=== yofel_ is now known as yofel [06:30] good morning! === cking__ is now known as cking1 === schwuk_ is now known as schwuk [15:19] cr3, davmor2, fader_ : Jacques Cousteau! [15:19] moustafa: hello [15:19] moustafa: Baguette! [15:20] fader_ hon! hon! [15:23] * davmor2 throws in Snails, frogs legs, garlic and onions for good measure [17:17] anybody tried the daily server (20100716.2)? [17:24] hggdh: It doesn't install due to dependency issues [17:24] hggdh: I didn't report a bug because cyphermox pointed out to me that it's been fixed already :) [17:24] (Just not respun) [17:25] hggdh: Is that what you're seeing? [17:28] fader_: indeed, thank kyou [17:28] hggdh: O [17:28] er [17:28] hggdh: I'm here for you [17:29] fader_: et une baguette... [17:29] :) [17:29] :-) [17:29] fader_: so another ISO build in the works? [17:30] hggdh: No idea, actually [17:30] Xubuntu alternate's are the same way [17:35] hggdh: unless prompted in #ubuntu-release, I kinda doubt they'll respin. [17:35] sbeattie: OK, I will drop back to last good spin [17:35] hggdh: well, you could always ask for a respin. [17:36] sbeattie: not really needed for me, Eucalyptus is still hosed on this image (I am just adjusting the preseeds, so I can run with an older ISO) [17:37] Apparently, the only images available today are Ubuntu Daily-live from the 14th [17:38] hggdh: server has 16.2 available, are they broke? [17:38] charlie-tca: yes, dependency issue on bind9 and some others [17:39] I see. [17:40] charlie-tca: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/464612/ [17:40] What a deal! No images for Ubuntu or Xubuntu, broken server images... [17:41] heh. Not a good Friday... [17:42] If they get the fixes in, though, we could have images tomorrow, huh? [17:42] yes indeed [17:43] Don't think of it as a problem... think of it as an opportunity to test the error messages in the installers :) [17:44] I was thinking this is a great day to upgrade to maverick, since the images aren't there to test anyway! [19:22] Hankyone: How are the lucid installs going? [19:24] fader_: all done [19:24] Hankyone: Cool, feel like trying to break a few? :) [19:25] fader_: sounds fun [19:25] Hankyone: Here's the PPA that YokoZar pointed me at: https://launchpad.net/~scottritchie/+archive/ppa [19:25] My guess is you'll need to install all 4 of those packages [19:26] Hankyone: Don't believe fader_ he'll have you cleaning up the mess you create after, that kills all the fun from breaking stuff [19:26] Hankyone: Can you do that on one of the machines and then do: [19:26] grep -ir wine-3dmark2000 /usr/share/checkbox [19:26] And see if anything shows up? [19:26] fader_: Should I install the nvidia drivers first? [19:27] davmor2: Nah, breaking stuff in the lab is fun 'cos you can always wipe and reinstall :) [19:27] Hankyone: Yes, please... good catch ;) [19:27] davmor2: Since i'm an intern, if I break something i'll just run :p [19:27] Hankyone: We need to have the proprietary drivers installed, I think, but the order doesn't matter -- you can install the packages from that PPA first if you prefer [19:28] Hankyone: Careful, davmor2 is a trained tracker [19:28] I do Parkour so i might stand a chance ;) [19:29] Hankyone: No that's the wrong attitude. What you do is is look wide eyed, open your mouth, and point a fader_ if anyone ask you say I can't believe what he did [19:29] Hehe [19:30] Hankyone: Just snipper you from a high building it's quicker and easier than running after you [19:31] I can dodge bullets, yes i'm that good [19:31] haha [19:35] He is The One! [19:48] What he's half a dozen Jet-li's fighting to become the the only survivor? [20:09] Hankyone: Any luck with the PPA? [20:30] fader_: everything is installed and grep finds a 3dmark line in wine.txt [20:30] Hankyone: rockin'! [20:30] Hankyone: I think it's time to fire up checkbox and run that test! [20:30] on it [20:30] Hankyone: Just run standard checkbox and you can deselect everything except the wine tests [20:30] No need to run through a full set of tests, I think [20:32] k [20:37] fader_: nothing happens when i start the tests, it grabs the lspci and stuff then moves on to submit the result but fails with the message "inconsistent message" then I click ok and try sending the results again and it did without trouble [20:38] all skipped accord to https://certification.canonical.com/hardware/200910-4254/submission/UTLW56xqb75MB1Q [20:49] Hankyone: Hmm, and you had the wine tests selected? [20:49] yes [20:50] wine-3dmark2000 wine Unsupported Job requirements not met. [20:50] Aha [20:50] Hankyone: What are the "requires" and "depends" on that test? (You should be able to find it by opening /usr/share/checkbox/jobs/wine.txt probably) [20:55] fader_: http://paste2.org/p/917157 [20:55] Hankyone: Cool, thanks. Can you do an apt-get install of all the packages listed in those requirements? [20:56] My guess is one or more of them are not installed. [20:56] all right [21:01] Fader_: You were right, both subversion and cabextract were not installed [21:01] \o/ [21:02] wine is running great so far [21:02] Hankyone: Okay, we probably need to remove the old checkbox files [21:02] IIRC they're in ~/.cache/checkbox -- if that exists, can you rm -rf it and then re-run checkbox? [21:03] (If it doesn't exist let me know as we need to find it and remove it) [21:08] fader_: does not exist, could it be /home//.checkbox? [21:10] Hankyone: Hmm, try "rm -rf ~/.checkbox ~/.cache/checkbox" [21:11] That should get anything that's there [21:21] Go, Hankyone, go! Crash that system! [21:21] * fader_ does a little 'crash that system' dance. [21:28] fader_: apparently when the screen goes into standby and ubuntu asks for the password, it breaks the 3dmark test [21:28] Hankyone: breaks as in the test aborts? [21:29] 3dmark pops a box but the text doesn't appear so i don't really know what's going on [21:29] I disabled the screensaver and any power saving feature that might screwup the test on a system so we'll see [21:35] Hankyone: Perfect [21:35] Hankyone: We'll see what happens... it may or may not crash the system anyway [21:36] Those 5 systems that I pointed out to you are a guess... all, none, or some of them might crash, we'll have to wait and see [21:36] Hankyone: Will you be around on Monday? [21:37] fader_: I will [21:37] Hankyone: Cool... mind picking up the other systems on that list on Monday and see if any of those crash? [21:38] You'll probably have to email me and let me know... I'll be in a different time zone [21:40] I ran the test on the others aswell [21:40] Dude, you rock [21:41] :D [21:42] No crash except the two that broke because of the login screen, will run it again to make sure [21:45] Hankyone: Okay, thanks... if none of those crash we'll have to expand our search and see what else we can try :) [21:48] https://certification.canonical.com/hardware/200912-4895/submission/BmP7T04U75Q9lzL/results?form.status=PASS [22:05] * fader_ calls it a week. [22:05] Have a good one everybody! [22:05] fader_: hey :) [22:05] fader_: take care! [22:06] YokoZar: Heh, just caught me :) [22:06] YokoZar: Hankyone tested out the 5 systems that I tracked down in the lab that had nvidia graphics from 2009, but no dice on crashes [22:06] YokoZar: I'll spread my search parameters a bit and try to find some more likely candidates for him to test [22:07] fader_: Hmm, interesting -- 3dmark was running right? [22:07] YokoZar: Hankyone claims it was... I have to believe him :) [22:08] fader_: as in it spewed out a 3dmarks number for test results ;) [22:08] YokoZar: It was running great actually [22:08] YokoZar: E.g. 3dmark2000_3DMark_Result 11664 3D_marks [22:08] 3dmark2000_CPU_Speed 921 CPU_3D_marks [22:08] Lucid with proprietary drivers? [22:08] Is that the expected output? [22:08] Yeah, although obviously the numbers vary :) [22:08] YokoZar: Yep, 10.04 LTS, proprietary nvidia drivers [22:09] Ok, interesting, I'll get some more specific specs on the machines in question, but thanks for doing this :) [22:10] I can extend the test suite to include later 3dmarks too :) [22:10] YokoZar: Cool, let us know if you find out anything. As I said I'll try to find some other systems for Hankyone to test... maybe we just got [un]lucky on those particular ones and the next batch will give better results [22:10] Yeah. It might even be an intermittent crash in some cases, though on at least one machine it was happening every time [22:10] YokoZar: We might want to end up stealing some of those tests anyway, if you're cool with it... more tests are always a Good Thing :) [22:10] For sure, I'd like these to be a part of the regular process [22:11] and historically Wine has been the most likely thing to crash/freeze X ;) [22:11] Heheh [22:11] Yeah, sounds like a good thing to test then [22:11] Okay, I'm outta here for the weekend... see you folks later! [22:11] *bamf*