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jmg | damn | 02:03 |
jmg | who was the security guy that was helping me with openssl last night | 02:03 |
jmg | nick started with m | 02:03 |
ajmitch | mdeslaur? | 02:04 |
jmg | ya thats him | 02:05 |
jmg | thanks | 02:05 |
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achiang | hm. i'm modifying a package that's using debian 3.0 format. i made a simple change to a file in the debian/ directory. i then prepared it for upload with debuild -S -sa -I -i. examining the diff between the two .dsc files, the changes are huge because it seems like the patches were applied before taking the diff... | 02:23 |
achiang | does that seem right? | 02:23 |
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jmg | whoa | 03:52 |
jmg | is jjohansen dvdjon? | 03:52 |
soren | No. | 03:56 |
jmg | is anyone aware of an openssl 1.0.0 experimental package? | 04:35 |
micahg | jmg: debian bug 578376, you can subscribe to find out when it's released to experimental | 04:39 |
ubottu | Debian bug 578376 in openssl "openssl: OpenSSL 1.0.0 is out" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/578376 | 04:39 |
jmg | thats a shame | 04:43 |
jmg | i need it for my project | 04:44 |
achiang | hm, if i pass boot=casper, does that mean that scripts in init-* aren't executed? | 05:15 |
achiang | because that's what i'm noticing... | 05:15 |
achiang | hm, maybe that's not true. removing 'quiet' from the cmdline, i can see the debug output from init, and we're definitely doing the stuff in init-* | 05:22 |
achiang | interesting. so if i say console=tty5, e.g. then i don't see the plymouth splash screen | 05:25 |
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pitti | Good morning | 07:40 |
* LucidFox waves | 07:41 | |
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diwic | pitti, Good morning. Btw, are you in Prague? | 07:52 |
pitti | diwic: hey, how are you? Yes, I am | 07:53 |
diwic | pitti, I'm fine, how are you? I should probably say hello to you some time. | 07:54 |
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diwic | pitti, I have no idea of how you look like though, so it might be hard to find you. | 07:56 |
pitti | diwic: I'll head over to the plenary room in 2 mins; I wear beige short trousers and a blue collared shirt, and sandals :) | 07:57 |
pitti | (sounds like a blind date) | 07:57 |
diwic | pitti, :-) I'm wearing a blue LAC t-shirt today. | 07:58 |
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kees | jcastro: http://people.canonical.com/~kees/search-eggtrayicon.txt for mpt | 11:02 |
jcastro | kees: awesome, I'll put it on the wiki | 11:03 |
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bigon | In dmesg You have old & broken userspace please consider updating mesa << is that know or should I open a bug? | 12:50 |
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dupondje | Why is PHP5 not on the MoM ? :) | 13:18 |
ScottK | pitti, jdong, someone in ubuntu-sru: Would you please look at 569879 (xorg-server - it's in the queue). It's marked for 10.04.1, so I'd really like to get it accepted so it can get tested. | 13:30 |
devfil | ScottK, ok | 13:32 |
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mathiaz | lifeless: hi! | 13:34 |
mathiaz | lifeless: I'm trying to merge the puppet branch from experimental and run into the following error: | 13:34 |
ScottK | devfil: Thanks. | 13:34 |
mathiaz | lifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/466976/ | 13:35 |
lifeless | mathiaz: please grab jam, hes in the main room | 13:35 |
mathiaz | lifeless: ok | 13:35 |
lifeless | jam: ^ | 13:35 |
jam | mathiaz: I'm in the community room right now, where are you? | 13:36 |
mathiaz | jam: walking over to your room | 13:36 |
pitti | ScottK, devfil: accepted, thanks | 13:38 |
ScottK | pitti: Thanks. | 13:38 |
pitti | I saw the message on other systems as well, but it doesn't seem to cause crashes there | 13:38 |
doko | apw, slangasek: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ppa/+packages (gcc-4.4-fsf), providing a `kgcc' binary | 13:39 |
ScottK | doko: How's it looking to get the Linaro changes into Maverick? | 13:39 |
slangasek | doko: oh, er, I didn't understand that you were intending this as the workaround for the current issue - I don't want to encourage the kernel team to futz around with a different toolchain for a short-term problem when we're already in the process of regression-testing images resulting from the test rebuild | 13:40 |
cjwatson | not so much a different toolchain as the same one they were previously using | 13:41 |
doko | and builds as multilibbed locally here too | 13:42 |
cjwatson | and while it's short-term in some sense, it unblocks us wrt the (non-linaro) arm team's concerns | 13:42 |
slangasek | cjwatson: which is what I understood I was killing my day trying to get an image generated for? | 13:53 |
mathiaz | james_w: hi - I ran into the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/466976/ | 14:08 |
mathiaz | james_w: and fixed the conflicts | 14:08 |
mathiaz | james_w: what commit message should I use now? | 14:08 |
mathiaz | james_w: should I run bzr ci -m "Merge upstream." | 14:08 |
mathiaz | james_w: ? | 14:08 |
tumbleweed | mathiaz: bzr resolved | 14:10 |
mathiaz | tumbleweed: I've already done that | 14:10 |
mathiaz | tumbleweed: now I wonder if I do bzr ci or bzr merge-package | 14:11 |
tumbleweed | mathiaz: the message says: Please resolve these, commit and re-run the "merge-package" command to finish | 14:11 |
bigon | any idea why xulrunner-1.9.2 pkg configure get stuck in pbuilder ? seems blocked at /usr/lib/xulrunner- --gre-version | 14:12 |
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tkamppeter | pitti, hi | 14:47 |
pitti | hello tkamppeter | 14:47 |
tkamppeter | It is about my 3 SRUs, you did not move them to -proposed in yesterday's SRU run. | 14:48 |
tkamppeter | pitti, could you do so so that we can get them into 10.04.1? | 14:49 |
pitti | tkamppeter: see robbiew's announcement, we need to freeze the SRU queue for the 10.04.1 prep | 14:49 |
tkamppeter | pitti, so I should tell the users to wait 2 or 3 weeks until 10.04.1 is out? | 14:49 |
pitti | more like 2 | 14:51 |
tkamppeter | pitti, one could at least put them into -proposed so that the users get a working system, the final pass to put them into -updates one could do after 10.04.1. WDYT? | 14:51 |
pitti | tkamppeter: that's the problem, we actually need to freeze -proposed | 14:51 |
tkamppeter | pitti, so I should perhaps bridge the freeze via my PPA, simply to satisfy the users? | 14:52 |
pitti | tkamppeter: sounds great | 14:53 |
tkamppeter | pitti, I have an improvement suggestion: SRU freezes should be marked in the release schedule plans and announced by e-mail sometimes before, so that developers can better plan their time instead of creating new SRUs in the beginning of SRU freeze. | 14:54 |
pitti | tkamppeter: right; in fact the entire 10.04.1 process has been quite sloppy so far, since we don't currently have a release manager | 14:54 |
pitti | it'll get better from August on, when we have one again | 14:55 |
zul | pitti: i pushed the mysql sru fyi | 15:03 |
pitti | zul: ah, thanks | 15:04 |
tkamppeter | pitti, I hope the 10.04.1 will at least be held back until a solution for bug 554172 gets found. | 15:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 554172 in linux (Ubuntu) "CUPS and other system services not starting at boot" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/554172 | 15:07 |
pitti | tkamppeter: no, it won't; if we don't have a patch for a problem right now, we won't include it into .1 | 15:07 |
pitti | zul: can you please upload to maverick, too? | 15:09 |
tkamppeter | pitti, so the LTS will probably have to live with it as upstart's architecture is a mis-concept, only solvable with highly invasive changes which one cannot apply as SRU? | 15:09 |
pitti | it's not a mis-concept; we still don't know why it fails on those machines | 15:09 |
zul | pitti: i already have | 15:09 |
pitti | zul: ah, the maverick task is still open | 15:09 |
pitti | tkamppeter: I don't remember any more, do we know whether other rc2.d/ scripts run? | 15:10 |
smoser | cjwatson, ok. you have a minute ? | 15:13 |
tkamppeter | pitti, AFAIK the problem is that the script to initiate running old System V startup scripts and the startup scripts itself need /dev/console, and very often this script already starts when /dev/console is not yet writable. What has to be done is to make a task waiting for /dev/console getting ready and making the task for starting the legacy scripts depending on the /dev/console task. | 15:13 |
pitti | tkamppeter: sounds weird (since /dev/console should already be there at initramfs time), but it shuold be easy to make /etc/init/rc.conf wait on that | 15:15 |
ScottK | tkamppeter: There will be a 10.04.2. | 15:15 |
pitti | and -updates, too | 15:15 |
ScottK | Yep. | 15:15 |
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lifeless | mdz: where is this QA thing? | 15:47 |
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doko | apw: gcc-4.4 package available in the ubuntu-toolchain ppa | 16:27 |
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Synthead | is this the right channel if I need help making a .deb? | 16:40 |
micahg | Synthead: try #ubuntu-packaging | 16:41 |
Synthead | thanks :) | 16:41 |
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dupondje | Why is PHP5 not on the MoM ? There is a newer version in debian, but seems not listed | 17:18 |
micahg | dupondje: it should be there | 17:19 |
dupondje | its not :) | 17:19 |
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micahg | dupondje: it'll probably show up soon | 17:21 |
dupondje | its really a requirement to get the new version in ubuntu | 17:21 |
dupondje | should even be SRU'ed | 17:22 |
dupondje | fixing memory leaks and other shizzle :) | 17:22 |
micahg | dupondje: php SRUs are no easy matter, you should talk to the server team though if you think it's a priority | 17:23 |
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failshell | hello. i was wondering how you guys handle the different branches of ubuntu when you build packages. i use pbuilder to build them, but i always have to edit debian/changelog manually for either hardy or lucid. is there a way to have this done automatically by pbuilder instead of doing with dch? | 18:43 |
failshell | do you have build machines for each branch? | 18:43 |
vish | hi, are there no -dbgsym packages in maverick? | 20:59 |
vish | there seems to be only one pkg-create-dbgsym | 20:59 |
vish | rest seem missing.. or have they been moved? | 20:59 |
vish | need a replacement for libcamel1.2-14-dbgsym , in maverick , there is no -dbg for that one.. | 21:00 |
geser | vish: what's wrong with the ddebs for it from http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/e/evolution-data-server/? | 21:05 |
vish | geser: hmm , I'm trying it in a VM and it doesnt find it.. there seem to be only 1386 and amd64 packages.. | 21:07 |
vish | VM maverick.. | 21:07 |
geser | and you need which architecture? | 21:08 |
vish | genii: shouldnt the i386 work for a VM? | 21:09 |
geser | vish: if you VM is a i386 one then they should work | 21:09 |
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vish | geser: hmm , oops , it was just synaptic being odd here! | 21:20 |
vish | it is not able to search , but when i scrolled it is there.. | 21:20 |
vish | heh , should have stuck with apt-get ;p | 21:21 |
vish | geser: thanks! | 21:21 |
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Chipaca | Hi all. I've got a debdiff that fixes #608341 ; who can I pester to sponsor the upload? | 21:41 |
tumbleweed | Chipaca: you subscribe ubuntu-sponsors | 21:41 |
Chipaca | tumbleweed: done. | 21:43 |
Chipaca | *now* who can I pester to sponsor the upload? :) | 21:44 |
Chipaca | the bug makes the package uninstallable, so I'd like to get it out there soonest | 21:44 |
tumbleweed | it's main, good luck :P | 21:44 |
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Chipaca | repeating, just for luck before I head on out | 22:21 |
Chipaca | I've got a debdiff that fixes #608341 ; upload plz :) | 22:21 |
tumbleweed | Chipaca: it helps to get attention if you give the bug number in a form that ubottu understands | 22:23 |
beuno | bug 608341 | 22:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 608341 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store (Ubuntu) "package rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store 0.1.1-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608341 | 22:23 |
tumbleweed | that way the "Critical" stands out :) | 22:23 |
micahg | Chipaca: an in progress bug won't get sponsored | 22:26 |
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