
debfxfabo: is the qtwebkit package missing a symbols file on purpose?00:01
debfxRiddell: we need to keep the qtwebkit package for the transitional binary packages. should I call the version something like "5:1"?01:00
ScottKdebfx: If it just existed during Maverick development and not in a stable release, then a transitional package isn't needed.01:39
fabodebfx: yes, on purpose. I would like to stabilize the package a bit before adding the symbols file.07:05
Riddellgood morning from Prague08:51
Riddelldebfx: yes probably easier not to bother with a transitional package08:52
jussihello Riddell :)08:54
QuintasanRiddell: hello08:59
debfxScottK, Riddell: libqt4-webkit{,-dbg} are in lucid, but we can add those transitional packages to qt4-x1109:45
Riddelldebfx: that's a reasonably compromise09:48
Riddellalthough libraries shouldn't need transitional packages at all, the dist upgrade tool wants to keep kubuntu-desktop installed and that only cares about the apps not the libraries09:49
Riddellbut not everyone uses dist upgrade tool for some reason09:49
Riddellhi Tonio_ 09:50
RiddellTonio_: I've heard rumours that kdesudo doesn't compile because the docs use the old DTD09:50
Riddellare you able to look into it or should we find someone else who cares?09:50
Tonio_Riddell, hum, I forgot about that one indeed09:51
* Tonio_ flashed a maverick vm09:51
Tonio_Riddell, looking09:51
Quintasan!package ktorrent10:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package ktorrent10:06
Quintasan!info ktorrent10:06
ubottuktorrent (source: ktorrent): BitTorrent client based on the KDE platform. In component main, is optional. Version 3.3.4+dfsg.1-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 1254 kB, installed size 4956 kB10:06
Quintasan!info ktorrent maverick10:06
ubottuktorrent (source: ktorrent): BitTorrent client based on the KDE platform. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.1-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 960 kB, installed size 4072 kB10:06
Quintasantime for bugfix release then!10:06
Quintasanwell no need10:09
Quintasandebian already has one10:09
RiddellQuintasan: it needs to be merged though10:10
Quintasangrabbing source to check if changes are still relevant10:11
apacheloggerQuintasan: I cannot imagine why it would be failing then10:16
apacheloggerRiddell: did you see awesome ubuntuone-share? :D10:16
Riddellapachelogger: that video?10:17
Riddellapachelogger: so you can share any folder with any other ubuntu one user?10:19
apacheloggerno, but really yes ^^10:19
Riddellor any folder within your Ubuntu One folder I guess?10:19
Quintasanapachelogger: I can't imagine it too, the build failed when I was using dh -a --dbg-package=project-neon-qt10:20
apacheloggeryou can define any folder to sync with u1, and then you can share that syncd folder10:20
Quintasannow I set override_dh_strip and retried the build10:20
apacheloggerfor now only sharing stuff from within ~/Ubuntu One is implemented though10:20
Quintasanwtf is that Merge-o-Matic? Heard of it but never saw it10:21
apacheloggerI'll probably just check if $folder is part of a folder that is already synced and if not add another page to the wizard that asks you to sync that folder to u1 first and helps you with that...10:21
Riddellapachelogger: that is most awesome10:21
CIA-33[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100719092256-k3jagmv8yikcdzya * debian/control add boost to the builddeps (necessary for akonadi love contacts model) + sort deps a bit10:23
ulyssesRiddell: ping10:27
Riddellhi ulysses 10:27
ulyssesI read your mail on kubuntu-devel10:28
Riddellabout qt assistant?10:28
Riddellthat word is painful to write with my s key missing on this laptop10:28
apacheloggerRiddell: did someone steal it?10:30
QuintasanI would replace G N O M E keys on my keyboard though10:30
apacheloggerwho is running for DMB?10:32
Riddellulysses: do you know what to do?10:35
ulyssesRiddell: nope:(10:35
Riddellulysses: apt-get source  one of the packages10:36
Riddelltulip for example10:37
Quintasanapachelogger: DMB?10:37
Riddellulysses: edit debian/control and add libqtassistantclient-dev to the build depends10:37
Riddellcheck if qt4-dev-tools is in the Depends of any package in debian/control and add qt-assistant-compat if it is10:38
apacheloggerQuintasan: developer membership board10:38
Tonio_Riddell, considering kdesudo, should the doc be rewritten or discarded ?10:38
Riddellrun  debuild  to compile the package10:38
Tonio_Riddell, it basically dupes the manpage...10:38
Riddellulysses: if it compiles and installs, you're all set10:38
Tonio_Riddell, I'd patch just to not built it if it were me10:38
Riddellulysses: run debuild -S to build the source packages and take a debdiff with   debdiff <old>.dsc <new>.dsc10:39
Riddellulysses: oh run  dch -i   to add a changelog entry before compiling10:39
Riddellulysses: send us the debdiff and move onto the next package 10:39
RiddellTonio_: it's just a one line patch to the DTD in the docs10:40
Tonio_Riddell, I'm not a hudge specialist in docs.... looking at what misses10:40
* apachelogger really thinks rewriting the ubuntuone sync daemon in Qt would make a whole bunch of sense10:40
RiddellTonio_: just set the DTD to  <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"10:41
Tonio_Riddell, kk testing10:41
Riddellapachelogger: wanting to keep up the Kubuntu representation on the DMB?10:43
apacheloggerwould be nice ^^10:43
Riddellulysses: did you follow that?10:43
ulyssesRiddell: yes, one question: I'm using Maverick, is it neccessary to install Lucid, or not?10:44
Riddellulysses: we only care about maverick for this10:45
QuintasanRiddell: should I merge things like identations in copyrights?10:45
ulyssesRiddell: ok, I start the job10:46
RiddellQuintasan: you're merging something from Debian?10:46
QuintasanRiddell: ktorrent10:47
RiddellQuintasan: just use Debian's debian/copyright file, I've never come across a reason not to10:47
Riddellulysses: good luck, let me know if you get stuck :)10:47
apacheloggerRiddell: is there any reason for using a POD struct instead of a class?10:57
Quintasanapachelogger, Riddell: can you review? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/69524/ktorrent-diffs.rar10:58
apacheloggermust it be a rar? -.-10:58
apacheloggerlatest u1-kde only builds on KDE 4.5 ^^10:59
apacheloggermy oh my10:59
Quintasanbrb tar gzipping10:59
Quintasanblame ark for not having default entries for tar.gz or tar.bz210:59
apacheloggerQuintasan: xv++10:59
apacheloggerQuintasan: I am quite sure it got entries at least for targz10:59
Riddellapachelogger: what's a POD struct?11:00
Quintasanapachelogger: Don't you mean xz?11:00
apacheloggerRiddell: a struct without ctor, dtor and any other C++ fancyness IIRC11:00
apacheloggerQuintasan: right ^^11:00
Quintasanapachelogger: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/69524/diffs.tar.bz211:02
Quintasantar.bz was less effective :<11:02
apacheloggerthat is why we use lzma :P11:02
RiddellQuintasan: looks good, I'll upload11:02
Quintasanlibktorrent now11:03
Riddelloh? ok11:03
RiddellQuintasan: I wonder why debian hasn't picked up that issue, maybe they don't know, could you check for ktorrent bugs in debian and if there's nothing file a bug on ktorrent in debian with the https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktorrent/+bug/546719 issue11:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546719 in ktorrent (Ubuntu) "ktorrent should recommand or suggest kross" [Low,Fix released]11:03
Quintasanokay, going to check that11:05
QuintasanRiddell: it seems there is no bug related to this, should I file one?11:08
RiddellQuintasan: yes please11:09
QuintasanRiddell: I think a sync for libktorrent would be better11:09
Quintasanno Ubuntu delta and it is just a bugfix release11:09
Riddell"Set versions of the UTPServer class symbols to
Riddellhas that gone away?11:10
QuintasanI think yes, but let me double check everything11:11
Quintasanthen I will persuade apachelogger to do it too, libs are serious business11:11
RiddellQuintasan: debian know what they're doing with .symbols files so I expect it can be synced11:12
apacheloggerQuintasan: hm?11:14
Quintasan- bump minver of all symbols to 1.0.2 in the symbol file11:14
QuintasanRiddell: ^11:14
RiddellQuintasan: so that's fine11:14
RiddellQuintasan: I'll do the sync11:14
QuintasanQt still building....11:15
RiddellQuintasan: should I upload ktorrent now?11:16
QuintasanI think it should be fine now11:18
QuintasanRiddell: thanks11:18
RiddellQuintasan: ktorrent uploaded, thanks11:21
shadeslayerRiddell: qoauth failed :/11:27
shadeslayerbuilt fine in pbuilder 11:27
Riddellshadeslayer: just the test suite failed11:31
Riddellmust be something about the buildd environment it doesn't like11:31
shadeslayerheh :P11:31
Riddellstrange that it builds in debian though but not us11:32
shadeslayerive tried and tried but ive never gotten the exact same build env. as the buildd11:32
shadeslayeri even enabled pkgbinarymangler... but even now its not same :D11:32
RiddellI guess you should see if there's a way to not run the test suite11:32
shadeslayerill check it out11:32
shadeslayerRiddell: check.commands = ( cd tests/ut_interface && ./ut_interface ) && ( cd tests/ft_interface && ./ft_interface ) << in qoauth.pro11:35
shadeslayeri can patch that to not run it11:35
shadeslayerthen theres check.depends = sub-tests as well11:35
shadeslayeror... i can just remove tests from SUBDIRS 11:36
ulyssesRiddell: should I use 'debuild -d' instead of 'debuild'? http://paste.ubuntu.com/465849/11:38
Riddellshadeslayer: QOAuth::Ut_Interface passes, only QOAuth::Ft_Interface fails so I guess just patch out running ft_interface bit11:38
Riddellulysses: dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libvtk5-dev libminc-dev11:39
Riddellulysses: sudo just intall those two packages and run debuild again11:39
shadeslayerulysses: you need to install build deps11:39
shadeslayerif you use -d it will fail at CMake stage11:39
shadeslayerRiddell: how do i check if it builds or fails :P11:43
shadeslayersince it will always pass in pbuilder11:44
Riddellshadeslayer: upload to a PPA?11:46
shadeslayerhmm ok11:46
ulyssesokay, debuild is running after apt-get build-deps caret11:51
Tonio_Riddell, tried your fix, won't work....11:51
Tonio_Riddell, looks like the doc really is to be rewritten...11:52
Tonio_index.docbook:10: element book: validity error : root and DTD name do not match 'book' and 'article'11:52
Riddellbook and article won't havre changed11:52
Tonio_hum... well it looks like what was valid before isn't anymore...11:53
Tonio_appart from reritting the doc... I can do it anyway11:53
Tonio_Riddell, I just wondered if keeping the doc is usefull for a command line binary... manpage could suffice11:53
Riddellit shouldn't be that different11:53
Tonio_Riddell, yeah, probably a few things should fix11:53
Tonio_Riddell, looking11:54
Tonio_Riddell, it is *very* different in fact :)11:54
* Riddell looks too11:54
Tonio_Riddell, looking at rekonq's doc for example11:55
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Tonio_Riddell, kdesudo doc was writtent in 2003 fyi11:55
* shadeslayer see's rekonq docs being discussed11:57
shadeslayerTonio_: is there a issue with rekonq docs? 11:58
RiddellTonio_: hmm, you could be right11:58
Riddellnixternal: ping11:58
RiddellTonio_: I'm happy with dropping the docs11:58
Tonio_Riddell, great11:58
Tonio_Riddell, no issue at all with rekonq doc, I just used them for comparison :)11:59
Tonio_Riddell, kk, patching and droping the docs11:59
shadeslayerTonio_: ok.. :D11:59
shadeslayerthis is for the loads of rebuild failiures?11:59
shadeslayerTonio_: ^^12:01
Tonio_shadeslayer, ftbfs :)12:01
shadeslayerohh 12:02
Tonio_shadeslayer, I suspect kdesudo just won't rebuilt indeed12:02
shadeslayerthere are loads of packages which are FTBFS right now  due to docbook issues12:02
shadeslayerso thats why were dropping the docs?12:03
Tonio_shadeslayer, for kdesudo we're droping it cause it's useless12:03
shadeslayeralso i mailed the kdiff3 ML about the docbooks12:03
Tonio_shadeslayer, and yeah, some devs are stupid12:03
Tonio_how can they get drop the old format support ?12:03
Tonio_isn't backward compatibility somewhat *important* to keep in mind ?12:03
shadeslayerafaik the drop was in kdelibs12:04
Tonio_shadeslayer, that won't change my mind it's stupidity12:04
Tonio_especially since it comes from kde...12:04
shadeslayerand http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=AANLkTimztff1U-rNJ4kLsYsAefsMmbCM5Cfq_CJu3KFu%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=kdiff3-user12:04
Tonio_kde people don't seem to understand breaking working things isn't a progress, but a regression12:04
QuintasanIt's just like the RC of Qt being BIC12:05
QuintasanWe had to rebuild everything :O12:05
shadeslayerthe messange is at the bottom12:05
Tonio_even if it is for the best in the next 5 years or so...12:05
Tonio_I'm tired with this, really12:05
shadeslayerheh :P12:05
Tonio_shadeslayer, probably the reason why I don't use kde anymore12:05
shadeslayeri didnt dare to touch docbooks after i tried my hand with kdiff312:05
shadeslayerTonio_: aww... :(12:06
Tonio_I don't care if everything is made so that it'll be a good desktop environnement "one day"12:06
Tonio_shadeslayer, I need something that works12:06
Tonio_I use my computer for real, and sometimes I don't want to spend my time on it to work :)12:06
shadeslayerwell.. it does work for me.. but yeah.. right now these build failiures are not good12:06
Tonio_shadeslayer, I got a little tired with years on kde4, and the fantastic "let's break everything" done on SC 4.4 and kdepim finished to kill me12:07
shadeslayerTonio_: in 4.5 plasma is pretty stable.. hasnt crashed more than twice here...12:08
Tonio_when a developper forgets to think about users using their products, that's a hudge problem12:08
Tonio_shadeslayer, plasma ain't the issue for me12:08
Tonio_the issue is that there are priorities12:08
shadeslayerRiddell: https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+build/1879750 << qoauth now builds12:08
Tonio_and that releasing kde4 for 2 years, without working bluetooth, without forking networkmanagement stuff12:08
Tonio_that just demonstrates kde lacks project management12:09
Tonio_I don't care having 2004859 graphical effects12:09
Tonio_I just want the basing stuff to work correctly12:09
Tonio_including, my mail, contacts, network, and so on...12:09
Tonio_shadeslayer, believe me I don't like gnome12:10
shadeslayeri hear they have a new bluetooth manager now.. bluedevil or something12:10
shadeslayerTonio_: hahah :P12:10
Tonio_but that, the base, it does it, and well12:10
Tonio_shadeslayer, how good it is to start your pim client and don't have to care about mail loss, contact loss, crashes and so on....12:10
* shadeslayer doesnt use PIM :P12:11
Tonio_shadeslayer, yeah, there is always a "new stuff fixing the problem for good"12:11
Tonio_shadeslayer, when it comes to work you have to...12:11
shadeslayeryeah i guess.. im a student right now,so no need as of now ^_^12:11
shadeslayera student that hasnt gone for training in the past 3 days .... :P12:12
Tonio_shadeslayer, I really hope I'll be able to use kde again one day... but really I think things have to change on the kde side, on the project management side12:13
shadeslayerTonio_: well.. kdepim 4.5 is going to be out with kde 4.5.1 .. so you could give that a spin12:14
Tonio_shadeslayer, interesting, and what will break in the meantime ? multimedia ? network ?12:14
shadeslayernetwork is fixed now.. plasma-widget-networkmanagement does a pretty good job12:15
Tonio_shadeslayer, the simple fact kde 4.5 is going to be released without the major fixes awaited for kdepim is just unbelievable to me.......12:15
shadeslayermuch better than the earlier stuff12:15
Tonio_shadeslayer, I know it does, but we waited for this for 2 years..... it should have been there with kde 4.1, honnestly12:15
shadeslayerTonio_: yeah,but i guess kdepim want to make sure they get only the good stuff out12:15
Tonio_shadeslayer, of that may be why they broked up everything 6 month ago then ? :)12:16
Tonio_shadeslayer, yoàu know when half of the components moved to akonadi , not waiting for the other apps, and that broke everything...12:16
shadeslayeri never really used kdepim till i had to test 4.5 beta 1 ;)12:16
shadeslayerthat must be really b0rked12:17
shadeslayerwell you might want to know everything is now moved to akonadi.. kmail and stuff12:17
Tonio_shadeslayer, let's make it simple :12:17
Tonio_kresource has a compatibility layer to akonadi12:17
Tonio_but akonadi has a compability layer to kresource too o_012:18
Tonio_then, kaddressboook moves to akonadi, but not kmail12:18
Tonio_all this when the API isn't even stabilized12:18
shadeslayerTonio_: even kaddressbook was b0rked in 4.4.12:18
Tonio_and you loose all your data12:18
Tonio_not re-read your previous statement please :)12:18
Tonio_shadeslayer, they release things when they consider they can be released12:19
Tonio_aka : without project management, without QA, without any user feedback, except "we consider this mature enough"12:20
Tonio_I know I'm rude.... but considering in my company, 2 years ago, 50% people were using KDE, and now I'm the only one, and I recently switched....12:20
Tonio_shadeslayer, this means there are problems there12:21
Tonio_I decided to try to figure out why, could be a distro problem12:21
shadeslayerwow.. because i cant find a single company here that uses KDE :D12:21
Tonio_shadeslayer, because it is unsuitable for companies maybe ? :)12:22
shadeslayerall of them use the MS stuff.. outlook and kruft12:22
shadeslayerTonio_: no i mean they dont even use FOSS software12:22
Tonio_shadeslayer, look at the french parliament, they have kde3, they can't go to kde4....12:22
Tonio_what to do then ?12:22
shadeslayeromg.. i think my dead phone just rang :S12:23
Tonio_they went to kde/linux cause XP was about to be deprecated12:23
Tonio_and one year later, they end up with an unmaintained system they can upgrade cause the new one will be ready in 2015, eventually...12:23
Tonio_nice job12:23
Tonio_shadeslayer, don't ask me which DE I tend to suggest to companies now...12:24
Tonio_shadeslayer, sorry for the very bad mood anyway12:24
shadeslayerlol :P12:24
shadeslayerTonio_: no problem ;)12:24
Tonio_shadeslayer, it's because I love kde so much I'm so frustrated, and so demotivated...12:24
shadeslayerhappens with everything 12:25
shadeslayerok ive gtg for now,be back in 30 mins12:25
Tonio_shadeslayer, kk :)12:26
debfxRiddell: qtwebkit-source is ready: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/qtwebkit-source_2.0~week26-2ubuntu1.dsc12:36
debfxRiddell: qt changes are in bzr12:36
Riddelldebfx: rock13:00
shadeslayerbtw kcm-touchpad appears in lost and found in system settings13:08
shadeslayersomeone might want to correct that13:08
Riddellwe have half a dozen in lost and found13:10
shadeslayerRiddell: shouldnt it be put under Hardware13:12
shadeslayeralso,mail to DD sent about qoauth license issue13:12
shadeslayerkubotu: weather Gurgaon,India13:14
kubotuWeather info for New Delhi, India (updated on 4:30 PM IST on July 19, 2010); Temperature: 90 F / 32 C; Humidity: 75%; Dew Point: 81 F / 27 C; Wind: East at 12 mph / 18 km/h; Pressure: - (Steady); Conditions: Haze; Visibility: 1.9 miles / 3.0 kilometers; UV: 3 out of 16; Clouds: Scattered Clouds (SCT) : 2000 ft / 609 m  (FEW) : 3000 ft / 914 m  Mostly Cloudy (BKN) : 10000 ft / 3048 m; Yesterday's Cooling Degree Days: 2813:14
kubotuapprox.; Sunrise: 5:36 AM IST; Sunset: 7:19 PM IST; Moon Rise: 1:34 PM IST; Moon Set: 12:26 AM IST; Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous13:14
shadeslayera bit out of date... its raining now13:15
Riddellshadeslayer: yes it should be under Hardware, not hard to fix, just needs doing :)13:21
Riddellshadeslayer: DD?13:21
shadeslayerDebian devel13:21
RiddellI doubt they care much, if it's through new they'll be happy13:21
RiddellI'd e-mail the author and ask him to make it consistent13:22
shadeslayersource author?13:22
shadeslayeralso i just saw the mail on kaffeine :P13:22
ryanakcaRiddell: Which of the Qt assistant transitions still need doing?13:23
FeerRiddel: Heya, this is Jasem from KStars/INDI. Wanted to know if I can join the packaging effort to resolve some issues :)13:23
Riddellshadeslayer: yes source author13:23
Riddellryanakca: ask ulysses 13:23
=== Feer is now known as jasem
ryanakcaulysses: Which of the Qt transitions still need doing?13:23
shadeslayerRiddell: btw can you upload new qoauth from https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+packages13:24
ulyssesryanakca: I'm doing caret and paraview currently13:24
ryanakcaulysses: So tulip is free?13:25
ulyssesryanakca: yes13:25
ryanakcaulysses: Alright, pulling sources from maverick?13:25
ulyssesryanakca: yes13:25
ulyssesWHat do I wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/465896/13:27
ulyssesmy GPG-key is configured to "Kiszel Kristóf <ulysses@kubuntu.org>"13:28
yofelulysses: are you sure the mail in the changelog is right? E: caret: debian-changelog-file-contains-invalid-email-address ulysses@locris13:28
ulyssesyofel: arghhhh, I didn't see:( thanks13:29
yofelmore like, is DEBEMAIL set? ^^13:29
ulyssesno, it isn't13:29
Quintasanwell, something in kubuntu rules makes it build13:31
ulyssesyofel: DEBEMAIL needs to be in ~/.bashrc?13:32
yofelulysses: usually yes 13:35
Riddellcertainly saves a lot of time compared to manually changing the e-mail in changelog every time :)13:35
maxwellianMight also look into .pam_environment or /etc/environment for setting shell variables.13:38
maxwellianObviously .bashrc only works for bash.13:38
Riddellnaw it's a per user settings, ~/.bashrc is good and everyone uses bash don't they? :)13:38
ulyssesIt's enough, I'm the only user on this laptop:)13:39
debfxwho would want to use bash when there's zsh? :D13:39
Riddellfabo: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/qtmobility_1.0.1-2ubuntu1.debdiff13:40
Riddellfabo: builds gstreamer backend for qtmultimedia, QtBearer is in QtNetwork now or so the build log says13:41
Riddelladds some runtime deps listed on http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.0/installation.html13:41
Riddellincluding hal, whyever did they chose an obsolete package I don't know13:42
Quintasandebfx: ++13:42
faboRiddell: thanks13:43
ryanakcaAye, zsh >> bash :)13:43
Riddellfabo: let me know if you agree :)13:43
maxwellianryanakca: That's a weird right shift... ;)13:44
Riddellright, jasem, indi13:44
JontheEchidnawell, now that it finally built, at least maverick users can use muon 0.3 :)13:46
JontheEchidnashould be published in the QApt ppa in the next 20 minutes or so13:46
JontheEchidnano string complaints, from translators or otherwise, so that's good. :)13:47
ryanakcaulysses: Hmmm. I can't seem to spot where libqt4-assistant is getting pulled in by tulip. My best guess is that debhelper is pulling it in with ${shlibs:Depends}? And that I'd have to add something to debian/patches/04-autotools -ac_subst_vars ?13:48
ryanakcamaxwellian: No, zsh >> bash means zsh much greater (better) than b, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inequality_(mathematics)13:49
* Riddell assumes maxwellian was joking :)13:49
* maxwellian thought so too... :(13:50
ryanakcamaxwellian: Ah, I missed it :)13:50
Riddellryanakca: so just add the build depend for the new libqtassistent, make sure it builds and picks up the shlib depend, job done13:50
* maxwellian goes back to his linear algebra homework with renewed shame13:50
Riddelljasem: yo13:52
ulyssesryanakca: Riddell told me that I should add libqtassistantclient-dev to build depends, and if qt4-dev-tools is in the Depends of any package in debian/control and add qt-assistant-compat13:52
ryanakcaulysses: I'm guessing if qt4-dev-tools is in the B-D too, I should add qt-assistant-compat to the B-D?13:54
ulyssesI guess it should go to Depends13:55
Riddelljasem: according to your changelog you're starting with our current lucid package not with our current maverick package13:56
ryanakcaulysses: Which one though? None of tulip's binary packages are in qt4-dev-tools rdepends...13:58
Riddellryanakca: no qt-assistant-compat shouldn't need to be a build-depend 13:58
Riddellit provides /usr/bin/assistant_adp which used to be in   qt4-dev-tools13:58
Riddelljasem: according to your changelog you're starting with our current lucid package not with our current maverick package13:59
ryanakcaRiddell: OK, thanks13:59
ScottKshadeslayer: Did you consider volunteering to help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperationCleansweep ?14:03
Riddelljasem: connection issues?14:05
Riddellwell then back to Qt14:17
ulyssescaret finished building \o/14:17
Riddellqtmobility now builds qtmultimediakit so I'll remove qtmultimedia from qt4-x1114:17
shadeslayerScottK: yeah... i know about that :D14:19
shadeslayerbut idk alot about coding right now :(14:20
shadeslayeri did close a few bugs here and there as they were old14:20
ScottKshadeslayer: I think what they are looking for is within what you can do.  All you need to check is if the patch still applies and if so, is it packaging related so send to Debian or is it code related so send it upstream.14:21
shadeslayerok ill try :D14:21
shadeslayerright now i have to get my phone fixed first :P14:22
ulyssesRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/kubuntu/juniorjob/caret_5.6.1.3~dfsg.1-2ubuntu1.dsc.debdiff14:22
* Riddell wibbles a lot at the size of the diff between our and debian's qt4 package14:23
shadeslayerhehe :P14:23
Riddellulysses: groovy14:24
Riddellulysses: I'd replace "Rebuild" with "Add libqtassistantclient-dev build-dep" since it's not a no change rebuild14:24
Riddelloh also the pesky "dpkg-source: error: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address14:25
shadeslayerhaha :P14:26
shadeslayerwe should have a script to change that14:26
Riddellulysses: uploading like this http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/caret_5.6.1.3~dfsg.1-2ubuntu1.debdiff14:29
ulyssesRiddell: I changed just now too:) http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/kubuntu/juniorjob/caret_5.6.1.3~dfsg.1-2ubuntu1.dsc.debdiff14:29
Riddellfabo: I think libpulse-dev can go from the qt4-x11 build-depends14:32
ulyssesShould I add 'Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>' to every changelog?14:32
Riddellulysses: yes, and change the one from debian to XSBC-Original-Maintainer14:33
Riddellfabo: seems like a bad idea to mention Debian in package descriptions, other downstreams may not notice to change them14:40
Riddellfabo: presumably libqt4-phonon can go in debian now that qtwebkit is separate?14:40
Riddellfabo: we have libqt4-dev Recommend libqtwebkit-dev (as well as libqt4-opengl-dev)14:42
ryanakcaRiddell: debdiff and build log available at http://people.ubuntu.com/~ryanakca/tulip_3.1.2-2ubuntu4.debdiff and http://people.ubuntu.com/~ryanakca/tulip_3.1.2-2ubuntu4_i386.build14:44
Riddellryanakca: lovely, uploading14:46
ryanakcaRiddell: Thanks14:46
ScottKulysses: No need to mention maintainer change in debian/changelog.14:46
ryanakcaulysses: Have you started on another package?14:47
ulyssesryanakca: I'm doing paraview14:48
ulyssesScottK: Hm? Where did I that?14:48
ryanakcaulysses: Alright, I'll tackle scidavis14:49
ScottKulysses: You asked "[09:32:18] <ulysses> Should I add 'Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>' to every changelog?"14:49
ScottKThe answer is no.14:49
ulyssesOh, I get it14:49
ulysses armel build of caret in ubuntu maverick RELEASE14:50
ulyssesScottK: Oh, I mean debian/control14:55
ScottKulysses: Yes.  There is a script called update-maintainer in ubuntu-dev-tools to do this easily.14:56
ulyssesdch -i, right?14:56
ryanakcaulysses: Hmm, nevermind, someone already did scidavis :)14:56
ulyssesryanakca: qtiplot and pcp-gui is free:)14:57
ryanakcaulysses: qtiplot needs doing, I'll do it14:58
ulyssesryanakca: ok, I'll do pcp-gui if paraview finished14:59
JontheEchidnaanybody up for a revu? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/qapt15:06
Riddellulysses: qt currently isn't compiling on arm so things will fail there15:09
ScottKRiddell: I raised that (at on armel) at the release team and we're waiting on the Linaro toolchain changes to get uploaded.  That should be "soon".15:11
ScottKRiddell: doko and robbiew were supposed to have a chat about it at the sprint.  I asked them to make sure they included you.15:12
RiddellJontheEchidna: advocated15:13
JontheEchidnaRiddell: thanks15:16
RiddellJontheEchidna: any plans to get this into main and replace install-package usage?15:17
RiddellJontheEchidna: it'll need symbols files if you do want to get it into main15:17
JontheEchidnayeah, that's the plan15:18
JontheEchidnahmm, I was wanting to wait until the stable release to get a symbols file, but that's currently scheduled for the day of feature freeze15:18
JontheEchidnaI'll probably have to write one before then, then15:18
JontheEchidnawell, API shouldn't change too much at this point :)15:18
Riddellsince no other packages use the ABI it doesn't matter if the symbols files change really15:19
JontheEchidnaIf I get muon packaged, it will, but it's only one package that will be close under my control15:20
JontheEchidnaI'll freeze API on the beta release that is scheduled a week for wednesday. The API will be up for review until then, and when I package the beta I'll include a symbols file then15:22
JontheEchidna(any API review in the meantime is appreciated) :)15:24
ulyssesRiddell: paraview fails to build at 25% http://paste.ubuntu.com/465955/15:26
Riddellulysses: looks like paraview needs a merge or sync from debian15:29
Riddellulysses: so grab the version from debian and see if it builds http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/paraview15:30
Riddell(with the new qtassistent build-dep)15:30
Riddelldebfx: Qt uploaded with webkit dummy packages, also qt multimedia is dead and gone15:33
nixternalRiddell: pong15:34
Riddellnixternal: was going to ask what needs changed in kdesudo docs, but unless you object we'll just drop them15:34
nixternalis it the same crash on de docs?15:34
nixternalnot crash, build failure15:35
nixternaljeesh, just woke up obviously :)15:35
Riddellde docs?15:35
JontheEchidnagerman docs?15:36
nixternalto both :)15:36
Riddellit's only english15:36
nixternalis it the same failure that shadeslayer was having?15:36
jjessemust be nice to have just woken up15:37
nixternalno objection on dropping them15:37
Riddellshadeslayer: qoauth uploaded15:39
Riddelljasem: commented on bug15:48
Quintasanapachelogger: this is magic15:48
Quintasannow it FAILS at strippin :S15:49
ryanakcaHmmm.. qtiplot FTBFS: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ryanakca/qtiplot_0.9.7.10+r1453-1ubuntu3_i386.build15:49
QuintasanRiddell: What do you think about creating a PPA for plasmoids, or shall we upload to one of current Kubuntu PPA's?15:51
Riddelldebfx: qtwebkit-source uploaded15:51
RiddellQuintasan: what fails at stripping?15:51
* Quintasan dislikes the idea of having some sort of 0.1.1 in universe15:52
RiddellQuintasan: why not the main archive?15:52
QuintasanRiddell: stripping debug libraries from Qt15:52
Quintasanmagically the same procedure works for our packages15:52
Quintasaneven in PPA15:52
Riddellryanakca: looks like another package which needs a sync/merge from debian15:52
ryanakcaRiddell: Alright, will do.15:53
steveireQuassel notifications in 10.04 are crazy15:53
ScottKQuintasan: As long as you test the plasmoid and it ~works, I think who cares about the version number.15:53
Riddellryanakca: debian/01_build_system.diff15:53
steveireIt keeps flashing envelopes at me, even if quassel is already focussed15:53
QuintasanRiddell: the idea behind the PPA is that plasmoids can break anytime and we probably won't be able to do anthing besides patching it15:53
Riddell is the diff15:53
RiddellScottK: is debian still on python 2.5?15:53
QuintasanScottK: well, if not upstream the KDE can break them15:54
RiddellQuintasan: if it's unstable then experimental PPA is the place15:54
ScottKRiddell: They support 2.5 and 2.6, but 2.6 is default.15:54
Quintasanwell, fine with me15:54
Riddellryanakca: so that patch can probably be removed and we can probably sync15:54
ScottKQuintasan: If it's something we want for end users, it should go in the archive at some point.  IMO the PPAs are for testing or early adopters.15:54
shadeslayerQuintasan: omg15:55
shadeslayerQuintasan: your working on the switch user plasmoid?15:55
Quintasanwant me to do so?15:57
shadeslayeractually no :P15:57
QuintasanI wanted yofel to try that15:57
shadeslayerim packaging it for debian15:57
QuintasanRiddell: any ideas -> http://pastebin.com/7Hz5tDDM ?15:57
QuintasanIt works for out beta PPA (I think so because we do have dbg packages)15:57
shadeslayerbug 58947115:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 589471 in Sahana-Eden ""@ToDo: Use a global "deployment_settings" variable"" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58947115:58
shadeslayerdebian bug 58947115:58
ubottuDebian bug 589471 in wnpp "ITP: plasma-widget-fastuserswitch -- Fast user switch plasmoid for switching between sessions in KDE" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/58947115:58
QuintasanRiddell: this is dh_strip --dbg-package=project-neon-qt-dbg15:58
Quintasanoutput of*15:58
shadeslayerive already got it packaged,just adding the copyright and stuff15:58
ryanakcaRiddell: Shouldn't I merge and add libqtassistantclient-dev to debian/control?15:59
shadeslayerQuintasan: do we need to add *.install files?15:59
shadeslayerbecause even if i dont add that file,it still installs correctly15:59
Riddellryanakca: sync (i.e. start from debian package no need to keep anything from ubuntu one) and add libqtassistantclient-dev to debian/control15:59
RiddellQuintasan: are you using -no-separate-debug-info ?16:01
shadeslayerQuintasan: also the package for ubuntu is ready16:02
shadeslayeri need to test package in sid pbuilder for debian first tho16:02
Riddellfabo: better http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/qtmobility_1.0.1-2ubuntu2.debdiff16:04
shadeslayerbtw anyone have a ready sid pbuilder?16:04
shadeslayerill have to create one :(16:04
ryanakcashadeslayer: I do16:04
shadeslayerryanakca: oh goody one sec16:05
Riddelldebfx: qtwebkit-source uploaded16:05
Riddelldebfx: apt-cache rdepends libqt4-webkit suggests we have quite a transition to do16:06
shadeslayerryanakca: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/fastuserswitch-0.1.1.tar.gz.tar.gz16:08
shadeslayerryanakca: can you download that and extract it,then you should get 2 tarballs,extract fastuserswitch-0.1.1.tar.gz but not the .orig one :D16:09
shadeslayerthen pdebuild away :)16:09
shadeslayerand yes i know,the license is missing in debian/copyright right now ;)16:10
ryanakcashadeslayer: ... is obj-x86_64-linux-gnu supposed to be part of upstream's source?16:11
JontheEchidnahttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit-desktop-privileges/0.2 <- feature parity ftw :)16:11
shadeslayerhow did that get there 0_o16:11
QuintasanRiddell: nope, I'm using just -debug16:12
shadeslayeri did run dh_clean16:12
Quintasanshadeslayer: no, it doesn't need install files for debug libs16:12
RiddellQuintasan: why?16:12
shadeslayerQuintasan: not debug libs :P , i meant for the plasmoid :D16:12
ryanakcashadeslayer: Building...16:12
Quintasanshadeslayer: oh I think yes16:12
shadeslayerryanakca: ok great16:13
shadeslayerthanks :D)16:13
Quintasandidn't do that with new dh magic16:13
Quintasanshadeslayer: ^16:13
QuintasanRiddell: well, why should I use -no-separate-debug info?16:13
shadeslayerQuintasan: hmm.. i used new dh magic but,i didnt put in a install file,and it still works16:13
Quintasanshadeslayer: so if it works, why bother?16:13
RiddellQuintasan: why should you do anything different from our normal packaging?16:14
shadeslayerQuintasan: yeah,just double checking16:14
RiddellQuintasan: we stopped using separate debug things becaues it was different from every other library and broke the normal way of making debug packages, as you're discovered16:14
ScottKRiddell: agateau just marked Bug 603736 fix committed.  I think once that's uploaded, it ought to be ready to be in the default netbook layout.16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603736 in plasma-widget-menubar (Ubuntu) "Doesn't use APPMENU_DISPLAY_BOTH=0" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60373616:14
ScottKAny chance that could be on your list for the sprint?16:15
QuintasanRiddell: So, in short, I should use -no-separate-debug info and override_dh_strip?16:15
RiddellScottK: uploading it?16:15
ScottKRiddell: agateau's fix.16:15
ScottKHe didn't say where it was in the bugmail.16:15
ScottKSo hopefully he reads here and says or you see him.16:16
agateauRiddell: ScottK: it's in the Qt patch16:16
ScottKRiddell: Sorry, I got confused.16:16
RiddellScottK: he usually does releases on thursdays16:16
ScottKRiddell: Including plasma-widget-menubar in the netbook layout is "it".16:16
* JontheEchidna wonders why plasma-widget-menubar hasn't been promoted yet16:17
ScottKJontheEchidna: Because it's not Riddell archive day yet and no one else seems to be bothering about such things.16:17
JontheEchidnaah, that's tomorrow though, right?16:17
RiddellScottK: yes I'd like to get netbook layout looked at this week16:17
ScottKRiddell: Great.16:18
shadeslayerRiddell: there was this MIR that was reviewed and needs work, one sec let me see16:18
ScottKshadeslayer: It was approved (plasma-widget-menubar)16:19
shadeslayeroh that was the one16:19
shadeslayerok then :)16:19
shadeslayerno wait16:20
shadeslayerbug 59517316:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595173 in linphone (Ubuntu) "[MIR] linphone" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59517316:20
Riddellshadeslayer: mm, I need to look into that, although I'm not sure how far my abilities go with it16:21
shadeslayersame here :(16:22
QuintasanRiddell: I hope this works16:22
RiddellQuintasan: I think neon shouldn't needlessly differ from the normal packaging (of course there will be plenty places where it is necessary)16:22
RiddellQuintasan: why are you using qt 4.6 and not 4.7?16:23
shadeslayernow my public key would be named pubring.gpg right?16:23
Riddellwho uses Kate?16:23
QuintasanRiddell: uhh, well KDE dudes said it would be better to use version from their repository16:24
shadeslayerryanakca: was the build fine?16:24
QuintasanI can try building 4.7 after I get stripping to work16:24
RiddellQuintasan: oh it's from kde-qt git branch?16:24
ryanakcashadeslayer: still building16:24
RiddellQuintasan: that makes sense16:24
RiddellKate users: any objections to me turning on Dynamic Word Wrap by default?16:24
ryanakcashadeslayer: I was already running a maverick build, so they're both running a bit slow at the moment :)16:24
QuintasanRiddell: nope16:25
shadeslayerhehe :)16:25
shadeslayerRiddell: please enable it by default16:25
* Quintasan was sometime wondering where the hell 3/4th of his code went16:26
Quintasanand then I pressed F1016:26
ScottKRiddell: Why?16:26
ulyssesRiddell: paraview from Debian also failed to build16:26
ScottKRiddell: I find Dynamic Word Wrap quite annoying when trying to code.  16:27
RiddellScottK: means you only have one direction to scroll, having to scroll in two directions is a hassle16:27
ryanakcashadeslayer: look under http://people.ubuntu.com/~ryanakca/fastuserswitch_0.1.1-1_i386.build16:28
shadeslayerRiddell: btw any idea why ejecting external HD's in KDE does not power them down?16:28
Quintasansimulacrum: up for some quick packaging task?16:28
ScottKRiddell: I agree it can be more convenient for reading stuff with really long lines, but when I'm writing code, I generally want the line break where I want it and not at some predetermined length.16:28
shadeslayeroh noes.. bad patch :S16:29
Riddellulysses: same issue?16:29
ScottKRiddell: I guess it depends on what one views the primary use case for Kate.  16:29
ryanakcashadeslayer: If you can upload a .dsc next time, I can just dget it, it'll be easier.16:30
ulyssesRiddell: seems to, In file included from //usr/include/libavutil/avutil.h:81, from //usr/include/libavcodec/avcodec.h:30, from //usr/include/libavformat/avformat.h:56, from /home/ulysses/Fejlesztes/debian/paraview-3.6.2/VTK/IO/vtkFFMPEGWriter.cxx:23:16:30
ulysses//usr/include/libavutil/common.h: In function ‘int32_t av_clipl_int32(int64_t)’:16:30
* ScottK is OK with DWW (based on the idea that more people read stuff than write it)16:30
ulysses//usr/include/libavutil/common.h:154: error: ‘UINT64_C’ was not declared in this scope16:30
debfxRiddell: yay for 2 qtwebkit build-depend transitions in one cycle ^^16:30
ulysses/home/ulysses/Fejlesztes/debian/paraview-3.6.2/VTK/IO/vtkFFMPEGWriter.cxx: In member function ‘int vtkFFMPEGWriterInternal::Start()’:16:30
ulysses/home/ulysses/Fejlesztes/debian/paraview-3.6.2/VTK/IO/vtkFFMPEGWriter.cxx:102: warning: ‘AVFormatContext* av_alloc_format_context()’ is deprecated (declared at //usr/include/libavformat/avformat.h:933)16:30
ulysses/home/ulysses/Fejlesztes/debian/paraview-3.6.2/VTK/IO/vtkFFMPEGWriter.cxx:102: warning: ‘AVFormatContext* av_alloc_format_context()’ is deprecated (declared at //usr/include/libavformat/avformat.h:933)16:30
ulysses/home/ulysses/Fejlesztes/debian/paraview-3.6.2/VTK/IO/vtkFFMPEGWriter.cxx:110: warning: ‘AVOutputFormat* guess_format(const char*, const char*, const char*)’ is deprecated (declared at //usr/include/libavformat/avformat.h:787)16:30
Quintasanoh god16:30
ulysses/home/ulysses/Fejlesztes/debian/paraview-3.6.2/VTK/IO/vtkFFMPEGWriter.cxx:110: warning: ‘AVOutputFormat* guess_format(const char*, const char*, const char*)’ is deprecated (declared at //usr/include/libavformat/avformat.h:787)16:30
shadeslayerryanakca: uh if i just upload the .dsc to where? people.ubuntu? you just need the .dsc?16:30
ulyssesmake[3]: *** [VTK/IO/CMakeFiles/vtkIO.dir/vtkFFMPEGWriter.o] Error 116:30
ulyssesmake[3]: Leaving directory `/home/ulysses/Fejlesztes/debian/paraview-3.6.2/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu'16:30
shadeslayerQuintasan: and its still coming16:30
ulyssesmake[2]: *** [VTK/IO/CMakeFiles/vtkIO.dir/all] Error 216:30
ulyssesmake[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ulysses/Fejlesztes/debian/paraview-3.6.2/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu'16:30
Quintasanulysses: use pastebin.ca!!!!!!16:30
ulyssesmake[1]: *** [all] Error 216:30
ScottK!pastebin | ulysses16:30
ubottuulysses: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:30
ulyssesmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ulysses/Fejlesztes/debian/paraview-3.6.2/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu'16:30
shadeslayerseems to have stoped16:31
shadeslayerulysses: speak16:31
ulyssesRiddell: It's the same I think http://paste.ubuntu.com/465989/16:32
shadeslayerhehe :P16:32
ulyssesHowever it stopeed at 24%, not 25% :P16:32
Riddellulysses: are you on amd64?16:32
ulyssesRiddell: yes16:32
ryanakcashadeslayer: Sorry, yes, you can try dputting it to people.ubuntu.com16:32
ryanakcaand then I can dget and build for you16:32
shadeslayeryou can dput to people.ubuntu 0_o16:33
Quintasanwhile Qt's tro...building I'll go break my legs16:34
* Quintasan takes his skateboard and goes for some leg breaking16:35
Riddelluploading k-d-s which turns on dolphin info bar, turns off dolphin search bar, kate uses dynamic word wrap, and has apachelogger's fix for plasma kubuntu branding logo16:38
RiddellScottK: talking about defaults, what's your opinion on default message indicator usage these days?16:38
Riddellulysses: might be worth building in a i386 chroot16:38
Riddellulysses: do you know how to do that?16:39
ulyssesRiddell: no16:39
Riddellulysses: sudo debootstrap --arch i386 maverick-i386 maverick16:39
Riddell<cup of tea>16:39
Riddellhmm no16:39
Riddellulysses: sudo debootstrap --arch i386 maverick maverick-i38616:40
ScottKRiddell: There were two isssue that I think blocked that: one was getting a single click to the last message and agateau says he fixed this.  The second was it always showing the message waiting dot if you had any unread email messages.  I don't know the status of that.16:40
ScottKIf that is fixed too, then I think we might as well go ahead.16:40
Riddellagateau: ^^ ?16:40
agateauScottK: the thing with KMail is that it will show the dot for any folders with unread messages, if those folders have been marked as folders which should trigger notifications on new messages16:41
Riddellulysses: then  copy your files into maverick-i386/root and sudo chroot maverick-i386 and build as normal16:41
agateau(not sure I am very clear here)16:41
ScottKagateau: What's the default?16:41
ryanakcaRiddell: Still fails to build,  qtiplot_0.9.7.14-1ubuntu1.dsc -> sync + libqtassistantclient-dev in B-D.16:41
ScottK(if I didn't make any selection, except to turn on m-i)16:42
agateauScottK: by default it would notify :/16:42
ScottKagateau: By default it notifies for anything?16:42
agateauScottK: but the patch needs to be rewritten for KDE 4.5 anyway16:42
agateauScottK: I am not being clear16:42
agateauScottK: by default, if you turn on the "get notifications on new messages" option16:43
agateauScottK: then any folder which gets a new message triggers a notification16:43
agateauScottK: unless you disable it for a specific folder16:43
agateauScottK: this is upstream behavior16:43
agateauScottK: I just decided to map the message indicator to the notification option instead of creating another option16:44
Riddellwe could just not turn it on for kmail by default?16:44
agateaubut the options seem to have changed anyway16:44
Riddellif the issue is that you always have new e-mails, having a notifier for them isn't very useful16:44
ScottKagateau: Where do I configure this?16:44
agateauin KDE 4.5 the option is not named the same, so it's worth investigating if it changed16:45
agateauScottK: are you running KDE 4.4 or 4.5?16:45
ulyssesRiddell: I've done pcp-gui http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/kubuntu/juniorjob/pcp-gui_1.4.7ubuntu1.dsc.debdiff16:45
ScottKagateau: 4.4 on the laptop I'm using right now.16:45
ScottKRiddell: Did any decisions get made on KDEpim for 4.5?16:45
agateauScottK: so in 4.4 you can right click on a folder and look in the properties dialog16:45
agateauScottK: there should be an option talking about notifications16:46
RiddellScottK: upstream are still undecided but seem to be on the won't be ready position16:46
ScottKagateau: Yes.  I see that, but I don't see an option to enable the m-i?16:46
agateauScottK: oh, this one is in the main kmail configuration dialog16:47
ScottKOh.  Looking16:47
agateaufor the record, the m-i patch was upstreamed in kde 4.4, but I was warned I would have to rewrite it for 4.5, because kmail changed too much16:47
ScottKagateau: Settings -> Configure Notifications, right?16:47
agateauScottK: mmm there should be something more explicit16:48
ScottKagateau: It looks like there may be no rush since I think we'll stay with KDE pim from 4.4 for this cycle.16:48
agateauScottK: I added a "Message Indicator" checkbox iirc16:48
ScottKI don't see it.16:48
agateauScottK: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KarmicKoala/ConfigureIndicators16:48
agateauScottK: there is a KMail section16:49
Riddellulysses: could you run debuild -S and redo that debdiff?16:49
agateauI even explained the folder property thing :) (I forgot I did)16:49
ScottKagateau: I found it there.  I was looking in the application notifications part, not the account part.16:50
agateauScottK: you mean the global option to turn on/off notifications?16:50
agateauI think that's the checkbox below "Use detailed mail notification"16:51
agateauerr, "Detailed new mail notification"16:51
Riddellshtylman: response to my "live CD boot process" e-mail appreciated16:51
* agateau just realized Maverick KMail is not v2.0 so it's the more or less the as same Lucid16:52
ScottKagateau: Reusing "Act on messages ..." is pretty broad since that means any filter rules won't get run.16:52
agateauScottK: oh. I didn't know that16:53
ScottKagateau: I'm pretty sure that's the case.16:53
agateauScottK: the what's this help does not mention this16:53
ulyssesRiddell: debuild -S tell that signature can't be verified16:53
ScottKRiddell: I think on by default for quassel/kopete is worth discussing.16:53
Riddellulysses: that's fine, you don't need it to be for a debdiff16:53
RiddellScottK: sounds like an excuse to call a meeting16:54
ScottKWe'll need one in any case.16:54
RiddellScottK: for something else?16:54
ScottKRiddell: I think we should also discuss Kmail for Maverick with my view being stay with what we have.16:54
* Riddell adds schedule meeting to his todo16:55
shadeslayerryanakca: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/packages/16:55
shtylmanRiddell: from what I know the only reason we don't have the same book screen is cause noone made the theme16:57
shtylmanI added the try/install code to ubiquity for kubuntu last cycle16:57
shtylmanbut it was too late to make the boot screen16:57
ulyssesRiddell: debdiff is the same after debuild -S16:57
shtylmanI can do that for this cycle16:57
shtylmanRiddell: that way we are exactly like ubuntu16:58
shtylmanSomething troubling I did discover yesterday is that the "install only" mode currently looks bad16:59
shtylmancause it uses non oxygen widgets for some reason16:59
Riddellshtylman: that's a bug in Qt, for some reason it doesn't use the theme now when running as root, it needs looked into17:00
Riddellshtylman: if you're playing with boot screens I'd rather change to seele's design as I e-mailed17:00
shtylmangrey on blue is generally bad.. imho cause their isn't enough contrast17:02
shtylmanpersonally, I would have no text whatsoever17:02
shtylmanthe faster we boot the better17:02
shtylmanno need to ask users questions that don't really mean anything17:02
shtylman(as an asside... our system boots so much faster than kde loads right now... it makes me sad :(17:03
ryanakcashadeslayer: building17:03
shadeslayerryanakca: ok.. the only thing left is to upload to mentors.debian :)17:04
shtylmansorry I haven't been more active recently.. trying to find a place to live as my lease expires very soon... quite stressful in nyc :)17:04
Riddellulysses: ok sorted, uploaded17:06
Riddellulysses, ryanakca: please also file bugs at debian with these debdiffs, they will have the same issue17:06
* Riddell out17:06
ryanakcashadeslayer: Have you thought of asking the debian-qt-kde team if they'd mind having it in kde-extras?17:11
shadeslayeruh nope17:11
shadeslayerryanakca: are they on OFTC?17:11
ryanakcashadeslayer: Yes, #debian-qt-kde17:12
jasemhow can I checkout a package source for Maverick?17:20
ryanakcajasem: pull-lp-source foo17:21
shadeslayerjasem: also if your on maverick : apt-get source foo17:26
jasemI'm not, I'm on lucid, it's not working, trying to figure it out. Do I need to setup anything before hand or pull-lp-source should do the trick?17:26
shadeslayerjasem: you will need ubuntu-dev-tools17:27
jaseminstalled already17:27
shadeslayerthen your good to go17:27
jasemkk, it's working now.. version issue :)17:28
debfxhas anyone tested synaptiks? do we still consider switching to it?18:25
ulyssesRiddell: paraview failed at 24% in i386 chroot18:54
shadeslayerryanakca: poke19:36
* Quintasan hands shadeslayer Stick of Poking19:38
* shadeslayer grabs sticK of poKing and poKes ryanaKca19:38
ryanakcashadeslayer: pong19:40
shadeslayerryanakca: yeah so everything is good to go according to me19:41
shadeslayernow i have to make a git repo on debian19:41
shadeslayerryanakca: do you have write access to git.debian?19:41
shadeslayerryanakca: can the vcs and git stuff be added later?19:44
shadeslayerbecause apart from that,everything is good to go19:45
shadeslayerand im going to sleep in 15 mins ^_^19:45
ryanakcashadeslayer: Yes, you can add the vcs/git stuff later. And yes,I have write access on git.d.o19:57
shadeslayerryanakca: oh nice :D19:57
shadeslayerryanakca: ok so upload to mentors?19:57
ryanakcashadeslayer: Sure19:57
ryanakcashadeslayer: Have you yet created the git repo?19:57
shadeslayerryanakca: i dont have access19:58
shadeslayerthats why i asked19:58
shadeslayerif the stuff can be added later on19:58
shadeslayerheh.. apt-get finishes much faster than aptitude20:00
shadeslayerryanakca: ive submitted a request to join https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-kde/20:02
Fazer2hey, I have a problem with creating a DEB package for my Qt app20:10
Fazer2I followed this tutorial - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PackagingGuide/QtApplication20:10
Fazer2butafter debuild -S I get lots of errors and it fails20:11
Fazer2*but after20:11
Fazer2I think the problem lies in debian/rules file, which I copy-pasted from the site20:12
Fazer2I think I should modify it, but I don't know how20:13
Fazer2the log is here - http://codepad.org/eBhgagFR20:16
yofelFazer2: I'm not sure I can help you, but can we move to #ubuntu-packaging?20:21
Fazer2yofel: thanks20:21
shadeslayerryanakca: http://mentors.debian.net/cgi-bin/sponsor-pkglist?action=details;package=fastuserswitch20:32
shadeslayerno lintian errors20:33
CIA-33[libqapt] jmthomas * 1151886 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/package.cpp Minor optimizations for PackagePrivate::searchPkgFileIter()21:02
Riddelldebfx: I've not tried synaptiks, it would be good if someone did21:07
shtylmanRiddell: any news on the site :)21:11
Riddellshtylman: yes21:11
Riddellit got copied by the sysadmin to http://preprod.www.kubuntu.org/21:12
shtylmanany good news I should ask?21:12
Riddellthere's a question about whether admin access works21:12
Riddelloh and it needs the new stories added21:13
Riddellotherwise it's good to go I think21:13
debfxhm debian has a synaptiks package but called the binary package kde-config-touchpad just like our kcm-touchpad21:13
CIA-33[libqapt] jmthomas * 1151895 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/package.cpp Less unnecessary temporary construction during variable assignment21:29
JontheEchidnag2g, bbl21:29
QuintasanRiddell: progress was made, the whole deb is now 46475250 2010-07-19 21:39 project-neon-qt_1.0+1200~ppa1_amd64.deb21:47
Quintasanbut dbg package is still 1,2 kB :/21:47
RiddellQuintasan: ooh, well done21:47
Quintasanfrom the size I assume that debug info is there21:48
Riddelluse file to check21:49
Riddellfile /opt/neon/usr/lib/libQtCore.so21:49
Riddellshould say stripped or unstripped21:49
QuintasanRiddell: it says, stripped21:51
QuintasanlibQtCore.so.4.6.3: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped21:51
QuintasanRiddell: ^21:54
ulyssesRiddell: I reported a bug about paraview build failing to Debian22:58
=== jjesse is now known as jjesse-netbook

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