
Silver_Fox_23:00 UTC00:00
DiegoTclets begin00:01
Silver_Fox_Who is chairing the beginners team meeting today ?00:01
Silver_Fox_Ping cprofitt , nhandler00:01
smeag0li was just about drop out00:01
DiegoTcpautag is not coming today00:02
Silver_Fox_No worries smeag0l .  Good to see you about00:02
duanedesignok and nhandler will be late00:02
Silver_Fox_I do not mind chairing it if nobody objects00:02
wojoxno objections here00:03
duanedesignyep, i dont know00:03
duanedesignthe bot commands00:03
* zkriesse chairs...hehehe00:03
Silver_Fox_Hmm,  I had them written down ;)00:03
zkriessestartmeeting with []00:03
duanedesignthats ok Silver_Fox_  dont worry :)00:04
Silver_Fox_I have them now duanedesign00:04
Silver_Fox_Just out of interest,  how many are here for the meeting?00:05
* zkriesse is here00:05
* kvarley is here00:05
* kermiac waves00:05
* smeag0l is here 00:05
Silver_Fox_Okay,  a fair few ;)00:05
zkriesseAt least we got enough BT members to vote00:05
MootBotMeeting started at 18:05. The chair is Silver_Fox_.00:05
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]00:05
Silver_Fox_[TOPIC] Beginners Team Meeting00:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Beginners Team Meeting00:06
Silver_Fox_[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings00:06
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings00:06
smeag0lif i may i maybe have a security issue ?00:07
Silver_Fox_[IDEA] DevFG A new look to the Dev Focus Group00:07
MootBotIDEA received:  DevFG A new look to the Dev Focus Group00:07
Silver_Fox_DiegoTc,  Its you :)00:07
DiegoTcI was talking with duanedesign about creating a programming academy for the devFG https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiegoTurcios/DevFG00:08
wojoxThat sounds like fun00:08
zkriesseGuys sorry I didn't add it to the agenda (just got it figured out here today) but I'll have a topic after everyone else is done if that's ok00:09
zkriesseDiegoTc: Ok, to what goal?00:09
DiegoTczkriesse: I wrote them on the wiki00:09
DiegoTc# Help new users to learn a new programming language # When there is a group with a better knowledge, the dev focus group can work on developing application (Small or Big Projects) that can benefit Ubuntu00:09
DiegoTcOthers (Still Thinking)00:10
pedro3005zkriesse, what nobler goal if not the publicizing and distribution of knowledge? :)00:10
zkriessevery good response pedro300500:10
Silver_Fox_nhandler,  Go00:10
nhandlerSilver_Fox_: I just got here, nothing to say right now (still reading scrollback)00:11
DiegoTcSo thats the idea for the dev FG00:11
Silver_Fox_Ah righto :)  Well we decided to crack on nhandler00:11
Silver_Fox_Go duanedesign00:11
duanedesignthe council has been discussing lately the 'mission' of each FG and the setting of goals by each group/00:12
duanedesignI like diegos idea00:12
duanedesigni think the teaching of classes is something we could couple with the eduFG00:13
duanedesignif we could have classses in #ubuntu-classroom00:13
cprofittduanedesign: the edu had worked with classroom -- but the focus was on off-line self-paced courses00:13
cprofittwe had a Moodle server that leveraged wiki docs and forum posts00:14
duanedesigni think in addition to what DiegoTc said the DevFG should start working towards getting its members to be MOTU's00:15
* DiegoTc there is expectation on the channel :p00:15
Silver_Fox_Okay,  so do we have an item to vote on or not? :)00:15
Silver_Fox_Was it an announcement DiegoTc ?  Or are you seeking support for it ?00:16
DiegoTcoption b00:16
nhandlerNothing really to vote on. It is really up to the FG lead00:16
DiegoTcnhandler: I never get collinp on irc :S00:16
Silver_Fox_Yes,  I thought it would have been in the FG meeting, not the team meeting00:16
Silver_Fox_Okay,  moving on...00:17
nhandlerDiegoTc: You can use email / MemoServ ;)00:17
Silver_Fox_Unless anyone has anything to add00:17
collinpWow. Forgot meeting was going on.00:17
DiegoTcthanks I always wonder how i do that00:17
zkriesseFor shame collinp!00:17
DiegoTcGuys I am leving I had clases righ now :S00:17
Silver_Fox_[IDEA] Review List Of Prospective Members In Need Of Mentor.00:18
zkriessebye DiegoTc00:18
MootBotIDEA received:  Review List Of Prospective Members In Need Of Mentor.00:18
collinpAnd I'm handling an issue somewhere else.00:18
nhandlerSilver_Fox_: Why are you using IDEAS instead of TOPICS ?00:18
zkriesseI'm willing to take on nUboon2Age and or MichealH00:18
Silver_Fox_Gah,  you are quite correct nhandler ,  lol00:19
Silver_Fox_We have 5 on the list00:19
Silver_Fox_[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Structure#Mentoring00:19
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Structure#Mentoring00:19
km0r3hey all00:19
duanedesignneeds a dev related mentor00:19
km0r3yes, that would be great.00:20
duanedesignhe has already shown good commitment to the group00:20
duanedesign(s)he, I souldnt assume00:20
duanedesignnUboon2Age is the only other one on the list i have seen around00:21
duanedesignanyone know anything about the other 300:21
wojoxWhat happened to lequont and why is my name gone?00:21
* zkriesse knows of MichealH00:21
Silver_Fox_Very little duanedesign00:21
duanedesignoh and wojox00:21
duanedesigni noticed leoquant was gone today, that was wojoxs mentor00:22
duanedesignwojox is a good fprum contributor so any forum minded mentor woould be good. is that fair wojox?00:23
wojoxSounds good00:23
duanedesignAlso if anyone is on the list of mentors please check and make sure your info is current00:24
Silver_Fox_Okay, only km0r3 seems to be on the list who is here00:24
zkriesseMichealH is in the UK so it's after midnight for him00:24
Silver_Fox_So..  can somebody take km0r3 ?  A volunteer would be nice :)00:25
Silver_Fox_It is after midnight in the UK zkriesse .00:25
duanedesigni can 0\00:25
zkriesseI've offered to take km0r3 on even though I don't code (yet)00:25
Silver_Fox_km0r3,  Who would you prefer? duanedesign or zkriesse  )or neither ;)00:26
* nhandler has a mentee00:26
nhandlerOr send another email to the ML00:26
km0r3I think duanedesign would be great. I feel honored!00:26
Silver_Fox_Okay great :)00:26
* phillw waves to nhandler00:26
km0r3zkriesse: I already thanked you for you kindness00:26
km0r3:-) I mean00:26
Silver_Fox_[AGREED] duanedesign  to mentor km0r300:27
MootBotAGREED received:  duanedesign  to mentor km0r300:27
Silver_Fox_[TOPIC] Request Status Update From All Mentors00:27
MootBotNew Topic:  Request Status Update From All Mentors00:27
* zkriesse will update the mentor list if no one has any objections00:27
Silver_Fox_I shall start,  mine is still in contact with me.  He is in the middle of some real life issues at the minute.  Looking to step it up once they are sorted.00:28
Silver_Fox_go duanedesign00:28
duanedesigngood you could make it to meeting smeag0l00:29
duanedesignmalev is doing great00:29
smeag0lthank you duanedesign :)00:29
duanedesignhe has been coding on a lot of projects00:29
Silver_Fox_Oh hey smeag0l ,  thought you had gone to bed :)00:29
duanedesignnd helping out in -dev00:29
duanedesignshredder12 is also doing well.00:30
nhandlerMy mentee is doing well also. He is doing a great job both in the BT as well as with getting involved in the greater community.00:30
duanedesignand kermiac hopefully wont be my mentee for much longer, not htat i have not enjoyed it00:30
duanedesignnhandler: i agree his participation in #ubuntu-beginners is great00:31
zkriesseI've nominated mohi for membership although he's not here for some reason00:31
zkriessephillw: has done great00:31
zkriesseEspecially with wiki, he's been making excellent progress with that00:31
* nhandler -> dinner00:32
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
Silver_Fox_Nobody else has an update ?00:32
Silver_Fox_Guess not. :)00:33
Silver_Fox_Okay  moving on...00:34
Silver_Fox_[TOPIC] kermiac to join the team00:34
MootBotNew Topic:  kermiac to join the team00:34
Silver_Fox_Please introduce yourself kermiac00:34
Silver_Fox_Or let duanedesign do it ;)00:35
duanedesignkermiac: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MitchTowner00:35
* Vantrax is having RMB flashbacks00:35
zkriessesame here vanhoof00:35
zkriesseI mean Vantrax00:35
duanedesignkermiac has been with us for almost 3 months now00:35
* zkriesse hates tabfail00:35
duanedesignhe is a bug triaging machine :)00:36
zkriesseJust so ya'll know, kermiac has been making excellent progress in -wiki as well when he can00:36
duanedesignnis 5 a day stats are impressive00:36
Silver_Fox_I had a look at those duanedesign ,  very impressive00:36
duanedesignand he has also done apport hooks, wiki work, etc00:36
duanedesigni think he will be a great addition to the team. He is highly motivated, friendly , and ready to help when he can00:37
duanedesignall the things that make a grat BT member00:37
zkriesse+1 duanedesign00:37
kermiachi, sorry. I was called away from my desk. Thanks duanedesign00:37
Silver_Fox_Lets vote00:37
Silver_Fox_[VOTE] kermiac to join the team00:38
MootBotPlease vote on:  kermiac to join the team.00:38
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot00:38
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting00:38
MootBot+1 received from duanedesign. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 100:38
MootBot+1 received from zkriesse. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 200:38
MootBot+1 received from Silver_Fox_. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 300:38
MootBot+1 received from Vantrax. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 400:38
Silver_Fox_Nobody else? :)00:39
MootBot+1 received from pleia2. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 500:39
Silver_Fox_ping cprofitt00:39
Silver_Fox_Thanks pleia200:40
cprofittSilver_Fox_: ?00:40
zkriessecprofitt: cast your vote00:40
MootBotAbstention received from cprofitt. 5 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 500:40
Silver_Fox_Okay,  I think thats everyone who is here00:40
cprofittsorry -- other meeting got a bit 'hot'00:41
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Total: 500:41
zkriesseCongrats kermiac!!!!00:41
Silver_Fox_[AGREED] kermiac to join the team.00:41
MootBotAGREED received:  kermiac to join the team.00:41
smeag0lcongratulation kermiac00:41
kermiacThanks :)00:41
Silver_Fox_Well done00:41
km0r3Congrats kermiac :-)00:41
duanedesignwho can do the ceremonial kick from the channel :)00:42
zkriesseI will!00:42
Silver_Fox_I do not believe you can zkriesse ,  no ops00:43
duanedesigni think mohi can be voted in absentia?00:43
Silver_Fox_duanedesign,  I don't think I can voice anyone in the team channels.00:43
zkriesseSilver_Fox_: I was joking...i've already got him voiced in -wiki00:43
duanedesignwell do it later then :)00:43
Silver_Fox_duanedesign,  A break in tradition?00:43
collinpI can give voice, but I can't set autovoice.00:44
collinpI'll just do it and leave a note for bodhi to set auto-voice.00:45
duanedesignthanks collinp00:45
Silver_Fox_Okay,  I am going to put me head on the block so to speak.. going to proxy mohi00:45
Vantraxhow is that putting your head on the block...00:45
Silver_Fox_[VOTE]  mohi1 to join the team00:45
MootBotPlease vote on:   mohi1 to join the team.00:45
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot00:45
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting00:45
zkriessehe's my paddy00:45
MootBot+1 received from Silver_Fox_. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 100:45
MootBot+1 received from zkriesse. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 200:45
MootBot+1 received from collinp. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 300:45
MootBot+1 received from Vantrax. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 400:45
MootBot+1 received from pedro3005. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 500:45
MootBot+1 received from pleia2. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 600:45
Silver_Fox_Vantrax,  Normally they have to be around.  I think he had been on the list for maybe 6 months00:46
MootBot+1 received from duanedesign. 7 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 700:46
MootBotFinal result is 7 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 700:46
collinpI'll notify bodhi that mohi1 needs +VA as well.00:47
Silver_Fox_[AGREED]  mohi1 to join the team.00:47
MootBotAGREED received:   mohi1 to join the team.00:47
Vantraxi think we said they didnt have to be, I know I had 2 paddys added while they were absent00:47
duanedesignthanks Vantrax00:48
zkriesseSilver_Fox_: I had a topic if i may?00:48
Silver_Fox_Well I had a view to resting (coming up to 1AM)00:48
Silver_Fox_But sure00:48
Silver_Fox_Go zkriesse00:48
zkriesseOk, some of you know I've recently starting leading the Ubuntu Youth group00:49
zkriesseJust wanted to know if any of you would like to help get this group going and alive again00:49
zkriesseEspecially you younger folks00:49
duanedesignoh to be young again :)00:50
zkriesseIf any of you wish to help the channel is #ubuntu-youth on freenode and the wiki is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuYouth00:50
zkriesseThat's all Silver_Fox_00:50
VantraxI would encourage people to be involved00:50
pleia2hooray Ubuntu Youth!00:50
zkriessehaha pleia200:50
Silver_Fox_Can we be young at heart?00:50
duanedesignand on a final note the council will be sending out an email covering the plans to encourage more activity in the team00:51
zkriesseYes Silver_Fox_ you may00:51
Silver_Fox_When can we expect such an email duanedesign ? I shall make a point to open it00:52
duanedesignwe have sent out emails to the broader community00:52
pleia2instead of just trashing it like other duanedesign emails :O00:52
duanedesignwe are awaiting some feedbac00:52
duanedesignso this week, early next week at latest00:52
Silver_Fox_I look forward to reading it duanedesign00:53
zkriesse+1 Silver_Fox_00:53
duanedesigni think everyone will like it. We want to really unlock the teams potentil00:53
smeag0lsorry zkriesse i will have to get my life straightent out first :/00:53
duanedesigneveryone is so talented here on the team00:53
duanedesignthanks Silver_Fox_ for chairing the meeting00:54
zkriesseOh and just so ya'll know there will be a Ubuntu Youth meeting in #ubuntu-youth on Friday at 20:00 UTC and a -wiki meeting in #ubuntu-beginners-wiki on saturday at 21:00 UTC00:54
pleia2thanks Silver_Fox_!00:54
zkriessegood job Silver_Fox_00:54
Silver_Fox_Okay,   thinking about calling it in.  Very early here,  hope the meeting went smooth enough. Wasn't planning to chair so sorry if out of the norm.00:54
MootBotMeeting finished at 18:54.00:54
zkriessevery nice00:54
Silver_Fox_Oh,  I still don't like mootbot ;)00:54
* phillw makes the horlicks for us 'oldies' in the UK ;-)00:55
zkriesseAlanBell is making a new Mootbot-UK00:55
zkriesseit's called meetingology now00:55
zkriesseI've got it in -wiki and #ubuntu-youth00:55
Silver_Fox_zkriesse,  A job for you i have..,,00:55
zkriesseSilver_Fox_: oh?00:55
Silver_Fox_zkriesse,  http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/ <- Meeting logs. Please if you could sort would be grand00:55
zkriesseOh dear00:56
zkriesseOK sure I'll grab that00:56
zkriesseOnly if you gimme a donut00:56
Silver_Fox_What sort? The kind with a hole in the middle or the one with a jam centre ?00:56
zkriessethere's no log of our meeting00:57
smeag0lthis edubuntu takes forever to boot gonna try and se if i can get ubuntu to run on this troublesome Nvidia 6200 or 660000:57
Silver_Fox_BYe smeag0l00:58
smeag0lthank you Silver_Fox_00:58
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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barrymvo: hi!16:01
robbiewwhose running the meeting today?16:01
cjwatsonhi.  bagsy not me, I think I did it last week16:01
* barry doesn't remember the shuffle order from last week16:02
* robbiew will run then16:03
MootBotMeeting started at 10:05. The chair is robbiew.16:05
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:05
robbiewlet's make it legit :)16:05
robbiewdoko: Keybuk: around?16:05
=== doko_ is now known as doko
robbiew[TOPIC] Lightning round16:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Lightning round16:06
* robbiew skips Keybuk16:06
barryf-m-python-versions: much work on py27 stack; having fun with ppa limitations and api. f-m-robust-python-packaging: versioned .so files patch, email discussions, python bug 9193 with patch; todo finish pep 3149. misc: bug 602132 (valgrind ftbfs on mav); awaiting review (cjwatson ping :) and upload; reviewed lean research paper; built out mav mbp laptop for rally; debian python modules submitted for ITP: flufl.enum and flufl.i18n. done.16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 9193 in librsvg2 (Ubuntu) "gnome-icon-theme-gartoon: gartoon makes nautilus crash as soon as PS files are in a folder" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/919316:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 602132 in valgrind (Ubuntu Maverick) "valgrind fails to build from source in maverick (glibc 2.12)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60213216:06
barrycjwatson: i'm not sure you're the right person to review bug 602132, but i assigned it to you (i cannot upload)16:07
cjwatsonI was sort of hoping that doko might review the valgrind patch; I can do it if necessary but I don't know it hugely well16:07
cjwatsondoko, could you?16:07
Keybukrobbiew: am round, you were just on the phone with me! :p16:08
dokocjwatson: ok16:08
Keybukthough I did just have to get back to the PC after nature break16:08
cjwatsondoko: thanks much16:08
robbiewKeybuk: heh16:08
* cjwatson screws Keybuk's outbound filter back in16:08
barrydoko: thanks16:08
robbiewKeybuk: anything for the lightning round?16:08
Keybukcjwatson: that *was* filtered16:08
Keybukdone: ureadahead continuous reprofiling, some work on defrag and block readahead, restored backup after getting it horribly wrong y'day16:09
Keybuktodo: use a different machine for testing, more work on defrag + block16:09
cjwatsonshould've known16:09
robbiewcjwatson: paste away!16:09
cjwatsongosh, how did you get readahead wrong enough to need restore from backup? :)16:09
Keybukcjwatson: turns out btrfs assumes you know what you're doing when you say where you want to move a block to16:09
KeybukI didn't know what I was doing16:09
cjwatsondone: bits of 10.04.1 prep; several build fixes and merges; landed some significant pieces of foundations-m-grub2-boot-framebuffer, now mostly awaiting kernel support; sent off linearfb patch for review; upgraded to current syslinux/gfxboot (involving staring at crash dumps lots)16:10
cjwatsontodo: sort out logo handling for foundations-m-grub2-boot-framebuffer; sprint prep; reviews for Surbhi16:10
KeybukI mistook page offsets for byte offsets16:10
robbiewcjwatson: thnx16:10
robbiewdoko's next16:10
dokoopenjdk-6 backport still continuing, armel test rebuild, openjdk-7 updates, build gcc-4.4 from linaro release, investigate and fix openjdk-6 crashes on armel/maverick, helping hand with python2.7 test rebuild, various linaro calls16:10
evMostly finished the automatic partition page this week - there are slight UI bugs but the functionality is solid.16:11
evWorking on the timezone page.  Moved the menus into a single menu off a new MenuButton widget (http://tinyurl.com/2wg5ucy http://tinyurl.com/32gqusp), but we decided that three ways to do the same thing was wrong and removed the menus altogether.16:11
evCurrently writing client code to talk to the geonames service, packaging python-sphinxsearch for IS so we can deploy the service.16:11
evMail exchange with Amanda over the "use non free software" checkbox.  I hope to get the timezone page and Jockey/ubuntu-?-extras work done before the sprint, so I can focus that time on parallel debconf work.  And dear lord is it ever raining in London.16:11
robbiewlol...rain?...what's that16:11
robbiewthnx ev16:12
robbiewmvo, you're next sir16:12
mvoaptdaemon: work on tests, python-apt py3 fixes; software-center: merged/worked on appdetails-gtk branch, improved appdetails, work on buy-something; update-manager: work on python-apt 0.8 api port, performance work, various bugfixes16:12
barryev: same here in dc!  that must be one big storm16:12
robbiewmvo: thnx16:12
robbiewpsurbhi: ?16:12
psurbhi1) worked on mdadm merge delta16:12
psurbhi2) worked on merging upstream btrfs patch in gparted16:12
psurbhi3) worked on resolving compiler error in building iptables16:12
psurbhi4) worked on resolving compiler error in building redhat-cluster16:12
psurbhi5) started writing a design and implementation doc for btrfs.16:12
psurbhii am right now resolving the gplv2 vs v3 with cmason and peter Anvin on #btrfs16:13
robbiewsounds like fun :/16:13
psurbhii had a question for grub2 btrfs code:16:13
psurbhicould it be dual licensed? gpl v2/3 ?16:13
psurbhiso that syslinux could use support from it16:13
barrypsurbhi: who owns the copyright on it?16:13
cjwatsonwe can dual-license code if it's ours16:13
psurbhiyes, our code16:14
psurbhi:-) great, thanks16:14
barrypsurbhi: you may have to make two source distributions though.  i'm sure amanda can give you all the legal advice you'll need to make that happen :)16:14
Keybukpsurbhi: look on the bright side, all this licence debate makes it really obvious that we're trying to contribute to btrfs development :p16:14
robbiewnothing on the alpha3 bug list...skipping tha16:15
robbiewnothing new that is16:15
cjwatsonin general for code we write that's attached to an existing project, we use the prevailing licence; for a situation like this where multiple projects are involved, it makes sense to use the union, otherwise we're only really inconveniencing ourselves16:15
robbiew[TOPIC] Any Business from Activity Reports16:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Any Business from Activity Reports16:15
robbiewsilence = moving on!16:16
robbiew[TOPIC] Good News16:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Good News16:16
cjwatsonnew syslinux!  dear god that was hard work, and will get various folks off my back.16:16
cjwatsonalso potentially lets us use hybrid CDs that are bootable as USB without conversion, although that's some more work16:16
evI have business16:16
robbiewcjwatson: \o/16:17
barryrobbiew: i have a proposal for a cross-team session.  should i add it to the page or run it by you first?16:17
robbiewev: oops..proceed16:17
dokothe openjdk-6 backports don't show regressions (tested by sbeattie), and fix several plugin issues16:17
robbiewbarry: just add it16:17
mvoI finally traced down a "synaptic/update-manager eats all my cpu bug"16:17
evwe're going to have a new ubuntu-?-extras package to be installed by ubiquity16:17
cjwatson(doesn't obsolete usb-creator; it'd still be needed for persistent storage, and as a tool to actually write stuff to the stick16:17
KeybukI have news; after some fighting, and a little bloodshed, the track leads for the Boot & Init Track of Linux Plumbers' this year have been announced16:17
evit will basically be ubuntu-restricted-extras, but without the metaverse stuff and the fluendo mp3 codec16:17
Keybukand it's going to be Kay & myself :-)16:17
evwhat should we call it?16:17
evKeybuk: congrats!16:18
robbiewKeybuk: *\o/*16:18
evcjwatson, mvo: awesome!16:18
cjwatsonI'd like to call it ubuntu-restricted-extras, but unfortunately that's going to be kind of weird on upgrades16:18
mvoKeybuk: congrats!16:19
cjwatsonwould ubuntu-restricted-desktop make sense?16:19
robbiewev: ubuntu-awesome-extras? (j/k)16:19
evdoesn't that imply that ubuntu-restricted-extras isn't for the desktop?16:19
cjwatsonmaybe ...16:19
mvoI like that one!16:20
eveither of those two work for me16:20
barrymaverick works great on an mbp1,1, except for the trackpad handling which induces sharp persistent pains in my forehead16:20
evright, that's it from me for now :)  Thanks!16:21
robbiew[TOPIC] AOB16:22
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:22
robbiewev: can you look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/oem-priority/+bug/60476516:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604765 in OEM Priority Project "[Maverick] 32bit Ubuntu installer not calculating swap correctly for PAE systems" [High,Confirmed]16:22
evhttp://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/7716 - *cough* be a buddy, hit the commit button on that website16:22
MootBotLINK received:  http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/7716 - *cough* be a buddy, hit the commit button on that website16:22
evrobbiew: sure16:22
robbiewev: thnx16:23
* ev glares at robbiew for not signing up yet16:23
* ev glares harder16:23
robbiew[TOPIC] Next chair16:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Next chair16:23
evhahaha, whatever16:23
robbiewthanks for volunteering ev16:23
robbiewshould we have it next week?16:24
robbiewor just update the wiki with activity reports16:24
cjwatsonit's all one big meeting16:24
barrycjwatson: yeah, but except for me, how often do we have them in bars? <wink>16:25
Keybukif there's a hot tub, we could have the meeting in there16:25
evwhy stop at the meeting16:25
cjwatsonwhen the times were different, it was not unheard of for me to do the meeting from a pub lunch :-)16:25
* barry rolls up his 30m cat5e cable16:25
barrycjwatson: nice!16:26
evit's going to be above 30 degrees in poor-unit temperature all week16:26
evI'm working from the pool16:26
Keybukcjwatson: secrets of management?16:26
robbiewok...so we'll probably cancel it16:26
robbiewbtw, ev...I DID commit16:27
evoh, well, whatever16:27
evI didn't see a twitter post about it16:27
robbiewI think I did identi.ca16:27
Keybukrobbiew: you just wanted nobody to read it, didn't you16:27
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:28.16:28
psurbhirobbiew, thanks :)16:28
robbiewthnx all16:28
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mhall119thought it was in another hour19:59
highvoltageyou should add UTC time to your gnome time applet :)20:00
mhall119it is, I just thought it was 20:0020:00
highvoltageI double-checked the wiki and it says 19:00 :)20:01
MootBotMeeting started at 14:01. The chair is highvoltage.20:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]20:01
highvoltagelet's try mootbot for a change!20:01
highvoltage[TOPIC] Qimo session20:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Qimo session20:02
mhall119heh, that got on the list fast20:02
highvoltagemhall119: since we discussed it just now in #edubuntu, do you think you'll have time to work on that gnome session over the next 2 weeks or so?20:02
mhall119I'll have time to look into it, but no guarantees there'll be work done20:03
highvoltagebeta is on 2 September, which still leaves some time though20:03
highvoltageok, I'll just possibly apply a *tiny* amount of pressure since it affects our installer :)20:04
mhall119if I can't make a Gnome-based session, would you consider one that uses lxpanel or some other light-weight panel?20:04
* Lns waves to all20:05
mhall119it looks like I'll have to keep totally separate gconf databases for Qimo to have it's own gnome panel configs20:05
highvoltageit doesn't sound like a bad idea, but we're trying to keep the dvd image small. lxde isn't that big afaik, it's notimpossible but possibly a stretch20:05
mhall119ok, I'll see what'll be possible using gnome20:06
highvoltagemhall119: I'm sure it's possible to find another way, I'll try to look at it this weekend (I'm moving tomorrow so that might get slightly in the way)20:06
mhall119ok, I have to plan for my UDW session Friday, so it'll be this weekend at the earliest20:07
highvoltageok great20:07
highvoltage[TOPIC] Edubuntu Website20:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Edubuntu Website20:07
highvoltagelast week I reverted the Edubuntu website to the default drupal theme20:08
highvoltageI just changed the colours so that it it's more edubuntuy: http://edubuntu.org/20:08
* stgraber waves20:08
highvoltageI also bought a theme from a site that makes and sells drupal themes20:08
* highvoltage tries to find a link quickly20:08
mhall119MTecknology was working on a Drupal port of the new website theme20:09
highvoltagemhall119: is that Susan?20:09
mhall119not sure about real-life names20:09
* alkisg likes the new site very much20:10
mhall119there's also a Wordpress theme available20:10
highvoltagemhall119: ah, stgraber just told me that it isn't. I'm not familiar with that, do you have details?20:10
mhall119on the new theme?20:10
* Lns likes the new site too!20:10
highvoltagemhall119: yep20:10
mhall119highvoltage: looks like loco.ubuntu.com20:10
highvoltageLns, alkisg: heh, it's just the default drupal theme :)20:11
mhall119or www.ubuntu.com20:11
Lnsit's clean though20:11
highvoltagethe theme I bought is called mynxx, although the preview on http://www.rockettheme.com/drupal-themes/mynxx doesn't show it with the settings I'd want to use by default20:11
alkisgReally? I haven't seen the default drupal theme for a long time, this is looking elegant, and it's also liquid... nice20:11
highvoltageyou'd have to go to Features -> Preset Styles and then the 4th and 5th styles look like they could be configured to be edubuntuy quite easily20:12
highvoltageit has the canonical-style dots (well, maybe with a bit of imagination) and seems to have some accessibility at least. I'll ask for feedback via the list while I update it20:13
highvoltageif someone doesn't like it they're welcome to send   feedback, but we've had an old website so long that I'm just going to run with it20:14
highvoltagehope that's ok :)20:15
alkisghighvoltage++ :)20:15
highvoltageI guess we should spend some time talking about the website outside of the meeting. I'll give everyone regular pokes in the channel :)20:16
highvoltage[TOPIC] Installer features20:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Installer features20:16
highvoltageI looked last week at the ubiquity plugins, I don't understand them completely yet but they don't seem all that complicated at least20:17
highvoltageI started working on the UI pages for the installer too, here's a first draft screenshot for the desktop environment chooser:20:18
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.ubuntu.com/~jonathan/files/maverick/ubiquity-plugins/screenshots/desktop-env.png20:18
highvoltage(I meant to cut that window out but gimp is a bit buggy with globalmenu it seems)20:18
highvoltageLTSP will also have a ubiquity screen, although that installation slide is still much rougher at this stage: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jonathan/files/maverick/ubiquity-plugins/screenshots/Capture.png20:19
highvoltagethat's pretty much all I have to report on installer changes for the week20:20
highvoltage[TOPIC] Ubuntu Developer Week20:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Ubuntu Developer Week20:20
highvoltageWe have a session scheduled for Ubuntu Developer Week this week: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek20:21
highvoltageit's on Friday at at 19:00 UTC (same time that this meeting is happening just on Friday)20:21
mhall119will the desktop chooser determine what is installed, or just what is default?20:21
highvoltagemhall119: probably both20:21
* bencrisford wanders in (sorry im late)20:22
mhall119side-question, is it possible to add a screen to create extra users with these plugins?20:22
highvoltagemhall119: the default session will be installed, and then whatever is chosen will be installed additionally and also made default (I guess :))20:22
alkisgmhall119: that would be nice to have after the installation as well, so maybe it shouldn't be an ubiquity plugin but a standalone program.20:23
highvoltagebencrisford, stgraber, mhall119, alkisg: would be nice if you can be there as well to help out with answers (or even questions as mhall119 did so well last time ;))20:23
highvoltagemhall119: seems like you can do pretty much anything with the ubiquity plugins system20:24
highvoltagemhall119: if you can put it in glade and script it in python, then it's doable20:24
mhall119highvoltage: I'm teaching from 16:00 to 18:0020:24
mhall119so I should be there20:24
highvoltagemhall119: cool20:24
* alkisg will also post it in his forums/mailinst lists for teachers here to see20:25
mhall119alkisg: maybe include a link to a webchat for #ubuntu-classroom20:25
alkisgyup, http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-classroom%2Cubuntu-classroom-chat20:25
highvoltagewell that's pretty much all from my side, any other topics for today?20:26
highvoltage[TOPIC] Next Meeting20:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Next Meeting20:28
alkisgThat was a lot of news/work! Thanks!20:28
highvoltageNext Edubuntu meeting is next week Wednesday 21 July, also 19:00 UTC20:28
mhall119I'll be out20:28
highvoltagethanks for attending the weekly Edubuntu meeting and have a good week!20:29
mhall119so I'll try and get you an update to the qimo-gnome question before then20:29
highvoltagemhall119: that would be really nice20:29
MootBotMeeting finished at 14:29.20:29
MootBotMeeting started at 14:32. The chair is highvoltage.20:32
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]20:32
MTecknologymhall119: ya, I have lajjr working on importing the variations into what we already had from the light-base-theme. I think he's pretty far along.20:32
highvoltage[TOPIC] testmeeting20:32
MootBotNew Topic:  testmeeting20:32
highvoltage[VOTE] test20:32
MootBotPlease vote on:  test.20:32
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot20:32
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting20:32
MootBot-1 received from highvoltage. 0 for, 1 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now -120:33
MootBotFinal result is 0 for, 1 against. 0 abstained. Total: -120:33
MootBotMeeting finished at 14:33.20:33
MTecknologyhighvoltage: "< highvoltage> mhall119: is that Susan?" <- no, my name is Michael ;)20:33
mhall119good name20:34
MTecknology mhall119 btw - you can see my name in /whois :)20:34
mhall119I could if I wasn't lazy20:36
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