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duanedesignmorning all11:28
mkarnickiduanedesign: morning :)11:37
duanedesignmkarnicki: my contacts synced on my pc :)11:40
mkarnickiduanedesign: you mean, from your phone? :)11:41
duanedesignmkarnicki: how is your project coming along?11:53
mkarnickiduanedesign: I'm currently working on the Service. it's a pretty big chunk of code, I have to shuffle around some sources so that11:56
mkarnickiduanedesign: the client work in the background safely, even if the user leaves the Activity11:56
mkarnickiduanedesign: plus, when that's done, up/download should be piece of cake.11:57
duanedesignmkarnicki: nice11:58
mkarnickiduanedesign: I'll let you know when I'm done with that part :)11:59
abhi_navhello duanedesign13:45
ryeabhi_nav, hi13:47
abhi_navrye, hi13:48
duanedesignabhi_nav: welcome back :)14:13
abhi_navduanedesign, hello! so today anyone free to help?14:14
jdobrienabhi_nav, what's up?14:14
duanedesignyep :)14:14
abhi_navduanedesign, so issue is i set up mobile syc. but it gives error that Data transfer not possible. Check data connection.14:15
abhi_navduanedesign, also contacts are not syncd. i added contacts to evolution ubuntu one folder. but they are still not uploaded. :(14:16
duanedesignabhi_nav: you added contacts to evolution or a file in ~/Ubuntu One14:17
abhi_navduanedesign, to evolution14:17
abhi_navbeuno, ping14:18
duanedesignabhi_nav: ok. Contact sync is still disabled14:18
abhi_navduanedesign, :!14:18
duanedesignabhi_nav: i know :\14:18
beunoabhi_nav, hi14:18
abhi_navhi beuno14:18
abhi_navbeuno, mobile syncing problem. you free to talk?14:19
beunoabhi_nav, yes14:19
abhi_navbeuno, it gives error that data transer not possible. check data connection14:19
beunothe evolution issue is because replication is disabled from/to the desktop14:19
beunoabhi_nav, what's your mobile username?14:19
* abhi_nav confused.14:20
abhi_navbeuno, what is mobile user name? ohhh igo tiit wait14:20
duanedesignrye: are you aware of any bug reports about ubuntuone-syncdaemon process running when you open a nautilus window even though Ubuntu One is 'disabled'. disabled == taken off 'startup applications'14:20
abhi_navbeuno, 8963715414:21
ryeduanedesign, i believe that is because syncdaemon needs to handle the case when it is reenabled14:23
ryenautilus plugin requests state of the directory...14:23
beunoabhi_nav, looking through the logs14:23
ryeduanedesign, i believe nautilus plugin should read the config file to see whether it should be doing anything14:23
ryerodrigo_, ^14:23
ryeduanedesign, if syncdaemon is not started then any dbus call will start it14:24
abhi_navbeuno, ok14:24
rodrigo_rye, duanedesign: yes, there's a bug about it14:25
beunoabhi_nav, so, there is no record of your device contacting the server14:25
abhi_navbeuno, yes cant establish connection14:25
beunoabhi_nav, it's an issue with either the configuration on your device14:25
beunoor your internet connection on it14:25
abhi_navbeuno, i can login to internet using opera from my mobile so i dont think its network issue14:26
beunomake sure that you put the correct hostname (http://syncml.one.ubuntu.com/)14:26
abhi_navok wait14:27
abhi_navbeuno, address is correct14:28
beunoabhi_nav, so maybe its trying to use the wrong internet connection?14:28
abhi_navbeuno, means? i only have one internet connection14:29
beunoabhi_nav, I don't know really14:29
beunoeach device and provider have their own crazy set of rules14:30
beunoall I can tell you is that our servers are working14:30
beunoabhi_nav, this is a nokia, right?14:30
abhi_navbeuno, nokia 2700 classic14:30
beunoabhi_nav, and are you using the native syncing or the funambol client?14:31
abhi_navbeuno, funambol as described in the phone settins page14:31
beunoabhi_nav, try using the native sync14:32
abhi_navbeuno, how to do that?14:32
beunoabhi_nav, you probably have a "sync" option somewhere burried14:32
abhi_navbeuno, yes I have and there are only four opitons, phone switch, create backup,resotre backup(which is disable) and data transer14:33
abhi_navbeuno, among that for funamblo i go to data transwer14:33
abhi_navbeuno, under phone switch =synchronise it demansds for devices to conenct e.g. bluetooth etc14:34
beunoabhi_nav, I don't know the specific instructions for each phone14:34
abhi_navbeuno, ok14:35
beunobut you can create a new profile14:35
beunoand punch in the information14:35
beunoand sync from there14:35
abhi_navbeuno, ok. is it possible to tell my mobile to use my computer's internet connection?14:36
beunoabhi_nav, not sure14:43
abhi_navbeuno, ok14:43
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LaserJockis there some setting I can change to make to have Ubuntu One not sync any desktopcouch DBs or would I need to remove Ubuntu One altogether?15:30
ryeLaserJock, you can remove the pairing for desktopcouch so that no attempt will be done to sync it15:33
ryeLaserJock, go to ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html and visit management database15:35
LaserJockrye: ok15:36
ryeLaserJock, you will find two records there, one for local server id and another - replication info for ubuntuone15:37
LaserJockrye: ok15:39
LaserJockrye: so if I just remove those 2 records it should "forget"?15:40
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dnielsena number of my u1ms downloads have been stuck with the message "transferring to your Ubuntu One storage" fir days17:20
beunodnielsen, hi17:21
beunomattgriffin, you around?  ^17:21
mattgriffinbeuno: :)17:21
dnielsenusing the banshee extension on 64bit maverick17:21
mattgriffindnielsen: can you private message me the email address that you use for Ubuntu One so I can check your account?17:22
mattgriffindnielsen: thanks... checking17:22
mattgriffindnielsen: our records show that the songs have been delivered to your ubuntu one cloud storage successfully. can you see the purchased song files at https://one.ubuntu.com/files/ ?17:24
dnielsenyes.. odd17:25
mattgriffindnielsen: hmm... are you seeing other files sync successfully between your desktop and the cloud?17:25
mattgriffindnielsen: the My Downloads page will continue to show the "Transferring..." status until all files are downloaded to your desktop17:26
dnielsenyesand upon checking .ubuntuone/ has the files as well.17:26
mattgriffindnielsen: hmm... but they're not showing up in Rbox?17:27
dnielsenusing banshee, but no, only 2 of the songs from the black album shows up17:27
dnielsenand the rest first flash 0 mbs transferred then transferring from  u1 in the extension17:28
dnielsenthe green day song I bought did correctly dowload and show up in bnashee so I figured it was a u1 fail17:28
mattgriffindnielsen: i noticed the artist's name has an accent. do the tracks that show up in Banshee have accents?17:28
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dnielsenthat incidently is a metadata mistake which 7digital are fixing as we speak17:30
mattgriffindnielsen: ah ok. i'm a little stumped why the other songs are not automatically added to Banshee though17:30
dnielsenyeah, me as well17:30
* mattgriffin fires up banshee17:30
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dnielsengive me a few, dinner time17:31
mattgriffindnielsen: ok17:31
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mattgriffindnielsen: just saw your back message. i think this is a bug with the banshee extension b/c my copy of banshee isn't finding my purchased songs folder in .ubuntuone17:56
mattgriffindnielsen: i'll file a bug against the extension project for the banshee team to investigate17:57
dnielsenmattgriffin, okay I will take that up with Jo then17:57
dnielsenthank you17:57
mattgriffindnielsen: np :)17:57
jcastrodnielsen: if you file a bug please subscribe me to it!17:59
jcastroI just realized I have that problem too17:59
dnielsenjcastro, sure thing, just let me work on this crasher I just had in Banshee and it will be my very next bug18:00
* jcastro nods18:00
mattgriffindnielsen, jcastro: doh... just filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee-community-extensions/+bug/60469918:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 604699 in banshee-community-extensions (Ubuntu) "Music purchased from the Ubuntu One Music Store isn't appearing in music library (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]18:03
jcastromattgriffin: whatever, we'll sort it, heh18:04
dnielsensounds like someone might want to file that upstream as well18:07
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mkarnickiany maintanance?18:54
mkarnickiI/AndroidU1.Main(  305): sending request to Ubuntu One...18:54
mkarnickiE/AndroidU1.Main(  305):18:54
mkarnickiE/AndroidU1.Main(  305): java.net.UnknownHostException: Host is unresolved: one.ubuntu.com:44318:54
mkarnickithis problem just popped, so I don't think its a bug in my code18:54
* mkarnicki does reboot18:58
=== Nick_ is now known as Guest96775
Guest96775Sorry I'm new I thought I put it as Nick19:05
Guest96775Is there anyone who can help with an UbuntuOne Music store issue? More specific I can't view "My Downloads"19:06
mkarnickiworks fine now.19:08
mkarnickisomething must have been wrong with my i-net connection19:08
Niq_I keep getting (There was a (temporary) problem getting your list of purchased songs. Please wait a short time and then try again, or return to the music store.) Can someone help?19:12
dnielsenmattgriffin, still here?19:14
mattgriffindnielsen: about to grab some lunch... what's up?19:15
Niq_Does anyone know about the Music store issue of being unable to view the "My Downloads" error?19:15
dnielsenI think Niq_ has similar issues to mine, if you could spare him a moment I am sure he would be grateful19:15
Niq_Thanks dnielnsen19:16
mattgriffinNiq_: howdy. check to see if the songs have downloaded to your cloud storage at https://one.ubuntu.com/files/19:17
mattgriffinNiq_: are you using Banshee or Rbox?19:17
Niq_Yes they're there I checked a few hours ago, It only fails to show in both Banshee and Rythme19:17
dnielsenNiq_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee-community-extensions/+bug/60469919:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 604699 in banshee-community-extensions (Ubuntu) "Music purchased from the Ubuntu One Music Store does not appear in music library (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New]19:18
mattgriffinNiq_: can you browse to ~/.ubuntuone/ on your computer and see if the purchased songs have synchronized down to your desktop?19:18
Niq_ok one sec let me see19:19
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mattgriffinNiq_: the bug above may explain why the songs are not appearing in Banshee19:19
Niq_Ok I'll read that bug report. I can see the songs in the UbuntuOne folder19:20
Niq_mattgriffin: I've never done or read any bug reports so this will be a learning experience19:20
mattgriffinNiq_: heh :) and it's only Monday!19:21
dnielsenNiq_, then mark the bug as affecting you to, if you want updates on the progress subscribe to the bug19:21
Niq_Umm... ok..I'm going to figure out how to do that. Errr one sec. Thanks so far19:22
dnielsenNiq_, top right corner, login (use your ubuntu one account data here, it is the same.. as I recall) then it is just in front of you19:23
Niq_dnielsen:Ah I see I just reset my password then for no reason. Oh boy this is going to be interesting19:27
Niq_mattgriffin: Ok I'm sorry I'm sure this sounds silly but I am clicking the "subscribe" link on the upper right corner?19:28
dnielsenNiq_, welcome to the wonderful world of open source contribution. Once you subscribe you are officially part of the club19:29
mattgriffinNiq_: yeah. then you'll be automatically informed by email whenever anything new is added or changed on this bug19:29
Niq_dnielsen: ok I have subscribed. Its strange It was working a few day ago and now POOF19:30
dnielsenNiq_, Lauchpad giveth, and launchpad taketh away19:30
mattgriffinNiq_: do your purchased songs show up in Rhythmbox?19:30
Niq_dnielsen: Ha I suppose. My Linux experience has been self sufficient until now. Been able to find fixes through other people's post except this one. No all it give is "There was a (temporary) problem getting your list of purchased songs. Please wait a short time and then try again, or return to the music store."19:31
Niq_mattgriffin: I wonder if its because I reported an accidental purchase through 7digital a few days back : /19:33
mattgriffinNiq_: i doubt it. downloads from 7digital to your ubuntu one cloud are fairly immediate ... and they currently can't be retracted or taken back by 7digital for the scenario you describe.19:35
Niq_Hmm. Curiouser and curiouser. Know if this issue has been resolved for anyone else?19:36
mattgriffinNiq_: i don't have an understanding if your purchased songs have been added to your rhythmbox library. can you check?19:36
mattgriffinNiq_: i reported the banshee bug a few hours ago. it will take either a few days or weeks for the banshee team to fix (since they own that extension). it's up to them to prioritize with their other work.19:38
Niq_mattgriffin: Yes they are in the library but I on my other computer where I just freshly installed Mint, I cant get those purchased songs19:38
Niq_mattgriffin: Sorry I meant to say that on one computer the songs are there but not on my new system19:39
mattgriffinNiq_: automatically downloading purchases from the Ubuntu One Music Store from the cloud to your desktop requires Ubuntu One file sync to function. i don't think it works in Mint... or we haven't developed it explicitly to work with Mint19:42
Niq_mattgriffin: Really? It was working for me and then a few days ago it stopped.19:44
mattgriffinNiq_: hmm... i'm stumped (happens often)19:44
mattgriffinNiq_: does general file sync work on your Mint system? like try making a new text file on your Ubuntu system in the ~/Ubuntu One/ folder, check the website to ensure that it synchronizes to the cloud, and then check your Mint system.19:47
Niq_mattgriffin: I'll give it a whirl19:48
Niq_mattgriffin: yup it properly synced to the cloud19:53
Niq_mattgriffin: I also restarted the ubuntuone in the interface but the My Downloads section in RB & Banshee still doesn't work.19:54
mattgriffinNiq_: on Mint, right?19:54
Niq_mattgriffin: Yes on Mint19:54
mattgriffinNiq_: did the file synchronize down from the cloud to the Mint machine?19:55
Niq_mattgriffin: Yup. I'm looking at the txt file now. I believe that the ability to sync is new. It didn't have it when Mint 9 first came out. Main reason why I stuck to Ubuntu.19:56
mattgriffinNiq_: does Rhythmbox on your Ubuntu machine show correct information/status on the My Downloads page for purchased music?19:58
Niq_mattgriffin: No. My Downloads in Banshee & Rythmbox isn't working in all 3 of my machines. 2 of which is mint and 1 Ubuntu.19:59
* mattgriffin is doing some testing20:05
mattgriffinNiq_: hmm... got download complete when i just did a purchase from the music store in Rhythmbox20:08
mattgriffinNiq_: and the song shows up in my Rhythmbox library20:09
Niq_mattgriffin: Is your purchase showing up in the cloud?20:10
mattgriffinNiq_: yes20:10
mattgriffinNiq_: purchases are first transferred from 7digital to the cloud ... and then downloaded to all of your computers.20:11
mattgriffinNiq_: i'm going to open a bug on this... what you're experiencing is as follows... you are running Ubuntu (which version?). when you make a purchase, the song is downloaded to your cloud and your computer but is not appearing in the Rhythmbox (or Banshee) library. the My Downloads page indicates that there is a transfer in progress. ... is this correct?20:13
Niq_mattgriffin: have Mint 9 & Ubuntu 10.04. The song are in .ubuntuone/ Purchased from Ubuntu One Music Store. However they do not sync with Banshee or RB on any of my systems.20:16
Niq_mattgriffin: I would say the problem may be with UbuntuOne directly and not so much Banshee or RB. I found this thread on Ubuntu forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1476464. I'm the last comment on page 220:20
* mattgriffin reads20:20
dobeyNiq_: are the files actually there, or are they empty? (just wondering)20:34
Niq_dobey: They are there20:37
dobeyNiq_: so you can open and play them with totem for example?20:40
Niq_yup they can be played. They just aren't accessible through the UbuntuOne music store extension in Banshee or RB20:42
dobeyNiq_: if you click on "Music" in rb and search for one, does it show up?20:42
Niq_dobey: Unfortunately no. On my old system the songs were already moved to the library. But I also have a brand new system and since I cant access the cloud anymore, it wont sync to the library.20:45
dobeyNiq_: are you running maverick, or are all these systems of yours on lucid? or are they a mix?20:46
Niq_One system is Lucid and 2 are Mint 9. (Yes Mint 9 is sync-able with UbuntuOne, or at least no it is.)20:47
Niq_dobey: One system is Lucid and 2 are Mint 9. (Yes Mint 9 is sync-able with UbuntuOne, or at least no it is.)20:48
dobeywhat version of ubuntu is mint 9 based on?20:49
Niq_dobey: Lucid.20:49
dobeyNiq_: in RB's preferences, in the Music tab, is "[] Watch my library for new files" checked?20:50
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mattgriffinNiq_: FYI... bug 604767 notes the general issue with purchased songs not appearing the application's library20:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 604767 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "Purchased songs are not added to Banshee and Rhythmbox library (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60476720:58
Niq_dobey: Yes. Still doesn't sync with UbuntuOne though21:02
dobeyNiq_: if the files are on your local machine, it has synced with Ubuntu One. if the files are downloaded, and not appearing in the library, it is a different issue21:03
dobeyNiq_: has there been a kernel update recently?21:03
Niq_dobey: Not sure if there has been but I update my systems everyday. The files are in the cloud however they just aren't accessible through the music players via their music store extensions.21:05
dobeyNiq_: ok, the songs aren't played through the music store interface. they are supposed to be integrated into the player's library when they are downloaded.21:07
mattgriffinNiq_: the music player applications should be watching specific folders on your computer. whenever new files are added to your computer (like downloaded from Ubuntu One), the applications should update their library lists or artists and albums.21:09
dobeyNiq_: could you try to copy one of the new song files over to your normal library location from the ".ubuntuone/Purchased..." folder, and see if it shows up under "Music" in RB?21:10
Niq_dobey: Ok give me one sec21:10
dobeymattgriffin: i think the plug-in for Banshee actually does that bit, and has to inject the file to the library, but in RB it should just work. but the issues are sounding like it might be an issue with inotify21:11
dobeymattgriffin: which also makes me wonder what filesystem all the users having problems with this, are using :)21:12
Niq_dobey: Yes the file was able to be "injected"21:14
Niq_dobey: Its a good short term solution but I would have to download each file from the cloud and then transfer to Banshee/RB21:15
dobeyNiq_: what does "gconftool-2 -g /apps/rhythmbox/library_locations" spit out for you?21:16
dobeyNiq_: why would you have to download them again if they're already on your system, as you said they are?21:16
Niq_dobey: I did it again just to see if they could be extracted but yes they are already there to begin with. I made a duplicate.21:17
Niq_dobey: gconftool-2 -g /apps/rhythmbox/library_locations [file:///home/nick/Music,file:///home/nick/.local/share/ubuntuone/Purchased%20from%20Ubuntu%20One]21:18
dobeyok, hrmm21:18
Niq_dobey: Something tells me this probably won't be fixable through my end huh?21:26
dobeyNiq_: not sure. i can't really tell what's going wrong, from the info so far :(21:29
Niq_dobey: Since this is the case on all 3 of my systems ( one Ubuntu 10.04 & two Mint 9) would it be perhaps an issue with Ubuntu One/Music store itself?21:31
dobeycould be21:32
dobeyNiq_: do you have a "~/.local/share/ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One" folder?21:39
pak33mhey all :)21:41
pak33manybody know if theres a way to manually update the purchased music from the ubuntone music store?21:42
pak33mi did a preorder and the download is available as of today. ive got the album on other machines except for the one im on now. that totals 3 machines.21:43
pak33mthe machine im on now wont update purchased music.21:44
ryepak33m, what is the status in ubuntuone preferences dialog?21:44
dobeyoh, that is at least a different issue21:46
pak33mrye: it says disconnected. however, i see a total used, my account info, etc.21:46
pak33mrye: and this machine is one of the devices listed.21:48
dobeyi should have taken the libert of making that say 'offline' instead21:48
dobeydobey: click the "connect" button under the devices tab21:48
dobeynow i'm talking to myself21:48
dobeypak33m: click the connect button under the devices tab :)21:49
pak33mdobey: there is no connect button under devices but there is a restart button under the machine im connected on.21:50
pak33mdobey: and i havent clicked on it yet :)21:50
dobeypak33m: there should be two buttons, one for connect/disconnect, and one for restart. i guess perhaps clicking restart might be a viable option now though :)21:50
pak33mdobey: oh wait the connect button is grayed out like its been selected21:51
pak33mdobey: aha, the restart button is doing something...syncronizing21:51
pak33mdobey: now back to disconnected21:51
Niq_dobey: sorry I stepped away for a sec. Yes I do have that file21:53
dobeyNiq_: are your music files in that folder?21:53
Niq_dobey: the ones I purchased yes.21:53
dobeypak33m: ah, looks like it is having a problem connecting to the server them. i wonder what the logs say (~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log)21:54
dobeyNiq_: weird. it should show up in the rbox library then21:54
pak33mdobey: jusrt about to ask where that log is :)21:55
pak33mdobey: 2010-07-12 16:47:41,611 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - ERROR - The request 'oauth_authenticate' failed with the error:21:56
dobeypak33m: did you happen to remove the oauth token for the machine you're currently on, via the web or preferences dialog on another machine?21:57
pak33mdobey: how would i do that?21:57
pak33mdobey: i havent touched any settings for as long as i can remember21:59
dobeyi'm not asking you to do it, i'm asking if you have done it already :)22:00
Niq_dobey:  ok just check and the songs ARE in the RB library but not in Banshee22:00
pak33mdobey: hehe, i understand i was just answering in the form of a question because i wouldnt know where to go to do that22:01
pak33mdobey:  should i remove the device and try authenticating again?22:01
dobeyso banshee works a little bit differently22:01
dobeynot sure why it would be having the issue though22:01
dobeypak33m: no, it probably won't help22:02
Niq_dobey:  but just for the record, still nothing is happening in the "My Downloads" section either22:02
dobeyNiq_: that very well could be a server issue. not sure22:04
dobeyNiq_: but afaict, that just seems to be a display issue with that page, and you are still getting your music downloaded, no?22:05
Niq_I won't know 100% until I purchase another song I guess but I do have access via RB to all the music I already purchased22:06
dobeyi guess you could try one of the free songs on there, to test it22:09
Niq_dobey: Ok I figured out a rough fix around.22:10
dobeyfor banshee?22:10
Niq_dobey: In banshee go to Media > Import Media > Local Folders Choose > "your user name" >.local> shared > ubuntu on. Highlight that folder and click "Import" Make sure that you have enabled view hidden files22:12
Niq_SOLVED!!! Sort of...22:14
dobeyyeah that will get stuff imported, but i was trying to understand what the problem was exactly :)22:15
dobeyof course, i thought it was broken in rb too, but if it's just banshee, i'm a little less worried about it :)22:15
Niq_dobey: I didn't realize that in RB it fetches the files automatically from that folder but in banshee it requires doing it manually. Except that when the My Downloads link thingy work it IS automatic22:17
dobeyNiq_: ah. that might be an issue in the way the banshee plug-in does the library injection then.22:18
dobeyNiq_: which would make it a bug in the plug-in (outside the issue with the downloads page, which might be a server side anomoly)22:19
Niq_dobey: Always something to learn in Linux I tell ya. At least the data is retrievable but I doubt anyone remotely new would have figured that one out. If I didn't already see it in RB I would never have thought to check.22:20
dobeyNiq_: yeah. the banshee plug-in is a community project though, as rbox is the default player on ubuntu. i suppose banshee is the default on mint or something?22:21
Niq_dobey: Thank you for your help. I have to go to class but I will most likely post my finding on the Ubuntu forum when I get back and hopefully that helps some people. However that My Downloads error really needs to get resolved.22:22
dobeyyeah, we're working on it :)22:23
Niq_dobey: Umm I don't think it is but I'm not sure. I DL a whole mess of programs upon installing it.22:23
Niq_dobey: Thanks again for your time and patience22:24
dobeyno problem, i'm glad it's mostly working for you again, aside from the downloads page issue :)22:24
dobeylater all :)22:40
=== hebz0rl_ is now known as hebz0rl
popeyis it a 'known complaint' that every nautilus window has an "Ubuntu One disabled" with an [Enable] button in it? This seems a pretty silly thing to have given there is no way to revert it easily once you press it.23:39
popeyand pressing it when you're in a folder like, oh, say /home/alan/Dropbox is a monumentally stupid thing to do, and something you can't easily undo!23:39
popeyaha, bug 598638 seems to cover it23:40
* popey takes his rant there23:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 598638 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "'enable' message presented in nautilus is confusing (affects: 4) (heat: 22)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59863823:40

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