kenvandine | cjohnston, that's great... | 00:56 |
cjohnston | kenvandine: your gone for the week? | 02:10 |
waltercool | Ubuntu 10.10, will use metacity, compiz or gnome-shell ??? Because gnome-shell is very slow (for me) | 02:28 |
* micahg doesn't think gnome-shell is in the running for 10.10 default | 02:29 | |
waltercool | so, will be a extra package? | 02:31 |
micahg | waltercool: it's in universe at the moment | 02:31 |
micahg | waltercool: it has a build failure | 02:32 |
waltercool | micahg, bad compilation? | 02:32 |
micahg | waltercool: well, somethings not working, the version that's in the pool should be installable again today | 02:33 |
waltercool | micahg, ohh, gnome-shell seems great, but bad working... if is fixed... should be great :) Seems nice :) | 02:35 |
micahg | waltercool: well, there's an update from 2.28 to 2.31, but someone needs to fix the build failure ( I might try later this week) | 02:36 |
waltercool | micahg, is better wait to gnome team to fix that :) Or is a ubuntu problem? (maybe dependences) | 02:38 |
micahg | waltercool: Ubuntu issue | 02:46 |
waltercool | exist a site with the compilation status of ubuntu-desktop? | 02:48 |
TheMuso | o/c | 07:30 |
pitti | Good morning | 08:54 |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
kenvandine | cjohnston, sort of... sprinting in prague | 09:04 |
didrocks | RAOF: a better stacktrace: | 10:01 |
didrocks | RAOF: do you have the "DEBUG: Unable to create proxy for /org/moblin/UX/Shell/Toolbar"… ? | 10:15 |
TheMuso | 1/aw | 10:34 |
and471 | mpt, hey | 11:00 |
mpt | heyyyyyyy | 11:00 |
and471 | mpt, you in prague? | 11:01 |
mpt | and471, yep | 11:01 |
mpt | and so is davmor2 | 11:01 |
and471 | mpt, how is it there? | 11:01 |
mpt | It's weird, we're not in a basement | 11:01 |
and471 | hehe | 11:01 |
davmor2 | mpt: I'm not | 11:02 |
mpt | Oh dear, I'm confusing davmor2 with another Dave | 11:03 |
and471 | mpt, anyway, I did a little bit of work on SC (got ditracted a bit on my own project) but there is one question I wanted to ask, in this pic , for the number in the in progress entry, are the colours meant to be the gtk theme's colors, what font etc. | 11:03 |
and471 | mpt, that is mean taunting davmor2 like that :D | 11:03 |
davmor2 | :') | 11:04 |
mpt | I was thinking of Daviey | 11:04 |
davmor2 | :'( even | 11:04 |
mpt | and471, mmnz_ told me that implementing that wouldn't be possible until he'd done a custom tree view for the navigation pane. Have you worked out how to do it regardless? | 11:05 |
and471 | mpt, oh, well I was just thinking of doing a normal pixbuf and that doesn't need to be re-implemented | 11:05 |
mpt | ok | 11:05 |
and471 | mpt, maybe he had another idea of how to do it, but a pixbuf is the simplest and easiest | 11:06 |
and471 | mpt, it was becuase I was implemented the /i\ icon for the broken apt cache, and so I though I could use the same column for both | 11:06 |
mpt | and471, I hadn't really thought about colors. How about the pane background color (e.g. white) for the number, and the disabled text color (e.g. grey) for the lozenge background? | 11:06 |
and471 | *implementing | 11:06 |
and471 | mpt, ok, also one more question, in this | 11:07 |
and471 | the icon it uses is for the danger icon | 11:07 |
and471 | a broken apt cache doesn't seem dangerous to me, would the warning icon be better? | 11:07 |
mpt | and471, there should be a stock icon for that | 11:07 |
mpt | That is the warning icon, right? | 11:08 |
mpt | It's not dangerous, so much as something that needs fixing | 11:09 |
and471 | mpt, in Humanity, the stock icon for warning is a round icon with a ! so a ( ! ) instead of a /!\ | 11:10 |
and471 | mpt, I was just checking this was ok | 11:10 |
and471 | mpt, or whether the triangular one was really wanted | 11:10 |
mpt | and471, what color is the (!) ? | 11:10 |
mpt | in Humanity | 11:10 |
mpt | I don't remember seeing that icon anywhere | 11:11 |
and471 | mpt, I'll show you a screenshot, it might be easier to visualise | 11:11 |
mpt | thanks | 11:11 |
mpt | hi kiwinote, how's it going | 11:11 |
kiwinote | hi mpt | 11:11 |
and471 | kiwinote, ah sorry, how is it going? | 11:12 |
kiwinote | mpt, this morning i rounded off the startup speed improvements branch. there is still more that can come, but it is a good improvement for now | 11:13 |
kiwinote | hi and471 | 11:13 |
and471 | mpt, | 11:13 |
kiwinote | then i tried to get my 64bit install to boot to do some testing, but no luck so far.. | 11:13 |
and471 | mpt, that is GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING | 11:14 |
kiwinote | and471, nice! broken aptcache I assume? | 11:14 |
and471 | mpt, or wait, maybe I have something wrong | 11:14 |
and471 | kiwinote, yup :) | 11:14 |
and471 | mpt, give me a sec, I might be confusing myself... | 11:14 |
and471 | mpt, okay, right that is GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING | 11:15 |
and471 | mpt, there is an emblem-danger in Humanity which is a /!\, but as I said, I don't think it is dangerous | 11:17 |
vish | and471: Humanity/status/24/dialog-warning.svg is a /!\ | 11:18 |
and471 | hi vish :) | 11:19 |
vish | o/ :) | 11:19 |
mpt | and471, is it just Elementary being weird? | 11:19 |
and471 | mpt, uhoh, maybe... gimme a sec | 11:19 |
vish | yup... | 11:19 |
vish | mpt: we just try to keep some difference :D | 11:19 |
and471 | mpt vish sorry, it was just me being stupid, everything is fine, the /!\ icon is shown as it should be :) | 11:20 |
mpt | ok | 11:20 |
and471 | mpt, in which case I have no more questions :) | 11:20 |
vish | lol! | 11:20 |
mpt | The prosecution rests. | 11:20 |
and471 | :D | 11:20 |
kiwinote | mpt: out of interest, are you at guadec next week? | 11:21 |
mpt | kiwinote, yes, all next week | 11:21 |
kiwinote | mpt: nice | 11:22 |
mpt | and471, | 11:22 |
and471 | mpt, hehe thanks :) | 11:22 |
and471 | mpt, I may not be able to do much work on SC this week, but maybe by mid week I should have most of what I can implement with the broken apt cache (I need mvo to do a little bit) | 11:23 |
mpt | cool | 11:24 |
and471 | vish, I am working furiously on my new screencasting app :) | 11:26 |
and471 | its gonna be awesome :) | 11:26 |
vish | cool! | 11:27 |
and471 | vish, | 11:28 |
vish | and471: yeah , i'v seen that.. sounds neat! , though i hope you would fix more papercuts :p | 11:29 |
and471 | vish, hehe :) | 11:29 |
* and471 has to go to eat and play tennis (but not simultaneously) | 11:30 | |
vish | mpt: instead of using the gtk-stock icons its better to use "dialog-warning" and such , the gtk icons are going to be removed from gnome.. | 11:52 |
vish | they dont want to depend on the symlinks and icon naming utils.. | 11:54 |
vish | only the icon from fdo naming spec will remain in the long run. | 11:55 |
vish | icons* | 11:55 |
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vish | | 11:59 |
vish | mpt: | 12:01 |
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alf__ | didrocks: | 13:46 |
ubot2 | Debian bug 588244 in clutter-1.0 "Clutter eglx packaging" [Wishlist,Open] | 13:46 |
bcurtiswx | empathy doesn't show seb128 here, but is he? | 13:52 |
bcurtiswx | (i know of a bug with empathy not showing people on channel users list) | 13:53 |
chrisccoulson | bcurtiswx, no | 13:53 |
chrisccoulson | but he's sat opposite | 13:53 |
bcurtiswx | chrisccoulson: OK, is this an OK place to ask a question on patches? | 13:55 |
bcurtiswx | its to empathy | 13:55 |
chrisccoulson | bcurtiswx, feel free | 13:55 |
bcurtiswx | re bug #606317 its what i think is a simple addition to debian/control of a depends on libdconf0. Is this correct? | 13:56 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 606317 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy don't remeber perosnal setting and revert to some sort of default at every start (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 1701)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 13:56 |
dpm | didrocks, would it be possible to strip the '-2.30' suffix from the evolution-2.30.pot template in the evolution package? We've now got two templates in maverick in LP, and that seems to cause some trouble exporting the translations in language packs. I think seb128 did that in previous versions, but I'm not quite sure how. | 13:58 |
bcurtiswx | chrisccoulson: maybe kenvandine would be better for this question since he works with empathy uploads? | 13:59 |
didrocks | dpm: ok, I'll ask him. Do you know where this pot file is? source only? | 14:02 |
kenvandine | bcurtiswx, i think seb128 was just talking about that | 14:02 |
didrocks | alf__: thanks | 14:02 |
bcurtiswx | kenvandine: in the bug he mentioned making libglib2.0-0 recommends to a depends. i wanted to make the patch, but i don't know/don't see where to do this | 14:04 |
kenvandine | bcurtiswx, which bug? | 14:05 |
bcurtiswx | i thought it was debian/control but i don't see that in recommends | 14:05 |
bcurtiswx | bug #606317 | 14:05 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 606317 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy don't remeber perosnal setting and revert to some sort of default at every start (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 1701)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 14:05 |
dpm | didrocks, thanks! I think it's the one generated by the package during build, I don't think it's in the sources under the po folder | 14:06 |
kenvandine | oh... he meant in the glib package | 14:06 |
kenvandine | not empathy | 14:07 |
bcurtiswx | kenvandine: OK, i can still write a patch for that. | 14:07 |
kenvandine | libglib2.0-0 needs to depend on libdconf0 | 14:07 |
* bcurtiswx will look to see if its not done already | 14:07 | |
kenvandine | better to use bzr | 14:11 |
kenvandine | bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-desktop/glib2/ubuntu | 14:11 |
kenvandine | i think | 14:11 |
kenvandine | bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-desktop/glib/ubuntu | 14:11 |
seb128 | who wants to change glib? | 14:12 |
bcurtiswx | seb128: i was going to check it to see if you made libdconf0 depends.. if not i was going to write patch | 14:13 |
bcurtiswx | seb128: i guess since its trivial, my patch would be futile | 14:14 |
chrisccoulson | why would glib depend on libdconf? | 14:14 |
bcurtiswx | chrisccoulson: bug #606317 | 14:14 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 606317 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy don't remeber perosnal setting and revert to some sort of default at every start (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 1701)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 14:14 |
didrocks | alf__: can you join #debian-gnome on OFTC, please? | 14:18 |
seb128 | bcurtiswx, no, but I plan to merge other debian changes so don't bother | 14:18 |
bcurtiswx | seb128: OK | 14:19 |
bcurtiswx | seb128: for future note, a "bzr diff > packagename.patch" uploaded to bug would suffice? | 14:20 |
seb128 | bcurtiswx, yes | 14:22 |
bcurtiswx | seb128: OK, thx. Time to head to work. adios | 14:24 |
didrocks | dpm: ok, I'll have a look :) | 14:29 |
seb128 | dpm, no | 14:33 |
seb128 | dpm, the version is changing every cycle | 14:33 |
seb128 | dpm, somebody needs to approve the new template in launchpad | 14:33 |
mpt | vish, ok, | 15:04 |
ogra | didrocks, last WI is yours :) | 15:38 |
didrocks | ogra: thanks :) | 15:43 |
dobey | anyone know if there's a way to make dpkg-buildpackage delete the .deb and associated files that it created while doing a build? | 16:08 |
dobey | or to get a simple list of the files? | 16:08 |
Zdra | at the end of the build it says the deb created afaik | 16:09 |
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dobey | Zdra: somewhere during the build, it spits out the name of each deb file created, yeah, but i'd have to trap all output and write a parser to deal with it :( | 16:10 |
dobey | Zdra: i was just hoping for some sort of 'clean' command, or a dh_listbinaries or something :) | 16:10 |
Zdra | ah, for an automatic | 16:11 |
Zdra | script | 16:11 |
Zdra | dunno then | 16:11 |
dobey | yeah, manually, i could just cd .., do an ls, and rm -f the files :) | 16:12 |
dobey | i guess i could just do something similar | 16:13 |
didrocks | pedro_: jcastro: can we make a bug day on banshee? There are a lot of untriaged bugs and it will be good to do that before promoting it to main :) | 16:14 |
pedro_ | didrocks, sure, first week of August sounds good? | 16:16 |
didrocks | pedro_: awesome! | 16:16 |
pedro_ | jcastro, ^ | 16:16 |
* didrocks hugs pedro_ | 16:16 | |
pedro_ | didrocks, ok i'm scheduling it now ;-) | 16:16 |
* pedro_ hugs didrocks back | 16:16 | |
* lamalex will be in London.. | 16:27 | |
lamalex | for banshee hugday that is | 16:27 |
glatzor | hello mvo, just a short notice: I fixed the sync calls of aptdaemon in trunk | 16:30 |
glatzor | mvo, see you! | 16:31 |
mvo | hey glatzor | 16:34 |
mvo | glatzor: nice, you rock ! \o/ | 16:34 |
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TheMuso | .c | 17:06 |
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AnAnt | Hello, where can I get help regarding audio problems ? | 17:49 |
and471 | AnAnt, try #ubuntu | 17:50 |
AnAnt | tried that | 17:50 |
and471 | AnAnt, well this channel is for development so not really the place, also many devs are currently sprinting in Prague and so won't be here | 17:51 |
and471 | oh, or don't stay to listen :-( | 17:51 |
geser | dobey: why not use "apt-cache showsrc <srcpkg> | grep Binary:"? or do I don't understand what you want to accomplish? | 18:26 |
dobey | geser: because that doesn't work for something that's not in the apt-cache. i'm trying to make some automagical testing happen for landing changes to a branch that only has packaging info in it (and it only builds 'virtual' packages taht depend on other things), but I don't want to have the parent dir get filled up with the built packages. i just want to make sure the package builds successfully and trap any lint errors | 18:29 |
dobey | but i made a workaround to deal with the built files in .. for now | 18:30 |
dobey | now i'm hitting another issue, though. as piping output to tee causes the exit code to always be 0, even if bzr bd fails (eg with "bzr bd -- -ptrue") | 18:31 |
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baptistemm | hello | 20:18 |
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