do add more workspaces is my question.09:49
BigCHow do I setup internet sharing with ad hoc?  I try creating a connection, and it wont connect09:49
MaRk-IGryllida: the username there should be like the "share name" on windows09:49
abhi_navYromrakS, add 4 workspaces09:49
darth_tux71right click the workspace thingy properties09:49
YromrakSabhi_nav it's me, student, and thanks for  the help XD09:49
soreauYromrakS: ccsm>general options. Set number of desktops to 1, then adjust the other two h and v to the number of viewports you want09:50
abhi_navYromrakS, oh! great!!! But why dont you have a permanent registerd nick? its easy to setup!09:50
GryllidaActionParsnip: chmod: changing permissions of `./test.txt': Operation not supported09:50
abhi_nav!cn | armzd09:50
ubottuarmzd: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:50
YromrakScan't decide on a name09:50
YromrakSabhi_nav can't decide on a permanent name09:51
GryllidaMaRk-I: ok, I log in there as 'john'. I put that thing there into the conf. would this mean that 'bob' user on that OS would be able to read the file?09:51
abhi_navYromrakS, what to decide on that? this is also fine: YromrakS09:51
MaRk-IGryllida: no there should be the name of the share group09:51
armzdoh, i know09:51
Boraiany tecra m7 users?09:51
abhi_navYromrakS, what abotu "noname" or "cantdecide"?09:51
GryllidaMaRk-I: Okay, how do I know the name of the 'share group'?09:52
MaRk-Ithat's how you name it, check your windows box and see how it appears09:52
GryllidaMaRk-I: there aren't any 'user groups'on windows xp, only 'bob' and 'john' users09:52
YromrakSabhi_nav for now i think i'll stick with YromrakS.. thanks..09:53
YromrakSbye, all :D09:53
MaRk-IGryllida: that's just to name the share on the network, like "linux shares", " my document shares" etc09:53
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GryllidaMaRk-I: what? the name of the machine? or of the shared folder?09:54
BigC:| Anyone know how to setup an adhoc network?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc  this isn't working for me09:55
MaRk-IGryllida: when you share files on windows if you go to "network" you see the name of the pc sharing a folder right?09:55
papalososBigC: Have you checked that your network card supports adhoc networking?09:55
BigCpapa, it use to work when I was using ubuntu 8 on this system09:56
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brijithmacHi friends pidgin or empathy Which is the best ???09:56
Roy_Hi all! someone can help me to install froxlor on ubuntu server 10.04 ?09:57
MaRk-IGryllida: just put down the name of the user in the ubuntu system09:57
papalososBig C: Okay. To use it did you go through the network manager or did you do it some other way?09:58
MaRk-Iif the user in ubuntu is "bob" just write bob09:58
BigCYeah, I went through network manager, the instructions for the terminal setup was returning invalid commands09:59
abhi_navhey, firefox crashing too frequently! :(09:59
MaRk-IBigC: did you try the other link?? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-an-adhoc-host-with-ubuntu.html10:00
BigCYeah, those are the instructions I tried10:00
jagadishhow do i install drivers i just downloaded off intel's site10:00
jagadishhow do i install drivers i just downloaded off intel's site10:00
jagadishhow do i install drivers i just downloaded off intel's site10:00
FloodBot4jagadish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:00
indusjagadish, what drivers10:01
jagadishIntel 82845G10:01
indusjagadish, why do you need them?10:01
jagadishi cant run effects...10:01
jagadishindus, ...10:02
jagadishindus, will upadting the drives do any help .. i wonder10:02
abhi_navhelp please firefox crashing too frequengly I am on lucid 64 bit. please help10:03
papalososBig C, I have a small script that takes your prefered ip adress as a parameter and sets your network card in adhoc mode. You could give that a try if you want to.10:03
om26erchromium :p10:03
indusjagadish, downloading drivers wont help you10:03
abhi_navom26er, yah10:03
Dr_Willisabhi_nav:  try disabling flash . see if it still crashes.10:03
indusjagadish, the drivers are built into the OS already10:04
abhi_navDr_Willis, how to disable flash?10:04
indusabhi_nav, use chrome for now10:04
Dr_Willisabhi_nav:  in the FF menus/plugins10:04
indusabhi_nav, i have same issue with latest firefox10:04
indusabhi_nav, freeze on flash sites10:04
jagadishindus, oh then what do i do to enable effects .. i try'd lot of times but it says cant enable10:04
abhi_navDr_Willis, bug firefox is crashing as the moment it starts so i cant access its menu10:04
indusjagadish, maybe your display is not good enough10:04
abhi_navindus, no I am in www.google.com only still it crashes10:05
indusjagadish, what graphics card ? onboard?10:05
BigCpapalosos: Sure.. I could try it.  One thing I just thought of, I had to use the Madwifi driver for ubuntu 10 for some odd reason, not sure if that would affect anything10:05
indusabhi_nav, delete the .mozilla folder and try again10:05
Dr_Willisabhi_nav:  from the command line with the right options you can tell FF to start with a new profile. also starting from the command line may give an error message10:05
abhi_navindus, Dr_Willis om26er for the time being I am using chrome. :)10:05
jagadishi have a nvidia nv44 agp but its not working either10:05
Dr_Willisabhi_nav:  or just move the .mozilla dir to some other place.10:05
jagadishindus,  i have a nvidia nv44 agp but its not working either10:05
abhi_navDr_Willis, indus ok I try10:05
indusjagadish, nv44 hmm tahts old10:06
indusjagadish, whats nv 44 exactly10:06
jagadishindus, nvidia 6200 agp10:06
indusjagadish, that works fine10:06
jagadishindus, nvidia 6200A agp10:07
indusjagadish, did you go into system> admin> hardware drivers and enable it10:07
indusjagadish, do not install any drivers from out side if you dont know what you are doing10:07
papalososBig C, you mean you had to use madwifi to get your card working?10:07
jagadishindus, yeh but ubuntu doesn't even start if i use the card...10:07
MaRk-Iindus: probably he needs to disable the intel card in bios first10:07
Th3raid0rHow do I get ATI proprietary drivers to play nice with KMS and Compositing? I am getting horrid performance at the moment10:07
SlimpSo I think I set up a bind server, and it's active, but the clients on my network aren't able to resolve hostnames.  Anybody have any ideas?10:07
jagadishindus, yes i tried the hardware thingy.. no use10:08
pankajmhi everyone10:08
Jordan_UTh3raid0r: It's impossible to get proprietary drivers to play nice with KMS10:08
indusMaRk-I, i think he has 2 diff systems , jagadish do you have intel and nvidia on same machine ?10:08
om26erTh3raid0r, proprietary driver dont support KMS10:08
pankajmi am unable to see my fan speed in ubuntu10:08
jagadishindus, yeh10:08
Th3raid0rOkay, well how do I turn KMS off and get Compositing to work right?10:08
pankajmi tried lm-sensors and manually loading by modprobe fan , but it is empty10:08
indusjagadish, ok then in bios, select agp card as primary display adapter10:08
om26erTh3raid0r, when using ATI blob there is no KMS10:09
indusMaRk-I, i think dual displays work in ubuntu10:09
MaRk-I!sensors > pankajm10:09
ubottupankajm, please see my private message10:09
jagadishindus, if i do that ubuntu doesn't start10:09
Th3raid0rOkay, so it is already off then?10:09
indusjagadish, you need to connect display to output of nvidia card obviously10:09
jagadishindus, it gives some error and my capslock and scroll lock start flashing10:09
indusjagadish, which version of ubuntu is it10:10
jagadishindus, ubuntu 10.0410:10
Th3raid0rWell then how do I get my 3d performance to work correctly? I am using an ATI HD 4650 Pro10:10
induspankajm, instal the lm-sensors package, then reboot, then run sensord command and ansywer yes no10:10
Miuboms__(*&*(*&& Question! On LIVE CD's10:10
Miuboms__Please help10:11
indusTh3raid0r, KMS is kernel mode setting used only at boot time as far as i know10:11
papalososBig C. The source to the script is here: http://www8.cs.umu.se/~ens08kbm/adhoc10:11
jagadishindus, while i was installing ubuntu i had a error so i switched to the onboard...10:11
Th3raid0rWell then how do I get my 3d performance to work correctly? I am using an ATI HD 4650 Pro10:11
Miuboms__ uhmmm How can i run a virus scan / check  on a computer that has been currpted (that runs windows) ??? i thik my freiends computer has a virus10:11
indusjagadish, just switch back to agp and try again10:11
indusjagadish, did you do any xorg settings etc10:11
om26erTh3raid0r, after enabling the driver you rebooted and got bad performance?10:12
jagadishindus, it doesn't dude ubuntu doesn't even show the boot screen10:12
indusTh3raid0r, hi, install the ati catalyst 10.6 driver10:12
MaRk-IMiuboms__: install clamav and clamtk, the rest consult #windows10:12
indusjagadish, dont call me dude10:12
jagadishindus, sorry10:12
Th3raid0rIndus: I already installed that version10:12
Miuboms__MaRk-I,  can i do that from a a LIVE CD??"10:12
papalososBig C: Just shoot if you got any questions10:12
Th3raid0rom26er, yes, this is essentially what happend10:12
jagadishindus, nope i didn;10:12
indusTh3raid0r, so whats the problem ? did you uninstall old driver completely10:12
MaRk-IMiuboms__: if you have internet connection to that pc yes10:13
indusjagadish, go into bios and select nvidia as primary adapter10:13
indusjagadish, have you done that10:13
Miuboms__MaRk-I,  but running it from a LIVE CD .. where would the isntall go?? or it will install in the RAM ??10:13
Th3raid0rindus, I shouldn't need to, this is a fresh install of ubuntu and I went straight to catalyst 10.610:13
jagadishindus, yeh i did that and i get the same error... ubuntu doesn't start..10:13
MaRk-IMiuboms__: yes10:13
indusTh3raid0r, ah yes , btw, do you game on this machine >10:13
indusjagadish, no grub menu ?10:14
Miuboms__MaRk-I,  ok thanks!   i think i can figure it out :)10:14
MaRk-IMiuboms__: just go to synaptic and search clamav10:14
jagadishindus, grub menu is there10:14
Andrew9yesterday samba shares were ok, today it says i have no permission to access it. whats wrong??10:14
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Th3raid0rThe problem is just poor performance, I can't even drag a window across a screen without sending my computer into a rage of lag10:14
indusjagadish, then press F6 and remove quiet and splash from that line which is displayed10:14
Th3raid0rCompositing cannot be enables10:14
indusTh3raid0r, the driver isnt installed corectly then10:14
Miuboms__MaRk-I, one last Q?  from the live CD i am able to run a scan on a physical HDD right?10:14
indusTh3raid0r, did you run sudo aticonfig --initial10:15
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MaRk-IMiuboms__: yes10:15
jagadishindus, let me write that down .. then what..10:15
indusjagadish, then when you boot, it will give a bunch of messages10:15
indusDr_Willis, hello good day :)10:15
MaRk-IMiuboms__: you just mount the hdd10:15
Dr_Willishi indus10:15
Th3raid0raticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad file descriptor.10:15
om26erTh3raid0r, my brother uses ati 4670 and it works OOTB compiz works fine too.. both 4670 and 4650 are mostly the same10:16
jagadishindus, are quiet and splash text strings .. and i have to delete them right10:16
Miuboms__MaRk-I,  Great :) thanks a million! (BTW how up to date are clamav definitions ??)10:16
indusjagadish, yeah10:16
indusTh3raid0r, did you run sudo aticonfig --initial -f10:16
indususe the -f10:16
Th3raid0raticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad file descriptor.10:16
jagadishindus, wait then i'll do that and come back.... with a lot of messages10:16
jagadishindus, hehehe10:16
indusTh3raid0r, that bad file descriptor is usually a bad install i had it too so relax10:16
MaRk-IMiuboms__: in terminal just type clam press tab I think you just press clamd, not sure tho10:16
Dr_WillisHas anyone noticed an issue with Virtualbox lately where when using the 'guest addations' the mouse seems to leave the guest vm window befor it should be?  This is making it a little hard to use  virtualbox. Ive never had the issue befor.10:16
indusjagadish, k10:16
* indus grumbles at the doctor's hard question10:17
Th3raid0rSo how do I reinstall or fix the install?10:17
indusTh3raid0r, uninstall this first, go to /usr/share/ati there is some uninstall script ther10:17
Andrew9yesterday samba shares were ok, today it says i have no permission to access it. whats wrong?? anyone?10:17
MaRk-IMiuboms__: "freshclam"10:17
Miuboms__MaRk-I,  ok thanks alot, gonna burn a LIVE cd and head over to friends crib n try solve this problem, while making myself look like a total Linux expert :)10:18
MaRk-IMiuboms__: if you have a USB drive you can burn the image to usb using unetbootin10:19
indusTh3raid0r, i think it is sudo sh /usr/share/ati/uninstall.sh or something10:19
VirusTB_MaRk-I, did u say anyuthing to me after "freshclam" wifi got disconected....10:19
Th3raid0ralright, that is done10:19
Th3raid0rNow what?10:20
indusTh3raid0r, reboot10:20
MaRk-IVirusTB_: no10:20
indusTh3raid0r, come back here10:20
Th3raid0rokay, brb10:20
asranielhi. i have a problem with shared folders in ubuntu, the guest computer is a ubuntu 10.04, something seems to go wrong with the vboxsf kernel module. i tried reinstalling the guest additions, but no luck10:20
indusDr_Willis, maybe you can work with asraniel10:21
indusDr_Willis, common word , guest additions10:21
jvainioI have a problem; My ubuntu doesn't let me acces my portable USB harddrive - on top of that, I cannot poweroff the machine - only suspend. Seems that for some reason, the system has deactivated my root priviliges....10:21
jvainioalso the system is SUPERSLOW10:22
jvainiolike somekind of virus10:22
Dr_Willisindus:  yea. Not sure if it s related to the guest addations. or related to mouse accel, or perhaps somthing else..10:22
ricalhow do I see the http head with netcat?10:23
asranielDr_Willis: my problem is: when i want to mount my folder i get this: "/sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such device", lsmod shows no vboxsf, and i can't modprobe it10:24
Th3raid0rokay, I am back, now what10:25
Th3raid0rindus, I am back10:26
indusTh3raid0r, so lets reinstall now10:26
indusTh3raid0r, but wait10:27
indusTh3raid0r, first type glxinfo in termianl10:27
Dr_Willisasraniel:  be sure you are using the right  name. i always get vboxsf and vboxfs backeards.10:27
indusTh3raid0r, i mean glxinfo | grep rendering10:27
abhi_navDr_Willis, indus om26er done!!! thanks10:27
Th3raid0rYes, I already have direct rendering10:27
indusabhi_nav, working fine now ? firefox still crashes for me10:28
Th3raid0rbut I need the proprietary driver for playing games10:28
abhi_navindus, testing ;)10:28
Th3raid0rand wine10:28
indusTh3raid0r, yes yes i know10:28
indusTh3raid0r, now lets install catalyst 10.610:29
indusTh3raid0r, sudo whatever10:29
Th3raid0rI have the binary installer already downloaded10:29
Th3raid0rand alright10:29
asranielDr_Willis: i'm sure that that is right10:30
Xikowiskanybody else know like edit video at PiTiVi?10:30
hdonhi all. after a recent(ish) kernel update i have noticed that my disk usage is unusually high and my USB mouse is experiencing random periods about 1-3 seconds in length where input from the mouse becomes ignored (or at least mouse motion is ignored)10:30
UbubeginI was intending to install chrome in Ubuntu.. But the first link, gave the way to install chromium instead.. is chromium , a Ubuntu variant of Chrome10:30
Chowdaryi have installed ubuntu 10.04 gnome and i have ati raedon HD4670 card. when ever i am watching videos on ubuntu i could see some flickering. can any one help me on this10:31
jagadishindus, i'm back10:31
jagadishindus, and got a bunch of errors10:31
indusTh3raid0r, use default method dont use package for your distribution etc10:31
Th3raid0rindus, should I stick with all the defaults or should i install differently?10:31
indusjagadish, what errors10:31
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indusTh3raid0r, answered before you aks question :D10:31
Andrew9Ububegin: Chromium is open source version of chrome10:32
Xikowiskanybody else know like edit video at PiTiVi?10:32
jagadishindus, the first time i tried without the quiet splash it was error code 0X73/0X8010:32
UbubeginAndrew9 : so are they the same..  or which is better10:32
Xikowiskanybody else know like edit video at PiTiVi?10:32
indusjagadish, did it boot ?10:32
Chowdaryi have installed ubuntu 10.04 gnome and i have ati raedon HD4670 card when ever i am watching videos on ubuntu i could see some flickering can any one help me on this10:33
Andrew9Ububegin: i am not sure if you can get Chrome for linux or mac os10:33
jagadishindus, and the second time i tried it was work_notifysig 0X13/0X1b and the caps and scrolllock led's started flashin10:33
XikowiskAlguém sabe como editar no pitivi?10:33
jagadishindus, no it did not boot10:33
Andrew9Ububegin: there is Chromium instead10:33
erUSUL!br | Xikowisk10:33
ubottuXikowisk: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.10:33
indusjagadish, did you install it correctly10:33
MaRk-IUbubegin: http://www.google.com/chrome  just select your architecture 32 or 64 bit10:33
indusjagadish, did you md5 your install cd10:33
indus!en > Xikowisk10:33
ubottuXikowisk, please see my private message10:33
jagadishindus, nope that part i missed10:34
indusjagadish, just do it to be sure i mean md5 the iso image10:34
jagadishindus, i still have the cd image how do i check it10:34
UbubeginMaRk-I: kk, i just followed the link.. and installed chromium..10:34
jagadishindus,can i do it now10:34
indusjagadish, just hold on 1 sec10:34
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me if i can format my / directory without losing my /home10:34
indusjagadish, what keyboard mouse do you hasve10:34
jvainio[12:21] <jvainio> I have a problem; My ubuntu doesn't let me acces my portable USB harddrive - on top of that, I cannot poweroff the machine - only suspend. Seems that for some reason, the system has deactivated my root priviliges.... ALSO; The system is VERYSLOW. The normal performance has deteriorated to about 30%. Seems like a virus.10:34
Th3raid0rindus, the installation is complete, any commands I should enter before a restart?10:34
indusPerryArmstrong, yes if both are on differnet partitions10:34
jagadishindus, normal ones ps210:34
icerootPerryArmstrong: if /home is an extra partition10:35
indusTh3raid0r, yes sudo aticonfig --initial10:35
abhi_navindus, no crashes but its tooooo much slow now.10:35
PerryArmstrongindus, iceroot; now how will i know that?10:35
Andrew9PerryArmstrong: if /home is not separate partition, back it up10:35
indusPerryArmstrong, sudo fdisk -l probably10:35
Th3raid0rindus, that worked, go ahead and restart i assume?10:35
indusPerryArmstrong, ah ahem wait10:35
indusTh3raid0r, yeah !10:35
jagadishindus, i downloaded the ubuntu from ubuntu's site p2p10:35
indusTh3raid0r, good lucks10:36
PerryArmstrongindus, iceroot; i decided to format my / because i am facing this issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152896110:36
Pontus^Anyone know which file for Citrix ICA Client I need to modify to get it to work for my language?10:36
indusPerryArmstrong, DO NOT format / and expect /home to be saved10:36
abhi_nav!ibus | Pontus^10:36
ubottuPontus^: IBus is used to allow input of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) characters in !GUI applications - See also: !SCIM10:36
indusPerryArmstrong, unless /home is on separate partition10:36
PerryArmstrongAndrew; lots of data to be backed up10:36
Andrew9PerryArmstrong: so that could be the only way10:36
BigCOkay, I tried creating an ad-hoc network using Madwifi, and the ath drivers, no luck.  It tried to connect, then says wireless network disconnected10:37
Pontus^ubottu: > Naa, Its Swedish I need to get my ICA client to understand =)10:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:37
indusPerryArmstrong, type df -h in a terminal10:37
indusPerryArmstrong, and  paste it to pastebin.org10:37
abhi_navPontus^, it has all languages10:38
BigCI know I have issues with the ath driver, when my download speed is high, it drops connection, so I had switched to madwifi which solved the problem.  ndswrapper support adhoc maybe?  I know I had adhoc setup under ubuntu 8, and had no problems, not sure what is wrong with 10... or me10:38
PerryArmstrongindus; http://paste.ubuntu.com/462439/10:38
Chowdaryi have installed ubuntu 10.04 gnome and i have ati raedon HD4670 card when ever i am watching videos on ubuntu i could see some flickering can any one help me on this10:38
Th3raid0rindus, something is wrong, i can boot, but i still have VERY poor performance10:39
* [gnubie] waves10:39
indusChowdary, what driver are you using10:39
indusTh3raid0r, what is wrong, its same as before isnt it10:39
indusTh3raid0r, ok poor performance means what10:39
indusTh3raid0r, what is happening10:39
Chowdarythe lates driver given by ubuntu10:40
[gnubie]i have a running ubuntu lucid amd64 with an encrypted swap partition.. but i'm confused why the value for the swap when executing the command "free -m" is zero? any idea?10:40
PerryArmstrongindus; so what do you think i should do now?10:40
indusPerryArmstrong, as you can see, /home is separate10:40
Th3raid0rIndus, window tearing, no compositing, takes a while to move a window from one place to another, and glxinfo returns errors when it comes to direct rendering10:40
indusTh3raid0r, ok hmm bad installation then10:40
indusTh3raid0r, paste glxinfo output10:40
LemoneHi, I have got a problem with the login screen in Gnome. I have used Ubuntu for some weeks now, and have not had this problem before. When I'm trying to login, I just bounce out again. It happens for all users. I worked perfectly yesterday. What did I do yesterday? I reinstalld 'Ubuntu One' and removed some Evolution packages. (But that should not matter?) I did not update or install anything else. BUT! When I'm bouncing back to the lo10:41
Lemonegin screen, it first flickering for a second, like it can't find the screen resolution. But I'm using different resolutions for the login screen and the user environment, so it may be ok. I'm not sure. I do even not know where to begin, where to look or what to do. I'm running an updated Lucid, 10.04, with free drivers only. I do have a custom xorg.conf, but it seems unchanged. (But ok, I don't understand it.) Do you have any ideas?10:41
ChowdaryIndus, i am using the latest drivers given in ubuntu10:41
indusChowdary, ok10:41
abhi_nav Pontus^ see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus10:41
Th3raid0rindus, http://paste.ubuntu.com/462440/10:41
indusChowdary, what monitor10:41
[BG]ZloboMiRHello, I am trying to sort a txt file, 1000+ lines in A-Z order. I tried the sort command, but terminal history is not enough. I Is there any way to make the command write the output in another file?10:42
Andrew9how do i check if firewall is active?10:42
ChowdaryMy screen, every thing works great, i am facing problem only while watching videos10:42
purveshCan Some one help me my http://localhost is not working , may be i updated my Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 thats why so now what to do ?10:42
ChowdaryBenq E22 HD10:42
indusChowdary, is taht monitor good btw, i think of buying one10:42
indusChowdary, :D10:42
Excurion[BG]ZloboMiR: try putting this behind the command: "> filename.txt"10:42
Excurionwithout the "" ofcourse10:42
XikowiskNinguém responde no #ubuntu-br. Se tem Br aqui e me mandou pra lá, eu voltei e quero resposta10:42
[BG]ZloboMiRpurvesh, try restarting apache...10:42
Chowdaryyes its good, i have been using it  while for now, i have never faced any kind of issues10:43
indusTh3raid0r, problem seems to be installtaiton10:43
indusChowdary, cost?10:43
[BG]ZloboMiRpurvesh, and look for process on port 80 with netstat -tupl10:43
b3n_Hi, I need some help setting up 3G usb stick in Ubuntu, I´ve looked at instructions on this page http://www.petrilopia.net/wordpress/hardware/nokia-cs-15-and-linux/, but once i'm in ubuntu i have no conection to get the required packages to make this work, where can i find the .deb files necessary? usb_modeswitch lsusb and wvdial10:43
PerryArmstrongindus; so i can go ahead?10:43
Th3raid0rindus, want me to redownload?10:43
[BG]ZloboMiRExcurion, thanks10:43
Chowdaryaround 10,000 INR10:43
indusChowdary, full HD ?10:43
indusPerryArmstrong, go ahead yes10:43
PerryArmstrongindus; without even losing my firefox settings, bookmarks etc??10:43
Andrew9>>how do i check if firewall is active? cmon simple question..10:43
Chowdaryyes full HD 1080P10:43
indusPerryArmstrong, yes10:43
purvesh[BG]ZloboMiR, ok i ll try ... wt10:43
PerryArmstrongindus; thank you....i am gonna do that now..10:44
indusChowdary, hmm 10 k is great10:44
indusPerryArmstrong, but back up just in case :P10:44
=== Guest32283 is now known as SuP|Lobby
PerryArmstrongindus; okk10:44
ChowdaryIndus, can u help me on this10:44
indusPerryArmstrong, but go ahead and you can format10:44
indusChowdary, yes wait googleing10:44
Chowdaryi have tried so many tricks, mentioned in severl forums10:44
mongooseHello to all, just listening in, am complete noob so please don't mind me10:44
abhi_nav!hi | mongoose10:45
ubottumongoose: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:45
PerryArmstrongindus, thank you10:45
indusChowdary, did you intall any drivers for this? from hardware drivers?10:45
erUSULAndrew9: sudo iptables -L10:45
=== mongoose is now known as Newbiemongoose
indusChowdary, in video application try using xv output10:45
Xikowisktem brasileiro aqui?10:45
abhi_nav!en | Xikowisk10:46
ubottuXikowisk: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:46
erUSUL!br | Xikowisk10:46
ubottuXikowisk: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.10:46
=== chrisRistretto is now known as NewbieChris
Th3raid0rindus, want me to redownload?10:46
ChowdaryIndus, I have tried that too10:46
NewbiemongooseIs there anyuone that i should aim questions at specifically or just the room in general?10:46
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
erUSULNewbiemongoose: ask the room in one line10:46
Excurion!question | Newbiemongoose10:46
ubottuNewbiemongoose: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:46
=== SlidingHorn_out is now known as slidinghorn
cixahello when i try to connect to  server through nautilus i keep getting DBus error, pls help?10:46
XikowiskNão tem ngm no #ubuntu-br10:46
Andrew9erUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/462441/10:47
Xikowiskvou falar aki10:47
b3n_is there any way to download .deb packages from the oficial repos before going into ubuntu? (i need a couple of packages to make a 3G usb modem to work properly)?10:47
Xikowisknão gostou, foda-se10:47
Excurioncixa: What error message?10:47
Andrew9erUSUL: what should it say?10:47
erUSULAndrew9: no firewall is active. none is by default in ubuntu installs10:47
Jordan_U!offline | b3n_10:47
NewbieChrisb3n_, http://packages.ubuntu.com/10:47
abhi_naverUSUL, now answer what is he saying :P :D lol10:47
erUSULAndrew9: dunno; what are you trying to do?10:47
XikowiskComo edito no PiViTi?10:47
ubottub3n_: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD10:47
[BG]ZloboMiRb3n_ I gues you may ask smo using Ubuntu to do it10:47
NewbiemongooseLinux is a huge world, where should i start10:48
Andrew9erUSUL: so by default firewall is not active?10:48
erUSUL!manual | Newbiemongoose10:48
ubottuNewbiemongoose: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:48
suigenerisNewbiemongoose from the start10:48
indusXikowisk, which language are you10:48
[BG]ZloboMiRNewbiemongoose, just install it and start using, best way. First two weeks to one month have another PC handy :)10:48
cixaExcurion: 'DBus error: couldn't connect ... '10:48
erUSULAndrew9: correct. if you want a firewall activate ufw (the ubuntu firewall) or install and use an alternative10:48
purvesh[BG]ZloboMiR, Second step i didnt got how to do  u said something on Port 80?10:49
suigeneris!pt | Xikowisk10:49
ubottuXikowisk: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.10:49
jvainio[12:21] <jvainio> I have a problem; My ubuntu doesn't let me acces my portable USB harddrive - on top of that, I cannot poweroff the machine - only suspend. Seems that for some reason, the system has deactivated my root priviliges.... ALSO; The system is VERYSLOW. The normal performance has deteriorated to about 30%. Seems like a virus.10:49
XikowiskComo edito no PiViTi?10:49
XikowiskComo edito no PiViTi?10:49
XikowiskComo edito no PiViTi?10:49
XikowiskComo edito no PiViTi?10:49
XikowiskComo edito no PiViTi?10:49
jvainio[12:21] <jvainio> I have a problem; My ubuntu doesn't let me acces my portable USB harddrive - on top of that, I cannot poweroff the machine - only suspend. Seems that for some reason, the system has deactivated my root priviliges.... ALSO; The system is VERYSLOW. The normal performance has deteriorated to about 30%. Seems like a virus.10:49
indusXikowisk, pitivi yo10:49
XikowiskComo edito no PiViTi?10:49
XikowiskComo edito no PiViTi?10:49
[BG]ZloboMiRpurvesh, open a terminal and type "netstat -tupl"10:49
abhi_nav!flood > Xikowisk10:49
ubottuXikowisk, please see my private message10:49
Newbiemongoosejust install what sorry10:49
Andrew9erUSUL: ok thanks!10:49
abhi_nav!en > Xikowisk10:49
indus!ops > Xikowisk needs language help probably10:49
Xikowiskthe book is on the table10:49
jvainioplease help10:49
jvainioI cannot even poweroff!10:49
jvainiocannot login as root10:50
abhi_navjvainio, power off? just remove the power cable? or batter?10:50
Xikowisknão falo inglês10:50
[BG]ZloboMiRNewbiemongoose, well install your favourite, be it Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE10:50
XikowiskComo edito no PiViTi?10:50
b3n_Xikowisk is complaining that BR channel is empty10:50
b3n_and wants to know how can he edit in pitivi10:50
Xikowiskno br não tem ngm10:50
induswhat languae is he10:50
NewbiemongooseI am running Ubuntu 10.04 and using Xchat10:51
MisterioXikowisk: Stop repeating please10:51
abhi_navaprx 37 peoples ther in #ubuntu-br10:51
suigenerisindus portuguese10:51
[BG]ZloboMiRNewbiemongoose, me too :D10:51
induspitivi is hopeless, use kino i say10:51
Xikowisksó quero ajuda10:51
suigeneris!cn | huage10:51
ubottuhuage: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:51
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:51
zcat[1]I agree.. pitivi is pathetic...10:51
indussuigeneris, you can use the open source driver maybe10:51
AlchimistaXikowisk: check #ubuntu-pt10:52
b3n_Xikowisk usa Kino, e milhor10:52
Newbiemongooseis Ubuntu the best place to star? I am looking put alot of time into learning Linux10:52
indussuigeneris, sorry10:52
[BG]ZloboMiR!pt | Xikowisk10:52
ubottuXikowisk: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.10:52
zcat[1]why on earth did ubuntu end up shipping pitivi by default and not openshot?!!10:52
indusChowdary, you can use open source driver and try maybe > or install catalyst 10.6 driver from ati site10:52
jvainioabhi_nav: well the thing is, i couldn't care less about poweroff - I mean, i could just let the battery die. But it's just the tip of an iceberg of problems..... the main thing is, I'd like to backup all of my /home data to a portable USB harddrive. The drive that I am using has worked before with this system. Now, however, when plugged in, the drive becomes visible, but not accessible. I am too scared to poweroff the machine as I10:53
induszcat[1], yesssssssss so true, its the worst video editor i have ever seen, and it doenst even work properly10:53
Tm_Tzcat[1]: please use this channel for support questions only10:53
ExcurionNewbiemongoose: yes, Ubuntu is one of the more userfriendly distro's10:53
Excuriona very good start10:53
purvesh[BG]ZloboMiR, so now what to do . i got the status .... so how i can give you any place where can i paste code to show u ?10:53
indusgimp was so much better10:53
erUSUL!paste | purvesh10:53
ubottupurvesh: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:53
jvainioNewbiemongoose: It may be the easiest, but it isn't anywhere near easy, if compared to Windows.10:53
abhi_navjvainio, dont know.10:53
[BG]ZloboMiRpurvesh, just look in output, it is in port no. order, is there a port 80?10:54
Excurionjvainio: I disagree, it's just different, but not that difficult10:54
jvainioabhi_nav: seems like the system has ripped me off root accesss10:54
zcat[1]indus:  the scarey thing, gimp was damn near even a better video editor...10:54
abhi_navjvainio, dunno10:54
=== obscurant1st_ is now known as obscurant1st
jvainioyeah, NOBODY KNOWS10:54
ArchanaIf i use ctrl + mouse whheel scroll to maximize and minimize the page in firefox, it occurs. BUT, later, everytime i load that page, it appears so small....... How do i prevent this ?I.e If i close firefox and open again, I must get the page the way it is.. without the maxi/mini that i did..10:54
jvainiothats the problem with linux10:54
erUSULjvainio: what error you get when you try to use sudo ?10:54
Newbiemongoosebecause of the gnome front end everything seems to be done for me. I don't feel like im learning anything but a new windows, I want to learn Linux inside out10:54
purvesh[BG]ZloboMiR, no there is no any port like 80 there is 5900 port10:54
indusjvainio, hi10:54
jvainiomaybe one nerd in the whole wide world knows answer to problems10:54
jvainiolike a YODA NERD10:55
indusjvainio, :D relax10:55
[BG]ZloboMiRpurvesh, 5900 is VNC10:55
jvainioindus: Well i have some pics on the laptop there that are not anywhere but there, so i am pretty stressed out here10:55
indusChowdary, hi10:55
[BG]ZloboMiRpurvesh, no port 80 means your apache or whatever webserver is not running10:55
indusjvainio, wait let me scroll back10:55
ChowdaryIndus, i will try10:55
erUSULjvainio: you say you have no root powers but do not tell anything more. how would anyone know? listen doctor i feel pain but i wont tell you where or how or when.10:55
purvesh[BG]ZloboMiR, u can get status here http://paste.ubuntu.com/462445/10:56
ChowdaryIndus, thank u for the help10:56
abhi_navnobody replying me on #ubuntu-bots10:56
erUSULjvainio: again --> what error you get when you try to use sudo ?10:56
Excurionjvainio: just try to relax a bit, stressing wont solve the problem, you need to stay calm and give us the information you have, then we will on our turn try to help you save those pics10:56
purvesh[BG]ZloboMiR, server is Running perfectly10:56
* [gnubie] waves10:56
Th3raid0r_indus, there is just no getting this installed... I redownloaded it and still the exact same problem10:56
indusjvainio, hi so you cant power off ?10:56
abhi_navshould i call ops10:56
indusTh3raid0r_, hey welcome back , iw as wondering10:57
indusTh3raid0r_, patience and we find a solution10:57
rukubitesHi all, I am having trouble detecting my hard drive. I am doing an alternate install because of this. How do I find out which disk driver I need?10:57
jvainioindus: my main problem is; I CANNOT ACCESS USB HARD DISK10:57
indusjvainio, can you see in under places10:57
jvainiolike now, I put a usb mem stick in10:57
indusTh3raid0r_, can you paste the xorg file10:57
jvainioand it shows10:57
[gnubie]anyone here can tell me on why my (encrypted) swap partition is zero? kindly check http://www.pastie.org/1040666 for more information..10:57
jvainiobut cannot look in10:57
indusTh3raid0r_, /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:57
Excurionjvainio: shouting won't help, just try to answer the questions of those who want to help you10:58
indusjvainio, what happens when you try to look in10:58
Excurionwhat happens when you try to "look in"10:58
jvainioabsolutely nothing10:58
jvainioe.g. clicking on the drive in the file explorer10:58
indusjvainio, manually mount it10:58
Excurionjvainio:  have you tried mounting it through the commandline10:58
Th3raid0r_indus, http://paste.ubuntu.com/462447/10:58
jvainiocannot know how that is done10:58
indusjvainio, sudo mount -t vfat /dev/something  /mntpoint10:58
Newbiemongoose because of the gnome front end everything seems to be done for me. I don't feel like im learning anything but a new windows, I want to learn Linux inside out10:59
indusnever thought i would see the day when ikonia says hi :D10:59
jvainioindus: how do i know what /dev/ is it10:59
NewbieChrisnever thought i would see the day when indus says hi :D10:59
jvainiothere is 193 possiblities11:00
jvainioand like 30 usb possibilities11:00
indusjvainio, yeah hold 1 sec11:00
indusjvainio, sudo fdisk -l please11:00
indusNewbieChris, lol hello and hi11:00
indushi all11:00
ikoniaindus: stop now11:01
ArchanaHi indus!11:01
indusstop saying hi? never11:01
Th3raid0r_indus, http://paste.ubuntu.com/462447/11:01
pozicCan I restart Ubuntu while it is running with a different kernel?11:02
pozicLinux has a system call to do this, but I don't see anything in the user interface which enables one to do this.11:02
om26erpozic, no I think but I read somewhere there might no be a need to reboot for kernel updates in future11:03
[gnubie]hello..? anyone cares to check http://www.pastie.org/1040666 ?11:03
BigCI found the solution, madwifi has a complicated, pain in the arse way to setup adhoc, and the ath5k driver wasn't working for me.  So, ndiswrapper the xp driver, and adhoc works, this was on mint 9 (ubuntu 10) on an Acer Aspire one AOA-150... just incase anyone cares11:03
darth_tux71ack i have class in 6 hours11:03
erUSULpozic: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-kexec.html11:04
om26erBigC, a little correction its Ubuntu 10.04 :)11:04
rukubitesHi all, I am having trouble detecting my hard drive. I am doing an11:04
rukubites    alternate install because of this. How do I find out which disk11:04
rukubites    driver I need?11:04
rukubitessorry for the multi-line11:04
Misterioom26er: There is an application which updates kernel, and you don't need to reboot PC. But I don't remember what was that application11:04
erUSUL!find kexec11:04
ubottuFound: kexec-tools11:04
coraxhi there :-) now here is a question that is difficult to search for on the internet.  I wish to know how(if possible) to "log on" to a remote PC running Ubuntu ... and by "log on" I mean, make the PC log-on ... with a specified user... can anyone help  ?  plz :-)11:05
om26errukubites, I dont think any drivers would be needed but you hardrive is not detected at all?11:05
jvainioman, I think you hit the jackpot with that line there, indus... It mounted the small 1gb stick ok, so I am going to try now to mount the 500gb disk in the same manner, and backup all data there before throwing the MOTHERF..... piece of s.... out of the window11:05
* jvainio bows to indus11:05
SwedeMikerukubites: are you sure it's not your controller you need driver for? what kind of special drive do you have?11:05
pozicerUSUL: has it actually been integrated into Ubuntu? Is there a GUI to select the new kernel to use?11:05
Th3raid0r_indus, http://paste.ubuntu.com/462447/11:05
AdvoWorkanyone in here going to the ubuntu conference in london,uk tomorrow?11:05
om26er!language | jvainio11:05
ubottujvainio: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:05
Jordan_U!offtopic | AdvoWork11:05
ubottuAdvoWork: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:05
pozic(writing a GUI to do this takes 3000 times shorted than the passed time)11:06
rukubitesSwedeMike: om26er: It is detected by Windows 7, but not by Ubuntu 10.04. It is a WD Sata2 drive. And I might need a controller driver, I don't know.11:06
erUSULpozic: such low level things; only really needed by few are better left as commna line tools imho11:06
ArchanaTh3raid0r_: jvainio indus is not on the channel ... ?11:06
pozicerUSUL: if I had a company doing kernel development, I would provide a rebootgui command which would also have a command line interface for automation.11:07
SwedeMikerukubites: focus on finding out what controller you have and see if you have multiple controllers, move the drive to one that is supported by linux.11:07
om26erArchana, try ind and press tab if it complete it means the user is here else not11:07
jvainioom26er: I'm sorry. Its just that I have some vacation pictures on this lappie which are nowhere else.11:07
rukubitesSwedeMike: You mean go into the machine and switch the plug? It is on controller 0, I think. Is that what you mean?11:08
Archanaom26er: I knew. I just told them he wasnt there.11:08
om26errukubites, you installed using Wubi?11:08
rukubitesom26er: no11:08
Th3raid0r_Okay, I think I am done with ubuntu yet again for a while. Fedora seems to be where the graphics support is. See you all when Meerkat is out, hopefully then I can do what i need.11:08
rukubitesIt isn't installed11:08
SwedeMikerukubites: yes.11:08
om26errukubites, so you are in a live session11:08
erUSULpozic: doing something with zenity should be really trivial if you must ... but if kernel devs need a gui to reboot a machine ...11:08
rukubitesom26er: Some people are fortunate to have multiple computers.11:08
huage_WHAT ARE YOU DOING?11:09
huage_how are you !11:09
om26erTh3raid0r_, see you soon :)11:09
iceroot!ot | huage_11:09
ubottuhuage_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:09
snitkohi, init.d weird problem: both "proftpd" and "vsftpd" won't run on "service [name] start". No error messages. Nothing on "ps aux | grep ftp". Port 21 is not blocked. Ideas?11:09
rukubitesSwedeMike: So the BIOS sees Controller 1-6 (including #3, the DVD). I need to move the WD from controller 0 to controller 1?11:09
jvainioindus: Can you help me with the command to copy my /home dir to the portable HD? Seems copy and paste does NOT work11:10
huage_please wait.11:10
Archanaom26er: Yesterday, i tried to install ubuntu 1004 in my friend's computer.. the partitioner did not detect and list the partitions at all.. But places menu had the list. Also, Gparted said "unallocated disk 74 gb" ,, found several topics on the ubuntuforums  and still no use..11:10
barfsterI am not able to change the geometry of my screen :-( Does this setup require a special driver? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/236392/11:10
SwedeMikerukubites: you seem to be talking about ports, not controller. If you have an onboard ICH controller try switching it to AHCI-mode in bios.11:10
Archanajvainio:  "cp /home/username/  Destination"11:10
rukubitesSwedeMike: I did that11:10
MaRk-Ijvainio: indus was kicked out while ago11:10
huage_your are english?11:11
rukubitesSwedeMike: It is in AHCI mode now.11:11
jvainiowell do you know how to copy all (dirs and files) from one place to another?11:11
SwedeMikerukubites: I doubt it'll help to move between ports on the same controller.11:11
Archanajvainio: cp /home/username Destination11:11
coraxhuage_: who r u adressing ?11:11
om26erArchana, that system had any other OS installed?11:11
jvainioarchana: thank you11:11
llutzjvainio: cp -ax source/ target/11:11
Archanaom26er: windows..11:12
abhi_navjvainio, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508711:12
barfsterI am not able to change the geometry of my screen :-( Does this setup require a special driver? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/236392/ lkddbpci1039 074111:12
om26erArchana, if it does not work this way you could install Ubuntu using Wubi from within windows11:12
huage_are your englisher?11:12
coraxhuage_: I mean...who are you talking/writing to ?11:12
rukubitesSwedeMike: I'm not a hardware guy. You're right, I was talking about ports.11:12
om26erhuage, this channel is for Ubuntu help and is english only.11:13
jvainiothank you abhi_nav for trying to help. However, I am already copying11:13
abhi_navjvainio, hmm11:13
rukubitesThe ahci settings have ports 1-6, and Port 2 as the DVD rom.  However at the start, it says the WD is on port 0.11:13
philinuxArchana: http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/cmd.csp?path=c/cp11:13
rukubitesBut in the settings, they are all not detected except for the CDROM11:13
huage_I'm chinese.11:14
Archanaphilinux: thanks fo the page11:14
om26erhuage, if you dont have any support questions please leave.11:14
rukubitesSwedeMike: Can you help further?11:17
SwedeMikerukubites: not really. I've given you the hints I would use myself.11:17
coraxom26er: I guess that meant "goodbye" or "understood" :-)11:18
rukubitesSwedeMike: Fair enough. I am confused whether you thought I should go in and mess with the hardware?11:18
huage_english pig.11:18
jvainiomaybe he can only see some lines said by us, as the chinese government internet filter filters out a lot of the data11:19
SwedeMikerukubites: whether I thought it, or why I thought it?11:19
jvainioI remember when I was in China - I couldn't access almost any internet pages11:19
SwedeMikerukubites: if you connected the drive to some 2 channel special controller on the motherboard it would have made sense to move it to the main 6channel controller, but you already did that so...11:19
NewbieChrisI remember when I was in America - I have to pay premium to access almost any internet pages.11:19
coraxjvainio: wouldn't put it passed them11:19
rukubitesSwedeMike: I haven't played with the innards. I bought the box today.11:19
coraxjvainio: btw ... do you know if it's possible to get a remote Ubuntu to "log in" ...via ssh maybe ?11:20
Dr_Williscorax:  you can ssh in, and run whatever apps you want and have them appear lo a local X server. Or use vnc, or freenx for a remote desktop11:21
MaRk-I!ssh | corax11:21
ubottucorax: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)11:21
EgyParadoxcorax:That option is called X forwarding, you can use a remote login using xdmcp11:22
EgyParadoxremote sessions11:23
Dr_Willisxdmcp is handy. but is more for local lans only I recall. (at least  i think thats how it is)11:23
coraxDr_Willis: yes...BUT.. (there is always a but ;-)) .... I need the Ubuntu PC to log in ... not being confused with "I need to log in to a remote PC" ... the Remote Desktop feature in Ubuntu only works when the user _HAS_ logged in ...after that no problem ...but how do I get the computer logged in, so that I may remote control normaly ?11:23
Dr_Williscorax:  you mean the remote desktop feauture of GNOME's Default share desktop.. feature. :)11:24
zcat[1]http://pastebin.com/wMzyfsah  -- what now? Google isn't very helpful...11:24
Dr_Williscorax:  the ways ee mention do not share the 'current visible' desktop :)11:24
Dr_Williscorax:  you can set up GDM to auto login to gnome. and set gnome to auto start and enable that 'share this desktop' feature.11:24
Dr_Williscorax:  howeer that can be much Slower  in response then using vncserver,ssh, or freenx directly.11:25
Dr_Williscorax:  people get confused at how flexiable linux can be in this 'area'  they are used to how windows +Vnc share only the current 'visible' desktop.11:25
iceboxx_12i need some help...11:26
juliocan someone explain me how to bridge ppp0 internet access to eth0 without loosing access?11:26
iceboxx_12i have been asking this since yesterday and have found nothign11:26
julioiceberg, hi, on what?11:26
totaamcorax: this might help you: http://shifter.devloop.org.uk/11:27
coraxDr_Willis: I know of the autologin feature ...this doesn't help, as I want to be able to have the PC log on to a specified user...not a predetermined user.  I know about X-forwarding...I have used that alot...but in this case I do not wish to startup a non-local, non-visible X-session up ...just a regular session ...as I would when I would sit in front of the Desktop.11:27
iceboxx_12can anyone assist me with the instalation of nvidia 6200A agp11:27
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totaamhah, sorry, this won't work for a non-predetermined user...11:28
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jagadishcan anyone assist me with the instalation of nvidia 6200A agp11:28
dapeamelhey guys I have installed gnome-alsamixer but how do I get it as a tray icon?11:28
airtonixcorax, there is a linux version of RDP i think11:28
coraxtotaam: no worries :-) but thanx for the try11:28
zambawhen trying to run a php script i'm prompted for a run/save as dialoge from my net browser.. what could be causing this? it used to work..11:28
airtonixcorax, as in a linux RDP server.11:28
Dr_Williscorax:  ive not seen any way to force via ssh  gnome to login to a specific user. In theory you could alter the gdm config and set  the new user to be the one you want. and restart gdm and let it auto-log into the new user. but thats a bit of a nasty way11:28
linthow do i compile script?11:28
zcat[1]Dr_Willis:  I was just about to suggest that!!\11:29
lethiasIs gdesklet or screenlet still useful or is nothing really developed for them anymore?11:29
coraxairtonix: yes there is ...its called XRDP ... but again....it starts up a non-visible session ...not a local one.11:29
llutzcorax: you want xdmcp? using your machine as x-client11:29
jagadishcan anyone assist me with the instalation of nvidia 6200A agp11:29
Dr_Williszcat[1]:  i get dizy thinking of the issues with that. :011:29
coraxDr_Willis: true :-) ...but I can tell that you get my problem now ;-)11:29
jagadishcan anyone assist me with the instalation of nvidia 6200A agp11:29
Dr_Willisxdmcp wont start up a desktop thats visiable on the remote box., freenx wont either (last i checked)11:30
Jordan_Ucorax: You can start X then "DISPLAY=:0.0 gnome-session"11:30
Dr_Williscorax:  i dont see why you really need  to have it showing up on the remote box. Unless you are going to be training someone :)11:30
coraxllutz: the task is to get the remote PC logged in ...and keep it that way .... also when I shut down the machine I've used to make it do so.11:30
Dr_Williscorax:  this is over a lan, or over the internet?11:30
timmillwoodHow do I set the default permission for new files created?11:31
juliohow can i share ppp0 internet without network-manager?11:31
Dr_WillisIf you are never going to be going to and sitting down at the remote box. I dont see the reason for having doing it that way.11:31
coraxDr_Willis: it is over the LAN ....and yes, it is among one thing about training :-) ...so you get the picture.11:31
llutzcorax: sry i've overseen the remote-pc part11:31
coraxllutz: no worries :-)11:32
|ns|nR8julio, i use firestarter11:32
Dr_Williscorax:  i have set up GDM sessions befor that just run a vncviewer :)  that way i can sit at any pc on the lan and access the vnc desktop  -  I could sit at any of the other pc's on the lan and access the same desktop. at the same time even.11:32
julio|ns|nR8, isn't that a firewall?11:32
Dr_WillisVNC is a fun toy to play with.11:33
|ns|nR8julio, yes but has option to share internet connection aswell11:33
juliojagadish, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia11:33
coraxDr_Willis: and yes you are correct ... I will be going to the workstation (or workstations) to work with them ... they may for an example have desktop-apps that need to be started on runned for a while, before I start working with the PC locally.  For several machines, it a hassle to go to each an every PC, to log them on ...so an aletrnative would be nice.11:33
coraxDr_Willis: explain plz ? :-)11:34
Dr_Williscorax:  which part? :) Linux is like legos  - build up what you want11:34
NewbieChrisOr Knex.11:35
Dr_WillisYou could have eery student accessing the same vnc desktop if you wanted.11:35
Dr_Willisthey all would see every change everyone did.11:35
coraxDr_Willis: I know...and I love it ...the trick is to use as few pieces as possible....and to substitute with a Dublo-piece if possible ;-)11:35
iceboxx_12can anyone assist me with the instalation of nvidia 6200A agp11:36
=== iceboxx_12 is now known as jagadish
xoegreetings, I am new here and need some help with installing SSH server on desktop version of Ubuntu11:36
NewbieChrisxoe, "sudo aptitude install ssh" !11:36
xoethanks Chris, let me try11:36
Dr_Willisi dont think thats the right package name for the ssh server11:37
Dr_Willisunless its a metapackage.11:37
Dr_Willis!info ssh11:37
ubottussh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 44 kB11:37
Dr_Willisguess it is. :)11:37
jagadishcan anyone assist me with the instalation of nvidia 6200A agp11:37
jvainioHow to resume copying if the copy process has stopped? (The space has NOT run out)11:37
xoethanks, working on it.11:37
jvainiotroopperi_ suomipoika! :D11:38
totaamjvainio: depends how you copied in the first place, rsync --append-verify does it...11:38
MaRk-I!cn > huage_11:38
ubottuhuage_, please see my private message11:38
coraxDr_Willis: ok then...a new scenario ... I have a Ubuntu Desktop ... installed on a regular PC, where no keyboard is attached ... and uhmm.... I going down to buy a new keyboard...but uhmmm the boss wants the computer to start a program, that takes 30 min. to initialise...about the same time it takes me to get the keyboard ...to not waste time, what do I do ?11:38
troopperi_jvainio: kyllä :)11:38
jvainiototaam: with cp /home/ to /mnt/usbdisk1/backup11:38
jvainiototaam: as sudo, of course11:38
edmirhow can i install a webcam?11:38
jvainiosudo cp that11:38
totaamjvainio: is part of the file still there in backup?11:39
jvainiototaam: however, the copy process has just halted11:39
dapeamelhey guys is it possible to get gnome-alsamixer to tray icon?11:39
abhi_nav!webcam | edmir11:39
ubottuedmir: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:39
Dr_Williscorax:  you wan tto ssh to it and start an app to appear on the 'remote' box's desktop? thats doable . but  theres some security things that may  make it a little harder11:39
Dr_Williscorax:  ssh in,  set the proper DISPLAY, start the app. but  theres security that may require you to use 'sux' or 'xhost' to allow the program access to the display11:40
jvainiototaam: all files are in /Home/someuser, yes11:40
jvainiototaam: Trying to backup copy them to a portable harddisk11:40
coraxDr_Willis: _when_ the remote computer is logged in there is no problem ... cuz I can just do the old ssh X-server trick .. export=DISPLAY:.0 ...and wupti...but11:40
totaamI mean, do you have partial files in the destination folder, if not you'll have to start again11:40
totaamrsync --append-verify will resume and append to files if they were partially transferred, dont use cp11:41
jagadishlive cd doesn't boot if i use my ap card11:41
coraxDr_Willis: ...now that I'm _NOT_ logged in....what to do ?  (and please remember that the old export DISPLAY=.0-trick still start a new session...its just an SSH-session, which means, when the SSH-client is down, so is the session...not doable)11:42
Dr_Williscorax:  you can always ssh in and start up a new X session  I guess. :) but ive not tried that11:42
jvainiototaam: ok, thank you... I cannot know how to fix this thing....11:42
jvainiototaam: because for some reason, my machines perfomance has gone down to about 10% what it used to be... in one night! :D11:43
MaRk-Ijagadish: you get a black screen after splash?11:43
Dr_Willismake gdm start up x11vnc :)  then you can vnc to the remote box and login.. (i wonder if thats doable)11:43
geirha!freenx | corax, maybe you want something like this?11:43
ubottucorax, maybe you want something like this?: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX11:43
coraxDr_Willis: whatever I startup (new initializing) in the SSH session, will be alive only in the SSH session ...unless I write to something already started.11:43
Dr_Willisgeirha:  freenx dosent take over the remote desktop however does it? it makes it s own session11:43
jagadishMaRk-I, no are some errors and then a sudden halt i have to reboot11:43
geirhaDr_Willis: Yes, it's own session, and you can disconnect from it (leaving it running) and resume later.11:44
MaRk-Ijagadish: did you check the cd for errors?11:44
xoe"No candidate version found for ssh" on "sudo aptitude install ssh", is rlogin going allow me to remote login to desktop version?11:44
Dr_Willisgeirha:  hes 'has' (for some reason) to be able to have/see the dekstop on both the remote and the local monitors.  :)11:44
MaRk-I!ssh > xoe11:45
ubottuxoe, please see my private message11:45
llutzxoe: install openssh-client11:45
jagadishwhen i use my agp card i cant do any thing but reboot11:45
DS0Hi, can you inter monodevelop 2.4 to the programs center?11:45
Dr_Williswe are overlooking the huge seucrity issues with   having remote machines logged in unattended...11:45
MaRk-Ijagadish: do you get the boot options pressing shift?11:45
Dr_WillisI gotta run to the store. bye all.11:45
geirhaDr_Willis: Ah. If only there was a screen(1) for X :)11:45
totaamDr_Willis: NX can be used to take over a desktop yes, but not by default11:45
totaamgeirha: the tool I posted earlier kinda does this11:46
coraxgeirha: thanx ... its seems like a good tool ... I will look into that ... however for now it doesn't seem solve the issue of starting a local session...that is visible on the local PC.11:46
MelodistHello, does anyoneo know why I cant shut down? I press the button and it doesnt do anything. I can shutdown with the terminal but the process goes up to a certain point and then locks up, and I have to shut down manually11:46
Dr_Willisgeirha:  that is x11vnc i think.11:46
Dr_Willistotaam:  ahh. ive not used NX enough to ever tried that11:47
Melodistthe worst part is that it doesnt save any of the things I changed to my system and I'm trying to make syndaemon -d run consistently11:47
Dr_WillisI found NX a lot more complex for me to learn the VNC.11:47
totaamDr_Willis: You need to use a wrapper (like the tool I posted above) to start nxagent in shadow mode from the command line11:47
Dr_Williscorax:  I think NX can let you 'nx in' and see the GDM screen where you can login normally11:47
julio|ns|nR8, installed but says eth0 isn't ready :S11:47
totaamAbsolutely, that's why I wrote a wrapper, it's a nightmare otherwise11:48
coraxDr_Willis: cool ...I will definetly try that then :-D ...THANX !!!11:48
|ns|nR8julio, is network cable plugged in ?11:48
Dr_Williscorax:  but as totaam  said. it may take some work.11:48
coraxDr_Willis: damn :-( ... I wanted a Dublo-piece :-)11:48
Dr_Williscorax:  actually  if you dont use gdm at all.. you could ssh in and startx :)  as the user.. and if set right. then exit the ssh session and leave X going.11:49
totaamcorax: I haven't tried, but as long as you have root access, either NX or x0vncserver should be able to shadow any display11:49
Dr_Willisx0vncserver> thats a new one on me.11:49
Dr_Willis!info x0vncserver11:49
ubottuPackage x0vncserver does not exist in lucid11:49
totaamit's part of tigervnc, I've built packages here: http://shifter.devloop.org.uk/beta/11:50
Dr_Willisyet another vnc variant.11:51
totaamafaik, the others are unmaintained11:51
coraxtotaam: some of the solution I've been trying myself, included alternative VNC-servers ...however most conflicts with the one already installed for Ubuntu - Remote Desktop ...so it would be nice, if the solution had an alternative, that did _NOT_ include installing an "extra" VNC-server.11:51
totaamcorax: nxagent/x0vncserver aren't going to replace your existing server (not the same as vnc.so module or Xvnc server), they will just shadow an existing X11 display11:52
coraxtotaam: ok11:52
totaamthey're called servers because, well, they serve the X display to the clients, but they're not driving your local display11:53
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coraxtotaam: oh I know ... tightvnc and others conflicts with the standard packages in Ubuntu ... and some doesn't work unless I manually remove some packages.11:57
coraxtotaam: that was why I was worried.11:58
coraxtotaam: FreeNX included a RDP-proxy ... very interesting...maybe usefull in another "remote"-project I'm dealing with.11:58
trojan_spikehow come i cant move/resize with g-parted on my linux , but can on windows?? )same g-parted)12:01
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totaamtrojan_spike: because those partitions are in use when you do it?12:02
xoeI could not install the sshd server, tried to install after downloading too, the desktop version gives "Makefile:3: *** missing separator.  Stop."12:07
Roy_someone can help me to install FROXLOR ?12:08
studentznvidia 256.35 experiences?12:08
rwwxoe: Just install it from the package manager instead: sudo apt-get install openssh-server12:08
xoerww: trying.12:08
ubuntu51please help me to activate my xsplash12:10
darth_tux71dont know what that is sorry12:10
ubuntu51everytime i  boot my ubuntu it apperar blank screen12:10
darth_tux71you mean your GDM12:10
ubuntu51i need xsplash background12:10
ubuntu51boot screen12:11
airtonixdarth_tux71, xsplash is what you see before your login screen12:11
airtonixdarth_tux71, the animated thing... although i thought it was replaced with plymount12:11
darth_tux71oh that is what its called i just called it a spalsh12:11
darth_tux71or the thingamableeper12:11
ubuntu51to activate splash12:11
rwwxoe: (please don't PM people from this channel) Try doing "sudo apt-get update" first, then the command I gave. If that doesn't help, copy the output of "apt-cache policy" to http://paste.ubuntu.com and link the page it creates here.12:12
xoerww, thank you, did not want to flood the channel.12:12
darth_tux71<------ PM's rww12:13
nobarkingsome keeps breaking into my wireless router, how can i monitor the traffic?12:13
nobarkingis there such software in ubuntu?12:13
darth_tux71first off are you using a stupid password?12:14
rwwxoe: ah, okay :). Best to use http://paste.ubuntu.com for that. We tend to advise against PMing so that other channel users can help with the problem and make sure you're getting good advice.12:14
darth_tux71I used a 40 key random hit WPA312:14
airtonixnobarking, stop using wep12:14
rwwdarth_tux71: WPA3 doesn't exist ;)12:14
ubuntu51there is any possibility to activate my anmimated splash12:14
ubuntu51what i can do12:14
xoerww: I understand, thanks, I will use it next time.12:14
* airtonix logs into darth_tux71s wifi12:14
nobarkingi think i know who it is12:14
darth_tux71now that is a wpa3 pwd12:14
nobarkingi think it's my neighbor12:15
nobarkingi have an router12:15
nobarkingonly wep security12:15
darth_tux71airtonix, wanna play with my Wii =P12:15
airtonixnobarking, it's a fairly simple operation... stop using WEP. use wpa2 instead12:15
darth_tux71it has wpa12:15
nobarkingairtonix: my router is old12:15
winstonwman its not fun building crosscompile toolchains and then building libc12:15
darth_tux71err yeah wpa2 sorry im wired now small condo12:15
airtonixnobarking, then you're out of luck12:15
darth_tux71time to buy a new router12:16
darth_tux71or go wired12:16
nobarkingi can't set like ips12:16
nobarkingor something12:16
airtonixnobarking, unless your router allows you to whitelist mac addresses12:16
darth_tux71or blacklist iPods12:16
nobarkingthey mess the router up12:16
nobarkingit always freezes and then i see like 2 people on the wireless lan12:16
airtonixnobarking, the other thing i tell my friends to do (who insist on using wifi) is to turn off dhcp and use static ips in non standard ip ranges12:16
nobarkingmac address is mine and other is someone elses12:17
studentznobarking best solution is IPtables12:17
airtonixstudentz, that won't work12:17
nobarkingwhat does wireshark do?12:17
studentzare you serious?12:17
nobarkingstudentz: iptables, needs a server right?12:17
nobarkingi think i can find an old computer for a server12:18
airtonixstudentz, yes. deadly. unless nobarking is using a wifi access point that only routes through a linux box (or if the access point allows nobarking to install custom software)12:18
nobarkingbut do i need two nic cards?12:18
airtonixnobarking, yes12:18
malcolmcihey guys, /etc/bashrc is the system-wide bash config file, right?12:18
RAHUL_007Hello guys!! I've implemented a clustering project using kerrighed 2.4.1 and ubuntu 8.04..but the problem now is that i am facing problem in finding an application to test it's performance or it's working..So plss help me12:18
airtonixnobarking, you'll also need a separate device for the wifi access point and internet access12:19
rwwmalcolmci: yes12:19
malcolmcithanks again rww :-)12:19
nobarkingcan i make my own wireless router with wireless nics and iptables on a server?12:19
rwwmalcolmci: sorry, /etc/bash.bashrc12:19
TechMiXwhat type connection is needed to connect to internet through a wimax modem? PPP?12:19
airtonixnobarking, i assume your internet access device is the same thing as your wifi device ?12:19
nobarkingwell there's the modem12:19
rwwI knew that path looked a little short12:19
nobarkingthen the wlan router12:20
airtonixnobarking, are they the same device ?12:20
malcolmcirww ah ok. thought it was a little weird that /etc/bashrc didn't exist, thanks12:20
darth_tux71heh i need an old version of bunt for my lappy damn i wish I kept those cds12:20
nobarkingi was thinking of capturing the packets12:20
nobarkingand then going to my neighbor12:20
nobarkingand tell him i'll take him to court12:20
airtonixnobarking, i would just check first to see if your wlan router allows you to whitelist wifi clients by mac address12:20
BeelsebobHow does one install an SSL certificate in ubuntu?12:21
visvanathHi, I use ntel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) .. When i used ubuntu 9.04, the "Extra" effects of wobbly windows worked.. But not on this new 10.04... I was using 9.04 fo 1 year and fresh-installed Lucid. But in here, the new lucid lynx, it just does notenable.. It says "could not be enabled" .there is nothing to install on Hardware drivers ,12:21
philinuxmalcolmci: locate bashrc = /etc/bash.bashrc12:21
nobarkingairtonix: thanks, i think i saw an option. i'll try that...12:21
airtonixnobarking, also12:21
airtonixnobarking, you may have an option to broadcast the AP name... turn that off to make the accesspoint invisible.12:22
malcolmciphilinux: learning useful commands all the time, thankyou!12:22
nobarkingairtonix: will the invisibility prevent legitimate users also?12:22
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airtonixnobarking, it will weed out the nubs. whitelisting will prevent machines that you don't allow to connect12:23
s3r3n1t7nobarking, as the name suggests, it doesn't broadcast it's AP name. It does not mean it'll be inaccessible.12:23
philinuxmalcolmci: If you dont find anything with locate then use thisi first sudo updatedb12:23
rwwnobarking: no. It's also not hard to get around (neither is MAC whitelisting)12:23
airtonixnobarking, i would also think about getting a new wifi router (they are fairly cheap now)12:24
nobarkingairtonix: yeah, i think i'll probably go ahead and do that12:24
nobarkingthis is from like early 200012:25
nobarkingthanks everyone for your help12:25
rwwnobarking: That's probably your best bet. In terms of buzzwords, you're looking for something that supports "WEP2"12:25
rwwWPA2 **12:25
NewbieChrisEasier to crack! I can't wait for that to come out. :)12:26
rwwNewbieChris: lol12:26
RAHUL_007Hello guys!! I've implemented a clustering project using kerrighed 2.4.1 and ubuntu 8.04..but the problem now is that i am facing problem in finding an application to test it's performance or it's working..Can nyone help me ??12:27
nobarkingso what does wireshark do?12:27
nobarkingdoes it capture packets from the router?12:27
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rwwnobarking: monitors traffic on a network interface. So, for example, you could point it at your wifi and read anything that went between your computer and your router.12:28
nobarkingi'm such a novice at network security12:28
iced_teanobarking: it displays all incoming and outgoing packets on the device12:28
airtonixnobarking, well calling your access point a router is flimsy concept12:28
darth_tux71libraries are good resources for books on these things12:28
nobarkingyeah, i need to learn the terminologies12:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:29
ubuntu51hello help me to fix my splash12:29
Guest57454Why might I be experiencing graphical issues with my notebook? I can describe my issue as follows: at random intervals -every few seconds- my screen appears to 'refresh', almost like my theme is refreshing. My system locks up for a second, parts of my display turn white and then my system returns to normal operation. A reboot seems to fix this issue, but is is randomly re-occuring. I am using a HP nc4200 notebook with Intel graphics?12:30
farciarz84when will be the next ubuntu realese?12:31
rwwfarciarz84: October12:31
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:31
farciarz84rww: will it contain python 2.7?12:31
visvanathHi, I use ntel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) .. When i used ubuntu 9.04, the "Extra" effects of wobbly windows worked.. But not on this new 10.04... I was using 9.04 fo 1 year and fresh-installed Lucid. But in here, the new lucid lynx, it just does notenable.. It says "could not be enabled" .there is nothing to install on Hardware drivers ,12:31
rwwfarciarz84: I'm not sure. Try asking in #ubuntu+1.12:32
zrbeckerIs there an easy way to change the cursor in the CLI from an _ to a box?12:32
bullgard4What is the filenemae extension ".ui" for in the XML document text file /usr/share/gdm/gdmsetup.ui?12:33
LugDanielHi, I want to install thunderbird(not the version in ubuntu software center) but the latest one on the official website. Where do I extract the file I've got?12:33
philinuxfarciarz84: current version is 2.6.512:33
philinuxfarciarz84: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule12:34
ubuntu51everytime i boot appear blank screen12:34
LugDanielThe file name is, thunderbird-3.1.tar.bz212:34
ubuntu51no animate logo background12:34
philinuxubuntu51: Does the system work normally after you login12:36
visvanathLugDaniel, I think ... You need to extract that to any folder.. and run a file inside it to start the thunderbird directly. I think it does not need installationn.. I am not sure though. Never tried12:36
LugDanielvisvanath,  Yes, you are right, it works.12:36
philinuxfarciarz84: Ask here, http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=38512:36
LugDanielvisvanath,  But where do programs "stay" in ubuntu, where is the path to the installed programs.12:36
poyntzCan't boot window manager. what could the problem be? http://pastebin.com/khyTd6ay12:37
rwwLugDaniel: /bin/ or /usr/bin/, but files that aren't under package management shouldn't be put there12:37
visvanathLugDaniel, just issua this comand "whereis appname"12:37
ubuntu51i can login normally12:37
LugDanielvisvanath,  Wow, thank you so much sir.12:37
ubuntu51my problem no graphical logo will appear12:37
LugDanielrww, Thanks very much for your help aswell.12:37
LugDanielrww,  So where can I put it, in my home folder?12:38
rwwLugDaniel: that should work, yes12:38
LugDanielrww,  Since it is not under package management, just an archive that contains the thunderbird program.12:38
LugDanielrww,  Ok, then...12:38
visvanathLugDaniel, any folder12:38
rukubitesYES YES YES12:38
rukubitesMy BIOS needed me to change to AHCI in *two* places.12:39
LugDanielrww,  Another thing, why isn't the latest version of Thunderbird in the Ubuntu software center?12:39
LugDanielrww,  I see a modified version there....12:39
visvanathLugDaniel, It will take time till it gets into the repositories.12:40
philinuxubuntu51: See this. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146947512:40
rww!latest | LugDaniel12:40
ubottuLugDaniel: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.12:40
LugDanielrww,  Ohh, so I better go for the one in the repositories.12:41
LugDanielrww,  Sorry, didn't knew that.12:41
rwwLugDaniel: It's up to you. Personally, I stick with repository packages, yes.12:41
gogeta1i dont with wine12:41
gogeta1normaly its always some compatbly fix12:42
obscurant1stis there any way by which i can copy multiple files from different paths to a common destination in terminal?12:43
dapeamelhey guys can someone help me out. I cant launch exaile from menu but just when Im in terminal and writing sudo exaile please help me out I tried chmod +x /usr/bin/exaile12:43
bullgard4What is the filenemae extension ".ui" for in the XML document text file /usr/share/gdm/gdmsetup.ui?12:43
obscurant1stbullgard4, i think its form!12:44
bullgard4obscurant1st: I don't understand you. Please say it in other words.12:44
=== bezou is now known as bezourox
MaRk-Idapeamel: why start exaile with sudo?12:45
obscurant1stbullgard4, in Qt pgm language, ui is for the forms. like the form in which buttons, lablels, textbox etc comes.12:45
obscurant1stis there any way by which i can copy multiple files from different paths to a common destination in terminal?12:46
dapeamelmark thats no why I cant start it orginally12:48
bullgard4obscurant1st: I see. Thank you for commenting.12:49
rwwobscurant1st: cp /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 /path/to/destination12:49
MaRk-Idapeamel: but why do you start it with sudo?12:49
bullgard4obscurant1st: You can write all source files to copy on one command line.12:49
dapeamelwell I tried exaile but I have no permissions etc.12:50
dapeamelI added but..12:50
obscurant1strww, bullgard4 thx. :) i ddint knew that!12:50
fr0stbyteim too lazy to find out if this comp's eth network card is 10, 100, or 1000 Mbps.. is there a command?12:50
visvanath Hi, I use ntel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) .. When i used ubuntu 9.04, the "Extra" effects of wobbly windows worked.. But not on this new 10.04... I was using 9.04 fo 1 year and fresh-installed Lucid. But in here, the new lucid lynx, it just does notenable.. It says "could not be enabled" .there is nothing to install on Hardware drivers ,12:52
darth_tux71woo wtf where do I install new GDM themes?12:52
darth_tux71it used to be under admin things12:52
MaRk-I!cn > ylmfos12:52
ubottuylmfos, please see my private message12:52
FloodBot4ylmfos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:52
fr0stbyteva fa napoli12:52
hotfloppyis i'm the only person who lag ?12:53
Dr_Willisdarth_tux71:  short answer you dont.  the new GDM2  dosent use the old GDM themes.12:53
Dr_Willisdarth_tux71:  but its tweakable to some degree.12:54
darth_tux71ok so i have been wasting my time dang12:54
darth_tux71i have like 20 nice themes that are useless12:55
Dr_Willisworring about GDM themes.. i would conside a waste of time. yes. :)12:55
FloodBot4ylmfos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:55
Dr_Willischange the wallpaper to what you like.. move on.12:55
visvanath Hi, I use ntel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) .. When i used ubuntu 9.04, the "Extra" effects of wobbly windows worked.. But not on this new 10.04... I was using 9.04 fo 1 year and fresh-installed Lucid. But in here, the new lucid lynx, it just does notenable.. It says "could not be enabled" .there is nothing to install on Hardware drivers ,12:55
darth_tux71i wanted one good one for the bud inspection folks to look at12:55
darth_tux71i dont leave my puter logged in when I know peps are gonna be here when I am not =P12:55
* Dr_Willis has no idea what darth_tux71 is going on about.12:56
Dr_WillisYou are at a Florist Shop? :)12:56
darth_tux71i have a bug inspection so i was gonna leave it in a the log in screen i guess ill just pwd GLmatrix screen saver12:57
FloodBot4ylmfos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:57
darth_tux71or DUH unplug the wireless for my kb and take it with me12:57
darth_tux71i dont know I always liked changing that login screen12:57
visvanathHOw do i change the screen during startup which shows "ubuntu and five dots" and loads..12:59
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork13:00
=== pjarnahomzz is now known as pjarnahom
snowrichardoff to make some coffee13:00
jorginnoi have a question13:00
jorginnoabout lampp13:00
jorginnoon linux13:01
Pici!ask | jorginno13:01
ubottujorginno: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:01
jorginnocan anybody help me13:01
Picivisvanath, MaRk-I: Thats  plymouth, not usplash that powers that in 10.0413:01
chaoflowIs there a pam plugin to grant groups based on one group membership? I'd like people in the staff group to be members of certain project groups also13:01
visvanathPici, i just want to change that. How to ?13:02
jayeolahey chaps, new user on a ubuntu box, readline library not working. how to set up for him?13:02
jorginnowell i have the version 1.74-beta 313:02
visvanathPici, Is it allowed ? Possible ?13:02
MaRk-Ithanks Pici13:02
jorginnothen since last week13:02
jorginnomysql doesn't function13:03
visvanathMaRk-I, Is it opssible to change the boot sceen ?13:03
jorginnoi don't know why?13:03
jorginnoi had uninstall it and install again but nothing resolve it13:04
MaRk-Ivisvanath: it's possible but it's not that easy you have to edit grub files i believe13:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:05
Sliferoops ok13:05
Picivisvanath: This looks to be the best guide I can find, oddly there isn't anything in the Ubuntu wiki. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/quick-tipplymouth-themes-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html13:05
xoewhy do we need a next ubuntu while this one is great?13:05
bihariis there any short cut for opening terminal13:06
Sliferi am right now on the terminal13:06
visvanathPici, thanks for the link.13:06
visvanathbihari, you can set it13:06
Sliferand suppose i wanna download something13:06
visvanathbihari, system > prefere> keyboard shortcuts13:06
Sliferfor e.g = putty ( SSH/Telnet )13:06
Sliferhow do i do plz ?13:06
Sliferis it --> wget www.the-url ?13:07
bihari!thanks you visvanath13:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:07
biharithank you visvanath13:07
visvanathbihari, no problme :-)13:08
dairyman87hey guys does anyone know how to make the duplicates source work on rhythmbox. basically what it does is remove duplicate song entries from the rhythmbox library?13:08
Sliferbazhang: can you help me plz ?13:08
rob_pSlifer: What are you trying to do?13:09
VagaStormhow do I ignore adependancy when using apt-get?13:09
dairyman87does anyone have an idea how to make this work? ive followed the instructions, created the plugins folder. but everytime i try to enable the plugin it rhythmbox crashes13:10
Sliferi want to get access to putty ( since am new to ubuntu & linux ) i was trying the Terminal to download Putty ( SSH/Telnet )13:10
Sliferi want to get access to putty ( since am new to ubuntu & linux ) i was trying the Terminal to download Putty ( SSH/Telnet ) rob_p13:10
biharivisvanath,  you know shell scripting13:10
EgyParadoxI believe putty is a windows ssh client.13:10
snowrichardputty is a windows program, you can install openssh ? not sure of the packge name13:11
visvanathbihari, You can google to learn them .13:11
Fudgeanyone know of a really simple X session chooser preferably just text one13:11
darth_tux71Slifer, sudo apt-get install putty13:11
visvanathbihari, so many tutorials out there.13:11
neo_how can i find the sources of  current Linux kernel?13:11
darth_tux71err yeah its ssh13:11
darth_tux71stupid me sorry13:11
rob_pSlifer: PuTTy is a windows executable.  If you simply need an SSH client, you're in luck!  There's one included by default on your Ubuntu system.  Simply ssh user@host!13:11
darth_tux71wow i need to remember things13:12
rwwSlifer: sudo apt-get install putty, but I'd recommend just using ssh as rob_p says13:12
neo_where is my kernelsourcedir13:12
neo_where i can find that ?13:12
gorillanobakahi everyone13:12
visvanathgorillanobaka, hi13:13
rob_pSlifer: If you are trying to access another Ubuntu box via ssh, you will need to install openssh-server on that box before you will be able to access it over ssh.13:13
Sliferwhat is the command plz coz the sudo apt-get install putty  doesnt work13:13
iSee                                   hello   ever13:13
rwwSlifer: try "sudo apt-get update", then "sudo apt-get install putty"13:13
fr0stbyteSlifer: read what they said13:13
visvanathSlifer, instead of saying "doesnot work" , You can say what was the error that the terminal showed you.13:13
Sliferok rww13:14
visvanathSlifer, so that others can help you easily13:14
neo_where is my kernelsourcedir ?13:14
rob_prww: So there is a PuTTy in the repos... I wasn't aware of that.  Thanks! :-)13:14
Sliferslifer@slifer-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install putty13:14
SliferE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)13:14
SliferE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?13:14
rwwSlifer: you have another package manager open, probably13:14
gorillanobakaneither do i ...but hey...we all learn :)13:14
rob_pSlifer: You probably have synaptic open or something...13:15
Sliferyes it is opened13:15
neo_where is my kernel dirctory ?13:15
rob_pSlifer: Close the update-manager, synaptic, etc.13:15
rob_pSlifer: Then try it again.13:15
rwwubottu: repeat | neo_13:15
ubottuneo_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:15
=== irv_ is now known as irv
gorillanobaka close it please mate... othrwise it will not work13:15
rob_pSlifer: But I must ask, why do you want putty when you have a perfectly capable ssh client already at your fingertips?13:16
neo_huh !13:16
noahiris the exploit patched ?13:16
Sliferi wanna get access to my shell13:16
rwwnoahir: I imagine that depends which one you're talking about13:16
geemeeHi there. I am trying to recover data from an external drive using ddrescue however it appears it will not even mount. I presume it is because the HD is that knackered. Any ideas on recovering data?13:16
noahirrww: newest ?13:17
noahirnewest ubuntu local root13:17
rob_pSlifer: Your shell on a remote box, I presume?13:17
rwwnoahir: Do you have a CVE number?13:17
EgyParadoxSlifer:If you prefer GUI use putty, if you don't there is an ssh client installed by default (open-ssh), for help how to use it type man ssh13:17
noahirrww: CVE ?13:17
Sliferwhat does a remote box mean ?13:17
Dr_Willisgeemee:  with dd you dont need to mount the filesystem13:17
Slifer2days ago i have installed linux13:17
Sliferam new13:17
noahiri dont13:17
fr0stbyterob_p: because he's new to *nix and maybe even IRC pasting multilines13:18
Sliferdont be hard13:18
Dr_Willisgeemee:  you normally 'dd' or 'ddrescue' it to a file on a different HD, then recovery data from that file13:18
geemeeDr_willis: ah.. didnt know that.. so what is the command to clone the hd?13:18
EgyParadoxSlifer: np13:18
rwwnoahir: then feel free to search through https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/ for security updates. If you don't have specifics, I can't do it for you ;)13:18
rob_pSlifer: SSH is a protocol used for secure access to a remote system's shell.  I'm not sure you know what you want!13:18
Dr_Willisgeemee:  check the ddrescue docs. ive not used that. theres also the similer tool 'dd_rescue' or just the normal 'dd' command13:18
noahirrww: im talking about Ubuntu PAM local root13:18
Sliferthe synaptic package thing is being installed.. i'll wait for it to end then i will do the commands you guys have asked me13:19
geemeeDr_Willis: Thanks. Will google / man just now13:19
Dr_Willisgeemee:  with 'dd' it would be 'dd if=/dev/BADDRIVE  of=Pickafilename bs=1024' or similer13:19
rwwnoahir: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2010-July/001117.html13:19
fr0stbyteSlifer: putty uses ssh, just so u know its not something completely different13:19
ubottuSlifer, please see my private message13:19
Dr_Willisgeemee:  also note you proberly want to dd the /dev/sdb1 or whatever /dev/sdXx it is. not /dev/sdb   Unless theres more then 1 partition on the hd.  You can dd the whole drive.. or just a partition. Its easier to work with a parittion13:20
rob_pSlifer: I'm trying to save you some trouble.  If you simply want to, "ssh into" another linux host from your linux host, you can do it with the included ssh client, right from the command line.13:20
noahirrww: aa so patched already13:20
rwwnoahir: yes13:20
geemeeDr_Willis: This may be the problem. No /dev/sdXX listed.13:21
rob_pSlifer: If your Linux host is the one that will be accessed remotely, then you will need to install the ssh server (openssh-server) package.13:21
fr0stbyteif hes using PuTTy he probably already has an ssh server setup (employer, coworker, friend, etc). at least that was the case for me when I didn't know SSH, but knew PuTTy13:22
rob_pfr0stbyte: Tnx for your input.13:22
Dr_Willisgeemee:  replace XX with what you need.. :)13:23
rob_pfr0stbyte: I just want him to clarify what he wants to accomplish.  Until he does, we can only take guesses...13:23
geemeeDr_Willis: How can I confirm the number I presume it would be 1 since it is the only drive attached.13:23
=== Nwab is now known as Benwa
Dr_Willisgeemee:  sudo fdisk -l, or look in /dev/ to see what you got13:24
Dr_Willisgeemee:  1 hd, first partition should be /dev/sda113:25
=== SlidingHorn_out is now known as slidinghorn
geemeeDr_Willis: Think I may have it now. DD is making the iso. Many Thanks13:28
Dr_Willisgeemee:  iso? you are rescueing a optical disk?13:28
geemeeDr_Willis: No. I am rescuing a external 2.5" drive (laptop drive in enclosure) just saving to iso so I can then copy to another machine then browse13:30
Dr_Willisgeemee:  err.. You dident just dd the hd to foo.iso  did you?13:31
geemeeDr_Willis: Yep.. Why?13:31
geemeeDr_Willis: Following http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/01/21/rescue-data-from-failing-partition/13:32
Dr_Willisgeemee:  you do realuize thasts not an ISO file?13:32
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzz
Dr_Willisits not going to be readable as an  cd.. its still a ext2/3/4/whatever filesystem13:33
geemeeDr_Willis: But surely I can mount / browse or use something like ultraISO (windows) to browse?13:33
Sliferrob_p:  i have done the sudo apt-get install putty13:34
geemeeDr_Willis: It will just be an image / ghost of the drive?13:34
Dr_Willisgeemee:   its not an ISO filesystem.. so i sould be suprised at ultraiso or whatever being able to read it13:34
Dr_Willisgeemee:  its a drive IMAGE - yes..13:34
Dr_Willisyou coudl then Burn it to a cd/dvd with a burner program. but  you are making an iso with dd.. thats not going to be an 'iso9660' filesystem13:34
geemeeDr_Willis: It is processing just now, I will leave it and see what happens. If I have to will try another method13:35
Dr_Willisgeemee:  what filesystem is the HD?13:35
geemeeDR_Willis: Unkown. I am presuming fat32. Its not my HD13:35
Dr_Willisgeemee: Im suprised its going to fit on a single dvd/cd  anyway :)13:35
geemeeIm fully aware it wont fit on a cd/dvd. I can copy across network and hopefully open the iso13:35
trojan_spikeis it readable now?13:35
Dr_Willisgeemee:  you can mount the file after you have dd'd it to a file from linux. No need to use windows at all.13:35
Dr_Willisgeemee:  its just a 'file' its not an iso in any way shape or form. :)13:36
doubletwistMan, grub2 is giving me fits... :(13:36
Dr_Willisother then its name. :)13:36
geemeeI will use ubuntu to open initally then will ftp to a windows share for the owner to collect.13:36
trojan_spikesup grub2?13:37
Dr_Willisyou could mount the file via the Loop feature of mount. then share the mountpoint. or copy the actual files to a cd/dvd/whatever.13:37
Sliferhw can i access it now after doing the sudo apt-get install putty EgyParadox  ?13:37
Dr_Willisthat dd image will be the same size as the HD.13:37
doubletwistI can't seem to get grub2 to work at all with a software raid mirror13:37
geemeeDr_Willis@: that is what the guide says to mount via loop13:37
geemeehalf way there.13:37
Dr_Willisgeemee:  mount, copy files over to some dir.. then  put that dir on some share/dvd/whatever.   the dd imaged Everything.. even the emopty parts of the HD13:38
doubletwistI've tried installing 10.04 from scratch, squeeze from scratch. No joy. I can install Lenny [with grub1] and it works great. Soon as I try to uprade to squeeze [along with grub2] it craters13:38
EgyParadoxSlifer:Type putty in the terimnal13:38
Sliferthnk u very much EgyParadox13:38
doubletwistit complains about 'no mapping for md0' and such. A bug which was supposedly fixed, but I seem to keep hitting it13:39
trojan_spikeis the grub2 install going to the correct folder?13:39
doubletwistI think so13:39
trojan_spikedouble check it13:39
Benwahi, silly question : how do i put shortcuts (of my "/home" for example) on the desktop? I'm on lubuntu 10.0413:39
Sliferi have downloaded putty coz i wanna get access to shells which r on different servers and with different companies EgyParadox ... i now know where to come for help..13:40
trojan_spikedrop and drag13:40
Sliferthank you very... and am sure u wont get bored with me :p13:40
IMAnishi evry one13:40
Benwatrojan_spike, is the response for me?13:40
Sliferi must log out for now.. catch you guys in a bit13:40
EgyParadoxSlifer:no problem13:41
IMAnisim connecting here with an root account its dangerous ??13:41
Benwatrojan_spike, thanks13:41
BenwaIMAnis, yes13:41
Dr_WillisBenwa:  you may want to ask in #lubuntu13:41
doubletwistIs there perhaps some better way to set up my mirror? I'm doing it the same way I have for hears. I create the same partition table on both drives, and set up md0 as /, md1 as /data and md2 as swap... [yeah I want swap mirrored. :) ]13:41
BenwaDr_Willis, nobody answer there...13:41
IMAnisso how i change that ???13:42
BenwaIMAnis, well, don't run your client as root13:42
Dr_WillisBenwa:   it depends on what tools/how lxde/lubuntu is handling the desktop icons. I dont know how its doing it. so cant advices more  then to say check the LXDE homepage and see if it has some docs13:42
BenwaDr_Willis, ok yhanks13:42
IMAnisok thanks13:43
elisa87is there any iranian here?13:43
IMAnisim just ask bcouse its my first run in IRC chat13:43
bastid_raZorIMAnis: what we consider root account is literally the username root. if you mean the user account that has sudo/admin abilities that is completely different13:45
quibblerelisa87, try #ubuntu-ir13:45
elisa87quibbler are u iranian?13:46
jpdselisa87: What are you trying to accomplish?13:46
quibblerelisa87, no but i have an iranian son in law...nice guy13:46
bastid_raZorelisa87: global domination?13:46
aguitelcould run MacOs in virtualbox-ose ?13:47
ubclickwhy do i have 2 download 300+ mb of data to install k3b13:47
bastid_raZorubclick: kde libraries that are required13:47
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:47
elisa87what do you mean by global domination bastid_razor?13:47
bastid_raZorubclick: if you can spare the space.. k3b is well worth the minor dependencies :)13:48
naomihi i have problem: no sound in 10.0413:48
=== naomi is now known as Guest37561
Guest37561new clean install13:48
ubclickit says some libraries need 2 b upgraded13:48
om26er!sound | Guest3709113:49
ubottuGuest37091: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:49
=== Guest37561 is now known as naomi_alpha
om26ergenerally its prefererred to not have guest_ names13:49
AnasStrik33rHey @ll13:49
naomi_alphaok "guest" was automatic13:50
ubclickwhere should i paste screenshot13:50
veri dont know i install flash-plugin on amd64 i can watch youtube bu cant go to any chat room like paltlak or others13:50
bastid_raZor!imagebin | ubclick13:50
ubottuubclick: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.13:50
inveratuloHow do I make this go away and never come back: "dd bs=1 if=/proc/kmsg of=/var/run/rsyslog/kmsg"13:50
agamhi, does somebody know how to connect to a localhost demon from another pc?13:52
ubclickhttp://imagebin.org/104981 this error13:52
om26erubclick, you have a ppa added to software sources who gpg import failed13:53
naomi_alphaok, thanks sound is working!:)13:53
ioagam: If something is bound to localhost then it can only be accessed from localhost, usually.13:53
ioagam: What are you actually trying to do?13:54
ubclickom26er:  what 2 do now13:54
om26erubclick, did you add any ppa?13:54
agamI have a program that should open a port on 2600 in a pc13:54
ubclicki did not13:54
om26erubclick, system>adminitration>software sources13:54
agam!io Ihave a program that shold open a port on 26000 in a pc13:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:55
MaRk-Iubclick: also clicking on the [+]details should tell you13:55
om26erubclick, in other software tab untick everything13:55
bastid_raZorubclick: the details is important. click the +   .. it should give moredetails13:55
IMAnisim mean the tow13:55
AnasStrik33rPlease help me , I have a speedtouch 330 Modem , I've installed Speedtouch330 NG and applied Ubuntu doc tutorial but sometimes its not working13:55
agam!io but whe I use ss-au say that is open just on the local address13:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:56
om26erits a bug too which is milestoned to lucid-updates13:56
Piciagam: Please stop putting ! in front of your messages, it is triggering the bot (ubottu)13:56
om26er(that its not a good way)13:56
ioagam: What program?13:56
agamio: a proxy bot for a game, quake13:56
IMAnismy account name is root and it have the $ in the coomande line i guss tha mean sudo ability administation13:56
agamio: but is an homemade program13:57
=== tech__ is now known as purvesh
ubclickwell i just did that13:57
ioIMAnis: $ doesn't neccasarily mean you have root privalidges.13:57
AnasStrik33rapt-get install pizza13:58
LjLIMAnis: $ is the normal prompt. # is what you get when you're logged in as root (by default, anyway)13:58
Dr_Willisexport PS1='i am leet i am root -->'   :) a good root promot13:59
IMAnisyea sorry i mena # in the place of $13:59
ubclickwhat 2 expect in alpha 3 of meerkut13:59
Dr_Willisubclick:  lots of issues.. and referal to #ubuntu+114:00
IMAnisio : how is that ?14:00
ioIMAnis: Please see what LjL said.14:01
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
MaRk-IIMAnis: do you have any ubuntu issues besides naming your account "root"?14:01
Dr_Willisteh $ vs # is detemined by the bash init scripts. so its not hardcoded.14:01
IMAnissorry i don't inderstande u well14:02
* Dr_Willis has totally missed IMAnis 's original problem.14:02
Dr_WillisIMAnis:  if you 'sudo -s' to get root access. the prompt will change to have a # at the end by default yes.14:02
bastid_raZorDr_Willis: he stated he was logging into irc with root account.. but i'm unsure if he meant root or a admin group enabled user14:03
ArcenI am trying to run the banshee stream-recorder extension.  When I do, I am getting this error: Caught an exception - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (in `System')14:04
Arcen  at System.Text.RegularExpressions.BaseMachine.LTRReplace (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex, System.String input, System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchAppendEvaluator evaluator, Int32 count, Int32 startat, Boolean needs_groups_or_captures) [0x00000]14:04
Arcen, any ideas?14:04
AdvoWorkis there a way I can do: apt-get install php5-gd  and see what files will be effected, before doing it?14:04
FloodBot4Arcen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:04
J4ckst3rHi, I'm having some trouble with wubi.14:04
IMAnisyes i know im in root account i have a #14:04
jiohdiAdvoWork: you can do that with synaptic package manager14:04
AdvoWorkjiohdi, how?14:05
IMAnisbut im just ask about haw dangerous is to run IRC chat in a root acount , i heard about the chat boot14:05
jiohdiAdvoWork: when you chose a program in synaptic, it will show you all the depends14:05
bastid_raZorAdvoWork: apt-get install -s php5-gd14:05
jiohdiJ4ckst3r: it may only be me... but when I used wubi, it worked fine until I updated the xp side, then I could not boot linux14:05
bastid_raZorAdvoWork: -s == simulate14:05
ioIMAnis: Don't IRC as root, a great deal of channels ban users who IRC as root.14:06
ArcenI just installed the banshee stream-recorder extension, and got this error, any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/462529/14:06
Dr_WillisIMAnis:  theres no need to run an irc client as root.  Theres even servers taht by default block people ircing in as root14:06
IMAnisok but haw to change it14:06
Dr_WillisIMAnis:  you dont do ANYTHING as root unless you have to do that task as root.14:06
Dr_WillisIMAnis:  log out..  log back in as your normal user.14:06
AdvoWorkim getting: http://pastebin.com/d5shsYCU   can i not upgrade all the other stuff?14:06
ioIMAnis: Add a regular user account, set it up with sudo access if required, and disable root.14:07
toad_"Untrusted application launcher: The application launcher "Browse-Freenet-1278868750884.desktop" has not been marked as trusted. If you do not know the source of this file, launching it may be unsafe." - is there any way to fix this in our installer ?14:07
=== Bhootam is now known as Kream
Dr_Willistoad_:  make it executable14:07
toad_or to e.g. prompt the user to trust it or not during the install process?14:07
toad_make the .desktop file executable?14:07
rwwtoad_: yes14:07
Dr_Willistoad_:  and dont ask me why the WINE stuff defaults to that 'executable is trusted' iea.14:07
Dr_Willistoad_:  yes. its a little silly. expecially in how its worded14:08
toad_i don't see what wine has to do with it ...14:08
Dr_Willisit defaults to them NOT being executable by default so the user  has to think/notice waht  a program is.. instead of just seeing a new icon thats runable apearing - i guess14:08
IMAnisbut i don't get it well , changing my account , i have to do it in the caht program or in the hole system , that mean loggin in with a nobody account for example ?14:09
Dr_Willisit mainly affexcts wine apps that get new icons on the desktpp14:09
Dr_WillisIMAnis:  you manged to install ubuntu with only a 'root' user? How did you mange that?14:09
Dr_WillisIMAnis:  You dont even want to get in the habbit of logging in as root directly.. login to the pc as a normal user. use root stuff as needed14:09
IMAnisspeaking here about security ?14:11
IMAnisi don't even think of that14:11
ArcenI just installed the banshee stream-recorder extension, and got this error, any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/462529/14:11
abhi_navhello guys, i uninstalled emraled and since them ubuntu is too slow. any suggestion? should i reinstall compiz?14:11
tk_jaseerhi all14:12
Dr_Willisabhi_nav:  emerald is just a window decorator used by compiz. it shoudlent affect speed at all14:12
J4ckst3rjiohdi: It says it can't find /ubuntu/something/wubilbr.mbr14:12
Dr_Willisabhi_nav:  unless your removal removed other stuff as well14:12
eboyjrHello I dropped my netbook on the ground, and the hard disk is corrupt.... :/ How can I run fsck to fix errors automatically (maybe on start up since its the only hard drive that needs to be mounted)14:12
abhi_navDr_Willis, i removed it from synaptic and selected "Mark for Complete removal"14:13
toad_where do .desktop files get installed? the installer can add them for this user or all users but i doubt the latter works on linux ... it doesn't provide an easy way to +x them, but maybe we can do that in a script ...14:13
Dr_Williseboyjr:  you may want to setup a live flash drive  some how - boot using that. and fsck/recover any data. that HD may be badly broken14:13
IMAnisRealy thank u Dr_Willis !14:13
coz_eboyjr,  oooo   not sure about that one14:13
Dr_Willistoad_:  a .desktop file could be anywehre.14:13
coz_eboyjr,  its likely the disk is history14:13
eboyjrDr_Willis: coz_: Isn't there something in initramfs? And my hard disk is okay actually cuz I'm using it right now while IRC'ing... It's a sturdy netbook just maybe the power went out which caused the hd errors14:14
darth_tux71wow I'm 39 male and some female in poland skyped me to talk about Twilight WTF?14:15
bastid_raZortoad_: most .desktop files are on ~/.config/autostart14:15
om26erdarth_tux71, this is #ubuntu14:15
bastid_raZordarth_tux71: she thinks you're gay.14:15
Picieboyjr: sudo touch /forcefsck    will force a fsck at next boot.14:15
darth_tux71bastid_raZor, lols14:15
gelaneboyjr, are you able to get the disk to spin? is it making any noise? have you run fsck?14:15
Dr_Williseboyjr:  head crashing into platters - bad karma :)  You can fsck it if you want.. but its possible it may have future issues14:16
J4ckst3rI'm having trouble with wubi.14:16
darth_tux71om26er, yeah I am very aware of where I am but thanks for the clarification14:16
coz_eboyjr,  mmm  a dropped hard drive can be an untrustworthy disk... do you have files that can be backed up if so do that  and reinstall14:16
Dr_Williseboyjr:  i always keep a flash drive  with a rescue/restore/repair disrto on it. for such cases14:16
abhi_navDr_Willis, should i reinstall compiz?14:16
eboyjrPici: I have tried that but it just said check complete and starting booting normally.. I still see errors when I run fsck -n14:16
MaRk-Ieboyjr: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-force-fsck-on-the-next-reboot-or-boot-sequence/14:16
Dr_Willisabhi_nav:  go ahead. compiz wont speed things up. it just supplies the eye candy14:16
IMC_I'm on ubuntu 4.10 and having openoffice writer crashes whenever I try to launch the bibliography manager. Any help?14:16
Dr_Willisabhi_nav:  now if it removed yoru video card drivers.. THAT could slow things down14:16
coz_IMC_,  4.10?????14:16
eboyjrgelan: It runs fine I am using it right now actually. It reads fine.. for most things. I can't move the panels around though so maybe it can't right to that specific config file14:16
hotfloppy4.10 ?14:17
abhi_navDr_Willis, hmm ok14:17
boumaok, ubuntu uses wheel grp or something, no root, now i've changed the permissions on chmod so its no longer suid, how can i fix it now that sudo wont run to allow chmod to fix perm on sudo ????14:17
J4ckst3rI think he means 10.04/14:17
IMC_I did14:17
Dr_Willistoad_:  a desktop file is just a 'definition' file for a launcher or other  type entry14:17
coz_I sure hope so14:17
gelaneboyjr, from a live cd run fsck/chkdsk based on your filesystems.14:17
IMC_I'm on ubuntu 10.4 and having openoffice writer crashes whenever I try to launch the bibliography manager. Any help?14:17
toad_Dr_Willis: right, but how do we find it?14:17
abhi_navDr_Willis, just before remoing the emerald ubuntu was running normally. after removing emarald ubuntu runs slowly.14:17
Dr_Willistoad_:  i dont even know what you are really trying to do14:17
* hotfloppy sweat.. can't take jokes like that.. you're bad IMC_14:18
gelaneboyjr, hope you have a backup of most of what is in there just in case.14:18
toad_our installer, izPack, creates .desktop files so there is a shortcut on the main application menu and on the desktop14:18
toad_unfortunately it doesn't make them executable, so they break on ubuntu with a warning14:18
toad_to fix this we need to find them ...14:18
boumaDr_Willis: after changing sudo to not be suid, how can i fix it ????14:19
bastid_raZortoad_: .desktop filse don't need to be executable14:19
IMC_Now that I have the correct version of Ubuntu, nothing else is exciting about my ooo question?14:19
toad_can we be confident they will always be somewhere under .config ?14:19
eryn_1983hi peeps i need some help14:19
slim1which command can convert swf video file to other video format?14:19
eboyjrMaRk-I: gelan: Dr_Willis: coz_: Thank you I'll fsck from a USB..and upload important files to my server. I hope it works... I can see if a complete re-format will work14:19
hotfloppy!ask | eryn_198314:19
ubottueryn_1983: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:19
toad_bastid_raZor: yes they do, otherwise we get "Untrusted application launcher: The application launcher "Browse-Freenet-1278868750884.desktop" has not been marked as trusted. If you do not know the source of this file, launching it may be unsafe."14:19
ltibor65Hello! Please, tell me a program for batch rename of files!14:19
Dr_Willisbouma:  why are you even doing all this?  You can use a live cd - and change themoded and stuff if you needed to14:19
eryn_1983i would like to have two x sessions of  the eryn user14:19
Dr_Willisslim1:  ffmpeg and/or mencoder can do it14:19
eryn_1983and i cant seem to get  karamic to do that..14:19
coz_toad_,   .desktop files you said/14:19
toad_coz_: hmmm?14:19
eryn_1983i switched  from gdm to kdm  and now i can make it  'switch'user14:20
slim1Dr_Willis: thanks14:20
Godfather8850Hello! is there a way to disable the keyring password?14:20
Dr_Willistoad_:  if the user is running the installer.. make some script they can also run to set the mode.14:20
ioIMC_: #openoffice.org may help if you do not get support.14:20
IMC_thanks io14:20
coz_toad_,  i thought you were the one asking where .desktop files were sorry14:20
toad_Dr_Willis: right, but first we need to find them!14:20
bastid_raZortoad_: mine aren't but if you say so.14:20
toad_yes we could patch izPack, but is there any easier option?14:20
coz_most .desktop files are locatated under /usr/share/app-install/desktop   not all though14:20
boumaDr_Willis: right, so i've got to boot into a live disc is it ?? i got into this, trying to change sudo so it would run without asking for a passwd, i know im doing it wrong but i wanted to be able to rightclick on a file and have it run the custom command; sudo nice --20 mplayer14:20
Dr_WillisGodfather8850:  applictions -> accessories -> passwords & keys. right click on the passwords:login and change the password to be blank14:20
eryn_1983any ideas on how to get this functuality back?14:20
Dr_Willisbouma:  You do realuize that SUDO has config files to allow  you to do 'sudo somecommand' without needing the sudo password?14:21
toad_hmmm there is a .menu file under .config which refers to the .desktop files ...14:21
Dr_Willisbouma:  if you broke it.. a live cd can fix it.14:21
ArcenI just installed the banshee stream-recorder extension, and got this error, any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/462529/14:21
boumaDr_Willis: i do now, thanks. now to reboot to fix the suid flag on sudo .. if that is the only way.. cheers14:21
Dr_Willisbouma:  or the reciovery mode might be able to14:22
toad_and here the others are in Desktop/*.desktop ... hmmm14:22
Godfather8850Dr_Willis, thank you14:22
boumaDr_Willis: that might save getting up to look for a cd. cheers14:22
toad_I bet "Desktop" is localised and configurable, and this is probably different on gnome ... :|14:22
toad_so basically our only reliable option is to hack izPack ?14:22
Dr_Willistoad_:  if the program installed to the users Desktop. then the whatever.desktop is in their /home/USERnAME/Desktop/whtever.desktop14:22
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computer36229 Fl o od - 0Fl o od - 0 Fl o od - 0Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o od - Fl o o14:23
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Dr_Willistoad_:  the Desktop directory is rather common. I   HATe apps thast are always tossing icons into Desktop14:23
MegatheriumGood mornin'.14:26
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MegatheriumWell, that was annoying.14:26
eryn_1983come on guys  there has to be  way to fix this..14:26
Picieryn_1983: switch back to gdm then14:26
Sliferi have another question plz14:28
MegatheriumWhat about?14:28
Sliferi have been using mIRC client for the past 9years ( since i was on windows )14:28
toad_Dr_Willis: what if they have a french install?14:28
eryn_1983@Pici what then?14:28
toad_anyone know a command to find the name of the desktop directory ?14:28
Slifernow that am on ubuntu, i need some other client ( not Chazilla - whihc am on onw ).. which clients will be suitable and compatible with linux plz ?14:29
coz_toad_,  for .desktop files?14:29
hotfloppySlifer: try xchat or pidgin maybe :)14:29
MegatheriumSlifer: There are plenty of clients... what sort of features are you looking for?14:29
rwwtoad_: some of the utilities in xdg-utils (see http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/xdg-utils ) look useful14:29
bastid_raZorSlifer: xchat or for a command line program, irssi14:30
toad_rww: and they're installed by default?14:30
toad_coz_: yeah14:30
* hotfloppy like pidgin for multi IM..14:30
coz_toad_,  /usr/share/app-install/desktop is the location of most of the .desktop files14:30
rwwtoad_: in Ubuntu? yes14:30
toad_coz_: that implies the installer runs as root, we disalllow that14:31
coz_toad_,  with sudo??14:31
toad_and we need this to run on distros other than ubuntu as well... i guess on other distros we don't need to +x the .desktop files ...14:31
stixHow can I write to my ntfs-flashdrive?14:32
PiciSorry for the noise folks.14:33
MagicJrunning 10.4 and want a new user to have an encrypted home directory - I thought that I read that this was an option but I do not see it when I create a new user - how do I do it14:33
sipiorPici: all in a good cause :-)14:33
MagicJwhat was all that noise about?14:33
gravyface_running into intermittent connection issues with RDesktop and MS Terminal Server in a load balancing configuration -- had no issues when they were connecting directly to a specific TS, only now that the load balancing has been enabled.  Windows RDP clients have no issues.14:35
stixHow can I write to my ntfs-flashdrive?14:35
zlateI'm trying to run fsck on my presistent live usb stick, because i have some files that is not accessable because of "Stale NFS file handle. I did "mount -no remount, ro / && fsck /"  and then i get fsck.aufs: not found14:37
hotfloppystix: did you mount it already ?14:37
^Jay2^hello everyone, how do you get your video card's temp?14:37
malcolmcihey guys, how would I go about launching gnome-terminal from the command-line to execute a particular command? I've tried the "-e" option, but if I do, say "gnome-terminal -e "echo 'hi'" it says "cannot create a child process"14:37
hotfloppystix: with ntfs-3g ?14:38
malcolmci*gnome-terminal -e "echo 'hi'"14:38
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
stixhotfloppy, it was mounted automatically14:38
malcolmciWait, now that command isn't even doing anything!14:38
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.14:39
flupkehi, I have a P7P55D-E mobo, and am affected by this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/474359 (no sound input controls) ; the fix mentioned in the report didn't change anything. I'm about to install a newest alsa from source, could anyone confirm me the report's fix doesn't work ?14:39
MagicJhow do I cause a new user to have an encrypted home directory on 10.4?14:39
kwtmHi! Anyone know why, every time I try to go to "http://www.google.com" in Firefox, I get sent to "https://www.google.com"?14:40
MagicJkwtm have you installed the new firefox addon that uses encrypted connections where possible14:41
BjartrWhen inside GNU screen is there a way to get the current window title like you can get the current window number with $WINDOW? I'd like to have the current window title in my shell prompt.14:41
NigelSmalcolmci: you're doing it correctly, it's just that the new terminal terminates after the command is complete - try "gnome-terminal -e top" to see what I mean14:41
kwtmMagicJ: That's the funny thing ... I installed it once (HTTPSeverywhere), didn't like it (I can't use SSL on Google shopping links) and took it out... but it's like the ghost lingers on.14:41
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MagicJkwtm - I have seen other cases of addons not removing fully14:42
kwtmMagicJ: I checked the .mozilla/firefox/<big long random name> directory.  I even RE-installed the plugin and then disabled Google...14:42
MagicJkwtm - in fact, now when I test a new one I always do it in a virtual machine14:42
slim1how to convert swf to video (e.g avi) with ffmpeg or mencoder?14:42
kwtmMagicJ: What do you think?  Should I erase the entire plugins directory and just reinstall everything from scratch?  Come to think of it, it might solve a few of my other problems. :P14:42
kwtmslim1: You mean literally Shockwave files, .swf?  Or Shockwave Flash .flv?14:43
MagicJkwtm - I would not even hold my vreath for that one from what I have seen from BAD applications14:43
slim1kwtm: .swf14:44
malcolmciNigelS: Hmm ok. I have an alias set "update="sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade", and if I try "gnome-terminal -e update" it says "there was an error creating the child process for this terminal". Help?14:44
kwtmMagicJ: Is it a Firefox problem or the extension?  Or Ubuntu?  I am getting less and less impressed with this Firebloatfox thing.14:44
hotfloppystix: actually, i dont have any experiences with flashdrive.. but as i google for your question, found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB14:44
MagicJkwtm _ I believe a BAD addon14:44
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kwtmslim1: As of 6 months ago there was no way to convert .SWF; I googled and went over forums.  Unlikely something new has come up.  SOrry to bear bad news.14:45
slim1kwtm: .....14:45
AdvoWorkhow can i find out what numeric value is represented by drwxrwxrwt ?  ls -all for tmp shows that, trying to find out if its like 775 etc14:45
kwtmmalcolmci: Where did you set the alias?  I can think of a few places where there might be problems.14:46
kwtmMagicJ: Thanks for the advice.  I'll call them: "badd-ons". :)14:46
ACameronI'm having problems with my window manager. Intermittently, my  desktop (although not the terminals accessed by ctrl-alt-f2, etc.) becomes extremely slow and unresponsive. Logging out fixes it (for a time) but a window does pop up during log out saying that Window Manager is unresponsive and, at which point I must "log out anyway", or whatever.14:46
malcolmcikwtm: /etc/bash.bashrc14:46
LjLAdvoWork: stat filename14:46
^Jay2^is there anyway for ubuntu to check gpu's temp???14:46
MagicJlol @ kwtm - sad but true - it is WAY too easy to create one and noone really checks that they are not too naughty14:47
kwtmmalcolmci: 1) You want to check whether .bashrc is executed for a shell that's not login (ie. it doesn't actually give you a prompt); it might just execute .profile and that's it.  Also 2) does gnome-terminal execute bash, or dash?14:47
flupke^Jay2^, yes there is (if your card is supported) : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto14:47
ACameronHow can I fix these problems with my window manager?14:48
shiftingcontrolmy cdrom is not getting detected in lucid14:48
malcolmcikwtm: update works if I run it from an already-opened terminal. gnome-terminal executes bash. this "error creating a child process" occurs for commands other than "update" too14:48
^Jay2^flupke: how do i check if my card is supported?14:48
flupke^Jay2^, follow the procedure one the page I linked, if after that you see your GPU  in the list of sensors of the app you use to read temps, it is supporte14:49
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^Jay2^ah its not14:49
^Jay2^the only thing that i see is Adapter: Virtual device14:50
^Jay2^temp1:       +48.5°C  (crit = +127.0°C)14:50
shiftingcontrolcdrom is not wrking in lucid14:50
malcolmcikwtm: my mistake. If I run, say "gnome-terminal -x sudo apt-get update" it works fine.14:51
J4ckst3rCan I have some help with wubi?14:51
malcolmcikwtm: but "gnome-terminal -x update" prompts the error14:51
flupke^Jay2^, it works for me with an nvidia card (8800 GT), but other drivers may not report temp14:51
kwtmmalcolmci: Right: so you want to know under what circumstance the alias doesn't work.14:51
^Jay2^flupke: am using hd345014:51
kwtmmalcolmci: If you don't actually need to do this using the "alias" method, have you thought of using a script file instead?14:52
flupke^Jay2^, I don't know for this one, all I can say is my experience with ATI cards has always been poor with linux/opengl14:52
^Jay2^i see14:53
kwtmmalcolmci: E.g. create a file "#!/bin/sh"<CR>"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" and make it executable.  Works same as alias as long as it's in the path, but slower by 0.5 seconds.14:53
malcolmcikwtm: i'll try it out, danke14:53
kwtmmalcolmci: Bitte sehr.  Hope it works out.14:53
shiftingcontrolunable to mount cdrom in lucid14:54
Dr_Willisshiftingcontrol:  mounting it by hand fails?14:56
gidnaHow can I log in msn with empathy?14:56
NigelSmalcolmci: you can't string together commands with bash syntax there - to do what you wanted you'd need to use gnome-terminal -e 'sudo apt-get update' -e 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'14:56
shiftingcontrolDr_Willis:yep.error us "mount: can't find /dev/cdrom in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab14:56
agamHi, I m runnig a server program on the port 26000 but when I try to connect with another pc on the same lan say that is unreacheble and using ss -au to see udp connections I can see that the port is listening just in lookpack address14:56
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Dr_Willisshiftingcontrol:  use the full syntax for  mount.   sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/PICKSOMEDIR -t iso966014:57
j_squidydoes open office have a thesaurus?14:59
icerootj_squidy: yes14:59
shiftingcontrolDr_Willis:o/p is "  no medium found on /dev/sr0"15:00
Dr_Willisshiftingcontrol:  You do have a disk in?  it does have data on it? what kind of disk is it?15:01
=== emc_ is now known as emc
shiftingcontrolDr_Willis:It is dvd drive,i ve disk inside15:01
webdawg_How do I get lamp Installed on ubuntu desktop 10.04?15:02
ikonia!lamp | webdawg_15:02
ubottuwebdawg_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:02
malcolmciNigelS, kwtm: making a script in /usr/bin with the aforementioned commands and running "gnome-terminal -x /usr/bin/update" does the trick. Thankyou both :)15:02
kwtmmalcolmci: Glad ti worked out!15:02
gidnawith empathy it says conntected but I can't see my contact..15:03
NigelSmalcolmci: np :)15:03
J4ckst3rCan I have some help with wubi?15:04
shiftingcontrolDr_Willis:is it my dvd drive is not wrking ?15:05
nio707hello all15:06
nio707need some help from you guys15:06
nio707i am using ubuntu hardy-heron15:06
abhi_nav!help | nio70715:06
ubottunio707: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:06
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.15:06
abhi_navis it still supported?15:07
LjLabhi_nav: yes15:07
abhi_navLjL, till when?15:07
nio707need to upgrade rdesktop 1.5 to 1.6 manually in ubuntu hardy-heron15:07
J4ckst3rWhen I use Wubi and boot up into ubuntu the windows boot manager says it can't find /ubuntu/something/wubilbr.mbr15:07
LjLabhi_nav: it's three years for the desktop version, five for the server, iirc15:07
abhi_navLjL, ok :)15:07
ghenryHi, I've just switched my desktop somehow to highcontrast mode and NOT via the "Appearance"/theme menu.15:08
nio707abhi-nav is there any bug in rdesktop 1.5 in ubuntu15:08
ghenryAny ideas how to go back?15:08
nio707it is slow and ceases after some time15:08
J4ckst3rWhen I use Wubi and boot up into ubuntu the windows boot manager says it can't find /ubuntu/something/wubilbr.mbr15:08
ikoniaaskhader: what's up ?15:13
hardexHi. How do I create a *source* package (I now have a source files tree) for uploading into PPA?15:13
askhaderikonia: Not much, yourself?15:13
abhi_nav!pm | nio70715:13
ubottunio707: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:13
abhi_navnio707, yes we can talk here15:14
nio707rdesktop is too slow15:14
J4ckst3rCan I have your opinion on something, guys?15:14
ikoniaaskhader: sorry, I thought you where asking a question15:14
nio707ceases after some time15:14
askhaderikonia: quite alright?15:14
ikoniaJ4ckst3r: if it's ubuntu related, go for it15:14
J4ckst3rShould I replace windows completely with ubuntu?15:15
ikoniaJ4ckst3r: that's just down to personal choice and need, no-one but you can really answer that15:15
askhaderJ4ckst3r: Definitely15:15
J4ckst3rI think my disk drive is nackered.15:16
ikoniaJ4ckst3r: that has no relivence to either15:16
J4ckst3rI know15:16
J4ckst3rJust saying >_<15:16
J4ckst3rWould an external one work with ubuntu?15:16
abhi_navnio707, whats your issue?15:17
nio707can anyone tell me how to replace rdesktop1.5 to rdesktop 1.6 without apt-get. the apt-get tell to upgrade libx11-dev and couple of applications and lib and most imp fuse utility15:17
ikoniaJ4ckst3r: yes, but putting the bootloader on it may not be a good idea15:17
nio707i need to upgrade it manually15:17
abhi_navnio707, why you need to upgrade it manualy?15:17
BluesKajtechnical difficulties ? ...nickserv is on the fritz?15:18
nio707i was making an linux os with ubuntu as a base and till now no system is develop to remove all the dev. tools15:19
BluesKajinteresting i used to be anon , now it's all out there ...what gives?15:19
ssssssHow can I find out what files a user has opened last if he deleted the last opened files list?15:19
nio707i had only 8 mb of space15:19
ssssssIs there any way?15:19
=== veovis is now known as VeovisMuaddib
Dr_Willisssssss:  not that i know of.15:19
Dr_Willisssssss:  unless you comapre the dates of all the files in his home. Which may or may niot be the 'accessed' date. but may be the 'creation' date15:20
nio707if i upgrade libx11-dev is there any sytem that tells me what files it replaced and upgrade15:20
abhi_navnio707, do you nead .deb file?15:20
ssssssDr_Willis, my girlfriend might have used my USB stick which has confidential data on it, if you know what I mean.15:21
Dr_Willisnio707:  you can examine the contents of a .deb   I use 'mc' to do it all the time. theres other ways15:21
Dr_Willisssssss:  Time to go buy a dozen roses.15:21
nio707no just the rdesktop1.6 file and the dependency so file15:21
nio707nothing much15:21
ssssssDr_Willis, seriously. How could I find out?15:21
VeovisMuaddibI just installed Ubuntu as my third OS (with Snow Leopard and Windows 7) and I installed GRUB to the MBR not knowing that it would interfere with rEFIt.  How do I move GRUB to my Ubuntu partition and restore BCD (I think, the Windows bootloader) to the MBR?15:21
ssssssIt is important.15:21
Wavesonicscan i force a mount in my fstab to remount?15:21
Wavesonicsit's a nfs mount, and its unhappy :(15:21
Dr_WillisWavesonics:  theres the --remount option i thought. but NFS can be.. picky15:22
happyfacehas anyone used Ext2IFS in windows?15:22
Dr_Willisssssss:  very likely you cant. Check the files.. check their dates.  that date MAY be the creation date.  not the 'last accessed' date.15:22
VeovisMuaddibssssss: If it was mounted as read and write, then you can generally look at the last accessed date in Properties15:22
VeovisMuaddibother than that, no real way15:23
Dr_Willishappyface:  yes. It has worked.. but i am sure to always have windows 'unmount' any of the linux filesystems when i dont need them.15:23
ssssssAren't the files cached on her local home dir somewhere?15:23
Dr_Willisssssss:  why would a file on a flash drive get 'cached' on the home?15:23
happyfaceDr_Willis: thanks, do you know if it can format drives to ext2 aswell?15:23
Dr_Willisit might be in her last accessed list.. but thats not caching them15:23
obscurant1stsomeone know how to pack a theme for google chrome in crx format in ubuntu via terminal?15:23
kartheeHi .. anybody know any notification plugin for empathy .. So that whenever a new message in-comes it gets opened up in a new window ??15:24
Dr_Willishappyface:  no idea.15:24
rdgI've noticed that after about a week or so of usage when I lock my computer.. I can't unlock it by enterting my password into the screensaver lock, I have to switch user but switch to myself and authenticate that way15:25
rdgit claims authentication failed15:25
BluesKajDr_Willis, I suppose cloaking is broken atm , correct ?15:25
rdgand Truecrypt only works for about a week before it fails to get administrator privileges for mounting drives15:25
rdgI'm assuming these items are tied somehow15:25
devunt"Not replacing deleted config file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini" how can I solve this problem?15:26
rdgopen the RPM and take out the php.ini in there15:26
devuntI've deleted /etc/php5/apache2 folder, but I want recover that15:26
devuntso I typed "dpkg-reconfigure libapache2-mod-php5"15:27
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  never noticed. i dont use cloaking. :) im brave!15:27
PiciBluesKaj: Please ask in #freenode if you are having issues with nickserv, it is working fine for me.15:27
abhi_navI was confusig him with real blueskaj15:27
wuioneQQ FOR ubuntu ?15:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:29
wuioneWhat about QQ?15:30
Piciwuione: What is QQ?15:30
bazhangwuione, eva supports it, empathy may as well, not sure15:30
rwwEmpathy claims to, though I haven't tried it.15:31
wuioneI'm crazy.....15:31
abhi_navbut what is QQ?15:31
BluesKajPici, dunno if you're aware , but when i tried to login an hr ago I was redirected to #ubuntu-unregged ,and now the cloak is gone altho the login works15:32
bazhangabhi_nav, a chat protocol15:32
PiciBluesKaj: You aren't identified now.15:32
ActionParsnipahh you're all back15:32
wuioneQQ?It's a software for talking in netware.15:32
abhi_navbazhang, oh I see15:32
purveshI tried so many time this Question, when i try to open php file browser say's for Saving the file except generating the Php script via apache, even everything installed properly, may be after upgrading ubuntu to 10.04 m facing this problem, Please some one help me ?15:32
malcolmciHey guys, what's the most-supported, most-stable method of installing flash on AMD64?15:33
wuioneLike AIM.....etc.15:33
bazhangwuione, use pidgin empathy or eva15:33
rwwmalcolmci: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree. The 64-bit plugin that used to exist isn't on Adobe's website any more and has known exploited security vulnerabilities.15:33
wuioneI'm chinese.But pidgin nothing.....15:33
ActionParsnipmalcolmci: flashplugin-nonfree or you can get 10.0 with the 64bit flash PPA15:33
VeovisMuaddibmalcolmci: I'm not an expert, but I'm given to understand that would be an #apt-get install flash-nonfree15:34
armelques!armel | armelques15:34
ActionParsnipwuione: what protocal do you use for chat?15:34
malcolmciIs flashplugin-nonfree 10.1 ?15:34
flupkeI fixed my sound problem by installing the latest alsa drivers. Now I see all my inputs/outpus in alsamixer, but not in the pulse sound prefs ; how do I tell pulse to map all the alsa I/O devices ?15:34
BluesKajPici, ok , it's not such a big deal but there was atime when i preferred a cloak, most of the regulars here know where i live anyway , it's the published IP adddy that used to bother me :)15:34
VeovisMuaddibmalcolmci: Never mind what I said, use rww's suggestion, I got the wrong package name15:34
ActionParsnipmalcolmci: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer15:34
wuioneI'm sorry,I think 80.15:34
ActionParsnipmalcolmci: flashplugin-nonfree is 10.1 32bit running through a 64bit wrapper15:35
VeovisMuaddibActionParsnip: Really?  Was not aware of that, good to kno15:35
wuioneI work in xubuntu 10.0415:35
ActionParsnipVeovisMuaddib: yep, nspluginwrapper15:35
VeovisMuaddibAnyone know a good way to move GRUB from the MBR to the Ubuntu root partition, and restore Windows 7's bootloader to the MBR?15:36
wuioneWho come from China?15:36
hemzahello all .. usually i can not use internet, so how to install GDM and GDM them15:37
bazhangwuione, this is support only not chat; #ubuntu-cn for Chinese support15:37
Sliferhow to do this one ?15:37
Sliferlol it's tough yeh15:37
nobarking_does ffmpeg take advantage of the GPU?15:37
abhi_nav!cn | wuione here you get all from china:15:38
ubottuwuione here you get all from china:: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:38
hotfloppySlifer: irsii not much different with mirc, IMHO..15:38
nio707abhi-nav ok how to update initrd.img after i update my system15:38
bastid_raZorSlifer: http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi15:38
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abhi_navbazhang, ohh my mistake i ddnt read above post15:38
hotfloppySlifer: just with a command line looks environment15:38
ActionParsnippurvesh: http://serverfault.com/questions/25227/why-is-php-script-downloaded-instead-of-executed15:38
bazhangabhi_nav, no worries15:39
Vinn0anyone know if apparmour is on by default???15:39
jpdsVinn0: Yes.15:39
hotfloppyirssi.. typos :P15:39
ActionParsnipVeovisMuaddib: you will need to boot to your Win7 install CD and run some commands in recovery mode, ask in ##windows on how15:39
Vinn0jpds: just desktop version or server version too?15:39
hemzacan i download and install Gnome Desktop Manager (GDM) manually15:40
ActionParsniphemza: you could use the desktop CD as a repo and install the packages from that15:41
VeovisMuaddibActionParsnip: Thanks, I'll look there for the Windows bootloader.  Okay, what about moving GRUB?  Any ideas?15:41
hemzaHow PLz ...15:41
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hemzawich cd15:41
ActionParsnipVeovisMuaddib: you will need to install the windows boot loader again, you can then boot to the ubuntu live cd and install grub wherever you want it to go15:42
ActionParsniphemza: the desktop install CD for ubuntu15:42
hemzaCD which i use first time to install ubuntu15:43
kjeleActionParsnip: alternative cd not the desktop15:44
malcolmcirww, ActionParsnip, VeovisMuaddib: thanks, installing flashplugin-nonfree worked a charm. Just didn't want to screw something up following outdated documentation, thanks :)15:44
ActionParsniphemza: if its the desktop one then yes, i dont believe the server CD has stuff like that on15:44
hemzaActionParsnip, tell me method15:45
augdawgdoes anyione know how to enable the graphical boot screen in 10.04???15:45
kjeleaugdawg: The purple tingie?15:46
Bisu[Shield]this is related to GPG: very important question here: when I encrypt a file I use the Name of the key, email addresses are more unique but if I keep importing public keys wont the names of public keys collide? nothing stopping public keys from having the same name right15:46
purveshI tried so many time this Question, when i try to open php file browser say's for Saving the file except generating the Php script via apache, even everything installed properly, may be after upgrading ubuntu to 10.04 m facing this problem, Please some one help me ?15:46
augdawgkjele the word ubuntu with the dots and stuff15:46
eboyjrCan anyone recommend how to make a rescue bootable USB in Ubuntu? Is there a way to not install the whole Ubuntu desktop on it and only essential commandline utilities? (quickly) Or is there a good distro that someone can recommend for me to install on my flash drive?15:46
kjeleaugdawg: in /etc/default/grub15:46
augdawgeboyjr use unetbootin.15:47
augdawgokay thanks kjele. what do i do?15:47
pelmenguys, my tty2-6 consoles are not centered, and are somewhere at bottom right, beneath my screen for some reason. So when i switch to any console, i cannot see it. 10.04 nvidia15:47
ActionParsniphemza: you may have the entry in sources.list you can uncomment that line15:47
ActionParsnipeboyjr: there is usb-creator-gtk as part of a default install15:47
Dr_Williseboyjr:  theres a ubuntui recovery variant. and otehr rescue live cd/usb vasriants. depending on you rneeds15:47
kjeleaugdawg: Do you see it says something about GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= ?15:47
Dr_Williseboyjr:  check  disrtowatch.com - they mention most of the variants,15:48
bastid_raZoraugdawg: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"  is what it should look like15:48
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augdawgkjele bastid_raZor where is it15:48
Dr_Williseboyjr:  the ubuntu-rescue (recovery?) variant i recall is CLI only15:49
Sliferhello all15:49
augdawgoh i found it. kjele bastid_raZor15:49
kjeleaugdawg: line 9 in /etc/default/grub15:49
Sliferi have done the sudo apt-get install irssi ( in the terminal )15:49
Sliferand now wen i type irssi15:49
Sliferit doesnt come15:49
augdawgkjele what do i change it to?15:49
Sliferdo you know y plz ?15:49
ActionParsnipSlifer: what is output?15:49
BjartrWhen inside GNU screen is there a way to get the current window title like you can get the current window number with $WINDOW? I'd like to have the current window title in my shell prompt.15:49
Dr_WillisSlifer:  i perfer 'weechat' :) but use what you like15:50
kjeleaugdawg: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"15:50
eboyjrDr_Willis: Cool thank you very much :)15:50
Dr_WillisSlifer:  you sure it installed? dident get any error messages?15:50
Sliferno error15:50
Sliferit says15:50
Pici!enter | Slifer15:50
ubottuSlifer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:50
ActionParsnipSlifer: try deleteing the .irssi folder in $HOME15:50
augdawgkjele oh sorry but thats already what it is15:50
jacobianI'm trying to upgrade from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS, however my update manager is not giving me an option to upgrade15:50
Slifergo to the website of irssi to do the15:50
Dr_WillisBjartr:  check the output of the 'set' command to see what variables are set. There may be one in there you could use.15:50
VeovisMuaddibI'm trying to move grub, isn't there a utility called grub?  I type sudo grub but it says that it's not installed and how to install it, apt-getting it threatens to remove something called grub-pc, but typing sudo grub-pc does nothing either15:50
kjeleaugdawg: What graphic driver are you using?15:50
jacobianIs there some way I can manually force an upgrade?15:50
Slifersorry Pici15:51
augdawgum im not sure15:51
ActionParsnipjacobian: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:51
Dr_WillisSlifer:  so irssi is working.. but tells you to go do somthing?15:51
augdawgim using an atom.15:51
kjeleaugdawg: Think those use intel so you should have kms enable15:51
kjeleaugdawg: Well do an "sudo update-grub" to be sure15:52
eboyjrDr_Willis: Do you know of a simple good liveCD version of a distro that's under 150 MB's? Ubuntu-rescue-remix is 177 MBs15:52
Sliferthe irssi thing is in the window of the Terminal and asking me to go to its website ( irssi.org ).. For the truly impatient people who don't like any automatic window creation or closing, just type: /MANUAL-WINDOWS15:52
augdawgkjele one sec15:52
Dr_Williseboyjr:  tiny core linux = 11 mb. install what you want.15:52
pelmenguys, my tty2-6 consoles are not centered, and are somewhere at bottom right, beneath my screen for some reason. So when i switch to any console, i cannot see it. 10.04 nvidia15:52
jacobianI suspect my problem has something to do with firewalls.  I'm behind a firewall and I have placed the appropriate aquired for apt-get, but do I also need one for the upgrade manager?15:52
Sliferwhere do i have to type the /MANUAL-WINDOWS command Dr_Willis15:52
Dr_Williseboyjr:   I dont see a reason for the 150mb limit. :) so ive never paied attention tio the sises15:52
augdawgkjele i did it.15:53
Dr_WillisSlifer:  in the irssi interface. if its a irssi command15:53
kjelepelmen: Can't you center it with the monitor?15:53
eboyjrDr_Willis: alright lol well im in a bit of a hurry15:53
kjeleaugdawg: Try a restart then15:53
pelmenkjele: no15:53
MelodistHello, what's the mininum version number of grub that burg can work on?15:53
augdawgokay kjele one sec ill be right back15:53
MelodistI just updated to grub 1.9.815:53
Melodistso I want to know if burg will work now15:53
Dr_Willis!info burg15:53
ubottuPackage burg does not exist in lucid15:53
joschiwhich package does contain kcharmap (KDE character map application)? I've already searched packages.ubuntu.com but didn't find it. maybe I'm looking for the wrong filename?15:54
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: its a pretty for grub15:54
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  ive seen  the name. :) but never really looked into it.15:54
MelodistYeah, its sortof an overlay for it15:54
joschiah, kcharselect it is.15:55
Dr_WillisTime to check teh burg homepage if you want to know the answer Melodist15:55
bastid_raZorSlifer: http://irssi.org/documentation  read this. it will help you get started15:55
* Dr_Willis finally disabled Plymouth. Im anti-eyecandy :)15:55
Melodisthttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/burg-gets-update-updated-instructions.html here, Dr_Willis15:55
Melodistwell yeah, okay then, doc15:55
FloodBot2erUSUL`s-DICK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:56
LjLerUSUL: oh cool you have a fan club, aren't you glad15:56
VeovisMuaddibI'm not sure we need that in a pastebin15:56
=== bobthebuilder is now known as Jungli
ActionParsnipjoschi: theres kcharselect15:57
Melodistdont suppose anyone wants to do anything about this cute little spambot15:57
augdawgkjele i did it but al that was there was the flashing underline thingy15:57
SliferDr_Willis:  can u see u in pm plz ?15:57
joschiActionParsnip: yeah, found that already. thanks15:57
icerootjoschi: apt-file will tell you what package contains a specific file15:57
kjeleaugdawg: blue?15:57
joschiiceroot: no use if you're looking for the wrong filename ;) (kcharmap -> kcharselect)15:57
bastid_raZortoo bad erusul isn't here to see his fanboy15:57
augdawgkjele blue what?15:57
kjeleaugdawg: underline15:57
icerootjoschi: that is true :)15:58
augdawgkjele no it was white15:58
augdawgfor me at least15:58
ionuthi.where can i find the grub file to modify it ?15:58
ActionParsnipjoschi: it's not on any ppa on launchpad either15:59
joschiActionParsnip: I remembered the wrong filename15:59
joschikcharmap was a very old kde app. kcharselect is the current one in kde sc15:59
ionutwhere can i find the grub files?15:59
kjeleaugdawg: Strange. You sure you did not install any graphic driver?15:59
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ActionParsnipjoschi: dpkg -S filename     doesn't bring it up either16:00
ActionParsnip!grub2 | ionut16:00
ubottuionut: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:00
joschiActionParsnip: yes, thank yo. but problem solved ;)16:00
augdawgkjele i know i didnt. ubuntu might have when i installed. i dont know.16:00
kjeleaugdawg: well type in "lspci | grep VGA" and pastebin it16:00
augdawgkjele - noob question. what does that mean?16:01
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:01
kjeleaugdawg: type that in a terminal16:01
augdawgoh okay one sec kjele16:01
augdawgkjele this is what it says - 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)16:02
ionutActionParsnip: do you know where the grub2 is localizated?16:02
aeon-ltdionut: /boot16:03
ActionParsnipionut: there are files all over the place dude, the grub2 factoid shows where they are16:03
kjeleaugdawg: type in "sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && update-initramfs -u16:03
augdawgkjele one sec...16:03
ActionParsnipionut: after modification you will need to run: sudo update-grub to commit the changes to the system16:03
kjeleaugdawg: Actually you can omit everything after &&16:04
VeovisMuaddibIs there a varient of the New Wave theme that has darker window backgrounds and light text?  And is it usable?16:04
VeovisMuaddibI can't seem to find one...16:04
ionutActionParsnip: thanks16:04
augdawgkjele this is what it says now - There is only one alternative in link group default.plymouth: /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.plymouth16:05
augdawgNothing to configure.16:05
augdawgln: creating hard link `/boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-23-generic.dpkg-bak' => `/boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-23-generic': Permission denied16:05
augdawgcp: cannot create regular file `/boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-23-generic.dpkg-bak': Permission denied16:05
FloodBot2augdawg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:05
augdawgoh sorry FloodBot216:05
ActionParsnipAudible_: that will need sudo16:05
aeon-ltdAudible_: use sudo16:05
aeon-ltdActionParsnip: damn you beat me16:05
RunarI assume no one here will loan me €9.95 over paypal and get paid back with a picture of my cat, and €10 in august? :(16:05
aeon-ltdRunar: lolcatz?16:05
ActionParsnip!ot | Runar16:06
ubottuRunar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:06
augdawgkjele i did it16:06
SliferDr_Willis: hw is the interface of irssi suppposed to be plz ?16:06
aeon-ltdRunar: is there a nigerian prince involved?16:06
kjeleaugdawg: I know. Does not seem strange there16:06
aeon-ltdSlifer: cli16:06
etrisnantohi all16:06
augdawgkjele so youre saying it should be working?16:06
jacobianyarg this is frustrating.   Is there some way to trick the upgrade-manager into telling me about a release?16:06
Sliferwhat does cli mean aeon-ltd  ?16:07
ActionParsnipSlifer: http://www.irssi.org/themes16:07
kjeleaugdawg: no. "sudo update-initramfs -u"16:07
augdawgkjele thats what i run now?16:07
kjeleaugdawg: yes16:07
ActionParsnipjacobian: do you want to upgrade to the next release?16:07
jacobianI'm trying to go from 8.04 LTS -> 10.04 LTS16:08
aeon-ltdSlifer: command line interface16:08
ActionParsnip!upgrade | jacobian16:08
ubottujacobian: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:08
Sliferthnk u ActionParsnip , but it has no window like mIRC of windows ?16:08
aeon-ltdjacobian: gksudo update manager -c16:08
ActionParsnipSlifer: the terminal is the window.....16:08
augdawgkjele go check the pastebin now.16:08
ActionParsnipjacobian: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades16:09
kjeleaugdawg: I need the link16:09
augdawgoh one sec16:09
jacobianThe problem is that I don't get any proposed updates16:09
augdawgkjele http://paste.ubuntu.com/462564/16:09
jacobianie. update-manager --proposed  does not offer me an update16:09
ActionParsnipjacobian: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core; sudo do-release-upgrade16:10
aeon-ltdjacobian: gksudo update-manager -c16:10
kjeleaugdawg: Could you paste the content of /etc/modprobe.d/1915-kms.conf if you have the file?16:10
augdawgkjele yeah ill try one sec16:10
ActionParsnipjacobian: or you can download the alternate ISO, mount it and there is a command to upgrade on the ISO16:11
jacobian"sudo do-release-upgrade" hangs, presumably because of my firewall16:11
terry_How to run sites meant only for internet explorer?16:11
ActionParsnipterry_: what browser?16:11
augdawgkjele i dont have it16:11
jacobianI might have to try the approach of d/l the iso16:11
mr_louCan anyone guide me in the right direction? I cannot play 3gp videos. The sound-codec is missing, and I can't seem to find one anywhere. I've tried the medibuntu ones, but they're not helping. 3gp videos are recorded by mobile phones.16:11
terry_How to run sites meant only for internet explorer?16:12
webdawg_tasksel is the DEVIL!16:12
terry_on chrome16:12
mr_christerry_: I normally use VirtualBox with Windows XP installed.16:12
webdawg_it removed massive important parts of my system.16:12
bastid_raZorterry_: try agentswitcher plugin for FireFox16:12
e-DIO-tchrome is Evil!16:12
jacobiangksudo update-manager -c, doesn't find a release either.16:12
ActionParsnipterry_: try: chromium-browser --user-agent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)"16:12
ActionParsnipe-DIO-t: its great16:12
kjeleaugdawg: "sudo echo options i915 modeset=1 > /etc/modprobe.d/i915-kms.conf"16:12
mr_christerry_: Of course you could also spoof the user agent in Chrome.16:12
bastid_raZorkjele: that won't work16:12
e-DIO-twell, actually evil is great :)16:12
jacobianIs there some way to specify fthe proxy for do-release-upgrade?16:13
e-DIO-tbut it's evil anyway16:13
kjelebastid_raZor: Have to force it somehow16:13
terry_Can anyone guide me step by step?16:13
bastid_raZorkjele: echo options blahblah | sudo tee -a /etc/modpro....16:13
aeon-ltdjacobian: did you run that in alt-f2?16:13
augdawgkjele it says permission denied16:13
augdawgit didnt ask me for my password either kjeel16:14
ActionParsnipterry_: copy the command, press alt+f2, paste command and press enter, not hard16:14
SliferActionParsnip:  how do i 'upload' a theme plz ?16:14
ActionParsnipSlifer: no idea, i dont use irssi16:14
mr_chrisCan anyone tell me how to switch to 16 bit color depth in Ubuntu Lucid? I know I can create an xorg.conf file but I understand that is considered deprecated.16:14
aeon-ltdaugdawg: you might need sudo16:14
augdawgaeon-ltd i put in sudo and it never asked for my password16:15
ActionParsnipmr_chris: it kinda is but if an xorg.conf file is present then it will  be obeyed16:15
jacobianaeon-ltd: yes16:15
Sliferwhat do you use ActionParsnip  plz ?16:15
ActionParsnipSlifer: pidgin16:15
mr_chrisActionParsnip: Is there a generally accepted "new" way of doing it?16:15
jacobianaeon-ltd: It returns immediately but doesn't appear to do anything16:15
ActionParsnipmr_chris: not sure16:15
mr_chrisActionParsnip: Ok. Thanks.16:15
aeon-ltdjacobian: do it in a terminal but replace gksudo with sudo16:16
Unirgyhi, i have a cron on my server that i want to disable.. the cron is sending emails to git@localhost. i've checked in /var/spool/cron/crontabs but couldn't find any user with this script.. where else should it look? thanks16:16
osmarioHi all. How to maximize a window from a program that is performed by Terminal? When i open it two windows divide my desktop: Terminal and    program and i need a maximized program window, recovering Terminal window.16:16
jacobianaeon-ltd: It hangs, presumably, again, because of the firewall16:16
jacobianIt apparenty doesn't read apt's proxy info.16:16
jacobianlatis:/etc/apt$ sudo do-release-upgrade16:17
jacobianChecking for a new ubuntu release16:17
ActionParsnipjacobian: check /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades   shows lts, not normal, or try switching it to normal16:17
mr_christerry_: Your best be for IE only websites is to just use IE. Go to VirtualBox's website and follow the installation instructions. Then Install Windows XP. Anytime you encounter an IE only site you can boot into that Virtual Machine, do your business, then shut windows down.16:17
ActionParsnip!cron | Unirgy16:17
aeon-ltdjacobian: does it find 8.10 through reg methods?16:17
ubottuUnirgy: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm16:17
kjeleaugdawg: you are right can't pipe it16:17
jacobianaeon-ltd: No16:17
kjelebastid_raZor: Right can't pipe it16:17
ActionParsnipaeon-ltd: 8.10 is long dead dude16:17
UnirgyActionParsnip: the 2nd link is broken16:17
augdawgkjele so it wont work?16:17
bastid_raZorkjele: echo options blahblah | sudo tee -a /etc/modpro....  augdawg16:18
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kjeleaugdawg: echo "options i915 modeset=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/i915-kms.conf16:18
ActionParsnipUnirgy: isnt it just a file in a folder16:18
bastid_raZorkjele: do not use quotes16:18
UnirgyActionParsnip: i've tried crontab -e in all my users and checked in the mentioned folder, just can't find where it originates16:19
aeon-ltdjacobian: hpw much data you got on this machine?16:19
jacobianaeon-ltd: switching between lts and normal has no effect16:19
jacobianaeon-ltd: My dissertation and all my code :)16:19
ActionParsnipUnirgy: http://docs.huihoo.com/opensolaris/system-administration-guide-advanced-administration/html/ch15s06.html16:19
stongocan someone tell me if ubuntu 10.04 64-bit is as stable as the 32-bit v?16:19
bastid_raZorkjele: unless you want quotes to be in the file too16:19
jacobianI can switch it to another machine though...16:19
UnirgyActionParsnip: doesn't give anything new..16:19
ActionParsnipjacobian: do you have a backup?16:19
kjelebastid_raZor: You need to escape the quotes \ to include them16:19
mr_chrisstongo: I'm running it exclusively at work. It has been quite enjoyable. It also handles the installation of 32 bit Flash quite nicely.16:19
markben@stongo:  I've been running 10.04 64-bit on my laptop since a few days after it came out and it's been very stable.16:20
LokoteNot exactly "linux" related, but if I placed an external hard drive behind a 42 inch flat screen monitor, within inches of the wall; would it deplete the life of the hard drive due to the increased heat?16:20
ActionParsnipUnirgy: look in /etc/cron.d16:20
augdawgkjele it says - options i915 modeset=116:20
markben@stongo: I run 10.04 32-bit on my desktop and haven't noticed any difference between the two in stability or otherwise.16:20
UnirgyActionParsnip: oh thanks16:20
Unirgyfound :)16:20
PiciLokote: Try ##hardware16:20
aeon-ltdjacobian: i think you may have to and copy /home for configs, then fresh install16:20
kjeleaugdawg: Try a restart now then16:20
bastid_raZorkjele: you are correct. i didn't know echo treated "16:21
bastid_raZor's like that16:21
augdawgkjele okay ill be right back16:21
BluesKajhow to send commands via ssh to play media files on server ?16:21
terry_Whats the off topic channel?16:21
stongook, thanks for the input everyone. I just got an acer timeline and want to install ubuntu asap16:21
LjL!ot | terry_16:21
ubottuterry_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:21
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  depends on the player on the server. :)16:21
stongojust wanted to make sure i can use the 64 bit16:22
jacobianaeon-ltd: Seems like I somehow fried the distro - not sure how though.16:22
BluesKajDr_Willis, vlc16:22
kjelebastid_raZor: Well you can't have "echo "no"""16:22
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  check the vlc docs. I recall vlc even having a command line 'server' type inteface contoll you can access.16:22
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  vlc has more ways to controll it then.. i can count. :016:22
augdawgkjele i tried it but it still does not work16:23
jacobianaeon-ltd: Will I have to install from CD/DVD then?16:24
BluesKajDr_Willis, yeah ok, I don't need to play the files on my laptop where I'm sshing from...just want to be able to open files on the server and play them there, it's connected to our TV , like aremote would16:24
aeon-ltdjacobian: yeah pretty much16:24
kjeleaugdawg: ok, pastbin the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file16:24
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: its vlc-nox16:24
augdawgokay kjele one sec16:24
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ActionParsnipkjele: the grub.cfg is not to be editted manually16:24
kjeleActionParsnip: For the eyes only16:25
ActionParsnipkjele: cool, just a friendly fyi :)16:25
zabkaow can i update timezone with more recent timezone data, to accommodate daylight saving time (DST) changes in different countries?16:25
jacobianthanks for the help all16:25
Dr_WillisBluesKaj: vlc has  those features16:26
augdawgkjele its here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/462570/16:26
ActionParsnipzabka: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime16:26
ilusi0n_anybody know how to set minimum preformance on ubuntu, i have problem my laptop overheats and automatic shut down16:27
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zabkaActionParsnip: thanks16:27
Picizabka: Those sort of timezone changes should be presented as updates automatically.16:27
kjeleaugdawg: Does not seem to be wrong there16:27
SliferActionParsnip:  pidgin got no scripts or multiserver ?16:27
augdawgokay well thanks for all the help kjele16:27
ActionParsnipSlifer: it can multiserver, not sure about scripts as I dont use them16:28
kjeleaugdawg: Let's try to install another theme and see if it something wrong with the default16:28
kjeleaugdawg: "sudo apt-get install plymouth-theme-solar"16:28
doormat81If I use Qt Designer to create a user interface, what language do I need to use for programming it?  Also, since I've never done any programming other than Visual Basic, what would you suggest I learn in order to create applications? Links to further information would be great :)16:28
nondysjunctionhttp://pastebin.ca/1897363?srch=nondysjunction brasero log on vanilla 10.04 lucid lynx16:29
nondysjunctionI cannot burn, it fails16:29
augdawgkjele installing..16:29
ActionParsnipSlifer: you just add an extra account for each server you want to connect to16:29
k1ngi having problem installing ubuntu 64bit new TLS16:29
VeovisMuaddibThere's no xfire support for empathy yet, right?16:29
ActionParsnipnondysjunction: i've always had grief with brasero, try gnomebaker instead16:30
augdawgkjele after it installs do i just reboot then?16:30
ActionParsnipk1ng: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?16:30
kjeleaugdawg: no16:30
FloodBot2Guest33200: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:30
om26erbrasero never broke my cd16:30
kjelejeez a lot of spammers today16:30
bcurtiswxhey, is there a PPA install of eclipse-EE ?16:31
VeovisMuaddibI was about to say the same thing16:31
augdawgkjele well its done now16:31
VeovisMuaddibI usually don't see that many in one day...16:31
bcurtiswxor therefore, any ubuntu install for eclipse-E16:31
arvind_khadrihi, is there a fast way to copy files to a ftp server ?16:31
kjeleaugdawg: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth16:31
scryption2would printing from a wireless lan to an printer on the wired lan be possible?16:31
kjeleaugdawg: select the solar theme16:31
VeovisMuaddibscryption2: Yeah, what printer do you have?16:31
rblsthello; i have installed thunderbird 3 over my old thunderbird 2 profile; everything works okay, but there are two folders with the name of my tw oaccounts that are empty and cannot be removed: http://img706.imageshack.us/i/thunderbird3.png/; can anyone help me how to remove them?16:31
k1nganyone here who can help me to install ubuntu?16:32
scryption2samsung clp 31016:32
k1ngits shows usb 5-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice.... then nothing happens16:32
om26erew thunderbird looks ugly16:32
scryption2thats an laser printer16:32
rblstk1ng: what is your problem exactly?16:32
augdawgokay kjele i did it16:32
kjeleaugdawg: sudo update-initramfs -u16:32
k1ngits shows usb 5-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice.... then nothing happens... rblst16:32
VeovisMuaddibscryption2: What model, what brand, etc...16:32
Sliferthnkx a lot for your help ActionParsnip , Pici  and others. catch you later. xxx16:33
scryption2hmm, samsung clp-31016:33
augdawgkjele its done.16:33
kjeleaugdawg: Then you can restart16:34
augdawgkjele be right back116:34
ActionParsnipk1ng: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?16:34
ActionParsnipk1ng: did you burn it slowly?16:34
scryption2but it works, , i just was trying to print from wireless, to the wired network that has the printer16:34
ActionParsnipk1ng: have you checked the CD for defects16:34
ActionParsnipk1ng: have you tested your RAM?16:34
wng-Can someone reccomend me a PCI wireless card that works well with Ubuntu?16:35
ActionParsnip!hcl | wng16:35
ubottuwng: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:35
VeovisMuaddibscryption2: Are you on the same network as the printer, even if you're wireless?16:35
scryption2same network, yes, any way, have to go have a bite to eat, thanks for your time, and the effort to try to answer., cool!16:36
k1ngActionParsnip, nothing happens.... i am getting udevd-work[130]: '/sbin/modprobe -b pci: blahblah blah; unexpected exit with status 0x000916:36
scryption2thanks again16:36
wick94hey guys16:36
augdawg_kjele it worked on shutdown and on the end of startup but thats it16:36
wick94can any1 tell me how to install tht new Lucido style for awn16:36
kjeleaugdawg_: end of startup??16:37
wick94can any1 tell me how to install tht new Lucido style for awn16:37
augdawg_yeah kjele like it booted for about 20 secs. and then it came up for about 5 secs. and then went to login screen16:37
rojoloco47Hi, I need help with setting up Mail Server over ubuntu 10.0416:37
rblsthello; i have installed thunderbird 3 over my old thunderbird 2 profile; everything works okay, but there are two folders with the name of my two accounts that are empty and cannot be removed: http://img706.imageshack.us/i/thunderbird3.png/; can anyone help me  to remove them?16:38
ActionParsnipk1ng: you havent answered my question16:38
rojoloco47 Hi, I need help with setting up Mail Server over ubuntu 10.0416:38
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k1ngwell i cannot test cd or ram... and i havent check the iso's md516:38
ActionParsnipwick94: right click awn -> dock preferences16:38
kjeleaugdawg_: Might have to reboot a few times for the boot process to remember16:38
ActionParsnipk1ng: then how do you know the ISO was complete and consistant!?16:39
augdawg_okay thanks for all your help kjele!16:39
rojoloco47 Hi, I need help with setting up Mail Server over ubuntu 10.0416:39
wick94ActionParsnip i did now wt16:39
k1ngActionParsnip, i dont know16:39
ActionParsnipk1ng: when the stick man shows on screen, press space. test the cd for defects as well as test your ram. please remember to md5 test ISO files *BEFORE* burning so you know the data you are using is good16:39
k1ngwindows burner said burn was completed16:39
LxndrI am looking for a more advanced text editor, something similar to NoteTab in windows. gedit is nice, but it does not have one feature I really want (NoteTab remembers what files were open when it last closed, and opens those files again). What (other than Open Office) options do I have in ubuntu??16:40
kjeleaugdawg_: You might have to reinstall the default theme if you gonna use it16:40
rojoloco47I have finished trying almost every tutorial for setting up mailserver in ubuntu 10.04 desktop, but I am failed, Can Somebody please help me ?16:40
trothigarrojoloco47, what in particular?16:40
augdawg_kjele how do i do that?16:40
ActionParsnipwick94: seriously? you can't see the theme button at the top?16:40
rojoloco47postfix @ trothigar16:40
kjeleaugdawg_: remove plymouth and then install it again.16:40
coz_hey guys... I just noticed that nautilus ..on dual monitors...is not respecting last location when opening it again...actually none of the applications ar16:41
augdawg_how do i do that?16:41
LxndrI am looking for a more advanced text editor, something similar to NoteTab in windows. gedit is nice, but it does not have one feature I really want (NoteTab remembers what files were open when it last closed, and opens those files again). What (other than Open Office) options do I have in ubuntu??16:41
trothigarrojoloco47, http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/ this was the document I used. but that was for virtual domains etc... perhaps overkill for you?16:41
kjeleaugdawg_: sudo apt-get purge plymouth && sudo apt-get install plymouth16:41
augdawg_Lxndr there is a plugin for gedit where you can remember sessions16:41
trothigarrojoloco47, I take it you've looked at the  ubuntu wiki page?16:42
coz_Lxndr,   look here    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category%3ALinux_text_editors16:42
coz_Lxndr,   or here   http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20080824052425167/Editors.html16:42
rojoloco47@ trothigar how long you are here, I am going to try the link what you have given, It will take me almost half an hour to complete it16:42
Dr_WillisLxndr:   Try Geany16:43
augdawg_kjele - it says Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.16:43
rojoloco47will you be here until that @ trothigar16:43
trothigarrojoloco47, unlikely I'll be at my computer, but I will still be on irc16:43
kjeleaugdawg_: do not16:43
pat5starwhat command can I use to display the mode I'm connected to my wireless router in? I've tried iwconfig but it doesn't show. My router is mixed mode, G & N...I want to ensure I'm connected in N mode16:43
augdawg_kjele what?16:43
shadowhywind_Hay all, running into a bit of a problem with apache. I'm trying to set up https. I can access http and https within the LAN, but can only access http outside the lan. anyone have any ideas16:43
kjeleaugdawg_: Do what it says16:43
trothigarrojoloco47, what are your needs for the mail server? does it need to deal with multiple domians, virtual users, etc..?16:43
MaWaLehi folks16:44
rojoloco47Can I have your MSN, or gmail or something like that ? SO that I can contact you easily , I really need it before next 2 hours,16:44
augdawg_okay so apt-get autoremove plymouth?16:44
trothigarshadowhywind_, Do you have port forwarding set up correctly?16:44
MaWaLewhen i try to download a torrent files that is larger than 4G, transmission freeze : did someone have the same problem?16:44
rojoloco47Not exactly I just want to make simple mailserver which can send and recieve mails into a single domain, no problem if it works with single as well as multiple @ troopperi16:44
Lxndraugdawg_: Thanks. That's probably all I need.16:44
nondysjunctionhttp://pastebin.ca/1897363?srch=nondysjunction brasero log on vanilla 10.04 lucid lynx. Burn fails. Help!16:44
ActionParsnipMaWaLe: are you downloading to a fat32 formatted partition?16:45
shadowhywind_trothigar: I have the ports open on the router, along with having the server in the DMZ16:45
trothigarrojoloco47, then the doc I gave you is overkill16:45
rojoloco47trothigar, Can I have your MSN, or gmail or something like that ? SO that I can contact you easily , I really need it before next 2 hours,16:45
augdawg_no problem Lxndr. do you know how to get to it?16:45
CrayonOfDoomWorking on a PXElinux network boot, not sure if this is the right channel to ask questions about it.16:45
MaWaLeActionParsnip:  nope, to the linux partition so it's an EXT4 partition16:45
trothigarrojoloco47, all you need is a basic postifix setup with courier on top16:45
ActionParsnipMaWaLe: weird, fat32 would have made a lot of sense16:45
Lxndraugdawg_: I'm presuming it's in the gedit-plugins package in the package manager? if I'm wrong, please tell me.16:45
kjeleaugdawg_: purge not autoremove16:45
shishireok, how do I turn off power to my sound card?16:46
rojoloco47I have tried many other tutorials too, will it be ok if I try this one, after them, or I have to install ubuntu again to have everything refreshed @ trothigar16:46
trothigarshadowhywind_, can I have the ip address?16:46
MaWaLeActionParsnip:  i know but it's an EXT4 partition like i said16:46
augdawg_yeah i think it is and then gedit - edit - preferences plugins --- soemthing like that16:46
augdawg_kjele im doing that now...16:46
rojoloco47I need other clients to access their mails in microsoft outlook, will this provide me smtp and pop server addresses @ trothigar ?16:46
shadowhywind_trothigar: shadowhywind.homelinux.com16:46
crash_hello im new to ultimate edition how do i get the cube to work16:47
ActionParsnipMaWaLe: https://forum.transmissionbt.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=362216:47
ActionParsnip!ultimate | crash_16:47
ubottucrash_: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition16:47
augdawg_kjele --- http://paste.ubuntu.com/462582/16:47
rblstanybody here knowing their way in thunderbird 3?16:47
trothigarrojoloco47, all you should have modified are the config files right, so I think all you need to do is remove them and then use dpkg-reconfigure to regenerate the default config. You need a basic postifx set up to handle the mail and provide smtp, and then courier for imap.16:48
kjeleaugdawg_: did you use sudo?16:48
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek starting in 12 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom16:48
gidnaI can't connect to msn with pidgin Can you help me?16:48
augdawg_oh duh kjele hang on...16:48
trothigarshadowhywind_, do you have a firewall on ubuntu? There might be one enabled by default now, I'm not sure.16:48
rojoloco47All I need just not to face that "Connection Dropped by imap server" Error Again @ trothigar16:48
shadowhywind_trothigar: that i have no clue,16:49
trothigarrojoloco47, get postfix working first, then concentrate on imap16:49
gidnacan you help me?16:49
rojoloco47I am gonna try this tutorial right now, will update you soon, with the situation16:49
shadowhywind_trothigar: I did the server/lamp install.. other then that, I havn't really installed much16:49
flupkeI have a working pulse-jack setup, but flash on chromium has no sound (and I don't see it in the pulse clients list) ; other apps work well (e.g. rhythmbox), how can I fix this ?16:50
rojoloco47thanks for the great help @ trothigar16:50
webdawg_anyone have a anyone have a ubuntu 10.04 php.conf file they could pastebin me???16:50
augdawg_kjele --- http://paste.ubuntu.com/462583/16:50
gidnaI need to connect to msn..16:50
trothigarshadowhywind_, what does the command sudo iptables -L give you as output?16:50
kjeleaugdawg_: Guess you cannot remove plymouth without borking the system16:50
augdawg_okay kjele thanks for all the help16:51
purveshcan some one tell me how to uninstall apache. i had installed apache via ubuntu lamp, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Installing%20PHP%20516:51
shadowhywind_trothigar: Looks empty other then section/titles16:51
HaarDzgidna: My messenger dont connect too =//16:51
trothigarrojoloco47, you might have more luck in #ubuntu-server16:51
webdawg_Can anyone give me a php.conf file?16:51
webdawg_from Ubuntu 10.04?16:51
jacobianaeon-ltd: seems like the upgarde from alternate iso file is working.16:51
trothigarshadowhywind_, are all policies accept?16:51
gidnaI'm trying with all sort of programs but nothing16:51
shadowhywind_trothigar: there are no policies listed16:52
rojoloco47I am using desktop edition is it still ok to get into ubuntu server channel @ trothigar16:52
ActionParsnipflupke: can you give the output of: uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf      use: www.pastie.org (or similar)16:52
trothigarrojoloco47, yes ubuntu-server and desktop only differ in the default set of installed packages16:53
trothigarshadowhywind_, can you pastebin it please.16:53
rojoloco47can you please guide me how to get into that channel with a command I am new to xchat too @ trothigar16:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:53
trothigarrojoloco47, /join16:53
ActionParsniprojoloco47: /join #ubuntu-server16:54
flupkeActionParsnip, here it is: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/236564/16:54
trothigarrojoloco47, /join #ubuntu-server even16:54
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ActionParsniprojoloco47: same with any channel16:54
FloodBot2Guest30571: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:54
ActionParsnipflupke: ok try: sudo dpkg -P mozilla-plugin-gnash gnash-common; sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree16:55
metalfan_i would like to get encfs-1.6 running on ubuntu 10.04.   there are already packages for the 10.10 release out there.  so i downloaded them and started to get all the deps, but for this one:  http://codepad.org/HrA77JfX   i dont get an error message from dpkg. just that theres a problem.  but what problem?16:58
sprung<sprung> Hi, my Close, Minimize, Maximize, and Windows Preferences buttons vanished several days ago on Firefox. I'm running ubuntu with Gnome. Here's what I've done so far: Starting firefox in Safe Mode does fix the problem, but only in safe mode. I disabled all extensions, themes and addons, didn't work, and I also enabled the "firefox workaround fix" in the Compiz settings, which didn't work. I just came from irc.mozilla.org, they16:59
sprungtold me to come here.16:59
akshit21hi is their any IRC channel for opkg or apt17:00
ikoniaakshit21: if it relates to ubuntu, you're in it17:00
shadowhywind_trothigar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/462585/17:01
ActionParsnipmetalfan_: mixing debs from maverick with lucid will cause issues17:01
flupkeActionParsnip, now I have flashplugin-nonfree and installer, but still no luck with flash : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/236571/17:01
akshit21@ikonia: I was looking for some frontent for opkg. I am not sure if this is the right place17:01
ddavids_hi all17:01
ActionParsnipflupke: so you have no soud in flash?17:01
metalfan_ActionParsnip, i was assuming that most packages will be backward compactible.....is that not the case?17:01
ActionParsnipmetalfan_: no, not at all17:02
ddavids_my rhythmbox keeps crashing upon starting it17:02
ActionParsnipmetalfan_: thats why those are from the maverick repo and not the lucid repo, they are different17:02
ikoniashare: ?17:02
flupkeActionParsnip, yep, no sound in flash, and I don't see it in the pulse clients list (it was visible before I installed the pulse-jack stack)17:02
ikoniashare: please don't post warez in here17:02
metalfan_ActionParsnip, thx17:02
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ActionParsnipmetalfan_: if you install debs from other system you will need to satisfy deps for it and eventually you will have a half maverick / half lucid mess17:02
sprungHi, my Close, Minimize, Maximize, and Windows Preferences buttons vanished several days ago on Firefox. I'm running ubuntu with Gnome. Here's what I've done so far: Starting firefox in Safe Mode does fix the problem, but only in safe mode. I disabled all extensions, themes and addons, didn't work, and I also enabled the "firefox workaround fix" in the Compiz settings, which didn't work. I just came from irc.mozilla.org, they told me to come17:03
VeasMKIIIs there any kind of lag meter for ubuntu?17:03
gNewPowerHi!  Is there a GNOME applet which would a allow me to regulate the sound up and down directly from the panel without starting an application?  Thanks!17:03
metalfan_ActionParsnip, ok17:03
akshit21@ikonia: I was looking for some frontent for opkg. I am not sure if this is the right place17:03
ikoniaakshit21: synaptic17:03
metalfan_ActionParsnip, will switch to dm-crypt than17:03
akshit21@ikonia: but synaptic works with apt and not on opkg17:03
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ActionParsnipflupke: http://www.macewan.org/2006/06/01/howto-firefox-flash-video-sound-on-ubuntu-linux-dapper/   may work17:04
akshit21@ikonia: is tr any specific IRC for synaptic17:04
VeasMKIIgNewPower: I think Indicator Applet already does what you want, you can use the scrollwheel over the volume manager to adjust volume directly or click for a sound menu17:04
gNewPowerVeasMKII, which is the "Indicator Applet"?17:05
VeasMKIIgNewPower: are you using standard ubuntu? it should be already active on the top right(ish) of the top panel17:06
gNewPowerVeasMKII, I am, but I had plenty of upgrades and I somehow lost this applet,  How do I get it back?!17:07
cablopwell people, i got a problem, i was installing a new kernel and... the synaptic is stuck at this point17:07
VeasMKIIgNewPower: but you can right click the panels and add to panel and select it from there manually if somehow it's missing17:07
steveni cant get 3d windows to turn on in compiz, any ideas17:07
gNewPowerVeasMKII, which aplication do I add exactly?17:07
VeasMKIIgNewPower: just "Indicator Applet"17:07
krylhow to remove the 2 first lines of the result of command like ls or netstat ...17:08
krylawk ?17:08
metalfan_is there something like encfs that encrypts directories that can grow in size?17:08
gNewPowerVeasMKII, Thanks!  that worked17:08
cablopmy synaptic is stuck in this line "executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms kernel [and some kernel info]"... of course i'm really fafraid to interupt it... what can i do?!?17:08
gNewPowerthanks a lot VeasMKII17:08
VeasMKIIgNewPower: :)17:08
jentaru12how to hacker?17:08
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stevenjentaru12, depend on what you want to hack17:09
cablopcan i interrupt it?17:09
aeon-ltdjentaru12: hi17:10
jentaru12how to hacker17:10
stevenjentaru12, depend on what you want to hack17:10
IdleOnejentaru12: hack what?17:11
Dr_Willisjentaru12:  given your statement.. you proberly dont..17:11
aeon-ltdjentaru12: please elaborate17:11
sprungHi, my Close, Minimize, Maximize, and Windows Preferences buttons vanished several days ago on Firefox. I'm running ubuntu with Gnome. Here's what I've done so far: Starting firefox in Safe Mode does fix the problem, but only in safe mode. I disabled all extensions, themes and addons, didn't work, and I also enabled the "firefox workaround fix" in the Compiz settings, which didn't work. I just came from irc.mozilla.org, they told me to come17:11
sprungAny ideas guys/gals?17:11
cablopcan i just insterrupt a kernel upgrade?17:11
Dr_Willissprung:  they are there for other programs? but Not for firefox?17:11
steveni cant get 3d windows to turn on in compiz, any ideas17:11
bullgard4man gconftool-2: "gconftool-2 is the command-line interface tool that enables you to set the values of keys, display the values of keys, and install schemas from schema definition files when you install an application." Does Ubuntu provide a similar graphical tool?17:12
trismbullgard4: gconf-editor17:12
sprungDr_Who, Correct.17:13
IdleOnebullgard4: alt-f2 > gconf-editor17:13
ddavids_im having problems with my rhythmbox...it doesnt open when i start it but it docks on the panel...17:13
cablophey guys17:13
bullgard4trism, IdleOne Thank you very much for your help.17:14
sprungDr_Willis, Correct.17:14
Dr_Willissprung:  move/rename the .mozilla directory and try firefox with a new fresh 'setup'17:14
trismddavids_: click the indicator icon and you can open it, you can also disable this entirely going to Edit/Plugins and disabling the status icon plugin17:14
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sprungDr_Willis, That worked, but it sucks that I lose all my preferences17:15
jentaru12how to python programming ?17:15
IdleOnejentaru12: www.thinkpython.com17:16
Dr_Willissprung:  move them back i guess.. your preferances are causing the issues17:16
JohnDelhello, I have a server hardy heron (8.04) and I want to install QT 4.4.0, I saw that there is in backports repository but I don't understand how I can use it, I added in my sources.list I think but with apt-get it didn't installed. Can somebody point me to a tutorial or something?17:16
jentaru12where is learn xhtml programming17:16
cablopjentaru you can refer to that to each channel17:17
barfsterjentaru12: ?17:17
stevenwhat does opacify in compiz do?17:17
cablopbut, jentaru12, if you want to html css and so on, go to w3c.org and start looking there17:17
IdleOnejentaru12: these are all questions you can put into a search engine and get very good results for. This channel is for Ubuntu support related questions.17:17
ddavids_trism, it wont open17:18
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trismddavids_: left click, not right click17:18
ddavids_trism: clicking on the indicator icon on the panel doesnt open it...17:18
akshit21is there any IRC channels available of package manager e.g: opkg, apt or their related applications17:18
cablopand for ubuntu support.... guys, my synaptic got stuck while installing a new kernel... what can i do? any suggestion or idea? i can't keep running this system forever!17:18
trismddavids_: and click "Show Rhythmbox"17:18
ddavids_trism: no success17:18
jentaru12thank you!17:19
IdleOneakshit21: try ##linux maybe17:19
ddavids_trism: it just wont open17:19
IdleOneakshit21: they may know of a front end to odpk17:19
ddavids_trism: it wont show17:19
barfsterjentaru12: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/17:19
akshit21@idleone: ok will try that tnks17:19
JohnDelany help how I can install QT 4.4.0 or later on 8.04?17:19
ddavids_trism: im trying to reinstall it and check if it works then...17:19
IdleOneerr opkg17:20
cablopmy computer is about to shutdown at any moment, and i can't solve the kernel issue, hey, any help! please!17:20
trismddavids_: in a terminal, bring up gconf-editor and navigate to /apps/rhythmbox/plugins/status-icon and uncheck the active key, then start rhythmbox17:20
oCean_!helpme | cablop17:20
ubottucablop: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude17:20
cablopoCean_: that won't help, thanks17:21
IdleOneakshit21: your nick sets off the highlight filter for many of the ops in this channel. you may want to think about changing it to something without the s word :)17:21
ddavids_trism: no luck, the indicator icon wont go away even after i reopened it from Applications...17:22
MBarvianubuntu needs a redesign17:22
IdleOneMBarvian: #ubuntu-offtopic is a good place to talk about that17:22
makaoi'm having some trouble building something called the Motion Control API (http://www.pmccorp.com/products/api.php).  when running make on the source, i get an error complaining about "implicit declaration of function ‘schedule’".  not sure where to go from here...does anyone have any suggestions for how to proceed?17:22
oCean_makao: ##programming maybe?17:23
akshit21@idleone: what does that mean17:23
trismddavids_: what is the output of the command: gconftool-2 --get /apps/rhythmbox/plugins/status-icon/active;17:23
IdleOneakshit21: may I message you?17:23
ddavids_trism: i adjusted it to not active like u sugeested17:24
makao<oCean_>: thanks, i'll check there17:24
trismddavids_: so then the output should be false, is it?17:24
jentaru12how is learn programming ?17:24
ddavids_trism: i have unchecked it, yes teh output is false17:24
shadowhywind_Hay all having a problem with apache, can access http & https on the lan, but can only access http outside, the ports have been forwarded on the router, any ideas?17:24
purveshcan some one tell me how to uninstall apache. i had installed apache via ubuntu lamp, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Installing%20PHP%20517:24
trismddavids_: then it shouldn't start the indicator icon17:24
oCean_jentaru12: this is ubuntu support channel, for ubuntu issues only. Please stay on topic17:25
ddavids_trism: the crashed icon has refused to go away17:25
oCean_jentaru12: also help in turkish: /join #ubuntu-tr17:25
trismddavids_: oh, then log out, log back in and try starting rhythmbox again17:25
ddavids_trism: so i guess it is interfering wt the new instance of rhythmbox17:25
jentaru12thank you17:26
cablopgoing offline, no help here17:26
brightdayhi, does anybody know why i can't start binary application. i have downloaded it and tried launching it in terminal by typing ./applicationnname but it says that there is no such file or directory. But it is here! I can cat that file, copy and do other things, but not launch it.17:27
sipiorbrightday: what does "file ./applicationname" return?17:28
oCean_brightday: hard to guess without knowing the details (what application, what type of file, what exact error etc)17:28
stevenis there a way yo replace cube gears with something else? like some other small animated loop17:29
=== brightday_ is now known as brightday
brightdayit says17:32
brightdayELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped17:32
geirhabrightday: And  file /bin/bash   for comparison17:33
brightdayjeez :)17:33
shtowerI just had some trouble with VirtualBox OSE, and I wanted to pass on to anyone else using VirtualBox to download the version 3.2 from the virtualbox website.17:34
brightdayi thought i installed 32bit version of ubuntu :)17:34
brightdayok, thanks for help17:34
kickingintenderhey guys i have multisession disc and i dont know how to open it17:34
Fredrickhow do i set my irc client to deny whois requests?17:36
preechercan i make a custom application launcher that will launch/open youtube and if so can anyone tole me how? i dont know what it means where it has place for command17:36
Oershtower vbox OSE open source edition is available in synaptic17:37
trismpreecher: just put: firefox http://www.youtube.com as the command in the launcher17:37
Fredrickpreecher, you can create a shortcut to youtube from you internet browser17:37
shtoweryes, it is, but it doesn't allow the guest OS to access the USB controller of the Host OS17:37
Fredrickpreecher, just save it as a bookmark, then drigh the bookmark over your desktop17:38
PiciFredrick: You can't.  whois requests are server side.  If you're concerned that everyone here can see your host, consider registering and asking for a cloak in #freenode.17:38
Spaztic_OneI am trying to connect to another computer directly via Ethernet, this one is Lucid, the other is WinXP. Can someone help me?17:38
preechertrism and Fredrick thanks17:38
Pici!register > Fredrick17:38
ubottuFredrick, please see my private message17:38
shtowerIn my case, I needed to run iTunes, for my iPod Touch17:38
Oershtower, yes, then you need the non-ose version from the website.17:38
Dr_WillisSpaztic_One:  if you are doing Network card to network card. You will need a 'crossover' cable. unless the nic's are gigibit.17:38
preecheryea i have it on chromium extension i was just wondering if i could make just a launcher for youtube alone to put in my panel17:39
Dr_Willisat least i think all Gib. Nics  auto-crossover as needed.17:39
Oershtower plus guest-additions17:39
trismpreecher: replacing firefox with chromium-browser works too17:39
Fredrickpreecher, youtube is a website and needs a browser to see it,17:39
preecheroh ok17:39
Spaztic_OneDr_Willis: I thought most NICs would auto-detect and such anymore.17:39
Dr_WillisSpaztic_One:  ive not bought a new NIC in ages.. most all my machines come ith them built in. :) so cant verify or deny that.17:40
Dr_WillisSpaztic_One:  but I do belive the auto-detext Is a feature standard in GiB speed nics'17:40
padhuany application is available for twitter upload and read?17:41
ubclicki have multisession disc but ubuntu reads only last session ...i have game on the other session please help17:41
stevenhwo do i use aircrack-ng?17:42
Spaztic_OneDr_Willis: Ah, ok. And yea, the NICs in both computers are built in, Lucid one is a laptop. Not sure the age of either at the moment. Laptop was bought used about 2-3 weeks ago, and I've had the tower for years (five or so seems about right)17:42
james20Why might I experience display issues (flickering, lockups, white blocks) after taking my laptops display in and out of poweroff mode (closing and opening the lid, screen power off, not standby)17:42
trismpadhu: gwibber by default in 10.04, there are others in the repo too17:42
trismpadhu: click the envelope in your panel and go to broadcast17:43
ubclickwhich software will read the other session for me17:43
james20steven, this documentation should help you a lot: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php17:43
trismpadhu: or Applications/Internet/Gwibber Social Client17:43
stevenjames20, thanks17:43
padhutrism: unfortunately i am hanging with Ubuntu 8.1017:43
wng-does anyone have any reccomendations for a kernel-supported PCI wireless card that supports a/g/n?17:43
Spaztic_Onea/g/n but not b?17:44
trismpadhu: ahh, I don't remember when gwibber was added, and I can't check because 8.10 isn't supported anymore17:44
ubclickwhich software will read the other session for me17:44
ubclicki have multisession disc but ubuntu reads only last session ...i have game on the other session please help17:44
preecheranother question i have is can i make a window/panel that will be on my desktop somewhere other than on the edge/border? kind of like a box on my screen with programs/launchers placed in it17:44
padhutrism: it's ok, i will try to discover one17:45
Spaztic_OneAnyway, Dr_Willis, once I have a crossover cable, will they (or at least the Lucid computer) automatically start talking and making visible the shared folders?17:46
Dr_Willispreecher:  theres numerous 'widgit/desklet' things thst can be placed anywhere. but i find them annoying17:46
steventhe ip is home right?17:46
dinwhere do I have to unpack a program to so it gets registered as programs I download via the packetmanager17:46
Dr_WillisSpaztic_One:  You will need to either install a dhcp server on one box. or assign static ip's to each box.17:46
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james20127.0.0.1 is localhost17:46
Dr_WillisSpaztic_One:  then they will be networked.  If they can ping each other.. they are networkded properly. Then you configure whatever services you want17:46
Spaztic_OneDr_Willis: They are both on the same wireless network already. Does this complicate things, make them easier, or not have any significant effect at all?17:47
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Dr_WillisSpaztic_One:  wireless is a whole different ballgame.. You never mentioned wireless.17:47
shtowerPreecher, right click on one of the panels and select "new panel"17:47
Dr_WillisSpaztic_One:  still you would need a DHCP server. or set up static ips or some sort of ad-hoc network. (i think thats the proper term) if they can ping eacjh other. they are working17:48
Spaztic_OneDr_Willis: Yes, I know. Wireless is significantly slower and thus I am wanting to use the ethernet cable.17:48
Dr_WillisSpaztic_One:  shouldent be too hard to get going. have windows box make a network. have linux box scan/connect to it17:48
Spaztic_OneDr_Willis: Ah, ok.17:48
preechershtower ive tred that but they stay on the border17:48
marcus_NewbieCan anyone help me with my 3 mobile internet dongle please?17:48
Spaztic_OneDr_Willis: Sounds good. Thanks.17:49
bullgard4Configuration Editor > /schemas/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/settings-manager-plugins/background/Name=active;Value=<schema>. What file sets the value of <schema>?17:49
trismbullgard4: schemas are just templates for actual keys, they are generally imported when an app is installed, and a copy is added to /usr/share/gconf/schemas17:51
dinwhere do I have to unpack a program to so it gets registered like a program I install via the packet manager?17:51
alan2796hey all17:51
LjLdin: that's not the way it work17:51
vitiumis there a way to recover a folder once you have deleted it from deleted items? :/17:51
LjLdin: for a program to be in the package manager, it must be a package in the first place17:52
LjLdin: otherwise, you can use "checkinstall" to pretend it is, but that's not guaranteed to work well17:52
flupkeI somehow messed with my flashplugin installation, it used to work flawlessly (showing up in pulse and all), now I'm back to the oooold functionnality (pre 9.04 ...), when flash is playing it grabs the soundcard and no other app can play sound17:52
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dinso whats the directory for programs in ubuntu then?17:52
LokoteHello Marcus17:53
bullgard4trism: Thank you for your general remarks. But I have put a specific question.17:53
marcus_NewbieCould any of you please offer some help with 3 mobile internet dongles17:53
alan2796fire away17:53
flupkeanybody have a guide for lucid to make flashplugin play through pulse ?17:54
james20marcus_Newbie, state your problem17:55
shtoweryes, what is the problem with them?17:55
rizzuhHow do I convert Ubuntu Desktop to Server?17:56
ubuntu51i need ur help17:56
sebsebseb!ask | ubuntu5117:57
ubottuubuntu51: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:57
ubuntu51how to activate my xsplash17:57
sebsebseb!server | rizzuh17:57
ubotturizzuh: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server17:57
ubuntu51im using my new ubuntu os17:57
bullgard4flupke: Install Flashplugin for Firefox from the repository http://packages.medibuntu.com/lucid free non-free17:57
cruzhi there17:57
sebsebsebrizzuh: you can't just convert the Desktop version into the server version, also servers can run in the desktop version17:57
ubuntu51i want to know17:58
rizzuhYou surely can, it's just a bunch of packages; one is ubuntu-desktop another is ubuntu-server.17:58
sebsebsebubuntu51: Are you on 10.04?17:58
sebsebseb!info ubuntu-server17:58
ubottuPackage ubuntu-server does not exist in lucid17:58
sebsebsebrizzuh: no according to that, there isn't a ubuntu-server package17:58
cryzedDoes Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" ship with the latest Catalyst 10.6 (fglrx) driver-packages already so that "Jockey" will ask me to install them once I try to install Ubuntu on a ASUS G73-JH with a Mobility Radeon 5870?17:58
rizzuhHmm :|17:58
sebsebsebrizzuh: server edition is basically  just Ubuntu with a server specific kernel and no GUI17:58
flupkebullgard4, it's medibuntu.org17:59
sebsebsebrizzuh: so you could remove stuff from your desktop edition, and such,  but not sure if your whole system then gets the 5 years of support instead of the 3,  if your on 10.04 I mean17:59
marcus_Newbiethanks james28 but shtower is helping me out at the sec17:59
ubuntu51there is any possibility to activate my xsplash17:59
sebsebseb!lts | rizzuh17:59
ubotturizzuh: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)17:59
bullgard4flupke: I do not know what you mean.17:59
sebsebsebubottu: Which version of Ubuntu are you on?17:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:59
flupkebullgard4, and they don't have flashplugin for lucid ...17:59
sebsebsebubuntu51: Which version of Ubuntu are you on?18:00
rizzuhsebsebseb, I don't need the support, this is just a VM, but I'd like to drop the Gnome desktop.18:00
ubuntu51im using 10.04 ubuntu18:00
cryzedSomeone running the Catalyst drivers here?18:00
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »18:00
coz_flupke,   I have lucid with flash plugin here .. maybe I misunderstood you/18:00
sebsebsebrizzuh: I guess follow the above then or at least for the removing Gnome packages part18:00
flupkebullgard4, you linked me to a repos that doesn't exist anymore, and the correct one (medibuntu.org, not .com), doesn't have flashplugin for lucid18:00
sanjoyMINT has chat n help sec18:00
sanjoyis it available here??18:00
sebsebsebrizzuh: as for log in and such, after doing that,  I guess you log in with the text thing, but not so sure18:01
ubuntu5110.04 is stable than 9.1018:01
sebsebseb!mint | sanjoy18:01
rizzuhAhh nice, Lucid uses aptitude now.18:01
ubottusanjoy: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)18:01
rizzuhOkay, that's easy xD18:01
sebsebseb!mintsupport | sanjoy18:01
ubottusanjoy: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:01
greglDoes Kubuntu use pulseaudio?18:01
flupkecoz_, I have it too, it's just that it grabs alsa, so if you launch say a youtube video, you can't play sound in other apps ; I'd like to route it through pulse18:01
sebsebsebrizzuh: I haven't done it myself, but  just a vm aye, for trying, so if it messes up on you, no big deal?18:01
macogregl: no, but 10.10 will18:01
sanjoywhat do u mean by stable???18:01
coz_gregl,  no I believe its called "phonon"18:01
sebsebsebmaco: Oh no!18:01
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:02
ubuntu51i want to activate xsplash18:02
coz_flupke,  mmm ok   I only use alsa so I cant help with that18:02
sebsebsebmaco: that seems to be an advantage for Kubuntu, how it does not use pulseaudio by default :)  since the amount of issues Ubuntu has with it since 8.0418:02
macosebsebseb: new versions of qt work fine with it, and this gives plenty of time to prepare for 12.04 lts18:02
rizzuhsebsebseb, yeah, I'll take a snapshot so no big deal if it goes wrong. I can deal with the desktop, just wanted to shrink the memory and disk usage a bit (kinda low on the latter)18:02
alan2796#/join #ubuntuforums18:02
flupkecoz_, only alsa ? you mean you removed pulse ?18:02
greglok thanks..I don't want pulse audio..It adds too much latency to my media server.18:02
macosebsebseb: *shrug* ive used pulseaudio with kubuntu the entire time ive used kubuntu. ive not had problems18:02
sebsebsebmaco: its Ubuntu that gets the problems18:02
macogregl: ah you want jack if youre doing pro audio stuff18:02
ubuntu51fine me a way to fix18:02
ubuntu51my xsplash18:03
sebsebsebubuntu51: if you are on 10.04, yes xsplash is in the repo, but you can't just install and use it18:03
thoratI can't upgrade since update-initramfs hangs.  I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 under VMware Fusion.18:03
macogregl: i didnt think mythbuntu had pulse...18:03
thoratMy problem is similar to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140095418:03
=== marcus_ is now known as marcus_Newbie
Myth`I'm trying to stream media from my UPNP server at home to my Ubuntu box at work. Is there an easy way for me to do this? I have tried Rhythmbox UPNP plugins with no success.18:03
thoratBut there's no solution posted there.18:03
sebsebsebubuntu51: and Plymouth is very much so bundled into the system, its part of ubuntu-desktop for a start, and if you try to remove Plymouth, it will want to remove loads of programs you are meant to have installed18:03
coz_flupke,   no I have a pro sound card I I have to compile the alsa driver specifically for that    so although I dont remove pulse  I dont use it for anything18:04
greglmaco: I don't use mythbuntu..It uses XFC for a windows manager and I think it's horrible18:04
ubuntu51u mean u can change it18:04
sanjoyhow u can identify stableness in 9.10 n 10.0418:05
flupkecoz_, I compile alsa too (newer via chips don't work out of the box), pulse works on top of alsa.18:05
sanjoyby which basis?18:05
sebsebsebubuntu51: in fact someone has been working on trying to properly remove Plymouth from  10.04, because of issues that can happen with for example propritary Nivida or ATI drivers,  and hes told me about his progress trying to do that here and there,  and he can't do it properly at the moment, because of something.  So basically stuck with Plymouth when it comes to 10.04, but can sort of disable it by using a text boot instead.18:05
fabio__I need some help setting up my dual monitors in Lucid. Can anyone help me? I have an Nvidia Geforce gt320. One screen is 24inch acer, the other 15 inch LG. Proprietary drivers installed. help please :D18:05
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: you can work around by booting using the fb diriver :)18:06
coz_flupke,  yes but pulse does not support my card  so I have to have alsa18:06
RoastedOn the Appearance window I found a link for find more themes online. I clicked - and I found a sub category for changing the login window. Okay, I thought that got screwed up with the newer gdm, but whatever - trying to install it now. How would I install the .tar.gz I downloaded to apply a new login screen?18:06
sebsebsebActionParsnip: The fb driver ?18:06
marcus_Newbiethis xchat do not seem to be updating with your messages18:06
marcus_Newbiei only see mine18:06
ActionParsnipfabio__: run: nvidia-settings ,its all there18:06
flupkecoz_, pulse is not an audio driver, if your card is supported by alsa then pulse works with it too18:06
AnkakuDo you guys accept general linux questions? The people in the sabayon channel dont rly offer any help18:06
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: yeah, its the work around for poor res during bootup. There are guides all over18:06
fabio__ActionParnsnip: i know, the thing is, it doesnt recognize my big screen.18:07
HexTasyhow do I boot the installer into text only?  I have an offsize touchscreen I need to use18:07
coz_flupke,  yes I have heard that but I have already read that it is not supported under pulse18:07
fabio__it shows there but it doesn't get that is has a bigger resolution than 1024x786 and that it's wide18:07
sebsebsebActionParsnip: as far as I know those work arounds don't always work properly.18:07
sebsebsebubuntu51: Why do you want xsplash anyway?18:07
ActionParsnipHexTasy: the alternate iso does that18:07
bullgard4flupke: May be reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu will help you.18:07
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: worked on all 4 systems I've applied it to18:07
coz_flupke,  I can do withouth pulse here :)18:07
HexTasyoh it's a whole different iso? ok18:07
national_socialiheil hitler18:08
sebsebsebubuntu51: I used to think xsplash sucked when 9.10 was the latest Ubuntu, but now I think it is better than Plymouth in 10.04,  sadly Ubuntu didn't do Plymouth as good as other distros.18:08
AhmedBHhi all, Actually i am @ root now and i cant see the volume applet working it seems, why is that when i click to check it gives me "Waiting for sound system to respond" i mean when i click sound prefences, please any suggestions ? i am new18:08
bullgard4Configuration Editor > /schemas/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/settings-manager-plugins/background/Name=active;Value=<schema>. What file sets the value of <schema>?18:08
flupkeActionParsnip, since I followed your advice about the flashplugin packages (removed old configured packages, reinstalled flashplugin-nonfree), flash doesn't use pulse anymore, when it starts other apps (pulse included) can't play sound anymore18:08
graffyi had to a flash plugin from some other repo18:09
RoastedOn the Appearance window I found a link for find more themes online. I clicked - and I found a sub category for changing the login window. Okay, I thought that got screwed up with the newer gdm, but whatever - trying to install it now. How would I install the .tar.gz I downloaded to apply a new login screen?18:09
graffythen i could lcik buttons18:09
graffyshows up in pulse18:09
stevecamif i wanted to update a package to a newer version of whatever program it is and contribute it to the apt package list would it be possible to do that?18:09
ActionParsnipflupke: there's a pulse-alsa package you can use. Not sure as I've never had a sound issue in linux18:09
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=== marcus_ is now known as marcusnewbie
ActionParsnipUbuntu51: sebsebseb: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/ use the commands in red18:10
ActionParsnip!contribute | stevecam18:11
ubottustevecam: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate18:11
|jonathan|how to run .exe files in ubuntu 1018:11
marcusnewbieI dont get this, can anyone see my post?18:11
AhmedBHjonathan: install wine18:11
AhmedBHand run on it18:12
=== pjarnahom is now known as pjarnahomzz
shtower|jonathan| you can use wine to run exe files.18:12
AhmedBHI dont know why its called help rooms her18:12
ActionParsnip|jonathan|: you can use wine. If its a driver then its probably no use to you (unless its a network driver)18:12
flupkeActionParsnip, not on lucid, or perhaps you mean padsl18:12
flupkeActionParsnip, *padsp18:12
ActionParsnipmarcusnewbie: sup18:12
MadRobotHi all.18:12
=== GreySim is now known as Guest88
AhmedBHhello yeah18:12
=== harry__ is now known as mihakriket
|jonathan|Sh3r1ff so u mean wine will help to run all the exe files means all the windows files?18:12
ActionParsnipflupke: whoever needs it :) cheers man18:12
AhmedBHmarcusnewbie: Yeah ?  i am here how ever so18:13
n0a1ias_i cant enable 3d windows, any ideas?18:13
AhmedBHjonathan: NO not all but a all exe yeah i hope18:13
MadRobotIs there a solution for the CLEAR USB (Motorola w100) problem with Ubuntu18:13
ActionParsnip|jonathan|: it can run some. Not all apps work18:13
AhmedBHn0alias: check for the drives18:13
ActionParsnipn0a1ias_: configure video drivers18:13
marcusnewbieHaving problem with mobile internet dongle18:13
flupkeActionParsnip, anyway I think I'm just gonna reinstall from scratch, configuration is probably too broken to fix18:13
ActionParsnip!appdb | |jonathan|18:13
ubottu|jonathan|: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:13
alan2796whats wrong marcusnewbie18:13
AhmedBHWell i have no clue where those old users are really...18:13
n0a1ias_actionParsnip, their installed and i have the rest of compiz fusion up and running18:14
AhmedBHaround 1500 peoples are here but18:14
AhmedBHwhat the hell18:14
Roastedanybody use gdm2? When I open it, I cant select anything - hitting okay, cancel, etc - it does nothingl....18:14
sebsebsebActionParsnip: That seems to be the one I went on before.  anyway what commands in red?18:14
ActionParsnip|jonathan|: some apps run really well, some won't even install and everything between18:14
|jonathan|ActionParsnip bro do u know how to setup vodafone usb modem in ubuntu 10?18:14
AhmedBHn0alias: check the driver before that or it wont even work :)18:14
ActionParsnipn0a1ias_: then install compizconfig-settings-manager and you can enable what you wish18:14
NightTailhey everyone. having some problems with fglrx in 10.04 . seems it does not want to install them at all18:14
|jonathan|and ubuntu doesnt install my intel 82450 vga card ! so im worried18:15
AhmedBHI am going to do things my way, so all you  just! keep on helping each others18:15
mihakriketDoes anybody no if I can download the packages for the Nvidia drivers and the BCM4312 wireless drivers? I am having an issue with my ethernet on my Laptop.18:15
kholzerMy monitor goes to sleep and doesn't wake up.  What can I do to fix this?18:15
AhmedBHnighttail: who needs it ?18:15
ActionParsnip|jonathan|: plug it in and run: lsusb ,there will be an 8 character hex id you can find guides with18:15
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: the commands in red on the page I pasted18:15
NightTaili do its my video drivers18:15
shtowerNightTail: are you trying to install from the Ubuntu Software Repository, or did you download the driver from the ATI site18:15
|jonathan|ActionParsnip bro help me im totally new :(18:15
mr_louInsane thunder weather coming this way. Shutdown! See ya18:15
AhmedBHkholzer: its a bug in gnome actually but check the fix is released, arent you on 64 bit ?18:15
NightTaili used the restricted drivers in ubuntu to download it18:15
ActionParsnip!broadcom | mihakriket18:15
ubottumihakriket: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:15
marcusnewbieI have a mobile dongle that i am using to connect my new LL box to the internet. I used to use it in under win XP where it had an SMS client. How would i get a similar service under LL18:16
n0a1ias_actionParsnip, i already have it installed18:16
ActionParsnip|jonathan|: applications -> accessoies -> terminal18:16
kholzerAhmedBH, I'm using kubuntu 32 bit18:16
shtowerNightTail: Did you restart after the install finished?18:16
kholzerAhmedBH: still a bug though?18:16
NightTailits erroring in the install18:16
alan2796is it a 3G Dongle ?18:16
ActionParsnipn0a1ias_: then you can run ccsm and configure as you wish. More specific support is in #compiz18:16
alan2796if you look on the memory part of the drive there should be software for linux18:16
kholzer|jonathan|, then type lsusb18:17
marcusnewbielooking now18:17
alan2796i had on mine18:17
AhmedBHkholzer: yes its still a bug as that resolution but is there on KDE, so i am not even on KDE anymore just Gnome its better tho18:17
kholzer|jonathan|, then enter...18:17
ActionParsnip|jonathan|: the command will identify the device and other usb things. It will give you guides if you websearch18:17
marcusnewbiewhat am i looking for...lol18:17
stygianis there a way to disable the touchpad on my laptop and just use the mouse? would it be an ubuntu setting or A Bios thing?18:17
mihakriketI know I can install the drivers after I install, but I am having an issue with my ethernet port on my laptop. I thought maybe If I put the drivers I need on a USB flash stick. After installation I can install the drivers I need from the USB.18:17
kholzerAhmedBH: thank you18:17
sebsebsebActionParsnip: I don't see any commands in red on that page18:17
AhmedBHkholzer: My pleasure :P18:18
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: search the page for "apt-get"18:18
|jonathan|ActionParsnip ohh okk bro can u tell me where can i get intel 8245* video card driver that supports in linux?18:18
alan2796just pluggin mine in now18:18
AhmedBHi am bit busy so if i dont reply dont mind any of you please :) i am @root so >_<18:18
ActionParsnip|jonathan|: they are in a standard install18:18
NightTaili mean I can live with out it but i would like to stop the errors well i can and get compiz working again18:18
alan2796what version ubuntu are you using ?18:18
|jonathan|ActionParsnip what is standard install18:18
marcusnewbie10.04 AMD6418:19
mikelifeguardHow can I install only updates from lucid-security? `sudo apt-get upgrade` includes all updates from all repositories.18:19
ActionParsnipmihakriket: then run: sudo lshw -C network ,it will identify the ethernet chip18:19
ActionParsnip|jonathan|: if you used the desktop cd you have a standard install18:20
alan2796when you plug in the USB stick does it mount ?18:20
Roastedhellooooooooo gdm2 users. unable to click cancel or okay buttons on the menu - anybody else have that?18:20
|jonathan|i hav a desktop dvd18:20
marcusnewbieEverything on the sticks memory appears to be windows apps18:20
|jonathan|there is a folder named install18:20
|jonathan|is that standard install?18:20
mihakriketThe issue with the ethernet is a hardware issue, I have tried a couple of OSes with the same result. The issue just started to happen, it worked in the past.18:20
cryzedIs someone using ATI Catalyst 10.6 here?18:20
sebsebsebActionParsnip: looks a little complacted that page,  got to get the right resolution  and uh18:20
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: hardly, edit 2 config files and install a package. Not complicated at all18:21
alan2796there should be linux software there was on mine, just trying to get the folder mounted now18:22
Kyle__On the advice of some folks here, I installed apt-cacher-ng.  It works, but I'm haivng memory problems with it.18:22
sebsebsebActionParsnip: well it seems that he got loads of resolutions18:22
Kyle__After a very short amount of time, it's eating up _all_ the memory on the box.  To the point that I can't always su even.18:22
marcusnewbieIt lets me use internet just fine18:22
|jonathan|help me18:22
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: the hwinfo isn't really needed if you know the native res of your display18:22
|jonathan|what is standard install18:23
|jonathan|plz tell me18:23
AhmedBHjonathan: what do you mean ? which installation ?18:23
ActionParsnip|jonathan|: I told you. If you used the desktop iso you have a standard install?18:23
ddavidstrism; u there? still no luck18:23
AhmedBHthere's a standard user to install but he cant really install programs really18:23
|jonathan|u mean auto install?18:23
|jonathan|no my sound card got recognized by ubuntu18:24
AhmedBHmarcusnewbie: Yeah ?18:24
Kyle__|jonathan|: One quick note, it helps if you spell correctly.  Please has no z in it.  Also it helps if you give a fuller explination of what you need help with.18:24
marcusnewbiethis xchat keeps sticking18:24
|jonathan|but not my video card18:24
sebsebsebActionParsnip: native res the one the OS is set to or?18:24
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: either is fine18:24
Kyle__|jonathan|: Are you getting no video at all?18:24
alan2796im just trying to get my memory on the 3g dongle to show up18:24
marcusnewbiecan anyone see this18:24
alan2796yes marcus18:24
|jonathan|kyle_ no it searches for plugin when i want to play a movie18:24
Kyle__marcusnewbie: Yes, this is a public channel.18:24
|jonathan|kyle_ and special effect doesnt work..18:25
ddavidsid like some help with my rhythmbox...it crashes anytime i start it and it wont start again after the first crash except i logout or restart...18:25
Kyle__|jonathan|: Oh, you just need to install the restricted extras.18:25
|jonathan|kyle_ please tell me how to do that18:25
AhmedBHjonathan ?18:25
AhmedBHits easy18:25
Kyle__|jonathan|: Open up the ubuntu software center, and type in "restricted extras" in the search box.  Hit enter, select "Ubuntu restricted extras"  click the install button.18:26
|jonathan|AhmedBH bro im new so im bothering u ppl.. :(18:26
ActionParsnip|jonathan|: may work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22524218:26
AhmedBHjonathan: why dont you add me or PM18:26
|jonathan|ActionParsnip okk hold on18:26
alan2796marcus ?18:26
ActionParsnip|jonathan|: I don't use crappy intel video so I haven't tested it18:26
DarkSectorHi, I am trying to setup git on my ubuntu, I have a public key and openssh-server installed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Git  But I am unable to understand what to type for the server part in setting up git and project management...what server is it talking about ?18:27
Kyle__Has anyone here had apt-cacher-ng gobble up all available ram and swap, and not give it back?18:27
|jonathan|ActionParsnip i hav it built in in my motherbord18:27
alan2796im still here marcus, sorry just give me a min18:28
marcusnewbieIs it normal for this xchat to update so slowly?18:28
rnddomHi there.  How does one change the default boot options in Ubuntu 10?  I don't see a /boot/menu.lst or whatever.  It seems to be all sysv stuff in /etc/grub, now, and I'm clueless.18:28
ddavids id like some help with my rhythmbox...it crashes anytime i start...18:29
alan2796not usally18:29
ddavids id like some help with my rhythmbox...it crashes anytime i start it...18:29
trismddavids: can you start it in a terminal and see if it gives any useful error messages?18:29
bullgard4Configuration Editor > /schemas/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/settings-manager-plugins/background/Name=active;Value=<schema>. What file sets the value of <schema>?18:29
Kyle__rnddom: It's all under grub.conf/ I believe.  And trust me, it's nowhere near systemv.  'buntu is it's own thing.18:29
ddavidstrism; ow do i do tht pls?18:29
cryzed--------------> I'm asking again! Is someone using the Catalyst 10.6 drivers?18:29
kermithow do i search for a specific program?  apt-cache search only searches the info, not each filename18:30
trismddavids: Applications/Accessories/Terminal, then type: rhythmbox; and enter18:30
Dr_Williskermit:  apt-file is handy for that18:30
Dr_Willis!info apt-file18:30
ubottuapt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.3 (lucid), package size 29 kB, installed size 184 kB18:30
rnddomkyle_, Sure, but hwo do I change the default boot option?18:30
PvpeterMy brightness controls on my sony vaio vpcea1s1e doesnt work, none of the solutions on the internet i have found have worked. However, the brightness changes if it is running on battery power. Any ideas?18:30
alan2796ok marcus im there18:30
ddavidstrism; this is the report - /usr/share/themes/Night-Impression/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:237: Murrine configuration option "scrollbar_color" is no longer supported and will be ignored.18:30
besogonkermit: aptitude search porgramname18:31
rnddomkyle_, It's a series of long and ugly shell scripts - I don't see any easy way to tell it which os to boot18:31
alan2796do you not have a folder named linux software on your dongle then ?18:31
MaRk-I!grub2 > rnddom18:31
ubotturnddom, please see my private message18:31
ddavidstrism: what do u make of that message?18:31
Kyle__rnddom: do you have a file at /etc/grub/grub.cfg18:32
trismddavids: that doesn't seem like it should cause rhythmbox to crash, so probably not that useful18:32
Kyle__rnddom: Sorry, /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:32
alan2796check out here http://thelittleglasskiln.co.uk/blog/?p=4218:32
rnddomkyle_, Yes sir, I do.18:33
alan2796i can email you the tar.gz if you wish18:33
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evhttp://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/7716?phase=commitment - we're trying to create a Ubuntu Stack Exchange, but we need people to commit to using it so the lovely folks at Stack Exchange will host it.  I'd greatly appreciate any help you can give in promoting this.18:33
geolrHi folks, I experience difficulties around file transfer via bluetooth from a phone. Is there a way I can restart that obex environment on my Ubuntu machine? Thanks a lot!18:33
rnddomkyle_, It actually looks like the old config file I'm used to, but it says in big letters at the top not to edit the file.18:33
marcusnewbiewould that work? Is it compatable with my dongle?18:33
kermitbesogon: that doesnt search filenames, just the info/description of packages18:33
ddavidstrism: what else can i try, banshee also crashes while working (it would play some tracks and crash on others) im stuck wt vlc for playing my music library and i wld prefer rhythmbox18:33
Dr_Willisrnddom: also bookmark this Good Grub2 guide from the forums ----> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527518:34
Kyle__rnddom: If it's like mine, it tells you that it's generated by grub-mkconfig.18:34
alan2796well im not sure as the software came on mine its a Three Dongle18:34
rnddomkyle_, Yes sir, it does indeed.18:34
besogonkermit: he said he looked for program searcher not for file searcher18:34
marcusnewbiecouldnt hurt i suppose, how big is it18:34
besogonrnddom: you should have /etc/default/grub file either18:35
marcus_Newbiehow you wanna transfer18:35
geolrBluetooth: Would it be recommended to unplug my dongle and replug again?18:35
Dr_Willisrnddom:  if you want to change the default grub entry see --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130274318:35
Guest36650hi peoples... i have a little problem with one of my partitions... There was a windows 7 installed with 3 partitions. 1 of them i used to install Ubunto, the second was the Windows 7 system, and the 3rd was that with all my data on it. The problem: I see only data on the two first partitions, the 3rd with about 200GB data seems to be empty (i only see there the "recycle bin" and the "System Volume Information" folder of the windows...... anybody s18:35
Guest36650ome idea how to recover?18:35
alan2796do you have MSN account ?18:36
Kyle__rnddom: From what I"m seing, grub-mkconfig will run the scripts in /etc/grub in order.  So you need to make a boot-script for that OS in /etc/grub.conf18:36
alan2796or ubuntu one18:36
Kyle__rnddom: Sorry grub.d Ugh.  Switching between too many boxes.18:36
alan2796i could just email you it18:36
geolrGuest36650: Possibly boot from a linux live cd and check again. Not sure that changes anything.18:37
marcusnewbiewhen i right ckick on your name i get an option to send you a file, would that work?18:37
rnddomkyle_, ugh, that sounds like a lot of work!18:37
Kyle__rnddom: See how there's a 10_linux in there?  Copy it to 11_freebsd, edit it, and then freebsd will be the second choice.  Or name it 09_freebsd, and freebsd will boot by default.18:37
alan2796oh well ill try that !18:37
cryzedIs someone using ATI Drivers?18:37
Kyle__rnddom: Welcome to ubuntu, where if you want to do what it wants, it's easy, but want make a change, you've got to do more work.18:37
rnddomkyle_, Ahhhhh.... the ordinal numbers preceding the script names correspond to their menu entry?18:37
Guest36650yes need to try it. problem is, can't start windows 7 anymore..i've erased a 1MB partition which wasn't used i thoght, but was maybe some of windows 7 configurations...don't know this system...18:38
Kyle__rnddom: Yes.  Thank you :) I wasn't explaining that well.18:38
alan2796you getting that ?18:38
rnddomkyle_, 'cause it looks like single scripts are generating multiple entries... i.e., one to autofind all linux kernels and make an entry for each18:38
trismddavids: not sure what else to try, seems like some kind of rhythmbox bug, but I don't know why banshee would be crashing too; you could try exaile, but that is more of a workaround than a solution; may want to check out the rhythmbox bugs on launchpad and see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bugs18:38
bjegoviccan anybody tell me some ubuntu account like xfce and lxde.... to be fast !!!18:38
Dr_Willisrnddom:  one script can generate more then 1 entry in the grub menus. - What exactly are yoy trying to do with Grub2 ?18:39
Kyle__Yea, I think that's the osprober script.  So it will try and show you everything that's on there.  But if you manually create your own, then you can force the order (or make it the default).18:39
rnddomkyle_, And the suggestion that Willis keeps spamming only instructs you to use a different ordinal number... if they vary dynamically, I don't see how that will help18:39
ddavidstrism: guess wht i used sudo and i'll paste the output on pastebin18:39
rnddomDr_Willis, I'm simply trying to change the default boot choice18:39
bjegovicwhat is faster then lxde???????????18:39
marcusnewbieis in my download manager but not transfering18:40
trismddavids: you really shouldn't run rhythmbox with sudo18:40
Dr_Willisrnddom:   I let it only show like 3 kernels, so windows is always #4 here18:40
besogonrnddom: sudo update-grub2 and change /etc/defuault/grub file18:40
mikelifeguardIs there a package for Perl 5.12 on lucid?18:40
geolrAnyone on Bluetooth:  How to check the actual state of what is happening? Log-file?18:40
Kyle__rnddom: From what I can see, the way you do it is to create your own boot script, lower than 10, and re-run the grub-mkconfig or whatever it's called.18:40
bjegovicwhat is faster then lxde ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????/18:40
besogonyou don't hear me..., rnddom18:40
bullgard4Configuration Editor > /schemas/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/settings-manager-plugins/background/Name=active;Value=<schema>. What file sets the value of <schema>?18:40
mikelifeguardbjegovic: One ? is sufficient, thanks.18:40
rnddomDr_Willis, Is that more effective than just renaming your windows detect script to have a number lower than 10?18:41
ddavidstrism: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/2cLfErBp18:41
Dr_Willisrnddom:  you could put the osprober befor the linux kernel entries also.    that would keep windoes befor them all.18:41
rnddombesogon, I'm sorry, new IRC client and I'm having trouble with the colors18:41
alan2796why is that then ?18:41
DarkSectorHi, I am trying to setup git on my ubuntu, I have a public key and openssh-server installed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Git  But I am unable to understand what to type for the server part in setting up git and project management...what server is it talking about ?18:41
ddavidstrism: i just tot i shld check18:41
bjegovicto download rnndom18:41
marcusnewbiebeats me18:41
ddavidstrism; sorry abt running it wt sudo...cld u pls look thru the errors?18:41
marcusnewbieim the one with newbie in my name18:41
alan2796ill try again18:42
kermitDr_Willis: thanks!18:43
besogonrnddom: you should change the file I mentioned and run update-grub2. But you can use not only numbers in boot sequence but the boot names of OS18:43
Dr_Willisrnddom:  also checcking the docs. it seems you can set the 'default' entry based on its name. Not just its #.18:43
Dr_Willisrnddom:  exzmple they give in /etc/default/grub -> grub-set-default "Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.32-15-generic"18:43
rnddomDr_Willis, But there isn't a static name for the OS I want to boot as far as I can tell... it's generated from the prober script18:44
alan2796check private win18:44
Dr_Willisrnddom:  once it generates you can see what name its using.18:44
rnddomBoy, old grub was sure a lot easier18:44
Dr_Willisrnddom:  i missread the docs. theres a command to do it. sudo grub-set-default "whatevername"18:44
Dr_Willisrnddom:  what os are you wanting to set as the default?18:45
trismddavids: yes I am looking, hmm, can you go into gconf-editor, navigate to /apps/rhythmbox/plugins/umusicstore and uncheck active18:45
rnddomIs LILO still an option?  My distaste for GRUB is growing18:45
LokoteAfter installing Ubuntu 10.04 and having performed all the updates I attempted to plug my head phones and mic into my PC. The head phones and mic did not capture the sound in the system and my normal speakers continued to function. How would I set up my system to allow me to switch between hp/mic and regular speakers?18:45
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: all fixed?18:45
rnddomLokote, Is it a shared jack on a laptop?18:45
trismddavids: then try rhythmbox again18:45
LokoteIt is a desktop PC made by Gateway. The jack is located on the front of the system.18:45
philinuxrnddom: For changing the default OS I think startupmanager does the job18:45
trainerI'm shopping for a new video card, which chipsets have better compatibility with ubuntu, nvidia or ATI?18:45
philinuxtrainer: nVidia18:46
ddavidstrism: done, now lets see18:46
rnddomphilinux, Thank you, Phil.  That may be the "easy" option I'm searching for.18:46
Dr_Willisphilinux:  ive had startupmanager also 'break' the grub config. So use it with caution18:46
ActionParsniptrainer: i'd shoot for nvidia 100% of the time18:46
profxavierhi, I need a hand with setting up my network settings18:46
xueqimaoyou ren bu18:46
ddavidstrism: no luck, but do i need to logout and log back in?18:46
rnddomAye, ever since 9.10 or so, I've had nothing but trouble from Grub18:46
philinuxDr_Willis: I only have ubuntu on this machine lol18:46
shtowerprofxavier: what do you need help with?18:47
ActionParsnipRnddom: you can edit /etc/default/grub the default is set there. You will need to run: sudo update-grub ,after editting18:47
trismddavids: no, shouldn't matter, try running: rhythmbox -d; and pastebin the output18:47
EdoI have a rhythmbox issue where if I import music my system locks up and I need to cold shutdown. I'm pretty sure it's either a meta tag or codec issue... Wondering if anyone else has had this problem and know a fix.18:47
robinArgh! Could someone help me I've accidently sudo dd'd my windows boot sector18:47
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Dr_Willisphilinux:  at least i justlearned about a new command for grub2 -->  sudo grub-set-default  "Windows Vista (loader) (on /dev/sda1)"18:47
ActionParsnipEdo: can you not restart x with the shortcut18:47
rnddomActionParsnip, There are no entries in my /etc/default/grub file18:47
RobC0You ever work in a place with IMMOVABLE policies regarding I.T. ??   I've been having a good time setting up Ubuntu and "doing stuff."   Now the Security and Compliance team are upset because I have not installed anti-virus software on my Ubuntu machines.  WTH?18:47
wildc4rdevenin' all18:47
Dr_Willisphilinux:  now windows is the default. :)  if i wanted to reboot to windows. i could sort of make a script for that.18:47
profxavieri have Ubuntu running in a VM, the host and VM both have the IP  When I attempt to change the IP of the VM, it doesn't apply, how can I setup my VM to just grab another address [or should I just have it set to automatic, rather than static] ?18:47
RobC0We're apparently a Windoze only shop.18:48
xueqimaohow to use the ubuntu18:48
Dr_Willis!manual | xueqimao18:48
ubottuxueqimao: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:48
ActionParsniprnddom: sounds like you are using grub and not grub218:48
mirakI created an init script for a daemon that is not supposed to run as root. this dameon creates a pidfile in /var/run/foo.pid . Since /var/run should be only writtable by root, can I touch the file and chown it in the init script before start ?18:48
Oer!antivirus | RobC018:48
ubottuRobC0: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus18:48
robotti^RobC0: Maybe it is good to have antivirus installed18:48
EdoActionParsnip: no, everything freezes, no response on any human inputs18:48
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EdoActionParsnip: no mouse, keyboard, etc18:49
philinuxDr_Willis: This is a good resource for grub if you've not seen it. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527518:49
rnddomThanks for the info, guys.  I'll go tinker now.18:49
cixahello, everytime i try to connect to a server using nautilus i get this error: 'DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)' can anyone help me?18:49
ActionParsnipprofxavier: i'd set it as a static ip. You can use network manager or /etc/network/interfaces file18:49
RobC0Thanks ubottu.  Any chance I can find an authoritative article for these "certified" security professionals to choke on?18:49
Dr_Willisphilinux:  thats one i pasted earlier I think. :)18:49
rnddomkyle_, Thank you for patiently walking me through the reasoning18:49
RobC0I'm sorry, I may have an inappropriate attitude.18:49
Dr_Willisphilinux:  i got most of them bookmarked on my Delicious account  http://delicious.com/dr_willis/grub218:50
sprungcixa, sudo service dbus start18:50
ActionParsnipEdo: re-enable ctrl+alt+backspace in keyboard settings. When it freezes hit the combination and it may restart x and let you log in, you can then read log files and especially dmesg18:50
sprungcixa then try18:50
Dr_Willisphilinux:  i was just rereading that thread - they keep updating it. :)18:50
philinuxAnyone ever had errno 5 input output error installing ubuntu18:51
RobC0robotti, if we're licensed for Trend, and their ServerProtect product appears to work on SuSE or RHEL, can I force it into Ubuntu?18:51
profxavierActionParsnip, I did use the Netowkr Manager, but it doesn't show the changes I made...18:51
sprungphilinux, test your ram using the memtest86+ option when you first try to install from the cd18:51
sprungphilinux, bad ram would be the first possibility to eliminate.18:51
EdoActionParsnip: I'll give it a try18:51
ddavidstrism: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/XZvmFF1y18:51
ActionParsnipEdo: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/enable-ctrl-alt-backspace-in-ubuntukubuntu-10-04lucid-lynx.html18:52
sprungwell looks like cixa is probably fixed18:52
philinuxsprung: windows xp on that machine does not complain. I'm reburning a new iso18:52
philinuxsprung: I pulled both sticks and reinserted twice18:52
Dr_WillisIve seen windoqws XP run with ram that was definatly bad... still not sure how it did it.. :)18:52
sprungphilinux, Just because your windows xp isn't complaining doesn't mean you don't have bad ram. also verify the cd media too before installing to test for burn errors.18:52
ActionParsnipprofxavier: could change you host ip to static then get updates then reboot the guest, then set the host back to dhcp18:52
Dr_WillisIt would just crash a 'little' more often18:52
ddavidstrism: have u seen it?18:52
sprungphilinux, That means nothing.18:53
sprungphilinux, You need to run a memory test.18:53
philinuxsprun media verifies on this pc but shows one error on the compaq18:53
RobC0Is it true that if I don't run WINE then I'm pretty safe from bad things?18:53
sprunguse memtest86+18:53
Dr_WillisIve had memory slots go bad - and the chips ere good.18:53
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Dr_WillisRobC0:  even using wine. you are decently safe. Unless you purpously run malware in wine.18:53
kermiti mem test every 100 days18:53
philinuxI'll run memtest overnight18:53
kermiti've lost data to ram with a failing bit18:53
ActionParsnipRobC0: you are pretty safe anyway. Wine apps can be infected but that's all that will be hit18:53
LokoteAny one know how to set up the microphone and sound output jack on a desktop PC? I have sound from my speakers, but not from the frontward facing jacks I use to hook my headset up from.18:54
sprungphilinux, it is also likely your cd has a media write error. Verify the media before installing. Yes, it takes a few extra minutes but troubleshooting takes a lot longer.18:54
cixahello, sudo service dbus start didnt work, sorry i had to reboot18:54
trismddavids: yes, that seems to be failing really early, very odd18:54
RobC0K, on a semi-related issue:  What is Damn Vulnerable Linux? Should I play with that?18:54
sprungRobC0, NO. YOU SHOULD NOT.18:54
MadRobotIs there a solution for the CLEAR USB (Motorola w100) problem with Ubuntu?18:54
RobC0(runs, hides in corner)18:55
philinuxsprung:  media verifies on this pc but shows one error on the compaq18:55
ActionParsnipNot heard of that RobC0 sounds a bit pointless18:55
cixaonce again, the error i get with connecting with a server in nautilus is: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)18:55
stygianleave it to the linux community to think of anything and everything to use linux for :P18:55
sprungRobC0, Damn Vulnerable Linux is a distribution that is intentionally completely absent of any security whatsoever. It is designed to test security exploits. It is made to be hacked.18:55
cixacan anyone help me?18:55
ActionParsnipRobC0: sure you don't mean damn small linux?18:55
andy__If i'm having trouble mount a hard drive on my computer, what channel should i go to for help?18:55
fabio__hi guys. i have a wifi card- sveon brand. i notice my wifi goes much faster with windows than linux. doe sanyone know why?18:55
ActionParsnipAndy__: you don't mount drives. You mount partitions18:56
RobC0Thinking if I can become familiar with possible attack vectors, I'd be better prepared to explain to Sec&Comp why Linux is not Windows..18:56
ActionParsnipAndy__: if its under ubuntu then you are in the right channel18:56
geolrLokote: Possibly there is also a graphical app that does that better, but try alsamixer in a terminal. But be careful, can cause trouble18:56
ddavidstrism: any ideas?18:56
andy__ok so here is my problem18:56
sprungphilinux, if it shows an error, maybe it's a bad cd, or maybe you have a bad cdrom on the compaq. Reburn.18:56
DanltheManlWhat is it andy!?18:56
trismddavids: perhaps try: mv ~/.local/share/rhythmbox ~/.local/share/rhythmbox-backup; that should cause rhythmbox to create a new library, and perhaps start correctly (you can always move it back later)18:56
ActionParsnipFabio__: company's support windows more as it generates more revenue18:57
PiciRobC0: ##linux or ##security would be the best place to discuss this, as this isn't really Ubuntu related.18:57
RobC0Thanks Pici18:57
LokoteGeolr: I tried opening Preference>Sound and it does not even show a microphone jack under hardware. It just shows my USB webcame.18:57
philinuxsprung: k3b is in action as we speak18:57
sprungphilinux, You could still have bad RAM but things are starting to point to a bad cd or bad cdrom.18:57
ActionParsnipFabio__: you may have a firmware file you need to download. Reboot and run: dmesg | less ,see what's going on18:57
andy__I bought a new hard drive for my tower and i want to pull all my old doc and media off of it but when i go to the folder in places it says it is lost.18:57
ddavidstrism; do i sudo that18:57
fabio__whats dmesg?18:57
EdowardoActionParsnip: just gave it a shot. System lockup completely. ctrl+alt+backspace does nothing.18:57
trismddavids: no, it is in your home folder18:57
sprungfabio__, man dmesg18:57
ddavidstrism; shld i just run that and try t=rhythmbox again18:57
philinuxsprung: maybe compaq dvd burner needs optical clean. I got it given and not been used for 9 months18:58
trismddavids: yes, rhythmbox -d;18:58
ActionParsnipAndy__: run: mount; sudo fdisk -l ,you will see what's mounted etc18:58
sprungfabio__, http://www.linfo.org/dmesg.html18:58
geolrLokote: yes, i tried here as well. alsamixer is closed by pressing the escape key, if you'd like to try. But I'll search a bit.18:58
ddavidstrism: ok18:58
ActionParsnipFabio__: it displays the kernel messages18:58
ActionParsnip!mount | andy__18:58
ubottuandy__: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount18:58
fabio__ahhh. so how is that supposed to make wifi work faster?18:58
EdowardoActionParsnip: it seems to kill the OS at the core18:58
sprungphilinux, possibly. If you moved it around you may have jarred it and broken something too. cdroms are cheap though18:58
MadRobotIs there a way to get the Motorola w100 wimax stick to work on Ubuntu?18:59
andy__ok one sec18:59
ddavidstrism: same output...so i didnt bother pastebin18:59
EdowardoActionParsnip: I've tried reinstalling rhythmbox, and some codecs, but I'm not sure if I got them all18:59
Roastedfabio__, it's not that it'll make your wifi run faster, but it'll diagnose via plain text messages what is going on, in which case a user here might be able to read the output and understand if the wifi card is acting "out of line"18:59
LokoteGeolr: Appreciate it. I have alsamixer open right now. I have a item called "Headphone" but when I try to raise it up, it doesn't do any thing.18:59
ActionParsnipFaboi__: if you need a firmware file and you don't have it it will affect performance18:59
sprungphilinux, the last thing I might recommend is try burning the cd at a slower speed than whatever k3b says is Max. I have a burner and the system thinks it burns at 14x and it really only burns at 8x19:00
elyi have windows and ubuntu but i dont see the grub19:00
Roastedfabio__, it's the first step to troubleshooting, more or less. These users are here to help, so if you run that command as directed by ActionParsnip and report it back here, we might be able to move forward. :)19:00
elyhow i could figure out that19:00
fabio__ahhh. ok thanks :D is the reboot necessary?19:00
profxaviersorry ActionParsnip, I was afk19:00
geolrLokote: check if is says MM at the base of that column.19:00
ActionParsnipEdowardo: all I can suggest is log a bug. Use a different player. There may be a ppa with a newer version.19:00
profxavierActionParsnip, so its not changing because I need to apply the system updates first ? [i believe thats what you are trying to say...]19:01
cixano one? please help with my nautilus error!19:01
LokoteGeolr: I upped every thing, and now I have sound coming from my headphones. How ever, I still have sound coming from my main speakers as well. Is there no way to get the sound to be "captured" by the headphones on plugin?19:01
EdowardoActionParsnip: I'll do just that. Thanks.19:01
sprungcixa, Did you do what I told you to do?19:01
sprungcixa, sudo service dbus start19:01
sprungcixa, then try again19:01
ActionParsnipprofxavier: if there is an identical ip on your lan then routing will fail19:01
geolrLokote: hm, should be somehow. But I don't know about it. Check the forums maybe.19:02
baolI asked this on #OOo a few minutes ago, but without answer. I'm trying again here. In OpenOffice.org  Calc, when I paste selecting an entire column (clicking on a column header) it takes ages to complete (if it does not crash). I think it's because it is pasting the data up to 2^24 rows or something. Is there a way to prevent this behaviour?  (OOo3.1.1/Ubuntu 9.10). I've  not found anything searching the bug tracking system about this issue.19:02
trismddavids: okay, I'm really not sure then, other than filing a bug against rhythmbox...did you recently change your theme before rhythmbox stopped working?19:02
ddavidstrism: yes19:02
ActionParsnipprofxavier: you could also ask in #vmware #vbox depending on the technology you used19:02
LokoteGeolr: Thank you very much for your help. I will look into joining the forum. Thanks again!19:02
ddavidstrism: i have been trying out different themes in the last few days...19:03
sudiptai have a apple ipod shuffle that does not work with gtkpod every tile i try to load it...it pops up a warning message stating something about itunes database ...........plz hlp19:03
sprungcixa, Do you acknowledge that you read what I typed? Reply.19:03
ActionParsnipBaol: try installing 3.2 it may be a bug which has been fixed19:03
geolrLokote: hope that helped :-) My alsamixer has also one column for "front"... Anyway if it says MM than its muted, press m to change it. Good luck!19:03
ddavidstrism: but why wld a theme affect a music player(s)?19:03
trismddavids: could you try changing it back and starting rhythmbox...I kind of doubt it will help, but it is my last idea (without debugging rhythmbox to see where it fails)19:03
baolActionParnsnip, any solution without touching the box I use for work?19:04
baolActionParsnip, something I can do as a normal user?19:04
ActionParsnipddavids: if the theme is corrupt and the OS tries to use it to draw the interface it may cause issues19:04
ddavidstrism: wow, thanks but i have changed it a number of times and it didnt help19:04
trismddavids: well, it crashes before it creates the rhythmbox shell (according to the debug output), so my thinking is it crashes because it sees something it doesn't like in the theme...but again, I'm kind of doubtful it would help at this poiknt19:04
sprungcixa, Did you read what I told you to do, or not?19:04
philinuxsprung:  It's a compaq S5200UK19:04
ActionParsnipBaol: you will need to add a ppa so sudo can be used (and gksu / kdesu)19:04
cixasprung: yes i did, here is what i got: Job already running19:05
* sprung sighs 19:05
baolActionParsnip, sudo is an admin thing. I have no root rights on the machine19:05
sprungcixa, I could have saved you a lot of time if you had just told me that.19:05
cixasprung: sorry19:05
scriptwarlocksudipta: it should work install gtkpod-aac..19:05
sprungcixa, what's the error you are getting?19:05
ddavidsActionParsnip: how do i revert the theme then apart from System>Appearance cos i have done that...?19:05
fabio__i did mesg19:06
cixasprung: 'Could not open location xxxx DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)' (where xxxx is my server)19:06
ActionParsnipddavids: you can hack at the config or just rename the rhytmnbox config folder and you will get a vanilla one19:06
fabio__wlan associated etc direct probes19:06
trainerHi which video cards have better compatibility with ubuntu, nvidia or ATI?19:06
trismddavids: oh, one other idea would be to create a new user and see if rhythmbox runs for them, that would indicate a configuration problem, although still a bug since it shouldn't crash because of it19:06
fabio__ActionParnsnip: wlan0: no IPv6 routers present etc19:06
ActionParsnipBaol: are you not a member of the admin group?19:06
scriptwarlocktrainer: nvidia19:07
DanltheManltrainer: nvidia has better compatability I'd say. Nvidia wrote their own driver for ubuntu19:07
sprungcixa, sudo service dbus stop  then sudo service dbus start then try running nautilus again.19:07
ddavidsActionParsnip: i wish i knew what to hack at the terminal as im willing to try... then vanilla?19:07
ActionParsnipFabio__: disabling ipv6 will stop that19:07
baolActionParsnip, its a computer in the university, I'm not the sysadmin of the network19:07
=== WarrenSH is now known as [d-_-b]
mill_ii use firefox latest stable version. from settings application tab i changed the png format to ask me what i want to do when i open a png file from firefox. but even i did this firefox opens png files automatically on a new tab of firefox. can you please help me abut this issue ... ?19:08
=== [d-_-b] is now known as WarrenSH
ActionParsnipddavids: hunt around your home folder for rhythmbox stuff19:08
ddavidstrism: i'll try the new user thingy ryt away but wont the cinfig be the same?19:08
ActionParsnipbaol: ahhh I see19:08
=== WarrenSH is now known as [d-_-b]
* sprung facepalms19:08
sprungwhy do people connect to support channels using tin cans and string19:08
ActionParsnipBaol: i'd let them know as well as tell them of the 3.2 release19:08
trismddavids: the config should be a stock ubuntu one, without anything you may have customized for your user19:08
fabio__thank you ActionParsnip. You mean my wifi will be fast as in Windows? How do i disable ipv619:08
baolActionParsnip, not a solution for me19:09
baolActionParsnip, thank you anyway19:09
ActionParsnipsprung: didn't know you could ;)19:09
sprungActionParsnip, figure of speech19:09
ActionParsnipFabio__: not sure, may help. I'd see about the firmware though19:09
ActionParsnipsprung: I guessed. Hence ;)19:09
besogonfabio__: I'm not intend to afraid you but it seems that ipv6 is compilled in the kernels19:11
ActionParsnipbesogon: you can disable it with boot options19:11
Mjiigcan anyone provide me with the exact command i need to use with nmap that will tell me the status of every port on computer on the same wifi address, if i know the local ip. This is so i can check my network security19:12
fabio__the speed seems to be going fast now thanks19:12
cixasprung: are you here?19:12
fabio__maybe i was just too impatient lol i had just intalled ubuntu19:12
sprungcixa, sudo service dbus stop  then sudo service dbus start then try running nautilus again.19:12
fabio__thanks guys :)19:12
sprungcixa, Tell me what happens.19:12
cixasprung: yes well i did that, and i had to reboot cos my system just hung19:12
cixasprung: i am on maverick btw19:12
gdoteof1anyone know about differentiating between a trackpad and a trackpoint?19:12
gdoteof1i have a new thinkpad19:12
baolActionParsnip, are you at least sure it's a bug that is solved in 3.2? If I go and ask the admins to upgrade and it does not solve the problem it would not be too easy for me to ask anything else in the future!"19:12
andy__i can now go into my old hard drive through places, but now when I got to the folder to open it I can an error saying "the link access your private data.desktop is broken. move to trash?19:12
gdoteof1and i am trying to disable the touchpad and just the the little red dot19:13
cixagdoteof1: what kind?19:13
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scriptwarlockMjiig: #nmap19:13
gdoteof1cixa ^^19:13
ActionParsnipBaol: not sure but keeping up with updates helps to fix issues19:13
Mjiigokay thanks19:13
baolActionParsnip, this does not answer my question in any way, but thanks again19:13
sprungcixa, if you are on Maverick I think you're supposed to be in #ubuntu+119:14
sprungcixa, this channel is intended for the Lucid build19:14
bjegovici installed fluxbox, how can i go to synpatic ???????19:14
ActionParsnipBaol: I don't know the app to that level of details. Why not check the changelog to see for yourself19:14
piasdomwhat else i need to do to enable proprietary drivers ? it's enabled but not in use. (hardy)thanks19:14
cixagdoteof1: and how is it?19:14
ActionParsnipbjegovic: gksudo synaptic19:14
sprungcixa, join #ubuntu+1 and ask there19:14
gdoteof1cixa, lol i like it.  but the trackpad is annoying as balls19:14
gdoteof1\and i want to turn it off19:14
ddavids_trism: i just used a new user and it worked...19:14
gdoteof1the synclient stuff isn't working19:14
bjegovicbut how to go to terminal ?19:15
ddavids_trism: u there?19:15
ActionParsnipbjegovic: right click the desktop and the flux menu will appear19:15
WiebeGwibber wont start anymore.. "RuntimeError: Couchdb PID18653 exited.  Permissions?" is what i get when i run it via the terminal19:15
sprungcixa, you are in the wrong channel. You need to join the channel #ubuntu+1 which is where people go for alpha and beta releases of Ubuntu. This channel is for Lucid, not Maverick.19:15
trismddavids_: yes, so definitely a config issue, when you switch back, you can try: rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/rhythmbox; that should be the rest of your settings19:15
trismddavids_: assuming rhythmbox settings are the problem19:16
cixasprung: yes, thank you, i heard you the first two times19:16
ActionParsnipbjegovic: as you get better with it you can add entrys to your menu as you wish19:16
sprungcixa, ok, well you have a habit of not replying disconnecting19:16
bjegovichow? i dont have that option19:16
cixasprung: that is because i had to keep rebooting! sorry about that19:16
sprungcixa, ok19:16
ddavids_trism: but if i remove it, do i need to create it again?19:16
trismddavids_: rhythmbox should create a new one automatically19:17
cixagdoteof1: how much did you buy it for?19:17
cryzedIs anyone using the Catalyst drivers?19:17
ActionParsnipbjegovic: there are config files for it around the system. You can ask in #fluxbox too but the desktop is very well documented19:17
gdoteof1cixa, no idea.. it was given to me for a job19:17
gdoteof1just started today configuring it19:17
ddavids_ok i hope i see the code when i log back in, else i'll just ask u again pls19:17
kat_serfHi all, I'm in the process of setting up a web server running Ubuntu, its physically at another location, is there anyway I can use the graphical tools on my ubuntu local install to configure it?19:17
cixagdoteof1: and what do you make of it so far?19:17
cryzedIs anyone using the Catalyst drivers?19:18
gdoteof1cixa, i had a thinkpad years ago that i really liked19:18
trismddavids_: yes, I'll repeat it if necessary19:18
gdoteof1so far it seems solid19:18
guntbertkat_serf: no, but you can ssh -X into the remote server19:18
oCean_cryzed: easy on the repeats please19:18
gdoteof1ubuntu worked out of the box for everything19:18
gdoteof1i haven't tested wireless yet19:18
cryzedoCean_, first repeat19:18
sprungkat_serf, Gadmin-httpd19:18
ActionParsnipkat_serf: doubtful. You can vnc to headless servers though. Learning to use the command line makes servers nice19:18
Lambalo all. has anyone here managed to get lirc working. particually with an audigy ex ?19:18
kat_serfguntbert what does -X do?19:18
piasdomthanks anyway....later19:19
bjegovicwhat is faster braowser then firefox? facebook lag to me19:19
ddavidstrism: i have run the command, wht next pls?19:19
sprungkat_serf, oh maybe i don't understand your question. Are you looking for a GUI for your web server's configuration?19:19
ActionParsnipkat_serf: you can use webmin too (the newer versions are debian/ubuntu friendly)19:19
guntbertkat_serf: it forwards any X windows of the remote server to your machine19:19
sprungbjegovic, swiftfox.19:19
MadRobotIs there a way to get the Motorola w100 wimax stick to work on Ubuntu?19:19
sprungbjegovic, iceweasel is good too.19:19
sprungbjegovic, chrome isnt terrible either19:19
oCean_cryzed: yeah, within 2 minutes. Wait at least some 15 or 20 minutes. Also, you might better aks your real question19:19
bjegovichow can i install it? i am on fluxbox19:20
LLLLLHello, is there a program for Ubuntu that compresses 1 at a time PDF files that are 300MB big into smaller MB?19:20
ActionParsnipMadRobot: run: sudo lshw -C network ,websearch for the product line for the wifi to find guides19:20
trismddavids: just try starting rhythmbox again in the terminal19:20
scriptwarlockbjegovic: epiphany19:20
=== elpasmo_ is now known as ElPasmo
kat_serfWebmin may be what I want...19:20
sprungMadRobot, Of course! Just write the drivers!19:20
oCean_!webmin | kat_serf19:20
ubottukat_serf: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.19:20
ActionParsnipbjegovic: chrome is fast19:20
ddavidstrism: same pastebin output19:20
ActionParsnipoCean_: it does work now dude19:20
cixaanyone have tips on what thinkpad i should get? i have looked at the x301 and now at the t410.19:20
sprungkat_serf, To summarize, swiftfox, iceweasel and chrome19:20
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trismddavids: so it is still crashing?19:20
LLLLLChrome gives out all personal information. Firefox is safer in thataspect.19:20
oCean_ActionParsnip: yeah, same here. But does that mean it's supported?19:21
beboant one know a good and fast pdf reader19:21
ddavidstrism: yes19:21
sprungkat_serf, you should have Chrome anyway just in case there's something that firefox won't render that Chrome can.19:21
xanguaLLLLL: then use chromium19:21
LLLLLHello, is there a program for Ubuntu that compresses 1 at a time PDF files that are 300MB big into smaller MB?19:21
ActionParsnipoCean_: its in the repos so my guess is yes19:21
ActionParsnipLLLLL: use a script19:21
kat_serfdoes webmin require I have a web server already working? or does it come with its own?19:21
tuxx-hey guys, is there any commandline tool in ubuntu to change your keyboard options?19:22
oCean_ActionParsnip: aha, understood.19:22
LLLLLhave no idea how to do that.19:22
beboant one know a good and fast pdf reader19:22
beboany one know a good and fast pdf reader19:22
MadRobotsprung, I wish that was an option for me. :-)19:22
ActionParsnipLLLLL: i'd ask in #bash they know some special magic19:22
sprungBebo the one that comes with ubuntu is good19:22
ActionParsnip!pdf | bebo19:22
sprungbebo, stop repeating19:22
ubottubebo: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)19:22
sprungbebo: xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince19:22
tuxx-and i anyone familiar with the bug in ubuntu netbook that the battery suddenly changes to 0.1% when using youtube or some big website?19:22
xanguabebo: evince works fine, try epdf  ¿¿19:23
tuxx-couldn't find it on google19:23
bebook thanks19:23
beboi'll try19:23
scriptwarlockbebo: heres your ref http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39010019:23
oCean_ActionParsnip: wait, talking about webmin? !info says does not exist in lucid19:23
ddavidstrism: can i delete any rhythmbox file in my home and restart rhythmbox?19:23
sebsebsebActionParsnip: Late reply, I am not messing around with Plymouth at the moment :)19:24
ActionParsnipoCean_: I see, then not19:24
trismddavids: I'm not sure what config settings could be left19:25
scriptwarlockbebo: please do a little google....19:25
Dr_Willisenvince seems to work great for me. its installed by default isent it?19:25
Dr_Willis!info envince19:25
ubottuPackage envince does not exist in lucid19:25
beboi ask u here becuase i know here best from google19:26
=== TheClown is now known as Guest67273
oCean_!info evince | bebo19:26
ubottubebo: evince (source: evince): Document (postscript, pdf) viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.3-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 449 kB, installed size 6368 kB19:26
h00k!google | scriptwarlock19:26
ubottuscriptwarlock: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.19:26
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: gotcha19:27
Dr_Willisthere used to be foxit (i think) for linux. but not sure if its still being worked on19:27
ddavidstrism: is it possible then to delete my primary user and continue wit the new user i just creatd?19:28
sprungh00k: i actually picked up the Google For Dummies book in the bookstore and learned a lot.19:28
dalton2345Hi everyone, i have a question, is it possible to install a newer version of a program without updating the entire system?19:28
ActionParsnipGoogle for dummies? Its a search engine...19:28
sprungActionParsnip, using its advanced features19:29
Dr_Willisdid you google for reviews of google for dummies? :)19:29
martianixorActionParsnip: heh19:29
ActionParsnipdalton2345: sudo apt-get --reinstall install packagename19:29
xanguadalton2345: what program¿¿ maybe with a PPA19:29
dalton2345xangua: vlc19:29
dalton2345i need the newer version19:29
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xanguadalton2345: https://launchpad.net/~c-korn/%2Barchive/vlc19:29
kat_serfif you are running jaunty should sarge apt files work?19:29
sprungActionParsnip, like for example how I can limit my search to just one specific website and not the entire web, or only search for items after an exact day19:29
trismddavids: of course, you can copy over folders/files from your current user to your new user and use that instead, not exactly an ideal solution though19:30
martianixorOK, so I found agent-bla file in /tmp/ssh_bla19:30
profxavierok, just used auto. DHCP and fixed the issue19:30
profxavierthanks for the direction ActionP19:30
martianixornow I did apt-cache sudo show and I got two different results19:30
xboxwhat ip19:30
martianixorI have two hashes for sudo19:30
ddavidstrism: wht then wld u suggest as an ideal solution?19:30
mattiaciao a tutti c'è qualke italianoooooooo?????19:31
RobC0I have a PC running 8.04 Server LTS.  It was not able to display X at all when I tried the Desktop 9.04 disc.  How can I move to 10.04 Server LTS?   Oh, and just for fun, I have no physical access to the box.19:31
Guest67273Hi, I was wondering if someone here could help me with something, I need to create a tunnel between my ubuntu laptop and my windows 7 stationary, Something like how Hamachi works, or any other ideal ways that I can link them together, transfer files and all that stuff, thanks in advance.19:31
appi_uppihi is there any software that translates document(language 1) to document(language 2)19:31
sebsebseb!sanba | Guest6727319:31
Crazyguy!it | mattia19:31
ubottumattia: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:31
dalton2345I just write this sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 7613768D19:31
trismddavids: oh, it would work fine, I just would have liked to fix the problem instead; can you try one more thing before you do? run: strace rhythmbox &> strace.log and pastebin that file?19:31
sebsebseb!samba | Guest6727319:31
ubottuGuest67273: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:31
ShapeShifter499I'm trying  to set up my second comp as a server using a ubuntu alt-desktop disk, its all up and running but two things don't work, the ethernet port and the touchpad... I don't need the touchpad because a attached mouse works just fine. how do I fix these probs?19:32
Paulo39 I installed apache and i'm already running it. now i want to save a script in apache folder. where is that folder?19:32
mattiaperdonami ma c'è andato da solo nn so perchè19:32
bp0launchpad is always overloaded19:32
bp0what a pile19:32
mattiascuasami ancora19:32
xangua!it > mattia19:32
ubottumattia, please see my private message19:32
oCean_Paulo39: probably /var/www, but check your config file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default19:32
martianixorsebsebseb: do you get two results when issuing apt-cache sudo show?19:32
bp0then when you click the back button you've got to enter everything again because of the stupid thing that checks existing bugs, that always time out anyway19:32
kat_serfanyone know? can you use sarge packages on jaunty?19:33
mattiano problem im gonna out19:33
ddavidstrism: strace rhythmbox &> strace.log, is that d command?19:33
sebsebsebmartianixor: I don't know19:33
sebsebseb!debian | kat_serf19:33
ubottukat_serf: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!19:33
oCean_bp0: please stop ranting19:33
ddavidstrism: just checkin so i get it ryt...19:33
sebsebsebkat_serf: you shoudn't use Debian packages in Ubuntu19:33
trismddavids: yes, it redirects the output of strace (which prints system calls) to the file strace.log19:33
ddavidsso ow or where do i find the output?19:33
sebsebsebkat_serf: use a   Ubuntu Deb file from repos,  or ppa, or compile program from source after getting it from a trusted source such as an offical website19:34
kat_serfsebsebseb lol sarge and jaunty are both ubuntu aren't they?19:34
sebsebsebkat_serf: no19:34
RobC0Is there a way to "try" the server version of Ubuntu without messing with the contents of the HDD?19:34
trismddavids: it will be in the current directory (pwd will tell you), or still in the terminal you can type gedit strace.log to open it19:34
sebsebsebkat_serf: Sarge is a version of Debian19:34
guntbertmartianixor: its apt-get show <package> (without sudo)19:34
sebsebsebkat_serf: Jaunty Jackalope is Ubuntu 9.0419:34
kat_serfoh ok19:34
vagvafhey guys. is it safe to resize / with gparted?19:34
RobC0vagvaf:  I do that all the time.  Make a backup first.19:35
hybridvigouri am getting ready to install ubuntu on a few IBM ThinkPads (600e, T20, T21, T22, T23, and 770e) i need to suit them up with educational software... any advice before i begin? i.e. which version of ubuntu et cetera19:35
martianixorsebsebseb: thanks :-)19:35
vagvafthanks RobC019:35
appi_uppiHi could you please help me in knowing the application that translates document from dutch to english19:35
Godfather8850how do I register my nick here?19:36
scriptwarlockhybridvigour: educational software? for student? edubuntu19:36
sebsebseb!register | Godfather885019:36
ubottuGodfather8850: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:36
ddavidstrism: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/s2iRaFsh19:36
kat_serffor jaunty what is a good list of apt-get servers? mine only comes with two19:36
sebsebseb!edubuntu | hybridvigour19:36
oCean_appi_uppi: since translators (people) still are paid quite genereously, there probably is no such app. There is translate.google.nl ofcourse19:36
ubottuhybridvigour: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org19:36
sebsebsebhybridvigour: You can also install most of the Edubuntu programs into a standard Ubuntu install19:36
sebsebsebhybridvigour: most if not all of them19:37
hybridvigourscritpwarlock: yes they have been donated for a highschool in malawi africa19:37
hybridvigourubottu: thanks19:37
webdawg_Id like to donate africans to schools.19:37
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:37
tuxx-Can anyone tell me what the best way is to 919:37
arnabhi i installed ubuntu, and there is a horde of folders like Documents, Downloads, Music, etc. etc. in my ~ folder - can i remove all of them or are any of them critical to the system?19:37
oCean_webdawg_: ?19:37
hybridvigourwebdawg: funny?19:37
oCean_webdawg_: drop it19:37
webdawg_From my african studies class.19:37
appi_uppioCean_, Oh is it, but translate.google.nl will not translate the entire document19:37
sebsebsebtuxx-: Upgrade your version of Ubuntu you mean?19:38
=== Godfather8850 is now known as gordon_gekko
macoarnab:theyre not critical, theyre just default places that applications will try to store things19:38
IMetaphysikzhello, I've got a windows 7 share mounted on my Ubuntu box. I can view the mounted directory in the location I specified but only have read access and no write - any ideas?19:38
ddavidstrism: that is one heavy output...19:38
dalton2345do i have to uninstall vlc first?19:38
oCean_appi_uppi: exactly, that is why translators (people) still are paid quite genereously. Furthermore: it's not a topic for this channel19:38
=== benkevan_ is now known as benkevan
tuxx-sebsebseb: 10.04 running here19:38
RobC0IMetaphysikz:  Probably a permission on the Windows side of things.19:39
sebsebseb!thanks | hybridvigour19:39
xanguadalton2345: what ubuntu version do you have¿19:39
ubottuhybridvigour: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:39
hybridvigoursebsebseb: thank you19:39
sebsebsebhybridvigour: Your welcome19:39
appi_uppioCean_, Okay, I understand19:39
scriptwarlockappi_uppi: gnome-translate?19:39
hybridvigourocean: thanks19:39
dalton2345xangua: still on karmic here :)19:39
IMetaphysikzRobc0: one sec, i'll check the permission upstairs and come back down, I'm pretty sure it's setup is everyone with full access19:39
andeeeukhas anyone had problems installing graphics card drivers witht the latest kernel?19:39
andeeeukati to be precise?19:40
RobC0Good luck.  Windows 7 changed everything...19:40
bjegovichow can i run chrome in terminal ?19:40
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:40
xanguadalton2345: then just add the ppa: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:c-korn/vlc && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:41
appi_uppiscriptwarlock, its typical openoffice document which is currently in dutch language and need to translate the entire document to English with one go19:41
xanguabjegovic: write chrome and hit enter¿¿19:41
dalton2345xangua: ok ty, i'll let u know19:41
scriptwarlockbjegovic: /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome %U19:41
kris33Hi, I need some simple help with permissions. The problem is that Apache doesn't have write access. I've done this already: http://apache.pastebin.com/5rkPPRxN . 19:41
kris33"chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www" works sorta, but then I don't have write access anymore through FTP19:41
hybridvigoursebsebseb: would the latest version of ubuntu be recommendable for the laptops? or should i use some sort of slimmed down version?19:42
bjegovicnot faund19:42
sebsebsebhybridvigour: 10.04 should be fine,  however propritary Nivida or ATI drivers can really mess up the boot up, only really need those for 3D games or the Compiz Desktp effects though19:42
IMetaphysikzrobC0: WIndows is allowing full permission to the share to everyone19:42
ddavidstrism: still looking at it i guess19:42
sebsebseb!lts | hybridvigour19:43
ubottuhybridvigour: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)19:43
dalton2345xangua: i get this http://pastebin.com/nzLAJvwu19:43
Guest67273I do not understand how to set up samba on ubuntu > windows19:43
CuriousTuxHi every body19:43
EdoDoes anyone know how to filter out jpg in rhythmbox. Rhythmbox freezes my system when it tries to read the large jpg album scans.19:43
sebsebsebhybridvigour: and the educational apps aren't 3D anyway, the ones I have tried :)19:43
euph0riakris33: you need to set chmod as well..   chmod -r u+w /var/ww19:43
scriptwarlockappi_uppi: i think oO has an extension for translation19:44
euph0riakris33: sorry, I read your statement wrong.. you need to include yourself in the www-data group19:44
sebsebsebhybridvigour: Gcompris,  Childsplay,  Tuxmath,  Tuxpaint,  loads of good ones :)19:44
hybridvigoursebsebseb: cool, again, thank you19:44
kris33euph0ria: How do I do that?19:44
sebsebsebhybridvigour: and check your ISO before burning contents to CD and using.  to make sure you have a good install and CD19:44
sebsebseb!md5sum | hybridvigour19:45
ubottuhybridvigour: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:45
sebsebseb!hashes | hybridvigour19:45
ubottuhybridvigour: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.19:45
RobC0IMetaphysikz:  Sorry, I do not know.  Windows 7 can mount a Samba share just fine, though.19:45
scriptwarlockbjegovic: /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome %U19:45
euph0riakris33: useradd group user             ie,  useradd www-data yourUserName19:45
ddavidstrism: u there?19:45
appi_uppiscriptwarlock, o0 means google?19:45
sebsebsebhybridvigour: so you were  going to install Edubuntu in a school?  you can quite easilly network the computers together from what I have read, but if you join   #edubuntu they can tell you much more about it19:45
scriptwarlockappi_uppi: open office19:45
ShapeShifter499*repost* I'm trying  to set up my second comp as a server using a ubuntu alt-desktop disk, its all up and running but two things don't work, the ethernet port and the touchpad... I don't need the touchpad because a attached mouse works just fine. how do I fix these probs?19:46
EdoDoes anyone know how to filter out jpg in rhythmbox. Rhythmbox freezes my system when it tries to read the large jpg album scans.19:46
scriptwarlockappi_uppi: sorry for that19:46
kris33euph0ria: www-data is not a group, it's a user19:46
euph0riakris33: sorry.. wrong again  :)   useradd userName www-data19:46
euph0riakris33: i'm tired..19:46
trismddavids: yes, I was hoping it would give me a bit more information after it talks to dbus, but it seems to just die there, I am unsure why, on mine it starts loading the accels after that, but yours dies before that...odd19:46
noolnessdoes anyone know how to compile a 64 bit windows binary using mingw on ubuntu?19:46
IMetaphysikzRobC0: I'm trying to mount a windows share, on ubuntu - it's mounted just no write permissions19:46
appi_uppiscriptwarlock, no problem, I go the point. Let me check...19:46
IMetaphysikzRobC0: oppose to windows mounting a samba share19:47
andeeeukdoes anyone know how to install ati drivers on the new kernel? I have done an upgrade and the drivers have stopped working again... not impressed19:47
kris33euph0ria: That doesn't work, just gives a echo with the options like --help does19:47
preecheris they a easy way to get diff themes? when i clik on the "get new themes" button it goes to a page where i just download different parts19:47
euph0riakris33: what username do you put in?19:47
IMetaphysikzpreecher:gnomelook has some nice themes19:48
kris33euph0ria: kristoffer, the one I use for ssh, ftp ++19:48
preecherIMetaphysikz thx19:48
andeeeukdoes anyone know how to install ati drivers on the new kernel? I have done an upgrade and the drivers have stopped working again... not impressed19:48
euph0riaso.. type  "sudo adduser kristoffer www-data"19:48
IMetaphysikzpreecher:no worries19:48
andeeeukany help appreciated19:49
hybridvigoursebsebseb: yeah it's in a school and i'll definitely look into the networking aspect. this is great info. super cool.19:49
scriptwarlockbjegovic: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-chromium-google-chrome-in-ubuntu-using-deb-package.html19:49
tuxx-Where can i find the options for a keyboard layout in gconf-editor?19:49
ddavidstrism: now im mo than a little worried...19:49
andeeeukaticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad file descriptor.19:50
andeeeuk this is the error i receive19:50
Myth`I'm having a problem with a fresh install of Lucid. Sound is working, but volume control goes from Mute (1%-20% of the slider) to Max (21%-100% of the slider).19:50
trismddavids: no need to be worried, it is some weird configuration bug19:50
scriptwarlockbjegovic: your running karmic...19:50
kris33euph0ria: That worked, added kristoffer to the usergroup www-data19:51
andeeeukis there a forum where you can get help for ubuntu ?19:51
noolnessnobody uses mingw? ;)19:51
andeeeukor say a chat or something?19:51
Piciandeeeuk: This is the official Ubuntu support channel here.19:51
scriptwarlockbjegovic: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-chromium-google-chrome-in-ubuntu-using-deb-package.html19:51
Pici!forums | andeeeuk19:51
ubottuandeeeuk: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.19:51
andeeeukohh right, lol19:51
kris33euph0ria: but apache still doesn't have the correct write access19:51
trismddavids: try to set the theme to Human in Appearance Preferences, and start rhythmbox19:51
ddavidstrism: cld it be malware cos i read a blog this morning about malware in themes and screensavers from the internet19:51
andeeeukjust wondered where the support was :s19:52
ddavidstrism: i'll try that now19:52
liminalim having a problem talking to people on skype in ubuntu19:52
=== raven is now known as Guest65978
EdoDoes anyone know how to filter out jpg in rhythmbox. Rhythmbox freezes my system when it tries to read the large jpg album scans.19:52
gafirwhere can I check for linux/ubuntu hardware compatibility (for webcam) before buying one? Thanks19:52
liminali can do a test recording fine, but when i actually talk to someone real they say they cant hear me19:52
trismddavids: I don't think malware, I am leaning to a bug in either the theme engine or the way rhythmbox interacts with it19:52
liminaldoes anyone here use skype in ubuntu?19:52
ddavidstrism: im using human theme now19:53
trismddavids: no change?19:53
euph0riakris33: apache runs as www-data... so if you've chowned the directory /var/www it should have write access... do  a   ls -la /var/www and look at the permissions19:53
stygianonce again, is there a way to disable the touchpad on my laptop and just use the mouse? would it be an ubuntu setting or A Bios thing?19:53
xangualiminal: have you checked your sound settings¿19:53
andeeeukPici: does anyone know how to install ati drivers on the new kernel? I have done an upgrade and the drivers have stopped working again19:53
Myth`Edo - Turn off the 'Cover Art' plugin.19:53
ddavidstrism: no change, still wont start19:53
dancrew32anyone have issues with timeout during openvpn connection?19:54
liminalxangua yes ive tested my mic recording in skype and it works19:54
andeeeuknot working :S19:54
ddavidstrism: rhythmbox -d gave the same output19:54
scriptwarlockgafir: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras19:54
liminalthe problem seems to be when i make actual calls19:54
EdoMyth`: Tried that, but still doesn't work. I tried disabling all the plugins too.19:54
liminaldo you have skype, so i could test?19:54
oCean_gafir: I don't know if this is up to date for current models: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras19:54
preecheri dont have a "themes" folder in my home folder to drop extracted tar.gz archive into-do i need one or can i just drop it into another home folder19:54
trismddavids: including the scrollbar_color line at the top?19:54
andeeeukok, start of simple. Does anyone in here have an ati graphics card?19:54
Myth`Edo - I'm not sure then. Just installed Ubuntu today, sorry! But good luck.19:55
hualii am going the wrong way19:55
=== HaarDz is now known as Galinha
gafiroCean: thanks19:55
EdoMyth`: np, thanks though19:55
andeeeuk ati graphics card anyone?19:55
ddavidstrism: ??? wht scrollbar_bar color line19:55
gafirscriptwarlock: thanks19:55
xanguapreecher: system> preferences > appearence, drag them there19:55
=== Galinha is now known as HaarDz
hualiare the chinese19:55
preecherxangua thx19:55
trismddavids: /usr/share/themes/Night-Impression/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:237: Murrine configuration option "scrollbar_color" ... etc from your previous pastebi19:55
oCean_!cn | huali19:56
ubottuhuali: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:56
oCean_Faissal: please stop19:56
liminaldoes anyone here have skype and doesnt mind if i attempt a test call to them?19:56
ddavidstrism: no that line isnt there anymore...19:56
andeeeuk does anyone know how to install ati drivers on the new kernel? I have done an upgrade and the drivers have stopped working again19:56
CrayonOfDoomI'm ssh'd into root on a particular machine, yet I'm getting read-only filesystem errors when attempting to write.  How can I fix this?19:56
oCean_Alysha: ?19:56
Alyshayes oCean_19:56
trismddavids: alright, then I am stumped, it is some combination of configuration options somewhere that are causing problems, but I'm not sure if we'll be able to find them19:57
andeeeuk does anyone know how to install ati drivers on the new kernel? I have done an upgrade and the drivers have stopped working again19:57
ddavidstrism, sorry abt that, i didnt check it well but i can confirm that tbu the rest of the errors are..he line u just typed is no longer there19:57
gordon_gekkoHow can I get on the kernel line in 2.6.32-23-generic?19:57
ddavidstrism: wht do u suggest?19:57
liminali thought skype was more popular than that19:57
liminalsomeone must have skype19:58
AlyshaWho is looking forward to Waterloo Road on Wednesday AND Thursday???19:58
scriptwarlockCrayon0fDoom: change the file permission and write again...19:58
ddavidstrism: im not excited at the tot of a fresh install cos of the stress19:58
oCean_julie: Faissal stop please19:58
andeeeukdoes anyone know how to install ati drivers on the new kernel? I have done an upgrade and the drivers have stopped working again19:58
Alyshaoh no19:59
guntbert!ot > Alysha19:59
ddavidstrism: i wish there's a way to revert to the system config at a set date...19:59
ubottuAlysha, please see my private message19:59
oCean_Alysha: stop offtopic talk please. This is technical support Join #ubuntu-offtopic for chat19:59
liminallooking for a friendly skype user20:00
ddavidstrism: i wish there's a way to revert to the system config at a an earlier date...20:00
liminaljust to test20:00
andeeeukjust looking for a support forum for linux, anyone know where i may find one?20:00
oCean_andeeeuk: it's here20:00
scriptwarlockliminal: skype test call20:00
kyle_anyone want to lend a hand?20:00
trismddavids: the new user you created may be a workaround, you can copy over files from your current user, since rhythmbox seems to work with fresh settings, and otherwise file a rhythmbox bug with: ubuntu-bug rhythmbox and describe the problem as best you can20:00
ddavidsoCean: he said linux...20:00
kyle_with std, RDP application in ubuntu 10.420:01
liminalscriptwarlock ive done a skype test call it works perfectly20:01
fromnh123anyone familiar with BackTrack? I am just starting it up.20:01
liminalwhen i call my friend he says he cant understand a word20:01
CrayonOfDoomscriptwarlock, chmod gives this error:  chmod: changing permissions of `/tftpboot': Read-only file system20:01
andeeeukoCean: thanks, can you help me with a prob im having then? does anyone know how to install ati drivers on the new kernel? I have done an upgrade and the drivers have stopped working again20:01
ddavidstrism: do i have to copy all my files from home/20:01
scriptwarlockliminal: and then?20:01
trismddavids: just copy the files you want to keep20:01
liminaland then? it doesnt work20:01
HammerheadHi all, my AD admins are requiring me to change my AD password....is there a way to do this from Ubuntu?20:02
liminalits all jumbled he says20:02
trismddavids: any documents/images/videos/music etc that you have in your home directory20:02
scriptwarlockliminal: the call or the video20:02
liminalnot using video.. its just an audio call20:02
ddavidstrism: ow abt .(example) files20:02
liminaldo you have skype so i could try and confirm my mic is okay20:02
Alyshawell I am sincerely sorry. I did not realise I was being so incredibly ridiculous and out of the ordinary. Please, oCean_ if you feel that you have a problem with my path of speech, you may feel free to...... well get lost really. Thank You for your time and Good Night Everybodyy!!!!20:02
scriptwarlockliminal: yes maybe you can try20:02
andeeeukthanks for the non-ubuntu support chat :)20:03
ddavidstrism: do i copy the hidden files too?20:03
andeeeukmany thanks20:03
oCean_andeeeuk: what?20:03
listerinehi, how do i set autoload daemons on ubuntu?20:03
ddavidstrism: pls and how do i copy it...on an external harddrive or is there a way to do it while inside?20:04
alan2796anyone use irssi20:04
Alyshalisterine- liking the name there20:04
Alyshasuper action20:04
andeeeukoCean: do you have an ati graphics crad with 3d working?20:04
trismddavids: you can do this all in nautilus, navigate to /home/newusername in one tab, and /home/currentusername in the other20:04
guntbert!anyone | alan279620:04
ubottualan2796: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:04
liminalscriptwarlock ive opened a pm with you20:05
oCean_andeeeuk: not me personally, sorry20:05
trismddavids: but, before that, did you try importing your music on the new user?20:05
kyle_anyone use xrdp over web?20:05
gordon_gekkoHow can I get on the kernel line in 2.6.32-23-generic?20:05
augdawg_how do i get evolution to run in the messaging menu?20:05
andeeeukoCean: thanks, i was hoping someone may have one and be able to help20:05
ddavidstrism: nope cos i had deleted all my music files thinking they contained the problme20:06
trismddavids: if it is an audio file that rhythmbox is crashing on, then you may end up with the same problem on the new user soon20:06
andeeeukno luck20:06
xanguaAudible_: already does20:06
guntbertgordon_gekko: you question is not clear for me: what do you want to do?20:06
oCean_andeeeuk: yes, and there probably is. But maybe not now at this moment. Have some patience, try again later20:06
augdawg_does anyone know how?20:06
CrayonOfDoomchmod as root through SSH is giving me the following error:  "chmod: changing permissions of `/tftpboot': Read-only file system".  How can I be read-only as root through SSH?  Is there a setting I should change to fix this?20:06
ddavidstrism; but it wont even open as it is...20:06
gordon_gekkoguntbert, I have a problem with my VGA out and I have to set radeon.new_pll=0 in the Kernel line but I cannot find the file to set it20:07
AlyshaOh btw (thats by the way for all you socially-blind nerds out there!) my friend, er name is Alice Elizabeth Phillips, she says hi and has just sent her love20:07
andeeeuki come on here every soo often and there is never really great support20:07
Alyshahope u recieved it :);)20:07
andeeeukthanks for your help though20:07
trismddavids: I see, so that's probably not the problem then20:07
ddavidstrism: the last time i used it, i was trying to import songs into it from the music directory and it crashed and since then it wont start20:07
icerootandeeeuk: then change it and give great support20:07
guntbertgordon_gekko: understood - do you have grub or grub2 ?20:07
HSM# Appears as TIKI20:07
HSM(#G010E210M1) hellooo20:07
Alyshahi HSM20:07
HSM(#G210E910M1) is there a comic chat for ubuntu os?20:08
ddavidstrism: i have deleted the music, yet no luck20:08
alan2796SCRIPT load nicklist.pl20:08
andeeeukthough i am reasonable technical minded and know what i am doing sometimes small buggy updates are an issue20:08
andeeeukand always seems to skrew up the system20:08
ddavidstrism: on the new user however, it started and seemed to be connecting to ubuntuone tho i didnt wait for tht b4 coming back to tell u20:08
K1ngwow i love the theme of new TLS but there is a problem20:09
K1ngbuttons are on lefts20:09
K1nghow do i move them?20:09
ddavidstrism; dumb question, how do i start /home/newuser in a new tab in nautilus?20:09
iceroot!controls | K1ng20:09
ubottuK1ng: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side20:09
cryzedI know this probably isn't the best place to ask but whatever. I'm planning to buy myself a new PC and am currently thinking about which graphics card to get it. If I want to use Linux it should obviously be a NVIDIA one. Now they recently launched the 400 series and I'm not very good nor experienced with hardware. I hear nearly no one talking about GTX 480, the only things I read are reports and reviews about the GTX 460 -- Is that model better?20:09
andeeeukfor a basic question it is good to get a reasonable simple answer20:09
K1ngiceroot, thanks mate20:09
gordon_gekkoguntbert, i think it is grub. how can i double check?20:09
icerootcryzed: ##hardware20:10
oCean_cryzed: ##hardware might be better suited place20:10
kyle_someone help me with RDP ?20:10
cryzedwhoops, sorry20:10
trismddavids: you can type ctrl+L and type it in manually, or you can navigate to file system in the side bar and go to /home then click the new user name's folder20:10
cryzedthanks a bunch20:10
ikoniacryzed: try ##hardware, this is the wrong place to ask20:10
iceroot!anyone | kyle_20:10
niteyehow do i restart X server in the elegant way without rebooting?20:10
ubottukyle_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:10
cryzedI'm sorry20:10
icerootniteye: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart20:10
kjelecryzed: Nvidia is not that linux friendly.20:10
rww!dontzap | niteye20:10
ubottuniteye: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap20:10
cryzedkjele, it isn't?20:10
Alyshaoh and btw (<--- there it is again) does anyone know how to edit the pop-outs on the Debian Web Browser call Epiphany?? :)20:10
ikoniaAlysha: on ubuntu ?20:10
icerootkjele: it is (not like ati/amd)20:10
guntbertgordon_gekko: ls -l /boot/grub/menu.lst20:10
xanguarww:  niteye actually you can re-enable it in the keyword configuration20:11
VCoolioniteye: alt+sysrq+k for a keybinding (sysrq==printscreen)20:11
cryzedkjele, why?20:11
Alyshai gess Ubuntu 2 yer20:11
dr3mrohey how to install the new global menu of ubuntu 10.10 in ubuntu 10.0420:11
ikoniaAlysha: what version of ubuntu20:11
andeeeuk ATI Technologies Linux Driver Installer/Packager20:11
andeeeukDetected configuration:20:11
andeeeukArchitecture: x86_64 (64-bit)20:11
FloodBot4andeeeuk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:11
rwwxangua: yes, that's what the wikipage I had ubottu link says :)20:11
playnicekidzhi. i have a question - i have a zte mf637 3G usb modem. it works well. the system recognizes it and connects me to the internet. however i can't see it anywhere and don't know how to stop and safely eject it. any ideas?20:11
kyle_iceroot: once your done with whatever, you tried to help me last night.  Can you try again.. PP please with a cherry20:11
Alyshau c i was originally using Deban but then my dad changed the software and we now have this20:11
thune3andeeeuk: are you running drivers from the repos, kernel from the repos? Have you tried just reinstalling graphics drivers? Or considered just staying on older kernel (kernel updates within an Ubuntu release are by definition minor.)20:12
rage1With ATI drivers, is it possible to do fixed aspect-ratio scaling for non-widescreen resolutions?20:12
Alyshai am not that sure of the version20:12
Alyshabut dw20:12
squarebracketwhy wasn't the wacom kernel module included in the latest kernel update?20:12
ikoniaAlysha: !info Epiphany20:12
icerootkyle_: depennding on the question20:12
ikonia!info Epiphany20:12
ubottuPackage Epiphany does not exist in lucid20:12
aSmigCan anyone recommend recent documentation on eSATA Port Multiplication support with Sil 3531 or related chipsets?20:12
kjelecryzed: Linux is all about openess while Nvidia used to offer a opensource driver they are revoking everything with new cards20:12
trismddavids: if is crashed on import, then the problem should be in the library file, which would be in ~/.local/share/rhythmbox, but we moved that someplace else, so I don't understand why it is still crashing20:12
cryzedkjele, those drivers work atleast. NVIDIA drivers are currently the best20:13
gordon_gekkoguntbert, the file menu.lst doesn't exist20:13
kyle_iceroot: using Terminal Server Client over WAN.  still not working even through ports are open20:13
andeeeukthune3: i downloaded the drivers and installed the manually20:13
ikonia!info epiphany-browser20:13
ubottuepiphany-browser (source: epiphany-browser): Intuitive GNOME web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.30.2-1ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 367 kB, installed size 980 kB20:13
icerootkyle_: ah ok, i remeber20:13
dalton2345hey, i may need to update the all system to get the newest version of vlc, i just wanna know is it safe to update?20:13
andeeeukjust dont seem to be working at all now20:13
dalton2345and how long does it take20:13
icerootkyle_: you are using rdesktop,correct?20:13
xanguadalton2345: you already added the ppa, you should have the latest version20:14
ddavidstrism: paste is greyed out in the destination /home/folder20:14
thune3andeeeuk: then you would certianly need to re-install them for a new kernel version, and every kernel update. This is why drivers from repos are superior.20:14
ThePCKid-HunterThe Ubuntu 10.10 Alpha 2 OS has some parts in it that say it's still 10.0420:14
dalton2345xangua: i got a new version its 1.0.3 i need the 1.120:14
dalton2345its not there20:14
kyle_iceroot: i'm trying to use the default app. vino-server20:14
icerootThePCKid-Hunter: sure, its a sync atm20:14
icerootkyle_: are the logs tellig something interesting? what was the error-message?20:15
kjelecryzed: True, only the future will tell. They are starting a dangerous path right now.20:15
xanguadalton2345: if that's the latest version in the ppe then you will need to manually complie it or update your system20:15
andeeeukthune3 can i completely remove them and install the repo ones and if so, how can i do that?20:15
arnabubuntu is updating packages and i just glimpsed several lines of the form "Unknown media type in type 'uri/pnm'". is there a critical problem with my installation?20:15
guntbertgordon_gekko: then you have grub 2, please open (with any editor) /etc/default/grub20:15
andeeeukis there a basic tutorial somewhere20:15
eshirai want to image my currently running ubuntu install and play it in virtualbox elsewhere. how would I get started?20:15
K1nghow do i edit grub menu?20:15
cryzedkjele, well personally -- I like Open Source but I'm totally fine with having proprietary stuff it it comes to drivers as long as they properly work20:15
andeeeukneed to wipe the old drivers id imagine20:15
comp_lrhi alll!!!20:15
trismddavids: yes, you'll have an easier time if you do it from the new user, since you don't have permission to write there20:15
dapeamelhey guys when I trying to run exaile I get this error please help me out --> http://pastebin.com/JtWRtSF320:16
guntbert!grub2 | gordon_gekko, K1ng20:16
ubottugordon_gekko, K1ng: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:16
arnabeshira, why don't you just back up your home folder, and copy it on a virtualbox installation.20:16
ddavidstrism: cant i go sudo?20:16
ikoniaAlysha: I can't find a screen shot to show you, but it should be in preferences for popup managment20:16
thune3andeeeuk: i'm not sure for ATI. it may be possible to just install the drivers from the repos and be OK.20:16
kyle_iceroot:  You see, I have my laptop ubuntu 10.4.  I also have a vbox session with ubuntu 10.4 installed.  When I use TerminalSC i get a nice xrdp session selection app.  I want that to another ubuntu 10.420:16
comp_lrhow to start a program from terminal "always on top" even from gnome-panel ?20:16
northstarwhat is the best version to run as a server?20:16
gordon_gekkoguntbert, I am in20:16
dalton2345xangua: i add this to synaptic : deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main  deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main20:16
kyle_iceroot: error is just can't connect20:16
eshiraarnab: there are tons of configuration crap i don't want to do over again.20:16
dalton2345xangua: is that all i add to do?20:16
Alyshathank you very much ikonia :)20:16
eshiraarnab: i'm triyng to bring my work computer home ;)20:17
trismddavids: actually yes, you could do: gksudo -u newusername nautilus20:17
icerootkyle_: output of nmap -p 5900 servername20:17
Dr_Williscomp_lr:  if using compiz. it has settings to set specific windows apways on top based on title. or other things20:17
andeeeukthune3: i have tried many things but nothing working20:17
kyle_it said open20:17
andeeeukjust open to suggestions20:17
comp_lrDr_Willis: how to change these settings ?20:17
icerootkyle_: and telnet is telling what?20:17
trismddavids: sorry that won't work actually20:17
gordon_gekkoguntbert, should I look for a specific file?20:17
kyle_also some verison number.  Someone said it was ok.20:17
arnabeshira, ok i understand, unfortunately i cannot help. Anyone knows how to create VBox out of a working installation for eshira?20:17
ThePCKid-Hunterrm should be fixed so we can't do something like "sudo rm -rf /usr"20:17
trismddavids: cause you don't have permission to use the x server, would just be easier to change users20:18
Dr_Williscomp_lr:  use the 'ccsm' tool to confiogure compiz20:18
Dr_Willis!ccsm | comp_lr20:18
kyle_i can't do a vbox to laptop connection but that might vbox20:18
ubottucomp_lr: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz20:18
LjL!ot | ThePCKid-Hunter20:18
ubottuThePCKid-Hunter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:18
icerootThePCKid-Hunter: you know what -f means?20:18
squiggieIs anyone running WoW under ubuntu and wine? I'm trying to do some research as far as average fps, and from what I'm seeing, all the tweaks that people are talking about I've done and am still getting pretty crappy fps.20:18
comp_lrDr_Willis:  i will lokk for it now. thank you!20:18
Dr_Willissquiggie:  see the wine forums, and the #winehq channel20:18
guntbertgordon_gekko: that *is* a file (please check with the page ubottu sent you above) find the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="noquiet splash"20:19
Dr_Willissquiggie:  i belive you want to use the opengl options. and thats about all i  know on the topic20:19
trismddavids: one last thing on this user though: rhythmbox --rhythmdb-file=test.xml20:19
icerootkyle_: have a look at the server-logs20:19
iceroot!appdb | squiggie20:19
ubottusquiggie: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:19
squiggieDr_Willis: Yeah, I'm using the opengl option and have been browsing the wine forums for a couple hours. I'll check out their channel though.20:19
kyle_iceroot, please can you let me know where they are20:19
icerootkyle_: i guess /var/log/daemon.log20:20
kyle_icerot: local or remote?20:20
icerootkyle_: on the server20:20
iceroot!tab | kyle_20:20
ubottukyle_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:20
kyle_this is two desktop installs20:21
northstarwhat is the best ubuntu version to run as a server?20:21
scriptwarlockcomp_lr: are you using compiz?20:21
icerootnorthstar: the server-edition20:21
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server20:21
icerootnorthstar: but think about using debian lenny for server installations and ubuntu for desktop20:21
gordon_gekkoguntbert, it says that the equivalent file to the menu... is not editable in GRUB2 :(20:22
comp_lr scriptwarlock: yes. but i did  not understand anything from compizsettingsmanger-->windows rules.. :(20:22
churlHello, should I have S start files in my /etc/rc0.d folder?20:22
scriptwarlocknorthstart: LTS20:22
arnabhi... what will happen if i remove all the linux-images from synaptic? i have been dying to know this since the question came to my mind20:22
northstariceroot, i was goint to put up a server on amazon ec220:22
kyle_iceroot: checking..20:22
icerootarnab: the system wont boot20:22
northstarwe thought ubuntu would be a good linux distro to use for some tertiary stuffs20:22
guntbertgordon_gekko: I believe I asked you to open /etc/default/grub - if I didn't -- please open it now20:23
arnabiceroot, if that happens how can i make it boot again?20:23
icerootnorthstar: yes ubuntu is a great distri but if you want a ultra-stable system lenny is a good choice20:23
scriptwarlockcomp_lr: right clik on the window tab and see if you can find "always on top" there are bunch of options there like minimize, etc20:23
skizoragerhi there, i have some issue to start portmap at the boot of my ubuntu, i tryed with update-rc.d portmap default but doesn't work, i tryed with rc.local, doesn't work, with ~/.bashrc doesn't work, but the service work well when i start it manually with /etc/init.d/portmap start or service portmap start, what can i do to run it at boot ?20:23
Jordan_Uarnab: Chroot in and re-install the kernels.20:23
icerootarnab: boot with a live-cd, chroot into the system and install a kernel20:23
Zenith77Hi I'm running an ubuntu 10.04 machine, and for some reason all network connectivity has randomly come to a screeching halt. (one second, it worked fine, now it does). I don't know what to do, didn't touch any settings or anything. Any ideas?20:23
xamodavidlevin I am going to speak to you20:24
arnabiceberg, Jordan_U, chroot - something new i learned today! thanks, you guys rock20:24
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DavidLevinxamo, sure20:24
comp_lrscriptwarlock:  i have installed awn. i have to use it's switcher (worskspace pager) . i have to set it on top of panel. it has not any close, miniminize option... :(20:25
arnabhow do you people follow a chain of question/answers in this channel?20:25
xamoleocello Are you Spanish?20:25
arnabi find it completely intractable when it's busy20:25
icerootarnab: ignoring joins/parts/nick-chages and with nick-highlight20:25
guntbertarnab: tell your client to hide the join/part lines20:26
arnabcan i do nick-hilight on xchat too? if not, where is it supported?20:26
soreaucomp_lr: ccsm>Window Rules>Above <-- put the window match here for the window you want always on top20:26
churlHello, should I have start scripts in my /etc/rc0.d folder?20:26
scriptwarlockcomp_lr: awn, that i don not know but just hang-on somebody might use that too just wait for anyone to buttin20:26
Picixamo: Are you looking for Ubuntu support in Spanish?20:26
icerootarnab: this is nick-highlight20:26
matt_keysI'm setting up a KVM host cluster out of 10 blades. I've got a 14 disk array RAID-5'd attached to a separate server, and exported that as an iSCSI target. My question is can I mount that from all the blade KVM hosts without corrupting it?20:26
Jordan_Uarnab: It also helps to use a client like irssi, it's a pain to learn but worth it just for "/lastlog".20:26
icerootarnab: just type the name20:26
iceroot!tab | arnab20:26
ubottuarnab: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:26
xamoleocello Are you a boy not?20:27
SlimpWhat would be the best way tocompletely revert all BIND settings to be like a fresh install?20:27
aetaricmatt_keys: #ubuntu-server is the channel you want20:27
comp_lrsoreau: i tried it but it is not working for gnome-panel :( which is the important think for me now...20:27
guntbertJordan_U: not wanting to get into a client debate - but xchat provides /lastlog too20:27
matt_keysaetaric: Thanks20:27
Picixamo: Thats not an on-topic or appropriate question for this channel.20:27
SlimpWould it be to just uninstall, and resinstall?20:27
kyle_iceroot: Can't find anything20:27
M4mb0K|nGwhat's a good gui antivirus for ubuntu?20:27
Jordan_Uguntbert: Good to know, thanks.20:28
kyle_the error is reall quick to come up.20:28
arnabJordan_U, thanks, i used irssi for a while - then i got out of touch. i will have to try it again.20:28
happyfacewhat is "tsc sync"?20:28
guntbert!av | M4mb0K|nG20:28
aetaricM4mb0K|nG: avast works well20:28
ubottuM4mb0K|nG: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus20:28
leocelloxamo yes, im a boy20:28
anirvanaHow do I remove the backup files created on my hard drive?20:28
anirvanaThey are eating up my space20:28
kyle_iceroot: i have checked the log on firewall and port 3389 is being touched.20:28
econtomawesomeHowdy! in one of my recent linux kernel updates my printer disappeared, and I am not sure what to do to fix the issue. sudo hp-setup was unable to find hte PPD file, any advice?20:28
anirvanaHow do I remove the backup files(~) created on my hard drive?Please help :)20:29
ikoniaanirvana: which files20:29
comp_lrsoreau:  i think compiz settings manager has problems :(  because after i click add button for above on textbar writes just "class=" . it has some mistakes.. :(20:29
gordon_gekkoguntbert, I am in the file20:29
anirvanaikonia : files with ~ suffix20:29
aetaricecontomawesome: use another kernel? or build one with your printer driver in it.20:29
ikoniaanirvana: rm ~*20:29
WhoSayInhey, i got a question20:30
anirvanaikonia thanks :)20:30
econtomawesomeaeraric: how do I go about doing that?20:30
rage1With ATI drivers, is it possible to do fixed aspect-ratio scaling for non-widescreen resolutions?20:30
skizoragerhi there, i have some issue to start portmap at the boot of my ubuntu, i tryed with update-rc.d portmap default but doesn't work, i tryed with rc.local, doesn't work, with ~/.bashrc doesn't work, but the service work well when i start it manually with /etc/init.d/portmap start or service portmap start, what can i do to run it at boot ?20:30
WhoSayIni have Windows7 and Ubuntu 10.04 installed on my laptop20:30
guntbertgordon_gekko:  find the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="noquiet splash", .... halt - did you try your parameter already?20:30
xamo   ok20:30
WhoSayInand i want to install Pardus linux in addition20:31
WXZscheduled tasks doesn't work20:31
WhoSayInbut i dont want to lose anything on my pc20:31
guntbert!enter | WhoSayIn20:31
ubottuWhoSayIn: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:31
anirvanaikonia : it didn't work20:31
ikoniaanirvana: what did it say ?20:31
ikoniaWhoSayIn: pardus linux is not supported by this channel20:31
anirvanaikonia :20:31
WXZsorry, tired.. I mean recurrent tasks in scheduled tasks don't work20:31
WhoSayIni know, but its Ubuntu related problem i think20:31
WhoSayIncos im on ubuntu right now20:31
anirvanaikonia : No such file or directory20:32
northstarthanks for the infos iceroot, will do20:32
WXZrun once tasks do20:32
xanguaWhoSayIn: and what is the probmem¿¿ create a partition for it and install it there20:32
xamopici:Can you speak in Spanish?20:32
ikoniaanirvana: please pastebin the output of "ls -la"20:32
ikonia!es | xamo20:32
ubottuxamo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:32
strouthosIs there any hotkey for changing the keyboard language in Ubuntu?20:32
WhoSayInwell, let me show you my partition table, hold on..20:32
aetaricecontomawesome: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile20:32
ikoniaWhoSayIn: how you install another distro is nothing to do with ubuntu20:32
tuxx-Does anyone know the bug in ubuntu 10.04 netbook where the battery jumps to 0.1% while actually being loaded for 90% and the laptop suspends? Cant find anything on google >_>20:33
gordon_gekkoguntbert, no I have not tried the parameter yet. The line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="noquiet splash" does not appear in the file20:33
econtomawesomeaetaric: Will installing HPLIP resolve this issue, you think?20:33
TechMiXhaving problem with installing BCM328 USB WiMax modem! help!20:33
WhoSayInhttp://m.friendfeed-media.com/76392b00027566f919503377e00669d8c88be818 thats my partition table, sda2 = win7 sda3 = ubuntu10.04 sda4 = my own media files20:33
ikoniaWhoSayIn: what is your actual question ?20:34
gordon_gekkoguntbert, should i try the paremeter at the end of the text?20:34
aetaricecontomawesome: no clue.20:34
anirvanaikonia : Now working, it was rm *~ actually!20:34
NeurotiquetteDoes gnome have a task manager so I can kill off an app that's locking me up?20:34
WhoSayIni want to use sda3 for ubuntu and pardus, so i have to divide it, but how can i divide it without any lose?20:34
Neurotiquetteor do I just have to alt+printscrn+K20:34
econtomawesomeaetaric: I think I'll go that route first. Thanks anyway20:34
ikoniaanirvana: you've just removed your home directory20:34
VCoolioNeurotiquette: gnome-system-manager, or 'top' in terminal ('htop' is better, but not installed by default)20:34
ikoniaanirvana: actually, you should be ok20:35
VCoolioNeurotiquette: system monitor that is, not manager20:35
MaRk-INeurotiquette: system/adminstration/system monitor20:35
ikoniaWhoSayIn: you can't devide it like that20:35
ddavidstrism: im copyin the files now... is it as simple as deleting the old user when im done?20:35
arnabWhoSayIn, shrink, create new partition, then move files you want to put in second partition?20:35
anirvanaikonia : oh really ?20:35
xanguaWhoSayIn: first save your important data and use gparted20:35
guntbertgordon_gekko: I recommend testing it first: when you reboot press <shift> to get the grub menu and follow the procedure in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Editing%20Menus%20During%20Boot20:36
WhoSayInim alredy using gparted, but dont know what to do20:36
scriptwarlockikonia: awtz...20:36
xanguaWhoSayIn: use it from the live cd20:36
scriptwarlockikonia: he really did?20:36
ikoniascriptwarlock: jungli, what areyou trying to do now ?20:36
guntbertgordon_gekko: that will be a one time trial only, so you don't make your system unusable if it is no good20:36
asraniel_hi there, i uninstalled the nvidia driver and would like to use nouveau, but now nv is used and there is no xorg.conf. how can i activate nouveau?20:36
gordon_gekkoguntbert, thank you for all of your help!20:37
scriptwarlockikonia: what you mean..20:37
guntbertgordon_gekko: you are very welcome :-)20:37
=== ubuntu is now known as rabies
ikoniascriptwarlock: what do you want ?20:37
Jordan_Uasraniel_: How do you know that nv is being used?20:37
WhoSayInremoving sda3 and creating 2 different partitions will make it as i want, but i dont want to lose my ubuntu configuration20:37
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scriptwarlockikonia: ah none, i thought he really removed his home dir20:38
asraniel_Jordan_U: hm, your good. i actually think it is not used, i was just confused because the reolution changed and my external monitor became a copy of my primary one20:38
xamoikonia:That you have said of my?20:39
ikoniaxamo: what ?20:39
xamoikonia:When you have said! It is xamo20:40
ikoniaxamo: I don't know what you are asking, sorry20:40
trismddavids: yes, as long as your new user is a member of the admin group (should be by default, you can type: groups to see what groups your user is in)20:40
outer_spacehow do you enable ctrl-alt-f1 on lucid?20:40
JoshuaLWhenever I try to add a gpg key I get this error: http://pastebin.com/MgL7SQ6t20:41
JoshuaLhow can i fix it?20:41
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dapeamelcan someone help me to make a local folder to root I tried chmod +x but it doesnt working what for chmod altenatives excists?20:41
mainraincan anyone suggest a *small* linux live cd (doesn't need X or anything like that) that has a full php development environment?  I have a script that keeps segfaulting inside libxml2  (in ubuntu lucid) and i want to run it against some other dists to verify its a php problem and not a library interaction problem20:41
scriptwarlockouter_space: during boots20:41
Neurotiquetteouter_space: Dude, thanks for showing me that. You rule.20:41
xanguaouter_space: keyboad settings> distribution tab> options20:41
K1ngwhat is the name of gui firewall?20:41
scriptwarlockouter_space: you can use that20:42
xanguaK1ng: there are a fer gui's20:42
ikoniamainrain: that's not really ontopic for this channel20:42
xanguammmm i don't remember20:42
K1ngwhich one is good?20:42
outer_spacewhere is keyboard settings?20:42
xamoikonia:Since only I want that you say to me because you have said it is xamo alone I want that you say it to me...20:42
mainrainikonia: I would take debugging the libxml2/php interaction in lucid, but i never got a response on that one20:42
MaRk-IK1ng: gufw20:42
outer_spacei have "keyboard" and "keyboard shortcuts" but nothing with a distribution tab20:43
mainrainikonia: trying to think of next best solution20:43
ikoniaxamo: I'm really sorry, I don't know what you're trying to say20:43
kyle_can someone on ubuntu 10.4 do a Termial Server Client connection (RDP) to localhost and tell me the result.20:43
ikoniamainrain: have you asked ##php how they debug it?20:43
=== asraniel_ is now known as asraniel
mainrainikonia: they said its not a php problem20:43
strouthosIs there any hotkey for changing the keyboard language in Ubuntu?20:43
mainrainikonia: they asid its libxml2 and glibc interaction20:43
mainrainikonia: http://pastebin.com/7ZksJ1Q9 for a pastebin of the segfault20:44
MaRk-Istrouthos: have you added keyboard layouts?20:44
ikoniamainrain: that's a custom php compile20:44
guntbertouter_space: to my knowledge ctrl+alt+Fx *is* enabled by default , what is the problem?20:44
mneptok!info libxml2-dbg20:44
xamoikonia:I have some failures in Englishman writes20:44
ubottulibxml2-dbg (source: libxml2): Debugging symbols for the GNOME XML library. In component main, is extra. Version 2.7.6.dfsg-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 990 kB, installed size 2384 kB20:44
mainrainikonia: yea, that was the first suggestion20:44
mneptokmainrain: ^^^20:44
ikoniamainrain: with a custom xml install too20:44
churlHello, should I have start scripts in my /etc/rc0.d folder?  Or should it only be kill/stop scripts for shutdown?20:44
ikoniamainrain: that's "fact"20:44
outer_spacectrl-alt-f1 works on karmic but not on lucid20:44
ikoniamainrain: you need to speak to the people who built it for you20:44
mainrainikonia: remove the standard pre compile and compile it yourself,  but i still get the issue20:44
ralliasdoes anyone know a good dns lookup program?20:44
guntbertouter_space: what happens instead?20:45
mainrainikonia: I built it after the .debs failed, the first suggestion was compile libxml2 and php yourself20:45
ikoniamainrain: I don't want to compile it myself, the standard install works20:45
ikoniamainrain: you shouldn't be using "debs"20:45
mneptokrallias: nslookup. it's there by degault.20:45
outer_spacenothing happens instead20:45
ikoniarallias: dig20:45
ikoniamainrain: they are already packaged in the repo's20:45
mainrainikonia: by debs i mean apt-get install20:45
FloodBot4ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:45
LjLikonia: seriously, stop flooding20:45
mainrainikonia: i'm not a complete noob, i've been debugging this for awhile and your getting in the tail end :P20:45
zusdo you report bugs in ccsm/ compiz settings manager in launchpad? the emmitters are working right!20:46
ikoniamainrain: ok - so go back to the ubuntu packages and then we can take if forward or log a correct bug20:46
ikoniamainrain: at the moment with your custom software we can do nothing20:46
ralliashow do i set my dns server to localhost?20:46
ikoniarallias: just do nslookup, then server localhost20:46
=== LouisJB_ is now known as LouisJB
scriptwarlockstrouthos: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150873420:47
guntbert!who | outer_space20:47
ubottuouter_space: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:47
xamoIkonia: I not very much English and I write it badly20:47
mainrainikonia: bout 5 minutes or so i will post another crash for you,  the problem is intermittent so takes a moment to realize it self20:47
mneptokrallias: to make it permanent, edit /etc/resolv.conf20:47
ikoniamainrain: understood20:47
bradleyWhen i log into ubuntu netbook edition my desktop just seems to continuously switch from workspace to workspace with no way to stop it. Anyone know whats up?20:47
lifihey, sry its not the right channel for my question but maybe someone got an idea... i have some problems with centreon "some database poller updates are not active"20:47
ikonialifi: please don't ask non-ubuntu questions in this channel20:47
guntbertouter_space: and with ctrl+alt+F2/3/4/5 ?20:47
outer_spaceguntbert, i found out it works with ctrl-alt-function-f1, its a mac keyboard20:48
dewmanis there a way to change the envelope icon to open up Thunderbird rather then evolution?20:48
strouthosscriptwarlock: Thanks!20:48
kjelebradley: sticky keyboards or mouse20:48
strouthosscriptwarlock: Thanks!20:48
guntbertouter_space: I didn't know that, thx for reporting back20:48
vltrallias: You might need to set a rule in dhclient.conf if you get your DNS servers by DHCP20:48
mneptokdewman: System > Preferences > Preferred applications20:48
scriptwarlockstrouthos: :)20:48
bradleykjele : keeps happening even if I unplug keyboard/mouse20:48
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vltrallias: Look for "supersede" in the conf file's examples20:49
ralliaskk tyvm20:49
xanguadewman: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/05/how-to-add-thunderbird-to-messaging.html20:49
rabiesanyone know how to get vmware-vmrc (firefox plugin) working on ubuntu 9.10?20:49
kjelebradley: no idea then20:49
MaRk-Idewman: check system/preferences/preferred applications20:49
dewmanxangua, thanks! thats exactly what I want.... =)20:50
mainrainikonia: same script, run through the ubunutu lucid stock php+libxml: http://pastebin.com/YhGK3vNV20:52
rancorHi, I got a question. denyhosts in repository is 2.6 for Ubuntu Server 10.04 but upstream version of denyhosts has been at 2.7 since November 2008. How can this be fixed?20:52
mzamani m using ubuntu 9.10 , i wanna install ubuntu 10.04, how i get my all soft after install new version20:52
xanguamzaman: just update20:53
mzamani hv ubuntu 10.04 cd20:53
mzamannow what can i do ?20:53
ikoniamainrain: that looks better, that is something we can log a bug against. Have you ever logged a bug on launchpad.net ?20:53
mainrainikonia: i would have to much simplify the script first i imagine20:54
xanguamzaman: is that the alternate cd¿¿20:54
linuxpoetHow do you turn off notifications on the top panel20:54
mneptokmzaman: set the CD aside, open a terminal and type "sudo do-release-upgrade"20:54
linuxpoetI don't want to see my pidgin conversation as it pops up20:54
ikoniamainrain: maybe not in the first interest, as the backtrace would get it moving20:54
linuxpoetI want it only in pidgin20:54
xangualinuxpoet: disable the notification plugin in pidgin>tools>plugins20:54
Dr_Willis!clone | mzaman20:54
ubottumzaman: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:54
guntbertrancor: are you sure? http://sourceforge.net/projects/denyhosts/files/ says 2.6 is current20:55
linuxpoetthank you20:55
mneptokDr_Willis: that's any ugly method20:55
linuxpoetalthough, I am thinking its libnotify20:55
Dr_Willismneptok:  so? suggest a better one.20:55
Kaapahey everyone. Need help - managed to f*ck up my wife's notebook during an upgrade. Can someone help me before I join #counseling to deal with the divorce papers ? :(20:55
ubuntuwhats the issue20:55
shadowwulfi am trying to configure kismet to run ... but when i put in this line source=atheros,wlan0,atheros .. i get a error FATAL: Unknown capture source type 'atheros' in source 'atheros,wlan0,atheros'20:56
Kaapawhen X starts, it says fbcon not found as a fatal error20:56
mneptokDr_Willis: dpkg --get-selections / dpkg --set-selections20:56
shadowwulfhow do i fix it ??20:56
Kaapaand doesn't go from there20:56
Dr_Willismneptok:  tell it to the bot/factoid. :)20:56
rabiesno one here uses vmware server eh?20:57
ubuntuuu mean Xchat20:57
RobC0rabies: I do, but I don't use Ubuntu to administer it.20:58
RobC0My experience with Firefox and the thin-administration tool are not favorable.20:58
ubuntuKappa: u mean Xchat ?20:58
rabiesRobC0, my issue is w/ the client, not the administration UI20:58
guntbert!u | ubuntu20:59
ubottuubuntu: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.20:59
Kaapaubuntu: xchat? no, X (startx)20:59
Kaapais there any command line interface to synaptic?20:59
rancorguntbert, OOOppps! Sorry, I made a error, I was not checking my facts before I asked.20:59
Kaapamaybe something's left to install21:00
xanguaKaapa: apt, aptitude21:00
guntbertrancor: :)21:00
Kaapaxangua: apt-get update works, but apt-get upgrade fails with a dep. issue21:00
xanguaKaapa: then try sudo apt-get install -f21:01
guntbertKaapa: what ubuntu version?21:01
Kaapaguntbert: how do I check it? (sorry - wife's notebook)21:01
rabiesRobC0, do you use that at all?21:01
RobC0Can't you just point Firefox to the server and click Log in to Web Access?  But you need to install the plug-in to get your VMware Remote Console functioning.  I am trying it now.21:01
Kaapaxangua: -f == -force? I' m always scared sh*t of it :(21:02
acrouseyOh happy days... Updating an old Pentium 3 up to 10.04 from 9.04. Almost there! Just a few more hours to go. Dang internet connection...21:02
guntbertKaapa: type (in terminal) lsb_release -a21:02
mzamanhow may i upgrade ubuntu 9.10 to ubuntu 10.04 by cd21:02
guntbert!language | Kaapa21:02
ubottuKaapa: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:02
Kaapaguntbert: gotthe message :)21:02
deckerso all the gui back up apps I'm finding seem to give me the option of choosing a directory as a destination.  would anyone know of an app that lets me choose a particular USB device?  And then say it's not inserted, prompts me to insert the thing?21:02
guntbert!upgrade | mzaman21:03
ubottumzaman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:03
RobC0I installed the plug-in to my firefox and I get an error :the attempt to acquire a session ticket took longer than expected:21:03
econtomawesomeHowdy! I can't seem to find a ppd file for my HP Deskjet D1420. I used HPLIP, but it's missing. Thing were fine until I upgraded recently. Any advice?21:03
xanguamzaman: i already asked you if you had the alternate cd¿¿ you can't update with the normal live cd21:03
guntbertmzaman: you need the alternate CD21:03
Kaapaok, it' s a eeebuntu beta. looking at the output of apt-get update I see it uses debian sid too21:03
igor-usHello. How to open access (for writing) for HDD drives mounted to /mnt?21:03
bpgoldsbAnyone know the kernel parameter to limit your RAM?  I have 48G in a box, and I want it to think it has 1G.21:03
mneptokmzaman: why not just upgrade with the net connection?21:03
KaapaI'm open to suggestions, just wanna get this fixed :(21:03
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mneptokmzaman: it's going to use about the same bandwidth as getting the -alternate CD or DVD21:04
guntbertKaapa: then you should ask in #ubuntu+121:04
mzamanmy net connection is so slow.21:04
Kaapaguntbert: really? that exists?21:04
mneptokmzaman: either way, the CD you have will not help you.21:04
Kaapahum, ok, I can try anything :p21:04
zusanyone with compizconfig-settings manager? can you explain to me how to have the "roll up" by scrolling up/down the tittle bar and NOT dbl clicking it?21:04
mzamanif i upgrade then could i get my older soft ?21:04
guntbertKaapa: indeed - but beta versions are not meant for production use21:05
mneptokmzaman: so you download another CD image, or you upgrade in place. it's about the same bandwidth.21:05
xanguaKaapa: eee buntu is not supported here, besides now is debian based isn't it¿¿21:05
mneptokmzaman: if you upgrade in place all your existing software is upgraded for you.21:05
rblsthello; i have installed thunderbird 3 over my old thunderbird 2 profile; everything works okay, but there are two folders with the name of my two accounts that are empty and cannot be removed: http://img706.imageshack.us/i/thunderbird3.png/; can anyone help me  to remove them?21:05
Kaapaxangua: oh - debian based? I thought it was ubuntu based21:06
zusrblst,  try to rename them and then delete them? maybe21:06
mzamanwhat is the code to upgrade 9.10 to 10.0421:06
igor-usHow to open access (for writing and for non-root account) for HDD drives mounted to /mnt?21:06
mneptokmzaman: "sudo do-release-upgrade"21:06
rblstzus, i'll try that21:06
rabiesdamn it, he left21:06
tophyrhow can i find the vendor and product id's of attached usb devices?21:07
scriptwarlock1tophyr: lsusb21:07
mneptoktophyr: lsusb -vvv21:07
acidhey everyone..21:07
rage1With ATI drivers, is it possible to do fixed aspect-ratio scaling for non-widescreen resolutions?21:07
tophyrbingo, thanks21:07
marcus_noobI hate xXx the movie with Vin Diesel (Sorry but had to be said)21:07
ikoniamarcus_noob: no it doesn't21:07
scriptwarlock1tophyr: welcome to ubuntu irc21:07
ikoniamarcus_noob: you know the rules of the channel - please don't21:07
rage1thou shalt not hate on Vin Diesel.21:08
igor-usHow to open access (for writing) for HDD drives mounted to /mnt?21:08
=== zaveden_mirisom_ is now known as Stameni
zusrblst,  you can also try in nautilus as root i think its sudo nautilus,...or something i've been useing kubuntu  so gnome is still fresh to me21:08
scriptwarlock1tophyr: is tophyr of ulop?21:08
Stameniwhere can i post question abaut installation of tar.gz files ?21:09
=== scriptwarlock1 is now known as scriptwarlock
ikoniaStameni: what do you want to install21:09
tophyrscriptwarlock don't believe so. dunno what ulop is21:09
ikoniaStameni: pretty sure that's in the repos21:09
Stameniit is not21:10
scriptwarlocktophyr: sorry forget it21:10
rblstzus, i can not rename them21:10
Stamenii have try to get it with apt-get21:10
tomas-_I can't find a way to get libmozjs-dev21:10
Stamenican i join you in private room ?21:10
guntbert!info pyqt-tools | Stameni21:10
ikoniaStameni: beter to just ask here21:10
stygianfor the third time, is there a way i can disable my laptops touch pad?21:10
ubottuStameni: pyqt-tools (source: python-qt3): pyuic and pylupdate for Qt3. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.18.1-4ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 244 kB, installed size 596 kB21:11
zusrblst,  try to then in "sudo nautilus" in the terminal it'll open  nautilus in root so make sure you want them gone for real21:11
tomas-_it seems to have been deleted, does anyone knows where I can find that libmozjs-dev ?21:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:11
ralliasdoes anyone know a good manual to configure bind9 with?21:11
Stamenii need puqt421:11
Stameniits not a problem, i downloaded it but its in tar.gz21:11
Stamenithere is configure.py file there21:11
ikoniarallias: bind can be configured many ways, ask in #bind21:11
Jordan_U!gksudo | zus rblst21:11
ubottuzus rblst: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:11
ikoniaStameni: it's not that simple21:12
LuckySMackim trying to setup a server on 9.10 for LTS but it has php 5.3 and need php 5.2 . I found a page that refers to installing a repo for 5.2 with the app "python-software-properties" but it makes no reference how to remove the repos. i was wondering if anyone knew how21:12
Stamenihowever when i type ./configure.py21:12
Stameniit said permission denied21:12
ikoniaStameni: change the permissions21:12
Stamenihow ?21:12
rblstzus, can you please take a look at the image, i want to get rid of the folders, not my acounts: http://img706.imageshack.us/i/thunderbird3.png/21:12
acrouseyI've been off ubuntu for about a year now and I'm just wondering how it works with blu-ray. I'm going to be living in Sweden for a year, but when I come back to the States, I'm thinking about making a nice media center/server.21:12
ikoniaStameni: if you can't resolve permissions issues, I'd advise you not to be installing custom software21:12
purveshhow to uninstall package in terminal21:12
ikoniapurvesh: apt-get remove21:13
MaRk-Istygian: http://www.andrewferrier.com/blog/2010/06/04/disabling-synaptics-touchpad-with-ubuntu-10-04/21:13
Stamenii tried sudo21:13
guntberttomas-_: please see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-mozillateam-bugs/2010-April/097490.html21:13
purveshikonia, but it is not removing21:13
Stamenibut then ./configure dont function21:13
figure002zus: that "roll up" setting is present in Ubuntu Tweak. There was a way to set this up with gconf-editor as well, but I don't remember how I did that.21:13
ikoniaStameni: it needs execute permissions21:13
Oxfordhi, i installed tomcat6 through apt-get ... but i am unable to find the configuration file of tomcat... any help21:13
ikoniapurvesh: what are you trying to remove21:13
Stameniwhere can i read something abaut that ?21:13
purveshikonia, apache221:13
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:13
tomas-_guntbert: Thanks... but in my case I need that library to compile gpac ...21:14
tomas-_so it's not related to thunderbird21:14
ikoniapurvesh: what command are you using and what is not removing21:14
Stamenithank you ikonia21:14
zusrblst,   itll open nautilus with root privileges and you can navigate to the folder so you can delete them.... thats why i said make sure you want them gone.21:14
purveshikonia, i also tried sudo --purge apache2, sudo dpkg --purge apache221:14
icerootpurvesh: sudo apt-get remove --purge apache221:14
purveshikonia, let me try21:15
econtomawesomeHowdy! When I try to select a ppd file with HPLIP setup, I get an error that I need to restart CUPS. Can I get some help?21:15
maoriverosjoin #ubuntu-classroom21:15
icerootmaoriveros: /join #chanelname21:15
guntberttomas-_: sorry, then I don't know :-(21:15
mzamanmy net connection is too much slow21:15
Salvad1Hello. Does anyone know of a program for making deb packages from source /compiled source?21:15
UltraNoobNeed help anyone, stupid question to ask you, very embarrassed21:15
vltHello. What is the default IRC client that comes with Ubuntu 10.04?21:15
Gyndawyrwhat kernel does ubuntu 10.04 desktop version use?21:16
ikoniaUltraNoob: just ask21:16
zusfigure002,  thanks,... i  have a lot of windows open often and click to grab focus, they "roll up" on me instead sometimes.21:16
rblstzus, okay, i'll check if they exist in the file hierarchy21:16
xanguavlt: empathy21:16
mzamanit will take 12 hrs to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.0421:16
tomas-_guntbert: no problem, thanks for the help... I'll keep looking21:16
ikoniaUltraNoob: as long as it's ubuntu related, there will be no problem21:16
purveshikonia, hey but there is message ... Package is not installed but still apache2 folder is at /etc/apache221:16
mzamani wannna upgrade from cd21:16
UltraNoobI need to explain a little and they only want one line21:16
icerootSalvad1: dh_make to create the structure, dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot to build the package (without chroot) or pbuilder to build a package with chroot (recommend)21:16
mzamanif there any way to upgrade from cd21:16
guntbertGyndawyr: at the moment 2.6.32-23-generic21:16
rage1What app/script generates /etc/resolv.conf -- mine keeps getting filled with lines that break my net :o21:16
ikoniaUltraNoob: just ask the main question, you can give more detail if someone knows21:16
Oxford hi, i installed tomcat6 through apt-get ... but i am unable to find the configuration file of tomcat... any help??/21:16
Jordan_Umzaman: Why do you think that upgrading from a CD will be any faster?21:16
guntberttomas-_: Good luck :-)21:16
xanguamzaman: we have already told you you need the alnternate cd21:16
icerootmzaman: use the alterate-cd21:16
xangua!update > mzaman21:16
ubottumzaman, please see my private message21:16
stygianOxford: probably network-scripts.?21:17
Gyndawyrsorry, is that 2.6.32 or 2.6.23?21:17
iceroot!upgrade | mzaman21:17
ubottumzaman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:17
GyndawyrI don't get the 23 on the end, I mean21:17
zetyuhello ther21:17
econtomawesomeHowdy! When I try to select a ppd file with HPLIP setup, I get an error that I need to restart CUPS. Can I get some help?21:17
zetyuhow to compile from another kernel21:17
purveshikonia, any reason for that ?21:17
icerootecontomawesome: have you restarted cups?21:17
zetyuwhich is located on dest21:17
zetyuwhich is located on /home21:18
ikoniapurvesh: just remove the directory, it's leaving your configs in place in case you want them21:18
econtomawesomeiceroot I restart the computer and try again--should that amount to the same thing?21:18
UltraNoobIn terminal at /home i imput ls and a number of folders are shown but when i input cd /downloads it says that it isnt there, but i can see it in blue21:18
icerootecontomawesome: yes21:18
kyle_Error Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?   EVEN through nothing open.. How to I release lock??21:18
Jordan_Uzetyu: Why do you want to compile a kernel?21:18
UltraNoobsorry i know silly21:18
icerootkyle_: using sudo?21:18
VigoGyndawyr: Try lsb_or etc release?21:18
ikoniaUltraNoob: make sure your using the correct case, eg: Downloads not downloads21:18
zetyui want to download a kernel21:18
econtomawesomeiceroot what would be the command to restart cups?21:18
purveshikonia, so which which directories i have to manually remove for apache221:18
UltraNoobtried that21:18
zetyuand put it on /home21:18
kyle_iceroot: Yep21:19
zetyuand then compile from /home21:19
Jordan_Uzetyu: Yes, but *why*?21:19
icerootecontomawesome: sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart  (maybe its called cupsd)21:19
zetyuhow to do it ?21:19
zetyubecause i got a VSP21:19
icerootkyle_: ps aux | grep dpkg21:19
dalton2345I never compiled anything b4, its very comfusing21:19
Vigozetyu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile21:19
zetyubecause i got a VPS where the kernel not supporting21:19
Gyndawyrwhat does the -23 mean on the 2.6.32-23-generic?21:19
icerootkyle_: anything runing except grep?21:19
scriptwarlockOxford: isn't it on the /etc/tomcat?21:19
icerootGyndawyr: its the patch-release21:19
econtomawesomeiceroot thankls21:20
zetyuwhere is my section ? Vigo21:20
icerootGyndawyr: its the kernel 2.6.32 with pachrelease 3221:20
icerootGyndawyr: 2321:20
kyle_iceroot: 3758  0.0  0.0   3324   824 pts/2    S+   21:20   0:00 grep --color=auto dpkg21:20
GyndawyrI have no idea what a patch release is, but basically I'm trying to get http://aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=mac80211 to work21:20
rblstzus, i can't locate them in the .thunderbird directory, i think they were created inside thunderbird 321:20
UltraNoobsee my problem21:20
figure002zus: i found the option in ccsm: In CompizConfig>General Options>Key Bindings, select a key combination for Toggle Window Shaded.21:20
Gyndawyr"his fix is already included in 2.6.31 and newer kernels, so this patch should only be used up to 2.6.30." Does the patch release make a difference here?21:21
Vigozetyu: That page is just about Compiling a kernel, that is a fakeroot thing, usually...21:21
icerootkyle_: ok, then you have to delete the lock-file, imo its in /var/lib/dpkg/.lock  but i dont know21:21
zetyu./ ?²21:21
rblstzus, maybe it is not possible to remove them :/21:21
UltraNoobIm trying it while we talk about it21:21
guntbertUltraNoob: linux id case sensitive - so cd Desktop21:21
zetyuSO on the link that u send there is nothing isn"t it ?21:21
icerootGyndawyr: no and its fixed in your kerel21:21
zusfigure002,  sweet thanks!, in kwin it was already set for me... but Gnome is still new to me21:21
UltraNoobProblem solved, Thanks guys21:22
Stameniiconia, i changed user type to administrator21:22
Stameniam i missing something here ?21:22
Gyndawyrignoring the "it's fixed in your kernel" bit, yay, it should work if I get the latest version of ubuntu! :D21:22
UltraNoobI was putting cd /Downloads not cd Downloads lol21:22
ikoniawell done21:22
Gyndawyrthis saves me the trouble of installing drivers and a patch21:22
Vigozetyu: That is a Secure Link, open a browser and type the URL in. It may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile21:22
Stamenii dont have permission to ./configure stil21:22
guntbertUltraNoob: you can use <tab> to autocomplete names in the terminal21:22
icerootGyndawyr: correct21:22
ikoniaStameni: look at the owner and group as well as the permissions21:22
rblsti have installed thunderbird 3 over my old thunderbird 2 profile; everything works okay, but there are two folders with the name of my two accounts that are empty but cannot be removed: http://img706.imageshack.us/i/thunderbird3.png/; can anyone help me  to remove them?21:22
UltraNoobguntbert - Thanks21:23
Stameniikonia, i will21:23
zusrblst,  it is, when you open nautilus  with root, just navigate to the folder you want as if normal....21:23
guntbertUltraNoob: :)21:23
zusrblst,  just be carefull as root21:23
Jordan_Ukyle_: What is the output of "sudo fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock"?21:23
=== richard is now known as Guest37197
Gyndawyra suggestion for ubuntu: make it hurt most of my anatomy less, and more users will appreciate your OS ^_^21:23
rblstzus, i think we misunderstand each other, these folders are "virtual" folders that corrspond to different files in the filesystem, have you looked at my screeenshot?21:24
Gyndawyrmy eyes, brain and balls ache from reading so much material on how to get Realtek RTL8187B drivers to update in ubuntu :(21:24
guntbert!ot | Gyndawyr21:25
ubottuGyndawyr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:25
kyle_icebot: now Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:25
Gyndawyr^^ got it21:25
purveshhow to Manually remove (remove Folders) apache2 ?21:25
guntbertpurvesh: what folders do you want to remove?21:25
zusrblst,  i didnt realized they were virtual folders,21:26
wng-Is anyone else having issues with the rt2860sta driver in the newest 10.04 kernel? It keeps complaining about firmware and not initializing in dmesg and I can't bring it up via ifconfig.21:26
birdmanYesterday I installed ubuntu netbook edition on my laptop from standard ubuntu. I got fancontrol set up and everything. Today my fan isn't working at all, even after multiple reboots.21:26
kyle_jordan_u: output = /var/lib/dpkg/lock:   259321:26
zusrblst,  they should be in your home folder still maybe under the hidden folders21:26
etienne_hello to you all21:27
rblstzus, thunderbird stores its stuff in ~/.thunderbird21:27
Jordan_Ukyle_: Then there *is* still a process running with a lock, you should *not* delete the lock file.21:27
antivirtelhello, what does it mean in rtorrent: "Using 'epoll' based polling." ??21:27
purveshguntbert, i had removed apache2 via terminal then also Some files and Folder of that i remain so how to remove eg. /etc/apache2 folder is also there21:27
UltraNoobSee ya21:27
josueWhen I try to log in with with gwibber in to my facebook account, it says that it has failed and that I shoud try later, after that I'm not able to close the window, I just update to 10.0421:27
etienne_please how can i boot iso9660 images using grub 221:28
SacroKinda hosed /etc/pam.d, what package contains /etc/pam.d/other ?21:28
zusrblst,  then open nautilus in root navigate to !/.thunderbird and look for the files ya may have to hit ctrl+H in each folder to see the hidden files....21:28
Jordan_Ukyle_: What is the output of "ps aux | grep 2593 | grep -v grep" ?21:28
ubuntulivei am practicing with a floppy drive21:28
ubuntulivecmd line stuff21:28
etienne_please how can i boot iso9660 images using grub 221:28
zusrblst,  i had to find where my drive_c was in wine since some how i or the system must have put it in a different place.21:29
ubuntulivehave created 2 partitions21:29
Jordan_Uetienne_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860421:29
birdmanYesterday I installed ubuntu netbook edition on my laptop from standard ubuntu. I got fancontrol set up and everything. Today my fan isn't working at all, even after multiple reboots. Anyone know what's wrong?21:29
ubuntuliveone for linux and one for ntfs21:29
rblstzus, i don't think you get my problem, but thanks anyway for being helpful21:29
rblstbirdman: maybe your fan died?21:29
zusrblst,  :0 good luck21:29
ShapeShifter499how do I tell what ethernet controller my laptop has?21:30
birdmanrblst, any way to know?21:30
ubuntulivecan anyone help me21:30
kyle_jordan_u: It's OK. i took out the other lock file and now things are installing21:30
josueSomeone!!!! When I try to log in with with gwibber in to my facebook account, it says that it has failed and that I shoud try later, after that I'm not able to close the window, I just update to 10.0421:30
mzamanif i install ubuntu10.04 over 9.04 , how i back my old soft ?21:30
guntbertpurvesh: there are two ways - #1) reinstall apache2 , then purge it , #2) in terminal cd  /etc, then type *very* carefully: rm -R apache221:30
Jordan_Ukyle_: That could be *very* bad.21:30
CrayonOfDoomAlright, got a working PXElinux boot to a netboot of maverick, how do I obtain an .img that doesn't require downloading the files like the netboot does?21:30
Dr_Willismzaman:   You mean programs youve installed via the package manager?21:30
Jordan_Ukyle_: You should not just delete lock files, they are there for a good reason.21:31
mzamanDr_willis : yes21:31
rblstbirdman, with a live cd, or in windows somehow21:31
purveshguntbert, Thanx a lot bro .... :)21:31
Dr_Willismzaman:   the !clone factoid earlier gave commands to genreate a 'list' of what you have installed. that you can then use to reinstall the programs.21:31
playnicekidzhi. i have a question - i have a zte mf637 3G usb modem. it works well. the system recognizes it and connects me to the internet. however i can't see it anywhere and don't know how to stop and safely eject it. any ideas?21:31
Dr_Willismzaman:  and theres other ways21:31
Dr_Willis!clone | mzaman21:31
ubottumzaman: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate21:31
Stameniikonia, i have tried with "sh ./configure.py" and it work... something work,,, but it tels me thet lot of files had not  been found, so it stops the process21:32
josueHelp!!! When I try to log in with with gwibber in to my facebook account, it says that it has failed and that I shoud try later, after that I'm not able to close the window, I just update to 10.0421:32
cristian_cHello, I can not run a program21:32
mkanyicyDr_Willis, I dint know about that !clone info, it's incredibly great. thanks.21:32
Jordan_UStameni: "sh" runs files as posix sh scripts, that's a python script.21:33
guntbertpurvesh: you're welcome :-) --- I mistyped #2) sudo rm -R apache2    (or it will give you an error)21:33
purveshguntbert, for installing apache sudo apt-get install apache2 it is perfect ?21:33
Dr_Willismkanyicy:  personally i have my own 'first time install scripts'   that reinstall the stuff i always uswe21:33
Stameniikonia, my file is named configure.py21:33
* vsk go to see a cartoon movie21:33
shane2peru_laptohow can I set the default kernel for my computer to use?  I have several installed21:33
guntbertpurvesh: yes, and the sudo apt-get purge apache221:33
mkanyicycristian_c, yes you cannot run (away from) a program21:33
shane2peru_laptobefore we changed to grub2, it was just a matter of editing the menu.lst, now things are all different21:33
Dr_Willisshane2peru_lapto:  theres a command line tool to do that.21:34
Jordan_Ushane2peru_lapto: GRUB_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub.21:34
=== daniel is now known as neuername
cristian_cI tried to run the program from a terminal, or from the menu21:34
Dr_Willisshane2peru_lapto:  or so i just read on the grub2 docs/threads21:34
purveshguntbert, ya thanx ... let me try .. then reply u ... :)21:34
guntbertpurvesh: ok :)21:34
Dr_Willisshane2peru_lapto:  some reason you dont want to run the newest kernel by default?21:34
shane2peru_laptoJordan_U, ok, will chech that out21:34
cristian_cI tried with sudo21:34
ExcurionI've managed to get my touchscreen to work through evdev, but now I need to calibrate it to make up for the extra screen I've got connected. How can I calibrate a touchscreen for evdev? How can I do that with xinput21:35
shane2peru_laptoDr_Willis, you don't have the name of that tool do you?21:35
Jordan_Ushane2peru_lapto: You can either use a menu entry number, or the title of the menu entry (if you use the title then you don't have to worry about new kernels making the title number change)21:35
mkanyicycristian_c, what program is that?21:35
dalton2345i have update ubuntu, i wont lose any of my configuration right,21:35
cristian_cthen I tried with:21:35
Dr_Willisshane2peru_lapto:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275   mentuions it21:35
cristian_cthen I tried21:35
shane2peru_laptoDr_Willis, actually, I'm running some testing kernels, I have an ATI HD3100 card in this laptop, and it has some serious overheating problems with Linux (all distros), so I had to start experimenting with kernels21:36
mkanyicycristian_c, what is the error message?21:36
cristian_csudo inkblot -d /dev/usb/lp021:36
blaindalton2345 update or upgrade?21:36
josueHelp!!! When I try to log in with with gwibber in to my facebook account, it says that it has failed and that I shoud try later, after that I'm not able to close the window, I just update to 10.0421:36
guntbertcristian_c: and what happened?21:36
purveshguntbert, see now there is one thing .... if i do purge then also /etc/apache folder is going to be there ... or i Directly remove /etc/apache221:36
Dr_Willisshane2peru_lapto:    sudo grub-set-default "Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.32-15-generic"21:36
dalton2345blain: upgrade, sorry21:36
blainno you won't but i've seen some issues when upgrading21:36
shane2peru_laptoDr_Willis, though I haven't learned all this grub2 stuff, I'm liking the simplicity of it, many scripts21:37
guntbertpurvesh: that sentence was not clear for me21:37
blainlike frost login manager and that stuff21:37
kyle_in terminal I want to add a new user set it as admin, set password and not show up on login screen.. Can this be done?21:37
shane2peru_laptoDr_Willis, thanks21:37
dalton2345blain: what kind fo issues?21:37
cristian_cmkanyicy, Unknown IEEE 1284.4 error number 6621:37
Dr_Willisshane2peru_lapto:  check my links -> http://delicious.com/dr_willis/grub221:37
blainthe login manager froze after reboot21:37
Jordan_UDr_Willis: shane2peru_lapto: grub-set-default will only work if GRUB_DEFAULT=saved in /etc/default/grub (see: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Simple-configuration for more info )21:37
blainare you experienced with the shell21:38
cristian_cguntbert, applet icon appears with an 'X'21:38
Dr_WillisJordan_U:  ok. :) that doc proberly mentions that soemwhere21:38
dalton2345blain: lol u should killed my upgrading thought21:38
purveshguntbert, ok..... it means ... bro . previously i had tried to purge afterwards when i check apache folder is also there21:38
bjegovichi loosers, can anybody tell me how to install calculator????????????????????????????????21:38
shane2peru_laptoJordan_U, ok, I will add it there, thanks for the info,21:38
CrayonOfDoomWhen grabbing an image from archive.ubuntu.com which one is the correct one for a tftpboot server that won't have to download the distro like the netboot does?21:38
Jordan_Ushane2peru_lapto: You're welcome.21:38
blaindalton2345 falling back to the old kernel worked21:38
Stameniwhy when i type "sudo ./configure.py" it point that command is not found ?21:38
purveshguntbert, but it shouldn't have to be there ... bcz via purge command everything is going to be remove but it wont21:38
guntbertpurvesh: does /etc/apache contain anything?21:39
cristian_cmkanyicy, but the printer is supported by the backend program21:39
rblstbjegovic, it is Applications->Accessories21:39
purveshguntbert, ya all the files and folder21:39
dalton2345blain: i have only one pc, if that happens, i'm in big trouble21:39
guntbertpurvesh: /etc/apache comes from an older version21:39
Jordan_UStameni: First of all, you probably shouldn't be running a configure script with sudo. What are you trying to accomplish?21:39
blaindalton2345 >_< don't upgrade then21:39
cristian_cif I type inkblot --help21:39
josueHelp!!! When I try to log in with with gwibber in to my facebook account, it says that it has failed and that I shoud try later, after that I'm not able to close the window, I just update to 10.0421:39
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:39
purveshguntbert, no it is latest version /etc/apache221:39
guntbertpurvesh: then it is time for #221:39
bjegovici dont have applications ?21:40
StameniJordan_U, i am trying to install pyqt4.7.4 as tar.gz21:40
rblstbjegovic, what desktop environment arer you using?21:40
munipurvesh: hi21:40
purveshguntbert, so either Command is wrong or via command also it is not going ot be  remove21:40
dalton2345blain: i think i will just do a clean install21:40
purveshmuni, hi21:40
kyle_in terminal I want to add a new user set it as admin, set password and not show up on login screen.. Can this be done?21:40
purveshmuni, didnt remember you ... we met before ?21:40
guntbertpurvesh: cd /etc  - then: sudo rm -R apache21:40
cristian_cmkanyicy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/462685/21:40
munipurvesh: yes21:41
StameniJOrdan_U: and afer i type ./configure.py it point that permmision is denied21:41
purveshguntbert, let me try to remove only ...21:41
Jordan_UStameni: Why not install "python-qt4" from the repositories?21:41
purveshmuni, at ubuntu-classroom or what ?21:41
bjegovicloosers, so nobody can tell me how to download calculator ?21:41
Stamenithats the filename !?21:41
xangua!rules > bjegovic21:41
ubottubjegovic, please see my private message21:42
purveshmuni, its k ... nice to meet u21:42
rblstbjegovic, are you using ubuntu?21:42
guntbert!who | bjegovic21:42
ubottubjegovic: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:42
cristian_cmkanyicy, and if I type   inkblot --usage:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/462686/21:42
StameniJordan_U, ikonia, thank you for your help21:42
Stameniit is named puthon-qt4 in the repoes21:43
Jordan_UStameni: You're welcome.21:43
Stamenii tride puqt421:43
dugan_Hi all guys, Someone can help me ? I use ubuntu 10.04 and there is not the voice "Services" under "System - Administration". I need to find this panel, native or adding other tool, because I'm noob and following a guide. 8-)21:43
shane2peru_laptoJordan_U, is there a way to look at my grub menu without rebooting? so I can count and set the number?21:43
rblstkyle_, you can easily add a user in terminal and put it into admin group, but i am not sure if you can hide it in user list21:43
dalton2345ty all for ur help21:43
cristian_cmkanyicy, I tried reading the man21:44
bjegovicso fuckjers nobody can tell me how to download calculator ?21:44
purveshguntbert, or i can use gksu, then i can open nautilus at run ? it is safer way21:44
bazhangbjegovic, watch the language21:44
shane2peru_laptolanguage | bjegovic21:44
Dr_WillisLots of calculator programs in the repos.21:44
StameniJordan_U, one more question, do i need to manualy degrade my user from administrator or it will be done automaticaly ?21:44
=== Longhorn|XP is now known as Longhorn
bjegovichow can i run it?21:44
cristian_cmkanyicy, Is there a way to solve the problem?21:44
k1ngi am having problem with wired21:45
guntbertpurvesh: running nautilus as root is not really "safer", but of course you *can* :-)  (just remember to close nautilus again, when you are done)21:45
Jordan_Ushane2peru_lapto: I would personally just use the menu entry title, it's more robust. Either way, this command will get you the list of menu entry titles: sudo grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep -o '".*"'21:45
k1ngi cannot connect my ubuntu to a windows21:45
Dr_WillisCompiz has a feature to add 'root' to the title of any window running with root privalages.21:45
purveshguntbert, ok...21:46
cristian_cguntbert:, Is there a way to solve the problem?21:46
soreauDr_Willis: It's called titleinfo IIRC21:46
shane2peru_laptoJordan_U, yes, actually I just figured out/remembered number solutions are subject to change based on newer kernels etc.21:46
Dr_Willissoreau:  ages ago i could set up root user with a different theme/colors  so root apps ran in bright red and green21:47
=== FiReSTaRT is now known as Guest22184
anirvanaI typed the command  "rm *~" in terminal,Perhaps something wrong has happened? I can't work anymore :( PLEASE HELP21:47
guntbertcristian_c: I am not familiar with inkblot, as far as I could see you were able to start it but it wouldn't coopereate - sorry , no idea here :-(21:47
icerootanirvana: that is a very very very bad idea to run that command21:48
rage1With ATI drivers, is it possible to do fixed aspect-ratio scaling for non-widescreen resolutions?21:48
cristian_cguntbert, thank you anyway :)21:48
Dr_WillisHmmm *~  dosent make sence..21:48
anirvanaiceroot: what do I do now? I can't even I see my desktop now21:48
icerootanirvana: -r is missing but its deleting all your personal files21:48
anubisI upgraded to the new release now i get Error mounting disk 0 at boot anyone help?21:48
guntbertanirvana: ikonia told you: you did remove your home directory21:48
stygiananirvana: go console!!21:48
soreauDr_Willis: Hey, that's not a bad idea ;)21:49
a-work-catcan anyone recommend a good graphing calculator app?21:49
icerootDr_Willis: but its killing home (with -r)21:49
soreauDr_Willis: Wouldn't that still work?21:49
guntbertcristian_c: Good luck :-)21:49
Dr_Willissoreau:  not tried it lately21:49
rage1a-work-cat: it's not an app, but check out http://web2.0calc.com21:49
icerootsoreau: yes its still working21:49
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anirvanaHow do I fix it guys? I have a hell lot of work to do in it :(21:49
Dr_Willis~/* makes sence.. but   *~ dosent21:49
a-work-catrage1, thanks ill try it out21:49
Dr_Willistry echo *~ perhaps ?21:49
icerootDr_Willis: ** -r *~  is wiping your homedir21:50
anirvanastygian : How go console?21:50
shane2peru_laptoJordan_U, ok, thanks a bundle, that didn't seem to spit out any errors, so we should be good now,21:50
Jordan_UDr_Willis: The intent was to remove all files ending in '~'21:50
alketI was about to install OpenOffice.org Database but during installation my power went off and now I cannot install anything , this is my error : http://pastebin.com/pGYVb2vH21:50
icerootJordan_U: like ~ which is ending with ~21:50
anubismy fstab and mount output http://pastebin.com/sRai8jXM21:50
DasEialket:tried a : sudo dpkg --configure -a21:50
anirvanaikonia : help21:51
dugan_Hi all guys, Someone can help me ? I use ubuntu 10.04 and there is not the voice "Services" under "System - Administration". I need to find this panel, native or adding other tool, because I'm noob and following a guide. 8-)21:51
alketDasEi, yes it was an error about openoffice.org-base21:51
Jordan_Uiceroot: That would only match a file named literally '~', shell expantion has already been performed so '~' would not be expanded to $HOME.21:51
Stameniis there some chat room intended for python programming ?21:52
anubisAnyone feel like helping me with a mounting problem:D?21:52
DasEialket: but the apt like in update works ?21:52
Stameninow i imediately run inte problem with pyqt4 modules...21:53
DasEianubis: more details ?21:53
msurovcakStameni: just try #python :)21:53
alketDasEi, same error.21:53
Stamenitnx msurovcak21:53
blainanubis what's up21:53
anubisDasEi, since upgrade i get error message cant mount disk 021:53
DasEialket:tried a : sudo dpkg --configure -a        ? what does it throw ?21:53
anubisblain, DasEi  i put fstab and mount out put on http://pastebin.com/sRai8jXM21:53
rblstdugan_, what is that you want to do?21:53
Jordan_Uanirvana: Can you pastebin the output of "ls ~"?21:54
DasEianubis: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit21:54
alketDasEi, http://pastebin.com/4E1866gX21:54
K1ng\how do i install DHCP server?21:54
cryptkso, I need glibc 2.5 on ubuntu to satisfy a requirement for some code compilation... what is the easiest way to do this?21:55
DasEialket: then try the dpkg from runlevel 1, carefull, next command will log you off :21:55
anirvanaJordan_U : http://pastebin.ca/189930421:55
cryptkI know in Ubuntu it is replaced by libc6, but I specifically need glibc2.521:55
blaink1ng apt-cache search dhcpd21:55
anirvanaJordan_U : sorry please ignore it21:55
DasEialket: sudo init 1            , in the gui coming up then , try dpkg repair....21:55
vltK1ng\: `aptitide install dhcp3-server21:55
anubisDasEi, http://pastebin.com/VUzsQg3h21:56
Stameniwhat does this mean: * #python :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services21:56
Stamenii need to register ?21:56
dugan_<rblst, the services panel, should be a large view of services started and stopped. In my guide is important to have this. I need to find a solution to view all services that I can start and stop.21:56
anirvanaJordan_U : Ah, I got the same output with ls ~ , http://pastebin.ca/1899304 is OK21:56
vlt!register | Stameni21:56
ubottuStameni: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:56
drozdhow can i uninstall 'wine" i installed it from sources?21:56
testztrying to install ubuntu but the installer just freezes :-/21:57
Stamenitnx vlt21:57
stygiandrozd: you'll probably have to 'make uninstall'21:57
Jordan_Uanirvana: That output looks fine, the fears that you had deleted your home directory were unfounded.21:57
testzfirst time on step 4 of 7, this time on step 221:57
icerootJordan_U: thx for the info21:57
stygianif its makefile has a target for that, otherwise, uninstall by hand21:57
Jordan_Uiceroot: You're welcome.21:57
anirvanaJordon_U , then what's the problem , Why can't I work normally,I can't even see my desktop21:57
DasEianubis: in fdisk -l which causes the trouble ?21:57
Jordan_Uanirvana: I don't know yet.21:58
guntbertdugan_: install startupmanager21:58
julgutierrezI just setup an OpenVPN server. When attempting to connect its asking me for a username and password. Should this happen?21:58
drozdstygian ty21:58
alketDasEi, I think that the deb or bin file is corrupted, i think it needs to be downloaded from packages.ubuntu.com and be replaced in a folder , do you know where are they located ?21:58
Jordan_Uanirvana: Does "pgrep nautilus" output anything?21:59
houmqllerSorry i ask here. but i don't know where to go. i am trying to install windows after i ubuntu. and i have used all the day to google how to remove grub, get mbr and hopefully make windows boot. i get a syslinux error when i try with dos 6.22, and no boot at all on my xp disc. (everything i try, is on usb, unpacked iso files, because my laptop don't got a cdrom drive) plz help me!21:59
DasEialket: you could purge it, but first run it dry , to make sure not the whole desk gets lost :21:59
anirvanaJordon_U , yes 1612121:59
drozdstygian ty so much it worked21:59
DasEialket:sudo apt-get remove --purge openoffice.org-base --dry-run22:00
DasEialket: if only that will be removed, repeat without --dry-run22:00
alketDasEi, same error22:00
anubisDasEi, in fdisk - l only shows me partition of /dev/sdb ( 1,2,5,6) but i cant mount /dev/sda22:00
guntbert!hi | elmenol80922:00
ubottuelmenol809: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:00
rblstdugan_, or find it in Settings menu under Startup or similar name22:00
blainhi elmenol809 how areyou doing?22:01
hot_devilwhat's a good channel22:01
hot_devilhello all22:01
DasEianubis: sda1 is mounted, or do you mean access maybe ?22:01
hot_devili'm new comer... and i'm from cambodia22:01
rooleboHow could I connect to previously created specific wireless profile in NetworkManager?22:01
hot_devilso i want learn how to hack wireless22:01
houmqllersomeone could give me a hint? sorry if i am unpatient22:01
blainhot_devil backtrack22:01
hot_devilyeah blain22:01
blainhoumqller what's your question?22:02
DasEianubis: cd /windows22:02
bazhanghot_devil, backtrack support in #backtrack-linux22:02
houmqllerSorry i ask here. but i don't know where to go. i am trying to install windows after i ubuntu. and i have used all the day to google how to remove grub, get mbr and hopefully make windows boot. i get a syslinux error when i try with dos 6.22, and no boot at all on my xp disc. (everything i try, is on usb, unpacked iso files, because my laptop don't got a cdrom drive) plz help me!22:02
DasEianubis: ls  , files there ?22:02
anubisDasei sorry i was beeing dumb22:02
alketDasEi, its working now , thank you very much22:02
bazhanghot_devil, and how to hack wireless is off topic on this network22:02
DasEialket : nice to hear22:02
hot_devilwhat's is ubuntu????22:02
houmqllermy question is how to get rid of grub, like i tryed to post22:02
anubisdasei its all there .. the only thing that is my problem is that i get message when booting disk 0 didnt mount skip or manual22:02
blainhoumqller insert the windows cd -> enter recovery console -> fixboot & fixmbr22:02
bazhanghot_devil, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic22:02
acidcrash_hot_devil use live cd of backtrack 3 and use spoonwep to crack wireless22:02
k1ng * Starting DHCP server dhcpd3                                                                                                                                * check syslog for diagnostics.22:03
k1nghow to fix it?22:03
houmqllerbut blain, my computer don't want to boot on the windows cd22:03
blainfix it?22:03
anubisDasEi,  all the partions seem to be mounted and i can access them22:03
rblst!ubuntu | hot_devil22:03
DasEianubis: ic, give also : sudo blkid | pastebinit, i'll look again22:03
ubottuhot_devil: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com22:03
bazhangacidcrash_, please stop that22:03
anubisDasEi,  thanks22:03
blainhoumqller that's not a linux problem...22:03
acidcrash_bazhang ok22:03
=== spvensko_ is now known as spvensko
bazhanghoumqller, try ##windows22:03
DasEianubis : can or can't access ?22:03
k1ngblain,  Starting DHCP server dhcpd3      == fail22:03
t0nic[w]why there is no ubuntu 10 http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt22:03
houmqllerohh okay. soz22:03
DasEit0nic[w]: 10.04 is current22:04
blaink1ng tail -f /var/log/messages22:04
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100422:04
anubisDasEi,  I can access all of them .. i shoulda checked there not in the file browser as a hd but its under /windows like you said .. but i still get that error message hold on22:04
anubisDasEi, http://pastebin.com/f0PcCS3822:05
ralliasare there any methods you guys recommend to accelerate the network connection between my computer and facebook?22:05
=== slidinghorn is now known as SlidingHorn_out
rooleboSo, is there any way to choose wireless profile in NetworkManager?22:06
rblstdugan_, did you find it?22:06
blainrallias get closer to the AP22:06
acidcrash_i have installed xampp in ubuntu,when i try to move my html files to the htdocs i get permission denied error any help guys...:)22:06
DasEianubis : alter your fstab , adding options auto,user22:06
ralliasblain: I can't its hardwired22:06
acrousey1Hey, is there a way to "fix" broken packages in the synaptic package manager, or is it easier to do it in the shell? I'm updating from 9.10 to 10.04 and it's having a problem with "mountall". Any suggestions?22:06
blainacidchild sudo?22:06
DasEianubis: so the line will then read :22:06
acidcrash_blain am new to ubuntu just installed few hours ago22:07
dugan_<rblst, no. I can't . sorry I'm a very big and old noob. 8°(22:07
k1ngblain, Jul 13 03:05:13 k1ng-desktop dhcpd: Wrote 0 leases to leases file.22:07
rblstdugan_, did you find the settings menu?22:07
DasEianubis: UUID=BEEE36D0EE368127 /windows        ntfs   auto,user22:07
blainacidchild sudo cp source destination22:07
acidcrash_stop that moron22:07
blainor change permissions22:07
rblstdugan_, System->Settings22:07
anubisDasEi,  ok let me try22:08
t0nic[w]thank you DasEi22:08
DasEianubis: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab22:08
dugan_<rblst, there's not.22:08
ralliaswhat is the command line command to connect to an ethernet network?22:08
stercorI'm using x3270 on localhost, port 3270.  It's refusing the connection to this port.  How to fix this?22:08
genuxlo all.. was wondering about trying to figure out how to get a bug though triage !!.22:08
DasEianubis: alter line save, close gedit, say when done22:08
genuxwhen I goto this webpage.. it works fine for me .22:08
blainrallias ifconfig eth0 IP netmask MASK22:09
genuxis there anything to ask ?22:09
jagadishi had a problem while installing ubuntu10.04 it did not give me the usuall install screen instead it popped a error saying "There's a unrecovrable error and its starting gui mode to try again" does anyone know what it was22:09
acidcrash_bunch of geeks eww22:09
anubisDasEi,  will do hold up22:09
blainjagadish nop check the logs22:09
DasEijagadish: did you verify the medium ?22:09
acrousey1jagadish, I'm having the same kind of problem. It's something to do with the packages22:09
jagadishhow do i verify that the meduim is clean...22:10
anubisDasEi, done mate :D22:10
blainoh a Marine_ from the US Marine Corps22:10
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:10
DasEianubis: (back in trml) :  cd22:11
DasEianubis: umount /dev/sda122:11
ralliaswhat is the command to connect via ethernet to a dhcp network?22:11
DasEianubis: *sudo umount /dev/sda122:11
DasEianubis: sudo mount -a22:11
Dr_Willisrallias:  dhclient I think.22:11
Jordan_Urallias: sudo dhclient eth0.22:11
DasEianubis: errors ?22:11
anubisdone no errors22:11
anubisDasEi, no errors22:11
DasEinow try again via places > filesys > /windows22:12
stercorHow do I 'open up' port 3270 for localhost?22:12
anubisDasEi,  hold up mount .. didnt do that22:12
jagadishcan i paste my md5Sum here...???22:12
blainSeasnake4 sssssssssssss.... ---<22:13
guntbertjagadish: not useful - just compare it with those on the website22:13
DasEistercor : how do you run your firewall ?22:13
anubisDasEi,  i got erros let me pastebin them22:13
stercorI don't know.  iptables?  I'll check.22:13
DasEianubis : yess22:13
guntbertjagadish: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes22:13
cryptkso, I need glibc 2.5 on ubuntu to satisfy a requirement for some code compilation... what is the easiest way to do this?22:14
anubisDasEi,  the pastebininit didnt work :P shame thats an awesome tool btw22:14
macanud0alguem do brasil?22:14
irulemexico :P22:14
xanguamacanud0: looking for ubuntu support¿22:14
DasEistercor : sudo ufw enable && sudo ufw allow 327022:14
jagadishguntbert, thanks i'll sure do22:14
stercorDasEi: Yep.  Iptables.22:15
DasEirallias: ggot an answer for dhcp ?22:15
guntbertjagadish: :)22:15
Jordan_U!pt | macanud022:15
ubottumacanud0: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:15
macanud0xangua: nops... thanks22:15
stercorDasEi: Is there a handy-dandy GUI for iptables maintenance?22:15
Jordan_Ustercor: GUFW22:15
DasEistercor: few, look at firestarter or guarddog or...22:16
DasEi!firewall | stercor22:16
ubottustercor: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.22:16
anubisDasEi,  internet beeind deeead slow for some reason22:16
stercorDasEi: k. thanks! brb, if it doesn't work. :(22:16
blue_annais there an alarm application bundled with ubuntu?22:17
anubisDasEi, http://pastebin.ca/1899326 :D22:17
bazhangblue_anna, alarm-clock , alarm-clock-applet22:18
blainblue_anna kalarm22:18
K1nghow to share internet?22:18
DasEianubis: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab22:18
bazhang!ics | K1ng22:18
ubottuK1ng: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php22:18
rage1a-work-cat: it's not an app, but check out http://web2.0calc.com22:18
rage1a-work-cat: disregard that :P22:19
anubisDasEi, http://pastebin.ca/189932922:19
a-work-catdisregarded ;p22:19
rage1With ATI drivers, is it possible to do fixed aspect-ratio scaling for non-widescreen resolutions?22:19
anubisDasEi,  got my new fstab22:19
DasEianubis:http://pastebin.com/sRai8jXM         <<<<<delete line 3822:19
stercorDasEi: How about Webmin?22:19
rblstis there a GUI for managing services in karmic and lucid?22:19
DasEistercor: is a frontend for remote access, no iptables gui22:19
Jordan_U!boot | rblst22:20
ubotturblst: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:20
stercorDasEi: Oh.22:20
DasEirblst: which service ?22:20
guntbert!info startupmanager | rblst DasEi22:20
ubotturblst: startupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub, Usplash and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.13-4ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 114 kB, installed size 1360 kB22:20
rblstguntbert, startupmanager does not have services22:21
guntbertrblst: then I made an error - sorry22:21
squarebracketis there something going on with packages.ubuntu.com ?22:21
DasEianubis: then again save,close,be done22:21
cablopi got a stupid error in lucid, i installed it, i had no extra visual effects enabled, i went to a pure tty console, and when i came back to the gui the menus are gone22:21
skyredinit 122:22
cablopwhat can i do or check?22:22
guntbertrblst: then it is bum, like DasEi said22:22
ExcurionI need to calibrate my touchscreen to make up for the difference caused by my second monitor. Does anyone know how to calibrate a monitor that uses the evdev driver22:22
rblstguntbert, that's the one, thanks22:22
anubisDasEi, sw              0       0 this line yeah?22:22
DasEianubis: right .. and ..22:22
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gfatherhello guys22:23
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DasEianubis: UUID=ff45eb26-0d02-444a-b28e-d39cfb13528c none            swap  sw 0 0        << one line22:23
gfatherwhen i do hg clone http://linuxtv.org/hg/v4l-dvb22:23
gfatheri get hg22:23
gfatheri get hg22:24
anubisDasEi, ahh man sorry for beeing so dumb let me try:P22:24
Marko1111i have a 1024x768 screen and it reduced to 800x600 on BackTrack4. Is there a way to get my original resolution back?22:24
gfathererr, i get hg: command not found22:24
zertyi need your help, how to use kbuild  ?22:24
DasEianubis : just hit enter there accidentally, didn't see in first, too22:24
bazhangMarko1111, #backtrack-linux for bt422:24
jagadisherror code 0X73/0X8022:24
jagadishwhat does that mean22:25
zertyi need your help, how to use kbuild  ?22:25
kholzerMy monitor goes to sleep and doesn't wake up.  What can I do to fix this?  Fresh 10.04 install.22:26
kholzerI can SSH into the box.22:26
gfatherguys i get hg: command not found , any idea ?22:26
anubisDasEi, http://pastebin.ca/1899337 :D22:27
cablopcan somebody help me with my issue?22:27
Excurion!ask | cablop22:27
ubottucablop: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:27
iceboxx_12can anyone help me regarding error code 0X73/0X8022:27
cablopExcurion, if you realize i asked before22:27
Excurioniceboxx_12: give us a context, what did you do when it occured22:27
cablopbut well i'll ask again22:27
Excurioncablop: that doesn't mean you should ask to ask22:27
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cablopi was in the GUI, then moved to a pure tty via ctrl+alt+f1, then switched backl to gui with ctrl+alt+f7, but my gui has no menus and not responding to some commands, what can i do?22:28
acrousey1ok, i'm trying "apt-get install" to fix all of my broken packages so that I can finally upgrade to 10.04. I was thinking that it would automatically correct/"fix" the broken packages, but it's not working. Instead it keeps saying "Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall"22:28
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zertyi need your help, how to use kbuild  ?22:29
acrousey1my bad, "apt-get -f install"22:29
DasEianubis: now swap is completly miising and you got the same line break for sda1 , second, I'll paste a whole fstab in few minutes22:29
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jagadishcan anyone help me regarding error code 0X73/0X8022:29
anubisDasEi, lol Dude thanks a mil ..again sorry for beeing a total retard .. I should get some sleep22:29
Excurionjagadish: could you give us a context, what were you doing when this error occured22:30
hiexpojagadish,  we have no clue what that code is be more specific please22:30
jagadishi was installing ubuntu10.04 with nvidia 6200A agp card22:31
NateTutIs anyone available to help me with some problems with my services not starting up in Lucid?22:31
Marko1111why can i send to the #backtrack channel?22:31
Excurionjagadish: what were you doing at the exact moment the error occured22:31
Excurionwhat was happening at that exact moment22:31
bazhangMarko1111, registration needed? and its #backtrack-linux , not #backtrack22:32
hiexpo!bactrack | MaRk-I22:32
zertyhow to make a cross compile ?22:32
bazhang!register | Marko111122:32
ubottuMarko1111: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:32
cablophow can i check if my ubuntu support compiz? what is the command for it?22:32
bazhangMarko1111, /join #freenode for help with that22:32
jagadishi was installing ubuntu10.04 with nvidia 6200A agp card22:32
Marko1111so much help22:32
Excurionjagadish: we need more information than just that22:33
hiexpoMarko1111,  you need to identify yourself   go back into freenode and type /msg nickserv identify nick password22:33
NateTutI need help in tracking down a startup problem in LUCID.22:34
rblstcablop, ubuntu has compiz, the question is whether it works with your machine or not22:34
jagadishExcurion, that error pops up when i boot my computer with my APG card as a primary display22:34
cablopit worked, i was running another install, now it seems it's not able to enable the visual effects anymore22:34
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jagadishExcurion, that error pops up when i boot my computer with my APG card as a primary display22:35
hiexpodid youget that Marko111122:35
Marko1111im working on it22:36
jagadishExcurion, i cant seem to use ubuntu with my nvidia card... it works well with onboard one but as soon as i switch it pops that error22:36
zertyis there anyon ehere ?22:36
zertyhow to make package for  ubuntu ?22:36
zertyfrom windows ?22:36
DasEianubis : http://pastebin.com/XFER1eee22:36
TazzypillarI think you use checkinstall for -oh22:36
kholzerzerty: what are you trying to do?22:36
Excurionjagadish: this is afresh install you're trying or>?22:36
zertyi need package for ubuntu22:36
jagadishExcurion, yes that was a fresh install..22:37
kholzerzerty: you need to make a .deb?  your own software or what?22:37
Excurionhave you tried booting in the safe modus?22:37
rblstzerty, if you want to run a windows application, try wine in ubuntu22:37
zertyno i can't able to compile package with the actual kernel on remote host22:37
hiexpoMarko1111,  /msg nickserv identify your nick your password easy22:37
jagadishExcurion, the cd wont even get anywere near the instalation screen...22:37
anubisDasEi, cool man let me try it , i'll get back to you22:38
kholzerzerty: you aren't being very clear.22:38
zertyso want to build package from my windows pc and then to transfer to my server22:38
acrousey1ok, i'm trying "apt-get -f install" to fix all of my broken packages so that I can finally upgrade to 10.04. I was thinking that it would automatically correct/"fix" the broken packages, but it's not working. Instead it keeps saying "Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall". And it also said somewhere that I should check if mountall is currently being used by something else. How do I check for that so I can stop22:38
kholzerzerty: in the too hard category; why can't your server build it?22:38
Excurionjagadish: then install using the standard onboard graphics card, and afterwards install the nvidia drivers22:38
kholzerzerty: or can you get a binary?22:38
zertybe it gots a custom kernel22:38
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kholzerzerty: so what, gcc will still run under custom kernels...22:39
jagadishExcurion, i try'd that but the same thing happens...22:39
rblstzerty, what package is it?22:39
jagadishExcurion, is there a way to enable effects using my onboard card22:39
Excurionjagadish: so it still happens after installing nvidia drivers?22:39
zertyasterisk package22:39
jagadishExcurion, yeah22:39
Excurionjagadish: what nvidia card are we talkinga about? does it work under windows?22:39
hiexpomany have problems doing an upgrade best way to perform this act of congress is to back up all your files and do a fresh install otherwise your are looking at a train wreck almost guaranteed22:40
jagadishExcurion, it doesn't boot22:40
Excurionjagadish: what nvidia card are we talking about, and does it work under windows22:40
rblstzerty, and can you not install it from the repository?22:40
kholzerzerty: doesn't make sense why you can't just use the package manager to install it; your server is an x86 box, right?22:40
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zertythe repository don't have that package22:41
jagadishExcurion, yeah it does under windows i've been using nvidia 6200A Agp... since a very long time on windows22:41
zertyx86 cor'rect22:41
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kholzerzerty: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AsteriskOnUbuntu22:41
hiexpozerty,  what package u looking 4?22:41
stercorDasEi: I tried sudo nmap localhost. nmap issued this message: Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -Pn22:41
DasEijagadish: you canuse some slight effects with it, how much ram installed ?22:42
anubisDasEi,  DUDE You Absolute LEGEND ... No errors!! :D:D22:42
hiexpoman nmap22:42
jagadishDasEi, i have 750mb22:42
DasEianubis: basics.. nice then22:42
stercorDasEi: I opened up the port with firestarter.22:42
anubisDasEi = my new hero :)22:42
Excurionjagadish: could you try turning off the onboard card through your bios22:42
anubisDasEi, thx a lot have a plesent Day22:43
DasEijagadish: enough, but you set in bios how much ram will be used by card, 128 I'd recommend .. slowing your system !!22:43
kholzerMy monitor goes to sleep and doesn't wake up.  What can I do to fix this?  Fresh 10.04 install; I can SSH into the box.22:43
Excurionjagadish: it seems that that specific card has a bug that gets the motherboard confused when there is an onboard card22:43
anubisLaters people . PEACE :D22:43
zuswhats up with these keybindings not working,? super s should select a window  NOT OPEN THE DAM LOG OUT OPTION! and super m should open a magnafier NOT THE MEMENU! how can i change this??????22:43
zertyi really need a solution22:43
zertyfor my problem22:43
DasEistercor: use shields up to check for open ports , or use a proxie for nmap22:43
hiexpokholzer,  power managementturn itoff22:43
bazhangzerty, install asterisk from repos22:44
zertysince one month i got this problem22:44
Jordan_Ujagadish: Add nomodeset to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub, then run "sudo update-grub" then try booting with the Nvidia card.22:44
jagadishExcurion, oh... that's bad ... so how do i turn off the onboard card completly...22:44
bazhang!info asterisk | zerty22:44
zertyrepos not have source22:44
ubottuzerty: asterisk (source: asterisk): Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (lucid), package size 3432 kB, installed size 9620 kB22:44
zertyi got custom repos22:44
Excurionjagadish: there might be an option in the bios to do so22:44
bazhangzerty, sure they do, and a package22:44
zertywhere it can't find sure22:44
zertywhere it can't find source22:44
kholzerhiexpo: altogether?  I'd like to have my monitor turn off and on if possible.22:44
bazhangzerty, are you running ubuntu?22:44
DasEiExcurion: I run one them my own, it is possible with it, nvidia propitary installed22:44
kholzerhiexpo: (rather, turn off and on automatically)22:44
jagadishJordan_U, can i copy paste that in the terminal22:45
ExcurionDasEi: from what I read it's not when the onboard video chip uses agp as well22:45
Jordan_Ujagadish: Try what Excurion suggests first.22:45
hiexpokholzer,  ok don't  know how to do that sorry just keep asking22:45
DasEiExcurion: pcie board here22:45
bazhangzerty, asterisk IS in the repos22:45
jagadishyeah i am doing so22:45
kholzerhiexpo: thanks anyhow22:45
hiexpokholzer,  np22:46
rblstzerty, in terminal type: sudo apt-get install asterisk22:46
zertysimply i don't want to install from source22:46
zertyi want to compile myself22:46
bazhangzerty, then do so22:47
stercorDasEi: 'shields up?'  Where?22:47
kholzerzerty: just make it from scratch.  no need to make a package....22:47
bazhang!compile > zerty22:47
ubottuzerty, please see my private message22:47
jagadishi have a setting in bios which says "Primary Diaplay : " if i change that to Pci will it disable the onboard one completly...22:47
zusi sit and change all the settings  they work once and now theyre all broke again?!22:47
zertywhat i want to know22:47
stercorDasEi: I opened up port 3270 to 'anyone' in Firestarter.22:48
jagadishor do i have to check some jumper ..??22:48
kantlivelonghey all.. anyone here use nm-openvpn?22:48
DasEistercor: www.grc.com/22:48
stercorMy machine is AND
zertyhow to compile a package from a seperate kernel ?22:48
kholzerzerty: just compile it on the box you will run it on.22:48
zertybecause i got a custom kernel on my system22:48
hiexpostercor,  why u give up your ip and mac addlike that22:49
kholzerzerty: it won't hurt anything if you compile on that box...it shouldn' otherwise either...22:49
zertyok tell me what to do ?22:50
eppwhat is a good media server if i wanted to listen to my music from home at work?22:50
zertyi still can't compile a package22:50
zertyppl says because of my kernel22:50
kholzerzerty: http://www.ctunion.com/node/10622:50
zertyi still can't understand how to download an official kernel22:51
zusis anyone using ccsm and group windows ? how did you get past the keybindings  fromg getting screwed up?22:51
zertysomewhere on the disk22:51
zertyand compile from it22:51
bazhangzerty, this has nothing to do with ubuntu support22:51
zertywhat are the step to do to do such of things ?22:51
bazhangzerty, you have a custom kernel and wish to compile; please read the documentation22:51
macozerty: official kernels are installed as precompiled binaries22:51
zertyit is part of ubuntu support22:51
kholzerMy monitor goes to sleep and doesn't wake up.  What can I do to fix this?  Fresh 10.04 install; I can SSH into the box.  Anybody???22:52
bazhangzerty, no it's not22:52
macozerty: custom kernels are not supported here22:52
zertyit is22:52
zertybecause me want the official22:52
bazhangzerty, please stop asking22:52
macozerty: then all you do is install linux-image-generic22:52
zertymy system got a customize on e22:52
macozerty: its installed by default22:52
bazhangzerty, right. and this is not supported. as you have been told numerous times22:52
* kholzer really wants to tell zerty to RTFM...22:53
zertywho are you bazhang ?22:53
DasEizerty: from your questions I suggest you first try to get some experience by doing a local compile on non-productinal environment, so lern to check if your special-kernel lacks any support for it, else you install kernels by apt22:53
macokholzer: rtfm is not allowed here, thanks22:53
bazhangkholzer, please, that is not needed nor appropriate22:53
* kholzer didn't do it...just expressed desire to ;[22:53
DasEizerty: to come to this, virtual machines are nice, as you can break and restore them as you like22:54
zertyvirtual machine ?22:54
DasEizerty: I wouldn't tell you how to do that remote in a grade like this22:54
hiexpo!vm | zerty22:54
ubottuzerty: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications22:54
zertyvmware is it free ?22:55
kholzerzerty: no.22:55
iruleonly the player22:55
kholzerzerty: as in beer, the player is.22:55
DasEizerty: you can set up a simulated pc on your box, and in there do all efforts to compromise it22:55
stercorDasEi: ShieldsUp accesses the port from the Internet. Port 3270 is listed as22:56
aguitel_how hide splash in boot and shutdown process ?22:56
hiexpoIdleOne,  - word up22:56
stercorDasEi: I just need it for localhost.22:57
zertyi can't find vmware on source22:57
DasEizerty: virtualbox is common and intuitive22:57
eppzerty: you might want to try SUSE, they have XEN preinstalled on there newest dist. go ask them.22:57
dugger5688zerty: it would be better to use virtualbox22:57
^TERMINOLOGY^I have a quick ? what can i do if a certin .mp4 doesnt play in totem22:57
ShapeShifter499I forget whats the command to bring up system messages22:57
DasEiaguitel_: /etc/default/grub22:57
DasEiaguitel_: "spalsh"  to "", save file (as root), then sudo update-grub22:58
DasEiShapeShifter499: dmesg22:58
DasEiShapeShifter499: dmesg  | tail   for the last lines22:58
zertyyou mean this one xen-hypervisor-3.322:58
aguitel_DasEi, need to edit ?22:58
DasEiaguitel_: yes22:58
zertyvirtualbox i have allready test it before don't work welll22:58
aguitel_DasEi, what i need to change please?22:59
eppzerty: yes, but i hear its VERY hard to config. but SUSE has it preinstalled23:00
zertyplz i don't want to change os23:00
zertyi prefer ubuntu for ever23:00
DasEiaguitel_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/default/grub23:01
^TERMINOLOGY^zerty: ubuntu is awesome23:01
zertyi got bad experience with centos23:01
eppzerty: thats because its not as user friendly.23:01
Jordan_UI have two ssh windows connection to the same screen session, but for some reason only one the text I type in the second window).23:01
DasEizerty: I'm using vbox since four ubu distros- pain is seldom here withit23:02
aguitel_DasEi, http://pastebin.com/F88r9VKz23:02
zusdoes anyone know how to change the keys for the memenu i want my super M to be the magnafier again, and super s to select windows for grouping,........23:02
* zus oughta chane his name to "frustrated again" hahahaha23:02
cmcanultyI've looked everywhere, where is the channel topic?23:02
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:03
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:03
DasEiaguitel_: for splash : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"   to  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""23:03
hiexpono os is bad all os have a specific destiny every os  has a reason but they are all linux / if you are haveing problems the best thing to do is learn linux first23:03
aguitel_DasEi, ok i try23:03
DasEiaguitel_: also want visible timeout (for pressing shift) ?23:03
j_squidyhow well does ScummVM work on linux?23:04
hiexposcumm vm never heard of it23:04
Spondodgeim gonna try it now23:05
aguitel_DasEi, yes23:05
aeon-ltdabout vms though, unless you already use qt apps i would not use virtualbox 'cause of the extra bloat23:05
j_squidySpondodge, got anything to run on it?23:06
trismj_squidy: it works fine, at least for Day of the Tentacle, which is the only game I play in it anyway23:06
DasEiaguitel_:GRUB_TIMEOUT=5       ,5sec delay at boot shall be enough23:06
Spondodgetrism: do you just dump the pc files for day of tenticle in a folder then point scumm at it?23:07
j_squidytrism, ty23:07
trismSpondodge: yes23:07
Spondodgej_squidy: not yet23:07
Spondodgetrism: cool23:07
cablopmy ubuntu doesn't enable my sound, but it used to detect it23:07
rafaelloI need help with cleaning out the unistall files for wine23:07
DasEiaguitel_:after changing save the file and do a : sudo update-grub23:07
TannHow would I go about installing intel graphics acceleration on ubuntu-server?23:08
aeon-ltdcablop: please explain more23:08
T3CHKOMMIETann, ubuntu server has no GUI, why install graphics accellorator?23:09
j_squidyspondodge: should download by morning 5hrs23:09
PraticleHello there, I'm having a spot of bother in regards to my computer freezing every time I login. Is there anyone here who might be able to help me out?23:09
Excurion!ask | Praticle23:10
ubottuPraticle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:10
aeon-ltdcablop: what happened prior23:10
Spondodgej_squidy: cool, well i just found a site called abandonware gonna see what lucas arts games they have.. old ones23:10
TannT3CHKOMMIE, because I needed a basic system to build off of. I am using it to launch a single application and nothing more.23:10
Tannhowever I need the intel drivers for it to run smoothly23:10
DasEiPraticle: we can try..23:10
PraticleWhat do you need to know?23:10
j_squidySpondodge, will look23:10
DasEiPraticle: open a terminal..23:11
Praticlebtw I'm on the computer in safe-graphics mode (thats the onle way it doesn't freeze)23:11
DasEiPraticle: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:11
T3CHKOMMIETann, i have wasted many hours trying to get a GUI to work on ubuntu server. i havnt had any luck yet. just have to get used to the CLI23:11
=== hebz0rl_ is now known as hebz0rl
DasEiPraticle:which distro are you running ?23:11
PraticleK I ran the command23:12
Praticlesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:12
DasEiPraticle: no eeros ?23:12
aeon-ltdT3CHKOMMIE: checklist, do you have X, have you got correct drivers, generated a xinitrc?, got a wm?23:12
TannT3CHKOMMIE, if what I would like to do was possible from the terminal, I would have gone that route in the first place23:12
DasEiPraticle: sudo apt-get install pastebinit23:12
cablopaeon-ltd: i had an ubuntu inside a vbox and it worked as it came, slow, but worked, then i installed the vbox additions, it continued to work normally, then i updated the packages,. that updated the kernel and related stuff, then i reinstalled the kernel, and i got no compiz and no sound, i can live with no copiz, but no sound is weird, cause it had sound! i did a nother thing i removed gdm...23:12
cablop...and installed again23:12
DasEiPraticle: pastebinit /var/log/syslog23:12
dugger5688Tann: You should be able to install ubuntu-desktop23:12
rafaelloI installed microsoft office on wine which upgraded my earlier version of office, when I went to the unistall wine programs, a bunch of office programs go put in and I cant uninstall is there a way to delete programs in wine so that you can reinstall them fresh?23:12
DasEiPraticle: dmesg | pastebinit23:13
aeon-ltdcablop: can you use terminal?, if so go to a term and type alsamixer23:13
Tanndugger5688, if I wanted everything that came with ubuntu-desktop, I wouldn't have used the server edition23:13
Oercablob did you update guest aditions ?23:13
cablopaeon-ltd: let me try :)23:13
dugger5688Tann: So you JUST want the intel drivers?23:14
jagadishhello does Setting my primary display to PCI completly disable the onboard card23:14
ExcurionI need to calibrate my touchscreen which uses evdev. Does anyone know of a tool, or a way to calibrate my touchscreen? I have a dual monitor set up, so it is needed to make up for the shift23:14
aeon-ltdOer: you using irssi?, helpful tip tab completion kills spellcheckers23:14
T3CHKOMMIETann, I had a JAR GUI runnig with x11 through ssh, but everytime i logged out, the program closed. thats as far as i got.23:14
jagadishExcurion, does Setting my primary display to PCI completly disable the onboard card23:14
TannT3CHKOMMIE, I have everything going great except I need hardware acceleration.23:15
Excurionjagadish: I have my own problem to worry about right now23:15
cablopaeon it cannot find alsamizer23:15
cablopaeon-ltd: it cannot find alsamizer23:16
T3CHKOMMIETann, did you say it was an intell gpu?23:16
jagadishExcurion, hehehe.. carry on..23:16
T3CHKOMMIEintegrated or dedicated? whats the model number?23:16
aeon-ltdcablop: alsamixer23:16
jagadishJordan_U, ...23:16
DasEiPraticle: dmesg ?23:16
cablopaeon-ltd: it says cannot open mixer: No such file or directory23:17
aeon-ltdcablop: you need to reinstall alsa then23:17
jagadishJordan_U, you there23:17
DasEiPraticle: syslog looks convienent, part from a segfault in evolution, maybe fw blocking it ?23:17
cablopaeon-ltd: sudo aptitude install alsa?23:17
aeon-ltdcablop: it should find it yeah23:18
DasEiPraticle: another check, enough spaceon hd ? df -h tells you23:18
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Guest78835OAFIID:GNOME_Cardapio <--- any suggestions?23:18
Jordan_Ujagadish: Yes, but I don't know the answer to your question.23:18
T3CHKOMMIETann, out of curiosity, what are you running on a server that needs graphic accelloration?23:18
PraticleDasEi: I have like 400 gig free23:18
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=== draco_ is now known as draco__
Jordan_UT3CHKOMMIE: You don't use compiz on all your servers?23:19
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draco__Why would you need compiz on a server?23:19
Jordan_Udraco__: I was joking.23:19
askhaderdraco__: x-fowarding?23:19
jagadishJordan_U, can i use anything else to see some fire on my moniter... !!! hehehe23:19
draco__Jordan_U, ah ok23:20
GryllidaHello. A windows user has shared a directory with 'everyone: full control' permissions. I'm on Linux and can read and edit existing files fine, but when I create new files, they have read/write access only for this linux user. Is there a way I can configure the files I make to have read/write access inherited from the directory I'm making them in?23:20
thune3Tann: i'm not sure i understand, if you have installed xorg, it should have pulled in the video drivers.23:20
aeon-ltddraco__: crappy 3d cubes that "increase" productivity23:20
T3CHKOMMIETann, ahhhhhh, hm i have only run that on a Xbox, what kinda card do yo uhave? usually the intell gpus suck with linux, but i have seen some drivers for them.23:20
GryllidaGuest12771: yes?23:20
draco__askhader: x-forwarding? that sounds nifty.23:20
TannT3CHKOMMIE, well I think I've got something. the xorg package itself never actually installed?23:20
DasEiPraticle: which graphics ?23:21
Tannnope, didn't work23:21
draco__aeon-ltd: hey, it's kind of like an expo that shows more in way :)23:21
T3CHKOMMIETann, are you using this server as a back end or front end for xbmc?23:21
dugger5688Tann: You're trying to install xbmc... on a server. It'd be much better to install desktop and remove what you don't want. Or install the xbmc project's own LiveCD and then do an install?23:21
PraticleDasEi: Ati HD 5470? I had everything up and running for about a month and then one day it started freezing up. It was after an update I think23:21
Tannfrontend, T3CHKOMMIE23:21
cablopaeon-ltd: ok, i'll give it a shot and be back either success or fail, hehe23:21
cablopaeon-ltd: thanks23:22
aeon-ltdcablop: did it install fine?23:22
T3CHKOMMIETann, im going to have to agree with dugger5688, i think it would work better using the desktop ubuntu, whats your hardware like?23:22
DasEiPraticle: I'm not too good on ati-knowledge, hints when this occurs again sould come from dmesg | tail23:22
Jordan_Ujagadish: Try editing /etc/default/grub with "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub" and change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash nomodeset". Then save and exit gedit, and run "sudo update-grub".23:23
DasEiPraticle: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:23
T3CHKOMMIETann, that is if you want to keep it as a front end. i have my server running backend smb and stuff all streaming to my xbox running xbmc.23:23
TannT3CHKOMMIE, eh, I'll get it working. I find it easier to work on installing stuff than going through and removing stuff23:23
bblzIs there a way to bring Empathy (the contact list) to the front via the Indicator Applet?23:23
dugger5688T3CHKOMMIE: You can actually start xbmc as the default session, and forgo all the gnome overhead very easily. So again... I agree.23:23
Jordan_Ujagadish: Hopefully then you'll be able to switch to the nvidia card without X crashing, then install the nvidia drivers with System > Administration > Hardware Drivers to get full features and accelleration.23:24
jagadishJordan_U, Thanks A Ton i'll try23:24
Jordan_Ujagadish: You're welcome.23:24
PraticleDasEi: Sorry I ran the dmesg | tail. And I have no idea what it's trying to tell me23:24
jagadishJordan_U, i'm give u the results soon23:25
DasEiPraticle: these are the last system events occured on your box, you should check it right after a freeze23:25
DasEiPraticle: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:25
cablopno alsa package in lucid, do pulse replaced alsa in the end?23:25
DasEiPraticle: another place to look is /var/log/messages23:25
T3CHKOMMIEdugger5688, do you have any experince with the XBMC liveCD?23:26
Jordan_Ucablop: No, pulseaudio uses alsa, it is not intended to (and never will) replace alsa.23:26
PraticleDasEi: Ok, I'll brb. I'm gonna go freeze it and then run that23:27
cablopJordan_U: then i can remove pulseaudio and just keep alsa, isn't it?23:27
Jordan_Ucablop: I don't think it's that simple. What problem are you actually trying to solve?23:27
dugger5688T3CHKOMMIE: None whatsoever, but I think it's ubuntu based. I know alot of people have used it to install on very cheap atom boxes23:28
PraticleDasEi: Sorry, what was the command again23:29
DasEiPraticle: dmesg | tail23:29
purveshgentbert, hi you there ?23:29
* DasEi thinks fastest reboot ever23:29
cablopJordan_U: first, i lost audio after updating the kernel, second i'm running this ubuntu in a vm and i want to strip it to a simplier ubuntu with a simplier gui23:29
T3CHKOMMIEdugger5688, ya, i have some old pc's i wanted to re-purpose as XBMC front ends, i have two old xboxes and i love having all my media in a central location, but i never had the live disk take off, i actually think its knoppix based, or atleast i remember alot of the tools i used for XBMC were knoppix based... you know, for dual-booting that old peice of hardware.23:29
PraticleDasEi: It seems to say the same thing as before... The problem is after it freezes I can't open terminal. I have to ctrl+alt+backspace23:30
Jordan_Ucablop: Why do you think that removing pulseaudio will fix your problem? Have you tried booting into the previous kernel?23:30
DasEiPraticle: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:30
DasEiPraticle: another place to look is /var/log/messages23:30
cablopJordan_U: i don't have the old kernel anymore, but not, i don't want to remove the pulse to solve the sopund issue, just cause i think i don't need it,23:31
cablopi'll remove bluetooth and alike too, cause i don't need them in a vm23:31
Cube``hey, i'm looking for an preferably up-to-date (like 10.04) VERY LIGHT ubuntu version, a minimalistic one, without any applications (besides stuff like network manager, and ofc x and gnome). could you point me to something?23:32
Jordan_Ucablop: I recommend keeping pulseaudio, it's usefull for more than just the bells and whistles.23:33
Jordan_U!minimal | Cube``23:33
ubottuCube``: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:33
Cube``jordthanks a lot23:34
Cube``Jordan_U: but what this pretty much is is the latest 10.04, but in a minimal version wright? this minimal cd gets released every time ubuntu gets released right?23:34
Dr_WillisCube``:  if you install X and gnome.. well you have ubuntu then.. so i im not sure what you are gaining.23:35
Jordan_UCube``: Yes, all Ubuntu versions use the same repositories.23:35
Dr_WillisCube``:   use niormal ubuntu. remove what you dont need.23:36
mdgeorge1Can anyone help me properly configure my wacom tablet?23:36
mdgeorge1it works properly if I reboot after plugging it in, but it doesn't seem to support hotplug23:36
DasEiPraticle: still I see no major error by overflying the logs, it occurs when gdm strs the desktop ?23:37
purveshhow to install mysql on ubuntu 10.04?23:37
cablopJordan_U: well, then i'll just reinstall the alsa23:38
PraticleDasEi: It allows me to login. And I can even open terminal. But as soon as I click on anything (or wait 10 seconds) it freezes23:38
mister-walterI just changed the uid for one of my user accounts from 500 to 501 and now it doesn't appear in the login window.23:38
mister-walterLol I have no idea what I just did23:38
PraticleDasEi: The only thing it allows me to open is terminal and thats only because I have a shortcut on my desktop and after it opens its frozen23:39
mister-walterHow can I login to the account while keeping the changed uid?23:39
* vsk is sleeping now... yeap yeap yeap...23:39
Jordan_Umister-walter: All user accounts in Ubuntu should have uid >= 1000.23:39
Jordan_Umister-walter: I'm not sure how you ended up with a uid of 500 in the first place.23:40
DasEiPraticle: I have no certain idea , might try to reconfigure gdm23:40
mister-walterI was trying to modify some Mac partitions23:40
mister-walterwhich had a UID of 50123:40
PraticleDasEi: Alright, how would I go about that?23:40
HogrinHow can I go about blocking certain hostnames on my bin server?  I believe the term is blackholing.23:40
DasEiPraticle: log out to commandline, stop gdm , reconfigure, start gdm23:41
PraticleDasEi: Alrighty, I'll give it a shot23:41
DasEiPraticle: write the commands down :23:41
Jordan_Umister-walter: Adding your user to a group with gid of 501 will probably get you what you want.23:41
CrayonOfDoomAny way to turn an .iso into an .img usable by PXElinux?  I'm trying to avoid the netboot that downloads files and instead have an entire install img be the boot.23:42
mister-walterLol how do I do that23:42
DasEiPraticle: sudo service gdm stop23:42
Jordan_Umister-walter: Though you'll need to disable journaling if you're trying to write to hfsplus partitions.23:42
mister-walterI don't care about writing23:42
DasEiPraticle: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm23:42
purveshCan some one help me on installation of software on ubuntu23:42
DasEiPraticle: sudo service gdm start23:42
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Hilikushow can i export a certificate used by my school's wifi?23:43
Guest63379i can help you purvish23:43
DasEiPraticle: alt+strg+F2 brings you to cmd-line (and logs you off)23:43
Jordan_UCrayonOfDoom: If you setup a local apt mirror then the netboot CD at least won't need to go out to the internet.23:43
PraticleDasEi: strg? sorry, what's that?23:43
purveshGuest63379, ya tell me23:43
DasEiPraticle: ctrl23:43
PraticleDasEi: ah! ok. Brb, I'll give that a shot23:43
purveshGuest63379, i want to install mysql how to install via terminal23:43
CrayonOfDoomJordan_U: so then it'd still "retrieve" the install files, but from the local apt mirror which can have the strict version requirements I need?23:44
HogrinCan anybody tell me how to block a single hostname with bind?23:44
Guest63379oh Sry i thought u meant install ubuntu23:44
Jordan_UCrayonOfDoom: Yes.23:44
HogrinJust have it resolve to local host, or somesuch?23:44
Guest63379i dont know how purvish23:44
CrayonOfDoomGlorious, I'll do some research on setting one up, thanks.23:44
purveshGuest63379, its ok. and its purvesh. u can reply a Person Directly via personname,23:45
Stamenican anyone help me with this ? /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext ?23:45
Guest63379Purvesh,I don't know how to do that on XChat23:46
Stamenii get that message when i try to "make" python-qt423:46
trismStameni: try installing libxext-dev23:47
Stamenitrism, tnx, i will try23:47
PraticleDasEi: Still the same problem. Another thing I forgot to mention is that when I login I get the error "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet"" I'm not sure if this is relevant but I figured Id mention it23:47
jagadishJordan_U, no use the same error... :( i think i'll use my onboard one for now23:48
DasEiPraticle: you can delete it if you don't need it, but this shouldn't freeze the sys23:48
jagadishJordan_U, hehehe23:48
DasEiPraticle: for now I'm out of ideas..23:49
PraticleDasEi: Ok, Thanks anyway. I've posted on the forums so maybe someone there can help me out. Appreciate the effort!23:49
jagadishJordan_U, Looking on the bright side i still can see some colours LOL23:49
DasEiPraticle: sry for nofurther23:50
erosswhich is less resource-hungry, gdesklets or screenlets?23:50
Dr_Williseross:  try them both. if one dosdent have the applets you want.. well. :) it dosent matter.23:51
jagadishJordan_U, someone was telling me abt compiz.. !!?? what is it23:51
Dr_Williseross:  thers also opera and its widgits and  the google widgits23:51
Dr_Willis!compiz | jagadish23:51
ubottujagadish: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz23:51
hiexpoMarko!compiz | jagadish23:51
hiexposlow lol23:52
LorgonJortleJordan_U: Do a quick YouTube search of 'Compiz Ubuntu' and you'll see very quickly what it is.23:52
a-work-catanyone know what i have to install to get -lg2c?23:52
Stamenitrism, i have been trying to install it for 3 hours now23:52
Jordan_ULorgonJortle: I think you meant that for jagadish :)23:52
Stamenitrism, i hope it will work, i have started make again, hope it`ll work23:52
trismStameni: python-qt4 is in the repo, you don't need to build it, sudo apt-get install python-qt4;23:52
LorgonJortleJordan_U: Sorry 'bout that.23:52
Stamenibut you need to install it manualy23:53
jagadishJordan_U, LorgonJortle, thanks ...23:53
Stamenialong with some other stuff23:53
Stameniand that puthonqt423:53
Stamenito work with python 323:53
Dr_WillisStameni:    try    sudo apt-get build-dep  python-qt423:53
Jordan_ULorgonJortle: np, everyone does it once in a while :023:53
Dr_WillisStameni:  that will install everything that packaghe should need to recompile23:53
hiexpoor install python from snaptic it will insdtall all nec23:54
jagadishtypin compiz into the terminal is that how i start using it..??23:54
StameniDr_Willis i have no problem installing python-qt4, i installed that, but it`s seams that it is not enaugh to work23:55
hiexposudo apt-get install compiz23:55
StameniThere are no modules of pyqt4 in python 3 path23:55
Stamenithats a problem23:55
Max-PHi, I have a problem with my touchpad on my laptop (cursor freezes), any idea?23:55
Dr_WillisStameni:  the build-dep command installs  the needed devloeper packages to compuile somthing.23:56
jagadishCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock23:56
trismStameni: did you capitalize it correctly? the module name is PyQt4 not pyqt423:57
StameniDr_Willis, correct me if i`m wrong... i think that i have done that manually with apt-get install libqt4-devapt-get install libqt4-dev23:57
Stamenitrism, yes i did23:57
Dr_WillisStameni:  build-dep installs a Lot of packages that the others may depend on. Try it and see if it suggests anything.23:57
hiexpomisses the &&23:58
StameniDr_Willis: i`ll try that if this last attempt fails  ( now running in terminal )23:58
Stamenidont want to stop it now23:59

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