doctormo | Where is paultag, hmm, could do with his help./ | 00:00 |
doctormo | pleia2: This is what I was getting you to try last night: | 01:39 |
pleia2 | doctormo: ah, neat! | 01:49 |
nhandler | doctormo: That is cool. I didn't know about that tool | 02:12 |
nhandler | But I did find a neat app for my iPod touch that makes it easy to copy files between dropbox and gdocs ;) | 02:12 |
doctormo | nhandler: You might not have known about it because I made it last night? | 03:31 |
nhandler | doctormo: I thought you only made the gtk frontend to it and the video. Did you make the backend as well ? | 03:32 |
doctormo | nhandler: I fixed the backend, but by tool I assumed you meant front end. *sysadminfail* | 03:32 |
doctormo | :-D | 03:32 |
czajkowski | aloha | 11:11 |
jcastro | vish: nigelb: any new upstream contact people you think we can showcase? | 11:23 |
* jcastro has dreams of new heros | 11:24 | |
nigelb | jcastro: um.. not much | 11:35 |
nigelb | but may be you can showcase Rhonda's class :D | 11:35 |
nigelb | (improved debian and ubuntu cooperation, etc) | 11:35 |
jcastro | yeah, I'm just trying to finish off upstream contacts spec | 11:37 |
jcastro | heh | 11:37 |
czajkowski | jcastro: fun sprint | 11:46 |
* jcastro snickers | 11:47 | |
czajkowski | that fun | 11:50 |
sense | good afternoon | 11:56 |
czajkowski | sense: hey | 11:57 |
paultag | nigelb, poke | 12:19 |
nigelb | paultag: ouch | 12:20 |
nigelb | paultag: I need to stop out, talk to you later today | 12:20 |
paultag | nigelb, :) -- got a question fur you | 12:20 |
paultag | nigelb, indian LoCo, what's the status of that | 12:21 |
nigelb | paultag: as of now, still dead | 12:21 |
paultag | nigelb, poke me, I have afew questions | 12:21 |
dpm | jcastro, it was 2.30 | 14:07 |
duanedesign | morning all | 14:15 |
czajkowski | duanedesign: howdy | 14:33 |
popey | bah! | 14:33 |
popey | power outage at telehouse london | 14:33 |
=== popey_ is now known as popey | ||
akgraner | woo hoo! OSCON day 3 :-) | 15:10 |
sense | Having fun? | 15:11 |
jussi | right then. anyone got an ubuntu business blog? :D | 15:19 |
sense | jcastro: The GUADEC venue is a higher eductional institute, which means it is connected to the Dutch Academic Network. With the proper switches the up and down speed could be somwhere near 1 Gbit. | 15:21 |
sense | Which seems promising. :) | 15:21 |
jcastro | sense: I look forward to that! | 15:21 |
popey | jussi: I'm guessing AlanBell and Alan Lord might like to be included :) | 15:21 |
sense | jcastro: You'll see it won't work anyway, but still it's nice to know it should be possible. :) | 15:22 |
jcastro | heh | 15:22 |
jcastro | me resists making an academia joke | 15:22 |
sense | It isn't actually a university, it's just that the name 'university' in English isn't protected by law. Lets hope their network is better. :) | 15:23 |
dholbach | dpm: good work - super blog entry! | 15:34 |
sense | +1 | 15:35 |
dpm | dholbach, thanks!, I hope it is, you know best how much time it took to prepare :) | 15:35 |
czajkowski | ok we have the CC | 16:52 |
czajkowski | LC | 16:52 |
czajkowski | IRCC | 16:52 |
czajkowski | Forums Council | 16:52 |
czajkowski | any other commuhnity contacts I'm missing | 16:52 |
popey | RMB | 16:52 |
popey | DMB | 16:53 |
czajkowski | danke | 16:53 |
popey | tech board | 16:53 |
nigelb | kubuntu and edubuntu council | 16:53 |
czajkowski | do they come under community ? | 16:53 |
popey | define "community" | 16:54 |
popey | without context it's hard to know | 16:54 |
czajkowski | Ubuntu community updating a community contacts page | 16:54 |
popey | they are all part of the community | 16:54 |
czajkowski | is the technical board different from the DMB ? I realise I may get shot for asking | 16:55 |
popey | yes | 16:56 |
czajkowski | | 16:56 |
czajkowski | updating this page | 16:56 |
czajkowski | The DMB is responsible for reviewing and approving new Ubuntu developers, meeting for about an hour once a fortnight. Candidates should be Ubuntu developers themselves, and should be well qualified to evaluate prospective Ubuntu developers and decide when to entrust them with developer privileges. | 17:10 |
czajkowski | is there a wiki page or a public email address? | 17:10 |
nigelb | | 17:11 |
nigelb | | 17:11 |
nigelb | czajkowski: ^ | 17:11 |
czajkowski | nigelb: thanks | 17:11 |
nigelb | czajkowski: announcement for the open spot on dmb? | 17:11 |
czajkowski | yup | 17:11 |
czajkowski | but googling doesnt give you the wiki page :( | 17:11 |
nigelb | heh, no | 17:12 |
nigelb | its relatively new | 17:12 |
czajkowski | maco2: ping | 17:25 |
czajkowski | maco: ping | 17:26 |
nigelb | heh | 17:26 |
maco | czajkowski: pong | 17:26 |
nigelb | can the real maco please raise her hand :p | 17:26 |
czajkowski | maco: I'm looking for a wiki page or info on the kubuntu council | 17:26 |
czajkowski | but it's not linked from the kubuntu wiki page | 17:26 |
czajkowski | glad it's not just me who can't find it | 17:28 |
nigelb | I like the way they function though | 17:29 |
nigelb | its more close knit than our subgroups that we have in ubuntu | 17:30 |
nigelb | s/our/other | 17:30 |
maco | czajkowski: best i can do | 17:30 |
czajkowski | so does a council change per cycle ? and you create a lp team for it ? | 17:31 |
maco | theres also a Gutsy page and an Intrepid page | 17:31 |
maco | it changes each year | 17:31 |
maco | 3 people expire each year | 17:31 |
czajkowski | maco: it's for this wiki page | 17:31 |
maco | and are elected for 2 year terms | 17:31 |
maco | it says on the wiki page i linked | 17:32 |
czajkowski | I'd rather not have to have someoe update the wiki page every year as that's what happened and the page wsn't kept up to date | 17:32 |
czajkowski | jono: ping! | 17:32 |
pleia2 | I don't think there is a kubuntu council wiki page, just lp and their by-cycle changes pages (like maco linked) | 17:33 |
maco | given the age of the kubuntu council team in lp, it looks like the council has been around longer than the matching lp team | 17:33 |
nigelb | lp team | 17:33 |
czajkowski | aye | 17:33 |
czajkowski | perhaps if I just link to | 17:34 |
czajkowski | which may make more sense | 17:34 |
maco | pleia2: which are basically just team reports | 17:34 |
* pleia2 nods | 17:34 | |
nigelb | maco: btw, the meeting page hasn't been updated since last meeting I think | 17:35 |
maco | nigelb: what meeting page? | 17:35 |
nigelb | | 17:35 |
nigelb | oh, wait, better tell in kubuntu-devel | 17:35 |
maco | yeah | 17:35 |
maco | im not on the KC ;-) | 17:35 |
nigelb | haha | 17:36 |
nigelb | though you should be, with the amount of converts you're getting :D | 17:36 |
doctormo | morning nigelb | 17:59 |
vish | hrm , that doesnt sound nice :s <maco> 3 people expire each year | 18:16 |
vish | ;p | 18:16 |
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage | ||
duanedesign | vish: the 100 papersuts sticky has 542 views! :) | 18:42 |
duanedesign | s/papersuts/papercuts | 18:42 |
vish | duanedesign: yay! , hopefully alteast a few of them fix a few bugs :D | 18:43 |
duanedesign | vish: yeah, i imagine you have more than enough suggestions | 18:44 |
vish | duanedesign: yup , often off-topic too , similar to the off-topic comments on the post :D | 18:47 |
duanedesign | vish: yeah. i tried to stress the importance of knowing what a paercut actually is | 18:52 |
duanedesign | or at least provid the links to davidseigels blog posts about that | 18:53 |
vish | duanedesign: yeah , was a good post | 18:53 |
vish | duanedesign: how do you deal with posts on the forums? seems like a daunting task , where comments can wander off completely off-topic.. | 18:54 |
duanedesign | vish: yeah you can see one of the staff members came in and tried to get it back on track | 18:57 |
duanedesign | vish: usually we just politely try and steer the conversation back on topicv | 18:58 |
duanedesign | but it really just depends. Sometimes less is more. If the OP is engaged in the conversation i try to leave it alone. If someone else comees in and steers the thread a completely different direction and the OP has abandoned the thread | 18:59 |
duanedesign | then I will try and get it back on course | 18:59 |
vish | duanedesign: not much gets blogged about the forums on the planet.. i'm not sure when was the last time i heard about it on the planet.. | 19:01 |
vish | maybe some interesting posts by a user.. or something.. we could probably steer some conversation from blogs/bugs to forums.. | 19:02 |
duanedesign | vish: thats a really good point | 19:02 |
duanedesign | i will mention that to the other forum staff. The forums could more to let people know about the goings on | 19:06 |
vish | neat! | 19:07 |
duanedesign | on thing that jumps to mind is the 'Beginners Programming Challenge' on the forums. A really neat 'contest' where you program solutions to problems presented by the previous months winner | 19:07 |
duanedesign | not a lot of people know about it and other activities on the forums above and beyond the great suport that happens | 19:09 |
vish | ooh, first time I'm hearing about it as well.. | 19:09 |
duanedesign | The beginners programming challenge is fun. Takes me out of my comfort zone. forces me to solve problems i might not otherwise. If you are experienced you can still participate just use a language that you dont know well | 19:10 |
duanedesign | | 19:22 |
nhandler | doctormo: Looks like lifehacker once again messed up a story. They are giving you credit for the application that mounts gdocs, not just the frontend: | 19:26 |
paultag | oh noes | 19:34 |
paultag | nhandler, did you email him? | 19:34 |
nhandler | paultag: Who? | 19:34 |
paultag | nhandler, | 19:34 |
nhandler | paultag: Nah. I'll leave a comment though. | 19:35 |
nhandler | Commented | 19:37 |
jussi | what a great week this is!!! | 21:25 |
czajkowski | jussi: just the person | 21:25 |
jussi | :D | 21:25 |
czajkowski | :D | 21:25 |
czajkowski | we need to work on action items :D | 21:25 |
jussi | czajkowski: Im not actually here till next week | 21:25 |
jussi | so please email me | 21:25 |
czajkowski | ok | 21:26 |
* jussi is having a bit of a break with the house and wedding etc | 21:26 | |
jussi | czajkowski: however, emails tend to get actioned as I can usually do stuff in those moments where Ive got one | 21:26 |
czajkowski | nods | 21:27 |
* vish wonders ... is sense ' new name change triggering all these thought provoking post | 22:00 | |
czajkowski | hehehe | 22:00 |
sense | vish: Nah, it may be the holidays. :) Although it could have been encouraged by my blog redesign that followed my name change. :) | 22:00 |
sense | czajkowski: Last comment on my "multilingual Planet Ubuntu" post: "This post and your excellent previous post show something interesting. In the previous post, most comments were about being tolerant to non-native English speakers. In this new post, when it comes to something more concrete, most comments are in favor of using English only. There is something to think about here." It sure makes me think more positive about multilingual con | 22:02 |
sense | tent. What you? | 22:02 |
vish | sense: if you are gonna be doing that , you should probably think about tagging the blog titles , about the language.. | 22:06 |
sense | vish: You mean translating? | 22:07 |
sense | or multilingual planets? | 22:07 |
vish | well , having a translation would be great.. | 22:07 |
vish | sense: there was a topic in the local lug here and the readers got frustrated when non-english mail was being sent to the ML | 22:07 |
sense | vish: There were comments suggesting to allow people to filter content on language. Say, by default all languages are shown, but you can select, and the feed would use or something like that | 22:07 |
vish | sense: oh! | 22:08 |
sense | Of course people also have to learn to tolerate other languages. | 22:08 |
vish | sense: nah , the language was the local language ! but still they got frustrated! ;) so they decided to tag mails [language] | 22:09 |
sense | That sounds like a sane solution and a demonstration that it is possible. | 22:09 |
sense | People are just too used to English being the dominant language, and people don't like change. | 22:09 |
vish | sense: but that idea will make me *not* view the multilungual posts | 22:10 |
vish | i mean the idea in your comments^ | 22:10 |
sense | But it would a) enable people who do want to read multiple languages to do so b) solve the imparity on the planet, which now seems to favour English over other languages, despite Ubuntu being an international community. | 22:10 |
vish | sense: i like the idea of multilungual post... by default we should allow , the filters need to be a secondary choice, IMO | 22:12 |
sense | yes | 22:12 |
sense | Planet Ubuntu is a portal to the community, a community which is diverse. It should reflect that. | 22:12 |
vish | sense: probably if there were [language] tags in the titles , and the blog had pretty interesting pictures , i'd be enticed to use google translate | 22:12 |
sense | seems to be using something like that already. | 22:13 |
vish | ah , it has global , and the rest.. | 22:14 |
sense | yes | 22:15 |
vish | hehe , indonesian seems to have only 2guys blogging! ;p | 22:17 |
vish | probably doesnt need a separate category :D | 22:17 |
sense | Just get more bloggers! :) | 22:19 |
vish | sense: we can see jimmac's touch in the site ;) , you have access to downloads and bugzilla from the same place and it is not intrusive! | 22:19 |
sense | vish: Who's jimmac? | 22:20 |
vish | sense: | 22:21 |
vish | sense: he just now switched to redhat though | 22:21 |
sense | ah | 22:22 |
sense | I'm shutting down, good night everyone! | 22:29 |
czajkowski | | 22:39 |
doctormo | czajkowski: nice, :-) I'm hoping to get 25 referals so I can get the coveted silver medal :-P | 22:43 |
doctormo | paultag: Got 1,000 hits on my blog from life hacker today, nice coverage. | 22:44 |
paultag | doctormo, saw that | 22:44 |
pleia2 | nice | 22:44 |
czajkowski | I've forgotten to use the referral link | 22:44 |
czajkowski | but all I want to see happen is we get to 100% | 22:44 |
doctormo | czajkowski: Yes of course. | 22:47 |
doctormo | paultag: It's one of those topsey turvy kinda deals with this gdocs thing, I spent 1 day doing the app and 1 day sorting out a problem with launchpad ppa submissions and I get more press coverage than any of my artwork or other more interesting blog entries. | 22:48 |
pleia2 | ah, the internet | 22:49 |
pleia2 | I got boingboinged and gizmodoed for *buying* a $4 pink ethernet cable | 22:50 |
pleia2 | and blogging about it | 22:50 |
pleia2 | it's probably the least impressive thing I've done all year :) | 22:50 |
czajkowski | oh if anyone decides to rant at me on my blog they were be politely ignored | 22:52 |
czajkowski | not in the mood for being ranted at | 22:52 |
czajkowski | tonight is sit back and watch some bones | 22:52 |
czajkowski | I've filled enought inboxes with emails to sit back and relax | 22:52 |
* AlanBell rants on the czajkowskiblog | 22:55 | |
czajkowski | :) | 22:57 |
pleia2 | I just started watching bones from the first episode the other night, fun show, lousy to watch while eating though | 22:58 |
czajkowski | I am ADDICTED to it | 22:58 |
czajkowski | got my sister on it also | 22:58 |
czajkowski | so while we're waiting for the new season we're rewatching from season 1 | 22:59 |
pleia2 | nice :) | 23:00 |
czajkowski | yup | 23:01 |
czajkowski | season 3 is our favourite though | 23:01 |
doctormo | I'm watching teen titans at the moment, onto season 3 now. | 23:09 |
Pendulum | pleia2: I've only had a few moments when eating was an issue with Bones | 23:16 |
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