bryceh | :-) | 00:00 |
nigelb | Its beautiful! | 00:00 |
nigelb | Also, there is this space "&commit= Send Upstream" | 00:00 |
nigelb | it should not exist I think, so the commit button would change to Send upstream? | 00:01 |
nigelb | ok, tested. No. | 00:01 |
nigelb | Anyway its the most awesome thing I've seen. If LP does this by default, we'd all hug you :) | 00:02 |
bryceh | I think that's fine, that value isn't actually used by bugzilla | 00:02 |
nigelb | Yeah, I just noticed | 00:02 |
bryceh | well, it may be a while before LP does this by default, but I'll be working on it. meanwhile the cgi is going to be available for folks | 00:04 |
bryceh | I'll be interested in seeing how much use it gets | 00:04 |
bryceh | I'd also be interested in hearing about tangible time savings. I calculated after spending one day forwarding bugs without this tool, vs. one day forwarding bugs with it, I was able to send 3 times as many bugs upstream in a given period of time | 00:06 |
bryceh | the main constraint for me in achieving an even better ratio was having to manually copy over the attachments | 00:07 |
bryceh | nigelb, thanks for finding that bug. embarrassing! | 00:09 |
bryceh | clearly I need to write some tests | 00:09 |
nigelb | heh | 00:10 |
nigelb | another advantage when you have a tool like this, people don't go, "Oh, I'll forward it later" | 00:10 |
bryceh | nigelb, did you install the greasemonkey script? | 00:10 |
nigelb | they'll just. "hey, it'll take only 10 minutes, why not do it" | 00:10 |
bryceh | yep | 00:10 |
nigelb | Nope, I did it manually. | 00:11 |
nigelb | (this is work computer, can't mess with it :D) | 00:11 |
bryceh | mm, if/when you can install that gm script, you'll find it REALLY makes it fun and easy to upstream bugs | 00:12 |
nigelb | Oh! | 00:12 |
nigelb | how tough would it be to make it available for gnome bugzilla too? | 00:14 |
bryceh | it should work with gnome bugzilla already | 00:14 |
bryceh | I only tested on a couple bugs though so am not 100% sure | 00:14 |
nigelb | gnome has more people forwarding since the apps are mostly in user space | 00:14 |
bryceh | but I put the support for GNOME in last week. I'd love to get verification that it works | 00:14 |
bryceh | yep | 00:14 |
bryceh | it should work for gnome packages that have exactly the same name in launchpad and in gnome bugzilla | 00:15 |
bryceh | which afaik should cover most packages | 00:16 |
nigelb | where in the lp branch is the code? | 00:16 |
bryceh | it's in the scripts directory | 00:16 |
nigelb | its a very nifty script :) | 00:18 |
bryceh | thanks, yeah I've gotten a lot of good out of it, and looking forward to it being handy for others | 00:19 |
bryceh | nigelb, let me know if you test it on a gnome bug | 00:19 |
nigelb | I will as soon as I can find the time. gotta start working :) | 00:22 |
bryceh | nigelb, cheers :-) | 00:22 |
=== Ursinha-nom is now known as Ursinha | ||
Ursinha | lifeless, missed your request -- "partial" oops summaries, as we call, are regenerated every hour | 03:18 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
lifeless | Ursinha-afk: thanks | 04:26 |
lifeless | spm: can you time the statement in ? - the 17 second one, on a slave, and on prod, please? | 04:41 |
spm | sure | 04:41 |
lifeless | if its slow, grab an explain analyze too :) | 04:42 |
spm | wow. that's... inconsistent. | 04:42 |
spm | enter query into cmd line; hit enter; runs, completes. uparrow+enter; repeat. | 04:43 |
lifeless | . | 04:43 |
lifeless | . | 04:43 |
lifeless | . | 04:43 |
spm | 1.7s, 13.1s, 0.6s, 1.0 | 04:43 |
lifeless | we might want to fix this | 04:44 |
spm | wtf (where) did 13.1 come from!!! | 04:44 |
lifeless | was that on a slave or main ? | 04:44 |
spm | main | 04:44 |
spm | what makes that 13.1s even more interesting, i'd have thought the query was still within postgres caching. ie it should be zomg fast. | 04:45 |
lifeless | so | 04:45 |
lifeless | guesses: load, index fail, index lock contention | 04:45 |
spm | cache fail... | 04:45 |
lifeless | if we're under that much pressure, sure. | 04:45 |
lifeless | we're seeing the oops 180 times a week | 04:46 |
spm | load, unlikely - load average: 8.31, 7.91, 8.14 <== which is pretty low for wildc | 04:46 |
* lifeless mutters about perspective | 04:46 | |
spm | note the 'unlikely' qualifier. :-) | 04:46 |
lifeless | how many cores does it have? | 04:47 |
spm | when you'd had dual 650Mhz CPU proxy firewalls on a 'normal' load of 50-80; still working at 450... | 04:47 |
spm | 16 | 04:47 |
lifeless | ok, so thats still 8 db threads or similar not executing for a full second | 04:48 |
lifeless | its not actually great | 04:48 |
lifeless | later we will have to go into the performance knee for wildc | 04:48 |
lifeless | right now, we already know that backsup cause an oops spike :P | 04:49 |
spm | ? I thought load was a (rough) measure at the end of a 'tick' of what's executing right now; regardless of how much of the tick they've had? imbw.... | 04:49 |
spm | ie it avergaes out to a vague approximation. | 04:49 |
lifeless | its blocked ready-to-run processes | 04:49 |
lifeless | - not telling you to suck eggs, but I've quickly scanned it and its a clear explanation | 04:50 |
spm | heh, I suspect we're using different words to describe the same thing. :-) | 04:50 |
spm | ta | 04:50 |
lifeless | ok anyhow | 04:52 |
lifeless | one thread at a time | 04:52 |
spm | :-) | 04:52 |
lifeless | can you see if it does that slow pattern on a slave | 04:52 |
spm | huh, I was almost going to say o it doesn't, but persistence paid off. most (~ 10 runs ish) were sub 0.3s, 1 x 1.0, 1x 4.5. | 04:54 |
spm | s/ o / no / | 04:54 |
lifeless | ok | 04:54 |
spm | 8 cores, load average: 1.01, 1.18, 1.15 | 04:54 |
lifeless | can you get an explain analyse of it slow in both cases ? | 04:54 |
spm | Oooer. it changed! | 04:55 |
spm | wow. I didn't notice. it changed twice. | 04:57 |
spm | actually... i think it was different on every run. repasting the entire test | 04:57 |
spm | | 04:58 |
lifeless | *boom* | 04:58 |
spm | yeah. something is *really* screwy, based on my DB understandings if the explain plan can be changed so dramatically like that. I thought these things were cached for high seconds to low minutes for precisely this sort of thing. | 05:00 |
spm | to complete the set, wildcherry showed similar behaviour | 05:00 |
lifeless | ah | 05:01 |
spm | actually I quite distinctly do recall faffing around with Oracle... 10g istr and forcibly getting it to regen plans 'offline' as it were to maximise the speed of certain queries | 05:01 |
lifeless | its a damned view | 05:02 |
lifeless | omfg | 05:02 |
lifeless | excuse me | 05:02 |
spm | no perfectly understandable :-) | 05:02 |
lifeless | \d publishedpackage :P | 05:02 |
spm | It is pretty unthinkable that'd I've used oracle and actually like it. ;-) | 05:02 |
* spm takes a few deep breaths | 05:03 | |
wgrant | Oh god, publishedpackage? | 05:04 |
wgrant | Kill it. | 05:04 |
spm | oh not too bad. only 12 joins. | 05:04 |
wgrant | The *cache table* is being slow? | 05:04 |
lifeless | in the fast one is its a nested loop | 05:04 |
lifeless | pg doesn't hve materialized views does it? | 05:04 |
spm | unknown to me | 05:04 |
lifeless | don't think so | 05:04 |
wgrant | You can emulate them using triggers, but it doesn't do them itself, no | 05:05 |
lifeless | so the fast case loops on binarypackagename_name_key on binarypackagename | 05:05 |
lifeless | the slow case Seq Scan on buildfarmjob (cost=0.00..54641.45 rows=1799245 width=12) (actual time=0.019..1470.653 rows=1799572 loops=1) | 05:06 |
lifeless | and it gets worse from there | 05:06 |
wgrant | That table has only been around for a couple of months. | 05:06 |
wgrant | So the query probably hasn't been looked at in this form before. | 05:06 |
lifeless | I need to review this, I smell OOD rather than table layout optimisation | 05:07 |
lifeless | I saw a similar thing last night | 05:07 |
lifeless | spm: so I'm guessing slight statistics variation -> boom | 05:08 |
spm | lifeless: I guess, but... I'm kinda left wondering why plans aren't locked in stone more; if they even can be. | 05:09 |
lifeless | spm: do I have sql access to staging, to poke at the tables a bit ? | 05:11 |
spm | perhaps comparing oranges with mandarin's; in oracle land - as I recall it; you'd have a generic query plan with placeholders for the values. there's a specific name, but time and memory fades. the idea being that you just replace the bits you care about; the plan itself is indentical; so you win big on lots of repititions by not doing the analyze phase(s) | 05:11 |
spm | lifeless: perhaps r/o? if not, I can create now and retroactively ask francis for you to have same. | 05:11 |
lifeless | spm: whatever bjorn had? | 05:12 |
spm | I have 99.99999% no doubt he'll be fine with that. | 05:12 |
spm | everyone except losas and stub has r/o | 05:12 |
lifeless | I'm sure that will be fine | 05:12 |
spm | rephrase, everyone *with access* has r/o | 05:12 |
lifeless | if its ever not, well, efuture | 05:12 |
lifeless | wgrant: so why do you say to delete hte view? | 05:44 |
wgrant | lifeless: I was wrong. I was thinking it was one of the cache tables. | 05:45 |
wgrant | But it's not; it's just a view. | 05:46 |
lifeless | 10 million rows in bpph | 05:53 |
lifeless | I can has delete? | 05:53 |
wgrant | You can has indices. | 05:53 |
lifeless | meh | 05:53 |
lifeless | I has indices. | 05:53 |
lifeless | I wants delete. | 05:53 |
lifeless | also fti needs some serious love | 05:54 |
wgrant | Deleting history makes me sad. | 05:54 |
wgrant | What's the FTI on? | 05:54 |
lifeless | wgrant: keeping stuff isn't free | 05:55 |
lifeless | and even logn perf hurts after a while | 05:55 |
wgrant | lifeless: Says he who developed a DVCS which preserves all history :P | 05:55 |
lifeless | its all about use cases | 05:55 |
lifeless | actually, I want a good history edit mechanism - I wrote that up a year back or so | 05:56 |
* wgrant still needs someone to land a branch. | 06:00 | |
lifeless | spm: are you able to do iostat/cpu on staging for a query for me? | 06:19 |
lifeless | wgrant: whats the mp | 06:20 |
wgrant | lifeless: One of the ones you reviewed a couple of days ago. | 06:22 |
* wgrant hunts. | 06:22 | |
wgrant | | 06:22 |
lifeless | oh, I might need a newer tree | 06:22 |
lifeless | we'll see | 06:22 |
mwhudson | herh | 06:23 |
mwhudson | lp.registry.windmill.tests.test_person_picker.TesPersonPickerWidget.test_person_picker_widget is failing in my branch | 06:23 |
mwhudson | nice test class name! | 06:24 |
lifeless | wgrant: its mid kickoff | 06:26 |
wgrant | lifeless: Thanks. | 06:26 |
lifeless | losa ping | 06:26 |
mwhudson | how do you debug a failing windmill test? | 06:35 |
lifeless | WITH A SHOTGUN | 06:35 |
lifeless | wgrant: its in flight | 06:39 |
wgrant | lifeless: Even better. | 06:39 |
wgrant | It *is* the right branch? | 06:40 |
wgrant | Last night it wasn't. | 06:40 |
lifeless | i just cp'd your link | 06:40 |
mwhudson | lifeless: it seems "run it until it passes" works :( | 06:41 |
wgrant | mwhudson: My policy is "run until it passes. if it still doesn't pass, ignore it, because I didn't break it" | 06:42 |
spm | lifeless: sure, on staging DB server as in? | 06:47 |
lifeless | yes | 06:52 |
lifeless | the qyry is | 06:53 |
lifeless | \timing | 06:53 |
lifeless | SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN Bug.fti @@ ftq('sphinx') THEN TRUE ELSE null END) FROM Bug, BugTask WHERE BugTask.bug = AND BugTask.distribution = 1; | 06:53 |
spm | lifeless: I forgot to time() it; but ~ 10ish seconds. for the vmstat | 06:56 |
lifeless | \timing is your friend :) | 06:57 |
spm | aye... :-/ | 06:57 |
spm | 2nd run - just shy of 9 secs | 06:58 |
lifeless | ok | 07:00 |
lifeless | a fucktonne of IO | 07:00 |
lifeless | spm: can you check whether lucene, solr & pylucene are available in the DC, in the event we were to want to use them. | 07:00 |
spm | are they debug type programs? servers? | 07:01 |
spm | ah the first is the search engine? | 07:01 |
lifeless | yes | 07:03 |
lifeless | one stack | 07:03 |
spm | lifeless: looks like, not really. some possibly defaultish libraries; but I'd suggest backporting would be needed. | 07:03 |
lifeless | rmadison was hopefyul | 07:04 |
mwhudson | i know the divmod folks became extremely angry with lucene | 07:07 |
mwhudson | several years ago now, mind | 07:07 |
lifeless | spm: it appears to be in universe, to me | 07:11 |
spm | lifeless: that would be my lack of experience with dealing with packages then | 07:13 |
lifeless | hahahha | 07:13 |
spm | or possibly we don't enable universe on the servers... | 07:13 |
lifeless | spm: whats our policy on stuff in univers | 07:13 |
lifeless | e | 07:13 |
spm | actually I can see the solr stuff, I sit corrected. | 07:14 |
spm | heh, lalala me. universe is fine. | 07:14 |
lifeless | spm: how hard am I hammering the server ? | 07:15 |
spm | 100% on one cpu only | 07:16 |
lifeless | \o/ | 07:16 |
lifeless | select * from stat('select fti from Bug') order by ndoc desc, nentry desc,word limit 10; | 07:16 |
lifeless | how many cpus are there ? | 07:16 |
spm | 8 cores | 07:16 |
spm | only 32g of ram, so i'd expect more io than prod | 07:17 |
spm | whee that local run is evil you've made me do. also 100% | 07:17 |
spm | 0.0% wait state tho | 07:18 |
lifeless | spm: I'd like to try reindexing bug.fti on staging. | 07:39 |
lifeless | spm: how do we go about this? | 07:39 |
spm | depends on how intrusive a reindex you mean? if you just mean 'reindex table blah', that's pretty easy. | 07:40 |
lifeless | spm: or should I do that on dogfood | 07:40 |
lifeless | spm: we need to drop the bug_fti index and make a new gin one | 07:40 |
lifeless | something like | 07:40 |
spm | I'd suggest dogfood in the first instance to get an idea of timing | 07:40 |
mwhudson | lifeless: when did test_suite() stop being necessary in launchpad tests? | 07:40 |
mwhudson | (also yay!) | 07:40 |
lifeless | mwhudson: I don't know, but jtv tested and current zope.testing doesn't seem to need it. | 07:41 |
spm | lifeless: it'd also be my personal recommendation to run any reindexing past stub | 07:41 |
lifeless | spm: how do I get access to dogfood ? | 07:41 |
mwhudson | maybe zope.testing grew a new feature then | 07:41 |
spm | lifeless: if you don't have already? via RT | 07:41 |
lifeless | spm: I've spoken to stub about the fti stuff; its basically untuned - he expressed frustration at not having had time to just sit down and zen it | 07:41 |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
spm | heh | 07:42 |
lifeless | mwhudson: hell, it may be needed still - remove it and check :) | 07:42 |
mwhudson | lifeless: i did | 07:42 |
* spm can picture stub doing the OOOOOmmmmm thing before a DB layout diagram | 07:42 | |
wgrant | spm: dogfood is *completely* useless for timing. | 07:43 |
wgrant | You know what sort of hardware it's on, right? | 07:43 |
lifeless | so the thing is | 07:44 |
lifeless | we have a fast-insert slow-query fti index | 07:44 |
spm | wgrant: I'm think of more an 'minutes vs hours vs days' idea | 07:44 |
lifeless | there is an alternative index | 07:44 |
spm | not 17.65 minutes. | 07:44 |
lifeless | the gin index | 07:44 |
wgrant | spm: dogfood cannot always give a reasonable answer over those three. | 07:44 |
lifeless | anyhow this isn't urgent | 07:44 |
spm | haha | 07:44 |
lifeless | I'm just starting to qualify simple-complex answers in this space | 07:44 |
wgrant | Recall that a DB restore took two weeks a few months ago. | 07:44 |
wgrant | And the primary publisher takes several hours. | 07:45 |
mwhudson | lifeless: this talk of gin indexes rings faint bells, i think we already use them for something... | 07:45 |
mwhudson | or tried | 07:45 |
mwhudson | still if you talked to stub you're likely much more up to date than me :) | 07:46 |
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away | ||
lifeless | mwhudson: yes :) | 08:01 |
wgrant | lifeless: Are Forbbiddens logged? | 08:11 |
wgrant | /builders is 403ing sometimes. | 08:11 |
lifeless | should be | 08:11 |
lifeless | I don't know if they raise oopses | 08:11 |
mwhudson | they aren't logged as oopses when you're logged in, i think | 08:12 |
wgrant | mwhudson: So we can't debug them? | 08:12 |
wgrant | Awesome. | 08:13 |
lifeless | wgrant: thats not entirely true | 08:13 |
mwhudson | wgrant: i may have been lying there | 08:13 |
poolie | lifeless, jam and i looked at the memcached graphs last night | 08:13 |
mwhudson | wgrant: i think bigjools knows the problem though | 08:13 |
poolie | as i suppoe you already have before | 08:13 |
mwhudson | wgrant: it's private builds, unsurprisingly | 08:13 |
poolie | they seem clearly size-limited | 08:13 |
wgrant | mwhudson: He suspects private teams. | 08:13 |
lifeless | wgrant: however, I encourage you, in the theme of improvign things, to add trace logs for this | 08:13 |
poolie | and hitting only about 20% of the time | 08:13 |
lifeless | yeah | 08:14 |
wgrant | mwhudson: But I can't see any private builds, so I shouldn't see any private teams. | 08:14 |
lifeless | I don't really have memcache on my radar atm | 08:14 |
poolie | so caching more things is likely to make the cache perform worse :) | 08:14 |
lifeless | its a tool we're not ready for | 08:14 |
wgrant | It's already overused. | 08:14 |
wgrant | Caching things that should not be cached. | 08:14 |
poolie | i know | 08:14 |
lifeless | lpmain_staging=> SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN Bug.fti @@ ftq('sphinx') THEN TRUE ELSE null END) FROM Bug, BugTask WHERE BugTask.bug = AND BugTask.distribution = 1; | 08:14 |
lifeless | count | 08:14 |
poolie | i was thinking of letting it be refreshed from the browser by cache-control | 08:14 |
lifeless | ------- | 08:14 |
lifeless | 40 | 08:14 |
lifeless | (1 row) | 08:14 |
lifeless | Time: 7659.528 ms | 08:14 |
lifeless | lpmain_staging=> SELECT COUNT(*) from Bug, bugtask where bug.fti @@ ftq('sphinx') and BugTask.bug = AND BugTask.distribution = 1; | 08:15 |
lifeless | count | 08:15 |
poolie | i now feel we should add a switch to jut turn it off, and see if the oops rate changes | 08:15 |
lifeless | ------- | 08:15 |
lifeless | 40 | 08:15 |
lifeless | (1 row) | 08:15 |
lifeless | Time: 526.478 ms | 08:15 |
lifeless | we can just turn it off | 08:15 |
lifeless | and no, not pastbinning that :P | 08:15 |
lifeless | *thats* easy | 08:15 |
wgrant | poolie: There is lots of stuff that should be cached. | 08:15 |
wgrant | poolie: But it's not the stuff that's cached at the moment. | 08:15 |
mwhudson | lifeless: those times are, um, different | 08:16 |
wgrant | lifeless: What's the difference in the plan? | 08:16 |
poolie | lifeless, so tbf there are a lot of cache effects on the db server | 08:16 |
lifeless | wgrant: give you a single guess | 08:16 |
poolie | running two queries one after the other and seeing the second is faster does not necessarily prove anything | 08:16 |
poolie | (in my limited experience) | 08:17 |
poolie | i agree the second looks more sensible | 08:17 |
lifeless | of course | 08:17 |
lifeless | I've run 10 of each | 08:17 |
spm | running 4 and having the 4th run an order of magnitude slower tho.... | 08:17 |
lifeless | but thats a lot more noisy ;) | 08:17 |
* mwhudson gets some 503s and 504s from the apache frontend :( | 08:17 | |
poolie | ah :) and it's consistent? fairy nuf | 08:17 |
lifeless | sometimes the slow one is worse | 08:17 |
spm | <== for mindblowing enjoyment | 08:18 |
lifeless | ok, so edge deployment just failed to migrate smoothly ? | 08:18 |
lifeless | mwhudson: please file a bug | 08:18 |
mwhudson | it's working now | 08:18 |
spm | edge was just updating | 08:18 |
lifeless | yes | 08:18 |
mwhudson | ah | 08:18 |
lifeless | this is a bug | 08:18 |
lifeless | we should fix it, we're going to be doing this *much* more often | 08:18 |
lifeless | mwhudson: please file it ;) | 08:19 |
mwhudson | lifeless: ok | 08:19 |
* mwhudson waits to see if the bug search times out... | 08:19 | |
spm | short of automatically adjusting the 'load balancing' away from each server and waiting for all existing connections to same to timeout, there will be glitches for some folks? | 08:20 |
lifeless | spm: thats exactly what we should be doing | 08:20 |
wgrant | Hm. Is there no way to see all of a project's branches? | 08:20 |
lifeless | | 08:20 |
wgrant | No. | 08:20 |
wgrant | It's batched. | 08:21 |
wgrant | But without a navigator. | 08:21 |
wgrant | So it only shows the first n. | 08:21 |
mwhudson | lifeless: | 08:21 |
_mup_ | Bug #608065: get occasional 503s and 504s from apache frontend when edge is updating <rollout-reliability> <Launchpad Foundations:New> <> | 08:21 |
lifeless | _huh_ | 08:21 |
wgrant | Ah! | 08:21 |
wgrant | +branches is batched and has a navigator. | 08:21 |
wgrant | But isn't linked from anywhere. | 08:21 |
lifeless | ouch | 08:21 |
wgrant | mwhudson: Do you know why this is so? | 08:22 |
* mwhudson afks | 08:22 | |
mwhudson | wgrant: no | 08:22 |
poolie | wgrant, use an api | 08:22 |
poolie | :/ | 08:22 |
wgrant | poolie: There's UI. It's just got no links to it. | 08:23 |
lifeless | wgrant: you may find interesting | 08:23 |
_mup_ | Bug #607776: +filebug-show-similar FTI query timeouts <oops> <timeout> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <> | 08:23 |
poolie | then how does it smell? :) | 08:23 |
wgrant | 'Seq Scan on bugtask' | 08:24 |
wgrant | WTF | 08:24 |
lifeless | yes | 08:24 |
lifeless | case statement fail | 08:24 |
poolie | lifeless, why would you even write such a query? | 08:25 |
lifeless | ORM | 08:25 |
lifeless | or confusion | 08:25 |
poolie | is there some innocuous stortm thing that produces it? | 08:25 |
lifeless | I don't know; the question is how long it will take to find and fix them all | 08:25 |
* poolie wonders if storm should sometimes generate Warnings | 08:25 | |
wgrant | lifeless: Well, if we take the timeout down to 1s, they should all become fairly clear :P | 08:26 |
lifeless | wgrant: I want to get the timeout to 5s | 08:26 |
wgrant | I really love that you are actually concerned about speed, BTW. | 08:26 |
lifeless | 1 would be ok if we generally completed in 0.1s | 08:26 |
wgrant | It is something that has been missing from LP for... well... 5 years now. | 08:26 |
lifeless | mmm | 08:27 |
lifeless | All I'm offering is a detailed view | 08:27 |
poolie | istm storm could also warn about 1=2 | 08:27 |
poolie | not sure if it's worth it | 08:27 |
lifeless | the whole team has cared and been fixing stuff | 08:27 |
lifeless | its important not to forget that | 08:27 |
poolie | yeah it's really inspiring how much the atmosphere was different last week to previously | 08:28 |
wgrant | True. | 08:28 |
lifeless | if I am lucky enough to have some experience solving performance issues and dealing with interlocking pessimisations - its because I've created my fair share! | 08:28 |
wgrant | Haha. | 08:28 |
spm | damn. that's an admission and a half. /me takes a copy for later blackmail potential ;-) | 08:30 |
wgrant | lifeless: Are you doing DB reviews now in Björn's place? | 08:31 |
lifeless | yes | 08:31 |
lifeless | two votes, stub & I | 08:32 |
lifeless | we've agreed that with one vote it can progress to the tree | 08:32 |
lifeless | two votes for deployment | 08:32 |
wgrant | Ah, handy. | 08:32 |
wgrant | rockstar: Hm, what's particularly difficult about fixing the factory? I saw it broke quite a few tests (which was why i didn't fix it then and there), but nothing that looked terribly hard to fix. | 08:36 |
lifeless | mwhudson: I'm not going to get to your review - sorry, I'd love to:) - I'll try to drop a couple of thoughts in it today though. | 08:36 |
rockstar | wgrant, most of our tests are wrong... | 08:36 |
wgrant | Hah. | 08:37 |
wgrant | Awesome. | 08:37 |
rockstar | wgrant, so the tests that aren't breaking are the worst. | 08:37 |
rockstar | wgrant, it's not "hard" per ce, just tedious, and probably not the best use of my time currently. | 08:37 |
wgrant | Yep. | 08:37 |
rockstar | wgrant, there are all sorts of hidden constraints inside soyuz that aren't really documented that I didn't know, and that we're not really exercising in tests anywhere. | 08:39 |
wgrant | rockstar: lalala not part of Soyuz any more lalala | 08:40 |
lifeless | wgrant: you're not? | 08:40 |
wgrant | lifeless: The code isn't. | 08:40 |
lifeless | soyuz.add(wgrant) | 08:40 |
lifeless | :P | 08:40 |
wgrant | lp.buildmaster's owned by everyone now :P | 08:40 |
rockstar | wgrant, for instance, the build farm gets DOSed if you submit a build that isn't against a distroseries that isn't part of the ubuntu distro. | 08:40 |
lifeless | wgrant: all code is owned by everyone anyway, in principle. | 08:40 |
lifeless | I'd like to see more application of that principle :) | 08:41 |
wgrant | rockstar: Hm, because they have no chroots? | 08:41 |
wgrant | Or is there something else? | 08:41 |
lifeless | bad error handling logic | 08:41 |
lifeless | AIUI | 08:41 |
mwhudson | lifeless: fairy nuff | 08:42 |
wgrant | Well, of course, it's ex-Soyuz code. | 08:42 |
rockstar | lifeless, probably a little bit of everything. | 08:42 |
lifeless | whats the easiest way to join the dots from a page id to code | 08:43 |
wgrant | I guess which app it's likely to reside in, then grep the app's browser/configure.zcml. | 08:43 |
rockstar | lifeless, this is another question I had when I first started working on Launchpad that would have been immensely helpful in my ramp up. | 08:43 |
wgrant | There must be a better way. | 08:43 |
lifeless | why does Distribution:+filebug need to know SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Bug, BugTask WHERE BugTask.bug = AND BugTask.distribution = 1 AND (1=1) ? | 08:44 |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
lifeless | so next ramp up question | 08:51 |
lifeless | lib/lp/bugs/templates/ calls into +filebug with id filebug-search-form | 08:52 |
lifeless | what maps that back to a new template / api call ? | 08:52 |
lifeless | grep only finds a js file | 08:52 |
wgrant | The dupefinder is JS. | 08:52 |
lifeless | ok | 08:53 |
lifeless | so its setting up a call into a js function | 08:53 |
rockstar | lifeless, yes. | 08:53 |
lifeless | which then calls an api to do the deed | 08:53 |
rockstar | lifeless, we use the term "api" very liberally, but yes. | 08:54 |
lifeless | it makes a call to something that isn't formatted in tal :) | 08:54 |
rockstar | lifeless, yes. | 08:54 |
rockstar | REST api, model api... | 08:54 |
lifeless | ok, its a self post | 08:54 |
lifeless | to the same template with a query | 08:55 |
lifeless | now... what maps *that* is my next connector to join | 08:55 |
wgrant | lifeless: Must be in FileBugGuidedView somewhere. I suspect it's inherited from FilebugShowSimilarBugsView. | 08:57 |
wgrant | (yay, consistent capitalisation...) | 08:58 |
wgrant | What's the query? | 08:58 |
lifeless | wgrant: hmm? | 09:08 |
lifeless | wgrant: sorry, I've clearly confused you | 09:08 |
lifeless | I'm working on the filebug timeouts | 09:08 |
lifeless | we're using fti inefficiently | 09:08 |
lifeless | I've spawned enough bugs to keep everyone busy for a few days, time to pitch in and help | 09:09 |
lifeless | also | 09:09 |
lifeless | volunteer needed to do a i18n patch for lp | 09:09 |
wgrant | lifeless: lib/lp/bugs/model/, findSimilar | 09:10 |
wgrant | (not findSimilarBugs) | 09:10 |
wgrant | Hm. | 09:10 |
wgrant | Hasn't i18n been rejected a few times? | 09:10 |
lifeless | wgrant: so dots do you join to get to that | 09:10 |
wgrant | I thought it was very much unwanted. | 09:10 |
lifeless | wgrant: I thought it was 'too hard' | 09:10 |
lifeless | wgrant: We have massive i18n in answers | 09:10 |
wgrant | lifeless: Uh, well, I looked at FileBugGuidedView, and saw that it didn't have that functionality. But there's a very suspicious base class: FilebugShowSimilarBugsView | 09:11 |
wgrant | That calls findSimilar. | 09:11 |
wgrant | lifeless: So: guesswork. | 09:11 |
lifeless | what took you to FileBugGuidedView ? | 09:11 |
lifeless | wgrant: and whats calling into findSimilar | 09:12 |
lifeless | there are other nuts queries involved | 09:12 |
rockstar | lifeless, I'm happy to show you how I connect the dots. | 09:12 |
wgrant | lifeless: FilebugShowSimilarBugsView calls findSimilar. | 09:12 |
rockstar | But also, there's ++oops++ to see some of the callins. | 09:13 |
wgrant | I found FileBugGuidedView by checking lib/lp/bugs/browser/configure.zcml | 09:13 |
lifeless | ok | 09:13 |
lifeless | I think thats about my new-info buffer for now | 09:13 |
lifeless | wgrant: did you have a db patch ? | 09:17 |
wgrant | lifeless: Yeah. But the MP doesn't have a description quite yet. | 09:17 |
* wgrant is just cleaning it up. | 09:17 | |
rockstar | wgrant, do you know how to get the tests to tell me all the queries a test is running? | 09:28 |
wgrant | rockstar: I just use the postgres log. | 09:28 |
wgrant | lifeless: Review requested. | 09:35 |
lifeless | url me up | 09:37 |
wgrant | lifeless: | 09:37 |
lifeless | what does binarypackagerelease represent | 09:40 |
wgrant | A Debian binary package. | 09:41 |
wgrant | ie. a .deb | 09:41 |
wgrant | Or a .udeb | 09:41 |
wgrant | Or now a .ddeb | 09:41 |
lifeless | man, we have terrible names | 09:41 |
wgrant | You just noticed? | 09:41 |
wgrant | Would you like a DistroArchSeriesBinaryPackageRelease, which is of course short for DistributionArchitectureSeriesBinaryPackageRelease? | 09:41 |
wgrant | We have one of those. | 09:41 |
rockstar | lifeless, those clever landscape devs already wrote a tool to do what we were talking about. | 09:42 |
lifeless | \o/ | 09:42 |
lifeless | is it open sourced yet ? | 09:43 |
lifeless | wgrant: oh, I know. I was just compelled to comment | 09:44 |
lifeless | its like a class called IntegerInstance | 09:44 |
rockstar | lifeless, | 09:44 |
lifeless | jml just deleted something along those lines | 09:44 |
lifeless | check annotate of our tracers module; he may have been over enthusiastic | 09:45 |
lifeless | anyhow the thing needed is glue <-> scripts | 09:45 |
lifeless | meep | 09:51 |
lifeless | once it drops out of cache fti is -realllllllllly- slow | 09:51 |
wgrant | Even once stub attacks it with his magic wand? | 09:51 |
lifeless | a wizzards staff has a knob on the end | 09:52 |
wgrant | Shh. | 09:52 |
lifeless | lpmain_staging=> explain analyze SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN Bug.fti @@ ftq('sphinx') THEN TRUE ELSE null END) FROM Bug, BugTask WHERE BugTask.bug = AND BugTask.distribution = 1; | 09:52 |
lifeless | (8 rows) | 09:52 |
lifeless | Time: 109213.606 ms | 09:52 |
wgrant | what. | 09:52 |
lifeless | lpmain_staging=> select count(*) from bug, bugtask where = BugTask.bug AND BugTask.distribution = 1 AND Bug.fti @@ ftq('sphinx'); | 09:53 |
wgrant | Tried the query that has a less awful plan? | 09:53 |
lifeless | Time: 54666.999 ms | 09:53 |
wgrant | Ow. | 09:53 |
lifeless | still | 09:53 |
lifeless | better is, well, better. | 09:53 |
wgrant | But still utterly awful. | 09:53 |
lifeless | shrug | 09:53 |
lifeless | one step at a time | 09:53 |
rockstar | Does launchpad_ftest have a different permission file than database/schema/security.cfg | 09:55 |
lifeless | make schema to reset it | 09:55 |
lifeless | ftest is built when you do make schema | 09:56 |
lifeless | and thus only gets permissions built at that point | 09:56 |
wgrant | rockstar: is run only on launchpad_empty, so it should be the same. | 09:56 |
lifeless | or whatever :P | 09:56 |
rockstar | lifeless, that's what I suspected, but it doesn't seem to be working. | 09:56 |
rockstar | launchpad_ftest is also created when the tests run, according to the postgres logs. | 09:56 |
lifeless | yeah, I had the names wrong | 09:57 |
wgrant | launchpad_empty is copied to launchpad_ftest_template | 09:57 |
lifeless | its been a while | 09:57 |
wgrant | launchpad_ftest_template has the sampledata loaded into it. | 09:57 |
lifeless | I remembered the shape :P | 09:57 |
wgrant | Then the testrunner copies launchpad_ftest_template to launchpad_ftest freshly for every test. | 09:57 |
wgrant | No permission resetting is done after launchpad_empty, AFAIK. | 09:57 |
wgrant | (if it was, tests would take a minute or two to set up...) | 09:59 |
rockstar | They already take a minute or two to set up. | 10:02 |
wgrant | Each test takes a second or so. | 10:03 |
wgrant | The initial setup of the test suite around 10 seconds, here. | 10:03 |
wgrant | Do you use LP_PERSISTENT_TEST_SERVICES? | 10:04 |
lifeless | garh | 10:04 |
lifeless | stab stab | 10:04 |
lifeless | terrible idea. | 10:04 |
wgrant | It saves time :) | 10:04 |
rockstar | wgrant, I do. | 10:04 |
wgrant | Lots of time. | 10:04 |
wgrant | Almost makes TDD plausible. | 10:04 |
lifeless | its curing the symptom | 10:05 |
lifeless | but adding more root causes. | 10:05 |
rockstar | lifeless, +1 | 10:09 |
rockstar | "Why am I starting up a librarian when my tests don't need one" | 10:10 |
=== daniloff is now known as danilos | ||
wgrant | Yeah, can we please do away with layers? | 10:12 |
bigjools | good morning | 10:12 |
wgrant | Evening bigjools. | 10:13 |
bigjools | g'day wgrant | 10:13 |
rockstar | lifeless, does this look okay for that branch you reviewed already? | 10:15 |
wgrant | bigjools: When you have a moment, can you glance at and tell me if you object strongly to its approach? | 10:16 |
bigjools | looking | 10:18 |
lifeless | rockstar: yes | 10:18 |
bigjools | wgrant: good approach, just a few comments | 10:23 |
bigjools | wgrant: unit tests please, not tests in doctests | 10:23 |
bigjools | wgrant: also consider factoring out your new code so you can write unit tests for it | 10:24 |
bigjools | Running the upload processor in tests is something I want to reduce, not increase ;) | 10:24 |
bigjools | wgrant: finally, my alarm bells go off very strongly when I see removeSecurityProxy being used in code | 10:26 |
wgrant | bigjools: Fair point. | 10:26 |
wgrant | In my defense, it's a reasonably large test to rewrite, and I revived this branch from October last year. I'll probably replace nascentupload-ddebs.txt in a separate branch. | 10:26 |
bigjools | ok | 10:26 |
wgrant | And yes, I strongly considered factoring that out. | 10:26 |
bigjools | you should XXX it and file a bug plz | 10:27 |
wgrant | But it means a significant restructure, so... maybe for another branch. | 10:27 |
bigjools | that's fine | 10:27 |
bigjools | thanks for fixing ddebs! | 10:27 |
wgrant | I want Soyuz cleaned up too, don't worry. | 10:27 |
wgrant | How can I avoid the rSP use? | 10:27 |
bigjools | why is it needed? | 10:28 |
wgrant | BPRs are traditionally immutable. | 10:28 |
wgrant | But I need to set debug_package on some of them, after I have created them all. | 10:28 |
wgrant | I guess I could create all the ddebs first, then the debs. Hmm. | 10:29 |
bigjools | where does the bpr come from? | 10:29 |
bigjools | as in, what creates the storm obj? | 10:29 |
wgrant | The set of uploaded BPRs is created. I then create links between some of them. | 10:29 |
wgrant | Um. | 10:30 |
wgrant | I forget. | 10:30 |
* wgrant finds. | 10:30 | |
bigjools | if it ultimately comes from getUtility then it's security wrapped | 10:30 |
bigjools | but this all runs zopeless, so I don't understand why rSP is needed | 10:30 |
lifeless | are my feet ok there? | 10:30 |
wgrant | It's Build.createBinaryPackageRelease, so it's wrapped. | 10:31 |
wgrant | bigjools: It still uses PermissiveSecurityPolicy. | 10:31 |
wgrant | Zopeless is not Zopeless. | 10:31 |
lifeless | rockstar: are my feet ok there? | 10:31 |
rockstar | lifeless, yup. | 10:31 |
bigjools | I realise - but I thought that since you're not actually logged in, it can't apply security | 10:32 |
wgrant | PermissiveSecurityPolicy still cares about permissions. It's just that all permissions are implicitly held. | 10:32 |
bigjools | other than interface checks | 10:32 |
bigjools | exactly | 10:32 |
wgrant | And nobody has permission to write to BPR. | 10:32 |
bigjools | so, why is it grumbling about that | 10:32 |
bigjools | ah | 10:32 |
bigjools | that would explain it | 10:32 |
bigjools | can you create the ddeb first then, and put it in the createBinaryPackageRelease params? | 10:33 |
wgrant | I remember considering that when I wrote the code late last year... let's see if I can remember why I discarded that idea. | 10:33 |
bigjools | ok | 10:33 |
lifeless | stub: hai! | 10:36 |
lifeless | stub: I have some info on fti for you | 10:36 |
lifeless | stub: are you home or in transit ? | 10:36 |
stub | lifeless: home | 10:37 |
lifeless | so, the CASE approach used in nl_search takes about 10 times longer to do a search than a count(*) | 10:37 |
lifeless | separately from considering whether doing an estimate + a search is worth it vs just doing a ranked search | 10:38 |
lifeless | stub: are there some tests for nl_search I can build on ? | 10:38 |
stub | I don't know - that was all bug team work. I only know it vaguely. | 10:39 |
lifeless | ok | 10:39 |
lifeless | uhm | 10:39 |
lifeless | I will hunt bjorns | 10:39 |
rockstar | Huh, I can't remember the reasoning for making people the base parent in recipe traversal. | 10:40 |
rockstar | Whatever it is, my mind has been changed and I think that's crackful. | 10:41 |
wgrant | The form should at least inform users that the recipe names are global. | 10:41 |
rockstar | wgrant, it does now. | 10:42 |
wgrant | Ah. | 10:42 |
rockstar | Well, it does when you try and re-use a name. | 10:42 |
rockstar | The problem is that I want more than one recipe named "daily" ... | 10:42 |
wgrant | I often try to call a recipe 'trunk'. | 10:42 |
wgrant | Right. | 10:42 |
rockstar | It should have also traversed to project or sourcepackage | 10:43 |
rockstar | "Paul Hummer's daily recipe" is silly | 10:44 |
wgrant | What happened to ~wgrant/launchpad/+recipe/daily? | 10:44 |
rockstar | Basically it means that I'm going to invent my own namespace. | 10:45 |
wgrant | I thought the initial proposal was something like that. | 10:45 |
rockstar | wgrant, yeah, but there was some reason for not doing it. | 10:45 |
rockstar | (I'm saying that now that abentley and I have implemented it, that reason is shit) | 10:46 |
wgrant | Haha. | 10:47 |
lifeless | ok | 10:48 |
lifeless | so bugs -> db -> stub -> bjorn -> flacoste | 10:49 |
lifeless | but I now have enough confidence in the issue: deleting painful code. | 10:49 |
rockstar | bigjools, could you maybe give me some hints here: | 10:50 |
_mup_ | Bug #591618: Result of SPRBuild assumes distro build <recipe> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Incomplete by rockstar> <> | 10:50 |
bigjools | rockstar: gimme some time, I'm fighting canonicaladmin | 10:50 |
rockstar | bigjools, it will take AGES to defeat canonicaladmin though! | 10:54 |
bigjools | rockstar: this is just the battle, for the war, totally | 10:54 |
rockstar | :) | 10:54 |
danilos | adiroiban, jtv, woohoo, +templates works on edge (rendered in 6.52s) | 10:58 |
jtv | danilos: yay! | 10:58 |
jtv | danilos: that's with figuring out the menu links just once for the entire page? | 11:00 |
jtv | Hmm.... it just timed out for me. | 11:00 |
adiroiban | danilos: sometimes I get a time out on Ubuntu | 11:01 |
adiroiban | openobjects-addons is 0.6s | 11:01 |
danilos | adiroiban, jtv: yeah, we still have it time-out occasionally because of the rendering times, but still, it worked for me :) | 11:01 |
danilos | karmic consistently times out for me but it does have a lot more templates on there | 11:02 |
jtv | I got one loaded! | 11:03 |
jtv | On the 3rd attempt though. | 11:04 |
jtv | The mouse-over effect doesn't seem to be working... maybe one of the extra files failed to load. | 11:04 |
danilos | jtv, adiroiban: I guess we'll either have to fix rendering time (I talked to gary_poster and he mentioned switching to a faster TAL-rendering library chameleon as an option) | 11:05 |
danilos | jtv, adiroiban: or batch it :) | 11:05 |
bigjools | ok rockstar let's check out your branch | 11:13 |
rockstar | bigjools, it's just a bug, but I have a test in there that I can't get to act like production. | 11:13 |
rockstar | bigjools, noodles is also sitting right next to me, and so I was going to ask him. | 11:13 |
bigjools | rockstar: I think what should happen is that canonical_url should return None for a package built in a PPA | 11:14 |
bigjools | and then you can change the template code to not link it | 11:14 |
rockstar | bigjools, yes, I know this. | 11:14 |
rockstar | bigjools, the problem is that I can't reproduce this in a tests. | 11:14 |
bigjools | ok | 11:14 |
rockstar | bigjools, so I'm wondering where the formatter is so I can see why it's not linking it in my test. | 11:15 |
bigjools | release = self.factory.makeSourcePackageRelease( | 11:15 |
bigjools | source_package_recipe_build=None) | 11:15 |
bigjools | release.source_package_recipe_build = build | 11:15 |
bigjools | why 2 lines? | 11:15 |
bigjools | transaction.commit() - urg :) | 11:15 |
rockstar | bigjools, good question. | 11:15 |
bigjools | why do you need to commit? | 11:15 |
bigjools | rockstar: so I think you also need to assert in that test that the build's archive is a PPA | 11:16 |
rockstar | bigjools, that test is the result of late afternoon hacking, and trying whatever I can to make it work. | 11:16 |
bigjools | ok | 11:16 |
bigjools | does makeRecipeBuild() default to a PPA? | 11:17 |
rockstar | I think it takes the default archive. | 11:18 |
bigjools | I'd add the assertion in the test | 11:18 |
rockstar | bigjools, where is the formatter? I was thinking I would find it after I got the test working, because it wasn't clear. | 11:19 |
bigjools | rockstar: what formatter? | 11:19 |
rockstar | The SourcePackageReleaseFormatter in didn't seem to be it. | 11:19 |
rockstar | bigjools, the tal formatter for a source package release | 11:20 |
bigjools | there isn't one | 11:20 |
rockstar | bigjools, huh? Then how is it getting linked? | 11:20 |
* rockstar cries | 11:20 | |
bigjools | does the template do it? | 11:20 |
bigjools | anyway, your test is asserting the wrong thing isn't it? | 11:21 |
rockstar | bigjools, no, it passes it to fmt:link | 11:21 |
bigjools | ok | 11:21 |
rockstar | bigjools, no, it's asserting that it's plain text, not linked. | 11:21 |
bigjools | it's still wrong | 11:21 |
rockstar | And it SHOULD be failing, but it's not. | 11:21 |
bigjools | it's not a distribtion package | 11:21 |
bigjools | so you're asserting that the current state of affairs is correct | 11:21 |
bigjools | which of course it always is :) | 11:21 |
bigjools | fmt:link just does canonical_url on the object | 11:22 |
rockstar | bigjools, so are you saying we should take the whole thing out? Don't even show a release? | 11:22 |
bigjools | it should say "Package X in PPA blah" | 11:22 |
bigjools | or something | 11:23 |
poolie | is there any other lib.lp.service module that sets a good example for code or test style? | 11:23 |
rockstar | bigjools, yes, and I'm saying "Where is the code that names out that template?" | 11:23 |
bigjools | is there a real example I can see? | 11:23 |
bigjools | I dunno, it's one of yours isn't it? +recipe page? | 11:23 |
rockstar | bigjools, | 11:24 |
bigjools | ok let's take a looksee | 11:24 |
bigjools | ah I see | 11:25 |
bigjools | rockstar: junk the whole section | 11:25 |
rockstar | bigjools, the template is just using existing code. I believe abentley even just abstracted the original build index. | 11:25 |
rockstar | bigjools, really?! | 11:25 |
bigjools | yes, it doesn't make any sense for a PPA build | 11:25 |
bigjools | there's no package page on PPAs | 11:25 |
rockstar | bigjools, it's a good thing you're in a different country, because I REALLY wanna kiss you right now. | 11:25 |
bigjools | lol | 11:25 |
bigjools | so "Result:" and the line below it - blow them away | 11:26 |
bigjools | or if you're in a kissing mood, just blow them | 11:26 |
rockstar | bigjools, could you comment on the bug with something like that? | 11:26 |
bigjools | sure | 11:26 |
rockstar | ...and I'll happily just kill it. | 11:26 |
bigjools | rockstar: the binary builds are plenty good enough to detail what was built | 11:28 |
rockstar | bigjools, I agree. | 11:32 |
poolie | lifeless, igc says 'congrats' | 11:36 |
lifeless | poolie: thanks! - tell him best wishes ! | 11:38 |
lifeless | if anyone is interested :) | 11:48 |
barry | bigjools: hi. on my ppa package details page i occasionally see (Newer version available). is this information available in the api? | 11:54 |
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away | ||
lifeless | barry: yes | 11:56 |
barry | lifeless: is this the superseded stuff in the build records? | 11:56 |
lifeless | nah, its a reference to the suite in ubuntu | 11:57 |
barry | lifeless: okay, thanks. i'll try to find it ;) | 11:59 |
bigjools | I think it's only on the UI actually | 12:00 |
gary_poster | danilo: re chameleon: fwiw, in my measurements last year it saved an average of 15% from page times. not too shabby, but not a silver bullet. in the big picture, for common pages, network and SSL and client-side issues dwarf app-server times; and for most OOPSes we have, db time dwarfs rendering times. but chameleon should help somewhat. It would probably be more of a benefit for big honking pages like the on | 12:00 |
gary_poster | talking about. | 12:00 |
gary_poster | probably was truncated: "but chameleon should help somewhat. It would probably be more of a benefit for big honking pages like the one you were talking about." | 12:01 |
barry | bigjools: ah. what i'm trying to do is script auto-rebuilds for packages in the ppa that are now out of date. basically: search to find them, apt-get source, dch -i, build -S, dput | 12:01 |
bigjools | barry: ummm, why are you duplicating builds in Ubuntu? | 12:02 |
bigjools | or are there extra local changes? | 12:03 |
barry | bigjools: they are builds of packages that build-dep on python-all and python-dev-all. i build them in the ppa to pick up python 2.7 | 12:03 |
wgrant | And to destroy the build farm for 1.5 weeks :) | 12:03 |
bigjools | exactly | 12:03 |
barry | wgrant: not any more :) | 12:04 |
bigjools | if you want to do rebuilds, you should use a rebuild archive | 12:04 |
bigjools | or your good name is going to be mud :) | 12:04 |
barry | bigjools: i really *don't* want to rebuild vast numbers of packages. only about 150 of them | 12:04 |
barry | bigjools: your flaw is assuming i ever had a good name | 12:04 |
bigjools | barry: ah ok so you're rebuilding packages where its build deps changed? | 12:05 |
bigjools | barry: ok, s/mud/muddier/ :) | 12:05 |
barry | bigjools: yeah :) | 12:05 |
barry | bigjools: but as updates get thrown in the archive, i have to essentially re-sync them, but i think you can't do that (or can you?) | 12:05 |
bigjools | rockstar: err sorry I changed your bug status, it said "incomplete" on my browser, honest :) | 12:06 |
bigjools | we could do with collision detection there | 12:06 |
barry | bigjools: otherwise, apt-get update && apt-get upgrade will pick up the newer, non-py27 versions instead of the py27-built versions i want from my ppa | 12:06 |
deryck | Morning, all. | 12:06 |
bigjools | barry: you can copy from Ubuntu into your PPA very easily using the API | 12:07 |
barry | bigjools: syncSources? | 12:07 |
bigjools | barry: you can pin on your PPA too | 12:07 |
bigjools | and syncSources, yes | 12:07 |
barry | bigjools: yeah, i could do that | 12:07 |
bigjools | pinning would be better | 12:08 |
bigjools | fewer rebuilds ;) | 12:08 |
barry | bigjools: <cough>more (efficient) buildds</cough> :) | 12:08 |
bigjools | in progress ;) | 12:09 |
barry | bigjools: :) | 12:09 |
bigjools | jelmer and myself are making buildd-manager changes that will rock the world | 12:09 |
barry | bigjools: i'd love to hear more! but it's lunch time so i'll come back and ask | 12:09 |
gary_poster | barry: I've been seeing if I could get buildout tests to pass with 2.7. is there a known issue for Python 2.7 that output from both spawn and subprocess is...held, for some reason? | 12:12 |
gary_poster | For example, given hacked code like this (and I've hacked to use both spawn and subprocess in tests), including that half second sleep, I get failures like this: . | 12:12 |
gary_poster | (IOW, the "An error occurred..." should be printed below the output from the subprocess call, but is not). | 12:12 |
gary_poster | So, known? I'm about to give up. | 12:12 |
gary_poster | (2.4, 2.5, 2.6 don't behave this way) | 12:13 |
wgrant | bigjools: removeSecurityProxy call gone. | 12:22 |
bigjools | woo | 12:22 |
wgrant | I shuffled things around a bit, creating the ddebs first and a couple of other bits and pieces. | 12:22 |
bigjools | argh, I am finding it impossible to read email quicker than it arrives today | 12:24 |
bigjools | death to email from machines | 12:24 |
bigjools | email is for people fer chrissake | 12:24 |
bigjools | lifeless: I've got another candidate to use for Rabbit if it's close to being implemented | 12:27 |
lifeless | bigjools: it needs someone to put a layer together + lazr-config schema entry for it | 12:32 |
lifeless | bigjools: at that point we have all the bits in place to iterate. | 12:33 |
bigjools | cool | 12:33 |
bigjools | lifeless: I want to put the new distroseries opening code (initialise-from-parent) on it | 12:33 |
bigjools | Steve is working on making it a Job | 12:33 |
wgrant | Whatever happened to CHR? | 12:33 |
deryck | wgrant, it's still happening, but I think some confusion in the change to the new approach and new days has slipped coverage lately. | 12:36 |
deryck | wgrant, it's Edwin's day today, but he's not around yet. | 12:37 |
bigjools | deryck: when someone updates a bug status, do you detect collisions? (with a second person updating it) | 12:38 |
deryck | bigjools, no. we just have the latter one overwrite the first attempt. | 12:39 |
bigjools | deryck: do you have bugs about that? If not I think I should file one :) | 12:41 |
lifeless | mtaylor: hi | 12:41 |
lifeless | bah | 12:41 |
lifeless | mthaddon: hi | 12:41 |
lifeless | mthaddon: could you do me a small favour? on staging, up the timeout to 20 seconds, I want to test a theory about whats going on here. | 12:42 |
deryck | bigjools, there is a "show edits in real time" bug, which is basically the same, but perhaps your issue is a bit more specific? | 12:42 |
bigjools | deryck: I changed a status from incomplete to triaged, but because I had not loaded the page recently I didn't see that someone else had changed it from incomplete to in-progress | 12:43 |
bigjools | so I override his change | 12:43 |
bigjools | seems like we could simply check the status we're changing from and see if the status on the bug now is still the same | 12:44 |
deryck | hmmm, yeah, I think that could use a new bug. That's a simpler change than real time edits and would bring value now. | 12:45 |
lifeless | deryck: bigjools: landscape has a jobs system too which they say they use for ajax notifications | 12:46 |
bigjools | lifeless: yeah I replied to their thread | 12:46 |
lifeless | its slightly different in concept to ours | 12:46 |
lifeless | cool | 12:46 |
bigjools | it sounds great | 12:46 |
lifeless | I'm pulling on this thread | 12:46 |
bigjools | deryck: ok I'll file a bug for you, cheers | 12:46 |
deryck | yeah, it does sound nice. That would make real time edit notifications possible, I believe. | 12:46 |
lifeless | yeah | 12:47 |
deryck | bigjools, thanks. | 12:47 |
lifeless | separate to mid flight detection | 12:47 |
deryck | right | 12:47 |
bigjools | deryck: BTW my mental picture of you has now shifted unassailably to one where you're playing Dominion and sledging your opponents | 12:47 |
deryck | heh | 12:48 |
deryck | I perhaps was a bit too relaxed at the epic. I normally hide that part of myself. :-) | 12:48 |
deryck | gaming brings out the worst in me. | 12:49 |
bigjools | deryck: lol | 12:49 |
bigjools | yeah me too - I hardly play any more. I got asked by neighbours once to stop swearing so loudly. I've since moved to somewhere where I don't have close neighbours. | 12:50 |
deryck | heh. I can relate. | 12:50 |
bigjools | That's Counterstrike for you ... | 12:50 |
bigjools | food time | 12:56 |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
lifeless | losa ping | 13:06 |
mthaddon | lifeless: hi | 13:16 |
lifeless | mthaddon: hi | 13:16 |
lifeless | mthaddon: I was wondering if you could raise the timeout on staging temporarily, I want to get a full trace of what this does | 13:17 |
lifeless | that slow query, once its not fighting disk - 300ms | 13:17 |
mthaddon | lifeless: done | 13:19 |
lifeless | \o/ | 13:19 |
lifeless | try this | 13:19 |
lifeless | go to | 13:19 |
lifeless | | 13:19 |
lifeless | put in a search | 13:19 |
lifeless | click next | 13:20 |
lifeless | everyone^ | 13:20 |
mthaddon | lifeless: I increased the softtimeout as well - should I have left that as is? | 13:20 |
wgrant | WoahJSbug. | 13:20 |
wgrant | Oh, no, Chromium bug. | 13:20 |
lifeless | mthaddon: no, thats fine | 13:21 |
lifeless | mthaddon: the main thing was to get enough headroom to see how it performs on this slower hardware | 13:21 |
lifeless | I am getting 2-3 second searches | 13:21 |
barry | gary_poster: no bug or change that i know of :/ | 13:21 |
lifeless | mpt: ^ what do you think? | 13:23 |
lifeless | deryck: ^ you too, and I think I'll have enough confidence to say we should give this a spin | 13:24 |
mpt | lifeless, I tried "Internet doesn't work on Broadcom". It returned decent results (though I have no idea what they're missing), but took 25 seconds. | 13:24 |
deryck | lifeless, sorry, me too what? Search at ubuntu filebug on staging? | 13:25 |
lifeless | mpt: ok; please try again | 13:25 |
lifeless | deryck: yeah | 13:25 |
mtaylor | lifeless: ola | 13:25 |
lifeless | mpt: the search index appears to be very big, so not all fitting in memory on staging, which is tiny | 13:25 |
mpt | "wobbly windows flicker": ~8 seconds, decent results | 13:26 |
rockstar | lifeless, where are you physically? | 13:26 |
lifeless | rockstar: in my room for the moment | 13:26 |
lifeless | I'll be down shortly | 13:26 |
rockstar | lifeless, ack. | 13:26 |
* rockstar will be glad to go back to his desk tomorrow | 13:26 | |
lifeless | deryck: so this is a replacement pre-filter for bug searching | 13:27 |
lifeless | deryck: I haven't audited the full stack, but if we feel this is decent we might want to CP it to prod | 13:27 |
deryck | lifeless, yeah, pretty snappy response for me. 2-3 seconds on normal searches. Lots of words returns in 5-6 seconds for me. | 13:27 |
lifeless | deryck: does it feel comparable to prod for you, or better ? | 13:27 |
lifeless | [ignoring hardware] | 13:27 |
deryck | lifeless, better actually. | 13:28 |
lifeless | ok | 13:28 |
lifeless | I shall do the do | 13:28 |
lifeless | mthaddon: thanks, I'm finished with staging as a test env for this. | 13:28 |
mthaddon | k | 13:29 |
mpt | "install eclipse get unmet dependencies error": 13 seconds, and doesn't return bug 603656 at all. | 13:29 |
* rockstar wonders how to capture mpt in a test | 13:29 | |
lifeless | mpt: does it on production ? | 13:29 |
mpt | gnarrrrgh | 13:31 |
mpt | lifeless, I can't test on production without leaving the beta testers team. On edge, the same search gives me a timeout. | 13:32 |
lifeless | mpt: click the 'do not redirect me button' | 13:32 |
mpt | oh of course | 13:32 |
lifeless | mpt: if there isn't one, please (har har) file a bug because we should still show that even in a new ajax world | 13:32 |
mpt | I don't see that button any more | 13:32 |
mpt | It's supposed to be on right? | 13:33 |
lifeless | mmm | 13:33 |
lifeless | I thought so | 13:33 |
deryck | mpt, lifeless -- I believe it's a link in the footer now. | 13:33 |
wgrant | mpt: It's only shown on edge, and it's at the bottom. | 13:33 |
wgrant | And it's not on the front page. | 13:33 |
mpt | The footer for me is "© 2004-2010 Canonical Ltd. • Terms of use • Contact Launchpad Support • System status • Take our survey!" | 13:33 |
mpt | and on edge, "© 2004-2010 Canonical Ltd. • Terms of use • Contact Launchpad Support • System status • Take our survey! • r11179 beta site" | 13:33 |
mpt | oh, not on the front page | 13:34 |
wgrant | Right. | 13:34 |
wgrant | That would be too obvious :) | 13:34 |
mpt | The footer doesn't change on other pages for me | 13:34 |
lifeless | mpt: on the bug filing page | 13:34 |
mpt | oh, wait, THAT footer | 13:35 |
lifeless | bottom right, green | 13:35 |
wgrant | It's in the non-footer footer. | 13:35 |
wgrant | Right. | 13:35 |
lifeless | this is special :( | 13:35 |
mpt | The blue one as opposed to the white one | 13:35 |
* mtaylor remembers days when he did web programming... | 13:35 | |
lifeless | times out on prod for me too | 13:36 |
mpt | timeout for me too | 13:36 |
lifeless | so | 13:36 |
lifeless | prod does not show it either | 13:36 |
gary_poster | ack, barry, thanks for looking | 13:37 |
lifeless | mpt: thank you very much for playing with it; unless you say 'its a disaster' I'm going to move forward to get it on edge asap | 13:38 |
mpt | It's not a disaster | 13:38 |
mpt | afaict | 13:38 |
lifeless | deryck: your opinion? | 13:38 |
barry | gary_poster: np. i'd be interested if you track it down to a bug in python | 13:39 |
rockstar | lifeless, deryck's opinion may or may not involve comparisons to Windows 7, so tread carefully. | 13:39 |
deryck | lifeless, I say move forward on it. If timeouts don't happen on staging, we should be better on edge/prod too. | 13:39 |
deryck | yes, if it's better than windows 7 bitches, I'm all in! | 13:39 |
gary_poster | heh | 13:39 |
gary_poster | barry: cool. I dunno if I'll take it that far, but we'll see | 13:40 |
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-brb | ||
=== flacoste_afk is now known as flacoste | ||
lifeless | when do we set things 'fix committed' ? | 14:29 |
lifeless | ... do we set them to that ? | 14:29 |
rinze | lifeless: When the change lands but hasn't been deployed | 14:30 |
rinze | lifeless: Scripts will set them for us though | 14:30 |
wgrant | bigjools: Did you get around to the PPA log parser thing you were looking at a couple of weeks ago. | 14:32 |
bigjools | wgrant: not yet, sorry. The code and config is all in though, we just need to turn it on | 14:35 |
wgrant | bigjools: Even the row-limiting config? | 14:36 |
bigjools | yes | 14:37 |
wgrant | Excellent. | 14:43 |
bigjools | life would be so much easier if I could block new bugs on soyuz | 14:44 |
lifeless | tell you what | 14:44 |
lifeless | ship code with less bugs, less bugs will be filed ;) | 14:45 |
bigjools | Or I can use Jedi mind tricks. These aren't the bugs you're looking for. | 14:47 |
* bigjools waves hand | 14:47 | |
wgrant | Do the Jedi mind tricks involve LOSAs and DELETE FROM bugtask? | 14:48 |
lifeless | no | 14:49 |
lifeless | :) | 14:49 |
bigjools | uh what? Sorry, my mind had drifted to Princess Leia and 'that' outfit | 14:49 |
lifeless | a danish on each ear | 14:50 |
* mthaddon was picturing bacon on Leia's ears... | 14:50 | |
* bigjools just spurted a mouthful of coffee | 14:51 | |
lifeless | rotfl | 14:52 |
bigjools | mthaddon: I didn't know Jono was in Star Wars | 14:53 |
mtaylor | lifeless: really need one more bug status man | 14:54 |
mtaylor | lifeless: fix committed, fix merged and fix released... | 14:54 |
mtaylor | just saying | 14:54 |
lifeless | meh | 14:54 |
mtaylor | three different things, important to three different sets of people | 14:54 |
lifeless | less actually | 14:54 |
lifeless | overly precise is not always good | 14:55 |
lifeless | committed where, merged where, released where. | 14:55 |
mtaylor | indeed | 14:55 |
lifeless | really, we want 'done in context' and many contexts: more flexible, more power, nuke bugtasks too | 14:55 |
mtaylor | for that matter - what the hell does "committed" mean | 14:55 |
* lifeless handwaves furiously about stuff in deryck's domain | 14:55 | |
* deryck welcomes domain intrusion and hand-wavery | 14:56 | |
mtaylor | I just want to know: a) when there's a tree claiming to fix it on launchpad somewhere- when that has hit trunk, and when that has hit a "release" | 14:56 |
mtaylor | hrm | 14:56 |
mtaylor | I should have injected the b and the c there | 14:56 |
mtaylor | imagine them | 14:57 |
lifeless | sure | 14:57 |
lifeless | see, that fits my model better :P | 14:57 |
mtaylor | good | 14:57 |
lifeless | flacoste: btw, I'm changing how answers search works :P | 14:59 |
flacoste | lifeless: ok, why? | 15:02 |
lifeless | because its the cause of about 8 seconds overhead on searching bug dups | 15:04 |
lifeless | its doing work that the fti index should do | 15:04 |
lifeless | causing a scan of every bug, ever, in the context of the search | 15:04 |
lifeless | flacoste: the change shouldn't be very visible to users, based on some brief testing we did on staging. | 15:05 |
lifeless | flacoste: but if we do need to change the ranking we should do that at the tsearch2 layer | 15:05 |
flacoste | interesting | 15:06 |
flacoste | how a search within answers cause an 8 seconds overhead on search bug dups? | 15:07 |
lifeless | the nl_search code | 15:07 |
lifeless | common code path | 15:07 |
lifeless | its also causing timeouts in answers | 15:07 |
lifeless | flacoste: - the old code is kept so we can really easily reenable if we don't like this. | 15:08 |
flacoste | lifeless: ok, the quality of results will decrease significantly | 15:13 |
flacoste | but let the user determine that | 15:13 |
flacoste | the slow algorithm is based on MySQL implementation of full text search | 15:13 |
lifeless | flacoste: I'd like to iterate and make it better | 15:13 |
lifeless | yeah | 15:13 |
flacoste | which gives very good result | 15:13 |
flacoste | plain tsearch2 search sucks | 15:14 |
lifeless | so what it does to use is due to not using their entire implementation | 15:14 |
lifeless | s/use/us/ | 15:14 |
flacoste | which is fast :-) | 15:14 |
lifeless | we end up scanning every object in the context, across the board. | 15:14 |
lifeless | which is a lot of work | 15:14 |
lifeless | - 8 seconds on ubuntu, and growing: for a *single* term | 15:14 |
lifeless | when we have multiple terms, its worse. | 15:14 |
lifeless | because we're consulting the fti vector per-row | 15:15 |
lifeless | per-term | 15:15 |
lifeless | this is why multi term searches time out more than single term searches | 15:15 |
lifeless | I am proposing this as a band aid | 15:15 |
lifeless | get us some headroom | 15:15 |
flacoste | that's fine | 15:15 |
lifeless | and we'll either use tsearch2 better, or drop in an entirely dedicated search engine | 15:16 |
lifeless | great, thanks. | 15:16 |
lifeless | the replacement query, FWIW, is ~ 500ms on staging | 15:16 |
lifeless | (once disk IO is excluded) | 15:17 |
flacoste | and maybe tsearch2 ranking has gotten better over the year | 15:17 |
lifeless | stub says we haven't tuned it at all | 15:17 |
lifeless | you're meant to write your own rank function anyhow | 15:17 |
lifeless | flacoste: thanks; I'm going to focus on the landscape/server guys now for a bit | 15:18 |
deryck | gary_poster, ping | 15:36 |
gary_poster | deryck: pong | 15:36 |
jml | lifeless, not sure whether the 'tracer' discussion above got resolved | 15:50 |
jml | lifeless, there's code similar to what's in in lp/testing/, iirc. | 15:50 |
leonardr | poolie, iirc you said yesterday you were okay with the current implementation of if that's true, can you mark as approved? otherwise, comment with the change you want me to make | 16:07 |
lifeless | jml: neither am I :) | 16:10 |
jml | lifeless, ok. | 16:11 |
=== Ursinha-brb is now known as Ursinha | ||
lifeless | deryck: ping - bug 600934 | 16:21 |
_mup_ | Bug #600934: BugSubscription table need a constraint to prevent people being subscribed twice to the same bug <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad Bugs:Won't Fix by brian-murray> <> | 16:21 |
deryck | lifeless, yup. know it well. wasn't sure if we should have marked it won't fix, but haven't got back to it today yet. | 16:22 |
lifeless | deryck: seems to me that merging people should merge their subs too, no ? | 16:23 |
lifeless | the merge code is approachable; wearing my maintainablity / data hygiene hat - this is totally something we should fix | 16:24 |
deryck | lifeless, agree. But this wasn't was Brian was looking into, and sinzui seemed to suggest this was difficult to fix. | 16:25 |
lifeless | we wrote the code in the first place :) | 16:26 |
sinzui | lifeless, I have argued fixing merge for more than a year. The work is *always* considered out of scope | 16:26 |
lifeless | sinzui: we're agreed then that we should fix it. | 16:27 |
lifeless | sinzui: thats plenty for me; I know how scheduling works. If its considered really tricky, I'll happily mentor someone on it. | 16:27 |
sinzui | No one agrees it it is worth one cycle | 16:27 |
lifeless | its worth a couple of days, tops. | 16:27 |
deryck | sinzui, where does this code live in the tree? | 16:28 |
lifeless | less ~/Desktop/Downloads/signature.asc | 16:28 |
lifeless | bah | 16:28 |
sinzui | I have a script I am considering for a garbo job. to cleanup some of the data /after/ a merge. But the correct solution (and certainly assumed by brian's change) is to make merge an out of proc task that has a chance to succeed. eg, to take 27 patient tries to complete a merge of ~barry | 16:29 |
lifeless | sinzui: are we hitting write contention ? | 16:30 |
lifeless | merge should be an out of webapp thing *anyway* | 16:30 |
lifeless | the whole merge operation, I mean. | 16:30 |
sinzui | deryck, person merge...but keep in mind. We want to start new features, but we seem to be working on performance instead. | 16:30 |
lifeless | sinzui: in the eyes of our stakeholders, performance is as much a feature as anything else. | 16:30 |
sinzui | lifeless, There is too much work to do in a merge to happen in a single request. | 16:31 |
lifeless | sinzui: ack - agreed. Thus my comment that it shouldn't be done in the webapp transaction *anyway* | 16:31 |
sinzui | lifeless: I think everyone needs agree with what my team is working on, privacy, timeouts, or merge. | 16:31 |
lifeless | sinzui: I'm happy to consider the bug in question medium or even low priority | 16:32 |
lifeless | sinzui: I have no view on its urgency | 16:32 |
deryck | lifeless, sinzui -- so if we want the constraint bug kept around to track this, I'm fine, but I think it needs fixing up to generally represent this issue. | 16:32 |
lifeless | deryck: sounds good to me | 16:33 |
deryck | I also do think it's out of scope for our current subscription work, and would call it low priority for the bugs team, compared to everything else. | 16:33 |
lifeless | sinzui: we have the team leads call this evening and perhaps we can refine what we're doing in that call | 16:33 |
MTecknology | So... auto-fill for tags.. That's an awesome feature that never crossed my mind. | 16:34 |
sinzui | The bugs are reported every release, the questions are reasked. One issue is number 8 in bug heat: and then there is my old blueprint that gives a broader view of the issues: | 16:34 |
lifeless | sinzui: what does 8 in heat mean - is that high ? | 16:34 |
sinzui | It is the 8th item in heat | 16:34 |
lifeless | ok | 16:35 |
sinzui | karma bugs collectively dominate registry heat | 16:35 |
poolie | leonardr, do it! | 16:48 |
lifeless | flacoste: what is the mechanism for the call in 2 hours ? | 17:04 |
bigjools | lifeless: Francis' conf line | 17:07 |
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch | ||
* bigjools shoots and scores, new buildd-manager working on dogfood working like a champ | 17:28 | |
bigjools | jml: don't suppose you fancy reviewing it do you? I fear someone else would vomit at the horrendous twisted hacks. | 17:29 |
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] | ||
jml | bigjools, sure, but I won't get around to it today | 17:42 |
jml | bigjools, my mind feels like stale custard | 17:42 |
bigjools | jml: I wasn't expecting you to - thanks very much. Maybe we can mumble over it later this week. | 17:42 |
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away | ||
bigjools | jml: there's some dodgy tests that you might be able to help me make nicer | 17:43 |
* jml afk | 17:45 | |
poolie | jam, rockstar, hi, want to meet for dinner? | 18:25 |
rockstar | poolie, as long as I don't have to wait much longer. | 18:26 |
* rockstar is starvin' Marvin. | 18:26 | |
poolie | ready now if you are | 18:26 |
rockstar | poolie, lemme pack up then. | 18:26 |
poolie | i'd like to go to the place on the plaza near here | 18:26 |
poolie | the google reviews are good | 18:26 |
jam | poolie: certainly | 18:26 |
rockstar | poolie, sure, as long as it's fast. | 18:26 |
poolie | kk :) | 18:27 |
poolie | COME ON! WE HAVE A 5 SECOND TIME OUT! | 18:27 |
jam | poolie: see you in the lobby in about 5min | 18:28 |
poolie | great | 18:28 |
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck | ||
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno | ||
danilos | anyone remembers where's the documentation for those query counting functions (or at least what they are) that thumper introduced a while back? | 18:43 |
thumper | danilos: assertQueryCount I think | 18:49 |
danilos | thumper, thanks (damn missing -i option on my grepping exercise) | 18:50 |
danilos | thumper, though, I still can't find it being used anywhere | 18:51 |
thumper | danilos: I'm pretty sure it is used in some code tests | 18:52 |
danilos | thumper, that's what I was grepping, I guess it's just a long day | 18:53 |
thumper | danilos: assertStatementCount | 18:53 |
thumper | sorry | 18:53 |
danilos | thumper, right, just as I found it inside of lib/lp/testing :) | 18:53 |
danilos | thumper, np, we should probably move jtv's old query counter for +translate page to this as well | 18:55 |
thumper | yup | 18:55 |
danilos | thumper, or well, maybe not because that one counts them for the entire request being rendered | 18:56 |
rockstar | thumper, hi! | 19:33 |
m4n1sh | anyone here can help me with setting up launchpad? | 20:00 |
lifeless | !ask | 20:00 |
m4n1sh | i tried "make schema" | 20:01 |
lifeless | m4n1sh: just ask away, asking for a dedicated helper usually doesn't work in public channels ;) | 20:01 |
m4n1sh | Missing ./download-cache. | 20:01 |
m4n1sh | Developers: please run utilities/link-external-sourcecode. | 20:01 |
m4n1sh | make: *** [download-cache] Error 1 | 20:01 |
lifeless | have you followed the wiki pages on setting it up | 20:01 |
m4n1sh | on running | 20:01 |
m4n1sh | this page? right? | 20:01 |
lifeless | thats the second one | 20:01 |
lifeless | Getting is the first one | 20:01 |
m4n1sh | i got the edgde code | 20:02 |
m4n1sh | not devel | 20:02 |
m4n1sh | *edge | 20:02 |
lifeless | we don't use the edge code | 20:02 |
lifeless | we work on devel | 20:02 |
lifeless | please follow the 'getting' wiki page, you've skipped a lot of steps | 20:02 |
m4n1sh | oh crap | 20:03 |
m4n1sh | i missed so much | 20:03 |
m4n1sh | lifeless, thanks for pointing it out | 20:03 |
lifeless | np | 20:04 |
lifeless | thumper: hi | 20:16 |
lifeless | thumper: uhm, salgado I think it was, was mentioning that the branch listing page is still having trouble with things with lots of bugs linked, or something | 20:16 |
lifeless | its a little freaky to have windmill opening browser windows in my host os when running tests in my vm | 20:18 |
lifeless | just saying | 20:18 |
thumper | lifeless: file a bug with an oops id and I can check it out | 20:23 |
lifeless | thumper: I told him just that :) | 20:37 |
=== adiroiban is now known as Ow2 | ||
lifeless | rockstar: up still ? | 20:45 |
rockstar | lifeless, yes. | 20:51 |
lifeless | #lp-reviews, if you have time | 20:52 |
benji | anyone ever run into a pylint warning that can't be silenced? I added a # pylint: disable-msg=E0221 | 21:28 |
benji | ...and it's still complaining. | 21:28 |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away | ||
lifeless | I'm off to bed | 22:08 |
lifeless | gnight | 22:08 |
benji | night | 22:08 |
flacoste | poolie: i think you picked the bad branch to merge into, as your diff is huge | 22:11 |
poolie | i know! | 22:11 |
flacoste | poolie: that's on | 22:11 |
poolie | lifeless has just pointed that out | 22:11 |
lifeless | just think | 22:11 |
poolie | i know :) | 22:11 |
poolie | i actually realized myself | 22:11 |
lifeless | this *won't happen* anymore in about 6 weeks | 22:11 |
lifeless | or less. | 22:11 |
* lifeless is really gone. | 22:11 | |
poolie | never mind the length, feel the quality! | 22:12 |
benji | heh | 22:12 |
poolie | uh is this continuing fallout from people renaming branches? | 22:15 |
poolie | db-devel seems to be gone | 22:15 |
maxb | poolie: gone? | 22:24 |
wgrant | Hmm. | 23:18 |
* wgrant wonders why ShipIt hasn't been split out yet. | 23:18 | |
wgrant | Even if ISD can't be bothered rewriting it, it could surely just run on a separate DB with an old, static version of LP... | 23:19 |
benji | wgrant: it would help me if it were split out; I could fix two or three LP bugs by deleting data that LP doesn't use but ShipIt does | 23:19 |
wgrant | Then we could destroy Account, and safely remove stuff without having to check in history if ShipIt used it. | 23:20 |
* rinze waves to wgrant and benji | 23:21 | |
wgrant | Morning rinze. | 23:22 |
mwhudson | wgrant: just lack of tuits i think | 23:30 |
wgrant | When is the Lucid upgrade happening? | 23:47 |
wgrant | And is there any OCR happening this week, or should I seek out another reviewer? | 23:48 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-dinner | ||
rinze | wgrant: What sort of review do you need/ | 23:51 |
rinze | I mean, what kind of branch | 23:51 |
rinze | ? | 23:52 |
wgrant | rinze: It's a nascentupload branch. | 23:52 |
wgrant | bigjools has already approved the direction. | 23:52 |
rinze | wgrant: If nobody has done a review before European morning I'll do one. | 23:54 |
wgrant | rinze: Thanks, that would be great. | 23:55 |
wgrant | I have a whole stack of other branches on top of this one that I'd like to get landed this cycle. | 23:55 |
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