trijntje | Hi all, something strange seems to be up with Launchpad, it shows almost all strings for Dutch (and most other languages) as untranslated, while I know for sure that many are already translated for Dutch | 09:44 |
jenkins | trijntje: are you looking at lucid-e1 or lucid-e2 translations? I think the focus was changed to the second edition (lucid-e2) the other day | 10:19 |
trijntje | jenkins, looking at e1 | 10:20 |
jenkins | lucid-e1 was last changed 2 days ago apparently, what were you expecting it to say? | 10:22 |
jenkins | as far as untranslated strings etc | 10:24 |
trijntje | I dont have the exact numbers, but something like 60% was translated before, and only about 100 suggestions 2 days ago | 10:24 |
trijntje | now its 70% untranslated and 787 new suggestions | 10:25 |
jenkins | may be when it was changed from open to structured any translations that were made by people not in the translation team we changed to suggestions? | 10:31 |
trijntje | maybe, I dont know much about LP. But that would make many people sad.. | 10:33 |
* trijntje feel guilty to all those people for asking it to be changed | 10:33 | |
jenkins | trijntje: it should have been structured some one had gone and changed it to open when it should not have been | 10:34 |
jenkins | thats my only reasnable suggestion | 10:34 |
trijntje | jenkins, Ok, if I know its not some LP error I'll go and review those suggestions, thanks for your time | 10:36 |
=== trijntje is now known as trijntje_away | ||
jenkins | trijntje_away: no worries hopefully it will not take you long | 10:37 |
trijntje_away | jenkins, Its a good thing anyway that all 'unauthorised' translations are reviews, so we'll just have to live with the extra work ;) | 11:54 |
jenkins | :) | 11:54 |
infosoft | Who could compile Ubuntu manual (lucid-e2 branch) with this Lithuanian translation file ? My "boss" is probably having holidays or something like that. I can't use Bazaar because of local proxy (Bazaar fails to download branches). To test if I there's no LaTex errors and etc. I need to see the PDF file. Please, help me :) | 12:13 |
jenkins | infosoft: give me a minute and I will do it | 12:13 |
trijntje_away | jenkins, Its a good thing anyway that all 'unauthorised' translations are reviews, so we'll just have to live with the extra work ;) | 12:15 |
jenkins | trijntje_away: yea probably a good thing | 12:16 |
jenkins | infosoft: it is not working I have a feeling kevin may not have set it all up in lucid-e2, but I am not sure | 12:22 |
infosoft | shows there's error with ch-licence or something like that (I don't know if it's e1 or e2 build). | 12:23 |
jenkins | I think thats lucid-e1 | 12:23 |
jenkins | one error is butto has been used instead of button | 12:25 |
jenkins | but I can't see it in launchpad | 12:27 |
infosoft | I can't find it too. Did you really used file (maybe you tried original from the branch)? | 12:29 |
jenkins | I think may have not been updated, recently I don't think the new po file is there. I am about to try your files | 12:30 |
jenkins | no build errors loads of font errors, I am uploading the pdf for you now. To me it does not look right but I don't speak the language | 12:33 |
jenkins | | 12:33 |
infosoft | Yep, it's not right. The file uses UTF-8, but it seems browsers ignore that. | 12:36 |
infosoft | When I enter the file address, the browser loads file content incorrectly (symbols like ą, č, ę, ė, į, ... are "damaged") | 12:37 |
infosoft | In that case one of the options is to download it manually from Launchpad: | 12:40 |
jenkins | I think we need to specify a font that works for your language | 12:40 |
infosoft | But some symbols were shown wrong not because of the font (at least I think so) | 12:41 |
jenkins | I need to run some errands be back in a bit | 12:42 |
infosoft | ė is shown as Ä— | 12:43 |
infosoft | when trying to use ASCII instead of UTF-8. | 12:43 |
infosoft | | 12:46 |
infosoft | Maybe there's something bad in hosting server which is used for my website. | 12:46 |
infosoft | Now I get it! There wasn't set MIME Type for po files, so browser thought it's plain text file with standard ASCII coding. It seems that because of that you've downloaded "damaged" po file. Now I've fixed that problem, but you can use the link given above. | 12:53 |
infosoft | Damn, it's hard to be the only person translating the manual (almost all translators ran away after showing lucid-e2). Now it's me and 2 friends (and they both are having holidays :) ). | 12:56 |
infosoft | jenkins: ping (don't worry about font, everything is explained above). | 12:57 |
jenkins | infosoft: I have used the new file and there is sitll some font errors but no as many, there are some latex errors which I am trying to work out now | 13:06 |
infosoft | 1-355 entries shouldn't have Latex errors. I haven't checked yet another entries and that's why there probably are lots of errors. | 13:08 |
jenkins | there is only 4 errors as far as I can tell | 13:11 |
jenkins |\meniu{ should be menu not meniu | 13:12 |
jenkins |\windows{ \windows should be \window | 13:13 |
jenkins | that may be it | 13:14 |
infosoft | Yes | 13:14 |
infosoft | Probably I should sleep more (5 hours aren't enoug) :D | 13:14 |
jenkins | no worries, the are small errors its fine :) | 13:16 |
infosoft | *enough | 13:16 |
=== daker_ is now known as daker | ||
=== godbyk-sagan is now known as godbyk | ||
daker | godbyk, ping | 16:36 |
godbyk | daker: pong | 16:38 |
daker | can you sync the website | 16:39 |
daker | ? | 16:39 |
godbyk | sure. | 16:39 |
daker | infosoft, want to see his translations | 16:39 |
godbyk | it's not auto-syncing? | 16:39 |
daker | no | 16:39 |
godbyk | weird. | 16:40 |
godbyk | okay, let me look | 16:40 |
daker | ah i don't know if it's auto syncing or not | 16:40 |
godbyk | Okay, I've run 'bzr pull'. | 16:40 |
godbyk | didn't find anything new. | 16:41 |
infosoft | I want to see lucid-e2 :) (lucid-e1 is "stopped") | 16:41 |
daker | godbyk, so it's synced or not ? | 16:41 |
godbyk | daker: it should be synced.. it's at revision number 89 right now. | 16:43 |
daker | oki thanks | 16:43 |
godbyk | it's using the trunk branch. is that the one it should be using? | 16:44 |
godbyk | infosoft: the lucid-e1 and lucid-e2 branches are for the manual. are you referring to the PDFs or something else? | 16:44 |
daker | godbyk, yes | 16:45 |
infosoft | I want to see Lithuanian PDF from lucid-e2 branch. contains 2010-07-15 translations (I've changed much...) | 16:45 |
infosoft | much since that day | 16:45 |
godbyk | infosoft: ah, there are no translations for the lucid-e2 branch yet, sorry. | 16:47 |
godbyk | Translations should be applied to the lucid-e1 branch. | 16:47 |
infosoft | Ech... There's much LaTex errors in e1 (other translators don't know enough about LaTex). I was working on e2 | 16:48 |
godbyk | infosoft: Ah, well, e2 is in flux right now. We're fixing bugs in it, so some of your translations may need to be retranslated (as we change the original text). | 16:49 |
godbyk | Also, the translations that are listed for e2 are probably not up to date. | 16:49 |
infosoft | Oh, it's clear now. However I won't work with e1 translations (I'm the only one active left; there's also 2 my friends, but they are on holidays...), because it would mean I had to translate almost everything from zero (there's too much style errors, others didn't understand the use of \gls, ...). | 16:54 |
godbyk | infosoft: I understand. I think the deadline for the second edition being finalized and released is 29 July. So you shouldn't have to wait much longer. | 16:55 |
infosoft | I don't think there will be much changes. | 16:56 |
godbyk | infosoft: There will be quite a few between e1 and e2, actually, because I've rearranged the margin notes (which means that launchpad will see those paragraphs as completely different). | 16:57 |
infosoft | Thanks for notification. | 16:58 |
godbyk | No problem. I just want to make sure you're not wasting your effort at the moment. :) | 16:58 |
godbyk | I'll be back in a bit. I'm going to grab some lunch. | 16:59 |
infosoft | Rearranging isn't bad. I will have older translations file so I'll need only to copy them into new places and maybe modify some of them. | 17:01 |
veetmo | hello everyone | 17:43 |
veetmo | i have a question regarding the quickshot domain | 17:43 |
infosoft | Hi, veetmo :) | 17:43 |
veetmo | who should i contact about this issue | 17:44 |
veetmo | i was in contact with benjamin | 17:44 |
veetmo | he sent me an email 3 days ago, i just saw it now | 17:45 |
godbyk | veetmo: What's the issue? (I'm out of the loop, I think.) | 17:58 |
doctormo | thorwil: My friend was asking why it's not possible to put the ubuntu manual on the desktop when netbook-launcher is in use, I tried to explain that you can't see files on nbl but he didn't understand. Is there any plan to have a .desktop file for the manual? | 18:48 |
thorwil | doctormo: nbl? i'm not aware of such a plan. afaik there's a put-nothing-on-the-desktop rule to avoid clutter? | 18:50 |
godbyk | doctormo: I suppose if we have a package for the manual, there will be a .desktop file, too. | 18:51 |
godbyk | At the moment, the only way to get the manual is to download the pdf itself. | 18:51 |
doctormo | godbyk: Yes, this was just a problem on a machine I installed with the netbook launcher and wanted the manual there visible. | 18:52 |
doctormo | I used evence -f /usr/local/ubuntu-manual/desktop-1004.pdf | 18:52 |
doctormo | evince* | 18:54 |
* thorwil jumps on his bicycle to ride into the sunset | 18:58 | |
daker | godbyk, i am trying to find Arabic translators, so i am going to create a team in lp | 22:41 |
infosoft | godbyk isn't here :) | 22:45 |
daker | how can to add a team so it can manage a specific translation ? | 23:29 |
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