chrisccoulson | heh, i found another branch with a stacking problem | 00:00 |
chrisccoulson | i've added firefox-3.7.head back until i've fixed any more that i find | 00:01 |
chrisccoulson | right, thats the 3.6.7build2 updates done on all releases | 00:02 |
micahg | fta: that problem is fixed in lp:firefox | 00:03 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: I wonder how the branches got stacked like that | 00:03 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - i'm not too sure. i've added it back for now, and i'm just running bzr reconfigure --unstacked on the other branches that are stacked against it | 00:04 |
chrisccoulson | we can remove it again once we've fixed them | 00:04 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: k | 00:04 |
chrisccoulson | asac - you added your changelog entry in to the version that's already uploaded ;) | 00:10 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - our debian/control is quite a bit smaller now ;) | 00:13 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: for which version? | 00:13 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - firefox-3.6.head | 00:13 |
ddecator | micahg: oh, before i move more reports to the ppa project, is the idea that all bugs filed by someone using the ppa be moved, or that just bugs affecting a release in the ppa and not the stable release be moved? | 00:14 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: well, I wouldn't have removed all of the transitional packages, since .head is used for the dailies, we still need them until Hardy, Jaunty, and Karmic is EOL | 00:15 |
chrisccoulson | b'ah, debcommit duplicated asac's changelog entry in my commit because i moved it around | 00:15 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - i discussed it with asac briefly earlier, he suggested introducing a source package in to PPA's to provide transitional packages | 00:15 |
micahg | ddecator: any report about a version in a PPA that's not the mozilla-security PPA, i.e. anything with a ~ in it | 00:16 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: ok, that's probably a better idea :) | 00:16 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: I'll try to do that over the weekend then | 00:16 |
ddecator | micahg: alright, just wanted to make sure i moved the right ones. i'll work on that when i get time | 00:16 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - cool, thanks | 00:16 |
micahg | fta: would you be able to make me a member of the umd team? | 00:16 |
asac | chrisccoulson: omg | 00:18 |
asac | man i am too much out of this ;) | 00:18 |
asac | should i uncommit ? | 00:18 |
chrisccoulson | asac - no worries, i fixed it in the commit i just did | 00:18 |
asac | i missed it up completely ;) | 00:18 |
asac | even the add/update lines were collapsed | 00:19 |
chrisccoulson | heh, no worries ;) | 00:19 |
* asac runs away in shame | 00:19 | |
asac | chrisccoulson: committed changelog syntax fix ;) | 00:20 |
asac | after all i need a few commits ;) | 00:20 |
asac | chrisccoulson: oh ... the patch i committed i should upstream ;) | 00:22 |
asac | bug me if you dont see me changing the patch to contain the mozilla version soon | 00:22 |
fta | micahg, i'm not the owner, asac is | 00:22 |
chrisccoulson | asac - ok, thanks :) | 00:22 |
asac | micahg: what about (owner?) | 00:23 |
micahg | asac: umd | 00:23 |
asac | what do you need? | 00:23 |
micahg | asac: I just wanted to be added so I can upload | 00:23 |
asac | hmm. from what i understand chris wanted to take over the whole bot ;) | 00:23 |
asac | i think its smarter as he might have the powers to move that to a data center machine at some point ;) | 00:24 |
micahg | heh | 00:24 |
chrisccoulson | awesome, the hardy daily builds work again :) | 00:24 |
micahg | jdstrand: would you be able to look at my package set addition request tomorrow? | 00:33 |
micahg | fta_: can you reenable umd? | 00:37 |
=== fta_ is now known as fta | ||
micahg | asac: until then, can you add me so that I can upload? | 00:37 |
fta | <fta> i also said i'll kill the bot | 00:40 |
fta | <fta> i didn't, but i should | 00:40 |
fta | micahg, ^^ | 00:40 |
fta | +have | 00:41 |
micahg | fta: ah, ok :), thanks, I'll get the builds scored up again tonight, chromium-daily as well :) | 00:41 |
fta | micahg, i'm not evil, i'm just angry | 00:43 |
micahg | fta: I know, I'm trying to help where I can at the moment | 00:43 |
fta | micahg, if the lp thing was a new problem, i wouldn't make such a fuss, but it's a recurring issue, cycle after cycle, they don't care | 00:45 |
fta | seems soren is angry about the same thing | 00:46 |
micahg | fta: indeed, well, LP seemed to be running on autopilot for the most part for a couple days which didn't help | 00:46 |
fta | by cycle, i meant, maverick, lucid, ..; | 00:47 |
fta | not just days | 00:47 |
micahg | fta: oh, I know, I remember this last cycle | 00:47 |
ddecator | the build score issue? | 00:47 |
micahg | fta: BTW, you're an admin of the umd team, so you can add people as well | 00:48 |
micahg | ddecator: yes, the PPAs get overloaded when rebuilds happened and they're not always scored low | 00:51 |
ddecator | micahg: gotcha | 00:51 |
micahg | fta: BTW, I had upstream fix the dailies on Lucid/Maverick so they shouldn't FTBFS again | 00:52 |
micahg | fta: thanks :) | 00:56 |
fta | i was looking at the wrong place. on the right, there was just "leave the team", no "add member" | 00:57 |
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ripps | ooh... when is chromium-daily/dev gonna get synced? I desperately want that cairo flickering bug fixed. | 04:19 |
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DanaG | update-alternatives: error: alternative path /usr/bin/firefox-4.0 doesn't exist. | 07:21 |
DanaG | hmm. | 07:21 |
DanaG | That's on lucid amd64. | 07:21 |
micahg | DanaG: yeah, should be fixed in tonight's build | 07:21 |
DanaG | Sweet. | 07:21 |
DanaG | ah, meaning it'll be in dailies by tomorrow? If so, sweet. | 07:26 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, and thunderbird-3.1 in dailies hasn't been updated in, oh, this year. | 07:27 |
DanaG | Version: 3.1~a1~hg20091221r4576+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1 | 07:27 |
micahg | DanaG: yes | 07:27 |
micahg | DanaG: yeah, I need to figure that out soon | 07:27 |
DanaG | And it was a pain trying to find a 64-bit build of lightning to go with it... I eventually just put 32-bit thunderbird-3.1 in /opt | 07:28 |
micahg | DanaG: I'm hoping to push lightning with TB3.1 to maverick early next month | 07:29 |
DanaG | Hmm, how about Lucid? If need be, I can just grab the Maverick packages. | 07:30 |
micahg | DanaG: will probably go to Lucid after some testing in Maverick and PPAs | 07:30 |
DanaG | PPA is good. Thanks. | 07:31 |
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micahg | hi chrisccoulson | 09:33 |
micahg | good morning :) | 09:34 |
chrisccoulson | hi micahg | 09:34 |
chrisccoulson | how are you? | 09:34 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: do you remember why we didn't have transitional packages for xul191 in lucid? | 09:34 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: tired :), should have been asleep a couple hours ago, but alas, not :) | 09:34 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: how are you? | 09:36 |
chrisccoulson | heh, Xorg just crashed | 09:36 |
chrisccoulson | i'm good thanks | 09:36 |
chrisccoulson | for xul191 -> xul192, we shouldn't need transitional packages as their dependencies should pull the new package in, and they are parallel installable | 09:36 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: yes, but the current issue is xul191 breaks eclipse in lucid, bdrung was going to add a breaks, but pitti thinks xul192 should handle it so we don't have xuls cluttering up people's systems | 09:37 |
chrisccoulson | i'm not sure about that | 09:37 |
chrisccoulson | i think eclipse should be fixed to not use xul191, like we've had to do with other applications in hardy -> karmic | 09:38 |
micahg | k, I'm too tired to think too deeply about it, can you chat w/pitti about it? | 09:38 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, can do | 09:38 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: we did that, but it wasn't working right, and then they pulled the code that did that | 09:38 |
micahg | they = Debian eclipse maintainers | 09:39 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: I have a build fix for the crash reporter which I'll add in when I wake up, it needs a curl dev lib, I'm doing a local test build now | 09:54 |
micahg | that'll cut down on the number of bugs for us :) | 09:54 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: tty in a few hours | 09:56 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - cool, ok. will see you later! | 09:56 |
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asac | !test | 10:49 |
ubot2 | hrm? | 10:49 |
asac | thx | 10:49 |
chrisccoulson | asac - i had a look at your comments from yesterday about splitting the xulrunner package for UNE | 10:57 |
chrisccoulson | and then i thought.... | 10:57 |
chrisccoulson | ....whatever we do won't work anyway | 10:57 |
chrisccoulson | as applications still need to discover where mozjs is (either by doing the xulrunner --gre-version hack or by using the xpcom glue) | 10:58 |
chrisccoulson | and so they still need xulrunner to exist on the system | 10:58 |
chrisccoulson | so, bundling mozjs in couchdb might be the better option | 10:58 |
asac | chrisccoulson: not sure what you mean. if we package mozjs independent we can maintain the soname | 11:01 |
asac | etc. | 11:01 |
asac | and put it in /usr/lib | 11:01 |
chrisccoulson | asac - so, debian are maintaining there own SO name? (and just bumping it every time there's an ABI change) | 11:02 |
asac | yes | 11:02 |
asac | there is a bug that would just export public symbols | 11:02 |
asac | with that we might have some chance to maintain it | 11:03 |
asac | debian currently tries to maintain it without that fix | 11:03 |
asac | but well. i really think its setting wrong signal until mozilla agrees that they want this to be exported | 11:03 |
asac | so lets try to include mozjs in couch | 11:03 |
asac | and get over it | 11:03 |
asac | could also be statically linked in there | 11:04 |
asac | hmm. android checkout is 4.2G ;) | 11:05 |
chrisccoulson | asac - ok, i'll have a chat with the couchdb guys too | 11:05 |
chrisccoulson | who's looking after that? | 11:06 |
asac | they are crazy | 11:06 |
asac | ;) | 11:06 |
asac | chrisccoulson: you mean the couchdb package? thats kenvandine most likely | 11:06 |
asac | it was forced into ubuntu through online services ;) | 11:06 |
asac | and then got picked up by many things unfortunately :(( | 11:06 |
asac | i think upstream already includes mozjs in their tree | 11:07 |
asac | so we just dont need to strip it ;) | 11:07 |
asac | and ship it _the ugly way_ tm | 11:07 |
asac | maybe latest couchdb can already be built with javascriptcore? | 11:08 |
asac | hmm. seems not :( | 11:09 |
asac | at least not what is in maverick according to configure | 11:09 |
chrisccoulson | asac - are you still going to be looking after ubufox btw? | 11:12 |
chrisccoulson | i've got a search plugin to add here ;) | 11:12 |
asac | chrisccoulson: baidu? | 11:13 |
chrisccoulson | asac - yeah | 11:13 |
asac | we shouldnt put it in ubufox | 11:13 |
asac | rather in the langpack-o-matic database | 11:13 |
asac | for cn | 11:13 |
asac | hmm. damn i forgot the hostname of that ;) | 11:14 |
asac | was that macquearie | 11:15 |
asac | or something | 11:15 |
chrisccoulson | asac - oh, i wasn't sure whether we want to add it for all users, or just chinese users | 11:15 |
asac | chrisccoulson: look at | 11:15 |
asac | i dont think anyone wants that ;) | 11:15 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, i saw already ;) | 11:15 |
asac | unless you want to encourage ubuntu users to read chinese ;) | 11:15 |
chrisccoulson | lol | 11:16 |
asac | so yeah. we want to add it for chinese folks only ... and make it only for chinese the default | 11:16 |
asac | the default change we could do in ubufox | 11:16 |
asac | but isnt mozilla even shipping baidu by default for cn upstream? | 11:16 |
chrisccoulson | asac - i'm not sure what they ship | 11:17 |
chrisccoulson | we can discuss that at the sprint next week anyway | 11:17 |
asac | yep. lets do that | 11:17 |
asac | i have to wait for arne input on the hostname anyway ... just cant remember :(( | 11:17 |
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asac | chrisccoulson: another sec update building ;)? | 15:13 |
asac | just saw that you block the builders :-P | 15:13 |
chrisccoulson | asac - yeah, i'm just hogging the builders ;) | 15:13 |
asac | ah its build2 | 15:13 |
asac | cool | 15:13 |
asac | you are on top :-P | 15:13 |
chrisccoulson | and i'm about to rebase openjdk from doko's latest upload to lucid-proposed, which fixes an armel build failure | 15:14 |
chrisccoulson | so, the builders are going to be loaded with openjdk too ;) | 15:14 |
chrisccoulson | they've got all weekend to catch up though | 15:14 |
asac | they already are | 15:14 |
asac | 3698369 [building] Building i386 build of openjdk-6 6b18-1.8-4ubuntu2 in ubuntu lucid PROPOSED | 15:14 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, that's doko's latest upload | 15:14 |
asac | chrisccoulson: you could upload it late EOD ;) | 15:14 |
asac | chrisccoulson: problem is that security ppa has now a higher default build score than normal archive | 15:15 |
asac | so you have to be a bit more sensible ;) ... otherwise its not fair | 15:15 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, i'll wait until EOD for openjdk ;) | 15:15 |
chrisccoulson | else i will be popular for all the wrong reasons ;) | 15:16 |
fta | chrisccoulson, is your openjdk in sync with debian? | 15:17 |
fta | i need a fix in there | 15:17 |
chrisccoulson | fta - i'm not sure, i don't maintain openjdk | 15:17 |
chrisccoulson | doko will know that though | 15:17 |
asac | if its not in sync it would show up in MoM, no? | 15:18 |
asac | no merges for openjdk ... guess its blacklisted ;) | 15:18 |
fta | bug 529242 | 15:18 |
asac | hell. i have many outstanding merges ;) | 15:18 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 529242 in chromium-browser (Mandriva) (and 4 other projects) "chromium doesn't recognize icedtea6-plugin (affects: 13) (dups: 1) (heat: 105)" [Unknown,Won't fix] | 15:18 |
fta | i need the fix for debian 576361 | 15:19 |
ubot2 | Debian bug 576361 in icedtea6-plugin "Please don't link the plugin against libxpcom, libxul, etc." [Normal,Fixed] | 15:19 |
asac | oh right. i did a all-main rebuild for armel last cycle :-P | 15:19 |
asac | fta: otherwise chromium cannot use jdk? | 15:21 |
asac | !info openjdk | 15:22 |
asac | !info openjdk maverick | 15:22 |
asac | !info openjdk openjdk-6-jre | 15:22 |
asac | !info openjdk-6-jre maverick | 15:22 |
asac | man i suck ;) | 15:22 |
ubot2 | asac: Package openjdk does not exist in lucid | 15:22 |
ubot2 | asac: Package openjdk does not exist in maverick | 15:22 |
ubot2 | asac: 'openjdk-6-jre' is not a valid distribution: hardy, jaunty, karmic, lucid, maverick | 15:22 |
ubot2 | asac: openjdk-6-jre (source: openjdk-6): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component main, is extra. Version 6b20~pre1-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 252 kB, installed size 816 kB | 15:22 |
asac | !info openjdk-6-jre debian | 15:22 |
ubot2 | asac: 'debian' is not a valid distribution: hardy, jaunty, karmic, lucid, maverick | 15:22 |
asac | should be fixed | 15:23 |
asac | we are at b20 ... debian fix was at b18 | 15:23 |
asac | 6b18-1.8-4 | 15:23 |
asac | but you never know if doko synched the packaging too | 15:23 |
asac | but i would assume he did that | 15:23 |
fta | asac, i asked in the bug, got no answer | 15:25 |
asac | fta: what makes you believe its not fixed? | 15:26 |
asac | i would assume its fixed unless you have strong evidence that its not | 15:26 |
fta | asac, "what makes you believe its not fixed?" => users complaining :) | 16:06 |
fta | it's needed in lucid++ | 16:06 |
asac | fta: what are the symptoms | 16:06 |
asac | ? | 16:06 |
fta | it's in the bug: the plugin doesn't load (because it's linked against libxul while it shouldnt and the lib is unreachable) | 16:08 |
fta | asac, ^^ | 16:08 |
BUGabundo_remote | fta: stupid chromium bug | 16:09 |
BUGabundo_remote | open a new clean profile | 16:09 |
BUGabundo_remote | changed proxy settings in one of them | 16:09 |
BUGabundo_remote | it changes ALL of the profiles | 16:09 |
fta | BUGabundo_remote, did you file a bug? | 16:11 |
BUGabundo_remote | not yet | 16:11 |
BUGabundo_remote | just found it 3h ago | 16:12 |
BUGabundo_remote | but I'm scrathing my head | 16:12 |
BUGabundo_remote | on HOW is this even possbile | 16:12 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: I had to kill my test build as I ran out of disk space, should I try it again before commiting the fix for the crashreporter? | 16:45 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - don't worry about it, i'll do a test build before the next upload anyway | 16:48 |
chrisccoulson | (and it will be in the dailies too) | 16:48 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: k, I didn't know if you wanted to upload today, that's why, ok, I'll commit to 3.6 and 4.0 branches | 16:48 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: any difference with using openssl curl vs gnutls curl? | 16:49 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - i'm not sure about any difference. they are both on the CD though | 16:56 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: k, I"m using the openssl library then | 16:56 |
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micahg | chrisccoulson: k, pushed | 17:15 |
DanaG | hmm, firefox 4.0 still broken. | 17:16 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - cool, thanks | 17:16 |
chrisccoulson | DanaG, broken in what way? | 17:18 |
chrisccoulson | the PPA builders are a little behind, if you need fixes, then you could try building yourself from the packaging in bzr | 17:18 |
* micahg looks at the builds | 17:18 | |
chrisccoulson | micahg - 8 hours ;) | 17:18 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: yeah | 17:18 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - so, firefox sync doesn't actually work in our FF4.0 builds (using the extension from upstream) | 17:21 |
chrisccoulson | it fails to initialize NSS | 17:21 |
DanaG | Ah. So how much longer to wait? | 17:21 |
chrisccoulson | DanaG, at the moment, ages ;) | 17:21 |
DanaG | "still broken" referring to the same "alternative doesn't exist" thing. | 17:21 |
DanaG | ah, then I'll just apt-get source and dpkg-buildpackage. | 17:21 |
chrisccoulson | DanaG, install the firefox-3.7 package | 17:21 |
chrisccoulson | that should work around that | 17:22 |
chrisccoulson | the symlinks are in the wrong package | 17:22 |
DanaG | Ah, thanks. | 17:22 |
DanaG | That worked. | 17:22 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: idk why sync doesn't work | 17:24 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - "couldn't open library" at let nsslib =; | 17:25 |
chrisccoulson | in WeaveCrypto.js | 17:25 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: do we need the nss symlink is xul20? | 17:26 |
chrisccoulson | oh, apparantly it writes that path to the console, 1 second | 17:26 |
chrisccoulson | hmmm, perhaps it doesn't | 17:27 |
chrisccoulson | it's a shame this happens as the component registers, i don't think i can catch that in venkman can i? | 17:27 |
* micahg doesn't know | 17:27 | |
chrisccoulson | yeah, i need to insert a break there when it loads, which can only happen when the browser opens | 17:28 |
chrisccoulson | that sucks | 17:28 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: gdb? | 17:28 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - i need to debug the JS code really | 17:29 |
chrisccoulson | although | 17:29 |
chrisccoulson | i suppose i could look at strace | 17:29 |
chrisccoulson | and see where it's searching for the NSS components | 17:29 |
Mook_sb | ? has logging on line 134 if you toggle the bit on line 60 | 17:30 |
AnAnt | asac: Hello, are you there ? | 17:30 |
Mook_sb | also: probably wherever libxul lives, and not system nss | 17:30 |
AnAnt | why does Ubuntu build nspluginwrapper for i386 arch ? | 17:31 |
chrisccoulson | Mook_sb, thanks. i got confused there. i saw "debug : true" as being enabled, and then wondered why i didn't get any output ;) | 17:32 |
chrisccoulson | i'll change that and try again | 17:32 |
chrisccoulson | oh, hang on | 17:32 |
chrisccoulson | true = enabled isn't it? | 17:32 |
Mook_sb | chrisccoulson: huh, no, then it should be enabled, yes - | 17:32 |
Mook_sb | you have the browser.dom.window.dump.enabled pref set to true? | 17:33 |
chrisccoulson | Mook_sb, i'll check | 17:33 |
Mook_sb | (either way, it should also be showing up in -jsconsole ...) | 17:33 |
micahg | jdstrand: would you be able to look at my package set addition request today? | 17:49 |
micahg | fta: doko uploaded your fix from Debian to lucid-proposed | 17:52 |
fta | great | 18:00 |
gnomefreak | anyone notice firefox-4.0 is not a command. at least it says that for me. I removed 3.7 (just to keep system clean | 18:08 |
gnomefreak | ) | 18:08 |
jdstrand | micahg: what are you referring to? | 18:10 |
* jdstrand feels dense | 18:10 | |
micahg | jdstrand: I opened a bug for the archive admins requesting 6 packages be added to the mozilla package set | 18:10 |
micahg | gnomefreak: yeah, install firefox-3.7 until the next update | 18:11 |
micahg | gnomefreak: I goofed in teh packaging and we haven't had a good build yet | 18:11 |
gnomefreak | micahg: ok thanks | 18:12 |
micahg | jdstrand: bug 605453 | 18:13 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 605453 in weave (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "Please add to the Mozilla Package Set (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] | 18:13 |
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jdstrand | micahg: so I am lookiing at the bug, and I don't know what you are talking about | 18:37 |
micahg | jdstrand: it's a request to add packages to the package set, I was told the archvie admins were delegated this task | 18:37 |
jdstrand | micahg: I don't what a 'package set' is. sorry | 18:38 |
* jdstrand feels dense | 18:38 | |
jdstrand | micahg: oh, you mean for the whole archive reoganization? | 18:39 |
* jdstrand is getting it | 18:39 | |
micahg | jdstrand: well, part of it, I have a Mozilla package set now | 18:39 |
jdstrand | so that ubuntu-mozillateam can fiddle with these | 18:39 |
micahg | jdstrand: so I can upload a limited number of packages | 18:39 |
micahg | jdstrand: well, ubuntu-mozilla-uploaders, but yes :) | 18:40 |
jdstrand | micahg: can you point me to a wiki page that tells me how to do this? | 18:40 |
* micahg doesn't know if there is one...cjwatson set it up originally | 18:41 | |
jdstrand | should list how to do it, but it does not | 18:41 |
gnomefreak | ok anyone have a clue on how to add boot options? | 18:41 |
* gnomefreak wonders if redhat has bash scripting classes. i know simple bash and i understand more advanced but not how to impliment it | 19:11 | |
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micahg | jdstrand: what do I do, should I subscribe the TB? | 20:03 |
jdstrand | micahg: possibly, though I think asking cjwatson how to proceed would be best | 20:04 |
micahg | jdstrand: sorry for the trouble | 20:05 |
jdstrand | np | 20:05 |
chrisccoulson | micahg - the FF-sync issue is because the extension tries to load from the GRE folder | 20:11 |
chrisccoulson | but i don't really want to add symlinks in there, after the issues we had with similar symlinks in thunderbird | 20:12 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: ugh, seems like we need a patch for something then | 20:12 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, i'll try and see what i can do ;) | 20:12 |
LLStarks | fta, you there? | 20:22 |
LLStarks | hey chris | 20:22 |
LLStarks | anyway, firefox 4.0 packages are still a bit messed up. | 20:25 |
micahg | LLStarks: after the dailies finish building they shoudl be fine | 20:25 |
micahg | LLStarks: install firefox-3.7 | 20:25 |
LLStarks | not touching firefox 3.7 or 4.0 again until that addon menu dies | 20:25 |
LLStarks | or extension compatability can be overriden | 20:26 |
micahg | LLStarks: after tonight, it should be fine, but some files accidentally got into firefox-3.7 | 20:26 |
LLStarks | oh | 20:26 |
* micahg would update topic, but will be resolved w/in 7 hrs | 20:26 | |
gnomefreak | micahg: 3.1 is Maverick or are we waiting for 11.04? | 20:28 |
micahg | gnomefreak: 3.1 will be in Maverick early next month hopefully | 20:37 |
gnomefreak | micahg: ok thanks. let me know when testing can start | 20:37 |
micahg | gnomefreak: as soon as you see it in the dailies :) | 20:38 |
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gnomefreak | oops makes alot of sense | 20:38 |
micahg | gnomefreak: there's an installer bug ATM where the binaries aren't installed | 20:39 |
gnomefreak | damn | 20:39 |
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