heinkel_111 | hello | 00:50 |
heinkel_111 | does anyone know how I can download the source code for the most recent versions of libkexiv2 and libkdcraw | 00:52 |
heinkel_111 | actually, most recent is not necessary, I only need: 'libkdcraw>=1.1.0' and libkexiv2>=1.1.0' | 00:54 |
Anarch | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ redirects (slowly) to a page that has no FAQs. | 00:54 |
Torch | heinkel_111: http://www.exiv2.org/download.html | 00:59 |
Torch | heinkel_111: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/libs/libkdcraw/ | 01:00 |
heinkel_111 | oi! Thanks Torch | 01:00 |
Torch | heinkel_111: you'll need to checkout via svn for the latter, obviously | 01:00 |
Torch | Anarch: works for me | 01:00 |
heinkel_111 | Torch... that is exiv2 version 0.2 with May 30th 2010 date.... strange | 01:01 |
Anarch | Torch: Thanks for replying; I will try again now. FYI, the page I got redirected to was 'https://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=linkto%3A%22CommonQuestions%22' | 01:01 |
heinkel_111 | I am looking for versioon 1.1.0 for compiling digikam 1.3.0 | 01:02 |
heinkel_111 | I am looking for exiv2 version 1.1.0 for compiling digikam 1.3.0 which is hardly newer than that... strange... | 01:03 |
Torch | heinkel_111: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/libs/libkexiv2/ | 01:03 |
Torch | heinkel_111: maybe exiv moved to kde svn and didn't update their web page... and ubuntu didn't update the source url in the package either (where i got the URL from initially) | 01:04 |
heinkel_111 | probably you are right | 01:04 |
* heinkel_111 hates unmaintained information on such pages... | 01:04 | |
heinkel_111 | it is like driving down dead end streets | 01:05 |
heinkel_111 | searching for something | 01:05 |
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Torch | heinkel_111: looks like kde 4.5 will come with exiv 1.1.0 | 01:06 |
Torch | heinkel_111: so there will be a package in the beta repo for lucid | 01:07 |
heinkel_111 | thanks for info, Torch | 01:07 |
=== mohammed is now known as Guest65450 | ||
daedaluz | will kubuntu 10.04 get official update to 4.5 when it's ready? | 01:30 |
James147 | daedaluz: dont think so... but they devs do release a ppa for it, not sure if its "offical" or not | 01:31 |
James147 | daedaluz: it has a ppa for the RC atm | 01:31 |
Luija1006 | sup people, I am having problems connecting to a router in my kubuntu 10.04, the password is correct, the password is wep, when I try to connect, it says: Connecting, but never end, what could be the problem? | 02:27 |
Luija1006 | no one? | 02:29 |
jschall | my netbook is nonresponsive for about 15-20 seconds after resuming from standby. I can move the mouse, but nothing responds to it. I'm assuming there's some driver that's taking a while to come back from suspend... is there any way to find out which? running kubuntu netbook remix. | 02:53 |
kevin_ | So I installed the kubuntu-desktop metapackage in my ubuntu install. How can I use kubuntu? with a cml command? | 03:00 |
Luija1006 | sup people, I am having problems connecting to a router in my kubuntu 10.04, the password is correct, the password is wep, when I try to connect, it says: Connecting, but never end, what could be the problem?+ | 03:07 |
Luija1006 | I am having problems connecting to a router in my kubuntu 10.04, the password is correct, the password is wep, when I try to connect, it says: Connecting, but never end, to the right of the router name appears a yellow warning like symbol, what could be the problem? | 03:09 |
jschall | Luija1006: warning symbol just says it's a secured network, iirc. | 03:11 |
jschall | Luija1006: if you open a terminal and type iwconfig, what comes up? | 03:11 |
Luija1006 | jschall wait | 03:14 |
Luija1006 | jschall my laptop with the issue obviously does not have connection | 03:19 |
Luija1006 | how i can send you what the terminal throwed when I typed your command? | 03:19 |
cato37 | i cannot read data cd's and get error messages like: wrong fs type, bad option, bad suprerblock on /dev/sr0, missing codepage or helper program, or other errorIn some cases uselful info is found in syslot - try dmesg | tail or so how do i fix it? | 03:23 |
cato37 | how do i give myself permission to get kubuntu to read my own data cd's? | 03:27 |
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kevin_ | Hi, I am trying to figure out how to do a multiple boot from a usb. What program could I use to do this? | 04:16 |
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muesli | what does kde do when trying to adjust the display brightness? | 05:26 |
muesli | can i make it call a script? | 05:26 |
muesli | oh funny... the brightness setting in the power management works | 05:27 |
ridin | coolness. | 05:27 |
muesli | just the keyboard shortcut doesn't (pops up a little display, but doesn't change the brightness) | 05:27 |
noaXess | good morning. | 05:44 |
noaXess | where can i insert a special command eg. to disable touchpad on boot? /etc/rc.local doesnt work | 05:44 |
ridin | try asking in ##linux or #ubuntu | 05:47 |
udayan | i installed openssh-server which asked me to create the dsa and rsa keys which i did.after that i tried to ssh from another system which gave me the man-in-the-middle attack so i cleared up the known_hosts file.now it disconnects just after authenticating.what could be wrong ? | 07:28 |
=== wolfy is now known as Guest3634 | ||
tdn | How do I get the old Amarok 1.4 in Kubuntu 10.04 instead of the new 2.*? | 09:12 |
moetunes | someone might have it in a ppa | 09:19 |
moetunes | !ppa | 09:19 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk. | 09:19 |
Vojtaeus | Or there is Clementine (or how is the project named | 09:22 |
Vojtaeus | ) - port/fork of Amarok 1.4 | 09:23 |
tdn | Vojtaeus, have you tried Clementine? | 09:24 |
tdn | I have looked briefly at Clementine and Exaile. Can they be recommended? | 09:25 |
Vojtaeus | tdn: No, I!m satisfied with Amarok 2.3. I only red about its existence... | 09:25 |
tdn | I have tried being patient with Amarok 2, but it is beyond belief how much it keeps sucking compared to 1.4. | 09:25 |
Vojtaeus | tdn: Try it and You'll see | 09:26 |
tdn | It's sad really. | 09:26 |
tdn | Vojtaeus, yeah, I just noticed that clementine is not available from apt sources. | 09:26 |
Vojtaeus | Hm | 09:26 |
=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer | ||
tdn | I have tried installing Exaile, but when trying to play a song, I get this error: You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file. You might need to install the necessary plugins | 09:33 |
Vojtaeus | Somewhere I red it requires GStreamer and not Xine as "normal" Amarok... It might be this problem... | 09:35 |
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glaucous | Since "Removeable Drives - System Settings" automounting drives requires password each boot, would it be the same to add mounting to fstab instead? | 10:24 |
slhk | glaucous: if a drive is in fstab it gets automatically mounted on boot, without requiring any password (except if the drive is encrypted) | 10:29 |
slhk | glaucous: in fstab there is also a keyword (user I think) which allows any user to mount the drive, so you don't actually have to mount it at boot time but can still be done later without passwrod | 10:31 |
glaucous | slhk, thanks, got it working | 10:41 |
glaucous | Is it possible to start a program at login, with kdesudo and without the need for entering your password? Guess it would be a security risk, but I have one program which must run at boot as sudo. | 10:43 |
Mamarok | glaucous: sounds like a very bad idea | 10:43 |
glaucous | Mamarok, yeah I guess so. | 10:44 |
moetunes | /etc/rc.local was made for that - if it is not a gui app... | 10:44 |
Mamarok | well, if he needs kdesudo it is a GUI app | 10:44 |
Mamarok | hence a very bad idea | 10:44 |
glaucous | moetunes, exactly. The problem is just that it is a GUI app, not open-source either :/ | 10:44 |
glaucous | Not many GPU overclock/underclock utilities available | 10:45 |
moetunes | you could add a line in visudo to have no password for the app | 10:45 |
glaucous | moetunes, visudo? never heard of it | 10:48 |
moetunes | glaucous: it is the command to edit the /etc/sudoers file for setting user permissions etc | 10:49 |
glaucous | moetunes, oh I see, although it sounds like something I shouldn't mess around with | 10:50 |
moetunes | glaucous: you would need to do some research before you attempted to edit it | 10:50 |
pvandewyngaerde | i dont know if it is correct but what about chown and setuid ? ? | 10:51 |
moetunes | but it isn't hard | 10:51 |
glaucous | moetunes, okay okay. I might have found a workaround though, I'll be back after reboot | 10:51 |
moetunes | k | 10:51 |
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millun | hi, anybody else has had problems with KVPNC? | 10:52 |
serge | ыыы | 11:06 |
serge | кьюбюнту | 11:07 |
Misterio | !english | serge | 11:07 |
ubottu | serge: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 11:07 |
serge | Hi people) | 11:07 |
tim | hi ... what do i need to do to configure kde to automatically mount inserted usb sticks? i currently have to do it manually from the terminal | 11:14 |
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Misterio | tim: I need to open Dolphin to mount them, I have that problem too | 11:15 |
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tim | Misterio, ... after opening dolphin, how do i mount it? | 11:16 |
Torch | tim: kde version? you should be able to mount from the notification you get in kde 4.4 or later. | 11:17 |
Misterio | tim: In my case automounts when I open it | 11:17 |
tim | Torch, 4.4.92 ... do i need to start any specific service? | 11:17 |
Torch | tim: no. do you get the notification when you insert the drive? | 11:18 |
tim | the device notifier doesn't show any devices ... | 11:18 |
tim | no | 11:18 |
Torch | tim: not for this specific one or not at all? | 11:18 |
tim | not at all (not sure, which devices is should show in general) | 11:19 |
Torch | tim: removable ones | 11:19 |
tim | Torch, do you know, which service is responsible for this? | 11:20 |
Torch | tim: hal, solid, the device notifier plasmoid | 11:20 |
Torch | tim: does dolphin show the drive in its places pane? | 11:21 |
tim | Torch, no | 11:21 |
tim | libsolid4 is installed, though | 11:22 |
Torch | tim: unlikely you need to install anything. | 11:22 |
Torch | tim: you can check on a shell if lshal shows the device. | 11:23 |
Torch | tim: this lists all devices hal knows. if it's not listed there, KDE can't do anything about it | 11:23 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
tim | ah ... i had to install hal | 11:25 |
Torch | tim: hmm. how could that have happened, though? | 11:25 |
tim | Torch, hal is deprecated | 11:26 |
Torch | tim: that's a completely meaningless statment (i often hear) | 11:26 |
tim | well, apt-get remove hal simply uninstall hal without uninstalling kde ;) | 11:27 |
Torch | tim: that's surprising. even more surprising is why you did that. | 11:27 |
Misterio | I have a pendrive 4GB. When I remove it, it always fails. So I have to do with sudo "rm /media/disk/*". Then pendrive appears as empty, but when I send more movies to it, it fails telling "cannot send more" or I dont know (it's in spanish, and I don't literal translation). So I have to format it to fat again. Any idea? | 11:27 |
Misterio | When I remove movies from it, sorry | 11:27 |
Torch | Misterio: rm does not unmount, it deletes | 11:28 |
Misterio | Torch: I do rm * to remove its movies | 11:28 |
Torch | Misterio: do you mean you cannot delete files from your pen drive? | 11:28 |
Misterio | Yep | 11:28 |
Torch | Misterio: "when i remove it" isn't clear. | 11:28 |
Torch | Misterio: ah, ok. | 11:28 |
Torch | Misterio: sounds like there's a permission problem somewhere. | 11:29 |
Misterio | Torch: Should I modify with chmod? | 11:29 |
Torch | Misterio: what file system does the drive have? | 11:30 |
Misterio | It had fat32, and right now uses fat16 | 11:30 |
Misterio | (I need fat because I have a connector to TV and only supports it) | 11:31 |
tdn | How do I add Danish dictionary to Kile's spellcheck? | 11:31 |
Torch | Misterio: how big is it? | 11:33 |
Misterio | Torch: 4GB | 11:33 |
Torch | Misterio: fat16 only supports volume sizes of 2GiB or less... so you should reformat it with fat32, really. | 11:33 |
Torch | Misterio: the permissions problem i don't really know. how do you mount it? via the device notifier? | 11:34 |
Misterio | Torch: Didn't know that, thanks. But it failed in fat32 too, that's the reason of why I tried 16 | 11:34 |
Misterio | Torch: Yes, openning Dolphin it mounts | 11:34 |
Torch | Misterio: first step would be to re-format it with fat32. then we'll have a look at the permissions, ok? | 11:35 |
Misterio | Formtatting | 11:36 |
Misterio | Done | 11:36 |
Torch | Misterio: great, now please remove it (physically) and insert it again. then mount it in dolphin. | 11:37 |
Torch | Misterio: then please pastebin the output of "mount" on a shell. | 11:37 |
Misterio | How do I check output? | 11:37 |
Torch | Misterio: have you ever worked on a shell before? | 11:38 |
Misterio | Torch: Yes, but I don't know all commands | 11:38 |
Torch | Misterio: don't worry. just open a shell and run the "mount" command. | 11:38 |
Torch | Misterio: it will list all mounted devices on your system. | 11:39 |
Torch | Misterio: select the output and pastebin it. | 11:39 |
Misterio | Torch: This? >> http://paste.ubuntu.com/466932/ | 11:40 |
Misterio | It seems I have permissions, rw | 11:41 |
Torch | Misterio: is your user id 1000? | 11:42 |
Torch | Misterio: check with "id" on a shell | 11:42 |
Misterio | Torch: Yes, it is | 11:42 |
Torch | Misterio: then it's really looking fine. | 11:42 |
Misterio | Torch: Then can it be phisical error or pendrive? | 11:43 |
Torch | Misterio: on the shell, try to cd to the mount point (cd /media/disk-1) and touch some file (touch foo) there | 11:43 |
Misterio | Torch: Done | 11:45 |
Torch | Misterio: no error? | 11:45 |
Misterio | Torch: No | 11:45 |
Torch | Misterio: then it's working as expected and should work from dolphin or other GUI apps, too. | 11:45 |
Misterio | Torch: I think tomorrow I will go to buy another pendrive in shopcenter | 11:46 |
Torch | Misterio: maybe the drive is faulty, but i can't say anything about that. | 11:46 |
Torch | Misterio: when the drive acts up, you could try looking at the output of dmesg|tail on a shell. these are the kernel's messages and hardware errors should show up there. | 11:47 |
Torch | Misterio: those messages are a little harder to understand though. | 11:47 |
Misterio | Torch: Noted! | 11:48 |
Misterio | ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh | 11:49 |
Misterio | s***, I know what's the problem :S | 11:49 |
Misterio | Torch: It seems when I remove files, they go to trash!!!!! | 11:49 |
Misterio | No much experiece with external drives | 11:50 |
Misterio | Torch: Sorry for losing your time | 11:51 |
Torch | Misterio: hmm, i always use shift-delete on external drives, but you're right, yeah. | 11:51 |
Misterio | When I was on gnome, tash appeared as .trash | 11:52 |
Misterio | Then I switched to KDE, and didn't found that, and now I saw it appears in kubuntu's trash | 11:52 |
Misterio | Torch: Thank you for your time :P | 11:53 |
Torch | Misterio: yw | 11:54 |
=== antoniocs is now known as Acs | ||
steveire | in 10.04 when I middle click the home button it duplicates all my open tabs instead of giving me a new tab at my home location, which was the old behaviour. How do I fix it? | 13:02 |
=== Andrew10 is now known as Andrew9 | ||
kasper_ | does anyone know about setting up Huawei 182E modem on 10.04? | 13:25 |
troopperi | steveire: can you change it, konqueror->settings->change keystrokes or something? | 13:25 |
kasper_ | I think in general, 10.04 has been more unstable than 9.10... | 13:26 |
troopperi | kasper_: what says lsusb at konsole? Do you computer recongnize it? | 13:26 |
mvk | IT SUCKS sooo fc**** badly that if KDE/kubuntu crashes, Network-Manager fails getting up afterwards | 13:27 |
mvk | and /var/lib/Network-Manager/networkmanager.state ... had enabled=false .... | 13:27 |
steveire | troopperi: This is firefox, sorry | 13:29 |
troopperi | steveire: what you want to open that middle click? | 13:30 |
steveire | troopperi: before 10.04, middle click on the home button would open the home page in a new tab. Now it duplicates all my open tabs instead. | 13:31 |
steveire | Actually, sorry that's not right | 13:32 |
steveire | My home page was a | separated list of pages so it was opening all of those. | 13:32 |
steveire | I've reduced that to one, so problem solved. | 13:33 |
=== Richard is now known as Guest8847 | ||
BluesKaj | 'Morning | 13:37 |
kasper_ | yes, I have it working by running a scrpit I found on the web, but it varies greatly in speed... | 13:45 |
slhk | kasper_: there was a discussion about Huawei a little time ago on the kubuntu-users mailing list, you may look at the archive, hth | 13:50 |
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Whitechapel | http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs185.snc4/37569_131334363568476_131334323568480_151348_932780_n.jpg | 14:22 |
perforator | Good day | 14:32 |
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey | ||
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amigad | Is any1 else havin probs tryin t browse C: in 1.1.38-1.2rc4 - latest release on Lipid i386? | 14:52 |
Torch | amigad: you are not making any sense at all. | 14:53 |
amigad | OOPS! Is any1 else havin probs tryin t browse 'Wine' C: drive in 1.1.38-1.2rc4 - latest release on Lipid i386? | 14:54 |
BluesKaj | lipid ? you mean lucid i suppose , and perhaps you should ask in #wine | 15:02 |
BluesKaj | or #winehq | 15:03 |
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willians_ | qual o canal do ubuntu? | 15:07 |
Matisse | hi, apt-get -d package-name says "package-name is an unknown option" although it should download the package file... | 15:07 |
Matisse | is there another way to download such package files? | 15:08 |
willians_ | ubuntu brazilian? | 15:08 |
Matisse | portugees | 15:09 |
amigad | Unable to run the command specified. The file or folder file:///home/<user>/.wine/drive_c/.wine/dosdevices/c: does not exist. | 15:09 |
willians_ | yes Matisse | 15:09 |
Matisse | !pt | 15:09 |
ubottu | Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 15:09 |
willians_ | what's channel for Ubuntu? | 15:09 |
willians_ | obrigado | 15:10 |
BluesKaj | Matisse, do it a superuser = sudo | 15:10 |
BluesKaj | as superuser=sudo | 15:10 |
Matisse | BluesKaj, doesnt work either | 15:11 |
amigad | try tping in a search-engine as much in about the hunted ap as pos! | 15:11 |
Matisse | $ sudo apt-get -d claws-mail-pgpmime thats what i type | 15:11 |
BluesKaj | !claws | 15:12 |
BluesKaj | !info claws | 15:12 |
ubottu | Package claws does not exist in lucid | 15:12 |
amigad | DO NOT BUY A Disgracer lapstop! | 15:12 |
BluesKaj | aha , so it's not in the repos | 15:12 |
Matisse | !claws-mail | 15:13 |
amigad | Unless you want problems with repairing! | 15:13 |
Matisse | !info claws-mail | 15:13 |
ubottu | claws-mail (source: claws-mail): Fast, lightweight and user-friendly GTK2 based email client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7.4-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1552 kB, installed size 3704 kB | 15:13 |
BluesKaj | what's the pgpmime extension , Matisse whynot just try claws-mail | 15:14 |
dan_ | Errrr....quick issue: some process is precluding me from installing software. I just get a 'waiting for package manager lock' window. | 15:14 |
dan_ | I'm not running anything else | 15:15 |
BluesKaj | close your package manager , | 15:15 |
dan_ | it happens even if it reboots | 15:15 |
dan_ | rather even if I reboot | 15:15 |
BluesKaj | dan_, sudo dpkg --configure -a | 15:15 |
dan_ | it started last night when installing firebird firebird and the install choked | 15:15 |
=== rackIT is now known as rackIT_AFK | ||
dan_ | that worked | 15:16 |
dan_ | what was that all about? | 15:16 |
ubuntu_ | Hi everyone. I have Kubuntu installed on /dev/sda and Windows 7 installed on /dev/sdd. I had to install GRUB via the Live CD method (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD), but after doing that, it didn't pick up Windows 7. Any ideas? | 15:16 |
BluesKaj | dan_, it remove pkg manager lockup | 15:16 |
BluesKaj | removes | 15:17 |
dan_ | i bow to your linux leetness | 15:17 |
dan_ | I am sorry for being n00b | 15:17 |
=== dan_ is now known as Dan_L | ||
amigad | Radion should be good coz they are AMD Prods. Some catyalst proies might not install i your hardware manager! Or, is it just a fault with Lipid??! | 15:17 |
BluesKaj | dan_, now run ,sudo dpkg --clear-avail | 15:17 |
BluesKaj | ubuntu_, run sudo update-grub | 15:18 |
Matisse | ok, problem 1 solved. Now i want to add the pgp stuff to claws-mail, but it crashes if i do that. no error message and no information if I start claws via bash | 15:18 |
BluesKaj | amigad, ? no need to shout , we can read lower case too | 15:19 |
ubuntu_ | BluesKaj: Good to see you here; you've helped me out several times before. :) ... Already did that-- it's only picking up Linux. | 15:19 |
Dan_L | weird | 15:19 |
amigad | BEST to ORDER a customised 1 from the Manufacurer.via online ording, or email! | 15:20 |
ubuntu_ | amigad: I've been Linux-only for four years now, but there are a few Windows-only games I "need" to play. ;) | 15:20 |
amigad | I'd rather fight WINE than keep reinstalling LOS!! | 15:20 |
BluesKaj | amigad, no idea what you are talking about , is it kubuntu related ? if not , go to offtopic | 15:21 |
Matisse | ignore trolls | 15:21 |
ubuntu_ | BluesKaj: I'm chrooted into the Kubuntu install that's on /dev/sda1 right now (I'm running from the live CD at the moment). | 15:22 |
amigad | Are you about to suffer too? | 15:23 |
BluesKaj | amigad, doyou have a linux /kubuntu related question? If you're just goinf to complain about the state of you laptop then go elsewhere | 15:24 |
Matisse | BluesKaj, ignore him... | 15:24 |
ubuntu_ | Wise words, Matisse. I already did. | 15:24 |
Matisse | didnt you learn about trolls in fairy tales lectures? | 15:24 |
BluesKaj | well there's another way too Matisse | 15:24 |
BluesKaj | !ops | amigad | 15:25 |
ubottu | amigad: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger | 15:25 |
ubuntu_ | Any GRUB gurus around? | 15:25 |
Matisse | BluesKaj, that just gives him more attention, instead showing him that nobosy is interested in him shit | 15:25 |
BluesKaj | !Grub | 15:25 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 15:25 |
BluesKaj | !grub2 | 15:26 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10. For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 15:26 |
BluesKaj | ubuntu_, the grub2 tutorial usually works for most ppl\ | 15:26 |
Torch | ubuntu_: if you have a question, just ask. | 15:27 |
anon_ | Helo. | 15:28 |
BluesKaj | Torch, ubuntu_ asked this : I have Kubuntu installed on /dev/sda and Windows 7 installed on /dev/sdd. I had to install GRUB via the Live CD method (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD), but after doing that, it didn't pick up Windows 7. Any ideas? | 15:28 |
anon_ | I recently installed kubuntu, and I am from sweden. The format is in english, but i need it to be in swedish | 15:28 |
ubuntu_ | BluesKaj: Ahh, I'm an idiot. That's the page I've been using, but I was just going off of the Recover from Live CD method, as that worked in the past. I hadn't tried what's under the Dual-booting section yet... So, given I'm chrooted into my Kubuntu install via the Live CD *right now*, can I just do what's under that section, or should I boot into it proper first? | 15:28 |
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell | ||
Torch | anon_: there's regiona & locale in systemsettings | 15:29 |
ubuntu_ | (By "that section", I meant the Dual-booting section.) | 15:29 |
anon_ | One minute | 15:29 |
Torch | (exact name varies depending on KDE version) | 15:29 |
BluesKaj | ubuntu_, i believe the tutorial requires you to be running the live cd | 15:30 |
anon_ | ahh | 15:30 |
anon_ | thank you Torch | 15:30 |
anon_ | <3 | 15:30 |
=== anon_ is now known as an0n | ||
=== an0n is now known as ampzz | ||
=== ampzz is now known as ampzz^ | ||
ubuntu_ | BluesKaj: Okay... So just to be sure, running these commands should be safe in a chroot from live CD? $ sudo apt-get install --reinstall libdebian-installer4; sudo os-prober; sudo update-grub | 15:31 |
Matisse | oh nooo, its fixed in 3.7.5... and i have 3.7.4 | 15:32 |
ubuntu_ | BluesKaj: Sorry, I just want to be sure I understand you correctly. :) | 15:32 |
BluesKaj | ubuntu_, dunno for sure , if the tutorial posted above lists those commands in the procedure then yes. | 15:32 |
Matisse | is it possible to install 3.7.5 although 3.7.4 is in the reps? | 15:33 |
ubuntu_ | Hmm... Well it doesn't say anything about the live CD for that particular section. I'm just gonna reboot into the install proper to be on the safe side. Much thanks for your help. Peace! | 15:34 |
Torch | Matisse: of what? | 15:34 |
Matisse | claws-mail | 15:34 |
BluesKaj | Matisse, usually there will be a pps repos for dev apps | 15:34 |
Torch | Matisse: it's always possible to install other packages than those in the repos | 15:34 |
BluesKaj | a ppa | 15:34 |
Torch | Matisse: like BluesKaj says you just need to find a repo that has what you want | 15:35 |
Torch | Matisse: google might help ;-) | 15:35 |
Matisse | already searching | 15:35 |
Matisse | thx | 15:35 |
amigad | Posibly. I might have lipid on my mind 4 sum strange reason! | 15:35 |
amigad | I'm doing that 2! I wonder how slow can a 'Dumb' Celery D get?! | 15:37 |
ampzz^ | Uhh.. is it possible to install spotify through terminal? | 15:38 |
amigad | + Stupid combined! | 15:38 |
Matisse | ampzz^, tried sudo apt-get install spotify ? | 15:38 |
* Whitechapel is away: Gone away for now | 15:38 | |
ampzz^ | Yes of course Matisse | 15:39 |
ampzz^ | http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ | 15:39 |
ampzz^ | Ops | 15:39 |
ampzz^ | E: Couldn't find package spotify | 15:39 |
FloodBotK3 | ampzz^: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:39 |
ampzz^ | I tried to install through wine, but it didn't want to open with wine | 15:39 |
Matisse | ampzz^, than the package name is different, try apt-cache search spotify | 15:39 |
contrast | Hey BluesKaj. I'm the guy that was having the GRUB2/dual-booting issue. Sadly, the wiki's proposed solution didn't work. :\ | 15:39 |
BluesKaj | contrast, did grub disappear then you tried to reinstall it ? | 15:41 |
ampzz^ | Matisse, none.. Uh, how do i install adobe flash player through terminal? | 15:42 |
ampzz^ | Never mind | 15:43 |
contrast | BluesKaj: Well, I had Kubuntu on sda1 initially, *then* I installed Win7 on /dev/sdd1, which knocked out GRUB, so I installed GRUB from the live CD, but it's just not detecting Win7, presumably because it's on a different drive, since I had Win7 on sda previously without issue (i.e: GRUB detected it). | 15:45 |
James147 | contrast: should not matter what drive it is on... | 15:46 |
contrast | James147: Ok... Any ideas for why it's not getting detected? | 15:46 |
BluesKaj | contrast,did you do , sudo update-grub ? | 15:47 |
contrast | Yup. No dice. | 15:47 |
amigad | U will always have losses when installin older vers of LOSDOWS after later 1s. | 15:47 |
ampzz^ | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 15:48 |
ampzz^ | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 15:48 |
ampzz^ | Why? | 15:48 |
Matisse | ampzz^, another package manager is running | 15:49 |
BluesKaj | I assume you have a grub menu showing up, because you haven't mentioned it, contrast | 15:49 |
amigad | I need t know if this Linux is should be renamed 'Stupid' on or patched! | 15:49 |
contrast | Just to clarify: from http://wiki.ubuntu.com/grub2 , I've tried the steps under "#Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD" _and_ "#Dual-booting", both to no avail - GRUB is simply refusing to detect the Windows partition. | 15:49 |
anton | Привет | 15:49 |
anton | ввсем | 15:49 |
FloodBotK3 | anton: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:49 |
amigad | Later removes path to older vers! | 15:50 |
contrast | BluesKaj: Well, since there's only one entry (I don't keep old kernels installed, no memtest, and no recovery option), it's not showing the menu-- it's just booting straight into Kubuntu, since as far as it's concerned, that's the only thing to boot into. | 15:50 |
contrast | BluesKaj: But if you like, I can pastebin the output of update-grub | 15:51 |
BluesKaj | contrast, hold down the shift key while booting if the grub menu isn't showing up, or you can open /etc/default grub and change the timeout to 5 seconds or so , and comment this line, GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 | 15:51 |
amigad | LOsdows I'm textin about! | 15:51 |
amigad | @ many chatter t keep up on 2 channels! | 15:51 |
BluesKaj | err /etc/default/grub , contrast | 15:51 |
amigad | 2 many of ya! | 15:52 |
BluesKaj | !troll | 15:52 |
ubottu | trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel | 15:52 |
Riddell | amigad: you are off topic, you will be kicked if you continue | 15:52 |
contrast | BluesKaj: I don't mind trying that, but I'm fairly certain it's not going to solve anything, as "update-grub" only outputs the following: Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic ;; Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-24-generic ;; done | 15:53 |
amigad | I'll get off & report a posible bug @ the report site! Bye | 15:54 |
contrast | BluesKaj: And I clearly remember (as it was just a few days ago), when update-grub *did* detect Win7, it listed it in the output. | 15:54 |
contrast | Chat comfortably. Anywhere. Just. Not. Here. | 15:55 |
BluesKaj | ok contrast , is the ntfs partition listed in dolphin/places ? | 15:55 |
amigad | NO! I decided t browse without addin unless I see somethin helpful to my prob! | 15:56 |
contrast | BluesKaj: Yep. | 15:56 |
BluesKaj | contrast, paste your /etc/fstab in pastebin pls | 15:57 |
contrast | BluesKaj: Will do, but I can tell you now that the NTFS partition does not have an entry in fstab. I don't think this is the problem though, as it didn't when it was on /dev/sda either (when it *was* getting detected by GRUB)... Still want me to PB fstab? | 16:00 |
contrast | Perhaps since it's on a different drive, it needs to be in fstab for GRUB to know it exists? | 16:01 |
contrast | http://pastebin.ca/1905336 | 16:02 |
Matisse | ok, BluesKaj apt-get --download-only only works, if the program is not installed | 16:06 |
BluesKaj | contrast, I'm just trying to figure out why grub isn't seeing ntfs, so have patience with me because this problem is someting I've been avoiding in the past since there are so many varaibles , anybody else feel free to advise , Torch , James147 ? | 16:06 |
contrast | BluesKaj: No rush at all-- I appreciate your effort regardless of whether it yields a solution. :) | 16:07 |
James147 | BluesKaj: looking as well, but I can find anything thats useful and relevent :( | 16:07 |
anon_ | hey guys | 16:07 |
anon_ | when i write su | 16:07 |
anon_ | and it asks for my pass, i write my pass but it denies it..? | 16:08 |
James147 | anon_: use sudo not su | 16:08 |
Matisse | what the default size of encryption keys? | 16:08 |
James147 | anon_: kubuntu have no root password so su wont work to login as root... it is advised NOT to give it one and to use sudo when you need root | 16:08 |
Torch | (busy, not really reading... does fdisk see it? does blkid?) | 16:09 |
contrast | I did find a forum post which advised putting this script http://pastebin.ca/1905342 into /etc/grub/40_custom, which I did (the paste is after necessary modifications for my system), but this yielded no results. | 16:09 |
BluesKaj | contrast, look in /boot/grub/grub.cfg and look for a line like this : menuentry "Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)" { ..this indicates a ntfs | 16:09 |
anon_ | James147, | 16:10 |
contrast | Ok, now I'm thoroughly confused. It's... there. o_O | 16:10 |
BluesKaj | contrast, did you update grub after adding the script ? | 16:10 |
contrast | Ahh, one sec... | 16:11 |
anon_ | http://pastebin.org/410826 | 16:11 |
contrast | Yup. | 16:11 |
anon_ | I get that error.. | 16:11 |
contrast | I think I might know what's going on, one sec... | 16:11 |
James147 | anon_: in kubuntu 10.04 sun's java was moved to the partener repos, you can activate them in kpackagekit | 16:12 |
contrast | Nope, nevermind. :\ | 16:12 |
BluesKaj | anon_, install flashplugin-nonfree | 16:12 |
contrast | I was hoping maybe that entry in grub.cfg had the UUID of the old Win7 partition from when it was on sda, but no such luck. | 16:13 |
BluesKaj | contrast,is there menuentry "Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)" { in /boot/grub/grub.cfg , near the bottom of the page | 16:14 |
contrast | Although, there was one part of 40_custom which I wasn't sure about. it's described in a comment here: http://pastebin.ca/1905349 | 16:15 |
James147 | contrast: i would think the drive that windows is on | 16:15 |
James147 | contrast: but i am not sure | 16:16 |
contrast | BluesKaj: Windows' entry is at the bottom of the file, but it's not for /dev/sda (that's the old drive, which windows is no longer on), it's /dev/sdd | 16:17 |
contrast | ok, i had that wrong in 40_custom then, one sec... | 16:17 |
contrast | presumably, hoping you're right, James147 :) | 16:18 |
contrast | chainloader is _always_ set to "+1", I assume? | 16:19 |
James147 | havent seen it as anything else :S | 16:19 |
BluesKaj | contrast, here's mine, it might help , http://pastebin.ca/1905351 | 16:19 |
amigad | hiekel_111 #3:00:24: That might be why my screenbottom panel is hard t fix & paths corrupt! I'm usin 4.4.2 Lucid alpha or beta, but, I'm not sure til I check!! | 16:19 |
James147 | BluesKaj: yeah, mines the same but wil different numbers :) | 16:20 |
contrast | BluesKaj: Interesting-- yours doesn't have the drivemap line that's in mine. | 16:20 |
James147 | contrast: try removing that line then and see what happens :) | 16:20 |
contrast | James147: So yours has no drivemap line either? | 16:21 |
James147 | contrast: nop | 16:21 |
amigad | OOPS! I mean James147! | 16:21 |
James147 | amigad: if you using lucid alpha or beta consider upgrading, lucid has been outfor a while | 16:23 |
James147 | amigad: although if you have been installing the updates then you already have the sable version :) | 16:23 |
contrast | k, i commented that line out and ran update-grub. it's still not showing Windows in the list of detected OS's, but i'm going to reboot and check the menu just to be sure | 16:24 |
BluesKaj | contrast, run run sudo blkid, then change the sda/ntfs to whatever it's listed as after blkid, in /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 16:24 |
amigad | Maybe I mean BluesKaj! | 16:24 |
contrast | BluesKaj: you're talking about the UUID, right? | 16:25 |
James147 | contrast: or sudo blkid -c /dev/null to be sure :) | 16:25 |
amigad | OK! I'll check 4 tha latest release soon! | 16:25 |
BluesKaj | amigad, run sudo do-release upgrade | 16:25 |
BluesKaj | amigad, err sudo do-release-upgrade | 16:26 |
contrast | is it normal for an ntfs partition to have a UUID that's much shorter than, for example, an ext4 partition's UUID? | 16:26 |
James147 | contrast: yes | 16:26 |
contrast | the correct uuid is already in grub.cfg | 16:27 |
contrast | thanks again for your help so far, guys. i really appreciate it. | 16:28 |
amigad | I'm readin an earlier textline & will hopefully catchup soon-ish! | 16:28 |
BluesKaj | contrast, it'll be the first partition if you installed w7 something like : /dev/sda1: UUID="10FAA44767A8E940" TYPE="ntfs" | 16:29 |
BluesKaj | first | 16:29 |
contrast | it's on a different drive, which only has one 302GB NTFS partition-- /dev/sdd1 | 16:30 |
James147 | BluesKaj: win7 dosent `have` to be on the first partition... it fine where ever you install it as long as there isent an ext3 partition infrount of it :) | 16:30 |
contrast | but yeah, i got the gist. :) | 16:30 |
contrast | James147: say wha?? | 16:31 |
James147 | contrast: windows refueses to install complaining it cant find a sutable partition if you have an ext3 partition in front of it :S | 16:31 |
contrast | let me explain my exact setup to make sure it's not what's causing the problem... | 16:31 |
BluesKaj | James147, yeah, but most ppl are advised to install kubuntu on the free space partition which becomes the 2nd partition usually | 16:32 |
James147 | contrast: even though its find if there is blank space infront of it :S | 16:32 |
contrast | James147: hrmm... my experience from about a week ago forces me to beg to differ. :) | 16:32 |
James147 | contrast: has always done that with me :S | 16:32 |
contrast | i just thought of something, probably irrelevant, but... | 16:33 |
BluesKaj | windows should be the first OS on a a HDD , makes thinks much easier :) | 16:33 |
* BluesKaj takes a break ... | 16:34 | |
James147 | BluesKaj: it does... but I dont like doing what windows wants me to :p | 16:34 |
amigad | Thanks 4 the cmd-line @ 1:25:29. | 16:35 |
contrast | contrary to everything i've heard, i actually had an easier time installing w7 on a partition that was *after* my ext4 partition that had kubuntu on it. | 16:37 |
contrast | my current setup: /dev/sda (which has kubuntu and grub on it), /dev/sdb, and /dev/sdc are all sata drives. /dev/sdd, which has w7, is ide, and it's sharing the cable it's connected with with my dvd burner. could this possibly be an issue? | 16:38 |
James147 | contrast: its the only ide? that that might be why, think i have the opposite, had an ext4 data partition on ide (sda1) and windows complained untill i unpluged it | 16:39 |
contrast | ffffffffuuuuuuuu--------- | 16:40 |
James147 | where i wanted windows on my sata | 16:40 |
contrast | really? :'-| | 16:40 |
James147 | yeah... | 16:40 |
contrast | i want windows on the crappy 320gb drive that i have no other use for, so i don't have to cut into kubuntu's space on my nice 1tb sata drive | 16:41 |
contrast | *320gb ide | 16:41 |
James147 | contrast: i have both my os's on my sata and data on my `slightly` larger ide | 16:41 |
contrast | well, i'm gonna give this current 40_custom and grub.cfg combo a try | 16:42 |
contrast | bb in a few | 16:42 |
cobra-the-joker | hey guys .... is the KDE 3.5 version officially supported by ubuntu ? | 16:45 |
James147 | cobra-the-joker: no | 16:45 |
contrast | Soo, good news: Windows' entry now shows up in the GRUB menu. Bad news: selecting it just yields a black screen that says "BOOTMGR missing. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart." | 16:48 |
amigad | BlusKaj: I'm just makin sure ya read it! I removed xp coz it was corrupting alot & couldn't repair it! Now I'm using-learning about instability on this! I'd rather be Linux unstable than fight Losdows anytime!! | 16:49 |
James147 | contrast: i take it thats windows complaining? or grub? | 16:49 |
contrast | windows | 16:49 |
James147 | contrast: my guess is that its time to repair windows (lose grub, reinstalll grub and be back where we started :S ) | 16:51 |
amigad | ubuntu- 0:19:40: www.winehq.org has the A:! | 16:52 |
contrast | yeah... worth a shot, i guess. | 16:53 |
amigad | 0:23:03: I mean Disgracer!! | 16:54 |
contrast | so just use a w7 recovery disc to restore windows' sorry excuse for a bootloader, then restore grub, then cross my fingers... and if that fails, nuke redmond. >=| | 16:55 |
James147 | contrast: thats what I would do... | 16:56 |
contrast | i'm practically foaming at the mouth right now. if i tried to pick up that w7 restore disc, i'd probably reflexively break it into pieces | 16:56 |
James147 | contrast: welll actually... i would have just reinstalled both os's along time ago :D | 16:56 |
contrast | yeah, it's just, i spent an hour and a half yesterday getting that old 320gb ide drive into my desktop with the goal of having windows on a seperate drive | 16:58 |
James147 | contrast: would still install it the way you want it... just would install windows first then linux :p | 16:58 |
James147 | contrast: has never gone well when i try to do it the other way around | 16:59 |
amigad | ubuntu- 0:20:26 actually: www.winehq.org has the A:! | 17:00 |
contrast | linux first then windows worked perfectly fine for me when they were on the same drive, although judging from everything i've read, i was exceptionally lucky in that instance | 17:00 |
James147 | contrast: you where | 17:00 |
contrast | how about this: is it possible to "trick" linux and/or grub into thinking /dev/sdd is /dev/sda, or remap the order of the drives properly? | 17:02 |
contrast | actually, i guess that would have to be done on the bios level now that i think about it | 17:03 |
contrast | James147: well, thanks for all your efforts. thank BluesKaj for me if you see him, if you don't mind. :) peace | 17:06 |
James147 | contrast: sorry we couldnt help more :( | 17:06 |
contrast | no worries, i'm not giving up on this. i'm like you (i *think* it was you that said this earlier)-- i don't like doing things the way microsoft wants me to. >=) | 17:07 |
James147 | :D | 17:08 |
amigad | BluesKaj-0:24:11: Noted what caused statement, I wasn't complainin about my laptop! Get your fact right please! | 17:12 |
amigad | Matisse-0:21:37 0:24:22: If u mean trolls, I'm not 1 of 'm!! | 17:15 |
djustice | meh. somebody coulda told contrast abt grub's map()... | 17:21 |
BluesKaj | djustice, grub map / | 17:22 |
BluesKaj | ? | 17:22 |
amigad | Ubottu&others-0:25:06: Violation of protocal for emergency noted &, I'm glad your not a Nukebutton @ the Pentagon/Peongyeng or wowever it's spelt! | 17:23 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:23 |
czajkowski | Riddell: ping, loking for info on the Kubuntu council on a wiki page | 17:24 |
bittin` | Hello, somone need to turn off Kerberos in the cups.conf? | 17:25 |
=== jtheuer_ is now known as jt|away | ||
bittin` | found the answer on fedoraforums now: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=177141 | 17:28 |
efes | hi :) | 17:30 |
efes | How about testing packages with KDE4.4 under KUbuntu? Are they ready/prepared? | 17:31 |
James147 | efes: kubuntu already has kde 4.4.... (at least on lucid) | 17:32 |
slinker1 | and 4.5 rc2 running here nicely :) | 17:32 |
efes | :)))) | 17:32 |
efes | I moved to Kubuntu from Mandrake, so don't be mad for this question ;) I found an info (here: http://www.kubuntu.org/node/122) that those will be ready, so just wanted to ask for details :) And how to install KDevelop? I was trying by apt-get, but it says it have been moved to another package. | 17:34 |
efes | I got & installed it, but AFAI see, there's no KDevelop :/ | 17:34 |
James147 | efes: running kdevelop in konsole tell you what? | 17:35 |
slinker1 | really ? shows here | 17:35 |
efes | sudo apt-get install KDEvelop says it have been moved to kdevplatform1-libs :/ | 17:36 |
James147 | efes: that link is to a very old new report :) from 09 | 17:36 |
efes | James147: Oops :( | 17:37 |
James147 | efes: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kdevelop-4 | 17:37 |
efes | thx | 17:38 |
amigad | Jame147-1:)8:57: Thanx 4 the info. | 17:38 |
James147 | amigad: there is no point in responding to things that have happened over an hour ago... it just makes it harder to follow | 17:41 |
amigad | James147-1:24: I've been gettin updates, but, the probs keep happenin! | 17:44 |
amigad | I'm leavin a trail of the lines I'm readin! | 17:45 |
James147 | amigad: why? the stuff you are talking about happened over an hour ago and makes it hard for anyone to respond.... | 17:46 |
amigad | I'm soorryn I'mn slow t read this things! | 17:47 |
James147 | amigad: then once you have read it all and tryed anything that has been suggested... reformulate your question and ask again rather then trying to respond to conversations that have already ended | 17:48 |
abhi_ | hello all | 17:51 |
abhi_ | anybody here? | 17:51 |
abhi_ | from kubuntu 10.04? | 17:51 |
James147 | !hi | abhi_ | 17:51 |
ubottu | abhi_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay! | 17:51 |
=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer_ | ||
abhi_ | @james 147 hello | 17:52 |
amigad | BluesKaj-1:33:45: Losdows should be the last on any drive! Reinstallation, if it still acts like xp, will most-likely corrupt anyother boot-manager!! | 17:52 |
BluesKaj | abhi the @ doesn't work in irc , just use the nick | 17:53 |
amigad | My time-list might be different on your screen, but, I don't know if it's true! | 17:53 |
BluesKaj | amigad, the std (k)ubuntu install recommends installing it on the free space following an existing windows partition , and when one installs linux with a live cd it will automatically choose the free space as i mentioned,check the forums if you need to. | 17:56 |
casperii | hola | 17:57 |
BluesKaj | amigad, 90% of linux installs are on machines with windows already installed | 17:57 |
amigad | James147-1:34:52: Windows should only be backed-up asap after date aquired, repaired with the CD?DVD Installer, or if all earlier fails "Format C:!" | 17:58 |
BluesKaj | amigad, one should defrag windows before installing linux , if one is aiming for a dual boot | 18:00 |
amigad | Contrast-1:37:37: Same action as xp, coz it was the last(best pos) install there. When it corrupts, it most likely will not kill earlier installed boot-managers! | 18:04 |
dlacombe | salut les gars et fille .... quelqu'un de francais ici ? | 18:04 |
James147 | amigad: please stop responding to the back log... not everyone from an hour and a half ago is still here and your statements are not making much sense out of context | 18:05 |
James147 | !fr | dlacombe | 18:06 |
ubottu | dlacombe: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 18:06 |
dlacombe | Non non .. just in case ;-) | 18:07 |
BluesKaj | James147, it's not helping, he's not reading our responses , he's just complaining | 18:07 |
James147 | BluesKaj: thourght I would give it one last try :) in a hope he will stop in an hour or so :p | 18:08 |
slinker1 | i suppose it could happen ;) | 18:09 |
BluesKaj | James147, thought we had him kicked a while back ..that would be best | 18:09 |
James147 | BluesKaj: he was warned dont think he was kicked :S | 18:10 |
marcus_ | hello guys can somebody help me please i just install Kubuntu10 and i also installed gtk-gnutella 96.8 but it is not seting up an icon on the internet section can someone help me to fix it please?? | 18:10 |
James147 | marcus_: try running kbuildsycoca4 --menutest | 18:11 |
amigad | Put Losodws in Solitary confinement on a separate drive. Pories can be on another drive, but Redmmond Rubbish can't handle it! | 18:11 |
marcus_ | do i do that at terminal??? | 18:12 |
James147 | marcus_: yes | 18:12 |
marcus_ | ok let's see | 18:12 |
marcus_ | i did it and it did like a review of my sistem or something like that but still no gtk-gnutella icon | 18:14 |
amigad | Contrast-2:02:51: try an alias/assign/whatever reaaddess the drive name in cfg somewhere! | 18:15 |
James147 | marcus_: hmm... you can always manually add one by running "kmenuedit" (or by right clicking the kmenu and clicking edit menu) | 18:15 |
marcus_ | you know i was chekin it g | 18:16 |
marcus_ | in terminal i can see it therebut just | 18:17 |
BluesKaj | ppl still use gnutella ? ... thought it was long replaced by other p2ps | 18:17 |
slinker1 | i use frostwire anymore when i need it | 18:17 |
BluesKaj | file donkey | 18:18 |
kwtm | Help! I have 4 minutes to locate a PDF file on my Kubuntu laptop; I don't know what it's called, but I know it was created April 14 or April 15. How can I use Strigi to find this file? Or should I stick to Krusader? | 18:22 |
ikonia | kwtm: use find with -mtime and '*.pfd* | 18:23 |
slinker1 | or pdf :) | 18:24 |
ikonia | oops | 18:24 |
kwtm | ikonia: Okay. Someone in #ubuntu suggested same. Is there anyway that Nepomuk/Strigi helps me with this, or is it not relevant to daily use? | 18:24 |
ikonia | I don't know, I don't use them | 18:24 |
slinker1 | just open dolphin and type in your search found every pdf on this box in about 2 seconds | 18:25 |
slinker1 | nepomuk will be called in the background | 18:25 |
BluesKaj | kwtm, did you download the pdf from the net , if so then it'll probly be in your default download target set in your browser | 18:26 |
slinker1 | BluesKaj: good point | 18:26 |
* maco doesnt even know how to get to strigi...just how to turn it off | 18:26 | |
kwtm | slinker1: How do I search? Tried "*pdf* in search box: "No items found". | 18:26 |
slinker1 | just pdf should do | 18:27 |
kwtm | BluesKaj: It is a file I printed to PDF, or pulled from another computer on home network, not via browser. | 18:27 |
BluesKaj | ok kwtm, then it might be in the home/user folder | 18:27 |
bittin` | http://paste.ubuntu.com/467119/ somone wanna help? | 18:29 |
kwtm | slinker1: Sorry, I'm getting zero search results. Settings: search "everywhere" what: "everything" (I also tried "filenames"). I'm going to have ot go back to Krusader. Got 1 minnute left. Thx. | 18:29 |
maco | kwtm: um just to check...you have file indexing enabled...right? | 18:30 |
kwtm | maco: Unclear how to check --what would I look for? I think I ahve it enabled. | 18:31 |
amigad | Finally caught-up t othe latest line! | 18:31 |
maco | kwtm: "desktop search" in systemsettings | 18:31 |
maco | kwtm: nepomuk and strigi would have to both be enabled | 18:31 |
kwtm | maco: Enabled. Idle. | 18:32 |
maco | (and a full index needs to complete before searching will work) | 18:32 |
amigad | Then Losdows might be learning to not kill boot-managers so easily like before! | 18:32 |
amigad | Los2k would corrupt wrong partion addressed xp when reinstalled/repaired instead of learning where xp was! | 18:37 |
Sentynel | Anyone know how to disable fan control? I had it off before, but I can't remember how I did it and it's come back on. The speed wanders around all over the place constantly and drives me nuts. | 18:38 |
amigad | Did sum1 try searchin 4 '*.pdf', or manually searchin if all else fails? Best way. | 18:40 |
amigad | DUmb cpu is it sounding like a jet-enjine? | 18:41 |
amigad | I mean fan! | 18:41 |
Sentynel | It doesn't bother me if the fans are noisy. That's what music is for. What bothers me is when the speed is constantly changing. | 18:41 |
Sentynel | With the OS fan control off, the BIOS takes over and has it either slow or fast depending on CPU temperature. That's fine, I can cope with that. But the OS fan control doesn't seem to have any delay period on speed changes, so the fans are revving up and down the whole time. | 18:42 |
James147 | Sentynel: can you disable it in teh bios? | 18:43 |
Sentynel | The OS overrides the BIOS fan control. | 18:43 |
kwtm | amigad: It's okay, I can use Krusader. I just wanted to be able to take advantage of Strigi and Nepomuk but I don't know how to use it, and it looks like it would take longer to learn than to just manual search. <sigh> disappointing | 18:43 |
kwtm | Thx anyway, all. | 18:43 |
amigad | it means it's try to match the temp-speed settings of the cpu/heatsink. Try adjusting the clock-speed down if your not running games or video? | 18:44 |
Sentynel | I run BOINC. The CPUs are maxed out all the time. | 18:44 |
amigad | The cpu clock-speed down I mean. Or, try setting the fanspeed at a lower/max setting, if fan can be controlled by user. | 18:46 |
Sentynel | I'm not adjusting my CPU clock speed, because as I say I run BOINC. I can't find an option to adjust or disable the OS's fan control, which is rather the issue. | 18:47 |
amigad | 'Boinc?' might be a small proie with drag&drop or very little graphic movement. Try the lower 'cpu clock-speed' setting, or slower fan setting. Thay can extend the battery-time on laptops! | 18:49 |
amigad | And might even increase/make stability while workin/playin! | 18:51 |
Sentynel | You're not helping. | 18:51 |
bittin` | what chmod on /tmp/ has standard Ubuntu? | 18:51 |
amigad | What have ya got to help me help u then? Any fan related proies or cpu frequency setting proies, or anything worth checkinout? | 18:53 |
bittin` | /var/ is also broken what chmod should that have? | 18:55 |
James147 | bittin`: mine has rwxr-xr-x | 18:55 |
amigad | I'm not sure what boinc is. Please explain the proie? | 18:56 |
Sentynel | It's a distributed computing project. It uses spare CPU cycles for scientific projects. | 18:57 |
amigad | It might be a proie bug causin the fan t b taxed 2 much? | 18:58 |
Sentynel | I just want to turn off OS fan contorl. | 18:59 |
Sentynel | *control. | 18:59 |
bittin` | now back to the printer then: http://paste.ubuntu.com/467119/ if somone feels to help | 18:59 |
amigad | Scientific game then. The 1 scientist play! | 18:59 |
amigad | Spare meaning what's left after all-other proies grub their cycles & ride like hell til arrested! | 19:00 |
Scunizi | Did the icon for the volumn adjustment suddenly change? It looks horrible now. | 19:00 |
amigad | I meant 'grab' them cycles | 19:01 |
amigad | TRy stoppin/pausin/endin sum pries t see what happens? | 19:03 |
James147 | Scunizi: this might help: http://tuxtweaks.com/2008/08/how-to-control-fan-speeds-in-ubuntu/ but I am sure that the bios has final say on who controls the fans and should beable to set the fan to what it wants.... I would check your bios first and see if there is an option to set the fan speeds | 19:04 |
amigad | Pausin proies might b better tested 1st! | 19:04 |
Sentynel | The BIOS is set to manage fan speeds. The OS control overrides it. | 19:04 |
James147 | Sentynel: ^^ sorry :S | 19:05 |
Scunizi | James147: I asked about the volumn icon.. not the fan.. probably post that to Sentynel | 19:05 |
Scunizi | James147: :) | 19:05 |
Sentynel | amigad: Look. You're not helping. I don't want or need to turn BOINC off. I just need to turn OS fan control off so the BIOS runs it instead. | 19:05 |
James147 | Scunizi: tab completeion failure sorry :) | 19:05 |
Scunizi | James147: np.. I"ve got fat fingers this morning myslev... myself | 19:06 |
amigad | CHeck the bios, the os fan control proie & anything else related to the blade thingy! | 19:06 |
James147 | amigad: please stop you are not being helpful | 19:07 |
amigad | It might b an icon update, or corrupt file adjustin yur pretties! It happens with updates of Intrepid. Might need to reinstall, adjust default icons somewhere. | 19:10 |
amigad | Intrepid gnome I mean. | 19:11 |
James147 | Scunizi: btw, what did it change to/from? | 19:11 |
Scunizi | When muted the speaker icon actually looks like a speaker icon.. when unmuted it does not represent a sound volumn control at all from what I can tell... check it out ... is this normal now? http://imagebin.ca/view/sRU74d.html | 19:15 |
Scunizi | James147: sorry.. was working on a screen shot | 19:16 |
Sentynel | That looks like a very zoomed in version of the actual icon. | 19:17 |
James147 | Scunizi: well, thats the right icon... just twice the size :S | 19:17 |
Scunizi | really.... I wonder how that changed.. it seems malformed.. | 19:17 |
Scunizi | when I mute it looks normal | 19:17 |
James147 | Scunizi: what happens if you resize the panel slightly? although I presume its due to a missing icon of the right size | 19:19 |
Scunizi | James147: I'll check | 19:19 |
Scunizi | James147: doesn't matter how large I make the panel.. it remains the same | 19:20 |
James147 | Scunizi: found the icon at /usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/status/audio-volume-high.png might want to check to see if you ahve one | 19:22 |
Scunizi | k | 19:22 |
James147 | Scunizi: also check some of the other sizes | 19:23 |
James147 | as well | 19:23 |
carlos | Hi People from Peru | 19:23 |
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Scunizi | James147: yep.. I've got it there... | 19:25 |
James147 | Scunizi: this something that has just happened this session? if so you could try restarting kmix | 19:26 |
Scunizi | yes.. just changed this morning.. I'll restart kmix.... how? .. sudo kmix restart? or sudo /etc/init.d/kmix restart? | 19:27 |
emmanuel_ | bonjour a tous | 19:27 |
James147 | Scunizi: :) just kill it and run it again (killall kmix && kmix) | 19:27 |
Scunizi | James147: too simple... :) | 19:27 |
James147 | Scunizi: just hope it works ;) | 19:28 |
Scunizi | James147: nope... I did get an error though.. http://pastebin.com/yjRQW2Li | 19:29 |
James147 | Scunizi: think they are harmless | 19:30 |
Scunizi | k | 19:30 |
James147 | Scunizi: you could try chaning icon theme... (sydtem settings > apearance > icons) | 19:32 |
Scunizi | James147: interesting.. switched from Oxygen to Crystal SVG and back and it seems to have fixed it... | 19:34 |
James147 | Scunizi: sounds like it just failed to load the image properly then :p | 19:34 |
Scunizi | James147: yep.. now I know how to fix it.. thanks.. should have gone there first.. | 19:35 |
James147 | Scunizi: my guess is a logout would have also worked :) | 19:36 |
Scunizi | James147: yea.. I"ve other quirks that are showing up as well.. but more program/package specific.. | 19:37 |
James147 | Scunizi: like? | 19:39 |
Scunizi | James147: oh.. I've started using "Darktable" from a PPA.. It's designed primarily for gnome but runs.. with last nights update it crashes whenever I try to edit a pic.. This is most likely because it's the development version.. I chat with the dev on their channel.. If you're a photographer at all it's worth a look. | 19:41 |
id54332 | haha | 19:44 |
amigad_ | I'm goin now.Bye | 19:45 |
id54332 | kubuntu und xubuntu sind so unausgereift | 19:45 |
id54332 | hölle | 19:46 |
id54332 | hölle | 19:46 |
FloodBotK3 | id54332: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:46 |
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war10ck | what is the standart service thats activate my zte mf646 modem from optical disk? | 20:20 |
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grifo74 | hello how can i sharing a folder in kubuntu????????? | 21:04 |
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hauni | hi guys! is there anything i need to do to get javafx on kubuntu? i installed and configured sun-java6-jdk and sun-java6-plugin ... in konqueror java isn't recognized - java-plugins tell me a newer version is needed though i got 1.6 update 20 (latest in repository - latest available would be update 21) | 21:06 |
James147 | grifo74: you need to install "samba" and then configure it see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605 for more details | 21:06 |
hauni | in firefox java is trying to load the javafx but in the end i get a grey container ... | 21:07 |
James147 | grifo74: i am afraid that the current GUI method is mostly broken but the next version of kubuntu promises to replace it :) | 21:07 |
grifo74 | lol ok | 21:07 |
hauni | when i look for about:plugins in firefox i see only icedTea plugins, no sun java ... when i do update-alternatives --config xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so it tells me there is nothing to configure cause there is no alternatives, only sun java ... so what's wrong? | 21:08 |
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hauni | when i look for about:plugins in firefox i see only icedTea plugins, no sun java ... when i do update-alternatives --config xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so it tells me there is nothing to configure cause there is no alternatives, only sun java ... so what's wrong? | 21:17 |
hauni | ups, sorry | 21:17 |
theoctagon | is there a way to mute the join/quit messages in kvirc? | 21:20 |
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theoctagon | is there a way to mute the join/quit messages in kvirc? | 21:26 |
kevin_ | So I'm new with kde and kubuntu. So far it seems pretty good, I just seem to have a graphical "lagg". is it because it's set to default? is there anything I can do to make it better? I've seen kwin as a compiz alternative in kde, but I don't know how to use it/ get it. | 21:32 |
ridin | if you want a different window manager go to system settings -> default programs -> window manager | 21:33 |
ridin | also kde has a bit of a chunky feeling | 21:34 |
kevin_ | well for example if I switch windows, there's like a 1 second lagg where it gets gray where the window overlaps | 21:34 |
James147 | kevin_: you could try disabling teh desktop effects | 21:36 |
kevin_ | how can I do that??? | 21:36 |
Freejack` | James147, I have done that and still get graphics glitches with windows that popupor overlap | 21:37 |
James147 | kevin_: system settings > desktop effects | 21:37 |
kevin_ | what I really want is something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdIEeJ9PnGc | 21:38 |
kevin_ | James147: they were off lol | 21:39 |
theoctagon | is there a way to mute the join/quit messages in kvirc? | 21:45 |
kevin_ | ? | 22:04 |
kevin_ | I cannot get my wireless to work, can someone help me? I works fine in gnome. | 22:07 |
karlheinz | Gvozdika | 22:24 |
DialingZero | Hey guys, having a problem. Whenever I open the Kopete's configuration window the program crashes, but everything else works fine. | 22:30 |
Walzmyn | use pidgin | 22:34 |
DialingZero | I'm looking for a fix, not an alternative. | 22:39 |
=== scream is now known as Guest10560 | ||
Torch | DialingZero: try moving away kopete's config and see if it goes away then. | 22:46 |
Torch | DialingZero: just to make sure it's not a problem with your installation. | 22:47 |
DialingZero | I'm doing that now because of the bug report I found here http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=194379 | 22:47 |
* Torch looks in awe at that backtrace. | 22:48 | |
SCWLstmp | Sorry, channel is still in autojoin. | 22:49 |
DialingZero | Okay, so I deleted all of the kopete configuration files in ~/.kde/ and it still crashes. Are there more config files somewhere else? | 22:52 |
Torch | DialingZero: .kde/share/config/kopete* and .kde/share/apps/kopete should be it | 22:54 |
Torch | DialingZero: but i haven't verified that | 22:55 |
DialingZero | Those are the ones I've deleted. | 22:56 |
Torch | DialingZero: got a backtrace with debug symbols? | 22:56 |
DialingZero | How do I gather that? | 22:56 |
Torch | DialingZero: install knetwork-dbg and kdebase-runtime-dbg | 22:57 |
Torch | DialingZero: make kopete crash | 22:57 |
Torch | DialingZero: get the backtrace from the crash handler | 22:57 |
Torch | DialingZero: if you do not get a crash handler (because the crash is so severe it prevents that) things get a little harder | 22:57 |
DialingZero | Fun stuff, I'll get busy. | 22:58 |
=== carmen is now known as toy_26 | ||
DialingZero | Looks like kdebase-runtime-dbg and it's dependencies are going to take awhile to download. | 23:02 |
DialingZero | Also I couldn't find knetwork-dbg at all. | 23:03 |
Torch | DialingZero: woops. kdenetwork-dbg, of course. sorry. | 23:04 |
DialingZero | No problem, I'll grab it after these packages finish. | 23:05 |
Torch | DialingZero: i wasn't aware your connection was slow enough to make this a pain or i wouldn't have recommended kdebase-runtime-dbg at all, it's probably not even necessary... | 23:06 |
Torch | DialingZero: kdenetwork-dbg is the important one for kopete | 23:06 |
Torch | (you'll find that out yourself on a shell with apt-cache show kopete. look for the Source: line and add -dbg to what it says) | 23:06 |
DialingZero | Yup, it says kdenetwork. | 23:09 |
DialingZero | Apparently kdenetwork-dbg and dependent packages is even bigger. | 23:12 |
DialingZero | My internet's not too bad though, it's about 1mbit | 23:12 |
Torch | DialingZero: heh, there were times we all would have killed for that ;-) | 23:13 |
DialingZero | Tell me about it, I spent many many years on dialup. | 23:15 |
DialingZero | This is the best internet connection I've ever had. | 23:15 |
glaucous | Is it possible to enter a similar mode to low graphics mode, but where I can still use Wine to play games? Might get better framerate. | 23:22 |
Torch | glaucous: low graphics mode == vesa or similar graphics driver. thus framrate < 1.0 | 23:24 |
Torch | glaucous: you could try configuring a lower resolution in xorg.conf to get a higher framerate in certain games. | 23:25 |
DialingZero | I was just about to say that Torch :P | 23:25 |
DialingZero | Lower resolution = better framerate | 23:25 |
glaucous | Torch, hm I see, guess that makes sense. | 23:25 |
Torch | (low graphics mode isn't how that thing is called, though, is it? it's something like safe graphics mode or some such...) | 23:26 |
DialingZero | Okay, so I installed knetwork-dbg, then I made kopete crash, now what? | 23:42 |
Anarch | How can I take a screenshot of a window? A general solution WBN, but it's a Firefox window if that matters. | 23:42 |
Torch | DialingZero: you should have a crash handler window now | 23:43 |
Torch | DialingZero: it should have tab "information for developers" or something like that | 23:43 |
DialingZero | No window is popping up. | 23:43 |
Torch | Anarch: press print screen on your keyboard. or run ksnapshot directly. | 23:43 |
Torch | DialingZero: what's happening when kopete crashes? | 23:43 |
Anarch | Torch: thanks | 23:44 |
DialingZero | It freezes and then sits there until I try to close it, then it comes up with a warning asking me if I want to terminate the application. | 23:44 |
Torch | DialingZero: so it's not crashing, it's hanging. | 23:45 |
Torch | DialingZero: subtle difference from a dev point of view ;-) | 23:45 |
Torch | DialingZero: the bug report you quoted was a "real" crash | 23:45 |
DialingZero | There are a few other bug reports of the same problem. | 23:45 |
Torch | DialingZero: quite possible, but hanging is still not crashing. hanging is harder to diagnose :-( | 23:46 |
Torch | DialingZero: do you have a webcam? | 23:47 |
DialingZero | I'm looking through more bug reports but now I'm searching for "hang" instead of "crash". | 23:47 |
DialingZero | No I don't have a webcam. | 23:47 |
Torch | DialingZero: i fear i won't be of much help for solving this one. you might try #kopete or #kde. | 23:49 |
DialingZero | Alright, I'll ask around. | 23:49 |
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Torch | DialingZero: it might take a while for someone knowledgable to be around on #kopete | 23:52 |
Torch | DialingZero: don't expect a quick helpful response | 23:52 |
DialingZero | I'm not expecting that at all, most people on IRC are AFK. | 23:55 |
DialingZero | So that's why I tried asking around a crowded room like this one. | 23:55 |
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