lfaraone | I'm writing an email to a group of developers I'm trying to introduce to the Ubuntu ecosystem, and am attempting to explain the steps for an SRU. Would anybody have a chance to review the email before I send it out? (for technical accuracy) http://sprunge.us/XQEc | 00:08 |
devfil | lfaraone, you forgot to write about ~ubuntu-sru | 00:11 |
carstenh | lfaraone: explaining things like triage or debdiff would help to understand what you wrote | 00:11 |
lfaraone | devfil: ah, right. this is for non-motus, so the MOTU will be doing that, right? | 00:11 |
lfaraone | carstenh: mk. | 00:13 |
devfil | lfaraone, you have to subscribe ~ubuntu-sru to approve the debdiff before upload (so before universe sponsor) | 00:14 |
lfaraone | devfil: that contradicts a mail I recently saw to motu | 00:14 |
micahg | devfil: no, it gets uploaded first and approved in queue | 00:15 |
lfaraone | devfil: http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-devel/2010-07/msg00069.html | 00:15 |
lfaraone | devfil: the sponsor subscribes, then, since the non-motu sponsorree cannot upload himself. | 00:16 |
devfil | yes, sorry, I was MIA and I still did not read all emails :/ | 00:16 |
jasem | if you upload a package to ppa via dput, how long till you can see it in launchpad? | 01:26 |
ScottK | RoAkSoAx: Syncing needs shell access in the Canonical data center, so no, I can't. | 01:36 |
micahg | ScottK: there's the sync script in u-d-t | 01:38 |
ScottK | micahg: Yes, but I think it's better to use the regular process unless there's some reason for urgency. | 01:40 |
micahg | Scottk | 01:40 |
micahg | oops | 01:40 |
micahg | ScottK: ok :) | 01:40 |
micahg | wgrant: I was wondering if the Ubuntuwire package list was static or dynamic | 01:48 |
wgrant | micahg: It's updated daily, IIRC. | 01:50 |
wgrant | Although retrieving packagesets from LP sometimes times out at the moment, so it might take a couple of tries. | 01:50 |
wgrant | Oh, no, it's hourly. | 01:50 |
micahg | wgrant: ok, geser added some packages to the set on Friday, but they don't seem to be showing up on the list | 01:51 |
wgrant | micahg: Which packages? | 01:55 |
micahg | wgrant: nspluginwrapper, gxine, weave, instantbird, mongodb, mediatomb | 01:56 |
wgrant | micahg: Turns out it works better when not running against staging. | 02:04 |
micahg | wgrant: ah, ok | 02:05 |
wgrant | Yeah, oops. | 02:05 |
wgrant | micahg: Page updated. | 02:06 |
micahg | wgrant: awesome, thanks | 02:07 |
lfaraone | wgrant: what's the way to get package set changes on the qa page? do you accept regexps? :) | 03:31 |
wgrant | lfaraone: You win lots of points if you have an actual LP packageset. | 03:32 |
wgrant | Otherwise I can use regexps on some stuff, yes. | 03:32 |
wgrant | And maintainers, and sections, and just about anything else. | 03:32 |
lfaraone | wgrant: heh, LP packagesets does not support regexps yet :) | 03:33 |
lfaraone | wgrant: please add anything maintained by 'debian-olpc-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org' to the Ubuntu package set, along with anything matching sugar-* | 03:33 |
lfaraone | wgrant: *to the Ubuntuwire Sugar package set | 03:33 |
wgrant | lfaraone: Ah, that list at the moment is derived from the packages subscribed to by ~sugarteam. | 03:34 |
lfaraone | wgrant: I see. You can only have it derive from one thing, I suspect, right? (if the sugarteam subscription works best for you, I can go around and make sure it's subscribed to all interesting packages) | 03:35 |
wgrant | lfaraone: No, I can do a union easily. | 03:35 |
wgrant | lfaraone: Is that any better? | 03:49 |
lfaraone | wgrant: yes, thanks. | 03:50 |
lfaraone | How can I tell if a package is blacklisted? | 04:28 |
jpds | lfaraone: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/sync-blacklist.txt | 04:33 |
dupondje | running 2 pbuilders :( killing my pc :p | 09:45 |
artfwo | TheMuso, both jack-audio-connection-kit and jackd2 are in Maverick now, which of them is planned to be in main? | 10:34 |
TheMuso | artfwo: All source packages will be in main. All binary packages from jackd2 and jackd-defaults will be in main, but only libjack0 and libjac-dev from jack-audio-connection-kit will be in main. | 11:22 |
artfwo | TheMuso, thanks. Are you working on merging Ubuntu changes to jackd2 (drop libcelt-dev build-dependency)? | 11:31 |
TheMuso | artfwo: Yes, once it comes time to get jackd2 into main, I will be doing that. | 11:35 |
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MTecknology | persia: so- are you on the membership board? | 13:37 |
RainCT | persia is everywhere :) | 13:40 |
tumbleweed | YokoZar: I see you are SRUing ia32-libs. Any intention of merging the latest version from debian? (Our delta is enormous) | 14:21 |
lfaraone | geser: apologies for the late addition to the agenda, I'll understand if it gets deferred. | 15:08 |
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YokoZar | tumbleweed: in Maverick? eventually | 18:09 |
tumbleweed | YokoZar: feature freeze is less than a month away | 18:11 |
YokoZar | tumbleweed: yeah ia32-libs is one of those "special" packages... | 18:12 |
tumbleweed | YokoZar: I know. I don't want to touch it because it's scary :) | 18:13 |
tumbleweed | I'm asking because I have a user bugging me for stdc++5 support in it | 18:13 |
YokoZar | ahh I see | 18:14 |
YokoZar | I'll take a look soon | 18:14 |
tumbleweed | thanks | 18:14 |
YokoZar | ok, got to go now | 18:14 |
neeraj | Hi all, I created patches for this bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/601219 | 18:25 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 601219 in sugar-pollbuilder-activity (Ubuntu Lucid) "Sugar package files installed in wrong directory" [Undecided,Triaged] | 18:25 |
neeraj | No I have been told that DebianImportFreeze is in effect. | 18:26 |
neeraj | *now | 18:26 |
neeraj | I have been asked to build these packages using maveric pbuilder but I am a little bit confused | 18:28 |
geser | I'm missing some context as I don't see DIF mentioned in any comments | 18:28 |
neeraj | Can anyone help me in this regard? | 18:29 |
geser | what is exactly the problem? what you want to see done? | 18:29 |
neeraj | Ok, I am listing the things which I have been asked to do:- http://paste.ubuntu.com/466058/ | 18:31 |
neeraj | Now as I created the debdiff file so that they can be added/released in lucid-proposed. | 18:32 |
geser | do you have a working maverick pbuilder? | 18:32 |
shadeslayer | ok question,ive packaged a plasmoid for debian,now idk how long it will take them to get it in their archives,so should i upload to revu or get it in through debian? | 18:33 |
tumbleweed | shadeslayer: do you have a regular debian sponsor? | 18:34 |
shadeslayer | no :( | 18:34 |
shadeslayer | this is my first debian contribution | 18:34 |
tumbleweed | upload to mentors and put out an RFS. maybe someone will bite | 18:35 |
neeraj | geser, sorry for my little knowledge but what extactly is maverick pbuilder? | 18:35 |
shadeslayer | !pbuilder | neeraj | 18:35 |
ubottu | neeraj: pbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto | 18:35 |
shadeslayer | tumbleweed: RFS? | 18:35 |
shadeslayer | ohh | 18:35 |
tumbleweed | request for sponsorship, to the mentors mailing list | 18:35 |
shadeslayer | right | 18:35 |
neeraj | I can do that in lucid .. right? | 18:36 |
shadeslayer | im already poking debian-qt-kde | 18:36 |
tumbleweed | shadeslayer: does this package fit in any of the debian teams? because that's another way to get sponsorship | 18:36 |
neeraj | I mean setting up the environment | 18:36 |
shadeslayer | tumbleweed: debian-qt-kde | 18:36 |
tumbleweed | yeah, team root is probably faster | 18:36 |
tumbleweed | route | 18:36 |
geser | shadeslayer: my assumption is that you find easier a Debian sponsor than two MOTUs to review it on REVU | 18:36 |
tumbleweed | neeraj: yes | 18:36 |
shadeslayer | geser: hehe ok :D | 18:36 |
tumbleweed | also, once you have a sponsor who likes you, things get easier :) | 18:37 |
geser | neeraj: yes, you can run on lucid a maverick pbuilder and check that way if a package would build in maverick | 18:37 |
shadeslayer | yeah im already poking them debian sponsors,as soon as my sbuild gets finished, im all set | 18:37 |
neeraj | ok.. thanks all for helping me out.. :) | 18:37 |
shadeslayer | btw is there a way to determine if the package is arch any or arch all? | 18:37 |
azeem | determine in what way? | 18:38 |
shadeslayer | source is here http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/packages/fastuserswitch-0.1.1/ | 18:38 |
shadeslayer | azeem: as in if i should build the package for all archs or just a arch indep binary will suffice | 18:38 |
tumbleweed | shadeslayer: what language is it written in? | 18:39 |
azeem | C | 18:39 |
shadeslayer | tumbleweed: i think C | 18:39 |
azeem | then it's any | 18:39 |
shadeslayer | azeem: there are C++ files too | 18:39 |
azeem | also | 18:40 |
azeem | all is only for binary-independet things like java bytecode or perl/python/shell scripts | 18:40 |
shadeslayer | ok | 18:41 |
shadeslayer | so ill go with any | 18:41 |
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RoAkSoAx | ScottK: could you do me a favor an please sync bug #605955 :). Thank you!! | 19:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 605955 in cluster-glue (Ubuntu) "Sync cluster-glue 1.0.6-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/605955 | 19:02 |
ScottK | RoAkSoAx: You need an archive admin with shell access for that. Sorry. | 19:02 |
shadeslayer | RoAkSoAx: is it a kde related package? :P | 19:03 |
RoAkSoAx | ScottK: oh! I thought you were one :S. Sorry about that :) | 19:03 |
RoAkSoAx | shadeslayer: nope, it's a cluster related package :) | 19:03 |
shadeslayer | RoAkSoAx: Riddell might sync it tomorrow :P | 19:03 |
shadeslayer | theres a list of archive admins for the day | 19:04 |
ScottK | RoAkSoAx: No problem. | 19:04 |
RoAkSoAx | shadeslayer: will look for it. Thanks ;) | 19:04 |
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toabctl | i updated to 10.10 and now my computer is very very slow. the led of the harddisk is blinking all the time. any known bugs about this? | 20:17 |
micahg | toabctl: try #ubuntu+1 | 20:17 |
toabctl | micahg, ok. thx | 20:18 |
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tyarusso | Anyone alive in here? I'm having some trouble with debconf, specifically I don't know how to make sure the .config is actually running. It appears that my questions are never being asked (config), and then it hangs when it tries to get the answers (postinst). | 21:25 |
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