
tektonanyone who could help with sound question?00:27
James147!ask | tekton00:28
ubottutekton: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:28
tekton:) right00:28
tektoni cannot record sounds from my mic (it works ok in other OS) but when i test it even in kubuntu wih fmit it looks alive00:30
tektonit was working fine till last version of kubuntu00:30
tektonwhat could it be?00:30
James147tekton: is it muted :) ?00:30
tektonof course not00:30
James147tekton: just checking00:31
tektongood for first guess ;)00:31
tektoni can give you all my sound settings from VIA 823700:31
tektonany suggestion?00:41
tektonany suggestion?00:41
James147tekton: check system seetings > multimedia but I am not very good with mic problems :(00:42
tektonok thanks00:42
tektondo you know about webcams?00:43
James147not that much :p00:43
tektonmy trust webcam doesn't work either00:43
tekton:D ok ok thanks for ur time though00:43
Folkistcan i ggey some help?00:47
Torch!ask | Folkist01:00
ubottuFolkist: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:00
Lord-Sidhola ... soy nuevo usando kubuntu aunque no en sistemas Gnu y requiero ayuda para configurar mi escritorio01:08
JontheEchidna!es | Lord-Sid01:10
ubottuLord-Sid: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:10
Lord-SidJontheEchidna: helo01:11
Lord-SidJontheEchidna: I need help for desing my desktop01:12
ridinjust ask the question01:13
Lord-Sidsay my a channel of kubuntu in spanish01:14
ridini don't know spanish, sorry01:14
Folkistsame lol01:17
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heinkel_111can someone please help me decipher some dpkg output? --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/466216/02:05
heinkel_111exactly what does the r and c tell me about the status of these packages?02:05
Folkisti'm on a mac02:11
Folkisthow can i load the kernel for linux02:11
Folkisti'm using EFI bootload02:11
ZeddikusCan't you do it as a dual boot?  I've never tried on my Mac G4 but would think that it would work02:12
Folkistdual boot?02:12
Folkisthow does tht worj02:12
ZeddikusWhen the Mac boots it has both Mac OS and Linux02:12
Folkisthow do i do tht?02:13
ZeddikusNot sure on a Mac  could search google for dual booting linux and mac os02:13
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ZeddikusI've only done it with Windows02:15
Folkistidk if i want to dual boot02:16
Folkisti just need to load the kernel02:16
Folkistand run it off my usb02:16
ZeddikusI'm not sure how to do that02:21
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jschallI have an asus eee 1001p with a 1024x600 screen. I'd like to be able to connect it to projectors that will most likely use 1280x1024, and be able to play a presentation at the projector's resolution, while still being able to see what I'm doing by looking at the computer. Is there a way to clone the output, but stretch it to 1024x600 on the netbook's built-in screen? is there another solution?03:03
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mueslihow can i specify a video output for dragon?04:47
mueslii configured it to work fine in xine, but in dragon i just get a black picture04:47
ussher_is there a quick key to hold down to make sure i end up in the grub menu at start up?  im not getting a prompt05:29
ussher_or alternatively to go straight to recovery mode?05:30
ussher_im stuck, I cant do sudo so need to get into recovery mode to add my current user to the admin, but need to already be admin to change the grub menu so that i can boot into recovery mode.05:32
ussher_found it, its the shift key.05:34
ridini must be a great helper for you05:35
HamEdkasi nist05:50
hnd2hi, i have a problem with kmail06:53
iconmefistohaving trouble burning double layer DVDs with K3b. The burn completes without errors, but can't be read. kubuntu sees it as still blank06:53
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hnd2digitally signing of emails fails in kmail, in kubuntu 10.0406:54
Anubisis there any piece of software that allow to see whats the exchange rates for different currencies06:55
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calderahow are evbody08:59
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Fleckhey - i have ugly looking boot splash screen - text moded09:17
zdenfleck: how ugly?09:19
Fleckboot screen is not graphical, text mode09:19
zdenpaste me "cat /etc/default/grub"09:20
Flecki don't have such file09:21
moetuneswhich kubuntu version Fleck ?09:22
Fleckohh sorry09:23
Fleckwas looking on wrong konsole ;P09:23
zdenit looks good.09:25
moetunesso prob graphics issue then09:25
Flecki have nvidia09:25
Fleckon both PCs09:26
zdenproprietary driver?09:26
Fleckin KDE all is working fine09:26
Fleckall desktop effects etc09:26
moetuneshttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-nvidia-drivers-manually-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html might give a clue09:27
moetunesthere's some framebuffer stuff on it09:27
zdenit is strange because plymounth should run on small resolution. I have nvidia graphics too09:30
zdenhave you got plymouth installed?09:31
Flecklet me check09:31
Fleckplymouth-theme-ubuntu-text << i have this one too09:32
Fleckmaybe i need to remove this?09:32
moetunesthat'll be a fallback sort of thing afaik09:33
zdenyeah and install plymouth-theme09:33
Fleckyep, i didn't have plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo :)09:34
Fleckone more thing - how can i set high res konsole resolution?09:35
Fleckworks! :) thank you moetunes, zden ... sadly - i get that boot screen for 1second :D after that - i have login screen allready :P09:41
moetunesheh :]09:41
moetuneswell done zden :]09:41
jillsmittMamarok: i have an amarok player without gtk and without depends of gtk09:42
iconmefistoFleck: I had a black screen then splash displaying for just a second before login. there's a fix here that worked for me: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/quick-tipplymouth-themes-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html09:52
Fleckiconmefisto great! :) thank you!09:53
tdnIn Kile, how do I enable more than one dictionary for spellcheck? I am writing a document in two languages: Danish and English. I would like to have Kile use both Danish and English dicts to auto spellcheck.10:18
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ghost_Русские есть?11:00
James147!ru | ghost_11:02
ubottughost_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:02
jstaniekhi, is qtdemo properly packaged? it expects examples to be in /usr/examples11:09
jstaniekversion 10.0411:14
starslightshello to everyone, i have a problem with a update, freetype6 was to updated and before the end, it crashed and now, still the "dpkg" process running and i can't stop it . what can i do ? ( ia m on lucid 64 )11:17
James147starslights: is dpkg actually running or just not unlocked its lock?11:18
starslightshi James147, is locked, i think, because i see that it0s write " waiting disc"11:19
starslightsand still like that from many times now..11:19
James147starslights: so the process has frozen?11:20
starslightsi was able to quit kpackegekit but that's all11:21
James147starslights: well, you could try killing it... if you think it is not actually doing anything11:21
starslightsi have do but it say that it have failed too as superuser and so that it so a error 6 now11:22
James147starslights: kpackagekit will only tell something else to tell dpkg to do things :) so that it can be closed before the updates/installs have finished11:22
starslightsyep, that i understand , thanks :P11:23
James147starslights: "sudo kill -9 dpkg"   should kill it11:23
starslightsok, i will try , thanks11:23
James147although i would try without the -9 first :)11:23
James147starslights: you then may need to delete the lock file... i forget where it is :)11:25
starslightswell "sudo kill dpkg" don't work, whille it wait a pid, i will try with -911:25
James147starslights: killall ^^ sorry :(11:26
starslightssudo killall dpkg11:26
starslightsoups wrong windows11:26
starslightswell, look nothing to happends but no errors :(11:27
James147starslights: did dpkg die? (most commands dont output anything on sucess)11:28
starslightsno , i have my processus windows open and have under my eayes the dpkg processus, nothing have changed, i will try with -9 now11:29
starslightsdamn, it wan't close it :/11:30
James147starslights: :S11:31
starslightsyep, first time i get a such problem with dpkg :/, thanks for your help11:31
James147starslights: what the output of "ps aux | grep dpkg"  ?11:32
starslightsoh but look like the look are away, becaus eit seem that i can open synaptic know11:32
starslightsi give you, hang on11:32
James147starslights: then that would sugggest dpkg stoped :S11:33
starslightsroot      4301  0.0  1.6  78920 67036 ?        Ds   11:37   0:00 /usr/bin/dpkg --force-confdef --force-confold --status-fd 44 --unpack --auto-deconfigure /var/cache/apt/archives/libfreetype6-dev_2.3.11-1ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/libfreetype6_2.3.11-1ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb11:33
starslights1000      6046  0.0  0.0   7640  1020 pts/1    S+   12:32   0:00 grep --color=auto dpkg11:33
James147but that suggest it hasent :S11:33
starslightsah no, i can't get in synaptic after put my pass...11:33
James147starslights: that sounds more like it :) ... not sure why killall -9 wouldent work though11:34
James147starslights: not sure what you can do except reboot :S   killing with -9 is ment to be the last ditch attempt at killing something11:36
James147starslights: well, except force power cycling your computer :D11:37
starslightsyeah, i see what you mean , sad, well, i will try to do like that, i have not choice :(, need i run a special command to repear you thing or it will as about this update again ?11:40
James147starslights: the update was intrupted so I am not sure what 'state' your computer will be in when you boot... you should be able to run "sudo aptitude install -f" to attempt to continue the update (you may need to delete the lock file if it complains that dpkg has one)11:42
starslightsThanks very much James147, very nice from you, i will do :p11:45
James147starslights: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/what-to-do-when-kill-9-pid-doesnt-work-641497/#5  might be on intrest11:45
starslightsi take the link, always useful :P11:50
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MIH1406I have questions about translations12:09
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MIH1406I have installed Kubuntu with Arabic translations12:11
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Nisha_i have problems with my sound...can anyone help?12:28
MIH1406I want to upgrade to Kubuntu 10.1012:32
James147MIH1406: if you jsut want kde 4.5: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45-rc-2  for to actually upgrade to 10.10 you can try running "sudo do-release-upgrade -d"12:35
MIH1406Can I install KDE to 4.5 in Kubunut 10.04?12:36
James147MIH1406: see the first link12:36
MIH1406Thank you12:36
James147^^ or only link :)12:36
MIH1406What does blocked updates mean in KPackageKit?12:45
MisterioMIH1406: I think it means that blocked updates won't be installed12:46
MIH1406I have just added a repo for KDE Beta12:47
MIH1406Is it related?12:47
James147MIH1406: I think its because they require something to be removed, or cant install the right version of somehting... most of the time doing "sudo aptitude upgrade && sudo aptitude full-upgrade" will install them,12:47
boubbinwhat is the default disk-manager for kde?12:48
James147MIH1406: upgrading a major kde version tends to block in kpackagekit due to it needed to remove some thing i think... works via aptitude or apt-get though12:48
boubbini mean the package name, i need to install it with package manager, cause i accidentally removed it12:48
omkarhey guys12:49
omkari have a speaker12:49
James147boubbin: disk amanger?12:49
omkarwhich is connected to an acer laptop12:49
omkarI have kubuntu 10.04 but i am not able to hear the voice from the speakers12:49
MIH1406James147: can I do a downgrade after that?12:49
James147MIH1406: No12:50
MIH1406James147: Why?12:50
James147MIH1406: downgrading is not supported and is not easy to do12:50
MIH1406James147: What if I remove the new ppa12:50
boubbinJames147 yeah the one where i can choose which disk is mounted to which mountpoint12:51
James147MIH1406: then you wont get anymore updates, the packages will not be down graded... you can try removing kde (and thus most or all of the UI system) remove the ppa and reinstall them.... but its not that easy to do12:51
MIH1406what is the KDE version used in the link you gave me?12:51
boubbinJames147 managing mountpoints mainly, i need12:51
MIH1406It is not 4.512:51
MIH1406it is 4.4.2912:51
James147MIH1406: 4.4.92 is kde 4.5 RC212:52
James147MIH1406: is wont be kde 4.5 till kde4.5 is released :)12:52
MIH1406I am just 1 step to install the upgrade12:52
James147boubbin: there isent one that can manage mount points i dont think... the closest thing I can think of is the widget "Device notifier"12:53
boubbinso i have to do it manually by editing fwtab?12:54
James147omkar: make sure all the volume controls are turned up and not muted in kmix (it should be in your systray click it, thenk click "mixers")12:54
James147boubbin: if you want to set the mount points yes... there is ntfs-config  for ntfs drives but I dont know a gui method for other filesystems12:55
omkaryes both of them are up12:55
omkari wasn't even able to hear the voice output on headphones which I brought12:56
omkarI didn't check it on windows12:56
omkarearlier my both network cards also weren't detected by kubuntu12:56
omkari had to compile atheros n then installed the wireless drivers12:56
omkarfor broadcom12:56
boubbinJames147 haha, nice, kde fucked it up again, the whole desktop enviroment hasgone downhill since they moved from 3.5.* to 4.* .. sad...12:57
James147omkar: what version of kubuntu?12:57
omkarlatest one 10.0412:57
James147omkar: yeah, broadcom devices hate linux :(12:57
omkari was'nt12:57
omkarI wasn't even having the c compiler12:57
omkarinstalled it from the kubuntu cd which i downloaded over the net12:58
James147boubbin: why? most people dont need to set mountpoints for removable media and kde handles mounting them just fine12:58
omkarJames: can u help me in fixing this Audio Output issue12:58
boubbinwhat if i want my 5 different 500gb parttions to be mounted to ustom mountpoints?12:58
boubbini have to go it manually12:58
boubbinkde3 had gui for that12:59
James147boubbin: I would have done it during the installer :S12:59
omkarwhen i remove the speaker i am able to hear the sound on laptop inbuilt speakers12:59
James147omkar: sorry, not very good with audio releated problems :(12:59
boubbinJames147 yeah, if the installer can do it, it should be able to do afterwards, do you think its logical?12:59
omkarit isn' t anything related to the motherboard soundcard issue13:00
omkaras its giving me the output on the laptop speakers13:00
omkarbut not to the other headphones or external speakers which I want to connect13:01
James147boubbin: the installer is not part of kde... and requires some knowledge of how to mount drives anyway.. everyone who wants to mount something in a specific place normally know how to edit /etc/fstab  and editing fstab isent that hard :p13:01
boubbinyeah, but why to remove something like that? :P13:02
boubbini dont get it13:02
James147boubbin: basically there isnt that great a need yet for something like that... although I wouldnt think it would be that hard to create one (boubbin you willing to do that?)  and I wouldnt say they ahve 'removed' it just havent replaced it yet13:03
James147boubbin: allot of the `missing` features in kde 4 are not due to kde dumbing down things... but simply they just havent been built yet13:03
boubbinyeah, actually im on kde3 trinity, the one with 10.04 and kde3, things a little fucked up here but im really wondering wh other modules are working for kcontrol and others arent13:04
Piciboubbin: Please mind your language in this channel, thanks :)13:04
boubbindisk management was working in 9.10 trinity (kde3 remix)13:04
boubbinPici ok13:05
starslightsJames147:  well, no way to shutdown too, i have needed to cut off the power of my system, between my external disk unavaible too,  But now i have fixed it and all woked again13:05
James147starslights: :)13:07
starslightsthanks again for your help my friend :)13:08
otswimhi, how can i use a kubuntu live 'CD' on a USB stick?13:12
James147otswim: from kubuntu you can install it to the usb using "usb-creator-kde" from windows or other linux distros you can use "unetbootin"13:13
otswimJames147: great thanks, i'm trying from windows now13:14
infotelhello are you all from plannet earth ?13:19
infotelblah poopish13:20
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* tzzimy_away is away: Gone away for now13:32
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* tzzimy is back.13:32
James147!afk | tzzimy13:32
ubottutzzimy: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»13:32
infotelsounds complicated13:33
tzzimysorry fixing it13:34
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vbgunzanybody here using KDE 4.5 RC2? RC1 had some terrible nvidia regressions that made even testing very uncomfortable. did they address this in RC2?14:45
BluesKajvbgunz , I gave up 4.5 , waaay too unstable on my setup.14:50
vbgunzBluesKaj: I hear that. I tried RC1 and felt the same exact way. which is surprising considering so many bugs fixed since 4.4.14:51
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johannes___hi everyone15:13
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ExElNeTheya. somehow, I cant switch devices using the padevchooser. any idea? might be a kde theme problem...15:23
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otswimi'm running a kubuntu live usb stick; and i'm trying to mount an external hdd to backup my files but i don't know how, i've tried almost every /dev/sdXY with X from a to c and Y from nothing to 315:30
otswimand the hdd is not detected by dolphin15:31
Torchotswim: try blkid or fdisk -l from a shell and see if it's listed there15:32
otswimi don't see it in fdisk and there is no output for blkid15:35
Torchotswim: then it doesn't exist as far as linux is concerned. either it's not turned on, not connected properly or linux does not support it.15:39
Torchotswim: with the latter being highly unlikely for a common usb external drive.15:39
otswimTorch: what i didn't mention is that the hdd doesn't work great on windows too as i have to plug/unplug it 10 times for it to work15:41
Torchotswim: then i guess you have your answer already.15:41
otswimis there a way to fix it?15:43
Torchotswim: it's probably some hardware-related issue.15:43
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James147otswim: if you can I would try a different cable or usb port... but if it is the harddrive I would consider not relying on it for backups15:51
otswimJames147: someone told me to try formatting15:52
Torchotswim: that won't help15:52
James147otswim: if its having trouble being detected its not a formatting issue... its falty hardware and thus not reliable15:53
otswimwhy not? if i plug it, i see messages in 'dmesg' and if i plug it on windows, when it fails, it still tell me an error message "usb problem" or something; so maybe it's not the cable15:53
otswimyes i said it incorrectly: it's being detected, but not mounted15:54
Torchotswim: formatting has nothing to do with usb problems, though.15:54
Torchotswim: it's hardware. either the usb port, the connecting cable or the usb chip on the drive's circuit board.15:54
otswimmaybe that's a generic windows error message while the main problem is on the mounting?15:54
Torch(the enclosure, that is)15:54
Torchotswim: neither fdisk -l nor blkid rely on formatting.15:55
otswimok i see15:55
Torchotswim: both don't show the drive.15:55
otswimi have another problem: i've booted with a kubuntu live usb stick to repair my computer (mandriva); should i run 'fsck /media/disk' if the internal hard drive is mounted there?15:56
James147otswim: fairly sure you dont run fsck on a mounted drive...15:56
Torchotswim: it's e2fsck and as james said the partition must not be mounted to run it.15:57
otswimJames147: right, so i should 'umount' it and then i run it on /dev/sda2 (for instance)?15:57
Torchotswim: you need the device node. blkid will tell you. or mount, while it's mounted.15:57
otswim/dev/sda2 was in front of /media/disk on the output of 'df' so i guess it's this one?15:58
Torchotswim: yes15:58
otswimInode 18088, i_blocks is 32, should be 8. Fix<y>?16:00
otswimi guess that's a good sign16:00
Torchotswim: it's a sign that e2fsck does its job.16:00
otswimdoes it take long to run?16:01
Torchotswim: depends on the size of the file system16:01
Torchotswim: it can take a couple of minutes16:01
James147otswim: and the type ^^ ext4 is alot faster16:01
otswimthere a lot of i_blocks errors like this one :(16:01
Torchotswim: you might want to stop it (ctrl+c) and re-run it with the "-y" switch then so you don't have to type y for each question16:02
sinthetekcan i use dd to put an iso image on the usb drive directly?16:02
sinthetekie dd if=kubunt-netbook.iso of=/dev/sdf16:02
sinthetekor is there a link to an alternate method of installing via cli? having trouble googling a method since most i've found seem to refer to a .img16:04
James147sinthetek: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent << if you can I had most luck when using usb-creator-kde (gui baised)16:10
Torchi had to use the GTK version as the kde base one did not work at all for me :-(16:10
James147Torch: had that problem in previous versions but not 10.04 :S16:11
TorchJames147: yeah, that was on 9.1016:11
sinthetekweak... i don't have time for that atm. maybe i can install it for her later16:14
sinthetekthanks anyway16:14
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cobra-the-jokeri am really confused ...which is better kubuntu or ubuntu ?16:24
James147!best | cobra-the-joker16:25
ubottucobra-the-joker: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:25
James147cobra-the-joker: they are essentially the same system... execpt ubuntu comes with the gnome desktop enviroment and kubuntu comes with the kde one... witch is better is which you like better :)16:26
cobra-the-jokerthey are supported equally ?16:26
James147cobra-the-joker: note that you can install kde on ubuntu and gnome on kubuntu by installing either of ubuntu-dekstop or kubuntu-desktop16:27
James147cobra-the-joker: the core system is identical so equally supported :) couldent really comment on the desktop interface though16:27
James147cobra-the-joker: if you are unsire I highly suggest trying them both out (give them both a fair amount of time) and make up your mind which one you want to keep later :)16:28
cobra-the-jokerthats a tough one16:29
cobra-the-jokerhow much this amount of time ?16:29
James147cobra-the-joker: why so?16:29
James147cobra-the-joker: depends :) I personally would give both of them a couple days each... its hard to tell how good a system is if you dont spend that much time on it.... but its up to you spend as much time as you like you are free to switch between them as often as you like for as long as you like16:30
cobra-the-jokerJames147 , thanx for the advice16:31
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thejackal221_what would be the best vertualization software?17:27
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:27
=== root is now known as Guest24247
SanTahHell can some one tell me what xorg.conf needs my pc from shuttle xpcsg31g2b and monitor x233h from acer for best video output18:00
SanTahi ask this because i had a crt and the safe mode and now i have the x233h18:01
=== slow-motion_ is now known as slow-motion
=== jtheuer_ is now known as jt|away
=== Richard is now known as Guest40718
glaucousIs there a way to set a keyboard shortcut so that you can move a window to another desktop?18:56
James147glaucous: if there is it will most likly be in system settings > keyboard & mouse > global keyboard shortbuts > "KDE compoent": "Kwin"18:58
glaucousJames147, yeah was looking there, doesn't seem like it18:59
James147glaucous: found "Window to Desktop #"18:59
glaucousJames147, how did I miss that. Thanks a lot!18:59
James147glaucous: and "Window one desktop (down|left|right|up)19:00
glaucousJames147, "Window to Next/Prev Desktop" is exactly what I wanted19:00
=== chirpis_ is now known as cafeteria
=== lucjan_ is now known as lucjan
cypherb0thi anyone there?19:53
=== lucjan_ is now known as lucjan
cypherb0tnever used irc before sorry for being dumb.19:53
cypherb0tI suspect I've just gotten my first linux virus.19:53
cypherb0tanyone able to advise?19:54
cypherb0tevidence is a process called nullmailer trying hard to send out messages19:54
=== hanzz is now known as Guest22570
cypherb0tlike thousands of attempts19:54
=== Guest22570 is now known as HanzZ_
=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer_
ridinthen kill the process19:55
daniel90cypherb0t: hmm, a linux virus? not anything near common. how do you know it tries to send messages (you mean emails?)19:55
cypherb0tI've stopped it but I'd like to figure out what called it.19:55
cypherb0tany idea19:56
cypherb0tyes emails19:56
cypherb0t2010-07-20 19:47:56john-desktopnullmailer[1357]Starting delivery: protocol: smtp host: smtp.mail.yahoo.co.uk file: 1260550076.2456719:56
cypherb0t2010-07-20 19:47:56john-desktopnullmailer[4078]smtp: Failed: 530 authentication required - for help go to http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/pop/pop-11.html19:56
cypherb0t2010-07-20 19:47:56john-desktopnullmailer[1357]Sending failed:  Permanent error in sending the message19:56
cypherb0t2010-07-20 19:47:56john-desktopnullmailer[1357]Starting delivery: protocol: smtp host: smtp.mail.yahoo.co.uk file: 1271240307.789619:56
FloodBotK3cypherb0t: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:56
cypherb0teg from my syslog19:56
cypherb0tbut thousands19:56
cypherb0ter sorry19:56
moetunesmore likely a rootkit then a virus19:56
=== jtheuer_ is now known as jtheuer
ridinclamav or avast! could help20:01
=== jtheuer is now known as jt|away
cypherb0tcan anyone recommend some antivirus software that looks for linux infections?20:06
cypherb0tI thought they all look for windows viruses?20:07
moetunes!info chkrootkit20:08
ubottuchkrootkit (source: chkrootkit): rootkit detector. In component main, is optional. Version 0.49-3 (lucid), package size 298 kB, installed size 824 kB20:08
cypherb0tthanks trying chkrootkit20:17
=== Misterio is now known as Misterio_
=== Misterio_ is now known as Misterio
noaXessweher can i insert a special command, eg. to disable touchpad on boot? /etc/rc.local doesnt work20:30
=== korvin is now known as Guest90082
yigalhow do I turn off my web cam in Kopete - I'm greatful it works but I'm using a laptop and the web cam drains the battery quickly?21:01
yigalany who may help me in the future I'm using Kubuntu 10.421:04
yigalhow do I turn off my web cam in Kopete - I'm greatful it works but I'm using a laptop and the web cam drains the battery quickly?21:08
AnxiousNutDoes Kubutnu 10.04 also uses plymouth?21:22
TorchAnxiousNut: yes21:38
AnxiousNutTorch, k thanks! .. it wasnt that hard, now was it?! anyways i appreciate it! Thanks bub!!21:39
=== jeremy is now known as jrm1
Aluminso, I've got a notification area icon for the update notifier, that constantly notifies me of the pending Lucid dist-upgrade22:46
AluminI can click on it and go to "quit", but then am I quitting the whole notifier?  I just want it to not bug me about the Lucid update22:47
Aluminin the current state, I can't tell if there are pending updates within Karmic because the icon is always there22:48
ionutwhy the web doesn't start with kopete , profile yahoo ?22:56
rootlogansalve a tutti23:11
=== Y0Y0 is now known as yoyo

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