[01:37] Hello [01:37] Hey TenPhil [01:37] I got a little question [01:37] What is your question TenPhil ? [01:38] I'm going to try to introduce pc-users at my uni to Ubuntu [01:38] are there any previous reports, questionnaires and the like that I can use to check what experiences people have as new users? [01:39] my campus has about 10k students, 60% of which are female. [01:39] TenPhil: Not that I know of. Is there a LUG or LoCo nearby? [01:39] No, there is no LUG or LoCo. It just hasn't been viable. [01:40] TenPhil: What were you planning to do with the results of the survey ? [01:43] The question is if it is useful for anyone, I could just use it for myself to give the best guidance, but I could also write it up more formally and distribute it to anyone interested. [01:44] nhandler: I might lead to me filing some papercuts and highlighting usability issues, but it could be that if one is made it can be used by others. [01:45] that's why I'm checking if anyone else has done it, but it's not publicised anywhere at least. [01:45] TenPhil: I am sure that some people would find having questions like that useful (for LoCo events and other similar things). [01:48] nhandler: Ok, seems like I've got to make a blog about this then and make some drafts [01:49] TenPhil: I'm sure some people here (and probably in #ubuntu-locoteams) would be up for helping you with this [01:55] nhandler: yeah, I have the blog and I've started on a first post, and I'll blog about the progress. I'll probably put up docs on Scribd, so that drafts can be published and commented upon. does that seem ok? [02:55] hey akgraner, I'd forgotten you were coming too [02:55] how cool is that? [02:56] I'm driving down Fri. night, and will be at CLS too [02:56] staying in Portland Sat. - Wed. [02:56] still need to find somewhere to sleep Wed night and Thurs night [02:57] I can commute from Vancouver, but I'd rather not, since traffic is deadly [03:07] valorie, I'll be there Monday - no sitter coverage for the weekend so I am missing CLS this time [10:20] czajkowski: Hey! thanx for the email, I think I got a plan now. [10:22] TenPhil: where are you based? [10:22] AlanBell: Trondheim, Norway [10:23] !no [10:23] Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk! [10:23] that would be your loco channel, they might be able to help [10:24] AlanBell: Yeah I'm on their channel already. [10:25] ok, good [10:25] are you a lecturer? [10:25] no, student. [10:26] TenPhil: no problem if you need a hand just ask [10:26] there are loads of us in here :) [10:28] czajkowski & AlanBell: talked to nhandler here yd, and found out that I should make a standardised questionnaire and guideline for new users, to find out how they experience using ubuntu [10:28] TenPhil: is there a computer club or society already at your uni? [10:28] and test it on new users I get here. [10:29] oh, there is that introduce 100 users project thing, who was driving that one? [10:29] There is no LUG or LoCo, there are some but they have paid membership... [10:29] AlanBell: that would be really interesting! [10:30] https://launchpad.net/~100ubuntuusers [10:30] I have a degree in social sciences, so I can apply that knowledge and experience. [10:32] AlanBell: thanks! [10:33] TenPhil: do talk to the design team or matthew revell so they've both conducted usability tests [10:34] czajkowski: I'll send them an email. [10:34] mrevell on irc /launchpad [10:34] ivanka on irc for design === gamerchick02 is now known as gamerchick02-awa === gamerchick02-awa is now known as gamerchick02 [17:23] hypatia: when you have a moment, I can show you how to update the blueprint (yay logo finished!) [17:23] Pendulum: can we chat about mentoring when you have some time? [17:24] pleia2: I'm really booked through the end of this week. Maybe beginning of next week? [17:24] Pendulum: well, mostly I was wondering if you wanted to swap roles, I do rewrite and you do review, but it can wait until next week [17:24] mostly because you seem busy, and I have some time this month [17:25] gah cannot find the we're not gonna take it video [17:25] boooo [17:26] czajkowski: http://justanothertriager.wordpress.com/2010/05/11/uds-m-day-1-overview/ [17:26] ^^ nigelb links it here [17:27] whooo [17:27] happy it helps :) [17:28] :) [17:28] oh it does [17:28] poor Pendulum got to listen to it every morning [17:28] lol [17:41] heh [17:48] czajkowski: you're evil! [17:48] Now I want to listen to it too :D [18:08] cool! It's the first time I see it! :) [18:11] it;s very adictive [18:17] indeed.. [18:27] czajkowski: do you now have it stuck on repeat? [18:27] loop.... [18:27] nigelb: every morning of UDS we blared it in our room. Might have woken up the guys next door (they've never confirmed whether it did or didn't) [18:29] pleia2: that would be find with me [18:29] (sorry, had gone to get some lunch) [18:32] Pendulum: ok great, I'll work on that and be in touch when I need review :) [18:33] great, thanks :) [18:40] Pendulum: heh, who were the guys beside you? [18:41] nigelb: jono and Stuart Langridge [18:44] hahahaha [19:31] http://lwn.net/Articles/396174 [19:33] I tweeted about it, considered fwding to the list [19:33] http://www.fsf.org/news/recommendations-from-the-womens-caucus is the pretty version [19:33] I helped with some of the docs [19:34] lwn is indeed not a pretty website [19:36] I suppose fsf arguably isn't either, but it is the source [19:38] anyhow, in terms of substance, is there anything actionable that we should be doing in Ubuntu [19:39] looking at the points about conferences reminds me [19:40] we did an event in London last week, there were two women speakers and about 10% registered names that I recognised as female names [19:40] both speakers pulled out (for perfectly understandable personal reasons) and there were way less than 10% in the audience [19:41] we do have a section of our wiki for people to list conferences they're attending, but it kinda died [19:41] there was about a 50% dropout rate in the registrations overall, is there any reason or other experience of high dropout rates from registration to attending of women? [19:42] http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events/2010CommunityEvents [19:42] I can't think of any [19:43] AlanBell: that happens at any conference tbh [19:43] has nout to do with women tb [19:43] czajkowski: the overall dropout rate is fine, I understand that [19:44] out of 4 talks on open source at the leeds event, 2 were women [19:44] ;) [19:44] but at a guess 50% of the chaps didn't turn up and maybe 75% of the women didn't [19:44] that's good [19:44] I don't know of any statistics listing women as more likely to dropout, in the cases I know of women not being able to attend their reasons had nothing to do with gender, just general personal or work considerations [19:45] yeah, the speakers had nothing to do with gender, just random and unfortunate [20:02] actually the only 2 female speakers at CLC Leeds were on open source [20:07] pleia2, the UW handout has gotten a favorable reaction [20:08] MarkDude: great! [20:10] * MarkDude showed some it to some folks on the train [20:11] & gave out some stickers also, plus 2 Lucid CDs :D [20:12] nice :) [20:13] I realized I broke the style guidelines with that flier, oops [20:13] should have had more padding around the logo [20:13] * pleia2 loses 10 internet design points [20:13] canonical had a great big ubuntu popup which broke the style guidelines [20:14] ok, well it's good to know that none of us can get it right :) [20:14] it was only going to be spotted by the hardcore followers of the design toolkit [20:15] they had the word "ubuntu" running vertically from bottom to top and had rotated the circle of friends too [20:15] tsk [21:59] ohhh http://conferences.ted.com/TEDWomen/ [22:00] maco: it's coming soon to your area [22:01] wow, neat [22:03] yup [22:03] came across on the womoz mailing list [22:03] Interesting: [22:03] http://conferences.ted.com/TEDWomen/ [22:03] Some may feel this is a way of separating the women and thus doing "she's pretty good at ______ for a girl", but on the other hand it's a well known brand name of innovation and high quality speaking throwing some of its clout and bright starry lights on what will most likely be a stellar cast. [22:03] Discuss? [22:04] czajkowski: yeah, I saw it this morning. I'm hoping to apply for a fellowship [22:04] MichelleQ: what does a fellowship mean? [22:04] attendee [22:04] paid for [22:04] is that like sponsorship? [22:04] ahhh [22:04] yeah [22:04] using english not americanisms :p [22:04] sorry... [22:05] it's what TED called it [22:05] grin [22:05] * MichelleQ blames someone else. [22:05] ^5 [22:05] * belkinsa blames the Brits. [22:05] oi! [22:06] AlanBell: thought that said OIL, which has thank god stopped flowing in the gulf. [22:06] oh did the plug work ? [22:07] yes, for the moment. [22:08] whether or not it *stays* is a different story [22:08] MichelleQ: blaming that on us too now, whatever next! [22:08] That's good to hear, and yeah, that would be another story (and another mess)/ [22:08] AlanBell: nope, not blaming the British... just the British who have anything to do with petroleum. [22:08] :-D [22:09] I was just playing off what we were talking before this topic. [22:09] I'm teasing AlanBell relentlessly. No worries. [22:10] I know, :). [22:10] yeah, I deserve it [22:10] xD [22:13] lordie remind me not to make a joke again :) [22:13] rofl [22:23] that reminds me that I need to go look up recent TED talks as the brother of a mate of mine from high school actually got to give one recently, I think [22:23] nice! [22:24] yeah [22:24] I'm still waiting for the CFP to open for TEDxTampa. Think Mike is going to submit. [22:24] my absolute favourite TED talk I've seen is Aimee Mullins. Not directly tech related, but an awesome talk :) [22:25] There've been some amazing talks... my favorites tend to be non-tech at all. [22:25] she talked about design of prostheses (she's a double amputee and a paralympian and a model) [22:26] very cool. The founder of Wikipedia spoke at tedtampa, that was quite interesting! [22:29] Pendulum: you should watch the recent malaria one [22:29] my sweetie is in it :) [22:30] Is this stuff on YouTube? [22:30] no, they have their own flashplayer, or you can download it in h264 [22:31] ah, I was wrong, my mate's brother is a current TED Global Fellow, no [22:31] *not a speaker [22:33] hypatia: which one is it? [22:33] Sorry for that, I'm a total newbie at this (IRC) [22:34] belkinsa: no worries :) [22:34] Oh, thanks, Hypatia. [22:34] Pendulum: http://www.ted.com/talks/nathan_myhrvold_could_this_laser_zap_malaria.html [22:34] belkinsa: you can find all the videos we're talking about on www.ted.com :) [22:34] he's at the end in the red labcoat [22:35] * MichelleQ still waits for my skeeter-zapper... [22:35] Thank you also, Pendulum. [22:39] MichelleQ: what do you think the laser is? [22:40] I know what it is! I've volunteered my backyard as a test facility.