apachelogger | Nightrose: I think I am loosing it | 00:13 |
DarkwingDuck | Hey Guys | 00:17 |
* valorie wishes Nightrose happy birthday here too! | 00:20 | |
valorie | hi everybody, from Portland | 00:20 |
Nightrose | apachelogger: Oo | 00:29 |
Nightrose | why? | 00:29 |
* Nightrose hugs valorie | 00:29 | |
apachelogger | Nightrose: because u1 is made out of PITA | 00:32 |
Nightrose | :/ | 00:32 |
apachelogger | my ubuntu vm constantly looses connection with the flipping cloud for obscure failures | 00:32 |
* apachelogger cannot make video about his lattest awesomeness so pictures will have to suffice | 00:33 | |
apachelogger | http://imagebin.ca/view/DDfe-o.html this is the ugly(tm) kcm | 00:34 |
apachelogger | http://imagebin.ca/view/A234rQee.html this is the not so ugly tab to configure which directories to sync | 00:35 |
apachelogger | we see 3 types here ... unconfigurable root (i.e. ~/Ubuntu One), fullsync (testfolder and testfolder3) and for nestedfolder only a subfolder gets synced | 00:35 |
apachelogger | changing any of these will carry out the changes and within a matter of minutes one should get syncs to all other connected clients | 00:36 |
apachelogger | if they were working of course | 00:37 |
claydoh | apachelogger: you need a raise :) | 00:37 |
apachelogger | I agree ;) | 00:37 |
claydoh | what, are you going to outdo the u1 folk's feature set by an order of magnitude or what? | 00:39 |
apachelogger | now a fancy thing you can do is tick nestedfolder to make it a fullsync (which in consequence, since u1 does not supported nested syncs, means that whatever sub folder of nestedfolder is currently being syncd will be unsycned and instead nestedsync will take its place) | 00:39 |
claydoh | too many 'what's in that one | 00:39 |
apachelogger | claydoh: well, it is a KDE vs. GNOME game, that is not fair for the u1 folks ;) | 00:40 |
claydoh | true | 00:41 |
claydoh | although it looks like a recent u1 update has broken it for me on one box | 00:42 |
CIA-33 | [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100720234228-a80c013zt0gdll51 * src/ (10 files in 3 dirs) latest and greatest beauty, among other things SyncDaemonFolders can query folder information && addFolders && removeFolders && changeFolders, additionally saving changes to the folderview get saved properly | 00:44 |
apachelogger | ah well | 00:45 |
apachelogger | 100 SLOC to go for 5k | 00:45 |
Krtz | Hi, using KDE 4.5 rc2, Dolphin always crashes after some seconds, it is random. I read it is related to a dbus bug that affects all KDEs 4.x, but espessialy 4.5. Do you know more about this, and how can it be fixed? | 04:48 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: didnt you pass it to ./configure ? | 06:00 |
shadeslayer | ( in your old rules file i see it ) | 06:01 |
apachelogger | kubotu: topic del 3 | 07:24 |
=== kubotu changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu, making your PC friendly | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | ||
shadeslayer | apachelogger: topic is now insanely short :P | 07:33 |
apachelogger | kubotu: topic add apachelogger's bday is on friday... no party means more grumpylogger than usual... we do not want that, so better prepare one!... it also ought to be noted that everyone here deserves a raise | 07:34 |
=== kubotu changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu, making your PC friendly | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | apachelogger's bday is on friday... no party means more grumpylogger than usual... we do not want that, so better prepare one!... it also ought to be noted that everyone here deserves a raise | ||
shadeslayer | hehe | 07:35 |
* shadeslayer goes to fix kdeadmin | 07:36 | |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: will you sponsor a upload of kdeadmin? | 07:36 |
apachelogger | will I ever | 07:36 |
shadeslayer | its currently building in ninja ppa | 07:37 |
apachelogger | why is it building in nina? | 07:37 |
shadeslayer | since itll take me more than an hour to build in my ppa/pbuilder and i have to go somewhere...... | 07:38 |
shadeslayer | brr... fails | 07:38 |
shadeslayer | again.. and kdepimlibs needs to be fixed | 07:38 |
* shadeslayer stares at kdepimlibs-dev | 07:43 | |
shadeslayer | Depends: ${sameVersionDep:kdelibs5-dev:libakonadi-kde4}, ${allLibraries} << whuz that | 07:43 |
* shadeslayer has not seen this magic before | 07:43 | |
apachelogger | it says that it needs to depend on the same version of kdelibs5-dev and libakonadi-kde4 ;) | 07:46 |
apachelogger | and all libraries | 07:46 |
shadeslayer | hmm.. then how come it depends on kdelibs5-dev 4.4.0 ? | 07:47 |
shadeslayer | as is seen from the build log | 07:48 |
shadeslayer | ohh.. i guess since its kdepim 4.4.4 ? | 07:48 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: dh_sameversiondep | 07:51 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: man dh_sameversiondep | 07:51 |
shadeslayer | ok | 07:51 |
shadeslayer | ahh.. i c | 07:52 |
CIA-33 | [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100721065300-s2l1fhme5bqzr70r * src/ (4 files in 2 dirs) Improved code sweetness | 07:53 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: im assuming that this creates the issue? | 07:53 |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: btw im going to start working on creating a UI for the updater part of muon | 07:53 |
shadeslayer | in another 2-3 days | 07:53 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: assuming doesnt help, does it? ;) | 07:54 |
shadeslayer | i know it wont make it to SVN right now,but ill just create the UI and then you can tell me how to hook it up to libqapt | 07:54 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: oh come on.. give me a hint :P | 07:56 |
* apachelogger doesnt know himself yet :P | 07:57 | |
shadeslayer | hehe ... | 07:57 |
shadeslayer | kdepimlibs5-dev: Depends: kdelibs5-dev (>= 4:4.4.0) but it is not going to be installed << why wont it install :/ | 07:58 |
apachelogger | well | 07:58 |
apachelogger | there must be a problem in kdelibs5-dev obviously | 07:58 |
shadeslayer | of course | 07:59 |
* apachelogger is lacking motivation a bit today | 07:59 | |
shadeslayer | Remove sameVersionDep for libqt4-webkit-dev and libkdewebkit5 | 08:00 |
shadeslayer | too strict | 08:00 |
shadeslayer | thats the last changelog | 08:00 |
* shadeslayer gives beer to apachelogger in pink mug | 08:00 | |
apachelogger | Oo at 9 am?!?!? | 08:00 |
shadeslayer | maybe we should do the samething for kdepimlibs | 08:00 |
shadeslayer | its 12.30 pm here :D | 08:01 |
shadeslayer | and im going to watch inception in another hour | 08:01 |
* apachelogger go no clue what that is | 08:01 | |
apachelogger | is it a secret cult gathering? | 08:01 |
shadeslayer | hahaha | 08:01 |
shadeslayer | kubotu: google Inception | 08:01 |
kubotu | Results for Inception: 1. Inception (2010): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1375666/ | 2. Inception: http://inceptionmovie.warnerbros.com/ | 3. Inception (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inception_(film) | 08:01 |
apachelogger | ohhhh | 08:02 |
apachelogger | one of them mainstream media movies :P | 08:02 |
shadeslayer | hehe.. yeah :P | 08:02 |
* apachelogger is student and can only effort the less mainstreamy stuff since it is cheaper ^^ | 08:02 | |
shadeslayer | itll be cheap today... its a weekday | 08:02 |
apachelogger | interesting | 08:02 |
apachelogger | ! | 08:02 |
shadeslayer | itll be like 150 INR | 08:03 |
shadeslayer | which is about 2 euros or something | 08:03 |
apachelogger | that is like 5 dollars or 0.1 euros, right? ^^ | 08:03 |
apachelogger | look how I messed with both INR and USD there ^ :P | 08:03 |
shadeslayer | 2 euros :P | 08:03 |
shadeslayer | hahaha :D | 08:03 |
shadeslayer | euro and USD ^^ | 08:04 |
shadeslayer | 150 Indian rupees = 3.21195 U.S. dollars | 08:04 |
apachelogger | :O | 08:04 |
apachelogger | I am rich | 08:04 |
apachelogger | I am flipping rich \o/ | 08:04 |
shadeslayer | lol | 08:04 |
apachelogger | well... | 08:05 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: if you calculate GSoC money, which is about 5k USD, it comes to 2.5 Lakh INR | 08:05 |
shadeslayer | i can buy a car for that amount here | 08:05 |
apachelogger | I just got a part of that money | 08:05 |
shadeslayer | a good car.. not one of the cheap ones | 08:05 |
apachelogger | which is why I consider myself rich now | 08:05 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: how was your eval? | 08:05 |
shadeslayer | passed? | 08:06 |
shadeslayer | ( stupid question i know ) | 08:06 |
* apachelogger shall go to an ATM and get 400 euros for his wallet so he can show off | 08:06 | |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: otherwise I wouldnt have gotten money to call myself rich | 08:06 |
shadeslayer | hehe ;) | 08:06 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: did you promote QOAuth? :( | 08:07 |
shadeslayer | bug 607864 | 08:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 607864 in qoauth (Ubuntu) "[MIR] qoauth" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/607864 | 08:07 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: ^^ | 08:07 |
apachelogger | what | 08:10 |
apachelogger | what | 08:10 |
apachelogger | what | 08:10 |
apachelogger | :O | 08:10 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: ?? | 08:11 |
apachelogger | sudo apt-get install kdepimlibs5-dev kdelibs5-dev works while kdepimlibs5-dev does not | 08:12 |
shadeslayer | :S | 08:12 |
shadeslayer | so its a problem with kdepimlibs5-dev | 08:12 |
apachelogger | what makes you assume that? | 08:13 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: because it works fine here with 4.5 | 08:13 |
shadeslayer | ( pim beta 1 ) | 08:13 |
apachelogger | you also have kdepimlibs?! | 08:13 |
apachelogger | the problem can be in either part of the stack there | 08:13 |
shadeslayer | brrr..nope | 08:14 |
shadeslayer | no kdepimlibs5 | 08:14 |
shadeslayer | yofel_: around? | 08:15 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: not yet, give me an hour | 08:16 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: sure no problem | 08:17 |
shadeslayer | when i woke up this morning Kubuntu was taking up 2.5 GB of RAM ( after leaving the laptop on for 5 hours,with just one app running) and then it suddenly dropped to 900 MB :P | 08:19 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: http://pastebin.ca/1905110 | 08:19 |
apachelogger | there you have your issue | 08:19 |
shadeslayer | libqt4 | 08:20 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: how did you do that? | 08:20 |
apachelogger | root@osiris:/# cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/100debug | 08:20 |
apachelogger | Debug::pkgProblemResolver "1"; | 08:20 |
shadeslayer | ahh | 08:21 |
shadeslayer | so fix kdelibs5-dev dep on qt | 08:21 |
shadeslayer | or rather libqt4-webkit-dev | 08:22 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu/annotate/head:/debian/control#L10 | 08:23 |
shadeslayer | we have to change that to libqtwebkit-dev | 08:24 |
apachelogger | supposedly | 08:24 |
shadeslayer | hmm... ill do it then.... | 08:25 |
debfx | shadeslayer: the kdelibs5-dev depends needs to be changed too | 08:27 |
shadeslayer | yep | 08:27 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: the tickets cost 200 INR each :/ .. just checked | 08:28 |
shadeslayer | apparently i get to sit in 'gold' klass for 200 INR | 08:29 |
* apachelogger thinks that cinema is a ripoff :P | 08:30 | |
shadeslayer | hehe... | 08:30 |
shadeslayer | debfx: btw what version should i put in there? | 08:30 |
debfx | shadeslayer: unversioned | 08:31 |
shadeslayer | thought so | 08:31 |
shadeslayer | pushing to bzr... | 08:36 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: so can i make kdeadmin build dep on kdelibs5 atm ? | 08:37 |
shadeslayer | +dev | 08:37 |
apachelogger | what? | 08:37 |
shadeslayer | to get kdeadmin to build... can i make it build dep on kdelibs5-dev ? | 08:38 |
shadeslayer | or will that not work | 08:38 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: let me ask the other way ... why would it work? | 08:40 |
shadeslayer | your right... it wont :S | 08:40 |
shadeslayer | btw.. we should release the new kdelibs version.. its causing all sorts of breakages while building | 08:44 |
shadeslayer | ok bye guys | 08:50 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: cya | 08:50 |
* apachelogger waves | 08:50 | |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: have fun :) | 08:51 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: do you want spoilers when i come back? :P | 08:51 |
apachelogger | no | 08:51 |
shadeslayer | hehe.... | 08:51 |
shadeslayer | bye then | 08:51 |
apachelogger | if I were into spoilers I would do timetravel insted of this stupid model/view stuff :P | 08:51 |
CIA-33 | [ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100721075325-jzpe357x5iz7k0aa * src/libs/ (3 files in 2 dirs) signals++ | 08:53 |
apachelogger | 2010-07-21 10:10:30,203 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.StorageClient - INFO - Connection lost, reason: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone'>: Connection was closed cleanly. | 09:10 |
apachelogger | \o/ | 09:10 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: your qoauth MIR should note that we disable some of the test suite because they fail in our buildds | 09:11 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: also qoauth will need .symbol files to get into main | 09:11 |
Riddell | so, qtwebkit transition started I see | 09:14 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: kde4libs uploaded with your change | 09:32 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: no kdevelop isn't on ftp.kde, it's not relased yet. us packagers get it from ktown | 09:44 |
debfx | Riddell: have you seen my message about removing qtwebkit? | 09:50 |
Riddell | debfx: oh yes, I'll do that | 09:52 |
Quintasan | yeah | 09:52 |
Quintasan | Riddell: it works! | 09:52 |
Quintasan | now, just to upload to ppa | 09:52 |
Riddell | debfx: gone | 09:53 |
Riddell | Quintasan: what what? | 09:53 |
Quintasan | Qt nigtly | 09:53 |
Quintasan | stripped here | 09:53 |
Quintasan | now will upload to ppa | 09:53 |
Riddell | Quintasan: debug symbols in -dbg package? | 09:54 |
Quintasan | yeah | 09:54 |
Riddell | Quintasan: what did you change? | 09:54 |
Quintasan | Riddell: added -debug to build options and made override_dh_strip without --remaining-packages flag | 09:55 |
Riddell | you're a genius | 09:56 |
Quintasan | lol | 09:57 |
Riddell | Quintasan: do you expect to move neon to the daily build infratructure once that's up and running? | 09:58 |
Quintasan | I think it's reasonable | 10:00 |
Quintasan | Riddell: will it be much different from ppa? | 10:01 |
Riddell | Quintasan: I've not looked into it, it still uses PPAs I'm sure, not sure what the exact difference is otherwise but I think it needs bzr branches of the full source code (which we already have for qt I think) | 10:02 |
Riddell | jcastro was asking is all | 10:03 |
Quintasan | awesome | 10:04 |
Quintasan | means my qt is ready anytime | 10:04 |
* Quintasan prays to flying spagetthi monster that stripping in ppa won't fail | 10:05 | |
Riddell | man there's a lot of packages that need this qtwebkit transition | 10:06 |
debfx | Riddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QtWebKitBuildDependTransition | 10:07 |
Riddell | I've done up to goldendict | 10:08 |
* Riddell edits | 10:08 | |
ulysses | An ideal job for minions^^ | 10:08 |
Riddell | ulysses: volunteering? :) | 10:10 |
ulysses | Yes, but not now, I'm busy | 10:10 |
Quintasan | yofel_: ^ | 10:11 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
ulysses | Riddell: I'm here, ready for starting QtWebkit transition | 11:32 |
Riddell | ulysses: go go transition! | 11:33 |
ulysses | same method then the Qt assistant transition, right? | 11:34 |
Riddell | ulysses: what was that? | 11:35 |
yofel | Riddell: I could do some work too, only change the depends to libqtwebkit-dev? | 11:35 |
ulysses | apt-get source package, editing debian/control, dch -i, debuild for check if it builds, then debuild -S and making debdiff | 11:36 |
Riddell | yofel: yes | 11:39 |
Quintasan | Riddell: why do I get at least three broken pipes while debuilding -S Qt tree? | 11:40 |
Riddell | yofel: add your name to packages on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/QtWebKitBuildDependTransition | 11:41 |
Riddell | Quintasan: broken pipes? | 11:41 |
Riddell | Qt has very ugly clean rules | 11:41 |
Quintasan | Write failed: Broken pipe | 11:41 |
Quintasan | :/ | 11:41 |
Riddell | does it cause a problem? | 11:43 |
Quintasan | well, it prevented me from inputting my password | 11:44 |
Quintasan | but it worked now | 11:44 |
yofel | Quintasan: btw, now that kde4libs is fixed yakuake builds fine | 11:45 |
Quintasan | yofel: \o/ | 11:45 |
ulysses | Riddell: should I remove libqt4-webkit-deb from build-depends and add libqtwebkit-dev to build depends, or we need both? | 11:51 |
Riddell | ulysses: yes, remove libqt4-webkit-dev add libqtwebkit-dev | 11:53 |
ulysses | qtemu builds: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/kubuntu/qtwebkit/qtemu_2.0~alpha1-1ubuntu3.dsc.debdiff | 12:00 |
Riddell | ulysses: great | 12:02 |
Riddell | ulysses: that changelog message is slightly unclear, it makes it look like they're separate items and doen't say why you're making the change | 12:02 |
Riddell | chaning it to " * Remove libqt4-webkit-dev from build-depends and add | 12:02 |
Riddell | libqtwebkit-dev for qtwebkit transition | 12:02 |
ulysses | Riddell: ok | 12:02 |
Riddell | ulysses: uploaded! | 12:03 |
yofel | Riddell: nmapsi4 builds fine http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/nmapsi4_0.2~beta1-1ubuntu2.debdiff | 12:04 |
Quintasan | Qt uploaded | 12:06 |
Quintasan | \o/ | 12:06 |
yofel | yay :D | 12:06 |
yofel | Riddell: wkhtmltopdf bulids fine too http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/wkhtmltopdf_0.9.9-1ubuntu2.debdiff | 12:09 |
Quintasan | hmm | 12:12 |
Quintasan | build starts in 1 hour | 12:12 |
Quintasan | Riddell: google-gadgets build fine, should I do something with -> http://pastebin.ca/1905206 | 12:15 |
Quintasan | ? | 12:15 |
Quintasan | oh | 12:16 |
Quintasan | it is intentional | 12:16 |
steveire | I'm trying to build soprano with virtuoso on 10.04 and to get virtuoso support I need libiodbc but that conflicts on 10.04 with something else. Removing the other package wants to remove qt packages. Is something wrong here? http://dpaste.com/220458/ | 12:18 |
ulysses | Riddell: qzion completed: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/kubuntu/qtwebkit/qzion_0.4.0+lgpl-3ubuntu2.debdiff | 12:18 |
Quintasan | Riddell: google-gadgets complete: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/69524/google-gadgets_0.11.2-1ubuntu3.debdiff | 12:34 |
ulysses | Riddell: qutim complete: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/kubuntu/qtwebkit/qutim_0.2.0-0ubuntu6.debdiff | 12:46 |
ulysses | Riddell: socnetv complete: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/kubuntu/qtwebkit/socnetv_0.81-1ubuntu2.debdiff | 12:55 |
ulysses | Riddell: webkitkde is false positive I guess, it build-depends on kdelibs5-dev | 12:58 |
ulysses | doesn't build-depend* | 12:59 |
Quintasan | Riddell: do you have any influence over launchpad admins? | 13:00 |
Quintasan | the question for increase is still open | 13:00 |
Quintasan | increase of free space in ppa ofc | 13:01 |
Riddell | Quintasan: none of those uninstalled files look like anything we care about | 13:01 |
Quintasan | Riddell: they were disabled on purpose | 13:01 |
Quintasan | at leats it is what changelog says | 13:01 |
debfx | ulysses: a webkitkde package depends on libqt4-webkit-dbg | 13:02 |
debfx | should be libqtwebkit4-dbg | 13:02 |
ulysses | debfx: thanks, I'll do then | 13:03 |
yofel | Riddell: qgis would be ready I think, but pbuilder shows: http://paste.ubuntu.com/466968/ | 13:04 |
Riddell | ulysses: also make it build on kdelibs5-dev >= 4:4.4.92-0ubuntu3 so that it picks up the kdelibs which uses the new qtwebkit | 13:05 |
Riddell | yofel: probably libqgisgrass.so and libqgispython.so | 13:06 |
Riddell | yofel: probably libqgisgrass.so and libqgispython.so aren't public libraries so those files don't need to be installed | 13:07 |
Riddell | yofel: python files are because python-support moves them around but python-qgis.install includes them so it's all good | 13:07 |
yofel | ok | 13:07 |
ulysses | Riddell: like this? Build-Depends: cmake, debhelper (>= 7), kdelibs5-dev (>= 4:4.4.92-0ubuntu3) | 13:07 |
Riddell | yofel: man pages dunno, looks like debian/rules handles the icon | 13:08 |
Riddell | ulysses: yes | 13:08 |
ulysses | Riddell: should I add a changelog entry for this? for example: * Replaces kelibs5-dev (>= 4.4) with kdelibs5-dev (>= 4.4.92-0ubuntu3) | 13:11 |
Riddell | ulysses: I'd put something like "Change build-dep version to latest kdelibs for qtwebkit transition" | 13:11 |
Quintasan | wtf | 13:13 |
Quintasan | kadu ftbfs here | 13:13 |
Quintasan | :/ | 13:13 |
Quintasan | it seems that there is a problem with my pbuilder | 13:13 |
ulysses | Riddell: isn't is kdelibs5-dev (>= 4.4.92-0ubuntu2)? debuild with unmet dependencies, I've only kdelibs5-dev 4.4.92-0ubuntu2 | 13:14 |
ulysses | fails* | 13:14 |
Riddell | ulysses: 4:4.4.92-0ubuntu3 is the upload that uses the new qtwebkit | 13:14 |
Riddell | it may not be in the archive yet | 13:15 |
yofel | Riddell: well, here's the debdiff, the manpage does somehow get installed (man qgis works after installing the .deb) http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/qgis_1.4.0+12730-3ubuntu2.debdiff | 13:15 |
Riddell | it is in the archive | 13:15 |
Riddell | yofel: looks like the man pages are installed manually in debian/rules for some reason | 13:16 |
yofel | ah | 13:16 |
Riddell | yofel: dpkg-source: error: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address | 13:17 |
Riddell | yofel: add Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com> | 13:18 |
yofel | eeek | 13:18 |
Riddell | and change debian maintainer field to XSBC-Original-Maintainer: | 13:18 |
ulysses | Riddell: no 4:4.4.92-0ubuntu3 here, I have to wait for it | 13:20 |
yofel | Riddell: should I create a changelog entry for that? | 13:20 |
Riddell | yofel, Quintasan, ulysses: nmapsi4, wkhtmltopdf, google-gadgets, qzion, qutim, socnetv uploaded | 13:21 |
Riddell | ulysses: are you using an archive mirror? | 13:21 |
Riddell | yofel: no | 13:21 |
ulysses | Riddell: no, I use the german mirror | 13:21 |
yofel | ok, thanks | 13:21 |
yofel | Riddell: new one http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/qgis_1.4.0+12730-3ubuntu2.debdiff | 13:22 |
Riddell | ulysses: sudo sed -i s,de.,, /etc/apt/sources.list | 13:22 |
Riddell | yofel: lovely, uploaded | 13:24 |
yofel | :) | 13:25 |
Riddell | steveire: hmm | 13:30 |
steveire | Riddell: I doesn't conflict on 9.04 or 9.10 | 13:30 |
Riddell | steveire: both unixodbc-dev and libiodbc2-dev contains some files with the same name such as /usr/include/sql.h | 13:31 |
Riddell | so they do need to conflict | 13:31 |
Riddell | I wonder why that has changed compared to 9.10 | 13:32 |
steveire | I have no idea why I have unixodbc-dev installed. | 13:33 |
Riddell | steveire: they conflict in 9.10 too | 13:33 |
Riddell | steveire: qt4 builds with unixodbc-dev for libqt4-sql-odbc plugin | 13:34 |
ulysses | Riddell: ugene fails to build http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/kubuntu/qtwebkit/ugene_1.7.0+repack-0ubuntu3_amd64.build | 13:35 |
steveire | Indeed, I don't have it installed on my 9.10 box | 13:35 |
Riddell | steveire: maybe you didn't build qt4 on your 9.10 box :) | 13:36 |
ulysses | Riddell: webkitkde complete http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/kubuntu/qtwebkit/webkitkde_0.9~svn1127626-0ubuntu2.debdiff | 13:36 |
Riddell | ulysses: webkitkde uploaded | 13:38 |
Quintasan | Riddell: project-neon-qt-dbg_1.0+1200~ppa1_i386.deb (71.2 MiB) | 13:40 |
Quintasan | :3 | 13:40 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: COMMENCE THE KDE BUILDING | 13:40 |
Riddell | Quintasan: whee! | 13:40 |
Quintasan | well I'd better wait for amd64 | 13:41 |
Riddell | ulysses: add a comment on that wiki page for ugene that someone else needs to look into it I guess | 13:42 |
ulysses | Riddell: done | 13:45 |
steveire | Damn network problems ! | 13:45 |
* steveire shakey fist | 13:45 | |
Riddell | steveire: quassel core or screen is your friend :) | 13:45 |
steveire | I don't really know how to set up the infrastructure for those, but presumably the quassel core would be running on my workstation, which is where the network outages are. | 13:47 |
Riddell | indeed you'd need an outside server | 13:47 |
Riddell | steveire: I don't think there's a problem with this conflict, it stops you building qt4 and soprano at the same time but otherwise it's not an issue. maybe someone will investigate if one of the odbc libraries can go but it's not a priority | 13:47 |
steveire | Cool, thanks for the help | 13:48 |
Riddell | debfx: libqt4pas and merkaartor uploaded | 13:49 |
debfx | Riddell: another one: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/monkeystudio_1.8.4.0-1ubuntu1.debdiff | 13:50 |
Riddell | debfx: where did 02_qt_designer_47.patch come from? | 13:53 |
debfx | Riddell: I grabbed it from upstream vcs | 13:54 |
Riddell | clever. uploaded | 13:54 |
ulysses | Riddell: gutenbrowser complete, but very ugly: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/kubuntu/qtwebkit/gutenbrowser_0.9.0-2ubuntu2.debdiff | 13:58 |
Riddell | ulysses: did you mean to delete qrc_gutenbrowser.cpp ? | 14:00 |
rgreening | mornin folks | 14:01 |
ulysses | I won't delete anything, I don't what happens | 14:01 |
debfx | ulysses: what does "Nincs ilyen fájl vagy könyvtár" mean? | 14:04 |
ulysses | No such file or directory | 14:04 |
ulysses | Riddell: gpsbabel complete: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/kubuntu/qtwebkit/gpsbabel_1.4.0-1ubuntu2.debdiff | 14:14 |
ulysses | debfx: qtscriptgenerator doesn't depend on kdelibs5-dev or libqt4-webkit-dev, it doesn' need the transition, right? | 14:32 |
debfx | ulysses: afaik it still lacks a build-dep on libqtwebkit-dev but it might require some more work | 14:34 |
ulysses | Ok, I'll leave qtscriptgenerator | 14:39 |
debfx | ulysses: ugene builds fine for me | 14:44 |
ulysses | i386? | 14:45 |
debfx | amd64 | 14:45 |
Riddell | hmm, server died | 14:46 |
ulysses | Riddell: kadu complete: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/kubuntu/qtwebkit/kadu_0.6.5.4.ds1-3ubuntu2.debdiff | 14:48 |
ulysses | Riddell: did you see gpsbabel? http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/kubuntu/qtwebkit/gpsbabel_1.4.0-1ubuntu2.debdiff | 14:50 |
Riddell | ulysses: kadu and gpsbabel uploaded | 14:51 |
ulysses | Riddell: what about gutenbrowser? did I something wrong, or it is ready to upload? | 14:56 |
Riddelll | ulysses: not sure yet, that package is a bit messy | 14:57 |
Riddelll | lots of files in the .diff.gz | 14:57 |
ulysses | nerevmind, I did my work for today, only translations remains | 15:00 |
yofel | Quintasan: anything left to do for yakuake or can you upload it? http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/yakuake/ | 15:16 |
Riddelll | nixternal: you set him -q? | 15:26 |
nixternal | huh? | 15:27 |
nixternal | hrmm, I did my lil quiet++ script, I am guessing we did it at the same time and I lost, or it didn't trigger right away | 15:28 |
Riddelll | I didn't do anything | 15:28 |
Riddelll | chanserv set him +q | 15:28 |
Riddelll | I don't know what that does | 15:28 |
nixternal | someone triggered chanserv to do that | 15:29 |
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell | ||
nixternal | just makes that person "quiet" | 15:29 |
Riddell | and now you made him un-quiet? | 15:29 |
nixternal | not purposely | 15:30 |
nixternal | though he didn't even say anything to warrant a quiet really | 15:30 |
nixternal | i read the entire conversation, he is helping..he used all caps | 15:30 |
nixternal | ops are way to anal around here | 15:30 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: was our ppa size increased? | 15:57 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: inception is AWESOME | 15:57 |
shadeslayer | go for it ... | 15:57 |
yofel | shadeslayer: ppa: not yet "1.6 GiB (79.08%) of 2.0 GiB" | 15:59 |
shadeslayer | then how do i build kdelibs :S | 15:59 |
yofel | the question was assigned to the LOSAs though | 15:59 |
shadeslayer | any how | 15:59 |
shadeslayer | yeah i saw that | 15:59 |
shadeslayer | hmm.. someone around to upload choqok ^_^ | 16:06 |
shadeslayer | please grab packaging from https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental | 16:07 |
shadeslayer | you will have to remove the ~ppa1 at the trailing end | 16:07 |
darkwingduck | Anyone else having problems with 10.04 64bit random freezing? | 16:15 |
darkwingduck | 32 bit works just fine. | 16:16 |
darkwingduck | fresh install and LiveCD | 16:16 |
Quintasan | god damn | 16:19 |
Quintasan | Anyone know a way how can I kick a computer off my network? | 16:20 |
Quintasan | blocking ports of blizzad downloader didn't help | 16:20 |
Quintasan | :/ | 16:20 |
davmor2 | Quintasan: put on a steel toecap boot first, walk up to the computer and kick it really, really hard? | 16:21 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 16:21 |
Quintasan | davmor2: that won't wsolve the problem | 16:21 |
Quintasan | I want it to work, but with no connection | 16:21 |
ulysses | kick the user of the computer | 16:21 |
Quintasan | so I can type on IRC withou lags | 16:21 |
Quintasan | kicking my sister is not a good idea, the idea of her starting to shout is unbearable | 16:22 |
* Quintasan want his eardrums sound and safe | 16:23 | |
Quintasan | grr, stupid router, not even enabling me to get someone off the network | 16:23 |
Quintasan | and I paid 70$ for it | 16:23 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: you could block the MAC | 16:26 |
shadeslayer | but that would be overkill | 16:26 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: not possible | 16:26 |
shadeslayer | whut? | 16:26 |
Quintasan | stupid neatgear allows only WiFi MAC blocking | 16:26 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: ask your sister politely ? :P | 16:26 |
Quintasan | :/ | 16:26 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: haha, lol | 16:27 |
shadeslayer | hehehe :D | 16:27 |
Quintasan | lol | 16:27 |
shadeslayer | uh.. yeah.. you will lag :D | 16:27 |
Quintasan | I was asking her to limit the upload speed | 16:27 |
Quintasan | She's downloading some stypid patch for Cataclysm | 16:28 |
shadeslayer | wired modems++ | 16:28 |
Quintasan | WoW should be banned | 16:28 |
shadeslayer | inception++ as well | 16:28 |
Quintasan | cutting cables ++ | 16:29 |
Quintasan | brb | 16:29 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 16:29 |
darkwingduck | lol | 16:29 |
darkwingduck | Cool, a little known/used option on the installer... I can update the installer prior to install | 16:31 |
shadeslayer | http://pastebin.ca/1905367 << always good to know apt hates amarok | 16:32 |
darkwingduck | If this doesn't work I don't know what I'm going to do. | 16:34 |
ScottK | Quintasan: Lock the MAC address to a specific IP address and then filter all ports to the IP address. | 16:43 |
sheytan | hey | 16:45 |
sheytan | does Kubuntu have an email adress for users to ask their questions? | 16:45 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: he went to cut the ethernet cables | 16:45 |
shadeslayer | :D | 16:45 |
shadeslayer | sheytan: ubuntu-users? | 16:45 |
shadeslayer | ( thats the name of the ML ) | 16:45 |
ScottK | shadeslayer: There is a user ML too. | 16:45 |
sheytan | shadeslayer, ok thanks :) | 16:45 |
ScottK | (for Kubuntu_ | 16:45 |
shadeslayer | ohh.. i didnt know | 16:46 |
sheytan | So i can put Contact to the support web page :) | 16:46 |
ScottK | shadeslayer: That's for Ubuntu. There's a Kubuntu specific one too. Give me a moment to find it. | 16:46 |
shadeslayer | :) | 16:46 |
ScottK | sheytan: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users | 16:46 |
sheytan | ScottK thank you :) | 16:47 |
ScottK | sheytan: You're welcome. | 16:48 |
ScottK | shadeslayer: Often it's better not to answer at all than give a wrong answer. | 16:48 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: oh btw do you have upload rights to main? | 16:49 |
ScottK | shadeslayer: Yes. I've been a core dev for a few years now. | 16:49 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: can you upload my choqok merge? :) | 16:50 |
ScottK | I am, however, working right now, so I'm not up for sponsoring stuff. | 16:50 |
ScottK | Maybe later. | 16:50 |
shadeslayer | ok sure | 16:50 |
Quintasan | ScottK: good idea | 17:04 |
Quintasan | but that won't block the whole traffic though :/ | 17:05 |
Quintasan | to solve that, I need a long-term solution | 17:06 |
Quintasan | so, remote shell will suffice | 17:06 |
Quintasan | that should do the trick in case she guesses the password | 17:08 |
Quintasan | now, no lags :O | 17:09 |
Quintasan | kubotu: cookies for ScottK | 17:09 |
Quintasan | gah | 17:09 |
Quintasan | kubotu: order cookies for ScottK | 17:09 |
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to ScottK. | 17:09 | |
ScottK | ;-) | 17:10 |
Quintasan | ScottK: unless the Blizzard downloader uses some dirty trciks it should slow donw | 17:11 |
Quintasan | hmm | 17:11 |
Quintasan | damn I forgo abot UPnP | 17:11 |
ScottK | That should never be on anyway. | 17:12 |
Quintasan | makes configuring my torrent easier | 17:12 |
Quintasan | and downloading patches for her | 17:12 |
Quintasan | Disable | 17:12 |
Quintasan | <insert evil laughter here> | 17:12 |
Quintasan | brb restartin router | 17:13 |
nigelb | kubuntu council detals are on ubuntu wiki or kubuntu wiki? | 17:18 |
JontheEchidna | nigelb: both are the same website, so the page would be accessible from both | 17:20 |
JontheEchidna | that being said, I don't exactly know the location of that page... | 17:20 |
nigelb | JontheEchidna: oh, only theme difference based on requester? | 17:20 |
JontheEchidna | right | 17:20 |
Quintasan | well, makes it more useful | 17:21 |
nigelb | can't find anything about the kubuntu council per se | 17:22 |
JontheEchidna | It's quite possible that there is not a page. Is there anything in particular you'd like to know? | 17:24 |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: oh oh ... | 17:24 |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: i fixed one of the bugs in the clean sweep project | 17:24 |
nigelb | JontheEchidna: yeah, laura is updating some wiki page and needed info | 17:25 |
* nigelb hugs shadeslayer | 17:26 | |
shadeslayer | nigelb: its yet to be uploaded and im testing it :P | 17:26 |
nigelb | shadeslayer: still, thanks for working on it :) | 17:27 |
* shadeslayer hugs nigelb back | 17:27 | |
shadeslayer | bug 331192 | 17:28 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 331192 in kdeadmin (Ubuntu) "KDE printer configuration app stopped working on Lucid (TypeError in set_widget_value())" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/331192 | 17:28 |
shadeslayer | nigelb: patch was bad tho ^^ | 17:28 |
nigelb | aw, still bug fixed is great news | 17:28 |
shadeslayer | had to reformat the patch | 17:28 |
shadeslayer | lets see if its really fixed ^_^ | 17:28 |
nigelb | now you know why we encourage people to help in cleansweep | 17:28 |
shadeslayer | also | 17:28 |
shadeslayer | ALSO | 17:28 |
shadeslayer | my package got into debian ^_^ | 17:29 |
nigelb | w000t | 17:29 |
shadeslayer | <MoDaX> shadeslayer: I'm going to trust you that it works :) uploaded | 17:30 |
Quintasan | wow | 17:30 |
nigelb | WOWOWOW | 17:30 |
Quintasan | they are almost as lazy as apachelogger | 17:30 |
Quintasan | :P | 17:30 |
nigelb | haha | 17:30 |
shadeslayer | rofl | 17:30 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: hey.. it does work :P | 17:30 |
* JontheEchidna does the "just closed 100 KPackageKit bugs" dance http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopvz1583 | 17:30 | |
shadeslayer | hehehe | 17:31 |
JontheEchidna | mostly it was dupes of still-existing crashers :( | 17:31 |
Quintasan | JontheEchidna: good job | 17:33 |
Quintasan | kubotu: order cookies and coffee for JontheEchidna | 17:34 |
* kubotu slides cookies and coffee down the bar to JontheEchidna | 17:34 | |
JontheEchidna | :D | 17:34 |
JontheEchidna | I am a bit worried about the stability of KPackageKit now :P | 17:35 |
nigelb | just fyi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings is not yet updated | 17:35 |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: are you core dev as well? :D | 17:45 |
JontheEchidna | yep | 17:45 |
shadeslayer | available for some sponsoring ? :) | 17:46 |
JontheEchidna | sure | 17:48 |
shadeslayer | great :D | 17:48 |
shadeslayer | one sec | 17:48 |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: choqok from https://edge.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental | 17:48 |
shadeslayer | QOAuth was promoted to main | 17:49 |
JontheEchidna | shadeslayer: as a note, removing the debian-changes patch is not a remaining difference form debian | 17:50 |
JontheEchidna | shadeslayer: and if the only other change is a switch to source format 3.0, we may as well just sync | 17:50 |
shadeslayer | ah ok | 17:50 |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: well.. as you please :D | 17:50 |
shadeslayer | ill request a sync if you want ... | 17:51 |
JontheEchidna | sure | 17:51 |
shadeslayer | also... lemme run it through debuild | 17:52 |
JontheEchidna | whoa, saw an ad for the Dolce hotel on the interwebs | 18:06 |
JontheEchidna | thought that was sorta neat ;) | 18:06 |
shtylman | Riddell: going to debconf? | 18:10 |
Quintasan | lolololololol | 18:12 |
* Quintasan just put a magnet to his Milestone and it opened up multimedia dock mode | 18:12 | |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: 0_o | 18:13 |
* shadeslayer would love a droid phone | 18:13 | |
shadeslayer | no $$$ tho :/ | 18:13 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: Under any circumstances do not get an Motorola Milestone | 18:15 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: i was thinking more on the lines of droid X | 18:15 |
Quintasan | lol | 18:15 |
shadeslayer | if i can get $$$.... | 18:15 |
Quintasan | sure, if you want to be screwd like Milestone users | 18:15 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: get a Droid | 18:16 |
shadeslayer | why? :D | 18:16 |
Quintasan | not Droid X | 18:16 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: whats the problem? | 18:16 |
Quintasan | milestone and droid x onwards == bootloader signed with RSA-2048 key | 18:16 |
Quintasan | == no custom ROMs | 18:16 |
shadeslayer | noooo | 18:16 |
* shadeslayer wants custom ROM's | 18:16 | |
Quintasan | Droid is the twin model of Milestone but it is not signed somehow | 18:16 |
Quintasan | So, get a Droid or a HTC Phone | 18:17 |
Quintasan | Nexus One would be the best choice IMO | 18:17 |
shadeslayer | yeah i was thinking about the Nexus one too | 18:17 |
Quintasan | If you can afford it the go for it | 18:17 |
Quintasan | No better phone around | 18:17 |
Quintasan | shadeslayer: Ironically, the Milestone's box says "The phone without limits" | 18:18 |
Quintasan | :P | 18:18 |
* Quintasan can hear the screams in Motorolas HQ when they find out that nooone likes their Droid X | 18:19 | |
shadeslayer | hehe | 18:19 |
shadeslayer | Quintasan: can you push your rules file to bzr? | 18:22 |
shadeslayer | for Qt | 18:22 |
shadeslayer | im prepping kdelibs | 18:22 |
sheytan_ | Will Quassel be replaced with konversation in the next kubuntu release? | 18:31 |
shadeslayer | sheytan_: probably not | 18:31 |
sheytan_ | shadeslayer, i prefer konversation ;) | 18:31 |
sheytan_ | quassel likes to crash :D | 18:32 |
sheytan_ | at least for me | 18:32 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 18:32 |
shadeslayer | quasselclient seems to be working for me | 18:32 |
maco | doesnt crash for me | 18:36 |
maco | it did on 9.10, but not in 10.04 | 18:36 |
shadeslayer | hmm... what do i do if theres no year on the copyright ? | 18:37 |
shadeslayer | s/the/a | 18:37 |
shadeslayer | for eg : http://pastebin.ca/1905439 | 18:38 |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: bug 608378 | 18:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 608378 in choqok (Ubuntu) "Sync choqok 0.9.81-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608378 | 18:41 |
shadeslayer | build log attached as well | 18:43 |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: before uploading please check that qoauth is in main | 18:44 |
shadeslayer | because it isnt currently | 18:45 |
shadeslayer | bug 607864 | 18:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 607864 in qoauth (Ubuntu) "[MIR] qoauth" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/607864 | 18:48 |
JontheEchidna | shadeslayer: syncs aren't uploaded in the normal sense | 18:50 |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: ok.. just thought i might let you know ^_^ | 18:51 |
shadeslayer | bye guys.. im off to sleep :D | 19:19 |
Quintasan | grrr where is my PPA spacE/ | 21:31 |
yofel | hrhr | 21:36 |
yofel | I'll first go ask in #launchpad why the hell qt doesn't get published.. | 21:37 |
yofel | Quintasan: yakuake? | 21:38 |
Quintasan | yofel: what about it? | 21:39 |
yofel | Quintasan: can you upload it or is something missing (or should I ask someone else) ? | 21:40 |
Quintasan | Is it in int main (int argc, char *argv[]) | 21:41 |
Quintasan | { | 21:41 |
Quintasan | 21:41 | |
Quintasan | return 0; | 21:41 |
Quintasan | oh god | 21:41 |
Quintasan | is it in int main (int argc, char *argv[]) | 21:41 |
Quintasan | { | 21:41 |
Quintasan | 21:41 | |
Quintasan | return 0; | 21:41 |
Quintasan | god wtf | 21:41 |
yofel | o.O | 21:41 |
Quintasan | is it in main? | 21:42 |
yofel | 2.9.6-1ubuntu2 0 | 21:42 |
yofel | 500 http://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/ubuntu/ maverick/universe Packages | 21:42 |
Quintasan | yofel: give me the debdiff | 21:42 |
yofel | Quintasan: http://yofel.dyndns.org/ext/yakuake/ | 21:43 |
Quintasan | yofel: debdiff looks great, let me pbuilde it | 21:50 |
Quintasan | yofel: for future, I would prefer if you could do diff -Nru between Debian's debian/ directory and meged debian/ dir | 21:55 |
Quintasan | well current ubuntu debian/ to merged debian/ would be fine too | 21:55 |
Quintasan | :P | 21:55 |
Quintasan | yofel: well, uploading | 21:56 |
yofel | oh, wasn't sure how to start and that's how it ended up.. | 21:58 |
Quintasan | omfg | 22:06 |
Quintasan | I forgot to sign the source :S | 22:06 |
claydoh | apachelogger: it was my birthday last wednesday, if i actually get anything I promise to send it to you , but it ain't looking too good :( One of the downsides to Age and Wisdom is the lack of presents | 22:13 |
Riddell | shtylman: nope, no plans to go to debconf | 22:27 |
shtylman | :( | 22:27 |
Riddell | maco's going | 22:31 |
shtylman | cool | 22:35 |
shtylman | I ran into her at HOPE as well | 22:36 |
Riddell | http://www.doodle.com/h68cq9adwya24ztv meeting scheduling | 22:40 |
sheytan_ | hey guys | 22:40 |
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu, making your PC friendly | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Kubuntu Meeting scheduling http://www.doodle.com/h68cq9adwya24ztv | ||
sheytan_ | tell me what do you think about this: http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/2390/basetest.jpg | 22:40 |
JontheEchidna | Riddell: I think you forgot to put the doodle link in your mail | 22:46 |
Riddell | oops | 22:47 |
apachelogger | sheytan_: get rid of the ktorrent icon | 22:50 |
sheytan_ | apachelogger i'm about to, Just need to make some changes to the kget one to fit with the page :) | 22:51 |
ScottK | Riddell: What time zone is the doodle? | 22:51 |
Riddell | ScottK: UTC | 22:51 |
ScottK | Thanks. | 22:52 |
apachelogger | hm, apparently when one marks a recipe in launchpad as daily it does not really get built daily | 22:53 |
apachelogger | must be a dummy option | 22:53 |
* apachelogger needs to add a couple of those to u1-kde | 22:53 | |
ulysses | JontheEchidna: when Muon uphrades packages, the hungarian characters are wrong: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ulysses/images/muon/muonencoding.png | 22:57 |
JontheEchidna | ulysses: thanks. I'll fix that for beta | 22:58 |
jasem | Riddel: I reuploaded the libindi package and updated the bug report page. The old indi still need to be removed from Maverick. | 22:59 |
Riddell | jasem: thanks, I'll take a look in the morning | 23:00 |
CIA-33 | [libqapt] jmthomas * 1152760 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/src/worker/ (workeracquire.cpp workerinstallprogress.cpp) Explicitly convert from UTF-8 to ensure proper encoding for worker messages | 23:18 |
JontheEchidna | ulysses: ^ | 23:18 |
apachelogger | jb of vlc will attend our meeting \o/ | 23:19 |
apachelogger | and now I shall go to bed because I need sleep yet I find it unlikely to get any due to the incredible heat here :S | 23:20 |
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