=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [14:21] I wonder [14:22] Have there been attempts to port the GNOME keyboard indicator to libappindicator? [14:22] right now it's the only thing on my desktop that still uses a tray icon at boot [14:25] LucidFox, it needs appindicator to support labels [14:25] it only supports images right now [14:25] Flags? :) [14:25] I think it's on the roadmap for this cycle, ted would know better though [14:25] not a chance [14:27] I remember it supporting flags in some ancient version of Ubuntu, why was this feature removed anyway? [14:27] because it leads to lot of political issues [14:28] getting flag wrong in some countries lead to conflicting situations === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [16:19] bratsche> So I'm welcome to write a patch for Epiphany fixing the bookmarks menu? [16:20] actually... epiphany is in universe, I wouldn't even need a sponsor for that [16:22] LucidFox: Yeah, absolutely. [16:22] LucidFox: It's just very low-priority for me now since Epiphany doesn't go into UNE by default, and appmenus are only for UNE. [16:22] * LucidFox nods [16:23] So that's why I'm not hacking on it. === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|break [17:20] bratsche: hi , cheese seems to be crashing with the gtk-csd changes.. [17:21] bratsche> The bookmarks menu is populated correctly if I activate it from the application first - I think I'm going to just hook the update menu function onto every action that updates the bookmarks list [17:22] LucidFox: Sounds reasonable. [17:34] I so hate debian/control.in [17:50] * saji89 is away: I'm busy. BRB.. [18:33] vish: I thought CSD got turned off again? [18:34] ScottK: oh it did? hmm , maybe it was an oldish crash report i saw [18:34] That's what I heard. [18:39] Okay, epiphany patched [18:48] LucidFox: thanks for that, quite awesome! === MacSlow|break is now known as MacSlow [20:40] * saji89 is back (gone 02:50:13)