jschall | why isn't there a kubuntu-10.04-netbook for amd64? atom n450 is an 64-bit cpu | 00:35 |
jschall | a lot of netbooks are still 32bit but a lot of them are 64 now too | 00:36 |
FloodBotK2 | !netsplit | 00:55 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 00:56 |
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c3l | whats up with ktorrent, it eats cpu and memory? is this a known issue? | 01:48 |
c3l | it seems to calm down when the download is stopped | 01:48 |
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judgen | I love kgeographu more than any kde4 app, if you know why is because it works in all enviroments *exccccept kde4* i find that strange | 02:07 |
judgen | the kde3-remix is the best i could ever hope for, missing the blocklists ofcourse | 02:09 |
TanEk | hi, does someone knows how to open automatically ktorrent with a magnet link in chromium | 02:14 |
TanEk | ? | 02:14 |
ubuntu | ubuntues! | 02:31 |
ubuntu | channel in spanish please ? | 02:31 |
JontheEchidna | !es | 02:32 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 02:32 |
luis_ | hello, good afternoon everyone i like to ask for help, i am trying to watch vids on youtube, the problem is that is asking me to installas the newest version of adobe wish i already did, uninstall and did a reinstallation and still keeps asking for adobe how can i fix this, help please!!!! | 02:33 |
Pascat | Hello! | 02:57 |
Pascat | I have a few problems here! | 02:57 |
luis_ | yeah me too but none seems to be available :( | 02:59 |
Pascat | 1: How do I change my desktop background image? and 2... Why won't x-chat have transparency? It works with Compiz-Fusion and KWin allows transparency o.o | 02:59 |
luis_ | to change your desktop background just place the cursor anywhere in the screen right click and then choose: configure desktop | 03:00 |
luis_ | the other question i don't know | 03:01 |
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Pascat | background problem fixed. | 03:03 |
Pascat | that...was more complicated then necessary. | 03:03 |
judgen | saying for everyoung! | 03:09 |
judgen | oops | 03:09 |
Scunizi | Is there a built in vnc or rdp server in 10.04? If so where do I find it in the menu to configure? Or what should I load up? | 03:40 |
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jschall | i put kubuntu netbook on my netbook, how can i swap it out for regular kubuntu? it's a bit buggy. | 04:04 |
ary | hi | 04:04 |
ary | I've a problem.... I'm using kubuntu 10.04. My fonts are very ugly | 04:05 |
ary | in chrome and firefox | 04:05 |
ary | i found that it changes if I remove the ~.font.conf file | 04:06 |
ary | somebody have any idea? | 04:06 |
ary | the problem is that this file start again every time that i do a change in my setings | 04:07 |
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dracula_ | jh | 05:07 |
TanEk_ | does someone knows how to build a package? | 05:15 |
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enzoplex | How do I remove the join/part from irssi? | 06:00 |
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alibaba | test | 06:51 |
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d610 | السلام عليكم ورحمه الله بركاته | 07:09 |
d610 | hi every body | 07:10 |
d610 | can any one read me | 07:10 |
d610 | iam new here | 07:10 |
James147 | !hi | d610 | 07:10 |
ubottu | d610: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 07:10 |
d610 | thanks | 07:10 |
d610 | any one here arabian | 07:10 |
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eagles0513875|2 | hey guys what woudl cause a sudo apt-get upgrade to get an error 404 on the repositories? | 07:58 |
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gb__ | howdy all | 08:10 |
gb__ | where is xorg.conf in kdm? | 08:10 |
gb__ | i need to find nvidia settings | 08:10 |
gb__ | anyone? | 08:13 |
eagles0513875|2 | gb__: on a clean install of lucid | 08:15 |
gb__ | eagles0513875|2: i had ubuntu command line, i apt-got kde sir | 08:18 |
eagles0513875|2 | gb__: run apt-get kubuntu-desktop | 08:18 |
eagles0513875|2 | that will install any missing packages that come with a standard kubuntu install | 08:18 |
gb__ | eagles0513875|2: ok thank you | 08:18 |
eagles0513875|2 | welcome | 08:19 |
gb__ | i had install nvidia-current drivers, now everythingis big | 08:19 |
gb__ | so wanted to go back to default | 08:19 |
gb__ | will try that ya suggested, thank you | 08:19 |
eagles0513875|2 | gotcha# | 08:23 |
cps1966 | anyone here | 08:35 |
rork | according tot the nicks list, yes | 08:36 |
cps1966 | i need help installing sun java | 08:37 |
cps1966 | the plugin | 08:37 |
cps1966 | cant remember how i did it before | 08:37 |
rork | !java | 08:38 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases. | 08:38 |
cps1966 | thats so old its usless | 08:51 |
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gb__ | cya folks, thanks again | 08:59 |
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vot | whats the storm with kubunu and ubuntu and reading disks from other distros | 09:15 |
vot | i have a md raid5 | 09:15 |
vot | within that i have a lvm pyhsical volume then a volume group | 09:16 |
vot | then a bunch of logical volumes encrypted with luks | 09:17 |
vot | when i install ubuntu/kubuntu it doesnt recognise any of the lvm volume groups or anything properly | 09:17 |
vot | shouldn't it read the volumes the same between distro | 09:18 |
vot | 's | 09:18 |
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boby | need help? | 10:02 |
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boby85 | has kubuntu 10.04.1 relesed jet? | 10:03 |
Misterio | boby85: It will be released in 3 months, if I remember well, and 10.04.2 3 months later than 10.04.1 | 10:04 |
Misterio | boby85: First update is released after 6 months | 10:04 |
boby85 | don't understand? | 10:04 |
boby85 | isn't in july? | 10:05 |
Misterio | boby85: Well, 10.04 is released >> 6 months later 10.04.1 >> 3 months later 10.04.2 >> 3 months later 10.04.3... | 10:05 |
boby85 | isn't 6 monts later 10.10? | 10:06 |
Misterio | yes, too | 10:06 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
Misterio | But 10.04.1 is not version update, is just single packages' updates recopilation | 10:06 |
boby85 | so 10.04 shoud be in 27.07? | 10:06 |
boby85 | couse 10.04 relesed 27/04 | 10:06 |
Misterio | I don't know the day | 10:06 |
boby85 | 3 months after 27.04 | 10:07 |
boby85 | Misterio I know | 10:07 |
boby85 | ok here is my problem: after clean install or upgrade to 10.04 from 9.10 my system won't boot, some plymouth problem (graphic driver loads to slow) so I instaled 9.10 again. Few days ago I decided to upgrade again but now system wors fine | 10:09 |
boby85 | so they have fixed bug I have | 10:10 |
boby85 | if I install 10.04.1 everything will be fine | 10:10 |
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boby85 | but there is no 10.04.1 | 10:10 |
boby85 | only 10.04 | 10:10 |
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boby85 | I could upgrade after clean install... | 10:11 |
boby85 | what to do? | 10:11 |
Misterio | wait to 10.04.1 | 10:11 |
Misterio | Or to 10.10 | 10:11 |
boby85 | I know that | 10:11 |
boby85 | but what till then | 10:12 |
Misterio | boby85: If you prefer stable PC 10.04 LTS, if you want testing 10.10 | 10:12 |
boby85 | but 10.04 doesn't work | 10:12 |
boby85 | after clean install | 10:12 |
Misterio | Then update | 10:12 |
boby85 | so I don't know will it work after upgrade | 10:12 |
boby85 | will it work? | 10:12 |
Misterio | I don't know | 10:12 |
Misterio | It worked fine for me, update and clean install | 10:13 |
boby85 | upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 works | 10:13 |
boby85 | 2 mounts ago this above didn't work to | 10:13 |
boby85 | now it works | 10:13 |
boby85 | so i don't know will it work after clean install 10.04 and than upgrade | 10:14 |
boby85 | ? | 10:14 |
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jillsmitt | i have festival installed, what additional software i need to use festival with knotify? | 11:05 |
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darthganesh | I have enabled Restore previous sessions. But it doesn't remember all running applications e.g. Stardict.Why? | 12:13 |
Weenie_Beenie | ciao a tutti, posso disturbare? | 12:20 |
well_laid_lawn | !it | 12:20 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 12:21 |
well_laid_lawn | or ask in english :] | 12:21 |
slow-motion | hi | 12:59 |
Misterio | !hi | slow-motion | 13:07 |
ubottu | slow-motion: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 13:07 |
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=== Guest88045 is now known as TranceIT | ||
nicolas_ | hi | 13:36 |
kubuntu | apachelogger hi :) | 13:55 |
kubuntu | https://code.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/ubuntuone-client/gsoc I'm here. What next? :D | 13:55 |
Eruaran | Is anyone else encountering serious problems with playing games on a system with ATI graphics cards? | 13:57 |
Eruaran | I have a HD 3750 graphics card and attempting to play any 3D game causes a serious crash and you have to reset the computer. | 13:59 |
Eruaran | (have tested the hardware, its fine) | 14:00 |
matrixx | I've heard from one of my friends that he had similar problems | 14:00 |
apachelogger | kubuntu: read the mails :P | 14:00 |
matrixx | he changed to nvidia and works well :) | 14:00 |
apachelogger | you will not need the code branch at all | 14:00 |
Eruaran | I am torn because this card is definately better than the on board Nvidia graphics... its so smooth... I don't want to have to revert back... but I can't play games now | 14:02 |
matrixx | :/ | 14:02 |
matrixx | ATI drivers just suck with some cards | 14:03 |
matrixx | seems to be matter of luck | 14:03 |
matrixx | though nvidia isn't perfect either | 14:03 |
_Techie_ | i think its due to the fact that ther wasnt very much ATI support at the time of the HD3k series | 14:03 |
matrixx | my screen flickers, and I fixed it on win by changing color model to YCbCr444 | 14:04 |
matrixx | but nvidia linux drivers doesn't give me that option yet | 14:05 |
Eruaran | It's like this: Start game > OoOh its so smoooth its like liquid... woo... ahhh... sweet > black screen... total system hang... > reboot... | 14:06 |
matrixx | I know the feeling :/ | 14:06 |
_Techie_ | Eruaran, bad luck... somebody will kick me for this... tried gaming in windows? | 14:06 |
Eruaran | I don't consider that an option | 14:07 |
_Techie_ | Eruaran, i seee | 14:07 |
Eruaran | Everything I use is on Linux | 14:07 |
Eruaran | If there's a fix I'll be happy | 14:08 |
Eruaran | I've checked forums... people don't seem sure yet | 14:09 |
Eruaran | whether its x or drivers | 14:09 |
_Techie_ | Eruaran, which drivers are you using? | 14:09 |
_Techie_ | are you using the restricted drivers provided by *buntu? | 14:10 |
Eruaran | no | 14:10 |
Eruaran | I'm using mesa | 14:10 |
_Techie_ | Eruaran, you may wish to download and install the linux drivers for your card fromt he ATI/AMD website... but wait a bit and see if any of the regulars in here have any idea | 14:12 |
Eruaran | If it was nvidia I'd probably do that | 14:12 |
Eruaran | But I'm a bit wary of ATI's drivers | 14:12 |
Eruaran | :P | 14:12 |
_Techie_ | Eruaran, they are better than they used to be | 14:13 |
Eruaran | yes | 14:13 |
dlp | Does anyone know if anybody is implementing system connection configuration in KNetworkManager? | 14:14 |
_Techie_ | Eruaran, they have proven to me that they can be reliable, but that being said.. i was using a high end 4k card | 14:14 |
dlp | I did ask in #kde-devel, but they're all asleep, it would seem. | 14:14 |
Eruaran | But if this issue can be sorted I'll be happy to stay with the mesa drivers, the graphics seem pretty awesome... when it works | 14:14 |
Eruaran | I've also noticed that 2D graphics are better on the ATI card | 14:15 |
_Techie_ | Eruaran, id use the restricted driver manager and give FGLRX a shot... if it doesnt work you can always uninstall it | 14:15 |
Eruaran | and movies | 14:15 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: which driver and which card do you have? | 14:17 |
_Techie_ | Mamarok, HD 3750 and mesa | 14:18 |
Eruaran | I just ran hardware drivers detection again and Kubuntu is offering me the proprietary driver | 14:18 |
Mamarok | mesa? There is the radeon driver, I doubt you use a mesa driver | 14:18 |
Eruaran | No proprietary drivers are in use on my system | 14:18 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: well, the radeon is a free driver | 14:19 |
Mamarok | I have the HD 3650 and the radeon driver is the one that works best | 14:19 |
Eruaran | Ok, I'll give it a try | 14:19 |
Mamarok | but I don't understand why you say you use the meas driver? there is no such thing for ATI c<ards, only the Radeon or the proprietary fglrx | 14:20 |
Mamarok | mesa* | 14:20 |
Eruaran | Mesa 7.7.1 | 14:20 |
Eruaran | (radeon) | 14:21 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: as I said, there is no xorg driver called meas | 14:21 |
Mamarok | mesa* | 14:21 |
Eruaran | kernel module is radeon | 14:22 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: with the HD 3750 you should use the Radeon one, that should work out of the box. | 14:22 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: well, what doesn't work? | 14:22 |
Mamarok | I didn't read the full backlog | 14:22 |
Eruaran | games | 14:22 |
Eruaran | 3d games | 14:22 |
Mamarok | Linux games you mean or in wine? | 14:22 |
Eruaran | causes nasty crash | 14:22 |
Eruaran | native games | 14:22 |
Mamarok | hm, could you give me an example? | 14:23 |
Eruaran | ok | 14:23 |
Eruaran | start up sauerbraten for example | 14:23 |
Eruaran | everything is great | 14:23 |
Eruaran | very smooth.. impressive | 14:23 |
Mamarok | I meant an example of a Linux game that doesn't work | 14:23 |
Eruaran | then after a minute, black screen, sound loops, total crash... can't to anything but hard reset | 14:23 |
Mamarok | and you are sure it is the graphic card causing the crash? | 14:24 |
Mamarok | or driver | 14:24 |
Eruaran | gonna try things with the new driver | 14:24 |
Eruaran | brb | 14:24 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: what new driver? | 14:25 |
Mamarok | oh well, so much for not listenng | 14:25 |
Mamarok | listening* | 14:25 |
* Mamarok is less than sure the problem is the xorg driver | 14:26 | |
Mamarok | we need a backtrace | 14:26 |
_Techie_ | anyway, im gonna head to bed... goodnight #kubuntu | 14:27 |
Eruaran | Not a good result so far | 14:28 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: how can you know that it is the driver causing the crash? | 14:28 |
Eruaran | Plymouth suddenly looks aweful and compositing wont work | 14:29 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: which driver did you isntall now? | 14:29 |
Eruaran | the one that was offered to me | 14:29 |
Eruaran | Not using Mesa any more but using FGLRX or whatever its called | 14:30 |
Mamarok | one? | 14:30 |
Eruaran | This is the ati driver | 14:30 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: Well, I already told you the first time, mesa is not the card driver, | 14:30 |
Mamarok | is either the radeon or the fglrx | 14:30 |
Mamarok | and how did you switch drivers? | 14:30 |
Eruaran | I installed fglrx | 14:31 |
Mamarok | that doesn't necessarily switch the driver | 14:31 |
Eruaran | It wasn't previously installed | 14:31 |
Eruaran | this is horribly glitchy | 14:32 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: what are your kwin settings? | 14:32 |
Mamarok | again, installing a driver doesn't necessarily activate it | 14:33 |
Mamarok | which radeon driver is installed on your system? | 14:33 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: still here? | 14:35 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: if you want help, could you please answer my questions? | 14:36 |
Mamarok | whatever... | 14:39 |
Eruaran | sorry was testing a game out | 14:39 |
Eruaran | no crashes with fglrx driver | 14:40 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: just for your information: before starting sauerbraten, you should change your monitor settings if you have a resolution higher than 1200x800, else it will nto work | 14:41 |
Mamarok | then, mesa is a gl engine, not a driver, there are three drivers for ATI cards, Radeon, Radeon HD and fglrx | 14:41 |
Eruaran | I had radeon | 14:41 |
Mamarok | and you change drivers with jockey-kde, they don't change on their own | 14:41 |
Eruaran | I didn't say they changed on their own | 14:42 |
Eruaran | I said I installed fglrx when it was offered to me by the "hardware drivers" app | 14:43 |
Mamarok | ok, that is jockey-kde then, but you didn't tell me that you were using that tool | 14:44 |
Eruaran | I said it was offered to me... what other tool offers you a driver | 14:44 |
Mamarok | well, the package installer for example can suggest a driver if you search for | 14:45 |
Mamarok | JFYI, you can test the radeonhd driver, normally the HD 3750 should sue the radeonhd, not the radeon one | 14:46 |
Mamarok | but you need to install it, the try changing it with the jockey | 14:46 |
Mamarok | use* | 14:46 |
Eruaran | I can't turn on desktop effects now | 14:47 |
Mamarok | OK, so your problems are solved? | 14:47 |
Mamarok | sorry, misread that line | 14:48 |
Eruaran | At the moment if I use the radeon driver I can have everything but games... fglrx will give me games but everything else looks like crap | 14:48 |
Mamarok | hm, did you try the other radeon driver? maybe you just didn't use the right one, there are two different ones | 14:49 |
Eruaran | how safe is the radeonhd driver? | 14:49 |
Mamarok | what do you mean, how safe it is? | 14:49 |
Mamarok | itwill not destroy your card :) | 14:50 |
Eruaran | my past experience with ati drivers has not been good | 14:50 |
Mamarok | well, it's not better with Nvidia, the problem is the card manufacturers | 14:50 |
Mamarok | once they document their cards correctly the drivers will be written correctly | 14:51 |
Eruaran | brb | 14:51 |
=== dan___ is now known as Dan_L | ||
Eruaran | Still can't resume compositing | 14:54 |
Mamarok | Eruaran: which driver do you use now? | 14:54 |
Eruaran | radeonhd | 14:54 |
Mamarok | maybe it's just that using the game and the compisiting at the same time uses too many ressources | 14:54 |
Mamarok | compositing* | 14:54 |
Eruaran | I just rebooted | 14:54 |
Eruaran | there is no game running | 14:55 |
Mamarok | how much RAM do you have? | 14:55 |
Eruaran | 4GB | 14:55 |
Mamarok | that should be enough | 14:55 |
Dan_L | for composting? You should be able to do most of that w/ like 1 gig | 14:55 |
Mamarok | Dan_L: it's not about compositing alone, but running 3d games at the same time | 14:55 |
Eruaran | Again plymouth splash is now ugly, no compositing in kde... but games work... | 14:56 |
Mamarok | but 4 Gb is certainly enough | 14:56 |
Eruaran | Its too much stuffing around | 14:56 |
RaGNORAK | how do i set up a home network between two systems both running kubuntu 10.04? | 14:56 |
Dan_L | Mamarok: sorry. But yeah, 4 gigs should still be enough. | 14:56 |
Eruaran | If I'm going to have this kind of hassle I'm just going to go back to nvidia | 14:57 |
Dan_L | Ragnorak: first, make sure they're both connected to the same router | 14:57 |
Dan_L | ........:) | 14:57 |
RaGNORAK | they are | 14:58 |
RaGNORAK | they both use the same net | 14:59 |
Dan_L | well at this point | 14:59 |
Dan_L | you should be able to share files | 14:59 |
Dan_L | amirite? | 14:59 |
RaGNORAK | and i did use a network between them when one of them had windows using samba | 14:59 |
RaGNORAK | is that a trick question? | 15:00 |
RaGNORAK | do i need to setup NFS? | 15:01 |
Dan_L | Ragnorak: what is your practical goal here? | 15:03 |
Dan_L | Are we just sharing files? Are we flipping a printer? Tell the dan_l and the dan_l will try to help. | 15:03 |
RaGNORAK | transfer files | 15:03 |
RaGNORAK | so zeroconf? | 15:04 |
Dan_L | more or less | 15:04 |
Pascat | hello! | 15:04 |
Dan_L | if I were you | 15:05 |
Dan_L | and I'm not | 15:05 |
Dan_L | but i"m way better looking | 15:05 |
Dan_L | I'd set it up for VNC hotness too | 15:05 |
Pascat | I want to give a try to Kubuntu! But the thing seems to have a few issues that are making me stay on Gnome... the biggest: X-chat doesn't seem to have Alpha Blending in KWin. | 15:06 |
RaGNORAK | i will try and set it up myself i shall comeback if i fail (which i am almost certain i will) | 15:06 |
RaGNORAK | ummm i use konversation so.... | 15:07 |
Dan_L | Ragnorak: it's easy dude. Trust me. Even I can do it. | 15:08 |
Dan_L | Pascat: seriously. X-Chat is what's keeping you on gnome? | 15:08 |
Dan_L | Lemme tell you a secret | 15:08 |
Dan_L | Kubuntu kicks everything elses ass. | 15:09 |
Dan_L | I'm a total ktard in 2 years or less | 15:09 |
Pascat | lol | 15:12 |
Pascat | Dan_L: Yes, x-chat is what is keeping me on gnome. | 15:12 |
Pascat | I don't like that native KDE one... | 15:12 |
Pascat | Plasma is awesome >.> Its like Win7/MacOSX on Steroids. So much better. | 15:15 |
Pascat | because it does so much more heh. | 15:15 |
Pascat | and I'd like some help to configure it, My eyes are sensitive and I really don't like the default white/blue colors. They hurt. | 15:16 |
James147 | Pascat: its easy to change the default colour scheme (system settings > apearance...) | 15:17 |
Pascat | cool... now to find a way to get alpha blending to work in KWin or to find another client with alpha blending...I got really used to seeing my background with my text >.> going back to blank background is kinda *shrug* | 15:18 |
James147 | Pascat: window transpancy? | 15:19 |
Pascat | yea | 15:19 |
James147 | Pascat: for a temp fix right click the title bar > opacity | 15:19 |
Pascat | I want window transparency in xchat...doesn't seem to work with KWin. Only Compiz-Fusion | 15:19 |
Mamarok | Pascat: why don you use a proper IRC cleint like Konversation or Quassel? | 15:19 |
Pascat | I tried Quassel...didn't like it. | 15:20 |
Mamarok | well, try Konversation then | 15:20 |
Pascat | Konversation? | 15:20 |
Mamarok | yep | 15:20 |
Mamarok | sudo apt-get install konversation if it is not installed already | 15:20 |
Pascat | Okies, I'll look into it...and i'll have to reinstall the whole of Kubuntu >.> | 15:20 |
Mamarok | why? | 15:21 |
Dan_L | I'm still on the fence about Konversation v. quassel. | 15:21 |
Mamarok | oh, you mean to have everything isntalled? sudo apt-get install kde-full | 15:21 |
James147 | Pascat: you can also set th transparency of windows when they are opened by right clicking on the title bar of the window > advanced > spical application settings > prefences > [active | inactive ] opacity | 15:21 |
Mamarok | Dan_L: that is a personal preference, not a discussion for this channel | 15:21 |
Dan_L | Mamarok: it was an observation and a benign one at that. | 15:22 |
vot | i i have to laught when Mamarok's the one saying use a proper client | 15:23 |
vot | if that isnt a personal preference i dont know what is | 15:23 |
Pascat | I'll try out both...and what I like is ... I'll send you guys a link to a screenshot. | 15:23 |
Dan_L | I don't want to express a personal preference here, but lemme tell you: the Cubs suck. | 15:24 |
Dan_L | :) | 15:24 |
vot | Mamarok, why dont you lighten up since you seem to be dishing out your own brand of personal preference0 | 15:25 |
vot | Dan_L, now thats just stirring | 15:25 |
Mamarok | vot: I gave the two clients that are for Kubuntu | 15:25 |
Mamarok | this is about Kubuntu, remember? | 15:25 |
Pascat | http://www.dropbox.com/gallery/3431000/1/screenies?h=84d69a | 15:26 |
Dan_L | Vot: yes. yes it is. :) | 15:26 |
* Mamarok doesn't like Quassel at all | 15:26 | |
vot | so what.. a gnome one, isnt "not proper" | 15:26 |
Pascat | I want to have a similar transparency effect then I have with xchat | 15:26 |
Mamarok | vot: whatever... | 15:26 |
vot | Pascat, try them all out | 15:26 |
vot | hey go wild and install wine and try mirc | 15:26 |
Pascat | ...NO | 15:27 |
vot | or be crazy and launch an console and try bitchx :) | 15:27 |
Mamarok | could we get back on topic, please? discussion sin elsewhere | 15:27 |
Dan_L | Pascat: so you want it transparent over your desktop? | 15:27 |
Mamarok | is* | 15:27 |
vot | isnt the transparent over background not alpaha anyway | 15:28 |
vot | doesnt it just show the desktop behind the text | 15:28 |
vot | desktop wallpaper that is | 15:29 |
khalsa_ | hello | 15:32 |
khalsa_ | -i | 15:32 |
khalsa_ | -o | 15:32 |
khalsa_ | o | 15:32 |
khalsa_ | s | 15:32 |
FloodBotK2 | khalsa_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:32 |
khalsa_ | i | 15:32 |
ikonia | khalsa_: stop | 15:32 |
Dan_L | There has to be away to get that transparent effect. I'm snooping around now. | 15:33 |
James147 | I think you might need to change the window theme... there are some transparent ones on kde-look.org | 15:33 |
Pascat | I think I'm trying to mimick a GTK effect on a non-GTK environment, *shrug* I'll just have to get used to it heh. | 15:34 |
ikonia | kde does have transparancy | 15:34 |
Pascat | I'll play with Kommunicate and see if it does what I want ^_^ | 15:34 |
vot | Pascat, but lemme check | 15:35 |
Dan_L | Nooo. Look under desktop effects. There's gotta be a transparency effect and you could probably tell it to just do that to your IRC client | 15:35 |
Dan_L | or something | 15:35 |
vot | i thought xchat didnt do full alpha with the transparent backtound | 15:35 |
James147 | Pascat: something like this: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Smoked+Glass+Bespin+config?content=127507? | 15:35 |
James147 | Pascat: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Smoked+Glass+Bespin+config?content=127507 sorry :) | 15:35 |
andi | hello | 15:36 |
=== andi is now known as Guest80987 | ||
Pascat | Niiiiiiiice | 15:36 |
Guest80987 | does anyone know where streaming files are saved | 15:36 |
vot | thats a theme that seems to be by someone missing vista or win7 and mac os 9 | 15:37 |
vot | by the icon :) | 15:37 |
James147 | vot: was the first one I found with transpancy... there are many others | 15:37 |
Dan_L | ewwwwwww vista. ewwwww 7. | 15:37 |
Dan_L | Just saying. | 15:37 |
vot | vistas aero looks fine | 15:38 |
vot | with the exception of the stupid flip3d | 15:38 |
Dan_L | ehhhhh. I guess it 'looks' as good as windows can. But really----it's not on the same planet in terms of kde or osx | 15:39 |
vot | i dont think it was meant to | 15:39 |
vot | it had to cover a wide range of disparaging hardware | 15:40 |
Dan_L | Probably not. I think they focused solely on a good UI. | 15:40 |
Dan_L | .. | 15:40 |
Dan_L | .... | 15:40 |
Dan_L | yeah. It's like that:) | 15:40 |
vot | i think clean and simple and quick was all that they were after | 15:40 |
Dan_L | Have you used 7 yet? | 15:41 |
vot | and im glad they didnt try more.. because when m$ tries to be creative its usually ugly and horrible | 15:41 |
vot | yea a lot | 15:41 |
vot | i hate the aero peek thing too | 15:41 |
vot | with the window borders | 15:41 |
jussi | !ot | 15:41 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 15:41 |
Dan_L | I just started messing with 7 at work. still pretty far behind the curve. | 15:42 |
Dan_L | Does anyone know of a text editor that will syntax highlight sql? | 15:42 |
jussi | lads, if you can take the windows chatter to #kubuntu-offtopic that would be great | 15:43 |
Dan_L | what did you just call me? | 15:43 |
Pascat | Should I stick to Firefox or Konqueror is good? | 15:43 |
Dan_L | Is that supposed to be some sort of homophobic slur? | 15:44 |
pucko- | firefox is pretty good in lucid | 15:44 |
Dan_L | Pascat: The answer is yes. | 15:44 |
James147 | Pascat: or try chromium :) | 15:44 |
jussi | Dan_L: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate/ - kate does | 15:45 |
Pascat | I used Chromium. Problem I had with it: Java Support sucked on Windows. (couldn't get Focus) ...maybe Ubuntu doesn't have that problem though... | 15:45 |
Dan_L | Pascat: It works well. | 15:45 |
Dan_L | Jussi: will kate lemme shoot a query straight at a db too? | 15:46 |
Dan_L | Like is there a script thingymabob? | 15:46 |
Dan_L | I'm trying to dump my windows vbox and be a total free tard. so replacing notepad++ and excel are very high on my list of things to do. | 15:46 |
pucko- | there are a few issues with chrome/chromium in general (plugins especially). firefox, usually just works. but I use chrome anyway | 15:47 |
vot | notepad++ is free | 15:47 |
vot | and i think it works under wine | 15:47 |
vot | and oo has a excel equivalent | 15:47 |
jussi | Dan_L: likely, but Ive no experience with it | 15:47 |
vot | and i belive kate can run scripts | 15:48 |
jussi | Dan_L: kate is a very powerful text editor | 15:48 |
Eruaran | can somebody help... I change my graphics driver to radeonhd so I can play games now but desktop compositing no longer works and every time I reboot my resolution goes back to 640x480 | 15:48 |
Pascat | I saw Kate...it seemed weird... | 15:49 |
vot | kates the closest ive seen to ultraedit/notepad++ *nix side | 15:50 |
Eruaran | I love Kate | 15:50 |
vot | really doe she root hard ? | 15:50 |
Eruaran | And prefer it | 15:50 |
Pascat | can it 'color' program codes? | 15:50 |
jussi | vot: dont. | 15:50 |
* Pascat does some Ruby once in a while.. | 15:50 | |
jussi | Pascat: yes | 15:50 |
vot | oh come on someone had to go there | 15:50 |
Dan_L | Pascat: we were just talking about that. apparently it does support syntax highlighting. | 15:51 |
Pascat | Cool ^_^ | 15:51 |
vot | kate is very good | 15:51 |
Pascat | gedit does it by default...so you have to enable it in Kate? | 15:51 |
jussi | no | 15:51 |
James147 | Pascat: it just works, although is normally activated when you save a newly created document | 15:51 |
Dan_L | Now if I could just replace excel I'd be in good shape:) | 15:52 |
Eruaran | Kate has VI input mode | 15:52 |
James147 | Eruaran: :D | 15:52 |
pucko- | kate supports sql highlighting even | 15:52 |
Pascat | switching to KDE >.> | 15:52 |
Eruaran | :P | 15:52 |
vot | Dan_L, Open Office spreashseet | 15:52 |
vot | however its not as good as excel | 15:52 |
Eruaran | I prefer Calc to Excel | 15:52 |
Dan_L | Vot: yeah it's getting there. I can do most of my manipulation in OO. I can't really make my deliverables good there though. | 15:52 |
Eruaran | So, does anyone know what I need to do | 15:53 |
Eruaran | Do I need to edit a config file or something? | 15:53 |
Dan_L | Actually, all of my manipulation can be done in OO. It's total replacement. But my ability to present things effectively is gimped up pretty bad. | 15:53 |
Eruaran | To get my desktop compositing back and sort out my screen res | 15:53 |
Dan_L | Eruran: have you tried going through desktop effects? | 15:54 |
Eruaran | Dan_L: yes | 15:54 |
pucko- | Eruaran, I have never used a radeon card, but I would start by looking into the Xorg.0.log file and see what's going on. | 15:54 |
Dan_L | It's a non option or the option doesn't work? | 15:54 |
Eruaran | Dan_L: it says its temporarily disabled | 15:55 |
Eruaran | oh... its saying compositing is active now | 15:55 |
Eruaran | first time... | 15:55 |
Eruaran | its not working though | 15:55 |
Eruaran | nope not working | 15:55 |
Eruaran | "Failed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options... | 15:56 |
Dan_L | hmmmm. are you using a proprietary driver? | 15:56 |
Eruaran | I'm using radeonhd | 15:56 |
Pascat | Ok...ok KDE | 15:56 |
Eruaran | I thought we didn't edit x anymore? | 15:56 |
Eruaran | I have forgotten where it is X11 | 15:57 |
Dan_L | Eruaran: sorry. this one is beyond me. I'm a veteran of the broadcom wifi driver problems and the nvidia driver problems, but no idea how to make this one work. | 15:57 |
Dan_L | Pascat: it's zen in computing isn't it? | 15:57 |
James147 | Eruaran: you do if you want to specify something... its just that now x can auto detect settings so it dosent need one | 15:57 |
Dan_L | Pascat: install basket. Or I'll report you to Obama and have you sent to guantanimo bay. Seriously. | 15:58 |
Pascat | basket? | 15:58 |
Eruaran | Dan_L: I have always avoided ATI and used Nvidia... but I got this HD3650 for free and its quite nice... so I guess I have to suck it up and work the problem :P | 15:58 |
James147 | Eruaran: can you not install the drives via "jockey-kde"? that normally handels most of the work | 15:59 |
Dan_L | Eruaran: I'm using the power of the google to see what I can find. If I find something, I will claim I came up with it on my own and pass it along to you. | 15:59 |
Eruaran | James147: I forget... is there a way to get x to re-detect settings? | 15:59 |
Pascat | reeally... | 15:59 |
Eruaran | Dan_L: thanks | 15:59 |
Pascat | I should reinstall with Kubuntu and not gnome... The disk is cluttered with so much mixed stuff now :/ | 15:59 |
James147 | Eruaran: delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf :) | 15:59 |
James147 | !purekde | 15:59 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE » | 15:59 |
Eruaran | James147: ah thanks... I'll have a look and see what it says in there | 15:59 |
Dan_L | Pascat: if you're looking to get things done, basket is pretty uber. | 15:59 |
Eruaran | James147: oh... delete it | 16:00 |
Eruaran | Interestingly I've had less issues in general with Kubuntu than Ubuntu | 16:00 |
Eruaran | lately | 16:00 |
Eruaran | I was trying out Ubuntu yesterday... the software centre wouldn't work after updates | 16:01 |
Eruaran | but I digress | 16:01 |
Dan_L | tbh, I haven't had a real 'issue' with anybuntu in about a year. | 16:01 |
Dan_L | I'm still trying to share the printer at my parents house. My dad had a little problem with installing 'codecs'---if ya know what I"m saying. | 16:02 |
Dan_L | so I moved him to Kubuntu. | 16:02 |
Dan_L | But making the printer share has been a nightmare times 5 | 16:02 |
Eruaran | I tend to like KDE apps better in general | 16:02 |
Eruaran | I like Dolphin better than Nautilus etc | 16:03 |
Dan_L | Euraran: for sure. and yukakke | 16:03 |
Dan_L | or yuakake | 16:03 |
Dan_L | or whatever it's called. | 16:03 |
Eruaran | yes | 16:03 |
Dan_L | I don't speak spanish so I don't know what that word means. | 16:03 |
Eruaran | Its a Quake console clone | 16:03 |
James147 | might want to take this to #kubuntu-offtopic :) | 16:04 |
Eruaran | yes | 16:04 |
Dan_L | I use it pretty religiously. | 16:04 |
Eruaran | sorry... | 16:04 |
Eruaran | my xorg.conf says Driver "fglrx" even though I've installed RadeonHD | 16:05 |
Eruaran | So, we just delete xorg.conf these days? | 16:06 |
Dan_L | Pascat:???? | 16:06 |
Dan_L | I solved your problem | 16:06 |
Dan_L | I think | 16:06 |
James147 | Eruaran: or mv | 16:07 |
Eruaran | James147: ok | 16:07 |
unixboss | slm | 16:07 |
Eruaran | now that I've deleted it do I just restart x? | 16:09 |
unixboss | kubuntu kurdum yardim lazim | 16:09 |
Eruaran | !tur | 16:10 |
unixboss | yes | 16:10 |
Eruaran | I dunno what ! to give the bot for turkish | 16:10 |
unixboss | ok don worry | 16:11 |
anzwaits | hello any kde experts here? | 16:12 |
James147 | Eruaran: if you make any change to xorg.conf you have to restart x | 16:12 |
unixboss | to day setup kubuntu verry expert i like this | 16:12 |
James147 | !ask | anzwaits | 16:12 |
ubottu | anzwaits: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 16:12 |
anzwaits | I just want to know what are the advantages of kwin over compiz? which is the preferred one. | 16:14 |
James147 | anzwaits: kwin :p it is better intergrated into kde | 16:14 |
James147 | anzwaits: compiz was only used in the past to get desktop effects, which kwin can now do by its self | 16:14 |
anzwaits | but, my friends say compiz have more display optins. | 16:15 |
pvandewyngaerde | if i try to disable the password prompt when opening the laptop lid, the option that is available does not work, editing /etc/default/acpi-support does not work, any other hints ? | 16:15 |
Eruaran | James147: I got my normal resolution back... but System Setting now crashes if I click on Desktop... | 16:15 |
James147 | they do have slightly different effects (compiz might have more) but kwin also has some neat features like window grouping and as of 4.5 a tiled window placment | 16:15 |
Eruaran | This is really getting ridiculous | 16:16 |
unixboss | i have setup mac osx 10.6.3 sony wio so good setup because start dont kernel panic its a blank screan what hapend | 16:16 |
James147 | Eruaran: sorry :( have no clue why it would do that | 16:16 |
James147 | anzwaits: unless you spicifically want soemthing from compiz I suggest just sticking wiht kwin | 16:16 |
anzwaits | okay, I hope this kwin is integrated with luicid, am I rite? | 16:17 |
anzwaits | okay, James, can you tell me how to configure this kwin in lucid? | 16:18 |
James147 | anzwaits: intergrated? it is used by kubuntu lucid by default | 16:18 |
Eruaran | James147: It might have something to do with fglrx | 16:18 |
James147 | anzwaits: for desktop effects: system settings > desktop effects :D for the actual look thats in umm, system settings > appearnce i think... | 16:18 |
anzwaits | sorry for my ignorace James :( | 16:19 |
anzwaits | Anyway thanks a lot, you guys rokkk :) | 16:19 |
James147 | anzwaits: there are also some option by right clicking on a window title bar | 16:19 |
* James147 love the bespin window style :D | 16:20 | |
bodom | Hi there. Phonon is conflicting with non-phonon applications. May someone help me? | 16:22 |
Eruaran | now kdeinfo is crashing as well.. | 16:25 |
Eruaran | This is ridiculous | 16:25 |
Eruaran | All I'm getting out of this is a headache and a big fat reminder on why I never use ATI | 16:26 |
BluesKaj | I'm getting mangled web pages on Lucid with FF and chrome, but I think my problem is flash . | 16:27 |
Eruaran | Since I have installed radeonhd, should I now remove anything to do with fglrx? Because when System Settings crashed, the debugging mentioned fglrx for some reason... | 16:28 |
BluesKaj | <--ati x200m | 16:28 |
BluesKaj | Eruaran, not sure lemme check | 16:29 |
=== Andrew13 is now known as Andrew9 | ||
Eruaran | Yeah well right now I'm thinking of expunging anytihng to do wth ATI from my system and throwing this card out in the street | 16:29 |
Eruaran | because, as usual, anything ATI is just causing too many problems | 16:29 |
Eruaran | System Settings and KDEinfo now crashing... | 16:30 |
Eruaran | what the hell | 16:30 |
BluesKaj | Eruaran, yes, youshould actually drop to a tty and remove the fglrx driver | 16:30 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: Just the driver? | 16:30 |
BluesKaj | stop kdm first | 16:30 |
bodom | anybody? | 16:31 |
BluesKaj | yes, it will take that catalyst thing with it if it's installed too | 16:31 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: I have fglrx, fglrx-modaliases... and yeah I was going to mention catalyst... I only just noticed that is installed... | 16:32 |
anzwaits | Hey, I am using 10.04, amarok installed by default. But we I try to play music its not working. any guess? | 16:32 |
Eruaran | anzwaits: do you have sound at all? | 16:33 |
James147 | anzwaits: for mp3s? you will need to install "kubuntu-restricted-extras" to play them | 16:33 |
Eruaran | ah | 16:33 |
Eruaran | of course | 16:33 |
anzwaits | I have installed mediubuntu repos and then vlc | 16:33 |
anzwaits | so vlc, mplayer, audecious have sound | 16:33 |
anzwaits | but amarok doesnot. I noticed that .wav files are ok. but mp3 doesnot. | 16:34 |
James147 | anzwaits: install "kubuntu-restricted-extras" to get the extra codes you need for mp3s | 16:34 |
James147 | they are not shiped with kubuntu due to licencing restrictions, dam restriced formats :( | 16:35 |
anzwaits | Ohh okay. is this cause an issue only with amarok ? | 16:35 |
James147 | anzwaits: with most players | 16:35 |
James147 | anzwaits: they cannot include mp3 support when they ship kubuntu as its not an open format | 16:36 |
anzwaits | okay .Thanks James. Lemme try that. | 16:36 |
pvandewyngaerde | anyone here with a laptop that can help me test some behaviour when closing the lid ? | 16:36 |
James147 | pvandewyngaerde: what behaviour? | 16:37 |
pvandewyngaerde | i have set the action to do nothing when closing the lid but it stil locks the screen and asks for a password when i open it | 16:37 |
James147 | pvandewyngaerde: is there an option to lock the screen on resume? (laptops booting atm) | 16:38 |
BluesKaj | Eruaran, use your package manager to see which drivers are installed pls | 16:38 |
pvandewyngaerde | James147: yes, a general configuration option, not linked to any power profile | 16:39 |
pvandewyngaerde | i have disabled it | 16:39 |
pvandewyngaerde | this is in my ~/.kde/share/config/powerdevilrc in [General] section : configLockScreen=false | 16:40 |
James147 | pvandewyngaerde: not seeing that behaviour here (on kde 4.5 RC2) | 16:41 |
James147 | and dont remember ever seeing it lock the screen when the option wernt enabled :( | 16:41 |
pvandewyngaerde | the popupnotifier shows a powerdevil warning: screen is locked when reopened it and typed my pw | 16:43 |
Eruaran | fglrx, catalyst removed | 16:45 |
James147 | pvandewyngaerde: what version of kde are you running? | 16:45 |
Eruaran | System Settings not crashing now | 16:45 |
BluesKaj | Eruaran, do you have org-driver-fglrx installed? | 16:46 |
pvandewyngaerde | Ubuntu maverick (development branch) KDE Development Platform: 4.4.92 (KDE 4.4.92 (KDE 4.5 RC2)) hpelitebook8530 2.6.35-8-generic #13-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 14 03:01:08 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux | 16:47 |
MaVe | MAVERICK. | 16:47 |
MaVe | REALLY? | 16:47 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: no | 16:47 |
James147 | pvandewyngaerde: you might want to try #ubuntu+1 for maverick support | 16:47 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: I think aptitude removed it... I only have xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd installed | 16:48 |
BluesKaj | ok good | 16:48 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: System Settings now says compositing is not supported and KInfoCentre is telling me my 3d accelerator is unknown | 16:50 |
pvandewyngaerde | yeah, i asked before, no one responded, and kubuntu+1 is invite only | 16:50 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: Should I just reinstall radeonhd? | 16:50 |
James147 | pvandewyngaerde: #ubuntu+1 is for both ubuntu and kubuntu and all other versions | 16:51 |
James147 | pvandewyngaerde: best is to keep asking every 10 mins or so... if you ask in this change again I suggest mentioning your version | 16:51 |
BluesKaj | Eruaran,drop to tty with alt+f2 , sudo service kdm stop , then, sudo aptitude remove xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd, then just reinstall it, and sudo service kdm start, the alt +f7 to return to the desktop | 16:52 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: ok | 16:52 |
James147 | BluesKaj: you mean alt+crtl+F1 ? | 16:52 |
BluesKaj | yes sorry | 16:53 |
James147 | Eruaran: I advice logging out first :) stopping kdm dosnt cleanly log you out | 16:53 |
BluesKaj | James147,` I'v never had a problem , one just needs to stop X | 16:54 |
James147 | BluesKaj: it might not save settings and such... not a major problem I just dont l;ike advising ppl to do things that might lose them stuff | 16:55 |
James147 | BluesKaj: if you havent changed anything then it dosnt make much difference | 16:55 |
BluesKaj | logging out isn't needed James147 , he just reinstalling the driver | 16:55 |
Eruaran | James147: ah... too late :P | 16:56 |
Eruaran | Ok... plymouth splash is back to normal | 17:03 |
Eruaran | But System Settings is still saying composoting is not supported | 17:03 |
Eruaran | xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd is installed | 17:04 |
Eruaran | But KDE doesn't seem to know I have a graphics card and driver | 17:04 |
Eruaran | Well this is pretty much screwed up | 17:08 |
Eruaran | I'm back to where I started, with games crashing... only KDE has no compositing now as well | 17:09 |
Eruaran | And its now 2am | 17:09 |
Eruaran | I really think if vendors wont provide documentation so stuff like this works properly then the community should just tell them to go forth and multiply | 17:10 |
Eruaran | I'm worse off now than then I started | 17:12 |
BluesKaj | Eruaran, I don't think the radeonhd supports 3d and dir | 17:17 |
Eruaran | ... | 17:17 |
Eruaran | What does it support? | 17:18 |
Eruaran | So, I should be using fglrx then | 17:19 |
BluesKaj | try glxinfo | grep direct then glxinfo | grep 3D | 17:19 |
Eruaran | direct rendering: Yes | 17:20 |
Eruaran | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R600 (RV635 9598) 20090101 x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE2 TCL DRI2 GL_EXT_texture, GL_EXT_texture3D, GL_EXT_texture_cube_map, | 17:21 |
elitrou | hello, i have some difficulties with mobile broadband connection with knetwork manager. anyone willing to help? | 17:21 |
BluesKaj | Eruaran, seems fine , what about desktop effects in system settings , are they enabled ? | 17:23 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: no | 17:23 |
BluesKaj | enable them if possible | 17:23 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: System Settings says, "Compositing is not supported on your system" | 17:23 |
BluesKaj | Eruaran, ok I'm going to check my old desktop system that uses ati ...bbiab | 17:25 |
Eruaran | ok | 17:26 |
=== simi is now known as simion314 | ||
BluesKaj | Eruaran, sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-ati , that's a support for the hd driver , they should have instal;l | 17:31 |
BluesKaj | ed together whe the sytem was installed | 17:32 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: ah ok | 17:32 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: Aptitude removed a number of packages when I removed fglrx... maybe its possible it was installed but got removed? | 17:33 |
Eruaran | Restarted x but System Settings still says the same thing | 17:35 |
BluesKaj | Eruaran, which graphics card ? | 17:36 |
Urtz | hi | 17:36 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: It is a Gigabyte Radeon HD 3650 | 17:36 |
Urtz | I installed the RC2 of KDE 4.5, and Dolphin crashes many times, do you have this bug also, or it this only mine? | 17:37 |
James147 | Urtz: hasent done that here (upgraded from RC1) | 17:38 |
James147 | Urtz: you could try renaming ~/.kde/share/config/dolphinrc to reset dolpih to its default settings to see if its a config error | 17:39 |
Urtz | James147: I did upgrade from RC1 too. It is odd, because it crashes sometimes when I only have the window open, but for example using Firefox. | 17:40 |
Urtz | James147: I will try that, thanks. | 17:40 |
James147 | Urtz: if that dosent help I suggest trying to create a new user and seeing if you experence the same problems with that, if you do its likly to be a config error | 17:41 |
BluesKaj | Eruaran, there's a bug filed for the newer ati driver | 17:46 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: So, uninstall and go to fglrx? | 17:47 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: That is what 'Hardware Drivers' offered me before... (kde-jockey?) | 17:48 |
BluesKaj | Eruaran, check this out , it may apply tour driver https://launchpad.net/~info-g-com/+archive/xserver-xorg-1.7.6-gc | 17:48 |
BluesKaj | Eruaran, yes try the jockey but install the patch above | 17:49 |
Eruaran | The patch works with fglrx or radeonhd? | 17:50 |
BluesKaj | look at the url | 17:51 |
BluesKaj | I have to go out for a while..bbl, errands | 17:52 |
Eruaran | ok | 17:52 |
Eruaran | Thanks for the help BluesKaj | 17:52 |
=== root is now known as Guest20777 | ||
jillsmitt | Akregator always fails | 18:09 |
jillsmitt | every time i start it | 18:09 |
jillsmitt | Executable: akregator PID: 3644 Signal: 11 (Segmentation fault) | 18:16 |
Torch | jillsmitt: pastebin a backtrace, maybe that shows what's going on. | 18:18 |
jillsmitt | Torch: i dont have debuging symbols ^( | 18:18 |
Torch | jillsmitt: install them ;-) | 18:18 |
jillsmitt | teach me then how to install | 18:18 |
Torch | jillsmitt: install the package kdepim-dbg | 18:19 |
Torch | jillsmitt: the rule is: debug symbols are in the package <source-package-name>-dbg | 18:20 |
jillsmitt | cool | 18:20 |
Torch | jillsmitt: source package for akregator is kdepim, so it has to be kdepim-dbg | 18:20 |
jillsmitt | only 8% done | 18:25 |
kalib | Hi guys. I was trying to cmake a plasmoid and got this error message: http://pastebin.com/BdaimGd1 | 18:33 |
kalib | anyone who can help me? | 18:33 |
Torch | kalib: you need the dev packages | 18:33 |
kalib | build-essential ? | 18:33 |
kalib | already installed it. | 18:33 |
kalib | anything else? | 18:33 |
Torch | kalib: the kde dev packages | 18:33 |
Torch | kalib: kdelibs5-dev (sic) | 18:34 |
kalib | ok.. I'll try it.. | 18:34 |
kalib | thanks | 18:34 |
James147 | kalib: you also may need kdebase-workspace-dev | 18:34 |
kalib | James147, ;] | 18:35 |
elitrou | hi, i need some help with mobile broadband connection using knetwork manager. anyone? | 18:36 |
James147 | elitrou: you might want to describe the difficulty you are having with it, more detail you give the more likly someone that know how to fix it will respond :) | 18:37 |
elitrou | i'm using USB modem bandluxe c278 under kubuntu lucid x64 | 18:39 |
elitrou | the problem is that i have to try several times until the connection is reached, lately the connection itself is making problems too | 18:40 |
elitrou | knetwork manager signs that the connection is established, but no traffic is available. once again i need to reconnect for several times. | 18:41 |
elitrou | any ideas? | 18:41 |
James147 | elitrou: afraid i dont know much about mobile boardband, they only ting I can suggest is you check the signal strength... | 18:42 |
elitrou | James147: the signal is all right, when connected it works fine for hours | 18:43 |
James147 | elitrou: or you could try the gnome networkmanager, it has work better then knetwork manager in the past (install: network-magager-gnome run: nm-applet (after killing knetworkmanager) | 18:44 |
James147 | elitrou: or even wicd (will remove Network manager) | 18:44 |
kalib | Torch, James147 worked now.. but I had to install both.. kdelibs5-dev and kdebase-workspace-dev | 18:44 |
kalib | thank you guys... | 18:45 |
elitrou | James147: i'm looking for a script to connect as well, to see if there are any warnings or errors | 18:45 |
eagles0513875 | hey guys im trying to run upgrade to update some available packages but for some reason all repos for me are getting an error 404 hwo can i fix that | 19:15 |
BluesKaj | hey eagles0513875 , which server , euro or main ? | 19:17 |
eagles0513875 | italian mirrors | 19:17 |
eagles0513875 | the fastbull italian mirror | 19:17 |
eagles0513875 | when i run update they update fine when i run upgrade it doesnt work | 19:17 |
BluesKaj | try the main for now , just change it in the package manager , it'll save time rather than changing every repos in the sources.list | 19:18 |
eagles0513875 | ill change it to another italian mirror | 19:20 |
eagles0513875 | BluesKaj: not to mention im having x issues again :( | 19:21 |
Eruaran | welcome back BluesKaj | 19:22 |
eagles0513875 | BluesKaj: | 19:23 |
eagles0513875 | W: Failed to fetch http://giano.com.dist.unige.it/ubuntu/dists/lucid-security/universe/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found | 19:24 |
eagles0513875 | humm turns out there is somethign up wiht the italian mirrors | 19:24 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: I'm not quite clear - Was I supposed to use the xorg patch with fgrlx or radeonhd? | 19:27 |
BluesKaj | Eruaran, open the jockey and use the reommended driver, then patch it | 19:31 |
Eruaran | BluesKaj: ok | 19:31 |
Throd | yop ! | 20:04 |
any | hola | 20:15 |
Misterio | !es | any | 20:16 |
ubottu | any: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 20:16 |
jillsmitt | Torch: http://pastebin.ca/1902568 | 20:22 |
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Ivo_link | hi to u all! Does anyone recently installed kubuntu and noticed that sound works but really low???!!! Is there a way to fix this? Thanks | 21:02 |
well_laid_lawn | Ivo_link: in a terminal run alsamixer and turn things up | 21:02 |
starslights | hi , have you try to look in kMix? you can manage the volume | 21:03 |
Ivo_link | yeah | 21:03 |
Ivo_link | done both...still stays the same | 21:03 |
Ivo_link | everything is up, in kmix and alsamixer | 21:04 |
Ivo_link | i had ubuntu and it sounded great! dont know why this happened... | 21:04 |
well_laid_lawn | was the right sound card selected when you did that? | 21:04 |
starslights | yeah but maybe you need add new chan , look if all your peripheric are set, by me all be fine | 21:05 |
Ivo_link | it only gives one option hda intel analog | 21:05 |
starslights | but i have to add the others chan for my 5.1 for exemple | 21:05 |
Ivo_link | alsamixer...standard | 21:05 |
Ivo_link | or system standard | 21:05 |
Ivo_link | its a laptop | 21:06 |
Ivo_link | forgot to mention! | 21:06 |
Ivo_link | well_laid_lawn: could u tell me how many options u have in alsamixer? i think theres a few missing in mine.... | 21:09 |
well_laid_lawn | sure | 21:12 |
Ivo_link | thks | 21:12 |
well_laid_lawn | I have eleven on my intelhda card | 21:13 |
Ivo_link | i have nine :( | 21:13 |
Ivo_link | somethings a bit wrong here | 21:13 |
Ivo_link | i dont even have the channel options | 21:13 |
heinkel_111 | hello | 21:13 |
heinkel_111 | there is a command to find out which kubuntu is installed on this computer? | 21:14 |
heinkel_111 | like uname but showing kubuntu name version instead of linux core version? | 21:14 |
Ivo_link | i had 8, but change the alsabase.conf file to activate headphones. | 21:14 |
well_laid_lawn | heinkel_111: you could try lsb_release | 21:15 |
Ivo_link | what is that...? | 21:15 |
troopperi | uname -a | 21:16 |
heinkel_111 | well_laid_lawn: does not seem to work...i get no "lsb modules available" | 21:17 |
well_laid_lawn | k | 21:18 |
heinkel_111 | but then i tried lsb_release --codename | 21:18 |
heinkel_111 | and that seems work... jaunty, apparently | 21:18 |
heinkel_111 | = 9.04? | 21:18 |
well_laid_lawn | yep | 21:19 |
heinkel_111 | thank you | 21:20 |
heinkel_111 | starting upgrade hell :) | 21:20 |
well_laid_lawn | heh | 21:21 |
jschall | my OCD needs to rearrange the favorites at the top of the search and launch page in plasma-netbook, and i don't see a way to do that. is there a way? | 21:38 |
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Tzzimy | is there a recommended backup utility (preferably with incremental backup feature)? | 22:01 |
well_laid_lawn | !backup > Tzzimy | 22:05 |
ubottu | Tzzimy, please see my private message | 22:05 |
Tzzimy | thanks m8 :) | 22:05 |
BrotherDave | So I downloaded a windows 7 iso so I can dual boot, but when I extract the rar it's just like... not even there. | 22:11 |
BrotherDave | ? | 22:12 |
well_laid_lawn | which folder were you in when you did the extracting BrotherDave | 22:14 |
BrotherDave | Well it's in downloads, so I just extracted it to there and the folder was empty. | 22:14 |
well_laid_lawn | I would look in my home folder | 22:15 |
BrotherDave | Nothing there. :/ | 22:16 |
well_laid_lawn | and the rar is gone? | 22:16 |
BrotherDave | rar is still here | 22:16 |
well_laid_lawn | try again maybe? | 22:17 |
BrotherDave | When I extract it, it just creates an empty folder. | 22:17 |
well_laid_lawn | try it from the command line unrar e /path/to/rar | 22:18 |
=== aperson is now known as APERSON | ||
Like | any ham here ? | 22:37 |
Like | i get cold please | 22:37 |
ridin | in konqueror only a black box appears when playing youtube? | 22:41 |
ridin | flash | 22:43 |
BluesKaj | ridin, install flashplugin-nonfree | 22:46 |
ridin | sound plays bluekaj, guess i'll try that | 22:46 |
ridin | BluesKaj, did sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonefree, and went to konqueror and still having the same problem | 22:48 |
BluesKaj | ridin, flashplugin-nonfree | 22:50 |
ridin | BluesKaj, did sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, and went to konqueror and still having the same problem | 22:50 |
ridin | sorry about the typo | 22:50 |
well_laid_lawn | restart konq | 22:50 |
ridin | well_laid_lawn, went into youtube and could hear sound like i said before, but no video | 22:51 |
well_laid_lawn | did you close konq? | 22:52 |
=== root is now known as Guest61399 | ||
ridin | yes, and started it again | 22:52 |
well_laid_lawn | k | 22:52 |
BluesKaj | sometimes a reboot helps, ridin | 22:53 |
ridin | alright, i'll do that | 22:54 |
ridin | .... and there's no reboot button | 22:54 |
ridin | oh well | 22:54 |
* ridin holds down the power button | 22:54 | |
BluesKaj | ridin, right click on the desktop ,choose restart | 22:55 |
BluesKaj | err leave, then restart | 22:55 |
ridin | BluesKaj, disn't help | 23:01 |
ridin | did not | 23:01 |
BluesKaj | ridin, open your kpackagekit and choose settings /edit software sources/other software , enable everything except the cdrom | 23:04 |
BluesKaj | then sudo aptitude update , then sudo aptitude install kubuntu-restricted-extras | 23:05 |
ridin | BluesKaj, did that and the problem was not fixed | 23:09 |
ridin | i even restarted konqueror | 23:09 |
Daughain | Hmmmm....Where would I look to find my VB install? | 23:09 |
BluesKaj | ridin, maybe try a different browser | 23:10 |
ridin | BluesKaj, okay. thanks for the help | 23:10 |
Chase_ | on Quassel! ^_^ | 23:16 |
Chase_ | Hey, I have a question... Is there a way that when a window has lost focus long enough, it automatically minimizes to reveal the desktop? | 23:36 |
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