Dr_Willis | I hope you got your homework done for #ubuntu-classroom | 00:00 |
organic4you | back track does not have that? | 00:00 |
=== criminy|z is now known as criminy | ||
Guest48604 | woa | 00:00 |
Guest48604 | hi | 00:00 |
MBG1987 | the room is too crowded | 00:00 |
Jordan_U | !backtrack | organic4you | 00:00 |
ubottu | organic4you: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 00:00 |
Guest48604 | im new to this whole ting | 00:00 |
Dr_Willis | MBG1987: this room? its a slow day here :) | 00:00 |
Guest48604 | anyone care to halp me a sec? | 00:00 |
nkei0 | which is better ext3 or ext4? | 00:00 |
Dr_Willis | Guest48604: ask the question.. see who answers | 00:00 |
Jordan_U | !best | nkei0 | 00:01 |
ubottu | nkei0: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 00:01 |
Dr_Willis | nkei0: ext4 is a little faster i hear.. use whatyou want. | 00:01 |
organic4you | lol not breaking a rule just wanna get help with nvidia driver install | 00:01 |
fearful | Jordan_U, so any ideas? | 00:01 |
Jordan_U | organic4you: What distribution are you using? | 00:01 |
Guest48604 | how do i get a nickname? it auto asks me to veryify for jeremy, but my password isnt right, and i dont want that name, what do i do? | 00:01 |
Dr_Willis | Guest48604: /nick BillGates | 00:01 |
Guest48604 | ok | 00:01 |
Dr_Willis | Guest48604: configure your irc client to selexct a default nick you want | 00:01 |
=== Guest48604 is now known as theshapeshifter | ||
nkei0 | hmm, so if i want to format this partition and then later add that space to another, should i format it to match the new part or to "empty"? | 00:02 |
theshapeshifter | sweet | 00:02 |
theshapeshifter | thannks man | 00:02 |
ader10 | Is it possible to daemonize a wine program and still see the interface once logged in? | 00:02 |
Dr_Willis | nkei0: you dont format to 'empty' that dosent make sence. | 00:02 |
MBG1987 | <Dr_Willis> my question will disappear among other ones | 00:02 |
theshapeshifter | im new to irc and ubuntu. lol, sorry if i ever have retarded questions | 00:02 |
Bluh | slidinghorn: I might be missing it but all I see is login screen, not login window like the links show. It looks nothing like that :( | 00:02 |
nkei0 | Dr_Willis, I was just wondering, never done this before | 00:02 |
benq | hi all | 00:03 |
Dr_Willis | nkei0: ir you are going to resize.. do it noe befor you format and get data on the partitions. | 00:03 |
MBG1987 | oh how r u benq | 00:03 |
nkei0 | Dr_Willis, Why is that? | 00:03 |
LukeL | nkei0 you want to delete the partition that's space is going to be absorbed, be warned all files on the deleted partition will be gone | 00:03 |
MBG1987 | any one uses gimp 2.7.1 | 00:03 |
Derailed | Hey guys, I'm hoping to try out Ubuntu Enterprise Private Cloud. The docs recommend two servers, but can I get away with piloting a test of it using just one server? (should I also be directing this question to a different channel?_) | 00:03 |
cablop | cyborgsmurf still there? | 00:03 |
Jordan_U | MBG1987: The people who help here are good at dealing with the large traffic. If you don't get an answer it's probably that nobody knows the answer rather than that they didn't see it. | 00:03 |
Dr_Willis | nkei0: why do it later and have to take longer.. if you nee them a specific size.. why not do it now? | 00:04 |
MBG1987 | jordan_u i just realize that | 00:04 |
MBG1987 | any one uses gimp 2.7.1 | 00:04 |
theshapeshifter | ha | 00:04 |
theshapeshifter | how do i find other rooms? is there like alist somewere? | 00:04 |
scottyg | how do i convert videos so my sony walkman can see them? | 00:04 |
theshapeshifter | woa | 00:04 |
Jordan_U | Derailed: #ubuntu-server is probably better. | 00:04 |
Derailed | Jordan_U: cheers, I'll have a look :-) | 00:05 |
theshapeshifter | how do i find other rooms? is there a list i can access somewhere | 00:05 |
theshapeshifter | wtf | 00:05 |
scottyg | how do i convert videos so my sony walkman can see them? | 00:05 |
Jordan_U | !anyone | MBG1987 | 00:05 |
ubottu | MBG1987: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 00:05 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: ffmpeg, or mencoder with the right options can proberly do it. or Front ends to those 2 programs. | 00:06 |
theshapeshifter | o.O | 00:06 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: winff, avidemux, and others | 00:06 |
MBG1987 | regarding single mode window i have to check it every time i run Gimp 2.7 | 00:06 |
MBG1987 | regarding single window mode i have to check it every time i run Gimp 2.7 | 00:07 |
scottyg | how do i know what settings to use? | 00:07 |
DasEi | !handbrake | scottyg | 00:07 |
ubottu | scottyg: handbrake is a an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. - http://handbrake.fr | 00:07 |
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog | ||
thewanderer1 | theshapeshifter, in Pidgin you can see a list of channels with Buddies->Join conference-> Room list | 00:08 |
compzrx | I'm a starter in linux ubunto I can't see (access my other disk partition) pls. help\ | 00:10 |
scottyg | how do i know what settings to use in winff? | 00:10 |
scottyg | i need to convert video for my walkman | 00:10 |
scottyg | handbrake no longer supports ubuntu | 00:11 |
scottyg | how do i convert videos so my sony walkman can see them? | 00:11 |
countley | ffmpeg -i video_origine.avi video_finale.mpg | 00:11 |
thewanderer1 | compzrx, what filesystem does that partition have? NTFS from Windows? | 00:11 |
nkei0 | thanks everyone who assisted me, Dr_Willis, LukeL, thewanderer1, and ThomasB2k. | 00:12 |
nkei0 | gotta go to a live cd now to grow this partition i think | 00:12 |
scottyg | i did that countly and my walkman still cannot see the file | 00:13 |
scottyg | how do i convert videos so my sony walkman can see them? | 00:13 |
countley | does your walkman play mp4 | 00:13 |
compzrx | @thewanderer1,NTFS , tnx | 00:13 |
jeremy | ugh | 00:13 |
jeremy | woa | 00:13 |
scottyg | yes it does and wmv! | 00:13 |
thewanderer1 | compzrx, install ntfs-3g | 00:14 |
=== jeremy is now known as Guest93854 | ||
=== Guest93854 is now known as theshapeshifter | ||
theshapeshifter | hello | 00:14 |
Jordan_U | theshapeshifter: ntfs-3g is installed by default. | 00:14 |
theshapeshifter | huh | 00:15 |
theshapeshifter | what r u talkin about | 00:15 |
thewanderer1 | that was to me I guess | 00:15 |
Jordan_U | compzrx: Is the partition listed when you go to Places > Computer ? | 00:15 |
theshapeshifter | tighto | 00:15 |
Jordan_U | theshapeshifter: Sorry, wrong nick. | 00:15 |
theshapeshifter | its alright | 00:15 |
theshapeshifter | how do i find a list of available chats on this, if there is one. im new to irc and ubuntu | 00:16 |
countley | try this one ffmpeg -i FILE_NAME.flv -ar 22050 NEW_FILE_NAME.mp4". | 00:16 |
theshapeshifter | o.O | 00:17 |
theshapeshifter | hhmm | 00:17 |
countley | ffmpeg -i FILE_NAME.flv -ar 22050 NEW_FILE_NAME.mp4 | 00:17 |
thewanderer1 | theshapeshifter, which client? | 00:17 |
theshapeshifter | im usungsmuxi | 00:17 |
theshapeshifter | wtf | 00:17 |
theshapeshifter | smuxi | 00:17 |
thewanderer1 | I don't know it, how did you join #ubuntu anyway? :P | 00:18 |
theshapeshifter | o.O | 00:18 |
lhx | 3boskeDOOOO | 00:18 |
scottyg | Stream mapping: | 00:18 |
scottyg | Stream #0.0 -> #0.0 | 00:18 |
scottyg | Stream #0.1 -> #0.1 | 00:18 |
scottyg | Unsupported codec for output stream #0.1 | 00:18 |
scottyg | scottyg@scottyg-laptop:~$ | 00:18 |
FloodBot2 | scottyg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:18 |
theshapeshifter | this is the room it poped me in | 00:18 |
theshapeshifter | lol | 00:18 |
scottyg | what are the steps to convert videos for my sony walkman? | 00:19 |
thewanderer1 | theshapeshifter, you join rooms with /join, but how to obtain the list, I don't really know... | 00:19 |
compzrx | @thewanderer1, I tried to run in my terminal (apt-get install ntfs-3g) nothings change | 00:19 |
scottyg | winff doesnt work:( | 00:19 |
thewanderer1 | compzrx, ok, now do you know your NTFS partition name? | 00:20 |
theshapeshifter | oh | 00:20 |
=== brebrebrebre is now known as |_ocke | ||
scottyg | please tell me how to convert videos for my walkman:) | 00:20 |
io | !channels | theshapeshifter | 00:20 |
ubottu | theshapeshifter: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines | 00:20 |
theshapeshifter | do you know anyrooms that people just chat in that arent this crowded? | 00:20 |
scottyg | please tell me how to convert videos for my walkman:) | 00:20 |
io | theshapeshifter: That is a list of all Ubuntu channels. For other channels use "/msg alis list *term*". | 00:20 |
compzrx | Jordan_U, no partition listed tnx | 00:21 |
theshapeshifter | thanks | 00:21 |
slinkeey | Hello, I have been trying to get internet over ppp without any luck.. I get ppp0 to show up using ifconfig.. I get an ip addess and dns servers assigned. I can't get to any websites by name or ip... here is a thread I started for my logs.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9603601 | 00:21 |
io | theshapeshifter: No problem. :-) | 00:21 |
scottyg | please tell me how to convert videos for my walkman:) | 00:21 |
io | !repeat | scottyg | 00:21 |
ubottu | scottyg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 00:21 |
barbara | i'm trying to figure out why this computer won't resume from sleep... has anyone had this issue? | 00:21 |
sahilm | slinkeey: post the output of ifconfig -a | 00:21 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: ffmpeg, or mencoder with the right options can proberly do it. or Front ends to those 2 programs. | 00:22 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: winff, avidemux, and others | 00:22 |
scottyg | dr willis what settings do i use? | 00:24 |
compzrx | thewanderer1, yes, I went to Gparted part it says no partition Mount | 00:24 |
ring0 | could anybody link me to a udisks configuration howto? i've got a lvm2 partition showing up in nautilus, which i'd like to hide | 00:24 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: How shouild I knwo.. its your player.. do some research on it. | 00:24 |
folkist | hey | 00:25 |
folkist | i need some help | 00:25 |
scottyg | how do i use avidemux? | 00:25 |
scottyg | i installed it, but it is not in my sound video area! | 00:25 |
slidinghorn | scottyg, install it then open a terminal and type man avidemux | 00:25 |
slinkeey | Hello, I have been trying to get internet over ppp without any luck.. I get ppp0 to show up using ifconfig.. I get an ip addess and dns servers assigned. I can't get to any websites by name or ip... here is a thread I started for my ipconfig -a output and etc.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9603601 | 00:26 |
slidinghorn | !ask | folkist | 00:26 |
ubottu | folkist: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 00:26 |
thewanderer1 | compzrx, have you tried to mount it as root? | 00:26 |
Jordan_U | compzrx: Can you run "sudo blkid" in a terminal and pastebin the output? | 00:26 |
Jordan_U | ubottu tell compzrx about terminal | 00:26 |
ubottu | compzrx, please see my private message | 00:26 |
megadevil | hello everyone | 00:26 |
slidinghorn | !terminal > compzrx | 00:26 |
folkist | hey | 00:26 |
countley | hello | 00:27 |
folkist | alright so i'm trying to make a usb bootable ubuntu 9.1 | 00:27 |
fablinix | scottyg: sony walkman x? | 00:27 |
folkist | for my macbook | 00:27 |
folkist | i got all the way | 00:27 |
scottyg | is there a gui for avidemux? | 00:27 |
countley | lol | 00:27 |
Jordan_U | !pastebin | compzrx | 00:27 |
ubottu | compzrx: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 00:27 |
scottyg | yes fablinux | 00:27 |
folkist | to the end of this guide but then when i launch it says it won't lload the kernel? | 00:27 |
Glakke | Is it possible to set Wine's windows drive to a NTFS partition? | 00:27 |
megadevil | anyone know how to join the logout applet and shutdown applet in one ? | 00:28 |
slidinghorn | Glakke, that might be a better question for #winehq -- they're more focused on wine support :) | 00:28 |
barbara | can someone suggest a solution to ubuntu not waking up from sleep? Or tell me what to check for? | 00:28 |
scottyg | how can i use avidemux? | 00:29 |
Glakke | slidinghorn, aye, I'll ask there, thanks | 00:29 |
fablinix | scottyg: you can try and create a preset for ffmpeg (install it via software center), you can do that in /usr/share/ffmpeg, name the file walkmanx.ffpreset, and as content you copy: http://pastebin.com/EcqxRU4k | 00:30 |
megadevil | barbara do you have what version of ubuntu ? | 00:30 |
scottyg | is there a gui for avidemux? | 00:30 |
thewanderer1 | barbara, try different methods of waking up. start with shouting, then an alarm clock. seriously, you should check with uswsusp | 00:30 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: run it.. check its docs.. it has a X gui.. yes.. its a front end to ffmpeg | 00:30 |
compzrx | Jordan_u: here is the output /dev/loop0: UUID="7819d2e2-f4aa-4d9a-a12e-5de35c7efea1" TYPE="ext4" | 00:30 |
compzrx | /dev/sda1: LABEL="System Reserved" UUID="124A717F4A716101" TYPE="ntfs" | 00:30 |
compzrx | /dev/sda2: UUID="E48E923E8E9208E6" TYPE="ntfs" | 00:30 |
compzrx | /dev/sda4: LABEL="Back Up 1" UUID="E8F0A0C8F0A09E76" TYPE="ntfs" | 00:30 |
compzrx | /dev/sda5: LABEL="Back Up 2" UUID="2C669A47669A11A6" TYPE="ntfs" | 00:30 |
FloodBot2 | compzrx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:30 |
fablinix | scottyg: then try using ffmpeg like: ffmpeg -i "infile.avi" -f mp4 -acodec libfaac -ab 192k -ac 2 -ar 48000 -vcodec libx264 -vpre walkmanx -crf 22 -s 432x240 -threads 0 outfile.mp4 | 00:30 |
countley | replace infile with name of your video scottyg | 00:31 |
countley | and outfile | 00:31 |
Jordan_U | compzrx: Ahh, you installed Ubuntu "within windows" using wubi? | 00:32 |
compzrx | Jordan_u: Yup | 00:33 |
Jordan_U | compzrx: Then your windows files are accessible in "/host" (which you can find in the GUI by going to "filesystem") | 00:34 |
scottyg | dr willis how do i start the gui i am new to linux!!!1 | 00:34 |
Bluh | I can seem to find the "login window" option, just the "login screen" and they are not the same :( | 00:34 |
fearful | anyone know why I don't have a /usr/src/linux folder | 00:34 |
compzrx | Jordan_u:Plz how? | 00:35 |
scottyg | i cannot change any permissions as i forgot how to log in as root | 00:35 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: you were told earlier type tjhe name of the program in a terminal if theres no icon in the menus | 00:35 |
jrib | fearful: why do you want one? | 00:35 |
scottyg | ohhh i did and a text file shows up, but no gui!1 | 00:35 |
thewanderer1 | Bluh, you can edit your login screen properties right there | 00:35 |
fearful | jrib, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1301101&page=8 I'm following this | 00:35 |
Jordan_U | compzrx: Go to Places > Computer. Then select "filesystem" then within "filesystem" there will be a directory named "host". The "host" directory is your windows partition. | 00:36 |
thewanderer1 | fearful, you need linux sources to have /usr/src/linux | 00:36 |
Bluh | There isn't any option for me to change the login theme from there... | 00:36 |
fearful | thewanderer1, I do have 2 folders | 00:36 |
systest | anyone know what file / compression format is used for the ram disk image on the live ISOs? i.e. for initrd.lz? | 00:37 |
=== pedrohoffmann is now known as Bagualas | ||
thewanderer1 | Bluh, then go edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf | 00:37 |
thewanderer1 | systest, lzma | 00:37 |
jrib | fearful: I recommend you check bugs.ubuntu.com and help.ubuntu.com/community before proceeding. Anyway, I don't see any mention of "/usr/src/linux" on the page you linked so I can't help you further | 00:37 |
compzrx | Jordan_u:i cant see my files there | 00:37 |
systest | thewanderer1, sweet, thanks. | 00:37 |
slinkeey | Hello, I have been trying to get internet over ppp without any luck.. I get ppp0 to show up using ifconfig.. I get an ip addess and dns servers assigned. I can't get to any websites by name or ip... here is a thread I started for my ipconfig -a output and etc.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9603601 | 00:37 |
fearful | jrib, on the code for 10.04, I got this link from launchpad | 00:37 |
fearful | cd /usr/src/linux jrib | 00:38 |
megadevil | systest I think you should have a look at cpio | 00:38 |
Jordan_U | systest: lzma | 00:38 |
scottyg | ok i have avidemux up!!! | 00:38 |
jrib | fearful: I am not behind you. I do not know what you are talking about | 00:38 |
scottyg | now how do i convert a file that is compatible with my walkman? | 00:38 |
scottyg | i am new to linux | 00:38 |
scottyg | i am also not a programmer | 00:38 |
compzrx | Jordan_u: all i want is to mount my two partition in my ubuntu | 00:38 |
linxeh | scottyg: dont walkmans play compact cassettes ? | 00:39 |
systest | megadevil, Jordan_U thanks as well | 00:39 |
scottyg | no this is an mp3 player! | 00:39 |
ReadPlease | I have a few speed and compatibility questions: would Ubuntu run faster than XP on a system with low specs? | 00:39 |
Jordan_U | systest: You're welcome. | 00:39 |
fearful | jrib, ok so I followed this walk through and when I come to type the comand cd /usr/src/linux it says I do not have such folder, its a fresh install. | 00:39 |
systest | megadevil, just need to convert the image. Trying to get boot an OLPC and it doesn't understand the format | 00:39 |
Mr_Sonoma | scottyg, what format file does it play? what is the extension at the end of the files (like .mp3) | 00:39 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: you can make it faster, specs of the box ? | 00:39 |
jrib | fearful: what walkthrough? | 00:40 |
ReadPlease | And I have a Windows program that I really need to be able to run almost every time I boot. Am I going to have problems with Wine? | 00:40 |
Dr_Willis | Go to the avidemus homepage and read its docs/guides.. You need to know the specs for yoru player also | 00:40 |
scottyg | wmv, but i made some wmvs and the walkman still cannot see them!v | 00:40 |
ReadPlease | And is it possible that I will have fewer network and Internet connectivity errors in Ubuntu? | 00:40 |
fearful | jrib, on that link not really walk through but just you know steps | 00:40 |
Jordan_U | ReadPlease: What program (and what does it actually do)? | 00:40 |
jrib | fearful: the link you gave me is a 39 page thread. The page you linked me to makes no mention of "/usr/src/linux" | 00:40 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: give more details in your questions and some patience for answers | 00:40 |
scottyg | i read the guides, but i donot know where to get the specs for the walkman | 00:40 |
fearful | jrib, its the first post on the source | 00:41 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: you will need to do some research on your player then.. we cant tell you | 00:41 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: or examine a video allready made for it | 00:41 |
scottyg | i have a file that the player can read | 00:41 |
scottyg | yes i have one! | 00:41 |
metalgeek | How do i save to a protected area of the disk, from a program like say gedit? It tells me that i don't have the permissions | 00:41 |
Dr_Willis | check its properties, and run ffprobe on it. to dee wht specs it has. | 00:41 |
jrib | fearful: my mistake (my url grabber missed the page argument in your link) | 00:41 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: specs of the box ? | 00:41 |
Jordan_U | compzrx: "sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt" will make your "Back Up 1" partition available in /mnt. | 00:41 |
ReadPlease | Jordan_U, text-to-speech | 00:42 |
scottyg | how do i run ffprobe? | 00:42 |
Dr_Willis | metalgeek: system files? gksudo gedit /path/to/whatever | 00:42 |
Mr_Sonoma | gksudo | metalgeek | 00:42 |
fearful | jrib, no worries bro. | 00:42 |
Mr_Sonoma | !gksudo | metalgeek | 00:42 |
ubottu | metalgeek: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) | 00:42 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: its a command line tool.. install it.. open terminal, run ffprobe /path/to/the/videlfile.avi | 00:42 |
ReadPlease | DasEi, Specs - 2.8ghz p4 2gigs of ram, onboard video | 00:42 |
Jordan_U | ReadPlease: There is a text-to-speach program that comes with Ubuntu. | 00:42 |
jrib | fearful: you're expected to complete the first 3 lines (wget ...) in /usr/src/ | 00:42 |
alejandro | hello my friends, I need help with acer x193w monitor that should be 1440x900 but i no see resolution listed | 00:43 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: that's fine for both, win and ubu | 00:43 |
jrib | fearful: in fact if you scroll to the first block of commands, it says "cd /usr/src" | 00:43 |
ReadPlease | i am not sure what the video is... some kind of crud old 3d card. Strange, but this computer actually runs faster than one i have with great specs. The new one is on Vista, though, ... | 00:43 |
alejandro | this mobo is msi with g41 chipset | 00:43 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: some of these front ends have 'presets' for dozens of devices.. you pick your device and convert. | 00:43 |
ReadPlease | Jordan_U, but the tts programs in Linux, built-in and downloadable, all suck. | 00:43 |
fearful | jrib, sorry don't understand what you mean | 00:44 |
jrib | fearful: then sorry you probably shouldn't be doing this | 00:44 |
megadevil | well gotta go | 00:44 |
megadevil | thanks ;) | 00:44 |
jrib | fearful: you're supposed to run every command in the post not just the ones you like | 00:44 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: you can always tear down a linux-system to your needs, not so with windows, so that ubu will boot up faster and will be less ressource hungry, but above a ghz, standard apps run on both | 00:44 |
ReadPlease | DasEi, would you say that Win or Ubuntu would necessarily run faster, depending on what I do with the machine? | 00:44 |
scottyg | libavutil 49.15. 0 / 49.15. 0 | 00:45 |
scottyg | libavcodec 52.20. 0 / 52.20. 1 | 00:45 |
scottyg | libavformat 52.31. 0 / 52.31. 0 | 00:45 |
scottyg | built on Jan 19 2010 21:59:04, gcc: 4.4.3 20100116 (prerelease) | 00:45 |
scottyg | [wmv3 @ 0x944c8f0]Extra data: 8 bits left, value: 0 | 00:45 |
scottyg | Input #0, asf, from 'sony.wmv': | 00:45 |
FloodBot2 | scottyg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:45 |
fearful | jrib, I have.. | 00:45 |
jrib | fearful: in order. | 00:45 |
metalgeek | thanks | 00:45 |
fearful | jrib, I have also but I kind of see what you mean | 00:45 |
emperium | hello there | 00:45 |
jrib | fearful: okay. Pastebin your terminal session if you still aren't sure | 00:45 |
ReadPlease | DasEi, do you know of a site where I can find a method for tearding down some of the apps | 00:45 |
=== joan is now known as wifi_ubuntu | ||
DasEi | ReadPlease: faster is a wide word, like in booting up , or in loading apps, or in copying files , or in .. | 00:45 |
emperium | need some help please | 00:45 |
scottyg | dr willis i pasted it here | 00:45 |
johnnybegood | hey, i have a little puzzle for you guys | 00:46 |
ReadPlease | I like to run things in a kind of minimalist way | 00:46 |
scottyg | http://paste.ubuntu.com/465675/ | 00:46 |
Mr_Sonoma | !ask | emperium | 00:46 |
ubottu | emperium: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 00:46 |
johnnybegood | if you dont have a contract and you will tell your boss you quit in 2 weeks | 00:46 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: though not needed for that box, can fasten it by : | 00:46 |
johnnybegood | what are the chances you'll get fired before the end of this period? | 00:46 |
ReadPlease | Internet, specifically, DasEi. | 00:46 |
scottyg | http://paste.ubuntu.com/465675/ | 00:46 |
ReadPlease | Firefox | 00:46 |
slinkeey | Hello, I have been trying to get internet over ppp without any luck.. I get ppp0 to show up using ifconfig.. I get an ip addess and dns servers assigned. I can't get to any websites by name or ip... here is a thread I started for my ipconfig -a output and etc.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9603601 | 00:46 |
jrib | johnnybegood: this is #ubuntu, not #randomquestion | 00:46 |
DasEi | !lowmemory | ReadPlease | 00:46 |
ubottu | ReadPlease: For installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements. | 00:46 |
scottyg | how do i use this info to convert a file with avidemux? | 00:46 |
compzrx | Jordan_u: where i gonna go to see when i mount | 00:47 |
johnnybegood | jrib - come on man, help a brotha out! | 00:47 |
johnnybegood | :-) | 00:47 |
jrib | johnnybegood: #ubuntu-offtopic maybe | 00:47 |
=== MK-ULTRA is now known as hexdump_ | ||
Jordan_U | compzrx: "filesystem" then look for the directory "mnt" | 00:47 |
chanpa | Anyone in here available to help me install drivers for the audio on my Motherboard? I have downloaded them but don't know how to install it | 00:47 |
emperium | how can I clear cache on ubuntu 10.04? [I use windows since 3.1] | 00:47 |
johnnybegood | jrib - danke | 00:47 |
Jordan_U | emperium: What cache and what is your actual end goal? | 00:48 |
ReadPlease | ubottu, your name is funny | 00:48 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: for inet, you can sort out uneeded services in win as you can disable them in ubuntu, in general ubuntu as a linux can be made faster, because it needs less security-related stuff | 00:48 |
Zeddikus | I know I used a graphical editor to edit the grub menu file but the name of it has escaped me. Does anybody know the name of a editor for the grub menu file? | 00:48 |
emperium | a HD keep saying that is full | 00:48 |
emperium | I need to clean something | 00:48 |
Pirate_Hunter | can someone paste the default line for the cdrom entry in fstab please? | 00:49 |
ReadPlease | That does not mean that it runs less securely though, DasEi? | 00:49 |
emperium | but everytime a boot it's worst | 00:49 |
Jordan_U | emperium: sudo apt-get clean | 00:49 |
ReadPlease | ubottu is messaging me. :-/ | 00:49 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 00:49 |
scottyg | how do i use this info to convert a file with avidemux? | 00:49 |
Mr_Sonoma | emperium, have you tried system > administration > computer janitor? | 00:49 |
emperium | yes | 00:49 |
ReadPlease | ubutto, I don't have any changes to request, unless you want to build better tts. | 00:49 |
emperium | only 2 app there | 00:50 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: this is why linux is common in server-apps, no, it's not less secure, but more developed for it | 00:50 |
ReadPlease | So, can someone tell me how running a win program in ubuntu works? | 00:50 |
Jordan_U | ReadPlease: ubottu is a bot. | 00:50 |
ReadPlease | I heard you can now just click on it | 00:50 |
scottyg | how do i use this info to convert a file with avidemux? | 00:50 |
emperium | ntm and scleaner | 00:50 |
DasEi | !brain | ReadPlease | 00:50 |
ubottu | ReadPlease: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | 00:50 |
Mr_Sonoma | !wine > ReadPlease | 00:50 |
ubottu | ReadPlease, please see my private message | 00:50 |
Stavros | hello | 00:51 |
Stavros | what prefix should i ./configure programs with? | 00:51 |
scottyg | how do i use this info to convert a file with avidemux? | 00:51 |
Jordan_U | Stavros: What are you trying to compile from source? Did you check the repositories first? | 00:51 |
emperium | now it's a litlle better, I use to have 76MB now I've 564 MB | 00:52 |
emperium | :D | 00:52 |
slinkeey | Hello, I have been trying to get internet over ppp without any luck.. I get ppp0 to show up using ifconfig.. I get an ip addess and dns servers assigned. I can't get to any websites by name or ip... here is a thread I started for my ipconfig -a output and etc.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9603601 | 00:52 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: You have been to the avidemux homepage and checked out its docs/guides/wiki pages? | 00:52 |
Stavros | Jordan_U: sphinx, and i did | 00:52 |
Stavros | Jordan_U: actually, i'll just install from the repo, it's the stable version and shouldn't be too old | 00:53 |
Stavros | hmm, how can i remove it now... | 00:53 |
scottyg | yes but no info on how to convert files!!! | 00:53 |
ReadPlease | Thank you. | 00:53 |
scottyg | how do i use this info to convert a file with avidemux? | 00:53 |
Jordan_U | Stavros: Did you already "make install" (if not then there is nothing to remove except the source directory). | 00:54 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: which app do you need in win ? | 00:54 |
Stavros | Jordan_U: i did checkinstall, i saw now that it uses "dpkg -r" to remove (i just had the package name wrong) | 00:54 |
Pirate_Hunter | can someone please paste the default line for the cdrom entry found in fstab? | 00:54 |
Stavros | Jordan_U: thanks for your help! | 00:54 |
scottyg | how do i use this info to convert a file with avidemux? | 00:54 |
chanpa | I'm trying to install my audio drivers on my motherboard and I have downloaded them and in the INSTALL.DOC it says 2) You must turn on sound support (soundcore module). -- How do I check if I have that? and 3) run './configure' script, how do I do that? | 00:54 |
compzrx | Jordan_u: how to mount two partition | 00:55 |
Zeddikus | I am trying to find the menu.lst file to edit it. It used to be in /boot/grub does anybody know where I find it now? | 00:55 |
Jordan_U | !grub2 | Zeddikus | 00:55 |
ubottu | Zeddikus: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 00:55 |
scottyg | how do i use this info to convert a file with avidemux? | 00:55 |
mandi | does anyone have experience with a LAMP set up on an ubuntu destop for a closed local network (intranet)? | 00:55 |
DasEi | Pirate_Hunter: /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0 | 00:55 |
Zeddikus | !grub2 | 00:55 |
Jordan_U | Zeddikus: I would expect a wizard of the first order to know these things :) | 00:55 |
ReadPlease | DasEi, ReadPlease | 00:56 |
scottyg | how do i use this info to convert a file with avidemux? | 00:56 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: read what ? | 00:56 |
gartral | is there any application that open/read epub DRMed books? | 00:56 |
Zeddikus | I just came back to Ubuntu after over a year absence so not familiar with the changes yet | 00:56 |
Pirate_Hunter | DasEi, thanks | 00:56 |
scottyg | how do i use this info to convert a file with avidemux? | 00:57 |
DasEi | np | 00:57 |
fablinix | scottyg: open up a new terminal, run this (download a preset and a shell script for easily converting your video files), CTRL+SHIFT+V in a terminal to paste: wget http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=EcqxRU4k -O walkmanx.ffpreset && wget http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=JNLs9Uze -O walkmanx-convert.sh && chmod +x walkmanx-convert.sh | 00:57 |
Mr_Sonoma | scottyg, it tells you what codecs to use. I can not help you with avidemux because i do not mess with that particular program | 00:57 |
itsnatesudz | I am trying to get world of warcraft to run with wine, and it does but crashes after 5 minutes or so , this is the wine output log from start till crash if anybody has any ideas I would appreciate it, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/2rZ45ECT thanks | 00:57 |
gartral | Zeddikus: main upgrade, HAL dropped in favor of upstart | 00:57 |
scottyg | thank you fab linux!!! | 00:57 |
fablinix | scottyg: you will still need to do 2 more things: sudo mv walkmanx.ffpreset /usr/share/ffmpeg/ && sudo mv walkmanx-convert.sh /usr/bin/ | 00:57 |
Jordan_U | Zeddikus: It was SysV init that was dropped in favor or upstart, udev and devkit-* replaced HAL. | 00:58 |
ReadPlease | That is the program name | 00:58 |
fablinix | scottyg: then you can use a terminal like walkmanx-convert ~/Videos/hello.mpg ~/Videos/Walkman/My-Hello (it adds mp4 automatically) | 00:58 |
slinkeey | Hello, I have been trying to get internet over ppp without any luck.. I get ppp0 to show up using ifconfig.. I get an ip addess and dns servers assigned. I can't get to any websites by name or ip... I am not sure if I am forgetting to do something... here is a thread I started for my ipconfig -a output and etc.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9603601 | 00:58 |
scottyg | i tried that fab linux all errors | 00:58 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: which windows program you need in ubuntu ? | 00:58 |
scottyg | and i dont have permission to edit files | 00:59 |
cablop | there's a gui to edit the fstab? | 00:59 |
scottyg | and i cannot remember how to log in as root | 00:59 |
Jordan_U | !root | scottyg | 00:59 |
ubottu | scottyg: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 00:59 |
scottyg | i need to log in as root first | 00:59 |
cablop | i asked wrong | 00:59 |
cablop | is there any gui to edit the fstab? or to edit the mounting points of partitions devices? | 01:00 |
ReadPlease | DasEi: ReadPlease | 01:00 |
scottyg | bash: !root: event not found | 01:00 |
DasEi | scottyg: at the grub loading press either Esc or left shift, choose recovery-mode, become root there, change pass | 01:00 |
ReadPlease | It's a program name. | 01:00 |
bobbo | cablop, editing fstab manually is generally relatively easy, what are you trying to do? | 01:00 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: idk, what it is it ? | 01:01 |
scottyg | isnt there an easier way? | 01:01 |
DasEi | scottyg: remember pass | 01:01 |
Jordan_U | compzrx: Make the directory that you want the files to be accessible from (called the "mount point") then run "sudo mount /dev/sda5 /path/to/mountpoint" | 01:01 |
ridin | DasEi, it's like narrator for Window | 01:01 |
ridin | s | 01:01 |
chanpa | Anyone available to help me with driver installation for few mins? Shouldn't take that long | 01:01 |
cablop | well, i'm in a hurry, i need to reinstall the linux asap, then i need to clone some partitions while i configure the linux, then move the temp partitions and build the final ones and copnfigure the final system | 01:01 |
Zeddikus | Is there a gui to edit the grub.cfg file? | 01:01 |
DasEi | ridin: thx, so a reader | 01:02 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: there are few readers for ubuntu, too | 01:02 |
Jordan_U | Zeddikus: No. | 01:02 |
cablop | well, i'm in a hurry, i need to reinstall the linux asap, then i need to clone some partitions while i configure the linux, then move the temp partitions and build the final ones and copnfigure the final system, bobbo | 01:02 |
johnnybegood | Zeddikus - maybe | 01:02 |
johnnybegood | let me think... | 01:02 |
johnnybegood | hm... | 01:02 |
johnnybegood | no | 01:02 |
FloodBot2 | johnnybegood: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:02 |
johnnybegood | FloodBot2 yes ma'am | 01:02 |
rebirth | can anyone help me install processing? | 01:02 |
johnnybegood | rebirth depends on how much you can pay us.. | 01:03 |
johnnybegood | :-P | 01:03 |
ReadPlease | DasEi: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=1763 | 01:03 |
bobbo | johnnybegood, please stop spamming | 01:03 |
johnnybegood | bobbo yes sir! | 01:03 |
rebirth | i can pay you by contributing good processing code for educational purposes | 01:03 |
=== geowany`away is now known as geowany_ | ||
rebirth | Ubuntu! | 01:03 |
ReadPlease | It's a narrator, and it runs with fewer system requirements than JAWS, but it still has highlighting, pause, and rewind functions. | 01:03 |
=== geowany_ is now known as geowany | ||
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog | ||
scottyg | how do i enable root login in ubuntu? | 01:04 |
bobbo | cablop, you don't need to fiddle with fstab to install Ubuntu, or really for cloning parts | 01:04 |
slidinghorn | !ot | rebirth johnnybegood | 01:04 |
ubottu | rebirth johnnybegood: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 01:04 |
cablop | bobbo: what i want to avoid is to have to deal with wron uuids and so on | 01:04 |
ReadPlease | Unlike anything else I have seen that doesn't require someone to be online and have Flash and limit the amount of text entered. | 01:04 |
cablop | bobbo the hard part is after i get the final definitive partitions... | 01:04 |
rebirth | seriously? this is off topic? | 01:04 |
ReadPlease | Plus, there is an easy-to-change option to have it take the clipboard to the reader and speak the clipboard | 01:04 |
Jordan_U | !noroot | scottyg | 01:04 |
DasEi | ReadPlease: nice, if it's in the wine-db, you can probably use it under linux | 01:04 |
ubottu | scottyg: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information. | 01:04 |
ReadPlease | It's like stupid stuff that no one ever thought to put into any other program. | 01:04 |
IdleOne | rebirth: no it wasn't exactly | 01:04 |
Zeddikus | I found what I was looking for it's called start-up manager | 01:05 |
bobbo | cablop, I don't know fo any stable editor for fstab | 01:05 |
cablop | hat can i use to clone ntfs partitions in linux? | 01:05 |
IdleOne | rebirth: installing processing? | 01:05 |
compzrx | Jordan_u: Ok thnx | 01:05 |
rebirth | IdleOne: yes | 01:05 |
bobbo | cablop, I tried one once and it messed my fstab massively, basically wiped it | 01:05 |
ReadPlease | And in my opionion is absolutely necessary to make a good reader, now. | 01:05 |
bobbo | cablop, it's generally safer to do it manually, and you'll learn more! | 01:05 |
DasEi | cablop: dd on the UNmounted partitons | 01:05 |
Pici | rebirth: There shouldn't be anything you need to do to install processing. Just unpack the archive and run the executable. You'll need java installed first. I don't know if it specifically requires Sun Java though. | 01:05 |
cablop | hehe, maybe you're right, bobbo, to mess it would be very bad, preferable to do it by hand... | 01:05 |
ReadPlease | Think about it... who wants to read a 20-page document in a reader without any highlighting? The reading is on page 12, and the document is still at page 1.... Then, you miss a word because you are trying to listen to it fast | 01:05 |
bobbo | cablop, if you need help, just shout :) | 01:06 |
cablop | thanls bobbo | 01:06 |
ReadPlease | So you have to search all over the document with find functions and your mouse wheel to see where you were... | 01:06 |
Jordan_U | ReadPlease: Have you filed feature requests for these? It sounds like at least the clipboard functionality would be fairly easy to add, it might even make it into the next version of Ubuntu if you request it now. | 01:06 |
fablinix | scottyg: what's the error message you get? | 01:06 |
scottyg | how do i edit my gdm file? | 01:06 |
cablop | bobbo: what is the dd? i need to clone a ntfs paretition but to make it shorter in size also | 01:06 |
ridin | readplease, have you tried out orca? i'm not sure if it doesn't have the things you need | 01:06 |
scottyg | no permissions | 01:06 |
ReadPlease | I think I did in some back alley, somewhere. Probably not in the right place, though. | 01:06 |
scottyg | i get nothing but errors | 01:06 |
itsnatesudz | Need help WoW kkeps crashing 5 minutes into play , I think its a problem with wine this is output log Thanks in advance http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/2rZ45ECT | 01:06 |
DasEi | !who | cablop | 01:06 |
ubottu | cablop: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 01:06 |
fablinix | scottyg: what command are you stuck on? | 01:06 |
ReadPlease | Yeah, I tried orca. The default speaking there is kind of lame, also. | 01:07 |
rebirth | ok i guess my question is then, how do di execute a shell script? | 01:07 |
bobbo | cablop, dd is a command that clones a block device (disk) bit by bit | 01:07 |
scottyg | i wish someone knew how i could edit my gdm.conf | 01:07 |
Jordan_U | ReadPlease: bugs.ubuntu.com would be the place. | 01:07 |
bobbo | cablop, if you want to resize use gparted (a partition editor) | 01:07 |
ReadPlease | It's like 8 bit, and the pauses and inflection and stress are all messed up. It's like they didn't even try. | 01:07 |
scottyg | i cannot edit any files sir | 01:07 |
DasEi | cablop: dd let's you clone partitons blockwise, to resize you need another tool like gparted | 01:07 |
slidinghorn | scottyg, gksu gdm.conf | 01:07 |
scottyg | please tell me how to enable root login | 01:07 |
slidinghorn | oops scotty it's gksu gedit gdm.conf | 01:07 |
DasEi | scottyg: see above | 01:07 |
Pici | rebirth: Either double click on it, or navigate to it in a shell and run ./thefile | 01:08 |
scottyg | the file is empty! | 01:08 |
Mr_Sonoma | !patience | scottyg | 01:08 |
ubottu | scottyg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 01:08 |
ReadPlease | Orca is kind of like a bad version of MS Sam | 01:08 |
scottyg | the gdm file is empty | 01:08 |
scottyg | how do i enable root login? | 01:09 |
slidinghorn | scottyg, please stop repeating yourself...are you sure you're in the right directory? | 01:09 |
IdleOne | scottyg: you don't, use sudo | 01:09 |
scottyg | absolutely! | 01:09 |
ReadPlease | Which is also bad... in older MS text-to-speech, they had the option of reading from the cursor position and a pause feature which are no longer there. | 01:09 |
scottyg | i will try anything to enable root login! | 01:09 |
Pici | !noroot | scottyg | 01:09 |
ubottu | scottyg: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information. | 01:09 |
Mr_Sonoma | !root | scottyg | 01:09 |
ubottu | scottyg: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 01:09 |
slidinghorn | scottyg, and you're positive that the gdm.conf file existed before you opened it? | 01:09 |
DasEi | IdleOne: he's missing his root-pw and confuses booting single mode :P | 01:09 |
bobbo | scottyg, in a terminal use "sudo -s" to login to a root shell, but it's bad and you shouldn't do it | 01:10 |
scottyg | no i fear it did not | 01:10 |
compzrx | Thank you Guys for you BIG help! I hope I can explore this new OS exciting>> | 01:10 |
compzrx | :) | 01:10 |
scottyg | i have the newest version of ubuntu | 01:10 |
slidinghorn | scottyg, then you're trying to edit gdm the wrong way | 01:10 |
DasEi | scottyg: at the grub loading press either Esc or left shift, choose recovery-mode, become root there, change pass | 01:10 |
cablop | i have it also, and ii was disspaointed with too many thingsa, lol | 01:10 |
scottyg | does anyone know how to enable root login in 10.04? | 01:10 |
slidinghorn | !repeat | scottyg | 01:10 |
cablop | well, but i think the massive changes are for the best | 01:10 |
ubottu | scottyg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 01:10 |
Pici | scottyg: Please start reading the responses here. | 01:10 |
scottyg | ohhhh i do...and i follow the instructions by the letter....nothing seems to work though:( | 01:11 |
=== johnnybegood is now known as asian_dwarf | ||
DasEi | scottyg: to install or alter anything, need the pass for sudo, so do that first | 01:12 |
ReadPlease | Anyway, I will just start adding data at the bugs site. : ) Thanks, guys. | 01:12 |
Crucible | Could someone give me a quick idea of how to rebuild a package with a patch in it? | 01:12 |
rebirth | Pici: like "sudo ./processing" ? that is not working | 01:12 |
bobbo | Crucible, I'm a developer, PM me and I'll help, otherwise we'll spam the channel | 01:12 |
Pici | rebirth: There is no need to use sudo for this. Is the executable named processing? | 01:12 |
shblang | anyone want to help me with a short simple python script? | 01:12 |
rebirth | yes | 01:13 |
fablinix | anyone know a few good irc channels for programming on ubuntu? I don't guess you should talk about it in this channel? | 01:13 |
ReadPlease | Sh3r1ff you might try #python also | 01:13 |
Pici | shblang: #python would be a a more appropriate place. | 01:13 |
antonio_ | aloha everyone... | 01:13 |
compzrx | exit | 01:13 |
shblang | quiet in #python | 01:13 |
DasEi | fablinix: #c++ | 01:13 |
slidinghorn | fablinix, i'd just try a channel for the language, i.e. #python or #php | 01:13 |
ReadPlease | fablinix, try ##programming and ##c | 01:13 |
rebirth | with ./processing i get "permission denied" | 01:13 |
fablinix | ok, thanks to the three of you | 01:13 |
ReadPlease | Don't just try them... put them on perform | 01:13 |
ReadPlease | They're really strict in ##c. They want everyone to stay on topic. #bash is good, also. | 01:14 |
antonio_ | My girlfriend just got a new phone (samsung sunburst). I want to transfer a video that I recorded from the phone to my computer but I don't have a microSD chip. Is there anyway to access the phone via the computer without a data cable/microSD...like can I connect to it with bluetooth? | 01:14 |
=== geowany_ is now known as geowany | ||
ceeck65 | Entrevista en Vivo al Padre del Software Libre Richard Mattew Stallman Escuchalo http://giss.tv:8000/radioalterna99.ogg | 01:15 |
ReadPlease | antonio_, with a Samsung? I seriously doubt it. You could get an SD for like 4-8 dollars.... | 01:15 |
xangua | ceeck65: stop that please | 01:15 |
rebirth | Pici: ",/processing" returns "permission denied" | 01:15 |
bobbo | rebirth, chmod +x ./processing | 01:15 |
intx | i tried following the kernel compile guide on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile, it says EE: Missing modules (start begging for mercy).. says i'm missing 4 modules | 01:15 |
ReadPlease | what model? | 01:15 |
xangua | antonio_: have you tried that¿ | 01:15 |
intx | what am I doing wrong | 01:16 |
rob | how do I know what command i need to add a startup program | 01:16 |
xangua | rob: what program¿¿ | 01:16 |
rebirth | bobbo: it supposedly did something but i don't know what | 01:17 |
rob | well, dektopdrapes for one | 01:17 |
xangua | intx: why do you need to complie the whole kernel¿¿ | 01:17 |
bobbo | rebirth, try running it now? | 01:17 |
antonio_ | tried what xangua:? | 01:17 |
antonio_ | it seems like someone would have found a way to stream stuff from a phone to a computer without cables/cards | 01:17 |
DasEi | antonio_: connect by bluetooth | 01:17 |
ReadPlease | antonio_, some of the sunbursts have USB | 01:17 |
ReadPlease | Alright, have a good one. :) | 01:18 |
rebirth | ok a text box popped up saying "processing required Java 6 from Sun (ie the sun-java-jdk package on Ubuntu). | 01:18 |
rebirth | so i take it i should install that package | 01:18 |
scottyg | ok i am still trying to convert files for my sony...nothing works though:( | 01:18 |
rob | how do i find out what command i need to add a startup program? | 01:18 |
antonio_ | just checked..no usb :( | 01:18 |
Pici | rebirth: Yes, you'll need to enable the partner repository if you're on 10.04 though. | 01:18 |
Pici | !partner | rebirth | 01:18 |
ubottu | rebirth: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" » | 01:18 |
scottyg | i am very new to linux | 01:18 |
antonio_ | dasEIi: I've never done this..can you recommend a good program for ubuntu? | 01:18 |
DasEi | rob:that's not a single command, but a task to bring it either in upstart or rc.local | 01:19 |
scottyg | can anyone recommend a program to convert files that will play in my sony walkman mp3 player? | 01:19 |
rob | huh | 01:19 |
rob | i dont understand | 01:19 |
luiX_ | hi all | 01:19 |
rebirth | processing is already working! | 01:19 |
scottyg | i converted to wmv and mp4 but nothing works | 01:19 |
rebirth | after i hit ok it launched and i can run a sketch, yay | 01:20 |
Pici | rebirth: great! | 01:20 |
rebirth | thanks for your help all | 01:20 |
scottyg | is there any way to even do this? | 01:20 |
luiX_ | having a graphic card with two outputs (one vga, one dvi) is it possible to make it work with two monitors showing an "extended" desktop? | 01:20 |
antonio_ | dasEi: would I need any additional equipment? | 01:20 |
scottyg | i have a file that does play in this mp3 player...but how do i convert other files? | 01:20 |
cablop | DasEi: mmm bad thing, cause that partition is already bigger than the destination disk! | 01:21 |
DasEi | antonio_: bluetooth is installed by default, yes you'll need a adapter for that box o' course | 01:21 |
rebirth | but how i launch the program in the future? does that script install it or launch it? in other words, do i need to run that script every time? | 01:21 |
DasEi | cablop: ntfs ? defrag and shrink it beforehands then | 01:21 |
antonio_ | dasEi: so there is no kind of built in adapter on a laptop/desktop? | 01:21 |
rob | if i want a particular program to launch at startup, how do I find out what command I need for that program? | 01:21 |
DasEi | antonio_: depends on your model, checkout manufacturers docs | 01:22 |
DasEi | antonio_: or run hwinfo --vv | 01:22 |
scottyg | i have a file that does play in this mp3 player...but how do i convert other files? | 01:22 |
DasEi | scottyg: to install or alter anything, need the pass for sudo, so do that first | 01:23 |
scottyg | i have winff...how do i make files work in the sony mp3 player? | 01:23 |
scottyg | ok done! | 01:23 |
scottyg | i have root priviledges | 01:23 |
DasEi | :) | 01:23 |
scottyg | thanx dasEi | 01:23 |
scottyg | winff is open | 01:24 |
xStink | So i installed 10.4... then i realize OH NO i downloaded the wrong disc... i386 and not the 64bit disk | 01:25 |
xStink | So i go back to download the 64bit and it says "not recommended for daily desktop use" | 01:25 |
xStink | So what should it do? | 01:25 |
IdleOne | xStink: it is fine to use on daily basis | 01:26 |
Dr_Willis | xStink: use what you want | 01:26 |
scottyg | i converted to wmv....but the sony still cannot see it | 01:26 |
antonio_ | dasei: how do I find if it has bluetooth...can I use this command? hwinfo --hw_item ^C | 01:26 |
IdleOne | xStink: download the 64bit disc and reinstall | 01:26 |
antonio_ | er | 01:26 |
antonio_ | hwinfo --hw_item | 01:26 |
scottyg | how do i use winff to convert files to play in my sony walkman mp3 player? | 01:26 |
DasEi | antonio_: hwinfo | grep blue | 01:27 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: its all about the specific codecs and other settiings. You need tolearn what ciodecs your player supports. | 01:27 |
xStink | I got quad core and 8gigs of ram and just got SSD for os disk | 01:27 |
xStink | Man ubuntu boots faster than you can say boot | 01:27 |
xStink | ! | 01:27 |
xStink | :-p | 01:27 |
scottyg | ok dr willis how do i do that? i have a file that does play! | 01:27 |
Dr_Willis | xStink: read up on that 'not reccomended' at --> http://ubuntu-user.com/Online/Blogs/Marcel-Gagne-Orbiting-Planet-buntu/Stop-Apologizing-For-Linux | 01:27 |
DasEi | antonio_: or google bluetooth & your brand~model | 01:27 |
scottyg | my player supports mpeg4 and wmv:) | 01:28 |
Dr_Willis | scottyg: load it in a video player, or use ffprobe and LOOK and read and see what info it says about the file. | 01:28 |
scottyg | i converted to those, but the files are still not playing | 01:28 |
scottyg | ok! | 01:28 |
Dr_Willis | wmv can be any of a DOZEN+ differnt codecs.. so you should use mpeg4 i imagine | 01:28 |
scottyg | i will paste it to paste bin:) | 01:28 |
Dr_Willis | res could be wrong, or other issues | 01:28 |
xStink | I've been using 64bits since the first amd 64bit cpus | 01:28 |
Dr_Willis | xStink: with 8gb ram - You defainatly want 64bit | 01:29 |
antonio_ | damn no bluetooth :( thought I had one | 01:29 |
xStink | Thats what i figgured | 01:29 |
xStink | anything 2gb pluss | 01:29 |
DasEi | antonio_: so get a sd card | 01:29 |
DasEi | antonio_: or an blue-plug | 01:30 |
scottyg | what is the paste bin address? | 01:30 |
DasEi | !paste | 01:30 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 01:30 |
DasEi | scottyg: have you got a link or least the model of your player ? | 01:31 |
scottyg | here is the output for my wmv: http://paste.ubuntu.com/465687/ | 01:31 |
urzk | hi. how do i change my account password via command line? passwd <username> doesn't work | 01:31 |
Pici | urzk: just type passwd | 01:31 |
DasEi | urzk: sudo it | 01:31 |
scottyg | no, i have the info on the file it will play | 01:31 |
scottyg | http://paste.ubuntu.com/465687/ | 01:31 |
scottyg | this is the info for the wmv that my player will play. how do i convert other files into this format? | 01:32 |
ReadPlease | Is there an equivollent of the Windows Vista volume boosting special effect in Ubuntu? | 01:32 |
ReadPlease | equivolent...? | 01:32 |
ReadPlease | heh | 01:32 |
KittyBoots | Hello, I am having a great deal of trouble with an HP mini 1000. I just installed Xubuntu and I have been marginaly successful installing the wireless driver. Should I use STA or B43? | 01:33 |
scottyg | can winff make a file that will play in my sony walkman mp3 player? | 01:33 |
DasEi | scottyg: have you got a link or least the model of your player ? | 01:33 |
urzk | Pici: that doesn't work. asks for username. but i cant see any argument for changing the pass | 01:34 |
scottyg | dasEi it is a NWZ-e340 mp3 player | 01:34 |
DasEi | urzk: sudo passwd urzk <<asks for rot-pw, then 2xfor new pass | 01:35 |
scottyg | by sony | 01:35 |
urzk | DasEi: sorry, i'm dump. i see it | 01:35 |
DasEi | scottyg: igfy | 01:35 |
scottyg | what is igfy? | 01:35 |
DasEi | urzk: nvm | 01:35 |
scottyg | i am NEW TO LINUX:) | 01:35 |
scottyg | i am trying to convert video files for my sony mp3 player | 01:36 |
scottyg | can winff convert files to play in my mp3 player? | 01:36 |
Mr_Sonoma | scottyg, yes winff should be able to create a mp3 that your player can play. | 01:36 |
ReadPlease | scottyg google man. Linux has the best docs | 01:36 |
IdleOne | scottyg: please stop reppeating yourself. DasEi is trying to help you but give him more then 9 seconds to get you the answer | 01:36 |
ReadPlease | You can find almost anything in simple terms on google | 01:36 |
scottyg | if so, how do i do it? i am new to linux | 01:36 |
adamkex | does anybody have any issues with the up button? | 01:36 |
IdleOne | !google | ReadPlease | 01:36 |
ubottu | ReadPlease: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 01:36 |
ReadPlease | Use google first. Then, if someone gives you a push in the right direction, use google again. | 01:37 |
DasEi | scottyg: Supported Audio: MP3, WMA, AAC-LC, Linear PCM Supported Video: MPEG-4, h.264, WMV (DRM) @ 320x240 | 01:37 |
Mr_Sonoma | scottyg, winff's graphical interface is pretty easy to understand. open it up and have a look | 01:37 |
scottyg | yes dasei! i converted to those, but the files still wont play:( | 01:37 |
DasEi | scottyg: so I'd suggest you format audio to mp3 and video to mp4 | 01:38 |
scottyg | i did mr sonoma! every time i convert a file...it does not play:( | 01:38 |
ReadPlease | Man, there's a good reason to say google it. I mean, teaching the 'google-fu', or whatever. IRC slows people down a lot, I think. Plus, people are more irritable without google. | 01:38 |
DasEi | scottyg: did you try to play the source files on vlc or other ? aren't they corrupted maybe ? | 01:38 |
ReadPlease | scottyg, are you using videolan? | 01:38 |
scottyg | dasei....there is no mp4 format to convert to just wmv:( | 01:39 |
IdleOne | ReadPlease: it is channel policy not to tell people to google it. Please follow channel policy | 01:39 |
DasEi | scottyg: and the source file is ? | 01:39 |
scottyg | the files play PERFECT in vlc | 01:39 |
ReadPlease | k | 01:39 |
scottyg | the source file is an avi... | 01:39 |
scottyg | how do i configure winff to convert to a mp4? | 01:40 |
ReadPlease | your mp3 player doesn't play avi? | 01:40 |
ReadPlease | what model is your mp3 player? | 01:40 |
scottyg | my mp3 player will not play the avi from my camera i think the size is off | 01:40 |
scottyg | it is a NWZ-e340 mp3 player | 01:41 |
ReadPlease | or maybe it requires a codec | 01:41 |
inthevidual | Hi, anybody with an EEE900 here? | 01:41 |
scottyg | by sony | 01:41 |
scottyg | i have a file that plays in this mp3 player....how do i make other files like it? | 01:41 |
ReadPlease | Video format, MPEG-1 | 01:42 |
ReadPlease | So, if you're going to convert to something, convert to that. | 01:42 |
scottyg | my winff will not allow me to convert to that | 01:42 |
DasEi | scottyg: mencoder installed ? | 01:43 |
scottyg | yes mencoder is installed! | 01:44 |
ReadPlease | i think that avidemux will allow it | 01:45 |
ReadPlease | I'm trying to find an ubuntu program that will.... | 01:45 |
Jordan_U | ReadPlease: MPEG-1 is pretty terrible when it comes to video. | 01:45 |
ReadPlease | avitompeg is a program | 01:45 |
scottyg | how do i create presets for my sony walkman? | 01:45 |
ReadPlease | Yeah, but it's all that his mp3 player is compatible with | 01:45 |
DasEi | scottyg: http://pastebin.com/1TXsqrPJ , and alter the target/path to your needs | 01:45 |
Mr_Sonoma | ReadPlease, i'm looking at winff now. IRRC you can convert to all the mpeg formats | 01:46 |
scottyg | thanx | 01:46 |
ReadPlease | Okay, I don't know how. I'm out. :) | 01:46 |
urzk | another question - my account is not in the sudoers list. but i have the root password. how do i use sudo from my account? | 01:46 |
Mr_Sonoma | even so, with winff installed mjpegtools is installed (dependancy) so cli you could but that's not that n00b friendly | 01:46 |
scottyg | no that did not work...please look at my paste bin for the specs of the wmv file that does work...http://paste.ubuntu.com/465687/ | 01:48 |
scottyg | see? nothing works! | 01:48 |
DasEi | urzk: man visudo, you can't use sudo from regular user acoount ? | 01:48 |
scottyg | this mp3 player can play wmv files....how do i convert my avi into a format that my mp3 player can play? | 01:49 |
scottyg | so far nothing has worked | 01:50 |
slinkeey | Hello, I tried using a ppp connection with my ubuntu 10.04 to get on the internet. The only thing that works are command line tools like ftp, telnet, ping and etc... None of my X programs work with my ppp connection though.. | 01:50 |
slinkeey | right now I am on my lan | 01:50 |
slinkeey | Do you know why a network connectionw ould only work with the command line?? | 01:50 |
Gambino | Wondering if anyone knows of a good program to virus scan my Windows drive from Ubuntu? | 01:50 |
scottyg | this mp3 player can play wmv files....how do i convert my avi into a format that my mp3 player can play? | 01:50 |
slinkeey | I use a command line to start the connection as it is using my blackberry as a modem | 01:51 |
IdleOne | scottyg: "Add" the file you want to convert using the button (top left) then "Convert to" WMV, then "Device preset" WMV@ Generic, then select where you want the new converted file saved to. Click on convert at top of window. | 01:51 |
DasEi | scottyg: wmv has lot's of formats, unless you have the luck to find an rendering engeneer filling his idle time here, will have to try and read some more, handbrake is another option | 01:51 |
IdleOne | WMV2 sorry | 01:51 |
slinkeey | I can start new command lines and use the internet | 01:51 |
Mr_Sonoma | !patience | scottyg | 01:51 |
ubottu | scottyg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 01:51 |
the-illest-oreo | hello | 01:51 |
scottyg | i did that idle one and the file will not play | 01:52 |
the-illest-oreo | wat? | 01:52 |
cornbread | Hey guys. I'm trying 10.04 and the CD starts booting but stays stuck on the little loading screen with the small icons at the bottom. I don't like not being told what is going on. Is there a way to show the messages/processing logs as it tries to boot? Also, where is the old boot options, where I can quickly install (like the debian installer)? | 01:52 |
the-illest-oreo | how old r u ? | 01:52 |
robertzaccour | i just updated grub. where do i need to save it to? | 01:52 |
cornbread | Icons look like this, but without the Ubuntu logo: http://mitchtowner.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/shot0001.png | 01:52 |
scottyg | hand brake is not an option as there are no versions for ubuntu | 01:52 |
IdleOne | !ot | the-illest-oreo | 01:52 |
ubottu | the-illest-oreo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 01:52 |
the-illest-oreo | how to download oovoo on ubuuntu? | 01:53 |
Mr_Sonoma | scottyg, your converting from avi to wmv correct? | 01:53 |
DasEi | !info handbrake | scottyg, read above ~ 30 min | 01:53 |
ubottu | scottyg,: Package handbrake does not exist in lucid | 01:53 |
the-illest-oreo | please answer me | 01:53 |
scottyg | yes mr sonoma | 01:53 |
fabio | Hello. Can someone tell me the command that shutdowns the computer in say, 2 hours from now? | 01:53 |
DasEi | scottyg: handbrake can be used in ubuntu, but I'll settle back for now | 01:54 |
the-illest-oreo | fcjvhb is the command to shut down | 01:54 |
cornbread | Is the live CD install option the only available one for 10.04? | 01:54 |
iflema | fabio sudo shutdown -h 120 | 01:54 |
robertzaccour | i just updated grub. where do i need to save it to? | 01:54 |
fabio | k thanks | 01:54 |
DasEi | cornbread: no | 01:54 |
fabio | and if i would want to cancel that? | 01:54 |
scottyg | i have no way of installing handbrake | 01:54 |
slinkeey | Does anyone know why a ppp connection would not work for my X applications? Just terminal only | 01:54 |
slinkeey | but terminal screen under x | 01:54 |
DasEi | fabio: sudo shutdown -t 120 | 01:54 |
scottyg | http://paste.ubuntu.com/465687/ here is the specs for a file that will play...how do i convert to this format???? | 01:55 |
fabio | thanks | 01:55 |
cornbread | DasEi: how do I do the text installer then? My CD won't get past the loading icons | 01:55 |
fabio | i typed that in the terminal, but i got no response from the system. is that normal? | 01:55 |
sdwrage | Anyone know of any good professional writing editors for Ubuntu? | 01:55 |
IdleOne | fabio: you can also specify a time with: shutdown 22:30 | 01:55 |
iflema | fabio sudo shutdown -h 120 | 01:55 |
DasEi | fabio: last is shutdown, either crtl-c to cancel or call man shutdown, it's in there (cancel that job) | 01:55 |
scottyg | http://paste.ubuntu.com/465687/ here is the specs for a file that will play...how do i convert to this format???? | 01:56 |
crux000 | 'ello folks | 01:56 |
DasEi | cornbread: you try to use the alternate cd ? | 01:56 |
fabio | thank you guys. bye | 01:56 |
cornbread | DasEi: I will, but in the past I believe the desktop one was sufficient (it had both a live cd and text based installer) | 01:56 |
crux000 | Are there any mdadm/RAID experts around? | 01:56 |
iflema | scottyg you just want audio or video as well? | 01:56 |
cornbread | DasEi: unless I'm confusing that with the server install | 01:57 |
robertzaccour | i just updated grub. where do i need to save it to? | 01:57 |
scottyg | i want audio and visual! | 01:57 |
DasEi | cornbread: you said you won't get behind the icons .. | 01:57 |
scottyg | http://paste.ubuntu.com/465687/ here is the specs for a file that will play...how do i convert to this format???? | 01:57 |
=== mfillpot is now known as Guest11274 | ||
crux000 | (I'm trying to recover from this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/607006 ) | 01:57 |
=== patrick is now known as Guest67431 | ||
jhaluska | I upgraded the motherboard on the 9.04 distro and the sound stopped working. I booted off the 10.04 cd and the sound works. So how can I fix it? It was running OSS before. | 01:57 |
iflema | scottyg mp4 | 01:57 |
friskd | How do i make it so that i can connect to my mysql server remotely over an ssh connection? | 01:58 |
scottyg | iflema how do i convert it so my mp3player will read it? | 01:58 |
Guest11274 | How would I blacklist grub-pc and grub-common from being installed on my computer, including blocking it from distro version upgrades? | 01:58 |
scottyg | http://paste.ubuntu.com/465687/ here is the specs for a file that will play...how do i convert to this format???? | 01:58 |
iflema | scottyg does it have ubuntu on it? | 01:58 |
cornbread | DasEi: Yes, but in the past the boot options menu (install from Live CD, text based, etc.) came up before anything else | 01:58 |
IdleOne | scottyg: Please stop repeating. | 01:58 |
scottyg | yes i have ubuntu | 01:59 |
robertzaccour | i just updated grub. where do i need to save it to? | 01:59 |
iflema | scottyg this is an ubuntu support channel also the largest...... | 01:59 |
intx | has anyone compiled the kernel for lucid? | 01:59 |
DasEi | cornbread: you mention the boot from first hd, install, check media choice ? it's still same | 01:59 |
intx | i tried following the kernel compile guide on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile, it says EE: Missing modules (start begging for mercy).. says i'm missing 4 modules, what am I doing wrong? | 01:59 |
scottyg | yes i am trying to use an ubuntu program to make a file for my mp3 player | 02:00 |
scottyg | http://paste.ubuntu.com/465687/ here is the specs for a file that will play...how do i convert to this format???? | 02:00 |
Jordan_U | Guest11274: Why? You aren't migrated to grub2 on upgrades currently, and when the time comes that you are it will be because grub legacy is completely unsupported. | 02:00 |
scottyg | no one seems to understand me | 02:00 |
iflema | !patience | scottyg | 02:00 |
ubottu | scottyg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 02:00 |
robertzaccour | does it even matter where i save the changes of the grub to? | 02:00 |
robertzaccour | if it don't i'll just save it in documents | 02:00 |
robertzaccour | i need to make sure i do this right | 02:00 |
IdleOne | robertzaccour: updated how? | 02:01 |
scottyg | i need a program that will make a mp4 or a wmv that will play in my walkman | 02:01 |
robertzaccour | IdleOne: graphics card drivers | 02:01 |
lostnhell | sorry I left, I needed to change my nick | 02:01 |
scottyg | http://paste.ubuntu.com/465687/ here is the specs for a file that will play...how do i convert to this format???? | 02:01 |
IdleOne | robertzaccour: you edited the grub config file? | 02:01 |
robertzaccour | yes | 02:01 |
cornbread | DasEi: then something must be wrong since I'm never getting that menu. I just get the little human logo with something that looks like a little ruler. Confusing. I'm going to try the minimal image instead | 02:02 |
robertzaccour | /etc/default/grub | 02:02 |
robertzaccour | could i save it there? | 02:02 |
lostnhell | Does anyone know how to block ubuntu from installing the grub-pc and grub-common packages? | 02:02 |
DasEi | scottyg: what about reading for the next half hour ? | 02:02 |
scottyg | yes i did that too | 02:02 |
IdleOne | robertzaccour: ok. save your changes to that file and leave it in /etc/default/grub | 02:02 |
scottyg | http://paste.ubuntu.com/465687/ here is the specs for a file that will play...how do i convert to this format???? | 02:02 |
Jordan_U | cornbread: That's supposed to be a keyboard, an equals sign, and the symbol for accessibility. | 02:02 |
blendmaster1024 | robertzaccour, hold on a sec. what changes did you make, and why? I should probably stop laughing and make sure you don't break anything | 02:02 |
DasEi | cornbread: did you verify the iso / the burn ? | 02:02 |
robertzaccour | blendmaster1024: thats not in the folder options | 02:03 |
DasEi | !md5 | cornbread: | 02:03 |
ubottu | cornbread:: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 02:03 |
blendmaster1024 | robertzaccour, what do you mean by that? | 02:03 |
robertzaccour | blendmaster1024: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" radeon.modeset=0 | 02:03 |
IdleOne | scottyg: my I message you? | 02:03 |
IdleOne | may* | 02:03 |
robertzaccour | blendmaster1024: i click file, save as, and /etc/default/grub ain't in the list | 02:03 |
blendmaster1024 | oh. | 02:03 |
blendmaster1024 | robertzaccour, are you following an online tutorial? | 02:04 |
robertzaccour | blendmaster1024: yes | 02:04 |
blendmaster1024 | robertzaccour, may I have the link? I think you seriously misunderstood it | 02:04 |
robertzaccour | blendmaster1024: in an irc chat i mean | 02:04 |
blendmaster1024 | .... | 02:04 |
DasEi | tjä | 02:04 |
ridin | hopefully he has logs | 02:04 |
blendmaster1024 | robertzaccour, are you talking to the person right now? | 02:04 |
robertzaccour | blendmaster1024: he's not responding, thats why i'm here | 02:05 |
jammin_jay_jay | are damn small linux questions acceptable in here? | 02:05 |
blendmaster1024 | robertzaccour, ok then. ask your original question again here. | 02:05 |
Jordan_U | jammin_jay_jay: No. | 02:05 |
ridin | damn large. | 02:05 |
blendmaster1024 | jammin_jay_jay, not even kind of, it's a totally different distro. try ##linux if DSL doesn't have a channel. | 02:05 |
robertzaccour | blendmaster1024: "sudo nano /etc/default/grub", in that file, change the line that says "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash radeon.modeset=0 | 02:06 |
robertzaccour | he was telling me how to get better performance by installing open source drivers | 02:06 |
Ubiedoodie | UBUNTU 10.04 ubuntu 2.6.32-23-generic #37-ubuntu SMP >-- I cannot add users or edit the existing users, it seems the user-admin GUI isn't working fully... how to fix? | 02:07 |
lostnhell | Does anyone have any ideas about my question? | 02:07 |
blendmaster1024 | lostnhell, ask it again, it's off my screen and probably is off everyone else's too | 02:07 |
robertzaccour | do i need to just create a folder or what? | 02:07 |
blendmaster1024 | robertzaccour, no, save over the file that you opened. | 02:08 |
robertzaccour | blendmaster1024: how do i do that? | 02:08 |
lostnhell | blendmaster1024, is there a way to blacklist grub from installing itself or being checked for autoinstall, including blocking it from distro upgrades? | 02:08 |
robertzaccour | int he save as part | 02:08 |
crux000 | Anyone every use mdadm --assume-clean to recover a corrupted array? | 02:08 |
Jordan_U | lostnhell: Why? You aren't migrated to grub2 on upgrades currently, and when the time comes that you are it will be because grub legacy is completely unsupported. | 02:08 |
crux000 | *ever | 02:08 |
=== geowany is now known as geowany`away | ||
lostnhell | Jordan_U, I am using grub legacy from another OS, and I don't want to fight with grub2 or it's failed attempts at auto-configuration | 02:09 |
Gambino | Is there an issue with Ubuntu uploading pictures? | 02:09 |
blendmaster1024 | lostnhell, I think so, if I understand you. you compiled grub and want to prevent the package manager from messing with it? | 02:09 |
robertzaccour | blendmaster1024: i clicked file, save as, now what? | 02:09 |
lostnhell | blendmaster1024, I don't want ubuntu to install any bootloader | 02:09 |
=== geowany`away is now known as geowany | ||
Jordan_U | lostnhell: If you don't want Ubuntu to install any bootloader then upgrade to the grub2 *package* and configure it not to install to any drive. | 02:10 |
lostnhell | Jordan_U, I have tried that and it started throwing errors on updates because it had no install instructions | 02:10 |
blendmaster1024 | lostnhell, ahh. make sure to back up your boot sector before upgrading the package | 02:10 |
DasEi | lostnhell: you want to keep the current grub or have no grub at all ? | 02:11 |
ridin | 50% grub | 02:11 |
lostnhell | DasEi, I have grub installed from another OS, I don't want ubuntu to have any bootloader | 02:11 |
DasEi | lostnhell: but ubuntu is already installed ? | 02:11 |
Selam | naber | 02:12 |
lostnhell | DasEi, It is installed, but I declined installation of grub2, modified my chosen bootloader to boot ubuntu then removed the grub files from ubuntu | 02:12 |
yonij | Hi...can some one help me out to install itunes on 9.04...what should i do ? | 02:12 |
DasEi | lostnhell: so simple apt-get remove any grub packages, you should be fine | 02:12 |
Selam | what is ubuntu? | 02:13 |
lostnhell | DasEi, I already did that, but the update utility is already prompting to install grub | 02:13 |
DasEi | !ubuntu | Selam | 02:13 |
ubottu | Selam: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 02:13 |
DasEi | lostnhell: what does a : grub-version report ? | 02:14 |
IdleOne | scottyg: you here? | 02:14 |
lostnhell | DasEi, command not found, because I removed grub-pc and grub-common | 02:14 |
scottyg | http://paste.ubuntu.com/465687/ here is the specs for a file that will play...how do i convert to this format???? | 02:16 |
lostnhell | Does this mean that no one knows how to blacklist a package? | 02:16 |
slim1 | ask a question: why my amule auto closed when it runs 3 hours?my linux is ubuntu. | 02:16 |
scottyg | anyone have a sony walkman? | 02:17 |
cornbread | DasEi: looks like the problem was a result of the windows partition resize (in Administrative tools, computer management, etc.) | 02:18 |
antonio_ | ediexit | 02:18 |
yonij | Hi...can some one help me out to install itunes on ubuntu 9.04...what should i do .....is this the right place to ask this question? | 02:18 |
antonio_ | haha..whoops | 02:18 |
elea | hi/salut | 02:18 |
DasEi | cornbread: booting an installer cd ?? | 02:18 |
robertzaccour | ok just did update grub and it said command not found | 02:19 |
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JTJ_ | hi there every one | 02:19 |
JTJ_ | ? | 02:19 |
JTJ_ | how are we all today? | 02:19 |
sorrell | Does anyone know of a good program to recover data from a drive with bad sectors? | 02:19 |
JTJ_ | blind read and write | 02:19 |
DasEi | lostnhell: trick situation, might try dselect to make grub unavailable, else dpkg-hold came to mind, but as there is no package, can neither blacklist updating nor hold it, never had that situation | 02:20 |
DasEi | y* | 02:20 |
lostnhell | DasEi, dpkg hold and aptitude hold both failed to block it | 02:20 |
DasEi | lostnhell: sure, as there IS no package to hold, try to remove grub by dselect | 02:21 |
robertzaccour | i did sudo update-grub it says command not found | 02:21 |
lostnhell | DasEi, blendmaster1024, I think I found the answer, I modified /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove in the "Never-MarkAuto-Sections" by adding the line "grub*", now it is now showing to be installed or upgraded | 02:21 |
lostnhell | *now it is not showing to be installed or upgraded | 02:21 |
robertzaccour | i really gotta go i had to go several minutes ago if anyone can help i'll look for it when i get back | 02:23 |
DasEi | !itunes | yonij | 02:23 |
ubottu | yonij: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee | 02:23 |
DasEi | lostnhell: did you crete that file ? couldn't find on my sys | 02:23 |
yonij | ubottu: i was asking using wine | 02:24 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:24 |
DasEi | lostnhell: sry, my bad, typo | 02:24 |
robertzaccour | actually i got time | 02:24 |
yonij | DasEi: i was asking about using itunes and wine | 02:24 |
DasEi | yonij : ask in winehq | 02:25 |
lostnhell | DasEi, I just had to look around a bit to find the option, It is amazing that I couldn't find documentation for that anywhere, I have been searching the net for a week | 02:25 |
yonij | okie...thanx | 02:25 |
DasEi | yonij : or search the wine db, | 02:25 |
DasEi | !appDB | 02:25 |
ubottu | The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help | 02:25 |
elea | hello | 02:26 |
DasEi | lostnhell: newland to me, too, so can't give advice to that solution | 02:26 |
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UberN00b | hello world | 02:27 |
elea | does someone play themanaworld? | 02:27 |
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD | ||
lostnhell | DasEi, thank you for your help anyway, now that I got this resolved ubuntu may stay on my system for more than a month this time | 02:28 |
lostnhell | I will make to sure document this so others can learn to blacklist packages | 02:28 |
UberN00b | lostnhell problems with the drivers ? ... why are you blacklisting ? | 02:28 |
DasEi | lostnhell: blacklist from upgrading is in the apt-howto, but didn't find how to prevent a package from the base-install, so nice hint | 02:29 |
lostnhell | UberN00b, I have grub installed through slackware the way I want it, I don't want to fight with grub2 constantly rewriting everything | 02:29 |
UberN00b | i c | 02:29 |
elea | ++ | 02:30 |
Viking667 | Hi there. I've been hunting through my filesystem trying to find a way to force the kernel to load the sound modules in a particular order. I've not had a lot of luck. | 02:30 |
UberN00b | :D ookey " i see" | 02:31 |
Viking667 | At the moment, it seems to decide for itself on startup which order it wants them in... as a result, I sometimes get one sound card discovered first, sometimes the other. | 02:31 |
Viking667 | I want to fix it so that it always looks for one first, then the other second. | 02:31 |
jrib | Viking667: no idea, look into udev I guess | 02:31 |
Viking667 | That's where I did look, there wasn't a hell of a lot I could do, though I did switch two lines around, I can't guarantee that the file I twiddled will stay that way. | 02:32 |
jrib | Viking667: what file? | 02:32 |
lostnhell | Viking667, You could force order in a customer initrd, but I don't know the procedures in ubuntu | 02:32 |
Snakkah | Hi there. I'm using Xubuntu, and I'd like to know if there's a way to change the background or theme for the login screen, and not just the desktop? | 02:33 |
UberN00b | Snakkah kde-looks.org | 02:34 |
Nhawdge1 | Hey guys, I want to use the motd to update my users of a few changes on my server, but I would like it to also retain the dynamic information ubuntu has standard | 02:34 |
UberN00b | you'll find themes there and explanation how to install them | 02:34 |
Snakkah | Xubuntu, not Kubuntu. | 02:34 |
UberN00b | ops | 02:34 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, are you using xdm? | 02:35 |
Snakkah | xdm? I don't know? | 02:35 |
Snakkah | I'm using Xfce. | 02:35 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, xdm is the default desktop manager (login manager for xfce) | 02:35 |
DasEi | Snakkah: http://i8t.de/oq1qj80x , tried this succesfully, but just used the standard themes coming with it | 02:35 |
Snakkah | Oh. | 02:35 |
Snakkah | Yes, that would be it lostnhell | 02:36 |
Viking667 | I twiddled /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, so I hope that'll 'stick'. | 02:36 |
DasEi | Snakkah: nick-miss, sry | 02:36 |
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Snakkah | It's alright DasEi | 02:37 |
DasEi | Nhawdge1: http://i8t.de/oq1qj80x , tried this succesfully, but just used the standard themes coming with it | 02:37 |
Ashfire908 | How do I set up a computer with my Ubuntu One account? | 02:37 |
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DasEi | Ashfire908: install ubuntuone-client | 02:37 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, I am looking for the xdm configure methods now | 02:38 |
Snakkah | Ah, thank you. | 02:38 |
Nhawdge1 | DasEi: Hah, sorry I think it was too vague, I'm talking about the /etc/motd file (this is on an ubuntu server machine) | 02:38 |
DasEi | Nhawdge1: ic, no that was the for backgrounding the graphical boot | 02:39 |
steve__ | where is the ubuntu cloud channel | 02:39 |
dexterslab | Is there an off-topic Ubuntu room? | 02:39 |
Nhawdge1 | DasEi: yeah I saw that, not quite what I am looking for as the machine is rebooted only for updates | 02:39 |
coz_ | dexterslab, #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:39 |
GAN900 | I'm trying to file a bug about the weather locations in LaunchPad | 02:39 |
Mr_Sonoma | !ot | dexterslab | 02:39 |
ubottu | dexterslab: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 02:39 |
Snakkah | lostnhell, have you found anything? | 02:40 |
GAN900 | However the "Report a bug" link wants to take me to the wiki | 02:40 |
coz_ | steve__, maybe #ubuntu-cloud ?? let me check | 02:40 |
dexterslab | Thanks. | 02:40 |
GAN900 | I seem to be stuck in a bit of a loop. | 02:40 |
Ashfire908 | DasEi, Ubuntu One client of GNOME is already installed. I need to set it up | 02:40 |
xStink | fn ell | 02:40 |
steve__ | not too many people there | 02:40 |
DasEi | Ashfire908: so run it, and it'll guide you | 02:40 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, I am searching google for "xdm theme modify how-to" I found http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XFree-Local-multi-user-HOWTO/automation_login_screen.html which tells you how to do it through config file modification, although I am hoping to find a gui app | 02:40 |
Jordan_U | !bug | GAN900 | 02:40 |
ubottu | GAN900: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 02:40 |
steve__ | dasei i have had problems with ubuntu one for a while now, it doesn't do anything with my bookmarks | 02:41 |
dobblego | can I turn on VNC (Remote Desktop) using the command line? | 02:41 |
GAN900 | So the wiki's claims that you can file a bug using the website are incorrect, then? | 02:41 |
xStink | So whats up with no audio and dysfunctional shutdown/restart buttons? | 02:41 |
blorg | hey,is tehre a way to change my recording voice?, i sound like a bat ... somehow .. | 02:42 |
GAN900 | and can somebody tell me off-hand which package provides the (broken) weather station information? | 02:42 |
opij | my cursor is randomly vibrating lately. how do i get it to stop? | 02:42 |
Jordan_U | GAN900: No, it's not incorrect but the preffered method is ubuntu-bug. | 02:42 |
steve__ | situation : now i try to set up ubuntu one and it can't recognize my computer and trys to save XXXX.bin.part after i try to confirm | 02:43 |
GAN900 | Jordan_U, I can't divine the correct links to click in LaunchPad to make that happen, then. | 02:43 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=308573 | 02:44 |
Jordan_U | GAN900: What weather information are you talking about? Where are you accessing it? | 02:44 |
DasEi | steve__: idk, I won't store bookmarks externally | 02:44 |
steve__ | situation : now i try to set up ubuntu one and it can't recognize my computer and trys to save XXXX.bin.part after i try to confirm | 02:44 |
Ashfire908 | DasEi, Before I opened the prefs and I got no useful options, but I took a random stab, restarted the client, and opened the prefs, and one of those two triggered the authorize computer page, which did it. | 02:45 |
GAN900 | Jordan_U, right clicking the statusbar clock | 02:45 |
Snakkah | lostnhell, apparently Xubuntu uses GDM, not XDM. | 02:45 |
GAN900 | Jordan_U, that applet's prefs claim St. Petersburg, FL is a substation of Tampa, FL. | 02:45 |
Snakkah | I MIGHT be mistaken. That is the impression I'm getting though. | 02:46 |
DasEi | Ashfire908: i went the wa in first setting up account via browser, then add this to the prefs, for files it works | 02:46 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, you will have to check you running processes or your xinitrc to verify which you use | 02:46 |
DasEi | Ashfire908: *way | 02:46 |
Ashfire908 | DasEi, I already had an account. | 02:46 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, you can run the command " ps -A|grep -i dm" in your terminal to see which is running | 02:47 |
willp2 | can someone help me with an irc related question? i know it the ubuntu channel, but usually there are smart people with good advice here | 02:47 |
cornbread | DasEi: yea, weird about the CDs booting futher now. The desktop one gets to an initramfs prompt complaining it can't find a live file system, but the minimal image seems to be installing just fine (Maybe the desktop burn was bad, the md5s matched at least) | 02:47 |
willp2 | xchat says my name (willp) is in use by someone... it's registered and has a password so i think i must not have logged out or something properly. anyone know how to fix this? | 02:48 |
Snakkah | lostnhell, all that gives me is " (standard input) " what does that mean? | 02:48 |
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Jordan_U | willp2: Ask in #freenode | 02:48 |
willp2 | thanks jordan | 02:48 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, did you copy the command from your irc client or try to type it? | 02:49 |
DasEi | cornbread: prbly, or the disk's table was so corrupted that the installer stuck their, but then would be the same on minimal and should result in no hd found, strange | 02:49 |
Snakkah | I typed it | 02:49 |
GAN900 | ubuntu-bug claims "clock-applet" doesn't exist | 02:49 |
GAN900 | How convenient | 02:49 |
JR | I m from Brazil. Hello for anybody | 02:49 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, the symbol between -A and grep is not an i or L, it is the vertical symbol above the enter key | 02:50 |
Jordan_U | willp2: /msg nickserv ghost willp password | 02:50 |
xStink | ok now im confused | 02:50 |
Snakkah | I'm aware of that lostnhell | 02:50 |
Snakkah | That's what I typed. | 02:50 |
DasEi | GAN900: alarm-clock-applet , or a apllet of a metapackage ? | 02:50 |
steve__ | situation : now i try to set up ubuntu one and it can't recognize my computer and trys to save XXXX.bin.part after i try to confirm | 02:50 |
GAN900 | alarm-clock-applet is, apparently, not installed. | 02:51 |
xStink | Before in previous distro it said realtek something..... now according to lspci its nvidia HD something.... | 02:51 |
xStink | soundcard | 02:51 |
xStink | ? | 02:51 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, and it gave you an error message? | 02:51 |
GAN900 | So that would seem not to be the culprit. | 02:51 |
Snakkah | lostnhell, all it gave me was "(standard input)" in purple. That's it. No error message. | 02:51 |
DasEi | GAN900: gnome-applets contains that icon then | 02:52 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, do you get valid output when you run "ps -A"? | 02:52 |
DesiArnez6 | I just lost external audio, I cant hook up my laptop to external speaker, however it works fine in preboot diagnostics | 02:52 |
Snakkah | lostnhell, it gives me a list of all running processes | 02:53 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, and are you including the quotes when you ran the first command? sorry for the noob questions, I am not assuming anything | 02:53 |
Snakkah | I wasn't including quotes | 02:53 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, can you manually review the output of ps -A to see if and gdm entries are listed, or would you like to try the grep method again? | 02:54 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, s/and/any/ | 02:55 |
pschulz01 | Greetings.. does the JeOS install still exist? I can't see the install option on 10.04 server or alternate. | 02:55 |
cablop | !fakeraid | 02:55 |
ubottu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 02:55 |
Snakkah | lostnhell: There's a gdm entry in there: "gdm-session-wor" | 02:55 |
UberN00b | is open office the best linux compatible office suit ? | 02:55 |
Snakkah | lostnhell: And "gdm-binary" | 02:55 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, that confirm that it is using gdm | 02:55 |
Ashfire908 | Does Ubuntu One sync files on file close? | 02:55 |
Snakkah | lostnhell, that brings me back to my first question: How can I change the theme? | 02:56 |
ocatacoo | is there a guide for sharing files on a local network | 02:57 |
Snakkah | lostnhell, I tried running gdmsetup from Terminal but that only took me to the Login Screen settings for here and they don't give an option to customize the theme or background. | 02:57 |
blorg | hey, does someone know how to change the voice output with any programm? | 02:57 |
Festicle | how are you trying to share files? | 02:58 |
ocatacoo | I am trying to learn how | 02:58 |
lostnhell | Snakkah, I got the same thing, I am looking it over now | 02:58 |
coz_ | blorg, you mean male to female adult to child type thingy? | 02:58 |
lostnhell | Does anyone in here know the command to bring up the gui to configure gdm themes? | 02:58 |
Odd-rationale | Snakkah: see if this helps: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/change-gdm-login-screen-background-in.html | 02:58 |
blorg | coz_, something like that yea | 02:58 |
coz_ | lostnhell, gksudo -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties | 02:59 |
Festicle | are you sharing just between linux computers or do you want to share with windows machines too? | 02:59 |
coz_ | blorg, no I have looked for that...fancying my self creating another south park lol | 02:59 |
ocatacoo | I just have linux | 02:59 |
coz_ | lostnhell, when that runs choose a theme as if you were going to change the system theme | 02:59 |
coz_ | lostnhell, it wont change the system theme however | 03:00 |
ocatacoo | just got another oler computer and installed | 03:00 |
coz_ | lostnhell, there is another way let me see if I remember hold on | 03:00 |
lostnhell | coz_, thay doesn't seem to fit the need | 03:00 |
Snakkah | lostnhell, that should work. I'll update you in a second. Thanks. | 03:00 |
steve__ | blorg you could use a trial version of diamond voice changer for windows and use wine to run it on ubuntu | 03:00 |
lostnhell | coz_, Snakkah I did find an app called gdmsetup that should fit the need ... http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/02/change-gdm-login-screen-background-in.html | 03:01 |
coz_ | lostnhell, try this http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/13 | 03:01 |
dorlan | epale alguien habla español?? | 03:01 |
ross__ | when you have implemented a command which displays a long list of results, how do you scroll up to see the results? | 03:02 |
wangfei | niaho | 03:02 |
lostnhell | coz_, this is for Snakkah.. thanks for responding | 03:02 |
coz_ | lostnhell, that first command I gave you will change the gdm theme | 03:02 |
Odd-rationale | !es | dorlan | 03:02 |
ubottu | dorlan: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 03:02 |
wangfei | niaho | 03:02 |
lostnhell | brb, rebooting to finalize updates | 03:03 |
steve__ | blorg you could use a trial version of diamond voice changer for windows and use wine to run it on ubuntu | 03:03 |
steve__ | situation : now i try to set up ubuntu one and it can't recognize my computer and trys to save XXXX.bin.part after i try to confirm | 03:03 |
blorg | steve__, ima give it a try ,..myb | 03:04 |
KittyBoots | I am having a significant difficulty getting the wireless adapter to work on an HP mini 1000. I just installed Xubuntu 10.04. How do I get this to work? | 03:04 |
ocatacoo | Festicle: can linux share files with other linux | 03:04 |
coz_ | blorg, dont know about this http://lobstertech.com/2009/jun/07/asterisk_voice_changer/ | 03:04 |
Festicle | yes | 03:04 |
steve__ | blorg u will love it | 03:05 |
Festicle | try googling NFS | 03:05 |
lostnhell | ok, I am back | 03:05 |
ocatacoo | so setting up NFS | 03:05 |
rileyp | Im having trouble with my apache server | 03:07 |
Mr_Sonoma | what's your problem rileyp | 03:07 |
Festicle | what is it doing rileyp? | 03:07 |
steve__ | situation : now i try to set up ubuntu one and it can't recognize my computer and trys to save XXXX.bin.part after i try to confirm | 03:08 |
slinkeey | sdwrage, define professional? Like Microsoft Word? | 03:08 |
rileyp | when i installed mythexport is said could not resolve apache server ip address | 03:08 |
rileyp | using | 03:08 |
slinkeey | sdwrage, have you checked out open office? | 03:08 |
Festicle | is apache running? | 03:08 |
rileyp | mythweb is running really slow and mythexport cant connect | 03:09 |
cgp | I have a dumb question -- how do I copy files to my flash drive | 03:09 |
slinkeey | I am having touble with a ppp connection.. I can get everything via command line working, but I can not get the X based stuff to work like the webbrowser and vpn | 03:09 |
sdwrage | I found a nice editor | 03:09 |
cgp | I can't find it anywhere on the system I was expecting it -- /mnt, ~/.gfs whatever | 03:09 |
slinkeey | sdwrage, what did you find? | 03:09 |
elias_ | hey can someone help me with the emarld theams? | 03:10 |
sdwrage | slinkeey, PyRoom | 03:10 |
sdwrage | good for creative writing | 03:10 |
ross__ | how do you remotely access another computer and control it in ubuntu | 03:10 |
slinkeey | ok] | 03:10 |
elias_ | ok so when i choose a theam in emarld, well nothing happens | 03:10 |
elias_ | so what should i do | 03:11 |
ross__ | i want to be able to access my desktop from a remote location, can someone suggest how I might be able to do so? | 03:11 |
slinkeey | sdwrage, interesting.. I am not a writer so I don't know that stuff.. What makes it geared towards professional.. | 03:11 |
slinkeey | sdwrage, less bells and whistles to take up the screen? | 03:11 |
slinkeey | ross__, what is the other machine? | 03:11 |
ross__ | slinkeey : my desktop | 03:12 |
=== ross__ is now known as rosstaylor | ||
slinkeey | ross__, What operating system? | 03:12 |
lostnhell | wow.. gnome shell is weird | 03:12 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey : same | 03:12 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey : 1004 on both | 03:12 |
nut | I recently installed another linux varient. I have mounted my ubuntu and found that I chose to encrypt my user home folder in ubuntu. How can I, via console, mount the encrypted user account? | 03:12 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey : someone recommended vnc | 03:12 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey : what do yout hink | 03:12 |
blorg | steve__, programm hugs up when i try to start it | 03:12 |
slinkeey | rosstaylor, I was going to suggest the same | 03:12 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey : how do i get that | 03:13 |
slinkeey | rosstaylor, it is there out of the box I believe.. just active remote desktop and use emote desktop viewer | 03:13 |
Mr_Sonoma | nut, you need to use the decryption key i'll get you a link | 03:13 |
steve__ | blorg how bout av voice changer | 03:13 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey : what do you mean? | 03:13 |
nut | thank you sonoma | 03:13 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey : i don't want to just view it, i want to be able to remotely control it | 03:13 |
slinkeey | rosstaylor, on your desktop go to system --> preference --> remote desktop | 03:14 |
blorg | duh... i guess im faster when i start learn to code and write it myself >_> | 03:14 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey : ok ? then what? | 03:14 |
slinkeey | rosstaylor, on your notebook o whatever got o applications --> internet --> emote desktop viewer..... IT does control not just display | 03:14 |
elias_ | ok so how do i change fonts? | 03:14 |
elias_ | font clour, i mean | 03:14 |
slinkeey | rossco, That's It! :) | 03:14 |
slinkeey | rosstaylor, That's It!! :) | 03:15 |
AntonioX | hello, how can I tell which video drivers am I using because my screen is dark | 03:15 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey : i don't have emote desktop viewer | 03:15 |
slinkeey | rosstaylor, remote desktop viewer | 03:15 |
elias_ | like when i get on the internet and i want to leave a comment on youtube, i cant see what im typeing because the font is in white and the backround of the commentbox is white also. how do i fix this? | 03:15 |
slinkeey | Hello... I am having a had time getting my ppp connection to work right.. It only work from command line stuff like ping, telnet and ftp | 03:16 |
rileyp | hereis my apache2/error.log http://pastebin.com/QiDAw8ze | 03:16 |
slinkeey | any ideas? | 03:16 |
rileyp | Festicle, Mr_Sonoma http://pastebin.com/QiDAw8ze | 03:17 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey: why isn't it working: ( | 03:17 |
will1 | can anyone tell me where to find the gtk-tooltip widget? | 03:17 |
sdwrage | slinkeey, eh... it isn't professional but I do like its minimalism :). It would be good to have something for testing repeated words, word count, etc | 03:18 |
slinkeey | sdwrage, does the minalism keep you from Open Office? | 03:18 |
rileyp | Festicle, Mr_Sonoma Mythweb is really slow and takes ages to respond and mythexport wil not open and gives me a 4040 errror | 03:18 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey: doesn't work damn it! | 03:19 |
slinkeey | rosstaylor, makme sure you select vpn and not ssh possibly | 03:19 |
Mr_Sonoma | nut, this may help a little. still looking for the command that gives you the pass phrase. http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568/1/ | 03:19 |
rileyp | Festicle, Mr_Sonoma I removed and reinstalled apache2 and mythexport and mythweb | 03:19 |
nut | thanks Mr_Sonoma, google was not friendly with this request =] | 03:19 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey: doesn't work | 03:19 |
slinkeey | rosstaylor, is your desktop sitting with a window asking you to greant permission | 03:19 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey: no | 03:19 |
slinkeey | rosstaylor, did you active remote desktop on that machine? | 03:20 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey: ok baby steps | 03:20 |
sdwrage | slinkeey, sort of :P I don't use open office that often. | 03:20 |
slinkeey | rosstaylor, did you try it by ip address | 03:20 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey: i went to my desktop and I set up my RD preferences | 03:20 |
Xubuntu_Newb | Hello everybody, if you don't mind, I've got some quick questions? | 03:20 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey: i allowed others to view and control my desktop but they must confirm each access with a password | 03:20 |
AntonioX | Sorry BUT, how can I tell which video drivers am I using because my screen is dark | 03:21 |
miked595 | I'm running the i7-980x cpu. It should have 12 threads but cpuinfo only shows 8. http://pastebin.org/403849 not sure where to start | 03:21 |
iflema | !ask | Xubuntu_Newb | 03:21 |
ubottu | Xubuntu_Newb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 03:21 |
Viking667 | hah. | 03:21 |
Festicle | rileyp i would first start by making sure the database username and passwords are correct | 03:21 |
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* Viking667 just found out that CMD.EXE really has some distinct limitations | 03:21 | |
rosstaylor | slinkeey: hold on | 03:22 |
Xubuntu_Newb | All right, I've noticed occasionaly I get this problem (which I blame on lag) whenever I try to open something up, e.g Terminal, I see a small tab open, with the process name, close, then nothing runs, is this simply lag? | 03:22 |
slinkeey | Hello... I am having a had time getting my ppp connection to work right.. It only work from command line stuff like ping, telnet and ftp.... I can not get it to work with my webbrowser, irc via xchat.... all the x apps | 03:22 |
rileyp | Festicle its mythtv and mythtv i flushed privileges yesterday as per the mythtv wiki | 03:23 |
Festicle | it shows that its failing with the credentials you provided | 03:23 |
Styx993 | hey, would anyone happen to know if there is any way possible to save a movie with totem? | 03:24 |
Festicle | try logging in manually into mysql with the username and password you are trying to use | 03:24 |
rosstaylor | slinkeey: i clicked connect but everytime it says connection closed | 03:24 |
Festicle | if you need specifics PM me | 03:24 |
Crash210 | I'm trying to get poulsbo graphics working. | 03:24 |
elias_ | hey anyone familiar with emerald theams? | 03:25 |
Crash210 | Followed this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo/ Still not working, and even worse than before. I get a sort of interlaced look to the error screens. | 03:25 |
elias_ | ok so i choose an emerald theam but nothing happens. what do i do | 03:25 |
fobek22 | how do you find HKEY_current_user\software\wine folder?anybody | 03:28 |
Viking667 | with regedit | 03:28 |
Viking667 | wine's regedit, that is | 03:28 |
iflema | Styx993 there is a plugin edit/plugins menu | 03:29 |
Styx993 | iflema, where do i get it? | 03:29 |
phantomcircuit | what's the kernel version in 10.04? | 03:29 |
Viking667 | 2.6.31 I think | 03:30 |
Viking667 | I have 2.6.32-22 | 03:30 |
phantomcircuit | ancient | 03:30 |
Viking667 | but that's because the kernel's been upgraded a few times. | 03:30 |
phantomcircuit | alright thanks | 03:30 |
iflema | Styx993 enable it.... edit/plugins (menu) it records to disc. | 03:30 |
Viking667 | mmmm. I'm only going with the packaged version. | 03:30 |
DavidWhite | Folks, I did an update on Friday with apt-get, and my wireless isn't working (as of Friday afternoon, which is the first time I noticed). I can't be positive, but I think the upgrade broke wireless. It's in a perpetual state of "disabled" and I'm unable to "enable" it. Is there anyway I can see what packages were "upgraded" and "undo" them without an internet connection? | 03:30 |
fobek22 | do anybody knows how to find hkey folders | 03:31 |
rosstaylor | how do you access another computer remotely and control it in ubuntu - i have two computers both are 1004 and i want to be able to connect to my desktop from a remote location and control it | 03:31 |
pschulz01 | Found the option.. | 03:31 |
Viking667 | fobek22: yes, using the regedit that comes with wine | 03:31 |
fobek22 | wat u mean am a newe | 03:31 |
Styx993 | iflema, which plugin is it? i don't see any "save to file" or anything | 03:31 |
intx | how do i select a different kernel on grub bootup? | 03:32 |
fobek22 | where do i find regetit | 03:32 |
Styx993 | intx, i think you would have to modify the grub.cfg to give you a menu | 03:32 |
Viking667 | fobek22: do you have "wine" installed? | 03:32 |
iflema | Styx993 im on 10.04 Lucid Lynx, name =Video Disc Recorder | 03:33 |
fobek22 | yes | 03:33 |
Styx993 | ??? wouldn't that just record to a dvd? | 03:33 |
Viking667 | see if there's a menu called "Wine programs" | 03:33 |
AntonioX | Sorry BUT, how can I tell which video drivers am I using because my screen is dark | 03:33 |
Viking667 | I can't actually help with that as I've got something else thatdoes the same job as wine, but it's more ... sophisticated. | 03:33 |
ran | hello | 03:34 |
fobek22 | nope cant find it | 03:34 |
Viking667 | fobek22: hm. Then I can't help, as I don't know the state of your machine. | 03:34 |
AntonioX | Like Always Thank you FOR NOTHING!!! YOU ARE ALL GREAT!!!! | 03:34 |
fobek22 | ubuntu 10.04 | 03:35 |
Aleb | I'm wondering, is it safe to upgrade from ubuntu 9 to ubuntu 10.04? It deletes files or something? | 03:35 |
fobek22 | you have the same dont you | 03:35 |
fobek22 | antonio am with you | 03:35 |
rosstaylor | how do you access another computer remotely and control it in ubuntu - i have two computers both are 1004 and i want to be able to connect to my desktop from a remote location and control it | 03:36 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: vnc | 03:36 |
fobek22 | ill find out my self | 03:36 |
Styx993 | iflema, you still there? | 03:36 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : can you run it with me step by step please | 03:37 |
iflema | Styx993 what you copying? dvds, youtube, ?? | 03:37 |
Viking667 | there's a program called vinaigre you could install, that helps you on the server end. Then you just use the Remote Desktop client in your menus if you installed it. | 03:37 |
Styx993 | i need to save a video from a playlist to a file | 03:37 |
Mr_Sonoma | rosstaylor, VNC or ssh | 03:37 |
Styx993 | how can i do that? | 03:37 |
jeffmr | once you configure your wireless card to be just like your router with key, does dhclient automatically associate and connect you? | 03:37 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: I'm on ssh to my Ubuntu machine as it is, no idea what packages you have installed. | 03:37 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: so, you want to view the desktop? | 03:37 |
Jordan_U | intx: hold shift during boot to get the grub menu. | 03:37 |
MaRk-I | rosstaylorhttp://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/75382.aspx | 03:37 |
intx | Jordan_U: thanks | 03:37 |
Styx993 | currently the only way i can see is to get another media player | 03:38 |
Viking667 | or just forward application windows from your other machine to your local machine? | 03:38 |
Jordan_U | intx: You're welcome. | 03:38 |
JJ_ | can somone tell me how i reset my root pass i dont actually know it | 03:38 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : i want to be able to view and control it from a remote location, | 03:38 |
iflema | Styx993 sounds odd to me..... as you where..... | 03:38 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : not just viewing it | 03:38 |
Styx993 | iflema what? | 03:38 |
Mr_Sonoma | !root | JJ_ | 03:38 |
ubottu | JJ_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 03:38 |
rosstaylor | viking667: how can i go about doing so | 03:38 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: first, install vinaigre using the software manager. | 03:39 |
Kuwanger | I've noticed that with chromium-browser, there's some writes to /var/tmp/ through sqlite3. Reading about sqlite3, it appears that there's some/a hard-coded temp dir and an environment variable to override the default. So, does anyone here know why the default is /var/tmp and not, say, /dev/sdhm? | 03:39 |
Crash210 | How do I revert kernels after I installed one? | 03:39 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: then, look for a remote desktop client. I'll go look up what mine's called. | 03:39 |
Kuwanger | err, /dev/shm | 03:39 |
mikeru | ubuntu used to go hibernating fine before. however, now when battery is low on my macbook, it says it will go to hibernation soon, but it doesn't and my macbook turns off before ubuntu hibernates | 03:39 |
mikeru | any help? | 03:39 |
Viking667 | Kuwanger: because there's more likely to be a /var/tmp perhaps? | 03:40 |
Kuwanger | Viking667: chromium already uses /dev/shm. | 03:40 |
Styx993 | Crash210 just select the old one in grub. you can set the old one to default by editing your /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 03:40 |
JJ_ | so in other words i would just type sudo reboot | 03:40 |
JJ_ | ? | 03:40 |
Kuwanger | Viking667: And both are specified in the Linux FHS. | 03:40 |
Styx993 | mplayer it is, then | 03:41 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: I'm just logging in now. | 03:41 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : should I install vino as well? | 03:41 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : there are many files in the package manager | 03:42 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: vino ... I've heard of that. | 03:42 |
Viking667 | As long as you install the VNC server on the server end, and install the client on the client machine, you'll probably be right. | 03:42 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : ok i'm installing about vinagre and vino | 03:43 |
Viking667 | btw, vinagre is the client. | 03:43 |
Viking667 | vino is the server | 03:43 |
Viking667 | you could install both, that way you can control machines in both directions. | 03:44 |
rosstaylor | so | 03:44 |
rosstaylor | ok | 03:44 |
BKTech86 | does anyone know why my virtualbox says "no suitable module for running kernel found" ? | 03:44 |
cablop | well.... | 03:44 |
lostnhell | BKTech86, what did you type in the virtualbox client OS terminal? | 03:45 |
cablop | how hard is to convert a common partition into a raid partition? usung software raid | 03:45 |
BKTech86 | lostnhell, virtualbox-ose start | 03:45 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : ok now what | 03:46 |
sheza | is there an ubuntu alternative NETinstall iso? | 03:46 |
Styx993 | all right everybody, thank you, iflema, for trying to help a little bit. i guess i'll just figure it out on my own :| | 03:46 |
Viking667 | start up vino, feed it with a password. | 03:46 |
JJ_ | SIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission denied | 03:46 |
JJ_ | ? | 03:46 |
Viking667 | on the other computer (assuming that's beside you) fire up vinagre, point it to your first machine | 03:46 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: those two lines were for you, by the way | 03:47 |
rosstaylor | wait | 03:47 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : how do you start vino on the desktop | 03:47 |
Viking667 | brb, making coffee... coofffeeeeeeeeee GCOOOOFFFEEE!!!!! | 03:47 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : i don't see it | 03:47 |
lostnhell | BKTech86, it sounds like your installation of virtualbox did not install the necessary modules | 03:47 |
JJ_ | i tired to use this command sudo ifconfig wlan0 up and then it says this what have i done wrong? SIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission denied | 03:47 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: brb. it's in the menus, or perhaps hanging off as an application onthe panel if you add it. | 03:47 |
sam__ | how can i add PPAs keys from termina?l | 03:47 |
MaRk-I | rosstaylor: here tells you how http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-share-and-connect-remote-ubuntu-desktop | 03:48 |
sheza | ? | 03:48 |
sheza | lucid lynx | 03:48 |
JJ_ | yreh# | 03:48 |
Viking667 | Ahh! | 03:49 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: System, Preferences, Remote Desktop | 03:49 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : ok | 03:49 |
Viking667 | That should help you out some. | 03:50 |
Viking667 | brb | 03:50 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : loading | 03:50 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : ok | 03:51 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : i checked the allow other users to view and control your desktop, albeit the confirmation and password | 03:52 |
BKTech86 | lostnhell, i tried reinstalling it but it doesnt work | 03:52 |
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solifugus_ | Does anyone know how to install a .deb package (with its dependencies)? | 03:53 |
sam__ | no. its only the ubuntu channel | 03:53 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: sounds good, and sounds like you at least know what you're doing. | 03:53 |
symptom | FYI Pitivi cannot rotate video | 03:54 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : ok now i started up the RD viewer on my laptop | 03:54 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : it won't let me in - connection closed | 03:54 |
lostnhell | BKTech86, did you install the kernel source and linux headers for virtualbox to use to build it's modules? | 03:54 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: hm? weird. | 03:55 |
symptom | Has Kino been working with Ubuntu? I remember using it a while back, and it would just crash on start up. | 03:55 |
Viking667 | how are you connecting? | 03:55 |
ulianov | hablame parcero tiempo sin verlo | 03:55 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : using the RD connection method | 03:55 |
Viking667 | ulianov: #ubuntu-es, por favore? | 03:55 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : remote desktop viewer | 03:55 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: did you try your-other-machine:0 L | 03:55 |
cristian | hola a todos | 03:55 |
Viking667 | (without the L | 03:55 |
Etherael | is there a way to get 32 bit firefox installed in Ubuntu 64 bit? | 03:56 |
Etherael | lucid | 03:56 |
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Viking667 | Etherael: only if you install all the 32-bit compat libraries | 03:56 |
Viking667 | aperson: hey there. you from cern? | 03:56 |
cristian | hallo everybody | 03:56 |
aperson | Viking667, nope | 03:56 |
Etherael | Viking667, happy to do that, how would you then go about selecting the 32 bit version of firefox though? I can't see any package for it? | 03:56 |
cristian | i nned help | 03:56 |
fablinix | I'm using cat ~/myfile.txt to send some text via telnet, but it seems to ignore all the new lines. Something I can do to fix that? | 03:56 |
Viking667 | Wish I knew that. I only have 32-bit here. | 03:56 |
ulianov | mucha bareta o que? | 03:57 |
Viking667 | ulianov: engleza? | 03:57 |
cristian | vorbeste cineva romaneste | 03:57 |
JJ_ | hi there im new to linux and cannot get my wifi to config properly can someone help me here plz ? | 03:57 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : yes but it doesn't work | 03:58 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : maybe it's the firewall? | 03:58 |
rallias | i | 03:58 |
Viking667 | hmm. Possible. | 03:58 |
Viking667 | which firewall? | 03:58 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : i don't know lol | 03:58 |
bp0 | ubuntu wont mount a floppy, how do i figure out what is wrong? | 03:58 |
Viking667 | sigh | 03:58 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : all i see is a black screen on the remote desktop viewer | 03:59 |
rallias | is it possible to install an amd-64 linux kernal on an i386 system? I wish to upgrade my kernal to 64 bit without reinstalling the whole system, seeing that i don't have a cd | 03:59 |
Viking667 | bp0: what filesystem is the floppy? fat12/16? | 03:59 |
JJ_ | bp use daemon tools to load the iso | 03:59 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : connection to ...... was closed | 03:59 |
mandi | please -- need help setting up mediawiki; not sure what to do at this point; apache, mysql, php are all working fine, but help files on mediwiki page point me to a place that doesn't exist | 03:59 |
lostnhell | there is nothing like having 1400 people in a room and 1,000,000 questions and problems | 03:59 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: yeah, and if you click "Connect", what does that bring up? | 03:59 |
mandi | sorry - wrong room - will go to mediawiki room | 03:59 |
ulianov | algun colombiano | 04:00 |
MaRk-I | !es | ulianov | 04:00 |
ubottu | ulianov: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 04:00 |
bp0 | Viking667, yeah, fat something | 04:00 |
bp0 | ... it has worked in the distant past | 04:01 |
JJ_ | bp use daemon tools to load the iso | 04:01 |
Viking667 | try this: mount -t vfat -o ro /dev/fd0 /your/mount/point | 04:01 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : ok | 04:01 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : brings up another screen | 04:01 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: hm? | 04:01 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : offering vnc as a option | 04:01 |
Viking667 | Right...? stick your other machine's ip in there? | 04:01 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : i did | 04:02 |
Viking667 | without the :0 | 04:02 |
Viking667 | hm. | 04:02 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : in fact it found the machine | 04:02 |
Viking667 | oh? | 04:02 |
bp0 | mount said nothing, but it did not mount | 04:02 |
bp0 | the drive made noise tho | 04:02 |
Bluh | Might there be any software that you recommend? | 04:02 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : yes i clicked find and it found the host machine for me | 04:02 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: cool, but it doesn't open, you say? | 04:02 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : i clicked on it | 04:02 |
Viking667 | bp0: hm. Checked the mountpoint? Checked dmesg? | 04:03 |
bp0 | nothing in dmesg | 04:03 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : black screen and then it says connection closed | 04:03 |
* Viking667 blinks | 04:03 | |
Viking667 | oh. | 04:03 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: okay. On the "server" machine, log out, log back in. | 04:03 |
Viking667 | That may start the server. | 04:03 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : ok i will do that (my desktop) | 04:03 |
bp0 | mount point is empty and mount doesn't list it | 04:03 |
Viking667 | not on the client end | 04:04 |
meatbun | so i installed thunderbird 3.x. but now, it does not require password, to read emails, after u click on icon | 04:04 |
Crash210 | How do I connect WiFi in the command line? | 04:04 |
Viking667 | bp0: hm.... | 04:04 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : the client end is my laptop in which i am using | 04:04 |
hotfloppy | hello guys.. i would like to know, why, when i quick change to another user or after reopen after hibernation on another user, the networkmanager not shown.. thus, i cant connect to the internet.. how do i fix this ? | 04:04 |
Viking667 | try installing mtools, then do mdir a: | 04:04 |
meatbun | i didn't say 'remember password' | 04:04 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : the host machine is my desktop | 04:04 |
MaRk-I | Viking667: rosstaylor needs to setup vino to accept incoming requests, I posted a link already | 04:04 |
meatbun | it cached old emails, and does not ask to authenticate | 04:04 |
Viking667 | ah huh. I walked him through that. | 04:04 |
meatbun | anyone who stole my computer can read all my emails | 04:04 |
rosstaylor | mark-I : i thought i already did | 04:05 |
meatbun | just by clicking open | 04:05 |
bp0 | mdir a: lists the file on the disk | 04:05 |
Viking667 | meatbun: if you're worried about it, then secure your computer better. | 04:05 |
bp0 | seems to work | 04:05 |
Viking667 | bp0: good, so at least THAT bit works. | 04:05 |
Viking667 | what does" mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /your/mount/point" do? | 04:05 |
bp0 | sure | 04:06 |
bp0 | nothing | 04:06 |
Viking667 | hm. | 04:06 |
Viking667 | ls -l /dev/fd0 | 04:06 |
bp0 | just exits normally like it worked | 04:06 |
Viking667 | See if anything is there | 04:06 |
bp0 | yes | 04:06 |
Killerkiwi | help, notify-send dosnt work | 04:07 |
Viking667 | weird. | 04:07 |
hotfloppy | in case nobody notice my question, so i repeat: hello guys.. i would like to know, why, when i quick change to another user or after reopen after hibernation on another user, the networkmanager not shown.. thus, i cant connect to the internet.. how do i fix this ? | 04:07 |
Viking667 | so the node's not missing, mtools can find the drive fine, but mount acts as if nothing's wrong but doesn't mount the drive anyhow. | 04:07 |
Viking667 | What's the last line out of dmesg that's relevant? | 04:07 |
rosstaylor | hm...this doesn't work : ( | 04:07 |
Viking667 | and, is it a conventional floppy, or a USB floppy? | 04:07 |
Killerkiwi | hotfloppy, sounds like your wirless driver hasnt reloaded brodcom ? | 04:08 |
robertzaccour | i installed the wrong driver in the grub for open source ati drivers, whats the correct line of text i need to put in the grub? | 04:08 |
Viking667 | rosstaylor: check out what MaRk-I posted a little while back. | 04:08 |
hotfloppy | Killerkiwi: i'm not using wireless.. its a mobile broadband.. is they related ? | 04:08 |
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Viking667 | hotfloppy: hang on, you're in NZ? | 04:09 |
Viking667 | On Vodafone? | 04:09 |
Viking667 | *b*gg*r | 04:09 |
bp0 | conventional floppy, nothing gets added to dmesg by trying to mount it... http://pastebin.com/SgBV0a9s | 04:09 |
hotfloppy | Viking667: i'm using huawei modem.. | 04:09 |
Viking667 | ah huh .... | 04:09 |
Viking667 | I don't know much about Huwaei aside from that they probably made my cellphone. | 04:09 |
rosstaylor | viking667 : ok i will try that and get back to you | 04:09 |
Viking667 | cool. I'll be back in five | 04:10 |
artinstartin | I created a guest account, but it is possible to access the whole filesystem from there. I unchecked all fields in the new user-rights but modem connection. How can I protect my filesystem from access? | 04:11 |
Jordan_U | artinstartin: Why don' | 04:13 |
=== MK-ULTRA is now known as hexdump_ | ||
Jordan_U | artinstartin: ... Why don't you use the built in guest account feature? | 04:13 |
artinstartin | I didn't think about it | 04:14 |
robertzaccour | i got an error message sudo update-grub | 04:14 |
robertzaccour | [sudo] password for mint: | 04:14 |
robertzaccour | /etc/default/grub: 28: Syntax error: EOF in ba | 04:14 |
artinstartin | Jordan_U: thnaks for inspiration | 04:14 |
MACscr | why the hell is it such a pain in the ass to check the status of a service in ubuntu (unlike centos)? In centos i dont need to know the path to any of the services, i just do something like: service httpd status. Or whatever. Am i missing something in ubuntu to do the same so easily? This is by default with centos and fedora without having to create any special scripts to do it, etc. | 04:14 |
thune3 | robertzaccour: pastebin the file or show the line you changed | 04:15 |
robertzaccour | line 9 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" radeon.modeset=0" | 04:15 |
robertzaccour | i meant GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" radeon.modeset=0 | 04:15 |
thune3 | robertzaccour: you have an extra " in the middle there | 04:15 |
robertzaccour | thune3: middle where? which side of splash? | 04:16 |
thune3 | thune3: or "quiet splash radeon.modset=0" the quotes need to be around the new parameter too | 04:16 |
robertzaccour | thune3: oh ok thanks | 04:17 |
Viking667 | MACscr: I can do that fine: service httpd status shows me status just fine | 04:18 |
MACscr | Viking667: not for me, says the service command isnt even found =P | 04:19 |
Viking667 | weird. | 04:19 |
Viking667 | Came with my SysV-utils package | 04:19 |
Viking667 | That may be why, of course. | 04:19 |
niccoli | hey all I have a question, when I put my pc to sleep mode how do I get out of it, because I just tryed and ended up just holding the power button, which messed up my boot sequence | 04:20 |
Viking667 | sysvinit-utils | 04:20 |
thune3 | MACscr: for upstart jobs there is a status command: status gdm | 04:21 |
mikeru | ubuntu used to go hibernating fine before. however, now when battery is low on my macbook, it says it will go to hibernation soon, but it doesn't and my macbook turns off before ubuntu hibernates | 04:23 |
mikeru | any help? | 04:23 |
jtigermi | hey there | 04:23 |
Viking667 | heh. Hibernate doesn't resume properly on my machine, so I leave it alone these days. Ironically, that's one thing that Windows does get right, all the time. | 04:23 |
MACscr | thune3: lol, i cant even check basic thinkgs like the status of crond | 04:24 |
MACscr | status: Unknown job: crond | 04:24 |
Viking667 | cron | 04:24 |
jtigermi | does anyone know the best way to install hardware drivers onto an offline system? my new cheap toshiba has atheros drivers for the ethernet and for the wireless, so no love | 04:24 |
Viking667 | (not crond) | 04:24 |
MACscr | Viking667: no diff | 04:24 |
Viking667 | yeah, there is. | 04:24 |
Viking667 | one extra letter. | 04:25 |
MACscr | Viking667: i meant in the results | 04:25 |
Viking667 | ls /etc/init.d/ | 04:25 |
Viking667 | see if cron is in there | 04:25 |
Viking667 | brb in twenty | 04:25 |
MACscr | Viking667: cron is there | 04:25 |
kernelupdate | how do i update my ubuntu 10.04 kernel to 2.6.34? i need it for driver support. | 04:25 |
Viking667 | then it's cron, not crond | 04:25 |
Viking667 | status crond | 04:25 |
Viking667 | bah. | 04:25 |
Viking667 | status cron | 04:25 |
FloodBot2 | Viking667: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:25 |
MACscr | Viking667: status: Unknown job: cron | 04:26 |
Viking667 | or, failing that, /etc/init.d/cron status | 04:26 |
Viking667 | I'm guessing it's not an upstart job yet. | 04:26 |
MACscr | Viking667: thats my whole point, i shouldnt have to mess with that bs path crap | 04:26 |
Viking667 | MACscr: I told you how to solve it. I installed sysvinit-tools | 04:26 |
kernelupdate | how do i update my ubuntu 10.04 kernel to 2.6.34? i need it for driver support. | 04:27 |
thune3 | MACscr Viking667: i'm on 9.10 and "status cron" work just fine. hmmmm | 04:27 |
Viking667 | my apologies: sysvinit-utils | 04:27 |
abhijit | !repeat | kernelupdate | 04:27 |
ubottu | kernelupdate: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 04:27 |
MACscr | thune3: im on 8.04 and its not | 04:27 |
kernelupdate | abhijit: tried all and google | 04:27 |
Viking667 | hm. could have had a name change. apt-cache search sysv | 04:28 |
MACscr | E: Couldn't find package sysvinit-utils | 04:28 |
kernelupdate | abhijit: and every 2 minutes is not quick | 04:28 |
abhijit | kernelupdate, wait atleat 15 min | 04:28 |
kernelupdate | abhijit: okay | 04:28 |
fridgerator | any way to unmount a mount nfs drive, when the computer it was shared on turned off?? if i umount it i get "device is busy" | 04:30 |
Viking667 | ouch. | 04:30 |
MACscr | Viking667: just found 'sysvutils' | 04:31 |
kernelupdate | fridgerator: try in terminal a sudo umount --force /device (or man umount for force flag) | 04:31 |
MACscr | installed that. LOL, cron doesnt even have a status option | 04:31 |
mostolof | fridgerator: if you script a little you can | 04:31 |
kernelupdate | MACscr: please add that to the wishlist at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com | 04:31 |
hybridvigour | greetings all | 04:34 |
kernelupdate | !hi | hybridvigour | 04:34 |
ubottu | hybridvigour: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 04:34 |
hybridvigour | hello everyone. | 04:34 |
kernelupdate | !ask | hybridvigour | 04:34 |
ubottu | hybridvigour: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 04:34 |
Viking667 | and it looks like you haven't got upstart yet, as you're still with 8.04 | 04:35 |
Crash210 | Why does my computer do a fsck on each boot? | 04:35 |
jon5001 | i have ubuntu installed clean, as the only os on this machine. now i want to add Windows 7. I just made an adequate ntfs partition and am set to install win7 but want to be sure i dont need to do anything before. i want to dual boot. right now grub doesnt give me any choices (it doesnt even show up... I may have set the timer to zero a long time ago). Anyway, once you get done with the MS bashing, can you help? | 04:35 |
hybridvigour | can anyone tell me know to install ubuntu mini without internet connection (i'm installing to various laptops) | 04:35 |
kernelupdate | !dualboot | jon5001 | 04:36 |
MACscr | Crash210: either you have a bad drive or your system keeps being shutdown incorrectly | 04:36 |
ubottu | jon5001: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 04:36 |
Dude | what the hell is this thing?! | 04:36 |
kernelupdate | !hello | Dude | 04:36 |
ubottu | Dude: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 04:36 |
MACscr | kernelupdate: lol, why dont you just allow people to say hello or whatever. sheesh | 04:37 |
Dude | anyone know how i can find drivers for my wireless card? | 04:37 |
MACscr | Dude: google works well =P | 04:37 |
kernelupdate | Dude: go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers | 04:37 |
kernelupdate | !google | MACscr | 04:37 |
ubottu | MACscr: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 04:37 |
numberGrey | hmm, I accidentally removed the login/logout/suspend/shutdown applet from the menu and its not one of the available applets to select for the "add to panel" dialog. Anyone know a way to replace it? | 04:38 |
MACscr | people that dont know how to use a search engine shouldnt even be allowed in irc in my opinion | 04:38 |
Thomas__ | The Ubuntu Main Menu should work numbergrey | 04:38 |
Thomas__ | or the application bar | 04:38 |
undecim | numberGrey: I think it's called quick user switcher, or something about session. | 04:39 |
=== Thomas__ is now known as ThomasB2k | ||
undecim | numberGrey: I'd check for myself, but I don't use the default panel anymore, lol | 04:39 |
numberGrey | ok I will take a peek | 04:39 |
kernelupdate | numberGrey: you can try to right click on the bottom taskbar in a blank area, and click "Add to panel" and there is the logout and shutdown shortcuts listed there | 04:39 |
ThomasB2k | undecim what do you use? | 04:39 |
puff | Hm, which package is the ipw2200 module in? | 04:39 |
undecim | ThomasB2k: Avant Windows Navigator | 04:39 |
undecim | Window* | 04:39 |
ThomasB2k | ahh | 04:40 |
kernelupdate | puff: ipw2200 comes built in all supported Ubuntu kernels and should be included in every release | 04:40 |
ThomasB2k | okay | 04:40 |
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hybridvigour | hi there, how do i install ubuntu mini without internet connectivity? | 04:40 |
ThomasB2k | I use a combination of Docky and the gnome panel | 04:40 |
undecim | I replaced the entry in gconf, so that awn launches in place of the panel. | 04:40 |
kernelupdate | puff: you can try "find / -name 2200" in terminal to search the location of the module | 04:40 |
puff | kernelupdate: So it's part of the kernel package? | 04:40 |
undecim | ThomasB2k: I would do that, but gnome panel doesn't work well as a sidebar. | 04:41 |
kernelupdate | puff: i believe so since at least 2005 | 04:41 |
undecim | ThomasB2k: I want to maximize vertical space, you see... | 04:41 |
bastidrazor | undecim: have you looked into cairo-dock? it has applets that can do what you're wanting. | 04:41 |
puff | kernelupdate: I'm trying to file a bug report, it wants to know what package it is. I know what module it is, but it doens't show up in dpkg -l | fgrep -i ipw | 04:41 |
kernelupdate | puff: the modules also exist on sourceforge if you really want them | 04:41 |
numberGrey | hmm, I was hoping to get the same applet back, these are somewhat different applets... | 04:41 |
puff | kernelupdate: no, I'm just trying to figure out the details for tihs bug report. | 04:41 |
kernelupdate | puff: try the find thing to see if anything gets returned | 04:41 |
undecim | bastidrazor: I have all I need with AWN. My experience with Cairo is that it's buggy | 04:41 |
ThomasB2k | Cairo is a bit complicated too | 04:42 |
undecim | bastidrazor: Of course that was some time ago, so I'm sure it's better now. | 04:42 |
bastidrazor | undecim: it is your choice. best of luck. | 04:42 |
jon5001 | kernelupdate, great. thanks. so it seems i dont need to do anything ahead of time. | 04:42 |
ThomasB2k | Idk between docky and AWN, each one has features that I like that the other one doesn't. I love AWN's Terminal applet | 04:42 |
klxklx | 大家好 | 04:42 |
ThomasB2k | but i love the elegance of docky | 04:42 |
undecim | ThomasB2k: Yeah, AWN has as lot more applets, and the terminal is by far my favorite | 04:43 |
kernelupdate | how do i update my ubuntu 10.04 kernel to 2.6.34? i need it for driver support. | 04:43 |
undecim | ThomasB2k: At the very least, it gives me a use for that "menu" button. I have it set to open the terminal. | 04:43 |
ThomasB2k | just sudo-apt get upgrade | 04:43 |
kernelupdate | ThomasB2k: its not listed in the apt packages (apt-cache search) | 04:44 |
ThomasB2k | hmm | 04:44 |
ThomasB2k | weird | 04:44 |
ThomasB2k | i honestly don't know | 04:44 |
ThomasB2k | brb restart | 04:44 |
kernelupdate | ThomasB2k: i know its released since its in Ubuntu 10.10, but i need it in 10.04 | 04:44 |
undecim | kernelupdate: I think the only option you have is to compile manually. | 04:44 |
kernelupdate | undecim: thats what i tried and failed | 04:45 |
undecim | failed how? | 04:45 |
kernelupdate | undecim: can i pin the package using the 10.10 repo? | 04:45 |
asteriskmonkey | Where does ubuntu 10 keep its connection manager flat files? im trying to edit a dsl profile and it doesnt store them under /etc/ppp , anyone know? | 04:45 |
puff | kernelupdate: nothing from find. This page (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs) says do "ubuntu-bug PID" but ubuntu-bug responds with "The specificed process ID does not belong to a program". | 04:45 |
undecim | kernelupdate: I don't know if that's a good idea... | 04:45 |
kernelupdate | puff: maybe try searching top or the gnome-system-manager for pid <-> name | 04:46 |
kernelupdate | undecim: i don't think its been tried before | 04:46 |
puff | kernelupdate: well ps -ef | fgrep -i 2200 gets me: root 5985 2 0 Jul17 ? 00:00:14 [ipw2200/0] | 04:46 |
=== Thomas__ is now known as ThomasB2k | ||
undecim | kernelupdate: It might be better to manually download and install only the packages you need rather than add the whole repo. | 04:47 |
=== all is now known as Guest46480 | ||
kernelupdate | undecim: thats an interesting idea, from packages.ubuntu.com 10.10? | 04:47 |
undecim | yeah | 04:47 |
undecim | kernelupdate: You will probably have a little bit of dependency hell to work through though. | 04:48 |
Cazman | anyone here know a good nagios channel? | 04:48 |
kernelupdate | undecim: as long as its documented errors i'll be okay, thanks undecim | 04:48 |
jdu | I accidentilly deleted the 'me menu' in ubuntu 10.04 and wish to restore it. When I use the "add to panel" window, etc., I do not find it. Any suggestions? | 04:49 |
kernelupdate | undecim: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=maverick&arch=amd64&searchon=names&keywords=2.6.34 | 04:49 |
undecim | Oh, packages.ubuntu.com doesn't have maverick yet. | 04:49 |
kernelupdate | undecim: can i get it from the alternative 10.10 disk for my arch? | 04:50 |
undecim | kernelupdate: probably | 04:50 |
undecim | kernelupdate: Ubuntu should automatically detect that the disk has packages | 04:50 |
stephenplatz | hi all | 04:51 |
undecim | kernelupdate: Wait a minute.... | 04:51 |
kernelupdate | !hi | stephenplatz | 04:51 |
ubottu | stephenplatz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 04:51 |
stephenplatz | any opinions on best netbooks for linux? | 04:51 |
stephenplatz | silly question | 04:51 |
illac | stephenplatz: I have an Eee PC and I like it a lot | 04:51 |
kernelupdate | stephenplatz: n900 | 04:52 |
stephenplatz | nice! | 04:52 |
illac | stephenplatz: 1002HA | 04:52 |
stephenplatz | ok | 04:52 |
jdu | I accidentally deleted the me menu' in ubuntu 10.04 and wish to restore it. When I use the "add to panel" window, etc., I do not find it. Any suggestions? | 04:52 |
undecim | kernelupdate: https://launchpad.net/~leannogasawara/+archive/ppa/+build/1590207 | 04:52 |
illac | stephenplatz: they all have pretty much identical hardware however so they'll all run about the same. | 04:52 |
sirninja | How do I get two finger scroll to work correctly on my laptop under gnome? I have awesome wm installed also and it works fine under that, but under gnome, it doesn't. | 04:52 |
stephenplatz | I use ubuntu on two of my macs, but I'm looking for a new netbook | 04:52 |
bastidrazor | jdu the 'me' menu? | 04:52 |
illac | sirninja: mine worked out of the box since 9.10 | 04:52 |
undecim | kernelupdate: If you run "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:leannogasawara/ppa" you should have those upgrades available. | 04:53 |
sirninja | illac: it worked fine in 9.10 for me as well, but now it doesn't. :( | 04:53 |
stephenplatz | asus has some nice models | 04:53 |
kernelupdate | undecim: okay, thanks, that will save me much work | 04:53 |
xawan | Someone knows about the acer-wmi problem??? | 04:53 |
illac | sirninja: system -> preferences -> mouse -> touchpad -> (check) Two-Finger Scrolling | 04:53 |
xawan | acer.wmi: Unable to detect available WMID devices | 04:53 |
stephenplatz | illac, thanks for your input! | 04:54 |
jdu | bastidrazor: or so I understand it is called now. IT's that menu in the upper right hand corner that allows shutdown, user switch, social connectivity in 10.04, etc. It first began appearing in early forms of the last few releases. | 04:54 |
sirninja | illac, it's greyed out | 04:54 |
illac | sirninja: check your touch pad drivers? | 04:54 |
sirninja | illac, it works fine under awesome wm. I think it's because gnome is trying to load something that breaks it. I'm trying to figure out what that is | 04:54 |
illac | sirninja: hmmm yea I don't know I haven't had any issues, upgraded to 10.4 from 9.10 | 04:55 |
bastidrazor | jdu: Indicator Applet | 04:55 |
kernelupdate | undecim: downloading now, should work great, thanks for saving me much time | 04:55 |
hybridvigour | does anyone have experience with ubuntu mini? | 04:55 |
sigmonsays | Hello. Why are packages in hardy that are not in karmic? Do they just drop packages over time? | 04:56 |
sirninja | Does anybody know how to prevent gnome from dealing with the touchpad? | 04:56 |
Viking667 | they do, yeah | 04:56 |
bastidrazor | jdu: Indicator Applet Session | 04:56 |
illac | sigmonsays: think you can add them to your sources list though | 04:56 |
kernelupdate | sigmonsays: when you upgrade, they list which packages are dropped in support | 04:56 |
illac | kernelupdate: can't you add them to your sources list and still use them?? | 04:56 |
Saturn2888 | Hi all. Anyone here stopped a resize2fs before? I wanna cancel the one running. 80 hours is too long. It's an ext3 partition with tons of stuff: 10480015 inodes used, 164852 non-contiguous files, 12014 non-contiguous directories, 108558433 blocks used, 2194557 regular files, 8281406 directories, 13105626 links. (3328 symbolic), equaling to 23685632 files | 04:57 |
jdu | bastidrazor: we're I branding ubuntu, I would ignore such egocentric names. The problem is that this is a family member's login, and I would like to restore the menu. | 04:57 |
jdu | bastidrazor: oh I didn't see your posts | 04:57 |
sigmonsays | That's strange. They downgraded glade-3 to glade-2 in hardy -> karmic; I'm gonna take away their crack pipe and get those druggies into rehab | 04:57 |
jdu | bastidrazor: thanks | 04:57 |
kernelupdate | illac: yes, you can, sometimes this might give errors over time, but you can always download the packages from http://packages.ubuntu.com (the *.deb which are like *.exe in windows or *.dmg in mac) | 04:57 |
meng | hi | 04:58 |
kernelupdate | !hi | meng | 04:58 |
ubottu | meng: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 04:58 |
jdu | bastidrazor: exactly what I needed; indication is not what I think of when I consider its primary functionality. Thanks so much! | 04:58 |
sigmonsays | illac, that's entering dependancy hell trying to use different distro/release packge repos | 04:58 |
asteriskmonkey | Where does ubuntu 10 keep its connection manager flat files? im trying to edit a dsl profile and it doesnt store them under /etc/ppp , anyone know? | 04:58 |
sigmonsays | which is a bad idea (tm) | 04:59 |
illac | sigmonsays: true | 04:59 |
bastidrazor | jdu: somethings are a bit vague in translation i agree. best of luck. | 04:59 |
jdu | bastidrazor: normally I feel more adept | 05:00 |
bastidrazor | jdu: many things have been changed in 10.04 or rearranged. its almost like learning a new OS at times. | 05:01 |
kernelupdate | bastidrazor: many changes are attributed to http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com feel free to suggest ideas there | 05:01 |
jdu | bastidrazor: yes; tweaking has required some relearning, and increased familiarity with gconf-editor | 05:03 |
Kaie` | i forgot the win7 wifi drivers for this netbook suck | 05:04 |
jdu | bastidrazor: thanks & bye | 05:04 |
chinmaya_n | Can i install10.04 with out loosing any applications from my previous version?? | 05:14 |
chinmaya_n | anyone there?? | 05:15 |
Lavande | hello, everyone, I forget my email password which is stored in evolution. The gnome wiki says it's in ~/.gnome2_private/Evolution/ but I don't have this directory. does anyone know where the password is stored? I'm using 10.04 | 05:15 |
illac | chinmaya_n: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:16 |
=== Kaie is now known as Guest72269 | ||
ennui | In the command line what command would I preface or append my GUI application launch command to ensure I get no output in that terminal window and can continue to enter bash commands? | 05:16 |
illac | chinmaya_n: that should upgrade from 9.10 to 10.4 without issues (hopefully :/) | 05:16 |
cablop | hi | 05:16 |
illac | ennui: & | 05:16 |
Thomas__ | You are better off odoing a fresh installation though | 05:16 |
=== Thomas__ is now known as ThomasB2k | ||
chinmaya_n | I 've my /home partition seperate!~ ! will that affect it | 05:17 |
cablop | how can i write in another languages? i mean chinese and japanese among others | 05:17 |
illac | chinmaya_n: & <-- daemonize | 05:17 |
LinuxFrustrated | can someone help me with xbuntu? Cannot see network shares on windows - Xubuntu chennel is dea | 05:17 |
illac | ennui: <-- daemonize | 05:17 |
chinmaya_n | illac, can u come again | 05:17 |
illac | ennui: BAHHH & == daemonize | 05:17 |
chinmaya_n | I 've my /home partition seperate!~ ! will that affect it | 05:17 |
cablop | LinuxFrustrated: to share folders is not related to xubuntu i guess, but ubuntu base | 05:17 |
ThomasB2k | no | 05:17 |
ThomasB2k | it wont' chinmaya | 05:17 |
cablop | LinuxFrustrated: did you set up samba? | 05:18 |
illac | chinmaya_n: crossed wires, I'm not sure if having your home on another partition will mess it up, I can't imagine it would. | 05:18 |
LinuxFrustrated | cant even browse a simple windows workgroup | 05:18 |
LinuxFrustrated | which sould be standard | 05:18 |
cablop | chinmaya_n: what is your problem? | 05:18 |
LinuxFrustrated | cab - no do I really need to become a file server just to see a windows share | 05:18 |
cablop | LinuxFrustrated: what you need to access windows files is samba, then install it | 05:18 |
chinmaya_n | cablop, Can i install 10.04 with out loosing any applications from my previous version?? | 05:18 |
Lavande | hello, everyone, I forget my email password which is stored in evolution. The gnome wiki says it's in ~/.gnome2_private/Evolution/ but I don't have this directory. does anyone know where the password is stored? I'm using 10.04 | 05:19 |
cablop | i don't know the current way, i just new the old way, but anyway samba is the answer | 05:19 |
LinuxFrustrated | I have samba installed yes - I can see the shares I cannot open then | 05:19 |
chinmaya_n | cablop, I 've my /home partition seperate!~ ! will that affect it | 05:19 |
illac | ennui: yourapplication& <-- will for it to background | 05:19 |
kernelupdate | enniu: try a "man screen" to use screen, or use xinit <program> in tty0 (alt+ctrl+f1) and say switch to tty1 (alt+ctrl+f2) for example (switching those switches out of the GUI you are in now if you are in one) | 05:19 |
cablop | then your issue, LinuxFrustrated is permissions, set same users in both sides | 05:19 |
=== thoffmeyer is now known as thoffmeyer|AFK | ||
cablop | chinmaya_n: what you ned to perform is an upgrade, afaik, ubuntu take care of what you do | 05:20 |
illac | wow I can't type for shite tonight :/ | 05:20 |
cablop | but, in the other hand, chinmaya_n, if you made custom settings, then some of thencould be lost if you don't backup them first | 05:20 |
chinmaya_n | cablop, what do you mean by custom settings?? | 05:21 |
cablop | chinmaya_n: for example custom settings in your apache or your mysql config, or in your .bashrc or in your IMEs for example | 05:21 |
cablop | chinmaya_n: in the past i messed up my keyboard cause i used scim to write chinese, then scim got broken at some point and i was unable to restore it... also i lost some databases cause i had them in diferent partitions | 05:22 |
chinmaya_n | cablop, Thanx !! I 've many issues with my current OS will they get resolved ! like gnome problems and resolution too | 05:22 |
LinuxFrustrated | What a simple task...why is linux so damn frustrating? I have Samba installed - I can see the shares under file manage network - but I cannot access them | 05:22 |
cablop | in the other hand if you wouldn't mind to make all things again then create them again | 05:23 |
LinuxFrustrated | how do I set up permission son the shares in linux | 05:23 |
NinoScript | Is it possible to open more GUIs? I mean, I have one now in what I think should be tty7 | 05:23 |
cablop | i'll do a fresh install, this is the recommended methond for ANY os | 05:23 |
cablop | NinoScript: yes you can, just switch to another user and you would have a different tgui there | 05:23 |
Lavande | Does anybody know where the password of evolution is stored? | 05:24 |
chinmaya_n | cablop, K... But I fear If i do fresh install then, I ve huge data in my /home/ like vid's music' doc's will they get effected ??\ | 05:24 |
cablop | NinoScript: with enough care you're able to launch a different session for same user, as long as i don't recommend it excpt if you are using different guis, like openning gnome in one tty and xfce4 in another | 05:24 |
chinmaya_n | If they wont I would be happy to do a fresh install !!? :) | 05:24 |
NinoScript | cablop, that sounds fun, what could go wrong if I open two GNOMEs for example? | 05:25 |
cablop | chinmaya_n: then don't mount that partition until you're sure you did things right or if you can't reconstruct your same users | 05:25 |
bonhoffer | i need the latest ruby 1.8.7 build | 05:25 |
cablop | NinoScript: well, you can give custom settingsto one gnome and different settings in the other session, then guess what would happen if you reopen gnome another day | 05:25 |
bonhoffer | apt-get install ruby says build 22 is the latest version | 05:26 |
Bluh | I'm not sure what it is but I don't scroll non stop when I push down the middle mouse button. | 05:26 |
cablop | NinoScript: simple things like backgrounds wouldn't be an issue, but things like keyboard or windows manager... ell, guess | 05:26 |
LinuxFrustrated | if I can see a network folder, but not open it - what do I do next - I dont even get the simple pleasure of an error message | 05:26 |
bonhoffer | http://www.pastie.org/1049962 | 05:26 |
bonhoffer | ^^-- my problem | 05:26 |
cablop | bonhoffer: ou can force versions or get a deb for you, or build from scratch | 05:27 |
bonhoffer | know of a good tutorial to build from scratch | 05:27 |
bonhoffer | or get the deb | 05:27 |
chinmaya_n | thanx everyone... I'll come back .... Happy ubuntuing | 05:27 |
cablop | bonhoffer: some people compile packages compatible to earlier versions, just grab a copy from them or add their repositories | 05:27 |
bastidrazor | bonhoffer: gutsy and dapper are way past end of life | 05:27 |
bastidrazor | !eol | 05:27 |
cablop | of course use trustworhy sources | 05:27 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 05:27 |
bonhoffer | oh . . . | 05:28 |
LinuxFrustrated | this is why I cant ever see using linux, cant even browse a network | 05:28 |
Crash210 | Has anybody got gma500 poulsbo working on 10.04 yet? | 05:28 |
bonhoffer | i don't have time to upgrade . . . | 05:28 |
bonhoffer | damn | 05:28 |
cablop | bonhoffer: one time i installed some packages in redhat from a different version, i ned to say the aplication that was going to use them were to find them, it's not pleasant, but that works | 05:29 |
cablop | bonhoffer: if truby is like java, then you just need to install a version not in the system, but elsewhere, opt maybe?, and configure your app to look there | 05:29 |
EspadaV8_W | hey, does anyone know of a program that can diff files on an ftp server? | 05:30 |
cablop | can i set custom backgrounds in nautilus for some folders? i liked that in the past in winows days, and willing to have that feature here again :P | 05:30 |
EspadaV8_W | i want to compare a folder locally against the remote sewrver | 05:30 |
Bluh | I'm not sure what it is but I don't scroll non stop when I push down the middle mouse button. | 05:30 |
cablop | bluh an error related with how fast is window manager reading your inputs | 05:31 |
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cablop | i forgot the soluton but check the keyboard rate or something like that | 05:31 |
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cablop | welll i think there's no scim alternative... or not people here knowing about that | 05:33 |
Bluh | I wrote that wrong, I'm looking for a way to have my mouse scroll when I push down the middle button. | 05:33 |
LinuxFrustrated | anyone? cant browse windows network | 05:33 |
cablop | EspadaV8_W: what i use is WinSCP, but i don't know if i can run it in linux, maybe through Wine, but WinSCP do wht you want i use it for every website i run | 05:35 |
LinuxFrustrated | can someone explain why I cant see w windows share | 05:36 |
thune3 | EspadaV8_W: i don't have magic solution. i would just use wget --recursive and diff locally. | 05:37 |
MaRk-I | cablop: scim was replaced by ibus http://www.pinyinjoe.com/linux/ubuntu-10-chinese-setup.htm | 05:37 |
Mr_Sonoma | LinuxFrustrated: you have samba set up? | 05:37 |
LinuxFrustrated | I have samba - have no idea what setup means - it not very intuitive | 05:38 |
cablop | LinuxFrustrated: maybe your settings, maybe a firewall, maybe your router, networlk policies, users permissions, it could be almost anything | 05:38 |
LinuxFrustrated | i dont get why I need to be a server with samba to browse a windows file share | 05:38 |
cablop | LinuxFrustrated: you need the samba thing cause your Linux need to know how to understand the file share protocol | 05:39 |
LinuxFrustrated | is ubuntu xubutnu supposed to be able to brose a windows network out of the box | 05:39 |
cablop | is the same with any other os | 05:39 |
cablop | between windows machines you must enable something called like shared folders and printers thing, isn't it? | 05:39 |
cablop | eadh machine in a windows workgroup is a server of its own files, wo why linux wouldbe an exception? | 05:40 |
cablop | did the folder you want to access have permissions for everyone? then disable it and give explicit permissions | 05:40 |
cablop | maybe that folder have eveyone remote access but no real everyone on system permissions to | 05:41 |
LinuxFrustrated | the windows folder is a shre - normally would not need a password if it was windows to windows | 05:41 |
cablop | LinuxFrustrated: they do need credentials, but inside windows they're silently managed | 05:41 |
cablop | years ego in my university we needed to set a password for the admin user, cause with no password it has no access to nothing | 05:42 |
LinuxFrustrated | lets start somewhere - is there anything special on the windows side I need to do on the sahred folder | 05:42 |
cablop | well, this is a good starting point | 05:42 |
cablop | check local permissions, then set specific permissions, then check NO other folder has everyone permissions | 05:43 |
cablop | then kill remote sessions and then retry for a from a different windows machine | 05:43 |
cablop | then try to access from linux | 05:43 |
cablop | if you have the hared folders from a home version of windows you will face some issues, cause home versions use simple sharing by default, making some permissions useless | 05:44 |
cablop | i need a clipboard manager for gnome, is there any good thing out there? | 05:45 |
MaRk-I | LinuxFrustrated: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/05/share-filesfolders-between-windows-xp-vista-7-and-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-via-samba/ check the ubuntu part adding a user | 05:45 |
Mr_Sonoma | cablop: would the KDE clipper thing work in GNOME? | 05:46 |
MaRk-I | Mr_Sonoma: yes | 05:46 |
MaRk-I | parcellite too | 05:46 |
cablop | dunno, Mr_Sonoma | 05:47 |
EspadaV8_W | cablop: yeah, alas using wine (or a gui) isn't an option, it's for a headless server :( | 05:47 |
Bluh | If I were to get a virus on my Ubuntu, could it get to my windows or vice verse? | 05:47 |
EspadaV8_W | thune3: hmmm, that could be an option (although it'd have to be ftp download, diff, ftp upload | 05:48 |
Mr_Sonoma | MaRk-I said it would cablop. could try that (i've considered it but haven't yet) | 05:48 |
MaRk-I | Bluh: only if you transfer that file to your windows and run it | 05:48 |
popo | what do viruses do? | 05:48 |
krismanto | !kernel | 05:48 |
ubottu | The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 05:48 |
cablop | bluh a virus designed for diferent operative systems could exist, but it demands tooooo much effort to do and i barely believe you can catch it with ease... | 05:49 |
blendmaster1024 | cablop, er, no. that would not be one virus. | 05:49 |
blendmaster1024 | maybe a set of viruses that propagate each other per OS ... | 05:49 |
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cablop | well, i remembered the balster times, it can go through linux machines to infect windows machines, linux were like asymptomatical vectors, lol | 05:50 |
crux000 | Is there a channel to ask sysadmin-ish type questions? | 05:50 |
Viking667 | heh | 05:50 |
blendmaster1024 | !away > thoffmeyer|AFK | 05:50 |
ubottu | thoffmeyer|AFK, please see my private message | 05:51 |
cablop | and what could really affect both systems could be set up in usb things... bt i guess it's too hard to make a virus like that | 05:51 |
blendmaster1024 | cablop, not too hard. it's just, they don't care about other oses. | 05:51 |
Viking667 | there are viruses that make USB drives .... difficult to use. | 05:51 |
Mr_Sonoma | crux000: ask away | 05:52 |
Bluh | Is there any stuff I should get for my Ubuntu? I have firefox with Noscript and Requestpoilcy as well as a firewall configuration. | 05:52 |
cablop | i think a virus relying on python, java or mono/.net could be developed... | 05:52 |
Viking667 | Bluh: I use flashblock in addition, ditto AdBlock Pro | 05:52 |
blendmaster1024 | cablop, sort of. it could. but how would it exploit anything? | 05:52 |
blendmaster1024 | Viking667, pro? or plus? | 05:52 |
LinuxFrustrated | cabl: I seem to have follwed those instructions already not getting anything | 05:52 |
cablop | dunno, it's just a possibility | 05:52 |
Viking667 | not sure, which it is, but it's one of those. ABP | 05:53 |
crux000 | Mr_Sonoma: I've got a semi-trashed RAID5 array, with mdadm no longer picking it up properly.... was looking to find someone who could help pick through the pieces. | 05:53 |
cablop | well, back to more feasible things | 05:53 |
cablop | possible, probable | 05:53 |
crux000 | Mr_Sonoma: (in particular, the only option I think I have is to recreate the array with mdadm --assume-clean ... and hope for the best?) | 05:53 |
cablop | do nautilus support custom folder backgrounds? | 05:53 |
Mr_Sonoma | crux000: wish i could be of more help on this one, but RAID is not really my specialty. | 05:54 |
crux000 | Mr_Sonoma: nor I. :( knew enough to set it up, and even recover from one with a single degraded drive, but this did me in: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/607006 | 05:54 |
LinuxFrustrated | I may have to try mint or a linux thats actually useable | 05:55 |
woodyjlw | has anyone tried installing wrath of the lich king dvd with wine? keep getting errors | 05:55 |
Bluh | As well as if I don't run something as a Root user then I should be safe from it infecting all of my computer? | 05:55 |
crux000 | Mr_Sonoma: The "--assume-clean" option has this helpful bit in the man page: "Use this only if you really know what you are doing." ;) | 05:55 |
Viking667 | woodyjlw: checked out the application database at winehq? | 05:56 |
cablop | bluh, why you worry that much, don't worry, the possibility to become that hardly infected is not that big if you use safe measures to handle your os | 05:56 |
Mr_Sonoma | crux000: LOL sounds like the sorta deals i always find myself in. course most problems aren't really problems until things go REALLY wrong with me | 05:57 |
MACscr | shouldnt there be a log for cron? | 05:57 |
cablop | crux i was just reading about raid... i guess if you mirrored the thing one of the copies would be ok, then use that copy | 05:57 |
crux000 | Mr_Sonoma: ... good learning experience except hopefully I don't fry 5 years' worth of younger brother's video footage along with it | 05:57 |
Mr_Sonoma | MACscr: i'm fairly sure those are in the syslog | 05:57 |
woodyjlw | vking667, no have not checked there yet | 05:57 |
thune3 | EspadaV8_W: if you can get away with using timestamps and filesizes as a diff indicator, you could probably use some rsync trick to get a basic idea: http://psung.blogspot.com/2008/06/comparing-directory-trees-with-diff-or.html | 05:58 |
crux000 | cablop: It was set up RAID 5 and was degraded w/ one drive missing; then got some random crap written over it due to a weird livecd bug when I was dealing with the degraded drive. | 05:58 |
Viking667 | woodyjlw: as I remember it, that's a WoW add-on | 05:58 |
Mr_Sonoma | crux000: one of the reasons i've opted for a 2nd computer as a backup for photos, videos. use a script to copy changes to certain directories to the 2nd computer. | 05:58 |
cablop | Mr_Sonoma i think you can manually create a diffeent raid array then check it, use it as a degraded aray and check wich copy is ok, backup if you need and remake the array | 05:58 |
LinuxFrustrated | I can see the Linux Samba shares from XP but tno the other way around. | 05:59 |
Bluh | cablop: I wanted to know because I have no clue as how Linux runs, I'm very use to Windows and have the feel when something is wrong but I don't know that for this yet. | 05:59 |
Mr_Sonoma | i know raid should do the same for me but this makes me "feel" safer for some reason | 05:59 |
crux000 | Mr_Sonoma: This is the 'backup' system, but yeah.... tough to keep redundancy on > 1TB for cheap, though; especially 4 or so years ago when I put this together | 05:59 |
Jordan_U | Mr_Sonoma: RAID is *not* a replacement for good backups, so you are right in your "feeling". | 06:00 |
cablop | i don't know how raid 5 works... afaik... do it split files across different physical devices? | 06:00 |
cablop | raid is not designed for backup | 06:00 |
cablop | is designed for redundancy or performance or both | 06:01 |
Mr_Sonoma | crux000: yea i know what your saying...again sorry i couldn't help you've just hit one of those areas that i've not messed with alot so don't feel confident enough to try and guide anyone through a issue (i'd probably make it worse!) | 06:01 |
crux000 | Mr_Sonoma: I've already done plenty of that, I think. :) Helped along by a power outage this afternoon... Murphy is out to get me. | 06:01 |
crux000 | cablop: Yup. And .. the redundancy means that I *might* be able to scrape some data out of this POS setup :) | 06:02 |
Mr_Sonoma | cablop: yes i know but certain arrays are supposed to be set up to where if one disk fails no data is lost. correct me if i'm wrong on that one...i cant remember what level raid that is though | 06:02 |
cablop | well, that redundancy is ok for me just when i lost a physical drive | 06:02 |
cablop | i'm willing to test just raid1 in my old computer | 06:03 |
cablop | that could work as a performance cheap backup | 06:03 |
cablop | but not a real one | 06:03 |
EspadaV8_W | thune3: oooh... that could work. That posts says -c does a checksum compare which would be much more helpful | 06:04 |
crux000 | Mr_Sonoma: RAID 2 and 5 are the most common w/ redundancy | 06:04 |
Mr_Sonoma | i figure unless murphey just wants to ruin my whole year i'm not loosing 2 hard drives on 2 computers on the SAME DAY. | 06:04 |
cablop | i think, what you can do is to check some online raid5 recovery guidesm read them twice and expect to recover those files slowly slowly | 06:04 |
cablop | but | 06:04 |
cablop | it's better safe than hurry | 06:04 |
LinuxFrustrated | raid 0 is a striped array for speed raid 1 is a mirror - raid 5 is a mirror with parity | 06:05 |
LinuxFrustrated | all of those are technilcally not great for safety | 06:05 |
EspadaV8_W | thune3: bugger, thinking about it though, it'd need rsync, which might not be available on the other side :( | 06:05 |
thune3 | EspadaV8_W: but a checksum would require downloading the file to run the checksum. (just not saving it) | 06:05 |
LinuxFrustrated | obviously raid 0 is not - but you really need a raid 6 - four drives - so two can fail and still be safe | 06:05 |
cablop | crux000: well, according to wikipdia you can reconstruct the information if only one drive is missing | 06:06 |
LinuxFrustrated | if you want to go sheap you can go raid 1 mirror - but a crash or dead drive could corrupt data across the good drive as well | 06:06 |
crux000 | cablop: I'm a bit ... deeper than that. | 06:06 |
EspadaV8_W | thune3: i might have to mount ftp and just run diff like that | 06:06 |
crux000 | cablop: Was in the middle of a successful reconstruction + backup with just one drive down and out | 06:06 |
EspadaV8_W | although it'll be just as slow | 06:06 |
EspadaV8_W | grrr | 06:06 |
crux000 | cablop: Then had some corruption on a 2nd drive due to a ubuntu/linux/WTF bug. | 06:07 |
crux000 | cablop: (a LiveCD decided to use one of the raid volumes as swap!!!! ) | 06:07 |
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Jordan_U | LinuxFrustrated: http://www.miracleas.com/BAARF/BAARF2.html | 06:07 |
cablop | crux000: yes i remembered you tolod that a few hours ago | 06:08 |
Mr_Sonoma | oh crap! you were in here earlier asking about that.............i remember now | 06:08 |
crux000 | Yeah. Got bug reported, now trying to deal with the pieces. | 06:08 |
cablop | crux000: you are in a very hard situation, and... well, s**t happens... ;S | 06:08 |
crux000 | Current plan: force the system to think all the drives are nice and intact and do a dump, however corrupted, from there. I'm pretty sure most of the 'wrong bits' are limited to the first few sectors of the drives | 06:08 |
thune3 | EspadaV8_W: without the checksum, the -rvn --delete options, would use timestamps and filesizes (if your local timestamps match), to give you a basic idea. | 06:09 |
cablop | well, in your case and if i can get a second disk i would make a partition sector to sector copy and then try what your going to try | 06:09 |
crux000 | (bbiab, phone) | 06:10 |
EspadaV8_W | thune3: i'm not sure that timestamps are preserved on all the servers we upload to | 06:11 |
EspadaV8_W | (there are lots of random servers that we don't manage) | 06:11 |
teamcoltra | there are currently 1337 people awesome | 06:13 |
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EspadaV8_W | and 1 operator | 06:14 |
jamil_1 | hello, neither vlc not mplayer or playing any file. They give the error that unable to open the shared library xxxx even even when it is present | 06:14 |
teamcoltra | Okay -- Question: I installed the ATI graphics card support for my laptop and then it wouldn't let me boot up - so in shell I purged it. So I rebooted the computer and it got passed the splash screen but then it was just a blank screen (but back lit... but nothing there) | 06:15 |
teamcoltra | So I booted into failsafe graphics mode, and it let me on... but I didn't need failsafe graphics before I had my graphics card driver | 06:15 |
Viking667 | jamil_1: start up a Terminal, do a "ldd /usr/bin/mplayer". See if your library turns up in that listing. | 06:15 |
Viking667 | not sure what the binary for vlc is actually called, but I'd suggest ldd'ing that too. | 06:16 |
cablop | does ubuntu support acl? | 06:17 |
crux000 | cablop: 2nd disk + raw dumps of each member drive would be nice. | 06:17 |
Viking667 | cablop: probably does, but you'd have to set it up. I don't know anything about ACLs. | 06:17 |
Viking667 | certainly relevant to the selinux layer. | 06:18 |
jamil_1 | Viking667, give me a min | 06:18 |
crux000 | cablop: I'm somewhat $ and time limited, though ... would have to be a fairly large 2nd disk (~1.5 TB for all the raw images I think) | 06:18 |
Viking667 | don't worry about me. I'm actually supposed to be doing about six other things at the moment, so I'll be a bit busy. | 06:18 |
EspadaV8_W | i think what i want doesn't exist :( | 06:19 |
cablop | EspadaV8_W: what you're looking for iis a must for me also, sigh | 06:21 |
cablop | i need that thing too | 06:21 |
cablop | well, you just need WinSCP in he client side | 06:21 |
Bluh | I'm looking for a tool that can tell me the temp of my CPU and harddrive for Ubuntu, like http://www.piriform.com/speccy | 06:21 |
cablop | it can do the job on the server | 06:21 |
EspadaV8_W | cablop: seems like a lot of webdevs need it | 06:21 |
teamcoltra | What are you looking for? Sorry I came in late | 06:21 |
cablop | we want a tol that is able to send or retrieve changes from a remote server throught ftp | 06:21 |
MACscr | Bluh: conky | 06:21 |
EspadaV8_W | cablop: we currently use beyond compare 3 to do the upload/sync | 06:21 |
EspadaV8_W | but that just does an ftp download/checksum compare | 06:22 |
cablop | not to download the whole thing, just the changes, also delete changed files and so on | 06:22 |
Mr_Sonoma | cablop: what does winscp do? is that a ssh? | 06:22 |
cablop | nope winscp is a ftp client, it's able to compare the local copy with the remote copy and synchronize both, uni or bidirectional | 06:22 |
Mr_Sonoma | ah | 06:23 |
crux000 | cablop: rsync is what you want, probably. | 06:23 |
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EspadaV8_W | i found winscp missed a lot of changes | 06:23 |
EspadaV8_W | hence why i use BC3 now | 06:23 |
EspadaV8_W | BC3 has a command line tool, but only for windows | 06:24 |
teamcoltra | Maybe what you guys would like is murder | 06:24 |
maco | teamcoltra: excuse me? | 06:24 |
EspadaV8_W | and i can't use the GUI on the server | 06:24 |
teamcoltra | http://github.com/lg/murder | 06:24 |
EspadaV8_W | teamcoltra: you meant the twitter thing? | 06:24 |
teamcoltra | Yeah | 06:25 |
nikolam | Damn AMD!. I have integrated graphics in motherboard (690G/X1250) and there is no driver for Lucid/LTS anymore! Only open driver that is, like 3-4 times slower at 3D. Damn Amd/Ati. Let them Burn in hell. | 06:25 |
ActionParsnip | EspadaV8_W: you can if you install x libs and use an ssh session with x forwarding | 06:25 |
EspadaV8_W | ActionParsnip: i want it automated though | 06:25 |
EspadaV8_W | i'm trying to set up a hudson/phing build system for our sites | 06:25 |
EspadaV8_W | since doing it manually is getting annoying | 06:25 |
nikolam | and there IS windblows driver, yeees, there is. Amd lost another customer as I see it.. | 06:25 |
ActionParsnip | Nikolam: try the .bin file from nvidia.com or the nvidia vdpau ppa | 06:25 |
teamcoltra | EspadaV8_W, ooor what about a repository system like GIT | 06:26 |
nikolam | ActionParsnip, khm.. its ati/amd integrated graphics, not nvidia one.. | 06:26 |
ActionParsnip | Nikolam: can you drop the emotional stuff, its not helpful | 06:26 |
EspadaV8_W | teamcoltra: yeah, that's something else i'm looking at | 06:26 |
EspadaV8_W | currently using svn but want to migrate over to git | 06:26 |
ActionParsnip | Nikolam: then check the ati site | 06:26 |
nikolam | ActionParsnip, can you please read for a change what people is talking about before answering? | 06:27 |
EspadaV8_W | that won't be for a while yet though, so would like something to use as a stop-ga | 06:27 |
ActionParsnip | Nikolam: my bad, check the ati site | 06:27 |
nikolam | I just told that ati/amd driver does not support Lucid. | 06:27 |
ActionParsnip | Nikolam: then use karmic, its fully supported waaay into next year | 06:28 |
hover | do we need to install drivers for infrared in ubuntu? | 06:28 |
cablop | i like svn, never tried git, and thinking why must i need to change my cvs? | 06:28 |
nikolam | ActionParsnip, no it is not. and that is not a solution. Only solution is proper support from Amd, and since it is not going to happen, I will buy Nvidia in the future. Simple. | 06:28 |
ActionParsnip | cablop: if it works, don't fix it | 06:28 |
crux000 | CVS sucks :) svn ain't bad. Git hurt my head at first, now I think I like it but I'm not quite sure yet. | 06:28 |
cablop | no no, murder is not what we want | 06:29 |
cablop | maybe rsync? dunno how rsync works | 06:29 |
ActionParsnip | nikolam: then pressure ati, I only buy nvidia due to fantastic support | 06:29 |
jamil_1 | Viking667, ldd /usr/bin/mplayer says xxx => not found | 06:29 |
crux000 | cablop: rsync syncs two directories, transferring only the differences. | 06:29 |
Viking667 | hm. | 06:29 |
hover | !irda | 06:29 |
ubottu | Information about using IrDA interfaces under Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrdaHowto | 06:29 |
crux000 | cablop: it uses its own protocol but knows how to tunnel itself over SSH (like SCP = FTP over SSH sorta) | 06:30 |
Viking667 | what shows for ls -l /lib/xxx ? | 06:30 |
crux000 | sorry, SFTP that is | 06:30 |
Viking667 | and /usr/lib/xxx ? | 06:30 |
nikolam | ActionParsnip, I eill buy Nvidian in the future, too, also they have opensolaris drivers and amd does not. an I suppose more things (cuda etc) | 06:30 |
cablop | would rsync let me slect what changes to propagate? | 06:30 |
crux000 | cablop: I believe it just does a full sync. | 06:31 |
ActionParsnip | Nikolam: also seen too many issues with sis, trident and other stuff like that. Intel drivers work too but sometimes need xorg.conf to work nice | 06:31 |
crux000 | cablop: Are you dealing with text files? | 06:31 |
cablop | and i find WinSCP is not missing changes, what you miust care is the times you use when you do | 06:31 |
cablop | i deal with text, images and so on | 06:31 |
cablop | i use for example for the followinf scenario | 06:32 |
jamil_1 | Viking667, it say not found. It may help that I am using mplayer from this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa | 06:32 |
crux000 | cablop: for folders with mostly text, meld is A++ awesome. | 06:32 |
crux000 | (if you want to compare two folders and cherry-pick the changes you want to sync) | 06:32 |
nikolam | Intel graphics drivers were always open as I understand, sorry they don´t do 3D GPU´s | 06:32 |
cablop | i had a wordpress on server, then it upgraded a plugin, changing files and deleting others, also adding a few more, then i bring here just what had changed, and then i subversion the local copy | 06:32 |
Viking667 | jamil_1: hm. | 06:32 |
ActionParsnip | Nikolam: my crappy dell lappy has an intel chip and runs full compiz and games | 06:33 |
crux000 | (also, word of advice: ... might be worth using your source control's branching + tagging to create a "published"/"production" branch so you don't risk a misclick sending bad stuff to the server irrevocably) | 06:33 |
marker_ | so fast | 06:33 |
nikolam | ActionParsnip, yes, I also have one with intel, only thing is it always lacked 3d punch in integrated solutions. | 06:33 |
cablop | but sometimes, i don't want to bring here the log files or some other small files i was going to delete, for example 50 language modules i don't want or need to backup, not either transfer, then i want to select what to sync here before startint the transfer | 06:34 |
ActionParsnip | Nikolam: but it is a 3D chip, even if it is weak | 06:34 |
jpds | cablop: You can --exclude= folders and files. | 06:34 |
marker_ | maybe lost. | 06:34 |
nikolam | ActionParsnip, well, yes, only think is that I see now amd vs nvidia battle from another ¨linux unsupported by Amd¨ perspective | 06:35 |
jpds | cablop: In fact, you can even give it a text file listing of the files you want with --files-from= . | 06:35 |
cablop | but that seems so rude... with WinSCP i just mark or unmark checkboxes then clicked next... | 06:36 |
Viking667 | my blimming ati isn't supported by the "official" ATI drivers, so I'm stuck with the free ones supplied with xorg. | 06:36 |
bullgard | [GNOME 2.30.2] On my Ubuntu 10.04 computer /schemas/apps/gnome_settings_daemon/plugins/background/active=<schema>. What does "active=<schema>" mean? Who determines my background setting? | 06:37 |
ActionParsnip | Nikolam: it is kinda, you just need the right combination of stuff which is pretty poor. Nvidia have supported linux for all the time I've been on it (started in 2000) so its all I use. The drivers can bring some issues thoough like hibernate wakeup giving black screens and low res boot splash but can be worked around | 06:37 |
cablop | i don't know what to do, i have a semi-old computer, it's not too old, it can run win7 with aero enabled... but's a pain to work with it nowadays... i wanted to move to linux, but.... i'm afraid lucid will give me same performance isues and i'll end deleting a windows machine for nothing :( | 06:37 |
cablop | also linux seems to have very very hard to use tools, not mentioning the REAL lack of professional tools for design | 06:37 |
crux000 | cablop: grsync? someone made a GUI for it. | 06:38 |
ActionParsnip | Cablop: install karmic and use lubuntu if its lacking in resources | 06:38 |
ActionParsnip | crux000: yes grsync exists | 06:38 |
nikolam | ActionParsnip, yes I know. i was just under soem kind of impression that amd changed its way of supporting Linux and get closed to Nvidia with support. It is just not true with older hardware (older then 1.5 year, if that is old) | 06:38 |
ActionParsnip | !info grsync | 06:38 |
ubottu | grsync (source: grsync): GTK+ frontend for rsync. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-1 (lucid), package size 92 kB, installed size 520 kB | 06:38 |
cablop | i'm not sure if the issue is resources... | 06:38 |
crux000 | cablop: the nice thing about text files is you set it up once. Just once. then you can reuse it... whereas you'll be checking boxes for the foreseeable future | 06:38 |
crux000 | ActionParsnip: it exists :) is it any good? :) | 06:38 |
ActionParsnip | Nikolam: totally agree sir | 06:39 |
cablop | crux000: well, the bad thing is i never sync same files, meaning sometimes i do want the logs, and not others, is a per case basis, not a routine :( | 06:39 |
ActionParsnip | crux000: not used it, I understand rsync enough to do what I need so I use cli. Its good as it shows the command and you can copy it to use on other machines ;) | 06:40 |
bakingsoda | Anyone know how to build a time machine? | 06:40 |
crux000 | cablop: rsync is _very_ good about transferring only changes (e.g. it only transfers changes _within_ a file) ... maybe you could just sync everything? :) | 06:40 |
bakingsoda | Anyone know how to build a time machine? | 06:40 |
jpds | bakingsoda: We read you the first time. | 06:40 |
bakingsoda | than why didnt anyone fuckin say anthing? | 06:40 |
* lhx munches on some cheese. Nom nom nom nom nom nom. | 06:40 | |
ActionParsnip | bakingsoda: yes, I'm from the future. I told you last week in 2050 | 06:41 |
bakingsoda | send me back to 2005 | 06:41 |
cablop | my god, a deja vu, something is changing in the matrix | 06:41 |
ActionParsnip | bakingsoda: keep the language pg | 06:41 |
bakingsoda | screw u | 06:41 |
jpds | bakingsoda: Because noone can answer your question? | 06:41 |
lhx | bakingsoda: jawohl mein furher | 06:41 |
ActionParsnip | !language | bakingsoda | 06:41 |
ubottu | bakingsoda: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 06:41 |
cablop | bakingsoda: i did a time machine in the future, but i changed something in the past so today i forgot how to make one | 06:42 |
illac | cablop: you're from the future?! | 06:45 |
DrMrHorse | how do i make apt-get remove a package and not the packages that depend on it? | 06:46 |
illac | http://adsoftheworld.com/files/timetravel.jpg | 06:46 |
Jordan_U | illac: No, he would be from the future if he hadn't prevented himself from building a time machine. | 06:46 |
Jordan_U | DrMrHorse: Before I tell you, I'd like to know why (that's generally a very bad idea). | 06:47 |
cablop | DrMrHorse: afaik, this is not possible, unless you replace the package | 06:47 |
DrMrHorse | Jordan_U: im trying to replace gnome-mplayer with one copiled from source and checkinstalled, but lubuntu-desktop depends on it and wants to remove itself | 06:48 |
Jordan_U | !ubuntu-desktop | DrMrHorse | 06:48 |
ubottu | DrMrHorse: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading. | 06:48 |
cablop | i find myself unwiling to replace my windows | 06:48 |
cablop | sigh | 06:48 |
Beyecixramd | where can i get a Ubuntu light ISO in its latest state? (don't care if it's a dev preview) | 06:49 |
DrMrHorse | Jordan_U: if you remove lubuntu-desktop, wont that screw up my gdm? | 06:49 |
Jordan_U | DrMrHorse: No. | 06:49 |
DrMrHorse | hmm | 06:49 |
DrMrHorse | ty | 06:49 |
Jordan_U | DrMrHorse: You're welcome. | 06:50 |
cablop | i'm checking what's making my windows slow... and it's firefox!!!! | 06:50 |
cablop | firefox would render my linux unusable too | 06:51 |
_L30_ | use swiftfox | 06:51 |
cablop | and metacity /compiz is a s heavy as aero is! | 06:51 |
cablop | but swiftfox makes plugins hard to be used | 06:51 |
cablop | i really don't know what to do, i need to develop some websites, and lacking of ie will make my life harder | 06:52 |
Jordan_U | Beyecixramd: As I understand it, Ubuntu Light is Ubuntu hightly customized to match a given piece of hardware + the Unity interface. | 06:52 |
cablop | do somebody here virtualboxed win7 with low requirements? | 06:53 |
cablop | i think i can survive in linux that way | 06:53 |
_L30_ | cablop: you can get the virtual image of windows xp | 06:54 |
Beyecixramd | Jordan_U: yes, well, it's made by Canonical and stuff, but i can't find links to download it. Tried everything, any hits? | 06:55 |
jpds | Beyecixramd: It's only available for OEMs. | 06:55 |
jpds | cablop: Use ie4linux. | 06:56 |
cablop | l30, you're right... i jkust liked win7 bso much when i was using it, but i don't need it's cool features in the vbox world | 06:56 |
=== Strife1989 is now known as Strife89 | ||
cablop | jpds, ie4linux is not a solution, i need to be able to test ie6 ie7 ie8 and ie9 , easy to do insalling ietester on windows | 06:56 |
Tniffoc | How would I get set permissions so that ALL USERS in group x can do nothing except for R/W files in their home directory? | 06:56 |
jamil_1 | Viking667, got it working from here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9598669&postcount=1461 | 06:57 |
Beyecixramd | jpds: no, it's not, afaik. Anyways, it's a FLOSS solution, so it should be downloadable, or at least compillable | 06:58 |
cablop | ok, "al mal paso darle prisa" if i have to face the bad thing i have to do it now | 06:59 |
Jordan_U | Beyecixramd: The unity interfact is available, but even if the software is GPL'd they are only required to distribute source code to those they distribute binaries to. I'm not sure how I feel about the lack of transparency with Ubuntu Light but it's legal. | 07:01 |
jpds | Beyecixramd: http://www.canonical.com/engineering-services/oem-services/why-ubuntu/products | 07:01 |
jpds | Beyecixramd: "PC OEMs can get Ubuntu Light now." | 07:01 |
MACscr | Bluh: learn irc etiquette, dont pm without asking first | 07:01 |
lhx | what are ya'll debating? | 07:01 |
Bluh | Macser: Sorry | 07:02 |
localgtl | when 40 users login to open ssh on ubuntu 10.04 server, it shows 'server refused connection' error | 07:02 |
Bluh | I can't seem to find where I installed Conky >.< | 07:02 |
MACscr | Bluh: i cant help ya with conky, i dont use it | 07:02 |
Tniffoc | How would I get set permissions so that ALL USERS in group x can do nothing except for R/W files in their home directory? | 07:04 |
Beyecixramd | jpds: it doesn't say "only PC OEMs" | 07:05 |
lhx | Tniffoc: each user to r/w only their home directory, or each group user r/w each group user's home dir | 07:05 |
cablop | what is the easy way to create raid1 in an already running ubuntu? | 07:05 |
Beyecixramd | Jordan_U: GPL forces publishers to publish source too. If they don't do directly, they should provide sources on demand (eg: if you email them) failure to do so turns the license invalid, and the software itself, illegal | 07:06 |
Eventyret | can you still change the login theme on ubuntu 10.04 ? | 07:06 |
Tniffoc | lhx: I want them only to be able to r/w to THEIR OWN home directory. I'm running a family web server. I don't want "sally" editing /home/mark/public_html etc... etc... | 07:06 |
Crash210 | How do I get my .EXEs to have icons with Wine? | 07:06 |
localgtl | when 40 users login to open ssh on ubuntu 10.04 server, it shows 'server refused connection' error | 07:07 |
Jordan_U | Beyecixramd: Please study the details, source only needs to be distributed to those that the resulting binary was distributed to. | 07:07 |
Beyecixramd | localgtl: maybe the router reached its max number of connections, or the server itself | 07:08 |
Beyecixramd | Jordan_U: well, i know that | 07:08 |
lhx | Tniffoc: isn't that the default behavior? | 07:08 |
lhx | (I don't have an ubunut insall up and runnign right now) | 07:08 |
Tniffoc | umm. I never thought of that.... lemme check | 07:08 |
Tniffoc | lhx: well I'm running debian | 07:09 |
Tniffoc | but its the same. :D | 07:09 |
lhx | Tniffoc: i mean, they'll be able to r/w any other files out there that have the Y in the XXY of permissions set to where they can read | 07:09 |
lhx | Tniffoc: i mean r/w | 07:09 |
troopperi | Crash210: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225194 | 07:10 |
localgtl | beyecixramb: no it can't be. The server is high end. Earlier on an old pc running ubuntu desktop 8.04, 80 users used to login at a tim | 07:10 |
lhx | Tniffoc: i'd just go read about chmod, chgrp, chown using the 'man' command | 07:10 |
Beyecixramd | localgtl: not saying it has hardware limitations, but maybe it has software issues | 07:10 |
sravs | hie every one | 07:11 |
Beyecixramd | localgtl: by the way, type beye and then press tab for autocomplete | 07:11 |
ActionParsnip | Hi sravs | 07:11 |
love_ | hey guys | 07:11 |
ActionParsnip | Hi | love_ | 07:12 |
thune3 | Tniffoc: i believe that disabling "all users"/"other users" permission on /home/mark will do what you want. chmod 750 /home/mark | 07:12 |
o2oo | does anyone know the best file-searching tool in ubuntu ? | 07:12 |
localgtl | beyecixramb: i looked int ssh_config, but there is nothing about user limit. okay i'll try your advice. | 07:12 |
jpds | o2oo: "locate" ? | 07:12 |
ActionParsnip | O2oo: there is no best app for anything in ubuntu | 07:12 |
Tniffoc | thune3: Well I need this to happen automatically. I mean I have a script creating the users.... in large numbers... | 07:12 |
ActionParsnip | O2oo: there is no best anything in life | 07:13 |
=== Slix`` is now known as Slix` | ||
lhx | Tniffoc: then you need a script that runs a "chmod ~/ 750" | 07:13 |
lhx | Tniffoc: or something like that | 07:13 |
ActionParsnip | O2oo: there's find, locate, beagle, nautilus has a search tool too | 07:13 |
o2oo | nautilus is very simple | 07:14 |
o2oo | too simple | 07:14 |
localgtl | beyecixramb: on forums its said open ssh allows only 10 users at a time to login, but it can be changed by modifying ss_config, but there is no specific mention about ti in the file | 07:14 |
o2oo | I want professional search tool | 07:14 |
Tniffoc | thune3: quickie. Would it be safe to do "chmod -R o-rwx" and "chmod -R g-rwx" | 07:14 |
Tniffoc | on "/" | 07:14 |
ActionParsnip | O2oo: there are many search tools. For some the nautilus search is professional. Maybe if you identify your needs we can give more exact examples | 07:14 |
lhx | o2oo: type "man find" in your terminal | 07:15 |
thune3 | Tniffoc: it's just the top level. sudo o2oo> I want professional search tool | 07:15 |
jpds | o2oo: Use: locate. | 07:15 |
o2oo | I would try the ones you just tell me. thanks!! | 07:15 |
thune3 | Tniffoc: oops, paste fail. i *think* you only need to change the top level dir /home/mark /home/sally, that you don't need to recurse | 07:15 |
ActionParsnip | O2oo: find is pretty professional but you will need to learn some basic syntax, you can pipe the files into all sorts of other commands to get fantastic power | 07:15 |
=== mike is now known as Guest33617 | ||
Tniffoc | thune3: well basically, I'm worried that I've set some odd permissions durring my install process | 07:16 |
Tniffoc | so I need to set them ALL back to only root | 07:16 |
o2oo | the exact tool I need is like "searchmonkey" does. But it often goes wrong and auto-exit. | 07:16 |
lhx | Tniffoc: use a recurseive chmod command on all of "/home/*" | 07:17 |
Maple12 | Any chance I can get help with getting games like Quake Live, or TileRacer to run and not crash my system? | 07:17 |
Tniffoc | lhx: but then what if the user runs say /etc/init.d/apache2 stop | 07:18 |
lhx | Tniffoc: that will reset EVERY file and directory to whatever you tell it to in the home directory | 07:18 |
ActionParsnip | O2oo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FindingFiles | 07:18 |
lhx | Tniffoc: go to init.d and do a "ls -l" and then tell us what the permissions are on it | 07:18 |
lhx | Tniffoc: i seriously doubt that anyone can execute in init.d | 07:19 |
ActionParsnip | Maple12: can you reset the x server after the crash? | 07:19 |
lhx | Tniffoc: remember first number = root, 2nd number = group, 3rd number = anyone | 07:19 |
lhx | Tniffoc: for chmod commands | 07:19 |
Tniffoc | lhx: yes. by default. but I'm retarded. and did "chmod +rwx" on some stuff while installing | 07:19 |
ActionParsnip | Lhx: first number = owner | 07:19 |
lhx | ActionParsnip: srry | 07:20 |
lhx | ActionParsnip: you're totally right | 07:20 |
ActionParsnip | Np ;) | 07:20 |
Maple12 | ActionParsnip: No. It just crashes to a GRUB like screen, and after a bit, blinks like random lines... | 07:20 |
blitzo | a friend of mine just installed skype on a livecd installation from the directions given at http://linux.dipin.info/2010/01/how-to-install-skype-on-ubuntu-1004.html - it completed without errors. she says skype does not appear on the applications->internet menu - so how do i tell if it actually loaded? i am advising her from remote. | 07:20 |
lhx | Tniffoc: if you've borked your permissions that much, why not backup your home dirs and reinstall? | 07:20 |
ActionParsnip | Maple12: ok, can you pres alt+ f keys (might be f7,try them all) to get back to desktop? Does ctrl+c do anything? | 07:21 |
ActionParsnip | Maple12: can you ssh in when it crashes (from another pc) | 07:21 |
Maple12 | I'm not sure. I'd have to try one of the games that crash. It's mostly all 3D games | 07:21 |
Maple12 | I'm not sure about the ssh thing | 07:22 |
ActionParsnip | Maple12: do you have 3D accelleration? | 07:22 |
Maple12 | I should... Unless the current Intel chipset isn't able to support 3D accel on Ubuntu | 07:22 |
MaRk-I | Beyecixramd: you mean this one?? http://u-lite.org/content/get-u-lite#cd | 07:23 |
NPFTM | can someone tell me why the adduser command isn't working for me? I'm having syntax problems. Here's what I'm trying to do. | 07:23 |
NPFTM | adduser -D -c 'comment goes here' -e '2010-10-10' -g 'groupName' -p 'password' -u '901' 'userName' | 07:23 |
o2oo | ActionParsnip, thanks! | 07:23 |
ActionParsnip | Maple12: intel make many video chips. Maybe there is a bug in the driver for yours | 07:23 |
_L30_ | blitzo: make a menu entry | 07:23 |
Maple12 | Well, I noticed when getting help for games like Skulltag that use OpenGL, the MESA drives also crash my system | 07:24 |
ActionParsnip | O2oo: remember, there is no best anything. There is only what you like | 07:24 |
Maple12 | that was after downloading the MESA-dev files | 07:24 |
Beyecixramd | MaRk-I: no, U-lite/Ubuntu Lite and Ubuntu Light are two things totally different, you can't even compare them | 07:24 |
Beyecixramd | totally different things* | 07:24 |
MaRk-I | is that like an instant on? | 07:25 |
ActionParsnip | Maple12: you could try the xorg edgers ppa, its highly experimental and may give issues but keep it on the back burner as a last ditch attempt | 07:25 |
o2oo | ActionParsnip, have you used searchmonkey? it's very good but easy auto-exit | 07:25 |
ActionParsnip | O2oo: I use find. Its awesome | 07:25 |
Maple12 | Well, i was explained that Intel chipsets put power on the CPU rather than the GPU | 07:26 |
ActionParsnip | Mark-i: xpud boots fast but is slightly more limited than ubuntu. Can you expand your question | 07:26 |
ActionParsnip | O2oo: with find (for example) I can search my home folder for jpg files over 2mb in size and make a thumbnail of it in a thumbnails folder | 07:27 |
MaRk-I | ActionParsnip: nvm it was about ubuntu light. | 07:27 |
ActionParsnip | Is ulite supported here? | 07:28 |
Maple12 | I was told to install libglu-mesa-dev in the Software Center so that OpenGL would work. I tried it on an OpenGL-based game, and it gave me that GRUB crash. | 07:29 |
Beyecixramd | MaRk-I: instant on... not at all. Takes 7 seconds on SSDs | 07:29 |
Beyecixramd | MaRk-I: xPUD is slightly faster than Ubuntu Light, tho | 07:30 |
ActionParsnip | Beyecixramd: that's pretty instant in my book | 07:30 |
Beyecixramd | ActionParsnip: instant for me, 3 secs, or less | 07:30 |
Beyecixramd | :P | 07:30 |
ActionParsnip | Beyecixramd: boots in 3 seconds on pata hdd with 2gb ram and a 1.6ghz cpu | 07:30 |
Arkaniad | Not fully sure if this is the place to ask this, but I might as well shoot. I'm trying to compile some C programs, namely ncurses. After struggling and thinking that I was missing an installed library and installing all of the ncurses-related packages, I found a larger problem: GCC, netbeans, ld etc don't know where to find the header or library files! what do I do to fix it? | 07:30 |
Beyecixramd | ActionParsnip: what? U Light? | 07:31 |
ActionParsnip | Beyecixramd: no, xpud | 07:31 |
Beyecixramd | ActionParsnip: oh, yeah | 07:31 |
Beyecixramd | ActionParsnip: xPUD is fast, pretty instant, not Light | 07:31 |
_L30_ | my ubuntu doesnt start | 07:31 |
_L30_ | dont know what are the issues | 07:31 |
NPFTM | does anyone here know anything about Bash syntax? If yes, I have a question about the adduser command that reading the manpage doesn't seem to solve. | 07:32 |
Beyecixramd | _L30_: lol could you be more descriptive please? | 07:32 |
ActionParsnip | Xpud is a tiny iso, very light | 07:32 |
_L30_ | i get a login screen then after i enter the details i get the same login screen | 07:32 |
MaRk-I | Beyecixramd: basically it's just a DE, "Ubuntu Netbook Edition" | 07:32 |
Beyecixramd | !give NPFTM ask | 07:32 |
* Daughain gives NPFTM a 10mbit network card | 07:32 | |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:32 |
* roved2101 gives NPFTM a china ornament | 07:32 | |
Beyecixramd | shat | 07:32 |
NPFTM | this syntax isn't working: adduser -D -c 'comment goes here' -e '2010-10-10' -g 'groupName' -p 'password' -u '901' 'userName' | 07:33 |
Maple12 | _L30_:You wouldn't happen to be attempting to run it in KDE or Xtrem right? | 07:33 |
_L30_ | nope | 07:33 |
Beyecixramd | NPFTM: maybe it's an older version. Try tunning adduser, without any syntax, and continue the tutorial | 07:33 |
Beyecixramd | running* | 07:33 |
Maple12 | Have you tried reinstalling Ubuntu? | 07:33 |
_L30_ | Maple12: it worked earlier | 07:34 |
localgtl | beyecixramb: I solved it. in sshd_conf I changed 'MaxStartups from 10:30:60 to 100:300:600, and I guess it works | 07:34 |
Beyecixramd | _L30_: sorry, but that's pretty useless here | 07:34 |
_L30_ | so you mean i have to reinstall it | 07:34 |
Beyecixramd | localgtl: glad you figured it out :) | 07:34 |
_L30_ | no way of getting my things back? | 07:34 |
daredevil | how do i prevent ubuntu loading a module in the future? | 07:34 |
Beyecixramd | _L30_: again, could you be more descriptive? | 07:34 |
Beyecixramd | _L30_: for example, do you see plymouth? does GRUB load? etc | 07:35 |
Maple12 | _L30_: Possibly, you downloaded a file that screwed your login up. I extremely suggest either clean install, or try using a dual-boot to back your files up | 07:35 |
localgtl | beyecixramb: Thanks for the help. | 07:35 |
Beyecixramd | localgtl: you're welcome :) | 07:35 |
_L30_ | yes everything loads i get the login screnn ....i enter the credentials it blinks and i get the same login screen again | 07:35 |
Beyecixramd | _L30_: see? you could've said that. Try logging into a TTY | 07:36 |
NPFTM | @Beyecixramd: I'm actually using this command on Fedora 13 and for a school project that I'd like to turn in tomorrow when I get into school. I only asked here because the Fedora IRC networks aren't very busy this time of day. | 07:36 |
blitzo | can someone tell me the apt-get options to completely remove a package? | 07:36 |
Beyecixramd | NPFTM: errr... Fedora IRC networks... lol what a joke (personal issues, nothing related to you) | 07:37 |
_L30_ | yes i logged into tty and tried startx there | 07:37 |
MaRk-I | blitzo: --purge | 07:37 |
Beyecixramd | _L30_: remove .xsession from your $HOME | 07:37 |
iflema | blitzo sudo apt-get remove --purge packageName | 07:37 |
_L30_ | i gett a fatal error server already active at 0 | 07:37 |
Beyecixramd | _L30_: and any other dot FILES in $HOME, preferably, not folders, just files | 07:37 |
iflema | blitzo that include configuration files.... | 07:38 |
blitzo | iflema thx | 07:38 |
Beyecixramd | _L30_: i have an idea. do sudo init 3 and then, log in with your user, then do sudo init 5 | 07:38 |
NPFTM | @Beyecixramd: I've noticed that the Fedora versions of many of the Bash/GNU utilities aren't as user friendly as the Ubuntu versions. I was doing some other stuff and Fedora doesn't install Wget by default! They also use Vi instead of Vim. You don't realize how user friendly Ubuntu is until you use Fedora. | 07:39 |
_L30_ | sudo init 3 nothing happens | 07:39 |
Beyecixramd | NPFTM: totally agreed.... in fact, Fedora's GNOME is not standards compilant :P | 07:40 |
NPFTM | I thought that Wget was pretty much apart of the Unix standards base that all systems included by default. | 07:40 |
Beyecixramd | _L30_: yes it does. It killed your X | 07:40 |
Beyecixramd | NPFTM: note that i love Fedora, but there are issues i just can't understand... | 07:40 |
Beyecixramd | NPFTM: they have cutting edginess, but not user friendliness | 07:41 |
NPFTM | @Beyecixramd: I find it weird that Ubuntu is consitered the newb distro when it seems to include more CLI apps by default than Ubuntu does. Or, at least the CLI apps that I've tried to use. They don't have Nano either. | 07:42 |
NPFTM | *than Fedora does. | 07:42 |
john38 | I installed proprietary Alsa Driver | 07:42 |
john38 | what does the Utilits and Library do | 07:42 |
NPFTM | well, I guess since nobody can answer my question I'm going to try the Fedora Forums. | 07:43 |
Beyecixramd | NPFTM: nevermind. Ubuntu ships more CLI because they make a better selection of packages to include in Fedora | 07:43 |
Beyecixramd | than* | 07:43 |
john38 | I installed proprietary Alsa Driver | 07:43 |
john38 | what does the Utilits and Library do | 07:44 |
john38 | ? | 07:44 |
lhx | NPFTM: i didn't undertand your post | 07:44 |
lhx | you said ubuntu twice | 07:44 |
Beyecixramd | library is needed for programs to work | 07:44 |
Beyecixramd | lhx: he fixed it later | 07:44 |
lhx | lol... that he did | 07:44 |
able_ | zzzz | 07:44 |
Beyecixramd | john38: utilities bring you a volume controller, among other stuff | 07:44 |
john38 | my game as sound music loop | 07:44 |
_L30_ | Beyecixramd: no more . files in home | 07:44 |
john38 | has | 07:45 |
Beyecixramd | _L30_: you haven't removed dot folders, have you? | 07:45 |
gene | Has anyone had trouble loading Ubuntu 10.4? | 07:45 |
Beyecixramd | !ask | 07:45 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 07:45 |
_L30_ | there werent any | 07:45 |
Beyecixramd | _L30_: yes they were... there had to be | 07:45 |
grilledcheese | what kind of trouble gene? | 07:45 |
Beyecixramd | _L30_: you save your settings there | 07:45 |
gene | grill, seems the power gnome doesnt load right | 07:46 |
Beyecixramd | gene: power gnome? | 07:46 |
vivek40 | Hii can anyone help me with installing libgtk2.0-dev on Lucid | 07:47 |
vivek40 | I am getting the following error...http://pastebin.com/vpZym7xW | 07:47 |
grilledcheese | not sure.... I downloaded the beta release of 10.04, which at the time was glitchy | 07:48 |
grilledcheese | after installing all the updates things seem to run smoothly | 07:48 |
Beyecixramd | grilledcheese: wha? beta to stable through updates, is that possible? | 07:48 |
RobbieThe1st | Hello all | 07:49 |
Beyecixramd | hi RobbieThe1st | 07:49 |
grilledcheese | idk... but things seem to have become less glitchy over the past few updates | 07:49 |
grilledcheese | by glitchy I guess I mean panel items and menu's would not function and/or sometimes disappear | 07:50 |
Beyecixramd | well, it's beta software, what did you expect | 07:50 |
gene | I had the same problem trying to load Mint | 07:51 |
grilledcheese | nothing more... | 07:51 |
Beyecixramd | at least this isn't Microsoft *ahem*Longhorn*ahem* | 07:51 |
john38 | grilledcheese just install latest lucid 10.04 | 07:51 |
grilledcheese | just was really excited about checking it out | 07:51 |
grilledcheese | the updates have basically fixed it | 07:51 |
Beyecixramd | john38: he just said the system is not glitchy anymore :| | 07:51 |
john38 | got that | 07:52 |
odb|fidel | hi - i can not define a second workspace inside the ubuntu 10.04/gnome panel (workspace switcher) | 07:52 |
blitzo | we just installed skype but it doesn't show up on a menu - (A) how do i verify it installed correctly and (B) how do i add it to a menu | 07:52 |
Beyecixramd | odb|fidel: right click it, and hit settings, you should be able to | 07:52 |
odb|fidel | Beyecixramd: no i'm not - value jumps back to 1 | 07:52 |
john38 | I dont understand my wine games were working perfectly before now they have glitches | 07:53 |
Beyecixramd | blitzo: open up a terminal and type in skype, if it loads, you have installed it | 07:53 |
john38 | i even reinstalled linux | 07:53 |
odb|fidel | seems t obe a bug - i already found another user mentioning this issue in 10.04 | 07:53 |
crux000 | bedtime | 07:53 |
Beyecixramd | odb|fidel: maybe because of Compiz, install ccsm (Compiz Configuration Settings Manager iirc) | 07:53 |
odb|fidel | Beyecixramd: to be honest - i had 4 defined some days ago - working - now its broken again | 07:53 |
Beyecixramd | john38: maybe Wine changed something | 07:53 |
RobbieThe1st | Probably | 07:54 |
john38 | probably | 07:54 |
odb|fidel | Beyecixramd: i doubt its compiz - running ubuntu in a vm here - so not focusing on eye-candy at all | 07:54 |
john38 | one of the updates | 07:54 |
john38 | maybe | 07:54 |
Beyecixramd | odb|fidel: wow that's really weird :| | 07:54 |
odb|fidel | Beyecixramd: yes it is ;) | 07:54 |
john38 | maybe if i reinstall linux without updates | 07:54 |
RobbieThe1st | Just so you know, if wine was -running- more or less allright, re-installing probably won't help at all | 07:54 |
john38 | it will work | 07:54 |
Beyecixramd | john38: maybe if you use a development release... | 07:54 |
RobbieThe1st | No, just go find an older Wine version | 07:54 |
RobbieThe1st | Or yea, try a newer one | 07:55 |
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john38 | i did Robbietheiest | 07:55 |
Beyecixramd | older or newer | 07:55 |
Beyecixramd | get PlayOnLinux | 07:55 |
john38 | its gotta be one of the updates | 07:55 |
RobbieThe1st | Or actually, a good fit for you might be to try the CrossoverGames demo | 07:55 |
Beyecixramd | and manage those versions program-wise | 07:55 |
john38 | from ubuntu repos | 07:55 |
RobbieThe1st | http://www.codeweavers.com/products/cxgames/ | 07:55 |
RobbieThe1st | Try it, if it works its probably worth a few $. If not, you are no worse off | 07:55 |
john38 | Beyecixramd i use latest stable release | 07:56 |
Beyecixramd | john38: exactly. Install a development (unstable) release | 07:56 |
Beyecixramd | john38: for me, ALL dev releases have been working PERFECTLY, with no bugs whatsoever | 07:56 |
john38 | i was using beta release wouldnt work | 07:56 |
john38 | i tried 1.0.1 | 07:57 |
Beyecixramd | john38: then try an older one | 07:57 |
john38 | 1.0.28, 1.0.22 | 07:57 |
john38 | no go | 07:57 |
RobbieThe1st | what about 1.2? | 07:57 |
Beyecixramd | john38: what are your issues, exactly, tho? | 07:57 |
john38 | thats what im using now | 07:57 |
john38 | still has glitch | 07:57 |
RobbieThe1st | whats the glich? | 07:57 |
john38 | when game starts it has sound music loop | 07:58 |
john38 | cant start new game | 07:58 |
Beyecixramd | john38: WHAT game | 07:58 |
RobbieThe1st | what game is it anyway? | 07:58 |
john38 | Freelancer | 07:58 |
Beyecixramd | john38: have you checked its compatibility in the WineDB? | 07:58 |
able_ | what game ? | 07:58 |
RobbieThe1st | its silver. | 07:58 |
john38 | yeah | 07:58 |
Eventyret | what game is it ? | 07:58 |
john38 | yeah it is siver | 07:58 |
Eventyret | john38: what game ?. | 07:58 |
Beyecixramd | lol able, Eventyret, he said Freelancer | 07:59 |
john38 | thats not the point it was working 3 weeks ago | 07:59 |
Eventyret | ahhh ok :) | 07:59 |
RobbieThe1st | Maby -that- was a glitch? | 07:59 |
RobbieThe1st | You know what? Go try CXGames. | 08:00 |
RobbieThe1st | http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/browse/name/?app_id=2125 | 08:00 |
able_ | Powerboat | 08:00 |
RobbieThe1st | Its gold there | 08:00 |
FloodBot1 | RobbieThe1st: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:00 |
john38 | i even reinstalled sound drivers | 08:00 |
john38 | codeweaver suck | 08:00 |
john38 | i mean i tried it glitchy | 08:00 |
Beyecixramd | lol john38 | 08:00 |
john38 | now i use playonlinux | 08:01 |
RobbieThe1st | Same glitch or different? | 08:01 |
john38 | worse robbie | 08:01 |
RobbieThe1st | Playonlinux is just a wine frontend... | 08:01 |
RobbieThe1st | whats the new glitch? | 08:01 |
john38 | playonlinux works fine | 08:01 |
john38 | but in wine there is music loop | 08:01 |
RobbieThe1st | Which means it doesn't work fine. | 08:02 |
john38 | no | 08:02 |
RobbieThe1st | Remember, the difference is going to be in configuration | 08:02 |
john38 | only reason i use wine is to use advanced features | 08:02 |
teemo | so my ubuntu boot screen pretty much looks like this: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/clean-up-ubuntu-grub-boot-menu-after-upgrades/ | 08:02 |
RobbieThe1st | You are probably going to have to go google up a bunch of old forum posts about the error you get | 08:02 |
john38 | i dont know exactly how to configure in playonlinux | 08:03 |
teemo | do i need all the different linux kernel boot entries? | 08:03 |
Beyecixramd | john38: POL is Wine, with a frontend, for god's sake | 08:03 |
teemo | or can i remove them? | 08:03 |
Beyecixramd | teemo: no, but keep the two most recent ones, in case something goes wrong | 08:03 |
john38 | if i run game on POL it works | 08:03 |
john38 | if i run in wine it wont work | 08:03 |
RobbieThe1st | teemo: you can remove them, but theres a better way than just deleting them | 08:03 |
Beyecixramd | teemo: those entries are just backups, they don't take up any space, well, they do, but little space... | 08:03 |
mikeru | simple question: is there any tool that flips endianness for a file?? | 08:04 |
Beyecixramd | john38: have you installed the game using the POL specifid installer, for the game? | 08:04 |
Beyecixramd | mikeru: endia whut? | 08:04 |
john38 | how you would normally install | 08:04 |
RobbieThe1st | mikeru: DD will do it | 08:04 |
teemo | RobbieThe1st: whats the better way? | 08:04 |
Beyecixramd | john38: install > select from the list | 08:04 |
john38 | yes yes | 08:04 |
john38 | install then lest | 08:04 |
john38 | list | 08:04 |
Beyecixramd | john38: or install > install manually, there are two ways | 08:04 |
mikeru | RobbieThe1st: ORLY? D: can't believe dd does those kinds of things... | 08:05 |
RobbieThe1st | teemo: Edit that menu.lst file, find the line "# howmeny=" | 08:05 |
john38 | the game is on list | 08:05 |
Beyecixramd | john38: that's why it works, it has specific patches applied | 08:05 |
RobbieThe1st | dd does -everything- file-wise. Look up the man-page, there's a convert option | 08:05 |
RobbieThe1st | teemo: change that to say, 2, and -then- remove the extra entries. | 08:05 |
RobbieThe1st | When the next update happens, it will -keep- only 2, vs regenerating them all | 08:06 |
john38 | wine did something to not make freelancer work | 08:06 |
Beyecixramd | john38: no, Wine didn't do anything, POL did something to make it work, which is quite different | 08:06 |
RobbieThe1st | teemo: if you don't edit that howmeny variable, you will have to edit that menu.lst file every update | 08:07 |
john38 | no freelancer worked on pol all along | 08:07 |
Beyecixramd | john38: btw, to configure Wine in POL, right click the app and select configure | 08:07 |
teemo | im using the command: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and my menu.lst is empty?! | 08:07 |
john38 | but then the game wont work on wine | 08:07 |
jpds | teemo: menu.lst is not longer used. | 08:07 |
mikeru | RobbieThe1st: swab= | 08:07 |
john38 | yeah i dont know exactly how to do that | 08:08 |
RobbieThe1st | mikeru: "conv=swab" | 08:08 |
john38 | update wine prefix, configure wine simualte windows reboot set icon | 08:09 |
Beyecixramd | john38: how to do what? rigght click? | 08:09 |
Beyecixramd | "configure wine" | 08:09 |
Beyecixramd | obviously | 08:09 |
john38 | there really isnt much to do | 08:09 |
john38 | add progarm | 08:09 |
Beyecixramd | john38: what else did you want?! | 08:09 |
mikeru | RobbieThe1st: (I was asking you if "swab?") but how do I choose how many bytes? It only "swab"s 2 bytes, I want 4 | 08:09 |
john38 | audio grahics | 08:09 |
RobbieThe1st | um... | 08:09 |
teemo | jpds: what is the file then? | 08:09 |
Beyecixramd | john38: i mean, what were reffering you to when you said "i don't know how to configure Wine in POL" | 08:10 |
jpds | teemo: /etc/default/grub probably | 08:10 |
john38 | for a sec i got exicited | 08:10 |
john38 | but the Audio is using the Alsa Driver | 08:10 |
RobbieThe1st | mikeru: let me check... | 08:11 |
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john38 | maybe i did something before to make it work | 08:11 |
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john38 | what does the application tab do | 08:12 |
john38 | i've added the game | 08:12 |
john38 | then it goes dissappears | 08:13 |
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kugui | /ns register <200910abc> | 08:13 |
RobbieThe1st | Mikeru: Why not make a script that chops the input file into segments of 4 bytes, then flips each pair? I know it can be done in PHP or Python, and you could probably do it with string functions in a shell-script | 08:13 |
john38 | i dont think configuring wine is the problem | 08:13 |
blitzo | i have a newish HP laptop that works fine with win7 but crashes under ubuntu and under wubi - i have no idea how to troubleshoot it - where do i begin? | 08:13 |
wakkarto | hi | 08:13 |
RobbieThe1st | blitzo: Where does it crash? | 08:14 |
Beyecixramd | john38: you don't need to apps in there, leave that empty | 08:14 |
mikeru | RobbieThe1st: I actually made a C program, but it sucked and deleted it. | 08:14 |
dean[w] | Hey, I just typed some random key combination by accident and it moved my browser over to a seperate desktop. How do I move it back? | 08:14 |
mikeru | dean[w]: you mean, Ctrl-Alt-ArrowKey | 08:14 |
mikeru | ? | 08:14 |
Beyecixramd | dean[w]: press Ctrl + Alt + Left, or Right | 08:14 |
dean[w] | thanks :) | 08:14 |
john38 | why do something computers reject linux is it chipset | 08:14 |
john38 | some | 08:15 |
dean[w] | Beyecixramd, that switches desktop | 08:15 |
dean[w] | i want to move the program back on to the other desktop | 08:15 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st at various points. we sucessfully installed ubuntu on it twice but it kept crashing when doing apt-get update/upgrade. now it it won't even install completely. we got it up on the livecd but when running a find it crashed again. so i would say at arndom places. when it crashes it hangs completely, no console | 08:15 |
Beyecixramd | dean[w]: yeah, right click the title bar and select move to desktop x | 08:15 |
RobbieThe1st | john: I think its mainly PEBCAK | 08:15 |
MaRk-I | dean[w]: you see on bottom right your desktops? | 08:15 |
john38 | Pebcak? | 08:15 |
RobbieThe1st | blitzo: Have you googled the machine's model number + linux? | 08:16 |
MaRk-I | dean[w]: just click the one where firefox is and drag it to the first one | 08:16 |
Jordan_U | RobbieThe1st: I disagree, there are many legitimate issues with hardware. | 08:16 |
RobbieThe1st | john: Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard. | 08:16 |
mikeru | RobbieThe1st: I found this, http://svn.dd-wrt.com:8000/dd-wrt/browser/redboot/tools/byteswap.c. | 08:16 |
john38 | no | 08:16 |
RobbieThe1st | Jordan: Yes, but usually, they aren't things that totally screw things up - stull like Network drivers, yes. | 08:16 |
RobbieThe1st | But a network driver does not make a machine | 08:16 |
mikeru | RobbieThe1st: hopefully it works on something that's not a router... | 08:17 |
john38 | i mean on an old computer cd-rom wont extract all base | 08:17 |
dean[w] | MaRk-I, that doesn't work. | 08:17 |
john38 | but on this computer it worked fine | 08:17 |
dean[w] | I'm trying it with chrome and there's no option to move to the left/right workspace | 08:17 |
Beyecixramd | dean[w]: do what i told you | 08:17 |
dean[w] | and dragging it to the bottom right doesn't do anything | 08:17 |
RobbieThe1st | blitzo: Whats the model? | 08:17 |
Beyecixramd | dean[w]: then click the icon on the taskbar | 08:17 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st yes and there's nothing but adverts | 08:18 |
dean[w] | Beyecixramd, clicking the taskbar worked. thanks | 08:18 |
dean[w] | you can't right click the titlebar in chrome :) | 08:18 |
RobbieThe1st | whats the model? | 08:18 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st it is a dv73060us HP | 08:18 |
aneesh1 | dean[w]: Right click on the title bar of the browser and select the move to another workspace | 08:18 |
MaRk-I | dean[w]: does work otherwise click firefox's top window and select "move to another workspace" | 08:18 |
dean[w] | MaRk-I, im using chrome. not firefox | 08:18 |
Beyecixramd | aneesh1: since he uses Chrome, he can't click the title bar | 08:18 |
dean[w] | There's an option to use system title bar though | 08:19 |
Beyecixramd | aneesh1: the menu that brings up a right click is the Chrome's one, no the Metacity's one | 08:19 |
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RobbieThe1st | HM... http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/hp-pavilion-dv7-1020us-anyone-tried-to-install-661871/ | 08:19 |
RobbieThe1st | see post #3 | 08:19 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st that is a different model | 08:21 |
RobbieThe1st | But the same series, potentially the same problem | 08:21 |
Eventyret | is there a reason why irssi does not save my /set info in terminal oO ? | 08:21 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st HP has a zillion models and they all have different components | 08:21 |
RobbieThe1st | Not so sure about that - Processors / ram / gpu, yes, but what about the underlying chips? | 08:22 |
Flannel | Eventyret: If you change options in a session, you need to /save for them to be written to the config file | 08:22 |
Eventyret | Flannel: oh thanks :) | 08:22 |
[d-_-b] | http://www.rankedhard.com/tweet-tweet-a-marketing-feast.php | 08:22 |
RobbieThe1st | aand | 08:22 |
RobbieThe1st | http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/HP_Pavilion_dv7-3060us | 08:22 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st i have looked into this before - please trust me that i am familiar with hp laptops | 08:23 |
RobbieThe1st | Fair enough | 08:23 |
RobbieThe1st | that there is the same exact model though | 08:23 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st insult to injury hp will not tell the customer what compnents any particular laptop has, you gotta do some real digging to find out | 08:23 |
RobbieThe1st | blitzo: Have you checked the system log? | 08:24 |
RobbieThe1st | Like, as far as you can get it running? | 08:24 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st i misread it - he says he is going to try suse on it but he never said whether it worked or not. i am trying to get ubuntu up on it | 08:25 |
Fuxor | http://packages.medibuntu.org/lucid/googleearth.html google earth for ubuntu 10.04 | 08:25 |
RobbieThe1st | blitzo: you can also try "pci=noacpi" in your boot options - see if that makes the liveCD notcrash | 08:26 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st yes i have looked at the system logs and found no errors or nothing remarkable | 08:26 |
mxe5 | Is there a way to have Deluge shutdown after a torrent is through downloading ? ? | 08:26 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st ok, what does that do | 08:26 |
RobbieThe1st | disables ACPI I believe | 08:26 |
RobbieThe1st | so things like sleep mode won't work | 08:27 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st what is acpi | 08:27 |
RobbieThe1st | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Configuration_and_Power_Interface | 08:27 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st is this a common problem? | 08:27 |
mxe5 | Or is there a way to set the computer to shutdown at a certain time ? ? | 08:27 |
isdepopecath | I don't know if I'm in the correct place to ask this, but maybe if I'm not, someone can direct to a more appropriate channel. I'm upgrading from 9.10 netbook to 10.04 using the update provided under the Update Manager. If I did this, would the 10.04 version I got be the netbook one? Also, would I lose any of my data? I'm assuming it's just an update and doesn't format anything, but I figured I'd ask before going throu | 08:27 |
isdepopecath | gh with something. | 08:27 |
RobbieThe1st | I've seen a lot of issues regarding ACPI causing one problem or another in widely varied systems | 08:28 |
alex88 | mxe5: shutdown --help | 08:28 |
RobbieThe1st | But it can't hurt to try | 08:28 |
berkes | Where is the configuration for autostarting apps on USB-mounts stored? Or how do I change that? | 08:28 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st ok how do i feed that option to grub? i haven't done the ubuntu boot enough times to visualize it. (i am advising my friend from remote so i have to explain it to her) | 08:28 |
alex88 | mxe5: like shutdown -P 30m will shutdown in 30 mins | 08:28 |
mxe5 | alex88: Thanks | 08:28 |
alex88 | np | 08:28 |
mrpinky | hello, i just created a new mount point with "sudo mkdir /media/raid" and mounted a device there (with fstab). but it seems like i don't have permissions to write to it... what is the correct way to set those permissions so that my user account can read/write there? | 08:29 |
RobbieThe1st | I just had the page up... I think its something like you hit escape, and can edit things from there | 08:29 |
Jordan_U | isdepopecath: Yes it would stay the netbook interface, no you will not lose any data. | 08:29 |
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RobbieThe1st | but... | 08:29 |
mxe5 | alex88: what would it be for say 1hr and 30mins? | 08:29 |
isdepopecath | Jordan_U: thanks very much | 08:29 |
Jordan_U | isdepopecath: You're welcome. | 08:30 |
alex88 | mxe5: dunno if you can use h and mins.. if you know exact time just put 14:30 else use 90m | 08:30 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st i need to know what is on the screen at the time you hit escape so i can explain it to my friend | 08:30 |
mxe5 | alex88: shutdown -P 90m | 08:30 |
alex88 | mxe5: right | 08:30 |
RobbieThe1st | It would be the GRUB boot screen | 08:30 |
RobbieThe1st | but, wait a sec | 08:30 |
RobbieThe1st | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions | 08:30 |
blitzo | RobbieThe1st i need you to be explicit, what is the grub screen, what does it look like, what's on it? help me to see a picture of it in my mind | 08:31 |
RobbieThe1st | Look there | 08:31 |
mxe5 | alex88: Cool - I got it - Early day tomorrow and don't want to wait for deluge to finish or keep running, THanks | 08:31 |
Jordan_U | blitzo: Just a second and I'll make you a set of screenshots. | 08:31 |
RobbieThe1st | I'm gonna go play TF2(on Wine, of course) - If anyone really needs my help, PM me. I'll answer. | 08:32 |
mxe5 | alex88: Will that shell force quit any apps running as well and just shutdown ? Do I need to run the shell as - sudo ? | 08:32 |
=== RobbieThe1st is now known as Robbie[Gaming] | ||
blitzo | jordan_u the page robbie posted should work | 08:33 |
mrpinky | hello, i just created a new mount point with "sudo mkdir /media/raid" and mounted a device there (with fstab). but it seems like i don't have permissions to write to it... what is the correct way to set those permissions so that my user account can read/write there? | 08:33 |
Robbie[Gaming] | mrpinky: sudo *command* | 08:34 |
alex88 | mxe5: sudo for sure... dunno if it forces everything to stop..but i think the shutdown script will do.. | 08:34 |
Jordan_U | !away | Robbie[Gaming] | 08:34 |
ubottu | Robbie[Gaming]: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» | 08:34 |
mxe5 | alex88: Okay give it a try - thanks | 08:34 |
mrpinky | Robbie[Gaming], should i set the permissions on the mount point directory i created? (i guess it is impossible to set permissions on a device) | 08:34 |
alex88 | mxe5: np, glad to help | 08:34 |
Robbie[Gaming] | Jordan: That was more a note to Blitzo, who I was helping than anything else... | 08:35 |
john38 | anybody know how to kill the pulseaudio daemon | 08:35 |
Robbie[Gaming] | mrpinky: you shouldn't have to | 08:35 |
Robbie[Gaming] | john: try "sudo service pulseaudio restart" to restart it | 08:35 |
john38 | is it killed now | 08:36 |
john38 | PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions | 08:36 |
thune3 | mrpinky: you could make a dir on the device with sudo, and give that directory permissions for the user. Or i *think* you can set device permissions on "." after cding inside the mounted device. | 08:37 |
john38 | Robbie[Gaming] is it stoped now | 08:38 |
Robbie[Gaming] | Um, not if you used restart | 08:38 |
Robbie[Gaming] | you can try shutdown instead of restart in that last commadn | 08:38 |
john38 | oh | 08:39 |
mrpinky | thune3, i see that the permissions on the new mount point /media/raid are "drwxr-xr-x", which is the same as on my home directory, so it looks like the permissions are correct, but i still get "permission denied" when i try to cp files there. is there any other explanation? | 08:39 |
john38 | i get the same message how do i know if its off | 08:39 |
Robbie[Gaming] | try hitting ctrl+esc, and searching for pulseaudio | 08:40 |
john38 | nothing happends | 08:41 |
john38 | how about pulseaudio --kill | 08:42 |
john38 | but it will just restart | 08:42 |
Robbie[Gaming] | why not uninstall it if you really don't want it? | 08:42 |
thune3 | mrpinky: the first strategy would be: sudo mkdir /media/raid/mrpinky_stuff ; sudo chown mrpinky:mrpinky /media/raid/mrpinky_stuff | 08:43 |
joe__ | help needed | 08:43 |
berkes | when I plug in an USB device with pictures, shotwell (photo app) starts up. Where do I change this behaviour in Ubuntu? | 08:43 |
joe__ | i have dual entry in my grub 2 pointing to same kernel ..am sending a copy of my boot.cfg file | 08:44 |
bullgard | [Ubuntu 10.04] '~$ ls -l /etc/gdm/custom.conf; -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2142 2009-04-03 10:25 /etc/gdm/custom.conf.' What package did provide this file? package.ubuntu.com does not find it. | 08:44 |
bullgard | s/package./packages/ | 08:44 |
illac | bullgard: gdm = gnome desktop manager? | 08:45 |
mrpinky | thune3, ah chown solves it, thanks! | 08:45 |
illac | bullgard: gnome display manager* | 08:45 |
bullgard | illac: Your equation is correct. But it does not answer my question. | 08:45 |
coz_ | illac, gdm = gnome display manager | 08:45 |
illac | bullgard: what's in it? | 08:45 |
bullgard | illac: Your question is too short to comprehensible. | 08:46 |
bullgard | illac: Your question is too short to be comprehensible. | 08:46 |
illac | bullgard: maybe I misunderstood the question... you're asking what put the file there? | 08:47 |
bullgard | illac: Yes. This was my question. | 08:47 |
=== sree is now known as sreR | ||
illac | bullgard: well I'm gonna guess Gnome | 08:47 |
thune3 | mrpinky: ok, you can add mount option uid=mrpinky,gid=mrpinky,mode=755 in the mount command (manually or in fstab) to do this automatically. | 08:47 |
illac | bullgard: or I'm still confused. | 08:48 |
illac | bullgard: one of the two | 08:48 |
bullgard | illac: I am sorry. I asked for a package. | 08:48 |
joschi | bullgard: gdm. well, at least /usr/share/doc/gdm/examples/custom.conf and you probably copied it to /etc/gdm/custom.conf | 08:49 |
thune3 | mrpinky: actually what i just said is a bad idea as it sets every file in the filesystem to be owned by mrpinky. please disregard | 08:50 |
illac | joschi: in the file it says it's there as a fail over | 08:50 |
illac | bullgard: gdmsetup? | 08:50 |
=== lag is now known as Guest73840 | ||
thune3 | mrpinky: whoops again, that gid/uid just sets root dir of filesystem and setuid/setgid sets all files. | 08:51 |
illac | bullgard: according to the comments in the file, that is the responsible party for that file | 08:51 |
illac | bullgard: # This file is the appropriate place for specifying your customizations to the | 08:52 |
illac | # GDM configuration. If you run gdmsetup, it will automatically edit this | 08:52 |
illac | # file for you and will cause the daemon and any running GDM GUI programs to | 08:52 |
illac | # automatically update with the new configuration. Not all configuration | 08:52 |
FloodBot1 | illac: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:52 |
illac | # options are supported by gdmsetup, so to modify some values it may be | 08:52 |
illac | # necessary to modify this file directly by hand. | 08:52 |
mrpinky | thune3, are either of those really necessary? when i chowned a file in the past, the ownership change seemed permanent (saved in the filesystem) independant of restarting. so i expect chowning the mount point (or a subdirectory) would work the same. one easy test would be to restart and see... | 08:52 |
mrpinky | but thanks for the tips :) it has got me working | 08:53 |
bullgard | joschi: "[09:49]<joschi>bullgard: gdm. well, at least /usr/share/doc/gdm/examples/custom.conf and you probably copied it to /etc/gdm/custom.conf" <-- The contents of the two files differ. | 08:55 |
joschi | bullgard: illac already gave you the proper answer | 08:55 |
joschi | bullgard: having a look in such a text-based configuration file yourself isn't wrong either... | 08:56 |
bullgard | joschi: Thank you for your generality. | 08:57 |
joschi | bullgard: you're welcome | 08:57 |
ejv | im about to try gnome-shell, let's say I hate it, how do I revert back? :) | 08:58 |
masterslakk | Where do I download apache ? I'm following this guide http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/installing-apache-tutorial/2 | 09:00 |
violinappren | !lamp | master | 09:00 |
ubottu | master: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 09:00 |
violinappren | masterslakk ^ | 09:01 |
masterslakk | fml | 09:01 |
=== client is now known as adex2 | ||
masterslakk | what's the point | 09:01 |
violinappren | masterslakk: the point of what? | 09:01 |
ejv | keep it rated g masterslakk ;) | 09:01 |
masterslakk | of irc... they just link you to a different site with content w/ quasi relevance to your problems | 09:02 |
Eventyret | what is best to use from ISPconfig to LAMP ? | 09:02 |
ejv | masterslakk: sudo apt-get install apache2; if you just want apache and nothing else. | 09:02 |
violinappren | masterslakk: how about you try READING the link giving to you? first command line is : apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server | 09:02 |
masterslakk | sush.... | 09:03 |
masterslakk | I want to compiile the source | 09:03 |
Stupendoussteve | You're using the wrong distro :P | 09:03 |
llutz | !compile > masterslakk: apt-get source apache2 | 09:03 |
ejv | yea he is, but if he wants to, then let him | 09:03 |
violinappren | masterslakk: then you have to state that in your question and not assume that people know what do you want to do, also be respectful. | 09:03 |
ejv | lol | 09:03 |
Stupendoussteve | You can download the source package and then build it into a package | 09:03 |
llutz | !compile > masterslakk apt-get source apache2 | 09:03 |
ubottu | masterslakk, please see my private message | 09:03 |
=== breaker313 is now known as begH8ck | ||
teemo | so everytime i boot into ubuntu i have to run the following command in terminal to: insmod rt2870sta.ko to load the drivers for my wireless usb adapter, then it automatically connects to the internet | 09:05 |
teemo | can i automate this? | 09:05 |
ejv | it's also available on their home page, http://www.trieuvan.com/apache/httpd/httpd-2.2.15.tar.gz | 09:05 |
Viking667 | you can script it... | 09:05 |
jpds | teemo: Add it to /etc/modules | 09:05 |
ejv | probably easier to go thru the repo | 09:05 |
strange | have there just been some updates to the way gnome looks i used that gtkconfig thing to move the buttons to right and now all is borked | 09:05 |
Viking667 | *nod* | 09:05 |
strange | anyone know how to fix? | 09:05 |
Oer | strange, use an other theme, the standard theme has buttons on the left. | 09:06 |
Viking667 | Oer: ...? huh? | 09:07 |
Viking667 | what 'buttons'? | 09:07 |
strange | Oer: i moved them to right but now there is an update | 09:07 |
MaRk-I | Oer: 10.04 defaults now to the left | 09:07 |
strange | none of what you said has anything to do with what i asked | 09:07 |
teemo | jpds: can u please help, how would the command look like? in terminal i have to browse to execute the following when inside the driver directory: /Downloads/DPO_RT3070_LinuxSTA_V2.3.0.2_20100412/os/linux$ sudo insmod rt3070sta.ko | 09:08 |
Oer | MaRk-I, not all the themes | 09:08 |
teemo | also it requires a password | 09:08 |
Viking667 | MaRk-I: thanks for your help with that other issue earlier on. I thought I'd managed to point him in the right direction (vino/vinagre) | 09:09 |
ejv | wow gnome-shell is... a very interesting way of doing things... | 09:10 |
llutz | teemo: copy your kernel modules to /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ and run "sudo depmod -a" | 09:10 |
violinappren | teemo: cd to that and sudo mv rt3070sta.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r` | 09:10 |
mustu | any one had configured Mobile Broadband in network manager? | 09:10 |
MaRk-I | Viking667: you did, point him right, he just needed "pictures" to see the commands lol | 09:11 |
mustu | any one had configured Mobile Broadband in network manager? | 09:11 |
llutz | teemo: then add "rt2870sta" to /etc/modules | 09:11 |
MaRk-I | Viking667: and yw | 09:11 |
violinappren | mustu: what is your questions? explain in detail | 09:11 |
Viking667 | now I'm just trying to figure out how on _earth_ to lock down the order of my two sound cards... | 09:12 |
Viking667 | Because I twiddled /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, but it doesn't seem to have switched the order of cards around any. | 09:13 |
SmokeyD | hey everyone. I have a file (symlink?) in a directory where the permissions, site, owner and group are all questionsmarks | 09:13 |
mustu | violinappren: I've a Wireless Mobile Broadband connection which I do use by manually executing wvdial ... In Gnome after dialing i still can't open webpages as its not managed by NM .. I did added it in NM but it doesn't work.. Does NM dial in the connection itself? | 09:13 |
violinappren | Viking667: check alsa related rules in /etc/udev/rules.d ? | 09:13 |
SmokeyD | when I display it with ls -l | 09:14 |
SmokeyD | this is shown with ls -l: l????????? ? ? ? ? ? conf23695.file | 09:14 |
Viking667 | violinappren: doesn't seem to be anything relevant in there related to the exact rusel. | 09:14 |
Viking667 | SmokeyD: hm. Something's broken. | 09:14 |
SmokeyD | I can't unlink or remove the file, also with sudo | 09:14 |
teemo | llutz: i could only find /lib/modules/2.6.32-23-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless | 09:14 |
Viking667 | boot to a liveCD, try see what a fsck does | 09:14 |
llutz | teemo: copy it there | 09:15 |
SmokeyD | Viking667: the file was just created a few secs ago, by a ./configure command | 09:15 |
Viking667 | yuck. | 09:15 |
Viking667 | something's definitely broken. | 09:15 |
llutz | SmokeyD: lsattr conf23695.file | 09:15 |
Viking667 | I'll bet that... yeah, I was going to suggest that | 09:15 |
kingropen | hi | 09:15 |
masterslakk | anyone know where i can get the SOURCE build of APACHE. I'm following the guide ---> http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/installing-apache-tutorial/2 it is specifically teaching | 09:15 |
masterslakk | me how to compile the program(omitting the sudo apt-get isntall process). Where I get the build for apache i'm a bit lost. Could anyone help me find the SOURCE build for apache so I can | 09:15 |
masterslakk | manually install it on my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS .... If you need help looking for which build I need, i'm using ubuntu once again...and I want to manually compile/configure it.... thanks | 09:15 |
=== brebrebrebre is now known as |_ocke | ||
FloodBot1 | masterslakk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:15 |
SmokeyD | llutz: lsattr: Not a directory while trying to stat conf23695.file | 09:15 |
MaRk-I | Viking667: not sure if it helps or it's related to... http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/MultipleCards#Reordering_the_driver_for_a_particular_card | 09:16 |
violinappren | mustu: what errors do you get when adding the connection to network manager? | 09:16 |
Viking667 | might be very related. I'll take a look - thanks. | 09:16 |
SmokeyD | when I re-run ./configure, it is created again with a different name in another dir and the same problem persists. | 09:16 |
mustu | violinappren: i don't get any error .. I do add it .. set the dial no, username and psswd ... click on the connection .. it tries but fails | 09:17 |
llutz | masterslakk: httpd.apache.org/download.cgi | 09:17 |
violinappren | mustu: did you check the error messages in /var/log/messages ? | 09:18 |
SmokeyD | any clues how this strange file could be created? | 09:18 |
masterslakk | llutz, ty i will check it out | 09:19 |
llutz | SmokeyD: did you fsck that partition? | 09:19 |
DestinyAwaits | Hi Guys | 09:20 |
violinappren | !hi | DestinyAwaits | 09:20 |
ubottu | DestinyAwaits: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 09:20 |
DestinyAwaits | Hey i am suppose to write a code in java on encryption/Decryption but i am confuesd which algorithm i choose any suggestions | 09:21 |
SmokeyD | llutz: no, but it is very specific to this one ./configure command. It is always the same file in the same dir, no matter how often I re-download the sourcecode (I have like 5 copies now) and re-run ./configure. It does not seem to be a bad sector, or else there should have been more or different files corrupted | 09:21 |
SmokeyD | right? | 09:21 |
violinappren | DestinyAwaits: ask in #java | 09:21 |
teemo | llutz: there is a lp in my file | 09:21 |
teemo | do i add rt3070sta.ko above or below it? | 09:21 |
llutz | teemo: up to you, just add it ;) | 09:21 |
mustu | violinappren: i tried again to add the connection while tail-f /var/log/messages but it's not showing any active mobile broadband device in the first step of wizard ... | 09:22 |
Viking667 | hmm. Am I supposed to use snd_ens1371 or snd-ens1371 in my /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file? | 09:22 |
Eventyret | exit | 09:23 |
Viking667 | -ELEAVE | 09:23 |
violinappren | mustu: try plugging it out and in again? | 09:23 |
DestinyAwaits | violinappren, channel is invite only | 09:24 |
elmissimo | I have just tried IRC for the first time and I don't know how to use it | 09:24 |
llutz | SmokeyD: likely, but it's a very strange bug in the configure-script then... | 09:24 |
mustu | violinappren: i did ... checked the lsusb ... dialed with wvdial .. it's workign just fine manually .. | 09:24 |
Viking667 | SmokeyD: hm. Can you send me the file, or can you point me to the source code? | 09:24 |
Jordan_U | teemo: rt3070sta.ko is included with the default Ubuntu kernel package ( in 10.04 at least), is there a reason you can't use that? | 09:24 |
teemo | llutz: how do i get permissions to edit the file | 09:25 |
violinappren | mustu: can you access the web in firefox after you dial manually? | 09:25 |
* kdiler updating ubuntu | 09:25 | |
violinappren | mustu: and paste lsusb to a pastebin | 09:25 |
llutz | teemo: you wrote you have to "insmod rt2870sta.ko", so you have to add "rt2870sta" not 3070.... sudo nano /etc/modules | 09:25 |
teemo | yeah im not allowed to edit the file in gedit | 09:26 |
llutz | teemo: gksudo gedit /etc/moduules | 09:26 |
llutz | teemo: gksudo gedit /etc/modules | 09:26 |
SmokeyD | Viking667: http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/utils/export/osm2pgsql/ | 09:27 |
teemo | i got a whole load of list errors when i saved the file! | 09:28 |
teemo | i just added the word rt3070sta.ko to the file | 09:28 |
* lhx NOM NOM NOM | 09:28 | |
llutz | teemo: you wrote you have to "insmod rt2870sta.ko", so you have to add "rt2870sta" without ".ko" | 09:28 |
llutz | teemo: why rt3070sta? | 09:29 |
teemo | thats the right kernel file | 09:29 |
teemo | i pasted the wrong stuff above | 09:29 |
llutz | ah ok teemo | 09:29 |
llutz | !find rt3070sta | 09:29 |
mustu | violinappren: http://paste.org/pastebin/view/20661 | 09:29 |
ubottu | File rt3070sta found in linux-image-2.6.31-10-rt, linux-image-2.6.31-11-rt | 09:29 |
teemo | error: line 53476: bad flag vector alias | 09:30 |
teemo | !find rt3070sta | 09:30 |
ubottu | File rt3070sta found in linux-image-2.6.31-10-rt, linux-image-2.6.31-11-rt | 09:30 |
teemo | do i need a $ | 09:30 |
llutz | teemo: did you copy rt3070sta.ko to /lib/modules...../wireless/? | 09:31 |
teemo | yes its there | 09:31 |
lewis1711 | anyone here use fluxbox? I installed it but hasn't created the default config files; I've no ~/.fluxbox | 09:32 |
teemo | in /lib/modules/2.6.32-23-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless | 09:32 |
llutz | teemo: your /etc/modules contains a line"rt3070sta" not rt3070sta.ko | 09:32 |
llutz | teemo: you ran "sudo depmod -a"? | 09:32 |
homecable | does 32bit unbuntu have pae enabled for 8 gigs of ram ? | 09:32 |
Viking667 | MaRk-I: that helped heaps, thank you. | 09:32 |
MaRk-I | Viking667: yw | 09:32 |
teemo | llutz: which folder am i supposed to be in when i run that? | 09:33 |
Jordan_U | homecable: Not by default. | 09:33 |
Viking667 | only problem is, wife's browser died when I restarted alsa /: | 09:33 |
iceroot | homecable: the server-edition yes, the normal ubuntu not by default but you can install the pae-kernel | 09:33 |
llutz | teemo: somewhere, doesn't matter | 09:33 |
Viking667 | ah well. Easy enough to restart. | 09:33 |
Jordan_U | !pae | homecable | 09:33 |
ubottu | homecable: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info | 09:33 |
MaRk-I | lol | 09:34 |
violinappren | mustu: can you access the web in firefox after you manually dial? | 09:34 |
teemo | llutz: so when ever i save the modules file a get a long list of errors | 09:34 |
mustu | violinappren: no .... | 09:34 |
teemo | even when i remove my entry | 09:34 |
mustu | violinappren: that's the actuall issue i want to resolve .. | 09:34 |
violinappren | mustu: what's the output of ping google.com ? | 09:34 |
llutz | teemo: thats only a textfile, shouldn't give any errors at all. | 09:35 |
mustu | Unless a connection is not recognized by NM ... it's not useful in firefox, pidgin etc | 09:35 |
Viking667 | SmokeyD: hm. I was hoping for a tarball | 09:35 |
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llutz | teemo: use a terminal, "sudo nano /etc/modules" | 09:35 |
iceroot | if i need a package from squeeze (which dont have dependencies and working fine with lucid) what is the common way to block all packages from squeeze except foobar? | 09:35 |
llutz | teemo: or "echo rt3070sta|sudo tee -a /etc/modules" | 09:35 |
SmokeyD | Viking667: I can make one for you, although svn export also works. But I'll make one, hang on a sec | 09:36 |
Viking667 | hang on. | 09:36 |
llutz | SmokeyD: osm2pgsql is in the repos, why don't you use that? | 09:36 |
Viking667 | It's an svn tree, right? | 09:36 |
Viking667 | grab me a SVN-url | 09:37 |
SmokeyD | llutz: because I need a newer version | 09:37 |
teemo | ok done | 09:37 |
Viking667 | i.e. svn:// ...... | 09:37 |
teemo | that added it | 09:37 |
SmokeyD | Viking667: yes, it is svn | 09:37 |
teemo | ill try to restart and see if it works | 09:37 |
violinappren | mustu: sudo route del default (before you connect) | 09:37 |
SmokeyD | Viking667: svn export http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/utils/export/osm2pgsql/ | 09:37 |
Viking667 | export? | 09:37 |
mustu | violinappren: ok | 09:37 |
Viking667 | ... right. | 09:37 |
* Viking667 shrugs | 09:37 | |
violinappren | mustu: because of "not replacing existing default route" in the log | 09:37 |
Nitin | llllllllllllllllllllllllllll | 09:37 |
* lhx NOM NOM NOMN NOM NOM NOM NOM | 09:38 | |
MaRk-I | SmokeyD: did you run ./autogen.sh ? | 09:38 |
llutz | lhx: stop that please | 09:38 |
SmokeyD | MaRk-I: yes | 09:39 |
SmokeyD | MaRk-I: I ran it, but it didn't output anything, but also no errors. | 09:39 |
* lhx no more NOM NOM? | 09:39 | |
Viking667 | NO!! | 09:39 |
MaRk-I | hhmm it should output | 09:39 |
* lhx ok! | 09:40 | |
SmokeyD | MaRk-I: ok, hmm, I have autoconf installed. What should it output? | 09:40 |
Viking667 | SmokeyD: you got all your autotools/automake/autowhatever? | 09:40 |
Viking667 | I'm still exporting... | 09:40 |
Viking667 | Ah, there it goes | 09:40 |
MaRk-I | SmokeyD: well usually checks for deps and scrolls down sayin check o yes | 09:41 |
teemo | llutz: thanks it worked, one problem though, it asks for my keyring password each time? | 09:41 |
SmokeyD | I have autoconf, autogen, automake, automake1.4, automake1.9 autotools-dev | 09:41 |
Viking667 | hmm. that's weird. my autogen just went back to the prompt without echoing anything either | 09:41 |
llutz | teemo: sorry no idea, i'm not a gnome-user | 09:41 |
Viking667 | now, what file are we looking for again? | 09:42 |
MaRk-I | SmokeyD: did you install build-essentials and kernel headers, and the dependencies that come in the readme? | 09:42 |
teemo | thanks anyway | 09:42 |
llutz | lhx: stop that | 09:42 |
Viking667 | conf[somenumber].file | 09:43 |
Viking667 | SmokeyD: how are you calling ./configure ? | 09:43 |
Viking667 | also, what filesystem is this on? ext3, ext4, reiser, xfs, or what? | 09:43 |
SmokeyD | MaRk-I: yes I have them installed | 09:44 |
SmokeyD | Viking667: yes I am calling ./configure | 09:44 |
Viking667 | I asked _how_ are you calling it, i.e. what you're providing after the configure word | 09:44 |
Viking667 | i.e. ./configure --prefix=some-args | 09:45 |
=== droid is now known as Guest4322 | ||
teemo | i followed the instructions here to cleanup my boot menu: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17787/clean-up-the-new-ubuntu-grub2-boot-menu/ | 09:45 |
TopGear | Hi people | 09:45 |
coz_ | TopGear, hey guy | 09:46 |
TopGear | I've got a question about grub. I want to chainload a bootloader with grub 2, but how? | 09:46 |
=== Guest4322 is now known as gartral|p | ||
teemo | i removed all the stuff to do with 2.6.32-21 from my synaptics thing, and it still shows up in grub? | 09:46 |
coz_ | teemo, did you do sudo update-grub | 09:46 |
teemo | no | 09:46 |
cxb | 阿 | 09:46 |
teemo | :) | 09:46 |
coz_ | teemo, you need to do that :) | 09:46 |
cxb | 这里有人么 | 09:46 |
TopGear | Yes, I did | 09:46 |
cxb | 昏倒,真的有人阿 | 09:47 |
TopGear | But it allways says "no such partition" | 09:47 |
balancecode | Yes | 09:47 |
TopGear | I've found the 40_custom file, but I don't know what to do next. The bootloader I want to chainload is on sdb1 | 09:47 |
cxb | 有人和我说话么 | 09:47 |
gaurav | how i install wine in my 10.04 ubuntu | 09:47 |
coz_ | TopGear, if no one here can help try the #grub channel | 09:47 |
cxb | 你们能用中文么 ? | 09:47 |
TopGear | okay | 09:47 |
coz_ | gaurav, sudo apt-get install wine | 09:47 |
* lhx NOM? | 09:47 | |
cxb | can you use in chinese? | 09:48 |
gaurav | how to install java | 09:48 |
teemo | the instructions on the above pasted link, are actually missing that, even though its mentioned later on | 09:48 |
violinappren | !cn | cxb | 09:48 |
ubottu | cxb: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 09:48 |
cxb | thank you | 09:48 |
coz_ | teemo, understood.... always sudo update-grub when playing with any of the grub settings :) | 09:48 |
violinappren | gaurav: apt-get install openjdk-6-jre | 09:48 |
cxb | #ubuntu -tw | 09:49 |
coz_ | gaurav, it depends on which java you want | 09:49 |
gaurav | i want latest java version | 09:49 |
violinappren | cxb, type /join #ubuntu-tw | 09:49 |
coz_ | gaurav, if you want open java then all you need to do is install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 09:49 |
cxb | o | 09:49 |
Viking667 | gaurav: as he said, it depends upon WHOSE java you want - suns or the openjava version | 09:49 |
violinappren | gaurav | !java | 09:50 |
violinappren | !java | gaurav | 09:50 |
ubottu | gaurav: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases. | 09:50 |
cxb | 我换地方了么? | 09:50 |
joschi | cxb: still wrong channel. try /join #ubuntu-tw | 09:50 |
homecable | how does unbunt desktop compair to gentoo | 09:50 |
cxb | fause | 09:50 |
gaurav | how can i install lamp | 09:51 |
joschi | homecable: in what regard? | 09:51 |
llutz | !lamp > gaurav | 09:51 |
ubottu | gaurav, please see my private message | 09:51 |
homecable | speed | 09:51 |
joschi | homecable: mostly similar for standard desktop usage | 09:51 |
llutz | !ot > homecable | 09:51 |
ubottu | homecable, please see my private message | 09:51 |
joschi | homecable: well, package installation is faster ;p | 09:51 |
Viking667 | heh. you don't have to compile packages on the Ubuntu box unless you can't find it in synaptic/apt-get | 09:52 |
=== corey is now known as Guest69408 | ||
cxb | ? | 09:53 |
cxb | hello? | 09:53 |
scriptwarlock | is Pici around? | 09:53 |
violinappren | cxb, write /join #ubuntu-tw | 09:53 |
cxb | i write /join #ubuntu-tw but fause | 09:54 |
scriptwarlock | forget Pici i'll throw my only question. what are the possible reasons of grub error 17, anyone? | 09:54 |
cxb | where i write ***** | 09:54 |
ader10 | Please help me set up a samba server. I am having trouble connecting with the client. | 09:55 |
gartral|p | Stop nomming Ubuntu... go non furnet | 09:55 |
lhx | furnet? | 09:55 |
hubidubi | hi | 09:55 |
scriptwarlock | ader10: what is it? | 09:55 |
violinappren | !details | ader10 | 09:55 |
ubottu | ader10: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 09:55 |
ader10 | I can't connect to the server from the client at all | 09:56 |
violinappren | !hi | hubidubi | 09:56 |
ubottu | hubidubi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 09:56 |
scriptwarlock | ader10: i'll give you some idea it might help | 09:56 |
ader10 | I can't find any problems with the configuration | 09:56 |
hubidubi | how can I set the mount user for an external hdd? | 09:56 |
Viking667 | if you're using /etc/fstab in the options section of the mount line. "man fstab" for details | 09:57 |
Viking667 | For non-fstab work, I don't know. I actually don't know how that works yet. | 09:57 |
violinappren | hubidubi: do you mean mounting/using an external disk permanently ? | 09:57 |
scriptwarlock | ader10: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVSK_Mun9UM | 09:57 |
hubidubi | violinappren: my exact problem is external hdd is mounted with the first sudoer user who installed the system | 09:58 |
ader10 | I'll watch that and let you know if it helped | 09:58 |
hubidubi | but I would like to mount it with other user | 09:58 |
hubidubi | hdd is not in fstab | 09:58 |
hubidubi | mounts correctly but with wrong user | 09:58 |
violinappren | hubidubi: pastebin the output of mount | 09:58 |
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bytesoup | Hello folks, can i post a link to a launchpad question I have open at the moment to get more visibility / help? | 09:59 |
violinappren | bytesoup: post it | 10:00 |
bytesoup | violinappren: thanks | 10:00 |
bytesoup | https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+question/116345 | 10:00 |
Jigal | hello got a problem with my vga after updateing to 10.04 tls from 9.10. I get blank screen all the time | 10:00 |
Jigal | any ideas | 10:00 |
cxb | hello | 10:01 |
ader10 | scriptwarlock: The video did not help. I still am unable to connect. | 10:01 |
waterfoul | I am trying to install ubuntu in Windows Virtual PC and whenever I hit enter on anything except Boot from first hard disk nothing happens | 10:01 |
hubidubi | violinappren: pastebin: http://pastebin.com/dRbEvP5b | 10:02 |
hubidubi | but nothing fancy about it | 10:02 |
begH8ck | @waterfoul: It might help to use sun virtual box instead of ms trach Virtual PC | 10:02 |
teemo | i can find the shortcut to start skype under Applications > Internet, but where is it actually installed on my system? | 10:02 |
violinappren | hubidubi: mount (with no arguments) | 10:03 |
begH8ck | @waterfoul:In my opinion it is more performant ... | 10:03 |
MaRk-I | Jigal: what's your video card? | 10:03 |
violinappren | teemo: dpkg --listfiles skype | 10:03 |
Viking667 | I've found that MS's VirtualPC probably _requires_ the VT extensions in the processor, VirtualBox doesn't. | 10:03 |
TechMiX | hi everyone! a friend of mine installed sugar desktop environment on GDM, after that he got some wired problems. system thinks everywhere is a toolbar! any solution to get the gdm back? | 10:03 |
Viking667 | teemo: or, for short; dpkg -L skype | 10:03 |
Viking667 | ugh. | 10:04 |
waterfoul | begH8ck ok i'll go get it | 10:04 |
hubidubi | violinappren: I use no arguments | 10:04 |
MaRk-I | !pm | Jigal | 10:04 |
ubottu | Jigal: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 10:04 |
teemo | ok so which of those is the command that starts skype, id like to add it to my startup list? | 10:04 |
Viking667 | look for the batch file... | 10:05 |
Jigal | hello got a problem with my vga after updateing to 10.04 tls from 9.10. I get blank screen all the time | 10:05 |
violinappren | hubidubi: in the paste you gave, it had arguments, type just "mount" and nothing else, and paste that | 10:05 |
Viking667 | err, the executable file... normally /usr/bin/skype | 10:05 |
Jigal | MaRk-I: sorry | 10:06 |
ader10 | :/ I knew coming to this channel wouldn't help me | 10:06 |
teemo | thank you | 10:07 |
violinappren | teemo: executables are usually in /usr/bin | 10:07 |
teemo | so how come the list thing, listed all associated files, but when i used the GUI search and typed skype, it said 0 results?! | 10:07 |
Viking667 | teemo: by the way, you could also check inside the .desktop file too, that's more often the exact command to run, in the Exec=.... line | 10:07 |
Viking667 | did you try Skype ? | 10:08 |
MaRk-I | Jigal: in terminal type: lspci | grep VGA it should tell you what kind of video card you have | 10:08 |
Viking667 | oh, hang on. Has the search index rebuilt? | 10:08 |
=== kantoka is now known as kantoka_ | ||
hubidubi | violinappren: I refreshed pastebin | 10:08 |
Viking667 | because sometimes that index needs to build first. | 10:08 |
violinappren | ader10: what error messages do you get when trying to connect? | 10:08 |
Jigal | MaRk-I: hehe that's my prob i can't get into terminal | 10:08 |
=== kantoka_ is now known as kantoka | ||
ader10 | System error 53 has occurred. | 10:08 |
ader10 | The network path was not found. | 10:08 |
teemo | what do i do make it build? | 10:09 |
stetho | Is there a status page for canonical.com repository servers? I keep getting "unable to connect" messages | 10:09 |
Viking667 | synaptic? | 10:09 |
Viking667 | or something else? | 10:09 |
iFrankZ | Hi guys, is there are any way to install Windows XP on Linux? I mean, like a Dual Boot or replace Linux for Windows with a Pendrive XP. | 10:09 |
ii | yes, use VirtualBox | 10:09 |
begH8ck | yes | 10:09 |
MaRk-I | Jigal: well sorry cant be of much help without knowing but if you find out try this: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/ | 10:09 |
ii | it runs "windows in a window" | 10:09 |
iFrankZ | You can use pendrive replacing the windows cd? | 10:09 |
TechMiX | ifrankz: yes! | 10:09 |
iFrankZ | Yaaaa! God thanks you saved my live xD | 10:10 |
violinappren | ader10: did you try smb -L on the server (without any paths) | 10:10 |
ader10 | I'll try that now | 10:10 |
violinappren | stetho: change mirrors? | 10:10 |
TechMiX | hi everyone! a friend of mine installed sugar desktop environment on GDM, after that he got some wired problems. system thinks everywhere is a toolbar! any solution to get the gdm back? | 10:10 |
Viking667 | remove sugar? | 10:11 |
Mcar | Where is the open office channel? | 10:11 |
TechMiX | viking667: yes, but the gdm isbroken | 10:11 |
* Viking667 sort of dislikes sugar anyhow. | 10:12 | |
SURFkees | What is a good program to manage OpenVPN connections in Ubuntu? | 10:12 |
Viking667 | TechMiX: ahhhhhh. | 10:12 |
Mcar | I lost all my work on ubuntu using the latest version of open office, how do i recover it? | 10:12 |
ader10 | violinappren: I don't have a "smb" command, and smbd -L returns nothing, and running "samba -L" says "program 'samba' is currently not installed", but apt-get install samba says samba is already the newest version | 10:12 |
iFrankZ | I put a Pendrive on my Ubuntu 10.04, where can I find the folder? | 10:12 |
sappel | morning everyone. I'm trying to get ldap running following this howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html I get until the part where I should search for the user "john" that was added for testing...but search result always returns with "no such object (32)" | 10:12 |
Mcar | !!!!!!!!1 | 10:12 |
ii | there is an openvpn plugin for network manager | 10:12 |
bytesoup | TechMiX: tell you friend to drop out to a tty session (CTRL_ALT+F1 to F6) then run the commands from there | 10:12 |
Mcar | I lost all my work on ubuntu using the latest version of open office, how do i recover it? anyone? anyone know the open office channel? | 10:12 |
violinappren | ader10: sorry, smbclient | 10:12 |
Mcar | !open office | 10:13 |
ader10 | Nothing is returned with smbclient -L either | 10:13 |
iFrankZ | Where can I find the PenDrive's Folder on Ubuntu 10.04 when I put it inside? I'm confused xD | 10:13 |
Viking667 | ader10: hm. dpkg -L samba-common-bin | 10:13 |
persian007 | hi i problem with this bug , https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/542338 , can help me to repair this ? | 10:13 |
violinappren | ader10: what's the full command line are you using? | 10:14 |
ader10 | Viking667: Shows a bunch of directories and files in /usr/share | 10:14 |
selcuk_ | hello | 10:14 |
TechMiX | bytesoup: what's the point?! | 10:14 |
iFrankZ | Where can I find my Pendrive's folder in Ubuntu 10.04? | 10:14 |
stetho | violinappren: y question was specifically about the existence of a status page | 10:14 |
ader10 | violinappren: I'm inside sudo -i running your commands verbatim | 10:14 |
stetho | *My | 10:14 |
ii | persian: the new package is added to lucid-proposed, you likely don't have that repository enabled | 10:14 |
bytesoup | TechMiX: then you can run the command to remove "sugar" | 10:15 |
iFrankZ | nvm lol, found it on desktop | 10:15 |
ii | you can enable it in Synaptic or "software sources" | 10:15 |
bytesoup | TechMiX: sudo aptitude remove <package name> | 10:15 |
bytesoup | TechMiX: then restart gdm "sudo service gdm stop" | 10:15 |
TechMiX | bytesoup: he had removed sugar, and also reinstaled the ubuntu-desktop , but nothing changed! | 10:15 |
Viking667 | ahhh, aptitude. I still dunno whether I like that or not. | 10:15 |
ii | In Synaptic: Settings -> repositories -> [Updates] and tick "pre-released updates" | 10:16 |
Mcar | oh god someone tell me what the open office channel is | 10:16 |
persian007 | my gdm is crahsed when sugar session is selected , | 10:16 |
ii | press OK and then reload, mark all upgrades, apply | 10:16 |
bytesoup | TechMiX: I wasnt aware of that, sorry | 10:16 |
violinappren | ader10: smbclient -L ip.of.remote.machine | 10:16 |
ader10 | The client is a Windows machine | 10:16 |
Viking667 | Mcar: I don't know if there is one... googled for it? openoffice irc channel | 10:16 |
Mcar | I did it failed | 10:16 |
bytesoup | TechMiX: so thats the next thing i was going to suggest, re-installing ubuntu-desktop | 10:17 |
ii | dont bother | 10:17 |
qbitza | Hi Guys | 10:17 |
ii | Techmix | 10:17 |
violinappren | ader10: the server is running ubuntu and you can't connect to it? | 10:17 |
ii | enable the Lucid Proposed repository | 10:17 |
bytesoup | TechMiX: obviously rebooted too? | 10:17 |
nemo__ | hola | 10:17 |
ader10 | violinappren: Right | 10:17 |
qbitza | I'm trying to install Samba PDC with OpenLDAP | 10:17 |
violinappren | !samba | ader10, also see this | 10:17 |
ubottu | ader10, also see this: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 10:17 |
nemo__ | hola | 10:17 |
ii | use the instructions I just outlined for persian | 10:17 |
nemo__ | que es esto? | 10:17 |
ii | it's a known issue, I think | 10:17 |
TechMiX | bytesoup: yes | 10:17 |
qbitza | But I'm experiencing some issues | 10:18 |
ader10 | violinappren: I've gone over that ten times, it's worthless | 10:18 |
violinappren | !es | nemo__ | 10:18 |
ubottu | nemo__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 10:18 |
ader10 | It's outdated, too | 10:18 |
qbitza | Anyone willing to help? | 10:18 |
Viking667 | heh. I was just about to state that. | 10:18 |
ader10 | /etc/init.d/samba doesn't exist, the right command is samba restart | 10:18 |
TechMiX | ii: what persian instruction ? | 10:18 |
hubidubi | violinappren: did you check mount output? | 10:18 |
Viking667 | instruction to the user called persian | 10:18 |
Viking667 | ... I think | 10:18 |
ader10 | I mean smbd restart | 10:18 |
qbitza | Looks like the LDAP stuff is causing most of it | 10:18 |
violinappren | hubidubi: open a termina, type mount, press enter | 10:18 |
ii | TechMix: a guy with the same issue as you joined the channel, I just gave him instructions to fix it | 10:19 |
hubidubi | violinappren: yes, I refreshed pastebin output with mount output | 10:19 |
violinappren | ader10: did you see this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba | 10:19 |
violinappren | hubidubi: give me the address again, i see no change | 10:20 |
hubidubi | violinappren: http://pastebin.com/bDMcAY9c | 10:20 |
ader10 | violinappren: Yes, I went through that also | 10:20 |
selcuk_ | asdlkqäw | 10:21 |
scriptwarlock | ader10: what M$ clinet you use? | 10:21 |
scriptwarlock | ader10: client | 10:21 |
ader10 | scriptwarlock: Windows 7 | 10:21 |
Jigal | MaRk-I: this is the laptop i am talking about http://www.dealtime.co.uk/xPF-INTEL-PENTIUM-M-738-1-1GHZ-LAPTOP-PROCESSOR | 10:22 |
XzZPreDaToRZzX | Hi all | 10:22 |
ader10 | It's running the TCP/IP NetBIOS service and I've disabled windows share security, even. | 10:22 |
* Viking667 shudders | 10:23 | |
daftykins | ader10: what's up? | 10:23 |
violinappren | hudnix: so your issue is that the files are own by that other user? umount, chown yourusername:yourusername /media/backup , and mount again | 10:23 |
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MaRk-I | Jigal: follow the steps on this page for INTEL http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/ | 10:24 |
gaurav | how can i install wine in 10.04 | 10:24 |
ader10 | daftykins: I can't connect to an Ubuntu samba server from a Windows 7 client, and so far none of the Ubuntu documentation I've found has helped | 10:24 |
Viking667 | heh. And for ATI? sheesh. | 10:24 |
daftykins | ader10: i see, what's your config? | 10:24 |
ader10 | daftykins: 1 min, I'll pastebin it | 10:25 |
TechMiX | gaurav: sudo apt-get install wine | 10:25 |
iFrankZ | Can someone give me a website where I could learn how to install Windows XP on a PenDrive? I'm using ubuntu 10.04 ,thanks. | 10:25 |
daftykins | iFrankZ: one sec | 10:25 |
daftykins | iFrankZ: http://www.eeeguides.com/2007/11/installing-windows-xp-from-usb-thumb.html | 10:26 |
scriptwarlock | ader10: brb | 10:26 |
teemo | ok back to grub, i followed the instructions here: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17787/clean-up-the-new-ubuntu-grub2-boot-menu/ uninstalled the irrelevant packages, ran sudo update-grub and i still get all the entries on boot up | 10:26 |
daftykins | love that i can go to my own site to find links to stuff from the past XD | 10:27 |
waltercool | fullscreen wine apps freezes with alt+tab? D: | 10:27 |
teemo | i checked my synaptics, and the packages un-installed | 10:27 |
ader10 | daftykins: http://pastebin.com/dmz7y6Mb | 10:27 |
aeon-ltd | teemo: are the kernels still present in synaptics? | 10:28 |
ii | teemo: did you get the images AND the headers? | 10:28 |
teemo | the weird things is when i run update-grub i get: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/mQgvaCxY which indicates that all the other kernel entries should be gone | 10:28 |
daftykins | ader10: are you trying to browse to them from the windows 7 client as \\IP\x$ or \\IP\x where x = w,x,y,z ? | 10:28 |
ii | the images are what are listed in Grub | 10:28 |
ader10 | \\IP\x | 10:29 |
teemo | aeon-ltd: yes they are all gone, images and headers and everything | 10:29 |
ii | er I mean did you uninstall te relavant linux image packages using synaptic | 10:29 |
Viking667 | teemo: so you removed linux-image-blah for everything but the current kernel | 10:29 |
daftykins | ader10: workgroup is definitely "WORKGROUP" yeah? | 10:29 |
ader10 | Yes | 10:29 |
aeon-ltd | teemo: *irish accent* have you tried turning it off and on again? | 10:29 |
teemo | Viking667: yes | 10:29 |
waterfoul | I tried in VirtualBox and I had the same issue, nothing reacts | 10:29 |
teemo | aeon-ltd: turn what on and off? | 10:29 |
daftykins | ader10: try installing samba-common and samba-tools | 10:30 |
waterfoul | when I hit enter on it when its selected | 10:30 |
ader10 | Alrihgt | 10:30 |
aeon-ltd | teemo: pc | 10:30 |
teemo | yes i did | 10:30 |
Viking667 | teemo: by the way, what shows in /boot/grub/grub.cfg ? | 10:30 |
ader10 | samba-common was already installed, samba-tools is now installed | 10:31 |
Viking667 | ader10: and samba-common-bin ? | 10:31 |
teemo | Viking667: permission denied | 10:31 |
ii | teemo: Just so you know, those instructions on "how-to-geek" are terrible and that guy should be ashamed for encouraging people to edit grub using that method | 10:31 |
teemo | oh just a sec | 10:31 |
daftykins | ader10: so were you saying before that you can't run "/etc/init.d/samba restart" ? | 10:31 |
Viking667 | yeah, sudo that one | 10:31 |
ader10 | samba-common-bin has already been installed | 10:31 |
ii | the warning at the top of /boot/grub/grub.cfg is there for a reason | 10:31 |
Viking667 | ader10: good, good. | 10:31 |
ader10 | daftykins: Correct, the right command is "smbd restart" (the guide is out of date) | 10:32 |
Viking667 | ii: true, but I want to find out what's there to begin with. | 10:32 |
teemo | well permission denied | 10:32 |
Viking667 | wouldn't hurt to see what the perms are on that file. | 10:32 |
daftykins | ader10: hrmm pretty sure it works for me | 10:32 |
Viking667 | teemo: sudo ls -l /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 10:32 |
teemo | -r--r--r-- 1 root root 5053 2010-07-18 20:33 /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 10:32 |
daftykins | ader10: i take it the /media/x folders exist and your user has permissions on them? | 10:33 |
ader10 | yes | 10:33 |
Viking667 | teemo: then do: sudo cp /boot/grub/grub.cfg /home/your-user/; chown your-user /home/your-user/grub.cfg and pastebin the suckah | 10:33 |
Viking667 | and while you do that, I'll go make another helmet of tea. | 10:33 |
ThomasB2k | good night | 10:34 |
bowman_ | hello0 | 10:34 |
bowman_ | q | 10:34 |
waterfoul | I am trying to install ubuntu in Windows Virtual PC and VirtualBox and whenever I hit enter on anything except Boot from first hard disk nothing happens | 10:34 |
daftykins | waterfoul: check your image / disk | 10:35 |
teemo | Viking667: Operation not permitted | 10:35 |
daftykins | *disc | 10:35 |
violinappren | waterfoul: probably just taking its time? | 10:35 |
jlx | Hello ppl anyone got a good knowledge of filesystem errors | 10:36 |
teemo | i wish there was a boot.ini file i could just edit, i just want to remove and rename few entries | 10:36 |
erUSUL | !anyone | 10:36 |
ubottu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 10:36 |
Viking667 | teemo: hm? | 10:36 |
ader10 | daftykins Viking667 scriptwarlock violinappren: Thank you all for your attention, but I doubt that this can be solved without loads of trouble | 10:36 |
scriptwarlock | ader10: is the issue solved? | 10:36 |
daftykins | ader10: hrmm, i take it you can ping each machine? what does win7 error with? | 10:36 |
erUSUL | teemo: to remove old kernels just remove the packages in synaptic | 10:36 |
Viking667 | teemo: which operation wasn't permitted? | 10:37 |
Jigal | MaRk-I: it all doesn't help | 10:37 |
ader10 | win7 error System error 53 has occurred. | 10:37 |
ader10 | The network path was not found. | 10:37 |
=== trijntje is now known as trijntje_away | ||
teemo | Viking667: changing of ownership | 10:37 |
Viking667 | weird. | 10:37 |
ader10 | the machines can ping each other | 10:37 |
daftykins | ader10: instantaneous or after a delay? | 10:37 |
Viking667 | teemo: so did you manage to copi it out to your users dir? | 10:37 |
ader10 | instantaneous | 10:37 |
daftykins | hmm, computer says no =/ | 10:38 |
Viking667 | ader10: what if you try the IP? \\ | 10:38 |
goo_unit | hey guys whats the best vnc server for ubuntu? | 10:38 |
Jordan_U | teemo: You're half way between having grub legacy installed and having grub2 installed. | 10:38 |
daftykins | ader10: sounds like either samba's not running or it's not able to connect to the ports properly | 10:38 |
scriptwarlock | ader10: hmm i can see my ubuntu shared folder from this win7 machines i am using | 10:38 |
peluchin | some body knows some softwere to run blue ray movies | 10:38 |
jlx | Well Gparted made my ubuntu disappaer i rezied it and after the superblock says 34007589 and physical size is is 17544980 | 10:38 |
ader10 | Viking667: That's what I'm running ("C:\Users\ader10>net view \\") | 10:38 |
erUSUL | !restricted | peluchin | 10:39 |
ubottu | peluchin: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:39 |
Viking667 | and it returns STRAIGHT away? | 10:39 |
teemo | oh | 10:39 |
Jordan_U | teemo: Run "sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy" to complete the upgrade. | 10:39 |
XzZPreDaToRZzX | hi all | 10:39 |
ii | could TEEMO just go into synaptic, purge grub packages and then reinstall? sounds reasonable. | 10:39 |
ader10 | daftykins: Do you know how I can check if it's connecting to the ports properly? | 10:39 |
Viking667 | ii: uh, no? | 10:39 |
Viking667 | ader10: stick a tcpdump on eth0 of the Ubuntu machine, do a query | 10:39 |
daftykins | ader10: i would look up the default ports then nmap scan the sharing ubuntu box from the windows box | 10:39 |
Viking667 | That'll tell you | 10:40 |
scriptwarlock | ader10: can you see the ubuntu server at computer>network? | 10:40 |
Viking667 | do query from the Windows box to the Ubuntu box | 10:40 |
daftykins | or "netstat -tuln" on the ubuntu box | 10:40 |
ader10 | scriptwarlock: I can't | 10:40 |
madrid | hi , if I use wine in Jaunty need an antivirus? | 10:40 |
peluchin | i have ready install it the restricted and have it too the mkv but dont run . maybe i need a better prosessor | 10:40 |
MaRk-I | Jigal: what did you do exactly? | 10:40 |
peluchin | ? | 10:40 |
Viking667 | daftykins: his problem seems to be Windows won't talk to the Ubuntu machine for some reason. | 10:40 |
ross__ | for some unknown reason my su command doesn't work when I try to enter my password it says it's incoorect why is that | 10:40 |
teemo | Viking667: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/tDtzFFt8 | 10:40 |
Jordan_U | !root | ross__ | 10:40 |
erUSUL | ross__: use sudo | 10:40 |
ubottu | ross__: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 10:40 |
Viking667 | ader10: by the way, you're in Administrator user? | 10:40 |
ader10 | Yes | 10:41 |
ross__ | i don't understand what do you mean why there is no root password | 10:41 |
scriptwarlock | ader10: now we know its not from win7 and were heading to your ubuntu machine do first what they suggested | 10:41 |
skumara | how to run something as root in terminal? | 10:41 |
Jigal | MaRk-I: pressed F6 added i915.modeset=1 in stead of quiet and then Ctrl X and then it rebooted | 10:41 |
daftykins | !sudo | skumara | 10:41 |
ubottu | skumara: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo | 10:41 |
Jigal | but after some time black MaRk-I | 10:41 |
aeon-ltd | skumara: append sudo to beginning | 10:41 |
Jordan_U | ross__: Read teh link from ubottu. | 10:41 |
ader10 | I'll pastebin the tcpdump in a minute | 10:42 |
madrid | if I use wine in Jaunty need an antivirus? and antivirus should I use? | 10:42 |
daftykins | madrid: no | 10:42 |
erUSUL | skumara: « sudo something » | 10:42 |
ross__ | hm that is strange | 10:42 |
Viking667 | heh. I'll be there in a minute. | 10:42 |
ross__ | lol then what is the point of having the SU command? ?? | 10:42 |
aeon-ltd | madrid: it emulates a filesystem and frameworks not the whole os | 10:42 |
Kartagis | how can I find out if my system supports hardware accelerator? | 10:43 |
MaRk-I | Jigal: did you also try i915.modeset=0 ??? and it should be "quiet splash i915.modeset=0" between quotes | 10:43 |
paul__ | My head hurts just looking at this screen! | 10:43 |
Viking667 | teemo: ls -l /home/tamer/grub.cfg | 10:43 |
Viking667 | Kartagis: what video card? | 10:43 |
ross__ | jordan_U : lol then what is the point of having the SU command? ?? | 10:43 |
=== ross__ is now known as RossTaylor | ||
solow | How do I create a syslink? the one where it actually is on 2 locations? | 10:44 |
ader10 | tcpdump -i eth0: http://pastebin.com/4FkLhsuG | 10:44 |
Viking667 | Kartagis: i.e. "sudo lspci" will tell you that when you type that in at a terminal | 10:44 |
Jordan_U | RossTaylor: You can switch to users other than root. | 10:44 |
erUSUL | RossTaylor: su can be use to switch to other users; not just root. | 10:44 |
asus | hi! is it possible to run 32bit ELF application on Ubuntu Server 10.04 AMD64? | 10:44 |
RossTaylor | example? | 10:44 |
erUSUL | asus: yes | 10:44 |
Kartagis | Viking667 Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 10:44 |
asus | but in my case i can't | 10:44 |
jlx | Well since no one was abel to answer my previuos question is there any other filesystem repair toll then fsck? | 10:45 |
erUSUL | RossTaylor: su otheruser | 10:45 |
madrid | aeon, , wine is not a danger to linux? | 10:45 |
erUSUL | asus: you have to install ia32-libs | 10:45 |
skumara | i received a error message that my xconfig not exist. the message ask me to run nvidia-xconfig as root. when i do sudo nvidia-xconfig i get command not found. | 10:45 |
Viking667 | Kartagis: in short, yes. | 10:45 |
Viking667 | ader10: hm. no query traffic from your windows machine in that lot, it seems. | 10:45 |
Kartagis | Viking667 how can I enable it? | 10:45 |
skumara | i want to use compiz actually. it worked only for one time than did not work after reboot. | 10:46 |
Viking667 | check output of glxinfo | 10:46 |
asus | just install and that is all? | 10:46 |
RossTaylor | ah i see | 10:46 |
erUSUL | asus: sudo aptitude install ia32-libs | 10:46 |
asus | erUSUL: thanks i would try and this install did not touch existing amd64 files? | 10:46 |
erUSUL | asus: no | 10:47 |
Viking667 | there should be a line in the first few lines saying roughly: direct rendering: yes | 10:47 |
Kartagis | Viking667 I don't have glxinfo | 10:47 |
aeon-ltd | madrid: potentially, but not atm as far as i know | 10:47 |
=== JanJacobs is now known as Guest87292 | ||
Viking667 | hm. Sounds like you'd better install it then. | 10:47 |
RossTaylor | what is the format for changing directory permission? | 10:47 |
RossTaylor | using the chmod command | 10:47 |
Kartagis | RossTaylor chmod perms dir | 10:48 |
erUSUL | RossTaylor: what directorie ? | 10:48 |
RossTaylor | chmod *** mydir | 10:48 |
daftykins | sudo chmod <number> <folder> | 10:48 |
Guest87292 | shit | 10:48 |
asus | erUSUL: running 32bit files on 64bit does not hurt performance? | 10:48 |
ader10 | I probably ended the tcpdump too soon, here's another one http://pastebin.com/LmwZVep0 | 10:48 |
skumara | i also get this error when i open nvidia configuration You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. what to do? | 10:48 |
Viking667 | teemo: sorry, lost you in the storm. Where were we? | 10:48 |
erUSUL | asus: it shouldn't; but i do not know for sure | 10:48 |
Viking667 | teemo: ah, ls -l /home/tamer/grub.cfg | 10:48 |
ii | skumara: just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root | 10:48 |
ii | sudo nvidia-xconfig | 10:48 |
Kartagis | Viking667 there's no glxinfo in the repos it seems | 10:48 |
RossTaylor | it doesn't work | 10:49 |
aeon-ltd | madrid: you can never be truly immune, i mean what else would you run on wine besides games and apps not available on linux?, you wouldn't install blah.exe or something shady like avicodecs.exe using a wine method its just too long, 4 menus vs 1 on windows | 10:49 |
skumara | ii i did sudo nvidia-xconfig. it says command not found!! | 10:49 |
Viking667 | Kartagis: install mesa-utils | 10:49 |
persian007 | hallo can hellp me fix this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/542338 | 10:49 |
erUSUL | RossTaylor: if the dir is in some non linux filesystem it wont work | 10:49 |
daftykins | ader10: you weren't trying to browse to the shares with a hostname were you? | 10:49 |
persian007 | im in luc | 10:49 |
MaRk-I | skumara: you have an intel video card not an nvidia one | 10:49 |
ader10 | No, I was using the server IP ( | 10:49 |
Jigal | MaRk-I: i typed quiet splash i915.modeset=0 between quotes then pressed enter and then ctrl x tono avail | 10:49 |
RossTaylor | erUSUL : chmod with files works for me but it doesn't work for directories | 10:50 |
RossTaylor | erUSUL : which is pretty strange : ( | 10:50 |
daftykins | RossTaylor: are you wanting to mod all the contents? | 10:50 |
skumara | Mark-i impossible. i bought nvidia card. | 10:50 |
rob_p | solow: Your question makes no sense! If you want to hard link two files, use ln (ex: ln /path/to/somefile /path/to/otherfile) | 10:50 |
Kartagis | Viking667 direct rendering: Yes | 10:51 |
erUSUL | RossTaylor: doesnt' work; helps nobody. how it does not qwork? how it fails? error msgs? | 10:51 |
RossTaylor | daftykins : i am just testing out the chmod command - works fine with files but not directory | 10:51 |
bitplane | I've just got an old laptop, I think it's 64-bit but runs 32-bit Vista and I wanna set it up as an Ubuntu dev box. I don't have any blank CDs/DVDs. Is Wubi what I need? | 10:51 |
Viking667 | Kartagis: then it's turned on (presumably) | 10:51 |
asus | erUSUL: thanks it helps ) | 10:51 |
Viking667 | Kartagis: check that you have a /dev/dri/card0 | 10:51 |
erUSUL | asus: no problem | 10:51 |
MaRk-I | skumara: oops sorry, wrong person | 10:51 |
RossTaylor | erUSUL : well i tried changing the permissions but when i checked it, the permissinos are the same still | 10:51 |
Viking667 | teemo: hello? | 10:51 |
skumara | ok. i check wiki. | 10:51 |
aeon-ltd | bitplane: woah oah woah, old laptop but dual-core so its 64bit capable? what the hell is old anymore? | 10:51 |
teemo | Viking667: -r--r--r-- 1 root root 5053 2010-07-19 11:39 /home/tamer/grub.cfg | 10:52 |
Viking667 | 2008 or earlier | 10:52 |
Kartagis | Viking667 but virtualbox says my system doesn't support it, and yes I have a /dev/dri/card0 | 10:52 |
bitplane | aeon-ltd, it may not be 64-bit, need to find a power supply and boot it up | 10:52 |
bitplane | it's from 2007 and was pretty good back then apparently | 10:52 |
madrid | aeon ,would be safer if i could use an antivirus like avast for linux, but the current avast no longer works, and can not find valid alternatives for linux ... | 10:52 |
Viking667 | Kartagis: hang on, are you trying to use DRI inside of virtualbox? | 10:52 |
RossTaylor | erUSUL : wait what is the command to check the permissions for a directory again? | 10:52 |
erUSUL | RossTaylor: paste the shell session. the «ls -ld dir» de « chmod ... » and the «ls -ld dir » after | 10:52 |
aeon-ltd | bitplane: yeah wubi is all you'll need unless you have some other form of media, you might want to get the iso yourself rather than wait for wubi to dl it | 10:52 |
Viking667 | teemo: hm. What filesystem are you using, and do you have security extensions turned on or something? | 10:53 |
ader10 | nmap scan: http://pastebin.com/HnX8Ltsg | 10:53 |
teemo | easy on me | 10:53 |
bitplane | aeon-ltd, will wubi let me get rid of Windows completely? | 10:53 |
persian007 | can help me repair gdm ? | 10:53 |
teemo | :) | 10:53 |
teemo | filesystem? | 10:53 |
aeon-ltd | bitplane: no it relies on windoows's mbr/bcd | 10:53 |
Viking667 | yeah, like ext3, reiser, xfs, whatever | 10:53 |
persian007 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/sugar-0.88/+bug/542338 | 10:53 |
bitplane | or should I go out and find some blank discs for that | 10:53 |
teemo | Viking667: ext4 | 10:53 |
ader10 | oops I didn't copy all of it | 10:53 |
Kartagis | Viking667 if DRI == hardware acceleration, yes I am | 10:54 |
aeon-ltd | bitplane: if you want just ubuntu, get a cd or borrow a usb stick | 10:54 |
teemo | Viking667: i have no idea about the security extensions | 10:54 |
ader10 | full nmap scan: http://pastebin.com/EGhQ4CG7 | 10:54 |
RossTaylor | nevermind lol i figured it out | 10:54 |
Viking667 | teemo: hm. | 10:54 |
Viking667 | teemo: try this for a minute. sudo su - | 10:54 |
daftykins | ader10: use the syntax "nmap -sS <IP>" | 10:54 |
its-me-again | all my disks are not labled properly in the computer folder. i need to find dev/???. how do i do that. otner linux i have used do that not ubuntu. | 10:54 |
Viking667 | cd /home/tamer; chown tamer grub.cfg | 10:54 |
RossTaylor | thank you - the people here are always awesome - everyone deserves an award! | 10:54 |
bitplane | aeon-ltd, I guess I'll have to go and buy some discs, I don't trust USB boot thingies as I've never got one to work yet | 10:54 |
Viking667 | and, have you upgraded your grub install? | 10:54 |
daftykins | RossTaylor: ooh ooh, me me! | 10:54 |
madrid | aenon i use wine for ares and dreamule .... | 10:55 |
bitplane | I don't wanna piss about downloading it to find it doesn't work | 10:55 |
aeon-ltd | madrid: i suppose you would be safer, but as long as your careful you shouldn't need one | 10:55 |
Viking667 | bitplane: heh. Someone told me it wouldn't work, but I got it to work fine on NetBSD, OpenBSD, and even FreeBSD | 10:55 |
Viking667 | even works fine on Ubuntu | 10:55 |
teemo | root@Sonic5:~# sudo su - cd/home/tamer | 10:55 |
teemo | Unknown id: cd/home/tamer | 10:55 |
ader10 | http://pastebin.com/aUDgaRW8 | 10:55 |
Kartagis | Viking667 well? | 10:55 |
Viking667 | I think I used unetbootin | 10:56 |
skumara | i keep getting this error message. anyone familiar with this. 'window is running in low graphic mode. failed to load nvidia driver' | 10:56 |
metalgeek | Hi, I have a three dongle with a piece of software for windows on it that allows me (When the dongle is in a windows PC obviously) to send and recieve sms through my computer. Is there an equivelent or other way I could accomplish this in ubuntu 10.04? Thanks) | 10:56 |
daftykins | ader10: did you have a server running a different OS on that IP address before? | 10:56 |
Viking667 | teemo: you missed something there | 10:56 |
ader10 | No | 10:56 |
teemo | Viking667: ? | 10:56 |
mquin | metalgeek: smsclient may work | 10:57 |
its-me-again | all my disks are not labled properly in the computer folder. i need to find dev/???. how do i do that. otner linux i have used do that not ubuntu. | 10:57 |
jlx | superblocks have backups right in Ext4? | 10:57 |
metalgeek | mquin, Thanks will look into it :) | 10:57 |
teemo | Viking667: what'd i miss? | 10:57 |
Jordan_U | teemo: To get your grub.cfg as a file on your Desktop that you can read run "sudo cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | tee ~/Desktop/grub.cfg" | 10:58 |
teemo | ok that worked | 10:59 |
teemo | now do i edit and save it back in cat/boot/grub | 10:59 |
llutz | easier "cp /boot/grub/grub.cfg ~Desktop/" | 10:59 |
its-me-again | hello how do i find the corectr drive lables in terminal | 11:00 |
teemo | hmm... # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE | 11:00 |
llutz | ~/Desktop** | 11:00 |
Viking667 | you pastebin in | 11:00 |
mquin | metalgeek: actually, I might be misremembering - for a bit of poking around 'smstools' seems to be what you need if you want to talk to a modem directly, rather than using an internet gateway service | 11:00 |
Jordan_U | llutz: It's only readable by root by default as it may contain plain text passwords. | 11:00 |
well_laid_lawn | its-me-again: you could try sudo fdisk -l | 11:00 |
Viking667 | I just want to see what it looks like to begin with. | 11:00 |
llutz | Jordan_U: but world-readable | 11:00 |
Jordan_U | llutz: No. | 11:00 |
=== lag is now known as Guest96617 | ||
Viking667 | teemo: sorry I got lost in the ether, my machine was having a swapping fit | 11:01 |
llutz | Jordan_U: it is | 11:01 |
teemo | Viking667: im still here :) | 11:01 |
rob_p | teemo: You put your customizations in /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/ otherwise your changes will be lost whenever update-grub is run. | 11:01 |
Viking667 | teemo: you know how to use a pastebin, and have you upgraded your grub to grub2? | 11:01 |
Viking667 | rob_p: there's a reason I want to see grub.cfg, I wanted to see if it got written. | 11:01 |
Jordan_U | llutz: Not in Ubuntu 10.04, that's why when he tried to read it initially he got permission denied. | 11:02 |
Viking667 | teemo: by the way, what's in /boot for kernels too? Might as well pastebin that. | 11:02 |
ii | when you purge grub, a friendly dialog box asks you if you want to delete /boot/grub | 11:02 |
teemo | Viking667: how do i check my grub version? | 11:02 |
Kartagis | its-me-again df | 11:02 |
Kartagis | its-me-again or mount | 11:02 |
ii | when a configuration is screwed up because someone was only following a tutorial, they dont learn anything by fixing it | 11:02 |
Viking667 | what was at the top of the grub screen when you rebooted? | 11:02 |
Viking667 | It should say. | 11:02 |
rob_p | Viking667: That's fine. I just want him/her to know that he/she should modify things in the appropriate locations if he/she desires. | 11:03 |
qbitza | 'ello Please help | 11:03 |
Viking667 | i.e. mine did say grub-0.97 for a while, now it says grub-1.99 or something | 11:03 |
Kartagis | Viking667 well, how do I use DRI in virtualbox? | 11:03 |
qbitza | When I try to join a Win7 Box to my PDC Domain I get: | 11:03 |
Viking667 | rob_p: true. I found the "appropriate" locations | 11:03 |
Viking667 | Kartagis: I don't know if you can yet, | 11:03 |
qbitza | [2010/07/19 12:02:37, 0] rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:603(_netr_ServerAuthenticate3) | 11:03 |
ader10 | Well, thanks for trying to help, guys | 11:03 |
qbitza | _netr_ServerAuthenticate3: netlogon_creds_server_check failed. Rejecting auth request from client SD-DEV-SO-02 machine account SD-DEV-SO-02$ | 11:03 |
qbitza | Any ideas? | 11:03 |
cage_raphel | hello... my menu.lst file is empty.. what do i do to get it fixed | 11:04 |
Kars | im installing lubuntu on another pc, but its stays stuck at 89% (running dpkg).. what should i do? | 11:05 |
Jordan_U | Kartagis: Machine > Settings > Display > Enable 3D accelleration | 11:05 |
Jordan_U | !grub2 | cage_raphel | 11:05 |
ubottu | cage_raphel: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 11:05 |
cage_raphel | ubottu: thanks! | 11:06 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 11:06 |
Viking667 | Jordan_U: huh? They support it now? | 11:06 |
Kartagis | Jordan_U is 3d acceleration == VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration? | 11:06 |
=== teemo_ is now known as teemo | ||
Viking667 | no | 11:07 |
teemo | Viking667: 1.98 | 11:07 |
Jordan_U | Kartagis: No, they are separate. | 11:07 |
Viking667 | teemo: good. | 11:07 |
Viking667 | then you should be on grub2 | 11:07 |
teemo | :) | 11:07 |
scriptwarlock | ader10: still no luck? | 11:07 |
Viking667 | teemo: now, how about pastebinning that grub.cfg SO I CAN LOOK AT IT already??? | 11:07 |
ader10 | still no luck :( | 11:07 |
llutz | Jordan_U: just checked here, my 10.04 installation seems to be broken then:grub.cfg root:root 644 | 11:07 |
Kartagis | Jordan_U how can I enable VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration then? or can I? | 11:07 |
Viking667 | teemo: and, what's still in your /boot directories? | 11:07 |
madrid | ubuntu says that these repositories are not authenticated , can i istall these?: sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/jaunty.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list | 11:07 |
madrid | Y luego añade su clave pública con este comando: | 11:07 |
madrid | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update | 11:07 |
FloodBot1 | madrid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:07 |
aeon-ltd | Viking667: CAPSLOCK RAGE!!!!!! | 11:07 |
teemo | Viking667: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d3gsreSJ | 11:08 |
Viking667 | Kartagis: ah, my mistake. I thought you meant 3D video card acceleration | 11:08 |
ii | teemo, i'm pretty sure you can just "uninstall it and then reinstall it", it's really easy | 11:08 |
Jordan_U | Kartagis: It's something that your hardware must support, you can check if it does by running the command "kvm-ok". | 11:08 |
Kars | im installing lubuntu on another pc, but its stays stuck at 89% (running dpkg).. also can move the cursor. is this normal? | 11:08 |
teemo | ii: uninstall what? | 11:08 |
Kartagis | Jordan_U it says KVM acceleration can NOT be used :| | 11:09 |
chilli0 | How can I change the file type of a file? | 11:09 |
Viking667 | teemo: thank you. What's in /boot now? | 11:09 |
Kartagis | chilli0 convert it? | 11:09 |
chilli0 | Kartagis, It's weird. Its with gedit. When ever I save a .php it changes the file type to php., I want it as text | 11:10 |
Viking667 | then I'll need /etc/grub/40_custom | 11:10 |
apple | hi there? | 11:10 |
Q_Continuum | Finally upgraded my desktop from 9.10 to 10.04 (64-bit) and when it boots up, I'm getting a black screen. I hear the boot sound, but don't see anything past grub. (AMD CPU, Radeon HD3200 IGP, HD5770 GPU) | 11:10 |
teemo | Viking667: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Qgk4ygDk | 11:10 |
Viking667 | Q_Continuum: tonight must be a night for blank screens... | 11:10 |
Viking667 | MaRk-I: your baby? | 11:10 |
Q_Continuum | I don't have anything installed in this copy of Ubuntu (more testing out my gaming rig's Ubuntu compatibility) so if a fresh install is easier, not a big deal for me. | 11:10 |
MaRk-I | lol Viking667 | 11:10 |
ii | teemo: you can run synaptic, then do a "complete removal" of grub packages (wiping out /boot/grub) and then install grub-pc (grub 2). When you install grub-pc, it asks what partitions you want included in the grub menu. | 11:11 |
Viking667 | I know you know the link... you've only typed it like nine times today. | 11:11 |
MaRk-I | Q_Continuum: try this http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/ | 11:11 |
alin_ | Can you use padevchooser to stream to a PC using a openVPN ? | 11:11 |
ii | teemo: a "complete removal" removes all configuration files | 11:11 |
Viking667 | hmm. So that's not it. | 11:11 |
ii | teemo: and let's you start fresh | 11:11 |
Viking667 | ii: I suspect he's got to grub2 already. | 11:11 |
Viking667 | but his grub.cfg isn't being rewritten | 11:12 |
Q_Continuum | Viking667, MaRk-I, thanks - I'll work on it after I figure out which flash drive I had an Ubuntu installation image on... | 11:12 |
Jordan_U | ii: You are misunderstanding what that menu means. | 11:12 |
RossTaylor | ok for the chmod command, i know how to change the permission for the directories and files, but how do you change the permissions for a directory and all of its files in one chmod command | 11:12 |
Viking667 | teemo: see whatthis does: sudo update-grub2 | 11:12 |
Viking667 | then pastebin what you've got for a /boot/grub/grub.cfg again. | 11:12 |
Jordan_U | teemo: Can you pastebin the output of "debconf-show grub-pc"? | 11:12 |
alin_ | can I use padevchooser with openVPN ? | 11:12 |
teemo | command not found | 11:12 |
Viking667 | teemo: do mine after Jordan_U | 11:12 |
ii | oh come on he probably just messed up a configuration file, trust in the dpkg!! | 11:12 |
Viking667 | huh? | 11:12 |
Viking667 | update-grub2 | 11:13 |
skumara | name one good torrent client? | 11:13 |
Viking667 | rtorrent | 11:13 |
teemo | Jordan_U: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/aBr4LdSW | 11:13 |
teemo | Viking667: Try: sudo apt-get install <selected package> | 11:14 |
Viking667 | teemo: ... huh? | 11:14 |
ii | skumara: I forgot about that nvidia issue you were having, still need help with that? | 11:15 |
Kars | what to do if the install of a distro stops halfway? | 11:15 |
Viking667 | teemo: by the way, I suspect you forgot to check in /usr/sbin/update-grub2 | 11:15 |
airtonix | Kars, start again ? | 11:15 |
teemo | how can i open it again, its giving me permission denied | 11:16 |
Kars | you mena just reboot? airtonix | 11:16 |
airtonix | Kars, isn't that what you'd do on ANY operating system ? | 11:16 |
Viking667 | open what again? | 11:16 |
cage_raphel | hello.. i have solaris 10 and ubuntu 9.1 installed in my comp.. however after installing ubuntu i am not able to dual boot .. it directly goes to ubuntu.. how can i boot solaris 10 now | 11:16 |
Jordan_U | teemo: To get your grub.cfg as a file on your Desktop that you can read run "sudo cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | tee ~/Desktop/grub.cfg" | 11:16 |
skumara | ii i did edit xconfig and did these change resolution to 1280x768. problem solved. tq anyway | 11:16 |
airtonix | Kars, how do you know its stopped ? | 11:16 |
metalgeek | mquin, I have found an app but it wants to know which port my modem is on????? My modem is on a usb connection. How do i find out the ports adress? | 11:16 |
teemo | i already pasted that | 11:16 |
Kars | yes, i cant move my cursor and its stuck at 89% now | 11:16 |
Kars | for 45 minutes | 11:16 |
teemo | tp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d3gsreSJ | 11:16 |
airtonix | !grub | cage_raphel, | 11:16 |
ubottu | cage_raphel,: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 11:16 |
Viking667 | teemo: first of all, run this: sudo /usr/sbin/update-grub2 | 11:17 |
teemo | http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d3gsreSJ | 11:17 |
airtonix | cage_raphel, you need to update grub | 11:17 |
airtonix | (the grub listing that is) | 11:17 |
Kars | i cant move my cursor and its stuck at 89% now for 45 min. i guess ill just reboot then | 11:17 |
teemo | Viking667: sudo: /usr/sbin/update-grub2: command not found | 11:17 |
Jordan_U | cage_raphel: Does "sudo os-prober" output anything? | 11:17 |
Viking667 | teemo: sheesh. It's not your night. | 11:17 |
Viking667 | teemo: dpkg -L grub-pc > some-file; pastebin some-file | 11:18 |
Viking667 | 'cos update-grub2 is in grub-pc package | 11:18 |
Kars | what is a good distro for a 3000Mhz, 512RAM for a beginner to linux? | 11:18 |
Jordan_U | Viking667: update-grub is in the grub-common package. | 11:18 |
teemo | maybe i dont have grub 2 | 11:18 |
Viking667 | I'd also suggest reinstalling that if we don't find it. | 11:18 |
teemo | how do install it? | 11:18 |
RossTaylor | ok for the chmod command, i know how to change the permission for the directories and files, but how do you change the permissions for a directory and all of its files in one chmod command | 11:18 |
metalgeek | Generally, what are the addresses for usb devices under linux | 11:18 |
cage_raphel | Jordan_U: i typed sudo os-prober in the terminal.. nothing happened.. | 11:19 |
Viking667 | Jordan_U: and update-grub2 is in the grub-pc package | 11:19 |
bouaza | salut | 11:19 |
Viking667 | teemo: 10.04 ? | 11:19 |
ii | metalgeek: you mean in the /dev filesystem? | 11:19 |
aeon-ltd | Kars: ubuntu/crunchbang/mint | 11:19 |
Kars | ubuntu is too heavy i think | 11:19 |
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz | ||
teemo | Viking667: yes | 11:19 |
metalgeek | I think so, Im running ubuntu | 11:19 |
mquin | metalgeek: probably ttyUSB0 - if you type 'dmesg' after plugging it in you should see which device it pops up on | 11:19 |
Viking667 | Kars: try xubuntu | 11:19 |
Jordan_U | Viking667: You're right, it's grub-mkconfig that's in grub-common. | 11:19 |
Kars | hm i read xubuntu was light , but not anymore since new updates :P | 11:19 |
johnnylee194 | hi, is there anyone could kindly help me on a grub issue? | 11:19 |
bouaza | comment sa va | 11:20 |
Jordan_U | !anyone | johnnylee194 | 11:20 |
ubottu | johnnylee194: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 11:20 |
aeon-ltd | Kars: crunchbang is still light | 11:20 |
Kars | okay | 11:20 |
bouaza | ok thinks | 11:20 |
mquin | the stick I have registers two ttyUSB devices, one for data and one to report statistics and allow the modem to be queried while there is a data connection active | 11:20 |
metalgeek | mquin, so plug in my modem and open a terminal, then type dmesg? yes | 11:20 |
teemo | johnnylee194: i advice u to run away now | 11:20 |
Kars | i was gonna try lubuntu but i dont think its user friendly and it doesnt install for me | 11:20 |
Jordan_U | !fr | bouaza | 11:20 |
ubottu | bouaza: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 11:20 |
mquin | metalgeek: yep | 11:20 |
ii | johnnylee194: what's your problem? | 11:20 |
teemo | Viking667: do u think the uninstall/re-install would work? | 11:21 |
metalgeek | Cool, will go try, bye for now and thanks | 11:21 |
Viking667 | teemo: so, go grab a "dpkg -L grub-pc" listing, shove that up to your friendly pastebin and I'll take a look. | 11:21 |
johnnylee194 | thanks guys, I want to show the grub screen | 11:21 |
johnnylee194 | But I lost my sudo, and the GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET is set to true... | 11:21 |
ii | pardon? | 11:21 |
Kars | lol there goes another cd for burning a new distro | 11:21 |
Viking667 | teemo: possibly. Here's a really quick check... dpkg -L grub-pc | wc -l | 11:21 |
Viking667 | gimme that number | 11:21 |
Viking667 | should equal 240 lines | 11:22 |
* Viking667 wishes there was a verify-all-files-instaled for a dpkg | 11:22 | |
Jordan_U | teemo: Did you ever run "sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy"? | 11:22 |
ii | johnnylee194: you lost your sudo? you mean you forgot the password to your account? | 11:22 |
Viking667 | I did ask him that, but never got a reply | 11:22 |
teemo | Viking667: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/maiKka6C | 11:22 |
Jordan_U | Viking667: debsums :) | 11:22 |
johnnylee194 | First, I've mistakenly removed myself from sudo list. And when I want to enter recovery mode, I can't find the grub screen. And when I check the /etc/default/grub, and find the GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET is set to true. Is there anyway that I can re-add myself to the sudo list? | 11:23 |
teemo | Viking667: 3 | 11:23 |
ii | ah I think you hold shift as it boot | 11:23 |
ii | and the menu appears | 11:23 |
johnnylee194 | @li: no, I mistakenly used group add command | 11:23 |
teemo | Jordan_U: no | 11:23 |
ocs | hi. I need a command line application that moves program with some pid to a specified workspace. I used wmctrl some time ago, but it seems buggy on ubuntu 10.04 (I have 5 active workspaces but if I show the desktops number with wmctrl it only sees the active desktop) | 11:23 |
Viking667 | teemo: you need to reinstall that package, bad | 11:23 |
Jordan_U | teemo: You need to do that. | 11:24 |
johnnylee194 | @li: thanks, i'll try | 11:24 |
ocs | any suggestion? | 11:24 |
teemo | ok, whats the package name? | 11:24 |
Viking667 | teemo: so, go do what Jordan_U says | 11:24 |
ii | otherwise you could boot to a liveCD and use chroot | 11:24 |
Viking667 | Jordan_U> teemo: Did you ever run "sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy"? | 11:24 |
teemo | Viking667: sudo: upgrade-from-grub-legacy: command not found | 11:24 |
Viking667 | oh, f00k | 11:24 |
Viking667 | Right. We'llrun it from the commandline. | 11:25 |
teemo | cant i use synaptics? | 11:25 |
ii | YES | 11:25 |
Viking667 | YES!!! | 11:25 |
ii | YES YOU CAN | 11:25 |
johnnylee194 | @ii: thanks for the hints | 11:25 |
Jordan_U | teemo: What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 11:25 |
Viking667 | go get grub-pc, make sure it shows 1.99x | 11:25 |
* airtonix thinks ii is lying. | 11:25 | |
cage_raphel | how do i dual boot solaris 10 and ubuntu... somebody help! i searched enough on the internet and nothing worked! | 11:25 |
teemo | 10.04 | 11:25 |
Viking667 | Jordan_U: he said 10.04 | 11:25 |
ii | You should just purge the packages first | 11:25 |
airtonix | cage_raphel, um... | 11:25 |
ii | Right click on the packages | 11:25 |
teemo | whats the package name | 11:25 |
ii | and do "complete removal" | 11:25 |
Viking667 | grub-pc | 11:25 |
ii | in synaptics | 11:25 |
ii | search for grub | 11:25 |
ii | purge eveyrthing | 11:25 |
FloodBot1 | ii: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:26 |
teemo | its not installed | 11:26 |
Viking667 | then reinstall it | 11:26 |
ii | using "complete removal" | 11:26 |
teemo | according to synaptics | 11:26 |
* airtonix searchs for iis' enter key | 11:26 | |
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE | ||
teemo | there is also grub2? | 11:26 |
teemo | should i install that while am at it? | 11:26 |
Viking667 | yes, there is | 11:26 |
Viking667 | Add that. | 11:26 |
faLUCE | hi. I need a command line application that moves program with some pid to a specified workspace. I used wmctrl some time ago, but it seems buggy on ubuntu 10.04 (I have 5 active workspaces but if I show the desktops number with wmctrl it only sees the active desktop) | 11:26 |
teemo | applying | 11:26 |
Jordan_U | faLUCE: devispie may do what you want. | 11:26 |
teemo | done | 11:27 |
nmvictor | i have a weired jde-build-function customization buffer at: http://imagepaste.nullnetwork.net/viewimage.php?id=1148, will someone please look at it, i feel like it misses the [STATE] button and whenever i use the [Save for future session button] | 11:27 |
Jordan_U | faLUCE: *devilspie | 11:27 |
cage_raphel | how do i add a solaris 10 entry to my grub menu? | 11:27 |
Viking667 | teemo: now your grub-pc should have a version of: Version: 1.98-1ubuntu6 | 11:27 |
aeon-ltd | faLUCE: if you wanted full management of windows why don't you just tile and use tags? | 11:27 |
teemo | it already did | 11:27 |
Jordan_U | cage_raphel: You'll need to add an entry to /etc/grub.d/40_custom. Ask in #grub for details. | 11:27 |
teemo | do u want me to restart and check | 11:27 |
cage_raphel | Jordan_U: thank u | 11:28 |
faLUCE | aeon-ltd: I don't understand | 11:28 |
Jordan_U | cage_raphel: You're welcome. | 11:28 |
Viking667 | no, not yet | 11:28 |
Viking667 | teemo: no, not yet. | 11:28 |
Viking667 | I suspect you migrate your existing grub first (menu.lst) | 11:28 |
teemo | i wonder what happens if i run sudo update-grub2? | 11:28 |
Viking667 | teemo: run that command that Jordan_U suggested | 11:28 |
Q_Continuum | Viking667, MaRk-I, that didn't work. ('xforcevesa' for ATI still gives me a blank screen on boot, I did see the boot splash for a second though) | 11:29 |
faLUCE | aeon-ltd: I want to make sure that myApplication starts automatically on desktop 2 | 11:29 |
Viking667 | sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy | 11:29 |
Puck` | hi everyone | 11:29 |
SwedeMike | !hi | Puck` | 11:29 |
ubottu | Puck`: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 11:29 |
teemo | ok | 11:29 |
teemo | now what? | 11:29 |
Viking667 | Q_Continuum: yeah, I haven't fixed that problem either. | 11:29 |
Puck` | a notice to ops: a user from the mask: gateway/web/freenode/ip. - it sais he's banned, if anyone could look in to it, it would be awesome (: | 11:29 |
Misterio | Puck`: #ubuntu-ops would be better place :) | 11:30 |
teemo | so its waiting for me to select one of my devices? | 11:30 |
Viking667 | teemo: now, go do this: sudo mv /boot/grub/grub.cfg /boot/grub/grub-cfg; sudo /usr/sbin/update-grub2 | 11:30 |
HamEd | kasi FarSi BalaDeH | 11:30 |
HamEd | :D | 11:30 |
DRavisher | Anyone know how to figure out which ATI catalyst version is installed? | 11:30 |
erUSUL | !version | 11:31 |
ubottu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 11:31 |
Q_Continuum | Viking667, so no other fixes for ATI cards on blank screen on boot? | 11:31 |
coz_ | DRavisher, I dont but you might be able to go to #radeon channel | 11:31 |
Viking667 | Q_Continuum: none I know of. | 11:31 |
Viking667 | mind you, I get text mode. it just looks weird. | 11:32 |
Viking667 | ANyhow you lot, I have to depart. | 11:32 |
Q_Continuum | Crud. Then I guess I won't be using Ubuntu on my desktop for awhile yet. | 11:32 |
Viking667 | teemo: I'll leave you in Jordan_U's obviously capable hands | 11:32 |
Q_Continuum | Thanks for the attempted help. | 11:32 |
Viking667 | heh. Ta. | 11:32 |
teemo | Viking667: thank you for your help | 11:32 |
teemo | thanks a lot | 11:32 |
Viking667 | 's okay. I'm used to it. | 11:32 |
Jordan_U | teemo: Select your hard drive, most likely "/dev/sda" and *no* partitions (/dev/sda1). | 11:33 |
aruntomar | has anyone been successfull in deploying multiseat | 11:33 |
teemo | Jordan_U: are u sure? | 11:33 |
ii | select ONLY /dev/sda | 11:33 |
Jordan_U | teemo: Yes. | 11:33 |
teemo | ok done | 11:33 |
teemo | restart and try/ | 11:34 |
teemo | ? | 11:34 |
teemo | http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/miazJddN | 11:34 |
hackjkp | helllo | 11:35 |
erUSUL | !hi | 11:35 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 11:35 |
Jordan_U | teemo: Yes, but have a LiveCD ready in case anything goes wrong. | 11:35 |
hackjkp | anyone can tell me why wget etc doesnt work after i set env variable http_proxy | 11:35 |
teemo | :( | 11:35 |
Diverdude | Is there any way to convert a pdf file ( its 1 page) to a image, like png? | 11:36 |
teemo | how can i check the contents of my grub file now? | 11:36 |
=== smokey is now known as smokey|afk | ||
teemo | before restarting | 11:36 |
hackjkp | !help | 11:36 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 11:36 |
erUSUL | Diverdude: first get a pdf of the one page ( easiest way print to a pdf in evince) then use convert to turn it into a png | 11:36 |
gartral2 | Diverdude yea.. screendhot works well :p | 11:36 |
ii | ubottu's friendly reminder takes more space than the question preambles..... | 11:37 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 11:37 |
gartral2 | !botsnack | 11:39 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 11:39 |
thoeger | Hello Ubuntu folks - having a little problem building some software (vpfit for fitting astronomical spoectra) on Ubuntu Lucid. The software looks for X libs in /usr/X11R6/lib, which obviously is obsolete - but where to look forthem then? I need to edit the makefile... | 11:39 |
ii | /usr/include/X11, maybe? | 11:40 |
madrid | ,to turn off the computer when the downloads finish is there any program in linux? | 11:40 |
skumara | madrid what program u use to download? | 11:41 |
thoeger | ii, in include/, not in lib/...? /me mystified | 11:41 |
scriptwarlock | Diverdude: http://convert.neevia.com/pdfconvert/ | 11:41 |
ii | I have no idea :( however, you can just use dpkg to list the contents of different packages, including the X11 ones | 11:41 |
madrid | shumara vuze drean mule ares and firefox ,chrome | 11:42 |
ii | in Synaptic, search for a pakcage, right click, properties, "installed files" | 11:42 |
ii | ....just in case you dontget an answer, you could find it yourself | 11:42 |
ct529 | mmmm! After the last round of updates, many services do not work any more because they do not start at boot time, for example (cups) and TOR. | 11:42 |
ii | also if youre looking for some specific file, run sudo updatedb | 11:42 |
ct529 | anyone with the same issue out there? | 11:42 |
ii | and find it using locate | 11:42 |
skumara | madrid gshutdown | 11:43 |
Misterio | ct529: Doesn't Tor starts at session start? | 11:43 |
ct529 | nothing starts anymore, cups does not start, polipot does not start, tor does not start | 11:43 |
erUSUL | thoeger: follow this http://astrophysics.wikidot.com/install-vpfit | 11:43 |
Diverdude | thx all...i could just print it as .ps file and then use gimp to convert it to png and jpeg | 11:43 |
erUSUL | thoeger: is for ubuntu 9.04 but should still work ? | 11:43 |
thoeger | erUSUL, thanks but I tried and it didn't work. Odd, since it did on another machine (different architecture) a couple of months ago | 11:44 |
ct529 | Misterio: nothing starts anymore, cups does not start, polipot does not start, tor does not start (sorry forgot to add you nick) | 11:44 |
johnnylee194 | Q[10.04]: I pressed shift when system boot, and it shows "grub loading", after that, it enters a blank screen with a blinking cursor, what's the problem here? | 11:44 |
madrid | skumara, ok I'll try it | 11:45 |
Misterio | ct529: Ah, don't worry; And what update did you install? | 11:45 |
erUSUL | thoeger: what is the error you get ? | 11:45 |
ii | johnnylee194: well I assumed grub was smart enough not to hide the menu if you're manually telling it to display the menu..... | 11:45 |
cage_raphel | guys.. please find my sudo fdisk -l .... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/465856/ .. my question is it possible to delete the solaris parition so that ubuntu can start using that partition? | 11:45 |
ct529 | Misterio: I just automatically installed the bugfix and security updates | 11:45 |
thoeger | erUSUL, hang on I'll try and find the first one in the output | 11:46 |
Jordan_U | johnnylee194: Could you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt ? | 11:46 |
Misterio | ct529: Synaptic has remove/install/update history, could you check it please? | 11:46 |
ii | Jordan_U he doesn't have root | 11:46 |
ii | he removed himself from sudoers accidentally | 11:46 |
kaioken | Sound is very low in ubuntu ,can't even hear some songs .Whats the problem .I am using ubuntu jaunty and kernel | 11:46 |
erUSUL | cage_raphel: instead of removing it just reformat it and mount it somewhere .... | 11:46 |
cage_raphel | erUSUL: how do i do that ? | 11:47 |
johnnylee194 | yes.. | 11:47 |
ct529 | Misterio: interesting, I did not know, I most of time use dpkg / *pt-get install | 11:47 |
erUSUL | cage_raphel: with gparted ? | 11:47 |
ct529 | Misterio: how do I look at the history in synaptic? | 11:47 |
Gabriel | hey all, just installed new 80G SATA HD and I want to know how to add the extra space to /Home. ? | 11:47 |
cage_raphel | erUSUL: i have opened my gparted now.. could u pls walk me thro.. i am a total linux newbie :) | 11:47 |
Misterio | ct529: I am not under gnome right now but; first tab, history | 11:47 |
erUSUL | !separatehome | Gabriel | 11:47 |
ubottu | Gabriel: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome | 11:47 |
Jordan_U | johnnylee194: Can you boot a LiveCD? | 11:48 |
johnnylee194 | @Joardan_U: not today, didn't take the LiveCD with me.. :( | 11:48 |
erUSUL | cage_raphel: well; gparted should be pretty self explanatory. right click on the partition (sda1) and choose format ext4 | 11:48 |
Etherael | Lucid system-config-samba appears to be broken; http://pastie.org/1050224 anyone know a fix? | 11:48 |
erUSUL | cage_raphel: all data in the partition will be lost | 11:48 |
smv | i used a 10.04 live cd to dd zero on a usb stick, after unmounting it, but it didn't zero it. cfdisk and fdisk still show the old fat16 partition. am i doing something wrong? | 11:48 |
johnnylee194 | It's kinda wired, sometimes the normal boot failed as well, given me the endless blinking cursor screen... | 11:49 |
Misterio | ct529: Then pastebin the last log | 11:49 |
ct529 | Misterio: the history is libusb,linvte-common,libvte9 as last update | 11:49 |
Misterio | Ah okay | 11:49 |
ii | johnnylee194: when you DO get a liveCD, it's really easy to fix your permissions, just mount your disk and run sudo chroot /path/to/root/of/drive | 11:49 |
cage_raphel | erUSUL: i have done that .. its applying pending operations :) | 11:49 |
Jordan_U | smv: Did you zero the drive, like sdb, or the partition, like sdb1? Also, please be *VERY* carefull with dd. | 11:50 |
johnnylee194 | @ii: okay.. I just want to see whether I could fix it today.. without the LiveCD.. but thanks anyway :) | 11:50 |
ii | erm but maybe you can just edit sudoers without chrooting, whatever. but ya, need root. | 11:50 |
ii | good luck! | 11:50 |
cage_raphel | erUSUL: its done.. now what should i do ? | 11:50 |
hackjkp | leave | 11:50 |
Misterio | ct529: See | 11:50 |
Misterio | !info libvte9 | 11:50 |
ubottu | libvte9 (source: vte): Terminal emulator widget for GTK+ 2.0 - runtime files. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.23.5-0ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 540 kB, installed size 992 kB | 11:50 |
erUSUL | cage_raphel: dunno; what do you want to use the partition for? i have data partitions mounted in /media/ | 11:50 |
rioch | where can I download an archive of the default icons in ubuntu (gnome) ? | 11:50 |
Jordan_U | johnnylee194: Then maybe the blinking cursor is unrelated to holding shift, try holding shift and booting a few more times. | 11:50 |
ct529 | I do not really understand .... how do I set all the services to restart? | 11:51 |
Misterio | ct529: I think this isn't the problem | 11:51 |
erUSUL | cage_raphel: for example for music/videos/etc | 11:51 |
ct529 | Misterio: it was after that last update | 11:51 |
cage_raphel | erUSUL: i have formated sda1 to ext4.. now i want my ubuntu to use that partition | 11:51 |
thoeger | erUSUL, here is my output | 11:51 |
thoeger | http://pastebin.org/404863 | 11:51 |
johnnylee194 | @ii: I suppose recovery mode will give me a root window, and so I can solve my permission problem? | 11:51 |
smv | Jordan_U, i know how to use it. but i guess time it tricked me. seems like i used sda1 instead of sda. haha | 11:51 |
* smv hides | 11:51 | |
johnnylee194 | @Jordan_U: Thanks, I'm trying... | 11:52 |
ct529 | Misterio: how do I set all the services to restart? I do not know much about upstart yet | 11:52 |
Misterio | ct529: I don'r know how to do, never had that problem. Anyways; if you /etc/init.d/service start and reboot? Is it saved? | 11:52 |
erUSUL | thoeger: have you installed build-essebtials ? | 11:52 |
johnnylee194 | holly~ entered recovery mode and see the lovely root shell :D | 11:52 |
karthee | Hi .. in centos .. I need to add my own application to get started when the machine reboots. Is it better to add the start script in rc.local or put the script in /etc/init.d/mystartscript and chkconfig mystartscript on ??? Which one is better ? | 11:52 |
ii | johnnylee194: oh yeah, thats true. Just use the LiveCD to edit that grub file then, you wont have a problem | 11:53 |
ct529 | Misterio: /etc/init.d/service is not there | 11:53 |
Misterio | ct529: service was an example | 11:53 |
erUSUL | cage_raphel: sudo mkdir /media/data ; sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /media/data | 11:53 |
Misterio | ct529: sudo /etc/init.d/tor start | 11:53 |
ct529 | Misterio: I use /etc/init.d/cups start, /etc/init.d/tor start | 11:53 |
Misterio | And isn't saved? | 11:53 |
ct529 | Misterio: ok, sorry | 11:53 |
erUSUL | cage_raphel: this will make the space avable under /media/data/ | 11:53 |
ii | karthee: /etc/rc.local is best | 11:53 |
ct529 | Misterio: what do you mean saved? | 11:53 |
karthee | ii: May i know the reason ? | 11:53 |
ii | Ubuntu uses upstart now so it's not congruent with centos | 11:53 |
thoeger | erUSUL, check | 11:54 |
erUSUL | cage_raphel: to make it permanent we have to add a line for it to /etc/fstab | 11:54 |
Misterio | If you start proceess, is automatically restarted after a reboot? | 11:54 |
Jordan_U | karthee: This is #ubuntu... | 11:54 |
Misterio | ct529: ^ (sorry, I sometimes forget nick) | 11:54 |
ii | ah hurr, forget what I just said I misread your question. no idea how centos works | 11:54 |
johnnylee194 | What should I do to add myself back to sudoers? is it "sudo usermod -aG adm,dialout,dip,fax,cdrom,floppy,tape,audio,plugdev,scanner,admin username"? | 11:55 |
erUSUL | thoeger: :( then i dunno; pthreads should be aviable in libc6-dev ? | 11:55 |
johnnylee194 | I once used "sudo usermod -G xxx username" to removed myself from sudo list.. | 11:56 |
ii | you add yourself to the "admin" group, I think | 11:56 |
ii | yes, certainly "admin" | 11:57 |
ct529 | Misterio: so what do I think I should do? | 11:57 |
johnnylee194 | @ii: Do I need to use visudo? the /etc/sudoers suggested that... | 11:57 |
erUSUL | johnnylee194: sudo adduser youruser admin | 11:57 |
erUSUL | thoeger: found this libpthread-stubs0-dev have you got this istalled ? | 11:58 |
Misterio | ct529: Honestly, if I were you I would reinstall all, but befir ethat try fixing that problem; Ask here, surelly anyone will know how to solve that | 11:58 |
ii | johnnylee194: I'm pretty sure you just need to use usermod to add yourself to the admin group, you dont even need to touch /etc/sudoers unless you've done something drastic to it | 11:58 |
Misterio | before | 11:58 |
Gabriel | !separatehome | 11:58 |
ubottu | Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome | 11:58 |
johnnylee194 | @ii ok, thanks | 11:59 |
Gabriel | erUSUL, what do you mean? | 11:59 |
ii | gl! | 11:59 |
erUSUL | Gabriel: you can use your 80 GiB disk dor holding home | 11:59 |
thoeger | erUSUL, some are but not the one named - is it a dumbed down version that Ubuntu installs, or maybe I need an extra package...? | 11:59 |
johnnylee194 | @erUSUL: what's the difference of "sudo adduser youruser admin" and "sudo usermod -aG admin youruser"? | 11:59 |
StaRetji | Folks, is there a way to kill applications that are displayed on the screen, leaving the ones running in the background? | 12:00 |
erUSUL | johnnylee194: adduser is safer? seen people here that forgot to use -a and loose all the group memeberships | 12:00 |
gurudrew | Hello all, I've installed 10.4 via Wubi, and attempted the transfer via LVPM, which has gotten me nowhere. Are there any workaround guides on this subject? | 12:01 |
Gabriel | erUSUL, I want to add the 80GB to the existing /home is that possible ? | 12:01 |
erUSUL | StaRetji: use xkill ? | 12:01 |
w285700659 | 大家好 | 12:01 |
erUSUL | Gabriel: you can mount it somewhere in home but the other solution is cleaner imho | 12:01 |
w285700659 | 有人在吗 | 12:01 |
StaRetji | erUSUL: thx, will google for it now | 12:01 |
erUSUL | !cn | w285700659 | 12:01 |
ubottu | w285700659: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 12:01 |
johnnylee194 | @erUSUL: gotcha, next time I'll user more adduser | 12:02 |
^rumput_kering^ | hi | 12:02 |
erUSUL | StaRetji: there ins an applet for the panel | 12:02 |
Gabriel | "cleaner imho" ??? | 12:02 |
erUSUL | in my humbel opinion | 12:02 |
Gabriel | erUSUL, "cleaner imho" ??? | 12:02 |
w285700659 | is anybaby here? | 12:02 |
StaRetji | erUSUL: applet, like gui? | 12:02 |
Etherael | Lucid system-config-samba appears to be broken; http://pastie.org/1050224 anyone know a fix? | 12:02 |
Maddeth | Gabriel: a more efficient option in his honest opinion | 12:03 |
johnnylee194 | @ii: how about other groups? "adm,dialout,dip,fax,cdrom,floppy,tape,audio,plugdev,scanner", do I need to add myself back to these group as well? | 12:03 |
erUSUL | StaRetji: right click on the panel choose add to panel. in the list there is an applet to kill graphcal apps | 12:03 |
StaRetji | erUSUL: thx man, I'm on xubuntu, btw, but will check it | 12:03 |
erUSUL | StaRetji: ok | 12:04 |
^rumput_kering^ | hi, please help me. i use pidgin 2.5.2 and empathy. i'm using yahoo protocol but i can't connect. i'm trying to change the page server to cn. but it still can't connect. | 12:04 |
asrj | hai to all | 12:04 |
asrj | I am new to the forum | 12:04 |
asrj | is any one helpme | 12:04 |
erUSUL | !ask | asrj | 12:04 |
ubottu | asrj: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 12:04 |
teemo | Jordan_U: thank you very much for ur help | 12:04 |
asrj | How to increase the screen saver time in ubuntu 10.04 | 12:05 |
erUSUL | asrj: System>Preferences>Screensaver | 12:05 |
teemo | everything is working fine now, i installed ubuntu yesterday, and today its working fine, and configured as i would have liked it to | 12:05 |
asrj | thanks ............. | 12:06 |
asrj | i have installed linux mint -"side by side", But Unable to view in booting time, the screen shows only windows7 & Ubuntu only, is it any options ther | 12:08 |
Gabriel | erUSUL, can I mount A new HD under / , meaning adding to it's capacity ? | 12:08 |
erUSUL | Gabriel: no that's not how it works. | 12:08 |
thoeger | erUSUL, bump - are there extra packages of pthread libs I can possibly want to install? | 12:08 |
erUSUL | thoeger: i only found this libpthread-stubs0-dev as i said earlier ... | 12:09 |
thoeger | erUSUL, sorry didn't see that message | 12:09 |
erUSUL | Gabriel: how big is your root partition now ? | 12:10 |
=== user__ is now known as afief | ||
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tarek_ | I have this very weird situation i need to share with you guys....yesterday i was connected to my wirless network at Work, but then when i got home, my ubuntu wont connect to my home network | 12:16 |
tarek_ | Anybody seen this before?:) | 12:17 |
abhijit | hello | 12:17 |
kaioken2 | Guys please help me with this ...Sound is very low in ubuntu ,can't even hear some songs .Whats the problem .I am using ubuntu jaunty and kernel | 12:17 |
slow-motion | hi | 12:18 |
StaRetji | erUSUL: I've read and tried xkill, unfortunately it requires user action (mouse selection). Is there a command just say killall x windows and that's it? Thx | 12:18 |
neckoox | @kaioken2 : do you use an HDA intel audio card ? | 12:18 |
xnui7 | hi | 12:18 |
erUSUL | StaRetji: you can use « pkill programname » | 12:18 |
tarek_ | my ubuntu wont connect to my home network, please help :) | 12:18 |
Maddeth | tarek_: wired or wireless | 12:19 |
kaioken2 | neckoox: yeah I suppose how do I know for sure? | 12:19 |
StaRetji | erUSUL: the thing is, I made HTPC with xbmc on it, so I though to assign bash script to remote control to kill whatever is on screen so that I can start only media center | 12:20 |
tarek_ | maddeth, wireless | 12:20 |
Maddeth | tarek_: can you see the network? | 12:20 |
gartral2 | Hello? | 12:20 |
kay | hey guys...i have no video on youtube...just a black box...can anyone help? ...flash is installed | 12:20 |
tarek_ | maddeth, it works at my work, but not at home, the essid is locked on the network of my work | 12:20 |
Maddeth | kay: are you blocking cookies? | 12:20 |
neckoox | kaioken2 :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 12:20 |
erUSUL | StaRetji: all currently running apps? restart X ? | 12:21 |
tarek_ | maddeth, i can see it at home yes | 12:21 |
kay | i'll check...wait | 12:21 |
abhinav_singh1 | is there any png files viewer in ubuntu? | 12:21 |
erUSUL | abhinav_singh1: all image viewers support png | 12:21 |
Maddeth | tarek_: you said its locked onto your works ESSID? | 12:21 |
StaRetji | erUSUL: ehm, if there is no other option :) Thx dude! | 12:22 |
kay | Maddeth: where can i check it? | 12:22 |
abhinav_singh1 | but the default image viewer of ubuntu does not support png | 12:22 |
abhinav_singh1 | i am opening png files in f spo | 12:22 |
airtonix | lol? | 12:22 |
abhinav_singh1 | *f spot | 12:22 |
airtonix | gthumb | 12:22 |
airtonix | firefox | 12:22 |
erUSUL | abhinav_singh1: it does; | 12:22 |
airtonix | imageviewier | 12:22 |
Maddeth | kay: what browser are you using? | 12:23 |
bazhang | abhinav_singh1, sure it does | 12:23 |
abhinav_singh1 | is there any way to convert gif files inti png? | 12:23 |
tarek_ | maddeth, yes even if i choose another network, it tells me that it is trying to connect to the same network of my work | 12:23 |
airtonix | abhijit, convert img.gif img.png | 12:23 |
airtonix | abhinav_singh1, ^^ | 12:23 |
abhijit | :D :D ha ha haha | 12:23 |
* airtonix rages | 12:23 | |
* abhijit is now used to it. | 12:23 | |
Maddeth | tarek_: it is probably easy to solve, unfortunatly I cannot run you through anything at the moment as I am at work and on Windows | 12:24 |
tarek_ | maddeth, no prob, ill be back later | 12:25 |
erUSUL | tarek_: alt + f2 run gconf-editor go to system>networking>wireless>networks . clear all the data you can from there | 12:28 |
tarek_ | erUSUL, will do :) | 12:28 |
erUSUL | tarek_: becouse i take you tried editting the connections through network manager ? right click on the network applet choose edit connections wireless tab remove all networks there | 12:29 |
archer1 | hi everybody | 12:29 |
tarek_ | erUSUL, i cant find system>networking> | 12:30 |
erUSUL | tarek_: you are using plain ubuntu? and network manager ? | 12:30 |
archer1 | need help with my ethernet card, its a marvell yukon ethernet card. I can't connect to my cable modem.SOmetimes it connects for a few seconds and then goes off. sometimes it won't even pick a signal | 12:31 |
Kartagis | is it possible to make my system support VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration? | 12:31 |
tarek_ | erUSUL, using WICD | 12:31 |
archer1 | does anyone know whats happening? | 12:31 |
archer1 | it uses a sky2 driver | 12:31 |
Maddeth | archer1: have you tried through a router? | 12:32 |
erUSUL | Kartagis: is a hardware feature. it either supports it or not | 12:33 |
archer1 | Maddeth: thanks! No i haven't, i just try connecting to the cable modem | 12:33 |
Maddeth | archer1: I have had issues with that just due to the way the modem works | 12:33 |
erUSUL | tarek_: noy familiar with wicd sorry. mayue it has a way to clear all info too ? | 12:33 |
Maddeth | archer1: ARE YOU ABLE TO PING OUT? | 12:33 |
Maddeth | archer1: sorry caps | 12:33 |
tarek_ | erUSUL, i will check!! | 12:33 |
erUSUL | archer1: you use a crossover cable ? | 12:34 |
Maddeth | erUSUL: cable modem would just use an ethernet cable | 12:34 |
babielagorce | fr | 12:34 |
bazhang | !fr | babielagorce | 12:34 |
Maddeth | erUSUL: and I would have though that it would flip it automagically anyway | 12:34 |
ubottu | babielagorce: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 12:34 |
archer1 | Maddeth: np buddy. I tried a bit or work on it. tried connecting to my PC and setting a static IP to both. This problem is with my lap. And i cudn't ping. | 12:34 |
archer1 | Maddeth: which is why i doub't a driver conflict | 12:35 |
erUSUL | Maddeth: no all nic can flip automagically ... but you are right for a cable-modem it makes sense | 12:35 |
Maddeth | try removing the static IP | 12:35 |
Maddeth | having it auto | 12:35 |
archer1 | Maddeth: I did. my modem works with dhcp, made the settings and auto too | 12:36 |
archer1 | Maddeth: restarted network still not good | 12:36 |
Maddeth | archer1: hmm | 12:36 |
Maddeth | archer1: what does IP config give? | 12:37 |
Maddeth | archer1: sorry ifconfig (windows at work) | 12:37 |
archer1 | Maddeth: do you have the same card and the driver? what did you mean by 'i had the same prob wth the way modem works' ? | 12:37 |
Maddeth | archer1: on a windows lappy I had a similar issue with a cable modem | 12:38 |
Maddeth | archer1: have you tried power cycling the modem? | 12:38 |
archer1 | Maddeth: np,ifconfig shows eth0 with mac address | 12:38 |
Maddeth | with the lappy attached | 12:38 |
archer1 | Maddeth: yeah with attched | 12:39 |
archer1 | Maddeth: powercycling? u mean rese?t the modem | 12:39 |
Maddeth | archer1: hmmm... you're making me think ;) | 12:39 |
archer1 | Maddeth: haha thanks a lot! | 12:39 |
Maddeth | archer1: power off, wait 5, power on, yes :) | 12:39 |
archer1 | Maddeth: yes i did that buddy. | 12:40 |
Maddeth | archer1: and you have other machines working? | 12:40 |
metalgeek | Hi guys, I have a digital tv box for my ubuntu box, any ideas on how to get it working? | 12:40 |
loxs | what package would provide /usr/include/lua.h ? | 12:40 |
archer1 | Maddeth: i did a google. and there are lot of issues with my same cards and driver. | 12:40 |
Maddeth | archer1: I see | 12:40 |
metalgeek | Ive only used it with win | 12:40 |
archer1 | Maddeth: yeah i have a pc too.and this same modem with the same cable works fine for my PC with ubuntu | 12:41 |
Maddeth | can rule out the modem and cable then :) | 12:41 |
archer1 | Maddeth: right. perfect! | 12:41 |
Maddeth | archer1: thinking!! I need one of those old egg timer animations | 12:42 |
archer1 | Maddeth: last night i found a buddy here with my same card and driver. unfortunately i cudn't provide much details cause my lap wasn't near me | 12:42 |
Kartagis | my crontab doesn't seem to work. why do you think? | 12:43 |
archer1 | Maddeth: ha ha:) | 12:43 |
archer1 | Maddeth: do u know if bios has got anything to do with the hardware drivers working fine? | 12:43 |
Maddeth | archer1: so, you dont get an ip address of default gateway in ifconfig, just the MAC | 12:43 |
Maddeth | archer1: I wouldn't have thought so | 12:44 |
archer1 | Maddeth: yep,right | 12:44 |
archer1 | Maddeth: okay | 12:44 |
=== James is now known as Guest16025 | ||
=== Gurty is now known as Zou | ||
pitipiti | Hi, how do I make it so that syslog will never gets deleted with log rotate | 12:45 |
archer1 | Maddeth: i am sure there is a broken link with the driver sky2. cause once i connected with the modem and funny it goes on and off every few seconds | 12:45 |
moji | hi there; i had installed kubuntu to dual boot with win7; kubuntu had serious issues which i researched after the fact and it seems a lot of stuff is horribly broken; so i thought ok, i'll install ubuntu from usb, so i ran unetbootin on it, but when i tried to install i got a generic error: Am error occurred while writing changes to storage devices. Resize option aborted. So then i was going to run gparted and failing that, fdisk | 12:45 |
metalgeek | Is there a driver or something that i can download? | 12:45 |
Maddeth | archer1: have you tried removing and reinstalling the driver? | 12:45 |
Maddeth | archer1: and card? | 12:45 |
Maddeth | archer1: unless its built in of course ;) | 12:46 |
moji | well, fdisk lists partitions but it won't actually delete any; gparted the same; for some reason there're 3! NTFS partitions, the rest are linux; but in the first linux one it tells me to unmount any higher than that number; but when i highlight the others and go to the menu to choose unmount, that option is greyed out << scuse interruption, i'll idle and wait my turn | 12:46 |
archer1 | Maddeth: yeah, rmmod sky2 and modprobe it | 12:46 |
Maddeth | archer1: please dont void any warranty on my behalf | 12:46 |
archer1 | Maddeth: card, i ifconfig down and up it too | 12:46 |
archer1 | Maddeth: np buddy :) | 12:47 |
Maddeth | are there any other drivers available for that card? | 12:47 |
joenel | hello | 12:47 |
Maddeth | archer1: obvious question I know | 12:47 |
Maddeth | hi joenel | 12:48 |
joenel | hello maddeth | 12:48 |
joenel | asl? | 12:48 |
moji | 0o | 12:48 |
Maddeth | heh | 12:48 |
archer1 | Maddeth: yeah, i tried contacting the support centre for the semiconductor team, Marvell. they send me another one, but that doesn't do any good either.:) | 12:48 |
Maddeth | joenel: been a while since I have been asked that ;) | 12:48 |
archer1 | Maddeth: which was sk98lin | 12:48 |
jeremy | HI | 12:48 |
metalgeek | Hi, im having a problem using my digital box with Ubuntu, Any Help would be great :) | 12:48 |
moji | f/13/cali | 12:48 |
=== jeremy is now known as Guest13974 | ||
moji | is the correct answer to those questions :P | 12:49 |
manco | I removed gdm and installed lxdm but system boots into black terminal | 12:49 |
Maddeth | dont make me feel old moji | 12:49 |
moji | i assure you, i'm probably somewhat older than you | 12:49 |
moji | and nub | 12:49 |
joenel | maddeth | 12:50 |
joenel | how old are you | 12:50 |
moji | and this whole flippin switch to linux is gonna drive me nuts | 12:50 |
Pici | !ot | 12:50 |
Maddeth | moji: I know ;) | 12:50 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 12:50 |
Maddeth | joenel: old enough | 12:50 |
moji | Maddeth: i know you from somewhere? | 12:50 |
metalgeek | Guys, Help with Ubuntu please! | 12:50 |
archer1 | ubottu: wow! good to see you again:) | 12:50 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:50 |
joenel | anyone who uses back track here? | 12:50 |
archer1 | ubottu: yeah i know:P | 12:51 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:51 |
Maddeth | moji: mebbe, used to be here quite a lot | 12:51 |
moji | i have; and i'm about to google up how to nuke those other partitions if i don't sort smth | 12:51 |
archer1 | joenel:i have a backtrack iso :) | 12:51 |
moji | ah, this is my first time here | 12:51 |
Maddeth | archer1: I am still pondering | 12:51 |
archer1 | joenel: haven't tried it | 12:51 |
archer1 | Maddeth: thanks buddy | 12:51 |
joenel | nice | 12:51 |
cash | h' | 12:51 |
joenel | you know how to use it? | 12:51 |
moji | joenel: there's probably a backtrack chan here, somewhere | 12:51 |
Maddeth | archer1: I have my lunch break now | 12:52 |
Maddeth | archer1: I will eat on it | 12:52 |
archer1 | Maddeth: haha! | 12:52 |
manday | I've got a major problem and I'm clueless: I didn't do anything but suddently everything beyond gdm has totally stopped working. When I boot the computer the LOGIN screen appears which a warning that "gnome-power-manager has not correctly been configured" and instead of the purple background the background is black. When I then try to log in the loginbox disappears and nothings happens, according to pstree metacity and "{gnome-session}" are runni | 12:52 |
joenel | ah i see | 12:52 |
joenel | any girls here? | 12:52 |
moji | what are you trying to do, exactly? | 12:52 |
moji | o brother | 12:52 |
archer1 | joenel: i have a pal who runs his lap with back track. just write it as iso on a cd and run it | 12:53 |
archer1 | moji: :D | 12:53 |
moji | archer1: not in a great mood, i'm gonna ignore anything else like that before i get into trouble my first time here ;/ | 12:53 |
moji | << lack of sleep | 12:54 |
archer1 | moji: sorry you got me wrong | 12:54 |
moji | nah, i didn't, i don't think; i pm'd you | 12:54 |
moji | sorry, i shoulda been clearer | 12:54 |
[diablo] | hi | 12:56 |
[diablo] | is there an ARM version of 10.04 please? | 12:56 |
=== sikumbuzo_ is now known as sikumbuzo | ||
joenel | i love ubuntu | 12:57 |
joenel | i love ubuntu | 12:57 |
joenel | :D | 12:57 |
joenel | because its easy to use | 12:57 |
FiremanEd | !ot | joenel | 12:57 |
ubottu | joenel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 12:57 |
metalgeek | Could some one help with digital box issue | 12:57 |
jpds | [diablo]: http://gb.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - scroll down. | 12:58 |
[diablo] | jpds, thanks | 12:58 |
moji | should i reask my question, please? | 12:58 |
joenel | #ubuntu | 12:58 |
manco | installing lxde and removing gdm causing probllems. what is the cause? | 13:01 |
abhijit | manco, just give a try in #lubuntu | 13:03 |
manco | ok tanx | 13:03 |
sikumbuzo | Hello, everyone. I have a feeling this question gets asked a lot, but why am I constantly getting this error message when I run Update Manager: "Could not download all repository indexes." | 13:04 |
TMK | chances are the repository couldn't be reached. | 13:05 |
jillsmitt | sikumbuzo: did you add custom repositories? | 13:05 |
sikumbuzo | So, what can I do to eliminate this problem? | 13:05 |
TMK | if you look at the details in the update manager, look and see if you can ping the repos that you are trying to pull from. | 13:05 |
jpds | sikumbuzo: Pastebin the output of sudo apt-get update | 13:06 |
sikumbuzo | Well, I've installed a lot of programs that I believe add their own repository information. | 13:06 |
sikumbuzo | Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release.gpg Something wicked happened resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname) | 13:06 |
sikumbuzo | Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release.gpg Something wicked happened resolving 'archive.canonical.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname) | 13:06 |
sikumbuzo | Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release.gpg Something wicked happened resolving 'ppa.launchpad.net:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname) | 13:06 |
FloodBot1 | sikumbuzo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:06 |
sikumbuzo | Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2 Something wicked happened resolving 'ppa.launchpad.net:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname) | 13:06 |
jpds | !pastebin | sikumbuzo | 13:06 |
ubottu | sikumbuzo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 13:06 |
sikumbuzo | sorry | 13:06 |
TMK | ok...go into software sources and remove the entry for that repo. | 13:06 |
jpds | TMK: Yeah; that's the *main* Ubuntu repo failing. | 13:07 |
jpds | sikumbuzo: There's something fundamentally wrong with your DNS. | 13:07 |
TMK | i didn't look at the whole line :) | 13:07 |
sikumbuzo | Please, explain | 13:07 |
TMK | it's a dns problem.. | 13:07 |
sikumbuzo | What sort of DNS problem? | 13:07 |
TMK | try to ping ppa.launchpad.net from a command line. | 13:08 |
pitipiti | try ping google.com | 13:08 |
sikumbuzo | pinging worked | 13:08 |
lor | hi! do you know if ubuntu studio supports low-latency USB audio cards like ESI UGM96? | 13:08 |
manday | I've got a major problem and I'm clueless: I didn't do anything but suddently everything beyond gdm has totally stopped working. When I boot the computer the LOGIN screen appears which a warning that "gnome-power-manager has not correctly been configured" and instead of the purple background the background is black. When I then try to log in the loginbox disappears and nothings happens, according to pstree metacity and "{gnome-session}" are runni | 13:08 |
TMK | what ip address do you get back for that? | 13:08 |
manday_ | I've got a major problem and I'm clueless: I didn't do anything but suddently everything beyond gdm has totally stopped working. When I boot the computer the LOGIN screen appears which a warning that "gnome-power-manager has not correctly been configured" and instead of the purple background the background is black. When I then try to log in the loginbox disappears and nothings happens, according to pstree metacity and "{gnome-session}" are runn | 13:09 |
sikumbuzo | PING ppa.launchpad.net ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 13:09 |
TMK | yeah...hmm that looks right.. | 13:09 |
sikumbuzo | PING ppa.launchpad.net ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 13:09 |
manday_ | And then if I open aptitude I get "Could not open file /var/lib/dpkg/status - No such file or dir" | 13:09 |
sikumbuzo | woops | 13:09 |
sikumbuzo | one second | 13:09 |
manday_ | why is that what the hell happend? | 13:09 |
sikumbuzo | 38 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 37004ms | 13:09 |
lor | sikumbuzo, Risposta da byte=32 durata=84ms TTL=49 | 13:09 |
ninjamaster | wrong dir | 13:09 |
sikumbuzo | 100% packet loss | 13:09 |
=== manday_ is now known as ManDay | ||
TMK | oh...packet loss...you just can't talk to that server. | 13:10 |
TMK | can you ping anything else like google.com or yahoo.com? | 13:10 |
sikumbuzo | Hmm, doesn't look like it | 13:11 |
TMK | you're not on the internet my friend.. | 13:11 |
TMK | :) | 13:11 |
sikumbuzo | lol how is that possible | 13:11 |
lor | TMK, but he resolves dns | 13:11 |
manco | ! abhijit | 13:11 |
abhijit | manco, yes? | 13:11 |
TMK | oh wait...is this the same machine that you're on now? | 13:12 |
manco | well no use | 13:12 |
sikumbuzo | yes | 13:12 |
manco | tanx anyway | 13:12 |
rileyp | anyone got some tomcat6 skills? | 13:12 |
TMK | do you have a proxy server set up? | 13:12 |
sikumbuzo | no, but i do live in grad student housing | 13:12 |
sikumbuzo | communal | 13:12 |
rileyp | with regard to ubuntu | 13:12 |
abhijit | manco, excuse me? any special reason to highlight my nick? | 13:13 |
manco | sry | 13:13 |
manco | just learning the commands | 13:13 |
lor | sikumbuzo, can you open other web pages? | 13:13 |
manco | no offense | 13:13 |
Pici | !usage | manco | 13:13 |
ubottu | manco: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | 13:13 |
TMK | It's possible that it's being blocked I guess... | 13:13 |
sikumbuzo | yes, i am able to browse the web, obvioiusly use chat programs like xchat, and do everything else fine. the only problem ive been having with ubuntu is this repository error | 13:14 |
ManDay | I've got a major problem and I'm clueless: I didn't do anything but suddently everything beyond gdm has totally stopped working. When I boot the computer the LOGIN screen appears which a warning that "gnome-power-manager has not correctly been configured" and instead of the purple background the background is black. When I then try to log in the loginbox disappears and nothings happens, according to pstree metacity and "{gnome-session}" are runni | 13:14 |
ManDay | And then if I open aptitude I get "Could not open file /var/lib/dpkg/status - No such file or dir" | 13:14 |
ManDay | Can anyone tell me how to terminate rsyslogd? I'm in SU mode and I want to fsck my disks but rsyslogd and udevd still occupy some mounts | 13:14 |
TMK | the school might be blocking traffic to the ubuntu repo from the proxy. | 13:15 |
sikumbuzo | yeah, that certainly sounds possible, but im not sure why they block ubuntu repos?? | 13:15 |
redvil | i've installed a .deb package but couldn't find it on the apps menu..any suggestions where to find it? | 13:15 |
TMK | is it a laptop? | 13:15 |
sikumbuzo | yes, i am using a laptop | 13:15 |
sikumbuzo | dell studio 1555 | 13:15 |
aeon-ltd | redvil: if its installed it should be in /usr/bin | 13:15 |
TMK | go find some free wi-fi at starbucks or something and see if you have the same problem... | 13:16 |
TMK | if you do, then it's the school. | 13:16 |
slidinghorn | at work, so if you need me, mention me & I'll catch the highlight when I check xchat periodically | 13:16 |
redvil | aeon-ltd: how do i get it up and running | 13:16 |
sikumbuzo | ok | 13:16 |
lor | sikumbuzo, they are probably paid by Microsoft to do so | 13:16 |
TMK | if you don't...i meant.. | 13:16 |
TMK | lol | 13:16 |
aeon-ltd | sikumbuzo: its more likely everything is blacklisted and only acceptable ips are whitelisted, or ports are bl | 13:16 |
sikumbuzo | wont be able to try that for a while, what happens if that fails? | 13:16 |
aeon-ltd | *blocked | 13:16 |
sikumbuzo | any back up plans? | 13:16 |
aeon-ltd | redvil: what app is it? | 13:16 |
redvil | gimpshop | 13:16 |
j0rd | ubecart.org is still broken | 13:16 |
j0rd | http://www.ubercart.org/news/jul-16-2010/ubercart_30_alpha_3_released_now_rules_integration | 13:17 |
j0rd | access denied | 13:17 |
aeon-ltd | redvil: in a terminal type '/usr/bingimpshop' or just gimpshop might work | 13:17 |
abhijit | manco, from that page ubottu gave you you wll know all factoids. i tell you one e.g. type /msg ubottu !hi test this after ubottu gives you msg you can check other factoid there by typing !<factoid> | 13:17 |
redvil | aeon-ltd: will try that now | 13:17 |
j0rd | oops | 13:17 |
j0rd | wrong channel :) | 13:17 |
sikumbuzo | it actually makes a lot of sense that it would be the school because i've also been having trouble forwarding ports | 13:17 |
TMK | you might be stuck waiting until you can get off campus...but you should probably ask a school SA if and why they block ubuntu repos.. | 13:17 |
redvil | aeon-ltd: it says command not found | 13:18 |
aeon-ltd | redvil: not even /usr/bin/gimpshop ? | 13:18 |
ManDay | Can anyone tell me why firefox displays white text on white background? | 13:18 |
manhunter | hi all | 13:18 |
sikumbuzo | but why is that it would block the repos only *sometimes* | 13:18 |
ManDay | EVEN if I disable all styles | 13:18 |
redvil | aeon-ltd: will try that one now | 13:18 |
sikumbuzo | i mean im able to download and install packages from the package manager | 13:18 |
manco | abhijt ; tanx a lot man | 13:19 |
aeon-ltd | redvil: look in /usr/bin for gimp using a filemanager | 13:19 |
TMK | don't know...without knowing how the network is set up that's not easy to answer. | 13:19 |
sikumbuzo | alright, well thanks for shedding some light on the issue | 13:20 |
TMK | sure. | 13:20 |
manco | what is the terminal command to shutdown?? | 13:20 |
TMK | talk to one of the school SA's... | 13:20 |
sikumbuzo | other than this repo trouble Ubuntu 10.04 is great | 13:20 |
nitstorm | mance : sudo shutdown -P now | 13:20 |
manco | k tanx | 13:20 |
redvil | aeon-ltd: hmmm..the file is not there | 13:20 |
TMK | yep..10.04 is great... | 13:20 |
TMK | thanks to Ubuntu, I've kept some pretty old hardware very usable.. | 13:21 |
lor | me too | 13:21 |
manco | hey what is the command to address the guy u r referring to? | 13:21 |
nitstorm | manco : u gotta type manco : | 13:21 |
aeon-ltd | redvil: nothing gimp related? | 13:21 |
lor | manco, type the first letters of the nickname then press TAB | 13:21 |
sikumbuzo | i have a random off topic question should i bounce to the other channel? | 13:21 |
redvil | aeon-ltd: i installed the .deb package by right clicking on the file and install by GDebi installer | 13:21 |
bazhang | sikumbuzo, yes please | 13:21 |
manco | lor, | 13:21 |
rileyp | tomcat anyone | 13:22 |
redvil | aeon-ltd: nothing gimp related | 13:22 |
aeon-ltd | redvil: see if you can just edit the gnome menu and find it that way | 13:22 |
lor | manco, :) | 13:22 |
rileyp | help me with tomcat | 13:22 |
sikumbuzo | /channelinfo | 13:22 |
sikumbuzo | oops | 13:22 |
manco | well that did not work as i intended | 13:22 |
bazhang | sikumbuzo, #ubuntu-offtopic | 13:22 |
sikumbuzo | ive forgotten my irc commands | 13:22 |
sikumbuzo | thanks | 13:22 |
lor | do you know if ubuntu studio supports low-latency USB audio cards like ESI UGM96? | 13:22 |
redvil | aeon-ltd:how do i do that thing with the gnome menu? | 13:22 |
PeterT | hi, how do I enable ipv6? lsmod | grep ipv6 returns nothing | 13:22 |
aeon-ltd | redvil: system/preferences | 13:22 |
redvil | aeon-ltd:do i need to reboot/restart? | 13:22 |
learn1 | how to use proxy in linux? my proxy= port=80 , it use windows active directory to auth login, must have username and password, i have a full access userID and password. Thanks. | 13:23 |
manco | were can i get a list of irc commands | 13:23 |
io | manco: "/quote help" will give you a list. | 13:23 |
manco | ok | 13:23 |
nitstorm | PeterT: go to firefox type about:config and uncheck the boolean value for network.disable.IPv6 or something like that | 13:23 |
PeterT | nitstorm: not on my computer, on my VPS | 13:24 |
hybridvigour | hi all, what is the easy way to create a bootable usb key (is there such a thing as an easy way)? | 13:24 |
aeon-ltd | redvil: no | 13:24 |
io | !usb | hybridvigour | 13:24 |
ubottu | hybridvigour: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 13:24 |
redvil | aeon-ltd:couldn't find the file... | 13:25 |
aeon-ltd | redvil: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-add-entries-in-gnome-menu.html | 13:25 |
nitstorm | PeterT: sorry try googling it, lots of results showing up | 13:25 |
io | PeterT: Who is your host? | 13:25 |
nitstorm | PeterT: no idea what vps is so i feel lost | 13:25 |
redvil | aeon-ltd:i installed it using both the terminal and GDebi installer | 13:25 |
PeterT | io: zernebok.com | 13:25 |
PeterT | io: is that what you mean? | 13:25 |
dgh123 | hi, the download page says that the 64bit version is "not recommended for daily desktop usage". i have used 904 (jaunty) 64bit without problems. is 1004 also a safe bet? | 13:26 |
David-T | it does? | 13:26 |
io | PeterT: Yes. They don't have native IPv6 connectivity, do they? Did you setup a tunnel? | 13:26 |
David-T | dgh123: i've been using it fine without problems | 13:26 |
io | dgh123: Yes. | 13:26 |
PeterT | io: I have an ipv6 address on my box | 13:26 |
dgh123 | David-T: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download | 13:26 |
io | PeterT: You added it to /etc/network/interfaces etc? | 13:27 |
PeterT | io: no, what should I add there? | 13:27 |
abhijit | manco, welcome :) | 13:27 |
dgh123 | David-T, io ok thank you | 13:27 |
pepito | how can I disable IPv6 under Ubuntu in order to makesure that I connect to the internet using IPv4 and that my MAC address isn't given away to the outer world? | 13:27 |
metalgeek | Is there a small terminal app for playing mp3's? | 13:27 |
io | PeterT: Your IPv6 block? | 13:27 |
manco | I have two de's. will it slow my boot time? | 13:27 |
lor | dgh123, don't use 64bit if you don't really need it | 13:27 |
io | PeterT: Similar as when you are adding IPv4 addreses. | 13:28 |
llutz | metalgeek: mpg321 | 13:28 |
nitstorm | metalgeek: mplayer | 13:28 |
PeterT | io: *I* don't add it, the admin does | 13:28 |
PeterT | io: but I see a section with my ipv6 address in here | 13:29 |
io | PeterT: Unusual, usually when you have a VPS you a root and manage it. So ask the administrator to do it for you like you usually would. | 13:29 |
dgh123 | lor: i would like to run two or more vboxes and have 4gig ram | 13:29 |
lor | dgh123, ok. use it :) | 13:29 |
io | PeterT: It is added already? | 13:29 |
PeterT | io: yes | 13:29 |
neckoox | ipv6 ... not very used yet | 13:29 |
io | PeterT: Then it is configured. What IRC client are you using? | 13:29 |
jpds | neckoox: Well, depends where you are. | 13:29 |
io | neckoox: It is, actually. | 13:30 |
pepito | how can I disable IPv6 under Ubuntu in order to makesure that I connect to the internet using IPv4 and that my MAC address isn't given away to the outer world? | 13:30 |
PeterT | io: well, my problem is that oidentd doesn't work when ZNC uses an ipv6 address as a vhost | 13:30 |
io | !ipv6 | pepito | 13:30 |
ubottu | pepito: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 13:30 |
PeterT | so I was wondering if enabling ipv6 would help | 13:30 |
neckoox | O well n it is then groing faster than i first though | 13:30 |
io | PeterT: That has nothing to do with a problem with your IPv6 connection - oidentd does not respond to requests through IPv6 natively. | 13:31 |
PeterT | io: how can I make it respond to requests? | 13:31 |
jpds | pepito: Does your ISP do IPv6? | 13:31 |
io | PeterT: Add "-a ::" to its runtime options. | 13:31 |
PeterT | io: well, I use sudo service oidentd start | 13:32 |
io | PeterT: Well edit the service. | 13:32 |
PeterT | io: how? | 13:32 |
io | PeterT: The /etc/init.d file. | 13:32 |
ManDay | I've got a major problem and I'm clueless: I didn't do anything but suddently everything beyond gdm has totally stopped working. When I boot the computer the LOGIN screen appears which a warning that "gnome-power-manager has not correctly been configured" and instead of the purple background the background is black. When I then try to log in the loginbox disappears and nothings happens, according to pstree metacity and "{gnome-session}" are runni | 13:33 |
ManDay | And then if I open aptitude I get "Could not open file /var/lib/dpkg/status - No such file or dir" | 13:33 |
pepito | jpds, not yet, but I am trying to get ready for when it does, so that I don't make the mistake of inadvertedly given up my MAC | 13:33 |
qwerkus | Hi; ages ago, I banned some soft from the automatic ubuntu update. Can't remember how I did this, and would REALLY love to know how to undo it... | 13:33 |
ManDay | Please guys, this is so serious I'm afraid I'll have to reinstall everything | 13:33 |
qwerkus | ManDay: If you can boot up, no need to reinstall | 13:34 |
Seeker` | !uptime | 13:34 |
Guest22031 | WindowsVista Uptime: 5days 17hrs 50mins 33secs Best: 5days 17hrs 50mins 33secs | 13:34 |
Niamor | Windows7 Uptime : 1hr 49mins 53secs Record : 1wk 2days 19hrs 54mins 23secs | 13:34 |
jpds | pepito: Well, you might still have plenty of time. | 13:34 |
PeterT | io: so, I would change OIDENTD=/usr/sbin/oidentd | 13:35 |
PeterT | to OIDENTD=/usr/sbin/oidentd | 13:35 |
PeterT | -a :: | 13:35 |
bazhang | Guest22031, Niamor disable those scripts | 13:35 |
io | qwerkus: I know that "aptitude <package>=" places a package on hold. | 13:35 |
jpds | pepito: Also IPv6 has privacy capabitiles built-in which are designed to mask your MAC address. | 13:35 |
io | PeterT: No, I said it's runtime options (OIDENTD_OPTIONS), not the path to the binary. | 13:35 |
qwerkus | io: ain't there a file holding a list of banned stuff ? | 13:36 |
PeterT | io: oh, sorry! thank you so much, I"ll test it now | 13:36 |
ManDay | qwerkus: if I find no solution, I've got no other option | 13:36 |
miked595 | cpuinfo is showing only 8 of the 12 threads my cpu has. any clue on how to fix it? | 13:36 |
=== dragonlinux is now known as drglnx | ||
tecb0y | whats the nslookup command to see mx records? | 13:37 |
llutz | qwerkus: dpkg -l |grep ^h | 13:37 |
PeterT | io: I don't know, it just still doesn't work | 13:37 |
PeterT | I made a new account that uses an ipv6 host | 13:37 |
qwerkus | llutz: nice one ! And how you undo it ? | 13:37 |
llutz | qwerkus: aptitude install <package> | 13:38 |
PeterT | and it still doesn't give ident response | 13:38 |
llutz | tecb0y: dog MX domain.tld | 13:38 |
miked595 | tecb0y: I use dig. dig MX google.com | 13:38 |
llutz | tecb0y: dig MX domain.tld sry | 13:38 |
pepito | jpds, do those built-in capabilities to mask the MAC work by default or, on the contrary, does the admin/user himself have to enable them? | 13:38 |
qwerkus | llutz: yeah, did that. But it only updates the packet once, and doesn't remove it from the banning list | 13:38 |
jpds | pepito: User has to enable them. | 13:38 |
miked595 | tecb0y: nslookup -type=MX google.com | 13:39 |
jpds | pepito: I suggest reading http://www.ja.net/documents/publications/technical-guides/ipv6-tech-guide-for-web.pdf | 13:39 |
llutz | qwerkus: echo packagename install | dpkg --set-selections | 13:39 |
pepito | jpds, that's the problem, that they don't come enabled by default and hence it's easy to bypass them unknowingly giving away your MAC | 13:39 |
pepito | thank you, jpds, I will take a look at that | 13:40 |
llutz | qwerkus: or aptitude unholde pkg | 13:40 |
llutz | unhold** | 13:40 |
jillsmitt | Fn+F8 & Fn+F9 buttons (brightness controls) does not work, is there something i can do to fix it? | 13:41 |
qwerkus | llutz: Great job ! Works now. Turns out the file is was looking for is /var/lib/dpgk/lock | 13:42 |
PeterT | io: should OIDENT_OPTIONS be "-a ::" or "a ::" | 13:42 |
qwerkus | llutz: Many thanks | 13:42 |
rileyp | tomcat anyone | 13:42 |
=== Jurkki_ is now known as Jurkki | ||
manco | What is the command to know the distro? | 13:43 |
rileyp | help me with tomcat | 13:43 |
llutz | manco: lsb_release -a | 13:43 |
abhijit | manco, lsb_release | 13:43 |
bazhang | !version | manco | 13:43 |
ubottu | manco: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 13:43 |
pepito | What would the closest thing to a "PortableApp" in Linux be? | 13:43 |
bazhang | rileyp, then ask a real question | 13:44 |
manco | ok thanks everyone | 13:44 |
ocs | hi. while using compizConfig something went wrong and the configuration GUI crashed. Since that, the windows are always messed up. Is there a way to restore the normal situation? | 13:45 |
llutz | pepito: not very close: a static binary | 13:45 |
rileyp | oh goody ,,, etc.init.d.tomcat6 or .usr/share/tomcat6 whats the differnce and why do they have differnt catalina bases | 13:46 |
pepito | llutz, and isn't there a way to use a program in your PC without giving away that you are using such a program? | 13:46 |
rileyp | and differnet jjre homes | 13:46 |
pepito | (giving away to an external observer who has access to your PC) | 13:46 |
rileyp | pepito yes rename the program .. | 13:47 |
llutz | pepito: use locally installed things in a hidden encrypted container, where only you have access to | 13:47 |
hybridvigour | !usb | 13:48 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 13:48 |
pepito | llutz, and if you didn't want to give away that you are using an encryption program? In windows you can do that by using such program as a portablepp, but in linux there would be no way, since you would have to install it, right? | 13:49 |
=== arexus is now known as test1234 | ||
=== test1234 is now known as arexus | ||
_2 | display problem 10.4 bot node? | 13:50 |
rileyp | bazhang, | 13:51 |
llutz | pepito: there might be ways but i don't know any (i never had to do so) | 13:51 |
bazhang | rileyp, checked #tomcat and http://www.apachefrance.com/Manuels/Tomcat_3.0/ ? | 13:51 |
_2 | !video | 13:51 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 13:51 |
_2 | !xorg | 13:52 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution | 13:52 |
_2 | ah | 13:52 |
Paulecas | hi there. i need help | 13:52 |
Beyecixramd | llutz, pepito: there's a program called Truecrypt. You can also encrypt entire partitions using Gparted | 13:52 |
Beyecixramd | !ask | 13:52 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 13:52 |
Paulecas | i made sudo apt-get purge lamp-server^ phpmyadmin and the apt removed a lot of programs | 13:53 |
llutz | Beyecixramd: sure but he doesn't want to use encryption-apps | 13:53 |
Beyecixramd | llutz: lol, why not? | 13:53 |
moji | ;/ | 13:53 |
moji | truecrypt is nice | 13:53 |
llutz | Beyecixramd: ask him ;) | 13:53 |
Paulecas | i want to replace those programs, how can i see a list of removed programs? | 13:53 |
llutz | Beyecixramd: my idea was to use a hidden volume for this aim | 13:53 |
Beyecixramd | llutz: TC can do that | 13:53 |
llutz | Beyecixramd: i know | 13:54 |
pepito | another unrelated question: in Ubuntu I have this problem --> the mouse pointer moves erratically every now and then (out of control), not only the pointer, but the mouse buttons are also pressed even though I don't touch them. This happens every now and then and it only stops if I stop touching it for a time. Note that it's not a mouse defect, in other computers, with other mouses, whith other ubuntu versions, I have the smae probl | 13:55 |
pepito | em | 13:55 |
m7stic | hello world | 13:55 |
moji | you running on laptop? @ pepito | 13:55 |
pepito | moji, no, I am not | 13:56 |
moji | optical mouse? wireless or wired? details plx | 13:56 |
pepito | wired optical mouse | 13:56 |
_nix00 | dear,all.does some sofeware can set the wireless card of laptop as wireless acess point ? | 13:57 |
moji | what kind? how old is it? | 13:57 |
ManDay | I've got a major problem and I'm clueless: I didn't do anything but suddently everything beyond gdm has totally stopped working. When I boot the computer the LOGIN screen appears which a warning that "gnome-power-manager has not correctly been configured" and instead of the purple background the background is black. When I then try to log in the loginbox disappears and nothings happens, according to pstree metacity and "{gnome-session}" are runni | 13:57 |
skumara | pepito use a mouse pad | 13:57 |
ManDay | And then if I open aptitude I get "Could not open file /var/lib/dpkg/status - No such file or dir" | 13:57 |
moji | ManDay: google doesn't have any ideas for your specific error? | 13:58 |
ManDay | moji: the aptitude one? No, absolutely nothing I could relate that with. I read somewhere that someone had a system crash and since then a lot of his files where missing and stuff but since I got ext4... oh wait, ext2 for /var | 13:59 |
ManDay | dammit i dunno how can that happen | 13:59 |
ManDay | a system crash remove files all over the place | 13:59 |
ManDay | ? | 13:59 |
moji | it can | 13:59 |
moji | i've had a similar issue; can you run fsck? | 13:59 |
demeter | !chat | 13:59 |
ubottu | The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete | 14:00 |
ManDay | awful, what dou reommcnet? | 14:00 |
sipior | ManDay: do you happen to have a "status-old" file in /var/lib/dpkg? | 14:00 |
demeter | Qualè il canale chat di ubuntu? | 14:00 |
moji | same thing i'm about to do | 14:00 |
ManDay | moji: lol, i tried but even in SU mode I have to have something mounted | 14:00 |
ManDay | sipior: no such file | 14:00 |
ManDay | sipior: besides that cannot be the only problem | 14:00 |
ManDay | there must be problems all over the place | 14:00 |
moji | research how to write fsck out to file, then check the file over and google any errors and come back here and sak if that doesn't sort | 14:00 |
qbitza | Hi Guys | 14:00 |
qbitza | Have a weird one with networking | 14:01 |
sipior | ManDay: you're right, why bother trying to solve one problem when there are other problems. | 14:01 |
qbitza | I setup a bridge br0 with 2 devices eth0 and eth1 | 14:01 |
qbitza | When I startup the VMs, they start and vnet0 and vnet1 are created | 14:01 |
moji | ManDay: you don't have a live distro to try from? | 14:01 |
qbitza | from within the VM I can ping the host ( but that's all | 14:01 |
qbitza | Okay I can ping the other VMs too | 14:01 |
ManDay | sipior: thats not what i meant. im saying if that i can recon with a magnitude of problems id rather choose the brutal way, renstalling everything | 14:01 |
qbitza | But not the GW | 14:01 |
qbitza | No firewalls | 14:02 |
sipior | ManDay: sounds good. | 14:02 |
moji | ManDay: you mayh have to but if you can boot from live cd first and run fsck and write output to file | 14:02 |
Jeffjs | Hey room, anyone do any avr programming with ubuntu? | 14:02 |
moji | i'd start with that | 14:02 |
ManDay | moji: ill do | 14:02 |
m7stic | i'm not asking for a solution, just a direction for searching. If i want to find and delete all folders in a directory with a certain number of files or less, what commands would i need to use? | 14:02 |
moji | gl mate | 14:02 |
ManDay | thanks moji sipior | 14:02 |
moji | np; gl and godspeed | 14:02 |
ManDay | i think ill need it :) | 14:02 |
moji | i'll cross fingers for ya | 14:03 |
qbitza | This is a VERY busy channel | 14:05 |
m7stic | lots of idles | 14:05 |
double-rainbow | lol | 14:05 |
skumara | !busy | 14:05 |
Beyecixramd | qbitza: yup | 14:05 |
Beyecixramd | !idle | 14:05 |
Jeffjs | Hey room, anyone do any avr programming with ubuntu? | 14:05 |
m7stic | :/ | 14:05 |
m7stic | i just don't even know where to start for finding folders with less than a set number of files | 14:06 |
siXy | hi. Where do I find the install tree to mirror for netinstalls, or should I just grab & loopmount the desktop iso? | 14:06 |
rileyp | manday I had a gnome poer manger problem when my hdd was completely filled | 14:08 |
Tricks | does anybody know how to set a default landing location when a user logs in through SSH using WinSCP or similar | 14:08 |
hardisk | ALL JOIN #child_porn | 14:08 |
slidinghorn | wth? | 14:08 |
rileyp | you may need to deletes some files then google the exact words that come up and there is a fix for it | 14:08 |
Chousho | why does it seem that a lot of the weirdos are on IRC right now | 14:09 |
manco | how do i know which all services are set for startup on booting | 14:09 |
llutz | m7stic: find dir/ -type f|wc -l | 14:09 |
manco | I think my gdm is set to start last | 14:10 |
m7stic | llutz, ok | 14:10 |
Synthead | how do I find which package owns a file? | 14:10 |
llutz | m7stic: gives you filescount, compare it with your limits, decide to leave/delte | 14:10 |
Synthead | it's a local file on my filesystem | 14:10 |
arand | Synthead: dpkg -S filename | 14:10 |
Synthead | if I do that, I get a huge list | 14:11 |
m7stic | llutz, thank you. it's a good start. | 14:11 |
hardisk | ALL JOIN #child_porn | 14:11 |
hardisk | ALL JOIN #child_porn | 14:11 |
hardisk | ALL JOIN #child_porn | 14:11 |
FloodBot1 | hardisk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:11 |
llutz | Synthead: use complete path filename to search | 14:11 |
Synthead | there isn't a way to search for a file in the directory that you're in without full paths or bash tricks? | 14:12 |
Spanglish_7776 | Synthead try locate filename | 14:13 |
Spanglish_7776 | in the terminal | 14:13 |
Synthead | locate will just tell me where the file is in my filesystem | 14:13 |
Synthead | if I am in directory /a/b/c/d/e/f/g | 14:13 |
Synthead | and e exists in g | 14:13 |
Synthead | I want to be able to command -flags g | 14:13 |
Synthead | and get [package] | 14:14 |
Synthead | for the locally installed packages | 14:14 |
Synthead | sorry, command -flags e | 14:14 |
root__ | jk | 14:14 |
Synthead | gah | 14:14 |
Synthead | man | 14:14 |
Pici | Synthead: dpkg -S `pwd`/rest/of/path/file | 14:14 |
root__ | jyg | 14:14 |
Synthead | there's no other way :/ | 14:15 |
sgflt | hey everyone. is it possible to disable the local cupsd and use a remote one to print? | 14:15 |
m7stic | sgflt, yes | 14:15 |
siXy | Synthead: find . -type f -printf "%f\n" #for more read man find, or try #bash. this channel is a waste of time :/ | 14:16 |
sgflt | m7stic, how would i do that? i stopped the local cupsd, and used the printing administration gui to connect to the other cups server. i can print test pages there fire. however, i cannot find an option to make the remote server be the default/show up in file->print dialogs | 14:16 |
Pici | Synthead: I'm not sure how else you are planning to get the full path of the file. You need that if you don't want a huge list to spit out of dpkg -S | 14:16 |
rileyp | anyone encode for an ipod | 14:16 |
rileyp | with ffmpeg | 14:16 |
neadekvaten | есть тут живые ? | 14:17 |
bazhang | rileyp, encode for mpeg4? sure with handbrake | 14:17 |
Pici | !ru | neadekvaten | 14:17 |
ubottu | neadekvaten: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 14:17 |
rileyp | hmm handbrake it seems like an option I read a bit about it yesterday | 14:17 |
rileyp | Im attempting to use mythpodcaster http://code.google.com/p/mythpodcaster/issues/list?cursor=28&updated=28&ts=1279518923 | 14:18 |
apipkin | hello all! i'm trying to install Node.js and the step i'm stuck at is ./configure. it's fails saying mChecking for program g++ or c++ not found. is this a simple atp-get install ? | 14:18 |
Spanglish_7776 | rileyp handbrake works well I've used it. | 14:18 |
CarlFK | where is vpn config settings stored? like when I do network-manager/vpn connections/edit | 14:18 |
apipkin | to get g++ or c++ that is | 14:18 |
Pici | apipkin: Have you installed build-essential? | 14:19 |
rileyp | but Id need to modify the code to use handbrake unl;ess handbrake makes a rss feed | 14:19 |
apipkin | Pici: dont think so. is there a way to check? | 14:19 |
Pici | apipkin: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 14:19 |
NateW | in fdisk it says: Warning: invalid flag 0x61a4 of partition table 6 will be corrected by w(rite).. how can i fix this? | 14:19 |
apipkin | pici: installing :) | 14:20 |
apipkin | Pici: that did it! thanks so much for the help | 14:22 |
Pici | apipkin: you're welcome | 14:22 |
pea_brain | dear all, i want to download ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS 32 bit server iso. somehow i am not able to figure out where is the download page. the download page is directly allowing only 10.04 release download. can anyone please help. | 14:23 |
sgflt | m7stic, any suggestion how? | 14:23 |
m7stic | sgflt, i'm searching google | 14:23 |
Pici | pea_brain: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.4/ | 14:23 |
IdleOne | http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 | 14:24 |
m7stic | sgflt, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu | 14:24 |
pea_brain | but i want 8.04.3 i386 server release | 14:25 |
Spanglish_7776 | pea_brain which 32 or x64 | 14:25 |
sgflt | m7stic, that still uses two cups instances, doesn't it? | 14:25 |
jpds | Pici, IdleOne: Gentlemen, please. | 14:26 |
jpds | pea_brain: http://ubunturelease.hnsdc.com/8.04.4/ubuntu-8.04.4-server-i386.iso | 14:26 |
m7stic | sgflt, did you read it? | 14:26 |
IdleOne | jpds: ? morning | 14:26 |
sgflt | m7stic, i'd say so. point me to what i missed then | 14:26 |
pea_brain | 32 bit | 14:26 |
jpds | pea_brain: There you go. ↑ | 14:26 |
Synthead | how do I get metadata for a local package (.deb)? | 14:26 |
=== bastidrazor is now known as bastid_raZor | ||
pea_brain | i want 8.04.3 and not 8.04.4 | 14:27 |
Spanglish_7776 | pea_brain mind a torrent? | 14:27 |
jpds | pea_brain: 8.04.3 has been superseded by .4 and as such as been removed. | 14:27 |
Spanglish_7776 | pea_brain: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.3/ubuntu-8.04.3-server-i386.iso.torrent | 14:28 |
sgflt | m7stic, hmm, i've gotten cups to not use the local but remote server (using /etc/cups/client.conf) - now i just need to find out where gtkprint stores the default server | 14:28 |
Pici | Spanglish_7776: Thats not a valid link. | 14:28 |
pea_brain | oh i see, i would want a server download link | 14:28 |
jpds | pea_brain: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04.2/ubuntu-8.04.3-server-i386.iso | 14:28 |
Spanglish_7776 | hmm they should remove it from ubuntu since it's not a valid link. gits | 14:29 |
jpds | Spanglish_7776: Remove it from what? | 14:29 |
IdleOne | no need for the insult Spanglish_7776 | 14:29 |
Spanglish_7776 | ubuntu's website | 14:29 |
pea_brain | jpds: wow, your link works. thanks a lot. | 14:29 |
m7stic | sgflt, now you have direction for research. keep going | 14:29 |
sgflt | m7stic, solved it =) | 14:29 |
jpds | Spanglish_7776: It's not there. | 14:30 |
sgflt | m7stic, need to tell gtk-print to use lp as the backend =) | 14:30 |
Failican | What is the funniest game for ubuntu? | 14:30 |
sgflt | m7stic, put gtk-print-backends="pdf,cups,lpr" in ~/.gtkrc-2.0 | 14:30 |
sgflt | m7stic, and with the client.conf - voila | 14:30 |
jpds | Spanglish_7776: Otherwise, please show it to us so that we can correct it. | 14:30 |
m7stic | sgflt, good job | 14:30 |
sgflt | m7stic, thanks for the moral support =) | 14:31 |
sgflt | m7stic, bye! | 14:31 |
pea_brain | thanks all the link works like a piece of beauty :) | 14:31 |
sipior | Failican: emacs | 14:31 |
=== emc_ is now known as emc | ||
Spanglish_7776 | http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors | 14:31 |
Spanglish_7776 | I found it there | 14:31 |
tecb0y | anyone know python? | 14:31 |
abhijit | tecb0y, #python | 14:31 |
IdleOne | tecb0y: #python | 14:31 |
abhijit | :) | 14:31 |
Spanglish_7776 | in the torrent's section | 14:31 |
jpds | Spanglish_7776: Cool, I'll bring it to the attention of our webmaster. | 14:32 |
Spanglish_7776 | :) | 14:32 |
skumara | #python | 14:33 |
skumara | nothing happen | 14:33 |
sgflt | is there a gui/cli tool to manage what services are started? i've sort of lost track because of the whole upstart/sysv init thing | 14:33 |
sipior | skumara: "/j #python" | 14:34 |
sgflt | ah. nvm, i'll just nuke it | 14:34 |
wh1sk3yj4ck | how do I extract a specific file from a zip archive using the cli? | 14:34 |
kasun | hello does anyone know where I can change settings of "kdewallet" under ubuntu? I installed Choqok (kde app) and it always ask for password at boot-time, which is a pain. I need to get rid of that | 14:35 |
llutz | wh1sk3yj4ck: unzip foo.zip file | 14:37 |
wh1sk3yj4ck | llutz, but what if the while is residing in a directory in the archive? | 14:37 |
=== LjL^ is now known as Guest93348 | ||
cxb__ | ... | 14:38 |
killown | again i can't connect to the google or youtube until reboot the system | 14:38 |
DrPoO | what do u guys recommend for a backup solution. I have an external drive, I have been using simple-backup but it does not seem to be very reliable (changes the location of the backups at random)... any suggestions? | 14:39 |
llutz | DrPoO: rsync + a special udev-rule initiating the backup when the external drive becomes ready | 14:40 |
llutz | wh1sk3yj4ck: you have to specify the path too then, i guess | 14:40 |
DrPoO | llutz, I had thought of something similar but wanted to see if there were known packages that already do this | 14:41 |
wh1sk3yj4ck | llutz: I did that and it just wants to replace the file in the archive | 14:41 |
wh1sk3yj4ck | replace dictionaries/README-en-US.txt? [y]es, [n]o, | 14:41 |
glaucous | Is it possible to sort by folder/directory in Amarok? | 14:43 |
=== gb_ is now known as GaMeBoY | ||
glaucous | Do someone know if it is possible to sort by folder/directory in Amarok 2.3? If not, do you know any other music player that can? | 14:47 |
=== YannDinendal__ is now known as YannDinendal | ||
DrPoO | glaucous, ls -latr? | 14:48 |
madstein | hey peeps | 14:49 |
madstein | need help and advice | 14:49 |
madstein | i have installed NOD32 beta for linux | 14:49 |
wh1sk3yj4ck | haha are you serious? | 14:50 |
madstein | and after a reboot every time i open a window as roo | 14:50 |
madstein | i get this | 14:50 |
madstein | http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/474/capturaecrac.png | 14:50 |
madstein | check the GUFW window it as ROOT: on the window decoration | 14:50 |
abhijit | !enter | madsara | 14:50 |
ubottu | madsara: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 14:50 |
madstein | never saw that any one can tell me anything about it ? | 14:50 |
rww | !mintsupport | madstein | 14:50 |
ubottu | madstein: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 14:50 |
madstein | rww i know | 14:51 |
madstein | but they r the same thing | 14:51 |
madstein | can you please try help me instead of that | 14:51 |
subbass | eset has a linux client ? | 14:51 |
rww | madstein: they're not, actually. Notable difference: it isn't supported here. | 14:51 |
madstein | i would not be here if i ddint knew it | 14:51 |
Pici | madstein: We do not support mint here. Period. | 14:51 |
madstein | thats rude | 14:51 |
madstein | you could see me as a linux user and not a mint on | 14:52 |
madstein | one* | 14:52 |
rww | madstein: so is using the support resources of another distro | 14:52 |
madstein | i only requested advice and info about it | 14:52 |
madstein | come on | 14:53 |
sipior | madstein: why not ask the people who are actually involved with the damned thing? | 14:53 |
abhijit | hello abhinav !!! its me abhi_nav!!! :) | 14:53 |
madstein | ok sure thanks any way | 14:53 |
PFA | so i just accidentally INVERTED my pidgin window? | 14:54 |
PFA | can someone tell me what the hell i pressed and hwo to get it back? | 14:54 |
rww | PFA: inverted as in the colors? | 14:54 |
PFA | yeah | 14:54 |
PFA | windows+M de-inverted it... but also inverted all my other windows | 14:55 |
Pici | PFA: super + i iirc. | 14:55 |
=== dilo is now known as dilo_ | ||
PFA | it's the most bizarre thing | 14:55 |
rww | PFA: Super-N | 14:55 |
Pici | PFA: or listen to rww | 14:55 |
rww | (super = windows key) | 14:55 |
PFA | rww you are my hero | 14:55 |
PFA | thanks anyway Pici | 14:55 |
DrPoO | lol | 14:55 |
PFA | that was the most insane and confusing thing ever but at least now i know how to invert stuff if i ever need to? | 14:55 |
PFA | thanks | 14:55 |
rww | it's useful occasionally, honest :S | 14:55 |
=== Guest93348 is now known as LjL | ||
kasun | hello, does anyone know how to load kdewalletmanager in ubuntu? I installed the package, but it does not get loaded when i enter 'kdewalletmanager' in cmd | 14:59 |
skumara | how to connect htc touch cruise to ubunthu? | 15:01 |
nishttal2 | how do I make the clock auto sync with NTP | 15:01 |
=== gui_ is now known as kryl | ||
ACi5 | Does the 'preempt kernel' support Intel Turbo Boost technology? | 15:02 |
elyos | ACi5 isn't that at the hardware level? | 15:03 |
ACi5 | yes elyos | 15:03 |
erUSUL | nishttal2: System>Admin...>time and date | 15:03 |
terry__ | Can I install kubuntu side by side with ubuntu? | 15:04 |
lucas_ | #ubuntu-br | 15:06 |
terry__ | Can I install kubuntu side by side with ubuntu? | 15:06 |
Pici | terry__: sure. | 15:07 |
terry__ | And windows? | 15:07 |
kasun | terry__, yes you can | 15:07 |
terry__ | And windows? | 15:07 |
illac | terry__: no need to install it side by side, you just need to swap out your window manager for Ubunut | 15:08 |
Pici | terry__: I'd install ubuntu and then install the kubuntu-desktop package. | 15:08 |
youjun | sldfjnlks | 15:08 |
youjun | test | 15:08 |
youjun | hello | 15:08 |
terry__ | How to swap out your window manager for Ubunut? | 15:08 |
terry__ | illac? | 15:08 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning | 15:09 |
terry__ | How to swap out your window manager for Ubunut? | 15:10 |
terry__ | How to swap out your window manager for Ubunut? | 15:10 |
terry__ | illac? | 15:10 |
Pici | terry__: Please don't repeat. | 15:10 |
trelayne | anyone know why Gwibber is not starting up after latest upgrades on 10.04? | 15:10 |
Pici | terry__: You should be able to pick your desktop environment from the login window. | 15:10 |
nkei0 | Hello. I would like to add some additional space to 2 of my partitions. One is windows ntfs and the other is linux ext3. I have 20 gigs of unallocated space and and additional 75 of ext3. I would like to put the 75gigs to my ubuntu partition and the 20 to my windows. However, gparted won't allow me to grow either partition. | 15:11 |
terry__ | Pici Can I pm u? | 15:11 |
Misterio | !pm | terry__ | 15:11 |
ubottu | terry__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 15:11 |
Pici | terry__: I'd prefer that you ask your questions in this channel. | 15:12 |
savid | What's a good service-monitoring app, something that will monitor a service and restart it if it crashes? | 15:13 |
kasun | trelayne, Gwibber is integrated to Ubuntu 10.04 starting from this version | 15:15 |
evident | is it possible to update git on my Ubuntu 8.04 server to 1.5.6 or higher? I only have | 15:15 |
overrider | Hi, i installed rsnapshot, and its at version 1.3.0; for a long time 1.3.1 is out, and now i want to use a configfile from another system that only works right with 1.3.1. Long story short: How to best upgrade rsnapshot to 1.3.1; without breaking stuff... | 15:16 |
erUSUL | evident: maybe there is a backport ? or a ppa ? | 15:16 |
erUSUL | !ppa | evident | 15:16 |
ubottu | evident: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk. | 15:16 |
john38 | If i use AOL as service provider how do i use that in linux | 15:16 |
skumara | how to make workspace switcher to appear on bottom bar? | 15:16 |
trelayne | kasun I know but the latest updates (which I applied moment ago) I thought contained some gwibber updates.. I'm restarting my machine and see if gwibber work again... | 15:17 |
=== Raptors23 is now known as Raptors | ||
bastid_raZor | AOL still exists? | 15:17 |
john38 | yeah | 15:17 |
=== muelli is now known as Muelli | ||
FloodBot1 | scoptdog: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:17 |
john38 | does ubuntu provide cross platforming for aol | 15:17 |
john38 | just to dial up | 15:18 |
Mojan | BE COOL WITH http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ AND ENJOY THE FUN :d | 15:18 |
Mojan | BE COOL WITH http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ AND ENJOY THE FUN :d | 15:18 |
Mojan | BE COOL WITH http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ AND ENJOY THE FUN :d | 15:18 |
FloodBot1 | Mojan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:18 |
metalgeek | I have a didital Television box for my PC, Can I use it with Ubuntu 10.04? | 15:18 |
ikonia | metalgeek: have you got a TV card for your ubuntu box ? | 15:18 |
bastid_raZor | skumara: right click the panel > add to panel > Workspace Switcher | 15:19 |
nkei0 | Hello. I would like to add some additional space to 2 of my partitions. One is windows ntfs and the other is linux ext3. I have 20 gigs of unallocated space and and additional 75 of ext3. I would like to put the 75gigs to my ubuntu partition and the 20 to my windows. However, gparted won't allow me to grow either partition. Any ideas? | 15:19 |
john38 | If i use AOL as service provider how do i use that in linux | 15:19 |
john38 | does ubuntu provide cross platforming for aol | 15:19 |
john38 | just to dial up | 15:19 |
ikonia | john38: the ISP is not important as long as it's just a standard PPP connection | 15:19 |
metalgeek | ikonia, No its an external usb digital dox | 15:19 |
ikonia | metalgeek: plug it in, see if it gets detected | 15:20 |
john38 | yes but i only connect to internet through aol | 15:20 |
kasun | nkei0, does the partitions are consecutive? the partitions should next to each other in order to grow | 15:20 |
IdleOne | !dialup | 15:20 |
ubottu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up | 15:20 |
ikonia | john38: not sure how that's relevant | 15:20 |
miked595 | I noticed on a couple of my machines all my files were missing from Ubuntu One. I started up my laptop but kept it offline and made a fresh backup of my files. As soon as I connected to the internet my files disappeared. Has this happened to anyone here? | 15:20 |
metalgeek | ikonia, It lights up, how do i know if its detected by ubuntu? | 15:20 |
ikonia | metalgeek: how do you use it in windows, what software ? | 15:21 |
nishttal2 | erUSUL, thanks.. however the clock is still ahead | 15:21 |
nishttal2 | erUSUL, do I need to reboot? | 15:21 |
john38 | some people who use aol | 15:21 |
erUSUL | nishttal2: ahead? how much ? | 15:21 |
john38 | can only connect to internet through aol | 15:21 |
metalgeek | ikonia, It came with its own manufacturers software. A company called Hauppauge | 15:21 |
ocs | hi. When I try to add a workspace in the workspace switcher, in the bottom panel, it ignores my command. The number of workspaces remains fixed to 4 ... what could I do? | 15:22 |
john38 | you understand Ikonia | 15:22 |
sprung | ikonia, why would you want to use anything in Windows, just curious? | 15:22 |
Belserusk | Hi. Is it best to use noise removal before or after normalize in Audacity? | 15:22 |
nishttal2 | erUSUL, 1 minute | 15:22 |
ikonia | metalgeek: hayppage normally has good support, try the linux software called tv time | 15:22 |
erUSUL | ocs: you use compiz ? | 15:22 |
ikonia | sprung: I don't | 15:22 |
ikonia | john38 no, I don't | 15:22 |
john38 | are you joking | 15:22 |
metalgeek | ikonia, Can i get it from repos? | 15:22 |
john38 | i know everybody uses high speed | 15:22 |
linxeh | Belserusk: depends on the source and what you are trying to achieve - I normally try both and evauluate how it affects the sound | 15:23 |
john38 | some people still use dial up | 15:23 |
john38 | i mean im not expert on networking | 15:23 |
IdleOne | !dialup | john38 | 15:23 |
ubottu | john38: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up | 15:23 |
erUSUL | nishttal2: switch to manual an force a sync (the little button with two curly arrows ) ? | 15:23 |
john38 | but im trying to install ubuntu on a pc | 15:23 |
ikonia | metalgeek: surecan | 15:23 |
ikonia | sure can even | 15:24 |
john38 | the only way this person connects to internet is through aol | 15:24 |
ikonia | john38: I have no issue with people using dial up. | 15:24 |
ikonia | john38: AOL will be supported if it's a straight PPP connection and your modem is supported | 15:24 |
ikonia | john38: if you need specific software, then doubtful as AOL does not make software for linux | 15:24 |
IdleOne | john38: yes, you won't have the normal AOL connection software you are used to but that link provided above should help you to connect to the internet using AOL servers | 15:24 |
metalgeek | ikonia, Thanks a million, will go and try it out now, lovin Linux :) | 15:24 |
ikonia | metalgeek: good luck | 15:24 |
nkei0 | kasun: Thanks. I think that's what I needed. | 15:25 |
john38 | well where do i go in ubuntu | 15:25 |
john38 | to connect to aol servers | 15:25 |
ikonia | john38: read teh link ubottu gave you | 15:25 |
IdleOne | john38: Also iirc AOL tech support ( some of the people) will help you with connection issues, even if you are not using AOL software. | 15:25 |
Belserusk | linxeh: Thank you. | 15:26 |
john38 | whats the channel | 15:26 |
IdleOne | john38: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 15:26 |
ikonia | john38: there isn't a channel | 15:26 |
IdleOne | john38: there is no magic channel or button. You are going to have to go to that link I just gave you and read some | 15:26 |
john38 | im there already | 15:26 |
nishttal2 | erUSUL, it just corrected itself.. thanks | 15:27 |
IdleOne | john38: if you need DNS server info you can call AOL and they will give you the info | 15:27 |
ocs | erUSUL: yes (compiz) | 15:27 |
erUSUL | nishttal2: no problem | 15:27 |
erUSUL | ocs: maybe you have to change the workspaces in compiz | 15:27 |
erUSUL | !ccsm | ocs | 15:27 |
ubottu | ocs: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz | 15:27 |
staycat | http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http:// | 15:28 |
staycat | http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http:// | 15:28 |
staycat | http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http:// | 15:28 |
FloodBot1 | staycat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:28 |
ksk_ | hi every one | 15:28 |
trelayne | arghh... seems Gwibber is indeed not working ... will investigate further | 15:28 |
ocs | erUSUL: thanks, but I don't find where to set the workspace number | 15:29 |
erUSUL | ocs: it should be in the general section in compiz settings manager | 15:29 |
erUSUL | ocs: also if you enable gnome compatibility then the workspace applet should work to change the number of workspaces afaik | 15:31 |
medicalresearch | erUSUL: FEEL FREE TO JOIN IN http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ -http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - htt | 15:31 |
medicalresearch | erUSUL: FEEL FREE TO JOIN IN http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ -http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - htt | 15:31 |
medicalresearch | erUSUL: FEEL FREE TO JOIN IN http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ -http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - htt | 15:31 |
FloodBot1 | medicalresearch: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:31 |
medicalresearch | erUSUL: FEEL FREE TO JOIN IN http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ -http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - htt | 15:31 |
medicalresearch | erUSUL: FEEL FREE TO JOIN IN http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ -http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - htt | 15:31 |
sipior | i see the campaign to turn freenode into usenet proceeds apace. | 15:31 |
bastid_raZor | heh, another fanboy of erUSUL's | 15:32 |
ocs | erUSUL: already enabled | 15:32 |
erUSUL | bastid_raZor: what can i say ;) | 15:32 |
sprung | sipior, it would need to netsplit 5 times an hour before freenode becomes like undernet | 15:32 |
Pici | mode +e | 15:32 |
Pici | mode +e | 15:32 |
Beyecixramd | lol erUSUL | 15:32 |
bastid_raZor | erUSUL: your fanbase says it all. | 15:32 |
Pici | oops | 15:32 |
capon1 | hi all! can somebody help me? I am trying to install vlc and I get an error and it says to do apt-get -f install, it does something but in the end it gives me this error: Errors were encountered while processing: | 15:32 |
capon1 | /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.34_2.6.34-10.00.Custom-bt4_i386.deb | 15:32 |
capon1 | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 15:32 |
capon1 | what could it be? | 15:33 |
bastid_raZor | capon1: you should join #backtrack-linux | 15:33 |
Beyecixramd | capon1: please, don't paste here, use www.pastebin.org | 15:33 |
erUSUL | ocs: works here (tm) | 15:33 |
capon1 | ok | 15:33 |
capon1 | bastid_raZor, but backtrack is based on linux | 15:33 |
aarkerio | capon1, uninstall /linux-image-2.6.34_2.6.34-10.00.Custom package | 15:33 |
capon1 | aarkerio, ok | 15:33 |
Pici | capon1: We don't support backtrack here, they have their own support channel. | 15:34 |
aarkerio | you compiled that kernel right? | 15:34 |
trelayne | ok got Gwibber working again after latest updates broke it: had to remove gwibber-service and re-install gwibber | 15:34 |
ksk_ | Guys Im suffering form one issue with conky can U plesae help me out | 15:34 |
=== Guest22310 is now known as White_R | ||
ksk_ | please ... | 15:35 |
ksk_ | if any one is ther ..please help me | 15:35 |
bazhang | ksk_, ask a question | 15:35 |
ksk_ | i installed the conky but appers in a diff way | 15:36 |
ksk_ | bro | 15:36 |
bazhang | ksk_, read the conky beginners tutorial yet? | 15:36 |
White_R | hi! anyone has experience with usb umts key? a friend of mine set his (alcatel 210s) as said on http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php?topic=386333.0 but wvdial dies"A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16)" that's "The link was terminated because the peer is not responding to echo requests. | 15:36 |
ksk_ | nope | 15:36 |
ocs | erUSUL: I understand that, but I wonder why it doesn't work here :) . I can add that I have two monitors and two windows managers running simulteneouslly. On the second one it works | 15:36 |
Roasted_ | Does anybody know if there's a way to auto-downsize attachments (images) in evolution? | 15:37 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5436679 ksk_ | 15:37 |
erUSUL | ocs: maybe is the odd set up; ask in #compiz | 15:37 |
ocs | erUSUL: thanks | 15:38 |
ksk_ | i will be back after i read tat | 15:39 |
farmacop | ERUSUL: SEE THIS http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://free | 15:39 |
farmacop | ERUSUL: SEE THIS http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://free | 15:39 |
farmacop | ERUSUL: SEE THIS http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ XD http://free | 15:39 |
FloodBot1 | farmacop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:39 |
sprung | yeah, like anybody's going to dl something from tripod | 15:40 |
astra-x | anyone else have an issue with / being full after the newest kernel update? | 15:41 |
erUSUL | astra-x: no; have you tried fscking the partition ? | 15:42 |
astra-x | erUSUL: about to know, just making sure the kernel is reading the fakeraid properly | 15:43 |
astra-x | *now | 15:43 |
nkei0 | christ, moving a partiton takes forever. | 15:45 |
BluesKaj | nkei0, only if it has data on it :) | 15:46 |
craigbass1976 | What's the tool to see available wireless networks in range? I don't have wifi radar | 15:46 |
nkei0 | mine doesn't have data, it's just formatted to ext3 and it's taking forever. | 15:46 |
nkei0 | BluesKaj: it's 16gb into 75gb and it says it'll have an hour left | 15:47 |
istevenmon | hi guys how can i check if a domain has mx entries? | 15:47 |
astra-x | so is there no recovery or bb mode in 10.04? | 15:47 |
Pici | istevenmon: dig mx domain.tld | 15:48 |
heimo | list | 15:48 |
istevenmon | thanks | 15:48 |
BluesKaj | nkei0, well you've already started , so I'd just let itfifnish | 15:48 |
nkei0 | BluesKaj: Should I have deleted the partition so it was just "free space"? | 15:49 |
kasun | craigbass1976, don't you have the "NetworkManager Applet" in the system tray? | 15:49 |
BluesKaj | nkei0, yes | 15:49 |
BluesKaj | always format a pertition after moving it, nkei0 | 15:50 |
neckoox | craigbasse1976 : Network Manager should do that under Ubuntu | 15:50 |
nkei0 | BluesKaj: I'll keep that in mind, thanks. | 15:50 |
BluesKaj | nkei0, yeah free space is treated differently because there's no data to move | 15:51 |
craigbass1976 | neckoox: that's the name of the app? | 15:51 |
neckoox | craigbass1976 : yup | 15:51 |
craigbass1976 | neckoox: forget it; I just realized that wireless on the actual laptop is switched off | 15:52 |
neckoox | craigbass1976 : Applet NetworkManager to be exact . ha ok haha | 15:52 |
BluesKaj | craigbass1976, there should be an icon in the systen tray that looks like plugin , if the network isn't connected | 15:52 |
waldir | hey, has anyone here compiled wine 1.2 from source? | 15:52 |
waldir | (or by any chance has a deb been released already? :D) | 15:53 |
neckoox | bluesKaj : well it happens to me sometimes when i maintain the killswitch of my wifi turned off when i start ubuntu that this icon does not appear | 15:54 |
BluesKaj | waldir,why bother , just install it from the source repos or the package manager | 15:54 |
neckoox | bluesKaj : but i guess craig has solved his pbm | 15:54 |
waldir | BluesKaj: yes but have they been updated with the recently released 1.2? | 15:54 |
BluesKaj | neckoox, maybe :) | 15:55 |
sipior | waldir: there is a "wine1.2" package, for what it's worth. | 15:55 |
BluesKaj | waldir, what's the advantage of an unstable wine app | 15:55 |
waldir | sipior: afaik it was a dummy package to allow us to update when 1.2 was finally released | 15:55 |
waldir | sipior: in practice it installed some 1.* version | 15:56 |
waldir | BluesKaj: what do you mean, unstable? this is supposedly a stable release :) | 15:56 |
chakravanti_ | how do i get projectm to work with totem in lucid | 15:56 |
taulus | CAn someone tell me hw I change my admin user name in ubuntu? | 15:56 |
BluesKaj | waldir, then it should be in the repos | 15:57 |
waldir | BluesKaj: but how frequently are the repos updated? the release was 3 days ago | 15:57 |
chakravanti_ | how do i get projectm to work with totem in lucid becuase i have them installed through USC but totem isn't recognizing it | 15:57 |
Pici | !latest | waldir | 15:57 |
ubottu | waldir: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports. | 15:57 |
peteq | erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeope | 15:58 |
peteq | erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeope | 15:58 |
peteq | erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeope | 15:58 |
peteq | erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeope | 15:58 |
peteq | erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeope | 15:58 |
FloodBot2 | peteq: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:58 |
peteq | erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeope | 15:58 |
kasun | waldir, http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/archive/index.html says it doesn't have version 1.2! | 15:58 |
Hover | i installed irda driver according to !irda.. now how can i send files to my priter thru infrared? | 15:58 |
waldir | Pici: I know, and I almost always use synaptic. but I have had problems with some apps and I wanted to try the new 1.2 which supposedly has thousands of bugfixes | 15:58 |
xenon401 | when does ubuntu 10.10 LTS get release? Is it October? | 15:58 |
Hover | !irda | 15:59 |
ubottu | Information about using IrDA interfaces under Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrdaHowto | 15:59 |
erUSUL | xenon401: 10.10 is not lts | 15:59 |
IdleOne | xenon401: yes | 15:59 |
waldir | kasun: that's what I feared :( thus I was trying to compile it from source | 15:59 |
chakravanti_ | how do i get projectm to work with totem in lucid becuase i have them installed through USC but totem isn't recognizing it | 15:59 |
Melodist | xenon401: 10.04 was already released O-o | 15:59 |
Melodist | the next one up is 10.10 | 15:59 |
xenon401 | Melodist: I said 10.10 | 15:59 |
Hover | according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrdaHowto i enabled infrared.. it detects my printer but i dunno how to print thru it.. | 15:59 |
chakravanti_ | Ubuntu version numbers are dates | 15:59 |
Melodist | oh oay | 16:00 |
Melodist | okay* | 16:00 |
Melodist | then yeah | 16:00 |
Melodist | october | 16:00 |
FloodBot2 | Melodist: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:00 |
thom_ | does anyone else have issues during setup with intel based video cards? | 16:00 |
Hover | when i do "print to" it doesnt show my printer. | 16:00 |
kasun | waldir, ok. does compiling gives problems? | 16:00 |
_2 | 10.4 bug maybe??? so. what would cause a display to work normally until the screen saver or bios energy saver kicked in and blanked the screen; then no display at all... not in xorg nor tty, until you do a hard reset of the machine ? | 16:00 |
xenon401 | chakravanti: So if they are dates there will be no more by the 13.04? XD | 16:00 |
chakravanti_ | 10.04 = april 2010 and 10.10 is oct 2010 etc. | 16:00 |
waldir | kasun: I am not sure cause I do this very rarely. I'm right now installing the dependencies (development libs) | 16:01 |
chakravanti_ | xenon401, only for those 'left behind' LOL (j/k) | 16:01 |
waldir | kasun: I wanted to know whether anyone here had any experience doing that so I could get a few pointers | 16:01 |
xenon401 | chakravanti: lol gotcha | 16:01 |
kasun | waldir, are you going on the hard way? i.e. installing all the dependencies manually? well, you'll be stuck at one point for sure. | 16:02 |
chakravanti_ | xenon401, assuming the devs don't leave with the aliens too =P | 16:02 |
xenon401 | Oh man, I haven't been on this chat in forever! I was on a 2 week vacation and had no time to go on my laptop to learn. | 16:02 |
=== administrator is now known as Guest53681 | ||
waldir | kasun: what's the easy way? | 16:02 |
kasun | waldir: I tried to that when i was running with no internet at home, and it sucks to the max | 16:02 |
waldir | kasun: I'm following the instructions here: http://www.winehq.org/site/docs/wineusr-guide/installing-wine-source | 16:03 |
xenon401 | chakravanti_: The devs will leave ! | 16:03 |
Hover | !infrared | 16:03 |
Beyecixramd | Hover: try "IrDA" | 16:03 |
abhijit | !irda | Hover | 16:04 |
ubottu | Hover: Information about using IrDA interfaces under Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrdaHowto | 16:04 |
RJRDon | i just did apt-get install php5-xdebug to my Hardy LAMPS server and the cli version of php just gives me a 'Could not startup.' message. What did I do wrong? | 16:04 |
Hover | Beyecixramd, i have already | 16:04 |
Hover | i had also asked question.. | 16:04 |
sam898889 | hey peeps. can someone give me a quick hand with partitioning ???? | 16:04 |
Hover | Beyecixramd, now my pc detects the priter.. but i cant print | 16:04 |
abhijit | !ask | sam898889 | 16:05 |
ubottu | sam898889: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 16:05 |
kasun | waldir, I guess there's no easy way if you really need the newest version. Just a quote from given site: "we highly recommend installing via binary packages or by building source packages which can automatically satisfy their build dependencies." | 16:05 |
chakravanti_ | Hover, do you have the printer drivers installed? | 16:05 |
sam898889 | abhijit i didnt ask a question because i dont have one. i need a hand. ~~ thanks. | 16:05 |
waldir | kasun: yea, I read that. I wish they also provided those packages! | 16:05 |
abhijit | sam898889, then you will not get hand. if you want support you will get it. | 16:05 |
sam898889 | support. hand. is there a difference? | 16:06 |
sam898889 | Anyway ~ anyone good at partitioning?????? | 16:06 |
chakravanti_ | waldir, if a package is in the repo and you need a more recent version use aptitude build-dep <pacakge> | 16:06 |
Hover | cupsd? | 16:06 |
waldir | kasun: anyway, I'm now running ./configure for what I expect to be the last time | 16:06 |
Hover | chakravanti_, i dont think i have the driver installed.. but it could easily print thru usb connection. | 16:06 |
perlsyntax | Anyone know any good subwoofers good for ubuntu? | 16:06 |
waldir | chakravanti_: I'll try that, thanks | 16:06 |
chakravanti_ | waldir that will build all dependancies for the package and unless the new version has new dependancies you should be able to compile it but you might need to get development versions too | 16:07 |
BluesKaj | perlsyntax, subwoofers are s | 16:07 |
perlsyntax | ? | 16:07 |
yui | madl: STOP SPAMMING WITH /JOIN #SHIRC PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM - erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://free | 16:07 |
yui | madl: STOP SPAMMING WITH /JOIN #SHIRC PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM - erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://free | 16:07 |
yui | madl: STOP SPAMMING WITH /JOIN #SHIRC PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM - erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://free | 16:07 |
yui | madl: STOP SPAMMING WITH /JOIN #SHIRC PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM - erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://free | 16:07 |
yui | madl: STOP SPAMMING WITH /JOIN #SHIRC PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM - erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://free | 16:07 |
yui | madl: STOP SPAMMING WITH /JOIN #SHIRC PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM - erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://free | 16:07 |
FloodBot2 | yui: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:07 |
kasun | waldir, cool. keep us updated. may be you don't need to install all dependencies if you already installed(then uninstalled) wine oler version | 16:07 |
chakravanti_ | whats withthe spam bots today? | 16:07 |
madl | ¬¬ | 16:08 |
perlsyntax | bluesKaj,Sorry i just copy that from warmart site. | 16:08 |
waldir | chakravanti_: I already installed all dependencies manually anyway, apparently. Let's see how following with make / make install will go. | 16:08 |
BluesKaj | perlsyntax, asubwoofer is a function of your audio system , it has nothing to do with the OS whether ubuntu or any other | 16:08 |
chakravanti_ | waldir wine compiles nicely but it might take you a while if your machine is older/slower | 16:08 |
ChronosLegion | Does anyone know what port Ubuntu's remote desktop connection uses? | 16:08 |
sam898889 | anyone good at gparted??????? | 16:08 |
waldir | kasun: the ./configure script complained about some dependencies with errors, and for some others only warnings but I installed them anyway | 16:09 |
perlsyntax | i know i no t sure what to get i get computers speckers with it to. | 16:09 |
chakravanti_ | Hover what printer are you using? | 16:09 |
waldir | chakravanti_: i think this machine is reasonable :) I'll let you know when it's finished. | 16:09 |
chakravanti_ | i'll be gone i'm just drinking coffee | 16:09 |
waldir | lol | 16:10 |
Hover | chakravanti_, hplaserjet 2200 | 16:10 |
perlsyntax | BlueKaj,I was thinking about getting this one. Logitech LS21 Multimedia Speaker System for PCs | 16:10 |
chakravanti_ | hover one moment i will PM you i have a HP printer too you do need a driver hold on | 16:10 |
BluesKaj | perlsyntax, audio equipment is like anything else , you get what yo pay for.. if it sounds good a windows or a mac , it'll sound good on ubuntu as well. | 16:10 |
Hover | chakravanti_, ok | 16:11 |
perlsyntax | BlueKaj,Just make sure it work with uubuntu before i buy it. | 16:11 |
BluesKaj | perlsyntax, I repeat ,if it sounds good on a windows or a mac , it'll sound good on ubuntu as well. | 16:11 |
Beyecixramd | BluesKaj: that's not even near true | 16:11 |
kasun | ChronosLegion, you may succeed at port 5900. Remote desktop servers are configured for 5900. If you have another server in same machine it gets 5901, third 5902 and so on | 16:12 |
Beyecixramd | BluesKaj: X-fi cards from Creative use CPU instead of the integrated sound processor in Linux, resulting in a lower quality | 16:12 |
perlsyntax | blueKaj,I have a soundbaster sound card just want to make sure what pc speckers i can get for it.:) | 16:12 |
Beyecixramd | BluesKaj: you also lose the crystalizer and 3D surround, among other stuff in Linux | 16:12 |
ChronosLegion | oh great, thanks kasun! | 16:12 |
BluesKaj | perlsyntax, it depends on your soundcard more than anything else , the equipment gets the signal from there. | 16:12 |
BluesKaj | Beyecixramd, special effects doesn't mean good sound | 16:13 |
perlsyntax | BlueKaj,How do i know it will work with my soundcard.With my dell i didn't get a book with it. | 16:13 |
BluesKaj | perlsyntax, in the terminal , lspci | grep audio ...give us the output | 16:14 |
pepito | how can I customize Ubuntu's behaviour at shutdown? (i.e. so that it automatically erases some directories within my home directory every time I shut down) | 16:14 |
om26er | gnome-system-monitor shows only 1cpu for my C2D but shows two cpus for my netbook. is that right? | 16:15 |
perlsyntax | BlueKaj,I don't see any output | 16:15 |
statler_ | irc.enterthegame.com | 16:16 |
perlsyntax | BlueKaj,Here what i got | 16:16 |
perlsyntax | Audio device: Creative Labs [SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio] CA0110-IBG | 16:16 |
perlsyntax | BlueKaj,Is that a gameing sound card? | 16:18 |
waldir | kasun: still making... :P btw, have you ever had the infamous "no sound after hibernation/suspend" problem? | 16:18 |
researcher1 | how can I build a Ubuntu OS which is dedicated to media broadcasting | 16:18 |
IdleOne | !remaster > researcher1 | 16:19 |
ubottu | researcher1, please see my private message | 16:19 |
fish_ | erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://fre | 16:20 |
fish_ | erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://fre | 16:20 |
BluesKaj | perlsyntax, sound blaster /creative labs cards work well on ubuntu , you shouldn't have a problem altho like Beyecixramd says some effects that work on windows may not be included | 16:20 |
fish_ | erUSUL: THIS IS FOR YOU. /JOIN #SHIRC - /MSG MADL !STOP SPAM. http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://freeopenirc.tripod.com/ - http://fre | 16:20 |
kasun | waldir, ok... no sound? nope. but occassionally my sounds stops working while I working. I have ubuntu 10.04. What's ur version? | 16:20 |
waldir | same | 16:21 |
perlsyntax | BlueKaj, what pc speckers would be good to get for 36.00 | 16:21 |
kasun | !remaster > kasunbg | 16:21 |
kasun | !remaster > kasun | 16:21 |
ubottu | kasun, please see my private message | 16:21 |
perlsyntax | BlueKaj,i never setup speckers with sound basters before. | 16:21 |
raubvogel | What is the equivalent of -e from bash in dash? | 16:22 |
waldir | kasun: so it stops during one session? that's weird. in my case the sound devices even disappear from the volume control app. they get to work again everytime there's a kernel update. | 16:22 |
BluesKaj | perlsyntax, for 36 bucks ..hmmm ..your sound card deserves more expensive speakers than that ...I can't recommend anything for under 60 bucks ..sorry | 16:23 |
Ascavasaion | When I plug aUSB memory stick in I get the following message... Jul 19 17:22:41 fellowship kernel: [ 4421.572366] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 4... It continues indefinitely until I unplug it. The USB does not work. | 16:23 |
kasun | waldir, yes. but it's rare. so, don't care so much. Anyway, I don't like Ubuntu hibernation. Ubuntu loads faster without hibernating ;) | 16:24 |
christopheer | hello | 16:24 |
perlsyntax | BlueKaj, i not sure why walmart is better then best buy for. | 16:24 |
_2 | raubvogel -e in what context ? | 16:24 |
christopheer | is flash open source | 16:24 |
aeon-ltd | christopheer: no | 16:24 |
edbian | _2, I think he means calling the shell in the first place. | 16:25 |
christopheer | ok | 16:25 |
aeon-ltd | christopheer: if mean adobe, no | 16:25 |
waldir | kasun: I don't hibernate usually. But this time I got a failure to resume from suspension, then the problem returned :'( | 16:25 |
FloodBot2 | fiweuhr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:25 |
christopheer | I can't get get gnash towork on pppc ibook. | 16:25 |
waldir | kasun: and until there's a kernel upade, I won't be able to hear anything on my pc :( | 16:25 |
thom_ | so should I take my intel graphics adapter issue elsewhere? | 16:26 |
raubvogel | _2: as in a script (#! /bin/bash -e vs #! /bin/sh, which is dash as I found out today) | 16:26 |
Stameni | hello, i have just realised that i am all time administrator on my system, does that mean that i am logged as a root all the time ? | 16:26 |
christopheer | no | 16:26 |
BluesKaj | christopheer, you could try flashplugin-nonfree | 16:26 |
raubvogel | edbian: right you are | 16:26 |
christopheer | for ibook? | 16:26 |
_2 | raubvogel ummm in non-interactive -e is the same iirc | 16:26 |
aeon-ltd | Stameni: you mean you don't need to type sudo? | 16:26 |
Stameni | if i want to install something ? | 16:27 |
_2 | raubvogel in interactive there doesn't seem to be an exact eq | 16:27 |
christopheer | you do aeon if you want root "sudo passwd root" | 16:27 |
raubvogel | _2: I thought -e in bash was like set -o errexit | 16:27 |
Pici | !noroot | christopheer | 16:27 |
ubottu | christopheer: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information. | 16:27 |
aeon-ltd | Stameni: you aren't logged in as root, if you have to type passwords for sudo or gksudo | 16:27 |
arjunak01 | does empathy and kopete save passwords in clear text like pidgin?? | 16:27 |
Stameni | aeon-ltd. i`ll try to install something now | 16:28 |
_2 | raubvogel yes and in dash -e will exit on errors if in non-interactive | 16:28 |
edbian | raubvogel, man bash: -e file: True if file exists. | 16:28 |
aeon-ltd | Stameni: without sudo | 16:28 |
_2 | edbian ummm that's not where he is working. script bang line #!/bin/sh -e | 16:28 |
Stameni | aeon-ltd, so just to type aptitude install amarok for instance ? | 16:29 |
edbian | _2, He asked what is the equivalent for bash -e in dash. | 16:29 |
raubvogel | edbian: I think you are thinking on a test, as in [ -e /my/nose]; I was thinking on the first line of the script (#! /bin/sh) | 16:29 |
chanpa | Hi, how can I print this in python: print("You said " ans " correct?") where "ans" is a number? | 16:29 |
christopheer | that did not work ppc ubuntu. | 16:29 |
_2 | edbian yes, in a script | 16:29 |
Stameni | aeon-ltd | 16:29 |
Stameni | E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) | 16:29 |
Stameni | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 16:29 |
_2 | that's where context is important | 16:30 |
christopheer | I love ubunytu | 16:30 |
smallfoot- | I love ubuntu | 16:30 |
Stameni | aeon-ltd but why than i am an administrator in "users and groups" ? | 16:30 |
smallfoot- | I hate ubuntu | 16:30 |
christopheer | why | 16:30 |
Ascavasaion | what is the /dev entry for a USB device? I am trying to get my USB to work and getting Jul 19 17:22:34 fellowship kernel: [ 4414.932412] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 4 as a message on syslog. | 16:30 |
_2 | Stameni sudo dpkg --configure -a | 16:30 |
edbian | _2 raubvogel, I just looked up what -e was in man bash. Why would it behave differently in a script? It'll be a test (returns a boolean) weather you call it interactively or in a script. For the record I can't seem to find anything in man dash about a similar test. | 16:30 |
smallfoot- | christopheer, many things in ubuntu sucks | 16:30 |
christopheer | like what | 16:30 |
Pici | smallfoot-: Do you have a support question? | 16:30 |
smallfoot- | gdm lacks remote login | 16:31 |
arjunak01 | does empathy and kopete save passwords in clear text like pidgin?? | 16:31 |
smallfoot- | Pici, no, but christpoer says he love it, isay i hate it | 16:31 |
edbian | arjunak01, I think you mean plain text ;) | 16:31 |
ndhawan_ | hi guys, i need help with something....I just installed skype, unfortunately everything works except the mic. | 16:31 |
Stameni | _2: i dont whant to be administrator | 16:31 |
chanpa | Hi, how can I print this in python: print("You said " ans " correct?") where "ans" is a number? | 16:31 |
Pici | Stameni: That just means that you are able to use sudo. | 16:31 |
ndhawan_ | i am not sure how to resolve the issue. | 16:31 |
Ascavasaion | ndeah1: Have you tried the sound settings to see if it is not muted? | 16:31 |
Pici | chanpa: Please ask in #python, this is offtopic for #ubuntu | 16:31 |
arjunak01 | edbian: so does empathy and kopete save passwords in plain text like pidgin?? | 16:31 |
_2 | Stameni then you can't install/remove packages | 16:31 |
Stameni | Pici: So it does not mean that i am root ? | 16:32 |
Pici | Stameni: Corret. | 16:32 |
Pici | !sudo | Stameni you may want to read this | 16:32 |
ubottu | Stameni you may want to read this: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo | 16:32 |
Stameni | Pici, _2, thank you | 16:32 |
edbian | _2, raubvogel What does the -e do when you throw it in the she-bang line like that without a file as an argument? I supposed it depends what the system's shell is? | 16:32 |
Ascavasaion | So, nobody can tell me what the /dev entry is for a USB device? | 16:33 |
raubvogel | edbian: best example of what I was trying to do is http://shellmariachi.wordpress.com/2007/10/05/hello-world/ | 16:34 |
_2 | edbian the diff between "#!/bin/bash -e" & "#!/bin/bash" is. the first will exit the script when any subprocess exits -gt 0 and the second will continue parsing the script in such cases. | 16:34 |
piojunbabia1 | i have installed wine and i downloaded an exe file, i tried to install it but at the end of the installation process it says "Error changing registry data" can anyone help me? please? | 16:34 |
christopheer | some times wine does not work for everything. | 16:35 |
_2 | edbian but this channel is too busy for bash 101. /join bash for more on that | 16:35 |
=== Sup|Lobby is now known as Guest6178 | ||
christopheer | how to mount cd in ppc ubuntu ibook g4 | 16:36 |
piojunbabia1 | christopheer: ewwwww wine is my only chance..... huhuhuhu :c | 16:36 |
=== lag is now known as Guest78932 | ||
ryan_languagelab | why does syndaemon (for the Synaptic touchpad tools) not disable the touchpad when I use keys like Control and Alt in emacs? | 16:36 |
christopheer | sorry about that do you have a windows machine? | 16:36 |
piojunbabia1 | i dont have a windows machine....hhuuhhu | 16:37 |
christopheer | mac | 16:37 |
christopheer | mac? | 16:37 |
piojunbabia1 | no mac too | 16:37 |
_2 | mac mack | 16:37 |
piojunbabia1 | exe will run on mac? | 16:37 |
christopheer | in darwine. | 16:37 |
piojunbabia1 | ah | 16:38 |
kasun | waldir, oh, sorry to hear that!! how was the wine thing going? | 16:38 |
piojunbabia1 | maybe some geek can solve this... probably one of the creators of wine... | 16:38 |
waldir | kasun: oh, I was distracted, make's complete, I'll do the install now | 16:38 |
piojunbabia1 | sorry for the word "geek" | 16:38 |
_2 | GEEK ! | 16:39 |
piojunbabia1 | !geek | 16:39 |
Vig | piojunbabia1: Did you try #wine? | 16:39 |
rww | #winehq | 16:39 |
bastid_raZor | Vig: piojunbabia1 the wine channel is #winehq | 16:39 |
piojunbabia1 | #wine | 16:39 |
Vig | Thank you | 16:39 |
piojunbabia1 | #wine is invite only | 16:39 |
piojunbabia1 | oh i see | 16:40 |
_2 | ubottu test | 16:40 |
ubottu | hrm? | 16:40 |
_2 | bot's busy or off line | 16:40 |
piojunbabia1 | join #winehq | 16:40 |
piojunbabia1 | ops | 16:40 |
masterslakk | hey, i'm trying to compile/configure apache httpd. I've downloaded the unix source from http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi#apache22 Why isn't it compiling right? I still don't have make | 16:40 |
Ascavasaion | what is the /dev entry for a USB device? I am trying to get my USB to work and getting Jul 19 17:22:34 fellowship kernel: [ 4414.932412] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 4 as a message on syslog. The USB memory stick does not work. | 16:40 |
Pici | masterslakk: Why are you compiling it from source? It is in the Ubuntu repositories. | 16:40 |
waldir | kasun: done, apparently... | 16:41 |
=== avidya is now known as wai | ||
_2 | masterslakk why compile ? ubuntu is not the best distro for building from source... at any rate. sudo apt-get install build-essential | 16:41 |
=== MK-Ubuntu is now known as MK|BNC | ||
kasun | waldir, great | 16:41 |
masterslakk | _2, i'm following a guide. I just want to do it their way because I want to learn how to compile/ make/ make install source files etc. for future | 16:42 |
_2 | masterslakk see the end of my post ^ | 16:42 |
Ascavasaion | master_of_master: try Googling checkinstall :) | 16:43 |
=== emergion_ is now known as emergion | ||
Ascavasaion | whoops | 16:43 |
bastid_raZor | !checkinstall | 16:43 |
ubottu | checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 16:43 |
BLZbubba | my lucid desktop ended up with a bazillion files in /tmp/orbit-foo/ that started with "linc-*" | 16:43 |
Ascavasaion | masterslakk: Try Googling checkinstall | 16:43 |
BLZbubba | it ate up all the inodes | 16:43 |
bastid_raZor | ubottu: tell Ascavasaion about google | 16:43 |
ubottu | Ascavasaion, please see my private message | 16:43 |
Ascavasaion | thank you bastid_raZor | 16:43 |
BLZbubba | is there a way to prevent this? | 16:43 |
waldir | kasun: now trying Digsby, which was the program that gave me problems :) | 16:43 |
masterslakk | i've already installed apache2 from sudo apt-get isntall apache2 ... for some reason I can't find/run httpd. Does anyone know why? | 16:43 |
waldir | kasun: aaaaaargh!!! not yet :( | 16:44 |
Failican | what is apache2 ? | 16:44 |
Pici | masterslakk: Its a daemon, it runs as a service. It should automatically start after install. | 16:44 |
Pici | Failican: A web server. | 16:44 |
masterslakk | apache is a web server program... | 16:44 |
Vig | BLZbubba: Is your default download set as Desktop? | 16:44 |
Failican | okej thanks | 16:45 |
masterslakk | Pici, can you explain or find something tha twill explain what you just said definitively ? | 16:45 |
Pici | masterslakk: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html | 16:45 |
masterslakk | Pici, thanks. | 16:46 |
Ascavasaion | what is the /dev entry for a USB device? I am trying to get my USB to work and getting Jul 19 17:22:34 fellowship kernel: [ 4414.932412] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 4 as a message on syslog. The USB memory stick does not work. | 16:47 |
raubvogel | Ascavasaion: what does dmesg say? | 16:47 |
cxb_ | hello | 16:48 |
cxb_ | can you use in chinese? | 16:48 |
rww | !cn | 16:48 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 16:48 |
Vig | Ascavasaion: or http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/man8/lsusb.8.html | 16:48 |
kasun | waldir, well, you might want to consider using it!! http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/digsby.com#comment | 16:48 |
Ascavasaion | Vig: [ 5978.976078] usb 1-4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 118 | 16:49 |
Ascavasaion | [ 5979.044333] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 4 | 16:49 |
evident | hi... can anybody tell me how I can find out which user owns Apache/mod_python? | 16:49 |
Ascavasaion | raubvogel: [ 5978.976078] usb 1-4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 118 | 16:49 |
Ascavasaion | [ 5979.044333] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 4 | 16:49 |
Pici | !paste | 16:49 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 16:49 |
waldir | kasun: I don't get it, those seem to be mostly positive reviews | 16:49 |
edbian | evident, ls -l /path/to/apache/mod_python | 16:49 |
funkyweasel | I'm running 10.04 and Openoffice 3.2 Calc keeps crashing. I've tried reinstalling - can anyone help? | 16:50 |
Vig | Ascavasaion: What is the lsusb output? | 16:50 |
=== thom_ is now known as noddingGeek | ||
evident | where is the apache/mod_python usually at? | 16:50 |
Failican | Hello, what wireless network dongle is competable with air-crack? | 16:51 |
Ascavasaion | Vig: It does not show the Memory Stick... only the USB mouse. | 16:51 |
kasun | waldir, yes. but trustworthiness, and privacy is at 46%. I surely don't give whole my IM+EMail passwords to a app with reputation. (BTW I'm very cautious!) | 16:51 |
aeon-ltd | Failican: google theres a wiki list | 16:51 |
raubvogel | I wrote the startup script http://pastebin.com/46uBkiH6 to unlock (and later on mount) a partition. It worked fine if ran manually. I added the init info per http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts, copied it to /etc/init.d, and told it to create the aliases to the different /etc/rcN.d. When I reboot, it treats *each* character I type as a complete attempt at a passphrase (passphrase + enter). What am I missing here? | 16:51 |
edbian | evident, /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so ? | 16:51 |
kasun | waldir, s/with reputation/with this much low reputation/ | 16:52 |
cxb_ | how can i jion "#ubuntu -cn"? | 16:52 |
metalgeek | Where can i get dvb drivers for ubuntu? | 16:52 |
raubvogel | edbian: locate mod_python.so might find it too | 16:52 |
Vig | Ascavasaion: The dongle is a new hardware device? | 16:52 |
edbian | raubvogel, That's what I did ;) | 16:52 |
Pici | cxb_: type: /join #ubuntu-cn | 16:52 |
waldir | kasun: my approach to the whole privacy thing is lazy: not worry at all :P | 16:52 |
Ascavasaion | Vig: No, it used to work on this very machine... but I pulle dit out without unmounting it and it nolonger works. I have rebooted numerous times in the meantime. | 16:52 |
raubvogel | edbian: heheh ;) | 16:52 |
waldir | kasun: I don't try to hide any of my info, and that actually makes me behave IRL ;) | 16:52 |
Jancsy | hello, anyone here who can help me a bit, please? | 16:53 |
kasun | waldir, okay, unless you dnt have bank accounts setup for ur email!! Or else you'll fed up when u start to receive SPAMS!! | 16:53 |
Vig | Ascavasaion: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search.py?cx=003883529982892832976%3A5zl6o8w6f0s&cof=FORID%3A9&ie=UTF-8&q=hardware+device&titles=Title&lr=lang_en&siteurl=manpages.ubuntu.com%2Fmanpages%2Flucid%2Fman8%2Flsusb.8.html | 16:54 |
waldir | kasun: I already get enough spam to keep me busy anyway :P | 16:54 |
Faissal | lol | 16:54 |
Jancsy | anyone? :) | 16:54 |
Pici | !ask | Jancsy | 16:54 |
ubottu | Jancsy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 16:54 |
=== Roman is now known as Guest15960 | ||
Jancsy | sorry, I'm new here :P, alright.. typing. | 16:54 |
kasun | waldir, still my first point stands. | 16:54 |
Jancsy | I need a timeline based mixing software for ubuntu. | 16:54 |
Ascavasaion | Vig: ??? | 16:55 |
Jancsy | something like Ableton or Mixmeister on windows. | 16:55 |
Jancsy | i'm new to ubuntu, trying to find a software like that. | 16:55 |
cxb_ | <Pici> i have typed :/join #ubuntu -cn but nothing happened~~~!! | 16:55 |
waldir | kasun: yes, of course, I'm just kidding. but regarding digsby, I have used several IM clients and that's the most convenient one for me | 16:55 |
Vig | Ascavasaion: That is the BIG list of Manual pages on USB and such devices... | 16:55 |
IdleOne | Jancsy: #ubuntustudio might be a good channel for you to ask in. /join #ubuntustudio | 16:55 |
coz_ | Jancsy, can you explain "timeline based mising software " a bit more for me? | 16:55 |
Pici | cxb_: Don't type the space between #ubuntu and -cn | 16:56 |
peepingtom | coz: mixing, audio mixing | 16:56 |
IdleOne | cxb_: /join #ubuntu-cn | 16:56 |
waldir | kasun: pidgin's very, very close to it, but it lacks the server-side synchronization, so I have to re-merge my contacts everytime I use it elsewhere | 16:56 |
Jancsy | coz_: mixing, yeah | 16:56 |
cxb_ | OK,thanks | 16:56 |
Jancsy | not real-time, timeline. | 16:56 |
peepingtom | Jancsy: Ardour is what youre looking for | 16:56 |
Jancsy | like a puzzle, hehe. | 16:56 |
Jancsy | lemme check. :) | 16:56 |
coz_ | Jancsy, if you mean for audio then yeah #ubuntustudio probably but there are several example "ardour" | 16:56 |
Jancsy | is it easy to use? | 16:56 |
Pici | Jancsy: Take a look at the ubuntu-studio audio section here as well: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/PackageList All of those packages are in the Ubuntu repositories | 16:56 |
goncalo | hello | 16:57 |
coz_ | Jancsy, welll ardour is a high end Digial workstation application | 16:57 |
kasun | waldir, okay, cool. I used Kopete for a while. Now, my love is with Empathy. It just suites me! | 16:57 |
jch1 | how does one properly set the ulimit (-n) in hardy? I've edited /etc/pam.d/sshd and /etc/security/limits.conf with no effect | 16:57 |
coz_ | Jancsy, so as far as high end DW goes its easy :) | 16:57 |
Jancsy | figured it out, i need something simple. | 16:57 |
Jancsy | :) | 16:57 |
smallfoot- | Empathy cant even send files over MSN | 16:57 |
cxb_ | it's ok haha ,thanks all very much!!! | 16:57 |
Ascavasaion | Vig: hehehe Okay, so I am pretty much screwed heehhe | 16:57 |
coz_ | Jancsy, then the people in #ubuntustudio would be much more helpful :) | 16:58 |
Jancsy | thanks a lot guys! | 16:58 |
Jancsy | \o/ | 16:58 |
Vig | Ascavasaion: Is there also a USB port on the back of the PC? | 16:58 |
waldir | kasun: I just want one that allows me to merge the contacts and will remember that (and the nicknames) server-side :( | 16:58 |
kasun | smallfoot-, i dnt use msn | 16:58 |
waldir | kasun: do you know any that does that? | 16:59 |
Ascavasaion | Vig: Laptop with two USB ports... and both ports give this error with memory sticks. | 16:59 |
smallfoot- | kasun, rest of the world does | 16:59 |
smallfoot- | msn, all girls use it | 16:59 |
Oxicore | hi is anyone in here to tell me how i can setup own shortcuts for the "at" as an example in XFCE? | 16:59 |
waldir | smallfoot-: yes, that's a good point also | 16:59 |
Vig | Ascavasaion: Have you looked on Launchpad for any similar errors or same problems? | 16:59 |
kasun | smallfoot-, rest of the world? wow, that should be called in terms of billions huh? :P | 17:00 |
smallfoot- | well exlcuding africans cuz they dont have computers | 17:00 |
Ascavasaion | Vig: Nope... I have Googled... and I just get posts asking what it means and why, but no pointers for solutions. | 17:00 |
raubvogel | Ascavasaion: is it seen in the usb chain in another linux box? | 17:00 |
kasun | smallfoot-, well, that's racist :D | 17:01 |
Vig | Ascavasaion: Hrmm, almost sounds like a major hardware malfunction. does the BIOS check out ok? | 17:01 |
smallfoot- | kasun, no, its true | 17:01 |
funkyweasel | I'm having problems with Openoffice crashing all the time. | 17:01 |
Ascavasaion | raubvogel: I do not have another linux box... but it works in Windows 7 on this same machine | 17:01 |
Pici | smallfoot-: Please stay on topic here and keep the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines in mind. | 17:01 |
smallfoot- | ok | 17:01 |
elb0w | Im confused, I thought read/write for ntfs was enabled by default on ubuntu? | 17:01 |
peepingtom | funkyweasel: what version of Ubuntu, do you use PPAs, did you upgrade from an earlier version of ubuntu? | 17:01 |
elb0w | How can I have a drive mounted as read only thats ntf | 17:01 |
masterslakk | can i take unix builds and compile them in ubuntu? or will it have to be debian/ubuntu specific. I'm trying to install a unix version of apache | 17:01 |
elb0w | ntfs* | 17:02 |
kasun | waldir, I'm not sure. you want to sync, right? | 17:02 |
=== XyliosPC1 is now known as Xylios | ||
rww | elb0w: because the r/w module is called ntfs-3g | 17:02 |
rww | ubottu: ntfs | elb0w | 17:02 |
ubottu | elb0w: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 17:02 |
smallfoot- | masterslakk, you can compile unix source code on linux, but better install from repository, its easier | 17:02 |
waldir | kasun: yes, such as if i intall it in another pc I dont want to config groups and nicknames and say which contacts are the same all over again | 17:02 |
kasun | smallfoot-, Agreed. So, you are a girl? what u find more interesting in msn so that *all* girls use it? | 17:02 |
elb0w | how do I mount a samba share with ntfs-3g | 17:02 |
elb0w | ? | 17:02 |
IdleOne | kasun: Please stay on topic. | 17:03 |
Daekdroom | !ot | kasun, smallfoot- | 17:03 |
ubottu | kasun, smallfoot-: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 17:03 |
Daekdroom | Ah, beat me to it. | 17:03 |
smallfoot- | kasun, no im a boy, and i like msn, cuz girls use it, and i want to chat with girls ,but i cant send/accept pictures from girls with empathy, which is why i hate ubuntu | 17:03 |
masterslakk | smallfoot-, whats the command line to install from repository? | 17:03 |
funkyweasel | peepingtom: 10.04, no PPAs for openoffice, fresh install. | 17:03 |
smallfoot- | masterslakk, sudo apt-get install apache | 17:03 |
kasun | waldir, ah then you may try kopete. It does that. (wow... a warning came!) | 17:04 |
edbian | masterslakk, sudo apt-get install <packageName> | 17:04 |
waldir | kasun: hmm, I'm quite sure I did already, but I'll check it out now | 17:04 |
waldir | kasun: all this trouble to install wine, for nothing :/ | 17:05 |
lor | how is the sound card manager packet called? | 17:05 |
AndyGraybeal | how do i change icons of a launcher? | 17:05 |
smallfoot- | AndyGraybeal, right-click, properties | 17:05 |
Vig | masterslakk: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man8/apt-get.8.html | 17:05 |
peepingtom | funkyweasel: next time it crashes, send in the bug report to launchpad | 17:05 |
maverick | need help setting up my tvtuner card...finally got my tvtuner detected using the modprobe thing (Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01))...Getting an output when i set TVTIME to composite, but no output while selecting the television mode. Also, not getting any sound. Please help.. | 17:06 |
AndyGraybeal | smallfoot-: that seems to get me to modify the current icon, (i'm in 8.10) not replace the icon -- so for instance.. it adds an 'emblem' to the icon..not changing the icon itself. | 17:06 |
funkyweasel | peepingtom: Fair enough. Was hoping to get some wisdom if it was a common occurence. | 17:06 |
peepingtom | funkyweasel: it's not normal for oo.o to crash, has it always done that on your ubuntu install? | 17:06 |
kasun | waldir, that's good for the Xperience. and you better check it whether it has all the features u need. I'm going for dinner now. bye! | 17:06 |
peepingtom | nope, furtunately it's not | 17:06 |
Pici | AndyGraybeal: Click on the icon itself in the properties window. | 17:06 |
waldir | kasun: bye, bon appetit ;) | 17:06 |
funkyweasel | peepingtom: Only on this box, this install. Otherwise I've found it magnificently stable. | 17:06 |
AndyGraybeal | Pici: thaqnk you ! that was the answer | 17:07 |
AndyGraybeal | does anyone know where the standard icons live so i can select one of those? | 17:07 |
IdleOne | /usr/share/pixmaps | 17:08 |
AndyGraybeal | IdleOne: awesome :) | 17:08 |
StaRetji | is it possible to upgrade wifi drivers without compiling the kernel? | 17:08 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: yes | 17:08 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: what drivers do you use? | 17:09 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: I have to setup master mode (AP mode) with this card https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/MasterMode#ZyDAS%20ZD1211 | 17:09 |
y_ezhkov | hi! can you help me, what's the difference between linux x86 and x86_64 and how could i know which one do i have? | 17:09 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: but apparently, driver that came with lucid can't support that | 17:09 |
Ascavasaion | Bleh... Ubuntu is broken again... and it always will be. 10.04 Release? Still a test version. | 17:10 |
coz_ | Ascavasaion, what is the issue?? | 17:10 |
lukasz_ | chat.onet.pl | 17:10 |
IdleOne | y_ezhkov: x86_64 is 64bit | 17:10 |
smallfoot- | 10.04 is LTS not test | 17:10 |
coz_ | Ascavasaion, there are a few major bugs I can think of that have not been dealt with but what are you finding? | 17:10 |
y_ezhkov | IdleOne, so ubuntu 10.04 is 64bit? | 17:10 |
astra-x | so my / and /home are on seperate partitions, why would my / only use ~10g last week and now on a 74gig partitoin, it is saying almost ocmpletely full | 17:10 |
astra-x | is there some temp files that i cannot find? | 17:11 |
IdleOne | y_ezhkov: both 32 AND 64 BIT VERSIONS ARE AVAILABLE | 17:11 |
IdleOne | sorry caps | 17:11 |
Ascavasaion | coz_: what is the /dev entry for a USB device? I am trying to get my USB to work and getting Jul 19 17:22:34 fellowship kernel: [ 4414.932412] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 4 as a message on syslog. The USB memory stick does not work. | 17:11 |
anonymous_ | !de | 17:11 |
ubottu | In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 17:11 |
smallfoot- | Ascavasaion, try the command 'lsusb' | 17:11 |
IdleOne | y_ezhkov: the x86 is 32bit x86_64 is 64 bit | 17:11 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: any thoughts mate? | 17:11 |
astra-x | Ascavasaion: usually /dev/sd | 17:11 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: I think your wifi card will be a pain, 1 sec | 17:11 |
coz_ | Ascavasaion, oh man usb.... this is one of the bugs I have found on lucid... usb devices do not work properly nor can they be unmounted properly if they have multiple partitions | 17:12 |
Ascavasaion | smallfoot-: It does not register | 17:12 |
y_ezhkov | IdleOne: so.. how can i get information about my system? | 17:12 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: Is that driver part of the kernel? | 17:12 |
smallfoot- | Ascavasaion, maybe the USB device is broken or unsupported or something, idk | 17:12 |
IdleOne | y_ezhkov: "uname -a" will show you what kernel/version you are running | 17:12 |
coz_ | be back in a bit need to go to grocery | 17:12 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: ehm, not sure, how to find out? I mean, it's brand new install of lucid, I didn't add anything | 17:12 |
cntrational | i always get a Fontconfig error: "~/.fonts.conf", line 2: not well-formed (invalid token) error when running anything from the terminal | 17:12 |
Ascavasaion | smallfoot-: It worked just after the install and update... then I unplugged the divice without unmounting it and since then it is broken. | 17:12 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: I didnt think it is, thats what im checking. It's made by the manufacturer, good drivers are generally part of the Linux Kernel. But anyway, you can compile a "kernel module" without recompiling the whole kernel | 17:13 |
smallfoot- | Ascavasaion, oh, you must always unmount | 17:13 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: is there any tutorial how to do it? | 17:13 |
Ascavasaion | smallfoot-: I know.. but surely that cannot break the USB permanently in Linux. | 17:13 |
smallfoot- | Ascavasaion, yeah, i think.... should be able to recover it, maybe need fsck the file system | 17:13 |
Turbolinux | Hello everyone. I have a built-in 3G mobile modem on my Toshiba NB-200 netbook and I am using Ubuntu 10.04. I bought a SIM card but it didn't work when I plugged it into module. I realized that Ubuntu wasn't recognized my modem and the solution which I read is not easy to solve this problem. Is there a easier way for modem configuring? Thank you for your help. | 17:14 |
urthmover | Where do icons for installed applications live on 10.04? for example I'm making a new folder in the main menu...and I'd like to use the vmware icon instead of the folder icon...what is the path to the vmware icon? | 17:16 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download That driver is part of the kernel, my mistake | 17:16 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: but look at that compat wireless site | 17:16 |
peepingtom | under "user" | 17:16 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: Problem is, network-manager doesn't give me a option for master mode, just ad-hoc and I'm ready to accept that, but the thing is, ad-hoc mode will not listen all the time for another party. So, if I do not connect immediately ad-hoc idels | 17:16 |
peepingtom | is it USB or PCI? | 17:16 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: thx man. I really appreciate your help | 17:16 |
StaRetji | USB | 17:17 |
IdleOne | urthmover: look in /usr/share/pixmaps | 17:17 |
trippss | ever since I installed lucid lynx on my laptop, movie player crashes the entire computer whenever it starts to play a media file. I don't have the same problem with vlc, etc. What could be the problem? | 17:17 |
IdleOne | urthmover: it should be there | 17:17 |
astra-x | or how do you find stangnet files on ext4? | 17:17 |
urthmover | IdleOne: awesome thanks I'll check there now | 17:17 |
tsolox | hi..i cannot seem been able to create a USB startup disk in ubuntu10.04. I've been able to do this with previous versions. I got an error at the last portion of the operation...I tried both fat16/32 and using same usb drive as before..is this an ubuntu bug? | 17:18 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers They call "master mode" "AP" in this table, which is put out by the guys who work on the Linux kernel | 17:20 |
Turbolinux | Can you help me for my problem. Thank you. | 17:20 |
peepingtom | ah I get it | 17:20 |
xangua | what problem Turbolinux¿ | 17:20 |
erUSUL | urthmover: /usr/share/pixmaps/ ? | 17:21 |
peepingtom | ok well the Linux Kernel drivers are good but dont support "master mode" | 17:21 |
peepingtom | so there are third party drivers | 17:21 |
peepingtom | which are likely crud, but: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zd1211/develop | 17:21 |
Turbolinux | I wrote bit upper. You can read it. Thank you. | 17:21 |
bvleur | I've added a line with "blacklist vga16fb" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer.conf (for running inside VirtualBox), but somehow after an reboot it still gets loaded. What could be wrong? | 17:21 |
peepingtom | install subversion, check out that source, and build it | 17:21 |
peepingtom | its pretty easy actually, do you know basic command-line commands? | 17:22 |
urthmover | erUSUL: cool thanks....I'm actually finding the vmware ones in /usr/lib/vmware/share/pixmaps I did a locate *.xpm | grep vm* and have found them | 17:22 |
Turbolinux | Xangua: I wrote it as a previous message with my nickname. You can read it from there. Thanks. | 17:22 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: yes, I know how to compile, the trouble is, this is Live usb system with permanent storage, I've compiled xbmc on it | 17:23 |
xangua | Turbolinux: i can't because i just entered the room | 17:23 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: but i'm not sure if I can compile the kernel at all | 17:23 |
JJ_ | ern can someone plz tell me why when u run something in terminal it disconnects me from my wireless network i sorted the drivers out for it today witht he help of some people here and now everytime i run soething in terminal i get disconnected and have t reboot iss there a fix for this / | 17:23 |
kc8pxy | i recently upgraded to 10.04 on my wife's computer. she was not happy when pidgin quit working right, and even thought I've added all of her IM accounts into empathy, her accounts are showing as BOTH enabled and disabled. what the heck is screwed up that i need to fix? | 17:23 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: coz it can't write initframs or something like that | 17:23 |
JJ_ | as it is rather irritating rebooting eveytime i get dced | 17:23 |
peepingtom | ok what you do is install the Linux kernel Headers, and you'll compile a new kernel "module" | 17:24 |
JJ_ | peepingtom @ who? | 17:24 |
peepingtom | which is a kernel object (like a windows DLL) that can be loaded | 17:24 |
IdleOne | !who | peepingtom | 17:24 |
ubottu | peepingtom: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 17:24 |
plutonium45 | him . please tell me where the ip of websites are stored in Ubuntu ? | 17:25 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: I've downloaded headers | 17:25 |
Turbolinux | OK I understood. My problem is this: I have a built-in 3G mobile modem on my Toshiba NB-200 netbook and I am using Ubuntu 10.04. I bought a SIM card but it didn't work when I plugged it into module. I realized that Ubuntu wasn't recognized my modem and the solution which I read wasn't easy to solve this problem. Is there a easier way for modem configuring? | 17:25 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: have you checked out that ZD1211 source from SourceForge using Subversion? | 17:25 |
Turbolinux | So I have to activate my mobile modem on my netbook computer. | 17:26 |
peepingtom | i'll grab it now, I can probably walk you through this really quickly | 17:26 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: yes, it's now in /usr/src/zd1211 | 17:26 |
JJ_ | turbolinux go to 3gs webby they should have instructiobns for how to install on linux via sudo apt-get | 17:26 |
peepingtom | what, did you run svn using sudo? | 17:26 |
peepingtom | you should put it in the home directory so you don't have to run "make" as root | 17:26 |
kc8pxy | IdleOne: great idea, might you have any insight into my issue? i've asked in here several times over several weeks, and noone seems to have any input, not even an acknowledgement. | 17:26 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: no, I'm root over ssh (putty_ | 17:26 |
Turbolinux | JJ_: What's the adress of 3G's Webby? | 17:27 |
JJ_ | 1 sec ill get it for you mr turbo | 17:27 |
peepingtom | ah I guess it doesnt matter this is just an XBMC box or whatever | 17:27 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: k 1 sec im checking the source | 17:27 |
IdleOne | kc8pxy: I have no idea what your issue is or why you thought I would. | 17:27 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: yeah, shall I go with make and them make install. Ok, I'll wait | 17:27 |
peepingtom | ya thats exactly what you should do | 17:27 |
AndyGraybeal | chmod is the command to change perms, what is the command that locks directories... i can't remembe the command name. | 17:27 |
erUSUL | AndyGraybeal: there is no such command... | 17:28 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: so the only issue you'll have here is that Ubuntu ALSO comes with a version of this driver | 17:28 |
JJ_ | Turbolinux try here http://www.three.co.uk/Help_Support/About_my_mobile/Troubleshooter | 17:28 |
IdleOne | kc8pxy: I think what might be happening is that empathy is also using the old pidgin config, showing the account twice? | 17:28 |
AndyGraybeal | there's something -- it's like chmod, but it's different - i'm not explaning it corretly - it changes some bits on the directory somehow (ti's not chown either, i remember that one) | 17:28 |
erUSUL | !permissions | AndyGraybeal | 17:28 |
ubottu | AndyGraybeal: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 17:28 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: ehm, I'll have to blacklist old one? | 17:29 |
JJ_ | ern can someone plz tell me why when u run something in terminal it disconnects me from my wireless network i sorted the drivers out for it today witht he help of some people here and now everytime i run soething in terminal i get disconnected and have t reboot iss there a fix for this / | 17:29 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: make gives me error | 17:29 |
SuperMiguel | for file transfer whats faster openssh or openvpn? | 17:29 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: The thing I don't get is that Ubuntu comes with a driver called zd1211rw and another called zd1201 | 17:30 |
peepingtom | Staretji: this one from sourceforge is called zd1211, is it different from zd1211rw? | 17:30 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: it seems that rw one doesn't support ap mode | 17:30 |
kc8pxy | IdleOne: that might make sense. (seeing as i've yet to make REAL sense of empathy), but wouldn't that show each account twice? and one set would be uable? i see one set of accounts, and each one is listed as both enabled and disabled. if i can get it to one or the other, and not both, i think I'll be good. | 17:30 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: it's different | 17:31 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: oh ok good that makes it a lot easier | 17:31 |
peepingtom | yeah you should just Make it | 17:31 |
Spaztic_One | How do I change system sounds to user defined files (not change sound themes or to "built-in" sounds) and is it possible to change the loading / splash screen for the OS? Running Lucid. | 17:31 |
AndyGraybeal | erUSUL: it's something to set the directory or file structure so you can't modify anhything in thta folder.. it isn't perms, it's like perms though. i swear i know it exists becaues i've used it - and now i have to use it agian to unlock what i've done. | 17:31 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: and it will make a .ko file | 17:31 |
karmst | Hello | 17:31 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: you can use modprobe to load it | 17:31 |
aeon-ltd | karmst: hello] | 17:31 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: check this out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/MasterMode#ZyDAS%20ZD1211 | 17:31 |
IdleOne | kc8pxy: hmm, it is showing the account as both enabled and disabled at the same time? sounds like a bug. I mean it should be either or not both | 17:32 |
NCS_One | hi | 17:32 |
karmst | What is the best way to add Lucid to a Windows 2008r2 DC? | 17:32 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: make give's me errors | 17:32 |
fangcheng | hello | 17:32 |
JJ_ | karmst use windows virtual pc and load lucid into that as ur using windows | 17:32 |
Jigal | after my upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 tls failed i was able to startup my machine only with a live cd. I want to backup my data now how do i get to my data of my real ubuntu and not from my live cd? | 17:32 |
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karmst | JJ | 17:32 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: yeah we're on the same page. I just checked, this driver is ooold :( pre-2008 | 17:32 |
karmst | I'm asking about how to add it as a domain client | 17:32 |
fangcheng | hello! | 17:32 |
aeon-ltd | Jigal: does it see your partitions? | 17:32 |
karmst | to a 2008r2 DC | 17:32 |
peepingtom | and there have been some architectural changes in how Linux WiFi drivers are made | 17:32 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: you might be screwed ;) | 17:33 |
olvap | how do i install RMagick libry? | 17:33 |
JJ_ | !domain | 17:33 |
SuperMiguel | for file transfer whats faster openssh or openvpn? | 17:33 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: lol :D | 17:33 |
karmst | !domain | 17:33 |
NCS_One | I'm trying to recover some data from a pen, can some one recommend me a goog data recover app. | 17:33 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: I'm willing to risk it and try to build module | 17:33 |
JJ_ | sorry karmst not sure ont hat one | 17:33 |
Jigal | aeon-ltd: i had all my stuff under /var/www but now I don't see it | 17:33 |
Jigal | aeon-ltd: do i have to mownt something or so? | 17:33 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: but again, make gives me a lot of error, can't post it here | 17:33 |
kc8pxy | IdleOne: agreed. wait.. DOH>. tha;ts stupid. | 17:33 |
aeon-ltd | Jigal: well does it see your partitions? | 17:33 |
IdleOne | kc8pxy: ? | 17:34 |
Jigal | aeon-ltd: how can i check that in a terminal | 17:34 |
JJ_ | !paste | 17:34 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 17:34 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: I couldn't get it to build either ;) | 17:34 |
=== argonaut_ is now known as argonaut | ||
peepingtom | Staretji: It might be obsolete now.....I suggest you check out the aircrack forums | 17:35 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: just one more question, after I manage to to make and make install, I should do what then? | 17:35 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: modprobe is enough? | 17:36 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: Pretty much yeah, and "modinfo" is good for checking versions etc | 17:36 |
tripps | hmmm actually it appears playing video files on vlc also completely crashes lucid. have to hard reset the laptop. thoughts? | 17:36 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: great, thx so much, respects and gratitude for helping out ;) | 17:36 |
kc8pxy | IdleOne: int eh account status, i saw account disabled, then i saw enabled below it. with the default theme, the checkbox next to enabled was invisible, or rather, it blended in with the background so that it only was visible when checked. on a whim, i clicked next to it, and the accounts are now enabled.. that a stupid issue. it needs to not themable to become invisible like that.. | 17:36 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: so if you get it working, blacklist the old driver, and add the new one to /etc/modules | 17:37 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: and to avoid restarting your computer | 17:37 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: sure | 17:37 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: use modprobe -r to unload a module first, then just manually load the new one. if the new one has a unique name, you dont have to specify the whole path | 17:37 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: so yeah, good luck! | 17:37 |
NCS_One | I'm trying to recover some data from a pen, can some one recommend me a good data recover app. | 17:38 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: if all else fails, you can get something with an atheros chipset for like $10 on ebay I guess | 17:38 |
IdleOne | kc8pxy: you should report a bug on that :) run ubuntu-bug empathy | 17:38 |
StaRetji | peepingtom: That's plan B :) Thx for all help man | 17:38 |
peepingtom | StaRetji: no problem! | 17:39 |
peepingtom | NCS_One: what file system is on the drive, FAT or NTFS? | 17:40 |
resno | ive got a machine that has no more hdd space, what can i do to easily remove unused apps/etc to get space back | 17:40 |
peepingtom | resno: run Synaptic, sort packages by size and remove the APPLICATIONS you do not use | 17:40 |
peepingtom | resno: also you can uninstall older and unused versions of the kernel | 17:41 |
resno | peepingtom: how do you uninstall older kernels? | 17:41 |
erUSUL | !software | resno | 17:42 |
ubottu | resno: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 17:42 |
resno | erUSUL: a kernal is not running through the repo. | 17:42 |
resno | kernel* | 17:42 |
aeon-ltd | part | 17:42 |
bastid_raZor | resno: in synaptic search for linux-image and uninstall the ones you don't want | 17:42 |
r0otl4b5 | lol | 17:43 |
erUSUL | resno: see what bastid_raZor said | 17:43 |
resno | thanks bastid_raZor :) | 17:43 |
bastid_raZor | resno: you're welcome. | 17:43 |
=== MK|BNC is now known as MK-BB | ||
resno | bastid_raZor: will that recover alot of space? | 17:43 |
peepingtom | resno: just keep the linux-image / header with the highest number, of course | 17:43 |
resno | peepingtom: seems like a solid suggestion ;) | 17:44 |
NCS_One | peepingtom: for some reason it says its not formated, so I cant access it. | 17:44 |
bastid_raZor | resno: it will give back a fair amount. each kernel takes up bout 40MB | 17:44 |
peepingtom | NCS_One: how big is the drive? | 17:44 |
NCS_One | peepingtom: 4G | 17:44 |
peepingtom | NCS_One: it's probably formated as FAT | 17:45 |
peepingtom | NCS_One: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk this is a good tool | 17:45 |
peepingtom | NCS_One: but obviously I have no idea what happened to your drive, it works in no other computers right? | 17:46 |
researcher1 | ! media server | 17:46 |
researcher1 | !media | 17:46 |
ubottu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 17:46 |
AnAnt | Hello, sometimes, sound stops working, how can I fix that ? | 17:46 |
NCS_One | peepingtom: right, windows waks to format it | 17:46 |
peepingtom | researcher1: PS3 Media Server is very good | 17:46 |
NCS_One | wasks* | 17:46 |
wildc4rd | evenin' all | 17:46 |
researcher1 | I wanna broadcast live to many | 17:47 |
sin_tax | I am trying to install Dwarf Fortress on 10.04 32bit - Installer gives this error: libGL.so.1 not found! Install this file manually or Dwarf Fortress will fail to run! ---Help? | 17:47 |
Tizemt | hello everybody, im running ubuntu, and i have kids using windows, is there a software similar to windwow live care, to protect them and see what they're doing remotely? | 17:47 |
resno | researcher1: i like mediatomb as a upnp server | 17:47 |
christopheer | dansguardian | 17:47 |
peepingtom | NCS_One: Well you should check out that TestDisk site, there are tutorials for it on that site and on the web | 17:47 |
resno | bastid_raZor: im doing this through terminal, how do i find what kernels are installed? | 17:47 |
researcher1 | tq. does it do live broadcasting | 17:47 |
Schmick | Hi ppl! I need someone running Lucid to check a strange behaviour. I wget http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.5.tar.gz and try to gunzip it. It fails on lucid (just installed today), but works ok on karmic. The md5 on the file checked ok and gunzip versions are the same. | 17:47 |
NarbeH | what is the Assembly software in ubuntu? | 17:47 |
peepingtom | researcher1: no that's for home media streaming | 17:47 |
NCS_One | peepingtom: thanks, I'll check it | 17:48 |
peepingtom | NarbeH: mawk, I think? | 17:48 |
researcher1 | can u tell somethuing for live audio video broadcasting across internet | 17:48 |
peepingtom | also: hurr | 17:48 |
peepingtom | I am an idiot :) | 17:48 |
resno | researcher1: what are you trying to broadcast to? | 17:48 |
erUSUL | NarbeH: a x86 assembler? | 17:48 |
researcher1 | lecture | 17:48 |
NarbeH | erUSUL: yes. | 17:48 |
researcher1 | from classroom | 17:48 |
resno | researcher1: whats the output machine? | 17:48 |
erUSUL | NarbeH: gas or nasm | 17:48 |
researcher1 | to students all over hostel, residential areas etc | 17:49 |
NarbeH | erUSUL: which one is better? | 17:49 |
* peepingtom meant what erUSUL siad | 17:49 | |
researcher1 | just a computer | 17:49 |
resno | !who | researcher1 | 17:49 |
ubottu | researcher1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 17:49 |
bastid_raZor | resno: dpkg -l | grep linux-image | 17:49 |
erUSUL | NarbeH: dunno; depends on the syntax you will be using... gas is the assembler of gcc; nasm is most often used as stand alone assembler | 17:49 |
resno | researcher1: you could put it on a website that would stream i | 17:50 |
resno | thanks again bastid_raZor | 17:50 |
Tizemt | hello everybody, im running ubuntu, and i have kids using windows, is there a software similar to windwow live care, to protect them and see what they're doing remotely? | 17:50 |
NarbeH | erUSUL: thx | 17:50 |
researcher1 | resno. I want it live not recorde broadcast | 17:50 |
peepingtom | Tizemt: Remote Desktop software or some type of filter? | 17:50 |
resno | researcher1: again, you can stream it, but the best way i see is to either use ustream or something similar or write your own system | 17:51 |
Tizemt | peepingtom: anything will help me to control what they're doing | 17:51 |
researcher1 | resno: whats ustream | 17:51 |
Tizemt | peepingtom: we're on the same network | 17:51 |
Schmick | Tizemt: teamviewer is available for linux now... and vnc that comes with ubuntu. | 17:51 |
resno | researcher1: this is out of the context of the #ubuntu chat. ask in #ubuntu-offtopic | 17:51 |
peepingtom | Tizemt: http://dansguardian.org/?page=whatisdg | 17:51 |
Tizemt | Schmick: team viewer requires authentication | 17:51 |
researcher1 | Tizemt: where can I get teamviewer for ubuntu | 17:52 |
peepingtom | Tizemt: remotely viewing their desktop is different, you can do windows remote desktop or VNC though | 17:52 |
researcher1 | resno: ok.thanks | 17:52 |
Schmick | No Tizemt ... you can set a default password beforehand in TV. | 17:52 |
Tizemt | researcher1: teamviewer.com | 17:52 |
resno | researcher1: i am in the #ubuntu-offtopic line and help further if needed | 17:52 |
Tizemt | Schmick: ah!! i didn't knew that! | 17:52 |
researcher1 | thanksn Tizemt | 17:53 |
Tizemt | researcher1: you're welcome | 17:53 |
researcher1 | resno: Im joining it | 17:53 |
nkei0 | hey everyone, i was told that i need free space to move a partition with gparted, however, i have 93 gigs of unallocated space that i can't move | 17:53 |
JPP | nkei0: you can't move unallocated space. thats just empty space with nothing | 17:54 |
peepingtom | nkei0: either slowly shift the data into partitions that you resize, or get another drive | 17:54 |
Schmick | nkei0: you can move stuff, not empty space... unallocated space can't be moved. | 17:54 |
Schmick | Hi ppl! I need someone running Lucid to check a strange behaviour. I wget http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.5.tar.gz and try to gunzip it. It fails on lucid (just installed today), but works ok on karmic. The md5 on the file checked ok and gunzip versions are the same. | 17:54 |
f0g | Can randr 1.3 handle moving windows between multiple screens, or is xinerama still required for that? | 17:55 |
urthmover | Is there a way to save the favicon when I bookmark a website on my desktop? | 17:55 |
AndyGraybeal | erUSUL: I found it: chattr | 17:55 |
nkei0 | Schmick: so how do I move it? I know that it has to be next to the partition that i want to grow | 17:55 |
erUSUL | !yay | AndyGraybeal | 17:55 |
ubottu | AndyGraybeal: Glad you made it! :-) | 17:55 |
JJ_ | schmick use sudo apt-get "filename" instead | 17:55 |
peepingtom | nkei: do you mean moving your data into the unallocated space, thus turining some of the allocated space into unallocated space and vice versa? | 17:55 |
bihari | i got a problem | 17:55 |
bihari | when i am upgrading my ubuntu | 17:56 |
peepingtom | nkei: just resize a partition into the unallocated part | 17:56 |
bihari | i got this message | 17:56 |
nkei0 | peepingtom: No, I mean I currently have 25gigs for ubuntu, i want to increase it to 100gig using 75gig of the unallocated space | 17:56 |
bihari | Some third party entries in your sources.list were disabled. You can re-enable them after the upgrade with the 'software-properties' tool or your package manager | 17:56 |
VeeCount | urthmover: usually it's wget http://.../favicon.ico | 17:56 |
Schmick | JJ_: that's not the issue.. the issue is that this behaviour makes backups unreliable.. I need some third party to test it. | 17:56 |
Neurotiquette | Anyone else install dropbox? Having trouble getting it to finish the download. Keeps stalling around 20% and not moving further. | 17:56 |
baron | or move oter partitions till the unallocatet space is near the partition you want to grow | 17:56 |
peepingtom | nkei0: you can just resize the partition, or is their another parition between them? | 17:56 |
nkei0 | peepingtom: correct there is another partition between them | 17:57 |
JJ_ | yeh it cud be with the particular filetype i had simliar prblem this morning donwloaded diff archive using sudo apt0get and the problem was resolved | 17:57 |
fearful | After running acpi=off at startup is there a way to get enable like the battery stuff | 17:57 |
Pici | Schmick: It is failing here as well. tar xzvf gets a little further, but fails on a specific file within the archive. | 17:57 |
urthmover | VeeCount: ok trying for that now | 17:57 |
JJ_ | cud be corrupt or whatever | 17:57 |
Schmick | nkei0: move the partitons so that the empty space is after the partition you want to expand. | 17:57 |
freinhard | hi! | 17:58 |
=== HarryS is now known as Guest5115 | ||
Schmick | Pici: thx.. so this might be something for launchpad. lucid gunzip build is faulty. | 17:58 |
bihari | tell me | 17:59 |
bihari | ? | 17:59 |
nkei0 | this is how my gparted looks: dev/sda1 ntfs (windows, dev/sda2 extended (contains linux and the unallocated space) under dev/sda2 i have unallocated 95gig, dev/sda5 linux-swap 22gig, /dev/sda6 ext3 (ubuntu install), unallocated 1mb, /dev/sda7 linux-swap 1gig | 17:59 |
freinhard | what might be a reason why apache does not deliver a header for a png file but does for another? permissions are identical. | 17:59 |
f0g | Ubuntu seems to have moved away from Xinerama, but not provided any method for moving between screens. | 17:59 |
Helliana | Anyone had problems with the resolution being screwed up in KDE after installing the nvidia drivers? | 17:59 |
Helliana | the text and menus are all HUGE | 17:59 |
Helliana | but fluxbox doesn't seem to have a problem with screen resolution | 17:59 |
nkei0 | Schmick: Is there anyway to determine which way a partition will move? and i was told it was easier to move empty space than something with space (i tried having the 75gig i wanted formatted to ext3 and moving it, but it failed after 3 hours) | 18:00 |
CrayonOfDoom | I'm looking to install java without the use of it's install GUI, is there a package install of java or a way to extract the proper files from the .bin to be able to install a specific package selection? | 18:00 |
erUSUL | !java | CrayonOfDoom | 18:00 |
ubottu | CrayonOfDoom: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases. | 18:00 |
JJ_ | can someone plz tell me why when I run something in terminal it disconnects me from my wireless network i sorted the drivers out for it today witht he help of some people here and now everytime i run something in terminal i get disconnected and have t reboot is there a fix for this ??? | 18:00 |
Pici | JJ_: What 'something' are you running? | 18:01 |
JJ_ | dont matter what i run | 18:01 |
PigeonCluster | anyone know an editor with unlimited undo? | 18:01 |
PigeonCluster | or that can be set to unlimited undo? | 18:01 |
JJ_ | pico nething i install in terminal installs then disconnects me then i have to reboot my system to reconnect again | 18:01 |
f0g | emacs | 18:01 |
_2 | Pici routing issue perhaps ? | 18:02 |
PigeonCluster | f0g, emacs isn't an editor, you silly, that's like saying windows is an operating system | 18:02 |
Pici | _2: I was thinking he was closing the terminal window he initiated the connection on. | 18:02 |
f0g | Psh. | 18:02 |
JJ_ | pico im using gui interface for wifi | 18:02 |
PigeonCluster | f0g, just kidding of course. but I'm looking for a gnome-based editor, should have said so in the first place. | 18:03 |
PigeonCluster | I know vim and emacs can do it. | 18:03 |
oneirosFade | Hey all | 18:03 |
PigeonCluster | !hi | oneirosFade | 18:03 |
ubottu | oneirosFade: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 18:03 |
JJ_ | gedit text editor pigeon custer | 18:03 |
f0g | PigeonCluster: Comedy option: xemacs. :P | 18:03 |
PigeonCluster | f0g, gimme a break. JJ_: seriously, gedit can do it? | 18:04 |
_2 | JJ_ i still think you haven't answered the origenal question satisfactorily yet. what are you doing in the terminal ? | 18:04 |
CrayonOfDoom | @erUSUL, i need the JDK as well as the JRE. Is there a page on getting both much like the one ubtottu linked? | 18:04 |
JJ_ | yeh | 18:04 |
JJ_ | i use it all the time 1 min lemme check | 18:04 |
erUSUL | CrayonOfDoom: instead of installing say sun-java6-jre install sun-java6-jdk | 18:04 |
Helliana | anyone available to help me figure out why the resolution is off in KDE after installing the nvidia drivers? | 18:05 |
PigeonCluster | Helliana, on the command line, run 'sudo nvidia-settings' and try changing the resolution there | 18:05 |
JJ_ | pigeoncluster gedit texteditor has unlimited undos | 18:05 |
erUSUL | CrayonOfDoom: if you are installing openjdk do the same replace jre with jdk to get the development kit | 18:05 |
JJ_ | pico ne ideas ? or u as lost as i am ? | 18:06 |
PigeonCluster | JJ_, thanks, I didn't know gedit could do it! | 18:06 |
JJ_ | np happy to help | 18:07 |
PigeonCluster | I use gedit regularly, but I use eclipse some too and eclipse has a 15-char undo buffer ... :P | 18:07 |
JJ_ | ah i see | 18:07 |
JJ_ | :) | 18:07 |
JJ_ | ;) | 18:07 |
Helliana | PigeonCluster: The resolution is correct in nvidia-settings | 18:08 |
JJ_ | can someone plz tell me why when I run something in terminal it disconnects me from my wireless network i sorted the drivers out for it today with he help of some people here and now everytime i run something in terminal i get disconnected and have to reboot my system is there a fix for this ??? | 18:08 |
Huevolin1990 | Hi! I need help to fix a bug on my xubuntu with LXD | 18:08 |
bandeira | i would like to set up a home server enviroment.. i have an old computer, so it'll work as a print server.. i've installed on it ubuntu server.. but i have no experience with hosting server.. how do i get started on it? | 18:08 |
PigeonCluster | Helliana, change it down, apply it, change it back up to what you want, apply it. | 18:08 |
Helliana | PigeonCluster: i also ran nvidia-xconfig and set the resolution in the xorg.conf. The resolution is also correct in fluxbox. It seems that its just KDE | 18:08 |
peepingtom | NN_ you crazy! | 18:08 |
Dazzler | Hi guys, could you please help me i am getting an error when trying to install from package manger - i get sub process /usr/bin dpkg returned an error code (2) | 18:08 |
JJ_ | bandiera i suggest u got to there website and read the readme files about ubuntu server as that is basic knowledge | 18:09 |
Dazzler | when i try to run from terminal i get "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 18:09 |
Dazzler | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 18:09 |
Dazzler | " | 18:09 |
PigeonCluster | Helliana, ohh!!!! the user-specific resolution thing. I know of that, but not what it's called or where it's stored. | 18:09 |
nkei0 | aha i found my problem, it wasn't letting me resize my extended partition because the linux-swap was mounted still... | 18:09 |
peepingtom | Helliana: it's probably an xrandr thing | 18:09 |
PigeonCluster | Helliana, yeah, I meant what peepingtom just said | 18:09 |
Dazzler | any know what is causing that? | 18:09 |
oneirosFade | Dazzler: Do you have another install/update running somewhere on the system? | 18:09 |
PigeonCluster | Dazzler, do you have synaptic open? | 18:10 |
Helliana | peepingtom: what do i do to fix it? | 18:10 |
erUSUL | Dazzler: you have synaptic or the update manager open | 18:10 |
peepingtom | nkei0: good, your swap was huge | 18:10 |
nkei0 | peepingtom: what should it be? | 18:10 |
peepingtom | nkei0: depends on how much RAM you have | 18:10 |
Dazzler | i dont have any other install in process i have booted my machine up and tried to install this from Synaptic Package Manager | 18:10 |
peepingtom | nkei0: wasnt it like 2GiB or something crazy? | 18:10 |
peepingtom | *20 | 18:10 |
erUSUL | !aptlock | Dazzler | 18:10 |
ubottu | Dazzler: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 18:11 |
peepingtom | or was it 2 and it was a typo? | 18:11 |
PigeonCluster | Dazzler, do you have synaptic *open*? | 18:11 |
nkei0 | peepingtom: I'm on a 4yr old sony vaio so probably like 1gig (it's 22gig) | 18:11 |
PigeonCluster | Dazzler, wait don't try what ubottu said yet | 18:11 |
Dazzler | this was the first thing i tried to do | 18:11 |
laieman | Hi. Is there a server that allows you to remote control your desktop (Ubuntu) using the RDP-protocol? | 18:11 |
PigeonCluster | Dazzler, you don't have anything at all open? you sure? if you do and you run that it will break something quietly. | 18:11 |
peepingtom | nkei0: Yeah that's an outrageous amount of swap, 2 or 3 GiB would be fine so you can hibernate | 18:11 |
LuYu | how do i force xrandr to use a resolution like 800x800? | 18:11 |
Dazzler | PigeonCluster, yes i have Synaptic open | 18:11 |
PigeonCluster | Dazzler, close that silly. | 18:11 |
LuYu | im trying to output to a TV | 18:12 |
PigeonCluster | we asked you that three or four times ... | 18:12 |
Helliana | it seems that xrandr has it set to 1920x1080 like it should be | 18:12 |
nkei0 | peepingtom: ok so 1gig isn't really enough or i'll have hibernation issues? | 18:12 |
Dazzler | PigeonCluster, can i not run the install from there? | 18:12 |
Dazzler | PigeonCluster, i first tried that then ran the command from the terminal | 18:12 |
peepingtom | Helliana: I have no idea ;) but run xrandr in terminal and see what resolution it reports | 18:12 |
the_file | hi | 18:12 |
PigeonCluster | Dazzler, welll .... wait, are you trying to install on the command line, or in synaptic? if you're trying to use synaptic, then close synaptic, run the command ubottu said, then open synaptic again | 18:12 |
the_file | I am running ubuntu, and just wondering | 18:12 |
Huevolin1990 | HELP! I recently installed LXDE on my Xubuntu and now it opens and closes a window repeatitive all the time | 18:12 |
the_file | what drains the battery the most? | 18:12 |
Helliana | peepingtom: its reporting 1920x1080 like it should be | 18:12 |
Dazzler | sorry i am really new to linux | 18:13 |
the_file | is it the hardrive spinning, or the cpu?. | 18:13 |
Dazzler | PigeonCluster, yes i first tried snaptic which didnt work so tried to run a command in the terminal which again didnt work | 18:13 |
PigeonCluster | Dazzler, sorry, my work break is up, back to coding | 18:13 |
peepingtom | nkei0: yes thats right, swap needs to be big enough to act as extra memory when you run out of ram, and also be able to hold the entire contents of your RAM when you hibernate | 18:13 |
YoJack | hi where can i download the linux header 2.6.35-7 from | 18:13 |
peepingtom | nkei0: normally Ubuntu would have recommended a reasonable amount when you installed it | 18:13 |
laieman | Hi. Is there a server that allows you to remote control your desktop (Ubuntu) using the RDP-protocol? | 18:13 |
VeeCount | the_file: i'd suppose it to be the GPU | 18:14 |
_2 | !remote | 18:14 |
YoJack | hi where can i download the linux headers for 2.6.35-7 from, lucid apt-get update can't find them | 18:14 |
JJ_ | can someone plz tell me why when I run something in terminal it disconnects me from my wireless network i sorted the drivers out for it today with he help of some people here and now everytime i run something in terminal i get disconnected and have to reboot my system is there a fix for this ??? | 18:14 |
the_file | veecount: I suppose that running lunux ubuntu would increase battery life on average compared to using windowz | 18:14 |
nkei0 | peepingtom: wonderful, i've managed to grow what i need, but now i gotta fix my swap. (i had two ubuntu's installed) i somehow had a 22gig and a 1gig, so i just deleted the 22gig, but i guess i need to give the 1gig a couple more maybe? | 18:14 |
the_file | veecount: or do I have the idea wrong | 18:14 |
ali3n0 | hi folks. trying to disable swap partition but rebooting it keeps to get back. commented out on /etc/fstab, added noswap to grub entry too | 18:15 |
peepingtom | nkei0: Yes, 2.5-3 will be enough | 18:15 |
VeeCount | the_file: i dunno, supposingly you're right | 18:15 |
Helliana | peepingtom: any other ideas? | 18:15 |
nkei0 | peepingtom: alright thanks, guess i'll be idle for like an hour while i resize and whatnot, i'll let you know how it goes | 18:16 |
peepingtom | Helliana: Sorry im not even entirely sure what your problem is, the resoluton seems to be lower than reported? | 18:16 |
Helliana | peepingtom: well basically all text and menus in KDE are HUGE. | 18:16 |
peepingtom | Helliana, does this affect text and images or only text? iif only text, it's likely a DPI issue | 18:16 |
peepingtom | Helliana but not pictures | 18:16 |
peepingtom | it's an issue with DPI | 18:17 |
peepingtom | you can fix it somewhere in the KDE control ting | 18:17 |
Helliana | fluxbox is fine | 18:17 |
peepingtom | centre | 18:17 |
peepingtom | panel | 18:17 |
peepingtom | whatever | 18:17 |
FloodBot2 | peepingtom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:17 |
ruben23 | hi guys how do i check if my audio device is detected and properly install on my ubuntu | 18:17 |
Helliana | peepingtom: installing nvidia drivers would change that? | 18:17 |
the_file | oww firefox 4 beta 2 should be out soon | 18:17 |
peepingtom | Helliana: no idea, it's a KDE problem though I guess | 18:17 |
ruben23 | becasue i used softphones and i set analaog device but after sometime is goes to digital and it will not work.. | 18:17 |
peepingtom | so just look for settings regarding DPI | 18:18 |
Beyecixramd | what should i do to make my printer work? HP psc 1110 series | 18:18 |
peepingtom | firefox 2 beta 2 is out | 18:18 |
peepingtom | in the mozilla daily builds ppa | 18:18 |
peepingtom | it is awesome | 18:18 |
peepingtom | oh wait | 18:18 |
peepingtom | 2PRE | 18:18 |
FloodBot2 | peepingtom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:18 |
Daekdroom | peepingtom, Firefox 2? | 18:18 |
Xase | He means 4 | 18:19 |
peepingtom | *typo | 18:19 |
f0g | Can randr 1.3 handle moving windows between multiple screens, or is xinerama still required for that? | 18:19 |
Xase | I was using it. | 18:19 |
Warrior` | I have the scite text editor and when i have to change the setting for the asm language,i need to edit the file /usr/share/scite/asm.properties then i can't edit it because it's read only...is there any better way then becoming a root user? | 18:19 |
Beyecixramd | how do i install my HP psc 1110? hplip is already installed, but it's not detected | 18:19 |
oneirosFade | Warrior`: If this is something you encounter regularly, you may want to change the .properties files to a "programmer" group, and add your user to that group | 18:20 |
pfo | i'm having a strange issue during LTS 10.04 install - after partition and base system install grub2 AND lilo fail to install | 18:20 |
Xase | Anyways, question, using Ubuntu UNR, and am used to doing 'gksu gnome-appearance-properties' to make the root side of the gui for apps like GDebi and Synaptic to match my personal user interface, however that seems to have no effect except for the root user itself... should I be changing the theme for a different user on UNR? | 18:20 |
Failican | tell me something fun I can do with the terminal ;I | 18:20 |
pfo | any clues? | 18:20 |
pfo | the log just says: grub-installer exited with error code 1 | 18:20 |
pfo | the disk is a pair of mirrors from an LSI 1061E controller | 18:21 |
Warrior` | onerosFade...oopsy..i am a noob.confused! | 18:21 |
Xase | Failican, try 'sudo apt-get moo' | 18:21 |
Xase | ;) | 18:21 |
oneirosFade | Xase: Not sure command-wise, but "Ubuntu Tweak" has a setting (I'm on UNR) that matches root to normal GUI | 18:21 |
Warrior` | oneirosFade* | 18:21 |
Failican | what does it do =) | 18:21 |
Xase | Or you can use Mpd. | 18:21 |
Helliana | peepingtom: you were correct btw, was a dpi issue. fixed it in the xorg.conf | 18:21 |
Xase | oneirosFade, so you recommend just doing it through Tweak? | 18:21 |
Lalon | Helliana: is a nice nick | 18:21 |
Lalon | :D | 18:21 |
odb|fidel | hi - hows the current state with 10.04 & hotpluging eSATA? should it work out of the box? | 18:22 |
Xase | Any idea how to make Maximus a little more friendly? was going to use Namebar, but can't seem to be able to add it @ oneirosFade | 18:22 |
oneirosFade | Xase: May be overkill to get an app just to tweak that one setting, but if all else fails that's how I do it | 18:22 |
_pg_ | what utilities can i use to image a windows xp iso to a partition on a internal hdd from a live ubuntu session? I am trying to give it a restore partition it can install windows from essentially. | 18:22 |
Xase | 'sudo apt-get moo' asks if you moo'd today. | 18:22 |
pfo | i seems that grub2 can't be installed on a LSI RAID ... | 18:22 |
oneirosFade | Xase: As far as Maximus and friends, I just usew the standard Gnome interface - I hate the UNR interface | 18:22 |
Xase | Ah. | 18:22 |
peepingtom | Does anyone know a decent notification area icon for gnome power daemon? Gnome shell doesnt have one yet and Lucid only comes with an indicator applet power meter | 18:23 |
Xase | Okay, well I like the UNR interface, especially the EFL based one =D | 18:23 |
Xase | oneirosFade, thank you for the tips... | 18:23 |
_pg_ | what utilities can i use to image a windows xp iso to a partition on a internal hdd from a live ubuntu session? I am trying to give it a restore partition it can install windows from essentially.' | 18:23 |
oneirosFade | Xase: No problem | 18:23 |
peepingtom | _pg_ Clonezilla | 18:23 |
pfo | this is a hardware RAID device ... | 18:24 |
mgolisch | pfo: why not? | 18:24 |
_pg_ | peepingtom, i need to make the partiotions first in gparted right? | 18:24 |
pfo | dunno grub2 won't install on a RAID LUN | 18:24 |
pfo | grub-installer exit code 1 ... | 18:24 |
peepingtom | _pg_ you can copy the images over the net to another machine, too | 18:25 |
pfo | no mention of the exit codes anywhere on the net ... | 18:25 |
peepingtom | im not very familiar with it, it wont magically install windows for you though, it's more like norton ghost | 18:25 |
peepingtom | _pg_ check their website | 18:25 |
VeeCount | what stands for systat in Ubuntu? | 18:25 |
Dazzler | i have fixed my problem but thanks for your help | 18:25 |
Counterspell | Ahh! I installed Jack and now my normal sound is not working :( | 18:26 |
Dazzler | PigeonCluster, thanks for your help i have resolved my problem. | 18:26 |
sidewalk | im having problems creating an xfs and ext4 partition which is 1,5TB, during the installation process, sholdn't it work? | 18:26 |
_pg_ | peepingtom, is it only a live utility | 18:27 |
peepingtom | _pg_ you can run it from an existing linux install too | 18:27 |
_pg_ | peepingtom, how do I do that? I only find live images on their site | 18:28 |
PigeonCluster | Counterspell: don't quit before anyone can help you. | 18:28 |
peepingtom | _pg_ you might have to build from source.......you could also check out partimage if you wont use a liveCD for some reason | 18:29 |
VeeCount | Is there any analog of FreeBSD systat in Ubuntu? | 18:29 |
_pg_ | peepingtom, thanks! | 18:30 |
peepingtom | np | 18:30 |
erUSUL | VeeCount: what does systat provides ? | 18:30 |
erUSUL | !info sysstat | 18:30 |
ubottu | sysstat (source: sysstat): system performance tools for Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 9.0.6-2 (lucid), package size 246 kB, installed size 1136 kB | 18:30 |
AndyGraybeal | how do i echo to x windows a screen that says: "yay you've printed" from a .sh script? is it easily possible? like an 'echo' command in old batch days, but to x windows and not to the console. | 18:31 |
f0g | Can randr 1.3 handle moving windows between multiple screens, or is xinerama still required for that? | 18:31 |
AndyGraybeal | *dos batch i mean | 18:31 |
peepingtom | f0g: ask on a forum | 18:32 |
f0g | Which forum? | 18:32 |
Pici | peepingtom: This is a support channel. | 18:32 |
Pici | AndyGraybeal: zenity is useful for things like that. | 18:32 |
tyrosine | AndyGraybeal: want to launch an xterm window and execute a command automatically? | 18:32 |
Pici | ! info zenity | AndyGraybeal | 18:33 |
erUSUL | AndyGraybeal: zenity | 18:33 |
AndyGraybeal | thank you guys. i'll look up zenity | 18:33 |
JJ_ | can someone plz tell me why when I run something in terminal it disconnects me from my wireless network i sorted the drivers out for it today with he help of some people here and now everytime i run something in terminal i get disconnected and have to reboot my system is there a fix for this ??? | 18:33 |
AndyGraybeal | zenity :) amazing. | 18:34 |
Tanami | huehuehuehuehue. | 18:34 |
peepingtom | JJ_ that doesnt sound right. you mean a terminal like gnome terminal, or when you switch to another VT? | 18:34 |
JJ_ | im using linux lucid | 18:34 |
erUSUL | JJ_: i would say that is impossible that issuing a command causes wifi to disconnect ... | 18:34 |
JJ_ | terminal like where u type sudo apt-get | 18:35 |
erUSUL | JJ_: any clues in the logs ? dmseg ? | 18:35 |
JJ_ | where the logs? | 18:35 |
peepingtom | JJ_ I think you might be confused ;) type dmesg | 18:35 |
JJ_ | in terminnal | 18:35 |
JJ_ | ? | 18:35 |
peepingtom | yes | 18:35 |
erUSUL | JJ_: /var/log/syslog /var/log/messages | 18:35 |
Spaztic_One | How do I change system sounds to user defined files (not change sound themes or to "built-in" sounds) and is it possible to change the loading / splash screen for the OS? Running Lucid. | 18:36 |
Failican | why are broadcom network cards so stupid! ;( | 18:36 |
_2 | AndyGraybeal xmessage | 18:36 |
peepingtom | Failican: bad IP protection | 18:36 |
lfaraone | How are the official Ubuntu LiveCD ISOs created? | 18:36 |
JJ_ | !paste | 18:36 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 18:36 |
AndyGraybeal | _2: cool, what is the difference between that and zenity? xmessage sounds simpler | 18:36 |
f0g | ~[5~[5~[6~[6~~/. | 18:37 |
JJ_ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/466059/ | 18:37 |
JJ_ | >>>>>>>>>....http://paste.ubuntu.com/466059/ | 18:37 |
_2 | AndyGraybeal not a lot of diff i prefer xmessage but some dont | 18:37 |
qweqwe | is there a way to know what ports each application uses ? | 18:38 |
oCean_ | qweqwe: find running applications using: netstat -anp | 18:38 |
AndyGraybeal | _2: awesome thank you -- xmessage looks awful X-ey :) zenity looks more like gnome :) | 18:38 |
AndyGraybeal | my users might like zenity better | 18:38 |
Failican | peepingtom: and not comptible with aircrack :( not mine anyways | 18:38 |
_2 | AndyGraybeal xmessage -button ok:0 'put your message here' | 18:39 |
_2 | AndyGraybeal as you like. :) | 18:39 |
=== clay_ is now known as Clayg | ||
peepingtom | Failican: usb wifi adapters are like $10 now, at least | 18:39 |
Bagualas | buenas | 18:39 |
CrayonOfDoom | when using a preseed file for a headless ubuntu install, is "d-i preseed/late_command string apt-get -y install subversion" at the end the correct way to install an app during ubuntu's initial install? | 18:39 |
craigbass1976 | I am running a livecd, and need to install proprietary drivers to make wireless run. This involves a reboot, but that will be a fresh ubuntu again (being a livecd). Now what? | 18:40 |
Bagualas | preciso colocar um TS pra abrir ao logar com 1 usuario no ubuntu... como faz? tentei colocar no .bashrc mas demora muito pra abrir a tela de TS | 18:40 |
oCean_ | !pt | Bagualas | 18:40 |
ubottu | Bagualas: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 18:40 |
erUSUL | craigbass1976: maybe a reload of the drivers is enough ? what is the driver ? | 18:40 |
Failican | peepingtom: i'll guess ill buy one, soon moving to an apartment and i guess ill have some cracking to do;) | 18:41 |
peepingtom | craigbass1976: load the drivers with modprobe, which ones? | 18:41 |
craigbass1976 | broadcom wireless | 18:41 |
erUSUL | craigbass1976: via system>admin...>hardware drivers | 18:41 |
Bagualas | sorry about the br... wrong channel people | 18:41 |
peepingtom | craigbass1976: you can just install the drivers then load them with modprobe in terminal | 18:41 |
abhijit | hello | 18:42 |
erUSUL | craigbass1976: then is wl ... try « sudo modprobe -r wl && sudo moprobe wl » | 18:42 |
karmst | Hello | 18:43 |
karmst | I need some help with Samba | 18:43 |
abhijit | !ask | karmst | 18:43 |
ubottu | karmst: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:43 |
Xase | oneirosFade, excuse me if I'm retarded but where in ubuntu-tweak is the option to make the guis the same? | 18:43 |
oneirosFade | Xase: One sec let me load it and look | 18:43 |
karmst | How do I configure samba to connect to a 2008r2 domain? | 18:44 |
NinoScript | Xase, what do you mean by the same guis? | 18:44 |
Xase | NinoScript, I meant what I mean, Root and userland = to each other. | 18:44 |
audyyy | Is there an updated guide for configuring software raid on Ubuntu? | 18:44 |
Xase | oneirosFade, knows wht I men. | 18:44 |
maverick | got tvtime running with an unsupported tv tuner card (SAA7134) using modprobe. i seem to be stuck on one channel though and cant seem to scan other channels, any ideas? | 18:44 |
oneirosFade | Xase: Very bottom of the list, under "Security Related" | 18:44 |
Xase | mean* | 18:44 |
erUSUL | !raid | audyyy | 18:44 |
Failican | is there any command in terminal to backtrace ip? | 18:44 |
ubottu | audyyy: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 18:44 |
Xase | okay :D | 18:44 |
Xase | I'll check | 18:44 |
FloodBot2 | Xase: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:44 |
audyyy | ty | 18:44 |
JJ_ | >>>>>>>>>....http://paste.ubuntu.com/466059/ <the output of dsmsg iis here | 18:45 |
peepingtom | Failican: traceroute6 | 18:45 |
Xase | I wasn't flooding, you cracked bot >_> | 18:45 |
Xase | oneirosFade, hmm | 18:45 |
Failican | <peepingtom> thx | 18:45 |
Xase | Lemme check this now :D | 18:46 |
_2 | Xase number of lines posted in amount of time == flood to the bot | 18:46 |
sprung | Xase, Cease arguing about whether you are flooding. | 18:46 |
theosk | hi guise | 18:46 |
Xase | ... Cease attitude firing, I wasn't getting lippy but now everyone else is. | 18:46 |
peepingtom | How does gnome power manager work in non-Ubuntu distros? They dont use indicator applets, and neither does gnome shell. I want a notification area icon for gnome power daemon, any suggestions? | 18:47 |
sprung | ops? | 18:47 |
ManDay | Is there something like netbootin which is a little lighter and simply puts an ISO with syslinux ? | 18:47 |
theosk | I've been using 32 bits OSes for years, and I was thinking about switching to 64 | 18:47 |
sprung | Xase, Please keep conversation on-topic. | 18:47 |
theosk | is it really worth the trouble? | 18:47 |
senorpedro | hi | 18:47 |
daedaluz | theosk, what trouble? | 18:48 |
senorpedro | is there a programm to make security backups of encrypted dvds? | 18:48 |
theosk | switching to 64 bits OS | 18:48 |
sprung | senorpedro, If you would prefer, #ubuntu-de is in german | 18:48 |
peepingtom | theosk: only if you need to address more than 3~GB of ram | 18:48 |
JJ_ | guess il just ahv tp put up wit it for now | 18:48 |
* AlbertoP looks at daedaluz :) | 18:48 | |
JJ_ | what the cmd to mount linux server iso | 18:48 |
JJ_ | ? | 18:48 |
daedaluz | hi AlbertoP | 18:48 |
JJ_ | so i can install it alongside ubunut lucid and win 7 | 18:48 |
JJ_ | ? | 18:48 |
AlbertoP | hello :) | 18:48 |
theosk | so I won't get any performance boost? | 18:48 |
AlbertoP | daedaluz: I'm exploring my potential future home :) | 18:49 |
daedaluz | AlbertoP, don't tell me you jumped the boat too | 18:49 |
sprung | JJ_, Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:49 |
JJ_ | hey what the bot on about | 18:49 |
JJ_ | i posted 2 lines# | 18:49 |
peepingtom | theosk: maybe, using nspluginwrapper for flash is horrible, it's very unstable | 18:49 |
sprung | I count 7 lines so far | 18:49 |
AlbertoP | daedaluz: well not yet, because it is a lot of work. But opensuse is not going to be in good shape thanks to those shining minds imho, and I have to :( | 18:49 |
_2 | jj_ normal installations are done by "booting" an iso, not "mounting" them ? did you leave some important information out? | 18:50 |
JJ_ | i cant boot | 18:50 |
theosk | ok, thanks mates, I'll stick to 32 bits then | 18:50 |
_2 | jj_ ah. that info | 18:50 |
sprung | JJ_, http://apcmag.com/the_definitive_dualbooting_guide_linux_vista_and_xp_stepbystep.htm | 18:50 |
revarr | question how do I upgrade my Ubuntu 10.4 kernel to the latest release | 18:50 |
JJ_ | isorry i havent got a flash drive or a working cd-rom so i have to mount images i have wndows7 and ubuntu lucid installed i would like to install linuxx server also how would i go about this and what is the caommand to do so | 18:51 |
daedaluz | AlbertoP, 11.3 was devastatingly disappointing release for me... then I pinpointed that pretty much all my problems came from KDE, decided to jump 2 boats simultaneously | 18:51 |
JJ_ | ? | 18:51 |
peepingtom | revarr sudo update-manager -d | 18:51 |
sprung | revarr, System -> Administration -> Update Manager | 18:51 |
laieman | Hi. What file manager do you recommend except GNOME's nautilius? | 18:51 |
_2 | JJ_ ummm sudo mount -o loop file.iso /mount/point/dir/ | 18:51 |
sprung | peepingtom's version works too | 18:51 |
AlbertoP | daedaluz: please tell that somewhere where the management can read it. | 18:51 |
sam898889 | Is it hard to install ubuntu onto a laptop that has NO os installed on it???? | 18:51 |
daedaluz | AlbertoP, I'm regular on both mailing lists, not giving a damn anymore | 18:52 |
_2 | sam898889 very easy i'd say | 18:52 |
peepingtom | sam898889: no, it's very easy, do you want to install windows later? | 18:52 |
sprung | sam898889, No, it's not hard. | 18:52 |
Pici | peepingtom, revarr: Do not run that command. It will upgrade you to the latest development version, which is unsupported and unreleased at this time. | 18:52 |
slidinghorn | sam898889, not at all -- just pop in a liveCD and follow the graphical install :) would this system be Ubuntu-only or will you be dual booting it? | 18:52 |
AlbertoP | daedaluz: well I have been there for so a decade. Nothing changed | 18:52 |
AlbertoP | daedaluz: and ubuntu seems the only promising distro I see, with a plan for the future | 18:53 |
sprung | revarr, System -> Administration -> Update Manager will bring you to the latest stable, not development, release. | 18:53 |
revarr | okay how do I get to the latest stable kernel | 18:53 |
Failican | sam898889: I installed ubuntu netbook version on my laptop found some awsome guides it was really easy | 18:53 |
peepingtom | run update-manager without the -d option | 18:53 |
peepingtom | sorry I misread your question | 18:53 |
sprung | my and peepingtom's version has the same result | 18:53 |
JJ_ | _2 i dont think u understand ive got 2 hhd partition one with vista the other with linux and i would also like to install linux server but how can i if i havent got a spare partation or does tha not matter therfore there would be linux server linux lucid and win 7 on the same machine | 18:53 |
JJ_ | or del win7 and use that for server? | 18:54 |
daedaluz | AlbertoP, yeah, sad but true. As much as I like yast & zypper, the rest is intolerable. KDE 3.5 -> KDE4 was the last nail. Tried to like it, really tried. | 18:54 |
revarr | says it is up to date | 18:54 |
sprung | JJ_, did you read the article I linked you to yet? http://apcmag.com/the_definitive_dualbooting_guide_linux_vista_and_xp_stepbystep.htm | 18:54 |
JJ_ | yeah | 18:54 |
JJ_ | it only states 2 parttions and 2 os's | 18:54 |
revarr | guess this distro can't resolve the brightness error | 18:54 |
JJ_ | i already have 2 | 18:54 |
sprung | JJ_, Really. That's a pretty long article to read in under 60 seconds | 18:54 |
AlbertoP | daedaluz: I use KDE 4 and like it, but well, suse screwed the base system. It does not turn my laptop off, it does not set disk APM correctly, X crashes. Ubuntu works like a charm... | 18:55 |
Failican | anyone know any good programming programs for beginners for free? | 18:55 |
_2 | jj_ "ubiquity" the installer for ubuntu would automaticly start the partitioner "gparted" and allow you to resize/rework your partitions... | 18:55 |
fearful | Is there a work around child_rip error on amd64 without having to boot acpi=off? | 18:55 |
JJ_ | sweet so i just run s's sudo mount -o loop file.iso /mount/point/dir/ then it will do the rest for me | 18:56 |
_2 | fearful sysctl maybe ??? idk. | 18:56 |
sprung | Failican, You haven't given any specifics of what language you wish to program in, or what you are attempting to develop, so unless you have more specific criteria, http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=programming+in+linux | 18:56 |
daedaluz | AlbertoP, suse didn't connect through my cellphone without screwing around in yast. | 18:57 |
Pici | JJ_: no, you need to boot off the media in some way if you'd like to install Ubuntu Server. | 18:57 |
daedaluz | AlbertoP, also, WINE implication was pretty broken in 11.3 | 18:57 |
_2 | JJ_ no. that's just how to mount the iso. you'll need a lot more help for installing from there | 18:57 |
Pici | !install | JJ_ | 18:58 |
ubottu | JJ_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 18:58 |
econdudeawesome | Failican If you'd like to try Python, it's fun | 18:58 |
Clayg | when my screen locks itself do to inactivity, you can still see what is on the screen until you move the mouse, this sort of defeats the purpose, how can i fix this? | 18:58 |
_2 | Pici jj_'s claim is that he has 'no way to boot it' | 18:58 |
peepingtom | Clayg what graphics chip/driver do you use? | 18:58 |
dean | does anyone know why my new computer (not this one) won't boot a linux cd? I know the cd drive works cuz I played a music cd on windows | 18:58 |
Beyecixramd | Clayg: this happened to me too. Try without Compiz | 18:58 |
econdudeawesome | Failican it's free, IDLE is a decent IDE, as well as eclipse, or simply using the command line. Distribution either comes with Linux (I think) or can be installed through synaptic | 18:58 |
sprung | JJ_, It sounds to me like you need read the install documentation. Unfortunately, #ubuntu does not have the resources to hold your hand step-by-step when documentation exists that already does that for you. | 18:58 |
Failican | sprung: hm.. ok thanks | 18:58 |
Clayg | peepingtom, how can i tell? | 18:58 |
fearful | Is there a work around child_rip error on amd64 without having to boot acpi=off? | 18:59 |
Beyecixramd | dean: some computers are locked-in to block Linux. Microsoft pays the OEMs to force them to make linux unusable there | 18:59 |
CrayonOfDoom | can anyone link me to a guide on building sub-menus for ubuntu's netboot under pxelinux? | 18:59 |
Pici | sprung: Actually, we'd be happy to step-by-step help him, but there are no options for what he is looking to do | 18:59 |
Clayg | Beyecixramd, compiz not on :( | 18:59 |
tgall_foo | on ubuntu, how do you find out which package is part of ? IE ... bin/foo ... like to know what package it is part of it so I can apt-get install it on another box | 18:59 |
dean | Beyecixramd, is there anyway to stop it?.. | 18:59 |
_2 | and jj_ it would probably be easier to remove the hard drive and install it on a maghine that can boot a cd, or fix your hardware than to install from an iso within the running system..... | 18:59 |
oneirosFade | Beyecixramd: Do you have a source for that, because I'd like to read it | 18:59 |
peepingtom | clayg: run "lspci |grep VGA" in terminal without quotes, what does it say? | 18:59 |
JJ_ | agrreed number 2 | 19:00 |
Pici | tgall_foo: dpkg -S /path/to/file | 19:00 |
sprung | Pici, you're the first i've ever heard say anything remotely like that in here but i digress | 19:00 |
Beyecixramd | oneirosFade: read what happened to the Phoenix BIOS owner | 19:00 |
JJ_ | thoug i ccan just use vm to run it | 19:00 |
tgall_foo | Pici, thanks! | 19:00 |
Beyecixramd | oneirosFade: with Linux | 19:00 |
JJ_ | i suppose it only for testting | 19:00 |
Failican | econdudeawesome: I'm thinking about Python it seems fun ;) and thanks for the awnsers | 19:00 |
Clayg | peepingtom, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller | 19:00 |
* _2 says "that's base two" :| | 19:00 | |
oneirosFade | Beyecixramd: So, what, just Google for "Phoenix BIOS Microsoft Evil" | 19:00 |
pupuserd7ede2 | hello | 19:00 |
Beyecixramd | god damn... oneirosFade www.cyberciti.biz/tips/phoenix-bios-only-works-with-vista.html | 19:01 |
Pici | JJ_: Then that is your best bet. | 19:01 |
Pici | !ot | Beyecixramd | 19:01 |
ubottu | Beyecixramd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:01 |
econdudeawesome | Failican it's fairly simple too. Let me post a good tutorial I've been working through the past few days: http://johnstachurski.net/lectures/introduction.html | 19:01 |
Beyecixramd | Microsof has been doing that with MS-DOS. there were computers which didn't have BIOS and booted directly into MS-DOS, making it unable to boot anything else | 19:01 |
froschi | Beyecixramd: you mean the c64? | 19:01 |
sprung | !ot | Beyecixramd | 19:01 |
ubottu | Beyecixramd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:01 |
Beyecixramd | :| yeah, offtopic, froschi | 19:02 |
whlspacedude | Suggestions on a Dual Bay External HDD enclosure with Mirror RAID to use on both windows and ubuntu machines? | 19:02 |
sprung | whlspacedude, ##hardware | 19:02 |
^peanut^ | d-link! | 19:02 |
* whlspacedude sighs realizing the error of his ways.... | 19:03 | |
Failican | econdudeawesome: oh thanks, will definetly check it | 19:03 |
peepingtom | Clayg is that a desktop or mobile computer? | 19:04 |
ovnicraft | hi folks, i want to know what user APACHE_RUN_USER from apache2.conf file | 19:04 |
ovnicraft | from what is reading that? | 19:04 |
Clayg | peepingtom, it is a netbook, acer aspire one | 19:04 |
oneirosFade | Beyecixramd: Not that I care for MS and their ways, but all I see here is a bad experience posted on a forum, I don't see any actual report of the aforementioned conspiracy | 19:05 |
^peanut^ | ovnicraft: the start up scripts in /etc/init.d/ | 19:05 |
=== MK-BB is now known as MK|BNC | ||
=== MK|BNC is now known as MK-BB | ||
Ninjagamer | is there anyway to fix graphical glitches that occur with the time and date? | 19:08 |
^peanut^ | Font syle? | 19:08 |
^peanut^ | update graphic's driver? | 19:08 |
Ninjagamer | the default | 19:08 |
^peanut^ | hmm | 19:08 |
^peanut^ | no idea | 19:08 |
Ninjagamer | maybe | 19:08 |
sundar | hi, I have installed Ubuntu within VMware player, and have forgotten both root password and my user password. Is there a way to recover either one? Or, can someone tell the default password requirements so I could what I gave while installing? | 19:08 |
froschi | oneirosFade: it's an obvious conspiracy. denying it will keep you from seeing through the more subtle ones. be careful. i.e. my sonys have *no* linux support ever by sony itself. and sony says: there's *nothing* good in the internet. add 1+1 | 19:08 |
cablop | hello people, i got a question, i want to run a self hosted svn but a la sourceforge, that is my registered users access it via web, maybe through apache and they're also able to change their passwords and i can control in a panel who access or not to each repository | 19:09 |
sundar | *so I could _guess_ what I gave | 19:09 |
cablop | can i do that in ubuntu? | 19:09 |
oneirosFade | froschi: Wha? | 19:09 |
MasterOfDisaster | cablop: shooting from my hip, I'd suggest using Trac for this... | 19:10 |
^peanut^ | coblop: so you basiclly want to host an svn system but have the bugs go to sourceforge? | 19:10 |
^peanut^ | MasterOfDisaster: just what I was going to say =) svn/trac Rocks | 19:10 |
MasterOfDisaster | cablop: I'm not sure though if it fits _all_ of your requirements, but certainly worth a look | 19:11 |
oneirosFade | froschi: Not having company support is not the same as a lockout conspiracy. I never get direct support when I have to call techs, because I run Ubuntu. | 19:11 |
MasterOfDisaster | cablop: and yes, you can host a Trac system with ubuntu (server) :-D | 19:11 |
^peanut^ | colbop: if you have the resources to host your own svn system, then adding trac/svn to it can be fun to setup/manage and maintain... not alot of resources needed really. | 19:11 |
froschi | oneirosFade: it's an obvious conspiracy. denying it will keep you from seeing through the more subtle ones. be careful. i.e. my sonys have *no* linux support ever by sony itself. and sony says: there's *nothing* good in the internet. add 1+1 | 19:11 |
oneirosFade | Ohh-kay. So moving on... | 19:12 |
froschi | oneirosFade: :) .... but nothing more of it. yeah. from now on it would be linux advocacy, not ubuntu support :) | 19:12 |
cablop | trac... but... don't know if trac allow me to easy set who can access or not to each repository and commit or not... i'm woried of some freelancers accessing other repos in same server... do trac manage that? | 19:12 |
xfce46 | easyybutnu | 19:12 |
xfce46 | hi | 19:12 |
xfce46 | h | 19:13 |
^peanut^ | cablop. yes. | 19:13 |
xfce46 | a | 19:13 |
xfce46 | h | 19:13 |
FloodBot2 | xfce46: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:13 |
xfce46 | e | 19:13 |
Ninjagamer | updating drivers! | 19:13 |
Curulin | Hi. I have been running both Vista and Ubuntu on my channel. After an Ubuntu update today, I cannot boot Windows anymore, when I select it the screen goes black for a moment and then I'm back in the GNU GRUB v1.98. Can anyone help me? | 19:13 |
cablop | thanks guys, i;ll give it a look | 19:13 |
xfce46 | -q | 19:13 |
xfce46 | -q ubuntu | 19:13 |
MasterOfDisaster | cablop: you're welcome | 19:13 |
oneirosFade | Talk to you crazy folks later, it's lunch time! | 19:14 |
^peanut^ | colbop: check out trac-hacks.org for a ton of plugins to trac to help manage your svn system | 19:14 |
Ninjagamer | brb | 19:14 |
cablop | i got this other suggestion "Subversion Edge" from collabnet, which one is better | 19:14 |
isilion | !iso | 19:15 |
ubottu | To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 19:15 |
^peanut^ | cablop: never tried it. trac/svn from what I've read is by far the best and easiest scm to put together... | 19:15 |
godstar | Is there a UNR room? | 19:16 |
_2 | room ? | 19:16 |
abhijit | channel | 19:16 |
^peanut^ | !unr | 19:16 |
ubottu | Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu | 19:16 |
cablop | i just see trac have more tols... i'll need them in the future but not willing to deal with them now, but i'll give it a try... i'm just afraid, cause i don't know python enough | 19:16 |
godstar | Ubuntu Netbook Remix channel yes | 19:16 |
sebsebseb | hi | 19:17 |
godstar | Ubottu says im in that room. | 19:17 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:17 |
^peanut^ | cablop: I don't know python at all either | 19:17 |
Ninjagamer | back | 19:17 |
cablop | hehe | 19:17 |
^peanut^ | cablop: it's a very simple setup yet very powerful | 19:17 |
froschi | well, some other question then: i wanted a dual boot, keeping the earlier installed puppy linux on sda1, that was booting fine from hd via grub on sda. but the 10.4 installer said: 'no other operating systems found' or so. (i accepted, 'cause i know how to restore that) is this generally not seen as bug? | 19:17 |
godstar | Does anyone have Ubuntu installed on a ARM UMPC? | 19:17 |
cablop | i'll try trac for some specific projects... but i think trac is more for issue tracking than svn management, | 19:18 |
iceroot | !anyone | godstar | 19:18 |
ubottu | godstar: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 19:18 |
tgall_foo | godstar, arm yes ... UMPC no | 19:18 |
cablop | froschi, you can chain the old grub and the new grub | 19:18 |
_2 | anyone ever incounter video issues where the display works fine unless you "logout/switch tty's/screen saver comes on/or any other thing that would cause it to change" and all of a sudden you can't see anything. period. until reboot. ? | 19:18 |
^peanut^ | cablop. nope, that's the beauty of python. the plugins totally expand what trac and svn can do together. trac and fully manage svn from a gui interface =) | 19:18 |
godstar | tgall_foo: What image do I use? Do you have a link? | 19:18 |
_2 | or have a good suggestion about that ? | 19:19 |
cablop | well, now i'm about to format the file system... and as always i get very intrigued in what's the fs that best suit my needs | 19:19 |
peepingtom | _2 with what graphics hardware? check launchpad for ubuntu bugs | 19:19 |
_2 | peepingtom intel | 19:19 |
Ninjagamer | graphical glitch fixed... for now. it was happening on and off. | 19:19 |
froschi | cablop: uhu, yeah, that would have been another option, if the new grup saved the old mbr. did it? well, anyway, why is *that* not a tickable option while installing? | 19:19 |
peepingtom | another guy was in here 20min ago regarding that | 19:20 |
peepingtom | _2 I say you should file something at launchpad | 19:20 |
^peanut^ | cablop: I spent about 3 months researching the best setup for a new eningeering project that was happening in my department. They wanted SVN, I wanted something to easily manage it. =) my setup really is simple and I can do most anything with it | 19:20 |
peepingtom | _2 also check your logs using the gnome log viewer | 19:20 |
_2 | peepingtom sure it wasn't me... ? i have asked several times, but with little or no response. | 19:20 |
^peanut^ | cablop: so good luck... =) let me know how it turns out | 19:20 |
sentry | I need some help with reinstalling lucid | 19:21 |
cablop | i'm about to choose from ext3, ext4 and reiserfs.... well, i think ext3 is the best of them, and if that btrfs came this is the way to switch to it, ext4 makes me worry about data lose... and inconsintencies, an also... well, reiserfs had a nice place in the past, but now some dark clouds hang over it... | 19:21 |
_2 | peepingtom logs don't really have anything that indicates that the system is aware of the problem. i.e. the system probebly thinks it's working fine. | 19:21 |
fearful | Is there a work around child_rip error on amd64 without having to boot acpi=off? | 19:21 |
peepingtom | _2 you could try bleeding-edge intel drivers | 19:21 |
peepingtom | from the xorg edgers ppa | 19:21 |
cablop | froshi, read the manual of grub2 they say how to chain installing the old grub and it auto chains | 19:21 |
godstar | How can I install Ubuntu on an ARM device? | 19:22 |
peepingtom | _2 because its pretty much certainly an issue with your intel graphics driver | 19:22 |
_2 | peepingtom i even tried using vesa driver... i'm kinda wondering if the monitor may not like running at max rez max refresh... | 19:22 |
sentry | can i reinstall 10.04 without using iso and loosing data | 19:22 |
cablop | froschi: afaik you just ned to install the old grub without removing the new one and it just auto chain it... i'll do thigns that way, so i could keep a simple grub for emergency issues until i get used to the new one | 19:22 |
svierz | hi all | 19:22 |
_2 | and wondering why xorg defaults to max everything anyway.... | 19:23 |
peepingtom | is it a laptop? I dont think LCDs really freak out with timing like CRTs did | 19:23 |
^peanut^ | godstar: have you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM | 19:23 |
cablop | godstar like a netbook? | 19:23 |
_2 | peepingtom no, desktop with crt | 19:23 |
peepingtom | _2 is it a laptop? | 19:23 |
godstar | ty ^peanut^ | 19:23 |
froschi | cablop: you mean *reinstall* the old grub? or are we talking about grub1/grub2 here? | 19:23 |
^peanut^ | godstar: np...good luck | 19:23 |
godstar | cablop: tablet | 19:23 |
peepingtom | _2 well with a crt, if the problem was your CRT you'd probably hear/see it, wouldnt you? does the CRT go into power save mode? | 19:23 |
godstar | cheers | 19:24 |
^peanut^ | =) | 19:24 |
_2 | no it just blanks peepingtom | 19:24 |
sentry | fuck it nevermind | 19:24 |
=== Cain` is now known as Cain | ||
^peanut^ | !lang | 19:24 |
peepingtom | _2 well you could try bleeding edge stuff here: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa or xswat xupdates for older intel drivers | 19:25 |
peepingtom | you can easily uninstall it with ppa-purge when you're done | 19:25 |
peepingtom | I wish they had a PPA of only drivers, but it isn't updated so you're stuck with all this other bleeding-edge stuff | 19:25 |
Daekdroom | peepingtom, they do have a PPA with drivers-only | 19:26 |
_2 | hmmm why would it be the driver though, on an older intel card, and also do the same with vesa driver... ? | 19:26 |
Daekdroom | https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/drivers-only | 19:26 |
peepingtom | clayg if you're still here you can try this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa and see if it works, uninstall with ppa-purge when youre done experimenting | 19:26 |
peepingtom | Daekdroom: an updated one? | 19:26 |
Clayg | peepingtom, ill give it a go, thanks | 19:26 |
_2 | peepingtom i'll give it a shot. thanks for the ToD on this. | 19:27 |
Daekdroom | peepingtom, it has ati and openchrome drivers for lucid | 19:27 |
godstar | btw there's an arm channel in case anyone asks | 19:27 |
godstar | #ubuntu-arm | 19:27 |
Spaztic_One | How do I change system sounds to user defined files (not change sound themes or to "built-in" sounds) and how do I change the loading / splash screen for the OS? Running Lucid. | 19:27 |
peepingtom | Daekdroom we're talking about intel, though | 19:27 |
Daekdroom | peepingtom, ah. | 19:27 |
cablop | H__ yes, oi've choosen ubuntu, i used the apche svn stack in the past and i liked it, but i'm planning to go one step further as long as my projects are becomming more challenging | 19:28 |
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cablop | froschi: yes, i'm talking about grub 1/2... there's a guide to replace grub2 ith grub1, but one stage leave both grubs chained, then you can leave them that way until you get used to grub2 and decide to wipe grub1 | 19:30 |
karmst | This is really starting to tick me off | 19:30 |
cablop | but i'n my opinion grub2 has one failure, they set the grub2 files inside one of the operative systems, and from my point of view a bootloader must be INDEPENDENT of what's installed on the system and able to reside in it's own partition | 19:30 |
sundar | Hi. I forgot the password of my Ubuntu VM installlation. What can I do? | 19:31 |
karmst | all I want is a public share that is accessbile to windows domain clients | 19:31 |
peepingtom | sundar: as it boots, hold shift and boot into recovery mode | 19:31 |
cablop | sundar, it deends on the version, bu google for a way to enter as root with no password | 19:31 |
peepingtom | then use passwd to change the user's password | 19:31 |
ZykoticK9 | sundar, see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword to reset a password | 19:31 |
froschi | cablop: well, i'll never get used to 2.... didn't even fully grasp 1... well, in my case, the 'old' and 'new' grub both are 2 i think... and the 2nd (buntu) install could've recognized the 1st and import it's menu.lst. or not? | 19:31 |
oCean_ | cablop: don't tell people to go google | 19:31 |
cablop | godstar i think you can get the netbook installer and give it a try | 19:32 |
karmst | I've been stuck on this for over an hour now | 19:32 |
karmst | absolutely ridiculous | 19:32 |
cablop | oCean_: i don't want to send people to google, but i emembered i searched it in the past when i needed the same thing | 19:32 |
cablop | but that depends on the version | 19:32 |
cablop | so i just pointing to the fact i got the solution in that place two years ago | 19:33 |
^peanut^ | karmst: if the folder you are tryin to share owned by u? | 19:33 |
* resno looks around | 19:33 | |
^peanut^ | is* | 19:33 |
brian- | I am running ubuntu with kernel 2.6.32-23, how do i update the kernel? | 19:33 |
karmst | yes | 19:33 |
godstar | cablop: gonna try that now bbl | 19:33 |
karmst | I installed Samba | 19:33 |
^peanut^ | karmst: ok, go into "Computer" on your desktop or from the "Places" menu | 19:33 |
cablop | it's something like booting linux with just one user mode and no password, then you log as root, then go to shell and create a pasword for root, then log in a normal environment and set a new password for your user, i ican't rememeber the rest of the details, but that's how i did, | 19:34 |
^peanut^ | karmst: oh, are you talking about a smb server share? or the one through the ubuntu desktop? | 19:34 |
peepingtom | brian: what kernel do you want to upgrade to? | 19:34 |
karmst | I just need it to be accessible by windows clients | 19:34 |
anirvana | I want to sniff the traffic for an application on ubuntu? How to do it?Need help :) | 19:34 |
karmst | I was trying to setup Samba | 19:34 |
brian- | peepingtom: Is there a newer kernel then what i have? | 19:34 |
karmst | but something doesn't allow for public connections through it | 19:35 |
cablop | !samba | 19:35 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 19:35 |
^peanut^ | karmst: well, you can do all the file sharing right from the GUI | 19:35 |
karmst | so I can remove samba | 19:35 |
karmst | and just use ubuntu? | 19:35 |
cablop | well, now i'm unsure what file system to use | 19:35 |
peepingtom | brian: not in Ubuntu Lucid. Canonical makes modifications to the kernels that it compiles. You can use the latest builds, but won't be able to use any proprietary drivers | 19:35 |
^peanut^ | open up your "Places" menu, then choose Home, then the folder you want to share. Right click and choose "Sharing options" | 19:36 |
brian- | peepingtom: Okay, thanks. I wasn't sure because i have an android phone and my kernel is 2.6.34 on there, wasn't sure if that just worked with android or not. Thanks | 19:36 |
^peanut^ | karmst: you could still use samaba. there should also be a gui for that as well. | 19:36 |
=== ND-work is now known as NightDragon | ||
sundar | peepingtom, ZykoticK9: thanks a lot, recovery mode worked like a charm. :) | 19:36 |
^peanut^ | samba* | 19:36 |
peepingtom | ;) | 19:37 |
NightDragon | hey guys | 19:37 |
NightDragon | quick question | 19:37 |
NightDragon | i am looking for a way to install windows on client computers with PXE , using a ubuntu box as my server | 19:37 |
peepingtom | !install | 19:37 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 19:37 |
froschi | ^peanut^: well, apropos, 'share files overt the network' 'this feature cannot be enabled because the required packages are not installed' <- gah? where is the button to install those? | 19:37 |
NightDragon | peepingtom: read that a little bit closer | 19:37 |
oCean_ | peepingtom: that is not relevant | 19:37 |
sprung | Where is a url that is the list of the !commands used in here? | 19:38 |
karmst | ok | 19:38 |
^peanut^ | karmst: if you open up Ubuntu Software center, do a search for samba, and install the first 2 samba packages listed | 19:38 |
karmst | now how do I enable guest access? | 19:38 |
Pici | !brain | sprung | 19:38 |
ubottu | sprung: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | 19:38 |
peepingtom | it shows how to install TFTP servers :( | 19:38 |
karmst | guest acess is grayed out | 19:38 |
karmst | access* | 19:38 |
froschi | ^peanut^: and the help doesn't tell the packages' names either | 19:38 |
^peanut^ | karmst: from the sharing options to share a folder I'm not really sure. | 19:39 |
sprung | ^peanut^, if you're setting up windows networking on linux, it can be quite confusing for the novice. If you need help, be sure to check out #samba | 19:39 |
^peanut^ | froschi: if you install the 2 samba packages from the software center that I mentioned above, then run the samba configuration app from system tools, you should be good to go | 19:39 |
abhijit | karmst, see if there is any option in syatem=>admin=>users and groups for enabling guest | 19:40 |
footprint | help register | 19:40 |
^peanut^ | sprung: yea... =) I've walk this road many a time =) | 19:40 |
abhijit | footprint, type /help register for more information join #freenode | 19:40 |
^peanut^ | ubuntu has made it pretty easy | 19:40 |
Pici | !register > footprint | 19:40 |
ubottu | footprint, please see my private message | 19:40 |
froschi | ^peanut^: well, the help says, it's exported via webdav, which i would like to use very much for some days for other reasons. is this still via samba? not apache+webdav or so? | 19:41 |
abhijit | oh sorry footprint its /msg nickserv help register | 19:41 |
froschi | ...if it's not a 'button is missing' kinda bug, it's a doc's book i think... | 19:41 |
^peanut^ | froschi: webdav and samba having nothing to do with each other. Web dav as the name implies is a web service run from apache | 19:41 |
peepingtom | NightDragon do you have a copy of WinPE or are you hoping for an open source replacement? | 19:42 |
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froschi | ^peanut^: rite, that's what i said :) to i seem to have to install that... just wouldn't know that as a noobi | 19:43 |
=== joona is now known as joona_ | ||
NightDragon | peepingtom: i can probably get it. Where is it located? | 19:43 |
=== joona_ is now known as joona | ||
^peanut^ | froschi: sorry man. I may have missed something you said | 19:43 |
karmst | no | 19:43 |
karmst | no options | 19:43 |
NightDragon | (i'm guessing in a windows server CD folder somewhere) | 19:43 |
Jigal | how do i install eclipse in 10.04? | 19:44 |
^peanut^ | ubuntu software center | 19:44 |
joona | Hey, sorry if I'm interrupting, but I keep getting segmentation faults when I try to launch Synaptic or Fusion Icon or Compiz settings manager :( | 19:44 |
Jigal | ^peanut^: doesnt go | 19:45 |
cablop | Jigal: my prefeed method is to decompress the eclipse file in the opt folder | 19:45 |
sprung | joona, are you running as sudo? | 19:45 |
ZykoticK9 | Jigal, i'm under the impression you need to add the Partner Repo and add Sun's (Oracle's) Java for Eclipse to work correctly. Just remember people chatting about it - don't use it myself. | 19:45 |
cablop | i fdon;t like the eclipse packaged in the repos, it's harsd for you to configure more than one eclipse setup as many evelopers do | 19:45 |
joona | yeah | 19:45 |
craigbass1976 | Anyone know why the livecd would be prompting me to install proprietary drivers, but a fresh install isn't | 19:45 |
^peanut^ | Jigal: have you run apt-get update lately? I see it and when I do a search for eclipse in the usc | 19:45 |
sprung | joona, paste the full error to pastebin | 19:45 |
sprung | !pastebin | joona | 19:45 |
ubottu | joona: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 19:45 |
joona | It | 19:46 |
nkei0 | is there any way to grow a partition without moving it in gparted? | 19:46 |
cablop | Jigal, using the repo eclipse just kepp you with just one version of it... and eclipse don't need os integration,it depends on your needs | 19:46 |
avg_guy | how would i do a clean install of firefox ? like purge firefox so to speak | 19:46 |
peepingtom | NightDragon: no idea, but you can definitely use pxelinux and a tftp server on linux as you could on Windows, it's making the window image that's a new skill | 19:46 |
sllide | is there something like ollydbg for windows? | 19:46 |
joona | @sprung, It's nothing special but just a plain "Segmentation Fault" | 19:46 |
peepingtom | http://www.wiul.org/ you know this was the third hit on google for "windows pxe install" | 19:46 |
cablop | avg_guy: current ubuntu has the exra integration through a firefox ubuntu plugin or something, just remove that plugin | 19:47 |
sprung | nkei0, gparted should grow your partition, given that it is on the same drive and it has space to do so | 19:47 |
NightDragon | peepingtom: wouldn't i more or less just want to have some sort of PE enviro that will have an installation CD mounted? | 19:47 |
joona | debsum: http://paste.ubuntu.com/466082/ | 19:47 |
ZykoticK9 | avg_guy, be sure to move/rename the settings in your home folder (even purge doesn't touch these!), probably ~/.mozilla/firefox | 19:47 |
^peanut^ | cablop: not sure but I think ubuntu would perfer for people to use the packages that are somewhat supported by ubuntu. I've seen other people in here in the past have users un-install the eliscpe package that wasn't installed via the repos | 19:47 |
nkei0 | sprung: Yeah, i've attempted it once before, however, it failed right at the end... I'm thinking the grow goes okay, but the move is failing, and when it does it reverts back to how it was. | 19:48 |
sprung | joona, What version of Ubuntu are you running? | 19:48 |
sprung | nkei0, and it gives no error messages or warnings about why it reverts? | 19:48 |
danpwright | evening all...new Ubuntu user here, looking for some assistance with a wireless connection problem I am having | 19:49 |
danpwright | anyone got 5 mins? | 19:49 |
nkei0 | sprung: let me check the details that i saved, even though i didn't see anything | 19:49 |
abhijit | !ask | danpwright | 19:49 |
ubottu | danpwright: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 19:49 |
danpwright | Ok! | 19:49 |
joona | I'm running 10.04 | 19:49 |
joona | Kubuntu | 19:49 |
sprung | !kubuntu | joona | 19:50 |
ubottu | joona: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde | 19:50 |
danpwright | I have Ubuntu 10.0.4 installed on an iBook G3: I can access the internet through wired ethernet, and I can see the wireless network I have, but when I put the password in, it searches and then just asks again and won't connect. Any ideas? | 19:50 |
joona | The guys at #kubuntu told me to come here | 19:50 |
sprung | !patience | danpwright | 19:51 |
ubottu | danpwright: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 19:51 |
joona | because Synaptic is a Gnome program or something | 19:51 |
nkei0 | sprung: I get two error messages on the details: move filesystem to the left 01:19:57 ( ERROR ) and copy 49090560 sectors using a blocksize of 256 sectors 01:19:43 ( ERROR ) 43701760 of 49090560 copied Error while reading block at sector 383112704 | 19:51 |
danpwright | thanks ubottu | 19:51 |
sprung | nkei0, You may have bad sectors on your hard disk. | 19:51 |
ZykoticK9 | danpwright, do you happen to know if you can connect to unencrypted wireless networks? Common problem - not sure if it applies to your hardware/setup. | 19:51 |
=== Mike___ is now known as Mike__ | ||
ubuntu__ | danpwright, ubottu is bot.... | 19:51 |
nkei0 | sprung: Am I going to need to create a new partition table? | 19:52 |
joona | danpwright, have you tried connecting via console? | 19:52 |
danpwright | Tried removing the WEP password to unencrypted: not luck | 19:52 |
danpwright | no idea how to connect using console, joana | 19:52 |
danpwright | joona* | 19:52 |
anirvana | I want to sniff the traffic for an application on ubuntu? How to do it?Need help :) | 19:52 |
nkei0 | anirvana: wireshark i think is a good app for that if i remember right | 19:52 |
cablop | ^peanut^: well, that's true, but in fact eclipse is configured per user, not per station, i was using it for years and i clearly know it, you just decompress it in windows and start using it, it's the same elsewhere, how yto install some plugins in eclipse? you just decompress them inside the eclipse folder... so one way or another you'll end breaking the eclipse in ubuntu | 19:52 |
^peanut^ | anirvana: yea, wireshark | 19:52 |
joona | danpwright, try to open console and say: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid (your network's ESSID/name) | 19:52 |
ZykoticK9 | anirvana, you might want to check out wireshark -as nkei0 also suggested ;) | 19:53 |
sprung | nkei0, No. please be patient, I am typing. | 19:53 |
cablop | in fact eclipse in ubuntu is splited accross many folders, making really hard to add a new plugin to it | 19:53 |
anirvana | sure | 19:53 |
joona | danpwright, then sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode managed (your encryption key) | 19:53 |
danpwright | I get no such device | 19:53 |
joona | no wlan0 | 19:54 |
joona | = | 19:54 |
joona | *? | 19:54 |
cablop | i also use three eclipse at the same time, one for php, another for jee and a plain old eclipse with visual editor... i just compress e compres them or move their folders between OS installs or just move them to a new computer and carry all plugins and settings, it's easier | 19:54 |
danpwright | Confused here too...but the wireless can see the network | 19:54 |
abhijit | sprung, why you told him to keep patince? As per I see he only aksed once? correct me if I am wrong? | 19:54 |
_gpg_ | hi | 19:54 |
joona | danpwright, do sudo iwconfig | 19:55 |
joona | then paste the output here: paste.ubuntu.com | 19:55 |
joona | and share the link | 19:55 |
^peanut^ | cablop: wow, far to much work to setup and deal with that for me. my engineers are mostly hardware (fpga/dsp/asic) or software C++/php/perl guys. and the very basics work very well for them =) | 19:55 |
andrewe | Hi, are there any binaries for VDPAU for Ubuntu? | 19:55 |
andrewe | E.g. for mplayer, mythtv? | 19:56 |
sprung | abhijit, Thank you for your concern, he jumped to questioning whether he should format his drive and I didn't want him to do anything rash. | 19:56 |
^peanut^ | imho: eclipse is bloat ware. but I do find that alot of people like it. =) | 19:56 |
abhijit | sprung, I am takling about danpwright | 19:56 |
cablop | dunno ^peanut^ i was using the same eclipse i setted up four or more years ago and i have reinstalled windowes 4 or 5 times with no need to recreate that eclipse in all that time :P | 19:56 |
joona | andrewe: I believe so, you shoud try using something like synaptic or kpackagekit (on KDE) to find the package | 19:57 |
sprung | abhijit, Thank you for your concern about yet another person I am chatting with, you certainly are showing a lot of concern. I did so because he repeated in less than a minute. | 19:57 |
sprung | abhijit, Do I have your permission to continue yet, or are you going to show some more concern | 19:57 |
abhijit | sprung, danpwright diddnt reapted his question. he asked only once. just have a look at logs | 19:57 |
andrewe | joona: I use aptitude, but there are no packages for mplayer of mythtv that contain vdpau support | 19:57 |
wabash | Can anyone tell me why 64-bit is not recommended for most users? | 19:58 |
joona | andrewe: or then write this to console: "sudo apt-get install (your package)" | 19:58 |
joona | or apt-cache search (package search keyword) | 19:58 |
andrewe | s/of/or/g | 19:58 |
abhijit | sprung, hmm you continue......... | 19:58 |
cablop | in my opinion, as long as eclipse won't integrate with the operative system you don't really need to force a fake integration on it that would make your life harder | 19:58 |
^peanut^ | sprung: abhijit, please, stop | 19:58 |
sprung | abhijit, oh i see you are here to show some more concern. Take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, I will discuss it with you there. | 19:58 |
peepingtom | wabash: because flash requires a wrapper that makes it horribly unstable | 19:58 |
sprung | !offtopic | abhijit | 19:58 |
ubottu | abhijit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:58 |
joona | hmm | 19:58 |
whlspacedude | How would i monitor the condition of an External Raid enclosure in Ubuntu? | 19:58 |
wabash | peepingtom: Flash the only reason? | 19:58 |
peepingtom | wabash: it is for me ;) | 19:58 |
andrewe | joona: mplayer pretends to support vdpau (with -vo vdpau), but the CPU tells me otherwise. | 19:59 |
joona | hmm.. | 19:59 |
andrewe | and vdpauinfo returns some information. | 19:59 |
cablop | peepingtom: nowadays flash runs wrapped, no matter os or browser | 19:59 |
sprung | nkei0, you need to run badblocks. sudo badblocks -nvs /dev/yourdevice | 19:59 |
peepingtom | cablop: not with nspluginwrapper it doesnt | 19:59 |
joona | andrewe: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1037625 | 19:59 |
nkei0 | sprung: Do i need to be in a live environment to do that? | 20:00 |
cablop | i was using the latest firefox on windows and it always looks like running inside something called plugin-container | 20:00 |
jigal | getting this error http://pastebin.com/QcpvVRBb when trying to install eclipce through usc | 20:00 |
sprung | nkei0, yes | 20:00 |
joona | danpwright, is the wireless working? | 20:00 |
cablop | i think ff 3.6.x changed it | 20:00 |
danpwright | http://paste.ubuntu.com/466092/ | 20:00 |
peepingtom | the nvidia vdpau multimedia PPA is pretty nice:, andrewe https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/cutting-edge-multimedia | 20:00 |
danpwright | that's what I get | 20:00 |
nkei0 | sprung: Should I do that on the partition that I'm trying to grow or on the unallocated space? | 20:01 |
nkei0 | sprung: nevermind dumb question | 20:01 |
sprung | nkei0, since you've got bad blocks, I'd check everything | 20:01 |
peepingtom | andrewe: also this gives you the latest version of the nvidia driver with vdpau https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates | 20:01 |
sprung | nkei0, well, MAYBE have bad blocks | 20:01 |
YoJack | kernel build where do i go for that ? | 20:01 |
peepingtom | cablop nspluginwrapper allows the loading of 32bit plugins on 64bit machines | 20:01 |
YoJack | #/j kernel | 20:02 |
Spaztic_One | can compiz and all associated packages be removed? I forget what parts I had added and am trying to remove it completely, but don't want to fubar my installation. | 20:02 |
peepingtom | it works admirably but it still makes flash crash a LOT | 20:02 |
andrewe | joona: thanks for that link, I already got that. Unfortunately, it didn't solve my problem. | 20:02 |
nkei0 | sprung: Currently, I'm trying a resize/move operation that's a little less work on the system right now. Instead of trying to add 75gig I only told it to add 25 and i'm going to see how that works. | 20:02 |
sprung | peepingtom, flash crashes a lot anyway :) | 20:02 |
cablop | oh | 20:02 |
danpwright | joona, I assume it is working as it can see the network | 20:02 |
peepingtom | well flash under nspluiginwrapper currently has that horrible bug that doesnt allow you to click on flash elements | 20:02 |
andrewe | joona: probably because in the forum they don't use Lucid. | 20:02 |
^peanut^ | nkei0: shrunk my 250gb disk from 250 to 80gb and it took about 1 1/2 hours. so I | 20:03 |
cablop | going with ext3... i got no answer here so i guess ext4 is not that popular enough | 20:03 |
sprung | nkei0, Right, but let me explain to you the problem. It's crashing because when gparted is doing the resize or move operation, the program terminates because it encounters what it believes may be a bad sector on your hard drive. Let me know if you understand that part. | 20:03 |
^peanut^ | I'd think it should go pretty fast for ya | 20:03 |
jigal | getting this error http://pastebin.com/QcpvVRBb when trying to install eclipce through usc | 20:03 |
wabash | Where can I get all releases? I need to find info for 9.10. | 20:03 |
john38 | Anybody know how to run wvdial | 20:04 |
sprung | ^peanut^, usually true but he's encountering sector errors that are crashing gparted | 20:04 |
nkei0 | sprung: Yeah, i do, i was just saying that it'll have to wait until that finishes. | 20:04 |
^peanut^ | sprung: doh, bad blocks. not good. how about reboot with a live cd, then fsck partitions? | 20:04 |
sprung | ^peanut^, that would be the next thing i was going to recommend | 20:04 |
nkei0 | ^peanut^: I'm on a livecd now. | 20:04 |
vBm|ubuntu | on wiki about HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCamerasGenius i see that my cam (Genius 321c) is not supported ... but it was tested with 8.10 ... anything i could try maybe to see if it'll work with some "tweaks" or whatnot on 10.04 ? | 20:04 |
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^peanut^ | sprung: ok sorry for buttin in. | 20:04 |
john38 | Anybody know how to run wvdial | 20:04 |
ZykoticK9 | peepingtom, see if this helps for flash http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/clicking-in-flash-not-working | 20:05 |
^peanut^ | brb | 20:05 |
Spaztic_One | !repeat | 20:05 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 20:05 |
andrewe | peepingtom: my nvidia driver seems to be ok, I ran qvdpautest successfully | 20:05 |
sprung | ^peanut^, no go ahead | 20:05 |
cablop | bye people, see you next time, need to restart | 20:06 |
peepingtom | ZykoticK9 thanks but Ive tried that AND the modified version of nspluginwrapper that enables that hack for only the flash plugin | 20:06 |
danpwright | hmmm....joona isn't around...anyone else to look at my paste above? | 20:06 |
riktking | hi, have just changed over to a 64bit system, but have 32bit ubuntu, any way i can upgrade between them or is a fresh install needed? | 20:07 |
peepingtom | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/410407/comments/284 | 20:07 |
peepingtom | riktking: fresh install needed | 20:07 |
terry | Where can I find info on installing 32bit applications on 64bit system? | 20:08 |
peepingtom | riktking: you can save your home directory, though | 20:08 |
riktking | peepingtom, thats what i thought, does it make a massive difference? | 20:08 |
slidinghorn | john38, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/SetUpDialer | 20:08 |
terry | In other words, "multilib". | 20:08 |
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peepingtom | riktking: youre the 4th guy to ask in 15min......yeah but it REALLY makes a bg difference if you have more than 4gb of ram | 20:08 |
erUSUL | terry: install ia32-libs; hope for the best ? | 20:08 |
peepingtom | for high-performance stuff that crunches longer numbers, there is a difference | 20:08 |
peepingtom | so for rendering and emulators and stuff like that | 20:09 |
riktking | peepingtom, only have 1.5 g lol, cant afford much more, only use it as a LAMP server, bit of media serving, nothing much more than that | 20:09 |
ZykoticK9 | terry, check out getlibs - it will be your best friend for 32bit compatibility for libraries! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=474790 | 20:09 |
peepingtom | no stay 32bit then | 20:09 |
terry | erUSUL: Thanks. But sounds like it's not all that realiable? | 20:09 |
riktking | lol peepingtom thanks for you help | 20:09 |
ugliefrog | i get this message when i try and restart -- system policy prevents restarting the system when other users are logged in -- is someone else hacking me? | 20:09 |
terry | ZykoticK9: Tnx | 20:09 |
erUSUL | terry: i only tried with games and such | 20:09 |
sprung | nkei0, also try fsck -a | 20:09 |
danpwright | Not trying to get in trouble for reposting a question, but anyone any idea why I can't connect to a wireless network I can see? Apologies | 20:10 |
nkei0 | sprung: cool, thanks | 20:10 |
nforced | Hi. I have geforce 8200 gpu and nforce chipset which I can't get working under ubuntu. forcedeth driver doesn't work, any suggestions? | 20:10 |
peepingtom | danpwright you should check the mac forum at ubuntuforums.org | 20:10 |
slidinghorn | danpwright, sounds like a driver problem...are you using ndiswrapper? | 20:10 |
nforced | please, help | 20:10 |
subone | I performed `convert *.png "Elfen Lied - Volume 11.pdf"` on 228 png images and all of my memory and swap space was used up and the process killed itself. Why did this happen? How can I do this more efficiently? | 20:10 |
danpwright | how do I install ndiswrapper? | 20:11 |
danpwright | slidinghorn, no idea what that is! | 20:11 |
slidinghorn | danpwright, oh, you're on a mac...I'm pretty sure ndiswrapper only handles windows wireless drivers | 20:11 |
danpwright | very new to this | 20:11 |
slidinghorn | !wireless | danpwright sorry, but I think this is the best I can do - | 20:11 |
ubottu | danpwright sorry, but I think this is the best I can do -: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 20:12 |
peepingtom | ndiswrapper will not work on PPC computers | 20:12 |
danpwright | thanks! | 20:12 |
peepingtom | check ubuntuforums! | 20:12 |
slidinghorn | danpwright, as peepingtom said, you should also check the forums for more info :) | 20:12 |
daniele | ciao | 20:13 |
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danpwright | thanks....already tried there, looks like Ubuntu isn't the system for me...everything works apart from that, but no wireless = no Ubuntu. Thank you for the help though! Take care | 20:13 |
nforced | Hi. I have nvidia geforce 8200 gpu and nforce chipset which I can't get working under ubuntu. forcedeth driver doesn't work, any suggestions? | 20:13 |
nforced | (10.04 lts) | 20:13 |
manday | why is the linux kernel called vmlinux and not bzimage? And why is there one in /boot and one in / ??? | 20:13 |
bandeira | hi there. i have an old computer and i'm looking for some tasks to it. i've figured out two of them: printing and sharing files.. would you guys recommend me which version of ubuntu: desktop or server? i'm interested about learning server administration. | 20:13 |
* sebsebseb is back | 20:13 | |
peepingtom | nforced: you have 2 separate problems I think, your nforce chipset and your geforce | 20:14 |
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peepingtom | can you see ANY video? | 20:14 |
peepingtom | does nouveau work? | 20:14 |
peepingtom | bandeira: use ubuntu server if you won't be hooking a monitor up to it | 20:15 |
nforced | peepingtom: yeah, why not? | 20:15 |
peepingtom | nforced: well why can't you install nvidia graphics drivers? | 20:15 |
peepingtom | nforced: are you sure you even need to install restricted drivers for nforce? Your audio doesn't work already? | 20:16 |
Beyecixramd | I can't write accents, in OpenOffice Writer, Lucid, why? | 20:16 |
nforced | peepingtom: will it help with my internet? | 20:16 |
nforced | i didn't checked it | 20:16 |
nforced | (audio) | 20:16 |
manday | why is the linux kernel called vmlinux and not bzimage? And why is there one in /boot and one in / ??? Is the one in /boot the actual kernel while the one in / is the executable? | 20:16 |
nforced | but I see that I have problems with forcedeth driver | 20:16 |
nforced | or I can't properly configure it... by ifconfig or so | 20:17 |
nforced | peepingtom: when I download and install nvidia drivers, it will install graphics and also ethernet driver for kernel?? | 20:17 |
erUSUL | manday: the one in / is a link | 20:17 |
peepingtom | nforced: no | 20:18 |
peepingtom | nforced: click system-> administration -> hardware drivers | 20:18 |
peepingtom | install the restricted nvidia drivers | 20:18 |
manday | erUSUL: thats an easy explanation | 20:18 |
peepingtom | nforced: that is for graphics only | 20:18 |
Beyecixramd | why can't i type accents with OpenOffice in Lucid? i can't believe this...... | 20:18 |
manday | erUSUL: know why its vmlinux and not bzimage? | 20:18 |
peepingtom | nforced: the forcedeth thing is a completely different issue, those drivers are open source | 20:18 |
ascheel | This is a REALLY crappy "article" for comparison, but can SOMEONE tell me what UI is being used in the Ubuntu screenshot? http://www1.euro.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/windows_or_ubuntu?c=uk&cs=ukdhs1&l=en&s=dhs | 20:19 |
nforced | peepingtom: I am doing something like that: when I boot up ubuntu 10.04, then I type in console: sudo ifconfig eth0 inet (my address), and also: route add default gw | 20:19 |
SteveDreams | Hello, I am running lucid, I have installed a custom WM, and have created an .xinitrc (+x) and symlinked ~/.Xsession to it, but gdm won't put "Xsession" in the session popup, any ideas? | 20:19 |
nforced | and my internet connection still doesn't works, even internally | 20:19 |
nforced | peepingtom: ^ | 20:19 |
ZykoticK9 | mandara, i think bzimage means it's been bzipped, while vm must mean something else... | 20:19 |
^peanut^ | aschello: which screenshot? the left or right one? | 20:19 |
nforced | yeah, I know it's opensource | 20:19 |
ascheel | peanut, the Ubuntu one. | 20:19 |
peepingtom | nforced: are you not using networkmanager for a reason? I thought this was a desktop machine | 20:19 |
Beyecixramd | ascheel: that's the Dell Ubuntu netbook interface | 20:20 |
^peanut^ | aschello: that looks like the netboot remix | 20:20 |
ascheel | Beyecixramd: it's dell specific? weak. | 20:20 |
Beyecixramd | ascheel: you will only get it if you buy a Dell netbook | 20:20 |
erUSUL | manday: why does the name imports so much. i guess it lost the bzimage name when the hability to *B*oot from floppy disks was lost as well ... | 20:20 |
Seppoz | hello, how can i mount an windows file share with password protection in command line? | 20:20 |
pting | do you guys use xchat or empathy for an irc client? | 20:20 |
nforced | peepingtom: yeah, that's desktop machime | 20:20 |
Beyecixramd | ascheel: yeah, well i have one, and it's pretty cool. But i replaced Ubuntu with Meego, tho | 20:20 |
ascheel | peanut, the netbook remix uses the netbook-launcher and it organizes it to the left and overrides the other gnome interface settings, so I can't use that one. | 20:20 |
andrewe | Can someone confirm that launchpad.net is down for lucid? | 20:20 |
manday | erUSUL: but is it in bzimage format? | 20:20 |
^peanut^ | aschello: or, its an app running the forground under lucid | 20:20 |
ascheel | Beyecixramd: bah... oh well. | 20:20 |
andrewe | Err http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages | 20:20 |
andrewe | 404 Not Found | 20:20 |
nforced | peepingtom: I'm just a slacker more than ubunter... | 20:20 |
peepingtom | nforced: why are you using ifconfig to configure the network then? You should use network manage, you can use your mouse instead of typing a bunch of stuff | 20:21 |
peepingtom | it's in the "system tray" | 20:21 |
andrewe | Or is my source.list broken? | 20:21 |
erUSUL | manday: what is bzimage format? nowadays the kernel is a compressed elf executable afaik | 20:22 |
SteveDreams | Hello, I am running lucid, I have installed a custom WM, and have created an .xinitrc (+x) and symlinked ~/.Xsession to it, but gdm won't put "Xsession" in the session popup, any ideas? | 20:23 |
dancrew32 | how do I duplicate a file from cli? | 20:24 |
whlspacedude | cp | 20:24 |
Seppoz | cd file file | 20:24 |
jeremyb | cp -p file1 file2 | 20:24 |
webPragmatist | what reasons would there that ssh would take forever to ask for auth? | 20:24 |
Seppoz | *cp | 20:24 |
ZykoticK9 | dancrew32, "cp file1 file2" | 20:24 |
^peanut^ | dancrew32: cp "filename.txt" "filename1.txt" | 20:24 |
dancrew32 | sweet, thanks all | 20:24 |
^peanut^ | np | 20:24 |
peepingtom | haha | 20:24 |
erUSUL | webPragmatist: it si not responding and the client is about to timeout ? | 20:25 |
jeremyb | anyone know how i find pendulum or where she lives? (or even a TZ) | 20:25 |
webPragmatist | erUSUL: i think so | 20:25 |
yitz_ | How does /etc/cron.weekly get scheduled? Is that running one week after the modtime or something? | 20:26 |
jeremyb | yitz_: i think there's an entry for it in /etc/crontab (run-parts maybe) | 20:26 |
switch | muhahaha | 20:26 |
nkei0 | sprung: when i do "fsck -a" it just gives me a version number of fsck i think | 20:26 |
yitz_ | Ah. Nice. Thanks, jeremyb | 20:26 |
craigbass1976 | maybe I'm numbing it. scp file user@192..../home/user/ Is there something wrong with the syntax? | 20:27 |
^peanut^ | nkeio: fsck -a /dev/sda# | 20:27 |
nkei0 | ^peanut^: ahh thanks. | 20:27 |
^peanut^ | craigbass1976: that looks fine | 20:27 |
jeremyb | ^peanut^: any idea about pendulum? | 20:27 |
Crazyguy | craigbass1976, scp file <user>@<address>:<location | 20:27 |
yitz_ | I can't figure out why this scrip it running now when it should be ran during the weekend in middle of the night... | 20:27 |
switch | anyone here familiar with cpanel? | 20:27 |
^peanut^ | jeremyb: no sorry man. | 20:27 |
jeremyb | k, thanks | 20:27 |
switch | or anyone here a hosting guru | 20:27 |
^peanut^ | craigbass1976: yea your missing a : on the remote path and the server | 20:28 |
CrayonOfDoom | I'm attempting to create a nested menu selection for ubuntu's netboot. Is there a guide somewhere on how to configure menus in the boot-screens directory for the netboot? | 20:28 |
ZykoticK9 | !anyone | switch | 20:28 |
ubottu | switch: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 20:28 |
^peanut^ | switch: check out #cpanel | 20:29 |
kopf | is there a guide for installing readline on ubuntu? | 20:29 |
erUSUL | kopf: realine is installed in ubuntu... bash ( and other programs) needs it | 20:30 |
erUSUL | !search readline | 20:30 |
ubottu | Found: | 20:30 |
erUSUL | !find readline | 20:30 |
ubottu | Found: ledit, lib64readline5, lib64readline5-dev, lib64readline6, lib64readline6-dev (and 19 others) | 20:30 |
yitz_ | Even better, the crontab runparts only runs if test -x /usr/sbin/anacron fails, so cron shouldn't be running the script and anacron doesn't seem to be up, either... so I don't get what is running this :S | 20:30 |
switch | ok. well basically im running cpanel hosting box and i have secured things yet i see that users are managing to upload scripts to the temp file and iv set the temp file as noexec yet there are scripts in there that are still executing | 20:30 |
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kopf | erUSUL: ok.. i'm getting http://pastebin.com/hRGLKiFS when trying to install Wire (no deb of it). Where should I point it to? | 20:30 |
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erUSUL | kopf: you need the dev files install libreadline5-dev | 20:31 |
kopf | ok | 20:31 |
erUSUL | i see lucid has libreadline6 too install whatever you see fit | 20:32 |
davidmorable | I have installed 9.10 on a Latitude 6510 and I am unable to connect online using a wired Ethernet connection...any help would be great | 20:32 |
davidmorable | When I click the icon for networks I get the message "No network devices available" | 20:33 |
kopf | erUSUL: thanks for that. | 20:33 |
erUSUL | davidmorable: "ifconfig" shows eth0 ? | 20:34 |
davidmorable | no only shows lo | 20:34 |
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sam898889 | my computer is crashing at random intervals. i have no idea whats causing it, im using a macbook and running ubuntu 10.04lts any ideas anyone where i should look ??? | 20:34 |
erUSUL | davidmorable: what nic card is this ? « lspci | grep -i net » | 20:34 |
mateobur | hello | 20:35 |
Sketchbag | hello | 20:35 |
davidmorable | Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Device 10ea (rev 05) | 20:35 |
mateobur | microphone doesn't work in skype using ubuntu lucid | 20:35 |
mateobur | any hints ? | 20:35 |
mateobur | it works using the "sound recorder" | 20:35 |
davidmorable | Network Controller: Broadcom Corporation Device 4727 (rev 01) | 20:36 |
sam898889 | my computer is crashing at random intervals. i have no idea whats causing it, im using a macbook and running ubuntu 10.04lts any ideas anyone where i should look ??? | 20:36 |
erUSUL | davidmorable: try this « sudo modprobe e1000e » repeat the « ifconfig » | 20:36 |
webPragmatist | is there a sshd log of sorts? | 20:37 |
tibman | howdy, I hope i am not going to get shot for asking this, but does anyone know which file system is best to use for an old laptop I am installing lucid puppy on: ext3 or ext4? | 20:38 |
erUSUL | davidmorable: no eth0 ? after the modprobe ? | 20:38 |
erUSUL | tibman: ext4 4 > 3 isn't it ? | 20:38 |
tibman | i dont know, I have been readying and in the past some programs wont work with it | 20:39 |
switch | reiser | 20:39 |
sam898889 | my computer is crashing at random intervals. i have no idea whats causing it, im using a macbook and running ubuntu 10.04lts any ideas anyone where i should look ???.... | 20:39 |
erUSUL | davidmorable: « dmesg | tail -n20 » do you see any abvious error ? | 20:39 |
tibman | i imagine it is like x86 vs x64? | 20:39 |
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367 | ||
alien_ | hi guys | 20:41 |
Ashfire908 | How do I move the window controls back to the right? | 20:41 |
alien_ | need some help with ipod | 20:41 |
andrewe | hi alien_ | 20:41 |
froschi | sam898889: been there yesterday. used memtest86, ripped out one ram, now works :) | 20:41 |
erUSUL | davidmorable: try this (this time no e at the end) « sudo modprobe e1000 » | 20:41 |
Clemens | If I have deleted a file from my Ubuntu machine using shift+delete, is there a way to get it back ? :s | 20:41 |
* lhx NOM NOM! | 20:41 | |
erUSUL | !undelete | Clemens | 20:41 |
ubottu | Clemens: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel | 20:41 |
Clemens | ubottu: thnx | 20:43 |
erUSUL | davidmorable: no eth0 ? | 20:43 |
alien_ | gconf-editor for the buttons to the rigth | 20:43 |
pipino | ma come cavolo funziona!!?? | 20:43 |
tibman | hmm, well thanks anyway | 20:43 |
purvesh | can some one help me to Boot live cd via Pen Drive ? | 20:43 |
alien_ | penndrivelinux | 20:43 |
erUSUL | davidmorable: :( maybe the nic is somehow disabled in the bios or something ? | 20:43 |
tibman | <purvesh> what are you trying to boot? | 20:43 |
Ritztech | anyone familar with Expect -f Scripts | 20:43 |
Ritztech | i think its called TCL with expect | 20:44 |
alien_ | they have a installer of any linux via usb | 20:44 |
sam_00908 | ok computer crashed again. can anyone help? im going crazy ~~~ | 20:44 |
alien_ | anyone with ipod expirience | 20:44 |
neckoox | alien_ no but what is your problem ? | 20:45 |
alien_ | my's is not showing in rythmbox | 20:45 |
alien_ | it was before | 20:45 |
erUSUL | davidmorable: ok | 20:45 |
erUSUL | !ipod | 20:45 |
ubottu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 20:45 |
=== sssiva03 is now known as karthee | ||
tibman | <pervish>? | 20:45 |
neckoox | alien_ hm. i had a weird problem too with my ipod : only 7gig out of the 30 were recognized by ryhtmbox O_o | 20:45 |
purvesh | tibman, actually i had setup. Startup Disk Creator via live cd to my Pendrive but at the time of Booting from Pendrive it is not Booting, so what is the Cause my pendrive company is verbatim 4GB pendrive and i had given 870mb alloted to setup. | 20:45 |
karthee | hi .. after restarting my ubuntu, keyboard is not getting detected .. any help please ? | 20:46 |
alien_ | my's wor fine for wile | 20:46 |
kad__ | hey!! how to use the dpkg --force-architecture command to force application "Packet tracer" 32-bit to be installed on 64-bit Ubuntu ? thx | 20:46 |
alien_ | but now is not | 20:46 |
purvesh | karthee, it is USB or what ? | 20:46 |
tibman | <pervish> I am not sure why it stopped working, but I can help you re-load it to your pen drive | 20:46 |
karthee | purvesh: its my laptop .. dell | 20:46 |
erUSUL | kad__: it is not aviable in 64 bits ? | 20:47 |
dante123 | putting cdrom writer into an older system......do I use 40 pin IDE cable or 80 or does it make a difference? | 20:47 |
purvesh | karthee, ohk... | 20:47 |
karthee | purvesh: any ideas ? | 20:47 |
purvesh | tibman, ok... then tell me | 20:47 |
kad__ | erUSUL, no but i check this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=881641 , they success to install it using the force-architecture command | 20:47 |
purvesh | tibman, what should i do for that .. | 20:47 |
dante123 | reason I ask is because cdrom appears and then disappears under 10.04....also floppy showing up and there is none | 20:47 |
purvesh | karthee, so you are typing via virtual keyboard or what ? | 20:48 |
kad__ | erUSUL, i try sudo dpkg --install --force-architecture PacketTracer-5.3-u.i386.deb hope it work | 20:48 |
purvesh | karthee, u from india ? | 20:48 |
tibman | <purvish> switch to the private chat | 20:48 |
karthee | purvesh: yep | 20:48 |
alien_ | does ubunty bring all codecs by default | 20:48 |
karthee | purvesh: i m on another machine .. I am able to ssh to it .. | 20:48 |
alien_ | i want to switch from mint to ubuntu 10 | 20:49 |
purvesh | karthee, so u also knw that we also have our Own channel :) #ubuntu-in | 20:49 |
gaurav | how i install lamp in my system | 20:49 |
erUSUL | kad__: why not use the procedure in post 6 ? seems safer ( poster 7 says as much ) | 20:49 |
karthee | purvesh: sorry i dont know .. | 20:49 |
kad__ | erUSUL, it work out =) | 20:49 |
erUSUL | gaurav: sudo tasksel install lamp-server | 20:50 |
tibman | <purvish> first get a program called "unetbootin" here is a link: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ | 20:50 |
kad__ | erUSUL, post 6 failed coz Packet tracer only available under 32-bit | 20:50 |
kad__ | erUSUL, anyway thx it work | 20:50 |
erUSUL | kad__: ok | 20:50 |
purvesh | gaurav, use synaptic and go to use Click on edit and select mark Package by Task :) | 20:51 |
purvesh | karthee, it is our ubuntu indian channel | 20:51 |
tibman | <purvish> load the program, then in you take the iso of the program you want to boot live and install it | 20:51 |
bambalam | hi | 20:51 |
bambalam | at all | 20:52 |
purvesh | karthee, about your keyboard so try to go to at Bios at once at the time of restarting press Tab or Del button | 20:52 |
karthee | purvesh: ohh I see .. thats cool .. but now I need to get back my keyboard working .. any ideas ? | 20:52 |
tibman | <Purvish> i got to go, good luck | 20:52 |
davidmorable | Any one have any idea how to troubleshoot a missing network device? | 20:52 |
purvesh | tibman, sry ... so what should i do .. | 20:52 |
karthee | purvesh: keyboard is working there .. after ubuntu loads its not working .. | 20:52 |
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neckoox | Hey people , i just want to know if some of you have had a problem with evolution and HOTMAIL accounts . Mine doesn't want to authenticate . i've read MS have changed msn protocol in march ... | 20:52 |
corey | cjknudson | 20:53 |
purvesh | karthee, at the time of login screen then also it works ? | 20:53 |
seanscot_ | Hello | 20:54 |
karthee | purvesh: No .. it doesnt .. | 20:54 |
seanscot_ | Help! :( :( Run an upgrade to the latest ubuntu and suddenly the mouse and keyboard stopped working! | 20:54 |
liam_ | where do i need to go for crunchbanglinuxhelp | 20:55 |
seanscot_ | I just turned it off , but after trying to repair install the mouse and keyboard still only worth for about 5 seconds | 20:55 |
erUSUL | !derivatives | liam_ | 20:55 |
ubottu | liam_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) | 20:55 |
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seanscot_ | Can anyone help? this is distressing! | 20:56 |
purvesh | karthee, ohk... as per my knowledge now i dont have any idea... ya do one thing go to recovery and try some option at there like repair dpkg and other option may be it will help :) | 20:56 |
purvesh | karthee, u r gujarati ? | 20:56 |
stinger05 | how do you take the close, maximize and minimize button to the right hand side instead of the left (which is the defualt side for 10.04) | 20:56 |
erUSUL | !controls | 20:56 |
ubottu | In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side | 20:56 |
neckoox | seanscot_ : how can you type here then ? | 20:57 |
seanscot_ | Cos im on another laptop | 20:57 |
seanscot_ | my brothers laptop | 20:57 |
neckoox | seanscot_ : that's a problem ! mouse AND keyboard ? weird | 20:57 |
seanscot_ | Yeah | 20:57 |
wizard_ | can someone help me with a build from source | 20:57 |
Turbolinux | Hello everyone. I have a 3G problem with my internet notebook computer which is Toshiba NB200. It seems Ubuntu didn't recognized the built-in modem in my computer. I read a solution but it wasn't easy. Is there a easier solution for solving this problem? Thank you for your help. | 20:58 |
seanscot_ | Its gonna leave me with no PC til god knows when :( | 20:58 |
purvesh | karthee, u der ? | 20:58 |
neckoox | seanscot_ : google run ! | 20:58 |
iFrankZ | Good evening, can someone help me? My Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't allows me to use 3D Programs or Games... I need help with this problem, talk me in private if you know something, thanks so much. | 20:59 |
seanscot_ | Its kinda a basic thing, i dont get why ubuntu messed this up | 20:59 |
_2 | seanscot_ if alt+SysRQ+R will reset the keyboard then ctrl+alt+f1 will take you to a console/tty where you can attempt something like "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -p high xserver-xorg" | 20:59 |
seanscot_ | I cant use the keyboard though :( | 20:59 |
Paca-Vaca | cdavis, Where is the ".Trush" folder in lucid ? | 20:59 |
_2 | seanscot_ ubuntu messed it up, simply because ubuntu is trying far too hard to be idiot proff. and became idiot itself.... | 21:00 |
iFrankZ | Can someone help me? I can't turn ON my 3D, I can't even activate the 3D Aceleration, I can give more info. in private cha | 21:00 |
seanscot_ | lol word 2 | 21:00 |
_2 | seanscot_ again,,, >>> if alt+SysRQ+R will reset the keyboard then ctrl+alt+f1 will take you to a console/tty where you can attempt something like "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -p high xserver-xorg" | 21:00 |
_2 | seanscot_ the kernel hotkeys might still work. | 21:00 |
Pici | !trash | Paca-Vaca | 21:01 |
ubottu | Paca-Vaca: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 21:01 |
black | hi | 21:01 |
black | could you tell me how to stop a process | 21:01 |
seanscot_ | sorry for my stupidity , but how can I do alt+SysRQ+R ? | 21:01 |
black | im new to ubuntu | 21:01 |
seanscot_ | Is SysRQ one of the keys ? | 21:01 |
xavierm | black, open a terminal, use "top" | 21:01 |
_2 | seanscot_ yes... with print-screen | 21:01 |
erUSUL | !sysrq | 21:01 |
ubottu | In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key | 21:01 |
switch | any webhosting gurus? | 21:01 |
xavierm | black, you'll find all running process | 21:01 |
iFrankZ | Can someone help me? I'm new on Ubuntu 10.04 and I can't use any program & game that needs 3D. I can't even use the 3D Aceleration, please open a private chat if you know something about this, thank you so much. | 21:02 |
black | yeah | 21:02 |
Pici | switch: Please ask your real question and you'll find you'll get an answer. | 21:02 |
xavierm | black, check the id of the process you want to close | 21:02 |
wizard_ | can someone help me build install from source please ? | 21:02 |
erUSUL | !pm | iFrankZ | 21:02 |
ubottu | iFrankZ: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 21:02 |
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ovy | hi | 21:02 |
erUSUL | iFrankZ: what's your graphic card ? | 21:02 |
black | yeah | 21:02 |
black | then# | 21:02 |
black | the | 21:02 |
seanscot_ | Just testing xp now | 21:02 |
xavierm | black, press "k" and type the process ID | 21:02 |
seanscot_ | on the same machine | 21:02 |
erUSUL | !compile | wizard_ | 21:02 |
ubottu | wizard_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 21:02 |
neckoox | xaviern : killall <name of the process> works too does it ? | 21:02 |
erUSUL | pkill is better | 21:02 |
carl0s- | Does anybody know what the GTK / Metacity theme on the Docky wiki screenshots is? See here: http://wiki.go-docky.com/index.php?title=List_of_helpers | 21:03 |
seanscot_ | I was gonna install the latest ubuntu on my other brothers family machine but i think il hold off for now, scary | 21:03 |
black | it tells tat comman not found | 21:03 |
_2 | seanscot_ ok. anyway remember the kernel hotkeys alt+SysRQ+...... | 21:03 |
wizard_ | can someone help me build install from source please ? | 21:03 |
Pici | wizard_: Install what from source? Please ask your question in the channel and all on one line. | 21:03 |
_2 | wizard_ they use gentoo for that | 21:03 |
xavierm | black, there's a gui also, under System -> Administration -> System Monitor you can stop process from there too | 21:03 |
erUSUL | iFrankZ: please here; go to Sytem>Admin...>hardware drivers | 21:03 |
seanscot_ | il give that a go | 21:03 |
seanscot_ | in XP now , everything working fine | 21:04 |
black | ya then | 21:04 |
xavierm | black, select the process you want to kill then click on "End Process" | 21:04 |
wizard_ | Pici, I downloaded the program called LMMS this is the information it gives but it wont build from command like note I just opened terminal and typed this mkdir build | 21:04 |
wizard_ | cd build | 21:04 |
wizard_ | cmake ../ | 21:04 |
wizard_ | make | 21:04 |
wizard_ | sudo make install | 21:04 |
FloodBot2 | wizard_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:04 |
black | thank you very much :) | 21:04 |
germ86 | kark | 21:04 |
erUSUL | wizard_: lmms is on the repositories why compiling from source ? | 21:05 |
Pici | wizard_: lmms is in the Ubuntu Repositories. | 21:05 |
urthmover | basic linux question....how can I see which /dev device a mounted .iso is pointing at when running vmware? | 21:05 |
erUSUL | urthmover: if it is an iso it will be in a /dev/loop? device | 21:06 |
riktking_ | move my /home partition and keep geting Could not update ICEauthority file /home/riktking/.ICEauthority errors, is there a fix? | 21:06 |
urthmover | erUSUL: hmm ok I'll try to mount it to a directory thanks | 21:06 |
erUSUL | riktking_: probably you copied it "wrongly" and messed up the permissions ... make sure the file belongs to you | 21:07 |
riktking_ | erUSUL, it happens on boot, how do i set permissions ? | 21:08 |
erUSUL | riktking_: boot into recovery mode (or do it from a livecd ) | 21:08 |
_2 | riktking_ yes chown -R riktking /home/riktking | 21:08 |
Pici | wizard_: sudo apt-get install lmms will install it for you, not compilation needed. | 21:08 |
_2 | riktking_ errr yes, sudo chown -R riktking /home/riktking | 21:09 |
erUSUL | riktking_: in recovery mode do « chown -R youruser:youruser /home/youruser » | 21:09 |
seanscot_ | Seems a lot of people are getting this problem. How long usually do ubuntu take to fix bugs? | 21:10 |
seanscot_ | I hope its sorted soon, cos I love using ubuntu | 21:10 |
USERNAME | béke | 21:10 |
Bluh | Is there a flash for Ubyntu, if so which one? | 21:10 |
wizard_ | Pici, cheers for that installing now :) | 21:10 |
erUSUL | !flash | Bluh | 21:10 |
ubottu | Bluh: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 21:10 |
_2 | seanscot_ it's just my openion, but; ubuntu is a bug sense version 6.6 | 21:10 |
seanscot_ | I see what you mean | 21:11 |
seanscot_ | 9 worked ok for me though | 21:11 |
jamil_1 | Hello, does empathy use the gnome proxy set in System->preference->networkProxy ? | 21:11 |
cablop | well, i got this error, the ubuntu installer installed the boot loader on the wrong disk... how can i move it to the rfight device? i refer to grub2 | 21:11 |
_2 | yeah i can get 10.4 to "work" on some machines | 21:11 |
seanscot_ | I sympathise with them trying to make it idiot proof though, because microsoft os's are just a pile of shit | 21:12 |
Kaspi | čau | 21:12 |
Kaspi | i mean, hi | 21:12 |
cablop | 10.04 is sadly bloated at some spots | 21:12 |
_2 | cablop sudo grub-install /dev/right_device | 21:12 |
godstar | cablop: I think that new UNR is only for ATOM cpu.. | 21:12 |
cablop | thanks _2 | 21:12 |
_2 | cablop that can even be done from a chroot shell if needed | 21:12 |
cablop | _2 i selected the other device from bios and then booted, now i';ll instal in the right place an see what happens | 21:13 |
cablop | how can i remove the bootloader? | 21:13 |
cablop | i just needed that other device for a vm, and of course i'm unwilling to load the os twice... | 21:14 |
_2 | grub2 is good. it's a much needed improvement over grub 0.99 | 21:14 |
jamil_1 | Or to rephrase what i said, How can I make empathy to use a proxy ? | 21:14 |
_2 | cablop ummm over write the "wrong" boot loader with the "right" boot loader is the best way to "remove" a BOOT loader | 21:14 |
Kaspi | I'm looking for help with burning an MDF image to a DVD, which is split into 4 files (thething.mds, thething.mdf, thething.md0, thething.md1), Brasero doesn't seem to handle them all at once. How to? | 21:15 |
cablop | _2 but i need to remove the mbr of the other device | 21:15 |
erUSUL | !iso | Kaspi | 21:16 |
ubottu | Kaspi: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 21:16 |
erUSUL | Kaspi: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion | 21:16 |
MamboKing | hello all | 21:17 |
MamboKing | anyone know what mode provides the best throughput when nic teaming/bonding? | 21:17 |
seanscot_ | I posted how great the new Ubuntu was on facebook for my fellow tech work colleages to try it. Now I feel rather foolish. Thanks Ubuntu lol | 21:17 |
seanscot_ | I guess il have no idea when this problem is resolved either. | 21:18 |
MamboKing | seancot: what are you referring to? | 21:18 |
erUSUL | seanscot_: well chances are thy hit no problem given that you hitted them all for them XD statistics are like that | 21:18 |
seanscot_ | lol erusrul | 21:18 |
seanscot_ | I hope so | 21:19 |
seanscot_ | Im still not gonna mention it to them though | 21:19 |
seanscot_ | They are all microsoft bastards lol! | 21:19 |
seanscot_ | mamboking , im reffering to my keyboard and mouse not working in the new version of ubuntu | 21:20 |
MamboKing | ah | 21:20 |
MamboKing | i thought there was some news or something in regards to its reliability or something | 21:20 |
seanscot_ | really? | 21:20 |
MamboKing | i mean by reading your comments | 21:21 |
seanscot_ | Will ubuntu release a new stable version or will this just drag on ? | 21:21 |
seanscot_ | Ah i see | 21:21 |
ikonia | seanscot_: stable version of what ? | 21:22 |
seanscot_ | Lucid Lynx | 21:22 |
iFrankZ | erUSUL: Hola? | 21:22 |
ikonia | seanscot_: it is stable | 21:22 |
seanscot_ | lol | 21:22 |
erUSUL | iFrankZ: go to #ubuntu-es | 21:22 |
erUSUL | iFrankZ: /join #ubuntu-es | 21:22 |
seanscot_ | How can it be stable if so many people arent able to use thier mouse or keyboard? | 21:22 |
ikonia | seanscot_: how many ? | 21:22 |
seanscot_ | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1477859&page=3 | 21:23 |
seanscot_ | Tons of posts about it , but no definitive solution | 21:23 |
ikonia | seanscot_: have you logged a bug ? | 21:23 |
seanscot_ | Tbh ive not , never done it before. How do I go about it? | 21:23 |
ikonia | seanscot_: there are 30 posts, mostly containing 5 people, that's not really "all these people" is it | 21:24 |
ikonia | !bug | seanscot_ | 21:24 |
ubottu | seanscot_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 21:24 |
seanscot_ | Ikonia , try googling it | 21:24 |
seanscot_ | theres more than that thread | 21:24 |
ikonia | seanscot_: and yet no-ones logged or mentioned a bug..... | 21:24 |
seanscot_ | No point in just being an apologist just for the sake of it lol | 21:24 |
ikonia | seanscot_: no one is being an apologist | 21:24 |
seanscot_ | If it works in 9.10 and suddenly stops working here then it is a problem. | 21:25 |
ikonia | seanscot_: but you're making wild statements that the OS is unstable, which is nonsense, there may be a bug which effects a specific user component, but unless you can find a bug logged for it, how are ubuntu meant to know there is a problem | 21:25 |
seanscot_ | the keyboard and mouse still work fine in xp | 21:25 |
=== sebner_ is now known as sebner | ||
seanscot_ | Well its just a bit crazy for me that plenty people are having the same problem that they didnt have in 9 | 21:26 |
seanscot_ | thats a bug | 21:26 |
cablop | what's the prefered seting about repositories? | 21:26 |
ikonia | seanscot_: so instead of making these wild statements, check the bug database to find if a bug has been logged, maybe even a fix, or log a bug so ubuntu know there is a problem and can fix it | 21:26 |
ikonia | seanscot_: plenty ?? | 21:26 |
ikonia | seanscot_: how many | 21:26 |
ikonia | seanscot_: a bug is not "unstable" | 21:26 |
cablop | to prefer packages from lucid-updates, or lucid-security? | 21:26 |
FloodBot2 | ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:26 |
nkei0 | my mouse doesn't work in the one before lynx | 21:26 |
specter | I got a problem concerning the poulsbo drivers for lucid lynx. Everything is shaking on my Vaio P. Any advise? | 21:26 |
peepingtom | cablop I think its called "pinning" | 21:26 |
seanscot_ | http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu+10.04+keyboard+and+mouse+not+working&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&gs_upl=11741%2C281%2C33%2C8%2C73%2C183%2C32%2C1 | 21:26 |
peepingtom | cablop http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html | 21:27 |
ikonia | seanscot_: I didn't ask for a link, I asked for how many people are effected | 21:27 |
seanscot_ | I didnt count them , you do the counting if you think it makes any difference | 21:27 |
ikonia | seanscot_: it does make a difference as it effects the priority of the bug | 21:27 |
silverraindog | how do you find the ubuntu backgrounds, if you have set a default one ? | 21:27 |
thune3 | seanscot_: my question would be whether this is a function of upgrade, or does the problem also exist when you run 10.04 livecd. | 21:27 |
ikonia | seanscot_: so instead of making false comments in here, I suggest you search the bug database for a known bug, or log a new one | 21:27 |
seanscot_ | hey thune, its both | 21:28 |
ikonia | seanscot_: other tests would include stopping X and using GDM to test your mouse on the console, to see if the problem is with ubuntu and your mouse, or your mouse and Xorg | 21:28 |
seanscot_ | Upgrade and live cd | 21:28 |
ikonia | seanscot_: as you can see the forum post it is suggested the problem is with the ATI closed source driver, with is nothing to do with ubuntu | 21:28 |
seanscot_ | Thats way above my head mate. Ubuntu is idiot proof for idiots like me lol I dont pretend to know jack shit about ubuntu but i like the ethics behind it | 21:29 |
mikeru | so I changed some alsa options in /etc/modprobe.d | 21:29 |
mikeru | and now my computer stops at a _ | 21:29 |
ikonia | seanscot_: control your language | 21:29 |
mikeru | blinking underscore | 21:29 |
seanscot_ | But how come it wasnt a problem in version 9? | 21:29 |
ikonia | seanscot_: you'll need to log a bug, however checking the supportability/compatability of your video card is always a good idea too | 21:29 |
ikonia | seanscot_: because the ATI drivers have changed and device support has changed | 21:29 |
=== osxfr33k is now known as F3d0rA | ||
seanscot_ | Yeah. The video card is fine though | 21:30 |
mikeru | is there any kernel command line option to disable alsa? | 21:30 |
thune3 | seanscot_: that's the purpose of livecd. if it doesn't work in livecd, there will be some pain to get it to work, or it won't work. | 21:30 |
ikonia | seanscot_: no it's not | 21:30 |
ikonia | seanscot_: the video card controls the interaction with the desktop and the mouse | 21:30 |
mikeru | e.g. vga=791 & noapic & acpi=off, one like alsa=off ? | 21:30 |
ikonia | seanscot_: you've got a problem with your mouse on the desktop, odds are high the video card is "the" problem | 21:30 |
Kaspi | erUSUL: I tried to convert the mdf to iso, but the mdf2iso tool was saying: "thething.mdf is already ISO9660" | 21:30 |
discozohan | Hello. I am trying to install ubuntu from usb, but during the beginning of install it shows me "Failed to copy file from CD-ROM. Retry?" | 21:30 |
mikeru | Kapsi: try renaming it to thething.iso, if the program says it is it must be | 21:31 |
discozohan | what's wrong here ? | 21:31 |
Songer | hello, how you doing? | 21:31 |
lobito | hello, can someone help me plz with ccsm? I dont find the option to make the title bar of each window transparent | 21:31 |
froschi | uh, is there a way to have that noisy harddisk park (even putting the data integrity at risk on rw-fs's?) and stay down for longer than 10 seconds? | 21:31 |
ikonia | seanscot_: read post #17 in that forum thread, it's quite enlightening | 21:31 |
countley | hello every | 21:31 |
Songer | i just installed carmic but i canno get in, mi monitor goes black | 21:31 |
mikeru | lobito: AFAIK there's no option in compiz to do so. you may use emerald, but nobody makes themes for it anymore | 21:32 |
seanscot_ | Well I know that about running the LIVE cd first now, But I guess because I was running a working version of ubuntu already and it asked me to upgrade that it would be ok | 21:32 |
Kaspi | mikeru: my problem is that the mdf is split into 4 files and i can burn only 1 image at a time, which means renaming 1 mdf file wouldn't help me | 21:32 |
Songer | eny help? | 21:32 |
seanscot_ | It should let you know that your keyboard or mouse might stop working if you do | 21:32 |
mikeru | Kapsi: use 4 discs ? | 21:32 |
ikonia | seanscot_: thats a reasonable assumption, however hardware support does change, and as Ubuntu has no control over the ATI device support, that could be an issue | 21:32 |
ikonia | seanscot_: ATI is a known problem hardware on any linux platform. | 21:32 |
peepingtom | I've seen this on windows and wonder if there is a linux equivalent: is it possible to temporarily buffer all hard-disk writes to RAM, for example while a laptop is being moved between rooms? | 21:32 |
erUSUL | Kaspi: entonces haz « mv thething.mdf thething.iso » and burn it like that | 21:33 |
Kaspi | mikeru: it is one image - one disc, split into 4 files | 21:33 |
seanscot_ | Well thanks for educating me on that ikonia (not sarcasm) | 21:33 |
seanscot_ | what is ATI btw? | 21:33 |
peepingtom | kaspi: search for 2iso in synaptic, lots of converters | 21:33 |
ikonia | seanscot_: if you don't know that sort of thing, it can eat you | 21:33 |
ikonia | seanscot_: you're video card vendor | 21:33 |
peepingtom | ie. mdf2iso | 21:33 |
seanscot_ | mines is NVIDIA | 21:33 |
Songer | help ti get in karmi? | 21:33 |
ikonia | seanscot_: are you not the first poster in that thread ? | 21:34 |
Kaspi | peepingtom: I already tried this one, and I was writing it here.. | 21:34 |
Songer | mi monitor stop signal and goes black | 21:34 |
seanscot_ | Ive not posted anything in the thread yet | 21:34 |
ikonia | seanscot_: do you know (can you) use pastebin ? | 21:34 |
Kaspi | erUSUL: that will burn only that renamed part of the whole image | 21:34 |
seanscot_ | would I not need my mouse for it? | 21:34 |
ikonia | seanscot_: before the mouse hangs do you have time to open a web browser and paste some text | 21:34 |
ikonia | seanscot_: can you access a console (does the keyboard still work) | 21:35 |
seanscot_ | Ive got a bluetooth chip and mouse which was installed in my previous ubuntu install | 21:35 |
seanscot_ | No it just freezes | 21:35 |
ikonia | seanscot_: is your keyboard bluetooth too ? | 21:35 |
peepingtom | seanscott: you can use a softmouse using the numpad.....anyone remember the sequence to activate it? | 21:36 |
ikonia | peepingtom: his keyboard is dead too | 21:36 |
seanscot_ | ok its workin gnow | 21:36 |
peepingtom | seanscot: time for a new keyboard, or a crappy temporary used one so you can use http://nialldonegan.me/2007/08/24/turning-you-number-pad-into-a-mouse-in-linux/ | 21:36 |
Songer | help | 21:37 |
seanscot_ | shit, hanging again | 21:37 |
ikonia | seanscot_: stop with the language please | 21:37 |
ikonia | seanscot_: is your keyboard also bluetooth ? | 21:37 |
mikeru | so I changed some alsa options in /etc/modprobe.d and now my computer freezes at a blinking underscore _. is there any kernel command line option like acpi=off to disable ALSA? | 21:38 |
Kaspi | Any else ideas? | 21:38 |
peepingtom | mikeru: you can blacklist your sound card's kernel module in /etc/blacklist | 21:39 |
peepingtom | mikeru: although alsa may try to start and then freak out, I dont know | 21:39 |
mikeru | peepingtom: problem is, it freezes. I can't log in. | 21:39 |
Jake2|lucid | just plugged in a USB external floppy. rebooted. Floppy shows in Computer, but no response to double click. ? | 21:39 |
peepingtom | mikeru: can you boot to a recovery session from GRUB? | 21:40 |
mikeru | peepingtom: same thing. | 21:40 |
BigMao | Hi there, after installing Lucid I'm noticing that every time I hit "Ctrl-C" in the terminal, it prints out "^C" .. how do I disable thsi? | 21:40 |
mikeru | already tried that | 21:40 |
peepingtom | mikeru: Boot using a liveCD then and mount your hard disk | 21:40 |
peepingtom | ? | 21:40 |
mikeru | peepingtom: that's exactly what I was trying to avoid :I | 21:40 |
mikeru | :| | 21:40 |
vandu | great greg | 21:41 |
peepingtom | mikeru: you did this to yourself :D | 21:41 |
mikeru | BigMao: normal behavior. Ctrl-C in a Terminal ends a running command. were you trying to copy? in that case, it's Shift-Ctrl-C | 21:41 |
seanscot_ | It works for about 10 seconds | 21:41 |
R3cur51v3 | Anyone have experience using Crestron Cresnet hardware with a Linux computer? | 21:41 |
peepingtom | but i'd think a recovery session would not load alsa.....maybe it's something else? | 21:41 |
BigMao | mikeru, that's not what I want. I want to end the running command, but I don't like the "^C" character showing up on the terminal | 21:42 |
davidmorable | My laptop is showing that I have No network devices available after a fresh install | 21:42 |
davidmorable | I can't figure out how to get ubuntu to see my hardware | 21:42 |
iFrankZ | does somebody know how to install 3D on Linux 10.04? I try to use programs in 3D and they don't work, I also type glxinfo | grep -i direct on term and nothing happends T_T | 21:43 |
=== MK|BNC is now known as MK-BB | ||
peepingtom | seanscot:iFrankZ, what video hardware do you have? | 21:43 |
Mirambo | After some updates, perhaps a month or 3 ago the following device doesnt work: It gives a black screen after gdm login, or when the screensaver pops in: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01) | 21:43 |
peepingtom | hurr | 21:43 |
Kaspi | iFrankZ: how about just "glxinfo | grep direct" ? | 21:43 |
mikeru | peepingtom: so sad, yet rather weird. my macbook 5,2 freezes if snd_hda_intel model=mb5 yet works albeit with bad quality when model=mbp3 | 21:44 |
iFrankZ | peepingtorn: how can I check it? Sorry for the noob question xD, and glxinfo | grep direct doesn't works x.x | 21:44 |
Mirambo | What can i do to fix the driver / workaround until someone makes an updated intel driver available ? | 21:44 |
* PigeonCluster just got ponged by b-man! | 21:44 | |
arooni | how do i do the visual bell from the command line | 21:44 |
iFrankZ | I tried using hardware's controllers but it didn't find anything =( | 21:45 |
PigeonCluster | arooni, if you have everything set to use visual bell, then "echo -e '\a'" | 21:45 |
redsandro | Hi | 21:45 |
peepingtom | iFrankz: lspci |grep VGA | 21:45 |
redsandro | When I sshfs from the terminal in gnome and I exit the terminal, sshfs automatically unmounts. How do I prevent this? | 21:45 |
iFrankZ | peepingtorn: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV380 [Radeon X600 (PCIE)] | 21:45 |
peepingtom | mikeru: sorry, that's annoying! I'm assuming youve checked the mac section of ubuntuforums, I bet it's happened to someone else | 21:45 |
arooni | PigeonCluster, did that, nothing happened | 21:46 |
mikeru | peepingtom: ...not xd. I checked the wiki | 21:46 |
PigeonCluster | arooni, no idea then | 21:46 |
L33TG33KG34R | hey guys | 21:46 |
=== Longhorn|XP is now known as Longhorn | ||
PigeonCluster | test test | 21:46 |
L33TG33KG34R | quick question: ubuntu 10.04 LTS on Asus T91MT working with full functionality right? | 21:47 |
iFrankZ | peepingtom do you know what should I do for repair this problem? xD My father never used Linux and he doesn't knows how to use it, so he can't fix this problem. | 21:47 |
=== brebrebrebre is now known as |_ocke | ||
peepingtom | iFrankZ: You have an R300 series ATI card, you should have 3d support with the open source drivers, 1 sec i'm reading something | 21:48 |
iFrankZ | peepingtorn: Ok, thanks (: | 21:48 |
cvexkeks | Did anyone have a problem with Gwibber? It wont start lately | 21:49 |
Mirambo | Hmm, the current intel driver Ubuntu uses is unusable for the Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset. OR 8xx chips. Ive read about the issue. Just downgrade to the previous intel driver and all things will be fine! :) Why dont they do that ? | 21:49 |
mikeru | cvexkeks: did you change your font size to #.# ? it won't work with non integer font sizes (rather stupid) | 21:50 |
mikeru | cvexkeks: it also seems to have bugs when the computer comes out of sleep. | 21:50 |
mikeru | gwibber is truly one of the buggiest applications included in ubuntu | 21:50 |
peepingtom | iFrankZ: Here's the deal, ATI has dropped support for r300 series cards with their proprietary driver, that's why you couldn't download one using the "hardware drivers" dialog in Ubuntu | 21:50 |
cvexkeks | didn't change anything | 21:50 |
dolt | hey ubunters | 21:50 |
Mirambo | I have to contantly move the mouse in order to not have to reboot after the screen does black and wont display graphics again. | 21:50 |
neckoox | the bugs that are explained here are sometimes sooooo weird | 21:51 |
dolt | how do i exit the terminal from the '>' symbol? | 21:51 |
Mirambo | I cant set another timeout on the screensaver either, because if i open its gui the screen also goes black :) | 21:51 |
thune3 | Mirambo: you might disable screensaver | 21:51 |
iFrankZ | peepingtorn: that means that I can't fix my problem? xD | 21:51 |
peepingtom | iFrankZ: please paste the results of lsmod into this form and give me the link | 21:51 |
Mirambo | thune3: How, if not from the screensaver gui ? | 21:51 |
peepingtom | iFrankZ: No I think there is decent 3d support in the open source drivers | 21:52 |
erUSUL | dolt: crtl + C | 21:52 |
silverraindog | dolt: ctrl c ? | 21:52 |
wakan | ubuntu-fr | 21:52 |
erUSUL | dolt: or finish the command properly and hit enter | 21:52 |
cvexkeks | Gwibber is still in startup, but there is no process in system monitor | 21:52 |
dolt | thanks silver, i'll give that a try and confirm. | 21:52 |
thune3 | Mirambo: are you trying the "i915.modeset=1" workaround? | 21:52 |
Mirambo | thune3: Yes, but ive not added that grub line, should i ? | 21:52 |
Intertricity | I installed ubuntu server on an old laptop.. the pcmcia network card worked find during install when it was fetching the timezone- but at login, the card no longer worked | 21:52 |
wakan | bonsoir | 21:53 |
dolt | thanks you too erU | 21:53 |
thune3 | Mirambo: it's worth a try. have you tried it and it fixed your issues? | 21:53 |
wakan | est ce que quelqu'un aurai le md5 de cette version d'ubuntu ? | 21:53 |
wakan | Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 « Lucid Lynx » (32bits) | 21:53 |
erUSUL | !fr | 21:53 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 21:53 |
wakan | Je sais pas si il sait bien téléchargé | 21:53 |
=== L33TG33KG34R_ is now known as L33TG33KG34R | ||
urthmover | how can I change the theme when I run gksudo gedit? | 21:53 |
countley | does anyone know if linux work better on older laptops | 21:53 |
dolt | ctrl + c works! | 21:54 |
dolt | thanks. | 21:54 |
urthmover | countley: to put it simply yess linux runs better than other operating systems on older hardware | 21:54 |
Mirambo | thune3: Ill add in that grub line and check. So far, with doing all the other things has not helped much. A bit better. This is an IBM NetVista. | 21:54 |
mikeru | urthmover: gksudo gnome-appearance-properties | 21:54 |
j800r | countley puppt linux qouls | 21:54 |
j800r | *would | 21:54 |
urthmover | mikeru: awesome thanks man | 21:54 |
davidmorable | I have tried installing 4 versions of Ubuntu on my new laptop with no success | 21:55 |
countley | ok | 21:55 |
dolt | i love the IRC!! | 21:55 |
dolt | lol | 21:55 |
shiv_ | davidmorable, What are the specs of your laptop? | 21:55 |
lobito | someone can help me with ccsm? | 21:55 |
davidmorable | I'm beginning to believe that you can't install it on the Dell Latitude E6510 | 21:55 |
davidmorable | specs are | 21:55 |
redsandro | fuse unmounts on terminal close. Why? | 21:55 |
urthmover | countley: if you are having trouble installing ubuntu from the live cd...you should consider installing ubuntu using the alternative installation cd | 21:56 |
davidmorable | Intel i7 Core 4GB DDR-3 Intel Graphics Dell Wireless 1501 802.11/b/g/n | 21:56 |
urthmover | countley: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download | 21:56 |
countley | i use bt on an acer | 21:56 |
dfcnvt | http://community.contractwebdevelopment.com/cron-job-mysql | 21:56 |
j800r | guys, i wonder if you could help me out. Every once in a while my Ubuntu Lucid installation goes spastic. It's fine on my pentium 4 system, but on my main system, i sometimes lose sound (and it defaults to dummy output) and cannot mount drives etc as it says I lack permissions (which I don't). also when I try to restart it just logs me out and won't restart. | 21:57 |
thune3 | Mirambo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes workaround A. i'm not clear if you have tried it. If you haven't you can add "i915.modeset=1" to grub line on boot to try it. | 21:57 |
Neurotiquette | New ubuntu linux user here! What program should I use to edit website code with? What should I be using as my web designing environment? | 21:57 |
urthmover | countley: what is bt? do you mean bittorrent? | 21:57 |
countley | backtrack | 21:57 |
urthmover | countley: or do you mean british telecom? | 21:57 |
erUSUL | !html | Neurotiquette | 21:58 |
ubottu | Neurotiquette: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/ | 21:58 |
urthmover | countley: ah well then you probably know what you are doing....I don't understand your question then | 21:58 |
Mirambo | thune3: I even installed those things, new initrd and all. Ill check this grub line as well so ive tried it all. | 21:58 |
Mirambo | Brb | 21:58 |
Neurotiquette | I used to use dreamweaver. lol. And notepad++. Whats a good fit? | 21:58 |
countley | i want to buy a old sony vaio off my mate to put ubuntu on | 21:59 |
erUSUL | Neurotiquette: for notepad++ scite may come close or any other text editor; default gedit even (with extra plugins) | 21:59 |
erUSUL | Neurotiquette: dreamweaver equivalent is harder to find ... | 21:59 |
kthomas_vh | ok, I've turned on logging via my.cnf but am not getting anything in /var/log/mysql... | 22:00 |
urthmover | countley: ok well if you don't want to put bt on it....and the livecd isn't installing or booting right then you can install ubuntu using the alternate cd method | 22:00 |
urthmover | countley: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download | 22:00 |
coz_ | Neurotiquette, maybe komposer for dreamweaver alternative?? | 22:00 |
countley | ok cheers | 22:00 |
redsandro | exit | 22:00 |
coz_ | rather Kompozer | 22:00 |
Neurotiquette | OK Im taking a shot at kompozer | 22:00 |
Neurotiquette | thanks :) | 22:00 |
Intertricity | Anyone familiar with yenta_socket problems with pcmcia? | 22:01 |
coz_ | Neurotiquette, http://www.linuxalt.com/ | 22:01 |
Mirambo | thune3: I can go into the screensaver now :) | 22:01 |
Mirambo | thune3: Screensaver gui that is | 22:01 |
shiv_ | Is there any fix yet to change cursors after compiz is enabled? | 22:02 |
pagasus | im using xubuntu, I am trying to back up files on to a USB flash drive, but when I attempt to drag and drop the files on to the drive, i get an error saying I don't have permission, I do I set up the permissions for writing to the driver, I right click and I got properties but everything is grayed out | 22:02 |
coz_ | shiv_, mm it should change automatically | 22:02 |
Mirambo | thune3: Why dont they just use the old, working intel driver ? | 22:02 |
Mirambo | old/older | 22:02 |
coz_ | shiv_, if not a restart of x or even a reboot but I have found some cursor themes not responding well | 22:02 |
shiv_ | coz_, I am hit by this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/459647 | 22:02 |
thune3 | Mirambo: i don't know. this 8xx problem is an embarrasment as far as i'm concerned. | 22:03 |
Mirambo | thune3: Yeah, why use a less good driver if one wouldnt have to ? :) / Amazing! | 22:04 |
countley | urthmover how long u been using ubuntu | 22:04 |
thune3 | Mirambo: to just make grub change stick: in /etc/default/grub you can change/add GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="i915.modeset=1" and then run update-grub. | 22:04 |
coz_ | shiv_, yes ...unfortunately I have seen this happen with some people | 22:04 |
coz_ | shiv_, apparenlty not everyone is effected and I am not sure what is the difference between them | 22:05 |
Mirambo | thune3: Hmm, ok but id rather see an intel driver update that adds this line. | 22:05 |
shiv_ | I tried the fix in post #45 but then my window borders are gone | 22:05 |
coz_ | shiv_, right now on Edubuntu.... I does not change automatically but I have to restart x for it to change..however on plain ubuntu it worked well | 22:05 |
gurudrew | Hello all, I've installed 10.4 via Wubi, and attempted the transfer via LVPM, which has gotten me nowhere. Are there any workaround guides on this subject? | 22:06 |
ikonia | gurudrew: lvpm ? | 22:06 |
gurudrew | ikonia, yes, if you don't know what it is you won't be able to help me. Linux Virtual Partition Manager | 22:07 |
pagasus | Anyone know how I can get permission to write to my usb flash drive | 22:07 |
iFrankZ | join #ubuntu-es | 22:07 |
erUSUL | iFrankZ: /join #ubuntu-es | 22:07 |
shiv_ | I tried the fix in post #45 but then my window borders are gone | 22:07 |
bsmith093 | davfs2 is hanging the boot help please | 22:08 |
bsmith093 | i cant type the auth and password to the server during the boot and it wint boot without them appearently | 22:08 |
Turbolinux | What's the easiest for enabling intagrated 3G modem in an internet notebook computer? Thank you. | 22:08 |
peepingtom | gurudrew: It's actually LOOPMOUNTED ;) what exactly went wrong? | 22:08 |
bsmith093 | how do i get to the grub menu in the boot process | 22:09 |
Turbolinux | Thank you for your help. | 22:09 |
bsmith093 | i have grub 2 | 22:09 |
Mirambo | thune3: This how easy this could be: Add +1 on the micro or patchlevel versions of the intel driver. Have it add this line to /etc/default/grub and run update-grub. I cant see how this could be bad, can you ? | 22:09 |
peepingtom | Turbolinux: do you see anything in networkmanager? | 22:09 |
erUSUL | bsmith093: press shift key | 22:09 |
bsmith093 | thanks | 22:09 |
carpex | I guess Dell really doesn't want to sell computers with Ubuntu: http://www1.euro.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/windows_or_ubuntu?c=uk&cs=ukdhs1&l=en&s=dhs | 22:10 |
bsmith093 | press shift when? i rebooted nothings happening | 22:11 |
Mirambo | thune3: A very non-bug really. Why are they using the most crappy versions of most anything they can find ? | 22:11 |
shiv_ | cannot change the number of desktops either. I tried form CCSM as well . No luck | 22:11 |
Turbolinux | Peepingtom: No because I create my connection then I set it for connecting. When I try to start the connection it doesn't start. | 22:11 |
Oer | gurudrew, lvpm is the motor behind Wubi > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide | 22:11 |
j800r | so no one has any advice for this? :\ | 22:11 |
gurudrew | peepingtom, My mistake. I used LVPM to 'transfer' to an ext3 partition. | 22:11 |
gurudrew | Everything appeared to have worked well | 22:11 |
gurudrew | but when I reboot my grub is all trashed | 22:11 |
Turbolinux | It seems Ubuntu didn't recognize built-in modem. | 22:11 |
Mirambo | j800r: For what ? | 22:12 |
gurudrew | I have to go back to my old bootloader and reboot into the virtual disk | 22:12 |
specter | I got a problem concerning the poulsbo drivers for lucid lynx. Everything is shaking on my Vaio P. Any advise? | 22:12 |
daedaluz | Can't install gparted, requires dummy package libparted0 but can't install it since the package libparted0debian1 is of higher version | 22:12 |
daedaluz | where to report problems like that? | 22:12 |
thune3 | Mirambo: there was a decision made for 10.04 release, given the state of drivers at the time and the release window. I believe it was an unfortunate happening. | 22:12 |
ikonia | daedaluz: don't mix versions | 22:12 |
Mirambo | thune3: They are using other packages with bugs written against them, but the bugs have already been solved years ago even perhaps. | 22:13 |
daedaluz | ikonia, I have only official repos enabled + wine and wine has no dependencies on libparted | 22:13 |
ikonia | daedaluz: so what's looking for the higher version of libparted ? | 22:13 |
j800r | Mirambo my Ubuntu lucid installation would screw up on my main system. sound would stop working and revert to dummy output, mounting wouldn't work and it'd say i lacked permissions, and if i tried to restart it would just lock me out. all of these seem linked | 22:13 |
peepingtom | Turbolinux: if you can create a Mobile Broadband connection in nm, doesnt that mean that NM detected your card? | 22:13 |
ikonia | j800r: what's the error when you try to mount ? | 22:14 |
daedaluz | ikonia, looking for lower version. check description of libparted0 in synaptic | 22:14 |
peepingtom | TurboLinux: if there was no support, there would be no module loaded and NM would not detect the card | 22:14 |
discozohan | Can anyone gimme an advice how to install ubuntu from usb drive without any problems ? | 22:14 |
Mirambo | j800r: Whats this "Main system" ? | 22:14 |
ikonia | daedaluz: you're looking for a lower version? | 22:14 |
ikonia | daedaluz: or gparted is ? | 22:14 |
arooni | whats the fastest way to download 1 page on a site, such that the image links / css links etc... will all be linked to the full path to the server? i.e. not relative paths, but full paths. | 22:14 |
^peanut^ | arooni: wget? | 22:14 |
ikonia | arooni: you can't change the html code you download | 22:14 |
j800r | Mirambo Intel Core 2 Quad, 4GB ddr3 RAM, Nvidia GTX 260, 10,000rpm WD Raptor drive | 22:14 |
ikonia | arooni: it will download the html the server generates | 22:14 |
daedaluz | ikonia, gparted ofcourse | 22:15 |
sebsebseb | !usb | discozohan | 22:15 |
ubottu | discozohan: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 22:15 |
j800r | oh, and Striker II Extreme motherboard | 22:15 |
ikonia | j800r: you said a few minutes ago it was a pentium 4 | 22:15 |
arooni | ikonia, so i have to manually rewrite the html for full paths to assets? | 22:15 |
Mirambo | j800r: VmWare related issue ? Or do you call your fastest computer your "Main system" ? | 22:15 |
ikonia | arooni: or script it | 22:15 |
daedaluz | ikonia, gparted is looking for dummy package that's looking for lower version, to be precise | 22:15 |
j800r | ikonia no. i said it works fine on my pentium 4. not my main system | 22:15 |
ikonia | daedaluz: are you sure your repo's just not out of sync as I've got hparted here fine | 22:15 |
^peanut^ | arooni: no, the webserver and code on it generate the html output to a webpage | 22:15 |
ikonia | j800r: what's the error when you try to mount ? | 22:15 |
Turbolinux | Peepingtom: But I saw detecting messages in System Log Viewer software. | 22:15 |
Jordan_U | gurudrew: Can you elaborate on "my grub is all trashed"? | 22:15 |
j800r | Mirambo the latter | 22:15 |
daedaluz | ikonia, open synaptic and try for yourself | 22:15 |
daedaluz | ikonia, no, I did full refresh | 22:15 |
Mirambo | j800r: Ahs | 22:15 |
davidmorable | How do you make the network card visible? | 22:15 |
Mirambo | j800r: Aha | 22:16 |
davidmorable | I've tried what seems to be everything | 22:16 |
j800r | ikonia it says i lack permissions, but i know it's linked to the over problems cause they all happen together | 22:16 |
blakkheim | does anyone know if CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_NI_INTEL is enabled in the default x86_64 kernel in 10.04? | 22:16 |
ikonia | j800r: what's the exact error | 22:16 |
peepingtom | Turbolinux: have you looked at this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G/Probing you need this info in order to debug | 22:16 |
ikonia | daedaluz: can't test not got an ubuntu box to hand here | 22:16 |
Mirambo | j800r: Be root when mounting Aux filesystems. Thats no bug. | 22:16 |
ikonia | daedaluz: I installed gparted 2 days ago though, no issues, so I'm wondering what's been updated and when | 22:16 |
j800r | i'm afraid i cannot reproduce it as i'm on Win 7 at the mo | 22:16 |
daedaluz | ikonia, so where to report this problem | 22:16 |
peepingtom | good luck, feel free to paste whatever to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and share the results with us | 22:17 |
j800r | Mirambo they usually automount | 22:17 |
ikonia | daedaluz: if possible I'd get a few people in here to validate it first, as it really does sound like your repo is out of sync with the others | 22:17 |
Mirambo | j800r: Using Selinux ? | 22:17 |
^peanut^ | ikonia I'll check it out. gparted install? | 22:17 |
ikonia | ^peanut^: good man, sure | 22:17 |
^peanut^ | ikonia: np | 22:17 |
j800r | Mirambo no | 22:18 |
ikonia | daedaluz: lets see what ^peanut^ comes up with | 22:18 |
peepingtom | TurboLinux: once you've gathered info as indicated at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G/Probing you'll have some productive googling, check ubuntuforums.org | 22:18 |
j800r | not to my knowledge at least :\ | 22:18 |
ryan_languagelab | why does syndaemon (for the Synaptic touchpad tools) not disable the touchpad when I use keys like Control and Alt in emacs? | 22:18 |
Mirambo | j800r: That can always screw things up, plus its a crappy system. A useless bandaid to the very secure OpenSource OS. | 22:18 |
ikonia | Mirambo: please don't talk nosense, it's an effective tools when used properly | 22:18 |
^peanut^ | ikonia:, deadaluz: upon package selection, libparted0 will be installed. just no version info yet | 22:18 |
ikonia | ^peanut^: keep going...... | 22:19 |
blakkheim | what's a way to see what options were set in the default kernel? i used to check /proc/config.gz in gentoo | 22:19 |
erUSUL | blakkheim: /boot/config-$(uname -r) | 22:19 |
peepingtom | Mirambo: foolishness! apparmor is easier, though. too bad ubuntu doesnt have any good repositories or GUIs like suse did in its prime | 22:19 |
Mirambo | ikonia: Its been disruptive for no reason for many people. Sometimes, automagically servers wont start due to it etc so Most people Just Turn It Off :) | 22:19 |
^peanut^ | ikonia:, deadaluz: libparted0 (from .../libparted0_2.2-5ubuntu5.1_i386.deb) is the one it installs | 22:20 |
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bsmith093 | 'im trying to replace my fstab file with a backup i made but im booting off a live cd how do i get the drive as raed write | 22:20 |
Mirambo | peepingtom :) ... That too could be interfearing with things he has issues with. | 22:20 |
blakkheim | erUSUL: thanks | 22:20 |
j800r | why would you need extra security for Linux anyway. It's about the safest OS around atm :\ | 22:20 |
daedaluz | ikonia, ^peanut^ exactly what I was trying to convey to you people | 22:20 |
Mirambo | j800r: Amen! | 22:20 |
ikonia | ^peanut^: lets see if it installs | 22:20 |
tbiddle | hey, new to ubuntu. struggling with getting flash working in firefox (think it's because my system's 64 bit). can anyone help or tell me where to find some good old nooby help? | 22:20 |
Redcl0ud | what would be the best firewall to use when you have wireless internet? | 22:20 |
^peanut^ | ikonia: it did. =) | 22:20 |
gurudrew | Jordan_U, It's trashed, it's not working properly, Ubuntu is misnamed as netboot or something and it says 'Other OS' for my pre-existing install, which won't boot because NTLDR is missing | 22:21 |
Turbolinux | Peepingtom: I will do this. Thank you for your help. | 22:21 |
j800r | only "security" i use on Linux is a damn p2p blocklist lol | 22:21 |
SuNk8 | bsmith093, do u want to edit a read-only drive? | 22:21 |
Mirambo | j800r: The Flask / NSA system now called Selinux. Geesh :P | 22:21 |
erUSUL | tbiddle: "sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree" should work | 22:21 |
ikonia | daedaluz: ok - so it worked fine for him, so either there are conflicts from an external or development repo (backports or unstable) or your repo is out of sync | 22:21 |
bsmith093 | SuNk8: yes | 22:21 |
peepingtom | TurboLinux: no problem, good luck you'll get the info you need | 22:21 |
ikonia | ^peanut^: great test, thanks | 22:21 |
^peanut^ | ikonia:, deadaluz: once installed I ran it and it seems to be running fine. | 22:21 |
bsmith093 | i need to tweak the fstab file back the way it was | 22:21 |
erUSUL | Redcl0ud: your wireless router already has a firewall | 22:21 |
Jordan_U | gurudrew: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt? | 22:22 |
erUSUL | Redcl0ud: you shouldn't need one | 22:22 |
^peanut^ | ikonia:, deadaluz: would do a shrink just to make sure all is well, but that will lag my laptop =) | 22:22 |
cablop | how is the ACL support in lucid? | 22:22 |
erUSUL | !firewall > Redcl0ud | 22:22 |
ubottu | Redcl0ud, please see my private message | 22:22 |
^peanut^ | ikonia: anytime bro | 22:22 |
SuNk8 | well, what I usually do is open a terminal and type in 'sudo nautilus' Then I can do what I want... hehe... | 22:22 |
daedaluz | ikonia, so switch repo to something else, say, swedish, and try my luck again -_- | 22:22 |
SuNk8 | bsmith093, well, what I usually do is open a terminal and type in 'sudo nautilus' Then I can do what I want... hehe... | 22:22 |
bsmith093 | k thanks | 22:22 |
cablop | i think to deal with just three lvl permissions is outdated | 22:22 |
erUSUL | cablop: as good as in any other linux ... what do you want to do ? | 22:22 |
ikonia | daedaluz: worth it, got to be careful that you don't have "poprosed" or "unstable" repos enabled too | 22:22 |
daedaluz | well, giving it a try | 22:22 |
daedaluz | ikonia, been using lunix for good 8 years, I know my way around pretty well~ | 22:23 |
cablop | i want to set more complex permissions settings, i want to be able to set some folders, images by example, readable for some mebers, invisible for other members and editable by a few members | 22:23 |
^peanut^ | daedaluz: so are you saying that the swedish repo's are broken? | 22:23 |
Mirambo | thune3: Thanks very much. This computer works again! :) | 22:23 |
L33TG33KG34R | so I'll take it as a yes? | 22:23 |
erUSUL | !info eiciel | cablop | 22:23 |
ubottu | cablop: eiciel (source: eiciel): graphical editor for POSIX ACLs and extended user attributes. In component universe, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 445 kB, installed size 1036 kB | 22:23 |
j800r | well, i'm guessing no one can be too sure about my issues, so i guess i'll reinstall Lucid and report again if/when the error occurs so i can attempt to provide further information.. | 22:23 |
daedaluz | ^peanut^, no, the finnish ones. giving sweden a go now | 22:23 |
cablop | i don't want to make that settings around my user or around root user or making other users members of root group... this is why ACL would be the best option | 22:23 |
erUSUL | cablop: it integrates with nautilus | 22:23 |
^peanut^ | daedaluz: oh oh ok...sorry I kinda butted into that chat...=). | 22:24 |
ikonia | ^peanut^: great test, nice job | 22:24 |
cablop | ok, it integrates, but do linux manage those permissions always? what if an user accesss via ssh or using xfce... do still acl apply? | 22:24 |
^peanut^ | ikonia: ty | 22:24 |
erUSUL | cablop: you have to install nautilus-actions too | 22:24 |
erUSUL | cablop: it should obbey them if pressent | 22:25 |
cablop | erUSUL: and... what if they use not nautilus but konqueror or ssh? | 22:25 |
bsmith093 | SuNk8: thanks worked fine | 22:25 |
cablop | is too hard to make samba and acl work together? | 22:25 |
Mirambo | thune3: A simple grep check for that line in the default grub setup would work perfectly. So easy and yet nothing is beeing done :( | 22:25 |
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erUSUL | cablop: the nautilus integration is for *editing* the acl's | 22:25 |
cablop | erUSUL: but all system obey acl if present, isn't it? | 22:26 |
Gunbuck | can anyone help??? im using ubuntu 10.4 on samsung r530 laptop and i cannot for the life of me sort the brightness settings out the brightness doesnt work in the power managment nor does the shortcut keys :( | 22:26 |
cablop | erUSUL: thanks a lot, well, i'll setup this thing that way | 22:26 |
owd95 | someone her that can tell me how i can remove the chatt and email thing from indicator applet? | 22:26 |
erUSUL | cablop: correct; that's my understanding. i do not use them | 22:26 |
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adriancarrio | how do i compile a C program in ubuntu? | 22:27 |
Dr_Willis | owd95: for tjhe email thing --> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/how-to-remove-social-network-features.html | 22:27 |
daedaluz | adriancarrio, gcc | 22:27 |
coz_ | adriancarrio, gcc nameofcfile | 22:27 |
adriancarrio | all right thanks | 22:27 |
^peanut^ | owd95: mouse over, right click, unlock, repeat 2nd time and choose remove | 22:27 |
adriancarrio | :) | 22:27 |
coz_ | adriancarrio, see if that works | 22:28 |
SuNk8 | bsmith093, Glad I could be of help... ;-) | 22:28 |
Gunbuck | can anyone help??? im using ubuntu 10.4 on samsung r530 laptop and i cannot for the life of me sort the brightness settings out the brightness doesnt work in the power managment nor does the shortcut keys :( | 22:28 |
blitzo | hi - running ubuntu on LiveCd, the touchpad of my laptop stopped working - what do i do? | 22:29 |
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Gunbuck | any1???? | 22:30 |
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^peanut^ | Gunbuck: what type of laptop | 22:31 |
blitzo | hi - running ubuntu on LiveCD the touchpad of my laptop stopped working, what do I do? | 22:31 |
Gunbuck | samsung r530 | 22:31 |
Gunbuck | using a Intel GMA X4500M DVMT graphics | 22:31 |
Gunbuck | read lots of forums no joy | 22:31 |
^peanut^ | Gunbuck... so the laptop keys don't work...hmm, the display settings maybe? | 22:31 |
Gunbuck | i have tried the brightness in the settings the bar moves but the brightness does not | 22:32 |
Gunbuck | im not bothered about the keys just want the brightness to work | 22:32 |
^peanut^ | Gunbuck, it's possible the drivers don't have all the features yet? | 22:32 |
^peanut^ | Gunbuck: is your display really dim? | 22:32 |
Misterio | Have USB classes depending of their speed or godknowswhat stuffs? | 22:32 |
Gunbuck | yes | 22:33 |
Misterio | s/have/has | 22:33 |
^peanut^ | Gunbuck: hmm | 22:33 |
daedaluz | ^peanut^, ikonia. I switched to main repository. still doesn't install. however, I solved the problem by using aptitude to downgrade libparted0debian1 [2.2-5ubuntu5.1 (now) -> 2.2-5ubuntu5 (lucid)] | 22:33 |
Gunbuck | even with power cable in | 22:33 |
^peanut^ | Gunbuck: oh wow | 22:33 |
nimbiotics_ | hello evry1. Can someone please tell me how to share folders between linux ubuntu and windows xp? | 22:33 |
^peanut^ | Gunbuck: hmm how about the power control settings | 22:33 |
daedaluz | just wondering how it could have such a strange version | 22:33 |
Gunbuck | tried it :( | 22:33 |
Gunbuck | i installed fedory 13 and linux mint same prob | 22:34 |
^peanut^ | Gunbuck: hmm...ah ok... then it very well could be the graphics driver | 22:34 |
daedaluz | nimbiotics_, mount windows partitions to some place in filesystem | 22:34 |
^peanut^ | Gunbuck: I have an nvidia card in my laptop so I won't be much help...sorry man | 22:34 |
daedaluz | look in /windows | 22:34 |
Gunbuck | im a bit of a linux noob how will i go about getting my driver if thats possible? | 22:35 |
^peanut^ | !Intel | 22:35 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information. | 22:35 |
Dr_Willis | nimbiotics_: youi mean network shares ? | 22:35 |
tbiddle | does anyone know if installing flash on a 64bit system should pose difficulties? | 22:35 |
Dr_Willis | tbiddle: flash works on my 64bit system | 22:35 |
Dr_Willis | I use the flash from the package manager. | 22:35 |
^peanut^ | Gunbuck: try what ubottu mentioned? | 22:35 |
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tbiddle | Dr_Willis: which flash package do you use? | 22:35 |
Gunbuck | cheers | 22:35 |
^peanut^ | Good luck | 22:36 |
Dr_Willis | tbiddle: I think theres only one for 'flash' in the repos. | 22:36 |
nimbiotics_ | Dr_Willis> Yes, sry | 22:36 |
Dr_Willis | flash-installer or whatever its called | 22:36 |
davidmorable | ugh Ubuntu 10.04 install goes black and caps lock and numbers lock labels just keep flashing | 22:36 |
Dr_Willis | !samba | nimbiotics_ | 22:36 |
ubottu | nimbiotics_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 22:36 |
mfilipe | hi! where do I download the Ubuntu font? | 22:36 |
SuNk8 | tbiddle, Adobe doesnt provide 64 bit flash for Linux. However, you can install the same using medibuntu repos or Ubuntu Tweak... Works fine on mine... | 22:37 |
Dr_Willis | mfilipe: its not officially released. there are some oldeer and uglier versions floting about. | 22:37 |
SuNk8 | mfilipe, which ubuntu font? | 22:37 |
nimbiotics_ | Dr_Willis, ubottu> Thanks! | 22:37 |
tbiddle | Dr_Willis: still getting prompts in youtube etc to install the plugin | 22:37 |
mfilipe | SuNk8: ubuntu-10.10 | 22:37 |
Dr_Willis | tbiddle: you did restart the browser after installing the flash plugin? | 22:37 |
sebsebseb | mfilipe: It seems that only Ubuntu Community Members have access to it at the moment | 22:37 |
mfilipe | sorry | 22:37 |
mfilipe | 10.04* | 22:37 |
sebsebseb | mfilipe: and Canonical employees I guess | 22:37 |
oohazard | Hi everybody! | 22:37 |
Dr_Willis | info on Ubuntu font --> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/07/would-it-be-fair-to-publish-original.html | 22:37 |
mfilipe | sebsebseb: will it be closed? | 22:38 |
tbiddle | SuNk8: pretty new to ubuntu so medibuntu repos and ubuntu tweak are a foreign language to me! (i'll start googling) | 22:38 |
sebsebseb | mfilipe: closed as in propritary font? | 22:38 |
tbiddle | Dr_Willis: yup, even rebooted pc | 22:38 |
mfilipe | sebsebseb: yeah | 22:38 |
Dr_Willis | tbiddle: ubuntu-tweak is a tool to enable other repos and other 'tasks' that peopl;e often want to do | 22:38 |
sebsebseb | mfilipe: No it will be a free to use font, however its been made using Mac OS X like the 10.04 branding, not Ubuntu. | 22:38 |
tbiddle | Dr_Willis: like a ubuntu jailbreak? | 22:39 |
getmizanur | elloo | 22:39 |
getmizanur | is there any chat room for php or java programmers | 22:40 |
getmizanur | ? | 22:40 |
^peanut^ | try #php or #java | 22:40 |
sebsebseb | getmizanur: a special program for those, no I don't think so, however their are IRC channels on here for them | 22:40 |
rafee | which country are u frm | 22:40 |
getmizanur | uk | 22:40 |
sebsebseb | ^peanut^: getmizanur ##php ##java | 22:40 |
SuNk8 | tbiddle, search for medibuntu. It's the unofficial repositories containing extra codecs. You will find their walkthrough useful. Similarly Ubuntu Tweak is a beautiful rogram integrated with a variety of tools that makes an Ubuntu user's life easier... ;-) | 22:40 |
^peanut^ | sebsebseb: ty forgot about the double hash | 22:41 |
ryan_languagelab | why does syndaemon (for the Synaptic touchpad tools) not disable the touchpad when I use keys like Control and Alt in emacs? | 22:41 |
mfilipe | sebsebseb: it is a very good font... the other free fonts are ugly :( | 22:42 |
sebsebseb | mfilipe: uhmm their are loads of free fonts out there on the web | 22:42 |
sebsebseb | mfilipe: also you can use the Windows fonts in Linux distros | 22:42 |
Dr_Willis | last years 'good fonts' are now this years Ugly fonts... | 22:42 |
sebsebseb | !fonts | mfilipe | 22:42 |
ubottu | mfilipe: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 22:42 |
Dr_Willis | I use the Ubuntu font for my Rummage Sale Signs. :) | 22:42 |
e-funktion | hi | 22:42 |
sebsebseb | !info msttcorefonts | 22:42 |
ubottu | Package msttcorefonts does not exist in lucid | 22:42 |
^peanut^ | Dr_Willis: nice =) | 22:43 |
e-funktion | on the ubuntu hp, there is 64 bit not recommended. | 22:43 |
e-funktion | Whats wrong abt 64 bit> | 22:43 |
e-funktion | ? | 22:43 |
Dr_Willis | e-funktion: use what you want. | 22:43 |
sebsebseb | mfilipe: theres a package in the repo with Microsoft fonts, or their free fonts anyway, plus you can use fonts from Windows | 22:43 |
coz_ | sebsebseb, ubuntu-restricted-extras I believe has that package | 22:43 |
ZykoticK9 | !info ttf-mscorefonts-installer | 22:43 |
ubottu | ttf-mscorefonts-installer (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.2 (lucid), package size 35 kB, installed size 196 kB | 22:43 |
e-funktion | Dr_Willis: there must be a reason why they dont recommend 64bit. | 22:43 |
sebsebseb | coz_: yeah probably | 22:43 |
Dr_Willis | e-funktion: see http://ubuntu-user.com/Online/Blogs/Marcel-Gagne-Orbiting-Planet-buntu/Stop-Apologizing-For-Linux | 22:44 |
sebsebseb | e-funktion: 64bit is ok now days | 22:44 |
Dr_Willis | e-funktion: because they are assuming the users are total idiots basically :) | 22:44 |
sebsebseb | Dr_Willis: oh whats that? | 22:44 |
sebsebseb | Dr_Willis: the link, well I can go on it :D | 22:44 |
sebsebseb | e-funktion: oh HP sells pre installed Ubuntu now, like Dell ? | 22:44 |
sebsebseb | e-funktion: for the homeuser/consumer ? | 22:44 |
owd95 | Which ati drivers are best for hd5770? I use ubuntu 10.04. The propitary from ati, 10.6 or the drivers "hardware drivers" recommend? | 22:44 |
Dr_Willis | boils down to '32bit will work no matter what your cpu is.. they dont want a user getting a 64bit cd and think ubuntus broken on their 32bit cpu. i guess.' | 22:45 |
^peanut^ | owd95: use the recommend ones from the hardware drivers. | 22:45 |
tbiddle | i've got a 64bit cpu but (foolishly) thought that by opting for the 32bit os i might save myself some headaches | 22:46 |
owd95 | thx, but are they not old? | 22:46 |
tbiddle | i'm a windows user primarily but just getting to grips with this for work | 22:46 |
^peanut^ | tbiddle: 64bit is just fine for desktops | 22:47 |
oohazard | I cannot make flash to work on my 64bit system, is there anybody having the same problem ? | 22:47 |
^peanut^ | tbiddle: been upgrading my 64bit ubutnu desktop from 8.10 to 9, to 10.04 now | 22:47 |
tbiddle | oohazard: yup me | 22:47 |
ZykoticK9 | tbiddle, ^peanut^ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/585940 the "bug" about the website wording re: 64bit | 22:48 |
owd95 | ^peanut^: thx, but are not the drivers old from "hardware drives"? | 22:49 |
karlo | what is deference between 32-bit and 64-bit ? | 22:49 |
Dr_Willis | karlo: 32 more bits.. | 22:49 |
MSHughes | ^^ | 22:50 |
sebsebseb | tbiddle: there is 64bit Flash for Linux by the way. altough someone told you there wasn't, I saw in back log | 22:50 |
tbiddle | lol | 22:50 |
Dr_Willis | karlo: if you got 4+GB ram you want 64bit to make best use of the ram | 22:50 |
Dr_Willis | karlo: and you can gain speed boosts in other areas also | 22:50 |
MSHughes | karlo, depends on your CPU too ofc | 22:50 |
sebsebseb | tbiddle: 32bit and 64bit Ubuntu are nearly the same thing really, I mean when it comes to what works and what doesn't work | 22:50 |
^peanut^ | owd95: they may be, but are the best suggested to work properly. atleast that's how I read it. And, I've only used the ones in ( ) and have not had any issues. | 22:50 |
tbiddle | sebsebseb: i saw it was a bit beta but then struggled to get my hands on it | 22:50 |
aguitel | how to add users and groups in system --administration menu ? | 22:50 |
oohazard | any solutions? | 22:50 |
^peanut^ | ZykoticK9: nice.. ty | 22:50 |
karlo | what is better choice ? | 22:51 |
tbiddle | i think as i've got 32bit ubuntu installed it would be best if i stick to 32bit flash | 22:51 |
MSHughes | karlo, probs 64, but depends if your PC can support it | 22:51 |
owd95 | ^peanut^: alright, thx! | 22:51 |
sebsebseb | tbiddle: 32bit Linux distros are a bit more supported than 64bit still I guess, plus not all distros do a 64bit version even | 22:51 |
sebsebseb | tbiddle: How much RAM you got? | 22:51 |
Dr_Willis | tbiddle: on 64bit ubuntu - you are still usiong the 32bit flash. last i checked.. | 22:51 |
karlo | 1 GB xD but I'm gonna buy new one | 22:51 |
tbiddle | sebsebseb: according to firefox i have both adobe and swfdec flash installed... | 22:52 |
oohazard | tbiddle: did you get any solutions? | 22:52 |
tbiddle | sebsebseb: 4gb memory | 22:52 |
ZykoticK9 | tbiddle, to check what version you are using "uname -m", but if you are using 32bit Ubuntu you can ONLY use 32bit flash. (64bit flash is temporarily discontinued right now anyways) | 22:52 |
tbiddle | oohazard: working on it | 22:52 |
sebsebseb | tbiddle: Desktop Linux distros, above. oh 4GB well you will need 64bit for the OS to see all 4GB of your RAM, if your doing 32bit it will only show 3GB | 22:52 |
tbiddle | ZykotickK9: yup, that's what i thought | 22:53 |
ZykoticK9 | !tab > tbiddle | 22:53 |
ubottu | tbiddle, please see my private message | 22:53 |
sebsebseb | tbiddle: so if you want to be able to use all 4GB of RAM 64bit, if not and 3GB is good enough for your 32bit will do it | 22:53 |
jamil_1 | Hello, I am sick of the way ubuntu/Gnome handles proxy. When I set http proxy in System->Preference->network proxy any thing in terminal related to internet stops to work e.g wget. However if I set the proxy to none and maunually specify the http_proxy variabel in terminal, it works fine in terminal. | 22:53 |
sebsebseb | tbiddle: in 64bit Ubuntu the Flash that comes from ubuntu-restricted-extras should work | 22:54 |
owd95 | i have no sound in pidgin when i recived a messege, the are sound when i sent a messege and when someone login but not when i received? | 22:54 |
tbiddle | think i'm gonna go and install 64bit ubuntu and start fresh | 22:55 |
tbiddle | thanks for the help y'all! | 22:55 |
^peanut^ | tbiddle: I just took a look at the plugins I'm using on my ubuntu 64bit 10.04 system and I have gnash, swfdec, and adobe flash | 22:55 |
sebsebseb | tbiddle: good idea to check ISO before burning contents to CD and using by the way | 22:55 |
sebsebseb | !md5sum | tbiddle | 22:55 |
ubottu | tbiddle: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 22:55 |
sebsebseb | !hashes | 22:55 |
ubottu | See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs. | 22:55 |
trism | owd95: check that "Message received" is checked in Tools/Preferences/Sounds/Sound Events | 22:56 |
revarr | Hi everyone. couple of questions | 22:56 |
greezmunkey | If I want to reset a forgotten administrator password (on this PC) what do I have to do, reinstall? | 22:56 |
sebsebseb | !ask | revarr | 22:56 |
ubottu | revarr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 22:56 |
sebsebseb | greezmunkey: nope | 22:56 |
sebsebseb | greezmunkey: administrator you mean, the default Ubuntu account? | 22:56 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: I don't believe the gui system proxy settings and the cli have much to do with each other, I just setup aliases in my .bash_profile for enabling a proxy and disabling it. | 22:56 |
sebsebseb | greezmunkey: the one that can do sudo? | 22:56 |
owd95 | trism: it's check... | 22:56 |
ZykoticK9 | greezmunkey, see http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword | 22:57 |
revarr | if a live CD of a distro does not let you get on the internet after connecting to your network then wouldn't it be a bad distro? | 22:57 |
sebsebseb | greezmunkey: if you mean that, boot up recovery mode from the Grub bootloader | 22:57 |
jwatt | when I try to install 10.10 alpha 2 from DVD, after selecting English and choosing Install, I just get a black window with a blinking cursor in the top left | 22:57 |
cablop | it seems that i need to setup acl per mount point | 22:57 |
jwatt | is that a known issue? | 22:57 |
sebsebseb | greezmunkey: go to root prompt. passwd yourusername, and put in a new password | 22:57 |
Dr_Willis | revarr: i would think it would be a 'unsupported' network card.. more then anything else.. | 22:57 |
greezmunkey | sebsebseb: no, I installed on this box a couple of months ago, created an administrator account using a password I don't normally use, and forgot it. I did create the account I'm working with now, but that's all I know. I should have written it down! | 22:57 |
revarr | I see | 22:58 |
ZykoticK9 | jwatt, reask same question in #ubuntu+1 | 22:58 |
sebsebseb | greezmunkey: administrator do you mean root account? | 22:58 |
revarr | well good thing I tested before installing | 22:58 |
greezmunkey | sebsebseb: yes | 22:58 |
jwatt | ZykoticK9: ok, thanks | 22:58 |
Dr_Willis | greezmunkey: You can use the live cd/chroot and set a new root password. | 22:58 |
trism | owd95: does the preview button correctly play the sound? | 22:58 |
sebsebseb | greezmunkey: uhmm your not meant to use the actsaul root account in Ubuntu | 22:58 |
sebsebseb | !root | greezmunkey | 22:58 |
ubottu | greezmunkey: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 22:58 |
figure002 | hello. some of the computers i work with and that have ubuntu 10.04 running, are experiencing high cpu usage whenever Flash is used on a website. i'm not having this problem on the laptop i'm on right now. anyone have an idea what's causing the high cpu usage? | 22:58 |
Dr_Willis | greezmunkey: if your user has sudo rights. that should be able to do it also.. But its best to stick with just sudo and the admin user. :) | 22:59 |
owd95 | trism: yes it does | 22:59 |
greezmunkey | sebsebseb: I get that. It's the "admin" account created when installing in the first place. The account that allows sudo prive, etc. | 22:59 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, gui proxy sets the http_proxy variable itself. You can check it from terminal. Problem in my case is that if I set the variable manually it works but if i let gnome to set it for me it doesn;t work and I get 403 forbidden | 22:59 |
sebsebseb | greezmunkey: yes other distros, tend to have a root account, that people also don't tend to log in to, instead they become root when they want to install a program, a bit like sudo really, but yeah your doing Ubuntu, not another distro | 22:59 |
sebsebseb | greezmunkey: uh I mean above, people aren't ever meant to log into the actsaul root account | 22:59 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: hmm, interesting. let me check that. brb | 22:59 |
greezmunkey | Dr_Willis: That's it, I didn't give myself sudoer rights before I forgot that doggone password! I'll pop in an install CD. | 23:00 |
sebsebseb | greezmunkey: be that another distro, or Ubuntu where you have set up root, which your not meant to do, since sudo | 23:00 |
trism | owd95: odd, so some sounds work, but others don't? | 23:00 |
ZykoticK9 | greezmunkey, any account in the admin group should be able to use sudo | 23:00 |
Dr_Willis | greezmunkey: You deleted teh initial user? that one has sudo rights by default. | 23:00 |
greezmunkey | sebsebseb: I get that, it's all good | 23:00 |
noisewaterphd | anyone kniw how to mkae the trackpad work right on a macbook pro? | 23:00 |
Dr_Willis | I learned how to make a upstart job that makes a root shell on tty9 :) for 'emergancies' :) but Im the only one that uses this pc. | 23:01 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: ok I setup the proxy via the gui, and then opened a terminal and did "env | grep http_proxy", and I get nothing | 23:01 |
sebsebseb | greezmunkey: and if you use the actsaul root account, services that shoudn't run like that, could cause issues with your system. | 23:01 |
owd95 | trism: yes, all sounds work but not the received sound :/ | 23:01 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: and I did click "apply-systemwide" | 23:01 |
oohazard | tbiddle: any links from where I can try to solve the issue as well? | 23:01 |
nobita | hello | 23:02 |
blitzo | asking for dolphin24... hi - running ubuntu on LiveCD the touchpad of my laptop stopped working, what do I do? | 23:02 |
greezmunkey | ZykoticK9: yeah, bummer. I kind of just created the account I am using without doing any of that. At the time I was just interested with accessing the box - and I hadn't yet forgotten the primary accounts password. I'm an idiot. | 23:02 |
karlo | Anyone know link for download "gigabyte" graphical driver (for Linux of course xD) ? | 23:02 |
nobita | how to change Login Screen ubuntu 10.04 ???????? | 23:02 |
trism | owd95: do you have the "Sounds when conversation has focus" box checked? | 23:02 |
sebsebseb | nobita: :) | 23:02 |
Andyman555 | Does anybody know how to permanently configure what dpi xserver uses? | 23:02 |
sebsebseb | nobita: why since you don't like the purple look? | 23:02 |
sebsebseb | nobita: well if on 10.04 | 23:03 |
Dr_Willis | nobita: you can only tweak it a little by default. Change wallpaper and so forth. | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | nobita: anyway alternatives, KDM :) XDM, LXDM, and Slim | 23:03 |
Dr_Willis | nobita: theres a tool called 'epidermis' out that lets you set up some different themes. but its a little flakey | 23:03 |
blitzo | hi - running ubuntu on LiveCD the touchpad of my laptop stopped working, what do I do? | 23:03 |
Andyman555 | is there a way to edit a configuration file for xserver that changes what window manager is used? | 23:03 |
owd95 | trism: now i have it checked and it works ;) thx! | 23:03 |
nobita | please help me change longin screen ubuntu 10.04 | 23:03 |
aeon-ltd | Andyman555: xinitrc | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | nobita: KDM is what I would use in Ubuntu, the KDE display manager, that will want to put on quite a bit of KDE stuff, if you haven't had a KDE app installed before, but not a problem, as long as your partition isn't sily sized, and most Linux distros have been designed for many apps to be installed without problems, unlike WIndows. | 23:04 |
Andyman555 | thank you aeon! | 23:04 |
Dr_Willis | Andyman555: thats not a xserver config.. the user has a .dmrc that defines the default session. Or theres other ways to change it | 23:04 |
ZykoticK9 | nobita, i've tried various ways of trying to configure GDM since 10.04 and non have worked successfully. other then changing the most basic things like the background image. best of luck! | 23:04 |
sebsebseb | nobita: and you can't just downgrade to the old GDM even though its in repo | 23:04 |
nobita | yes | 23:04 |
figure002 | nobita: you can also use 'python-gdm2setup' for that | 23:04 |
nobita | but am go to http://art.gnome.org/themes/gdm_greeter | 23:05 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: that epidermis tool lets you use mints' or some other themes.. from some other ubuntu variants mainly - i recall. | 23:05 |
blitzo | hi - running ubuntu on LiveCD the touchpad of my laptop stopped working, what do I do? (asking for dolphin24) | 23:05 |
^peanut^ | nobita: I've used this, but not sure if this is what your looking for or not. http://n00bsonubuntu.com/content/how-change-login-screen-ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx | 23:05 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: but all they do is change the wallpaper, and other decrations. :) | 23:05 |
nobita | and download and extract but dont know how change | 23:05 |
Dr_Willis | nobita: the OLD gdm themes wont work | 23:05 |
ZykoticK9 | Dr_Willis, yes that mint thing is true - i remember that! but it VERY limited. | 23:05 |
Andyman555 | blitzo, I've had the same issue sometimes, and I'm not sure what to do to fix it | 23:05 |
nobita | oh | 23:05 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, hmm but I am getting the variable http_proxy | 23:05 |
Andyman555 | I've tried restarting hal, and the mouse still doesn't work, and it's only a once in a while problem - x starts, mouse doesn't work | 23:05 |
nobita | thank Dr Willis | 23:05 |
Dr_Willis | nobita: change the wallpaper.. get back to work. :) | 23:05 |
nobita | :) | 23:06 |
blitzo | andyman555 how do you restart hal | 23:06 |
Dr_Willis | Set gdm to auto login to the user.. and you dont even worry about gdm themes any more | 23:06 |
Andyman555 | /etc/init.d/hal restart | 23:06 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: ok try this. unset the proxy in the gui, apply systemwide...then run the grep for http_proxy in the terminal...it should be gone. | 23:06 |
nobita | but i want change login screen :-s | 23:06 |
sebsebseb | nobita: KDM :) | 23:06 |
sebsebseb | nobita: see above | 23:06 |
Dr_Willis | nobita: change what of it? | 23:06 |
^peanut^ | Dr_Willis: yeah =) you tell him | 23:06 |
sebsebseb | nobita: KDM looks much nicer than GDM 2 in Ubuntu, see above | 23:07 |
nobita | u see here | 23:07 |
nobita | have more login screen | 23:07 |
nobita | http://art.gnome.org/themes/gdm_greeter | 23:07 |
sebsebseb | nobita: or maybe try Slim, some nice themes on the site for it, and woudn't take much for you to make your own | 23:07 |
Dr_Willis | some gdm2 tweaking --> (USe at your own risk) ---> sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties | 23:07 |
Dr_Willis | nobita: as we said . the OLD gdm themes wont work. gdm2 is not as custiomizable as gdm1 | 23:07 |
nobita | ok thank men ;) | 23:07 |
Dr_Willis | if you really have a theme-fetish - you can use the old GDM.. good luck with that | 23:08 |
nobita | no | 23:08 |
nobita | thx u so muck | 23:08 |
Andyman555 | blitzo, did restarting hardware abstraction layer help your touchpad problem? | 23:08 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, nope still getting the http variable | 23:08 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: ok when you set it at the terminal without the gui... have you unset it? | 23:09 |
sebsebseb | Dr_Willis: yeah and Ubuntu made GDM 2 look sucky in 9.10, but also 10.04 :( | 23:09 |
revarr | wow | 23:09 |
figure002 | hello. some of the computers i work with and that have ubuntu 10.04 running, are experiencing high cpu usage whenever i visit a site with Flash (e.g. youtube). i'm not having this problem on the laptop i'm on right now (also ubuntu 10.04). anyone have an idea what's causing the high cpu usage? | 23:09 |
sebsebseb | Dr_Willis: its something how a good background for GDM 2, can make it look quite a lot better | 23:10 |
aeon-ltd | figure002: lack of a real gpu? | 23:10 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, hmm if I unset it from teminal then obviously i won't get any when I will grep for it ? | 23:10 |
Dr_Willis | I just set my wallpaper to be a nice err.. female.. and leave it alone. :) | 23:10 |
aeon-ltd | mehhhhhhhhh | 23:11 |
figure002 | aeon-ltd: 'real gpu'? what's that? | 23:11 |
revarr | it is proven that Ubuntu 10.4 has a issue with the Graphics (the screen stays at 100% brightness) with my Acer Aspire 5740. Any suggestions (other distros ect) | 23:11 |
Dr_Willis | ages ago i had GDM1 set to run xfishtank as the background :) | 23:11 |
karlo | I download google earth for linux... and I can install it, but it doesn't work... | 23:11 |
Dr_Willis | karlo: ive seen that in some repositories.. it has worked forme in the past. | 23:11 |
sebsebseb | revarr: I like your brackets :) and yeah a lot of Ubuntu's problems, would be sovled by another distro :D however I am not so sure about that, when it comes to laptop brightness issues | 23:12 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: yes that's the point. unset. I'm just tryin to figure out why when I use the gui to set the proxy I don't see that change in my terminal, but u do. so if you unset it then set proxy again with gui, just double checking that your termial will not have it, or it wil | 23:12 |
cablop | well, now i have eiciel and nautilus, but nautilus won't load it... what do i need to do to integrate both? | 23:12 |
ZykoticK9 | karlo, fyi for future reference - if you add the medibuntu repository it has googleearth packages | 23:12 |
Dr_Willis | karlo: i also think ubuntu-tweak makes installing google-earth easier. | 23:12 |
^peanut^ | !mediabuntu > ^peanut^ | 23:12 |
^peanut^ | !mediaubuntu > ^peanut^ | 23:13 |
revarr | well openSUSE is out | 23:13 |
adriancarrio | how do i manage to run a program automatically at ubuntu startup? | 23:13 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, can you tell me what are the config files that terminal uses for finding http_proxy variable apart from /etc/bash.bashrc ~/.bashrc ? | 23:13 |
sebsebseb | Dr_Willis: karlo I have a good link for installing Google Earth into Ubuntu (which is one of many Linux distros) | 23:13 |
Dr_Willis | !startup | adriancarrio | 23:13 |
ubottu | adriancarrio: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 23:13 |
karlo | I can install it, but than I can't run it | 23:13 |
keyhive_ | Help! I'm missing a bunch of application icons! I installed some icon theme packs and now a bunch of random applications show a grey box with a '?' instead of the /usr/share/icons/hicolor app icon. | 23:13 |
sebsebseb | Dr_Willis: uhmm I am not so sure about recommending Ubuntu Tweak to a load of people, because people can do silly things with it | 23:13 |
Dr_Willis | karlo: and the error it gives is? | 23:13 |
sebsebseb | Dr_Willis: as far as I know | 23:13 |
sam^ | this is madness | 23:13 |
Dr_Willis | sebsebseb: ive seen them do silly things without it also. :) | 23:13 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: that would be the places I would know of. | 23:13 |
ZykoticK9 | !medibuntu | ^peanut^ | 23:13 |
ubottu | ^peanut^: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 23:13 |
^peanut^ | ZykoticK9: ty bro =) | 23:14 |
Dr_Willis | I am often amazed at the ways people manage to break their ubuntu systems. | 23:14 |
blitzo | hi - running off the LiveCD on my laptop, the touchpad stopped working and restarting gdm doesn't help - what should I do? | 23:14 |
Dr_Willis | blitzo: so it was working then it stopped? thast is weird. | 23:14 |
ZykoticK9 | karlo, open a terminal and run "googleearth" and see if there are any errors | 23:15 |
blitzo | dr_willis yes that is what happened | 23:15 |
Ninjagamer | that is weird | 23:15 |
Dr_Willis | blitzo: you restarted gdm with 'sudo service gdm restart' ? | 23:15 |
blitzo | dr_willis "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" | 23:15 |
AvidChronos | hi, i cant remote desktop my linux server fine from a linux client, but I cant from a windows 7 client. How can i get it to work on windows? | 23:15 |
Dr_Willis | blitzo: learn the service command.. that init.d stuff is the old sysv way. and is slowly being phased out | 23:16 |
blitzo | dr_willis thx for advice | 23:16 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: I just found this, looks like it's something u just have to do I guess. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-configure-ubuntu-desktop-to-use-your-proxy-server.html | 23:16 |
sebsebseb | karlo: Dr_Willis http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/installing-google-earth-52-in-ubuntu.html | 23:16 |
sebsebseb | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/installing-google-earth-52-in-ubuntu.html | 23:16 |
Dr_Willis | blitzo: you could just reboot. and monitor the /var/log/messages and see if any erorrs show up if it 'stops' again. | 23:16 |
FloodBot2 | sebsebseb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:16 |
belak | sg Nickserv identify koolkal51 | 23:16 |
sebsebseb | two lines, is hardly flooding, silly FloodBot2 :D | 23:17 |
belak | ... | 23:17 |
* Dr_Willis hands belak a new password | 23:17 | |
AaronMT | Dictionary word fail | 23:17 |
blitzo | dr_willis we are run ning on LiveCd reboot requires lots of set up, want to avoid if possible | 23:17 |
Dr_Willis | blitzo: other then restarting X. i cant tell you mush else to do.. other then say to grab a mouse.. | 23:17 |
hiexpo | haha | 23:17 |
sebsebseb | (maybe detects that the url was given out twice) | 23:18 |
belak | Dr_Willis, good call | 23:18 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, now a strange thing is happening. No matter what I do in gui regarding proxy I am getting an http_proxy variable in terminal even though I have cheked the /etc/bash.bashrc and .bashrc file | 23:18 |
tripps | ncftpget isn't getting the folders in recursive directories on a server I'm trying to download from (it works on others). Any suggestions? Other tool? | 23:18 |
revarr | wish someone had information on which distros worked well with my computer | 23:18 |
revarr | is there an irc room for that? | 23:18 |
webPragmatist | is it possible to force an sshd "sftponly" user to a specific gid? | 23:18 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: did you ever set the http_proxy from the termial? | 23:18 |
ZykoticK9 | sebsebseb the link you gave karlo is not really the "ubuntu" way of installing things. Having software updated through medibuntu does offer more security then simply downloading applications directly from source... sometimes. Food for thought :) | 23:18 |
hiexpo | revarr, whats the prob? | 23:18 |
revarr | it is proven that Ubuntu 10.4 has a issue with the Graphics (the screen stays at 100% brightness) with my Acer Aspire 5740. Any suggestions? | 23:19 |
sebsebseb | ZykoticK9: well I have used what that link said, and it worked great for me in 10.04. and yeah there is a works for me factoid :D, but what was the trigger? | 23:19 |
sebsebseb | ZykoticK9: meidubuntu also isn't offical | 23:19 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, I had the export statement in /etc/bash.bashrc which I have commented out for now | 23:19 |
Dr_Willis | revarr: You want help in trying to fix the issue? or what exactly? | 23:19 |
sebsebseb | ZykoticK9: in fact getting the .bin directly from Google is probably a more offical way than using medibuntu really | 23:19 |
ZykoticK9 | sebsebseb, installing software into the home directory is not "linuxy" | 23:19 |
sebsebseb | ZykoticK9: yeah I guess thats true since repos | 23:20 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: right. so every time you open a new termial that will get set. open a new termial and check the gui proxy settings once set in that new clean termial | 23:20 |
Dr_Willis | revarr: go to distrowatch.com if you want to try a different disrto. Or try the 10.10 and report the issue as a bug if it is still happening | 23:20 |
hiexpo | revarr, use 9.10 it is a better distro i think | 23:20 |
revarr | fixing the issue would be good | 23:20 |
cablop | what is relatime on mount? | 23:20 |
sebsebseb | ZykoticK9: with the exception of .tar.gz I suppouse, after they have been extracted and such | 23:20 |
ZykoticK9 | sebsebseb, /opt | 23:20 |
figure002 | revarr: what's your gpu? | 23:20 |
hopsa | sebsebseb: Do i need to tell someone at Debian to get the Intel 8xx driver issue fixed in Ubuntu or what ? | 23:20 |
Dr_Willis | revarr: you have checked the forums for your exact make of laptop? | 23:20 |
revarr | I have checked | 23:21 |
revarr | saw a possible fix | 23:21 |
* Dr_Willis always sets his screen at 100% brightness... | 23:21 | |
revarr | but it wasn't working for me | 23:21 |
sebsebseb | hopsa: uhmm? | 23:21 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, new terminal also has the http_proxy set though through gui there is no proxy at all | 23:21 |
^peanut^ | hopsa: check to see if there is already a bug listed on debian and ubuntu sites, if there is no bug, create one? | 23:21 |
revarr | there is a bug reported | 23:21 |
hopsa | sebsebseb: Its giving a bad rep due to this driver issue for 8xx intel cards... google the bug, its official but can easily be fixed by..... | 23:21 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: odd man, I can't reproduce that. | 23:22 |
revarr | one person stated it as solved but the patch method didn't work for me | 23:22 |
specter | I got a problem concerning the poulsbo drivers for lucid lynx - my windows are shaking/stucking when i move them on my Sony Vaio P. Any advise? | 23:22 |
igor-explorer_12 | Hi. General question ... In Ubuntu (default distro with Gnome) system buttons are located on the left site like in Mac OS X. It was introduced by Gnome or by Canonical? | 23:22 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: so it's set, but wget can't use it... | 23:22 |
Dr_Willis | igor-explorer_12: its a theme setting by canonical | 23:22 |
ZykoticK9 | is Plymouth used on the LiveCD? | 23:22 |
hiexpo | revarr, use 9.10 until they get the bugs cleaned out > things are changing with ubuntu | 23:22 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, nope | 23:22 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: im pretty sure it is. | 23:22 |
revarr | okay I'll see if that live cd works with my comp | 23:22 |
cutiyar | i recovered some pictures but they dont open , and they has size also | 23:22 |
specter | everything just runs in low grafic mode | 23:22 |
ZykoticK9 | Dr_Willis, "pretty sure" eh? ;) | 23:23 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, also http_proxy doesn't contain my username and password | 23:23 |
igor-explorer_12 | ok is it possible to set this theme to Gnome in another distro? (Sorry for possibly stupid question) | 23:23 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: but in the gui network proxy it does? | 23:23 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: the live cd's have issues with my nvidia cards.. and its a plymouth issue on a normal install.. | 23:23 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: so yep. pertty sure | 23:23 |
ZykoticK9 | Dr_Willis, exactly! | 23:23 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, yes I have specified them | 23:23 |
hopsa | sebsebseb: "sudo gedit /etc/default/grub" add "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="i915.modeset=1" to this file, or create a new one with this content. | 23:24 |
hiexpo | revarr, use name first tab to dirrect a message to a person first please so we know whom you are talking to | 23:24 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: the consoles are not useable on live cd.. and not useable on normal install untill i install the nvidia drivers and/or blacklist the noeavu or whatever driver | 23:24 |
=== dilo is now known as Guest79975 | ||
revarr | ohh sorry | 23:24 |
Dr_Willis | I just remove Plymouth :) | 23:24 |
hopsa | sebsebseb: After this the driver install with an updated patch level runs POST: "update-grub" | 23:24 |
=== Guest79975 is now known as dilo_ | ||
tripps | n/m - used wget -r ftp:// *much* more reliable | 23:24 |
hopsa | sebsebseb: This should fix the problem for all those with IBM with intel cards etc etc etc. | 23:25 |
sebsebseb | hopsa: or it might just be to do with how Ubuntu deals with that hardware | 23:25 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, usually I didn't notice about the http_proxy variable in terminal because I was setting it manually in bash.bashrc | 23:25 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: yeah. | 23:25 |
hiexpo | revarr, like if you wanted to direct a message to me type say hie hit tab and it will fill it in and than type your message | 23:26 |
specter | has anyone tried the gma500 drivers yet? | 23:26 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: here's something interesting. http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?26,75109,75848 have you read this? | 23:26 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, a min | 23:27 |
Songer | hello | 23:27 |
* hiexpo hmm some people can not be taught | 23:28 | |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: I did find out that /etc/environment is another file that supports stuff like http_proxy and so on | 23:28 |
hopsa | sebsebseb: Yeah, some blacklist the HW for OpenGL Some dont. Either get a better driver from intel/Xorg or Downgrade it (There was no drawback with the old driver that i can see) | 23:28 |
Songer | i cannot access in to lucid mi monitor stop signal and monirtor goes balck | 23:28 |
sebsebseb | hopsa: well attempting to download a driver, will probably cause issues with xorg | 23:28 |
sebsebseb | downgrade not download above | 23:28 |
Kragnerac | :) | 23:29 |
hopsa | PRIV! | 23:29 |
karlo | how to install .bin files ? | 23:29 |
hopsa | Good, thx | 23:29 |
sebsebseb | karlo: ah right yeah | 23:29 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: ah, check this out. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wget/+bug/554068 and also a work around. http://blog.zenlinux.com/?p=366 | 23:29 |
sebsebseb | karlo: you mean for Earth since the link I gave? | 23:29 |
karlo | no... I download google earth from offical page | 23:29 |
hiexpo | haha | 23:29 |
jamil_1 | ^peanut^, OK here is the scenario: I unset proxy in gui open clean terminal and wget is working(I have http_proxy in bash.bashrc) then I set the http_proxy in gui and open another terminal and wget doesn't work even when both terminals have same http_proxy variable set to same value | 23:30 |
hiexpo | open with | 23:30 |
ZykoticK9 | karlo, to make something executable "chmod +x filename.bin" then run it like "./filename.bin" | 23:30 |
ronald_ | Greetings, do you know if there another way around login when you can authentatication failure when you forget you password | 23:30 |
hiexpo | JAVA | 23:30 |
karlo | ok | 23:30 |
^peanut^ | jamil_1: read this. http://blog.zenlinux.com/?p=366 it explains the issue and a work around | 23:30 |
sebsebseb | karlo: yeah do what that page says, or use medibuntu as ZykoticK9 suggested | 23:30 |
Songer | how can i fix drivers to access in lucid? | 23:31 |
sebsebseb | karlo: and before you can use a .bin you have to right click on it, and do the execute option | 23:31 |
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sebsebseb | karlo: I mean in the properties | 23:31 |
karlo | yea... I do that thx | 23:31 |
hiexpo | unbelievable | 23:31 |
Songer | in grub i don't see somting like quiet splash | 23:31 |
revarr | hiexpo: one more thing, should I go for the x86 iso? the 64 bit is for amd and my architecture is ??? (not really sure the architecture details are vague) | 23:31 |
hiexpo | revarr, no use 32 | 23:32 |
blitzo | anybody know how to set up a dual boot environment with win7? i have done it with xp and it was a nightmare | 23:32 |
Jordan_U | blitzo: If you install windows first it's automagic. | 23:32 |
^peanut^ | blitzo: install win7 first, then install ubuntu | 23:32 |
hiexpo | blitzo, train wreck | 23:33 |
scotty00 | ronald i can help u | 23:33 |
ZykoticK9 | blitzo, LOL using windows to boot linux is a little crazy. not sure why anyone would want too. | 23:33 |
Jordan_U | blitzo: If not, then you'll need to recover grub after installing windows: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide | 23:33 |
blitzo | jordan_u should i partition the disk first? | 23:33 |
Buttons840 | does anyone have numpy installed from the repos? in my experience it wont actually import to python 2.6? | 23:34 |
revarr | blitzo: I tried it, it isn't that bad just remember, windows first, ubuntu second | 23:34 |
tensorpudding | anyone know if Unix dump/restore works on ext4? | 23:34 |
blitzo | jordan_u revarr we are using the windows recovery disks to do this | 23:34 |
revarr | blitzo: yeah. . . that may make it bad. At least you got a disk. Acer consumed a partion | 23:35 |
^peanut^ | tensorpudding: check out - http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Kernel/2010-03/msg02304.html | 23:35 |
Jordan_U | tensorpudding: I recommend against dump/restore in principle, what are you doing that can't be accomplished with standard tar / rsync / other tools? | 23:35 |
blitzo | jordan_u revarr win7 recovery wants to use the entire disk | 23:35 |
hiexpo | blitzo, guaranteed train wreck u can put your money on it i will bet you will crash within 6 months > so no do not do it use linux or use windows your choice | 23:35 |
revarr | I tried to work around it and completely ruined windows | 23:36 |
gurudrew | Jordan_U, I apologize for the delay, http://pastebin.ca/1903996 | 23:36 |
Jordan_U | blitzo: Then let it, Ubuntu can resize windows during the install. | 23:36 |
blitzo | hiexpo pls do not assume why we are doing this, just advise how to do it | 23:36 |
tensorpudding | I use dump/restore on BSD, and it works amazingly well. | 23:36 |
blitzo | jordan_u pls explain i don't recall any such option to have ubuntu resize the partitions | 23:36 |
Jordan_U | hiexpo: I have no idea what problems you have encountered but most have no problems with dual booting. | 23:37 |
revarr | so with a core i3 processsor should I stick with x86 or the amd64 one | 23:37 |
^peanut^ | hiexpo: please, don't discourge people from trying things. Just because you may have had a bad experience dual booting win and linux, doesn't mean it will be a problem for others. | 23:37 |
PixelEater | how do i make XChat stop connecting to freenode? | 23:37 |
Daekdroom | revarr, 32bits has better support. AMD64 only if you need performance on specific applications. | 23:37 |
tensorpudding | And though I am aware of the dangers of trying such tricks on a live filesystem which doesn't support snapshotting like UFS2 does, I can't find a suitable alternative for full-disk, remote backups with support for incremental backups | 23:37 |
trojan_spike | hiexpo, are u quad booting? | 23:37 |
ZykoticK9 | revarr, it's up to you (so long as your i3 is 64bit). 32bit is easier with less "issues" | 23:37 |
econdudeawesome | hiexpo--quadbooting--awesome. | 23:38 |
Jordan_U | blitzo: I believe the option is called "install side by side", it's fairly obvious once you're actually in the installer. | 23:38 |
^peanut^ | tnesorpudding: check out rsnapshot... =) | 23:38 |
puff | I reinstalled my machine and I have a backup of my old stuff. How do I import the empathy settings? | 23:38 |
^peanut^ | http://rsnapshot.org/ | 23:38 |
hiexpo | ok i will keep my opions to myself > i have only been operating unix for 12 years > sorry | 23:38 |
JJ_ | hi there folks im trying to migrate my irc wscrabble bot from win7 to x-chat inubuntu its a consol application but when i run it i get a file descriptor error what do i do and yes i am root | 23:38 |
^peanut^ | hiexpo: 15yrs here. =) | 23:38 |
blitzo | jordan_u we have 4 partitions already and don't want to disturb them - tell me it won't? | 23:38 |
JJ_ | hi there folks im trying to migrate my irc wscrabble bot from win7 to x-chat inubuntu its a consol application but when i run it i get a fcouldnt get a file descriptor referring to the consolewhat do i do and yes i am root | 23:39 |
dibs | Can anyone help me with partial upgrade problems | 23:39 |
^peanut^ | hiexpo: everyone has different hardware and does things a bit different if they "know what they are doing". remember, alot of folks that come here are new to ubuntu | 23:39 |
trojan_spike | Jordan_U, its only obvious when its empty space | 23:39 |
dibs | I don't know how to find the packages that are causing it, the thread on the forums says I need to know this to resolve this constant partial upgrade | 23:40 |
tensorpudding | I looked at rsnapshot, and although it sounds like it could potentially be able to be coerced to do what I want I'm not sure | 23:40 |
^peanut^ | tensorpudding: so, what are you trying to achive? | 23:40 |
Dmstrdj | Ive had good luck dual booting, just wish I could make the windows partition accessible by password, just in case someone besides me is using it | 23:40 |
hiexpo | ^peanut^, i agree with that everyone that comes here is new to ubuntu but what works works and whatdoes not don't \ | 23:40 |
^peanut^ | hiexpo: so if it doesn't work for you it doesn't work for anyone? | 23:41 |
=== MK-ULTRA is now known as hexdump_ | ||
tensorpudding | I want to make compressed, incremental backups of /dev/sda5 on my laptop and put them on my fileserver | 23:41 |
* JJ_ waits | 23:41 | |
Jordan_U | blitzo: Are they all primary partitions? If they are that could make things interesting. | 23:42 |
blitzo | jordan_u yes they are all primaries | 23:42 |
^peanut^ | tensorpudding. ok I have a bash script that can do that and has been doing for my systems here. I can pastbin it for u if you'd like | 23:42 |
tensorpudding | Okay, sure | 23:42 |
Jordan_U | blitzo: Well, you can't have more than 4 primary partitions, and to make extended partitions you need to use one of those 4. So at least one of those parititons will need to be made extended. | 23:43 |
nokia3510 | erm, you/we're doomed :) http://www1.euro.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/windows_or_ubuntu?c=uk&cs=ukdhs1&l=en&s=dhs | 23:43 |
hiexpo | ^peanut^, i work on computers everyday and the rate of success for dual boot is about 19 percent | 23:43 |
^peanut^ | tensorpudding: from your laptop, you will need to have a smb/cifs, or nfs mount to your fileserver to store the files. Or, run it, have it dump the data locally, then have a wrapper script scp it to your file server. | 23:43 |
JJ_ | who is nokia me? | 23:43 |
blitzo | jordan_u there is no option to install size-by-side | 23:43 |
* nokia3510 congrats all wannabe programmers :) | 23:43 | |
tensorpudding | I'm fine with having to rsync the local stuff, I suppose | 23:44 |
Jordan_U | blitzo: You can see how it normally looks here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installing | 23:44 |
tensorpudding | Having to mount the fileserver is a bit more annoying. | 23:44 |
^peanut^ | hiexpo: I understand as I do to. but, you had an issue and I don't have that issue. I have 150 engineers dual booting centos, ubuntu, and some of our custom linux distros all without issue. so again, for 1 to say it doesn't work because they had an issue and it won't work for others just doesn't make any sense to me. | 23:44 |
tensorpudding | I suppose I could rig NFS up | 23:45 |
dibs | partial upgrade reslove how?? | 23:45 |
^peanut^ | tensorpudding: nfs is easy | 23:45 |
tensorpudding | But it's one more thing I need to remember to disable when I'm not on the LAN | 23:45 |
thune3 | dibs: hard to tell without seeing more detailed information. Have you tried sudo "apt-get install -f" | 23:45 |
^peanut^ | tensorpudding: let me paste that script for u | 23:45 |
Songer | how can i fix lucid? i cannot access | 23:45 |
tensorpudding | Yeah, I've done NFS before | 23:45 |
JJ_ | hi there folks im trying to migrate my irc wscrabble bot from win7 to x-chat inubuntu its a consol application but when i run it i get a fcouldnt get a file descriptor referring to the consolewat do i do and yes i am root | 23:45 |
Songer | mi mo notor goes black | 23:45 |
dibs | thune3: will this do any damage if I run it? what does it do? | 23:45 |
tensorpudding | Actually, nfsd is all configured on the fileserver | 23:45 |
^peanut^ | tensorpudding: yup, that's why I mentoned rsnapshot... you don't need an nfs mount for it =) | 23:46 |
tensorpudding | The reason I really wanted dump and restore was how easy it was to configure on the fileserver | 23:46 |
Jordan_U | gurudrew: It's odd that you have grub legacy installed in the MBR rather than grub2 (which is what 10.04 uses by default) | 23:46 |
^peanut^ | tensorpudding: true. | 23:46 |
gurudrew | Jordan_U, I didn't mess with it, I installed from Wubi, and then just now used LVPM to 'transfer' | 23:47 |
thune3 | dibs: -f option to apt get "Fix; attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place." i doubt it will break things any more than they already are. | 23:47 |
dibs | thune3: it seems I have a bunch of perl related packages to be removed. I update everyday and am wondering if this is correct | 23:47 |
^peanut^ | tensorpudding: here is the bash script stuff. the guy who wrote it moved it to sourceforge =) cool. | 23:47 |
^peanut^ | http://backup2l.sourceforge.net/ | 23:47 |
hiexpo | ^peanut^, i agree some what but i would rather tell someone no instead of yes and have them lose there os and files | 23:47 |
blitzo | jordan_u ok then i need win7 advice and don't know where to get it. what i want to know is whether the recovery disks rely on the recovery partition on the harddisk because we have to blow that away to accomplish this. it did in xp but i don't know if it does in win7 | 23:47 |
gurudrew | It is possible that the legacy grub exists from a much older Ubuntu installation | 23:47 |
gurudrew | This drive is quite ancient | 23:47 |
thune3 | dibs: can you pastebin the output of the commands you are running (and the commands) | 23:48 |
gurudrew | In fact I'm trying to set Ubuntu up on a genuine partition so I can eliminate some of these other drives, to be honest. | 23:48 |
Jordan_U | blitzo: Try asking in ##windows. | 23:48 |
^peanut^ | hiexpo: agreed, I wouldn't want someone to lose anything. and not for dual booting. I would say run a local vm instead. | 23:48 |
blitzo | jordan_u thx much | 23:48 |
gurudrew | s/drives/partitions/ | 23:48 |
Evolution-X | Hi Guys | 23:48 |
andares | hey, Ubuntu uses PAX, doesn't it? | 23:48 |
Jordan_U | blitzo: You're welcome. | 23:48 |
hiexpo | ^peanut^, yep vm or run live cd | 23:49 |
tensorpudding | Looks pretty fancy | 23:49 |
^peanut^ | tensorpudding: if you use the backup2l, you can write a very small post script that scp's the data to your main fileserver =) | 23:49 |
ericthehax | Im using lucid and all the packages, updates, or otherwise, in the repos are not authenticated, and I can't seem to fix it. Google is NOT helping. If f***in desperate. <---censorship pun, cause anything can start with f. | 23:49 |
dibs | thune#: http://pastebin.ca/1904016 | 23:49 |
ericthehax | s/if/im | 23:49 |
^peanut^ | tensorpudding: it's not all that bad. very basic stuff. don't get to caught up on the drivers part of the config file. =) the defaults work great | 23:50 |
dibs | thune3: http://pastebin.ca/1904016 -I also have my php pinned, do you think this may be whats wrong? | 23:50 |
kazandra | alguien podria ayudarme por favor | 23:50 |
tensorpudding | !es | kazandra | 23:50 |
ubottu | kazandra: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 23:50 |
froschi | *flk* yeah, this will help me: An error occurred while extracting files. ... fileroller, this is a very fine error message... | 23:51 |
Jordan_U | blitzo: Follow this guide to install grub2: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide You can follow it from within the Wubi install but you should probably have a LiveCD on hand in case something goes wrong. | 23:51 |
karlo | how do I know if my graphical driver is installed ? | 23:51 |
^peanut^ | froschi: tryin to extract a file from gnome? | 23:51 |
gregl | jj: doubt it will work: WScrabble is not a mIRC script but a small standalone Windows program in console-mode. It say stand alone WINDOWS program.. | 23:51 |
nkei0 | ^peanut^: does this mean that there is a bad block, but it's fixing or just pressing with the test? "23652896done, 1:15:50 elapsed" | 23:51 |
^peanut^ | nkei0: looks like it's still scanning the disk. wow how big is your HD? | 23:52 |
lichunliang | 320 | 23:52 |
ericthehax | ... | 23:52 |
gurudrew | Jordan_U, Any ideas on how to fix this? | 23:52 |
froschi | ^peanut^: 'from' gnoem? maybe :) clicked on 'open', then 'extract' somwhere | 23:52 |
thune3 | dibs: those are just "obsolete" packages, you should be able to remove them if you want. It is not really a problem to leave them. | 23:53 |
ericthehax | Not the walmart curse again ;_; | 23:53 |
karlo | how do I know if my graphical driver is installed ? | 23:53 |
Jordan_U | blitzo: Nvm, that last message was for gurudrew | 23:53 |
nkei0 | ^peanut^: Also, it just said 96.11% done, 1:16:25 elapsed Interrupt caught, cleaning up and then brought the prompt back. I scanned a few different sections at a time, this section was 25gig... it takes about an hourish | 23:53 |
gurudrew | ohh | 23:53 |
gurudrew | ok thanks Jordan_U | 23:53 |
gurudrew | I'll take a look | 23:53 |
^peanut^ | froschi: what type of file is it? *.gz *.bz2? *.zip? | 23:53 |
Jordan_U | gurudrew: You're welcome. | 23:53 |
econdudeawesome | Is Xubuntu really more resource efficient than Ubunut? | 23:53 |
froschi | ^peanut^: bz2 | 23:53 |
Evolution-X | anyone with Ipod experiences that can help me please PM me | 23:54 |
OldSmokey_ | hello | 23:54 |
tensorpudding | ericthehax: I have this problem on occasion too | 23:54 |
^peanut^ | nkei0: ok cool and you ran it with fsck -a right? | 23:54 |
tensorpudding | did you mess with the sources? | 23:54 |
Evolution-X | need help | 23:54 |
gurudrew | econdudeawesome, the XFCE interface is really snappy, sometimes snappier than Gnome, but in 10.4 I've found gnome to be really awesome performance-wise | 23:54 |
nkei0 | ^peanut^: I haven't done that one yet | 23:54 |
tensorpudding | you might need to run aptitude update | 23:54 |
^peanut^ | froschi: try openning a terminal, cd to the location of the *.bz2 and run bunzip "filename.bz2" | 23:54 |
gurudrew | I'm totally in love with 10.4, just hate the pink/purple icons, which I've gotten rid of. | 23:54 |
^peanut^ | nkei0: oh ok. | 23:54 |
ericthehax | tensorpudding: its been happening for quite a while... i think a few days at least... do you know what could be causing it? | 23:54 |
^peanut^ | nkei0: your still on your live cd right? | 23:55 |
nkei0 | ^peanut^: Yep | 23:55 |
thune3 | dibs: are you having an actual problem when you try to perform some install operation? | 23:55 |
OldSmokey_ | anybody using UE? | 23:55 |
^peanut^ | nkei0: ok... try running the fsck -a /dev/"whatever your disk partition is" | 23:55 |
froschi | ^peanut^: yeah, doing that atm... i think it's running out of diskspace... makes a strange file in some subdir first... maybe wants to COPY, not MOVE in the end... is this a know bug? | 23:55 |
econdudeawesome | gurudrew I ask because I'm thinking of switching over to lubuntu for an older system. I am actually currently using lubuntu-desktop and the default interface isn't great, but it sure is amazingly fast. | 23:55 |
robacarp | anyone in here use an apple bluetooth wireless kbd with 10.04? | 23:56 |
econdudeawesome | gurudrew I was curious because Xubuntu is claimed to be for lower end systems, and lubuntu seems a lot better (via random google searches for info) | 23:56 |
^peanut^ | froschi: not sure if it's a bug. could you paste the output from your shell when it finishes? or fails? | 23:56 |
froschi | ^peanut^: bunzip worked fine... :/ only cost me ~10 minutes waiting... think i'm going back to cmdline for all needs where possible :/ | 23:57 |
gurudrew | econdudeawesome, I don't have a reference point as I've never used lubuntu, but xubuntu is snappy from my experience. | 23:57 |
hiexpo | arg | 23:57 |
slidinghorn | econdudeawesome, lxde is a very lightweight DE compared to XFCE in my experience. You can theme it up if you don't like the original look without too much trouble I'm sure...haven't tried to myself. | 23:57 |
^peanut^ | froschi: I'm so terminal bound for most things. =) it's nice | 23:57 |
^peanut^ | hiexpo: what's up? | 23:58 |
nkei0 | ^peanut^: I get this "fsck: fsck.swap: not found ; fsck: Error 2 while executing fsck.swap for /dev/sda5" when running fsck -a /dev/sda5 | 23:58 |
OldSmokey_ | <econdudeawesome> mint released a light version also | 23:58 |
econdudeawesome | gurudrew good to know. I'm going to be setting up a LAMP and only want a minimal desktop environment. slidinghorn I'm fairly impressed--very very snappy, but no compiz. Compiz is nice, but not a dealbreaker if its missing | 23:58 |
Evolution-X | Do i need codecs for ubuntu | 23:58 |
nkei0 | ^peanut^: Is it because I had the swapoff when i was deleted the extra linux swap space? | 23:58 |
hiexpo | got booted | 23:58 |
Evolution-X | video and audio codecs | 23:58 |
Evolution-X | i got ubuntu 10.4 | 23:58 |
econdudeawesome | OldSmokey I haven't really been impressed with Linux Mint. It's ugly IMHO. And GNOME panels/LXDE panels are easier to work with than whatever skin Linux Mint is using | 23:58 |
slidinghorn | econdudeawesome, well if you're on a low-end system, compiz isn't good for you anyway...it's pretty resource intensive in itself | 23:58 |
^peanut^ | nkei0: hmm, good question. | 23:58 |
dibs | thune3: it's just that every morning I get a partial upgrade dialogue instead of my old faithfull upgrades one | 23:59 |
OldSmokey_ | <Evolution-X> depends on what you want to do | 23:59 |
nkei0 | ^peanut^: Turned it back on, and trying again. | 23:59 |
Jordan_U | Evolution-X: Generally just double clicking on a video / audio file will install the codecs needed automatically. | 23:59 |
^peanut^ | nkei0: have you tried to remove the swap first, then add in to swap? | 23:59 |
soreau | slidinghorn: Its only as resource intensive as the plugins you have enabled. | 23:59 |
Evolution-X | i see that happends on rythmbox | 23:59 |
^peanut^ | ok brb | 23:59 |
econdudeawesome | slidinghorn I'm not, but I like my DE to use little resources, since I do a lot of scientific computing/number crunching. I get tired of doing that in CLI | 23:59 |
hiexpo | add medibuntu repos i think still in 10.04 | 23:59 |
nkei0 | ^peanut^: no, i just tried it with swapon and it still failed for the same reason. | 23:59 |
Evolution-X | ok | 23:59 |
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