mtaylor | a private team can apparently not review merge-proposals | 00:56 |
wgrant | I hate doctests. | 02:02 |
spm | 3 words. so much ... emotion unsaid yet understood. | 02:03 |
wgrant | See, I want to fix a trivial ordering edge case (bug #604842). But the only tests for the method are doctests where I can't really fit a retry. If only they were unit tests :( | 02:05 |
_mup_ | Bug #604842: BinaryPackageBuildSet.getBuildsByArchIds orders inconsistently <Soyuz:New> <> | 02:05 |
mtaylor | what do I need to do to make a branch private? | 04:19 |
mtaylor | sorry - wrong channel | 04:19 |
lifeless_ | wgrant: change em to unit tests ;) | 04:30 |
wgrant | lifeless_: I was going to ask if it was impolite to bloat a one-line branch into a few hundred lines by rewriting tests, but I presumed everyone would be asleep. | 04:31 |
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless | ||
lifeless | wgrant: I'd spin a new branch for it | 04:32 |
wgrant | lifeless: One branch to redo the tests, and a followup with the one-line change plus new test? Perhaps. | 04:33 |
lifeless | yes | 04:44 |
lifeless | its a little more work but - JFDI | 04:44 |
lifeless | its not a lot more | 04:44 |
wgrant | Yep. | 04:44 |
wgrant | I replaced several hundred lines of doctests yesterday. It seems to be becoming a bit common. | 04:44 |
wgrant | Nasty things. | 04:45 |
lifeless | the meme has caught on | 05:23 |
wgrant | Oh? | 05:23 |
lifeless | and muhaha, its now my job to start memes ;) | 05:23 |
lifeless | wgrant: that doctests are actively harmful | 05:23 |
wgrant | The anti-doctest meme? | 05:23 |
wgrant | Right. | 05:23 |
wgrant | I now hate them with a passion. | 05:23 |
lifeless | \o/ | 05:23 |
wgrant | A few months ago I merely mildly disliked them. | 05:23 |
* cody-somerville has slowly been seeding an SOA meme. | 06:23 | |
wgrant | Has it caught on yet? | 06:24 |
cody-somerville | Seem to be | 06:24 |
wgrant | Excellent. | 06:24 |
cody-somerville | Although I think lifeless might extinguish my efforts :/ | 06:24 |
wgrant | :( | 06:24 |
wgrant | Why? | 06:24 |
cody-somerville | I remember briefly skimming minutes for a meeting I missed that noted that lifeless thought splitting launchpad up into smaller, discrete services was a distraction. | 06:25 |
wgrant | It is a distraction. But probably a beneficial distraction. | 06:26 |
cody-somerville | Indeed. Which is why I hold out hope that the comment isn't as fatal sounding as it does. | 06:26 |
mtaylor | cody-somerville: fwiw, I support your interest in splitting | 06:39 |
cody-somerville | :) | 06:39 |
mtaylor | of course, I have ZAROO vote | 06:40 |
mtaylor | but smaller discrete units is pretty much a best practice, especially when you want to scale (hi facebook) | 06:40 |
cody-somerville | or hello amazon | 06:41 |
mtaylor | or really anyone | 06:42 |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
thumper | mtaylor: morning | 07:06 |
thumper | mtaylor: how's your summit going? | 07:06 |
spm | thumper: we have a project that has been renamed. we're trying to reset the lp:<project> alias; but that failed. now, whenever we try and re-create 'trunk' we keep getting 'you are being stacked on <junk branch as placeholder>' which is painful. suggestions? | 07:27 |
thumper | hmm... | 07:28 |
thumper | I'm just relocating, back in a few minutes | 07:28 |
thumper | pastebin more details please | 07:28 |
spm | kk | 07:28 |
poolie | rockstar, | 07:57 |
rockstar | poolie, thanks | 07:58 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
mwhudson | bigjools: where did you go? | 08:43 |
bigjools | mwhudson: haydn | 08:45 |
mwhudson | bigjools: want to talk about buildd-manager now, or busy with other things? | 08:45 |
bigjools | we're talking about derived distros, might be useful for you? | 08:45 |
mwhudson | ah sure | 08:45 |
mwhudson | be along in a sec | 08:45 |
bigjools | but yes I'd like to talk about that too :) | 08:45 |
mwhudson | bigjools.fork() | 08:46 |
wgrant | jml: We still can't renew our memberships. Maybe you could reset everyone to not expire? | 09:56 |
wgrant | (you just changed the default for new members, it appears) | 09:56 |
deryck | gmb, | 10:18 |
jml | wgrant, there isn't a control for that | 10:29 |
wgrant | jml: It's not exposed through the API? | 10:30 |
jml | wgrant, I don't know. | 10:30 |
poolie | hi wgrant | 11:09 |
wgrant | Hi poolie. | 11:09 |
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away | ||
poolie | benji, leonardr: for this issue | 11:36 |
_mup_ | Bug #604963: shouldn't need to close window and press enter after authenticating <launchpadlib :New> <> | 11:36 |
jml | lifeless, noodles775: btw, if you want to see some tests that use fake objects rather than the database, lp.code.xmlrpc.tests.test_codehosting (tests for the fake & real implementations); lp.codehosting.vfs.tests (tests that use the fake); lp.codehosting.inmemory (the fake itself) | 11:38 |
jml | running the test_codehosting tests makes the database overhead for testing really obvious | 11:39 |
poolie | leonardr, | 11:40 |
noodles775 | jml: will do, thanks. | 11:42 |
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=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
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jtv | jam: hi! Partial work on dropping Still failing these tests or a subset thereof: | 14:21 |
jam | jtv: thanks for the headsup | 14:21 |
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt | ||
leonardr | mars, src/lazr/restful/ epydoc.markup import DocstringLinker | 16:40 |
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=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno | ||
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mtaylor | morning all | 19:32 |
=== zyga is now known as zyga_ | ||
lifeless | mtaylor: hai | 20:29 |
lifeless | mtaylor: I'd like to suggest a warm up task for you, in lp stuff,if I may. | 20:29 |
mtaylor | lifeless: yes! | 20:32 |
lifeless | make it fast | 20:32 |
lifeless | can you see | 20:33 |
mtaylor | lifeless: ok | 20:33 |
thumper | hi mtaylor | 20:33 |
mtaylor | lifeless: I would like lp to be fast | 20:33 |
mtaylor | hi thumper | 20:33 |
mtaylor | thumper: did you see the bug I just filed? :) | 20:33 |
thumper | um... | 20:33 |
thumper | which one? | 20:33 |
mtaylor | bug#605130 | 20:34 |
_mup_ | Bug #605130: subscribed team cannot view private branch <Launchpad itself:New> <> | 20:34 |
thumper | mtaylor: probably because the branch is owned by a private team | 20:34 |
mtaylor | thumper: probably | 20:34 |
mtaylor | thumper: but bzr branching it works | 20:34 |
thumper | heh... | 20:35 |
mtaylor | thumper: I probably won't care anymore by the time you have time for it - but I thought I'd point it out :) | 20:35 |
lifeless | so | 20:35 |
lifeless | this is the same as PPPA access | 20:35 |
thumper | that's because the code path for accessing the branch over bzr doesn't look at the team | 20:35 |
lifeless | we're going to be adding a 'Traversal' permission. | 20:35 |
lifeless | which will be used to make sure such pages can render reasonably. granting read access to something with a url path containing private things will imply access to traverse them | 20:36 |
lifeless | and traversing means 'show the url and a human name for the thing' | 20:36 |
=== zyga__ is now known as zyga | ||
lifeless | mtaylor: so, can you see that page? | 21:06 |
mtaylor | lifeless: yup | 21:23 |
lifeless | cool | 21:24 |
lifeless | mtaylor: and see how its got blueprint bits in it ? | 21:25 |
lifeless | mtaylor: and see how 99% of blueprint pages complete within 200 sql statements ?!??!1 | 21:26 |
lifeless | and 3.2 seconds ? | 21:26 |
lifeless | thats pretty slow ;) | 21:26 |
lifeless | mtaylor: and with that, gnight | 21:27 |
mtaylor | lifeless: mk | 21:27 |
mtaylor | lifeless: I will fix | 21:28 |
lifeless | mtaylor: mean is 50 sql statements, which is still pretty terrible. | 21:28 |
lifeless | mtaylor: yeah, if its fixed, be in a good position to add features. | 21:28 |
lifeless | gnight. | 21:28 |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away | ||
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk |
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