folkist | ##mac | 00:02 |
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megadevil | hello everybody | 00:21 |
folkist | hey | 00:22 |
megadevil | is this irc chaneel for | 00:22 |
megadevil | kubuntu & ubuntu ? | 00:23 |
andy__ | alo | 00:23 |
folkist | i'm on ubuntu | 00:23 |
folkist | so i hopr so | 00:23 |
megadevil | me too | 00:23 |
megadevil | lol | 00:23 |
megadevil | Anyone know a applet to the gnome-panel that puts the logoff, restart and shutdown options in one place ? | 00:24 |
James147 | megadevil: this channel is for kubuntu support, for ubntu support see #ubuntu | 00:24 |
megadevil | ok | 00:24 |
megadevil | but I got the link irc:// | 00:24 |
megadevil | and got connected here | 00:24 |
James147 | megadevil: hmm | 00:25 |
megadevil | sorry to bother but I followed this page: | 00:25 |
megadevil | | 00:26 |
megadevil | well I'm already on the other chanel | 00:26 |
megadevil | thank everyone | 00:26 |
=== James14790 is now known as James147 | ||
folkist | ##mac | 00:44 |
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darren | can someone help me? ubuntu 10.04 will not install so i installed kubuntu and have no idea what is what | 01:52 |
darren | where is the the software center | 01:52 |
darren | anyone there? | 01:54 |
darren | what are some good rograms to have? | 01:54 |
ridin | . | 01:56 |
ridin | darren, there is no ubuntu software center in kubuntu | 01:56 |
ridin | kpackagekit or whatever it's called | 01:56 |
darren | ridin am i able to install any linux program on kubuntu? | 01:57 |
ridin | yes | 01:57 |
ridin | sudo apt-get install, .debs | 01:57 |
ridin | you can try doing sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to have ubuntu 10.04 along with kubuntu | 01:58 |
ridin | but i think there's some stuff that's going to be removed | 01:58 |
darren | in ubuntu there is a program for facebook prisim how can i install that in kubuntu? | 01:59 |
ridin | facebook prism, hmm | 01:59 |
darren | 10.04 wont install and i dont know why | 01:59 |
ridin | darren, put sudo apt-get install prism-facebook in the terminal | 01:59 |
ridin | konsole, rather | 01:59 |
ridin | darren, there's also a kde widget for facebook | 02:01 |
darren | ridin, how do i get that? | 02:02 |
ridin | uh, on the top right there's a button, click on it and there's add widgets | 02:03 |
darren | i have used ubuntu for almost a year but kubuntu 20 min i am quite new with this on | 02:03 |
ridin | something will pop up on the toolbar, and then type in facebook | 02:03 |
ridin | drag it to your desktop | 02:03 |
ridin | and there it is | 02:03 |
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darren | on the top right where? | 02:06 |
ridin | on the top right of the desktop | 02:06 |
ridin | top right corner | 02:06 |
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ridin | KDM is asking for my password again after boot, saying the login-keyring hasn't been unlocked | 02:29 |
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solifugus_ | How can I automate the installation of the dependencies of a .deb package I have? | 02:55 |
James147 | solifugus_: isent that handled when you install the .deb? | 02:58 |
jschall | I'd like a 64-bit version of kubuntu netbook. Is there any way to get that? | 03:03 |
jschall | The newer atom processors are amd64 | 03:04 |
James147 | jschall: install the normal 64bit version and then install kubuntu-netbook inside it | 03:04 |
jschall | James147: hmm. that'd probably work | 03:04 |
James147 | jschall: that will work :) | 03:04 |
jschall | James147: i wish i'd thought of it before i completely configured this netbook the way i wanted it. | 03:05 |
jschall | James147: i have a separate /home partition, so i suppose i can still reload | 03:05 |
James147 | jschall: the backup ~/ or ~/.kde and replace them in the new install | 03:06 |
jschall | James147: i'll probably deal with it when maverick comes out | 03:06 |
jschall | James147: which will be a little while - they'll probably just have a 64-bit netbook image by then | 03:06 |
jschall | anyway, the netbook remix is amazing. i almost want to run it on my desktop. | 03:06 |
James147 | jschall: maverick wont have a netbook version... the images are being combined | 03:06 |
jschall | James147: interesting. | 03:06 |
James147 | jschall: the installer will pick the interface you use, and you can configre which one after | 03:07 |
jschall | James147: it'll autodetect if its on a netbook and use plasma-netbook if it's running on a netbook? | 03:07 |
jschall | James147: know anything about video playback on pinetrail netbooks? jolicloud supposedly implemented some kernel patch that allowed 1080p video to be played, but dragon player has stuttering video and out-of-sync audio on a 720p video | 03:09 |
jschall | James147: and then i tried vlc and it pretty much just didn't play at all | 03:09 |
jschall | James147: | 03:10 |
James147 | jschall: not sure sorry :( | 03:10 |
cato37 | has the bug in knetworkmanger been fixed? i would like to uninstall the n-m interface and wicd. | 03:16 |
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JDK | Loading Swag... ████████████████ 100% Complete. | 03:40 |
ridin | pinnacle of coolness | 03:43 |
solifugus_ | Nobody knows how to install a .deb file (and it's dependencies)? | 03:52 |
ridin | solifugus_ ask in #ubuntu | 03:52 |
solifugus_ | ridin: so far no luck their either.. | 03:55 |
ridin | hold on | 03:56 |
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ridin | solifugus_, try doing cd <to where the .deb is> and then gdebi <.deb> | 03:58 |
solifugus_ | ridin: thanks.. at least it tried... i got: Dependency is not satisfiable: libcv1 | 03:59 |
solifugus_ | Trying to install the panda3d package (which is for ubuntu) | 03:59 |
ridin | what's the .deb you're downloading- | 03:59 |
ridin | . | 03:59 |
ridin | trying doing sudo apt-get install libcv1 | 03:59 |
solifugus_ | It's here.. (I'll try) | 04:00 |
solifugus_ | ridin: it wants libcv1 and kubuntu's current version is named libcv4 | 04:04 |
folkist | HEY U | 04:04 |
folkist | I WANNA TAKE U TO A GAY BAR | 04:04 |
ridin | solifugus, did you check out this? | 04:08 |
ridin | brb, | 04:08 |
pteague | any ideas as to why k3b might not let me run a simulation? | 04:10 |
RobertMnb | Has anyone had network-manager just go disable and then you can't connect via wireless / network | 04:43 |
RobertMnb | had problems with network-manger? | 04:45 |
cato37 | yes. the network manager goes into an "unaenabled" state if the os goes into hibernation when still active. | 04:47 |
cato37 | i have had to put the gnome front end on the network manager. | 04:47 |
cato37 | my quick-fix was to install wicd. i then hunted down the wiki article that discussed putting nm on the frontend of knetwork manager and then unistalled wicd. | 04:50 |
Dan_L | It happens from time to time. | 04:52 |
Dan_L | I've actually been having a really weird problem where network manager just hangs in 'configuring interface' | 04:53 |
cato37 | you might have exit out and re-enter until the network are looking for comes up. | 04:53 |
Dan_L | i tried rebooting like 10 times and it finally came back up | 04:56 |
cato37 | i heard that you can run in konsole killall knetworkmanager, and then run knetworkmanager, to get it back. | 05:01 |
Dan_L | the killall command is safe? | 05:03 |
cato37 | i have only had kubuntu for about a month now. i haven't had many problems...especially compared to the last os which i had to pay for. | 05:03 |
RobertMnb | Found a fix | 05:03 |
RobertMnb | | 05:03 |
cato37 | i think it needs the sudo command. it will kill all off the networkmanager processes so that they can be restarted fresh. | 05:03 |
cato37 | keen. thanx robert. | 05:04 |
cato37 | Dan_L: RobertMnb's post has the answer. | 05:05 |
RobertMnb | I know it had something to do with hibernation just didn't know how to fix | 05:05 |
Dan_L | I thought that was the answer to your question, Cato. | 05:08 |
Dan_L | My issue is a little different | 05:09 |
Dan_L | or maybe it's the same? | 05:09 |
Dan_L | Mine just sticks in "configuring interface" forever and a day. | 05:09 |
cato37 | sorry, i thought we had the same issue. | 05:09 |
cato37 | if i exit and re-enter, it "unsticks" the second time for me. | 05:10 |
Dan_L | I appreciate it though. If tha'ts a permanent fix for the 'disabled' issue, I could use that too. | 05:10 |
Dan_L | I learn something new in Kubuntu every day! | 05:10 |
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cato37 | when a package is offered with a name, and there is an identical one with the name plus a -dev attached, what does that mean? | 05:51 |
cato37 | reboot. brb | 06:00 |
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ner0x | Any way to get flash to play through a USB headset? | 06:04 |
cato37 | wow. watch out for the debian science-math package... it is a big one. | 06:06 |
ner0x | Can you make kubuntu use something other than xine as your backend to music? | 06:08 |
ner0x | What are my options when using sound backends for kubuntu? | 06:21 |
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bakingsoda | fuck u motherfuckers | 06:45 |
maco | ner0x: you can install the gstreamer backend to phonon | 06:47 |
ner0x | maco: That will allow firefox flash to play in my headphones? | 06:48 |
maco | i dont know | 06:48 |
maco | you just asked whether there was another backend | 06:48 |
troopperi | ner0x: did you hear any voices at flash? | 06:49 |
ner0x | troopperi: ? | 06:50 |
troopperi | mean:" That will allow firefox flash to play in my headphones?" problem with voice? | 06:51 |
ner0x | Well everything but flash plays fine on my headphones. | 06:51 |
troopperi | you dont hear anything? | 06:52 |
=== simi is now known as simion314 | ||
ner0x | troopperi: I don't hear any of the flash audio. | 07:27 |
ner0x | troopperi: My headphones play everything except flash audio. | 07:28 |
troopperi | ner0x: try type konsole alsamixer and find there pcm and check that is not muted | 07:28 |
ner0x | Not muted. | 07:29 |
troopperi | ner0x: what is level that pcm? | 07:39 |
ner0x | troopperi: 100%, it has nothing to do with volume levels. flash doesn't seem to use any device except the builtin. Totally ignores any USB devices. | 07:39 |
sobczyk | anyone has amarok memory leaks problem | 07:39 |
sobczyk | when I run amarok it takes over 60% of totam memory (over 2GB) | 07:40 |
ner0x | sobczyk: On initial start or during the entire existence of the app? | 07:43 |
sobczyk | on initial more than 200MB then when I played a stream it increased in less than 15 sec | 07:44 |
ner0x | Hm... | 07:46 |
sobczyk | hah, I set ulimit to 1GB run amarok without playing anything and it was killed after 20 seconds | 07:46 |
ner0x | Any crazy logging db or anything like that setup? | 07:46 |
sobczyk | ner0x: logging? in amarok? I have only one playlist | 07:47 |
sobczyk | and turned off the file indexing in kde | 07:47 |
ner0x | sobczyk: Amarok logs a lot of statistics. And indexes things on startup. Doesn't seem like this is your problem though. | 07:48 |
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ArGGu^^ | ner0x You probably need to set in ~/.asoundrc your usb sound card to default sound card to get the sound to work in flash. | 08:04 |
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omkar | hey guys | 09:26 |
omkar | I have just installed kubuntu on my acer laptop | 09:27 |
omkar | acer 5745G | 09:27 |
omkar | wanted to know abt the nvidia driver | 09:27 |
omkar | wanted to knw a command which will show me the display card | 09:27 |
Torch | omkar: lspci | grep VGA | 09:33 |
omkar | ok | 09:33 |
omkar | thanks | 09:33 |
omkar | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 12) | 09:34 |
omkar | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT218 [GeForce 310M] (rev a2) | 09:34 |
omkar | actually they said u can switch between onboard n nvidia card | 09:34 |
omkar | by a button on the laptop | 09:34 |
omkar | I just read abt the Nouveau | 09:35 |
omkar | in rpm supported distro's i can find exactly waht package i have installed is there the same for debian distros too | 09:37 |
omkar | Like rpm -qa | 09:37 |
Torch | omkar: dpkg -l for packages and dpkg -S for files. | 09:40 |
omkar | ooh | 09:42 |
omkar | dpkg | 09:42 |
omkar | it more simple than rpm :) | 09:42 |
omkar | its just cool | 09:43 |
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amichair | Is there a way to restart the usb subsystem (e.g. when lsusb hangs indefinitely)? | 10:21 |
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apparle_ | can anyone please download a gpg key for me and pastebin it .. I don't have the required open ports | 10:32 |
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amichair | apparle_: sure, what should I do? | 10:33 |
apparle_ | amichair: I am also not sure how to do it but I need to get the key which is received by the command "gpg --keyserver --recv 886DDD89" | 10:35 |
=== jtheuer is now known as jt|away | ||
apparle_ | anyone else who can help? | 10:38 |
apparle_ | or tell me how to do it | 10:38 |
mistrynitesh | apparle_: try "gpg --recv-keys --keyserver 886DDD89" | 10:41 |
Torch | apparle_: | 10:41 |
amichair | apparle_: | 10:41 |
apparle_ | amichair: hwo did you get that? | 10:42 |
amichair | apparle_: open | 10:42 |
apparle_ | amichair: I did but when I put in 886DDD89 I get no keys found | 10:43 |
apparle_ | Torch: thanks | 10:43 |
amichair | apparle_: and note the comment on adding an '0x' prefix for a hex-format ID | 10:43 |
apparle_ | what to save the file as .pgp or .gpg | 10:43 |
apparle_ | amichair: ohhh but now I again get port access problems... anyways thanks my problem is solved | 10:44 |
amichair | apparle_: great :-) | 10:45 |
apparle_ | what about the extension.... .pgp or .gpg | 10:46 |
mistrynitesh | apparle_: it seems you are trying to add keys of a repository, is it so? | 10:47 |
amichair | apparle_: I think .asc or .txt will do | 10:47 |
apparle_ | mistrynitesh: yes | 10:47 |
apparle_ | mistrynitesh: so I was going to give that file to software sources gui | 10:47 |
mistrynitesh | in that case, shouldn't you be trying 'apt-key' command | 10:48 |
amichair | btw, is there a way to restart the usb subsystem (e.g. when lsusb hangs indefinitely)? | 10:49 |
mistrynitesh | apparle_: when I add a repository to my sources.list file, I give the following command to add the relevant keys: | 10:50 |
mistrynitesh | "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 886DDD89" | 10:51 |
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Misterio | This isn't very important, but just curiosity: I have Kubuntu 10.04, 2.80 Ghz, and it takes 100% CPU the update-app, anyone knows why? Does checking updates take too much CPU during 5 minutes? | 11:29 |
matteogol | I'm Italian, where is server italian? | 11:34 |
Misterio | !ita | matteogol :) | 11:34 |
Misterio | !it | 11:34 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 11:34 |
matteogol | thanks misterio | 11:34 |
Misterio | You're welcome :) | 11:35 |
amichair | is there a samba gui in lucid? | 11:37 |
Ites | hi all | 11:48 |
Ites | i got a problem with my internet, and i have no idea how this could be | 11:48 |
Ites | let me explain | 11:48 |
Ites | downstairs we got a win xp system, with internet via an ethernet cable | 11:48 |
Ites | in my room, upstairs, i'm using a powerline to get internet cause it's too far away to reach wifi | 11:48 |
Ites | i got dual boot win7 and kubuntu. when im on win7, we never have problems | 11:49 |
Ites | the problems starts when i'm on kubuntu, and the pc downstairs is connected to internet as well | 11:49 |
Ites | my internet will work for 10min max, then i get the error 'servor not found' in firefox | 11:49 |
Ites | downstairs, they get the same problem | 11:50 |
Ites | i'm 100 sure it has something to do with my kubuntu, i just don't know what or how or whatever, if someone could help it would be awesome | 11:50 |
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yao_ziyuan | does kubuntu 10.04 use Oxygen Molecule as the default gtk+ theme? | 12:02 |
sharkzz | i have problm with my kubuntu.. | 12:03 |
yao_ziyuan | opensuse 11.3 kde does. i think it's good for other distros to do the same. | 12:03 |
sharkzz | yea... | 12:03 |
sharkzz | my problem is white screen :( | 12:03 |
gnomefreak | better than bule screen | 12:04 |
gnomefreak | s/bule/blue | 12:05 |
glaucous | How do I add a keyboard shortcut in Kubuntu 10.04? I'd like to start a program Ctrl+T for instance. | 12:06 |
sobczyk | Ites: check if your ip addresses don't change | 12:07 |
Ites | it does sobczyk, we have dynamic ip's afaik | 12:08 |
Ites | but i think i made me a fix one to use torrent sites etc | 12:08 |
sobczyk | ites I mean after the 10 minutes | 12:09 |
Ites | but why with kubuntu probs, and not with windows | 12:09 |
Ites | ok | 12:09 |
Ites | and if it does ? | 12:09 |
sobczyk | maybe you have dhcp server on ubuntu? | 12:09 |
Ites | what's that | 12:13 |
sobczyk | Ites: it assigns ip addresses to computers | 12:16 |
Ites | hm, i have no idea sobczyk. is there a way to check? | 12:17 |
slow-motion | hi | 12:18 |
sobczyk | Ites: run package manager | 12:21 |
sobczyk | search for dhcp, filer only installed packages | 12:21 |
sobczyk | if there is dhcp server there can be problems | 12:22 |
Ites | there are 2 | 12:22 |
Ites | one with | 12:22 |
Ites | common files used by all dhcp 3* packages | 12:23 |
sobczyk | so it's ok - it's some other problem | 12:23 |
Ites | and one dhcp client | 12:23 |
sobczyk | Ites: you could take note of ifconfig command, /etc/resolv.conf file and route command before and after the error appears | 12:25 |
Ites | i got eth0, l0 and wlan0 when doing ifconfig | 12:26 |
Ites | it's the first one e? | 12:26 |
sobczyk | yeah eth0 is usually your lan | 12:26 |
Ites | ok | 12:27 |
Ites | and i do it again when problem encounters again? well i can't go start up the other pc right now cause i'm still doing some things , but i will later then | 12:27 |
sobczyk | resolv.conf has the DNS servers (translate address to ip) and route has iformation about gateway | 12:27 |
sobczyk | take note whent it works, if it breaks compare what is different | 12:28 |
sobczyk | though it's weird that the W7 is fine when kubuntu isn't | 12:28 |
Ites | yes idd | 12:29 |
rethus | how can i install kde4 and qt devel packages easyly? | 12:36 |
rethus | is there a meta-package for it? | 12:36 |
sobczyk | rethus: libqt4-dev no idea about kde though | 12:37 |
rethus | whats the diference between libkde4-dev uand libkde5-dev? | 12:40 |
gezegenci | hi every one | 13:07 |
gezegenci | i want to ask somethig | 13:09 |
gezegenci | Do you fall in the kde ? | 13:09 |
gezegenci | Do you fall in the kde ? | 13:14 |
rethus | i think no one knows what u talking about?! | 13:14 |
gezegenci | ok | 13:14 |
rethus | if u wan't to ask something only ask | 13:15 |
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cash | selam millet | 14:21 |
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kasun | hello does anyone know where I can change settings of "kdewallet" ? I installed Choqok and it always ask for password at boot-time, which is a pain. I need to get rid of that. Any help please? | 14:37 |
Torch | kasun: use the wallet manager | 14:39 |
glaucous | Is it possible to sort by folder in Amarok 2.3? | 14:40 |
kasun | Torch, where can I find it? sorry, Im using ubuntu and using a kde app called choqok! | 14:40 |
Torch | kasun: the binary is called kwalletmanager | 14:41 |
kasun | Torch, thanks. I found that kwalletmanager is not installed in my system(ubuntu 10.04) so I installed that. but I can't load it. | 14:54 |
kasun | It says: "Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)" in command prompt | 14:54 |
Torch | kasun: that's only a warning | 14:54 |
kasun | Torch, ok. but app is not starting! | 14:55 |
kasun | now when enter 'kwalletmanager' to cmd, nothing happens. it just exits, no gui gets loaded | 14:56 |
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kree8or | hi | 15:05 |
kree8or | i have a problem , can anyone help? | 15:06 |
Torch | kree8or: just ask, don't ask to ask ;-) | 15:07 |
kree8or | i'm trying to use Jsymphonic to connect my walkman to my lappy. I keep getting "cannot find OMGAUDIO folder" message, even though i pointed the program to the OMGAUDIO folder | 15:08 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning | 15:10 |
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kden00b | how does one create an Icon Widget on the desktop? | 15:49 |
James147 | kden00b: for an application? drag the application from kmenu to the desktop | 15:51 |
kden00b | does that create a shortcut or a widget ? | 15:51 |
James147 | kden00b: everything on the desktop is a widget :) | 15:51 |
James147 | atleast if your not useing folder view as the desktop:) | 15:52 |
kden00b | when I do a create new -> link to application it's not creating widgets | 15:52 |
kden00b | I think it is set to folder view.. but dragging and dropping helped though .. thanks | 15:52 |
* James147 loves not going home during the summer :D | 15:53 | |
folkist | hay james | 15:53 |
folkist | i hate you | 15:53 |
James147 | hi folkist | 15:53 |
folkist | my mom yells at me for sleeping in till noon | 15:53 |
folkist | because she cant run errands without me | 15:54 |
folkist | so she adds me on facebook | 15:54 |
kden00b | thanks guys | 15:54 |
folkist | even thou i fucking live with here | 15:54 |
James147 | folkist: join #kubuntu-offtopic for general chat :) | 15:54 |
brujoh | hey all, is it possible to mount an ext3 filesystem in fstab with a specific uid/gid? | 16:00 |
brujoh | I've got this so far but it mounts it as root: LABEL=firelite /media/firelite ext3 users,exec 0 | 16:01 |
James147 | brujoh: Not sure, but I think just chowning the mount point works | 16:02 |
mistrynitesh | brujoh: you can specify the uid(s) in the options field | 16:02 |
mistrynitesh | like "users,exec,uid=1000" | 16:03 |
brujoh | weird.. when I try passing the options uid=1000,gid=1000 it errors out on a bad option | 16:03 |
eikelmt | hi guys | 16:03 |
eikelmt | i am running unbuntu lts 10.40 and I have a wifi problem | 16:04 |
eikelmt | and I need help | 16:04 |
eikelmt | my wifi I have a habbit of disconnecting while i am working | 16:04 |
James147 | mistrynitesh: brujoh: i dont think ext3 has that option, its for fat and ntfs | 16:05 |
eikelmt | sometimes Ii can manage to connect again and sometime i need to restart my box | 16:05 |
eikelmt | right now it is working but 10 min ago it did not | 16:05 |
eikelmt | so please give me some clues i can check out | 16:05 |
eikelmt | while it isstill working | 16:06 |
James147 | eikelmt: signal strength? | 16:06 |
eikelmt | 67% | 16:06 |
mistrynitesh | James147: pardon my ignorance | 16:06 |
James147 | mistrynitesh: its ok, I dont know that much more :) | 16:06 |
eikelmt | i can see from the systemlog it is deactivating wlan0 | 16:08 |
James147 | eikelmt: not sure why it would be doing that :S the version in 10.04 seems quite stable to me... you could try using the gnome applet (install: network-manager-gnome kill knetworkmanager and run nm-applet) | 16:08 |
* mistrynitesh still fishing for that really good fstab howto | 16:08 | |
James147 | mistrynitesh: man mount :) | 16:08 |
James147 | mistrynitesh: will at least tell you all the options | 16:08 |
mistrynitesh | hmmm | 16:08 |
eikelmt | ok i am doing it right now | 16:10 |
eikelmt | what about networkmanager ? | 16:10 |
James147 | mistrynitesh: although i found useing ntfs-config to add ntfs entries useful :) | 16:10 |
eikelmt | I can see both networkmanager and kde networkmanager installed | 16:10 |
James147 | eikelmt: its the backend that nm-applet and knetworkmanager use :p | 16:10 |
eikelmt | ok i see | 16:11 |
eikelmt | i am use to both fedora and mandriva but this time i wanted to try out ubuntu since i heard so much nice about it | 16:11 |
eikelmt | kde is pretty crappy regardless what you are using | 16:12 |
James147 | eikelmt: i dissagree, i find it much nicer to use then gnome... although it still does have some holes in it | 16:13 |
eikelmt | I have always used KDE but I am impressed about the new gnome | 16:14 |
James147 | eikelmt: got the impression that they wernt adding that much to the `new` gnome :S | 16:14 |
eikelmt | i have both installed and when i am using gnome it is connecting easily to internet, better than kde | 16:15 |
gunsofbrixton | hi, what program would you suggest to schedule backups? | 16:15 |
James147 | but either way, this isnt the channel for discussing it :) | 16:15 |
eikelmt | but that might be me and not kde | 16:16 |
eikelmt | ok james let me logout and activate gnome network manager | 16:16 |
James147 | eikelmt: its kde... knetworkmanager is a tempory placeholder while they get the network widget working, i think it sdue to eb in the next version of kubuntu | 16:16 |
James147 | gunsofbrixton: luckybackup is emnt to be quite good | 16:17 |
eikelmt | thanks james and see you around | 16:18 |
gunsofbrixton | James147: tnx, I'll check it out | 16:19 |
=== JDK is now known as Khaotic | ||
Khaotic | any clue why it says my flash drives are connected when they arent? | 16:21 |
James147 | Khaotic: 'connected' or mounted? | 16:22 |
Khaotic | mounted | 16:22 |
Khaotic | whats the difference | 16:22 |
James147 | Khaotic: connected implys that the drives are pluged in but not mounted, mounted implys that you can access the contents of the drive | 16:23 |
Khaotic | ok, well connected | 16:23 |
Khaotic | says i cant connect to them | 16:23 |
Khaotic | what do i do? | 16:23 |
James147 | Khaotic: so the device notifier is listing them, but wont let you connect? | 16:24 |
Khaotic | yes | 16:25 |
Khaotic | well not the notifier | 16:25 |
Khaotic | but the mediafolder | 16:25 |
James147 | Khaotic: /media ? | 16:25 |
Khaotic | yes | 16:25 |
James147 | Khaotic: that just means soemthing forgot to delete the mount points... not that anything actually knows about the drives | 16:26 |
Khaotic | yeh | 16:26 |
Khaotic | howdo i fix that? | 16:26 |
James147 | Khaotic: if you are sure they drives arnt mounted (run "mount" in the terminal to see mounted drives) then you can simply delete the folders (in terminal: sudo rm /media/MOUNTPOINT) | 16:27 |
Khaotic | ok | 16:27 |
James147 | Khaotic: but it really dosent matter if they exist | 16:27 |
Khaotic | any clue why it says my flash drives are connected when they arent? | 16:28 |
Khaotic | woops | 16:28 |
Khaotic | rm: cannot remove `PROGRAMMING': Is a directory | 16:29 |
James147 | Khaotic: sorry :) sudo rm -r /media/MOUNTPOINT | 16:30 |
Khaotic | -r? | 16:31 |
James147 | Khaotic: if you have trouble mounting the drives you might need ot recreate the mount points | 16:31 |
James147 | Khaotic: means recursive... needed to delete folders | 16:32 |
Khaotic | they mounted :) | 16:32 |
James147 | Khaotic: if you ahve mounted them then why are you trying to remove the mount points? | 16:32 |
James147 | Khaotic: now I am confused :S what are you trying to do :S | 16:33 |
Khaotic | James147 they wouldnt mount at first | 16:33 |
James147 | Khaotic: but now they do ? | 16:34 |
Khaotic | yes | 16:34 |
James147 | Khaotic: then dont use the rm command :S sorry, thourght you where trying to delete leftover mount points | 16:34 |
Khaotic | i was | 16:34 |
Khaotic | just dont worry about it | 16:34 |
Khaotic | problem solved | 16:35 |
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vbgunz | is there an easy way to take all the packages I have in /var/cache/apt and turn it into an offline repository for myself? | 17:45 |
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TeslaTony | What's a good replacement for knetworkmanager for Kubuntu Netbook Remix? | 18:07 |
James147 | TeslaTony: the gnome version works slightly better (install: network-manager-gnome kill knetworkmanager and runn nm-applet) | 18:10 |
James147 | TeslaTony: although dosent look as good :( | 18:11 |
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Guest93843 | hey guys | 18:17 |
joona | Hi | 18:21 |
Guest93843 | whats uo | 18:21 |
joona | bad | 18:21 |
Guest93843 | ? | 18:22 |
joona | I get Segmentation Fault every time I try to run Synaptic or Fusion icon.. | 18:22 |
Guest93843 | i'm new to linux so i don't know what that means | 18:22 |
joona | k | 18:22 |
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harmizi | hi all | 18:45 |
nuboon2age_ | How do you tell KPackageKit to 'Remove Completely'/Purge a package? | 18:51 |
jschall | I'd like to use different kwallets for different passwords - for example, a kwallet with no password for my wifi credentials. I've tried just moving the wifi stuff into a different kwallet, but then networkmanager can't find them. | 18:52 |
jschall | any way of doing this? | 18:52 |
James147 | nuboon2age_: not sure it can... you can use "sudo aptitude purge <packagename>" to do it in a terminal | 18:52 |
James147 | jschall: Last I heard kwallet supported multiple passwords but no one used them... I think its up to the application to decide if you can use a non default wallet and non of them implment that | 18:54 |
James147 | multiple wallets ^^ | 18:54 |
jschall | James147: that's stupid. | 18:54 |
jschall | James147: i've yet to see an application that let me choose | 18:54 |
James147 | jschall: it was part of the design to keep kwallet as lightweight as possible | 18:54 |
jschall | James147: well here's the problem with that: | 18:55 |
jschall | James147: "ok, i don't want to type a password EVERY TIME MY COMPUTER STARTS AFTER I'VE ALREADY TYPED MY PASSWORD, so I'll just SET THIS THING UP SO IT DOESNT EVER ASK ME FOR A PASSWORD" | 18:55 |
jschall | James147: which is a very insecure thing to do | 18:55 |
James147 | jschall: i know... its been debated before :) you can in the networkmanager config set it to store the passphrases in a plane text file iif you wish | 18:56 |
jschall | James147: because as it is, kwallet is the most annoying thing EVER | 18:57 |
nuboon2age_ | James147: thank you. Yes, I was wondering KPackageKit was capable of doing it. I was working w/ someone (even) less Linux/Kubuntu aware than me and so was hoping that a non-CL, non-Synaptic Kubuntu way was available. | 18:57 |
James147 | jschall: i only found it anoying when it stored my wirelesss key, which are now in a normal file :) | 18:57 |
Folkist | anyone know how to make a bootable usb on a mac? | 18:57 |
Folkist | ubuntu 9.1 | 18:57 |
jschall | James147: that's another thing that irks me, knetworkmanager's way of handling wifi bugs me. | 19:00 |
jschall | James147: maybe i'm just in an irritable mood today | 19:00 |
James147 | jschall: knetworkmanager is jsut a tempory placeholder while they get the network widget working... i bleave its going to be in the next release but I am not sure :) | 19:00 |
James147 | jschall: in the meantime if knetworkmanager is playing up you can try the gnome version | 19:01 |
jschall | James147: cool | 19:02 |
jschall | James147: it's not THAT bad, but I am glad it's going away | 19:02 |
James147 | jschall: it was never ment to be good, only work untill it was replaced :) | 19:02 |
jschall | James147: lot of stuff to look forward to in the next release, as usual | 19:02 |
jschall | James147: new releases always make me happy :) | 19:03 |
James147 | jschall: same :) | 19:03 |
James147 | jschall: i think they are aiming to get samba and printing sorted out by then as well | 19:03 |
jschall | James147: cool, printing seems to work for me, although I have an printer that plays pretty nice | 19:04 |
henkka- | hey | 19:11 |
henkka- | is there a mirc like irc client for kubuntu | 19:11 |
henkka- | ? | 19:11 |
vot | yea its called mirc under wine | 19:16 |
vot | its strangely identical | 19:16 |
c3l | whats is the kde controll center/system settings called? so I can start it from commandline. | 19:30 |
nuboon2age_ | henkka-: I like Konversation . I vaguely remember mirc and liking it, so maybe Konversation would appeal to you to. Haven't tried quassel. | 19:30 |
James147 | c3l: systemsettings | 19:30 |
c3l | James147: thank | 19:31 |
nuboon2age_ | henkka-: did you get your Go game on? I found Kigo after we chated, that i think uses gnugo on the back end. | 19:31 |
c3l | where is colorshemes normally stored? | 19:36 |
henkka- | no i didnt | 19:37 |
c3l | found it /usr/share/kde4/apps/color-schemes | 19:38 |
joona | Hey | 19:39 |
joona | Anyone having Segmentation Faults with Synaptic or Fusion icon? | 19:39 |
jimmy51_ | can i make dolphin always and only open in "Details" view? | 19:40 |
James147 | joona: you might want to ask in #ubuntu :) | 19:40 |
joona | I'm using Kubuntu :P | 19:40 |
c3l | joona: general ubuntu questions in #ubuntu, #kubuntu is more kde specifik. (i hope) | 19:41 |
James147 | joona: yeah but Synaptic is a gnome app a believe | 19:41 |
James147 | you are more likly to find ppl there that know how to fix it | 19:42 |
joona | Okay, sorry about the interruption | 19:42 |
c3l | the only difference betwee kubuntu and ubuntu is the DE, the operative systems are identical | 19:42 |
c3l | joona: (there are also alot more users in #ubuntu to help you :) | 19:42 |
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James147 | jimmy51_: dolphin > settings > configure dolphin > general > check "Use common view properties for all folders" then switch to details view | 19:44 |
lucjan | siema | 19:45 |
jimmy51_ | James147: WOW! i've been in and out of the settings area many times and would never have knew what that meant | 19:46 |
jimmy51_ | James147: thanks! | 19:46 |
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human | w | 20:13 |
human | Who have tryed KDE4/5? | 20:14 |
James147 | human: I have | 20:14 |
James147 | human: but you really should just ask your question :) | 20:14 |
human | Is it faster? | 20:15 |
James147 | human: dident knotice :S | 20:15 |
human | I do not want to crash my current system) | 20:15 |
James147 | although I have been on it a while and can barly remember what 4.4 was like :) | 20:15 |
James147 | human: then dont upgrade, 4.5 isent out yet | 20:15 |
human | But Sometimes my KDE does not allow me to work and play Sauer) | 20:15 |
human | The kde 4.3 was to hard after 3.5 | 20:16 |
human | But I liked the moon widget and cannot imagine my life without it( | 20:16 |
James147 | human: :) if you need a preformance bost try disabling some desktop effects or strigi | 20:16 |
human | I am thinking about rewriting Qt4 on assembler) | 20:17 |
human | Or about bying new computer | 20:18 |
James147 | human: heh i think buying a new computer would be easier and quicker :p | 20:18 |
human | Or the newest fastest verstion of KDE4) | 20:18 |
human | I think so, but I think have to spend a lot of time to move the settings and reconfigure it | 20:19 |
James147 | human: move the harddisk over? | 20:19 |
human | And it will be not good if the new computer will be slow for KDE4 | 20:19 |
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human | Yeah, gentlemen! Is there any program to move partitions? I think it must be. | 20:20 |
human | :) | 20:20 |
human | I am .. | 20:20 |
James147 | there are many ways to copy a partition :) | 20:20 |
human | Oh! | 20:26 |
human | What was the time, when I have firstly installed Linux in 2005, it was a disk of 2002) | 20:26 |
human | And it worked fast! | 20:26 |
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grifo74 | how can i open dolphin in root mode? | 21:13 |
rork | grifo74: kdesudo dolphin | 21:16 |
grifo74 | thanks work | 21:59 |
chevelle | hi people | 22:08 |
chevelle | i need help for configure my sound input | 22:09 |
chevelle | not found | 22:09 |
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snarkster | if the test button in multimedia makes sound but nothing else does what does that mean? | 22:35 |
snarkster | no sound from videos, music | 22:35 |
snarkster | hmm even mpg123 wont make sound.. | 22:40 |
snarkster | guess Im missing the mp3 library | 22:41 |
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snarkster | its working now. thanks for nothing | 22:51 |
team_steeze | hello | 23:07 |
team_steeze | i'm having a weird sound issue | 23:08 |
team_steeze | i hear no sound in kubuntu but can hear sound just fine in all of my other terminals (tty2 tty3 etc...) | 23:08 |
team_steeze | i'm on 8.10 | 23:08 |
team_steeze | so if i start playing something in kubuntu (tty7) | 23:08 |
team_steeze | i hear nothing | 23:09 |
team_steeze | but if i switch to any other terminal, i hear the sound | 23:09 |
team_steeze | any ideas? i'm 'bout out of options... | 23:10 |
espadan7 | Hay ummm I'm using Kubuntu 10.04 32bit right now and I'm trying to make a side panel on kubuntu but when i a red x always pops up at the bottom of them panel, Is there a way to remove the x or is that the way its made? | 23:11 |
Torch | espadan7: once you're done configuring the panel, lock the widgets | 23:17 |
Torch | espadan7: that will make the yellowish thingy to configure it go away and also the red X | 23:18 |
espadan7 | Torch Thank you so for =] | 23:21 |
compilerwriter | anyone know of a chat channel for open office? | 23:21 |
espadan7 | much for your help* | 23:21 |
compilerwriter | I need a calc guru if there is one availiable. | 23:27 |
James147 | compilerwriter: just ask your question :) | 23:28 |
compilerwriter | Well this isn't really the right channel I am trying to find someone who can help privately james147 | 23:28 |
James147 | compilerwriter: no, but you are alot more likly to find someone if you ask a question then if you try to find someone | 23:30 |
compilerwriter | I can't seem to remember how to do what I want to do. Worse yet I can't remember what it is called to look it up for myself. In calc I have columns A B and C I need to sort sort the information by the value in column be but without changing anything in the adjacent rows. | 23:32 |
Torch | compilerwriter: just select the column you want to sort. | 23:34 |
Torch | compilerwriter: then sort. calc will ask if that is what you really want. say yes ;-) | 23:34 |
Tazzypillar | Hello! I sorta need help not really, but sometimes the Kwin effects just...don't happen. Is that just normal for Kwin at this point or have i got something set up wrong? | 23:34 |
compilerwriter | I need to keep the rows correlated with the value in B as well. | 23:35 |
Tazzypillar | Also, for some reason my instances of plasma desktop keep showing up in my tasks | 23:35 |
Tazzypillar | taskbar | 23:35 |
Tazzypillar | i've got no idea why, and it isnt a huge deal, but having the icon there when it shouldn't be | 23:35 |
Torch | Tazzypillar: kde version? | 23:36 |
Tazzypillar | currently? I'm pretty sure i'm running 4.5, but i'm nooot sure, where can i check? | 23:36 |
Torch | Tazzypillar: any kde app. help menu. about kde. | 23:36 |
Tazzypillar | 4.5 RC | 23:37 |
Torch | Tazzypillar: hmm. doesn't happen here. the taskbar problem i've seen somewhen in the 4.4 cycle, though. not happening anymore for me. | 23:38 |
Tazzypillar | i see | 23:38 |
Tazzypillar | i think the taskbar thing showed up around the time i got amsn | 23:38 |
Tazzypillar | but my bigger issue is the thing with the animations | 23:39 |
Tazzypillar | since, you know, eyecandy slut is me | 23:39 |
Torch | Tazzypillar: haven't noticed anything being wrong with it, but i turn most of that off... since, you know, work slut is me ;-) | 23:39 |
Tazzypillar | minimizing works fine, but the kde menu sometimes doesnt slide up, just pops up. same with closing my windows and opening them, sometimes they just appear | 23:39 |
Tazzypillar | the two extremes ;w; | 23:40 |
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