
phillwanyone still about ?02:59
phillwnhandler >>> poke, about the !language warning03:00
nhandlerWhat about it phillw ?03:00
phillwas we have no OP's on #lubuntu that are ever there, if someone has a troll, bad mouther etc., is there a way of reporting them to ask for help?03:02
=== phillw is now known as phillw_away
=== Ddorda1 is now known as Ddorda
=== LjL-Temp` is now known as LjL-Temp
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest86794
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
=== LjL-Temp` is now known as LjL-Temp
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest15723
=== Guest15723 is now known as LjL-Temp
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest88103
=== Guest88103 is now known as LjL-Temp
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest22692
=== Guest22692 is now known as LjL-Temp
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest38129
=== Guest38129 is now known as LjL-Temp
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest41884
=== Guest41884 is now known as LjL-Temp
=== LjL-Temp is now known as Guest78271
=== Guest78271 is now known as LjL-Temp
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l

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