mac9416 | persia, vish, ping again. | 01:12 |
mac9416 | I may just go ahead and forward it. The worst they can do is reply in all caps. | 01:13 |
yofel | mac9416: as they don't seem to be here, I would say just go ahead too, we can always fix any mistake | 01:38 |
mac9416 | Yes indeed. We'll see how it goes. :-) | 01:38 |
mac9416 | I'm actually working on another patch now. I'm patch-happy. | 01:39 |
mac9416 | | 01:39 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 446216 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "add-apt-repository should have an option to remove ppa from sources.list (affects: 10) (heat: 58)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 01:39 |
mac9416 | The diff seems bad. I'm trying to re-create it properly. | 01:39 |
yofel | urgh | 01:40 |
yofel | that's the default output of 'diff file1 file2' I think, patch isn't always happy about that, a unified diff 'diff -u' would be better | 01:41 |
mac9416 | Ah | 01:41 |
yofel | especially as the attached diff doesn't show which files were edited :( | 01:42 |
mac9416 | Yep. That's frustrating. :-/ | 01:43 |
mac9416 | So, if I upload a new patch, do I have to wait for someone else to review it? | 01:43 |
yofel | oh, it's just the main script | 01:43 |
yofel | no, if you can fix up the patch yourself that's good, as long as you have verified that it works | 01:43 |
mac9416 | Nice. And then I forward it upstream? | 01:44 |
yofel | yes | 01:46 |
yofel | in the software properties case we're our own upstream I think | 01:46 |
yofel | this would mean add a software properties project task, and do a merge request | 01:48 |
mac9416 | OK, how's that done? | 01:49 |
yofel | project task: click on also affects project and add it | 01:50 |
yofel | the merge request is a bit more complicated | 01:51 |
mac9416 | Well, I've done a merge request before. In short, branch, apply changes, push to personal branch, submit merge request? | 01:52 |
yofel | oh you have, gooood, saves me a lot :D | 01:52 |
yofel | yep | 01:53 |
mac9416 | Haha | 01:53 |
yofel | :P | 01:53 |
mac9416 | OK, help me a bit more with the project task thing. I click Also affects project... Now what? | 01:54 |
yofel | just add to bug report | 01:56 |
yofel | as I said, upstream is on launchpad too, so no reporting in another bug tracker | 01:56 |
mac9416 | k, that's easy. | 01:56 |
yofel | ok, got the patch to apply | 01:56 |
yofel | $ patch -p0 add-apt-repository ../diff.txt | 01:56 |
yofel | as it has no file names, you have to tell it what file was edited | 01:57 |
mac9416 | Niiice | 01:57 |
mac9416 | Ah | 01:57 |
mac9416 | Here goes then... | 01:57 |
yofel | eeek, the file was edited since the patch was created | 01:58 |
yofel | "Invalid Syntax" ^^ | 01:58 |
mac9416 | :-/ | 01:59 |
mac9416 | So I'll need to redo it by hand anyway? | 01:59 |
yofel | well, the bottom part looks ok to me at first glance, but the parser.add_option is at the wrong place | 02:00 |
mac9416 | Right. | 02:00 |
yofel | should be right below " parser = OptionParser(usage)" | 02:00 |
yofel | wait, below the FIXME better | 02:00 |
mac9416 | Connection trouble? | 02:04 |
yofel_ | nope, just the regular 24h disconnect from my ISP so I don't hog the IP address | 02:05 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
mac9416 | Ah | 02:07 |
mac9416 | Well, the patch _should_ work, but the ppa is not being disabled. :-/ | 02:10 |
mac9416 | It removed one PPA but not another. | 02:13 |
mac9416 | I'm going to call the dogs for tonight. Thanks a lot for your help, yofel. I'll probably be back tommorrow. | 02:16 |
yofel | well, for some reason it does work here, <ppa>.list is empty and <ppa> gets ignored by apt | 02:16 |
mac9416 | Interesting. | 02:16 |
mac9416 | Well, I uploaded the new patch but I'll have to test it more thoroughly tomorrow. | 02:17 |
yofel | I'll try to find out what sp.remove_source(source_entry) does... | 02:17 |
mac9416 | k | 02:17 |
yofel | ok, good night, I'll be gone in a few minutes too | 02:17 |
mac9416 | OK, g'night! | 02:18 |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
nigelb | yofel: oops, what was the ping about? | 04:46 |
nigelb | yofel: oooooh, sorry was away. Anyway, there'll be a session in classroom next week about the debian BTS | 04:51 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:39 |
dholbach | Last day of starting in 33 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom | 16:27 |
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