* lfaraone is looking at sugar-poll-activity | 03:19 | |
lfaraone | hey dipankar . | 03:58 |
lfaraone | manusheel, kandarpk, are there any good Debian mirrors in India? | 04:33 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: I am using the main download location. | 04:34 |
dfarning | hey lfaraone just got your message.... I took my nephew to a baseball game because of a rain delay today was a double header. | 04:34 |
lfaraone | dfarning: ah, exciting | 04:35 |
lfaraone | dfarning: I replied to Jonas's message on the list about communication. | 04:35 |
dfarning | lfaraone, yes I saw that. It looked like a fine response. | 04:36 |
lfaraone | dfarning: he felt that he was missing out on part of the conversation because it is all in IRC and very little of it is on-list. I'm not sure what conniving, scheming of plans he's talking aobut that occur in this channel, but if we do any such things in the future, it might be good idea for us to inform our victi-, er, teammates as to our plans. | 04:36 |
dfarning | It is nothing to worry about..... _All_ communication except tasking are happening on a public forum. If that public forum does not happen to be the forum they prefer it is their problem. | 04:38 |
dfarning | On the other hand I agree all policy should and does happen on the list. | 04:39 |
dfarning | lfaraone, every thing we have done is in attempt to comply with pre existing sugar packaging standards. | 04:40 |
dipankar | hey dfarning, hello | 04:41 |
dfarning | hey dipankar | 04:41 |
dipankar | dfarning, nice day you had! great! | 04:41 |
dfarning | dipankar, yes pretty fun.... but now I need to get to bed 7 hours in the hot sun with a 1st grader is hard work! | 04:42 |
dfarning | good night all | 04:42 |
ankur | kandarpk, around? | 07:14 |
kandarpk | ankur: yes | 07:14 |
ankur | kandarpk, well i am getting build error due to the addition of debian/source | 07:15 |
ankur | did you faced any kind of Problem like that? | 07:15 |
kandarpk | ankur: can you paste the error on pastebin ? | 07:16 |
ankur | just a second | 07:16 |
kandarpk | ankur: debian/source had the quilt info, right ? | 07:16 |
ankur | yes | 07:16 |
kandarpk | ok, I didn't face any errors in any of the three packages | 07:17 |
kandarpk | ankur: will try to see if the error report helps once you paste it | 07:18 |
ankur_ | kandarpk: i think i was disconnected | 07:33 |
kandarpk | ankur_: yup | 07:33 |
ankur_ | kandarpk, i solved that problem | 07:33 |
ankur_ | one thing more | 07:33 |
ankur_ | what did luke mentioned about in his review for the CDBS variable in debian/rules | 07:33 |
ankur_ | well did it apply to all of our packages or the one taken from tarbaal? | 07:33 |
ankur_ | *tarball | 07:33 |
kandarpk | ankur_: that applies for all packages which we packaged using git | 07:34 |
ankur_ | okay so in the intial_debianisation we remove the two lines for all of our packages? | 07:38 |
ankur_ | kandarpk: around? | 07:41 |
kandarpk | ankur_, ankur : yes | 07:43 |
ankur | kandarpk, can you review this copyright file? | 07:43 |
ankur | http://paste.ubuntu.com/464387/ | 07:43 |
ankur | i was confused and comma seperated listing of files | 07:44 |
ankur | which luke mentioned . | 07:44 |
kandarpk | ankur, ankur_ : you can also write as http://pastebin.org/398898 | 07:47 |
kandarpk | Files: Area.py, Desenho.py, OficinaActivity.py, fill/Makefile, fill/eggfill.c, fill/eggfill.h, fill/fillmodule.c, toolbox.py | 07:47 |
kandarpk | Copyright:©2007, NATE-LSI-EPUSP | 07:47 |
kandarpk | License: GPL | 07:47 |
kandarpk | ankur: I had not put commas here | 07:48 |
ankur | kandarp , saw your file but wasnot clear with oyur abouve statement | 07:49 |
ankur | *above | 07:50 |
ankur | kandarpk, and we do not provide GPL version here? | 07:50 |
kandarpk | ankur: you need to | 07:51 |
kandarpk | ankur: that you can check in the files listed above | 07:51 |
dfarning | mukul, good morning and welcome to the IRC channel:) | 14:09 |
mukul | dfarning, thank you :) | 14:11 |
mukul | Its evening here though :P | 14:11 |
dfarning | mukul, is dipankar helping you get settled? | 14:11 |
mukul | dfarning, ya he is | 14:11 |
dfarning | good morning ishan | 14:11 |
ishan | dfarning , good morning | 14:11 |
dfarning | yes, we have interested work schedudals in because of the time differences? | 14:12 |
dfarning | mukul, ishan what will you work on today? | 14:12 |
ishan | dfarning, i am currently reading links related to packaging and networking | 14:13 |
mukul | I'm trying to get settled on ubuntu | 14:13 |
mukul | I'm using live usb now | 14:14 |
dfarning | ishan, nice, mukul it take a little time to get use to:) | 14:14 |
dfarning | ishan, what part of networking/colloboration are you reading about? | 14:15 |
ishan | dfarning, i am going through the links send by manusheel sir on collobration | 14:16 |
dfarning | ishan, The topic is pretty big. I suggest that you start by making sure that you have a very good understanding of the stuff in the email 'Background on collaboration' | 14:18 |
ishan | dfarning, okay | 14:18 |
dfarning | ishan, everything builds on top of the messaging passing system Dbus. | 14:18 |
ishan | okay | 14:19 |
* ishan is away | 14:37 | |
=== ankur is now known as ankur_afk | ||
dfarning | good morning neeraj. how are you? | 14:47 |
neeraj | dfarning, good morning, | 14:48 |
neeraj | dfarning, I am fine, thanks for asking | 14:48 |
neeraj | how about you? | 14:48 |
neeraj | dfarning, I am writing BugReport acco to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure for bug#601219. You can view it at http://piratepad.net/WtNk4x8z32 | 14:50 |
dfarning | neeraj, very tired.... My nephew, who is in 1st grade, is having a hard time understanding why I will be gone for a month... We went to a baseball game yesterday so we spent many hours relaxing in the sun. It is hard to get back to work this morning:) | 14:51 |
dfarning | neeraj, yes the bug report looks good. | 14:52 |
neeraj | dfarning, I am yet to finish it. I will ask luke to review it before submitting it on LP | 14:53 |
dfarning | neeraj, how did it go making patches for the installation bugs yesterday? | 14:54 |
neeraj | dfarning, fine.. after understanding the procedure it was only like 15mins task to create patches for other 3-4 activities | 14:56 |
neeraj | But I was facing a problem in reproducing the bug as I was unable to uninstall flipsticks activity.. but later it got solved and I have tested them on my system | 14:57 |
neeraj | dfarning, I will get back to you after finishing this report. It will not take much time :) | 14:57 |
dfarning | neeraj, +1 are working on the first of the bug reports for those packages? | 14:57 |
neeraj | dfarning, ?? If you are asking me that I am writing the report for first package(out of 4/5) then yes. But report for all other will be same except the package name and version.. | 14:59 |
dfarning | neeraj, great. | 15:00 |
kandarpk | dfarning: Good morning. | 15:06 |
dfarning | kandarpk, good morning. | 15:06 |
kandarpk | dfarning: finally, Luke gave a thumbs up to poll-activity. | 15:07 |
dfarning | kandarpk, awesome! There are a lot of details to get correct. | 15:07 |
dfarning | kandarpk, the first one is alway the hardest. | 15:08 |
kandarpk | dfarning: hmmm | 15:08 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I don't think Jonas wanted us to try out core sugar packages | 15:09 |
=== ankur_afk is now known as ankur | ||
ankur | hello dfarning | 15:11 |
dfarning | ankur, good morning -- I was going to say hello, but is looks like you have been using several different systems this evening. Your log in keeps changing: | 15:13 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ankur isn't there | 15:14 |
ankur | sorry went without notive. Hello dfarning | 15:20 |
ankur | *noticcccccccccccccccce | 15:21 |
ankur | *notice | 15:21 |
* lfaraone waves. | 15:29 | |
kandarpk | lfaraone: hi | 15:29 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: thanks for reviewing my packages again and again without losing hope :) | 15:30 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: always a pleasure | 15:30 |
neeraj | lfaraone, hi :) | 15:35 |
lfaraone | neeraj: you did patches for more than just flipsticks, right? | 15:36 |
neeraj | lfaraone, please look at http://piratepad.net/WtNk4x8z32 and tell me the changes I should make in the bug-report | 15:36 |
neeraj | lfaraone, yes.. | 15:36 |
neeraj | I am ready with debdiff for all those activities which you told me to do | 15:36 |
* dipankar says hello to all | 15:39 | |
dipankar | :) | 15:39 |
dipankar | hi dfarning | 15:39 |
dfarning | dipankar, hello | 15:39 |
dipankar | hey lfaraone :) | 15:39 |
lfaraone | neeraj: okay, then the SRU report should be generalized for "the activities" (plural) so we can handle all of them at the same time. | 15:40 |
lfaraone | neeraj: minus sliderpuzzle and jigsaw, which we're skipping because there are other issues with them. | 15:41 |
neeraj | lfaraone, Ok | 15:41 |
lfaraone | neeraj: for test, you say "Currently, X Y Z happens when you try to start the activity. The activity is located in FOO, which is an incorrect directory. After installing this update, the activity will be in BAR and will show up in Sugar." | 15:42 |
dipankar | lfaraone, neeraj : Thanks for your help guys. now I am able to download and install packages on Debian :) | 15:42 |
lfaraone | dipankar: oh, glad you got that fixed. | 15:42 |
dipankar | hey mukul. Welcome to IRC. You will like this place for sure :) | 15:43 |
* ankur says hi to all | 15:43 | |
kandarpk | mukul: hi | 15:44 |
lfaraone | neeraj: you did logviewer too, right? | 15:45 |
neeraj | yes | 15:45 |
ankur | lfaraone, why are we skipping sliderpuzzle and jigsaw ? is it an issue from my end? | 15:46 |
lfaraone | ankur: ""We are not fixing the problem at this time in sliderpuzzle and jigsawpuzzle due to other issues preventing them from starting which are pending investigation. | 15:48 |
ankur | lfaraone, okay | 15:48 |
ankur | well if you are free , i needed help regarding etoys | 15:48 |
lfaraone | ankur: one of them is probably related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-jigsawpuzzle-activity/+bug/284968 | 15:49 |
lfaraone | ankur: okay. | 15:49 |
ankur | well , when i filed the ITP regarding etoys , i assumed that it was made in python and had GPL license , which was wrong on my end. | 15:49 |
ankur | Etoys was built using sh and had MIT license | 15:50 |
ankur | how can i rectify that in ITP ? | 15:50 |
lfaraone | ankur: etoys is written in smalltalk. | 15:50 |
ankur | and the debian folder remains same for the ETOYS pacakge? | 15:50 |
lfaraone | ankur: and it's already packaged separately as http://packages.debian.org/sid/etoys | 15:50 |
ankur | well lfaraone , one is etoys application and other one is activity | 15:50 |
ankur | let me check | 15:51 |
ankur | okay , lfaraone does that mean we do not have to package it seperately> | 15:52 |
mukul | kandarpk, dipankar :hi | 15:53 |
lfaraone | ankur: well, we should package the activity and have the activity depend on etoys | 15:55 |
ankur | well i did the same | 15:55 |
ankur | i packaged the activity and added etoys in Depends | 15:55 |
ankur | the package was running fine in my comp. | 15:55 |
ankur | i will post it for review after some changes | 15:56 |
ankur | and should i refile ITP now? | 15:56 |
lfaraone | ankur: you don' | 15:56 |
ankur | well , and any way to rectify it? | 15:57 |
ankur | is that needed? | 15:57 |
lfaraone | ankur: you don't need to refile, just reply to the existing one saying "Sorry, the activity is really SOME_LICENSE and is written in FOO and BAR languages." | 15:57 |
ankur | lfaraone, okay | 15:57 |
lfaraone | ankur: you know each bug has an email, BUGNUMBER@bugs.debian.org | 15:58 |
lfaraone | ankur: just send a mail to that. | 15:58 |
ankur | One more thing , as we have approached Jonas for the packaging of activity , shall i send a mail on mailing list asking about to package chat activity ? | 15:58 |
ankur | Jonas maintains the rep. | 15:58 |
lfaraone | ankur: I'm not sure what you mean. | 15:59 |
ankur | well , i was supposed to package chat activity . | 15:59 |
ankur | which is already present in collab-maint and is owned bu Jonas. | 15:59 |
ankur | *by | 15:59 |
* ishan is away | 16:00 | |
lfaraone | ankur: give me a sec. | 16:00 |
ankur | and it is up to date as well | 16:00 |
ankur | lfaraone, sure | 16:00 |
neeraj | lfaraone, where do I have to submit the bug description? at LP https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/601219 ? | 16:00 |
lfaraone | neeraj: you edit it. in LP, next to the words "Bug Description" there should be an edit icon. | 16:01 |
neeraj | Ok.. I should replace it with original .. | 16:01 |
neeraj | I mean replace the original description with this new bug description | 16:02 |
lfaraone | neeraj: no, put it at the top of the existing one. | 16:04 |
lfaraone | neeraj: then upload the patches for each activity as a patch / attachment in LP | 16:05 |
lfaraone | neeraj: there is a link on the bug page "See original description" which is a link :) | 16:07 |
neeraj | :) | 16:07 |
lfaraone | ankur: although it's written in shell, all Sugar activities currently use setup.py etc for installing, so we don't need to change rules. | 16:08 |
lfaraone | ankur: I think you should ask him on list, and give an example of some of the things you'd liek to do. (like updating the activity, for example) | 16:08 |
ankur | lfaraone, seems good :) otherwise i would have to package it again | 16:09 |
ankur | lfaraone, well in case if it is already up to date ? | 16:09 |
lfaraone | ankur: then you don't have to do anything. | 16:09 |
ankur | lfaraone, i wil check once again , last time i checked ,version in fructose and rep matched | 16:10 |
lfaraone | neeraj: let me know when you finish fixing the descr and post the patches to LP | 16:10 |
neeraj | lfaraone, ok | 16:10 |
ankur | lfaraone, in jigsaw it is problem with pyabiword | 16:10 |
lfaraone | ankur: right. if you have an idea how to fix it, patches are more than welcome. | 16:11 |
ankur | can it not be solved after adding python-abiword in Depends | 16:11 |
ankur | lfaraone, i think i might be able to fix it as when i packaged it , i faced the same problem | 16:11 |
ankur | also i updated the repository in collab maint of slider and jigsaw . | 16:11 |
ankur | i have checked there deb files which seems to be working now | 16:12 |
lfaraone | ankur: great. | 16:12 |
ankur | lfaraone, neeraj is also working on patching activites in LP i suppose. | 16:13 |
ankur | does this patching work require simmilar procedure ? | 16:13 |
ankur | if yes then , i can ask him and save some of your time | 16:13 |
ankur | :) | 16:14 |
lfaraone | ankur: yeah. basically, file a bug against https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-jigsawpuzzle-activity/+filebug and add sliderpuzzle to it (since it might have the same issue), have neeraj prepare a debdiff including the changes in install and deps, and post it according to the SRU proceedure. | 16:15 |
ankur | lfaraone, sure , will check it out with neeraj :) | 16:15 |
ankur | lfaraone, what more activities are in review queue if any? | 16:16 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: how do I package read and pippy ? | 16:16 |
neeraj | ankur, have u tested ur activities in 0.88,0.86,0.84 | 16:16 |
ankur | neeraj , not yet | 16:16 |
* ishan is back | 16:16 | |
kandarpk | lfaraone: tarball of read isn't available yet, and pippy required external library. | 16:17 |
* ankur i will be back after dinner . | 16:17 | |
neeraj | lfaraone, also did you removed r? from comment sections from those activities which have not been tested on 0.88,0.86,0.84 | 16:17 |
lfaraone | neeraj: yes. | 16:17 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: then you don't :) | 16:18 |
lfaraone | ankur: you put r? by paint and sliderpuzzle but A) there are no supported versions declared, and B) there is n o git repo linked. ' | 16:19 |
lfaraone | ankur: you also put r? by jigsaw but there are no supported versions declared. | 16:21 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: by the way, when you "correct debian/rules", it would be more helpful for me if you'd explain in teh commit message *how* you corrected it. When I look at http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-connect-activity.git;a=summary , I still have no idea what you actually did without looking at the commtidiff. | 16:22 |
lfaraone | commitdiff | 16:22 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: I did mention in some cases that I removed redundant lines from rules after realising what you are saying | 16:24 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-poll-activity.git;a=summary | 16:24 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: mk, just reminding you :) | 16:24 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: thanks. I do make some mistakes. :) | 16:25 |
neeraj | lfaraone, I have to attach only debdiff file naa? just confirming | 16:26 |
lfaraone | neeraj: attach a debdiff for each package you are fixing. | 16:27 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I've gone through most of the links you provided regarding collaboration | 16:28 |
kandarpk | dfarning: should I start reading about telepathy in detail now ? | 16:28 |
dfarning | kandarpk, did you understand dbus pretty well it is fundematal? | 16:29 |
neeraj | lfaraone, done. | 16:30 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I understand its working. | 16:30 |
dfarning | kandarpk, then did you get a general overview of telepathy? | 16:30 |
lfaraone | neeraj: cool. currently building/testing flipsticks | 16:30 |
kandarpk | dfarning: do I need to study about D-Bus in detail ? | 16:31 |
neeraj | lfaraone, thanks :) | 16:31 |
kandarpk | dfarning: how it assigns ID's to activities ? | 16:31 |
dfarning | kandarpk, you will need enough of an understanding to debug it:) | 16:31 |
kandarpk | dfarning: ok, I'll first completely understand D-Bus then | 16:32 |
kandarpk | instead of moving to telepathy | 16:32 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I think manu sent some new links introducing telepathy this morning? | 16:33 |
kandarpk | dfarning: yeah, I've basic understanding of telepathy after going through them | 16:34 |
dfarning | kandarpk, then I think the next part of telepathy will be to understand the two connenction managers 'gabble' and 'salut' well enough to debug them. | 16:36 |
kandarpk | dfarning: you are confusing me. | 16:36 |
kandarpk | dfarning: telepathy or D-Bus, which one should I study in detail first ? | 16:36 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I've got basic understanding of both of them | 16:37 |
dfarning | kandarpk, dbus in detail first.... | 16:37 |
kandarpk | dfarning: Ok, once I complete that, I'll ask for help, as always :) | 16:38 |
dfarning | kandarpk, I'll send an email about the connection managers in a few hours. | 16:39 |
kandarpk | dfarning: that will be great. | 16:39 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I am having some difficulties in running the check: here is my debian/rules :http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/sugar-log-activity.git;a=blob;f=debian/rules;h=9f42f9ce4ab5e160d6a3a6b086f9babf65d4cc8f;hb=2510d5a3f57f7262c3ec02516bb0299b5c42db99 | 16:41 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I am reading about D-Bus from : | 16:41 |
kandarpk | http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus | 16:41 |
dipankar | lfaraone, ^^ I am not getting all the stanzas that you mentioned to comment out | 16:41 |
dfarning | kandarpk, +1 | 16:42 |
lfaraone | dipankar: lines 12 through 20. | 16:42 |
dipankar | lfaraone, ok. :) | 16:43 |
kandarpk | dipankar: you haven't yet placed the code for testing on all the emulators yet ? | 16:46 |
dipankar | kandarpk, nope I am working on it | 16:46 |
dipankar | lfaraone, before changing the debian/rules according to this: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/debian-olpc-devel/2010-July/002600.html | 16:47 |
dipankar | my packages are building, but they are not working | 16:47 |
dipankar | on sugar | 16:47 |
dipankar | lfaraone, i ran the emulator and the activities are not starting. | 16:48 |
kandarpk | dipankar: ok, was just reminding. | 16:48 |
lfaraone | dipankar: were they starting before? | 16:48 |
lfaraone | dipankar: and which version are you trying? | 16:48 |
dipankar | 0.88 | 16:49 |
lfaraone | dipankar: which activity? | 16:49 |
dipankar | sugar-log-activity and sugar-flipsticks-activity | 16:49 |
dipankar | I then installed the packages from ubuntu-main server | 16:50 |
dipankar | then they were running | 16:50 |
neeraj | *away (dinner) | 16:51 |
dfarning | lfaraone, How are the various packaging tasks coming? | 16:51 |
lfaraone | dfarning: decently, I just sponsored and reviewed neeraj's changes. they're now waiting in the SRU queue. | 16:52 |
dfarning | lfaraone, great will they get an additional review before being commited? | 16:54 |
dipankar | lfaraone, any clue? | 16:56 |
dipankar | ^^ about the problem? | 16:56 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I had some confusion understanding the jabber server | 16:57 |
dfarning | kandarpk, yes? | 16:57 |
kandarpk | dfarning: how is it different from usual servers ? how does it enable/help in networking ? | 16:58 |
dfarning | kandarpk, a jabber server is a particular type of network message passing server | 17:00 |
dfarning | kandarpk, jabber is more commonly called XMPP see. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible_Messaging_and_Presence_Protocol | 17:00 |
kandarpk | dfarning: I did go through that | 17:01 |
kandarpk | but there isn't much documentation here on how it manages to pass messages | 17:01 |
lfaraone | dfarning: well, a member of ubuntu-sru sanity-checks them and then approves them. | 17:02 |
lfaraone | dfarning: mostly to make sure we followed proceedure etc. | 17:03 |
dfarning | kandarpk, the 'connection manager' gabble from telepathy uses the jabber server. | 17:03 |
lfaraone | dipankar: so in your Debian system you installed sugar-emulator-0.88 and your version of sugar-log-activity? | 17:03 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I was about to install sugar on debian, but a power cut took place. I am on Laptop battery right now | 17:04 |
lfaraone | dipankar: okay, we're testing the activities in Debian for this check. | 17:04 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I have sent the package to kandarpk for testing it. | 17:05 |
kandarpk | dipankar: log-activity installed and worked correctly :) | 17:05 |
kandarpk | I was able to see various log files | 17:05 |
dipankar | kandarpk, you mean its starting up on Debain! | 17:05 |
kandarpk | yes | 17:05 |
dipankar | thats great. | 17:05 |
kandarpk | :) | 17:06 |
dipankar | how come it is not working on Ubuntu :( | 17:06 |
dipankar | Thanks kandarpk. Thanks a lot | 17:06 |
lfaraone | dipankar: that's an interesting question, but not one we're trying to solve right now :) | 17:06 |
lfaraone | kandarpk: can you test log on the older versions of sugar as well? | 17:06 |
dfarning | lfaraone, how are the activites for debain coming? looks like good progress. | 17:06 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I am confused. We are not to test packages on Ubuntu right now? | 17:07 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: dipankar sent me the .deb | 17:07 |
kandarpk | lfaraone: will installing it on older version test it correctly ? | 17:07 |
dipankar | lfaraone, I will send him the .deb of all required version in about 15 minutes. | 17:07 |
dipankar | *him -> Kandarp | 17:07 |
kandarpk | dipankar: we have only 1 deb I think | 17:08 |
lfaraone | dipankar: well, for this test we're trying to see "does s-FOO-a work on sugar-0.88 on Debian? sugar-0.86? sugar-0.84?" | 17:08 |
kandarpk | dipankar: modify rules according to the steps mentioned by lfaraone and then build the package | 17:08 |
lfaraone | dipankar: you only build the package once for alll versions, then we determine which versions (if any) the activity does not work with. | 17:09 |
lfaraone | dipankar: if the activity doens't work in Ubuntu, that's interesting, but a separate issue :) | 17:09 |
dipankar | ohk. got it ^^ | 17:09 |
lfaraone | dfarning: good. I think Jonas will have more time to review after his theatrical production gets out this Sunday. | 17:09 |
dipankar | lfaraone, phew, I thought I missed the debugging activity | 17:09 |
lfaraone | dfarning: most of my day today I've spent helping neeraj with preparing his first SRU. | 17:10 |
dfarning | lfaraone, yes.... very important step. | 17:10 |
dfarning | lfaraone, +1 since you are going to debconf if would be great if you had a nice queue of activites reviewed which you and jonas can go over together. | 17:12 |
lfaraone | dfarning: yep. hopefully I'll be able to get some time where we can review them f2f. | 17:16 |
dipankar | kandarpk, i have sent you the 0.86 and 0.84 versions of packages (.deb). Please try them out too. Thanks for helping me out | 17:17 |
lfaraone | dipankar: you only have to build the package once, by the way. | 17:17 |
lfaraone | dipankar: it's then installed and *tested* under different versions. | 17:17 |
dipankar | lfaraone, didn't get you. | 17:17 |
dfarning | lfaraone, and one more request:) Can you send a post to deb-olpc explaining the idea of you teaching and review first and then passing on to jonas until he feel comfortable with you doing super reviews with dipankar doing initial reviews. | 17:18 |
lfaraone | dipankar: you said "sent you the 0.86 and 0.84 versions of packages". We're only building "one version" of the package tha allows it to be installed under all Sugar versions. | 17:18 |
kandarpk | dipankar: only 1 .deb is to be tested on all versions | 17:18 |
lfaraone | dfarning: sure. by the way, I'm driving up to Rhode Island today so I'm not sure if I'll be here in the evening. | 17:18 |
dipankar | oh no !! What have I done!! | 17:19 |
lfaraone | dipankar: ? | 17:19 |
* dipankar needs a rest to set his mind back to work! | 17:19 | |
dipankar | lfaraone, I didn't go through the instructions properly. Now I get it. The same package will be tested on different emulators | 17:20 |
neeraj | *back | 17:20 |
lfaraone | dipankar: right. | 17:20 |
dipankar | guys, i guess I have to shut down my laptop too. This power cut is a long one. | 17:21 |
* dipankar says bye to all and good night :) | 17:21 | |
dfarning | lfaraone, I was going to suggest that we all take a break from hacking and read and talk about http://producingoss.com/ and how the situations are similar and diffent than the ones we are facing:) | 17:21 |
kandarpk | dipankar: good night | 17:21 |
lfaraone | dfarning: fair enough, I should reread it anwyay :) | 17:21 |
* ankur is back | 17:39 | |
ankur | lfaraone, i forgot to put the repo address there.Will do it just now. | 17:40 |
ankur | and i have not checked for the versions yet. | 17:42 |
ankur | i did not know that i have to post versions before posting for review | 17:44 |
ankur | will do it | 17:44 |
ankur | . | 17:52 |
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