* Takyoji wonders how many have heard of grsecurity | 04:14 | |
=== rlaager1 is now known as rlaager | ||
h00k | Are you guys wanting to participate in Software Freedom Day 2010? | 17:11 |
kermit | is admin or dev work something you'd ever find through a temp service? | 18:47 |
Obsidian1723 | possibly. | 18:53 |
Obsidian1723 | there is e-lance, dice, other IT sites. | 18:53 |
Obsidian1723 | Problem with e-lance is Sahaim for Bombay willo do it for pennies. | 18:53 |
Obsidian1723 | for = from | 18:54 |
Obsidian1723 | Why not try doing some open source development? | 18:55 |
kermit | i'll do dev or admin not on windows or OSX | 18:55 |
Obsidian1723 | Good way to network, meet people, etc. May lead to paid work, or at least make contacts. | 18:55 |
kermit | lead to? i have rent to pay | 18:56 |
kermit | its long term thinking like that that is why i'm broke now | 18:56 |
Obsidian1723 | Well, the flip burgers | 18:56 |
Obsidian1723 | then | 18:56 |
kermit | years of work that hasnt paid off | 18:56 |
Obsidian1723 | Do what pays, work on FOSS until you can move into it. | 18:56 |
kermit | i'm not totally clear what you're suggesting... submit some patches and hope someone from minneapolis sees it and tries to hire me? | 18:57 |
kermit | i guess i don't see how, with 1/2000 of the globe's population in minneapolis, networking online is going to be a very direct route to local employment. | 19:01 |
kermit | er, online in a the global context of FOSS projects | 19:02 |
kermit | as far as networking goes, wearing a 'got linux?' shirt at random bars has been surprisingly effective | 19:16 |
Obsidian1723 | :D | 19:47 |
Obsidian1723 | Well, there is a ton of LUGs around, FGTC, etc, may be good places to start? | 19:48 |
Obsidian1723 | I've heard about some job opportunites through FGTC... | 19:49 |
Obsidian1723 | Main thing is to get involved in the community you want to be part of, network, get known, do work and get out there in it, be in programming, IT, music, whatever. | 19:50 |
kermit | there is a ton of LUGs? i've only seen TCLUG | 19:54 |
kermit | getting locally involved is the part i havent done | 19:55 |
kermit | i'm all over freenode | 19:55 |
Obsidian1723 | yeah, gotta do face time. Why not volunteet for FGTC? | 19:56 |
kermit | i've never been very locally oriented, i didnt even know about that annual sci-fi con of 5000+ people until this year, and i've been here almost 30 years | 19:56 |
Obsidian1723 | We even have a channel on here, #FGTC | 19:56 |
kermit | i havent heard of it until right now | 19:57 |
Obsidian1723 | Free Geek Twin Cities, a branch off of the Portalnd Free Geek that started it all. It's a non-profit that breaks down PCs, refurbs them, installs Ubuntu, and gives them olut to low income people, organizations, etc. | 19:58 |
Obsidian1723 | www.twincitiesfree.geek.org | 19:58 |
kermit | a non profit? | 19:58 |
kermit | 501c something | 19:58 |
Obsidian1723 | yeah | 19:58 |
kermit | that hostname does not exist | 19:59 |
Obsidian1723 | www.twincitiesfreegeek.org | 20:02 |
Obsidian1723 | sorry | 20:02 |
kermit | www.twincitiesfreegeek.org does not exist (Authoritative answer) | 20:06 |
Obsidian1723 | hang on | 20:06 |
kermit | maybe freegeektwincities.org | 20:07 |
Obsidian1723 | http://freegeektwincities.org/ | 20:07 |
netbook | Very cool obsidian | 21:15 |
netbook | that was a smart kid in that video | 21:16 |
Obsidian1723 | :D | 21:21 |
Takyoji | September 18th for the Free Software Day (just checked) | 22:24 |
Takyoji | and you're all terrible for not taking h00k's prompt into consideration. xP | 22:25 |
Takyoji | otherwise any ideas by anyone? Here's a couple suggestions: http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/StartGuide#What_should__we_do.3F | 22:34 |
Takyoji | in other words it's less than 2 months; which is sufficient time to plan something and even have something public | 22:36 |
h00k | Wait, huh? | 23:57 |
h00k | ooh, SFDay | 23:57 |
Obsidian1723 | hmm new Winders exploit out. | 23:58 |
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