
pahindrany1 alive?00:54
pahindri see....00:55
knomewhat do you see?01:00
CatwomanCan anyone tell me of a good dock that will integrate well with Xubuntu?04:58
CatwomanDoes anyone know of a good xfce friendly dock for xubuntu?07:00
CokeHello. I'm downloading xubuntu now and I have a few question, they're a bit noobish, but it is my first time with any ubuntu derivative at all.08:00
Coke1) does all the mime types work in the browser and e-mail program?  2) is it very hard to do upgrades between the major releases?08:01
knome1) yes, there shouldn't be any glitches. 2) no, it's actually more straightforward you ever could imagine08:13
knomeCoke, ^08:13
CokeHow almost nobody distributes their system as regular image?08:14
CokeIt's so impractical since CD/DVD is a deprecated technology compared to USB sticks.08:14
knomeby regular image you mean what?08:14
Cokebasic dd to stick08:15
knomein ubuntu, there is usb-creator08:15
Cokejust a raw image copy08:15
Cokeyeah, but someone takes the raw image copy, converts it into ISO 9660 standard only to have it converted back to an image again with that.08:16
CokeI've used unetbootin in the past, I hope it does the trick here.08:17
knomeshould be no problem.08:17
Cokeknome: there ws08:18
Cokeyes, a bug in the unetbootin08:19
Cokebut it's easily workable08:19
Cokebut it's exactly the reason why I don't bother with GUI apps usually, sub par quality most of the time compared to solid cli stuff.08:19
knometoo bad to hear about that bug. have you reported it?08:19
Cokeno, I don't like unetbootin enough. :)08:20
Cokenor do I use it very often, this is an experiment to see if we can get xubuntu to be appreciated by former windows users08:20
knomewell, you seem to like xubuntu enough to install it, and if you need unetbootin to fo that, i'd really think you should file.08:20
Coke"bug: unetbootin should just be a cli command" :)08:21
knomemore like "wishlist: add cli interface for unetbootin"08:21
Cokefor instance, why does it need a mounted USB stick??08:21
Cokedd doesnt08:21
knomewell, that's something i'm not able to answer ;)08:21
knomedd does eventually need to mount the stick also, so i don't see no big difference there08:22
Cokeknome: no it does not08:22
Cokeit will however boot shortly thereafter and mount itself08:22
Cokebut I don't have to know about that08:22
Cokethe nice thing with a image that you can dd is that the filesystem is already in it.08:23
knomeanyway, i'm heavily suggesting to file the bug even if you don't care about unetbootin. let's leave the channel for possible new support requests now08:23
Cokeknome: what should I be using then?08:23
knomeCoke, for filing?08:24
Cokebecause I think 99% of everybody who downloads the ISO converts it to USB anyway.08:24
Cokefor putting it on a bootable USB. all the systems I normally use already have image files to download.08:24
knomethat is most probably incorrect.08:24
CokeI just googled for unetbootin08:24
CokeI don't have a preference.08:24
knomeunetbootin is the way i assume if you're not running a ubuntu system already.08:25
CokeIf there's a better alternative I'll switch08:25
CokeNo, sorry, no ubuntus here.08:25
Cokegot a few legacy Debian's around, but that probably won't help.08:25
CokeSo you think people still use CD?08:28
knomeyes, pretty much.08:28
CokeBought CD's?08:28
knomebut as i said, let's leave the channel for support requests08:28
CokeLike official Xubuntu's? If so, I'd be interrested.08:29
Coke(like the slackware walnut creek cd's back in the days)08:29
knomeCoke, the most "official" cd's are discs shipped by on-disk.com in agreement with the xubuntu developer community08:29
CokeDo they get any percentage from that?08:30
knomeCoke, http://on-disk.com/cms/index.php?wiki=Quick_Ship_Free_Disc_Service for more on that (select usa/worldwide and you'll get along)08:30
knomeCoke, there's no way to be asking money for a linux distro on a cd except shipping and reasonable burning/handling costs - no, either on-disk.com or xubuntu developers do not make any money out of it.08:31
CokeThey even have memory sticks with Xubuntu on them08:31
Cokehttp://on-disk.com/product_info.php/products_id/1013  <- this is awesome08:32
Cokemost of our machines don't even have optical media any mroe08:32
Cokebulk 100pcs at 50% discount! hm.08:36
Cokebootin Xubuntu...08:42
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Teedevhi everybody!12:35
Teedevwhy thunar can't support tab?12:50
TheSheepdesign decision12:56
TheSheepthere are other file managers that have tabs12:56
TheSheeplike pcman12:56
Teedevkrub :D12:59
nicofsi need help controlling my cpu/fan speed. i can't seem to set that manually... i installt governor and (after that) powernowd - both don't work...13:14
mAritzhey, i have an ssd with a single ntfs partition on it that wasn't unlocked safely. everytime i try to start xubuntu from a livecd (usb stick actually) it says "The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing." for 3-4 times and then just hangs. if i unplug the ssd, everything works fine and xubuntu starts. can i somehow disable the drive check for the ssd? because apparently i need to unlock the ntfs system manually.14:41
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charlie-tcahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek starting in 12 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom16:49
edakiriAre other people having problems with their mouse clicks in the past week?16:54
charlie-tcaWhat kind of problems? I seem to have issues with claws-mail freezing on some accounts16:55
edakiriI'm not having any (new) problems with claws.  I have only seen freezing when the network link goes down.16:57
edakiriMouse click problems like when i click to open a menu, the menu closes prematurely16:57
edakirior a click is not registered16:57
edakiricharlie-tca: when claws freezes, you can check if it has sockets open with netstat17:21
charlie-tcaIt should not be freezing, since the folder causing the freeze is a local folder on my system17:22
martin17ciao a tutti18:08
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:08
pteagueis there some way to restart alsa?23:01
pteagueok, maybe that isn't it... seems flash player is borked23:02

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