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lifeless | mthaddon: hai | 08:09 |
spm | lifeless: can I assist? | 08:27 |
lifeless | I want to change the prod timeouts. | 08:28 |
lifeless | and edge | 08:28 |
spm | which ones? | 08:28 |
lifeless | db timeout and soft timeout | 08:29 |
spm | db timeout being the 20secs and then we oops? I suspect stub'll know where that hides. | 08:30 |
lifeless | oh, I know where it is. | 08:30 |
lifeless | where is the prod config branch ? | 08:30 |
spm | oh. sorry, I misunderstood the Q. | 08:30 |
spm | lp:~launchpad-pqm/lp-production-configs/trunk | 08:31 |
lifeless | https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/lp-production-configs/timeouts/+merge/30069 | 08:36 |
spm | i'd grumble at the 'updating diff' message, but that'd be my problem to chase. so I won't. | 08:38 |
lifeless | spm: ^ I want that to be live on the prod,edge,staging appservers, please. How do we make that happen ? | 08:38 |
spm | lifeless: edge (I'm pretty sure on edge and config updates, but not 100%) and staging will just happen; tho if you want faster, edge can be manually done. prod is a CP. | 08:39 |
lifeless | spm: its a CP to change the _config_ ? if so fine, tell me what to do. | 08:40 |
lifeless | spm: I'd like to do this broadly in lockstep so that the oops hourly graphs are comparable | 08:40 |
spm | lifeless: we don't really distinguish between code vs config changes. they all follow much the same process. | 08:42 |
spm | lifeless: so the request will be (after approval/buildbotting etc) wind up here: https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/OSA/LaunchpadProductionStatus there's a link off that to the process for getting a change thru | 08:44 |
lifeless | spm: please tell me you're kidding about buildbot for this? | 08:46 |
lifeless | buildbot doesn't use the production configs AFAIK | 08:47 |
lifeless | so I'm entirely unconvinced it has any use here | 08:47 |
spm | hrm. well I was speaking to the general case not the specific. I guess we do send all stuff thru BB as a matter of course. If only such that the appropriate branhces wind up in the appropriate spots. | 08:49 |
spm | In the case where a change is sufficiently ZOMGness, we can and do cowboy in. | 08:50 |
lifeless | well, have a look at it. | 08:50 |
leonardr | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/wadllib/+bug/274074 | 09:06 |
_mup_ | Bug #274074: Missing total_size on collections returned by named operations <api> <wadllib:Fix Released by leonardr> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/274074> | 09:06 |
salgado | mwhudson, you'll need the LP branch plus http://paste.ubuntu.com/464412/ and a checkout of lp:~salgado/lazr.restful/extension-interfaces on lazr-restful-dev-egg | 09:16 |
mwhudson | salgado: ta | 09:17 |
lifeless | spm: hi | 09:33 |
lifeless | spm: I realise its well past your off-time, but we got left half-discussed; If you don't reply I'm going to assume you're having fun and will follow up with mthaddon | 09:33 |
spm | heh, having fun trying to keep codebrowse alive :-) | 09:34 |
lifeless | spm: ouch | 09:47 |
lifeless | mthaddon: whats the pqm info for the prod configs branch ? | 09:49 |
mthaddon | lifeless: as in, which branch to submit to? bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/lp-production-configs/trunk | 09:50 |
lifeless | and the pqm email box ? | 09:53 |
lifeless | mthaddon: ^ | 09:53 |
mthaddon | lifeless: same as for all the LP branches | 09:53 |
lifeless | mthaddon: its been many years since I had that setup | 09:53 |
lifeless | mthaddon: ec2land does it magically | 09:53 |
lifeless | hmm, might it be pqm at pqm dot ubuntu dot com ? | 09:54 |
mthaddon | lifeless: there's no developer docs on that? I can find out for you, but I suspect it should be documented for developers somewhere | 09:54 |
StevenK | pqm_email = Launchpad PQM <launchpad@pqm.canonical.com> | 09:54 |
StevenK | lifeless, mthaddon: ^ | 09:54 |
lifeless | mthaddon: the docs are a little awkward right now :P | 09:55 |
mthaddon | thx - not quite the developer docs I had in mind, but... :) | 09:55 |
lifeless | StevenK: thanks! | 09:55 |
deryck | sinzui, I have a simple branch needs a review and yours could qualify for code and ui... | 10:04 |
deryck | sinzui, I've just changed a help link that is failing. Can you help with this? | 10:04 |
poolie | stub, could you test/land my flags db patch? | 10:10 |
poolie | i ran ec2 test but it seemed to hang | 10:10 |
stub | poolie: ok | 10:10 |
poolie | or at least the web page did not show progress | 10:10 |
poolie | and i suspect it couldn't authenticate to send mail | 10:10 |
lifeless | can we have lights please ? | 10:20 |
mwhudson | salgado: ICanHaveBugs is a bit of a hack, no? | 10:27 |
salgado | mwhudson, yes; created just so that we can have the IBugTarget views also available for things that don't directly provide that interface but can be adapted to it | 10:29 |
mwhudson | salgado: what's the longer term strategy there? | 10:29 |
lifeless | mthaddon: hi | 10:30 |
lifeless | [.*(?:\\[(?:[pP]=[^ \\t]+,[ ]*)?(?:[rR][sS]?=[^ \\t]+)|(?:[Tt][Rr][Ii][Vv][Ii][Aa][Ll])\\])]' | 10:30 |
lifeless | mthaddon: what should I put in to make both you and PQM happy, here ;) | 10:30 |
mthaddon | lifeless: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/lp-production-configs/trunk will give you ideas about ones that have worked in the past | 10:31 |
lifeless | lol | 10:31 |
mwhudson | can we have pages registered for IBugTarget and have that work for things that can only be adapted to IBugTarget ? | 10:32 |
lifeless | AIUI, no. | 10:32 |
lifeless | However, remember that I know nothing. | 10:32 |
mwhudson | salgado: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/project-to-bugs-adapter fixes the feeds tests btw | 10:34 |
lifeless | deryck: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/606191 | 10:35 |
_mup_ | Bug #606191: filing a bug created two bugs <Launchpad Bugs:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/606191> | 10:35 |
poolie | spm, can we get any debug info on why loggerhead is crashing to mkanat? | 10:35 |
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rockstar | bigjools, can I solicit some help from you? | 11:32 |
bigjools | rockstar: of course, how may I assist on this fine day in Prague? | 11:33 |
rockstar | bigjools, take a look at the diff here: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rockstar/launchpad/bug-602333/+merge/29679 | 11:33 |
rockstar | bigjools, basically, I need to make sure that distroseries that we create for source package recipe builds have a nominatedarchindep (so it doesn't use the arm builder) | 11:33 |
bigjools | rockstar: "ProcessorFamily.get(2)" ? | 11:35 |
rockstar | bigjools, however, if I try and set the processor or architecturetag on the makeDistroArchSeries, there's a constraint violated. | 11:35 |
rockstar | bigjools, I tried that, but it violates a unique constraint. | 11:35 |
rockstar | I'm assuming this means that there's possibly some sampledata somewhere that I can use instead. | 11:36 |
bigjools | quite probably | 11:36 |
bigjools | which constraint BTW? | 11:36 |
rockstar | bigjools, looking, one sec. | 11:38 |
mwhudson | salgado: Total: 4451 tests, 40 failures, 12 errors in 59 minutes 50.391 seconds. | 11:50 |
mwhudson | from ./bin/test -vvc lp.bugs | 11:50 |
mwhudson | salgado: not too bad, i guess | 11:50 |
lifeless | mthaddon: its landed | 12:07 |
lifeless | mthaddon: what happens next? | 12:07 |
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mthaddon | lifeless: you request a rollout via the LPS wiki page - we still need to talk to flacoste about whether you can be added to the list of approvers for that | 12:47 |
lifeless | mthaddon: thats on wiki.canonical.com yeah? | 12:53 |
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flacoste | mthaddon: yes, that's fine, lifeless has the responsibilities than Bjorn previously | 12:59 |
mthaddon | flacoste: cool, thx | 13:00 |
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mtaylor | lifeless: how's prague treating you? | 14:51 |
leonardr | rockstar: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpadlib/+bug/316694 | 15:15 |
_mup_ | Bug #316694: Add web_link property to resources <launchpadlib :Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/316694> | 15:15 |
lifeless | mtaylor: could be better, could be worse :) | 15:37 |
mtaylor | lifeless: well that's good I suppose | 15:37 |
mtaylor | lifeless: so, I have a thing I just hit up against which may be a bzr thing or may be a launchpad thing | 15:50 |
poolie | hi monty | 15:50 |
poolie | lp:~leonardr/launchpad/true-anonymous-access - leonardr you legend :) | 15:50 |
mtaylor | hi poolie | 15:50 |
StevenK | poolie: Laptop rescue successful? | 15:51 |
poolie | yes, the water-cooling project was succesful :) | 15:51 |
mtaylor | lifeless: I've got a branch protected by a PQM (lp:swift - using tarmac) | 15:51 |
mtaylor | lifeless: so nothing hits trunk there without going through a merge proposal | 15:51 |
mtaylor | thing is - if the only difference in the tree is that I just tagged a release | 15:53 |
mtaylor | that's always been weird to push, but has sort of always "just worked" ... how do I do that in this workflow? | 15:53 |
mtaylor | (I'm in here because the passive aggressive side of me is going to request a tag-the-branch feature be added to "make a release" ... or something) | 15:54 |
poolie | mtaylor, basically you need to either connect in using a key that lets you get at the bot | 16:11 |
poolie | or put it into a new branch that you merge | 16:11 |
poolie | or perhaps tarmac should get a command to do this | 16:11 |
poolie | leonardr, i think that's all the reviews i need to do for you? | 16:11 |
mtaylor | poolie: so I can do a merge request where the only branch diff is a tag? cool | 16:14 |
poolie | mtaylor, i think you need a new revision, but it doesn't have to have any file changes | 16:14 |
mtaylor | poolie: ok. so I'd want to do "bzr commit --unchanged ; bzr tag blah" and then merge that | 16:15 |
leonardr | poolie, i need you to look at my revisions to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpadlib/improve-workflow/+merge/29849 | 16:16 |
poolie | right | 16:16 |
mtaylor | _slight_ ugly in that that'll wind up with the tag in an internal commit | 16:16 |
mtaylor | but will work | 16:16 |
lifeless | mtaylor: I don't know whether tarmac calls the right bzr apis to propogate tags or not. Check the code. | 16:16 |
mtaylor | lifeless: I'm pretty sure its process is "bzr checkout trunk ; bzr merge ; bzr commit" | 16:17 |
lifeless | right see the bug filed last week about this | 16:17 |
mtaylor | lifeless: oh good | 16:17 |
lifeless | bzr commit in a heavyweight checkout doesn't propogate tags. | 16:17 |
lifeless | it should | 16:17 |
lifeless | please fix! | 16:17 |
mtaylor | rockstar: ^^^ | 16:17 |
mtaylor | rockstar: although what I _really_ want is a way to tell tarmac to tag a version | 16:18 |
rockstar | mtaylor, can you file a bug about that? | 16:18 |
mtaylor | rather than needing to merge in a tag revision | 16:18 |
mtaylor | rockstar: yes | 16:18 |
mtaylor | lifeless: we don't have tagging done in the hudson bzr plugin do we? | 16:18 |
rockstar | lifeless, it's using a lightweight checkout. | 16:18 |
rockstar | mtaylor, how would you expect to specify a tag? | 16:19 |
* mtaylor goes to write a hudson param job that will tag a branch | 16:19 | |
lifeless | rockstar: ok cool that should be fine then | 16:34 |
mtaylor | rockstar: not sure | 16:48 |
rockstar | mtaylor, I think you probably should just tag after the fact. | 16:48 |
mtaylor | rockstar: it's an element of trunk-protected-by-pqm workflow I've only just now thought about | 16:48 |
mtaylor | rockstar: totally - the question is, if my hudson is the only one with permission to do it- what's the least ridiculous way to say "yeah, this one is going to be 1.0" | 16:49 |
rockstar | mtaylor, well, you always want someone to be able to get to the branch that is robotically managed. | 16:49 |
mtaylor | what if there was a launchpad thing, similar to propose merge which was propose release... | 16:49 |
mtaylor | rockstar: well, I can | 16:49 |
rockstar | For instance, our SAs can still edit the branch. | 16:49 |
rockstar | mtaylor, you should also make a bug about proposing a release. | 16:50 |
mtaylor | rockstar: but in a general workflow/process description, "ssh in to the hudson machine as the hudson user, branch trunk, tag and push" is sort of silly | 16:50 |
mtaylor | rockstar: I think I will | 16:50 |
poolie | flacoste, that's great about "what's new", do you know there's a bug for that? | 16:50 |
mtaylor | rockstar: I would be a nice workflow addition, potentially | 16:50 |
rockstar | Also, it might be cool if you could tag a branch through the LP web interface. | 16:50 |
mtaylor | rockstar: yes. the github folks have already poked me about that | 16:50 |
flacoste | poolie: yes, it's bug 129943 | 16:50 |
_mup_ | Bug #129943: Changing home page "What's new" item shouldn't require a code rollout or cherry pick <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/129943> | 16:50 |
mtaylor | although I do not care for github's version of making a tarball for that :) | 16:51 |
rockstar | mtaylor, there's an open patch to loggerhead about making a tarball, but I was concerned that it might have memory issues. | 16:51 |
rockstar | (because loggerhead is REALLY good with memory, and we don't want to ruin that) | 16:52 |
rockstar | </sarcasm> | 16:52 |
mtaylor | rockstar: haha | 16:52 |
rockstar | mtaylor, truthfully, please file a bug on EVERYTHING the github folks poke you about. Worse thing that could happen is we could mark it "Won't fix" and actually provide a good explanation. | 16:52 |
rockstar | (As opposed to "No, that's stupid") | 16:53 |
mtaylor | rockstar: I care less about making the tarball (as I'd want to use make distcheck or python setup.py sdist in any case) as I do about the workflow around deciding, taging and creating the relase object | 16:53 |
mtaylor | rockstar: indeed | 16:53 |
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mtaylor | rockstar: tarmac is totally running the show now. complete rock | 19:08 |
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rockstar | mtaylor, WOOT! | 21:39 |
mtaylor | rockstar: I'm also getting a list of bugs to file (mostly feature requests) | 21:40 |
rockstar | mtaylor, nice. I'll see if I can get them fixed soon. | 21:42 |
mtaylor | rockstar: the least silly one was someone asked if tarmac indicated anything in the commit about the reviewers/approvers | 21:42 |
rockstar | mtaylor, okay, so there's a way to construct a commit message template that can give that information, and the reviewers are also stored as revprops on the merge. | 21:43 |
mtaylor | rockstar: oh they are? | 21:46 |
mtaylor | rockstar: I think the revprops thing is probably fine | 21:46 |
mtaylor | rockstar: I just did a bzr log and didn't see anything | 21:46 |
rockstar | mtaylor, yeah, so I need to write a bunch of documentation this weekend. | 21:47 |
mtaylor | yay! | 21:47 |
mtaylor | rockstar: the silly bug is that if you try to merge a branch that's already merged, it doesn't update the status to merged | 21:47 |
mtaylor | rockstar: as in, somebody proposes for merge, there are no changes, it's approved, there are no changes - tarmac gets it ... it keeps sitting as approved in the merge queue :) | 21:48 |
mtaylor | rockstar: amazingly enough, this did actually happen :) | 21:48 |
rockstar | mtaylor, it doesn't update the status to merged because the mp should be updated on launchpad to merge. | 21:48 |
thumper | hey | 21:49 |
mtaylor | rockstar: it should - but nothing ever gets committed locally | 21:49 |
mtaylor | so nothing gets pushed and thus nothing gets triggered | 21:49 |
mtaylor | hey thumper | 21:49 |
rockstar | mtaylor, okay. So the bug is "Pointless merge doesn't remove it from the queue" | 21:50 |
mtaylor | rockstar: yup | 21:50 |
mtaylor | rockstar: I'll file it and stuff... I just haven't gotten there yet | 21:50 |
rockstar | mtaylor, cool. | 21:51 |
rockstar | thumper, which room are you in? | 22:20 |
thumper | 424 | 22:20 |
rockstar | thumper, coming down... | 22:21 |
thumper | rockstar: in that case, 425 | 22:21 |
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