
AndorinBanned from #ubuntu?02:54
AndorinThe question being asked here, of course, is why I'm banned from #ubuntu, which appears to be the case03:01
IdleOneAndorin: give me a minute please03:02
IdleOneAndorin: ahh I see, you are using shellium03:03
AndorinIdleOne: Yeah?03:03
IdleOneWe have had to set a temporary ban on all shellium users and you get forwarded here03:04
IdleOnedue to spam problems from some users03:04
AndorinOh, so it's not a ban on me specifically.03:04
IdleOnenot that I can see03:04
AndorinOkay, IdleOne, thank you03:05
IdleOnelet me fix03:05
IdleOneAndorin: can you try joining now please03:05
IdleOneok I see you joined. Don't make me regret this :)03:06
AndorinIdleOne: Yeah, promise I'm not a spammer. Thanks again.03:06
IdleOneif you have any other issues please feel free to come back03:06
* Andorin nod03:06
brabogood evening, i'm an admin at shellium, and we just noticed shellium.org is banned on #ubuntu.. can i inform why?03:12
IdleOnebrabo: Bryanstein is also here and I believe he is up to date03:14
braboaah okay03:14
brabonvm then :)03:14
IdleOnebrabo: :)03:14
IdleOnebrabo: hopefully it will be removed soon03:15
braboi hope so too :)03:15
IdleOnein the mean time03:15
IdleOneshellium users are being forwarded here and we are setting exempts03:15
brabothat is good news03:15
IdleOnebit of a pain for all but best we can do for now03:16
braboi can inform our ppl of this?03:16
brabosweet :)03:16
brabothey'll be hapy to know that this way they can still get on #ubuntu :)03:16
IdleOnebrabo: it is nothing against shellium, just had some problem users and one of the ops felt it was needed03:17
brabohehe np, i can understand that03:18
brabothanks for the info IdleOne03:19
indusiam here to discuss my ban09:05
ikoniahi indus09:05
ikoniaindus: how would you like to proceed ?09:06
indusyou proceed and ill hear what you want to say09:07
topyliikonia: hi. indus wants to resolve the #ubuntu ban09:08
ikoniaindus: the only real issue is your refusal to follow instruction, if you can agree to do that, we have no issue09:09
ikoniaI've explained how we can discuss things if you do have an isse (eg: in this channel) but in #ubuntu we need to keep the chatter down09:10
industhats all good but i have an issue with you09:10
ikoniathat's something you need to resolve then,09:10
indusit cannot be resolved if you keep pressing the trigger09:11
indusits not a level playing field09:11
ikoniaindus: if a member of the operator team asks you to do something in the channel, just do it, I've explained if you're not comfortable with it, we can discuss it in here09:11
indusso thats a rule of thumb then09:11
topyliindus: that's a different issue, and not resolvable at that. the "playing field" is not "level"09:12
ikoniapretty much, we don't ask you to do stuff for fun, or to be mean09:12
indusi do not like moderators telling people 'your advice ruins systems' when ubuntu itself comes with no guarantee09:12
indusall the help is done in good faith assuming its correct09:13
ikoniaahhh now we are changing the topic again09:13
ikoniaindus: we are here to discuss your ban resolution, lets deal with that09:13
indusi agree with the ban thing , you say ';just do as op says' and discuss it here , i agree to it09:13
indusbut what about my suggestion,? is this not the place to discuss ?09:14
indusor its the irc council ?09:14
induswho havent bothered to reply after a week09:14
ikoniathat's great, so if I lift the ban you'll try to keep the random noise down and just listen when operators tell you to stop/do something ?09:14
ikoniatopyli: you deal with this, the attitude stinks again09:14
indusyes if i have an issue ill come in here to discuss09:14
ikoniaindus: topyli can resolve your ban09:14
industhere is no attitude here, this is the 2nd time a reply hasnt arrived from the council , what do you expect ?09:15
topyliikonia: yeah, sorry about mistakenly assuming we can stay in topic09:15
ikoniaPici promised you a reply09:15
indusnot that you have any obligation to reply09:15
topyliindus: please stay on topic here. the topic is the ban09:16
indusconfused since you are here also09:16
ikoniaindus: then I'll drop out09:16
indusikonia, no stay09:16
indusikonia, you can resolve it09:16
ikoniano, I'm not adding to confussion09:16
indusi was talking about topyli09:16
indussince i was talking to him in #council and he came in here09:17
ikoniaas I've said topyli can take this forward.09:17
topyliindus: how about the ban?09:17
indusdont read too much into the tone ,09:17
ikoniaI just did and I don't like it - so I'll drop out09:17
industopyli, ya iam on that09:17
indusi dont seem to understand09:18
indusi said ill discuss only ban in here now09:18
indusso lets do that then09:18
topyligood idea09:18
indussorry, i have to go now09:19
topylinow, the way we can resolve the ban is to make sure you understand the channel rules and that you can follow them in the future, even if it's been difficult in the past09:19
indusi follow09:20
indusi guess i should discuss an issue in here and not in channel09:20
indusmy only mistake probably09:20
jussiindus: we also have #ubuntu-irc-helpers - for discussing what is happening in channel, and how to best help people09:21
topyliquestioning the guidelines themselves, or how operators uphold them is a completely unrelated topic and will only add confusion to the discussion.09:21
topylithat too09:21
indusits still not clear where to discuss that09:22
indusso can  i be unbanned for now09:23
topylithe guidelines are derived from the code of conduct and from common sense about how irc works. it's not something we simply vote on or decide through a shouting contest09:24
indussorry, i dont want to comment on it09:25
topyliyou and i can discuss them all day (somewhere else) but it's not easy to change the CoC or the knowledge gained from years of life on irc that our operators team has09:25
induseach of your statements can elicit a comment from me, but as said before, i dont have the will to argue it now09:26
topyliindeed ony the ban is relevant now09:27
topyliif you simply ask to be unbanned, it's not happening. you can, however demonstrate that you understand why you are banned and that we probably won't have to ban you again09:28
topyliyou've been banned and re-banned many times, so it's very important that you understand why09:29
topyliindus: hello?09:31
industopyli, check your records, this is the 2nd time09:32
topylioh. if so, that's good09:32
indusif you have a set of things a banned user can do to demonstrate to prove , then please tell me so09:32
indusor i cant do anything other than say ;'yes i agree'09:33
indussorry but limitations or irc09:33
indusas far as being banned , i already told i understand why i was banned a few min ago09:33
indusanyways this is taking too much time09:33
indusi have to go now, ill be back in 1 hour09:34
topyliokay, bye09:34
indussorry if that is rude09:34
ikoniait's not the second time he's been banned09:34
ikoniahence why he says "you have it in for me and keep banning me" to me09:34
topylii seem to remember more too09:34
ikoniaif that was twice he wouldn't have an issue09:34
topylii might not be here waiting for indus in an hour, i'm a busy birthday boy and who knows what will happen :)09:40
industopyli, hi10:03
topylihello indus10:15
indussorry , had to go for lunch10:16
topylia man cannot live from beer alone!10:16
indushmm true10:16
indusi dont drink though :D10:16
indusshall we get back to the ban thing10:17
topyliyes why not. by the way, i see many more than two in our tracker, you're prettifying the past a little10:18
indusits 2 including this , both by ikonia10:19
indusbut you should stop the fine toothed comb approach10:19
indusi dont blame you though, humans dont like to be pointed out mistakes10:20
indusso you go through my past history10:20
topylii did10:21
induswhat is it you need now ?10:25
topylii still need to know why your ban should be removed again10:25
indusbecause its been a week since the ban, and its a temp ban10:27
industechnically speaking10:27
topylibans are (almost) never permanent, that's for sure10:28
indusi know10:28
topyliusually, users resolve them by showing that they understand the rules, and agree to use our channels according to them10:29
industopyli, i already stated before, tell me how to 'show that i understand'10:29
topylilike i already said, i would like to know why you think you are banned10:29
indusi was banned for not listening to an op10:30
topyliwhy was the operator talking to you in the first place?10:30
indusi have sent you the logs in the email you can read them10:30
indusor ask the op in here too10:31
topylii know10:31
topylii also know why the issue came to being. i would like to see if *you* know10:31
induswhy wouldnt i know10:31
industhe op made it loud and clear the last time i was in here10:32
indusbut his explanation today was better though10:32
indus'follow first' ask questions later10:32
topyliby the way, iirc you set us the log from this channel, i had to look up the original from #ubuntu elsewhere10:32
indusah ok sorry10:33
industhe root cause of the 'problem' was in #ubuntu10:33
indusi only sent ops one yes10:33
topyliwhy the quotes?10:33
indusyes because its my displeasure at the ban10:34
topylii think a ban is always a real problem, no quotes needed10:34
indusiam too far away from irc world it seems10:34
topyliwhy don't you agree with the ban?10:34
indusi feel the op is trigger happy10:35
indusin this case, the first time was  fine though10:35
indusjust my feeling10:35
indusyou dont have to agree or anythinh10:35
topylinobody's happy if they have to ban a user10:35
indusanyways, i have decided not to use #ubuntu for a while10:36
indusits too rigid10:36
topyliit is a big channel, it doesn't need offtopic chat10:37
indusunless an #ubuntu-unofficial springs up10:37
ikoniaif it does it will be removed10:37
induslets move on10:37
indusikonia, what do you mean removed?10:38
indusyou have no authority on what channels people start10:38
indusits a free network10:38
ikoniain the ubuntu name space the council do10:38
ikoniaso as I said, it will be removed10:38
industhen it will be on another network10:38
ikoniaactually - sorry topyli10:38
topyliindus: we control the #ubuntu-* namespace10:38
topyliyeah well what ikonia said10:39
indusi need to read more on this10:39
indusso back to topic10:39
indusnice choice of words though , 'control'10:39
topyliindus: let's talk about the ban when you do want to return to ubuntu, no need to waste my birthday on this if you don't even want to join it10:39
industopyli, lets talk about it10:40
indushappy birthday anyway10:40
topyli#ubuntu not ubuntu, sorry10:40
topylithanks a lot10:40
indusreally your birthday?10:41
industhen i will speak with another op maybe10:41
topylithanks a lot.)10:41
indusdont wnat to upset anyone on a birthday10:41
indusgrrr ok back to topic10:41
indusso what i mean is, i will only occasionally drop in ubuntu ,i dont want to drop in regularly10:42
indusand dont want to get into this ban discussion again and again10:43
topyliwell, the way to proceed is to resolve this ban and not get banned again10:43
industopyli, i will get banned again since i cannot conform to all your rules, its true10:44
induseven though i try to10:44
indusand no idea when an op might not like it and kick me10:44
ikoniayou do have ideas10:44
ikoniapeople tell you to stop10:44
ikoniayou then refuse10:44
ikoniathat is the problem10:44
indusya last time i did10:44
industrue but i do random chat occasionally10:45
ikoniano - on multiple occasions10:45
ikoniayou DO get warnings10:45
ikoniayes, and you get warned about it10:45
topyliops do warn you, removing is rather extreme actually10:45
indusyes warnings are good , thats wy you are there10:45
ikoniaso the problem is not that you don't know and get kicked, the problem is you do know and won't stop10:45
ikonialets be honest about it here10:45
topylialso, other users might ask you to stop an uncomfortable or offtopic discussion, it doesn't need to be an operator10:46
induslets not get into the 'honest' agument here10:46
indusi myself tell other users about being off topic10:46
ikoniaindus: we are being honest10:46
indusbut the problem here is , humans have a habit to discuss the bad and ignore the good10:46
indusi dont blame you10:46
ikoniatopyli: I'm sorry to step in, but I'm not happy with this miss-leading information10:46
indusan example would be, you told me i messed upa  few machines, if you wish i can bring in users here whose machines i have fixed10:47
indusyou have to decide which is better10:47
topyliikonia: it's good to keep things clear, no problem there10:47
ikoniaindus: I'll rephrase that if you want "you've given poor quality advice which could cause the users issue"10:47
indussure i have10:47
indusand it wil happen again10:48
ikoniait shouldn't10:48
industhats done in good faith of course10:48
topyliindus: either you don't want to follow the rules (like it looks like), or you don't understand them (like you say). neither is very good10:48
ikoniayou have a real issue with authority10:48
indusi feel the ubuntu channels work fine with self regulation10:49
topyliideally, they should10:49
topylisometimes we still need operators to step in10:50
indussure you do10:50
ikoniaif they work fine with self regulation, why do you not follow whe people regulate you10:50
indusmaybe the context is unclear at that moment10:50
ikoniaok, now I think you're not being honet, so I'll again back out of this10:51
indusand please dont keep telling me or anyone else for that matter ;' you do not like to follow rules'10:51
topyliindus: please let me now when you wish to return to the actual issue10:51
indusif you dont like banning someone, its the same with me, i dont like breaking rules intentionally10:51
ikoniaindus: I'm telling you a fact - you don't like to follow the rules, and you've stated ubuntu is too rigidi, so you "don't like to follow the rules"10:51
ikoniaI'm out (apologies topyli and indus)10:52
topylino need to apologise ikonia10:52
induswhy the hell are you apologising?10:52
topyliindus: if you want to philosophise about irc governance and such, you can write an article on your blog or maybe compose an email to the irc team mailing list for discussion10:53
indusya ok10:53
topyliif you want to resolve your ban at sime time, come here10:53
indusiam here for that10:53
indusbut the discussion keeps moving astray10:54
topyliso please get down to business so i can go to the pub10:54
indusah yes ok10:54
topylithe status of the issue is that right now i see no reason to remove the ban10:55
topylibecause you either don't understand the rules, or you refuse to follow them10:56
indusi disagree with a few or maybe 1 or 210:56
indusnot with the rules sorry10:56
industhe way its enforced10:56
indusso please do not ,misquote me10:56
topyliyou're not required to agree with them, just to follow them10:57
indusya i already said it, i will follow them but i dont agree how its enforced10:57
topyliah. well, it's generally a good idea to listen to ops when they give you advice, they're not really negotiating but giving instructions10:57
indusi always listen sire, atleast 99 % of the time10:58
indusand mostly i also help other users follow the rules10:58
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (lucy)10:58
topyliif your offtopic dicussion is pointed out, you should stop it. when you're specifically *asked* to stop it, that should be a very clear hint10:58
indusmy mistake on that10:59
indusi will listen, but i will drop in here to argue11:00
indusif thats fine11:00
indusand i appreciate if iam not called an 'idiot' like last time11:00
topylii don't like the idea of dropping by in -ops to argue the rules11:01
induswell, i did sent an email to council but nothing happened11:01
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (lucy)11:01
topyliyes, the reply is very late, apologies11:02
topyliyes, the reply is very late, apologies :(11:02
topylidamn this keyboard11:02
topylithe council seems to be a bit of a summer vacation mode11:03
indusok i guess i shouldnt discuss the rules11:03
indusbut i wanted to try it anyway with the email to council to see if it works11:03
indusi agree to listen to an op in #ubuntu11:03
topyliit still might! but this channel isn't for council business11:04
industhough i might or might not agree11:04
indusis that fair enough11:04
topyliit's a good start. there are 1500 non-operators on the channel though, they're the part that actually matter11:05
indusiam not sure i understood that11:06
topyliwhether or not someone is an operator is of little importance unless the disruption is so bad that someone needs to be removed11:07
topylithe rules do not exist to serve operators11:08
indusill let you keep the benefit of doubt, that in your judgement my behaviour was disrupting the channel11:10
topyliyou were offtopic (again), and when notified about this you insisted on continuing and in fact said as much11:11
indusya i know it can be irritating11:12
topylithat's a start. actually not doing it would be awesome11:13
topylianyway, two hours is enough for me. please return when you want to actually fix this issue11:13
indus2 hours?11:13
indusi want it to be fixed now i thought11:14
topylithis chat strted two hours ago, and we failed. let's try again another day11:14
indusfailed ? where11:14
topyliare you unbanned? no. we failed to resolve the issue. let's return to it another day11:15
topylii'd say this kind of matter should take 10 minutes maximum11:15
topylinext time, let's do it properly like that. not today though11:16
indusi agreed alteast 2 times to follow11:16
indusyou wnat to waste more of my time11:16
topylihave a great day, i'm off to leech beer from my friends by telling them it's my birthday11:16
knometopyli, happy bd!11:16
topylithanks. like my plan?11:17
indusi would like another operator to resolve this11:17
knometopyli, sounds like it could work:)11:17
induswhat is going on here11:19
indusI guess its my fault i come in here expecting fair results11:24
indusis anyone here willing to help me11:25
topylianother day most likely. please review what we discussed above before returning11:27
industheire is nothing more i would like to review or discuss11:27
indusi have made myself clear11:27
indusif you do not have time , assign another op for it11:27
indusits been a week now11:28
topyliok. please return when you do have something to review or discuss11:28
induswhy are you doing this ?11:28
indusdidnt i make it clear i will listen to an op alteast 3 times now11:28
indusisnt that the point you have also been making for the last 2 hours11:29
indusor you are trying to test my patience till i snap ?11:29
indus<indus> ill let you keep the benefit of doubt, that in your judgement my behaviour was disrupting the channel11:30
indus<topyli> you were offtopic (again), and when notified about this you insisted on continuing and in fact said as much11:30
indus<indus> ya i know it can be irritating11:30
indus<topyli> that's a start. actually not doing it would be awesome11:30
industhe above discussion11:30
indusiam actually in agreement here if you see11:30
indusso why exactly are you not convinced now ?11:31
indusdo you really think i can add anything more now ?11:31
indusok , ill be here in evening to beg again, thanks for all the help11:35
indusis anyone here willing to discuss my ban11:51
industopyli, ikonia11:53
* indus waits12:02
induswhats a net slpit12:02
indushi guys12:04
industhis is really important for me to sort out soon12:04
induscould you please help me12:05
indusikonia, hi are you there?12:06
indusbazhang, hi, can you resolve my problem12:08
indusis there no one here ?12:11
Tm_Tindus: patience, please12:13
bazhangtopyli, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!12:25
gnomefreaktopyli: happy birthday12:27
bazhangjungli ban evading in -ot again12:35
Picihuh. Wasn't topyli's birthday a while ago?12:43
bazhangthat was someone else , the Hat or H 00k iirc12:43
topyliwhee thanks guys! Pici yep, a year ago12:43
bazhangoh noez menza's12:44
Picitopyli: You may want to update your Google Profile then... because it says your birthday is *June* 20th.12:46
topyliPici: oh! thanks :)12:46
Picitopyli: Anyway, Happy Birthday!12:46
PiciI need more caffeine, I read 'bandodge' as 'bondage'12:47
topylithanks. maybe i should set a different birthday in all services, have a dozen birthdays12:47
ikoniajungli again with ban evasion12:47
ikoniaPici: it's possible it's one of my typos12:47
Piciikonia: I banned him yesterday too in -ot12:47
ikoniaI spoke to marienz about it in #freenode the other day as it was 3 in one day12:48
ikoniawith you that would make it a 4th12:48
gnomefreakhe has been nothing but trouble12:48
ikoniaI know12:49
gnomefreaki think that was my fualt for unbanning him too early12:49
ikoniano, he's just a child12:50
Jungliwhy i am banned ?12:50
bazhanghe knows the rules, and can abide by them when it suits him12:50
gnomefreakpretend that bazhang comment was for you12:50
Jungliikonia: you stupid why you banned me what i do wrong ?12:51
bazhangit was12:51
Junglionly one time12:51
Junglii cnage my nick12:51
bazhangI'll take this if you wish ikonia12:51
bazhangafter the multiple hours spent with indus already12:51
Jungliok i don't want to come #ubuntu-ops12:52
ikoniaI'm not discussing anything with name calling going on12:52
bazhangJungli, you wish to resolve this or not?12:52
bazhangJungli, just a moment12:53
bazhangJungli, you are aware why you were banned in #ubuntu-offtopic this most recent instance?12:55
Junglino dude i don't12:56
Jungli bye guys12:57
Jungliwhat i do i don't know12:57
Junglii am going far behind fron IRC12:58
bazhangJungli, your behaviour improved briefly when your bans were first removed12:58
bazhangJungli, since then you have gone back to the old ways of randomly bothering people, causing issues, etc12:58
bazhangJungli, if you recall, you were banned for a long time until you had both of your cloaks removed, then started to follow the guidelines and code of conduct12:59
Junglimy life wants real life i don't have any enthusiasm thats why my nature is trun to ......huh12:59
Jungliok thats my mistake i not made for IRC :)13:00
bazhangJungli, since that re-banning you have ban-evaded on multiple occasions rather than come here to resolve it13:00
Jungliwell bye guys i have some good times but now i am tierd bye folks have a good life13:01
bazhangJungli, and judging the way you came in here today with the language and the name-calling, you are not ready to be admitted back in the channel13:01
bazhangthat's the nth time he has said that, so take with a grain of salt (quitting irc)13:02
gnomefreakhe uses the word bye way too often13:02
ikoniacouldn't care less if he does or not, the longer he stays away the easier the channel will be13:03
gnomefreakhe also will not leave IRC as he said he was going to13:03
bazhangof course not. just continue to troll other multiple channels, as is his wont13:03
ikoniathat's up to other channel operators/freenode though13:04
bazhangif its not in #ubuntu channels then no issue13:04
gnomefreakyep unless he ends up in one of our 100 chanels (not sure how many but 100 seemed good13:04
gnomefreakbe back coffee refill and smoke13:05
gnomefreak.win 113:05
mahen23i got kicked last saturday13:37
mahen23just for asking a question13:37
gnomefreakmahen23: that was for the bot13:38
gnomefreakikonia: he is yours13:39
* gnomefreak likes the bt13:39
induslost internet long time13:43
gnomefreakikonia: what can we help you with today?13:44
gnomefreakindus: what can we help you with today13:44
ikoniagnomefreak: I'll speak to mahen23, the mistake was mine13:44
induswell i wanted to discuss my ban but topyli could not resolve it13:44
gnomefreakikonia: ok, sorry for pingin gyou13:44
induspartly my fault probably13:44
indusbad day iam having today i think13:45
ikoniagnomefreak: no no, not a problem, the mistake was mine with the kick, so I'll speak to him13:45
gnomefreakindus: what day was the ban/remove?13:46
* gnomefreak seeing alot13:46
Tm_TI don't think it's good idea to have yet another op to get into that13:46
gnomefreakTm_T: agreeing13:46
indusa week ago13:47
indusdont remember now13:48
indushow can i find out this ?13:48
gnomefreakindus: do you recall the op that removed/banned you13:49
indusi mean he13:49
indushe is here13:49
ikoniaI placed the initial ban13:49
gnomefreakill be gone for an hour or so.13:51
ikoniaindus: I'd wait for topyli to return and be confident to remove the ban. Tm_T makes a good point that dragging more people into this may not be the best idea13:53
ikonia indus as he doesn't appear active at the moment, you may wish to come back later13:56
indussee i have a genuine issue, its my office ip13:57
indusothers are affected13:57
ikoniaindus: that's your reponsability to them13:57
indusif you could please tryh and resolve since you also know my history and stuff13:57
ikoniaindus: no, as I've said, I'm tired of your attitude so I've handed it over to topyli13:57
indusill wait for him then13:58
indusi guess it moves to tomorrow then13:58
ikoniaindus: that ip address is listed as a home broadband connection13:58
bazhangmahen is not jungli14:00
topylioh indus14:01
knometopyli, so did you drink all the beer you begged already? ;)14:02
ikoniabazhang: I know, I'm waiting for him to come back on line14:02
topylii did tell him we can discuss another day, but he fails to understand "another day"14:02
bazhangikonia, ok14:02
topyliknome: i didn't go after all, wife is trying to make me useful :(14:02
ikoniatopyli: happy birthday of couse14:02
topylithanks :)14:03
knometopyli, aww. well, try to have some fun at least then.14:03
knometopyli, maybe with wife, since she's keeping you home.14:03
topylibetter than nothing! :)14:03
knomelol, if i told my wife fun with her is better than nothing i'de get nothing.14:04
bazhang* [moe`] (~supybot@CPE-24-209-190-7.wi.res.rr.com): Supybot  <--is that a bot?14:04
knomeyes, supybot is a bot.14:04
ikoniabounce him with a link to the bot page on the wiki14:05
bazhangidoru should not have killed educondor14:07
ikoniahe was spamming14:07
bazhangasking for how to get into #ubuntu-es is !repeat if anything14:07
bazhangand no need for that even really14:08
ikoniahe was spamming quick, so it thought it was spam14:08
ikoniait's wrong, but you can see why14:08
bazhangsure, but hardly spam14:08
ikoniafrom the bots point of view it was14:08
bazhangit just had a false kill in ##linux as well14:09
ikoniajungli joins and leaves again, so much for no more irc14:10
marienzah, I was having some trouble figuring out what he was trying to say14:15
marienzme and a few others try to fix idoru false positives quickly, but if we miss one feel free to prod14:16
bazhangkwolpska unbanned?14:24
ikoniahe's just not using shellium14:25
bazhangah he just dropped the shellium14:25
ikoniawhere was he ?14:26
bazhangstill in #ubuntu14:26
bazhang* [Kwpolska] (kwpolska@unix.net.pl): Kwpolska14:26
ikoniawhy can't I see him14:26
lhavelundhai bazhang14:26
bazhanglhavelund, hey!14:27
h00kwhat was14:28
h00kthat for?14:28
jpdsikonia: You wut?14:28
ikoniamy clients gone nuts14:28
bazhangjust a typo14:28
h00kwhoops :)14:28
ikoniait wasn't14:29
ikoniathat's the odd thing14:29
ikoniathe line was correct14:29
ikoniaand for some reason I can't actually see Kwpolska unless I do /last Kwpolska14:29
ikoniathe line was for the correct user, but it selected someone else14:30
elkyum, someone want to back me up in -ot?14:32
bazhanghe's pushing it14:32
ikoniawho / what / where14:38
bazhangits over dmsuperman in -ot14:38
ikoniahello again indus15:25
industhis is my home system15:26
ikoniaI thought you where coming back tommorow ?15:26
ikoniaok ?15:26
indusyes but maybe he is topyli might be around15:26
ikoniatopyli: are you around ?15:26
ikonia(he's probably out as it's his birthday)015:27
indusalso, i havent joined #ubuntu just fyi15:27
indusexcept on auto login when i launch x chat15:27
indusyou can check it15:27
ikoniaI've just put a ban in place to stop that happening so there is no confusion15:28
indusoh this one ip ?15:28
ikoniabut lets give topyli a few more minutes15:28
induswhich ban you speak ok?15:29
indusof i mean15:29
indusyou speak of15:29
industhis <ikonia> I've just put a ban in place to stop that happening so there is no confusion15:29
ikoniaI've just locked you out of #ubuntu (by a ban) so you dont auto join #ubuntu and don't get blamed for it15:29
induswith the other ip you mean ?15:29
ikoniano - you totally15:30
industhere it says banned on auto join also15:30
ikoniadon't oworry about it15:30
industotally means?15:30
ikoniait doesn't matter15:30
ikoniayou're locked out of ubuntu - that's all you need to be aware of, then you won't get blamed for autojoins15:30
indusnothing, just being ethical so i stated that15:31
indusneed something in my defence dont i15:31
ikoniaI understand,15:31
ikoniayou don't need anything in your defence, I fully understand autojoins happen15:31
indusno no, i mean about joining from this ip15:31
ikoniawell, it doesn't look like topyli's around at the moment15:31
industhis is my home ip15:31
ikoniayou can't join any more15:31
ikoniayou're locked out at home now, so you won't get accused of joining by accident15:32
indushere too ,? was not really needed but its ok15:32
ikoniaI  know it's ok15:32
ikoniaso as topyli's not around, I suggest you try to catch him tommorow/later15:32
Tm_Twe prolly see him in couple hours15:37
ikoniano doubt15:38
Kwpolskaokay, dear ops of #ubuntu.15:43
Kwpolskasome of you banned me, that is my second shell, for just ONE WORD.15:43
Kwpolskawtf is with you?15:43
ikoniayou then refused to talk in here to resolve it15:46
ikoniayou where banned because of your attitude15:46
ikoniaban dodged and now your second host is banned15:46
Kwpolska'refused to talk here'?15:46
Kwpolskayou haven't said anything like 'come to #ubuntu-ops' or et cetera.15:46
ikoniayes, you where forwarded to this channel from your shellium account, and asked if we could resolve your ban and you never responded15:46
ikoniawhen you where removed from #ubuntu-ops had a removal message15:47
Kwpolskasorry, wasn't taking care for this.15:47
ikoniayou have also joined, saw you where in #ubuntu-ops and left, or made a comment then left15:47
ikoniaso you knew there was an issue, and you've tried to get around the ban15:47
KwpolskaI want to ask one thing before. why did you've banned whole shellium, not just kwpolska!@*.*?15:48
ikoniaKwpolska: I'm not discussing any other bans with you15:48
ikoniashellium staff are aware of your behaviour also15:48
Kwpolskayes, yes, yes.15:48
Kwpolskaso, I think that the ban wasn't approperiate.15:49
ikoniaI think your behaviour and atittude wasn't appropriate15:49
ikoniado you find it the right thing to do to call someone a retard who is trying to help you with your problem ?15:49
Kwpolskaare you banning anyone who will say "fsck"?15:49
ikoniaI'm banning you for calling someone a retard who was trying to help you15:49
Kwpolskayes. but I said TWICE what I do need.15:50
ikoniaso ?15:50
ikoniait wasn't clear15:50
ikoniayou don't call someone a retard because they didn't fully understand your vague question15:50
Kwpolskaupstream branding? I think that it's very clear.15:51
ikoniano it wasn't15:51
ikonia2010-07-17T10:29:00 <Kwpolska> how can I make my ubuntu looking upstream?15:51
ikoniathat is all you asked15:51
ikoniathat could mean anything, branding, version numbers, patches15:51
Kwpolska'looking upstream' = 'having upstream branding'.15:52
ikoniathen you should have said "have non-ubuntu or default branding"15:52
Kwpolskacan version numbers or patches be upstream? not that much as branding.15:52
ikoniaversion numbers and patches are upstream15:52
ikoniayour question was unclear15:52
ikoniaso to respond with retard was unacceptable15:52
Kwpolskaokay, okay, sorry.15:53
ikoniayour futher behaviour of ignoring the forward to #ubuntu-ops then trying to ban evade just make you look worse15:53
ikoniayou've only coem here to talk after your next host has been banned15:53
ikoniarather than because you really wanted to resolve anything15:53
KwpolskaI wanted to resolve.15:54
ikoniano - you do now that your other host is banned15:54
ikoniayou didn't seem to keen to resolve anything when you thought you could get around the ban15:54
ikoniaand you still seem to think calling someone a retard is acceptable15:54
KwpolskaI do not.15:54
Kwpolskabefore I was banned here (you shall ban me first and then kick, to just let me know that you banned me), I had no time to take care of ban for shellium.15:55
ubottuIn ubottu, silentwhisper said: sir where is the link for pasting image15:56
ikoniaKwpolska: now you're telling lies15:56
ikoniaKwpolska: you joined here and parted as soon as you saw it was #ubuntu-ops15:56
ikoniaKwpolska: you joined here and refused to talk15:56
Pici!screenshot > silentwhisper15:56
ikoniaKwpolska: you then had time to get around the ban by using another host15:56
ikoniaso - don't use "I didn't have time" as an excuse15:56
KwpolskaThe problem was another, you don't know the whole situation.15:56
ikoniano - the problem was you15:57
ikoniayou're welcome to explain if there are mitigating services15:57
KwpolskaMy shell, unix.net.pl, which I am using now, shutted down because of some problems with files (freebsd, if someone asks, some file limits make the server unusable)15:58
Kwpolskaso i came back to shellium and used irc.15:58
ikoniayes ?15:58
ikoniahow does that explain your attitude, refusing to talk, joining here saying "wtf" then parting15:58
PiciSo you're saying it was an accidental evade?15:58
Kwpolskayesterday, I realised that my shell is back up (after 3 days of running) and came to it and today I came here.15:58
ikoniasorry that doesn't cut it for me, Pici if you're comfortable with that explination your welcome to remove tha ban15:59
Kwpolskaand about the banning reason (one word), I'm sorry.16:00
ikoniaI also find it a coincidence that your host came back when your shellium account is now disabled16:00
Kwpolskaikonia: what?16:01
PiciKwpolska: Are you familiar with our channel guidelines documented here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:01
Kwpolska17:03 <+Kwpolska> !locked kwpolska16:01
Kwpolska17:03 <+ocamlbob> kwpolska is not in locked list16:01
Kwpolskamy account was not disabled either when I realised the shell was up.16:02
ikoniawell, the admin staff disagree, but Pici seems comfortable so that's fine by me16:02
KwpolskaI realised it when my admin said that he added something to my server.16:02
Kwpolskaand an update from admin, I'm actually locked, but they put no message and their bot don't see it.16:03
KwpolskaI realised it at 18th of July, 18:18 CEST. And I was locked a bit ago.16:04
ikoniaso if I remove the ban on the unix.net.pl account, there will be no more issues with you ?16:05
ikoniaand you understand that any issues you need to come to this channel and actually talk16:06
Kwpolskathere will not.16:06
Kwpolskaand what will be with ban for shellium?16:06
ikoniathe ban from your current host has been removed16:07
Kwpolskaokay. thanks.16:07
ikoniaI'm not comfortable giving you back two hosts so you can evade bans at this time, lets seee how you get on currently16:07
ikoniaindus will be joining shortly no doubt16:13
ikoniaKwpolska: if there is nothing else you need from this channel, you're welcome to leave and enjoy #ubuntu16:14
ikoniaI'll leave it for a week or so and remove the shellium ban16:20
ikoniaI've informaed the shellium admin team we've removed the ban on the non-shellium host16:20
ikoniainformed even16:21
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:52
indusis topyli around ?20:06
ikoniahe's not been active for a while20:07
Seeker`ikonia: missing any channels?20:08
ikonia"bye then"20:08
ikonianot that I'm aware of20:08
charlie-tcaAnyone watching smallfoot in #launchpad?20:22
ikonianot I20:23
ikoniano grunt in there20:23
charlie-tca* smallfoot- (~smf@unaffiliated/smallfoot-) has joined #launchpad20:25
charlie-tca<smallfoot-> you motherfucker, fix launchpad now you fkcing assholes20:25
charlie-tca<smallfoot-> im tired of this ubuntu halfassed piece of shit crap20:25
PiciHe has caused trouble in the past in #ubuntu channels20:25
PiciWe don't have rights to do anything there charlie-tca.20:25
charlie-tcaI ss20:25
IdleOneseems to have strong feelings, perhaps he should apply some of that energy towards helping "fix" launchpad20:26
ikoniathat language is unacceptable he should be gone20:26
charlie-tcaThat was my though. I have serious doubts about helping anyone that starts off that way, myself20:26
IdleOnewith both of you20:26
charlie-tcaagreed about "should be gone"20:26
Seeker`anyone else got a random pm from Prens?21:38
jpdsErr, guys.21:58
jpdsWhat charlie-tca said.21:59
SortiEwhy i forwared to here?22:00
funkyHatHopsa in #u...23:47
funkyHatCheers IdleOne23:47
IdleOneHopsa not telling me he has 45 openvpn tunnels, he plans on ban evading23:50
jpdsIdleOne: Good, let the fun begin.23:51
IdleOneAlso knows my mother....23:51
IdleOnelet's keep an eye on #u ( not like we don't anyway )23:51
IdleOneheh now my sexual preference is being questioned23:54
IdleOnetrolls, so sad, you almost want to hug them.23:54
jpdsTakes one to know one.23:58
* jpds runs.23:58
IdleOnejpds: sadly I believe I would be an extremely good troll23:59

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