ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1370 users, 9 overflows, 1379 limit)) | 01:15 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1371 users, 9 overflows, 1379 limit)) | 01:15 |
h00k | !fun | 03:21 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 03:21 |
maco | whered the !puregnome factoid go? | 03:44 |
maco | nvm | 03:44 |
maco | IdleOne: answered | 03:44 |
Jordan_U | commodor in #ubuntu | 05:28 |
Jordan_U | Is there anyone awake that can deal with commodor in #ubuntu? He's been trolling for almost an hour. | 05:52 |
Jordan_U | Now tolkad is trolling about where to buy licenses for linux from SCO (also in #ubuntu). | 05:56 |
abhi_nav | hello | 08:55 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, ping | 08:55 |
Tm_T | abhi_nav: hi | 08:55 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, hi | 08:55 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, yesterday we talked about ibus. but it is not updated yet. atleast I request you to add that wiki link? | 08:55 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, ?? | 08:56 |
Tm_T | ah, yes, could you provide the whole line you want to see as a factoid? | 08:56 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, yes | 08:56 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus | 08:57 |
Tm_T | my last version was: ibus is <reply>IBus is used to allow input of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) characters among the other writing systems and languages in !GUI applications. More information in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus - See also: !SCIM | 08:57 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, hmm | 08:58 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, IBus is an input method (IM) framework for multilingual input in Unix-like operating systems. The languages are including but not limited to Chinese,Japanes,Korean,Indian(Devanagari and Dravidian),European, African | 08:59 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, ^^ | 08:59 |
Tm_T | nice | 08:59 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, hmm | 09:00 |
jussi | why mention each individual language? just say characters other than latin? osomething similar? | 09:00 |
abhi_nav | jussi, wiat | 09:00 |
Tm_T | perhaps, also that "unix-like operating systems" is prolly just confusing people more than helping | 09:01 |
Tm_T | ...this heat is killing my last braincells | 09:01 |
abhi_nav | jussi, language mention is necessary because ibus is new and here i have experience that few people know about it. so they thought that its only for chinesl like languages. thats hwy | 09:01 |
abhi_nav | why | 09:01 |
knome | Tm_T, what? you still had some left? | 09:01 |
Tm_T | knome: two | 09:02 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: i think "non-Latin" covers more than Chinese. | 09:02 |
ikonia | it's not really for all unix's though is it | 09:02 |
knome | Tm_T, more than me :( | 09:02 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, IBus is an input method (IM) framework for multilingual input. The languages are including but not limited to Chinese,Japanes,Korean,Indian(Devanagari and Dravidian),European, African | 09:02 |
ikonia | ibus is really for "linux" as Solaris/HPUX/AIX work different on their local input (I've not done a ton of research on ibus) | 09:03 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, actualy here in India we have two scipts namely Devanagari and Dravidian. so we need to clear that ibus can use to write in both scripts | 09:03 |
mneptok | and i don't think the acronym helps anything | 09:03 |
jussi | I mean is sounds a bit silly to mention those specific languages, then euro/african | 09:03 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, hmm | 09:03 |
abhi_nav | jussi, mneptok what my point is ibus factioid shoudl imply that user can use it for his own language. user should not need to go on net and search that if ibus works for his language or not | 09:04 |
jussi | abhi_nav: then there should be a link to a page listing the languages. | 09:04 |
Tm_T | like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus ? | 09:04 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: and there are more scripts in India than Dravidian and Devangari | 09:05 |
abhi_nav | i wll tell you my case. when in 9.10 i see that there is no scim and wonder now how to type in my language. becaseu ibus state that its for chinese language. but after that my one friend told me that ibus has all language support that way i come to know. | 09:05 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, yes sure | 09:05 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, they are the major. | 09:05 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: tell that to the Tamils | 09:06 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, ??means? | 09:06 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, tamil comes under Dravidian | 09:06 |
abhi_nav | ohh n | 09:07 |
abhi_nav | ohh no sorry peoples i am in wrong channel i just realise htat | 09:07 |
abhi_nav | actualy i should be in #ubuntu-bots channel. now what should i do? | 09:08 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, ^^ | 09:08 |
ikonia | no, this is the right channel | 09:08 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, i need to talk about factoid update? | 09:08 |
ikonia | yes,this is the right channel | 09:08 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, ok | 09:08 |
* abhi_nav waiting... | 09:10 | |
ikonia | for what ? | 09:10 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, his reply Tm_T 's reply | 09:10 |
ikonia | looking at the wiki Tm_T has linked to, is ibus still only in a PPA on 10.04 ? | 09:11 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: you have been updating the iBus page a lot recently, and introducing spelling mistakes and awkward terminology like "Autoexec script" | 09:11 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, ikonia that toubleshooting part is taken as it is from their web site | 09:11 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, can you please please point me spelling mistake one by one? i then correct then now ? | 09:12 |
ikonia | !info ibus-pinyin | 09:12 |
ubottu | ibus-pinyin (source: ibus-pinyin): pinyin engine for ibus. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 131 kB, installed size 668 kB | 09:12 |
mneptok | "Chinese" and not "Chines" for a start | 09:13 |
abhi_nav | ok | 09:13 |
ikonia | why are there instructions for 9.10 to add a PPA, but the top line of the page says 9.10 has it included by default ? | 09:13 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: and wholesale copying and pasting of content from one site to the Ubuntu wiki is not a good idea if the owner of the other site has not explicilty stated license terms for their content. | 09:13 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: just link to the other site. that's how the web works. ;) | 09:14 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, let me check | 09:14 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, yes link is there. should i remove it? | 09:15 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, so i now remvoe that troubleshoot part and give it as link? | 09:15 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: i would do that for any content you have copied and pasted from another site. keep things simple. | 09:16 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, ok wait changing now | 09:16 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: otherwise, when the oswer of another site updates their content with new information, Ubuntu wiki users will not see it. | 09:17 |
mneptok | *owner | 09:17 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, hmm | 09:17 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: the edits you have made for a simple input method controller make its article longer than the article for Firefox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firefox | 09:19 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, updated | 09:19 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, yes yes now updates now its small | 09:20 |
mneptok | for instance, instead of talking about the PPA and then listing instructions for every release the PPA supports, just say there is a PPA, link to the PPA, and link to the wiki article on PPAs | 09:20 |
mneptok | try not to duplicate information as much as possible. | 09:20 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, ok | 09:20 |
mneptok | makes things simpler. simple is good. | 09:20 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, yes | 09:21 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, shold i give this link for help on ppa https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA or there is another ubuntu wiki? | 09:25 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, now page is updates. | 09:28 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, mneptok page is updated. Please see it | 09:29 |
Tm_T | sorry I have to be AFK for a while, it's way too hot here | 09:29 |
abhi_nav | Tm_T, so whome I should contact? or should I wait for you? | 09:31 |
abhi_nav | Hello guys. now I updates that ibus wiki page someone please can update !ibus factoid now? | 09:32 |
ikonia | why is there confliciting info | 09:33 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, where? | 09:33 |
ikonia | it still says 9.10 it's default install, yet links to 9.10 PPA | 09:33 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, that one if for ibus 1.0 if anyone wants old ibus for them. | 09:33 |
ikonia | why would they want the old one if the new one is supported in official repo? | 09:34 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, its just for their info. nothing else. sometimes if any problem is newer version etc. you you tell then i remove that | 09:34 |
ikonia | no | 09:35 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, no to what? | 09:35 |
ikonia | sorry, I'm not comfortable with that | 09:35 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, means i should remove that info or not? | 09:35 |
ikonia | linking to PPA's over supported version, or having it as a reference for "incase the stable version doesn't work, yes the PPA" | 09:35 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, you want me to remvoe that? | 09:36 |
ikonia | I'd like the page to "flow" a little more | 09:36 |
ikonia | take out things like smileys | 09:36 |
ikonia | remove un-needed information | 09:36 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, I am not getting you. I am not fluent in english. what is page to "flow"? | 09:36 |
ikonia | highlight information around stable releases rather than PPA's | 09:37 |
ikonia | abhi_nav: I appreciate English isn't your first language, that's not a critisism of you | 09:37 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, hmm | 09:38 |
ikonia | I'll spend some time on it today and see if I can make some updates | 09:38 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, ok. thats for wiki. what about factoid | 09:38 |
ikonia | the factoid I think needs to have a valid wiki entry | 09:39 |
ikonia | (personal opinion) | 09:39 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, ok. but what about the insertion of the word 'multilangual'? which wil imply that ibus can be used for all lanaguages? | 09:39 |
ikonia | I don't see a problem with that | 09:40 |
abhi_nav | thats is my main concern | 09:40 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, it is still stating that ibus can be used for ch,jp and kr langauage. thats incompelte information. i cam here for that | 09:40 |
ikonia | ok - well, lets sort the wiki out then do an update | 09:43 |
ikonia | I'll have that done before the end of my day (BST here) | 09:43 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: i just did a major cleanup of the wiki article - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibu | 09:44 |
ikonia | mneptok: kudos | 09:44 |
ikonia | mneptok: MUCH better | 09:44 |
ikonia | your wiki-fu is much greater and quicker than mine | 09:45 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, ikonia ok thanks :) | 09:45 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: all the information an Ubuntu user needs to get started with iBus is still there. and that's all that should be there. if someone needs more, let them go to the existing resources on Google Code. | 09:46 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, ok | 09:46 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, good. :) | 09:47 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, ikonia so wiki problem is now solved. | 09:47 |
ikonia | yeah, much nicer | 09:47 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: the crucial element here is to keep things *simple* | 09:47 |
mneptok | don't say with 400 words what can be said in 10. | 09:47 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, yah | 09:48 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, learning. that was my first attemp to write wiki. :) | 09:48 |
ikonia | abhi_nav: good effort | 09:50 |
abhi_nav | ikonia, :) | 09:50 |
abhi_nav | thanks | 09:50 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: did you install your system with English as the default language? | 09:59 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, yes | 09:59 |
mneptok | abhi_nav: you might want to set up a VM or use another machine, and install with Hindi (or your native, non-Latin character language) | 10:00 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, but why? | 10:01 |
mneptok | if iBus is not started by default when doing so, i would consider that a bug in debian-installer | 10:01 |
mneptok | "Here's your system in Hindi. Please type with the Latin alphabet." bad idea. | 10:01 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, oh isee. i cant test it because i have 64 bit lucid iso and my cpu only supports 32 bit virtualisation | 10:02 |
mneptok | http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent ;) | 10:03 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, ok. but then this testing will need some time. is that ok? | 10:04 |
mneptok | of course | 10:04 |
mneptok | if you don't want to test, that's OK, too. | 10:05 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, but if i dont taste then what about factoid and wiki? | 10:05 |
mneptok | but getting iBus started by default for users of non-Latin character languages would help everyone | 10:05 |
mneptok | the wiki is fine as it is. but if you test and a bug is found and fixed, maybe that "you have to add it to your startup apps" section can go away in the future. | 10:06 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, np. i wll download 32 birt iso todat night. | 10:06 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, yes ok i wll do it | 10:06 |
mneptok | and you will be a hero in east Asia ;) | 10:06 |
mneptok | OK, bedtime for me. it's 0300. | 10:07 |
abhi_nav | mneptok, ohh ok. but ibus wll be used by many user like me who instaaled os with default english. for them that part should be there? | 10:07 |
abhi_nav | bye friends. :) meet you tommorow ;) | 10:18 |
indus | heya | 12:17 |
indus | iam here to discuss my ban | 12:25 |
indus | ikonia, hi | 12:26 |
ikonia | indus: his | 12:38 |
ikonia | sorry, I was away from my desk for a while | 12:38 |
ikonia | "hi" even | 12:38 |
ikonia | indus: give me a nudge when you're free, I'm back now | 12:38 |
indus | free | 12:39 |
indus | ikonia, | 12:39 |
ikonia | ah great. | 12:39 |
ikonia | indus: I guess the question is, 24 hours have past, you've clamed down, fo you feel you can follow requests and instructions from the community and operator team in #ubuntu related channels ? | 12:40 |
ikonia | calmed down sorry | 12:40 |
indus | i was calm yesterday also | 12:40 |
ikonia | ok, it didn't come across that way, so apologies for miss-understand that | 12:40 |
indus | and i always try my best to follow the rules but yesterday's kick was sad | 12:41 |
ikonia | indus: it wasn't nice to have to kick you | 12:41 |
ikonia | that is not the intention at all | 12:41 |
indus | i have been on #ubuntu for many many months ,maybe years also, some courtesy should have been extended for repeating a word hi more than once | 12:41 |
indus | a year ago when you kicked me, i agreed on it | 12:42 |
indus | this one i do not | 12:42 |
ikonia | indus: you where told in #ubuntu-ops a few minutes before the incident to keep the noise down, you then started a bit of an issue in ubuntu with "hi" | 12:42 |
ikonia | I asked/told you to stop - the courtesy would have been to do so, rather than publicly refuse | 12:42 |
ikonia | when you publicl refuse like that, you leave me no choice to but to quiet you and remove you from the channel | 12:43 |
indus | ikonia, i stopped the hi , please read the log | 12:43 |
ikonia | indus: you read the log where you say "never" when I tell you to stop | 12:43 |
indus | your problem was with me disagreeing on 'stop saying hi' | 12:43 |
ikonia | indus: yes | 12:43 |
indus | yes you missed the context | 12:43 |
ikonia | no - I didn't | 12:43 |
ikonia | we went over this yesterday | 12:43 |
indus | how can you know what context i speak in ? lol | 12:43 |
indus | first and foremost, stop this attitude of knowing everything | 12:44 |
ikonia | indus: I'm not arguing this, I'll make this simple. You need to agree to follow instructions in the channel without issue. If you have a problem with them, you are welcome to come and talk to us in #ubuntu-ops | 12:44 |
indus | you dont respect other user's on channel | 12:44 |
ikonia | indus: I pay a great deal of respect to people in the channel, that's why I spent time with them at all levels | 12:44 |
indus | i ll repeat again, i dont have a problem(nor does any regular member in there ) following rules | 12:45 |
indus | its the way you enforce it for the most trivial things | 12:45 |
ikonia | indus: then when someone tells you to follow them - you should not respond with "never" | 12:45 |
indus | is disrespect to a regular helper | 12:45 |
ikonia | you're not a regular helper | 12:45 |
indus | thanks | 12:45 |
ikonia | your help input is questionable at best | 12:45 |
indus | bye man | 12:45 |
ikonia | ok - bye | 12:46 |
indus | 'questionable' at best? | 12:46 |
ikonia | indus: bye | 12:46 |
indus | you are saying this to me when iam taking time out to help others in the channel ? | 12:46 |
ikonia | yes | 12:46 |
ikonia | no matter how much you help - that does not give you the right to break the rules | 12:47 |
indus | different point | 12:47 |
indus | questionable at best | 12:47 |
ikonia | not really | 12:47 |
indus | questionable at best | 12:47 |
ikonia | you can keep saying that, it won't change it | 12:47 |
indus | you said it | 12:48 |
indus | not me | 12:48 |
ikonia | yes | 12:48 |
indus | you just like to do this regularlt dont you | 12:48 |
ikonia | ? | 12:48 |
ikonia | sorry, I don't understand | 12:48 |
indus | there are many people in there who's inputs are questionable | 12:49 |
ikonia | yes, there are | 12:49 |
indus | thats how a community is. | 12:49 |
ikonia | but they are not being disscussed here, or using it as an agrument point | 12:49 |
ikonia | I'm only interested in discussing your issues and resolving them | 12:49 |
ikonia | nothing more | 12:49 |
indus | well, a personal statement you make which is nothing short of an insult | 12:49 |
ikonia | no, I'm stating a fact, | 12:50 |
indus | its not about the answer it self but the attitude to volunteer which makes ubuntu the place it is | 12:50 |
ikonia | that is a part of it, I %100 agree | 12:50 |
indus | it can be fact or your fiction , is beyond the point | 12:50 |
ikonia | giving up your time is very commendible | 12:50 |
ikonia | indus: you brought it up stating your a regular helper | 12:50 |
indus | ikonia, yes iam , practically every day | 12:51 |
indus | ikonia, i never mentioned the quality of help i render | 12:51 |
indus | iam not perfect and neither are you , but that line is the limit | 12:51 |
ikonia | you're not in every day, but we are digressing here | 12:51 |
indus | i dont know how you can stay here with your insults | 12:51 |
ikonia | indus: if you want to make an issue out of something - please do so, I just want to resolve your behaviour and ban | 12:51 |
indus | what about your behaviour | 12:52 |
ikonia | if you wish to complain about it, you know the process | 12:53 |
indus | i have solved many many people's problems in the channel and i surely dont appreciate an op telling me my work is questionable | 12:53 |
ikonia | you've also messed up peoples machines or given miss-leading advice | 12:53 |
indus | ikonia, proof | 12:53 |
indus | misleaading sure | 12:53 |
indus | which machine did i mess up, if i did i will fix it | 12:54 |
indus | so you see, i dont claim i know everything | 12:54 |
ikonia | is it really going to get this petty | 12:54 |
ikonia | indus: I'm interested in resolving your ban - nothing more | 12:54 |
ikonia | indus: you know the complaints process if you are not happy with anything I've said | 12:54 |
indus | resolve it with some respect then | 12:54 |
ikonia | indus: you need to look at what you expect with respect, and look at how you talk to people | 12:55 |
ikonia | indus: I'm interested in resolving your ban, nothing more. | 12:55 |
indus | if funny when you come in voluntarily to offer time and support and get told yourwork is questionable | 12:55 |
ikonia | tell you what, I'll leave it there | 12:55 |
indus | ok ill calm down then | 12:55 |
ikonia | @mark #ubuntu-ops indus cannot progress ban futher | 12:55 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 12:55 |
indus | but i will complain about this | 12:55 |
ikonia | indus: I'll leave it alone. Please complaing and I'm sure it will be resolved | 12:56 |
indus | what is this ? | 12:56 |
ikonia | sorry, I thought you know the appeal/complaint process | 12:56 |
ikonia | !appeal | indus | 12:56 |
ubottu | indus: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page. | 12:56 |
indus | the appeal is another matter for yur attitude | 12:57 |
topyli | @login | 12:57 |
ikonia | they are both the same process | 12:57 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 12:57 |
topyli | @btlogin | 12:57 |
indus | you provoke a person and then expect what | 12:57 |
ikonia | indus: please follow the complaints/appeal process. We are done in this channel | 12:57 |
indus | for what? | 12:58 |
ikonia | indus: for your ban, and your complaint against me | 12:58 |
indus | the ban and the appeal is different matter | 12:58 |
ikonia | indus: they are the same process | 12:58 |
indus | your complaint i will appeal | 12:58 |
ikonia | now you're not making any sense | 12:58 |
indus | why you banned me is different reason altogether | 12:58 |
indus | sorry last line didnt make sense | 12:59 |
ikonia | indus: I can't progress your ban any futher with you, so you need to follow the appeals process | 12:59 |
indus | why/ | 12:59 |
ikonia | because I refuse to | 12:59 |
indus | ah yes sure | 12:59 |
ikonia | I don't believe we are getting anywhere | 12:59 |
indus | you dont help either with it, why dont you get another op i can talk to | 12:59 |
indus | its the process in forums | 13:00 |
indus | makes sense | 13:00 |
ikonia | indus: that is in the process | 13:00 |
indus | its obvious i have a problem with you | 13:00 |
indus | ikonia, give me the email, i will appeal, and to hell with the ban iam not interested anymore | 13:00 |
ikonia | indus: it's in the url you've been given | 13:00 |
indus | you shouldnt be here as an oo | 13:00 |
indus | op | 13:00 |
indus | and do come to the appeals process and say i was banned for saying hi more than twice | 13:01 |
ikonia | you know that's not why you where banned | 13:01 |
ikonia | so I'll certainly give input | 13:01 |
ikonia | keep in mind - that I've also offered to unban you multiple times in this conversation | 13:02 |
indus | i dont care about the ban now, i help users in email anyway | 13:02 |
ikonia | ok - then, I guess we are done here | 13:02 |
indus | ill reach to them in other ways | 13:02 |
ikonia | ok | 13:02 |
indus | your moderation is questionable btw | 13:03 |
ikonia | ok - you've said that | 13:03 |
ikonia | if there is nothing else to talk about your ban, we're done here | 13:03 |
indus | and learn some respect for others , maybe read the COC | 13:03 |
elky | ikonia, maybe we need to put that "when helping, help" section of the CoC in h1 tags. | 13:08 |
elky | (or is that in our guidelines, either way) | 13:08 |
* elky needs sleep, heh. | 13:09 | |
ikonia | night | 13:10 |
IdleOne | Good morning | 14:02 |
bazhang | hi | 14:07 |
Pici | hi | 14:07 |
IdleOne | heyas | 14:08 |
IdleOne | bazhang: RE; Ubuntu Saudi Arabia LOCO, a user names Sary was removed from here 2? nights ago for idling | 14:25 |
IdleOne | named* | 14:25 |
bazhang | IdleOne, s4ry iirc | 14:25 |
IdleOne | no the nick used in here was Sary | 14:25 |
IdleOne | I did not see any s4ry but to close to be a coincidence | 14:26 |
bazhang | seems to be on the way to resolution, at any rate | 14:26 |
IdleOne | just thought I would mention it, in case it had any relevance | 14:26 |
bazhang | cheers! | 14:26 |
Pici | As of 1 hour ago topyli was still dealing with it. | 14:31 |
Tipu-Sultan | !ping | 14:34 |
ubottu | pong | 14:34 |
bazhang | jungli I am betting | 14:34 |
IdleOne | well, ubottu responds to ping | 14:34 |
IdleOne | good to know | 14:34 |
jpds | ubottu: ICMP ECHO REQUEST | 14:35 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 14:35 |
bazhang | terry was the one asking for 'girls' the other day | 15:03 |
Pici | That was yesterday. | 15:03 |
IdleOne | lmao | 15:09 |
Pici | ;) | 15:09 |
IdleOne | thanks for catching that | 15:09 |
bazhang | np | 15:09 |
Pici | bazhang was faster than I | 15:10 |
IdleOne | I didn't even see bazhang's | 15:11 |
IdleOne | but glad someone caught it | 15:11 |
bazhang | noooob seems to be pushing it | 15:40 |
IdleOne | yes | 15:43 |
bazhang | all righty then | 15:43 |
Mamarok | IdleOne: I hope you do not use that acronym in Ubuntu channels... | 15:43 |
IdleOne | you mean the lmao | 15:44 |
IdleOne | not often only when I really am laughing | 15:44 |
IdleOne | and not in #u ever | 15:44 |
Mamarok | well, you shouldn't in other channels either, why is that different? | 15:44 |
Pici | Hm? | 15:45 |
IdleOne | Mamarok: I see what you are saying | 15:45 |
IdleOne | I will not use it anymore, sorry if I offended | 15:45 |
bazhang | Mamarok, that was his nick if you are referring to nooooob | 15:45 |
Mamarok | bazhang: not at all | 15:45 |
IdleOne | wait what? | 15:45 |
IdleOne | I'm confused | 15:45 |
bazhang | Mamarok, what was it then? | 15:45 |
Mamarok | bazhang: IdleOne saying lmao | 15:46 |
IdleOne | ok so I did understand. | 15:46 |
IdleOne | again Mamarok sorry if I offended and I will not use it anymore | 15:46 |
Mamarok | IdleOne: I am not offended, I just think we should be careful with our wording, matter of credibility as an op | 15:47 |
IdleOne | Mamarok: indeed, the acronym uses bad language | 15:47 |
Mamarok | especially in logged channels or when dealing with users, regardless of which channel it is | 15:47 |
bazhang | in here? or in #ubuntu ? I can not see it | 15:48 |
IdleOne | bazhang: I used it in here earlier | 15:48 |
IdleOne | when I typoed shift | 15:48 |
bazhang | aha | 15:48 |
IdleOne | Mamarok is correct. I should not use that acronym | 15:49 |
bazhang | okay | 15:49 |
Pici | ikonia: fyi, indus told me he accidentally joined #ubuntu earlier, and then left because he had autojoin on another computer whose address was not banned. he just wanted to say that he wasn't evading on purpose. | 15:49 |
ikonia | Pici: no problem | 16:00 |
IdleOne | is there a ylmf channel we can point those users to? | 16:06 |
bazhang | not afaik | 16:10 |
bazhang | they chat a lot about it in -cn | 16:10 |
IdleOne | ok | 16:10 |
bazhang | don't think its officially supported in any Ubuntu channel, but locos are not our baileywick correct? | 16:13 |
IdleOne | baileywick? | 16:13 |
bazhang | our area of sayso | 16:14 |
IdleOne | bazhang: I suggeted -cn because I believe they would be better suited to help/help them find help | 16:14 |
IdleOne | Loco channels can support any OS they want I suppose and there is no hard and fast rule that says they have to be Ubuntu only | 16:15 |
ubottu | FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood) | 16:21 |
ubottu | LjL called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (person mistakenly banned by floodbots, please unban) | 16:22 |
IdleOne | the command scriptwarlock offers to reset panels is it necessary to rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel ?? | 16:25 |
IdleOne | second time this morning I see him offer | 16:25 |
Pici | IdleOne: It should be fine. | 16:31 |
Pici | It does nearly the same thing as the gconftool reset stuff. | 16:32 |
IdleOne | Pici: ok, I was asking more if it made a difference in a practical sense. I didn't think it would harm anything | 16:35 |
topyli | deleting gconf keys is useless during session, because gconfd will restore them | 16:39 |
topyli | if you log out and do it in a console it eorkd | 16:39 |
IdleOne | topyli: | 16:40 |
IdleOne | gconftool-2 --shutdown .... rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel ..... pkill gnome-panel | 16:40 |
IdleOne | that is the full command | 16:40 |
IdleOne | so doing the rm while still in session is useless? | 16:40 |
IdleOne | hmm wait | 16:41 |
topyli | i think gconfd will restore status quo at logout | 16:41 |
IdleOne | I was just curious really | 16:41 |
IdleOne | losing interest quickly | 16:42 |
IdleOne | heh | 16:42 |
topyli | but i don't know --shutdown does | 16:42 |
Pici | You really shouldn't use --shutdown | 17:14 |
IdleOne | Pici: perhaps you could tell/ask scriptwarlock about it | 17:15 |
Pici | The manpage even says " | 17:15 |
Pici | status=$? | 17:15 |
Pici | if [ $status -eq 0 ] | 17:15 |
Pici | then | 17:15 |
Pici | er. No, thats not the manpage, thats the script I was working on. | 17:16 |
Pici | "Shut down gconfd. Don�’t use this option without good reason." | 17:16 |
marienz | if you want to mess with gconf while in-session you should probably just use gconftool-2, which has a --recursive-unset command | 17:22 |
ikonia | that's a cool trick to know | 17:22 |
Pici | !resetpanels | 17:23 |
ubottu | To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 17:23 |
marienz | yeah, that | 17:23 |
Pici | like that ^^ | 17:23 |
marienz | I'd expect gconfd to not like messing around in ~/.gconfd while it's running, and gconfd is started on-demand. So killing it and then messing with its storage is racy at best. | 17:23 |
Pici | He took that nicely. | 17:24 |
IdleOne | he? | 17:25 |
Pici | scriptwarlock | 17:25 |
IdleOne | ahh | 17:25 |
IdleOne | thank you for handling that | 17:25 |
Pici | Sorry, its my default pronoun. | 17:25 |
Pici | I think we need to do something about the ylmfos users. | 17:29 |
Pici | I've checked my logs, the people joining in the past few days aren't from the same IP. | 17:37 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
laroja | see http://supremosjavachat.tripod.com | 17:52 |
jpds | Nice. | 17:53 |
IdleOne | using webchat to spam webchat | 17:57 |
IdleOne | interesting | 17:57 |
IdleOne | to bad freenode doesn't put your ip in | 17:58 |
IdleOne | oh wait it does | 17:58 |
Pici | marienz: Dunno if you're still around, but you may want to keep a heads up on spam related to that link above. I already had to ban a user (not a bot) from two of our channels for trying to get people to connect/join it | 18:07 |
* marienz adds a hilight | 18:08 | |
Pici | bazhang: Have you ever used ylmfos? | 18:38 |
bazhang | Pici, not yet; it is Ubuntu with an XP theme | 18:39 |
bazhang | wonder if it automatically is set to join #ubuntu though (much like guadalinex) | 18:40 |
Pici | Thats what I've been trying to figure out. | 18:40 |
Pici | I think I'm just going to have to download and install it in a VM to check. | 18:40 |
Pici | I can't seem to find a place to log bugs for their packages though. They have forums, but I can't seem to find anything other than that. And google translate is having a bit of a hard time with that. | 18:41 |
bazhang | hah. a google or ylmfos returns logs from #ubuntu and several familiar names asking a ylmfos user being asked to stop requesting support | 18:47 |
Pici | heh | 18:47 |
Pici | Probably from you and I. | 18:48 |
bazhang | you and idle one actually | 18:48 |
h00k | IdleOne: I saw you swear in #ubuntu :) It was a typo | 19:20 |
h00k | bazhang: you haev this one? | 19:22 |
bazhang | h00k, icebreaker? | 19:22 |
h00k | bazhang: yeah, sorry | 19:23 |
bazhang | h00k, he seems to have calmed down. there are likely -ot operators around if not | 19:24 |
h00k | bazhang: are you an -ot op? | 19:24 |
bazhang | h00k, no :) | 19:24 |
h00k | ah, I thought you were. | 19:34 |
h00k | I am. | 19:34 |
joobong | how do i configure quanta plus | 19:51 |
Pici | I hate lmgtfy | 20:46 |
Pici | !moblock | 20:57 |
ubottu | info in detail is on this wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MoBlock | 20:57 |
bazhang | Amaranth, nonetheless its a channel rule. | 21:27 |
bazhang | are we scrapping the !wtf factoid then? | 21:30 |
ikonia | IdleOne: you there ? | 21:42 |
IdleOne | ikonia: I am now | 21:58 |
ikonia | IdleOne: hey, you removed the ban forward on jungli in -ot, have you spoke to him ? | 22:00 |
ikonia | IdleOne: actually - never mind | 22:01 |
ikonia | I've read it wrong | 22:01 |
ikonia | I made a mistake, sorry | 22:01 |
IdleOne | np | 22:01 |
IdleOne | ikonia: has he been acting up in #u again? | 22:04 |
ikonia | IdleOne: I removed him from -ot yesterday, and thought I'd put a forward on him to talk about him trying to play silly games hilighting my and bazhang | 22:05 |
ikonia | I didn't put the forward on though | 22:05 |
IdleOne | oh, well I haven't been in -ot since yesterday and I couldn't remove it anyway | 22:05 |
ikonia | it's my mistake, don't worry. My apologies | 22:06 |
IdleOne | no worries | 22:07 |
* h00k worries | 22:12 | |
* funkyHat worries h00k | 22:23 | |
h00k | funkyHat: it's true. sometimes you do. | 22:25 |
funkyHat | ⢁D | 22:28 |
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