ScottL | ardour (bug 581786) mute bug SRU is uploaded....thanks again, crimsun_ | 00:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 581786 in ardour (Ubuntu Lucid) "Mute button not enabled by default in Ardour 2.8.6 Lucid AM64" [High,In progress] | 00:01 |
quadrispro | hello guys! | 10:26 |
quadrispro | I am very sad to see composite failing to build from source :( | 10:27 |
quadrispro | *sob* | 10:27 |
quadrispro | ScottL, lv2fil and vocproc are in maverick too | 10:28 |
quadrispro | falktx, are you working on any lv2-related stuff? | 10:36 |
falktx | quadrispro: not right now | 10:36 |
falktx | quadrispro: just updating some packages | 10:36 |
quadrispro | falktx, now I can add you to the team on alioth by hand | 10:37 |
quadrispro | falktx, what's your nick on alioth? | 10:37 |
falktx | alioth? | 10:38 |
falktx | btw, quadrispro, a list of my ppa changes is online in this file - | 10:38 |
quadrispro | falktx, | 10:38 |
falktx | last time it failed to let me login | 10:38 |
quadrispro | falktx, mmm, did you try to reset your password? | 10:39 |
falktx | yes | 10:41 |
falktx | i will try again now | 10:41 |
quadrispro | great | 10:41 |
quadrispro | hi abogani! | 10:41 |
abogani | quadrispro, Hi! | 10:42 |
falktx | quadrispro: why do I need -guest on the name? | 10:48 |
falktx | quadrispro: got the same error again, logging in as "falkTX-guest" | 10:50 |
falktx | Access denied | 10:50 |
falktx | Credentials you entered do not correspond to valid account. | 10:50 |
quadrispro | falktx, you need to append -guest 'cause of you're not a debian developer | 11:13 |
quadrispro | falktx, try with lowercase | 11:13 |
quadrispro | falktx-guest | 11:13 |
falktx | ok, i'll try | 11:14 |
quadrispro | I fail to see your account on alioth, could you try to follow the registration procedure? | 11:16 |
falktx | quadrispro: finally! | 11:20 |
falktx | send activation as "falktx-guest" | 11:20 |
falktx | damn,... | 11:20 |
quadrispro | what's up? | 11:21 |
quadrispro | going away, falktx: if you have some problem, feel free to mail me | 11:55 |
quadrispro | bye! | 11:55 |
falktx | ok | 11:55 |
falktx | bye | 11:55 |
scott-work | astraljava: are you around? want to help with some backporting? | 13:30 |
astraljava | scott-work: I'm here, but only for a second. Can you send a request with my nick in front of it, so I can find it later this evening. Oh and the answer is, yes I want to help. :) | 14:02 |
scott-work | capital! | 14:02 |
scott-work | i shall | 14:02 |
astraljava | scott-work: How goes that backporting task? | 17:16 |
scott-work | astraljava: sorry, got busy at work, i will have something typed out for you in about 45 minutes :) | 17:24 |
astraljava | scott-work: No prob. It seems I cannot progress much today anyway, but it would be cool to know the issue, so I can at least make some preparations. | 17:25 |
scott-work | astraljava: there is a bug in qjackctl under lucid that is presents a pretty severe regression in usability | 18:24 |
scott-work | astraljava: the bug for it is: | 18:24 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 490436 in qjackctl (Ubuntu) "port renames are ignored" [Undecided,Fix released] | 18:24 |
scott-work | astraljava: basically, if you create a track in, say, ardour you can use the current qjackctl to connect and route that track as expected | 18:25 |
scott-work | astraljava: however, if you were to rename that track (or port) before connecting to it, qjackctl would not update the name and you would not be able to connect ot the newly named track (port) | 18:26 |
scott-work | astraljava: there is a laborious workaround however, make all your tracks in ardour, rename then, save in ardour, close *everything* down, restart everything and qjackctl will recognize and accept the track names as they are | 18:27 |
scott-work | astraljava: it is just trying to rename the tracks (ports) during the same session | 18:28 |
scott-work | astraljava:. | 18:28 |
scott-work | astraljava: this was a know bug and fixed by a later upstream release (or two) | 18:28 |
scott-work | astraljava: so it probably will be easier to address this bug for the 10.04.01 rebuilding of ISO's by backporting it officially in the archives since... | 18:29 |
astraljava | scott-work: Gotcha. When's the 10.04.01 rebuilding due? | 18:30 |
scott-work | astraljava: a) there isn't really a quick, easy patch to be found and b) a simple application update will fix the problems (i.e. no latent configuration files within the user's home directory ala the ardour mute bug) | 18:30 |
scott-work | . | 18:30 |
scott-work | astraljava: so, the goal is to backport qjackctl- from maverick to lucid which was qjackctl-0.3.4-0ubuntu4 | 18:32 |
scott-work | astraljava: to do this we will need to: | 18:32 |
scott-work | 1. file a bug requesting the backport | 18:33 |
scott-work | 2. get the source from maverick and build it in ppa for lucid | 18:33 |
scott-work | 3. have three (i think?) people confirm that it works in lucid | 18:33 |
scott-work | 4. and probably email/irc jdong or some others in the backports to get this done quickly | 18:34 |
scott-work | astraljava: i don't know your level of expertise or experience with building applications, PPA's, or creating launchpad bugs | 18:35 |
astraljava | scott-work: Okay, well building is not a problem, I do it everyday as my job requires. PPAs I know how to work with, and I've filed several bugs in LP, so shouldn't be a problem. | 18:36 |
scott-work | astraljava: i don't want to innundate you will unnecessary information, therefore i will wait for you to ask questions if you need further directions | 18:36 |
astraljava | scott-work: What is a problem is that I need to upgrade my workhorse to Lucid. | 18:36 |
astraljava | scott-work: But I should be able to do that within a week. But that's exactly why I need to know, when's 10.04.01 due? Do I have time for that? | 18:37 |
scott-work | astraljava: any questions you have (and i welcome them all) can either be directed to scott-work (when available) or ScottL (my laptop at home) and i will help when i am available | 18:38 |
astraljava | scott-work: Cool, thanks for that! :) | 18:38 |
scott-work | astraljava: i plan to be one of the three (i think that is the minimal number per backports team) to validate the backport, perhaps rlameiro or one of the guys from #opensourcemusicians (like holstein) | 18:39 |
scott-work | astraljava: and i'll help with the extra coordination via email/irc to make sure things are proceeding | 18:39 |
holstein | scott-work: what can i do? | 18:39 |
holstein | im not sure i can validate anything, im still waiting on my key to the executive washroom ;) | 18:40 |
holstein | AH | 18:43 |
* holstein reading hte backlog | 18:43 | |
holstein | yeah, let me know when its in, and i'll update and test on lucid | 18:43 |
astraljava | Hmm... okay, I've got 10 days... might be a stretch, as I'm not even home all the time... | 18:45 |
holstein | im sure i can find folks to confirm if thats what is needed | 18:46 |
astraljava | But, I'll get to work tomorrow. All I've really got to do is create a lucid pbuilder target and get it to compile. | 18:46 |
astraljava | ScottL: Alright, I'll see if I can borrow some of my employer's time tomorrow and start doing this. That way I should have something visible by the time you're up. | 18:48 |
astraljava | Does anyone really see my posts here? It didn't seem like scott-work did... :) | 19:23 |
astraljava | Ahh... at least irclogs.u.c does. Was confused for a bit there. | 19:29 |
ScottL | astraljava, i'm really sorry that i haven't answered your questions and there is a really good reason for that...i didn't know you were asking them! | 23:45 |
ScottL | astraljava, i use freenode web IRC (IRC in a browswer) and it acts up from time to time and i seriously did not get any of your questions at work | 23:46 |
ScottL | astraljava, i just now saw them that i'm home | 23:46 |
ScottL | hmmm, or holstein's responses either :( | 23:47 |
ScottL | astraljava, the rebuild for 10.04.01 is july 29th | 23:48 |
ScottL | well that's the day it is released so a couple of days before might be a good idea | 23:49 |
ScottL | " find folks to confirm..." thanks holstein | 23:50 |
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