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Burgundavia | akgraner: ping | 00:27 |
akgraner | pong | 00:27 |
akgraner | Burgundavia, hey - just segway me into the conversation and I'll give you a rundown :-) | 00:29 |
lamont | what package has the "make me a bootable usb stick out of $THAT iso?" mad skilz in it? | 01:09 |
wgrant | lamont: usb-creator | 01:10 |
lamont | ta | 01:10 |
lamont | google had just about gotten me there, once I thought to look harder | 01:11 |
lamont | "... is the most advanced tool available able to make ..." <-- clear reason to relegate that package to universe | 01:11 |
lamont | [1]+ Segmentation fault usb-creator-gtk | 01:18 |
lamont | hrmpf | 01:18 |
lamont | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto <-- /me thanks people for writing up things to make manual silliness easier. | 01:40 |
wgrant | lamont: Why not just use the automated options on the alternate/server CDs? | 01:51 |
lamont | wgrant: machine kinda lacks a CD, and I kind of lack a USB CD, and usb-creator doesn't belive in alternate CDs | 01:53 |
wgrant | lamont: Hm, odd. I thought that was meant to work. | 01:59 |
lamont | well, once I get this happy, I get to deal with dueling boot loaders, so I forsee an imaging or two of the hard drive before all is happy | 02:02 |
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Arkaniad | Not fully sure if this is the place to ask this, but I might as well shoot. I'm trying to compile some C programs, namely ncurses. After struggling and thinking that I was missing an installed library and installing all of the ncurses-related packages, I found a larger problem: GCC, netbeans, ld etc don't know where to find the header or library files! what do I do to fix it? | 07:29 |
TheMuso | Arkaniad: is there any particular reason you want to build ncurses? | 07:31 |
Arkaniad | TheMuso: Well, considering that Java is my strongpoint, I just want to try other things. NCurses seems trivial and simple to do things, and I don't want to get into high-end GUI programming quite yet. | 07:32 |
Arkaniad | But the same thing happens when i try gtk. | 07:34 |
Arkaniad | I try going by #include<gtk/gtk.h> | 07:34 |
Arkaniad | But that doesn't work. Unresolved references. (I meant include <) | 07:34 |
Arkaniad | So it causes problems with everything | 07:34 |
Arkaniad | I can do #include <absolute path to header.h> | 07:34 |
Arkaniad | But then if the header references any other headers it goes kaput. | 07:35 |
Arkaniad | So as you can see, it's sort-of a showstopper. | 07:36 |
Arkaniad | So yeah. | 07:39 |
nigelb | geser, persia, soren: ping. Can you send a list of people who have been granted ubuntu membership via dmb to the news-team so we can publish it? | 07:42 |
nigelb | We seem to be mising members coming from dmb | 07:42 |
hyperair | what was that kernel option that allows you to stop the initrd in its tracks? | 07:56 |
SwedeMike | hyperair: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions | 07:57 |
hyperair | SwedeMike: thanks | 08:01 |
pitti | Good morning | 08:55 |
geser | Guten Morgen pitti | 08:55 |
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pitti | hey geser | 08:57 |
wgrant | pitti: The logic in pkgstriptranslations scares me... you know that we can implement stuff in LP so you don't have to grep sources.list and apt-cache madison output, right? | 09:09 |
pitti | wgrant: right, that bug was filed, and it's now on the soyuz' team's work list | 09:10 |
pitti | wgrant: if it's any consolation, it scares me as well; we discussed it quite a bit before, and I think it's a "good enough" workaround for now | 09:10 |
slangasek | james_w, lifeless: if someone misses a --fixes when doing a commit, is there an interface for adding this metadata after the fact? | 09:40 |
james_w | slangasek: no, it is stored as a revision property | 09:41 |
slangasek | ok | 09:41 |
slangasek | lool: ^^ | 09:41 |
slangasek | james_w: thanks :) | 09:41 |
james_w | slangasek: so it's either "uncommit" or "commit --unchanged --fixes" | 09:41 |
james_w | everyone acknowledges that it's not ideal that the interface for this is so narrow | 09:42 |
ccheney | slangasek: do you happen to know what the proper way to provide configuration for a package (say approx) in another package (uec-provisioning-mirror)? | 09:44 |
ccheney | slangasek: is there a way to do this programatically? or should it just provide a document in eg README.Debian telling the user what to do? | 09:44 |
ccheney | cjwatson: any ideas about what i asked slangasek above? :) | 09:49 |
cjwatson | ccheney: if you're working on another package's configuration file, then that other package has to cooperate, for example by providing a way to include configuration from a directory | 09:53 |
cjwatson | there's no policy-compliant way to override a package's configuration file in another package | 09:54 |
slangasek | ccheney: mmh, there's no generic way to do this without cooperation... ok I'll let cjwatson field this one ;) | 09:54 |
ccheney | cjwatson: ah ok, yea i know you could do a replaces but that is pretty bad idea | 09:54 |
ccheney | thanks guys :) | 09:54 |
cjwatson | yeah, if you try that then things will likely break the next time approx is upgraded | 09:55 |
cjwatson | or at least if it changes its copy of the file | 09:55 |
cjwatson | I suspect the behaviour is undefined then | 09:55 |
ccheney | ok | 09:56 |
ccheney | in approx case there is no default configuration so adding one for it might be useful, but its good to know the general case the package whose configuration you want to change needs to be the one to do it | 09:57 |
ccheney | for approx it has an example configuration file but its not set up to actually mirror anything by default | 09:58 |
* ccheney isn't sure whether changing approx in ubuntu is worth the delta though | 10:01 | |
tumbleweed | ccheney: isn't apt-cacher-ng configured out the box? | 10:11 |
nigelb | james_w: fixing it onces it lands on LP is okay too? through the merge interface... | 10:12 |
james_w | nigelb: sorry, I don't understand? | 10:15 |
nigelb | james_w: er, missing --fixes | 10:15 |
mantiena-baltix | Hello all | 10:22 |
mantiena-baltix | I'm looking for Ubuntu 10.04.1 testing CD images, should I use these - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lucid/daily-live/current/ ? | 10:24 |
nigelb | yep, as the title says Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS | 10:25 |
mantiena-baltix | nigelb: according to build logs these images contains packages from lucid-proposed repository, is this ok? | 10:26 |
mantiena-baltix | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/lucid/ubuntu/current/livecd-20100719-i386.out | 10:26 |
nigelb | im not sure, but I would suggest asking in #ubuntu-quality to confirm | 10:26 |
mantiena-baltix | nigelb: ok, thanks | 10:27 |
james_w | nigelb: you can add it at any time | 10:28 |
quadrispro | hi guys | 10:30 |
ccheney | tumbleweed: will have to take a look | 10:36 |
ccheney | tumbleweed: does it work well? a year or so ago when i tested out the various proxy/mirror scripts it seemed all were broken but approx | 10:37 |
tumbleweed | ccheney: my view is that all are broken except acng :) | 10:38 |
ccheney | tumbleweed: ok :) well if it actually works at all then its probably not broken :) | 10:41 |
tumbleweed | heh, yes. Before that I used squid, which also works well, but not as efficient | 10:42 |
smoser | cjwatson, can i get some of your time today or tomorrow ? | 11:03 |
cjwatson | smoser: yes | 11:05 |
smoser | time that works best for you ? | 11:06 |
cjwatson | smoser: this afternoon is fine | 11:07 |
smoser | good deal. thanks. | 11:07 |
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pitti | ev: I just replied to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ev/ubuntu/maverick/jockey/auto_install/+merge/30079, FYI | 14:41 |
ev | cool, thanks | 14:41 |
ev | okay, I'll make those changes | 14:42 |
pitti | ev: are you interested in writing a test case yourself? | 14:42 |
ev | pitti: sure, should be straightforward enough | 14:42 |
pitti | right | 14:42 |
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tkamppeter | pitti, SRU uploaded for bug 576705. | 16:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 576705 in gutenprint (Ubuntu Lucid) "Epson inkjet printer does not work on 10.04" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/576705 | 16:39 |
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pitti | tkamppeter: I saw, will do some queue action tomorrow morning | 17:27 |
pitti | thanks! | 17:27 |
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Fazer2 | hey, I have a problem with creating a DEB package for my Qt app | 20:18 |
Fazer2 | I followed this tutorial - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PackagingGuide/QtApplication | 20:18 |
Fazer2 | but after debuild -S I get lots of errors and it fails | 20:18 |
Fazer2 | I think the problem lies in debian/rules file, which I copy-pasted from the site | 20:19 |
Fazer2 | I think I should modify it, but I don't know how | 20:19 |
Fazer2 | the log is here - http://codepad.org/eBhgagFR | 20:19 |
micahg | Fazer2: try #ubuntu-packaging | 20:20 |
Fazer2 | micahg: thanks | 20:21 |
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geser | any archive admin around who could move gcj-native-helper from universe to main on i386? for all other archs the package is already in main but not for i386 | 21:00 |
Riddell | Fazer2: did you get sorted? | 21:06 |
Riddell | geser: please file a bug, I'll get to it tomorrow | 21:07 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: sorted? what does that mean? | 21:07 |
Riddell | Fazer2: did you get your packaging done? | 21:08 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: I've read irc logs from your packaging sessions | 21:08 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: no, I still have problem | 21:08 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: I went to #ubuntu-packaging and yofel adviced me to use /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.arch instead of the one from https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PackagingGuide/QtApplication | 21:09 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: thanks to it debuild -S works now, but pbuilder build fails | 21:10 |
Riddell | Fazer2: what about just using debuild to compile the package? | 21:11 |
Riddell | Fazer2: also can you pastebin your debian/rules ? | 21:11 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: ok, wait a sec | 21:12 |
ion | fazer2: I’d use neither. A dh7-style debian/rules is nicer. | 21:12 |
ion | /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny | 21:12 |
Riddell | ion: let's not get distracted | 21:13 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: http://codepad.org/JTVo6qmd | 21:15 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: I changed the rules file now (I commented #$(MAKE) again) and now debuild command created the package | 21:16 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: I mean, that lines with #${MAKE} were commented, when I removed the comments it didn't work, so I reverted it | 21:17 |
Riddell | Fazer2: how do you compile and install the application normally (when not packaging it)? | 21:18 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: qmake-qt4 -config release | 21:19 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: then make | 21:19 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: I guess I should add make command XD | 21:19 |
Riddell | yes | 21:19 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: because I can see the produced package doesn't include any binary | 21:20 |
Riddell | and make install ? | 21:20 |
Fazer2 | ok | 21:20 |
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Riddell | Fazer2: add the make install under "Add here commands to install the package" | 21:22 |
Riddell | Fazer2: it'll need that prefix bit though to install it into debian/<package>/usr | 21:22 |
Riddell | you don't want to install it to /usr | 21:22 |
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Fazer2 | Riddell: ok, retrying now | 21:26 |
Riddell | Fazer2: with debuild ? | 21:27 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: yes | 21:27 |
Riddell | good luck | 21:27 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: so debuild does almost the same thing as debuild -S && sudo pbuilder build *.dsc, right? only that pbuilder builds in a clean environment | 21:28 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: I still have no binaries shipped in the package... I'll show you the rules file - http://codepad.org/5PzsNkj6 | 21:32 |
Riddell | Fazer2: right, but with pbuilder it's harder to fix mistakes and continue on, with debuild you can use debuild -nc (no clean) and carry on without having to recompile everything, so I only use pbuilder as a final check | 21:32 |
Riddell | you don't need that first "make install | 21:33 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: I also added these lines to my .pro file, as adviced in the Qt packaging guide - http://codepad.org/0VhzYZx8 | 21:33 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: should I remove it or move somewhere else? | 21:33 |
Riddell | just remove it | 21:34 |
Riddell | pastebin the .build file (in the directory above the sources) | 21:34 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: I'll run it again with LANG=c, because it's in Polish now | 21:36 |
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geser | Riddell: you can setup a pbuilder hook to drop you into a shell in case of FTBFS (see /usr/share/doc/pbuilder/examples/C10shell for an example) | 21:40 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: http://codepad.org/goJWn0Sg | 21:42 |
Riddell | geser: faff :) | 21:43 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: looks like I should do that with sudo | 21:43 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: or shouldn't I? | 21:43 |
Riddell | "install: cannot create regular file `/usr/bin/huffman-coding-visualizer': Permission denied | 21:44 |
geser | my guess: the makefile don't care about the prefix value | 21:44 |
Riddell | the prefix isn't working on that make install command | 21:44 |
Riddell | Fazer2: so alternative approach.. | 21:45 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: would be... | 21:45 |
Riddell | comment out the "$(MAKE) prefix=..." line | 21:45 |
Riddell | uncomment the dh_install | 21:45 |
Riddell | line | 21:45 |
Fazer2 | ok | 21:46 |
Riddell | and make a file debian/install | 21:46 |
Riddell | it should contain the file you want to copy and the place it should be installed to | 21:46 |
Riddell | "huffman-coding-visualizer usr/bin/" for example | 21:47 |
Riddell | assuming the huffman-coding-visualizer binary is in the top source directory | 21:47 |
Riddell | you can use debuild -nc to rebuild without compiling again | 21:47 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: so the debian/install file content should be just that one line, right? - huffman-coding-visualizer usr/bin/ | 21:48 |
Riddell | Fazer2: right | 21:49 |
Riddell | assuming that's the only file you need installing | 21:50 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: right now, the only one; btw shouldn't it be /usr/bin and not usr/bin ? | 21:50 |
Riddell | no don't think so | 21:51 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: ok, now the package contains the binary, I'll try to install it | 21:59 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: it works :-) | 22:00 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: I think I'll manage to do the last thing - add compiling a translation and installing it | 22:02 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: thanks for the help! :-) | 22:02 |
Riddell | Fazer2: great | 22:05 |
Riddell | Fazer2: is the package something we should include in the ubuntu repository? | 22:05 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: heh, it's a simple app made as a school homework | 22:06 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: it presents how static and dynamic Huffman coding works | 22:07 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: I think I'll add it to my PPA | 22:07 |
Riddell | that was going to be my next suggestion | 22:07 |
Fazer2 | ;-) | 22:07 |
Riddell | Fazer2: of course now you know packaging you can help out with Kubuntu or MOTU or any of the teams :) | 22:08 |
Fazer2 | Riddell: I just started and you want to recruit me so quickly? :-P | 22:09 |
Riddell | no time like the present | 22:10 |
Riddell | although at present I need to sleep | 22:10 |
maxwellian | Riddell: Silly question, but just to be sure: debuild -nc will stil recompile whatever needs to be recompiled based on source changes, right? | 22:12 |
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dupondje | I guess we will merge the newest php version that got in debian today ? ^^ | 22:58 |
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