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funkyHat | Oh man the annoying "this folder isn't synced" notice got even more obnoxious... | 01:17 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: why more obnoxious? | 02:42 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: it's now an even longer message, and takes up 2 lines | 02:43 |
Chipaca | popey: ping | 02:44 |
Chipaca | popey: did you ever file a bug re the per-folder syncing message? | 02:45 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: there is a bug, hold on | 02:45 |
funkyHat | bug #601102 | 02:46 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 601102 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "ubuntu one disabled notice in every nautilus window (affects: 3) (heat: 20)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/601102 | 02:46 |
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Chipaca | ok | 02:50 |
nUboon2Age | Just wanted to let people know I documented how to get Harald Sitter (apachelogger)'s ubuntu-kde and ubuntuone-gnome-client working on Kubuntu. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1522137 | 03:03 |
Chipaca | what was the bug re syncing some of the xdg folders automatically on signup? | 03:08 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: what version of ubuntuone-client-gnome are you using? | 03:11 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: 1.3.4-0ubuntu1 | 03:11 |
nUboon2Age | So far I've confirmed file syncing and Tomboy notes syncing on Kubuntu. I havent tried contacts or music syncing on any platform yet. I've also confirmed Tomboy note syncing working on Windows (vista); also file syncing on Portable Ubuntu on Windows (see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1522852 -- I haven't tried Tomboy yet, but don't anticipate any problem). | 03:11 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: I have the same version, and am not seeing the extended per-folder message | 03:12 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: it's showing only in dirs under ~ now | 03:13 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: yes, I know | 03:14 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: but I'm only seeing "ubuntu one disabled" | 03:14 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: ah ok. I'm now seeing "Ubuntu One - folder not synchronized", and on a second line "These files are not backed up and will not be available in your other computers" | 03:14 |
Chipaca | let me reinstall libsyncdaemon | 03:15 |
Chipaca | now yes! thanks funkyHat :) | 03:16 |
nUboon2Age | Clarification: I got Tomboy note syncing working on Windows (Vista) using Ubuntu One to sync, but without any specific Windows Client-side U1 software. Under the sync prefs I put Tomboy Web, and then gave https://one.ubuntu.com/notes and 'Connected'. The browser prompted me to add the computer, and once I'd done that I saved it. It just worked! :) | 03:16 |
Chipaca | nUboon2Age: if you could come online tomorrow between 8z and 16z, approx, and talk to mandel, he's working on the windows client and has an installer you might want to try | 03:17 |
nUboon2Age | Chipaca: is 'z' mean GMT? | 03:17 |
nUboon2Age | Chipaca: i should say does 'z' mean in GMT time zone? | 03:18 |
Chipaca | nUboon2Age: z is UTC | 03:20 |
Chipaca | yes | 03:20 |
Chipaca | "zulu" | 03:21 |
nUboon2Age | Chipaca: sounds good. I'll try and catch up with him soon, if not tommorrow. | 03:21 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: I'm not sure why you're thanking me ;( | 03:26 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: because I wanted to see the new message and wasn't, and I thought it was because it wasn't in the repo yet, but it was only because I had overwritten the libsyncdaemon .so while doing some tests, and needed to reinstall | 03:28 |
Chipaca | I'm moving to have the message removed in a lot of cases, and made smaller / briefer in others | 03:29 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: as you've possibly gathered from the bug report I'd rather it just went away | 03:29 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: why would you rather it just went away? | 03:30 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: or rather, in which cases? always? how would you accomplish what it's trying to accomplish, then? | 03:30 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: these are not rhetorical questions; I really want to know | 03:31 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: I would rather just see emblems on synced files. That would be much less obtrusive, and actually be able to provide more information (this file is syncing now, for example) | 03:32 |
funkyHat | And the reason I would rather it went away is I find it obtrusive ;) | 03:32 |
funkyHat | Kind of like "HII I'M UBUNTU ONE WHY AREN'T YOU USING ME HERE? HUH?" | 03:32 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: you do get that the message is not telling you whether the files are actually synced, but rather whether the folder is being synced? | 03:34 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: i.e. whether it is being kept in sync? | 03:34 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: yes | 03:34 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: how wouold you do that with an emblem? | 03:35 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: I mean | 03:35 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: well, I mean that, please fill out the idea. I know the per-folder thing isn't ideal, but I think it is, in some situations, better than the alternatives | 03:36 |
Chipaca | in some other situations it needs to just not be there at all (such as when file syncing is disabled) | 03:36 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: I would probably do it the way dropbox does it | 03:36 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: dropbox allows you to synchronize any folder in your home? how does it expose that? | 03:37 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: oh you mean how I'd expose the option. I'd do that in the context menu for a dir and in a menu | 03:39 |
funkyHat | no, dropbox doesn't have that facility | 03:39 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: the context menu is already too big | 03:41 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: we had it there, before, and it was unusable | 03:41 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: and now the top of the window in nautilus is also too big | 03:41 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: yes. But we can shring that quite a bit. | 03:42 |
Chipaca | *shrink | 03:42 |
funkyHat | I can't remember exactly how it was when it was in the context menu, but if I recall there were a couple of top level options, and it did look quite messy. | 03:45 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: yep. And I understand we don't have a lot of control over that from the plugin. | 03:49 |
funkyHat | I think the other uses of that widget in nautilus are generally more useful (though I'm not especially keen on the "this device has photos on it" type ones either)... e.g. the recycle bin/wastebasket is a special type of "folder" where there's a specific action I'm likely to want to perform. Normal folders aren't special | 03:50 |
Chipaca | I agree, and I agree it's far from optimal... but as I say, still better than our alternatives, for M at least. | 04:06 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: I think a single submenu for any ubuntu one options in the context menu (unless there's just a single option) would be much better, but it sounds like you've already decided against that | 04:08 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: AFAIK we can't add a submenu | 04:09 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: from a plugin, that is | 04:09 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: dropbox does it | 04:09 |
funkyHat | Their nautilus plugin is open source too | 04:09 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: I understand there are two kinds of nautilus plugin, and we'd have to be the other kind. But maybe I've got it wrong. | 04:09 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: I'll ask. | 04:10 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: thanks. A possibility that just came to me is to use a windicator instead ;) | 04:13 |
Chipaca | hah! | 04:14 |
Chipaca | not for M, no | 04:14 |
funkyHat | Well, in the meantime is there some way I can turn off these annoying notices without disabling ubuntu one completely? | 04:16 |
Chipaca | funkyHat: you could remove the nautilus extension... | 04:18 |
funkyHat | Chipaca: thanks ⢁) | 04:20 |
geekilized | "There was a (temporary) problem getting your list of purchased songs. Please wait a short time and then try again, or return to the music store." - I have been getting this message for 3 days | 04:44 |
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geekilized | is it just me? | 04:46 |
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geekilized | anyone? | 04:51 |
geekilized | someone? | 04:57 |
geekilized | no one? | 04:59 |
geekilized | ok why is everyone in the channel anyways if nobody is gonna reply? what's the point of even having this channel? | 05:00 |
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psypher246 | honk | 07:09 |
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duanedesign | psypher246: hello | 07:24 |
psypher246 | howzit, before logging a bug I want to talk to u guys 1st. Files deleted on my laptop do not delete on the server or other pc's, what could be the issue? | 07:25 |
duanedesign | psypher246: ok | 07:27 |
duanedesign | psypher246: could you open a terminal and run the command: u1sdtool -s | 07:27 |
psypher246 | State: QUEUE_MANAGER | 07:28 |
psypher246 | connection: With User With Network | 07:28 |
psypher246 | description: processing queues | 07:28 |
psypher246 | is_connected: True | 07:28 |
psypher246 | is_error: False | 07:28 |
psypher246 | is_online: True | 07:28 |
psypher246 | queues: IDLE | 07:28 |
duanedesign | psypher246: where these files in your Ubuntu One folder? | 07:29 |
psypher246 | yes | 07:29 |
duanedesign | psypher246: ok. lets try restarting the syncdaemon. Could you run the following command | 07:30 |
duanedesign | u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool -c | 07:30 |
psypher246 | funny now it looks, after almost a wek, it's suddenly deleting the files | 07:32 |
psypher246 | b4 i ran that command i logged onto u1 client and clicked connect, but this is the 1st time it was disconnected | 07:32 |
psypher246 | although just SOME of the files have deleted, dunno if it's still working | 07:33 |
duanedesign | psypher246: can you run the command: u1sdtool --waiting-metadata | wc -l | 07:33 |
duanedesign | it will return a number. Thats the number of metadata items waiting to sync | 07:34 |
psypher246 | 4 | 07:34 |
duanedesign | ok so it still has 4 more things to do | 07:34 |
duanedesign | you can also use that same command but replace metadata with content | 07:35 |
duanedesign | u1sdtool --waiting-content | wc -l | 07:35 |
psypher246 | 0 | 07:35 |
duanedesign | ok so it only has those 4 metadata items | 07:36 |
psypher246 | that now 5 :) | 07:36 |
duanedesign | heh, its going the wrong direction :) | 07:38 |
psypher246 | now it's 6 | 07:39 |
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psypher246 | ok it's gone now | 07:46 |
psypher246 | duanedesign: the website is also very unstable, constantly timing out and providing errors yet the staus says it's fine | 07:47 |
psypher246 | We're sorry. Something's not working correctly. Please try again or check the Ubuntu One status page. If this issue continues, please file a bug. Thanks! | 07:47 |
duanedesign | psypher246: ok. Is this one.ubuntu.com | 07:48 |
psypher246 | ye | 07:48 |
psypher246 | the sync is finishd but only some of the files were deleted | 07:48 |
psypher246 | logging out and in again of the web site fixes the timeout issue | 07:48 |
popey | Chipaca: i have seen those bugs about the u1 banner in nautilus and I'm still not happy that it's "fixed" | 07:52 |
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duanedesign | psypher246: so some of them did delete, but not all of them? | 07:55 |
psypher246 | duanedesign: yes | 08:11 |
duanedesign | can you run u1sdtool -s again | 08:13 |
duanedesign | psypher246: ^^ | 08:13 |
psypher246 | State: QUEUE_MANAGER | 08:20 |
psypher246 | connection: With User With Network | 08:20 |
psypher246 | description: processing queues | 08:20 |
psypher246 | is_connected: True | 08:20 |
psypher246 | is_error: False | 08:20 |
psypher246 | is_online: True | 08:20 |
psypher246 | queues: IDLE | 08:20 |
psypher246 | why is the website so unstable, have to log out and in again after each time i browse the olders | 08:20 |
duanedesign | hmm | 08:20 |
psypher246 | lol, this is our MOTD from the man we call root: | 08:22 |
psypher246 | See, I told you it was easy. Unix is very user-friendly, just a little bit | 08:22 |
psypher246 | picky about who it's friends are. | 08:22 |
duanedesign | :) | 08:23 |
psypher246 | there is a whole bash explanation leading up to that but not gonna bore you ;) | 08:23 |
duanedesign | psypher246: can you try the copmmand we did earlier to restart the syncdaemon | 08:23 |
psypher246 | have a lot of non-nix people wokring on our jumbhosts | 08:23 |
duanedesign | u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool -c | 08:23 |
psypher246 | k | 08:24 |
mandel | ping vds | 08:24 |
psypher246 | u1sdtool --waiting-metadata | wc -l | 08:25 |
psypher246 | 4 | 08:25 |
duanedesign | psypher246: do you have anything in this file ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log | 08:26 |
psypher246 | no | 08:26 |
duanedesign | psypher246: ok. well lets take a look at ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log | 08:30 |
duanedesign | psypher246: could post the contents at http://paste.ubuntu.com | 08:30 |
duanedesign | psypher246: this log does have your file names in it | 08:30 |
duanedesign | psypher246: so if you have anything personal or proprietary you can obfuscate it | 08:31 |
psypher246 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/465786/ | 08:31 |
duanedesign | never now :) Someone might keep their entire girly picture collection in their Uuntu One folder :P | 08:32 |
psypher246 | oh i do ;) | 08:32 |
psypher246 | lol | 08:32 |
psypher246 | meh ;0 | 08:32 |
duanedesign | :) | 08:33 |
psypher246 | but it's the client documentation that won't delete ;) | 08:33 |
psypher246 | less important to backup | 08:33 |
vds | mandel: pong | 08:35 |
mandel | vds, morning! :D | 08:35 |
vds | mandel: morning! | 08:36 |
mandel | so, I'm nearly done with the installer, I just need your help with S3 ;) | 08:36 |
mandel | mandel, the installer now will download all the different msi from s3, so besides the gtk sharp you created, I need a tomboyone and a UbuntuOne that we have | 08:37 |
vds | mandel: sure! | 08:37 |
mandel | I just need to put something in S3 to test | 08:37 |
mandel | vds, I'll put the file in the ubuntu one share, ok? | 08:37 |
vds | mandel: yep | 08:37 |
psypher246 | duanedesign: the meatadata count is now 0 but the files are still there | 08:39 |
mandel | vds, can i upload files to the share through the webui? | 08:39 |
vds | mandel: yes | 08:41 |
nUboon2Age | mandel: Chipaca_ told me i should check in with you about a windows client/installer test you are doing. | 08:42 |
mandel | vds, mm then I'm stupid 'cause I do not see the upload buttons :( | 08:42 |
mandel | nUboon2Age, good morning :D, yes we are working on it, what do you want to know? | 08:43 |
duanedesign | psypher246: well i dont see anything in that log. The file is gone from your local U1 folder but still exists on the server? | 08:44 |
psypher246 | yes | 08:44 |
nUboon2Age | mandel: good morning to you (about to knock off where i am). It sounded like it might be something i could try out -- like beta test. | 08:44 |
vds | mandel: is at the top near Files, search for upload in the page | 08:45 |
nUboon2Age | mandel: i've been alpha testing apachelogger's ubuntuone-kde . Got it running... been wanting to get a windows client running, so i guess you're the person to talk to. | 08:46 |
mandel | nUboon2Age, that would be awesome, but we have a lot of work yet to do to adapt the sync daemon to work correctly, neverthelles I'm sure as soon as there is working client your help yould be greatly welcome :D | 08:46 |
nUboon2Age | mandel: sounds good. any idea of the timeline when i could play with it? | 08:47 |
mandel | nUboon2Age, I would love to have it in 2 weeks or so, but it all depends on the bugs and problems we find in our way | 08:48 |
mandel | nUboon2Age, there is though some help you can give use with the initial installer we have, we are creating a single installer that will download and install for you UbuntuOne, tomboy and GtkSharp if needed, so it would be great if you hang around here this week so we can ask you to try it out | 08:48 |
mandel | vds, no buttons in my webui with chrome :( | 08:48 |
mandel | vds, I did a search in the page and all | 08:49 |
vds | mandel: ah, it's read only for you, quite strange I'm sure I set it read/write | 08:49 |
mandel | vds, no problem, is early in the morning ;) | 08:50 |
vds | mandel: well I did it last week not today :) please accept the share again | 08:51 |
mandel | vds, ok | 08:52 |
mandel | vds, cool now is ok, I'll upload the examples right now into a folder called installers | 08:52 |
vds | ok | 08:53 |
mandel | vds, I'm uploading the gtksharp too just for completness, but we have that on in s3 already | 08:53 |
gord | hi all, having troubles getting ubuntu one to sign in. preferences says name/email are "Unknown". not quite sure how to get it to pick up my sso | 08:55 |
mandel | vds, the UbuntuOne.msi is just an example, it does not do much, but is enough for testing | 08:55 |
duanedesign | gord: have you added your computer to your Ubuntu One account | 08:56 |
gord | duanedesign, I wouldn't know how :) but i'm sure this machine was added at some point in the past but has been formatted since | 08:58 |
duanedesign | psypher246: might be easiest if you did file a bug. That would be an easy way to get your logs uo so we can look at them. zip you ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/ and attach it to the bug. To file a bug run the command ubuntu-bug ubuntuone-client | 08:58 |
duanedesign | psypher246: then post the bug number here \ | 08:58 |
psypher246 | ok cool will do | 08:58 |
psypher246 | thanks | 08:58 |
duanedesign | gord: ok well lets look at Applications > Accessories > Password ans Encryption | 08:59 |
duanedesign | gord: Click on the arrow next to "Passwords" and look for an Ubuntu One Token | 09:00 |
gord | duanedesign, Yup got an ubuntu one token with a large password | 09:00 |
nUboon2Age | mandel: yes, I'd probably be able to. I'm kinda on the opposite schedule from you. how would you want to coordinate? | 09:00 |
duanedesign | gord: ok r-click and delete it | 09:00 |
mandel | nUboon2Age, mm good question! let me give you my email, that way you an contact me easily | 09:01 |
duanedesign | gord: Go to https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/ | 09:01 |
nUboon2Age | mandel: sounds good. | 09:01 |
duanedesign | gord: if your computer is listed click the checkbox next to the computer and Click the "Remove selected computers" button | 09:02 |
gord | duanedesign, okay done | 09:02 |
duanedesign | gord: now open the ubuntu one preferences from the Me Menu | 09:03 |
duanedesign | gord: if that does not trigger the browser to add your computer open a terminal and run the command: u1sdtool -q; killall ubuntuone-login; u1sdtool -c | 09:04 |
duanedesign | gord: run the command after closing the Ubuntu One Preferences | 09:05 |
gord | duanedesign, okay did all that but its still not triggering a browser =\ | 09:07 |
duanedesign | gord: what version of Ubuntu are you running? | 09:08 |
gord | duanedesign, maverick, all the latest updates | 09:08 |
gord | duanedesign, do you happen to be at the platform sprint? | 09:08 |
duanedesign | gord: no | 09:09 |
gord | ah shame | 09:09 |
duanedesign | gord: you are using Firefox. | 09:10 |
duanedesign | gord: and Firefox is selected under system . preferences > preffered applications | 09:10 |
gord | duanedesign, logged out and back in now i get it asking me to add the machine and connects :) | 09:10 |
gord | thanks! | 09:10 |
duanedesign | gord: ok so you had to log out of the desktop and back in? | 09:11 |
gord | duanedesign, yeah | 09:11 |
duanedesign | gord: ok just want to make sure i know incase someone else shows up with the same issue :) | 09:11 |
psypher246 | duanedesign: so do you know about the web site and it's stability issues? | 09:15 |
duanedesign | i didnt experience anything here | 09:15 |
psypher246 | everytime i click on a folder i get kicked out and have to log in again, i can only browse once per session | 09:15 |
psypher246 | sometimes not even once | 09:16 |
duanedesign | psypher246: thats not good | 09:17 |
psypher246 | under what application would i log that bug? | 09:18 |
duanedesign | psypher246: ubuntuone-servers | 09:18 |
psypher246 | duanedesign: 607102 bug number for the delete issue | 09:19 |
duanedesign | bug 607102 | 09:19 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 607102 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "deleted files do not delete on ubuntuone web or other machines (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/607102 | 09:20 |
psypher246 | yes | 09:20 |
pedronis | morning | 09:37 |
duanedesign | pedronis: morning | 09:38 |
duanedesign | psypher246: can you try the command: find ~/.local/share/ubuntuone -name '62eaf9c9-58cd-4f02-a784-f5b14100025d' -delete | 09:39 |
psypher246 | duanedesign: WHAT DOES THAT DO?> | 09:39 |
psypher246 | woops sorry caps | 09:39 |
duanedesign | psypher246: it will delete that piece of metadata | 09:40 |
duanedesign | psypher246: sometimes those bits of metadata get corrumpted and prevent proper operation | 09:40 |
psypher246 | duanedesign: sorry which peice, is this the one stopping the data from syncing? | 09:40 |
duanedesign | psypher246: could very well be. There are errors in the logs associated with an unlink command and this is the metadata for that bit of info. It will recreate the metadata | 09:42 |
duanedesign | psypher246: might want to u1sdtool -q | 09:42 |
duanedesign | psypher246: then: rm ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/vm/shares/6/2/e/62eaf9c9-58cd-4f02-a784-f5b14100025d | 09:43 |
duanedesign | either one the find command and that rm command will do the same | 09:43 |
duanedesign | psypher246: after the rm command run u1sdtool -c and give it a bit to see if it works | 09:44 |
psypher246 | duanedesign: done but no real difference | 09:49 |
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vds | mandel: for some reason the upload is sloooow today but it's almost finished | 10:17 |
vds | mandel: same folder as the other one | 10:17 |
mandel | vds, ok, na,es are the same that | 10:18 |
mandel | vds, I gave u? | 10:18 |
vds | mandel: ...what? :) | 10:19 |
mandel | vds, nothing, me being stupid :P | 10:20 |
vds | mandel: finally, upload completed | 10:21 |
mandel | vds, oks, lets try it out! | 10:25 |
mandel | vds, works like a charm! | 10:30 |
mandel | I'll update the result setup.exe to the share so you can try it out, it if works I'll make some changes in the build and we can merge :D | 10:30 |
vds | mandel: 'couse you're a wizard! :) | 10:30 |
vds | cool! | 10:31 |
mandel | vds, haha that is a terrible joke | 10:31 |
vds | it's monday... | 10:31 |
mandel | vds, excuses | 10:31 |
mandel | vds, can u try the setup.exe in the ubuntuone share? | 10:32 |
vds | mandel: sure | 10:32 |
mandel | vds, if that works we have an installer that downloads the different msi from the net and installs them | 10:32 |
mandel | vds, we need images and all those preaty things.. but nessita took THE designer from us :( | 10:33 |
mandel | mandel, I'm sure she is doins something more important anyway... | 10:33 |
nessita | mandel: THE designer is free but he's AFK right now | 10:33 |
nessita | mandel: so stop wining :-P | 10:33 |
mandel | nessita, haha I knew you would jump ;) | 10:34 |
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nessita | :-D | 10:34 |
nessita | mandel: you know me dude | 10:34 |
mandel | nessita, Great minds think alike | 10:35 |
mandel | vds, got the installer? does it work in your machine? | 10:36 |
vds | mandel: downloading | 10:36 |
mandel | vds, the installer or the diff components? | 10:36 |
vds | mandel: the components | 10:39 |
mandel | vds, ok, so the setup is small enough, right? | 10:39 |
vds | yes | 10:40 |
vds | mandel: it is asking two times for the license | 10:40 |
mandel | yes, that is somthing we have to talk about, it will ask per comonent since they might have differencent licenses | 10:40 |
mandel | vds, ^ | 10:40 |
vds | mandel: that is fine I guess | 10:41 |
mandel | vds, so far is on purpose, maybe the initial one is not needed (the one under the list of components) | 10:41 |
vds | as long as we make it clear | 10:41 |
vds | and the user understand what's happening | 10:41 |
mandel | vds, yep, maybe removing the first one is the best option | 10:41 |
mandel | vds, I'll remove the first one to make sure it is not confusing | 10:42 |
vds | cool | 10:43 |
mandel | vds, I've fixed that, what about the rest of the experience? does dowloading etc work? | 10:43 |
vds | mandel: installing tomboy now | 10:44 |
mandel | vds, ok | 10:45 |
mandel | vds, did you create the script to upload data to s3? | 10:46 |
vds | mandel: I haven't fix it yet to support folder I was having fun with win on ec2 | 10:47 |
vds | mandel: I do it asap | 10:47 |
mandel | vds, no proble, I guess the most important thing is to set up windows in ec2 and start setting it up to make the builds | 10:47 |
mandel | vds, we can sort out the uploading later | 10:48 |
vds | mandel: I better fix the script it shouldn't take too much | 10:48 |
mandel | vds, yes, but it is a script that will not be useful to put in the src, right? contributers will not be able to upload anything anyway | 10:49 |
vds | mandel: I had a previous version of gtk# and it failed to install it | 10:50 |
mandel | vds, ok, I'll make sure the installer does not execute if you have gtksharp or tomboy, I'll get on it right away | 10:50 |
mandel | vds, actually, better I'll propose a merge with the code so far, we then file two bugs, one for tomboy being installed when already present and other one for gtk, agree? | 10:51 |
vds | mandel: agreed | 10:52 |
vds | mandel: last thing when the installer has finished it shouldn't propose you to install again, it's a bit confusing... | 10:54 |
mandel | vds, mm I guess that is a bug related with the fact that gtksharp failed, let me merge and we file the bugs ;) | 10:55 |
vds | ah | 10:55 |
vds | ok | 10:55 |
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mandel | vds, got the bootstrapper to be generated? | 11:59 |
dskrbt | honk | 12:31 |
vds | mandel: nope, cannot find InstallerLinker.exe | 12:43 |
vds | mandel: probably I'm missing something | 12:43 |
mandel | vds, muffinresearch told me, I'll add the lib in the tools folders, I must have missed it when I added it with bzr | 12:43 |
mandel | vds, give me a sec | 12:44 |
vds | mandel: sure | 12:44 |
mandel | vds, bazaar works funny on windows sometimes... I though I added it .. | 12:44 |
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mandel | vds, can u update the branch and try again.... sorry again, I though I added the bin folder | 12:47 |
mandel | vds, can u try again? | 12:51 |
vds | mandel: sure | 12:51 |
vds | mandel: installing again | 12:56 |
mandel | vds, cool, thx, I do not know wahy bzr add dir/ irnogres binaries, do you know why? | 12:57 |
mandel | vds, or I am stupid, which is more probable :P | 12:58 |
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vds | mandel: don't know | 13:04 |
Chipaca | mandel: nuboon2age_ got things (not quite sure which parts) in portable windows (or was it portable ubuntu?) | 13:07 |
mandel | Chipaca, which parts? he told be about portable ubuntu.. AFAIK there is not portable windows (no pun intended) | 13:12 |
Chipaca | mandel: as I said, I'm not sure which parts. And yes, portable ubuntu. | 13:13 |
mandel | Chipaca, I talked with he did not mention anyhting about windows | 13:19 |
Chipaca | mandel: ok | 13:20 |
vds | mandel: the installer hangs trying to install tomboy | 13:21 |
vds | I try again | 13:21 |
mandel | vds, that is an issue with tomboy msi.. I wonder what happens | 13:22 |
mandel | there should be logs somehwere from tomboy | 13:22 |
vds | mandel: somewhere? :) | 13:22 |
mandel | vds, let me find out, it depends on the msi ... | 13:24 |
mandel | vds, does windows ask for permission when you install Tomboy??? | 13:31 |
vds | mandel: permissions meaning? | 13:32 |
vds | the usual security alert? | 13:32 |
mandel | vds, yes, that stupid message ;) | 13:32 |
vds | only once for ubuntuone I think | 13:32 |
mandel | can u try again and let me know | 13:33 |
vds | mandel: ah | 13:34 |
vds | tries to install tomboy first and gtk# after | 13:34 |
vds | and doesn't work... | 13:34 |
mandel | vds, | 13:36 |
mandel | vds, aha, that should be the other way around then, first gtksharp, and then tomboy | 13:36 |
mandel | vds, we will fail if we do not have gtksharp in the system | 13:37 |
mandel | vds, the problem I have is that users can decide not to install gtksharp in the menu... should I disable that? | 13:38 |
vds | mandel: I'd say yes :) | 13:41 |
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mandel | vds, ok, sorted then, we install UbuntuOne and GtkSharp if not present (bug to be added) and will let users select the other software, ok? | 13:41 |
vds | mandel: so now the installer created from the branch doesn't work? | 13:42 |
mandel | vds, if you let me update it, it will, so far it does not... we need to move gtksharp to install before tomboy | 13:43 |
mandel | vds, I did not think about that.... | 13:43 |
vds | mandel: ok | 13:43 |
mandel | vds, give me 3 seconds to change it and 5 min to push it to lp ;) | 13:43 |
vds | take your time I'm not going anywhere :) | 13:44 |
mandel | vds, fixed :D | 13:49 |
vds | cool | 13:49 |
mandel | vds, god I hate making installers... | 13:49 |
mandel | vds, rebuild it and let me know | 13:49 |
mandel | if you have the libs already installed it will ask you if you want to repear them... that will be a bug later on, it should ask nothing | 13:50 |
Chipaca | Ubuntu One Desktop+ standup meeting starting un Mumble | 14:01 |
llllbbbb | Hello... yestarday i purchase music from ubuntu one music store but the mp3s bitrate wasn't 192 as stated in the store.They are 96kbps making them hardly bareable to lisen to...... I tried yestarday to contact 7digital through the form in rhytmbox-ubuntu-one but iam not sure if they got my mesage.(After submiting the mesage in the contact form the form reapeared empty without saying if the message was delivered )Should i try a di | 14:05 |
llllbbbb | or wait a couple of days? | 14:09 |
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vds | mandel: works | 14:29 |
mandel | vds, then I merge :D, right ? | 14:30 |
vds | mandel: yep | 14:30 |
mandel | vds, awesome, as soon as that is done I'll propose an other took I was keeping for later ;) | 14:30 |
vds | took? | 14:31 |
dobey | llllbbbb: I'm not sure what the exact behavior of that form is supposed to be, but it sounds like maybe you should try to submit your rquest again, just to be on the safe side. have you received any e-mail confirmation of your request? | 14:47 |
llllbbbb | dobey: No response to my mail. I submited 2 times yesterday.....i ll try again then. | 14:49 |
statik | nice, https://encrypted.google.com/ | 14:53 |
psypher246 | duanedesign: how do i set that bug to privtae for ubuntuone team only? | 15:00 |
duanedesign | hello psypher246 | 15:00 |
duanedesign | everyone is real busy but i wiill try and get someonr to look at that for you | 15:01 |
duanedesign | psypher246: to make it private... | 15:01 |
mandel | vds, I have asked the bootstrapper project if we can have a component depending on the selection of another one (tomboy --> gtksharp) if not, I'll contribute to the project with a patch to do it.. 'til then we will always install gtksharp (bummer) | 15:01 |
vds | mandel: ok | 15:02 |
duanedesign | psypher246: see under your name | 15:02 |
psypher246 | duanedesign: no worries i know, i have to go as well. but yeah just want to make it private | 15:02 |
duanedesign | psypher246: well get it sorted | 15:02 |
duanedesign | psypher246: is the website still messing up? | 15:02 |
mandel | vds, is in c++ so it should be ok | 15:02 |
psypher246 | duanedesign: no i mean this bug | 15:03 |
psypher246 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/607102 | 15:03 |
ubot4 | psypher246: Error: Bug #607102 is private. | 15:03 |
psypher246 | duanedesign: yeah this site is still messed, but that bug is logged | 15:03 |
psypher246 | ah ok, thanks | 15:03 |
llllbbbb | dobey: Thanks, this time the form rsponded that they will contact me. I must have been doing sth wrong, but iam sure yesterday after submiting the form it just reapeard empty.Anyway, thanks again.... | 15:07 |
dobey | llllbbbb: sure :) | 15:07 |
miked595 | I noticed on a couple of my machines all my files were missing from Ubuntu One. I started up my laptop but kept it offline and made a fresh backup of my files. As soon as I connected to the internet my files disappeared. Has this happened to anyone here? | 15:29 |
mkarnicki | miked595: no, but it sounds really bad. duanedesign ^ any help on that? | 15:30 |
miked595 | Only thing I could think of is that I built a new machine and a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04. I was looking for my files to sync down but they didnt and they were gone from the one.ubuntu.com site as well. I restored the files from my backup and they synced on all my machines | 15:32 |
duanedesign | miked595: hello | 15:34 |
miked595 | hi | 15:35 |
duanedesign | miked595: hard to say how that happened. For some reason it thought it you wanted to reve those files. The sync works two ways. Files removed on one machine will be removed from all machines, or files removed from the server will trigger a delete. | 15:38 |
miked595 | duanedesign: that's why I think my new install could be the reason. | 15:39 |
duanedesign | miked595: was it a fresh install? Did you preserve the $Home from the old install? | 15:40 |
duanedesign | miked595: oh i see it was a new machine | 15:41 |
miked595 | duanedesign: Didn't the one.ubuntu.com site have a history and way to restore files? I am pretty sure I saw this a while back. I did copy my files from an old home dir. | 15:41 |
duanedesign | miked595: not yet. That is a feature that is being worked on. You can however get your files back if you did not have a back up | 15:42 |
miked595 | duanedesign: I must have missed the Ubuntu One dir. That makes sense now. | 15:43 |
duanedesign | miked595: if you need to get your files back you can run: wget http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/ubuntuone-account-info | 15:44 |
duanedesign | in a Terminal | 15:44 |
mandel | vds, do yo remember the bugs you mentioned about the installer, can you create them in lp so that I know what to fix? | 15:45 |
miked595 | duanedesign: good to know. I was able to back them up, so all is well now | 15:45 |
duanedesign | miked595: then run the command : python ubuntuone-account-info | 15:45 |
duanedesign | miked595: you would then need to send that email to an Ubuntu One developer and they could get your files that way | 15:46 |
miked595 | duanedesign: nice, thank you! | 15:49 |
miked595 | ok well off to see why I only see 8 of my 12 threads in cpuinfo | 15:49 |
duanedesign | good luch miked595 | 15:51 |
vds | mandel: sure | 15:55 |
mandel | vds, thnx | 15:55 |
mandel | vds, mind approving this: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/fix_nant_warnings | 16:13 |
mandel | vds, I know you looked at it already, maybe you just forgot | 16:13 |
vds | mandel: all approved | 16:21 |
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mandel | vds, cool, we need one more approval... I really think we should be able to work with just on approval... otherwhise we are going to go VERY slow | 16:22 |
mandel | vds, I fear we might take too much time from muffinresearch | 16:22 |
vds | mandel: we can talk with Chipaca | 16:23 |
muffinresearch | mandel: It's not too much of a problem I have the vm all set up. | 16:23 |
muffinresearch | mandel: which one is it - fix_nant_warings? | 16:23 |
muffinresearch | warnings even | 16:24 |
mandel | muffinresearch, yes, that is one of then | 16:24 |
mandel | muffinresearch, did I miss type it? hehe is possible :P | 16:24 |
muffinresearch | mandel: nope that was just me :) | 16:24 |
mandel | muffinresearch, strange... I usually make those mistakes :P | 16:25 |
muffinresearch | mandel: what was the other one? add_wix? | 16:26 |
mandel | muffinresearch, add_wix is also ready... is the same as the others only in this case you should uninstall wix and be able to build the msi | 16:26 |
mandel | muffinresearch, yes, that one | 16:26 |
muffinresearch | mandel: ok cool, np | 16:26 |
mandel | muffinresearch, thx | 16:26 |
oddy | Hey, how do I know if my local couchDB is linked to the ubuntu one? | 16:31 |
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muffinresearch | mandel: I've approved both of those. | 16:36 |
duanedesign | oddy: hello | 16:46 |
duanedesign | oddy: right now its not easy. Couch replication is disabled at the moment | 16:47 |
urbanape | aaronb: yo! | 16:51 |
aaronb | howdy! | 16:51 |
beuno | aaronb! | 16:53 |
aaronb | hello! | 16:53 |
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duffydack | Can I delete the ubuntuone folder without any 'damage'? I never use it. | 17:17 |
duffydack | I mean, I use U1 with my own shared folders, not the U1 folder. | 17:18 |
duanedesign | duffydack: thats a good question. Not sure I feel confident answering that :) If you can idle for a bit someone might chime in with an answer for you. | 17:21 |
beuno | that's a good question | 17:35 |
beuno | facundobatista, around to answer duffydack? | 17:35 |
facundobatista | duffydack, no, you never should remove that folder unless you uninstall the whole ubuntuone-syncdaemon package (and maybe other bits) | 17:36 |
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facundobatista | duffydack, we plan to stop having that "special folder", but so far it's needed | 17:37 |
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duffydack | facundobatista, its ok, i`ll just add it to .hidden or something then. | 18:12 |
facundobatista | duffydack, what is '.hidden'? | 18:13 |
duffydack | facundobatista, instead of naming stuff with a . to hide it you add it to a file called .hidden.. but its not working for that folder | 18:15 |
facundobatista | duffydack, never heard about that | 18:16 |
duffydack | it wont work with the U1 folder. odd. | 18:20 |
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Chipaca | vds: you can talk to me? :) | 19:27 |
emateja | If I place a hidden folder '.someFolder' within the 'Ubuntu One' folder, will it be treated as a normal folder or will it be ignored by the sync daemon? | 19:36 |
beuno | emateja, normal folder | 19:36 |
emateja | thx | 19:36 |
nuboon2age_ | Chipaca: yes, to answer your earlier note to mandel re Ubuntu One w/ Portable Ubuntu 'Tres' on Vista. Basically i got basic file syncing working, but didn't fully explore UDFs ('Tres' is based on Karmic and i didn't experiment w/ the backport of ubuntuone as you'd described). look at post #2 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1522852 | 19:43 |
Chipaca | nuboon2age_: ok. FWIW, the windows port of the file syncing part of Ubuntu One will be windows native, i.e. you wouldn't need to install dbus on windows :) | 19:44 |
nuboon2age_ | Chipaca: I also hadn't played with Tomboy, music, contacts, etc. functions. Just basic file syncing so far... | 19:44 |
nuboon2age_ | Chipaca: on Portable Ubuntu 'Tres' that is. | 19:45 |
Chipaca | ok | 19:46 |
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ubun7u | hello | 20:33 |
ubun7u | is there a possibility ubuntuone gives extended disk space for students for free? | 20:34 |
vds | Chipaca: still there? | 20:51 |
Chipaca | vds: there is at least one of me here | 20:52 |
beuno | ubun7u, there's no such plan at the moment, no | 20:52 |
vds | Chipaca: how can I help? | 20:52 |
ubun7u | k | 20:53 |
Chipaca | vds: with what? | 20:53 |
vds | <Chipaca> vds: you can talk to me? :) | 20:53 |
Chipaca | <vds> 11:23:21> mandel: we can talk with Chipaca | 20:54 |
vds | Chipaca: ah, it's recursive... | 20:54 |
vds | Chipaca: we are not using tarmac or PQM for the ubuntu one win client | 20:55 |
vds | mandel was wondering if one review/test is enough or we should stick with two reviews | 20:55 |
vds | Chipaca: what do you think? | 20:56 |
Chipaca | vds: I told mandel, I want somebody outside of you two to look at the code | 20:56 |
Chipaca | vds: so, two reviews it stays, please | 20:57 |
Chipaca | I'm assuming that one of you will actually compile/test, and the other review should be just reading | 20:57 |
Chipaca | ok? | 20:57 |
vds | Chipaca: perfectly ok! | 20:57 |
Chipaca | vds: does that make sense to you? | 20:57 |
vds | Chipaca: yes, especially considering my expertise with C# | 20:58 |
Chipaca | vds: it'll still be your (plural) job to track people down to do that readonly review, mind | 20:59 |
Chipaca | vds: i.e. you're responsible for pushing the card across the kanban | 20:59 |
Chipaca | vds: I'll mention it tomorrow in the standup. If I don't, remind me (gently) | 20:59 |
vds | I will | 21:00 |
geekilized | hello anyone here today? | 21:41 |
geekilized | anyone? | 21:56 |
beuno | geekilized, sure | 21:57 |
beuno | although everyone seems head down and coding | 21:57 |
beuno | what's up? | 21:57 |
geekilized | i have been here for past 3 days with no reply | 21:57 |
beuno | so over the weekend? | 21:57 |
geekilized | yea | 21:58 |
beuno | right, none of the developers work over the weekend | 21:58 |
beuno | what's the problem? | 21:58 |
geekilized | There was a (temporary) problem getting your list of purchased songs. Please wait a short time and then try again, or return to the music store. | 21:58 |
geekilized | i have been getting that message when i try to access my downloads tab | 21:58 |
beuno | mattgriffin, around? | 21:59 |
mattgriffin | hola | 22:01 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: by temporary, do you mean that you are no longer seeing the issue? | 22:02 |
geekilized | i've been seeing this for about 4 days | 22:02 |
geekilized | i still see it | 22:02 |
beuno | mattgriffin, I think he pasted the message he is getting | 22:03 |
mattgriffin | beuno, geekilized: ah | 22:03 |
geekilized | yeah sorry, i pasted the message | 22:03 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: np. it says that message for each track on My Downloads? | 22:03 |
geekilized | i get that message when i click the "my downloads" tab in music store | 22:04 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: can you see the purchased music at https://one.ubuntu.com ? | 22:04 |
geekilized | yes | 22:04 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: what version of Ubuntu are you running? | 22:05 |
geekilized | maverick | 22:05 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: do you know if your file synchronization is functioning correctly in general? | 22:06 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: this sounds like the problem... just getting the purchased files from your cloud storage down to your computer | 22:06 |
geekilized | dont know, i dont synchronize any other files | 22:06 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: ok. can you make a text file in your "Ubuntu One" directory in your home directory and then check https://one.ubuntu.com and see if it synchronizes? | 22:07 |
beuno | or better yet, just open the control panel | 22:07 |
beuno | you may not have that computer added at all | 22:07 |
beuno | that error is about delivering the music to your desktop | 22:07 |
geekilized | i have added my computer | 22:08 |
beuno | so if syncing on the desktop isn't working, then it can't sync them into rhythmbox | 22:08 |
beuno | what does the control panel say? | 22:08 |
geekilized | file sync is working i just created an empty file and i can see it in one.ubuntu.com | 22:09 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: ok... can you open nautilus | 22:09 |
geekilized | ok | 22:09 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: then browse to ~/.ubuntuone/ | 22:09 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: you should see a folder for purchased music | 22:09 |
geekilized | yes i see it | 22:10 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: peek inside and see if the purchased music files are there please | 22:10 |
geekilized | hmm they are | 22:11 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: hmm.. are you using banshee? | 22:11 |
geekilized | no. i am using rythmbox | 22:11 |
mattgriffin | hmm | 22:11 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: i think someone reported this issue last week... let me check launchpad... brb | 22:12 |
geekilized | ok thanks | 22:12 |
mattgriffin | np... at least we know the songs are on your computer :) | 22:12 |
geekilized | :) | 22:13 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: this looks like the problem but please take a look at the description and confirm. bug #604767 | 22:13 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 604767 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "Purchased songs are not added to Banshee and Rhythmbox library (affects: 1) (heat: 19)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/604767 | 22:13 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: i'll add the text of what you saw in Rhythmbox to the bug description | 22:14 |
geekilized | actually i see the files on my library | 22:15 |
mattgriffin | oh... but the store's My Downloads page has that message for each purchased track? | 22:15 |
geekilized | yes. when i try to visit My Dowloads, i get the message | 22:16 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: ok. i'll open another bug... quitting and re-starting Rhythmbox doesn't resolve the problem? | 22:17 |
geekilized | nope | 22:18 |
geekilized | mattgriffin:can i pm you? | 22:19 |
mattgriffin | geekilized: sure :) | 22:19 |
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mkarnicki | verterok: thanks for your emails! as for node.getParent() - this issue occures if, in a mobile phone scenario, we don't want to make a server rescan (CPU cost/battery drain). that's why I stumbled upon that problem, and I understand that one of the ways I could workaround it is, indeed, perform at least one server scan. | 23:45 |
mkarnicki | verterok: as for deferreds, for the last 4 days, especially after your code review of my source, I learned quite a bit about deferreds. I understand them know, and I know we don't need 'a handle' for them to stay alive, we just schedule them on a final Deferred object | 23:47 |
mkarnicki | verterok: problem is that, on Android, you can modify the UI (hide a dialog, set a label text, etc) only from the UIThread | 23:48 |
mkarnicki | verterok: therefore, there are at least three ways to schedule UI changes not form UIThread. Handler, AsyncTask, and RPC | 23:49 |
mkarnicki | verterok: AsyncTask runs in separate thread, but has access to UIThread. therefore, for example, I could say new AsyncTask<...>(pass tokens here) { authenticate here }.run(); | 23:50 |
mkarnicki | verterok: not only it can modify the UI, but I also get notified when it's done in it's onPostExecute method (to schedule getVolume or anything) | 23:51 |
mkarnicki | verterok: *BUT* I wrote that only to explain my e-mail about Deferreds. They seem to work well now, thanks to you, and I understand them better =) | 23:51 |
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