Ezro | Hey guys, can someone help me with my wireless? | 00:04 |
Ezro | I'm using an HP Pavilion DV4 and it has a wireless button that turns blue/red | 00:04 |
Ezro | Blue when on, red when off | 00:04 |
Ezro | And it won't change at all when I press it. | 00:04 |
Ezro | The driver for my wireless card (Intel Wifi 5100 AGN) is installed, but I can't turn the wireless on | 00:04 |
totoro | mmmmmm | 00:05 |
totoro | i had a weird suggestion, but i don't think it's going to work | 00:07 |
totoro | if you dualboot in windows, turn it on while on windows and then restart back to kubuntu | 00:07 |
totoro | def not going to work i guess | 00:08 |
Ezro | xD | 00:08 |
Ezro | I got it to work via hardware drivers lol | 00:14 |
Ezro | Kubuntu ftw | 00:14 |
totoro | coolness in the next generation | 00:14 |
Ezro | But I'm definitely having trouble copying from my USB | 00:15 |
Ezro | It's copying at 1 MiB/s | 00:15 |
Ezro | Which is ridiculously slow. | 00:15 |
totoro | my harddrive is failing slowly | 00:16 |
totoro | so it's hard to copy stuff | 00:16 |
totoro | and it's getting slower | 00:16 |
Ezro | This is upsetting | 00:22 |
Ezro | Apparently it is my hdd. | 00:22 |
Ezro | That's a brand new hdd too T_T | 00:23 |
totoro | ;x | 00:26 |
totoro | brand new? | 00:26 |
totoro | when did you get it? | 00:26 |
totoro | another hypothesis of mine is the filesystems of both the usb and the ext4 hd | 00:27 |
Ezro | I got it for Xmas last year. | 00:27 |
totoro | ah | 00:27 |
Ezro | Well even on my desktop it's xfering at 10MB max. | 00:27 |
Ezro | At 8 and decreasing rightt now. | 00:27 |
Ezro | 7. | 00:27 |
Ezro | 8 | 00:27 |
totoro | i remember getting a computer and it only lasted for one day | 00:28 |
Ezro | That's really slow for usb speed. | 00:28 |
totoro | stupid windows | 00:28 |
totoro | :((( | 00:28 |
totoro | i'm getting 10MB/s here | 00:29 |
Ezro | On my friend's laptop it's going at ~500KB | 00:30 |
Ezro | On my desktop it's going at ~8MB. | 00:30 |
totoro | what are you copying in there anyway? | 00:30 |
Ezro | 20GB of videos. | 00:30 |
totoro | gasp | 00:30 |
Ezro | It should transfer in like.. 20-30 minutes | 00:34 |
Ezro | But it says it's going to take like 10+ hours. | 00:34 |
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Ezro | This makes -no- sense. | 00:37 |
Ezro | I'm copying from the "dying" hdd to my other hdd and it's xferring at ~8MB | 00:37 |
derdon | Ezro: you should have expected 24 hours | 00:39 |
derdon | Ezro: then you see "Oh, it takes only 10 hours. Great!" | 00:39 |
totoro | lmao | 00:40 |
derdon | "I'm a white person living in Africa. I guess I can call myself a[n] American-African? " :D | 00:44 |
derdon | http://www.urbandictionary.com/products.php?term=African%20American&defid=2094998 | 00:45 |
Scunizi | What's the key combination for desktop switching? | 00:49 |
the_file | I am trying to find the vista like search bar in kde | 00:50 |
bodom | Hi there. I have a problem with audio. Looks like that when kde applications are running, the audio card is not shared with other non-kde applications | 00:51 |
pierre_ | Scunizi i believe it is crtl+alt+left or right | 01:03 |
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liam__ | Does anyone have any idea why plymouth isn't loading my boot/shutdown splash ? | 02:07 |
BitSprocket | Anybody know how to configure dolphin to not append :139 to the server name while browsing for smb shares? If I manually remove :139 it sees the shares properly. | 02:18 |
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rsouthard | does anyone know how to start kde instead of the netbook interface in maverick meerkat? | 03:55 |
James147 | rsouthard: cant say for sure but look at system settings > Workspace > "Workspace type" to "desktop" | 03:58 |
James147 | rsouthard: if not ask in #ubuntu+1 for maverick specific help | 03:59 |
rsouthard | cool thank you. didnt know there was one dedicated to future release. wrong place. sorry. | 04:00 |
James147 | rsouthard: dosnt matter :) your jsut likly to get better help there (although it is mostly gnome guys :( ) | 04:00 |
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KBentley57 | hey | 04:09 |
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curtis_ | is their a global folder where i can install a theme to and set as my default theme? | 04:13 |
James147 | curtis_: theme for what? | 04:14 |
curtis_ | like a kde theme | 04:14 |
James147 | curtis_: plasma theme, kdm theme, icon theme..... need to be more specific | 04:15 |
KBentley57 | Anyone familiar with LTSP? | 04:16 |
curtis_ | ok what im doing is using remastersys so i can backup my kubuntu distro but anything i set up on my desktop like wallpapers screensavers widgit locations ect is set up back to default when i install on another pc | 04:16 |
curtis_ | plasma sorry | 04:16 |
curtis_ | so i was wondering if their was any global folder that i could save that to | 04:17 |
curtis_ | like is their a global file i can edit to tell it to allways load that theme | 04:18 |
James147 | curtis_: for plasma themes i can see /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme/ which looks promising | 04:20 |
curtis_ | yes sorry i forgot to tell i allways got my theme their | 04:21 |
James147 | curtis_: /usr/share/wallpapers/ for wallpapers | 04:21 |
curtis_ | <-- not good at explainging what im thinking got 3000000 things at once going on | 04:21 |
curtis_ | what i mean is when i use remastersys to backup and then install it on another computer it goes back to the defualt theme | 04:22 |
curtis_ | what i mean to ask is their any global file i can edit to tell it to use that theme as defualt | 04:22 |
James147 | curtis_: found this: "/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/apps/plasma-desktop/init/00-defaultLayout.js" and now i think i remember somewhere that i heard plasma is set up via javascrip files.... so my guess is that that is one of them | 04:27 |
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Alanrsoares | teste | 04:39 |
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jillsmitt | i cant install splash screen for kde from system settings -> Appearance -> Splash Screen -> Get New Themes | 04:49 |
jillsmitt | if i start systemsettings with kdesu - the same | 04:49 |
ridin | some work, and some don't | 04:51 |
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chx | hi. how can i change the icon of an app? qmmp and konversation are too close. I am running KDE4.5 (almost) | 05:41 |
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john___ | why kubuntu run so slow on my computer? | 05:59 |
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john___ | why kubuntu run so slow on my computer? | 06:03 |
john___ | can you help me? | 06:04 |
john___ | can anyone help me? | 06:04 |
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luca | hello everybody, I just installed kopete but my messaging service list is empty | 07:24 |
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doktoreas | any idea? | 07:25 |
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iconmefisto | anyone ever notice amarok won't play the last few seconds of the last track in a playlist? | 08:08 |
iconmefisto | can anyone confirm or disconfirm this? | 08:10 |
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jillsmitt | i am searching kde4 Spline4 splash screen, if you have it, could you please send me it too? | 09:17 |
jillsmitt | because on kde-look.org Spline4 is not there any more | 09:17 |
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iconmefisto | jillsmitt: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Spline4?content=122254 this? | 09:28 |
jillsmitt | iconmefisto: yes | 09:29 |
jillsmitt | iconmefisto: i send email to autor, maybe he has it and | 09:36 |
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thedog | hi guys, i'm in trouble tryng to install kubuntu 10.04 on a toshiba satellite pro u300 | 09:45 |
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thedog | I can choose language at start, and select install kubuntu, than nothing happens, it seems to work but hang on usplash | 09:46 |
thedog | no one may help me? | 09:53 |
cosimo_ | hi | 10:10 |
cosimo_ | big problem here.... i get smoothly t the KDM, i try to login, just when the sesion spalsh thingy come up, my scren goes black, the purple, the green then yellow and then just a bunch of columns of difretet colors. The computer freezes and i end up hacing to reboot manually | 10:12 |
cosimo_ | what could the problem be.... if it was X, wouldn't the kdm be affected too | 10:13 |
cosimo_ | ? | 10:14 |
iconmefisto | cosimo_: sounds like a video card driver problem | 10:17 |
cosimo_ | grrrrr.... | 10:17 |
cosimo_ | so, id just have to reinstall | 10:17 |
cosimo_ | the driver? | 10:17 |
iconmefisto | cosimo_: try copying /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe as /etc/X11/xorg.conf then reboot and see if you can log in without X problems | 10:18 |
iconmefisto | cosimo_: gotta go now, but if you're still around in about an hour I'd be glad to help you | 10:19 |
cosimo_ | thnak iconmefisto | 10:19 |
iconmefisto | cosimo_: no need to reinstall anything. that wouldn't help anyway | 10:19 |
sys32 | :) | 10:43 |
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ivedoneitnow | Hi. i have a bit of a problem... tried to get plymouth working. i entered two commands. sudo update-alternatives –config default.plymouth, chose a theme, thensudo update-initramfs -u. my pc now wont start im running from live cd.. how do i repair it like disable plymouth and remake my initramfs? help | 11:07 |
Mamarok | ivedoneitnow: do you have your data on a separate partition (the /home folder)? | 11:20 |
Mamarok | Then reinstalling is probaly the easiest way | 11:21 |
Mamarok | probably* | 11:21 |
Mamarok | also, why did you go through hoops for Plymouth? It ships with 10.04 | 11:22 |
Mamarok | ivedoneitnow: I suppose you followed this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/quick-tipplymouth-themes-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html | 11:23 |
Mamarok | but you need to do all of the steps, not restart after the first two lines | 11:24 |
shivani | hello everyone i just installed kubuntu 10.04..could anyone guide me how to install java development kit..? | 11:24 |
palandia | shivani you can download the jdk from java.com | 11:25 |
shivani | @palandia isnt it available through any repos | 11:26 |
Mamarok | shivani: install this package: openjdk-6-jdk | 11:26 |
Mamarok | unless you want the subn java, then it is sun-java-jdk | 11:27 |
Mamarok | sun* | 11:27 |
Mamarok | actually sun-java6-jdk | 11:27 |
shivani | @Mamarok yea wanted sun java | 11:27 |
ivedoneitnow | mamarok: hah yes thats what i did | 11:27 |
shivani | lemme jus try | 11:27 |
Mamarok | ivedoneitnow: you need to have a theme installed that is working, else you won't see anything | 11:27 |
palandia | @shivani sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk | 11:28 |
Mamarok | and put a delay to the framebuffer, else you will not seen anything at all | 11:28 |
Mamarok | palandia: we usually don't recommend to install packages from an outside source if those are in the repos | 11:28 |
shivani | @palandia Package sun-java6-jdk is not available | 11:28 |
Mamarok | as they are compiled to fit | 11:28 |
Mamarok | shivani: you probalby don't have the repo activated for it, let me check | 11:29 |
shivani | i have main,universe,restricted and multiverse ticked | 11:29 |
palandia | @Mamarok ok sorry but in my experience to have he latest jdk i always downloaded it from java.com but it is true.... repos com first in this irc channel ;) | 11:29 |
Mamarok | shivani: you need to activate the partner repository, check your repository settings, do you use kpackagekit? | 11:30 |
shivani | @Mamarok yes | 11:30 |
shivani | @Mamarok is it the ubuntu lucid partner one | 11:30 |
Mamarok | then go to the settings, you will be able to check the partner repository in the "Other software" tab | 11:30 |
Mamarok | shivani: update your sources, then it should show up | 11:31 |
palandia | @Mamarok this is what apt-cache search jdk said to me: openjdk-6-dbg - Java runtime based on OpenJDK (debugging symbols) | 11:31 |
palandia | openjdk-6-demo - Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples) | 11:31 |
palandia | openjdk-6-doc - OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) documentation | 11:31 |
palandia | openjdk-6-jdk - OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) | 11:31 |
palandia | openjdk-6-jre - OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT | 11:31 |
FloodBotK2 | palandia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:31 |
palandia | openjdk-6-jre-headless - OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless) | 11:31 |
Mamarok | palandia: please do not do that | 11:31 |
Mamarok | also it makes no sense, we already know which package we need | 11:31 |
Mamarok | palandia: did you read what I said above? It is in the partner repository, so please do not flood the channel | 11:32 |
shivani | @Mamarok yes shows and installing..Thanks buddy.. | 11:32 |
Mamarok | shivani: you are welcome :) | 11:33 |
SandGorgon | what is a GUI-based tool to configure iptables in KDE ? | 11:33 |
palandia | @Mamarok ok ok just trying to help but i am learning dont get mad with me pls.... | 11:33 |
Mamarok | shivani: just be aware that you now have two differnet Javas on your system | 11:33 |
shivani | @Mamarok How so..? | 11:34 |
Mamarok | palandia: well, macke sure you know what you are doing first :) | 11:34 |
Mamarok | helping is not doing wild guesses | 11:34 |
Mamarok | make* | 11:34 |
Mamarok | shivani: as the default java is openjava, not sun java | 11:34 |
Mamarok | and openjava is already installed, especially if you have OpenOffice installed | 11:34 |
palandia | yes sir | 11:35 |
palandia | :P | 11:35 |
shivani | @Mamarok i just uninstalled openoffice.. | 11:35 |
shivani | @Mamarok and also do they interfere with each other | 11:35 |
Mamarok | shivani: they might. Usually there is no need to have the sun java, openjava does pretty much the same | 11:35 |
Mamarok | SandGorgon: kmyfirewall is a GUI tool | 11:36 |
Mamarok | palandia: I am not a sir :) | 11:36 |
palandia | lol | 11:36 |
SandGorgon | Mamarok, it doesnt seem to have been updated since 2008 | 11:36 |
shivani | @Mamarok aware of that but i jus joined a java development course and they use sun java.. | 11:36 |
Mamarok | !firewall | 11:37 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist. | 11:37 |
shivani | @Mamarok could i safely remove openjava through kpackagekit | 11:37 |
Mamarok | SandGorgon: I don't use a GUI tool, check Guarddog | 11:37 |
Mamarok | shivani: if you have the sun java installed that should work, but check if it does not try to remove other parts | 11:38 |
Mamarok | shivani: you can still refuse the removal if you see it tries to remove other important parts | 11:38 |
shivani | @Mamarok ok..will try after this installation finishes.. | 11:39 |
Mamarok | shivani: java is a language that works likely the same in both development kits, I doubt that makes a difference | 11:39 |
shivani | @Mamarok yes i suppose so but i dont want any excuses from my teacher for not solving my queries citing that i don use sun java | 11:40 |
Mamarok | shivani: understandable :) | 11:40 |
shivani | @Mamarok buddy one more thing..Openoffice supports all the Microsoft office formats but renders them a bit differently | 11:41 |
shivani | @Mamarok any way to solve that | 11:41 |
Mamarok | shivani: ask Microsoft to open their specifications, that is the only way | 11:41 |
Mamarok | shivani: but since they don't, it is hard to have an absolute parity in the documents | 11:42 |
shivani | @Mamarok wat i mean is that when create a docx file on win it stays on 4 pages..when i open in openoffice it extends to 5..page numbers go to other pages | 11:42 |
shivani | etc..etc.. | 11:42 |
Mamarok | shivani: check if there are unnecessary lines | 11:42 |
shivani | @Mamarok lol..i'll surely talk to bill bout this when he comes over for my party saturday night.. | 11:43 |
Mamarok | shivani: I understand what you mean, but again, this is not the fault of OpenOffice.org, but Microsoft doesn't disclose their specifications, and if it is a recent MS Office it is even worse, they don't respect their own OOXML specifications | 11:43 |
shivani | @Mamarok nope there arent any extra lines.. | 11:44 |
palandia | shivani: on my exprience i rather use page breaks instead of "enter" blank lines between pages to port docs from msoffice and ooffice if it helps you | 11:44 |
shivani | @Mamarok well everyone in my college uses msoffice so i am forced to use it too.. | 11:44 |
Mamarok | yep, activate the "show all characters" and you should see the extras added | 11:44 |
Mamarok | shivani: no, you are not forced at all, you can use OpenOffice, the line breaks are not really a problem to remove | 11:45 |
Mamarok | or page breaks | 11:45 |
Mamarok | and tell the others instead of spending money on MS products or worse, downloading illegal copies is not a good way, they could all use OpenOffice, no? It is free :) | 11:46 |
Mamarok | and it exists for Windows as well | 11:46 |
shivani | @Mamarok it is..but people dont like change from what i gather | 11:47 |
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Mamarok | and tell the teachers that there are free and open alternatives that work as well as the proprietary stuff does | 11:47 |
Misterio | Mamarok: OpenOffice is better than Office, but, to use Office you must pay, so people think it's better... | 11:47 |
Mamarok | shivani: well, you would be astonished, sometimes they just don't know it exists | 11:47 |
Mamarok | Misterio: which is silly | 11:47 |
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Mamarok | Misterio: it is full of bugs and security flaws | 11:48 |
Misterio | Mamarok: That's the biggest problem, people think "who will do free software for people?" | 11:48 |
Mamarok | and sometimes you have to wait years till something gets fixed | 11:48 |
Misterio | Mamarok: Yes, I don't use that s*** :P | 11:48 |
Mamarok | Misterio: well, that's where we come in, we show them the alternatives, spread the Kubuntu love :) | 11:48 |
Misterio | Mamarok: I only have free and open software in my PC (except. codecs) | 11:49 |
slow-motion | hi | 11:49 |
Mamarok | hi slow-motion | 11:49 |
shivani | @Mamarok well will try again when college opens..if i could get them to shift to linux too.probably 75 computers still running pirated winxp.. | 11:49 |
palandia | Misterio: very good for your PC! | 11:49 |
Misterio | palandia: heh :) | 11:50 |
Mamarok | shivani: which is quite dangerous, ask Canonical for Kubuntu 0.04 LTS CDs for the college, so they all get a copy | 11:50 |
shivani | @Mamarok problem that we were not expecting has occurred - /var/cache/apt/archives/sun-java6-jre_6.20dlj-1ubuntu3_all.deb | 11:50 |
slow-motion | hi Mamarok | 11:50 |
Mamarok | shivani: or talk to your LoCo Team, they can help, too | 11:50 |
Mamarok | shivani: could you please pastebin the whole error? Is this when installing or removing? | 11:51 |
shivani | installin sun-java6-sdk | 11:51 |
shivani | @Mamarok it was this much only | 11:52 |
Mamarok | shivani: you did this with kpavckagekit, right? to have the full error printing you need to close kpackagekit and run sudo apt-get install sun-java6-sdk again in a terminal | 11:52 |
shivani | installin sun-java6-jdk | 11:52 |
Mamarok | -jdk* | 11:52 |
Mamarok | then you can see the complete output | 11:52 |
shivani | @Mamarok ok..doin that | 11:52 |
Mamarok | and please use a pastebin: | 11:53 |
Mamarok | !paste | 11:53 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 11:53 |
shivani | @Mamarok completed successfully | 11:54 |
Mamarok | shivani: nice :) | 11:55 |
shivani | @Mamarok strange.. | 11:55 |
shivani | @Mamarok but definitely nice..;) | 11:55 |
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Mamarok | t nice it completed nonetheless | 11:56 |
Mamarok | but* | 11:57 |
shivani | @Mamarok yup.. | 11:57 |
shivani | @Mamarok when i installed i got a screen saying i could install extras | 11:58 |
shivani | @Mamarok i cancelled..where could i start that again | 11:58 |
Mamarok | shivani: it suggested additional packages I guess, do aptitude show sun-java6-jdk, it should list additional packages | 11:59 |
shivani | @Mamarok checkin.. | 12:00 |
Mamarok | shivani: or maybe it was just suggesting updates | 12:03 |
shivani | @Mamarok it was suggestin restricted packages i think | 12:03 |
Mamarok | could be, yes, but those should also show as suggested when you do the aptitude show command | 12:03 |
shivani | @Mamarok cant say..packagekit has the lock right now | 12:04 |
Mamarok | shivani: Suggests: sun-java6-demo, openjdk-6-doc, sun-java6-source | 12:05 |
Mamarok | you can run aptitude show without sudo | 12:05 |
shivani | @Mamarok showing none right now.. | 12:05 |
Mamarok | shivani: is kpackagekit still running? | 12:06 |
shivani | @Mamarok yup.. | 12:06 |
Mamarok | ah, OK, I thought you had closed it | 12:07 |
shivani | @Mamarok thanks again buddy..system totally ready for use.. | 12:39 |
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shivani | hello..small problem i made the panel next to clock disappear.. | 12:47 |
shivani | anyway i could get it back | 12:48 |
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sippick | does anyone ever talk in the channels | 12:49 |
ivedoneitnow | hi. somehow i managed to screw up my kernel and couldnt boot up, and had to revert to a previos version to boot up with. is there a way to re-install the kernel that i screwed up so it works properly again? thanks. | 12:59 |
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iconmefisto | ivedoneitnow: are you running from livecd now? or booted from an older kernel? | 13:15 |
ivedoneitnow | iconmefisto: older kernel, but my newer kernel did work before | 13:16 |
iconmefisto | to reinstall it: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic (or whichever kernel version you are reinstalling) | 13:17 |
ivedoneitnow | iconmefisto: i think you may have just solved all my probelms in one shot | 13:23 |
ivedoneitnow | iconmefisto: and as funny as it is that was the exact version that you put that i wanted to reinstall | 13:24 |
iconmefisto | ivedoneitnow: that's the latest one I have. I figured it's the most recent one for most others too | 13:26 |
Ivo_link | hi! Can someone give me hand... I just installed kubuntu, and iḿ trying to modify a file with Kate, but it wont let me save the edited file saying the file is read only, and when i try to change the permission, the options aren't activated so i can't change anything which is odd 'cause i'm running with root... | 13:34 |
Ivo_link | i'm new in this. | 13:34 |
Misterio | Ivo_link: Use sudo kate | 13:35 |
Ivo_link | i did | 13:35 |
Ivo_link | and it said | 13:35 |
Ivo_link | No protocol specified | 13:35 |
Ivo_link | kate: cannot connect to X server :0.0 | 13:35 |
Misterio | and "chmod +rw"? | 13:36 |
Ivo_link | say what? :) translate me that one, could you? | 13:36 |
Misterio | Go to folder in which is that file and do "chmod +rw file" | 13:37 |
Ivo_link | hmm...ok,just a minute | 13:37 |
Ivo_link | nothing happened | 13:38 |
Ivo_link | it's okay | 13:41 |
Ivo_link | i got | 13:41 |
Ivo_link | it | 13:41 |
Ivo_link | one more thing | 13:41 |
FloodBotK2 | Ivo_link: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:41 |
Ivo_link | i used ubuntu... is there like a software center for kubuntu? the "synaptic" itś a bit tricky... | 13:42 |
shivani | hey everyone i by mistake removed the tray..how can i get it back..? | 13:43 |
blain | personalize panel | 13:44 |
Misterio | Ivo_link: I don't know, I normally use apt-get | 13:44 |
blain | apt-get or synaptic are the best | 13:45 |
shivani | @blain if that was for me i didnt get it.. | 13:45 |
Misterio | CLI rlz | 13:45 |
blain | shivani right click on the bar | 13:46 |
jussi | shivani: right click the desktop, add widgets | 13:46 |
blain | what options do you get | 13:46 |
blain | Misterio indeed | 13:46 |
jussi | Ivo_link: no, not yet. | 13:47 |
shivani | @blain then.. | 13:47 |
jussi | I do believe its being worked on. | 13:47 |
Ivo_link | hmmm....ok. guess i'll just get used to it. but installing or removing something will automatically affect the dependencys (i think thats how u spell it, i'm portuguese...) | 13:47 |
blain | (13:46:30) (blain) what options do you get | 13:47 |
blain | Ivo_link o que? | 13:47 |
blain | dependencies* | 13:47 |
Ivo_link | lol | 13:47 |
Ivo_link | ok | 13:47 |
jussi | !pt | Ivo_link | 13:47 |
ubottu | Ivo_link: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 13:47 |
Ivo_link | instala as dependências automaticamente? | 13:48 |
blain | sure | 13:48 |
blain | don't even worry about that | 13:48 |
Ivo_link | ok | 13:48 |
jussi | if you need portuguese please use the pt channeö | 13:48 |
blain | unless you force to skip the dependencies | 13:48 |
Ivo_link | hmmm | 13:48 |
blain | but by default it will | 13:48 |
blain | unless a package is needed by another | 13:49 |
blain | it will stay and it won't be removed | 13:49 |
=== Guest40740 is now known as RaNdY | ||
Ivo_link | well, i want to install wine... and appears a bunch a packages along with...how do i know which one to install? | 13:49 |
blain | those are dependencies | 13:49 |
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest27857 | ||
blain | you need to accept apt choice | 13:50 |
Ivo_link | so, by adding one, the rest (the logical ones, or needed) will install to no matter which one i install right? | 13:50 |
blain | different packages have different dependencies | 13:51 |
blain | so dependencies change | 13:51 |
blain | sometimes a package might not have any dependencies | 13:51 |
blain | you just gotta watch, if apt requires packages to be removed | 13:52 |
blain | when installing | 13:52 |
blain | that is | 13:52 |
Ivo_link | hmmm...ok blain, thanks for all the help. u 2 misterio. if i'll need help i will boder you some more :) | 13:53 |
blain | bother* | 13:54 |
Ivo_link | lol | 13:54 |
Ivo_link | right | 13:54 |
Ivo_link | thanks | 13:54 |
=== jonny is now known as jonny2 | ||
Ivo_link | Blain, how about some more help? :) up to it? | 14:11 |
blain | !pm | 14:16 |
ubottu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 14:16 |
blain | !pm | Ivo_link | 14:18 |
ubottu | Ivo_link: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 14:18 |
Ivo_link | lol jeezz sorry... | 14:18 |
Ivo_link | ok... i cant access startup configuration. | 14:19 |
Ivo_link | i mean, i can, but theres nothing i can change... | 14:19 |
Ivo_link | how can this be possible? | 14:19 |
Ivo_link | anyone...? | 14:22 |
blain | which configuration | 14:23 |
blain | system settings? | 14:23 |
Ivo_link | yes | 14:23 |
Ivo_link | file"desktop" doesn't show anything.... | 14:24 |
blain | the desktop folder? | 14:24 |
Ivo_link | system configuration/startup | 14:25 |
Ivo_link | he thing that helps me to change the automatic dtart of programs | 14:25 |
Ivo_link | the | 14:25 |
Torch | Ivo_link: what are you actually trying to do? what's the problem you want to solve? | 14:27 |
Ivo_link | Torch....iḿ trying to stop some programs to iniciate at startup | 14:28 |
Torch | Ivo_link: for example? | 14:28 |
Ivo_link | indexing / print /bluetooth / and i know theres a few more background running | 14:29 |
Torch | Ivo_link: those are not programs, those are services. | 14:29 |
Ivo_link | or that...i want to do this because i'm noticing that kubuntu is quite slower then ubuntu. So i'm trying to speed it up...(if it works) | 14:30 |
blain | chkconfig cups off | 14:31 |
Torch | Ivo_link: you can disable file indexing in the strigi configuration in system settings | 14:31 |
Torch | Ivo_link: bluetooth i'm not sure, i'm not at my notebook right now. | 14:31 |
blain | ps aux | grep tooth | 14:31 |
Torch | Ivo_link: but whether that is running or not (the KDE bluetooth service) will not have much effect on overall performance | 14:32 |
blain | exactly | 14:32 |
Ivo_link | the strange thing is that on ubuntu, it showed all the services... | 14:32 |
Ivo_link | blain...cups off? | 14:32 |
Torch | Ivo_link: you migh perceice KDE as "slower" because it's different. it also does a hell of a lot more than gnome, so that takes its toll, too, of course. | 14:32 |
Ivo_link | it is slower...graphically | 14:34 |
Ivo_link | windows drag and stuff... | 14:34 |
Torch | Ivo_link: turn off desktop effects if your card or driver aren't up to it. | 14:34 |
Ivo_link | hmmm...i dont have any effects. At least i don't think so... just normal window behaviour.what is chkconfig cups off? | 14:36 |
James147 | Ivo_link: If you looking to speed up the rendering of windows you could `try` launghing the program (qt/kde programs only) with the "--graphicssystem raster" flag... might not make any difference | 14:37 |
Ivo_link | even browsing pages up and down, it drags... | 14:39 |
Ivo_link | it's quite a difference. But i have no doubt that k. its better than U. Torch | 14:39 |
Ivo_link | so, about the services...how can i change them? | 14:40 |
Ivo_link | and blain, could you tell what cups is? | 14:40 |
James147 | Ivo_link: cups is the printer server | 14:41 |
Ivo_link | oh.. | 14:41 |
Ivo_link | thanks james | 14:41 |
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* psynautic says in hushed tones: they will hear us | 15:16 | |
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uneivi | hi | 15:49 |
uneivi | someone there? | 15:50 |
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uneivi | somebody... | 15:51 |
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James147 | uneivi: yup, | 15:51 |
khaije|amalt | whats the simplest dlna media server available for linux | 15:51 |
uneivi | i don't know | 15:52 |
khaije|amalt | i'm looking for something that i can use for maybe a week | 15:52 |
uneivi | just for a week...for what? | 15:52 |
uneivi | puffs | 15:53 |
khaije|amalt | just streaming to my tv until i get my multimedia virtual server set back up | 15:53 |
uneivi | oh! | 15:53 |
khaije|amalt | i think i'll just try mediatomb, i've heard lots of good about it | 15:54 |
uneivi | cool | 15:54 |
uneivi | try it | 15:55 |
uneivi | what is your OS? | 15:56 |
uneivi | ... | 15:57 |
uneivi | well i guess i go | 15:59 |
uneivi | i do not understanding this... | 15:59 |
=== jtheuer is now known as jt|away | ||
psynautic | anyone know why kde keeps defaulting dvi-1 to be clone of dvi-0 at startup instead of right of dvi-0 like i set it to? | 16:04 |
James147 | psynautic: stating which video driver you are using would help :) | 16:13 |
psynautic | radeon | 16:13 |
Scunizi | *everytime* I boot Akonadi and Kontact crash. Kontact because Akonadi is having issues..... | 16:17 |
Torch | Scunizi: pastebin a backtrace | 16:18 |
Scunizi | Torch: when Akonadi crashes and I try to report a bug, it says it needs the debug symbols.. so trying to install that results in "non found for Akonadi" which doesn't make sense to me/. | 16:19 |
Torch | Scunizi: install the package akonadi-dbg | 16:20 |
Scunizi | Torch: ok | 16:20 |
Scunizi | It's doing it via cli using apt-get.. nice to see.. ok.. installed.. how do I initiate a backtrace? | 16:21 |
Torch | Scunizi: you get it once it crashes, in the crash handler that pop up | 16:22 |
Scunizi | Torch: ah ok.. I'll have to shutdown and restart to get it to fail again. I'll be back in a minute. | 16:23 |
Torch | Scunizi: just running it won't make it crash? | 16:23 |
Scunizi | Torch.. no.. my normal startup routine is when Akonadi presents 3-4 crash windows I hit cancel until they are all done. Quit Akonadi, Quit Kontact, Restart Akonadi.... wait... restart Kontact .. then everything is ok. | 16:25 |
Torch | Scunizi: i see | 16:25 |
Scunizi | Torch: I suspect it's the connection I've made to google for the calendar and contact resource | 16:25 |
Scunizi | But I'm not really sure.. | 16:26 |
Torch | Scunizi: and there's no networking at that point because of network manager... that makes some sense, agreed. | 16:26 |
Scunizi | Torch: to a point.. I uninstalled network-manager because it didn't cooperate with setting a static IP address and installed Wi-cd instead.. so you may be correct in that the network isn't up until after akonadi is started.. | 16:27 |
Torch | Scunizi: hmm, aha. well, make a backtrace, maybe that offers some hints. | 16:28 |
Scunizi | Torch: ok.. I"ll be back in a minute | 16:28 |
* slow-motion juhu | 16:30 | |
Scunizi | Torch: strange.. I did a cold boot and Akonadi started with no errors this time.. and Kontact didn't error... however Kontact reports "Akonadi not operational" when clicking the "Contacts" tab.. so there is no connection between the two like there should be normally. Errors presented when clicking details shows Akonadi Server self-test and "No resource agents found", "Previous Akonadi server error log found", and "Current Akonadi control | 16:34 |
Scunizi | error log found." | 16:34 |
Torch | Scunizi: you know this page: http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting | 16:35 |
Scunizi | Torch: nope.. I"ll look. | 16:35 |
Scunizi | Torch: is 4.4 what is in 10.04? | 16:36 |
Torch | Scunizi: yes, as any kde app's help->about will tell you ;-) | 16:37 |
Scunizi | Torch: DOH! should have remembered that. | 16:37 |
SDuensin | Anyone here ever make bluetooth audio work in 10.04? The more I read, the more confused I get. :-( | 16:37 |
SDuensin | I replaced kbluetooth with blueman and was able to pair my headset (Jabra BT3030). I can't for the life of me get sound out of it though. | 16:38 |
Scunizi | Torch: well .. with the issue on this latest reboot the link says that it's an unsolved issued when contacts don't show up.. they are hoping to have a fix soon. :( | 16:39 |
Torch | Scunizi: sounds bad :-( | 16:39 |
SDuensin | How does audio work in KDE anyway? What's the default audio server? Do I need to manually install Pulse? | 16:40 |
ArGGu^^ | SDuensin I dont have any experience of bluetooth sound, but have change the default sound card? | 16:40 |
SDuensin | I've yet to find a way to change sound cards. Apparently my system thinks I only have one. | 16:40 |
Torch | SDuensin: KDE uses phonon as multimedia backend. phonon is an API that can make use of several backends. among the possible backends are pulse audio, gstreamer and vlc. | 16:41 |
=== roy_ is now known as roy__ | ||
ArGGu^^ | I think it should detect your bluetooth device as another sound device | 16:41 |
SDuensin | Ahhhhhhh - ok, that's what Phonon is. I think all I have to choose from is "Xine". | 16:41 |
Torch | SDuensin: that's another one. a very popular one, too. | 16:42 |
Torch | SDuensin: backend, i mean. | 16:42 |
SDuensin | Right, but blueman expects pulse, I believe. | 16:42 |
SDuensin | So that'd explain a few things. :-) | 16:42 |
SDuensin | Now just to figure out how to add it. | 16:44 |
ArGGu^^ | SDuensin http://www.hyperblog.de/hoergen.php/2010/06/28/bluetooth_a2dp_unter_kubuntu_10_04 | 16:44 |
ArGGu^^ | It is german but maybe it could help | 16:45 |
SDuensin | Thanks ArGGu^^ - the URL sounds very promising. Trying to load it. :-) | 16:46 |
SDuensin | I got Google Translate. :-) | 16:48 |
ArGGu^^ | :) | 16:48 |
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SDuensin | Wow. He's even using the same headset I have. Very nice find! | 16:51 |
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oxymoron | How do you isntall Java, I cannot make it work and openjdk sucks, and restricted-extras is installed. Base problem is that BankID doesnt work on Nexus Linux Peronsal | 16:52 |
troopperi | add lucid partner repos | 16:52 |
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest39875 | ||
troopperi | and install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin | 16:54 |
oxymoron | troopperi: ppa? | 16:54 |
troopperi | before that uninstall everythin else javas | 16:55 |
oxymoron | troopperi: Yes of course ;) But ppa url or ppa:*? | 16:55 |
troopperi | its found -kpackagekit ->settings->edit software sources | 16:56 |
troopperi | then refresh | 16:56 |
oxymoron | troopperi: Yeah found it now, thought I already had it :P | 16:56 |
psynautic | is there a bug with radeon not remembering dual monitor setup? it always defaults to dvi-1 cloning dvi-0 | 16:56 |
oxymoron | troopperi: Uhm, which packages to remove first? Is it enough remove openjdk libraries? | 16:56 |
SDuensin | ArGGu^^: Perfect! Almost blew my eardrums out when it started up! Thanks! | 16:57 |
troopperi | oxymoron: i think so | 16:57 |
ArGGu^^ | SDuensin good to hear :D | 16:58 |
* SDuensin loves this OS. | 16:59 | |
Torch | psynautic: i think you need krandrtray running on startup for that to work (but i don't have that setup, so i can't really be sure) | 17:03 |
troopperi | oxymoron: did you get it? | 17:05 |
Scunizi | Is PowerDevil .. a laptop power management daemon needed or do anything on a desktop install? | 17:05 |
Torch | Scunizi: it's mostly for notebooks, yes. | 17:06 |
oxymoron | troopperi: Yeah but BankID doesnt work | 17:06 |
Scunizi | Torch: will it change any operation on a desktop install if I disable it as a service? | 17:06 |
Torch | Scunizi: it's used for reboot and shutdown, but both should still work without it (using alternative backends then) | 17:06 |
troopperi | try to konsole, lik this 1. sudo aptitude remove openjdk-6-jre sun-java6-jre 2. sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre 3. sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin | 17:07 |
Scunizi | Torch: so it's probably not a good idea to disable if you're not using alternative backends (I'm not aware of what those alternatives are to install or look for). | 17:07 |
oxymoron | troopperi: Ah the plugin isnt installed xD | 17:07 |
troopperi | :) | 17:08 |
Torch | Scunizi: no, KDE should pick an alternative itself. | 17:08 |
Torch | Scunizi: just disable it and try to reboot. it will probably just work. | 17:08 |
psynautic | thanks torch, ill check that out | 17:08 |
Scunizi | Torch: ah cool.. I was actually looking to disable kbluetooth on startup as I don't need it and found that service... but still haven't figured a way to stop kbluetooth.. yet. | 17:09 |
Scunizi | Torch: I might have figured out why Akonadi fails in my circumstance on a cold boot.. looking in Hardware under System Settings where it describes the Network Management Backend.... NetworkManager 0.7 was first on the list and Wicd second.. perhaps by moving wicd to the top of the list the network will come up faster.. | 17:12 |
oxymoron | troopperi: Hmm now it seems like BankID and CSN (Study grant in Sweden) complains that Firefox hasnt javascript activated, but it is xD | 17:13 |
troopperi | oxymoron: do you restart your firefox | 17:13 |
oxymoron | troopperi: I hate this, Same freaking problem everytime I need to reinstall bankID on Linux. WOuld be nice having sudo apt-get install nexus-personal and then it just WORKS. | 17:14 |
oxymoron | troopperi: Nope, but will do now ;) | 17:14 |
oxymoron | troopperi: Hmm doesnt work now either, even after the restart. It cannot find BankID. I dont remember what was the problem last time. There was some tiny little extra part with Nexus Peronsal to fix I think afterwards the installation provided by Nexus. | 17:15 |
troopperi | oxymoron: yeah, i understand... what say when you write to addresline about:plugins | 17:15 |
troopperi | at firefox | 17:16 |
oxymoron | troopperi: That java is installed and activated. But I cannot find anything regarding BankID. Oh I think I need to manually add the plugin to firefox for BankID to make it works, so freaking annoying xD I dont remember what do do either :P | 17:16 |
troopperi | ok :D | 17:17 |
=== jtheuer is now known as jt|away | ||
oxymoron | Seems like the problem is that Firefox have dynamic library path which make it impossible for Nexus Personal to install libplugins.so to correct foldder :P | 17:24 |
txwikinger | hi Stratford | 17:26 |
Stratford | hi | 17:26 |
Stratford | i'm new to linux | 17:26 |
Stratford | and command line stuff | 17:26 |
Stratford | just trying to get to a level of full understanding | 17:27 |
Stratford | according to arthur griffith's video tutorial i have done the partitioning on a floppy | 17:27 |
Stratford | as you would have seen http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/464566/ | 17:27 |
txwikinger | yes | 17:27 |
Stratford | but cannot seem to put the fs on the partions | 17:28 |
txwikinger | Why do you need partitions on your floppy? | 17:29 |
=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer | ||
Stratford | gosh | 17:29 |
Stratford | does it matter | 17:29 |
txwikinger | well.. it is an unusual thing | 17:29 |
Stratford | like i said.. i'm new to this | 17:29 |
Stratford | and trying to practice on floppy | 17:30 |
txwikinger | I think the necessary device files are not created automatically | 17:30 |
Stratford | cheap way to do things | 17:30 |
txwikinger | that is why you get the error message | 17:30 |
Stratford | well i tried adding some lines in fstab | 17:30 |
Torch | Stratford: floppy disks do not have partition tables | 17:30 |
Stratford | like someone suggested | 17:30 |
James147 | Stratford: adding line to /etc/fstab willl only affect mounting of the drive, not partition of it in anyway (that has to be done when its not mounted) | 17:31 |
txwikinger | No.. fstab mounts existing device files to your filesystem tree | 17:31 |
Stratford | i can create/save/see files/dir but cannot access the partitions individually | 17:31 |
txwikinger | You need to have the right device files in the /dev directory | 17:32 |
Stratford | well .. i was trying this "sudo mount /dev/fd0p1 /mnt" but it doesn't work | 17:32 |
txwikinger | A device file is a sort of pseudo file that tells the kernel how to find your hardware | 17:32 |
txwikinger | /dev/fd0p1 does not exist | 17:32 |
txwikinger | so you cannot mount it anywhere | 17:33 |
txwikinger | it must exist first and have the right information in it | 17:33 |
Stratford | so you mean the partitions i created do not exist? | 17:33 |
Torch | Stratford: floppy disks do not have partition tables | 17:33 |
txwikinger | well.. the partition exists on your floppy | 17:33 |
Stratford | Torch, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/464566/ | 17:33 |
txwikinger | Torch: you can write a partition table on a floppy | 17:34 |
Stratford | i did the partprobe thingy as well | 17:34 |
txwikinger | The problem is that for a disk we create the necessary device files, for a floppy we don;t | 17:34 |
Stratford | but i'm using a live cd | 17:34 |
Torch | txwikinger: you can write a partition table anywhere. | 17:35 |
Stratford | so you are saying that it cannot be done? | 17:35 |
oxymoron | Freaking difficult to make BankID to work on a amd64 bit system I must say. You need to manually activate BankID plugin with npwrapper | 17:35 |
txwikinger | Stratford: I have to go to a meeting.. I will do some research .. maybe I find something | 17:35 |
txwikinger | ping me later | 17:35 |
Stratford | txwikinger, thanks.. can i request something? | 17:35 |
Stratford | if you have a floppy can you duplicate what i have done and then try to see if you can put a file system on the partitions | 17:36 |
Stratford | arthur griffiths video tutorials does this on a floppy | 17:37 |
Stratford | but his following two videos he uses another example but chats about mounting the partitions individually and doing the mkfs | 17:37 |
Stratford | txwikinger, ? | 17:38 |
Stratford | i guess you have gone to your meeting | 17:38 |
Stratford | Torch, are you there? | 17:39 |
Torch | Stratford: what are you trying to achieve with all this? | 17:39 |
Torch | Stratford: yes. and wondering what this is good for. | 17:39 |
Stratford | ok hear me out | 17:39 |
Stratford | i'm coming from a windoz world.. so i've just started learning all this linux and love it | 17:40 |
Stratford | i don't want to go back to windoz | 17:40 |
Stratford | but i also support a lot of windoz folks voluntarily | 17:40 |
Stratford | and they have old hardware | 17:40 |
Stratford | some don't even have cd rom | 17:40 |
Stratford | so i went through art griffiths video tutorial here http://www.vtc.com/products/Introduction-to-Linux-tutorials.htm | 17:41 |
Stratford | and he does things on a floppy | 17:41 |
Scunizi | Is there an easy way to sort the Kmenu ? As I add programs they don't end up in alphabetical order..... | 17:41 |
Stratford | if you get a chance to see the fdisk tut and the 2 after that you will see that he manages to do it | 17:42 |
Torch | Stratford: still pointless. | 17:42 |
Stratford | so i am practicing this on a floppy | 17:42 |
Stratford | Torch, it maybe pointless on your end | 17:43 |
Torch | Stratford: partition tables on floppy disks are pointless. | 17:43 |
Stratford | but some folks don't have the resources to get new hardware etc | 17:43 |
Torch | Stratford: they still don't need partition tables on floppies then | 17:43 |
Torch | Stratford: you're aware you can just _use_ the floppy without partitioning it? | 17:43 |
Stratford | Torch, i don't think you see th epoint | 17:44 |
Stratford | yes.. but they have windoz | 17:44 |
Torch | Stratford: apparently not. what _is_ the point? | 17:44 |
Stratford | so i was thinking of getting to a level where i am comfortable in linux | 17:45 |
Stratford | for myself and others and transition | 17:45 |
Stratford | it's like crossing a stream but having one foot on either bank | 17:46 |
Torch | Stratford: i see, but you won't really need to partition floppies in any case. or use fdisk directly, which is really a tool for experts. | 17:46 |
Scunizi | Stratford: I also don't see the point of partitioning a floppy even on old hardware with windows.. is it just for practice or what? | 17:46 |
Stratford | the floppy will make me comfortable to play around and then risk the hd | 17:46 |
Scunizi | so practice.. | 17:47 |
Torch | Stratford: if you just want to practice using fdisk, try the scsi_debug module. | 17:47 |
Stratford | never mind | 17:47 |
James147 | Stratford: or create a file and practice on that :) | 17:48 |
Stratford | i'm a point between where i can transition a lot of folks to linux but this kind of solution will keep them on windoz | 17:48 |
Torch | Stratford: not being able to partition floppies using fdisk? | 17:48 |
Torch | Stratford: what kind of weird advanced pro users are those? ;-) | 17:49 |
Stratford | James147, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/464566/ | 17:49 |
Stratford | Torch, thanks for your help | 17:49 |
whysoserious | HI, and welcome to this episode of the OSGUI tech show | 17:49 |
Stratford | i have spelt out the tale of two cities here and you are still asking me the same ? | 17:50 |
whysoserious | Was that his IP? | 17:50 |
whysoserious | Com'on... Are you dating on private conversation? | 17:52 |
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=== Richard is now known as Guest80663 | ||
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realmatt | how easy is it to watch a blueray movie in ubuntu/kubuntu? | 18:19 |
Andrew9 | how can i add a user to samba share? | 18:20 |
Andrew9 | user/password for access | 18:20 |
Scunizi | Andrew9: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/configuring-samba.html. | 18:30 |
Andrew9 | Scunizi: The requested URL /6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/configuring-samba.html. was not found on this server. | 18:30 |
Scunizi | Andrew9: sorry looks like I inadvertantly added a "period" at the end of the url.. remove that and refresh | 18:31 |
Andrew9 | Scunizi: i've read all manuals but it still doesn't work | 18:31 |
Andrew9 | Scunizi: user name works only without password | 18:32 |
Andrew9 | Scunizi: if i set password i cannot access it anymore | 18:32 |
Andrew9 | Scunizi: password just won't work | 18:32 |
Scunizi | Andrew9: one of the users you add to samba has to also have an account on your machine.. so add yourself first then then others.. | 18:32 |
Andrew9 | Scunizi: i have done it | 18:32 |
Andrew9 | Scunizi: when i add myself in samba options it makes no changes | 18:33 |
Scunizi | Andrew9: /join #samba ... samba can be finiky depending on how you've setup smb.conf | 18:33 |
Andrew9 | Scunizi: i open samba settings and the user list is empty | 18:33 |
Scunizi | did you create a /etc/samba/smbpasswd file? | 18:34 |
Scunizi | Andrew9: here's an example of my smb.conf file.... "#" comments out the line making it ineffective. http://pastebin.com/5S3zUDmQ | 18:36 |
Scunizi | Andrew9: although I haven't read it all here's a more recent how to with samba http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-10.04-samba-standalone-server-with-tdbsam-backend | 18:37 |
Andrew9 | Scunizi: ok thanks | 18:37 |
Torch | Andrew9: setting up samba correctly is _hard_ ;-) | 18:37 |
Andrew9 | Torch: i just want to have one public folder and a few password protected ones | 18:38 |
* Scunizi can prove that with his new shiny dome after pulling all his hair out the last time. | 18:38 | |
Torch | Andrew9: it's still hard ;-) you'll eventually make it, but expect a frustrating experience... ;-) | 18:38 |
Scunizi | Andrew9: I still have to restart the smbd service after reboot or cold start to get the shares to be recognized by the windows machines in my LAN | 18:39 |
Andrew9 | Torch: the thing i hate the most is that it just doesn't work | 18:40 |
Torch | Andrew9: heh, yeah. if you can get away with it, use NFS or SFTP | 18:40 |
Andrew9 | Torch: in the gui for example i add users after Apply-close the list is empty just like nothing happened | 18:40 |
Torch | Andrew9: i have no experience with that GUI... i suggest following a tutorial and editing the files in /etc/samba directly. | 18:41 |
Scunizi | Andrew9: that may be part of what's happening.. to really setup samba *don't* use a gui.. that's a limited app. | 18:41 |
Tazzypillar | hello, does anyone know why I keep having the plasma desktop of my system show up in my smoothtasks widget somehow? | 18:42 |
Scunizi | AND don't try ebox or the other web based configuration utility.. just eats resources, confusing etc. | 18:42 |
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uneivi | hi there... | 21:11 |
uneivi | someone there?! | 21:11 |
uneivi | someone knows another chat that i can use? | 21:12 |
uneivi | nobody talk | 21:13 |
uneivi | i don't understand it | 21:14 |
uneivi | ei alguem ai do brasil? | 21:14 |
uneivi | nesuno?! | 21:15 |
uneivi | affs | 21:15 |
uneivi | ahhhhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh | 21:16 |
uneivi | puffs | 21:16 |
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uneivi | ... | 21:16 |
uneivi | ........................afffffffffffffsssssssssssss | 21:17 |
likeamp | buenas soy nuevo alguien me puede alludar | 21:41 |
likeamp | algo eh leido sobre kubuntu | 21:41 |
likeamp | pero nesesito activar los drivers de nvidia para ubuntu 9.10 | 21:41 |
likeamp | si es posible ? | 21:41 |
well_laid_lawn | !pt | 21:41 |
ubottu | Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 21:41 |
likeamp | kubuntu perdon | 21:42 |
well_laid_lawn | or ask in english pls :] | 21:42 |
likeamp | hi im newie im reading tutorials on kubuntu and is not easy for me install the drivers for my nvidia | 21:43 |
likeamp | any one halp | 21:43 |
well_laid_lawn | !nvidia | 21:43 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 21:43 |
likeamp | thx boy | 21:43 |
well_laid_lawn | what's this boy crap! ;] | 21:44 |
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josh2k10 | hey | 22:23 |
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ridin | how do i change kwin's style | 23:49 |
James147 | ridin: System settings > Appearance > Window decoration or something (cant remember the exact name) | 23:53 |
bewofthe | i would like to turn off mouse gesture please | 23:54 |
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cuznt | thats better. | 23:55 |
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