Ger | I made my lubutu cd and ran it on pc. Then tried installing to harddrive got to the partion part removec ubuntu and installed lubuntu it seemed as though it was working. When I came back the desktop was on but it didn't install to harddrive at least it will not start without disk | 00:01 |
Ger | does the install icon stay on the desktop even after the install | 00:03 |
pedro3005 | hm... | 00:06 |
pedro3005 | Ger, can you try asking in #lubuntu ? | 00:07 |
Ger | I went there lot of people no answers phill not around | 00:07 |
Ger | when you had me use nomraid what did that do maybe I need to use that with the lubuntu install | 00:13 |
pedro3005 | Ger, press F6 at the beginning | 00:14 |
pedro3005 | not sure that will work on lubuntu | 00:14 |
Ger | I was wondering what that did nomraid | 00:15 |
pedro3005 | oh, I think it sets ubuntu to not use a RAID | 00:15 |
pedro3005 | or something like that | 00:15 |
kuyanatan | can someone help me? i have a computer that has freezes when trying to wake from sleep, and must do hard reset to power off. | 00:30 |
totoro | well, first thing you might wanna do is not have the computer sleep? | 00:32 |
totoro | and check what processes are still running while sleeping | 00:32 |
totoro | maybe that can help to your mystery | 00:32 |
kuyanatan | ok | 00:33 |
kuyanatan | how would i check what processess are still running while sleeping? | 00:38 |
ddecator | could be a kernel issue | 00:39 |
ddecator | kuyanatan: do you have any older kernels installed you can test with to see if it resolves the issue? | 00:40 |
paultag | sounds like a kernel issue | 00:40 |
kuyanatan | nope just did a clean install two days ago | 00:40 |
paultag | ddecator: this has been an issue from day 0 | 00:40 |
kuyanatan | sorry, right back. nee to switch computer | 00:40 |
paultag | kuyanatan: have you used GNU/Linux before? | 00:40 |
kuyanatan | need | 00:40 |
kuyanatan | yes | 00:40 |
paultag | kuyanatan: what distro? | 00:40 |
kuyanatan | mostly ubuntu | 00:40 |
kuyanatan | once opensuse | 00:40 |
ddecator | paultag: i never use the feature.. | 00:41 |
paultag | kuyanatan: has this ever happened before? | 00:41 |
kuyanatan | different computers or virtual machines | 00:41 |
paultag | ddecator: yeah, it sucks. Never worked until this past year for me | 00:41 |
kuyanatan | and this has never happened before | 00:41 |
paultag | kuyanatan: physical hardware | 00:41 |
kuyanatan | right back need to switch computers | 00:41 |
paultag | ddecator: the kernel was never made to do that | 00:41 |
paultag | ddecator: so it's hacked in | 00:41 |
ddecator | paultag: for real? wow.. | 00:42 |
paultag | ddecator: and BIOSes throw a *SHIT* *FIT* | 00:42 |
paultag | ddecator: same with hibernation | 00:42 |
ddecator | paultag: language :p | 00:42 |
paultag | ddecator: but that was hacked in with the use of a creative script in the initrd | 00:42 |
ddecator | yah, i know hibernation has been terrible, through sleep worked | 00:42 |
paultag | ddecator: and hiberlate tends to be OK these days | 00:42 |
paultag | ddecator: nah, never worked for me. Always froze | 00:42 |
paultag | ddecator: I'm more interested to see if kuy- here has a regression or if it's an organtic issue | 00:43 |
paultag | not too much you can do to fix it, it's kernel-space | 00:43 |
ddecator | paultag: that's what i was thinking, but you seem to have it covered :p | 00:43 |
paultag | ddecator: I'd rather not see this frak again | 00:43 |
paultag | ddecator: I've spent the last 10 years raging at it not working | 00:43 |
ddecator | paultag: FFUU face and all i assume? | 00:44 |
paultag | ddecator: yeah :( | 00:45 |
kuyanatan | sorry | 00:45 |
kuyanatan | back | 00:45 |
paultag | ddecator: did you see winnie the ffuuuuu? | 00:45 |
ddecator | paultag: haha, yah | 00:45 |
paultag | ddecator: so good | 00:45 |
paultag | kuyanatan: so | 00:45 |
paultag | kuyanatan: have you been able to use this physical hardware the issue is currently presenting it's self on to hibernate or sleep with GNU/Linux before? | 00:46 |
paultag | not virtual or anything | 00:46 |
kuyanatan | nope | 00:46 |
kuyanatan | this is the first time ive used gnu/linux on this computer before | 00:47 |
kuyanatan | before, it was running xp (its a cousin's computer) | 00:47 |
paultag | kuyanatan: Ahha. OK. Well, I'm going to have to bounce you, I'm afraid. If you would like to see about getting this fixed, you can try asking in #ubuntu-kernel, mention you have a sleep issue with your box. Have the output of lshw ready and in a pastebin | 00:47 |
kuyanatan | ok | 00:48 |
kuyanatan | thanks! | 00:48 |
paultag | kuyanatan: sorry I can not help more :( | 00:48 |
paultag | kuyanatan: sure! | 00:48 |
kuyanatan | :) | 00:48 |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
alien_ | hi guys | 04:46 |
alien_ | made a huge error by mistake an delete in the panel the audio controler | 04:47 |
alien_ | and that mail thing that is with it | 04:47 |
alien_ | how can i get it back | 04:47 |
alien_ | in not in the add to pannel menu | 04:47 |
alien_ | im updating also,just installed ubuntu 10.4 desktop | 04:48 |
ridin | right click the panel -> add to panel | 04:52 |
ridin | indicator applet i think | 04:52 |
alien_ | let me check that | 04:53 |
alien_ | the onlu thing that says applet is inhibit thats it | 04:54 |
alien_ | no indicator applet | 04:54 |
alien_ | can i change the buttons in the left to the rigth side | 04:56 |
alien_ | im used to that way | 04:56 |
alien_ | cant get used to in the left | 04:56 |
holstein | | 04:57 |
kermiac | alien_: | 04:58 |
kermiac | oops, lag. | 04:58 |
holstein | hehe | 04:58 |
kermiac | alien_: did you get that sound applet back? | 05:01 |
alien_ | soud applet no | 05:03 |
alien_ | but im udating | 05:04 |
alien_ | just saw an update about panel | 05:04 |
alien_ | mabe is updates i need | 05:04 |
kermiac | alien_: i think the update was most likely just a gnome-panel update. | 05:04 |
alien_ | fresh installation,i have done nothing,but unistalla a few apps dont need | 05:04 |
alien_ | yes | 05:04 |
alien_ | thats the one | 05:05 |
alien_ | about 200 updates | 05:05 |
kermiac | alien_: can you please pastebin the result of "apt-cache policy indicator-applet" (maybe after your updates have finished hehe) | 05:05 |
kermiac | alien_: !pastebin | 05:05 |
kermiac | !pastebin | 05:06 |
ubot2 | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 05:06 |
alien_ | im in my laptop at the time | 05:06 |
alien_ | does ubuntu bring Xchat ? | 05:06 |
alien_ | i havent taje a real good look at it yet | 05:07 |
alien_ | i dont see it,have to install and then i can copy paste that for u | 05:07 |
kermiac | alien_: xchat is in the software repositories. I sugges that you have a look through the Ubuntu Software Centre | 05:08 |
kermiac | alien_: no need to install pastebinit, you can goto the url mentioned above & paste the url in here | 05:08 |
alien_ | i will,updates about to be done | 05:08 |
alien_ | i know,thanks | 05:09 |
alien_ | so is for the pictures a page | 05:09 |
kermiac | alien_: yes, imgbin is for pictures | 05:09 |
alien_ | i have mint in laptop and ubuntu in desktop,countless how many times i crash | 05:09 |
alien_ | had to switch to something better | 05:10 |
alien_ | im on linux now | 05:10 |
kermiac | alien_: welcome to pure the pure awesomeness that is linux :) | 05:11 |
alien_ | jejeje well let me tell u,have a pendrivelinux my self with more than 10 linux ISOS on it multyboot | 05:13 |
alien_ | and to this date i dont know how i choose to intall mint and ubuntu | 05:14 |
alien_ | i guess because the help and support | 05:14 |
alien_ | but they are all almost the same,,are they ? | 05:14 |
kermiac | alien_: that multiboot sounds like fun. one of the great things about linux is freedom to choose :) | 05:15 |
alien_ | check pendrivelinux | 05:15 |
alien_ | just like that in browser u will see | 05:15 |
kermiac | alien_: they are fundamentally the same, altough there are a few differences | 05:17 |
kermiac | alien_ |!install | 05:19 |
kermiac | alien_ > !install | 05:20 |
kermiac | !install | 05:20 |
alien_ | updates,not yet | 05:20 |
kermiac | sorry alien_, the bot is ignoring me. Those were commands for the bot. It should have said: | 05:20 |
kermiac | alien_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - Don't want to use a CD? See - See also !automate | 05:21 |
alien_ | tu eres del linux staff ? | 05:22 |
Darkness_Des | Does anybody know if we have a working KDE Global Menu for KDE4? | 05:22 |
kermiac | alien_: no, we are all volunteers | 05:22 |
alien_ | cool,some day i be volunteer,i ven helping in linux mint channels | 05:23 |
alien_ | and learning from them | 05:23 |
alien_ | just reading about diferent problems | 05:23 |
alien_ | can i add u as friend in my list | 05:24 |
kermiac | alien_: you can usually find me in here. There are also a lot of other friendly people in this channel who will be more than happy to help you | 05:25 |
kermiac | Darkness_Des: sorry, I don't use KDE or follow the KDE4 stuff. | 05:26 |
Darkness_Des | Unfortunate. | 05:27 |
kermiac | anyone around follow the KDE4 stuff? | 05:27 |
Darkness_Des | I've been using GNOME forever but I just can't live without my Global Menu. | 05:28 |
kermiac | Darkness_Des: the best google seems to find for me is | 05:29 |
kermiac | Darkness_Des: but the page that is linked to in that article is timing out for me :( | 05:30 |
Darkness_Des | Same here. | 05:30 |
Darkness_Des | I've seen similar pages to that though, it's about a new global menu in the Maverick Netbook edition. | 05:31 |
kermiac | Darkness_Des: yes, google keeps finding the maverick netbook stuff too | 05:31 |
Darkness_Des | Alright, I guess I'll live with what I have for now. | 05:32 |
Darkness_Des | Thanks for your help! | 05:32 |
kermiac | and he's gone before i could suggest #kubuntu oh well | 05:32 |
alien_ | i have to go,i look for help tomorow | 05:33 |
alien_ | enjoy the rest of the night | 05:33 |
kermiac | ok alien_ feel free to come back here if you have mroe questions | 05:33 |
kermiac | s/mroe/more | 05:33 |
alien_ | i will trust me | 05:33 |
alien_ | jaja :) | 05:33 |
kermiac | haha, ok mate :) | 05:33 |
asterismo | hi people | 05:38 |
kermiac | hey asterismo :) | 05:38 |
asterismo | tssup kermiac | 05:38 |
kermiac | no much asterismo, just catching up on the UDW sessions i slept through | 05:39 |
asterismo | i was trying the netbook-launcher | 05:40 |
asterismo | i found it really great | 05:40 |
asterismo | i do not have a netbook | 05:40 |
asterismo | an ordinary notebook, full size | 05:41 |
asterismo | but netbook menu is awesome | 05:41 |
asterismo | i found a little bug that shows me wierd vertical text | 05:41 |
asterismo | but it's nice | 05:41 |
kermiac | yeah, i played with it for a while. I liked it, but it will take a bit of getting used to for me | 05:41 |
asterismo | is gnome-shell working anyway? | 05:42 |
kermiac | apparently it is working out ok, it will be included in the repo's in 10.10 - but it wont be the default | 05:42 |
kermiac | i haven't looked at it for a long time though | 05:43 |
asterismo | check this bug | 05:43 |
asterismo | | 05:43 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 605996 in netbook-launcher (Ubuntu) "wierd text appears vertically in netbook launcher (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 05:43 |
asterismo | yeah | 05:43 |
* kermiac looks | 05:44 | |
kermiac | ok, that's strange... i dont think it's supposed to do that. But i don't know much about it. I don't use unr | 05:48 |
kermiac | tbh, i was getting confused between unr & unity at the start of the conversation but now i am following hehe | 05:48 |
asterismo | i think someone is going to note that | 05:48 |
asterismo | otherwise i will end up uninstalling openoffice word processor | 05:48 |
asterismo | lol | 05:49 |
kermiac | asterismo: that looks like it's a dupe of bug 576423 | 05:51 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 576423 in netbook-launcher (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "ubuntu-netbook ui text-formating bug (affects: 1) (heat: 54)" [Low,Triaged] | 05:51 |
asterismo_ | sorry | 05:52 |
asterismo_ | i was saying that i tried gnome-shell | 05:52 |
asterismo_ | i enabled gnome-shell testing PPA from ubuntu-tweak and i got this bug trying to launch it | 05:52 |
asterismo_ | | 05:52 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 490013 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "application calling GLX 1.3 function stop the gnome-shell installation (affects: 6) (heat: 39)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 05:52 |
kermiac | asterismo: ok, i guess you missed my last comment then too | 05:53 |
kermiac | asterismo: that looks like it's a dupe of bug 576423 | 05:53 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 576423 in netbook-launcher (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "ubuntu-netbook ui text-formating bug (affects: 1) (heat: 54)" [Low,Triaged] | 05:53 |
kermiac | asterismo: that's the unr bug ^^ | 05:53 |
asterismo_ | looking... | 05:53 |
asterismo_ | yes | 05:55 |
asterismo_ | it is a dupe | 05:55 |
asterismo_ | i searched for that bug but i must missed that one | 05:55 |
asterismo_ | i'll send a comment | 05:55 |
kermiac | asterismo_: you know how to dupe it? if not i'll fix it | 05:56 |
kermiac | asterismo_: no need to comment, you can just dupe it | 05:56 |
asterismo_ | ok | 05:56 |
asterismo_ | 'll try | 05:56 |
kermiac | ok, let me know if you need a hand | 05:56 |
asterismo_ | done | 05:58 |
asterismo_ | thanks kermiac | 05:58 |
kermiac | asterismo_: no probs mate | 05:59 |
asterismo_ | i thought that special permissions was necesary to mark dupes | 05:59 |
asterismo_ | ;) | 05:59 |
asterismo_ | because i've seen a couple | 05:59 |
asterismo_ | well | 06:00 |
kermiac | asterismo_: no, special permissions are only really needed to set importance & some of the status fields (e.g triaged) | 06:00 |
asterismo_ | great | 06:00 |
asterismo_ | i'll get back to work | 06:01 |
asterismo_ | bye | 06:01 |
kermiac | cya asterismo_ :) | 06:01 |
nUboon2Age | kermiac: ping | 06:57 |
kermiac | hey nUboon2Age | 06:57 |
nUboon2Age | kermiac: please see pm | 06:58 |
NukaCola | I had to enable compositing in order to use Gnome Do, so I went to Preferences/Appearance/Visual Effects and selected Extra. I hate the effects. Is there any way to further modify them without completely disabling them? | 09:21 |
kermiac | !ccsm | 09:24 |
ubot2 | To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz | 09:24 |
kermiac | NukaCola: you can use ccsm ^^ | 09:24 |
kermiac | !compiz | 09:24 |
ubot2 | Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see and more help #compiz | 09:24 |
NukaCola | okay lemme check that stuff out and I'll get back with you guys if I need more help. thank you :) | 09:25 |
kermiac | no problem NukaCola :) | 09:25 |
Silver_Fox_ | Afternoon all. | 09:33 |
Puck` | hi Silver_Fox_ | 09:42 |
Silver_Fox_ | Hello Puck` | 09:42 |
Silver_Fox_ | How is it going ? | 09:42 |
Puck` | how are you? | 09:42 |
Puck` | i'm dying of heat and humidity :\ | 09:43 |
Silver_Fox_ | | 09:43 |
Silver_Fox_ | Happy =) | 09:43 |
Puck` | happy's always good (: | 09:43 |
Silver_Fox_ | Are you going to be on air in the next few days Puck` ? | 09:45 |
Puck` | Silver_Fox_: i do believe this evening, but i'm not sure, but twitter is the source that'll let you know :P | 09:47 |
Puck` | just tweet me back if you're listening,ok? (: | 09:47 |
Silver_Fox_ | What was your twitter? :) | 09:47 |
duanedesign | 'loo Puck` Silver_Fox_ | 09:49 |
Silver_Fox_ | Hey duanedesign =) | 09:49 |
Puck` | hi there duanedesign | 09:54 |
Puck` | Silver_Fox_: | 09:54 |
DoucheBagz | can anyone help me set up remote desktop on ubuntu minimal? | 12:19 |
DoucheBagz | its the only os i remotely knw how to use provided by my dedicated host | 12:19 |
DoucheBagz | Anyone know how to setup vnc server or something? please | 12:22 |
Silver_Fox_ | DoucheBagz , Please be patient. | 12:22 |
* DoucheBagz waits patiently :) | 12:22 | |
Silver_Fox_ | If someone knows how they will assist. | 12:23 |
DoucheBagz | ok :) | 12:23 |
Silver_Fox_ | :) | 12:23 |
kermiac | !vnc | 12:23 |
ubot2 | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 12:23 |
kermiac | DoucheBagz: that should help you :) | 12:24 |
DoucheBagz | the only thing thats confusing me is that hte OS is ubuntu minimal | 12:24 |
DoucheBagz | so it has nothing installed | 12:24 |
DoucheBagz | dont i need a desktop or something? | 12:25 |
DoucheBagz | thnx btw :) | 12:25 |
kermiac | personally for a server I would just use ssh | 12:25 |
kermiac | !ssh | 12:25 |
ubot2 | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 12:25 |
DoucheBagz | i knw how to use ssh | 12:25 |
DoucheBagz | im already using putty | 12:25 |
DoucheBagz | :) | 12:25 |
kermiac | ok, awesome :) | 12:25 |
geirha | Then you know how to use ssh :P | 12:25 |
DoucheBagz | its just that each of the guides i try follow for various remote desktop apps, they all fail | 12:25 |
kermiac | DoucheBagz: if you want a desktop on your ubuntu-minimal install, install the "ubuntu-desktop" package. That will give you the standard gnome desktop | 12:26 |
DoucheBagz | ok cool :D | 12:26 |
DoucheBagz | each time ive done this before its been on a full copy of ubuntu | 12:27 |
DoucheBagz | servers plodding away at installing it all | 12:27 |
DoucheBagz | it has weird dns issues D: | 12:28 |
kermiac | ok :) the ubuntu-desktop package is a "meta-package" that will give you the basic gnome environment | 12:28 |
DoucheBagz | kk just waiting for it to install it :D | 12:28 |
kermiac | :) | 12:28 |
DoucheBagz | things happen fast at 12m/bs | 12:29 |
paultag | DoucheBagz: I really hate to be a stickler, but would mind changing your name? | 12:29 |
DoucheBagz | mb/s | 12:29 |
DoucheBagz | yer sure | 12:29 |
DoucheBagz | be back soon | 12:29 |
paultag | DoucheBagz: thanks :) | 12:29 |
paultag | DoucheBagz: no | 12:30 |
paultag | DoucheBagz: /nick | 12:30 |
paultag | DoucheBagz: just type /nick NewNickname | 12:30 |
DoucheBagz | i havent been on irc in years | 12:30 |
DoucheBagz | xD | 12:30 |
paultag | DoucheBagz: quite alright | 12:30 |
=== DoucheBagz is now known as UbuntuNub | ||
UbuntuNub | :D | 12:30 |
paultag | thanks UbuntuNub :D | 12:30 |
UbuntuNub | np ;) | 12:30 |
paultag | sorry kermiac, back to you :) | 12:30 |
kermiac | haha | 12:31 |
* kermiac waves at paultag | 12:31 | |
* UbuntuNub waits for things to install | 12:34 | |
kermiac | so how's nz today UbuntuNub? I'm just across the ocean from you in Aus | 12:34 |
UbuntuNub | wet and cold | 12:34 |
UbuntuNub | :D | 12:34 |
kermiac | haha, should've guessed that | 12:34 |
kermiac | it's cold here, but not wet today | 12:35 |
UbuntuNub | its been great the past week or so | 12:35 |
UbuntuNub | just today | 12:35 |
UbuntuNub | ruined the week | 12:35 |
kermiac | yeah... it figures, just in time for the weekend, eh? | 12:35 |
UbuntuNub | yep haha | 12:36 |
UbuntuNub | im still in school, so school holidays still | 12:36 |
UbuntuNub | :D | 12:36 |
kermiac | yeah, it's school holidays for my kids here to... they're driving their mother up the wall ;) | 12:37 |
UbuntuNub | haha | 12:37 |
UbuntuNub | i thought the holidays finished last week for u australians? | 12:37 |
kermiac | nah, not here in nsw... i think qld finished last week though | 12:38 |
UbuntuNub | i knw a few ppl in nsw | 12:38 |
UbuntuNub | i think.. | 12:38 |
* UbuntuNub keeps waiting for the server to do its thing | 12:38 | |
kermiac | a mate of mine goes over to auckland every few months to see his pop - he owns a pub there :) | 12:39 |
UbuntuNub | ooo | 12:39 |
UbuntuNub | wat pub | 12:39 |
kermiac | i dunno the name | 12:39 |
UbuntuNub | ah ok hah | 12:39 |
kermiac | it's more of a pool hall, i think | 12:39 |
UbuntuNub | haha | 12:40 |
UbuntuNub | ooo i think its nearly done | 12:40 |
UbuntuNub | so does that ubuntu-desktop thing pretty much make it a nrmal install of ubuntu? | 12:41 |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: yeah, basically | 12:41 |
UbuntuNub | sweet :D | 12:42 |
UbuntuNub | ive been having trouble with it all nite | 12:42 |
UbuntuNub | i tried a few of the other operating systems on offer, but didnt know much about them | 12:42 |
UbuntuNub | i use to be able to do all this, but ive forgotten | 12:43 |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: it's just like falling off a log ;) | 12:44 |
UbuntuNub | haha | 12:44 |
UbuntuNub | im trying to set this up as a torrentbox | 12:44 |
UbuntuNub | its been "starting kernel log daemon" for a long time | 12:46 |
UbuntuNub | is that normal? | 12:46 |
Mjiig | can anyone give me a terminal command to format /dev/sda3 | 12:46 |
Mjiig | */dev/sdc i meant | 12:46 |
* UbuntuNub use to be able to do that | 12:47 | |
Mjiig | i can't open gparted anymore whilst that memory stick is plugged in | 12:47 |
* UbuntuNub 's installation is back on track | 12:48 | |
UbuntuNub | ok ubuntu desktop is done | 12:49 |
kermiac | Mjiig: make sure it is unmounted | 12:54 |
kermiac | Mjiig: sudo umount /dev/sdc | 12:54 |
kermiac | Mjiig: then what do you want to format it to? fat, ext3, ntfs, etc? | 12:55 |
kermiac | ok UbuntuNub, what now mate? | 12:57 |
Mjiig | kermiac:anything at the moment, so i can open it in gparted and work with it properly | 12:57 |
Mjiig | kermiac: but fat would be the best i supose | 12:58 |
kermiac | Mjiig: sudo mkfs.vfat -n ‘Label’ -I /dev/sdc Replace Label with the name you want the drive to have | 12:59 |
UbuntuNub | kermiac:wat remote desktop app would you reccomend? | 12:59 |
Mjiig | okay thanks | 12:59 |
kermiac | no probs Mjiig :) | 13:00 |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: depends on what it's for to be honest... what are you doing? | 13:01 |
UbuntuNub | just general remote desktop | 13:01 |
UbuntuNub | nothing too intensive | 13:01 |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: probably just use vnc then | 13:01 |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: you want that link again mate? | 13:01 |
UbuntuNub | yer plz :D | 13:02 |
Mjiig | another quick question if you don't mind. I need to store a file of about 700mb on a partition, is there any particualr fs i should use? | 13:04 |
kermiac | !vnc | 13:06 |
ubot2 | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 13:06 |
UbuntuNub | thnx ;) | 13:06 |
kermiac | no probs Mjiig | 13:06 |
kermiac | oops, no probs UbuntuNub | 13:06 |
UbuntuNub | haha :D | 13:07 |
Mjiig | i ask because i heard something about a file size limit on fat? | 13:07 |
kermiac | Mjiig: it probably doesn't matter, to be honest... whatever you feel comfortable using. ext3 or 4, fat32, ntfs, etc | 13:07 |
Mjiig | cool thanks | 13:08 |
kermiac | Mjiig: that limit is around 4gb | 13:08 |
UbuntuNub | wait, doesnt fat32 have a limit on file size? | 13:08 |
Mjiig | okay thanks | 13:11 |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: look up mate... fat32 filesize limit is around 4gb | 13:12 |
UbuntuNub | i thought it was smaller :P | 13:12 |
Silver_Fox_ | Hey philinux =) | 13:29 |
UbuntuNub | uh oh D: | 13:35 |
UbuntuNub | i installed vnc server and rebooted the server | 13:35 |
UbuntuNub | now everytime i try access it via ssh, it says connection refused | 13:36 |
UbuntuNub | nvm it fixed itself | 13:38 |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: sorry mate, I got sidetracked. all sorted? what was it, a port issue? | 13:40 |
UbuntuNub | dunno | 13:40 |
UbuntuNub | i can access ssh now | 13:40 |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: ah well, glad it's sorted :) | 13:40 |
UbuntuNub | but my vncviewer keeps coming up with "failed to connect: the operation completed succesfully" | 13:40 |
UbuntuNub | which just doesnt make much sense to me | 13:40 |
UbuntuNub | ok well im in vnc now :D | 13:41 |
UbuntuNub | but i only see a command line box.. no desktop | 13:41 |
* UbuntuNub waits patiently | 13:44 | |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: have you tried "startx"? it's only a guess though | 13:45 |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: oh wait, are you using ssh? | 13:45 |
UbuntuNub | i was | 13:45 |
UbuntuNub | im in the server via vnc now | 13:45 |
kermiac | ssh will only get you terminal access | 13:45 |
UbuntuNub | but in the vnc, i only see a terminal | 13:46 |
paultag | ssh -C -Y -l user host.tld | 13:46 |
paultag | oh nvmd | 13:46 |
UbuntuNub | ...? | 13:46 |
* paultag goes back to idle | 13:46 | |
UbuntuNub | haha | 13:46 |
philinux | Dban - never used it before. Is quick erase good enough for passing pc on to third party. | 13:46 |
geirha | UbuntuNub: Which vncserver? You probably have to configure it to start a desktop environment/window manager | 13:47 |
philinux | Silver_Fox_: Hi to you too | 13:47 |
UbuntuNub | i installed vnc4server on the box | 13:47 |
Maddeth | philinux: depends | 13:47 |
UbuntuNub | connecting with realvnc viewer | 13:47 |
Maddeth | philinux: you can use it to erase and wipe data, it just depends how deep you want to go | 13:48 |
philinux | It does one pass writing zero's | 13:48 |
philinux | I dont thin photorec could recover anything from that | 13:48 |
Maddeth | philinux: depending how sensative your data is, thats not usually good enough | 13:48 |
philinux | I don't possess a forensic lab | 13:49 |
Maddeth | philinux: it will still leave redidual data | 13:49 |
philinux | How | 13:49 |
Maddeth | residual* | 13:49 |
philinux | Yes but who has the technology to look that deep. | 13:49 |
Maddeth | because you are only 0'ing it, the original ghost data can still be recovered | 13:50 |
UbuntuNub | fbi | 13:50 |
philinux | FBI yes but man in street? | 13:50 |
Maddeth | if you use a better algorith, it will overwirte, multiple times | 13:50 |
Maddeth | philinux: as I said | 13:50 |
paultag | erm | 13:50 |
Maddeth | depends on how worried you are about the data | 13:50 |
Maddeth | and who it is going to | 13:51 |
geirha | philinux: CSI would find your data in seconds! ;P | 13:51 |
paultag | Maddeth: well what happens is that writing to a disk is not absolute. E.g. / won't always be at 0xabc123, it puts it accross the platter to try and even wear on the drive | 13:51 |
Maddeth | CSI seem to have thier own IP addressing scheme too | 13:51 |
philinux | I'd only be worried if ordinary joe could recover any files | 13:51 |
paultag | Maddeth: so that if you use dd and do a dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda it will destroy all data in one pass | 13:51 |
paultag | because that makes a pass address by address | 13:52 |
philinux | paultag that's what dban quickerase does | 13:52 |
geirha | Maddeth: Everything is bigger in hollywood-land. Even octets. ;) | 13:52 |
paultag | philinux: I have no idea what that is :) | 13:52 |
Maddeth | paultag: it can still be recovered | 13:52 |
Maddeth | I use Dban | 13:52 |
paultag | Maddeth: no, it can't | 13:52 |
Maddeth | its a great tool for formatting | 13:52 |
philinux | paultag: | 13:52 |
paultag | Maddeth: dd goes by addresses and raw writes on the platter | 13:52 |
paultag | Maddeth: it's not like destorying the index for the file | 13:53 |
paultag | Maddeth: it actually writes to hd addresses | 13:53 |
Maddeth | paultag: it can leave magnetic traces at the original path | 13:53 |
philinux | Maddeth: I agree but what tools do you need torecover from the quickerase | 13:53 |
Maddeth | philinux: Encase, FTK | 13:53 |
Maddeth | paultag: zeroing a drive never truely zero's it | 13:54 |
philinux | encase only available to law enforcement agencies | 13:54 |
Maddeth | not only law enforcement ;) | 13:55 |
philinux | so dban autonuke better | 13:55 |
paultag | Maddeth: I'm calling bullshit on that | 13:55 |
Maddeth | paultag: trust me, its not bull | 13:55 |
Maddeth | paultag: i did my Degree in forensic computing | 13:55 |
paultag | Maddeth: I don't think anyone's tried on a drive that's been dd's | 13:55 |
UbuntuNub | so does anyone know why my gnome desktop wont run..? | 13:55 |
paultag | Maddeth: I don't doubt it | 13:55 |
paultag | Maddeth: but I don't think too many shlomos are using dd to wipe a drive | 13:56 |
Maddeth | paultag: true | 13:56 |
Maddeth | paultag: I will have a look into it | 13:56 |
paultag | Maddeth: I'm pretty sure if I used /dev/zero or /dev/random it would be less then a .001 % chance of getting it back | 13:56 |
paultag | I'd love to be proved wrong | 13:57 |
Maddeth | paultag: I will try it on a drive on the weekend | 13:57 |
paultag | Maddeth: that would rock | 13:57 |
paultag | Maddeth: if it looks like it'll work, I'll see if I can put together a challange | 13:57 |
philinux | I'm dbanning my old pc now, I will try photorec on it after | 13:57 |
UbuntuNub | I get this error when running startx, "Fatal server error: | 13:58 |
UbuntuNub | xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory) | 13:58 |
UbuntuNub | " | 13:58 |
Maddeth | in all honesty, if its going to some joe public, they wont get past a standard format | 13:58 |
paultag | aye | 13:59 |
Maddeth | philinux: I am just a little bit of a security nut :) | 14:00 |
philinux | I've just been researching this quick erase again | 14:00 |
philinux | Maddeth: "The fastest choice, Quick Erase, simply fills the hard drive with zeroes in one pass. Since technicians with the right equipment could conceivably still recover data from this type of wipe, DBAN rates it as a low-security option." | 14:02 |
philinux | It says equipement not just software and "conceivably" | 14:03 |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: you might want to make sure you've setup vnc correctly. Have a look at & | 14:03 |
* UbuntuNub looks through the pages | 14:04 | |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: I'm not an expert on vnc though mate, I just use ssh | 14:05 |
UbuntuNub | im just wanting remote desktop :\ | 14:06 |
UbuntuNub | i can get into remote desktop fine, but there is no desktop | 14:06 |
UbuntuNub | startx wont work | 14:06 |
UbuntuNub | xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory) | 14:07 |
UbuntuNub | i get that | 14:07 |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: did you restart the remote server after install ubuntu-desktop package? | 14:13 |
kermiac | UbuntuNub: ^^ | 14:19 |
duanedesign | UbuntuNub: Check your X is already up and running. ls -al /tmp and look for .X*-lock | 14:30 |
sebsebseb | Hi | 16:10 |
saji89 | sebsebseb, Hi. | 16:15 |
sebsebseb | saji89: hi | 16:15 |
duanedesign | hello sebsebseb | 16:20 |
sebsebseb | duanedesign: hello | 16:20 |
emp-rameen | hello! | 17:21 |
emp-rameen | i had a dual boot system going (windows 7 then Ubuntu). I tried uninstalling Ubuntu and now upon boot I receive "Grub Rescue" command line | 17:22 |
emp-rameen | trying to maybe put back my windows 7 bootloader... | 17:23 |
hobgoblin | and? do you have a problem doing it? | 17:24 |
emp-rameen | i'm not sure what to do | 17:25 |
hobgoblin | emp-rameen: first google result is this | 17:25 |
phillw | emp-rameen: head over to | 17:25 |
phillw | oops, hobgoblin beat me to it :-) | 17:25 |
emp-rameen | haha | 17:26 |
hobgoblin | phillw: google is a wonderful tool ;) | 17:26 |
emp-rameen | is it possible that my windows bootloader is still in tact, and whatever's left of the ubuntu bootloader is just distracting my boot? | 17:26 |
phillw | I have it in my bookmarks, as it covers grub and windows :-) | 17:26 |
hobgoblin | emp-rameen: just reinstall the bootloader | 17:28 |
emp-rameen | when i boot with windows 7 cd it thinks everything should be fine | 17:28 |
emp-rameen | okay i'll try it | 17:28 |
emp-rameen | :D | 17:28 |
emp-rameen | thanks for the help | 17:28 |
* saji89 is away: I'm busy. BRB.. | 17:50 | |
* saji89 is back (gone 02:50:13) | 20:40 | |
Cuthbeorht | hi all | 20:52 |
Cuthbeorht | i got an irritating problem with ubuntu lucid and my ati hd4300 mobility radeon | 20:52 |
paultag | collinp: poke | 20:53 |
paultag | collinp: Cuthbeorht needs some help with ati stuff | 20:53 |
Cuthbeorht | i got my notebook hooked up to an external lcd (22'') | 20:53 |
collinp | Don't look at me. I only got my card working by lots of fiddling. | 20:53 |
paultag | Cuthbeorht: I don't know my ass from my elbow with ATI, see if you can't hang out until collinp or someon else comes in :) | 20:53 |
Cuthbeorht | no rush | 20:53 |
Cuthbeorht | ive scoured the web for the last few days | 20:54 |
Cuthbeorht | i can wait | 20:54 |
Cuthbeorht | lol | 20:54 |
Cuthbeorht | im starting to really hate ati | 20:54 |
paultag | +1 | 20:54 |
collinp | +1 | 20:54 |
Cuthbeorht | +1? | 20:54 |
Cuthbeorht | whats that mean? | 20:54 |
paultag | I agree :) | 20:54 |
Cuthbeorht | oh | 20:54 |
Cuthbeorht | alos new to irc | 20:54 |
paultag | quite alright | 20:54 |
Cuthbeorht | collinp, u free to answer an ati question? | 20:55 |
collinp | I know nearly nothing about it. | 20:55 |
Cuthbeorht | fair enoug | 20:55 |
paultag | more then anyone else here collinp | 20:55 |
* Ex-Opesa laughed xD | 20:55 | |
paultag | Cuthbeorht: give it a run | 20:55 |
Cuthbeorht | ok | 20:55 |
paultag | erm collinp | 20:55 |
Cuthbeorht | i got a notebook, dell = POS | 20:55 |
Cuthbeorht | it has an ati hd4300 mobility radeon | 20:56 |
oCean_ | in #ubuntu are often several ati users | 20:56 |
Cuthbeorht | i installed te proprietary ati drivers, fglrx | 20:56 |
Cuthbeorht | now, when im home, i got my notebook hooked up to an external lcd, 22" | 20:56 |
Cuthbeorht | in win7, it can go to 1650*1068 | 20:57 |
Cuthbeorht | in linux, its max res is 1368*765 | 20:57 |
Cuthbeorht | even tho the ati cc sees the monitor is capable of going to 1650 | 20:57 |
Cuthbeorht | te only possible soln ive found is to use the open source ati driver | 20:57 |
Ex-Opesa | So as far as I know you can set the resolution in ATI CC too. | 20:58 |
Cuthbeorht | yes | 20:58 |
Cuthbeorht | correctu can | 20:58 |
Ex-Opesa | So try it then? | 20:58 |
Cuthbeorht | yes | 20:58 |
Cuthbeorht | its max is 165*768 | 20:58 |
Cuthbeorht | sorry, 1365*768 for the lcd monitor | 20:58 |
Cuthbeorht | even tho in the monitor specs, it states the monitors max res is 1650*1068 | 20:59 |
Cuthbeorht | all in the ati cc | 20:59 |
Cuthbeorht | any ideas? | 21:00 |
Cuthbeorht | i havent fiddled with config files in a long time | 21:00 |
Cuthbeorht | last i did was with fc1 | 21:00 |
=== Vantrax is now known as Guest85505 | ||
=== Guest85505 is now known as MatthewLye | ||
Cuthbeorht | finally!!!! | 22:10 |
Cuthbeorht | figured it out | 22:10 |
stlsaint | tim_sharitt: w00t! | 23:10 |
stlsaint | aw shucks | 23:12 |
CptNoob | Hi all, where can I find out why i've been banned from #ubuntu? I've been there like 3-4 times and to my knowledge behaved properly... | 23:49 |
stlsaint | nhandler: ping | 23:50 |
CptNoob | Also I wonder if anyone can tell me where the OpenOffice "program" bundled with 10.04 is, installing a intranet portal that needs it for docs conversion... | 23:51 |
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