micahg | trinikrono: not everything that affects a release will be SRUd | 00:00 |
trinikrono | but i can nominate it anyways? | 00:00 |
trinikrono | if i believe that it should be | 00:00 |
micahg | trinikrono: yes | 00:00 |
trinikrono | okie | 00:00 |
trinikrono | thanks! | 00:00 |
trinikrono | hey are you guys going to update the 5-a-day wikipage also? | 00:50 |
yofel | trinikrono: what part of it needs updating? | 01:09 |
trinikrono | aha yofel, the bugs missed from previous hugdays | 01:10 |
trinikrono | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day#Not%20a%20developer? the last bullet | 01:10 |
trinikrono | not sure which one should be updated | 01:11 |
yofel | let me read the page again haven't read it in ages ^^ | 01:11 |
trinikrono | :D | 01:11 |
trinikrono | the link or change the link | 01:11 |
yofel | urgh, that's one out of date page.. | 01:11 |
yofel | I don't really get what the numbers on that page want to tell me o.O | 01:12 |
trinikrono | yess | 01:12 |
trinikrono | i tend to find wikipages | 01:13 |
trinikrono | i think its a skill | 01:13 |
yofel | sure is, I'm in the bugsquad over a year now and know most wiki pages, not that one though.. | 01:14 |
yofel | oh, that's one of the qateam wiki pages, maybe we should really switch that link to our bugday page | 01:15 |
trinikrono | the one with all the old hugdays? | 01:18 |
trinikrono | thats a nice wikipage | 01:18 |
trinikrono | before the qa team used to set the packages that the hugdays would focus on? | 01:19 |
yofel | no idea, "last edited 2008-08-06 " I wasn't there yet back then ^^ | 01:20 |
trinikrono | its this page you talking about yofel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning? | 01:22 |
trinikrono | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning | 01:23 |
trinikrono | thats shows the previous hug days? | 01:23 |
yofel | yes | 01:23 |
trinikrono | yofel: are you in charge of the 5-a-day? | 01:30 |
nigelb | trinikrono: just fyi, the community is responsible for it. Anyone can hold one :) | 01:34 |
yofel | trinikrono: nope, and when it comes to the wiki page, anyone can edit it ;) | 01:36 |
trinikrono | yofel: its just i was not sure if too go ahead and put the link, thats why i was wondering if someone was responsible for it | 01:38 |
yofel | well, bdmurray was the last person to edit the page, but if you're not sure you can always send a mail to the mailing list first | 01:39 |
puff | Hi there... so, I'm experiencing a problem with ipw2200 on an IBM thinkpad t43p. I researched this a ways back and it looks like it's related to bug #352150. The conclusion seemed to be, "fixed in the newer versions of ubuntu", but I just reinstalled to lucid lynx and it's *definitely* still here. | 04:29 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 352150 in linux (Ubuntu) "ipw2200: Firmware error detected. Restarting // randomly disconnecting (affects: 24) (dups: 6) (heat: 214)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/352150 | 04:29 |
micahg | puff: file a new bug and reference that bug number | 05:03 |
puff | micahg: This page (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs) says to use ubuntu-bug PID or ubuntu-bug packagename. ubuntu-bug says that PID doesn't belong to any program. What package should I file it against? | 05:07 |
micahg | puff: ubuntu-bug linux | 05:08 |
puff | Cool. | 05:09 |
puff | Can I associate the ubuntu-bug-created bug with my launchpad account? | 05:10 |
micahg | puff: ubuntu-bug will open your browser where you can log into launchpad] | 05:12 |
puff | Hm, it lists the 352150 bug and wants to know if that's the bug I'm trying to report. It lists 352150 as triaged. | 05:14 |
micahg | puff: no, since you say it's not fixed, file a new one and mention that one | 05:14 |
puff | I'm trying to think of anything else I can add to shed more light on it... any suggestions? | 05:18 |
puff | Hm, the launchpad page suggests checking this page for tips on what to put in the report, but the page isn't there: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies#DIY%20Debugging%20Hints | 05:25 |
puff | micahg: Submitted, Thanks for the help. | 05:25 |
puff | Argh, timeout error from launchpad?? | 05:26 |
micahg | puff: ugh, unfortunately, that might mean you have to submit again | 05:26 |
puff | Sigh... I just wrote a page of comments, dangit. | 05:27 |
puff | Oh well. | 05:27 |
micahg | puff: it's been a chronic issue as of late, hopefully it'll be fixed in the coming weeks, there's a bug open for it | 05:28 |
puff | :-). | 05:28 |
micahg | bug 553946 | 05:29 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 553946 in malone "JavaScript breaks ability to recover +filebug form data (affects: 8) (dups: 3) (heat: 36)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/553946 | 05:29 |
puff | Went through this time. Thanks. | 05:41 |
puff | This stuff is crazy-making. | 05:41 |
puff | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/607064 | 05:41 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 607064 in linux (Ubuntu) "ipw2200 constantly disconnects, /var/log/syslog says ipw200: Firmware error detected. Restarting. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 05:41 |
micahg | puff: the kernel team likes new bugs for each person, if it's a dupe, it will be marked as such by them | 05:50 |
hggdh | <yawn/> | 06:27 |
=== awalton__ is now known as AIR_MAN | ||
=== AIR_MAN is now known as awalton__ | ||
* nigelb pours cold water on hggdh | 06:47 | |
* hggdh jumps out of his chair and swears | 06:50 | |
kermiac | vish: one of my students is busy & won't be available for 3 -4 weeks. I'm happy to wait for him unless you want/need me to take another student & place him back in the queue | 08:43 |
jpds | kermiac: wut? | 08:47 |
kermiac | hi jpds, I was just leaving a message for vish re bugsquad mentors | 08:48 |
jpds | Oh. | 08:50 |
kermiac | :) | 08:50 |
jpds | kermiac: I missed the "vi.sh:" part so it looked a little random, sorry. | 08:51 |
kermiac | no probs jpds, I can see how that comment can seem very random without a little context hehe | 08:53 |
vish | kermiac: hey , its great you've heard back from you student , what about the other one? | 09:04 |
vish | your* | 09:04 |
kermiac | vish: I haven't heard anything from the other student yet, but I only emailed them a couple of days ago | 09:05 |
kermiac | also, howdy vish :) | 09:06 |
* vish tips hat and says howdy to kermiac ;) | 09:06 | |
vish | kermiac: ok , cool , hmm , one month.. seems a long wait.. though your time slot is the most wanted one and there are a couple of students waiting.. they had applied recently.. | 09:07 |
kermiac | vish: I would be happy to place him back in the queue & be assigned another one whilst he is busy. he explained that he is moving interstate & jobhunting, etc atm but he is very interested in triaging once his life settles down again | 09:09 |
vish | kermiac: awesome! yeah , so I'll assign another student and lets see if he can be mentored within the month :D or if you end up having 3 students , we can switch mentors one later | 09:11 |
vish | mentors for* one | 09:11 |
vish | kermiac: which student was it? | 09:12 |
kermiac | vish: David Ly-Gagnon | 09:13 |
vish | kermiac: neat , thanks! | 09:13 |
* vish brb , reboot... | 09:14 | |
kermiac | vish: I was thinking I would just reply & say thanks for contacting me blah, blah. please feel free to contact me when you are ready to start triaging | 09:14 |
vish | kermiac: sure ,that would work too , I was about to deactivate him from the team.. | 09:15 |
vish | kermiac: lets do that... just send him a mail.. | 09:15 |
kermiac | vish: maybe you deactivate him & then I get him to send a mail to the bugsquad ml when he's ready? | 09:16 |
kermiac | oops, lag | 09:16 |
vish | kermiac: hmm , yeah. either way works.. which shall we do? | 09:17 |
vish | kermiac: lets deactivate , and you mail him asking to re-apply when ready and send the mail to BSquad ML | 09:19 |
vish | kermiac: I'll send the same message while de-activating too. | 09:19 |
kermiac | vish: If my timeslot is very popular maybe we should deactivate him.... yup, that sounds good mate | 09:19 |
vish | kermiac: neat! , will be doing that... | 09:19 |
vish | reboot first :D | 09:20 |
kermiac | ok :) | 09:20 |
kermiac | wb vish | 09:23 |
vish | \o/ | 09:23 |
kermiac | vish: Does this reply seem ok? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Y7rR69QY | 09:31 |
kermiac | vish: I was struggling with the wording - I don't want to put him off joining the program | 09:31 |
* vish reads | 09:33 | |
vish | kermiac: this sound good to you? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/JvmHzTHP | 09:38 |
* kermiac reads | 09:40 | |
kermiac | vish: yep. that looks better thanks mate | 09:41 |
vish | np.. | 09:41 |
kermiac | I was struggling :) | 09:41 |
kermiac | vish: ok, email sent. I've got to go grab some dinner. Please assign me another student when you've got time & I will make contact with them. Hopefully I'll have more luck hehe. | 09:45 |
pedro_ | vish, do you know if 'tre' is working with anybody ? (mentoring program) | 09:55 |
pedro_ | vish, hggdh is looking for a student ;-) | 09:55 |
pedro_ | vish, btw kangaroo lp id doesn't work, shall we go ahead and remove him from the list ? | 09:55 |
vish | pedro_: kangrooo , 3 "ooo" | 09:56 |
* pedro_ editing | 09:56 | |
pedro_ | vish, he matches hggdh times as well ;-) | 09:56 |
pedro_ | vish, updated | 09:57 |
vish | pedro_: oh , actually had assigned him to sbeattie ... np with switching ;) | 09:58 |
pedro_ | vish, well if he's already assigned and working, there's no need to do the switching :-P | 09:59 |
pedro_ | sbeattie, did kangarooo contacted you already? | 09:59 |
sbeattie | pedro_: no, not yet. | 09:59 |
pedro_ | ok, i'll ping him to know what's going on | 09:59 |
sbeattie | pedro_: please feel free to pass him to hggdh | 10:00 |
vish | hmm , i thought the mentor made first contact? | 10:00 |
pedro_ | sbeattie, ok | 10:00 |
pedro_ | hggdh, we are going to assign all the remaining students to you ;-) | 10:00 |
vish | pedro_: wanted to ask.. the "how to become a mentor" mentions , "Send Monthly updates on the students' progress to the bugsquad-mentorship mailing list " | 10:02 |
vish | but there is no such mailing list... or is that BC list | 10:02 |
vish | pedro_: oh , and stlsaint is waiting for ddecator | 10:04 |
pedro_ | vish, yeah that needs to be updated | 10:05 |
pedro_ | vish, better to send those updates to the BugSquad ML to those updates are available to everybody | 10:06 |
vish | pedro_: ok , will do the change to BC list | 10:06 |
pedro_ | thanks vish | 10:06 |
vish | oh.. | 10:06 |
vish | pedro_: but a mention in BC list will make it easier for others to +1 the approval to BC | 10:07 |
vish | not sure if BugSquad helps though it is available to all | 10:07 |
pedro_ | vish, well the candidate mention in their application that the mentor encourage him to join the BC team that's enough to be approved no need for a review | 10:08 |
pedro_ | since he has been closely follow up/reviewed by the mentor | 10:08 |
vish | cool! | 10:09 |
pedro_ | s/well/well if | 10:09 |
pedro_ | ;-) | 10:09 |
vish | :) | 10:09 |
pedro_ | but yeah would be better BC than BS | 10:09 |
pedro_ | since most of the mentors are part of that team anyways | 10:09 |
vish | yeah.. | 10:10 |
vish | pedro_: oh , and tre is assigned to kamusin | 10:10 |
pedro_ | ok cool! | 10:10 |
* pedro_ updating the wiki | 10:10 | |
nigelb | sbeattie: we were wonder if you folks would help with lernid. the current config file is on jono's server | 10:14 |
nigelb | pleia2 is in the processing of moving to canonical owned server with access to a few people | 10:14 |
nigelb | would you be intersted in an sru in that case? | 10:14 |
nigelb | i.e. does it qualify for one when the reasons are purely infrastructure-related. | 10:15 |
sbeattie | nigelb: well, if moving to a different server breaks the tool but is going to happen, then probably the SRU team would accept. | 10:21 |
sbeattie | ...would accept it. | 10:21 |
sbeattie | You might ping someone actually on the ubuntu-sru team for sure. | 10:21 |
nigelb | sbeattie: hm, ok. I just wanted a take from somone from qa :) | 10:23 |
vish | pedro_: hmm , which ML did we decide the updates had to be sent? | 10:32 |
pedro_ | vish, such of bad memory! :-P | 10:36 |
pedro_ | vish, to the BC one ;-) | 10:36 |
vish | pedro_: ok.. thanks /me was confused which we decided on :D | 10:37 |
pedro_ | no problem :-) | 10:38 |
vish | pedro_: oh , and we switch kangrooo to hggdh ? | 10:38 |
vish | sbeattie: heard back from holstein ? | 10:39 |
sbeattie | vish: I have not. | 10:40 |
sbeattie | vish: nor I have I contacted him yet. | 10:40 |
vish | sbeattie: oh.. then maybe we can switch him as well to hggdh ? fine with you? | 10:40 |
pedro_ | vish, yeah let's switch kangarooo | 10:41 |
pedro_ | vish, i'm sending the emails right now | 10:42 |
vish | pedro_: we still havent had an update from greg-g or maco :s , the students waiting are from their time slot .. | 10:42 |
thekorn | argh, damn, I promised to send my report, but did not do it, shame on me | 10:43 |
pedro_ | :-( | 10:43 |
pedro_ | vish, there's only 1 student left though | 10:44 |
vish | pedro_: odd... i see 5 in the queue.. | 10:44 |
vish | I'm updating the wiki as we speak | 10:44 |
pedro_ | vish, reload it , because i've updated it a few minutes ago | 10:45 |
pedro_ | vish, some of those listed there were already assigned | 10:45 |
vish | pedro_: yeah , there are 4 others.. on lp waiting.. | 10:45 |
sbeattie | vish: yes, I'm okay with switching holstein to hggdh. | 10:46 |
vish | sbeattie: neat thanks! will do that and assign the new ones when they come , there is no one waiting in that time slot now :) | 10:47 |
pedro_ | vish, can i pass my students to hggdh too? | 10:49 |
pedro_ | vish, in fact we should reassign all the students to him ;-) | 10:49 |
vish | pedro_: if hggdh wants to take on 3 :D | 10:49 |
vish | yeah ,! | 10:49 |
pedro_ | hello sense | 10:49 |
sense | hello pedro_! | 10:50 |
sense | good morning everyone | 10:50 |
hggdh | yo sense, not qense anymore? | 10:51 |
vish | hggdh: he lost all Q's ;p | 10:51 |
* vish hides from qense ;) | 10:51 | |
* hggdh considers 2 students good enough... | 10:51 | |
sense | hggdh: Indeed, no. I wanted to have a nick 'derived' from my real name. | 10:51 |
sense | vish: I still highlight qense, don't you think you can hide! | 10:52 |
pedro_ | hahaha | 10:52 |
vish | that makes sense ;p | 10:52 |
vish | hehe... | 10:52 |
hggdh | :-) | 10:52 |
sense | hggdh: That's the downside: I'm aware of everything that does and doesn't make sense on Freenode now. | 10:53 |
hggdh | sense: heh | 10:53 |
hggdh | nonsense also works? | 10:53 |
sense | no | 10:53 |
pedro_ | lol | 10:55 |
hggdh | non-sense | 10:56 |
* hggdh keeps trying to find ways to bother sense | 10:56 | |
sense | hggdh: Congratulations, that does work! | 10:57 |
hggdh | LOL | 10:57 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
holstein | sbeattie: ping | 16:11 |
sbeattie | holstein: what's up? | 16:13 |
sbeattie | holstein: I think hggdh is going to take over mentoring you. | 16:13 |
holstein | sbeattie: hey | 16:16 |
holstein | yeah, i just saw you and vish talking about me | 16:16 |
holstein | and i wasnt sure if i was suppose to have gotten a message | 16:16 |
holstein | but i didnt want to miss an opportunity :) | 16:17 |
hggdh | holstein: I was going to send you an email -- but will not anymore, since you are here ;-) | 16:17 |
holstein | OK | 16:18 |
hggdh | holstein: pretty much the same deal you should have had with sbeattie: when I am online, you can ask quesions to me, or email me | 16:18 |
hggdh | holstein: if I am offline, anyone here can answer your questions/doubts | 16:18 |
holstein | hggdh: OIC | 16:19 |
holstein | i was confused for a minute | 16:19 |
hggdh | then you are better off than I am, I am usually confused | 16:19 |
hggdh | :-) | 16:19 |
holstein | hehe | 16:20 |
njin | bug 363454 , can someone confirm me that this is a kernel related issue, so in that case i try to convice him to make a little installation ? | 17:21 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 363454 in ubuntu "Microphone not working on Acer 2930 (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/363454 | 17:21 |
charlie-tca | njin: the reporter has refused to supply the requested logs already. You can invalid the bug until the logs are attached by him | 17:24 |
charlie-tca | He states in comment #6 that it is up to the devs to fix this. Without the logs, the devs can't actually fix this | 17:25 |
njin | Ok, i invalid the bug clearing to him because they are needed | 17:27 |
charlie-tca | We can't confirm the issue is kernel without the logs | 17:27 |
vish | njin: also , the OP has unsubscribed from the bug.. :s | 17:46 |
njin | vish: how sad ! | 17:52 |
njin | Ok go on with another bug... | 17:53 |
drew212 | lol, i love it when people say its up to the devs to fix this, when the devs are usually the ones helping you with debugging! | 17:57 |
njin | bug 605864 , can someone help me, looking the syslog attched is clear that is in virtual anvironement, but in this case what i have to do ? | 18:29 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 605864 in ubuntu "[RTL8187SE] The wifi downstream and upstream goes to 0 every couple of seconds (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/605864 | 18:29 |
om26er | njin, move it to linux I guess | 18:39 |
abhijit | hello | 18:44 |
abhijit | om26er, ping | 18:46 |
om26er | abhijit, hola ;) | 18:46 |
abhijit | om26er, hi | 18:46 |
abhijit | om26er, as you know my college is started. and I cant manage time now. so what to do about my bugsquad? I can have a free time on sundays. will it be ok? and is it ok to proceed in such a slow speed? | 18:47 |
om26er | abhijit, sundays are boring but yeah. | 18:48 |
om26er | slow and steady wins the .. | 18:49 |
abhijit | om26er, .....race :D | 18:49 |
om26er | ; | 18:49 |
om26er | if an app in 'main' does not start at all (under certain condition) whats the importance? | 19:26 |
njin | bug 363771 help | 19:27 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 363771 in ubuntu "aes-x86_64 module missing from amd64 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/363771 | 19:27 |
micahg | om26er: I'd say it depends on the package | 19:27 |
om26er | micahg, gwibber.. bug 567616 | 19:28 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 567616 in gwibber (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Gwibber does not start if gnome-keyring-daemon is not running (affects: 11) (dups: 5) (heat: 105)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/567616 | 19:28 |
micahg | om26er: when would it not be running? | 19:28 |
om26er | KDE | 19:28 |
micahg | om26er: medium is fine | 19:29 |
om26er | and many times in gnome | 19:29 |
micahg | om26er: if in gnome, that's a different story | 19:29 |
micahg | but that sounds like another bug | 19:29 |
om26er | micahg, 'does not start at all' are generally high ? | 19:30 |
micahg | om26er: right, but if it's under KDE, it's not a normal circumstance | 19:30 |
om26er | there are many other gwibber bugs too where the 'does not start at all' condition apply.. basically caused by that desktopcouch thingy :p | 19:31 |
micahg | om26er: well, each one has to be evaluated to see if it's relatively normal or not | 19:33 |
om26er | bug 579668 | 19:35 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 579668 in gwibber (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Gwibber crash on startup, KeyError: 'doc (affects: 10) (dups: 3) (heat: 115)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/579668 | 19:35 |
* micahg wonders where pedro is | 19:35 | |
njin | micahg: pedro_ is actually working in Europe for about 1 month. He say to all 'Have a great day'. | 20:01 |
njin | So i'm without mentor for a month ;) | 20:01 |
yofel | vish: If I'm not mistaken SC uses the 'Categories' definition in the applications .desktop file to order them (bug 606048) | 20:07 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 606048 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "All PDF Viewers/Editors aren't in the same category. (affects: 1) (dups: 5) (heat: 36)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/606048 | 20:07 |
vish | yofel: yeah , i'm not sure about that one.. i have to check if it needs to be fixed in each package's .desktop or , hence i changed it to confirmed.. and added the ubuntu task.. | 20:09 |
vish | yofel: the OP , duped all his bugs into a meta bug :s | 20:10 |
yofel | Take Okular for example: "Categories=Qt;KDE;Graphics;Office;Viewer;" | 20:10 |
vish | so probably need to undup them and set the category | 20:10 |
vish | right | 20:10 |
yofel | You can have an app in as many categories as you like, that's how it's designed | 20:11 |
vish | yup.. | 20:11 |
yofel | I'll subscribe to that, curious ^^ | 20:12 |
vish | yofel: so many bugs get filed its tough to finish them all :s.. i had that bug in my TODO , but commented since it was set to triaged too early.. | 20:13 |
vish | first , not sure mpt wants them in different categories or all of them in the same one.. | 20:13 |
yofel | heh, my todo list are the bugs I have open as tabs in firefox... a bit too many actually.. | 20:14 |
vish | and then not all of them are the exact same function.. some really are graphics apps.. | 20:14 |
vish | convert images > pdfs.. | 20:14 |
vish | yofel: that bug is IMO a mess , you can triage it if you want :D | 20:15 |
* yofel declines politely and goes into hiding.. | 20:15 | |
vish | ;) | 20:15 |
vish | hrmm , why is this invalid in SC > Bug #550955 | 21:30 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 550955 in software-center (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "About window is modal and doesn't look like it (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/550955 | 21:30 |
vish | kinda irritating when folks dont leave a comment about the change :/ | 21:31 |
yofel | er, only the software-store part is invalid? | 21:35 |
yofel | (wrong project I think) | 21:35 |
vish | yeah , why has it been marked .. so? | 21:35 |
yofel | should be 'software-center' not 'software-store' | 21:36 |
vish | yofel: it mentions SS , but when you see the name, its SC [see end of page] | 21:36 |
vish | both are the same.. | 21:36 |
yofel | launchpad-- | 21:37 |
yofel | it used the new names as the projects were somehow merged | 21:37 |
vish | yofel: nah , its the old name which is just retained there | 21:37 |
vish | what ever it is , people should comment! so that we dont have to sit here wondering why! | 21:38 |
vish | if they are soo busy to not have time to comment, they should probably not triage ! | 21:38 |
vish | argH! | 21:39 |
yofel | just ask him yourself once he's online again | 21:40 |
vish | yofel: yeah , but this is not the first time I'v seen such behavior.. i'v tried telling him personally [im] but still he is playing with lp.. | 21:42 |
vish | :s | 21:42 |
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