godbyk | w00t! I have electricity at home again! I have rejoined the civilized world. | 00:10 |
daker | godbyk, <thorwil> godbyk-sagan: http://www.behance.net/gallery/Getting-Started-with-Ubuntu-10_04-Title-Page/588233 | 00:11 |
godbyk | daker: Thanks. I saw that a bit earlier. | 00:12 |
godbyk | thorwil disappeared before I could respond, though. :) | 00:12 |
godbyk | daker: Did the website ever update like you expected it to? | 00:12 |
daker | should ask infosoft | 00:13 |
daker | infosoft, is the translations oki on the website ? | 00:13 |
infosoft | I'll check now. | 00:28 |
daker | ooki | 00:29 |
infosoft | It seems good. I thought there was going to be released new design. Translations are good (I'm kinda grammar and constant style maniac and that means usually I don't make much mistakes :) ) | 00:31 |
daker | good | 00:32 |
daker | thanks for what you have done | 00:32 |
infosoft | I mean my native language. My English skills are ... not well enough. I understand everything but it's sometimes hard to express something in that language :D | 00:33 |
godbyk | Heh.. it's hard for us native English speakers to express things in the language sometimes! :) | 00:36 |
infosoft | Interesting... "Heh" can be translated as "ech" :D | 00:38 |
infosoft | I mean sometimes I use this expression. | 00:38 |
infosoft | But not in the manual, of course. :) | 00:39 |
daker | hi humphreybc | 02:39 |
daker | https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-arabic-manual | 02:39 |
humphreybc | daker! | 02:39 |
humphreybc | cool, explain? | 02:39 |
daker | we will create a team that will maintain the arabic translation | 02:40 |
daker | for the manual | 02:40 |
daker | for each version | 02:40 |
daker | i'll try to find about 20 person from the arabic loco team | 02:41 |
humphreybc | nice | 02:42 |
daker | there are replies from people interested | 02:42 |
humphreybc | sweet as | 02:43 |
humphreybc | did you get my email with the psd files? | 02:44 |
daker | yes | 02:44 |
daker | actually i have some work to do for the university | 02:44 |
humphreybc | no problem | 02:45 |
humphreybc | there isn't a huge rush :) | 02:45 |
humphreybc | real life is important too haha | 02:45 |
daker | i'll will start in august | 02:45 |
humphreybc | :) | 02:48 |
humphreybc | you're a legend daker | 02:48 |
daker | so write something for me if you want | 02:50 |
daker | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdnaneBelmadiaf | 02:50 |
humphreybc | daker: sure thing, I'll make a memo to do so soon | 02:54 |
daker | humphreybc, thanks :D | 02:56 |
daker | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperationCleansweep | 02:57 |
daker | ooups | 03:00 |
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj | ||
daker | http://whichloadsfaster.com/?l=ubuntu-manual.org/&r=www.ubuntu.com | 14:26 |
daker | a cool apps | 14:26 |
daker | godbyk, ping | 14:37 |
mhall119 | godbyk: daker says ubuntu-manual is/was hosted with dreamhost | 14:37 |
mhall119 | I was wondering if you thought they were a good host, or if you had any problems with them | 14:38 |
=== popey_ is now known as popey | ||
flan | Moving almost done! | 17:58 |
flan | I'll be able to write code again soon! | 17:58 |
flan | And, y'know, become undead. Like a zombie. Rather than just a lurker. | 17:58 |
nisshh | flan: hehe | 17:59 |
flan | It's been tough. :( | 18:00 |
nisshh | flan: moving country or just area? | 18:01 |
flan | Just within the city. | 18:01 |
flan | But delays keep happening. | 18:01 |
nisshh | right | 18:01 |
flan | I don't think I've even said anything in here in a week. | 18:17 |
=== topo is now known as Guest82838 | ||
c7p | hellow world | 20:40 |
godbyk | Hey, c7p. | 20:44 |
godbyk | Do you know of any remaining bugs in the Greek edition? | 20:44 |
c7p | hey godbyk :) | 20:44 |
c7p | nope, do you ? | 20:44 |
godbyk | Or shall I push the big green button tonight? | 20:44 |
godbyk | None that I know of, though I'm sure we'll find plenty after it's been published. ;-) | 20:45 |
c7p | actually send me the final pdf to check it for sure | 20:45 |
c7p | xD surelly :P | 20:45 |
godbyk | Sure thing. | 20:45 |
godbyk | c7p: Have you proofed thorwil's wrap-around cover? | 20:47 |
c7p | yes | 20:47 |
thorwil | would be great to finally have a translation done an out there :) | 20:47 |
godbyk | thorwil: I agree. | 20:48 |
c7p | i agree too | 20:48 |
godbyk | I think the German translation is next on the list. | 20:49 |
godbyk | I haven't heard from any of the other translation editors, so I don't know about the progress on other translations. | 20:49 |
c7p | from what i see in Galician and Spanish the translation is also completed, maybe a mail on the mailing list will motivate someone with proper knowledge to become editor | 20:52 |
godbyk | Yeah, I'll send out an email soon asking for updates. | 20:52 |
c7p | ok, I'll be back in a few mins | 20:55 |
c7p | godbyk: will you send me the pdf today or I'm waiting it for tomorrow ? | 20:55 |
godbyk | c7p: Uploading now. | 20:57 |
godbyk | They will be at http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-el-print.pdf and http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/ubuntu-manual-el-screen.pdf | 20:57 |
godbyk | It's uploading the second pdf now. | 20:58 |
godbyk | Okay, both PDFs have been uploaded now. | 20:58 |
godbyk | c7p: Just let me know on irc or email if there are any bugs or if we're good to go. | 20:58 |
godbyk | I'll have to upload the print version to lulu.com and then update the url on the copyright page of the screen version (to point to the lulu.com url). | 20:59 |
godbyk | But that'll be the only change I make. | 20:59 |
c7p | back | 21:11 |
c7p | i'm checking both pdfs now | 21:11 |
thorwil | good night! :) | 21:12 |
c7p | godbyk: hmm ... on index i found "Apt" and "apt" entries, should they become one entry ? | 21:20 |
c7p | the pdf screen is ok | 21:24 |
godbyk | I'm back now. | 21:29 |
godbyk | c7p: Probably, yeah. | 21:29 |
c7p | ok, and one more question | 21:29 |
c7p | on the printed edition of the manual, how can one understand that the word/term that he is reading (e.g server) is explained on the glossary ? | 21:29 |
godbyk | You'll have to search the .tex file for something like \commandlineapp{Apt} and change it. | 21:30 |
godbyk | c7p: They can't. | 21:30 |
c7p | ok thx | 21:30 |
godbyk | Most of the terms are explained in the text. The glossary is more for quick lookups. | 21:31 |
c7p | yes from \commandlineapp{Apt} to \commandlineapp{apt} | 21:31 |
godbyk | (I'd like there to be a lot more glossary entries in the future, but that'll be for the Maverick edition, maybe.) | 21:31 |
c7p | yeah you're right | 21:31 |
c7p | great, that would definitely help newcomers | 21:31 |
c7p | the tex file is the one i have on my local pc ? or should i download it ? | 21:32 |
godbyk | I just committed a couple minor fixes (that don't affect the appearance). So you'd best grab the latest ubuntu-manual-el.tex from the repository. | 21:33 |
c7p | ok | 21:33 |
infosoft | It might be useful to add section "Main Terms" in ubuntu-manual.org :) | 21:33 |
c7p | godbyk: ok done, who can push it on repo ? | 21:35 |
godbyk | I can if you want to email it to me. | 21:36 |
c7p | ok thank you, message sent | 21:38 |
c7p | put the lulu link at place, build the manual, press the green button and we are ready to party :P | 21:40 |
godbyk | cool | 21:41 |
godbyk | will do. | 21:41 |
godbyk | c7p: New PDFs are up. Same place. | 21:50 |
c7p | should I recheck them ? | 21:51 |
godbyk | sure. at least for your apt bug | 21:51 |
c7p | it's ok you can go on | 21:53 |
godbyk | 'kay | 21:55 |
daker | jenkins, are you around ? | 21:56 |
jenkins | daker: Hello | 21:56 |
daker | hi | 21:56 |
daker | PM | 21:56 |
jenkins | sure go for it | 21:57 |
jenkins | infosoft: what was that latex link you gave me? | 22:11 |
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj | ||
godbyk | daker: you still around? | 22:25 |
daker | godbyk, yep | 22:37 |
godbyk | daker: cool. we should be ready to publish the greek edition in just a few minutes. | 22:37 |
godbyk | do you have time to hang around and help us get it on the website? | 22:37 |
godbyk | c7p: is the greek translation of the website up to par? | 22:38 |
c7p | par ? | 22:38 |
godbyk | are the translations okay (up-to-date, correct, etc.)? | 22:39 |
c7p | yap from what i remember | 22:41 |
c7p | but I'm not sure if the lattest translations are loaded on site | 22:41 |
godbyk | May be a good time to check. (Before we start sending all the Greeks to the site.) :-) | 22:42 |
daker | godbyk, sure | 22:43 |
daker | do we still it's e1 or e2 ? | 22:43 |
daker | it's e1 or e2 ? | 22:43 |
godbyk | daker: It's the first edition of the Greek translation. | 22:44 |
daker | actually i can't upload anything | 22:46 |
daker | i have problems with the provider | 22:46 |
daker | i'll make just patchs | 22:47 |
daker | then you can apply them | 22:47 |
godbyk | okay. | 22:49 |
daker | the name of the file is ? | 22:50 |
c7p | the translations are ok | 22:51 |
c7p | (I mean on the site) | 22:51 |
daker | godbyk, the name of the file is ? | 22:52 |
daker | c7p, the code of the language is ? | 22:53 |
godbyk | daker: language code is 'el' | 22:54 |
daker | godbyk, the name of the file is ? | 22:54 |
infosoft | jenkins: Probably you want http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~dwilkins/LaTeXPrimer/ Sorry I couldn't answer earlier. I'm a little bit busy :) There you'll find good LaTex summary (but it's more useful for scientific articles and there's not much about text formatting, styles, etc.) | 22:55 |
jenkins | thanks infosoft, no worrie I will book mark it this time | 22:55 |
c7p | el | 22:55 |
daker | Galego ? | 22:55 |
c7p | nope | 22:55 |
c7p | Ελληνικά or Greek | 22:56 |
daker | ah oki | 22:56 |
daker | th pdf on the server will be named as ? | 22:57 |
c7p | are you asking me ? | 22:58 |
daker | nop godbyk | 22:58 |
godbyk | daker: Just a moment. | 22:59 |
daker | oki | 22:59 |
godbyk | I'm going to add another php file to the website that will simply redirect to lulu.com. | 23:00 |
godbyk | I'm having trouble getting the URLs in the copyright page (due to using Greek characters in the url or url-encoded text [with % characters]). | 23:01 |
godbyk | Let me get you the file names. | 23:01 |
daker | feel free to do anything | 23:01 |
godbyk | They will be named: Ξεκινώντας με το Ubuntu 10.04.pdf | 23:02 |
godbyk | URLs for downloads will be: | 23:02 |
infosoft | jenkins: There's another book where you'll find much formatting and other information. Sadly, I don't remember URL, so I've uploaded PDF file of this book: http://infosoft.lt/LATEX_Tutorials.pdf | 23:02 |
godbyk | screen: http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/manuals/getting-started-with-ubuntu/10.04/el/screen/Ξεκινώντας με το Ubuntu 10.04.pdf | 23:03 |
godbyk | print: http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/manuals/getting-started-with-ubuntu/10.04/el/screen/Ξεκινώντας με το Ubuntu 10.04.pdf | 23:03 |
godbyk | daker: If you want versions of the files with _ instead of spaces, I can do that, too. | 23:03 |
c7p | wow it's big | 23:03 |
godbyk | daker: oh, and I'll upload them to the vrac mirror also. | 23:03 |
godbyk | c7p: yeah, but no one will ever see that url. | 23:03 |
c7p | ah np then | 23:04 |
jenkins | thanks infosoft I have saved that for refernece | 23:05 |
daker | godbyk, do we still need mirrors ? | 23:06 |
godbyk | daker: probably not. | 23:08 |
daker | so i'll remove them | 23:08 |
godbyk | daker: I should probably have you write this php script. You'd do a better job of it. :-) | 23:09 |
daker | with the next version will do this job your self :D | 23:10 |
godbyk | lol | 23:11 |
daker | we should have a news system | 23:12 |
godbyk | yeah, we should. | 23:12 |
daker | on the website | 23:12 |
dutchie | isn't that twitter? | 23:13 |
dutchie | we should use that more | 23:13 |
daker | yes | 23:13 |
daker | everything is oki ? | 23:18 |
daker | godbyk, | 23:18 |
godbyk | hey, daker . | 23:18 |
daker | i'll send you diff files | 23:19 |
daker | 2 diff files | 23:19 |
godbyk | okay | 23:19 |
daker | @all are you ready ? | 23:32 |
c7p | yap :P | 23:33 |
godbyk | daker: I'm typing as fast as I can. :-) | 23:33 |
daker | i am not talking to you, i know you are typing :) | 23:34 |
c7p | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwwWo-NzPFo lol "Java 4 Ever" | 23:57 |
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