
=== pedro_ is now known as pedro3005
=== pedro is now known as pedro3005
will1could anyone tell me where to find the gtk-tooltip widget02:49
will1or why i got a +b on #ubuntu02:50
stlsaintwill1: you got banned from ubuntu?02:54
stlsaintwill1: im sure a google search will guide you to the gtk-tooltip widget as i dont know what it is02:55
will1i tried but it continued to return information on not what I wanted02:56
stlsaintwill1: you check synap?02:56
will1the package tool?02:57
stlsaintwill1: and most mods are trigger happy in #ubuntu due to so much traffic02:57
stlsaintwill1: no, Synaptic Package Manager02:57
will1i never went, i tried to join but it gave me a +b02:57
will1i think gtk-tooltip comes with ubuntu02:57
will1under the gtkrc theme file in Human it has02:58
will1widget "gtk-tooltip*"02:58
stlsaintwill1: hrm, not sure to be honest with ya02:59
will1OK, no problem02:59
pleia2will1: if you wish to talk about/appeal a ban in #ubuntu, the channel you want is #ubuntu-ops03:04
will1oh thank you03:06
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
Puck`good morning team07:10
pedro3005morning Puck`07:10
nUboon2Agei'm experimenting w/ Tomboy.  Its pretty cool.  I can see enormous potential for making clever use of it and if it were further developed it could be downright amazing.07:38
duanedesignnUboon2Age: Tomboy is really nice. i would be lost without my Tomboy notes07:59
kermiac+1 duanedesign. I use my tomboy notes for almost everything08:00
stlsainti dont :|08:00
stlsaintscew tomboy :P08:00
stlsaintduanedesign: hey you know of a way to install video drivers via livecd?08:01
duanedesignstlsaint: i have never done it but...08:03
duanedesignstlsaint: open softeare sources and select the cd08:03
duanedesignat the bottom of the Ubuntu Software tab08:04
stlsaintduanedesign: well i mean like go download the driver via the nvidia site and install from livecd?08:04
nUboon2Ageduanedesign: i was hearing podcasters like jono bacon rave on about Tomboy.  Now i see why.  http://techie-buzz.com/utilites/tomboy-notes.html kermiac08:32
kermiachi nUboon2Age08:35
nUboon2Agehey kermiac :)  I found out about Tomboy listening to 'Shotof Jaq' that you'd recommended to me (and some other podcasts talked about it as well).08:39
kermiacnUboon2Age: very good mate :)08:41
svakshasaji89: saw your pm. thanks.08:54
saji89svaksha, You're welcome.08:54
slidinghornat work, so if you need me, mention me & I'll catch the highlight when I check xchat periodically13:16
nitstormanybody there in the room? or am i jus not connected?13:35
Maddethnitstorm: your not connected13:35
Puck`you are nitstorm (: welcome to #ubuntu-beginners13:35
nitstormhello guys13:35
Maddethhi nitstorm13:36
nitstormMaddeth: hi13:36
nitstormis there a good application that is simpler to use than audacity that'll cut part of a sound file and then also can be used to add something to the beginning and end of the file13:37
nitstormor something better than audacity13:37
Maddethnitstorm: hmm13:38
Maddethnitstorm: not had any personal use of any of them13:39
nitstormMaddeth: i have used sweep but i couldn't understand it easily as audacity will look into ReZound13:40
nitstormthanks Maddeth13:40
Maddethnitstorm: no problemo13:41
nitstormok guys another question13:42
nitstormis there some de or wm that is similar to gnome or xfce coz i need to do an install on a low end machine but fluxbox and openbox are really hard to use for me since i have never used them before13:43
Maddethxfce is lightweight13:43
nitstormit's pretty heavy on the machine13:44
nitstormit's about 192 mb ram kinda stuff13:44
Maddethjust use the terminal :p13:44
Maddethnitstorm: xfce should be fine on that surely?13:44
nitstormha ha i need to run audacity on that machine13:44
nitstormxfce seems to be bulky on it...13:45
nitstormtakes quite a while to load13:45
nitstormi mean the apps13:45
nitstormtake a while to load13:45
MaddethI was thinking13:48
geirhalxde is supposedly lightweight, though I've never tried it.13:48
Maddethstill think xfce is pretty damn lightweight13:49
slidinghornrunning lxde on this laptop (it's a dog) -- runs very quickly here :)13:56
duanedesignlxde is definetly lighter than xubuntu14:04
slidinghornIMO xfce is just about as heavy as gnome itself...it's really caught on to the whole bloatware fad.  LXDE is the next generation ;)14:07
duanedesignslidinghorn: i agree14:19
duanedesigni think that was one of the reasons they developed Lubuntu14:19
duanedesignXubuntu isn't quite 'lightweight' anymore14:20
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro3005
duanedesignwb malev14:57
Mohan_chmlOhai :D14:57
duanedesignwb Mohan_chml14:57
Mohan_chmlduanedesign, ty :D14:57
duanedesignokay it worked :)14:57
nselvaprabhuhi i'm a new to ubuntu15:19
Mohan_chmlnselvaprabhu, hello15:19
Maddethslidinghorn: duanedesign, been a while since I have used xfce , so was going off past experience :)15:32
Mohan_chmlduanedesign, yes?15:32
duanedesignMaddeth: :)15:33
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
pedro3005is anyone familiar with pastebinit?15:43
duanedesignpedro3005: a little16:07
pedro3005duanedesign, I'm failing to use the format option16:12
pedro3005to syntax highlight it as C16:12
pedro3005and I'm also not managing to set it to paste.ubuntu.com16:13
phillwhi, any of the UBT familiar with LAMP ?17:46
=== pedro_ is now known as pedro3005
sebsebsebhobgoblin: hi19:17
slidinghornhowdy :)19:17
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
alien_hy guys20:23
alien_if i clean up my sistem will my ipod show back again in rythmbox20:24
alien_celan var cache and all tht20:25
Darkness_DesIs there anyway to incorporate the Skype notifications into notify-osd and still have sound?20:27
cndrwhich anti virus program would you recommend?21:46
phillwcndr: anti virus is not required for ubuntu21:47
phillwif you have WINE or download things to be used on a windows machine, then there are programmes that will take care of Windows systems21:48
ubot2Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:49
cndrI dual boot with windows, since it shipped with my computer, I want to protect my windows files from within linux21:50
phillwcndr: actually, think of it the other way round. the linux area will be there to rescue your windows area should it become infected. All the boot systems to rescue windows use linux to ensure there are no beasties when you boot.21:52
phillw(as in all the ones you pay good money for, it's all actually free)21:52
cndrso something like klamav would be enough to recover the windows partition?21:53
phillwcndr: http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=17#p20 was the last time I wrote up on the subject; we use ClamAV, but that is more for servers checking for viruses being included in attachements.21:55
phillwcndr: it is important you understand the differences between windows and linux; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=510812 explains it much more detail21:58
* Mohan_chml prays god to not to get disconnected21:59
phillwMohan_chml: you need to pray to your local ISP & wish them good health ;-)22:01
cndrI was unaware that the antivirus programs have a high rate of false positives on ubuntu. I think I might hold off getting  an anti virus program for now, well at least until I finish reading all the links you sent me to look at. Thank you for all your help22:03
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
bobo123I wonder, is it possible to run linux from an file containing an image of an partition, and do it completely readonly?22:52
bobo123that is, run ubuntu from the backup of an partition I made, completly safe that the backup will not change in any way by this22:53

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