[07:42] hexmode: did you find someone to upload php-validate? I'm not a DD but I can probably find someone to nudge it along if you need me to (I have some I need to get uploaded too, he's at OSCON this week figured I'd nudge my DD about yours then too) [07:54] morning all [07:54] g'day MooDoo [07:54] hay pleia2 how are you? [07:54] doing well :) you? [07:55] yes i'm fine thanks :D === ebel_ is now known as ebel [17:37] pleia2: I need someone [17:38] pleia2: so any nudging would be helpful :) [17:38] hexmode: ok, I'll see what I can do :) [17:38] czajkowski: I need to put you in touch with the IT guy for wikimedia [17:39] he tells me they're trying to move to Linux on the desktop [17:39] ohhh [17:39] yes please [17:40] His name is Jeff. Lemme get his contact info [17:41] czajkowski: just looking over his internal staff page: "Goal is to have at least 33% of employees running Linux as their primary operating system by end of 2010 Fiscal Q1" [17:42] hexmode: thanks [17:43] PM'd you his contact info [17:43] I'll try to let him know you're gonna contact him [17:44] oh, hes at OSCON this week [17:44] thanks [18:04] czajkowski: out of (ignorant) curiousity is your name polish? [18:05] (just got back from Poland a week ago is why I ask) [18:43] hexmode: it's polish [18:43] but I'm irish, grandfather was polish