
lfaraonedfarning: should I advise subscribing ~ubuntu-sponsors for sponsorship requests (per ubuntu policy) or me specifically?00:03
lfaraonedfarning: wording I'm currently using: "Subscribe ~ubuntu-sponsors to your bug. (or subscribe your MOTU contact if you have one, it's me (~lfaraone) for SEETA folks and most Sugar issues, although anybody else can sponsor if I'm not around)"00:03
kandarpkdfarning: around ?04:37
dfarningkandarpk, hey04:38
kandarpkdfarning: how was your day ?04:38
dfarningkandarpk, it was good. nearly ready to leave04:39
kandarpkdfarning: nice.04:39
kandarpkdfarning: I was not able to figure out if I can change the python source.04:40
kandarpkdfarning: in jhbuild04:40
dfarningmanusheel, mentioned that you needed access to the build vm... I'll get that for you.04:40
kandarpkdfarning: Ok.04:41
manusheeldfarning: Good evening David. Thank you for providing the access.04:41
manusheeldfarning: Was going through Luke's memos. Very neat.04:41
dfarningkandarpk, luke is currently working on creating a 'package set' on ubuntu so it is easier to modify the sugar related packages.04:43
kandarpkdfarning: Ok.04:43
kandarpkdfarning: that will be helpful04:43
manusheeldfarning: Great.04:44
kandarpkdfarning: does git clone merge changes ?04:44
kandarpkdfarning: I think it will copy changes and the changes made by us might get lost04:45
kandarpk*copy files not changes04:45
manusheeldfarning: In reference to your e-mail, we'll have Kandarp and Dipankar working on Debian, and Neeraj and Dipankar working on Ubuntu, in accordance with the recent workflow.04:46
manusheeldfarning: We definitely need two members per department to make sure that we are able to meet commitments on time.04:47
dfarningkandarpk, I suggest that you talk to bernie about that tomorrow.  He is going to have a clever solution to the problem.04:47
manusheelkandarpk: Kandarp will also be focusing on Sugar API documentation tasks too.04:47
kandarpkdfarning: we can use "git pull", I think that merges changes04:47
manusheelkandarpk: Sounds reasonable, right?04:47
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes, that will be ok.04:48
manusheelkandarpk: Great.04:48
dfarningkandarpk, I don't understand git well enough to answer.04:48
kandarpkmanusheel sir: I should be able to devote around 5-6 hours everyday04:49
manusheelkandarpk: Sure, 5-6 hours of development work is very good.04:49
manusheelAccording to the timelines, we can scale up or down our development hours.04:50
manusheelBut, generally 6 hours should be dedicated on dev as we have seen.04:50
kandarpkmanusheel sir: Ok.04:51
kandarpkdfarning: will I get access to the remote machine on which the api-something.sh script is running ?04:52
kandarpkthat is where we are cloning the source, right ?04:52
dfarningkandarpk, yes.  I will have to set it up in the morning.04:53
kandarpkdfarning: Ok, thanks :)04:53
dfarningmanusheel, my biggest concern is insuring that the new members of the team get up to speed.  We have a lot of moving pieces and many things for different people to learn.04:56
manusheeldfarning: Absolutely. The new members will be evaluated on a daily basis, and we'll have assignments allocated to them daily.04:59
dfarningmanusheel, ok that sounds good.05:00
manusheeldfarning: Ishan will be ready in a couple of days. Mukul and Shachi needs sometime. However, during this period too, they'll be given short assignments and tests to evaluate their quality of learning.05:03
manusheelMukul and Shachi will be ready by the end of this week too.05:03
manusheellfaraone: Hi Luke.05:04
kandarpkmanusheel sir: sir, IRC logs suggests he is busy till tomorrow morning05:05
dfarningmanusheel, great.  We are getting close to have usable packages and we will turn our attention to debugging.05:06
dfarningmanusheel, kandarpk, Luke is on vacation with his family.... but will continue to be online during his normal weekday hours.05:08
manusheeldfarning: Excellent. That will be great.05:08
manusheelkandarpk: Thank you for informing me about it.05:09
manusheeldfarning: Ok.05:09
manusheelJust checked the e-mails by Luke.05:09
manusheelThought that he was on-line today.05:09
dfarningneeraj, good morning.11:50
neerajdfarning, good morning :)11:52
dfarningneeraj, how are you today?11:53
neerajdfarning, good, thanks for asking..11:54
dfarningneeraj, What do you have planned for today?11:54
neerajdfarning, I saw luke11:54
neeraj's mail11:54
neerajdfarning, I was thinking on working on that..11:55
dfarningneeraj, yes.  The email about syncs?11:56
neerajdfarning, also as dipankar will not be around for some day, I am also planning to help ishan and mukul to get started with launchpad and little bit packaging11:56
neerajdfarning, yes.. Though i didn't understood it completely.. I just went through it quickly..11:57
neerajdfarning, also I was hoping that lfaraone will help in getting start with core sugar packaging..11:57
Manusheeldfarning: Good morning.11:59
dfarningneeraj, ok, I would say your personal priority is learning about syncing and launchpad while your team priority is helping ishan and mukul get started.12:01
dfarningManusheel, good morning12:02
Manusheeldfarning: Wish to inform you that Dipankar will not be available today. We had a telephonic conversation this morning. Dipankar has been very ill, and visited the doctor this afternoon.12:03
Manusheeldfarning: He'll start working in a day or two.12:04
Manusheeldfarning: Kandarp will be working on Debian related tasks over the next 1 day in Dipankar's absence.12:05
dfarningManusheel, I hope he gets better soon.12:05
dfarningManusheel, +112:05
Manusheeldfarning: Yes, I have asked him to take good rest.12:06
Manusheeldfarning: Kandarp will work on these tasks and do knowledge sharing with Dipankar once he is back.12:06
ManusheelNeeraj will focus on syncing and launchpad today.12:07
dfarningManusheel, +112:08
Manusheeldfarning: Also, wish to update that Ishan and Mukul would have completed their understanding on working with ppa by tomorrow. Had a word with Ishan this afternoon. Neeraj is helping them on this front.12:08
neerajdfarning, Manusheel sir , ok12:08
Manusheelneeraj: Thanks Neeraj. Please let me know how you plan to progress ahead on this task. Did you get a chance to look at Luke's e-mail?12:09
neerajManusheel sir, I will go through it once again to understand it clearly..12:10
dfarningManusheel, the next thing on our timeline is DebCamp, in one week, and DebConf, the following weekend.  Jonas will be spending several day on Sugar at debcamp and then he and luke will meet for a few day at debconf.12:11
neerajManusheel sir, at present I m trying to help mukul. He is facing too many problems and I feel using live usb will not work in the end12:11
Manusheelneeraj: Ok. Please send me a memo on the workflow that you plan to follow for implementing this task. We'll discuss with Luke on validating the steps.12:12
Manusheelneeraj: Sure, Neeraj.12:12
neerajI mean he has not installed it on Vm or as dual boot..12:12
Manusheelneeraj: Please ask him to do so.12:12
neerajManusheel sir, sure :)12:12
Manusheeldfarning: Can you send me the links for DebCamp and DebConf?12:13
Manusheeldfarning: Glad to hear.12:13
neerajMukul has bandwidth limit this month, so I guess for him to install all things before next month will be difficult12:13
neerajI will ask him to co-ordinate with other team members once college starts. He will get unlimited bandwidth from next month only12:14
=== neeraj is now known as neeraj_afk
Manusheelneeraj: He stays pretty near to Dipankar's and Shachi's house. He can take the installers from them today only.12:15
dfarningManusheel,  http://debconf10.debconf.org/  --12:15
Manusheeldfarning: Thank you. Going through it.12:16
Manusheeldfarning: Did we submit a proposal to DebConf?12:27
Manusheeldfarning: Very neat. Have we prepare a list of agenda items that Luke could discuss with Jonas over the conference period?12:28
Manusheellfaraone: Hi Luke. Around?12:32
=== neeraj_afk is now known as neeraj
lfaraoneManusheel: I'll be around in 15 minutes when we can get a better wifi signal.14:14
Manusheellfaraone: Great. I'll communicate this message to Neeraj. Will ask Kandarp to join too14:15
Manusheel I'll be back in an hour or two. Need to go for a meeting. lfaraone, let us talk soon. Neeraj is at Ubuntu-sugarteam IRC, and Kandarp will join soon.14:45
* lfaraone is around.14:52
kandarpkneeraj: Hi15:04
lfaraonekandarpk: replied to manu's fwding of your question about gbp. Please post such questions to the debian-olpc-devel mailing list in the future.15:06
kandarpklfaraone: Ok, sure15:06
kandarpklfaraone: please have a look : http://paste.ubuntu.com/465958/15:29
kandarpklfaraone: getting error in git checkout upstream15:30
lfaraonekandarpk: after cloning, you did cd into the resulting `sugar' directory, right/15:34
kandarpklfaraone: no.15:34
kandarpklfaraone: will try again after correcting it.15:35
lfaraonekandarpk: mk. my attempt worked fine: http://sprunge.us/KSWO15:35
kandarpklfaraone: yes, I got what mistake I was making.15:36
kandarpkcd sugar was required15:36
kandarpklfaraone: thanks :)15:53
kandarpkthat worked15:53
kandarpklfaraone: what do I need to do after "git merge v0.89.1" ?15:54
kandarpklfaraone: there is no change in debian yet, so I think I need to change it and push to the repo15:56
kandarpkis that ok ?15:57
kandarpklfaraone: around ?17:00
kandarpklfaraone: I am able to build the package using: http://paste.ubuntu.com/466017/17:01
kandarpkmanusheel sir: around ?17:19
manusheelkandarpk: Hi Kandarp17:20
manusheelYes, I am around.17:20
manusheelkandarpk: Did you get a chance to do the workaround?17:20
kandarpkmanusheel sir: I was able to package sugar and generated these files:17:20
manusheelkandarpk: Great.17:21
manusheelkandarpk: Did we do it for all the different versions?17:21
kandarpkmanusheel sir: Sir, I am not sure17:22
kandarpkthe version ( 0.89 ) isn't reflected here17:22
kandarpkI didn't change files under debian/17:22
kandarpkmaybe thats the reason17:22
manusheelkandarpk: Ok, how about 0.84, 0.86...17:22
manusheelkandarpk: Did you check this with Luke?17:23
kandarpkmanusheel sir: http://paste.ubuntu.com/466017/17:23
kandarpkmanusheel sir: Luke isn't around.17:23
manusheelkandarpk: So, Sugar 0.88 is done successfully.17:25
manusheelkandarpk: We should first document the steps taking Sugar as the reference in the document.17:25
kandarpkmanusheel sir: not sure. I downloaded the 0.89 version of tarball17:25
manusheelkandarpk: Kandarp, have we submitted the package for review?17:26
kandarpkmanusheel sir: no sir, I was waiting for Luke to confirm the steps used first17:26
kandarpkmanusheel sir: I didn't change files under debian, so one or two step is missing, I suppose17:27
manusheelkandarpk: Ok, will Luke be back in an hour or so?17:27
kandarpkmanusheel sir: no idea.17:28
manusheelkandarpk: Sure. Let us complete our collaboration reading work in between. We'll send an e-mail to Luke if he is not around.17:28
kandarpkmanusheel sir: he wanted me to post the queries on mailing list as well17:29
manusheelkandarpk: Sure. We can post it at the mailing list.17:31
kandarpkmanusheel sir: Ok, I'll post the steps used and ask for help.17:31
manusheelkandarpk: Sure. Also, you had some questions for Bernie, right?17:32
lfaraonemanusheel: I'm actually just leaving.17:33
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir, my public_html directory cannot be accessed online17:33
lfaraonemanusheel, kandarpk, if I recall correctly, Jonas explicitly stated that he did *not* want the new developers to work on sugar core packages.17:33
lfaraonekandarpk: what you did in the paste link looks correct.17:34
manusheellfaraone: Was there a particular reason?17:34
kandarpklfaraone: I don't need to change any file under debian ?17:34
manusheellfaraone: We do need to get the new developers started on core packages. David did inform us about it.17:34
lfaraonemanusheel: Yes. Something along the lines of "I don't know them. They should work on non-core for now."17:35
lfaraonemanusheel: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/debian-olpc-devel/2010-July/002606.html17:35
manusheellfaraone: Let us try and see if we can accomplish core packaging for Sugar atleast.17:35
lfaraonemanusheel: "Presence service and datastore are core parts of the Sugar framework.  I would prefer that you wait working on those until we have gotten to know each other a bit more.  I.e. that you start with non-core parts like activities or libraries not depended on by core parts..."17:36
lfaraonemanusheel: it's his prerogative to request such things, and I strongly advise we respect his wishes for now.17:36
manusheellfaraone: Sure.17:36
manusheellfaraone: Appreciate your pointers. However, our questions are common. Can you help answer Kandarp's questions on Sugar package. We'll start with datastore and presence.17:37
manusheelIt seems there was a mismatch between David's and Jonas's recommendations.17:37
lfaraonemanusheel: I answered all questions asked.17:38
manusheelNo worries.17:38
lfaraonekandarpk: when you import the new upstream version, you also have to create a new changelog entry.17:38
lfaraonekandarpk: keep in mind that sugar 0.89 is NOT part of the 0.88 series, it is part of the sugar 0.90 series, therefore the package name should be changed from "-0.88" to "-0.90", along with an updated changelog entry.17:39
kandarpklfaraone: that is what I wanted to know17:40
kandarpklfaraone: the packages generated have names17:40
manusheellfaraone: Thank you. Appreciate the pointer.17:40
lfaraonekandarpk: kandarpk yes, I saw. You should change the package name in the changelog, and change all instances of "17:40
lfaraonekandarpk: kandarpk yes, I saw. You should change the package name in the changelog, and change all instances of "0.88" in the package (debian/) to "0.90". Also, use a version number in changelog that reflects the version you are packaging.17:41
manusheellfaraone: Great. Luke, how about packaging for 0.84 and 0.86?17:41
kandarpklfaraone: Ok, I tried 0.89 and build failed17:41
lfaraonemanusheel: what about it?17:41
lfaraonekandarpk: okay. I'm leaving in 20 minutes, and I can't really help you without a build log, anyway. Please post the build log, and I'll see what I can do.17:42
kandarpklfaraone: changelog too should have version 0.90 ?17:42
manusheelkandarpk: Please post the build log.17:43
lfaraonekandarpk: the changelog should have version 0.89, but the package name in the changelog should end in "-0.90".17:43
lfaraonekandarpk: this is the reason I think it's good to let Jonas handle this for now, Sugar packaging (core, at least) is very very complex.17:43
kandarpklfaraone: hmmm17:43
manusheellfaraone: If we have created a package for 0.90, is there a possible way of minimizing the steps for 0.84 and 0.86?17:47
lfaraonemanusheel: minimizing the steps? how so?17:47
lfaraonemanusheel: each package is a separate entity. From what I understand, David wants to focus on supporting only one verison, in this case the current stable version, the 0.88 series.17:47
manusheellfaraone: There are certain steps, which are redundant across all the versions. Perhaps automating them.17:48
manusheellfaraone: David referred to 0.86 and 0.84 too. Will double check with him.17:48
lfaraonemanusheel: Well, I don't know anything about that.17:48
manusheellfaraone: Absolutely fine. Also, I did go through your e-mail on syncing the package with Ubuntu. Neat explanation.17:49
manusheellfaraone: We'll try and package datastore, and sync it with Ubuntu downstream.17:51
kandarpklfaraone: fatal: Path 'sugar-0.90_0.89.1.orig.tar.bz2.delta' does not exist in 'refs/heads/pristine-tar'17:52
lfaraonekandarpk: you'll have to rename the tarball and reimport it I think :)17:52
manusheelkandarpk: Any other question that we have for Luke at this hour?17:54
manusheellfaraone: When will you be available next?17:55
lfaraonemanusheel: 9pm or so.17:57
manusheellfaraone: Ok, great. Could you please let me know about your availability during this week. What times work well with you?17:58
kandarpkmanusheel sir, lfaraone: I think I'll need to run all the steps again17:58
manusheelkandarpk: Please do. If you have questions, kindly send an e-mail to Luke, and copy me and David on it. We'll send e-mail on other Sugar packages at the debian mailing list.17:59
kandarpkmanusheel sir: Ok.17:59
manusheelneeraj: Hi Neeraj.18:01
manusheelWere you able to sync the packages with Ubuntu following Luke's steps?18:02
manusheelAny questions on it?18:02
kandarpklfaraone: sugar-0.88_0.89.1.orig.tar.bz2.delta is created on importing18:02
kandarpkI'll need to rename it after that and add a changelog entry ?18:03
neerajmanusheel sir, sorry but after talking to you I just slept :(.. I woke up at 9.30 pm.18:03
neerajmanusheel sir, I will start with it after dinner, in about 15-25 min.18:04
manusheelneeraj: Ok. Sure. Let us have a discussion on it.18:04
neerajlfaraone, around?18:11
kandarpklfaraone: I am not able to figure out how to rename the sugar-0.88_0.89.1.orig.tar.bz2.delta file18:19
kandarpkplease reply when you get back18:19
berniemanusheel, kandarpk: I'm available for any questions now.18:21
kandarpkbernie: Hi :)18:22
bernie(been traveling until yesterday night)18:22
kandarpkbernie: http://people.sugarlabs.org/kandarpk isn't available18:23
kandarpknot much of an issue18:23
berniekandarpk: hmm looking18:26
Ian_Danihermanusheel: unfortunate skype was flaking out, but this should work18:28
manusheelIan_Daniher: Sure.18:28
manusheelLet us talk on IRC.18:28
Ian_Danihermanusheel: with regards to the reconstructor project, your concern is with regards to the project's leadership evaporating and us having to interface with an unmaintained project?18:28
manusheelIan_Daniher: Yes.18:29
Ian_Danihermanusheel: judging from their web presence, that doesn't seem too likely18:29
Ian_Danihermanusheel: worst-case scenario, if their leadership was to evaporate, the project is written almost exclusively in python18:29
manusheelIan_Daniher: Great.18:29
Ian_Danihermanusheel: and is very well documented18:29
manusheelIan_Daniher: That is more than good.18:30
Ian_Danihermanusheel: those two facts put many of my fears to rest18:30
manusheelIan_Daniher: Sure.18:30
Ian_Danihermanusheel: at the moment, their toolkit appears to almost perfectly replace David + my work18:30
manusheelIan_Daniher: Do you have set of questions that you would like to ask them in today's meeting?18:31
manusheelIan_Daniher: Both on the technical front, and otherwise.18:32
Ian_Danihermanusheel: I intend to introduce our project, explain our deployment paradigm(1-1 on flash drives, computers), and inquire as to their thoughts of supporting us in the immediate future with regards to web hosting & tech questions.18:32
lfaraoneIan_Daniher: would you recommend reconstructer over the official Ubuntu ISO-spinning tools?18:33
Ian_Danihermanusheel: also to inquire as to whether their project primarily is designed to work off of an ISO / liveCD seed or whether it uses a full chroot / debbootstrap build system18:33
Ian_Daniherlfaraone: which ISO spinning tools?18:33
manusheelIan_Daniher: Neat.18:34
manusheelIan_Daniher: I am not sure on the web hosting support.18:35
Ian_Daniherlfaraone: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization ?18:35
Ian_Danihermanusheel: atm, in addition to a pygtk interface, they supply a web interface18:35
Ian_Daniherlfaraone: or rather, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch ?18:35
Ian_Danihermanusheel: and via that web interface, you can do all the building on their servers and download a ready-to-go squashfs/iso/img file.18:37
lfaraoneIan_Daniher: well, there must be a script or something used to create the official Ubuntu ISOs...18:38
Ian_Daniherlfaraone: couldn't prove it by me. haven't found anything like that, despite looking for it.18:38
manusheelIan_Daniher: I'll have a look at their web interface design too. Do we have to be dependent on their web services, or we can port it on our web servers (very much like git/ gitorious)?18:38
Ian_Danihermanusheel: they suggest running on your own servers.18:38
Ian_Danihermanusheel: every bit of the project is FOSS18:39
manusheelIan_Daniher: Neat.18:39
manusheelIan_Daniher: Sure. We can try their automation system. At the same time, let us check for some build tools used for Ubuntu ISO generation. Luke has an important recommendation.18:40
Ian_Danihermanusheel: sounds good18:41
lfaraonemanusheel: just to be clear, I see nothing wrong with what Ian_Daniher proposed.18:42
manusheellfaraone: Absolutely. There is nothing wrong in what Ian has proposed.18:42
manusheellfaraone: We are doing ground work just to be sure that we have the best tools available with us.18:43
Ian_DaniherSounds good. I'll post to the mailing list & my blog when I have an update.18:44
manusheelIan_Daniher: Great. Looking forward to the update. Thank you.18:45
manusheelbernie: Any luck with Kandarp's public_html directory?18:45
manusheelKandarp informed that it cannot be accessed on-line.18:46
lfaraonemanusheel: http://people.sugarlabs.org/~kandarpk/ is, though.18:59
manusheellfaraone: Yes. This should be the right page. I think David and Kandarp were looking at the wrong page this morning.19:01
manusheellfaraone: Thank you.19:01
berniemanusheel: uh sorry, I got distracted19:21
berniemanusheel: looking now19:21
berniemanusheel: fixed19:22
manusheel_bernie: Thank you.19:35
manusheel_bernie: Internet connect just got lost. So, was unable to check up the URL.19:35
lfaraoneneeraj: did you get my mail about write activity?19:42
neerajlfaraone, yes I got it..19:43
neerajI should just change the name and commit my changes ?19:44
lfaraoneneeraj: yes.19:46
* lfaraone will be back later.19:46

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