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MTecknology | Is this a BSD license? http://dpaste.com/220330/ | 04:11 |
ScottK | MTecknology: BSD like, but not precisely BSD. | 04:12 |
MTecknology | ScottK: so he came up with his own license? | 04:13 |
ScottK | I'm guessing he copied it from somewhere. | 04:13 |
MTecknology | How far off is it from being BSD? | 04:14 |
MTecknology | actually... http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php | 04:14 |
MTecknology | It looks like only the third bullet is missing.. | 04:14 |
MTecknology | ScottK: or am I wrong? | 04:15 |
ScottK | Probably not (sorry, no time to read it) | 04:16 |
MTecknology | ScottK: ok, thanks | 04:17 |
micahg | should I be running into criss-cross merges with udd merges? | 04:32 |
bilalakhtar | Good morning everyone. It appears that when I switched to UDD, my patches stopped getting sponsored. Is there really a differentiation like this? or sponsors are fair on both affairs? | 05:07 |
maco | bilalakhtar: what do you mean? you mean you're making branches and attaching them but not using debdiffs? are you remembering to submit merge proposals for those branches? | 05:08 |
maco | james_w: how do i get on the list of people notified of merge proposals being submitted, by the way? | 05:08 |
bilalakhtar | maco: yes, I am proposing merge. see http://code.launchpad.net/~bilalakhtar | 05:11 |
bilalakhtar | see so many branches have merge proposals\ | 05:11 |
maco | bilalakhtar: then i suspect its just because the list of people who receive notification of merge proposals is tiny (like...james_w and cjwatson and ummm none others i know of) with no instructions on how to join it | 05:12 |
bilalakhtar | maco: so what should I do? | 05:12 |
micahg | bilalakhtar: 4 of your merges show up on teh sponsoring page | 05:12 |
bilalakhtar | maco: yes, they do, but no response | 05:13 |
maco | pokr a sponsor like you'd do anyway? | 05:13 |
* maco never had anything sponsored without flat-out asking for a sponsor on irc | 05:13 | |
bilalakhtar | maco: oh | 05:13 |
micahg | bilalakhtar: we're still short on sponsors | 05:14 |
bilalakhtar | maco: but, 4-5 of my debdiff merges got sponsored easilt | 05:14 |
bilalakhtar | easily | 05:14 |
bilalakhtar | and by easily, I mean within 2-3 days without having to come here | 05:14 |
bilalakhtar | the problem is with UDD. Perhaps sponsors find debdiffs easier ? | 05:15 |
maco | some do, yes. havent all learned the new way | 05:15 |
maco | teaching old dogs new tricks, as it were | 05:15 |
maco | micahg: why only 4 of the 6 show on the sponsor page? | 05:16 |
micahg | maco: idk, I only saw 4 | 05:16 |
maco | weird | 05:16 |
bilalakhtar | maco: the rest have been commented by sponsors and set 'needs fixing' | 05:17 |
bilalakhtar | https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bilalakhtar/ubuntu/maverick/selinux-basics/merge-603595/+merge/29547 | 05:17 |
bilalakhtar | and | 05:17 |
bilalakhtar | https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bilalakhtar/ubuntu/maverick/gpsdrive/merge-605350/+merge/29852 | 05:18 |
bilalakhtar | maco: but this one https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bilalakhtar/ubuntu/maverick/selinux-basics/merge-603595/+merge/29547 should be shown on sponsorship page, as I have fixed all the stuff pointed out by Stefano | 05:19 |
maco | gah lp login has switched to the left side of the screen. confusing | 05:20 |
maco | bilalakhtar: i think you want the "resubmit proposal" button on the right | 05:21 |
bilalakhtar | maco: lp login on the left? when? Not for me, right now | 05:22 |
bilalakhtar | ok, I will do that | 05:22 |
bilalakhtar | maco: done | 05:23 |
maco | if im guessing right about how it works, thatll put it back on the sponsor page | 05:23 |
micahg | is there a UDD channel? | 05:23 |
maco | ah! | 05:24 |
maco | i think also the "request another review" button and putting in ubuntu-sponsors would work | 05:24 |
maco | it likely goes by that team being listed, but once stefano had taken it for review it went off the list | 05:25 |
bilalakhtar | maco: you are motu, right? | 05:30 |
maco | yes | 05:30 |
maco | i cant sponsor on the slow slow awful network im on right now though. if you poke me in about 12 hours i can do an upload from work though | 05:30 |
bilalakhtar | Stefano was right on the gpsdrive merge. nothing is remaining, once I had solved a few issues. So, I am forwarding patch for bug #325288 to debian and requesting sync. | 05:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 325288 in gpsdrive (Ubuntu) "gpsdrive-scripts: geo-code should use /bin/bash" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/325288 | 05:31 |
bilalakhtar | maco: I just need you to review sync. can you do that, please ? | 05:31 |
maco | er... do what? | 05:32 |
maco | i thought syncing was for archive admins | 05:32 |
micahg | maco: syncs need a sponsor ack | 05:32 |
bilalakhtar | exactly ^^ | 05:32 |
maco | oh | 05:34 |
bilalakhtar | maco: bug #605350 | 05:34 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 605350 in gpsdrive (Ubuntu) "Please sync gpsdrive 2.10~pre4-6.dfsg-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/605350 | 05:34 |
bilalakhtar | oops, setting it to new now | 05:34 |
bilalakhtar | bug #605350 | 05:34 |
* micahg goes to do a merge to feed the builders :) | 05:44 | |
micahg | do the Ubuntu builders understand this notation in control: libgudev-1.0-dev [linux-any]] | 05:49 |
bilalakhtar | hyperair: hello and welcome | 06:26 |
wgrant | micahg: I'm not sure if it's been rolled out yet, but support for [linux-any] in build-deps was added to trunk a couple of days ago. | 07:27 |
micahg | wgrant: what's the worst that would happen if I upload with it (asumming it builds locally) | 07:28 |
wgrant | micahg: The build will fail. | 07:32 |
micahg | wgrant: k, in which case, I bump the changelog and get rid of the fields? | 07:33 |
wgrant | Or it chooses an alternative dep. | 07:33 |
wgrant | micahg: Or convince lamont to upgrade the buildds, then hit retry. | 07:33 |
* micahg still needs to convince lamont to upload the new nmap :) | 07:36 | |
james_w | maco: you can subscribe to the ubuntu-reviews mailing list | 08:00 |
micahg | wgrant: fails in pbuilder, I'll fix the deps in the control file | 08:04 |
bilalakhtar | Are merges allowed after FeatureFreeze ? | 08:14 |
bilalakhtar | ok, got it. NO | 08:14 |
BlackZ | bilalakhtar: if they're requested before the FF, yes | 08:14 |
micahg | bilalakhtar: depends if they are feature changes | 08:15 |
geser | bilalakhtar: like micahg said, depending on the changes merges can be allowed or need an exception | 08:19 |
geser | bilalakhtar: new upstream version most likely need an exception, but merging e.g. from -1ubuntu1 to -2 is no problem (unless this introduces a new feature) | 08:20 |
bilalakhtar | ok | 08:23 |
bilalakhtar | so FF really means FEATURE freeze | 08:23 |
geser | yes | 08:24 |
bilalakhtar | geser: are you free? | 08:24 |
geser | yes | 08:24 |
bilalakhtar | geser: could you please check bug #605350 | 08:25 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 605350 in gpsdrive (Ubuntu) "Please sync gpsdrive 2.10~pre4-6.dfsg-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/605350 | 08:25 |
BlackZ | bilalakhtar: could you link the debian bug report to the LP one? | 08:27 |
bilalakhtar | BlackZ: I have done it. see bug #325288 | 08:27 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 325288 in gpsdrive (Ubuntu) "gpsdrive-scripts: geo-code should use /bin/bash" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/325288 | 08:27 |
BlackZ | bilalakhtar: if it's not accepted yet from debian we can't sync the package and we have to proceed with a merge, if it's not applied before the debian freeze, proceed with a merge then | 08:31 |
bilalakhtar | BlackZ: but Stefano commented "Nothing is remaining now" | 08:33 |
BlackZ | bilalakhtar: check the debian package changelog if you have any doubt on it | 08:35 |
bilalakhtar | yes, nothing is remaining, Stefano is correct, but I think stefano forgot about this bug, which I fixed myself | 08:36 |
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Riddell | geser: ping | 10:03 |
Riddell | geser: your acetoneiso upload got caught in the qtwebkit transition we're doing | 10:04 |
Riddell | geser: can you upload with the build-dep changed to libqtwebkit-dev | 10:04 |
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* Rhonda blinks at http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libX11/commit/?id=554d | 12:43 | |
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plars | I'm seeing a warning: "This package could not be extracted; there's no browsable directory for it on REVU" on something I uploaded, but I can't seem to find an explanation of what causes that | 14:06 |
BlackZ | plars: does the package use quilt 3.0 ? | 14:08 |
Rhonda | What's quilt 3.0? | 14:08 |
plars | source format 3, yes, but I don't currently need any patches, so no quilt | 14:09 |
Rhonda | plars: REVU doesn't support source format 3 yet, sorry. | 14:09 |
BlackZ | Rhonda: I meant quilt with the source format 3 ;) | 14:09 |
plars | Rhonda: ah, so should I have done something else? I was not too familiar with the source format stuff, but from what I read it sounded like I should use 3 unless I had a good reason not to | 14:09 |
Rhonda | BlackZ: It's a bad misnamer, though. But that's a different story. | 14:09 |
Rhonda | plars: Use the same source format than what the package uses in Debian. | 14:10 |
Rhonda | Or isn't it in Debian? If not, why not? :) | 14:10 |
plars | Rhonda: this is a new package | 14:10 |
* Rhonda . o O ( to me REVU would be a good reason not to use 3 ;) ) | 14:11 | |
geser | Riddell: the latest upload of acetoneiso build-depends on libqtwebkit-dev only already. The unmodified Debian package had "libqt4-dev (<< 4:4.7.0~beta2) | libqtwebkit-dev" in Build-Depends but due a bug in the buildds it got resolved wrongly and the package FTBFS and I dropped the first part of it. | 14:21 |
juli_ | Hello. Could you please review a new package felix-osgi-obr required for NetBeans 6.9 packages. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/felix-osgi-obr. Thanks | 14:35 |
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ScottK | geser: Is there a bug so wgrant can fix it? | 14:56 |
wgrant | ScottK: There is a bug. | 14:57 |
wgrant | I'm working on porting LP to use a modern, system sbuild. | 14:57 |
wgrant | Which should fix it. | 14:57 |
ScottK | wgrant: Thanks. Sounds lovely. | 14:57 |
wgrant | But it's a couple of months off at least. | 14:57 |
ScottK | Yes, doesn't sound trivial. | 14:57 |
wgrant | Our sbuild currently has some wonderful, wonderful hack.s | 14:58 |
ScottK | Not suprising. | 14:58 |
geser | ScottK: yes, that issue is filed as bug #594916 | 15:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 594916 in Launchpad Auto Build System "buildd doesn't correctly check versioned ORed build-dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/594916 | 15:02 |
ScottK | Thanks. | 15:02 |
geser | ScottK: can you fix bug #607429? or is an AA with shell access needed? (it's an archive inconsistency) | 15:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 607429 in java-common (Ubuntu) "Move gcj-native-helper from universe to main on i386" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/607429 | 15:05 |
ScottK | geser: needs shell access. | 15:05 |
StevenK | geser: DOne. | 15:12 |
StevenK | s/O/o/ | 15:12 |
geser | thanks | 15:12 |
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lfaraone | The prefered method for sponsorship requests for new upstream versions using 3.0 (quilt) is to provide a link to the orig.tar.gz and upload as a patch the debian.tar.gz, right? | 16:32 |
tumbleweed | lfaraone: if the watch file works, you prabbly don't need to provide the orig.tar.gz | 16:44 |
micahg | do I need to worry about non-linux arches in Ubuntu? | 16:44 |
tumbleweed | lfaraone: you can also use the UDD approach (use bzr merge-upstream) | 16:44 |
ScottK | micahg: No. | 16:44 |
micahg | ScottK: k, thanks | 16:44 |
micahg | ScottK: what's the arch reference called after the package in the control file: libgudev-1.0-dev [linux-any] so I can mention in the change log that I'm dropping it | 16:48 |
ScottK | Why are you dropping it? | 16:49 |
ScottK | Ubuntu doesn't require it, but it doesn't hurt. | 16:49 |
micahg | I had trouble in pbuilder with it, is there some flag I'm missing? | 16:50 |
tumbleweed | didin't I see something about soyuz also not liking linux-all? | 16:52 |
micahg | ScottK: pbuilder can't find the build-deps, I figured that soyuz wouldn't have any better luk | 16:56 |
micahg | *luck | 16:56 |
ScottK | That's relatively recently. I'm guessing you're on Lucid with your pbuilder? | 16:57 |
ScottK | recently/recent. | 16:57 |
micahg | ScottK: yes, but in a maverick pbuilder | 16:57 |
ScottK | If it doesn't work in Maverick, we need to get that fixed as it's supported. | 16:58 |
micahg | ScottK: so I should upload w/out testing? wgrant told me it hit the buildd trunk recently | 16:58 |
ScottK | I'd upload to a PPA and see what happens. | 16:59 |
micahg | ScottK: ok | 16:59 |
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micahg | BlackZ: congrats on becoming MOTU | 17:07 |
BlackZ | thanks micahg :) | 17:09 |
shadeslayer | BlackZ: kongrats :D | 17:34 |
BlackZ | thanks shadeslayer, thanks all ;) | 17:35 |
* shadeslayer just got his first package into debian | 17:36 | |
lfaraone | I have a local mirror of maverick and lucid. Is there a way I can have pbuilder use that rather than duplicating these packages in the cache when it downloads from the local mirror via HTTP? | 17:48 |
lfaraone | Unrelated, if a package was removed in say, Intrepid, does it count as new if we reupload it now in maverick? | 17:49 |
shadeslayer | lfaraone: yes | 17:54 |
shadeslayer | to the first question ;) | 17:54 |
lfaraone | shadeslayer: okay, how can I do that? :) | 17:55 |
tumbleweed | lfaraone: and to the second question | 17:55 |
JontheEchidna | lfaraone: I'm fairly sure that it'll have to go through both binary and source new queue | 17:55 |
tumbleweed | lfaraone: pbuilder --login --save-after-login | 17:55 |
tumbleweed | then you can do whatever you want in there | 17:55 |
tumbleweed | oh, misread | 17:56 |
shadeslayer | lfaraone: well ^^ or you can modify ~/.pbuilderrc | 17:56 |
tumbleweed | lfaraone: APTCACHE="" in pbuilderrc | 17:56 |
carstenh | or you use --aptcache "" | 18:01 |
mhall119 | is there a way to make a package depend on $pkg-gnome if the user has gnome installed, and $pkg-xfce otherwise? | 18:15 |
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mhall119 | specifically, I'm going to make a qimo-session-xfce (for Qimo), and qimo-session-gnome (for Edubuntu) | 18:19 |
mhall119 | but if someone wants to install qimo-desktop, and they already have gnome, I want to use qimo-session-gnome, otherwise I want to use qimo-session-xfce | 18:19 |
geser | ScottK: soyuz doesn't support "Architecture: linux-any" yet (bug #605002) and the buildds don't know what to do with "[linux-any]" in build dependencies either (bug #604981) | 18:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 605002 in Soyuz "Soyuz doesn't accept upload with "Architecture: linux-any"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/605002 | 18:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 604981 in Launchpad Auto Build System "The buildd doesn't support [linux-any] in build dependencies" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/604981 | 18:44 |
ScottK | geser: Thanks. It needs to get fixed since Debian is using this. | 18:45 |
ScottK | wgrant: Does ^^^ wait your sbuild update or is there more hope? | 18:45 |
geser | the buildd fix probably just need deploying | 18:46 |
shadeslayer | cjwatson: around? | 18:47 |
geser | mhall119: I don't know of any possibility to do that | 18:48 |
jasem | Hi, any issues with launchpad? tried to upload a package but no notification at all? | 19:19 |
jpds | jasem: Do you mind if I PM you? | 19:21 |
jasem | jpds: not at all | 19:22 |
om26er | hi! I downloaded the gnome-disk-utility branch, changed debian/changelog added a patch in debian/patches and also a text entry for the name of the patch in debian/series after I did debcommit patch is not applied and the branch looks like this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu/lucid/gnome-disk-utility/gnome-disk-utility-fix-414107/revision/23 what am I doing wrong? | 19:27 |
tumbleweed | om26er: did you bzr add the patch ? | 19:28 |
ari-tczew | lool: libsmbios 2.2.26 already available in maverick. you can merge package in Debian. | 19:33 |
ari-tczew | tumbleweed: thanks for sponsoring ^^ | 19:33 |
tumbleweed | ari-tczew: the package isn't in great shape | 19:33 |
tumbleweed | but I think it's ok | 19:33 |
lfaraone | Pyabiword is FTBFS in configure with "checking whether pythonstamp-autotools version >= 2.3... configure: error: too old". I have no idea what pythonstamp is, grepping for it in the source shows nothing, and googling for it only shows up the bug report I submitted to LP. What is this, exactly? | 19:38 |
lfaraone | (when running ./configure on lucid, there is no mention of pythonstamp) | 19:41 |
MichealH | What is MOTU? | 19:49 |
lfaraone | !motu | MichealH | 19:49 |
ubottu | MichealH: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | 19:49 |
MichealH | Okay... So how would I package and upload toUniverse? | 19:50 |
lfaraone | MichealH: well, is it a package that already exists in Ubuntu, or is it a new package? | 19:51 |
shadeslayer | MichealH: you cant directly | 19:51 |
shadeslayer | you need a sponsor :D | 19:51 |
MichealH | And how would I sponsor or get a sponsor | 19:51 |
lfaraone | MichealH: what shadeslayer said. but the way to seek sponsorship is different depending on which. | 19:51 |
jasem | tried to upload a package to my ppa but got this in the email: The source libindi - 0.6.2-0ubuntu1 is already accepted in ubuntu/maverick and you cannot upload the same version within the same distribution | 19:51 |
lfaraone | jasem: you need to give it a later version number. | 19:52 |
BlackZ | hey lfaraone | 19:52 |
lfaraone | hey BlackZ | 19:52 |
jasem | lfaraone: why? I just make it 0.6.2, the one in ubuntu is 0.6.2 and I check launchpad also | 19:52 |
MichealH | shadeslayer: How would I sponsor or "Get a sponsor?" | 19:52 |
jasem | sorry, the one in maverick is 0.6.1 | 19:52 |
lfaraone | jasem: right, it needs to be gt that in maverick. | 19:53 |
shadeslayer | MichealH: yep, if the package is already in ubuntu then you need a sponsor who will upload to the correct archive,if its a new package you will have to upload to revu to get your package reviewed | 19:53 |
BlackZ | MichealH: is it a new package or an existing package? | 19:53 |
lfaraone | jasem: did you already upload that version to the PPA? | 19:53 |
lfaraone | BlackZ: already asked that :) | 19:53 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 19:53 |
BlackZ | lfaraone: I seen ;) | 19:53 |
MichealH | BlackZ: I want to help by patching existing packages | 19:54 |
MichealH | Or updating them... | 19:54 |
BlackZ | MichealH: if it's an existing package please follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess ; if it's a new package please follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete | 19:54 |
jasem | lfaraone: Yes, I tried to upload it to my ppa but I got that email message instead. I tried several times before that because there were no email messages at all. | 19:54 |
lfaraone | jasem: check if it's in your PPA already :) | 19:54 |
BlackZ | MichealH: well, so I think you should start to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted | 19:54 |
MichealH | Ok | 19:55 |
BlackZ | if you have any questions, just ask here | 19:55 |
jasem | lfaraone: I checked a bazillion time! https://edge.launchpad.net/~mutlaqja/+archive/ppa | 19:55 |
BlackZ | if somebody knows your problem and is around you will probably get an answer | 19:55 |
lfaraone | jasem: odd. ask in #launchpad. | 19:56 |
jasem | ok will do that | 19:56 |
shadeslayer | ok.. im a bit confused, in https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdevelop , where did the karmic release go ? 0_o | 19:57 |
tumbleweed | shadeslayer: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdevelop/+publishinghistory | 19:58 |
shadeslayer | ah thanks | 19:58 |
lfaraone | Hm... It looks like pyabiword's ./configure is being regenerated during the build. Damned if I can find out where. Anybody have an idea? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/maverick/pyabiword/maverick/annotate/head:/debian/rules | 20:04 |
BlackZ | lfaraone: new version of pytrainer won't run, any suggestion on it? | 20:04 |
lfaraone | BlackZ: what does it do when it doens't run, beside not run? :D | 20:05 |
BlackZ | lfaraone: from command line I get some stuff, from the menĂ¹ it simply does not run | 20:05 |
BlackZ | s/menĂ¹/menu | 20:05 |
BlackZ | let me find it, hold on | 20:05 |
tumbleweed | lfaraone: I'm busy looking at it | 20:06 |
BlackZ | lfaraone: try to apply http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51041026/pytrainer_1.7.2-1ubuntu1.debdiff on the debian package, install it and try to run it | 20:06 |
lfaraone | BlackZ: right now I'm a bit swamped trying to un-foul-up pyabiword, or I would. :( | 20:07 |
BlackZ | (if you could try with the debian package too, it would be nice) | 20:07 |
BlackZ | OK, will try tonight | 20:07 |
tumbleweed | lfaraone: I can tell you what the bug is, but not the fix | 20:10 |
lfaraone | tumbleweed: yeah, I saw "PYTHON=pythonstamp-autotools" in the log , is that what you mean? | 20:11 |
tumbleweed | lfaraone: the bug is that configure doesn't know about python2.6 | 20:11 |
tumbleweed | (I think) | 20:12 |
BlackZ | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lmms/0.4.5-0ubuntu3 any idea on that? it FTBFS in the latest test rebuild: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi | 20:12 |
mr_pouit | lfaraone: try not to the shipped python.m4 copy | 20:15 |
mr_pouit | *not to use | 20:15 |
tumbleweed | lfaraone: easy solution | 20:16 |
tumbleweed | use the system python-autotools.mk instead of the embedded one | 20:16 |
c_korn | will packages.ubuntu.com ever be updated to maverick ? | 20:16 |
tumbleweed | good question, known bug :/ | 20:17 |
BlackZ | the solution is to mail the webmaster there | 20:18 |
BlackZ | but I think a lot of people already did that | 20:18 |
c_korn | I hope he is just busy and not that something bad happened to him | 20:18 |
geser | BlackZ: try if adding "using namespace stk;" after the includes in the .h file fixes it | 20:19 |
BlackZ | geser: I'll try, thanks | 20:21 |
raywang | hi, for anyone who knows me, please take 1 min to write a comment or testimonials for me on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RayWang , I'm going to apply a ubuntu contributing developer, it's much appreciated!!! :-) | 20:37 |
raywang | oops, it's https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RayWang/UbuntuContributingDeveloperApplication | 20:38 |
raywang | thanks a lot for anyone who has a little time to write on a comment on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RayWang/UbuntuContributingDeveloperApplication for applying ubuntu contributing developer, | 20:39 |
ari-tczew | raywang: I see no packages uploaded to Ubuntu on your LP page. | 20:40 |
raywang | ari-tczew, well, they are from debian | 20:41 |
raywang | ari-tczew, try to search mono-uia from packages.ubuntu.com | 20:41 |
raywang | use source package name | 20:41 |
raywang | ari-tczew, thanks for reading! :-) | 20:41 |
ari-tczew | raywang: I'm already Ubuntu Contributing Developer so I can review your work whether you should be | 20:43 |
tumbleweed | raywang: yes, you should probably link to your debian QA page | 20:43 |
raywang | ah, ok, thanks, I'll do it. | 20:43 |
ari-tczew | * add licenses of debian/*. | 20:44 |
ari-tczew | that's all? | 20:44 |
raywang | ari-tczew, what? | 20:45 |
raywang | I have changed my email address once | 20:45 |
ari-tczew | raywang: I want see more your work. | 20:46 |
raywang | yes, will provide my qa page shortly. :) | 20:47 |
ari-tczew | at this moment you can get only -1 from me | 20:47 |
raywang | ari-tczew, hehe I'm sorry | 20:51 |
raywang | ari-tczew, here is my qa page, http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=rawang%40novell.com | 20:51 |
raywang | ari-tczew, and this one is for another email address, http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=wanglei1123%40gmail.com | 20:52 |
tumbleweed | raywang: without much evidence of ubuntu-packaging contributions, you might find it easier to get ubuntu membership through your regional membership board | 20:52 |
ari-tczew | raywang: debian qa pages, nice, but you're going to _ubuntu_ contributing developer. | 20:52 |
raywang | well, those packages that I plan to package for Ubuntu initially, but some developer suggested me to package for debian, and sync them to ubuntu | 20:53 |
raywang | so for ubuntu qa page, there is not a link to my qa page :( | 20:54 |
ari-tczew | raywang: and he good suggests you, but if you want to join Ubuntu Development environment, you should really contribute to ubuntu | 20:55 |
BlackZ | raywang: the best way is to get them in debian for get them in ubuntu as well, what we are saying is to work on ubuntu packages (merges, bugfix, etc.) | 20:55 |
ari-tczew | syncs, merges, security updates, ftbfs fixes | 20:55 |
raywang | oh, i see | 20:55 |
tumbleweed | raywang: yeah, contributing to debian is fantastic, but you intend to join MOTU and MOTUs work on lots of packages, not just their own | 20:58 |
tumbleweed | so you need to show that you are actually doing that :) | 20:59 |
raywang | yes, I'm more clear now, thanks all of you, I'll try my best to be more competent for being a ubuntu contributing developer | 21:00 |
BlackZ | raywang: if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask here | 21:00 |
raywang | I will be see you guys sooner or later again. :-) | 21:00 |
raywang | sure, thanks a lot! :) | 21:00 |
=== fta_ is now known as fta | ||
fabrice_sp | micahg, about #375196 | 21:51 |
fabrice_sp | bug 375196 | 21:51 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 375196 in Ubuntu "Please sync doctrine (1.2.2-1) from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/375196 | 21:51 |
fabrice_sp | it FTBFS | 21:51 |
micahg | fabrice_sp: hmm, I tried it for Lucid, I guess I didn't try it for maverick, please unsubscribe sponsors and I will look into it | 21:51 |
fabrice_sp | as you want: I just put it as incomplete | 21:52 |
fabrice_sp | but I also can unsubscribe sponsors | 21:52 |
micahg | fabrice_sp: oh, if that holds other people from wasting time on it, that's fine, thanks | 21:52 |
fabrice_sp | yep | 21:52 |
fabrice_sp | :-) | 21:52 |
micahg | fabrice_sp: great, I'll try to get it fixed this weekend :) | 21:52 |
micahg | fabrice_sp: sorry for the troube;l | 21:53 |
micahg | *trouble | 21:53 |
fabrice_sp | perfect ;-) as the number is quite old, few people will check it anyway :-) | 21:53 |
fabrice_sp | np: it happens ;-) | 21:53 |
micahg | the ITP was open for a long while and just hit sid | 21:53 |
fabrice_sp | that's why the bug report is so old | 21:54 |
micahg | fabrice_sp: I filed the needs packaging bug as soon as I started using it :) | 21:55 |
fabrice_sp | more than one year ago, then :-) | 21:56 |
micahg | yep :) | 21:56 |
micahg | it's amazing how many bugs are filed in LP in 1 yr | 21:56 |
sebner | micahg: amazing = depressing? ;P | 21:57 |
fabrice_sp | yeah: that's why we are not able to close them all :-) | 21:57 |
fabrice_sp | lol | 21:57 |
micahg | well, at least the number is holding steady around 80-85k | 21:57 |
micahg | that's progress, I think it was increasing 10k/release before | 21:58 |
micahg | for open bugs | 21:58 |
micahg | fabrice_sp: I wonder if it FTBFS in ubuntu and not debian because of the PHP update in sid? | 22:03 |
fabrice_sp | it may be, yes. Anyway, only one test fails | 22:04 |
ari-tczew | !SRU | 22:38 |
ubottu | Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates | 22:38 |
BlackZ | geser: adding "using namespace stk;" after the includes fixed the FTBFS, thanks! | 23:07 |
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