[20:04] Edubuntu session going on now in #ubuntu-classroom [20:04] bencrisford1: stgraber HedgeMage ^^ [20:04] mhall119: already there :), thanks [20:17] mhall119: I just joined, but I'll mostly idle as I'm working [20:29] HedgeMage: hey! I keep getting a certificate error when I log onto your jabber server :/ you know about that? [20:34] Lns: Yeah, I got busy and didn't put the new cert up (the old one is expired)... It's on my list to get caught up on Monday. I have a half-day off work, so it's "attack my to-do list" day (especially since I'll have my mom to occupy LF) [20:35] =) cool, just wanted to ping you on that [20:35] i know it's a pain, i always have to do that with my imap/pop certs on my mailserver [20:35] Lns: thanks :) [21:01] mhall119: wow, that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be :) [21:01] an hour is shorter than you thought it would be though, wasn't it? [21:02] yeah! I thought I would finish in 10 minutes and hang around wondering what to say for 50 minutes :) [21:02] heh :), ive found that with OW sessions in the past [21:02] I prepare so much more than I need [21:03] I need to leave now but I'll be back later, have a good weeend everyone [21:03] you too [21:03] * mhall119 is also heading out