[00:21] evening, anyone around? [00:27] hi bobbo [00:27] yo :D [00:28] the team is still at 15% [00:28] :( [00:28] guys, I got you to like 10% [00:28] :P [00:29] Ubuntu needs you guys [00:30] * bobbo is sad [00:30] I'm gonna be holdin g a patch review Ubuntu Week session tomorrow [00:31] maybe if I blog about it on the planet? [00:31] cas we really need more than 5% in like 2 months [00:33] good idea [00:34] Okies [00:34] I may or may not have had a few beers tonight so a proff read would be rally awesome [00:34] daker? [00:36] beers no no [00:38] bobbo, i need your support [00:38] hehe, I'm giving it a go [00:38] I'll pastebin a draft in about 5 minutes [00:38] i want a testimonial [00:39] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdnaneBelmadiaf [00:39] can you ? [00:43] draft: http://pastebin.com/f4VFgryw [00:43] daker ^ [00:45] good [00:47] should I go ahead and post it? [00:49] it's oki for me [00:50] okay posted [00:50] any blatant spelling mistakes, give us a shout [00:50] you want some testemonial? [00:51] if you want yes [00:51] what for? [00:52] what do you mean ? [00:53] are you apllying for anything? [00:53] why do you want me to give you a testemonial? [00:53] i want to apply for a membership [00:53] ubuntu membership [00:54] awesome [00:54] if you can give me 3 links to bugs you have helped with, I can definitely write you one :) [00:54] well not for now but very soon [00:54] really :s [00:55] PM me or send them to bobbo [at] ubuntu [dawt] com [00:55] after that I'll definitely write you one, I remember you working hard when I was doing work experience [00:56] oki i'll try [00:56] thanks [00:56] no problem :) [00:56] one thing [00:56] shoot [00:57] 3 bugs related to ubuntu ? [00:57] ideally [00:58] just 3 bugs you've touched in operation cleansweep (assuming you're participating as you're sitting in the channel :P) [00:58] oki i'll try [00:59] I kow you've been working at this, I just kinda need proof before I write any testemonials or anything [01:00] I'll be idling all tomorrow and running a UDW session at 16:00 UTC so I'll be around if you wanna ping me [01:01] i'll assist to the session [01:01] epic [01:02] to the django session too [01:02] nigelb & me ar co-hosting (apparently, I was emailed the other day,not heard from Nigel but assumign he's helping) [01:02] any help is greatly appreciated [01:02] I've not held a session in 2 months, I'm a little rusty [01:05] how to know the list of bugs that still need patchs ? [01:07] it's in the topic === maco is now known as maco2 [01:54] bobbo, it would be nice if you mentioned the uses of Lernid [01:54] or linked the #ubuntu-classroom [01:54] so it can opend the irc client [01:57] irc://irc.freenode.org/#ubuntu-classroom [01:57] and irc://irc.freenode.org/#ubuntu-classroom-chat [04:09] bobbo: I thought you were helping ;) [04:18] bobbo: I have a preliminary script ready. I'll put into and etherpad when I get the time today so you can go over it === nhandler_ is now known as nhandler [07:47] good morning [09:34] bobbo: well , since your review spree no one has been reviewing :( , nigelb's laptop got busted , then it looked like i was the only one doing reviews for a couple of weeks.. [09:34] to test my theory i did not touch even a single review bug [09:34] ...and voila ! 0 reviewed last week ;p [09:36] we should go and reach out some more again [09:37] and make sure the next Hug Day is a Patch Review Day [09:37] also let people know on the forums [09:37] http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=44 and http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=385 particularly [09:50] yeah [09:57] vish: my laptop bust-ing situation is getting fixed about now [09:58] dholbach: I am *NOT* a forums person. I hate forums :/ [09:58] nigelb: man, it's about sending some kind of announce there [09:59] nigelb: not about participating in all discussions there [09:59] ahh, announce I can do [09:59] (or moving all our discussions there) [09:59] let me talk to people who are big on forums to talk about it [10:00] I've seen maco guide people to us when they crib about "ubuntu sucks" ;) [10:34] nigelb: do we have a tag for ubuntu-only patches now? like for bug 557240 [10:34] Launchpad bug 557240 in ubufox (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "Disable "Report a Problem" menu item for the stable release (affects: 2) (heat: 47)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/557240 [10:42] no, suggested action, branch and request merge [10:42] yofel: ^^ [10:43] and what about the tag? as that's how we manager our todo list currently... [10:43] *manage [10:44] unsubscribe team [10:44] ok [10:44] I spoke to brian some time back and that was his suggestion [10:44] It seemed good to me :) [10:44] dholbach: did you see bdrung's mail? anything you might have added/removed to my reply? [10:44] maybe add that to the workflow ;) [10:45] yofel: yes, I was waiting to document such a situation. can you finish and poke me with bug number? [10:45] I'll get it added before my session [10:45] nigelb: I'm a bit busy right now - hope to get to it later on [10:45] dholbach: sure, no problem :) [10:45] nigelb: will do, might take a while though [10:46] yofel: you can take until first session of UDW ;) [10:47] heh, np [12:36] * daker has headache because of the packaging guide [12:47] don't worry, the worst is yet to come [12:48] the worst hits when you actually start packaging [12:48] +1, your first complex merge is like a weeklong migraine [12:48] merges are like 100 on a pain scale of 1 to 10 [12:52] nigelb, bobbo speaking to me ? [12:52] yes :D [12:52] daker: both of us are :) [12:53] * daker hit his head against the wall [12:53] I dont think thats going to help [12:53] * nigelb hands daker sledgehammer :D [12:53] * bobbo shakes his head [12:53] * bobbo hands chainsaw [12:53] much quicker [12:54] more efficient too ;) [12:56] bobbo: I'll poke in 2 hours re:session. At work now. We can plan it out once I get home :) [12:56] I think we both can keep alternating to make things interesting instead of one of us drone on and on :) [12:56] sounds great [12:57] \o/ [13:11] * daker is becoming crazy [13:12] you're on the right track then :) [13:12] daker: take it easy though. packging is hard and frustrating. needs a bit of effort. [13:12] OMG! headache [13:13] s/effort/patience [13:15] nigelb, i am sure of the that [13:16] :) [13:16] brb [13:17] daker: when is your membership meeting? [13:17] ie. which board? [13:32] nigelb, i am just preparing myself [13:32] as bobbo said i need to do more efforts [13:33] :) [13:33] daker: if at all you go, which board? [13:33] can you explain ? [13:34] there are 3 boards right. which board will you be going? or will you go to dmb directly? [13:34] board = americas board, emea (europe and africa), or asia and oceana [13:35] emea [13:36] i am from AFRICA [13:36] ok, so that means I'll be able to come in person and cheer for you :) [13:37] nigelb, thanks you [13:37] :) [13:37] do poke me when you're planning to apply [13:38] sure [13:38] i'll poke all the channel \o/ [13:43] bobbo, The session will focus on ? [13:43] getting more people to participate in patch review [13:43] daker, patch review process [13:43] heh, ninja'd [13:45] want i can say is that everyone should blog about the activity of the team [13:46] we do weekly reports [13:46] also should target the social networks [13:46] like creating & group or something like that [13:46] to attract more people [13:47] or twitter account [13:47] nigelb, do you think weekly reports are enough ? [13:48] the goal is to attend the 100% [13:48] in your place i'll do a daily reports [13:50] nigelb, what do you think ? [14:08] nigelb, what do you think ? === dholbach_ is now known as dhlbach === dhlbach is now known as dholbach [14:12] daker: well, nothing much to do on daily reports [14:12] progress is 0 [14:12] my laptop b0rked [14:13] :s [15:53] nigelb, ping [16:12] bobbo: ready for UDW later on? [16:15] bobbo: pong [16:16] nigelb, dholbach hey :) [16:16] :-D [16:17] bobbo: 5 minutes, let me get my stuff in order [16:21] bobbo: damn, looks like the notes I took at work didn't copy over [16:22] nigelb, fail :D [16:22] nigelb, I can't find my notes from last time [16:35] vish: FYI. Number of bugs did not increase != nonone reviewing [16:35] it means we couldn't overtake the number of new patches [16:36] nigelb: how many new patches were there? [16:37] check mailing list [16:37] brian's emails [16:38] nigelb: i know how the count works , and it is -1 ;) [16:41] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek Day 3 about to start in 19 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom [16:44] vish: yes, so we couldn't coover up the number of bugs that came in [16:45] I know more than 10 came in [16:45] I'm subscribed to the list. I get a mail for them [16:47] nigelb: well then we are counting something wrong > http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?p=726 [16:50] nigelb: but we don't subscribe the team to them yet or tag them automatically, do we? [16:50] nigelb: anyways , the point is , we need to get more people reviewing patches [16:51] dholbach: the script seems to be tagging "patch" and subscribing the team [16:51] there was a bug i noticed yday [16:51] ok [16:52] vish: we'll talk after the sesion [16:52] right now, I'm hurrying up to write the session [16:55] bobbo, 5min to start [16:57] in that case [16:57] * bobbo closes Warcraft :D [16:58] bobbo: as long as you dont close etherpad, no worries :p [16:59] if a backports request has a patch attached is there something I can do to keep it off the radar of patch reviewers? [17:01] i cant unsubscribe ubuntu review team but it doesnt need reviewed [17:03] can we talk about this after the UDW session? [17:03] sure === daker_ is now known as daker [17:30] did you all see pitti's email to -devel? if you've got an SRU-able patch, you should get it sponsored without first waiting for the SRU ACK [19:04] nigelb, you there? or still busy in classroom? [19:05] m4n1sh: just got out of it. Whats up? [19:05] nothing I followed up with the session [19:05] missed most of it.. internet down.. [19:05] nigelb, tethering the phone [19:05] dont worry, irclogs.ubuntu.com is your friend :) [19:05] i was thinking of something [19:06] what all problems you people face [19:06] patch reviewers? [19:06] i want to know what all problems you people face. [19:06] lack of time for the most part and lack of enough volunteers to make a dent [19:06] any roadblocks.. some technical thing which slow you people down [19:06] vish: anything you wanna add? [19:06] tracking bugs for updates? [19:06] like if the bug forwaded has changed? [19:07] not really, all the technical issues are sorted out [19:07] something like this? [19:07] nigelb: hmm?? [19:07] nigelb, i was thinking of making a small django app [19:07] I generally subscribe to the bug, so I know if the upstream bug has changed [19:07] for each patch reviwer [19:07] they can have a list of patches they are working on [19:07] interesting, explain more? [19:08] finding all bugs which have patch associated with it [19:08] using the script you people use [19:08] my plan is more of a dashboard [19:08] sort of thing [19:08] so that you people know everything in one glance [19:08] but how would you know which reviewer is working on which one? [19:08] the reviwer has to add it himself [19:08] the bug [19:09] well, :p [19:09] we're all lazy people :D [19:09] means in the django apps - lets name it Cleansweeper [19:09] just give it the # of the bug [19:09] amnd it will all do it itself [19:09] i would use launchpadlib [19:09] just a bug # is enough [19:10] means you login to cleansweeper using launchpad OAuth [19:10] tell you want, I want daniel and jorge to make a call, can you mail jcastro, daniel holbach and me? [19:10] I'll follow it up with them tomorrow [19:10] means? [19:10] didnt get it [19:10] m4n1sh: regarding the "problems we face" , it might mostly be if the patch is too old and needs work [19:11] vish, ah. another problem [19:11] but the original submitter does not show interest [19:11] m4n1sh: just write me a mail with copy to jorge castro and daniel holbach [19:11] see nigelb : problems like this [19:11] m4n1sh: but those cannot be solved by an app [19:11] vish, original submitter not showing interest is something too complicated thing [19:11] m4n1sh: I'll follow up wiht daniel and jorge tomorrow. they're in session now. [19:11] m4n1sh: yeah , other than that , not many problems ;) [19:11] nigelb, sure [19:11] vish: we get lazy - main problem [19:12] nigelb, even me [19:12] not me ;p [19:12] last week? :D [19:12] vish, I mean to say.. I know not many problems are there [19:12] nigelb: that was a test ;) [19:12] vish, but the speed can be increased [19:12] with more tools.. helpful ones [19:12] m4n1sh: surely! [19:12] bugzilla was good, but launchpad is simply fantastic [19:12] we coul have gone with bugzilla [19:12] not problems [19:13] but lp is something I admire as a platform even though it might be slow [19:13] vish, I want the cleansweep project to go ahead even more smoothly [19:14] vish, if I get this done.. I request you to design the UI [19:14] m4n1sh: yeah , the problem as always , is there are very few people.. and we need to be in a lot of projects as well.. for instance , nigelb is also on the classroom work and i have to do papercuts work , so there isnt enough time or people working :( [19:14] I suck at it [19:14] m4n1sh: sure! [19:14] vish, I want to work on papercuts, I did a few. but too much of work even at workplace [19:15] vish: agreed on that. user days and udw recruiting wasn't easy [19:15] crap. I should have voulenteered to take sessions during user days [19:15] nigelb: no excuses! ;p [19:15] if they allowed me [19:16] anyway just FYI i have created something useful for people and community as a whole [19:16] m4n1sh: anyone could have taken a class , just need to say you want to :) [19:16] m4n1sh: there no problem in allowing, you just have to tell us you want to take it [19:16] ! [19:16] :) [19:16] oh.. i missed it [19:16] my bad [19:16] m4n1sh: I hounded vish for hours, even got him cornered. He escaped. [19:17] So, I got him for developer week :p [19:17] nigelb, i could have taken in user days [19:17] dev week is tough for me [19:17] as my net is down.. uncertainity [19:17] next cycle, I'll poke you about user days then [19:17] nigelb, sure [19:17] m4n1sh: nevermind missing class , fix papercuts :) [19:17] BTW here is something I wanted to share [19:18] spent 1.5 hrs on each [19:18] http://ubuntutalk.tumblr.com/post/803190646/ubuntu-developer-week-getting-started-with-ubuntu-develo [19:18] http://ubuntutalk.tumblr.com/post/807050603/ubuntu-developer-week-getting-started-with-ubuntu-develo [19:18] part I and part 2 of [19:18] * nigelb kicks vish [19:18] daniel's session [19:18] first session [19:18] human readable format of the sessions [19:18] m4n1sh: yes, daniel pointed it out and that it was awesome [19:18] part 2 was written after he must have shown you [19:19] vish, yeah., will fix papercuts [19:19] \o/ [19:19] http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/07/13/%23ubuntu-community-team.html#t13:56 [19:19] m4n1sh: ^ [19:19] checking [19:19] overview of what it is about? [19:20] ah [19:20] got it [19:20] :) [19:20] nigelb, point out the part 2 of it also to dholbach [19:20] sure :) [19:21] he's busy in session now though [19:21] yeah [19:21] i see [19:21] he and jcastro [19:21] nigelb, what abt 31st meet? [19:21] mg road? [19:21] vish: FYI 33 patches added to list last week [19:21] m4n1sh: yep, mg rd or richmond rd [19:22] meh [19:22] I'm thinking of coffee day near baldwin girls [19:22] you right now in bangalore or chennai? [19:22] bangalore [19:22] nigelb, any place is fine [19:22] vish, you in chennai [19:22] ? [19:22] yup [19:22] melted yet? :p [19:22] meh. come down to bangalore on that weekend [19:22] Nicke, LOL [19:22] nigelb, LOL [19:23] crap. wrong handle :( [19:23] heh [19:23] vish, come down to chennai for that weekend [19:23] nigelb, one more idea i have on cleansweeper [19:23] :) [19:23] overall changes too [19:23] patches reviewed [19:23] the changes [19:24] + or - [19:24] we have that [19:24] and all sort of stats [19:24] from where you get that [19:24] ? [19:24] http://daniel.holba.ch/review/report [19:24] manual? [19:24] we've written a script for it [19:24] i know it is thre [19:24] updates every sunday in time for uwn [19:24] daniel blogs abt it [19:26] Its all auto generated. Daniel keeps querying LP every hour or so and gets the css file for meter and the other image updated [19:26] took a fair bit of time to write those scripts though [19:44] nigelb, back. Okay. I will see if some other stats can also be implemented [19:44] I know a lot of people on #launchpad-dev [19:44] like Gary Poster and more [19:45] and William Grant [19:47] nigelb, what is jorge's email id? [19:49] nigelb, Hello I'm India too currently under the mentorship of sense. I have been taking touchpad bugs. I think I can contribute to this team. [20:06] simar, Hi [20:07] simar, toughpad bugs? [20:12] m4n1sh, ya [20:12] means the laptop touchpad [20:12] m4n1sh, ya alsolutely :) [20:12] cool [20:13] which bugs you worked on? [20:19] m4n1sh, Many bugs, if you are interested please search xserver-xorg-input-synaptics in launchpad bugs. [20:20] m4n1sh, Do you work for #ubuntu-reviews [23:50] nigelb, http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/07/14/operation-cleansweep-we-need-you/