popey | doctormo: how is empathy our default irc client? | 00:09 |
popey | we don't ship the irc bit by default do we? | 00:10 |
doctormo | popey: yep | 00:11 |
popey | i dont see the irc option on my default install here | 00:11 |
popey | or does it have some whacky name? | 00:12 |
popey | http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ#How_can_I_connect_to_IRC_in_Empathy_.3F | 00:14 |
popey | ii telepathy-idle 0.1.6-1 IRC connection manager for Telepathy | 00:14 |
popey | oooo | 00:14 |
paultag | akgraner: prod :) | 00:15 |
akgraner | paultag, poke | 00:15 |
paultag | akgraner: howdy :) | 00:15 |
paultag | akgraner: So, we have a skype in the 'morrow | 00:15 |
akgraner | yeppers | 00:15 |
paultag | akgraner: any idea on what time would work? | 00:15 |
akgraner | what's a good time for you | 00:16 |
akgraner | lol | 00:16 |
paultag | haha | 00:16 |
paultag | akgraner: you're est, yeah? | 00:16 |
paultag | Yeah, duh, NC | 00:16 |
akgraner | either before noon EDT or after 5p, | 00:16 |
paultag | akgraner: I was going to say, after 3 as early as we can ( I have a dinner-date with the mum ) | 00:16 |
akgraner | so either before Dev Week or after | 00:16 |
paultag | akgraner: 5:10 ish? | 00:16 |
akgraner | that will work :-) | 00:17 |
paultag | akgraner: outstanding :) | 00:17 |
popey | doctormo: I still have no irc option in empathy.. how odd | 00:19 |
doctormo | popey: It' | 00:20 |
doctormo | popey: It's possible that I installed it in a fit of rage. | 00:20 |
popey | oh i have it installed | 00:20 |
popey | but still no option for adding an irc account | 00:20 |
popey | doctormo: http://popey.com/~alan/wot_no_irc.png | 00:22 |
paultag | popey: ouch | 00:22 |
doctormo | odd | 00:23 |
popey | indeed | 00:23 |
popey | pretty clean lucid install | 00:23 |
paultag | nothing in the repos i can see | 00:23 |
popey | this is why i was surprised when you said you were dogfooding our default irc client, given I couldn't see we had one :) | 00:23 |
* popey reinstalls telepathy-idle for 'fun and profit' | 00:24 | |
popey | meh, bed time :) | 00:25 |
* jcastro returns | 00:51 | |
greg-g | popey: you don't happen to be around and available for a membership review meeting, do you? | 01:12 |
popey | for how long? | 01:13 |
maco | popey: an hour or less | 01:13 |
popey | I'd love to but it's way past my bed time, sorry :( | 01:13 |
greg-g | yeah, s'ok | 01:14 |
greg-g | thanks anyways, popey, go sleep | 01:14 |
doctormo | pleia2, nigelb, maco2, cjohnston, greg-g, jcastro: I could do with a couple of folks to view and feedback on this Debian visual guide, I've pushed really hard to get it done so your help in editing would be greatly appreciated. | 02:00 |
doctormo | Archive of PNGs: http://divajutta.com/doctormo/foo/debian-packaging.tar.gz 3.8MB | 02:00 |
* pleia2 adds to todo list | 02:02 | |
pleia2 | I'll have a look tomorrow :) /me out right now | 02:02 |
jcastro | hey doctormo | 02:08 |
jcastro | that looks great so far | 02:08 |
jcastro | who have you talked to about the "unknown" bits? | 02:08 |
doctormo | jcastro: MOTU | 02:18 |
jcastro | anyone from debian? | 02:19 |
paultag | doctormo: what are you having issues with? | 02:21 |
paultag | doctormo: I'm trying to learn more and I spend some time upstream, and I'd love to watch :) | 02:22 |
doctormo | jcastro: Not yet. | 02:23 |
doctormo | paultag: Did you read the guide linked above? | 02:23 |
paultag | doctormo: just tar -zxvf'd it as you pinged me | 02:24 |
jcastro | doctormo: on #ubuntu-debian you can always pass it by lucas, and also Rhonda has been very active latelyt | 02:24 |
paultag | doctormo: sec | 02:24 |
doctormo | thanks jcastro, will try to do just that. | 02:27 |
paultag | doctormo: yeah I know a bit about getting a package into deb, I've helped people with it a few times, but the ubuntu-debian folks would be of more use then me | 02:27 |
paultag | doctormo: and funny enough, I don't know anything about Ubuntu's system. Ironic | 02:27 |
jcastro | doctormo: there is also a debian ubuntu mailing list where you could probably get 2 birds with one stone | 02:28 |
jcastro | http://wiki.debian.org/DerivativesFrontDesk | 02:28 |
doctormo | paultag: I don't know about that, so far debian people have tended to be extremely verbose and unintelligible in the way they explain things. | 02:28 |
paultag | doctormo: bah | 02:28 |
paultag | doctormo: I don't mind them much :) | 02:28 |
paultag | they can be a bit hard to get along with | 02:29 |
paultag | but they get the techincal stuff out of the way quickly | 02:29 |
paultag | and almost everyone @debian is nice enough, most of the deb users are lame | 02:30 |
jcastro | in almost every project the "users" and "advocates" are the ones causing problems. | 02:32 |
jcastro | "kde vs. gnome" and everything is just made up | 02:33 |
paultag | It's a shame really. Every interaction I've had with deb users has been a bit odd. They come up ( seeing Ubuntu ) and go "Oh I use Debian" with this smug smile like "Worship me". I ask them why they like Debian and they say "Oh because it's so much faster". I ask them what window manager they run and they always say "Fluxbox, of course, what do YOU use, GNOME?". I smirk and walk away :) | 02:34 |
doctormo | jcastro: I know, who needs to fight with other window manager programmers. Although my dealings with kde and gnome developers has been very negative, I'm sure they're ok people at heart. | 02:34 |
paultag | doctormo: KDE developers have been amazing | 02:34 |
paultag | doctormo: the marble guys offered to change their library API to fit an app use case I was doing | 02:35 |
jcastro | paultag: the debian thing is like this: http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=19990301 | 02:35 |
paultag | jcastro: haha, +1 | 02:36 |
jcastro | paultag: I've never seen a distro "run faster" or slower than another on every day usage | 02:36 |
jcastro | other than some grave bug where something is running nuts in the background | 02:36 |
paultag | jcastro: but it's funny -- I maintain Fluxbox in Debian. They have no idea that's what I do even though I'm an Ubuntu guy. I don't care to tell them, either :/ | 02:36 |
paultag | jcastro: it's just that attitude that really gets me | 02:36 |
jcastro | users are like that though | 02:36 |
jcastro | ever hang out in #omg!ubuntu!? | 02:37 |
paultag | haha, nope :) | 02:37 |
paultag | is it bad jcastro? | 02:37 |
jcastro | let's just keep you unspoiled | 02:37 |
paultag | :) | 02:37 |
jcastro | though I suppose it happens to everyone | 02:37 |
jcastro | just like how everyone has an Enlightenment phase | 02:38 |
jcastro | it's like an odd teenager phase | 02:38 |
paultag | yeah, that's true. I spent a lot of time in debian from around 06 to 07 | 02:38 |
paultag | I was as bad as the next guy ( esp beacause I came from Gentoo ) | 02:39 |
paultag | then I signed the CoC ;) | 02:39 |
jcastro | paultag: where you at Ohio when I railed on gentoo during one of my talks? | 02:39 |
jcastro | in my younger days | 02:39 |
jcastro | back when I thought that crap was important | 02:39 |
paultag | jcastro: haha, no clue | 02:39 |
paultag | jcastro: I don't think so | 02:40 |
jcastro | http://funroll-loops.info/ | 02:40 |
paultag | oh christ | 02:40 |
paultag | I can see where this is going | 02:40 |
jcastro | yeah so me and a bunch of friends started that a few years ago | 02:40 |
paultag | oh god | 02:40 |
jcastro | (I later found out that gentoo devs renewed the domain and maintain it now) | 02:40 |
paultag | jcastro: man you just made my night :) | 02:41 |
jcastro | yeah so it's funny now | 02:41 |
paultag | jcastro: I always hated the "larry the cow" | 02:41 |
jcastro | but you could probably make a page like that for every distro and it'd be true | 02:41 |
paultag | jcastro: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/security_holes.png | 02:41 |
jcastro | heh | 02:42 |
jcastro | paultag: what are we doing for ohio | 02:42 |
paultag | jcastro: you tell me, boss | 02:43 |
jcastro | I think on friday we should do something cool | 02:43 |
paultag | jcastro: for sure | 02:43 |
jcastro | not just lightning talks | 02:43 |
paultag | jcastro: well duh, life's not about gnu/linux :) | 02:43 |
paultag | jcastro: we could try an Ubuntu pub crawl | 02:44 |
jcastro | we already do that | 02:44 |
paultag | bugger | 02:44 |
jcastro | not to take away from our prowess | 02:44 |
paultag | jcastro: we could all crash a frat house. That would make some frat house legend | 02:45 |
jcastro | I am going to convince smoser to do an ootb ubuntu cloud on like, a few laptops | 02:45 |
paultag | "yo bro all these dudes with this cult circle on their shirts came and drank all our beer" | 02:45 |
jcastro | that will be badass | 02:45 |
paultag | jcastro: this years OLF will be a whole lot better, I think | 02:47 |
paultag | jcastro: last year so much fell apart at the last minute | 02:47 |
jcastro | oh? | 02:47 |
jcastro | It felt fine to me | 02:48 |
jcastro | actually, it's blurry, was jacob there this time? | 02:48 |
paultag | jcastro: one of our former members jacked the conf-pack and ran, none of our signs were around, and no one showed up because the team went idle | 02:48 |
paultag | jcastro: yeah, he was | 02:48 |
paultag | jcastro: and he'll be there this year too | 02:48 |
jcastro | rock | 02:48 |
jcastro | wait no, it was 2 years ago when someone ganked the booth right? | 02:48 |
jcastro | vorian was there iirc | 02:49 |
paultag | jcastro: it was this past one that was without shirts or anything | 02:49 |
paultag | jcastro: ah, vor is long gone | 02:49 |
* jcastro nods | 02:49 | |
paultag | jcastro: that must have been two years ago | 02:49 |
jcastro | right | 02:49 |
jcastro | I just met you last year iirc | 02:49 |
paultag | jcastro: yeah | 02:49 |
paultag | jcastro: just for a few minutes, you were quite busy :) | 02:49 |
greg-g | wow, vorian, blast from the past there | 02:49 |
jcastro | yeah | 02:50 |
jcastro | paultag: This time I am not speaking so I will spend more time with you guys | 02:50 |
paultag | jcastro: killer | 02:50 |
jcastro | thank freaking out about my talk | 02:50 |
paultag | jcastro: what happened with that? | 02:51 |
* akgraner is looking forward to OLF - hope one of the 3 talks I submitted will be picked - that would rock! | 02:51 | |
paultag | :D | 02:51 |
jcastro | paultag: which talk was it? | 02:52 |
jcastro | was it the gwibber one? | 02:52 |
paultag | jcastro: wait, what? | 02:52 |
paultag | jcastro: did you send a paper in this year? | 02:53 |
jcastro | no | 02:53 |
jcastro | I mean last year | 02:53 |
paultag | jcastro: was that intentional or because of time squeeze? | 02:53 |
jcastro | (I asked scott moser to send in a talk this year instead) | 02:53 |
paultag | jcastro: ah, yeah last year was gwibber, I think | 02:53 |
paultag | jcastro: I'm pretty sure I was working the booth when you were talking | 02:53 |
paultag | jcastro: good move :) | 02:53 |
jcastro | intentional, I've been talking at OLF for like 5 years, it's time people listened to others | 02:54 |
paultag | nice | 02:54 |
akgraner | jcastro, but you are a natural! | 02:54 |
jcastro | I'm in the happy place where I can do talks at shows, but not deal with the pressure of keynoting | 02:54 |
jcastro | if I ever get to famous I can hand off to jono or someone else | 02:54 |
paultag | I should really do a talk some time | 02:55 |
paultag | I love speaking in public and all that, I have zero shame | 02:55 |
jcastro | yeah me either | 02:55 |
jcastro | do a lightning talk with me on friday | 02:55 |
paultag | jcastro: I'm there | 02:55 |
jcastro | last time you just walked up there | 02:55 |
jcastro | plugged in | 02:55 |
jcastro | and went | 02:55 |
akgraner | paultag, yeah you should :-) you are a natural too... | 02:56 |
paultag | jcastro: how long are they usually? | 02:56 |
paultag | akgraner: thanks :3 | 02:56 |
jcastro | 10ish? | 02:56 |
jcastro | akgraner: how long did they feel? felt like 10? | 02:56 |
paultag | jcastro: ah, I can do that no problem | 02:56 |
akgraner | well either that or crazy - I'll go with natural unless you have papers to prove otherwise :-P | 02:56 |
akgraner | jcastro, they felt more like 3-5 | 02:56 |
jcastro | lol ok | 02:56 |
paultag | I plead the 5th? | 02:56 |
akgraner | but people had 10 mins max if they wanted to use it | 02:56 |
akgraner | iirc | 02:57 |
jcastro | they were like lightning, but in a vacuum, so way faster! | 02:57 |
paultag | haha | 02:57 |
paultag | Well I'll have to think of something of intrest | 02:57 |
akgraner | it seemed like no sooner had people got up there to talk - then bam they were finished | 02:57 |
akgraner | and the crowd was super encouraging | 02:57 |
jcastro | paultag: we should do your story | 02:57 |
paultag | jcastro: which story? | 02:58 |
jcastro | booth one year, all involved next year. | 02:58 |
paultag | jcastro: oh, yeah, for sure. <3 locos | 02:58 |
jcastro | "I was just some punk kid from ohio ..." | 02:58 |
paultag | hahaha! | 02:58 |
jcastro | "last year greg-g beat me up and gave me a wedgie" | 02:58 |
paultag | yeah good idea jcastro. I think I'll roll with that | 02:58 |
jcastro | "now here I am..." | 02:58 |
paultag | oh man, I need to gimp up some photos | 02:58 |
akgraner | paultag, or "There I was between vendors..." | 02:58 |
paultag | thanks jcastro, I'm so doing that. | 03:00 |
paultag | humm, jcastro: still around? | 03:13 |
jcastro | yo | 03:14 |
paultag | jcastro: have a sec for a PM? | 03:14 |
jcastro | yeah | 03:14 |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
nigelb | doctormo: I'll do it tonight when I get home. | 04:48 |
doctormo | jcastro: I don't think you can get lightning in a vacuum can you? | 05:01 |
ara | morning all! | 06:30 |
nigelb | morning ara! | 06:34 |
ara | morning nigelb! | 06:34 |
dpm | good morning all! | 07:28 |
ara | morning dpm! | 07:30 |
dpm | hey ara :) | 07:30 |
kim0 | dpm,ara morning | 07:33 |
dpm | hey kim0, good morning - how are you today? | 07:34 |
kim0 | dpm: Enjoying this very fine day :) | 07:34 |
dpm | nice :) | 07:34 |
ara | morning kim0 | 07:34 |
kim0 | ara: Morning how are you | 07:34 |
ara | good thanks! it is Friday! :) | 07:35 |
kim0 | TGF :D | 07:35 |
kim0 | Why is it so hot in europe these days | 07:36 |
kim0 | was just checking czech .. it's 33 | 07:36 |
kim0 | and I thought it was only Cairo :) | 07:37 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:39 |
kim0 | Mr. Holbach .. Good Morning | 07:39 |
kim0 | dholbach: Wie geht es Ihnen heute | 07:40 |
dholbach | kim0: oh wow! sehr gut sehr gut! | 07:41 |
kim0 | :) | 07:41 |
dholbach | sabah alcheer :) | 07:42 |
kim0 | hehe :) saba7 elnoor | 07:42 |
dholbach | is everybody else still asleep? :) | 07:43 |
akgraner | dholbach, can you take a look at this survey and let me know if you want anything changed for feedback on Developer Week - after Open Week People asked for a survey to fill out so I figure we could see how they go over with all the Ubuntu Weeks :-/ | 07:43 |
akgraner | http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/D3WF8TB | 07:43 |
dpm | good morning dholbach | 07:43 |
dholbach | hey akgraner | 07:43 |
dholbach | great | 07:44 |
dholbach | dpm: ^ anything to add above? | 07:44 |
dholbach | good morning dpm :) | 07:44 |
dpm | dholbach, it looks good to me. It's short and concise - great work akgraner! | 07:46 |
dholbach | dpm is the survey master :) | 07:46 |
akgraner | dpm, I didn't know you had that talent - me notes that... | 07:47 |
dpm | hahaha, not really, but I've done a few by now | 07:47 |
akgraner | and makes a list of all the other things I need surveys for :-) | 07:47 |
akgraner | (insert evil laugh here) | 07:48 |
dholbach | :) | 07:48 |
dholbach | I just upgraded my laptop to maverick - everything's still working - I'm surprised :-P | 07:48 |
kim0 | hehe | 07:49 |
* kim0 is on maverick from day one | 07:49 | |
kim0 | I can't stand stable software .. nothing exciting :D | 07:49 |
dpm | kim0, do you have a couple of minutes to spare for me? I've got a document I want to make translatable and convert to PDF, and I want to check that Arabic looks ok on the PDF. May I ask you to translate a short paragraph for me? | 07:51 |
kim0 | dpm: Send me what you have | 07:51 |
kim0 | no problem | 07:51 |
* kim0 types arabic as slow as a 5 year old :) but I'll try | 07:51 | |
nigelb | heh | 07:52 |
nigelb | sounds like me typing my mother tongue too | 07:52 |
nigelb | akgraner: GO TO BED! ;) | 07:52 |
akgraner | nigelb, :-P | 07:52 |
dpm | kim0, awesome, thanks. Here it is: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/464390/ | 07:52 |
nigelb | akgraner: back after a quick nap I suppose? | 07:52 |
akgraner | yeppers :-) | 07:53 |
akgraner | I dozed earlier :-) | 07:53 |
kim0 | dpm: that single line you want translated ? | 07:53 |
dholbach | أوبونت! | 07:54 |
kim0 | :) | 07:54 |
dpm | kim0, yeah. That'll do, I'm just testing things, no need to translate the whole document yet. | 07:54 |
kim0 | gnome-terminal doesn't do bidi nor shaping .. yuck | 07:54 |
dpm | kim0, yeah, that's an outstanding bug we've got, it's not g-t's fault - it uses VTE, which supports neither of both | 07:56 |
dholbach | interesting, I think Behdad Esfahbod used to work on vte a lot - I would've thought he'd just implemented it there :) | 07:56 |
akgraner | nigelb, plus I bummed Pete is on his way to one of my favorite places in the whole world :-( and I couldn't go... | 07:56 |
nigelb | akgraner: hahaha ;) | 07:57 |
nigelb | now you know my feeling when I was at home for UDS :p | 07:57 |
akgraner | nods | 07:57 |
dpm | dholbach, apparently it is very difficult to do - there is an upstream bug about it, and he goes on about how hard that'd be with the current software | 07:57 |
* dholbach nods | 07:58 | |
akgraner | I made him a list of all the things I wanted him to bring me back - he left it here - so I emailed it to him :-) | 07:58 |
dholbach | I wouldn't want to be in his shoes :) | 07:58 |
dpm | :) | 07:58 |
nigelb | dholbach: especially when he comes back without them :p | 07:58 |
dholbach | right | 07:59 |
nigelb | dholbach: also, in other news, rhonda agreed to give session | 07:59 |
nigelb | I already got nhandler to add to calender and wrote to bug squad/bug control | 08:00 |
dholbach | nigelb: super | 08:00 |
nigelb | :) | 08:00 |
* nigelb gets sucked into packge training coordinators | 08:00 | |
dholbach | kim0: bugs.gnome.org is unhappy right now, but it's https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=579676 | 08:00 |
ubot2 | Gnome bug 579676 in VteTerminal "Bidi (Bidirectional) language support" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed] | 08:00 |
dholbach | oh, maybe there's a different one | 08:01 |
akgraner | nigelb, but you do that so well! :-) embrace your inner coordinator/facilitator... :-) | 08:02 |
kim0 | dpm: Here's the translated one http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/464393/ | 08:02 |
dholbach | https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=321490 | 08:02 |
ubot2 | Gnome bug 321490 in VteTerminal "arabic, hebrew: character alignment not working properly" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 08:02 |
nigelb | akgraner: hhaha ;) | 08:02 |
kim0 | weird .. we're in 2010 and computers can still write correctly :D | 08:03 |
kim0 | s/can/can't/ | 08:03 |
dpm | kim0, awesome, thanks a lot! | 08:03 |
dpm | kim0, dholbach, it's bug bug263822 | 08:03 |
dpm | bug 263822 | 08:03 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 263822 in vte (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "RTL (right to left) support in terminal (BiDi) (affects: 13) (dups: 3) (heat: 84)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/263822 | 08:03 |
dholbach | in LP? | 08:03 |
dholbach | ah ok | 08:03 |
dpm | there's the upstream bug linked there too | 08:04 |
dholbach | dpm: do you know "sonrisas y lágrimas"? | 08:05 |
dpm | dholbach, omg, what are you doing on the Internets? | 08:06 |
kim0 | :D what the hell does that mean | 08:06 |
dholbach | dpm: ara and I were wondering | 08:07 |
dpm | ara, you are a bad influence to dholbach | 08:07 |
dholbach | ara: seems he knows | 08:08 |
dholbach | dpm: I didn't hear about it until yesterday evening | 08:08 |
dpm | I've seen bits of it, but not all | 08:08 |
* dholbach is obviously not cinéaste enough | 08:09 | |
* dholbach takes the dog for a walk - see you in a bit | 08:09 | |
nigelb | what the ... | 08:12 |
nigelb | dpm: what were you and dholbach going on about? | 08:12 |
dpm | nigelb, oh, it's about a film :) Let me see if I can find the reference | 08:13 |
nigelb | ah, sound of music! | 08:13 |
dpm | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sound_of_Music_%28film%29 | 08:13 |
nigelb | dpm: but did "omg, what are you doing on the Internets" mean? :D | 08:14 |
dholbach | nigelb: did you post something to the forums about the operation cleansweep? | 08:14 |
nigelb | dholbach: er, no, busy week. | 08:15 |
nigelb | want me to? tonight? | 08:15 |
dpm | nigelb, I was just wondering what dholbach was doing looking for such films at this time in the morning | 08:15 |
dholbach | yeah, that'd be nice | 08:15 |
dpm | :) | 08:15 |
nigelb | dholbach: I will | 08:15 |
nigelb | dpm: hahaha | 08:15 |
* nigelb remembers seeing the English one as a kid | 08:15 | |
dholbach | dpm: ara and I brushed it in a conversation yesterday and since I didn't know about it I was wondering if it was mostly well-known in Spain | 08:15 |
dholbach | ok, it's known in India too :) | 08:15 |
dholbach | ara: seems it's my own problem that I didn't know it ;-) | 08:16 |
nigelb | Sound of Music is classic! | 08:16 |
nigelb | Everone loves the songs :) | 08:16 |
nigelb | I saw it like when I was 10 and then quite recently when I met a friend with the CD :) | 08:16 |
ara | dholbach, see? | 08:17 |
dholbach | yeah :) | 08:17 |
* dholbach better leaves and takes the dog out :) | 08:17 | |
nigelb | ara: lemme guess. He never head of it? | 08:18 |
duanedesign | dholbach: i was going to unsticky the UDW threads we stickied 2 weeks ago. Are you OK with that? | 08:51 |
dholbach | duanedesign: yep | 08:51 |
dholbach | today's the last day | 08:51 |
* duanedesign waves at nigelb | 08:51 | |
duanedesign | dholbach: i thought if i waited till monday i might forget :P | 08:51 |
* nigelb waves to duanedesign | 08:51 | |
dholbach | duanedesign: it'll glare at you even more on Monday :-P | 08:51 |
nigelb | duanedesign: btw, can you help us gather some attention on forums about cleansweep? | 08:52 |
nigelb | I'm sooo *not* a forums person | 08:52 |
vish | duanedesign: are you a forums admin? | 08:55 |
* vish would like some attention for papercuts as well , thanks nigelb :p | 08:56 | |
dholbach | poor duanedesign | 08:57 |
duanedesign | vish: yes | 08:57 |
duanedesign | nigelb: yes | 08:57 |
duanedesign | :) | 08:57 |
vish | duanedesign: sweet , papercuts can use some help as well , can we ? :) | 08:57 |
duanedesign | nigelb: are you doing regular posts to the forums like you all are on your blogs? | 08:57 |
duanedesign | vish: that sounds great | 08:58 |
vish | \oo/ | 08:58 |
vish | hmm , did i get so excited i see 2 heads ! | 08:59 |
duanedesign | :D | 09:01 |
duanedesign | vish: nigelb let me answer all the new threads in the U1 section (my stomping grounds) and then I'll touch base with you about your respective projects :) | 09:15 |
vish | cool! | 09:15 |
vish | ooh , some of the papercuts get discussed a *lot* , maybe we can create a tag "papercuts" on the forums and have the discussions on the forums instead ;) | 09:16 |
vish | reduce comments on lp ;p | 09:16 |
popey | morning all | 09:22 |
nigelb | duanedesign: thanks :) | 09:22 |
nigelb | we're not doing regular posts to forums, but we can if you want us to | 09:22 |
vish | nigelb: thought you were sooo not a forums person... :p | 09:26 |
czajkowski | aloha | 10:05 |
nigelb | vish: I'm not, but if the situation demands.... | 10:09 |
nigelb | czajkowski: aloha! | 10:09 |
dpm | morning czajkowski | 10:09 |
duanedesign | vish: do you have a quick link to something i /5 | 10:19 |
duanedesign | oops | 10:19 |
duanedesign | vish: i was gonna ask you for a link to get up to date on papercuts project. I think i found a few things. | 10:19 |
czajkowski | nigelb: dpm howdy :) | 10:21 |
vish | duanedesign: i was thinking of a link to > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaperCut#Fixing%20papercuts and text saying "Save the kittens , Fix papercuts" ;) | 10:21 |
nigelb | vish: err, no | 10:21 |
nigelb | you have to keep attentio going | 10:21 |
nigelb | like post updates, hall of fame person of the week, etc | 10:22 |
vish | duanedesign: or how do you intend to have the sticky on top? like the single line blue one right? | 10:22 |
duanedesign | vish: we can do a sticky with a description of what it is and how to get involved | 10:23 |
vish | duanedesign: yeah , you are writing up a post for the forums? or shall i write one? | 10:24 |
duanedesign | vish: aff i see, those are announcments. stickies are below that | 10:24 |
duanedesign | s/aff/oh | 10:24 |
vish | ah , i was thinking of announcements ! :s | 10:24 |
duanedesign | vish: i was going to take a stab at it :) ill let you take a look before i post it | 10:24 |
vish | duanedesign: awesome :) | 10:24 |
vish | thanks! | 10:25 |
duanedesign | nigelb: i am pretty familiar with the posts you guys do. who blogs about the project now? you [j]castro, [j]ono, [d]holbach? | 10:30 |
czajkowski | vish: did you show dholbach your funky design for the LD ? | 10:31 |
vish | czajkowski: oh , right i have to! | 10:32 |
vish | now , where did i put it.. | 10:33 |
nigelb | duanedesign: me, jcastro, and dholbach alternate everyweek | 10:36 |
duanedesign | nigelb: ok, was wondering in case i needed to pull from 'sources' :) | 10:38 |
nigelb | duanedesign: well, we pull from sources, it would be great if you could echo it. | 10:39 |
nigelb | \o/ now I understand why commit messages are fun | 10:47 |
nigelb | I inadvertently wrote some really funny commits over the past few hours ;) | 10:48 |
vish | dholbach: hi , for the LoCo Directory lp team : https://edge.launchpad.net/loco-directory updated the logo > http://people.ubuntu.com/~vish/LoCo-directory.png | 10:48 |
vish | dholbach: this has all the required sizes : http://people.ubuntu.com/~vish/LoCo-Directory-icons.tar.lzma | 10:49 |
nigelb | vish: WOW | 10:49 |
vish | dholbach: seems like you own half of lp teams! :D | 10:49 |
nigelb | I tink only the dholbach-huggers team is save from him :p | 10:50 |
vish | hehe :) | 10:50 |
jcastro | unbelievable | 11:14 |
jcastro | I've been waiting for a ppa to build since yesterday. :( | 11:14 |
dholbach | vish: very NICE - can you talk to mhall119 in #ubuntu-locoteams? | 11:17 |
* ara is suffering from partial upgrades... now not in my main machine, my main laptop won't boot X | 11:18 | |
vish | dholbach: sure , thanks! | 11:19 |
czajkowski | jcastro: eh you're up very early | 11:19 |
dholbach | thanks vish | 11:19 |
dholbach | ara: what happens? | 11:19 |
ara | dholbach, I think I just upgraded and rebooted in the middle of a big X upload | 11:19 |
ara | dholbach, I will wait an hour or so, and then try to upgrade again | 11:20 |
ara | in the mean time, I will work from this other system | 11:20 |
dholbach | ara: maybe you can read /var/log/apt/history.log and go back on those versions? | 11:21 |
dholbach | (and pester the people in #ubuntu-x to be quicker :-)) | 11:21 |
ara | the second part is what I am doing right now ;-) | 11:21 |
dholbach | :-D | 11:22 |
* ara writes a big post-it with "Don't partial upgrade ever again!!" | 11:22 | |
vish | hmm , maybe we should just now allow partial upgrade option! | 11:24 |
vish | a lot of the breakages when people keep doing that :s | 11:24 |
czajkowski | why would anyone want a partial upgrade? | 11:24 |
dholbach | ara: if you do blog, link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/UsingDevelopmentReleases :) | 11:25 |
vish | heh , well , hopefully people will learn after their first partial upgrade fail! ;p | 11:25 |
* dholbach gets some ice cream - bbiab | 11:26 | |
nigelb | jcastro: some pythong rebuilding | 12:07 |
nigelb | s/pythong/python | 12:07 |
jcastro | the universe it seems | 12:07 |
nigelb | actually, the team put their entire python applications for rebuild is the rumour I heard | 12:07 |
jcastro | there's a PPA with a proposed kernel config that /might/ fix my battery life problem in maverick | 12:07 |
nigelb | heh | 12:07 |
jcastro | so naturally it will finish building right after I get on the plane | 12:07 |
nigelb | hahaha | 12:07 |
nigelb | where are you bound to? | 12:07 |
jcastro | prague/netherlands/NYC = three weeks | 12:08 |
nigelb | Launchand thing? | 12:08 |
nigelb | then guadec I guess | 12:08 |
jcastro | distro sprint, then guadec, then debconf | 12:09 |
nigelb | ah, happy traveling :) | 12:09 |
jcastro | dholbach: need help with anything? | 12:17 |
dholbach | jcastro: do you know if there's still much to do on our end regarding daily builds? | 12:24 |
jcastro | dholbach: not really, I could be finished real quick if they worked, heh | 12:24 |
dholbach | haha | 12:25 |
dholbach | jcastro: do you think you can give the adopt-an-upstream session on your own later on? | 12:25 |
jcastro | ? I was planning on it | 12:26 |
dholbach | ok super - because I have a bunch of other stuff right now and was planning to call it a day a bit earlier today | 12:26 |
jcastro | you've been working late too often this week! | 12:27 |
dholbach | (like not at 21:00 again :-P) | 12:27 |
jcastro | I will banish you | 12:27 |
dholbach | man, it's UDW! | 12:27 |
duanedesign | nigelb: to start I did a sticky in Community Cafe http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=11 | 13:05 |
* nigelb hugs duanedesign | 13:31 | |
nigelb | dholbach: ^^ | 13:31 |
dholbach | excellent! | 13:32 |
dholbach | thanks duanedesign | 13:32 |
dholbach | brb | 13:32 |
duanedesign | vish: got the forum post up. Let me know if you have any changes you would like to make. http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=11 | 14:19 |
vish | duanedesign: sweeeeeet! thanks | 14:22 |
vish | duanedesign: the link to the "milestoned/triaged bugs" has a complete bug list , which seems to put off some folks , could you change that link to > https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bugs?field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED ? | 14:23 |
duanedesign | awesome | 14:23 |
vish | duanedesign: thanks! | 14:23 |
duanedesign | i wondered about that | 14:23 |
duanedesign | those are both great projects. Anything i can do to help :) | 14:25 |
jono | hi all | 15:44 |
paultag | 'lo jono | 15:44 |
popey | yo yo yo | 15:44 |
jono | hey chaps | 15:47 |
jcastro | morning! | 15:48 |
dholbach | hey jono | 15:49 |
jono | hey :) | 15:49 |
cjohnston | mornin | 15:52 |
* dholbach hugs nhandler | 15:52 | |
nhandler | :) | 15:53 |
nhandler | dholbach: vorian sent me a message a week or so ago volunteering to help with marketing the sessions. I PMed him yesterday, and I'll wait another day or so to see if he responds. | 15:53 |
dholbach | ok | 15:54 |
nigelb | nhandler: /topic in motu channel perhaps? | 15:58 |
cjohnston | Anyone know if groundcontrol is working in +1? It isn't playing nicely for me | 16:03 |
nhandler | nigelb: We could, but not many people read the /topic and things get forgotten there. | 16:04 |
nhandler | But that is a nice idea for a ClassBot bug, it should show the next session in the /topic when nothing is going on | 16:05 |
nigelb | ahh, i thought it did | 16:05 |
paultag | cjohnston: I don't know. I was downtown with doctormo a few days ago, and we talked about gc, but he never mentioned an issue with +1. I'd poke him about it | 16:05 |
jcastro | <-- early lunch so I can eat before my UDW class | 16:07 |
cjohnston | enjoy | 16:07 |
dholbach | Last day of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek starting in 33 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom | 16:27 |
* dholbach calls it a day | 16:57 | |
dholbach | have a great weekend everyone | 16:57 |
* dholbach goes and fixes his bicycle now | 16:57 | |
* dholbach hugs you all | 16:57 | |
jcastro | man, showed up for my session all pumped and I was an hour early | 18:07 |
jcastro | I guess that's better than being an hour late! | 18:07 |
akgraner | :-) | 18:08 |
akgraner | woo just got my copy of The Official Ubuntu Book - fifth edition :-) | 18:09 |
* akgraner is happy!!! \0/ Happy Dance time :-) | 18:09 | |
vish | hrm! Bug #606201 | 19:05 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 606201 in ubuntufontbetatesting "Kerning: bold 'i-k' need bringing closer together (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/606201 | 19:05 |
vish | and another 4 more from sladen | 19:06 |
vish | about bold fonts ;p | 19:06 |
vish | guess , i'm not the only one who skipped the "bold font not available yet" part of the blog ;p | 19:07 |
paultag | hey vish | 19:10 |
vish | paultag: heya | 19:10 |
paultag | vish: saw the new logo, looks great! | 19:10 |
vish | thanks :) | 19:10 |
vish | omg , sladen has probably filed half the bugs for the fonts! | 19:10 |
vish | and he has christened it "Ubuntu Sans" :D | 19:11 |
AlanBell | isn't that just a computed bold not the real bold? | 19:11 |
paultag | yeah AlanBell | 19:11 |
vish | AlanBell: yeah.. | 19:11 |
AlanBell | sladen asked a question about the font at UDS | 19:12 |
AlanBell | and was totally out-geeked by the font geek :-) | 19:12 |
vish | lol! | 19:12 |
paultag | haha | 19:12 |
vish | AlanBell: do you remember the guys who were asking a lot of questions during the fonts session? | 19:14 |
vish | they were the deja-vu font guys! :) | 19:14 |
AlanBell | ah, this wasn't in the session, in the plenary | 19:15 |
AlanBell | http://ubuntudevelopers.blip.tv/file/3621745/ video of the session | 19:15 |
AlanBell | sladen asked something about kerning and the response was "I think you mean tracking" (or possibly it was the other way round) | 19:21 |
jcastro | akgraner: oh crap, I promised you a call today and /totally/ forgot | 20:25 |
akgraner | hehe | 20:26 |
jcastro | I can do so whenevs | 20:26 |
akgraner | I have time now | 20:26 |
* jcastro fires up skype | 20:27 | |
paultag | gettin around that time akgraner | 21:57 |
akgraner | yeppers - oh let me get my new headset | 21:58 |
akgraner | I charged it and everything | 21:58 |
paultag | ready when you are akgraner | 22:01 |
akgraner | ok one sec | 22:02 |
scott-work | akgraner: did you get my reply about ubuntu studio project lead interview (me = scott lavender) ? | 22:09 |
akgraner | scott-work, I already talked to him :-) | 22:10 |
akgraner | I just need to send him the questions now | 22:10 |
akgraner | I talked to him 2 or 3 weeks ago | 22:10 |
scott-work | that's me | 22:10 |
scott-work | akgraner: ^^^ | 22:10 |
akgraner | sorry wrong channel | 22:10 |
akgraner | I thought I was talking to another scott | 22:10 |
akgraner | sigh | 22:10 |
scott-work | i responded to your pm but wasn't sure you got it | 22:10 |
akgraner | nods - sorry about this | 22:10 |
scott-work | yeah scottk and i confuse people, not only by our nomenclature but by our dashing good looks and rapier wit! ;) | 22:11 |
akgraner | I am on a call right this give one minute or so - I can't walk and chew gum today | 22:11 |
scott-work | no probl | 22:11 |
scott-work | akgraner: i'm off, i was concerned that you might not received my response to your pm so now worries...if you need to contact me again before emailing the questions you can use either ScottL or scott-work as they are available | 22:43 |
czajkowski | c | 22:44 |
akgraner | Hey ScottL sorry about that - I am so good at confusing myself sometimes | 23:57 |
akgraner | I'll drop you a link in PM in just a few for the interview :-) | 23:57 |
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