=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [00:24] __lucio__: jdobrien: what can a WaitForCondition mean when my account still has plenty of space in it? [00:24] I've got a bunch of stuff in my content queue that's going nowhere, apparently because of a WaitForCondition [00:25] <__lucio__> i do not know [00:30] me neither [00:31] SYS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED ?!? [00:32] __lucio__: ok, so some part of the system believes i *don't* have plenty of space :) [00:32] <__lucio__> Chipaca, you got that from the servers [00:32] <__lucio__> ?? [00:33] __lucio__: I assume so. Where else would I get it from? [00:33] __lucio__: yes, from the servers [00:33] 2010-07-17 19:56:15,161 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - INFO - Not enough space for upload 456585 bytes (available: 0) [00:33] <__lucio__> Chipaca, interesting [00:34] __lucio__: at the same time, I'm using "26.2 GB Used (52.3%)" [00:36] <__lucio__> Chipaca, get the logs, we can ask jdobrien on monday [00:36] my client logs? [00:36] ok [01:03] I am not able to add my computer to the list of people in my cloud, I have followed the instructions at one.ubuntu.com/support/instilation [01:13] Chipaca: you have a minute to confirm launchpad bug? [01:16] Chipaca: I'll take care of it tomorrow, it's pretty late here. [01:30] * mkarnicki loves launchpad! started using bug tracking, and it seems to be great! === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [09:59] what up are their other plans [10:00] just the 2gb and 50gb right now [10:00] oh [10:00] so if i go pass the 50 what then [10:02] never tried it. But i dont think you can [10:02] can you link data to share [10:03] what if i only what the data aka no local copie [10:03] you can publish urls for files and share folders with other Ubuntu One users [10:04] Ubuntu One is for syncing not really storage [10:05] i am think about reinstalling times [10:06] or the fact i have more then one install of ubuntu 10.04 on my system [10:06] and i don't need the data local 2 or 3 times [10:07] it will only sync with the computers you add to your Ubuntu One Account [10:07] so only add the install you want to sync with to your account [10:09] hum [10:09] if you never open Ubuntu One it wont add the install and the files will not sync [10:10] yes and i can mount the other part to get uduntu one stuff their [10:11] you can also access the Ubuntu one stuff from the web interface [10:11] http://one.ubuntu.com/files [10:14] i hope that helps. I have to step out. All the developers are on Monday-Friday 12:00-20:00gmt if you have additional questions. [10:40] hum flickr or smugmug === JUMPA is now known as jumpa === yofel_ is now known as yofel === cpg is now known as cpg|away [14:54] hello? [14:55] anyone here [14:55] ? === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === jumpa is now known as JUMPA === cpg|away is now known as cpg [21:50] hello, is someone there? [21:54] :( [22:16] erkan^: Sunday evening in central europe. come tomorrow! :) [22:17] where are you from, mkarnicki? [22:18] erkan^: I'm from Poland, however U1 developers are (in some part) from UK. [22:19] ow ok :) [22:20] erkan^: come 12-20 GMT Mon-Fri [22:20] why? [22:22] I have a problem with Ubuntu One, mkarnicki [22:22] erkan^: it's the time when developers are around :) [22:23] erkan^, which problem? [22:23] erkan^: I can't help :( [22:23] I have a problem: [22:23] http://lh5.ggpht.com/_-g7SHML2oAI/TEND1lrPHCI/AAAAAAAAAiQ/tJwFsF_yx04/ubuntu%20one%201.png [22:23] http://lh5.ggpht.com/_-g7SHML2oAI/TEND1gqXe8I/AAAAAAAAAiU/bQYR5wMN81w/ubuntuone%202.png [22:23] http://lh6.ggpht.com/_-g7SHML2oAI/TEND1rlYpbI/AAAAAAAAAiY/eEIl4EpMNIE/ubuntuone%203.png [22:23] Ubuntu One doesn't connect [22:23] : [22:24] :| [22:25] erkan^, if you open a terminal and do "u1sdtool -s", what does it show? [22:25] erkan^, you can install a GUI app to use it, also, if you want [22:26] I try [22:27] ulsdtool: command not found [22:27] erkan^, u1sdtool [22:27] u-one-sdtool [22:29] u-one-sdtool: command not found === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [22:31] erkan^, what I mean is... the second letter in "u1sdtool" is a one, not an L [22:32] owww [22:32] sorry [22:32] effe try [22:32] State: AUTH_FAILED [22:32] connection: With User With Network [22:32] description: auth failed [22:32] is_connected: False [22:32] is_error: True [22:32] is_online: False [22:32] queues: IDLE [22:32] erkan^, you have an authentication problem [22:33] erkan^, you would need to wait for tomorrow for somebody to help you (I can not help you with that, sorry) [22:33] ow ok [22:33] thank you [22:44] facundobatista ? === cpg is now known as cpg|brb [23:38] erkan^, what? [23:39] who is somebody that i will ask help, facundobatista [23:40] erkan^, mmm... you should ask for help saying that you have authentication problems [23:40] erkan^, the right people will answer [23:41] ok