IdleOne | I also believe it takes a little evil in you to be a good op. | 00:00 |
IdleOne | hehe if that makes any sense | 00:00 |
Niglop | ikonia: | 00:24 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, LjL said: !insult is in general not approved of or condoned, but if you feel like insulting mc44, we really don't feel like you should be stopped. | 00:34 |
knome | what | 00:35 |
Pici | just ljl | 00:35 |
funkyHat | heh | 00:35 |
knome | if that's taken lightly, i don't wonder why some people argue about getting different level of treatment | 00:36 |
knome | i mean, even if it's a joke and so on... | 00:36 |
knome | night. | 00:49 |
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth | ||
Niglop | can i appeal my ban | 02:55 |
IdleOne | who do I make a suggestion about a BT feature? | 03:06 |
IdleOne | rather where | 03:06 |
Pici | IdleOne: | 03:15 |
IdleOne | thank you | 03:15 |
IdleOne | Pici: the ban tracker is part of ubuntu-bots? | 03:15 |
IdleOne | I guess so :) | 03:16 |
Pici | yes | 03:16 |
IdleOne | thanks, feature request submitted | 03:23 |
nhandler | I'm doing some autobleh work, and I figured I'd ask if there were any features/changes people would like to see made | 03:25 |
IdleOne | make it work with xchat | 03:27 |
IdleOne | :) | 03:27 |
nhandler | Doesn't xchat have or something similar ? | 03:31 |
IdleOne | yes | 03:32 |
ubottu | slidinghorn called the ops in #ubuntu (Onetimer Racism) | 03:32 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from onetimer) | 03:39 |
maco | i removed onetimer | 03:42 |
nhandler | maco: Why? He didn't make any real racist comments since I quieted and talked to him | 03:42 |
IdleOne | he is also in -es being a troll | 03:42 |
maco | nhandler: oh i didnt realised youd talked to him. sorry | 03:42 |
nhandler | maco: No problem. I didn't make a big deal out of it. He was actually very curteous in PM. | 03:43 |
IdleOne | -es needs some help onetimer and vgs21 trolling, racist comments. | 04:11 |
IdleOne | also spamming that forum | 04:14 |
IdleOne | there doesn't appear to be any channel ops around | 04:14 |
* nhandler is too tired to translate and follow the discussion to be able to make a good judgement in there | 04:22 | |
IdleOne | nhandler: I don't suppose my word is enough. you can ask MaRk-I who is in there also | 04:23 |
nhandler | IdleOne: Well, I'm not directly on the access list there (only through IRCC), so I would prefer to be a bit more certain. Let me see if I can find a named channel op for there | 04:24 |
ubottu | IdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-irc (Onetimer cursing in Spanish) | 05:03 |
IdleOne | did not realize I had ops there also | 05:04 |
IdleOne | thank you maco | 05:04 |
Flannel | What a lovely fellow. | 07:05 |
KB1JWQ | Flannel: Which? | 07:14 |
Flannel | KB1JWQ: _E_MIke | 07:15 |
[Screamo] | What codec/plugin do i need to play m4a files? | 07:44 |
[Screamo] | arg | 07:44 |
[Screamo] | why am i in here>.> | 07:44 |
indus | hi | 08:34 |
KB1JWQ | Hello. | 08:34 |
indus | iam here to resolve my ban | 08:35 |
indus | ikonia, hi | 08:36 |
indus | anyone active in here? | 08:41 |
bazhang | indus, hi | 08:42 |
indus | hi bazhang, | 08:42 |
bazhang | indus, how may we help you | 08:42 |
indus | i have a ban i would like to resolve | 08:42 |
indus | if some op could help with this, i would appreciate it | 08:42 |
bazhang | indus, you know why you were banned? | 08:43 |
indus | yes | 08:43 |
indus | for not listening to an op | 08:43 |
indus | bazhang, | 08:48 |
bazhang | indus, there seems to be an issue with you following channel rules; i.e. not just this one instance | 08:49 |
indus | ok | 08:50 |
indus | i have been kicked 2 times including this time if i remember right | 08:51 |
indus | other than that, i have heeded warnings, including recent one from you if you remember | 08:51 |
indus | i can only assure you, my intentions are never to knowingly disrupt the channel | 08:52 |
bazhang | you agree then that the channel rules and guidelines are not up for debate? | 08:53 |
indus | i need some clarification on that | 08:53 |
indus | is user input taken for the guidelines? | 08:54 |
indus | if its not up for debate i can live with that sure | 08:54 |
indus | also, i dont have a problem per se with the guidelines, i think they are ok | 08:55 |
bazhang | it's clearly stated in the guidelines and the code of conduct | 08:55 |
indus | yes | 08:55 |
indus | i promise, if i have a question on the guidelines, i would not disrupt channel but clarify it hhere | 08:56 |
indus | and also, i have been made to understand, to listen to an op at all times | 08:56 |
bazhang | you can /msg ubottu guidelines and /msg ubottu coc for clarification | 08:56 |
indus | ok | 08:57 |
indus | thanks | 08:57 |
bazhang | coming here to debate the guidelines or code of conduct is not what this channel is about | 08:57 |
indus | ok | 08:57 |
indus | i will read it | 08:57 |
bazhang | please take a moment to read them both, just so there is clarity on these points | 08:58 |
indus | i have read them before too | 08:59 |
indus | but there is a line If you disagree with the decision of an operator, then talk to that operator about it in a polite manner. | 08:59 |
indus | but i guess we can argue both ways on that | 08:59 |
bazhang | such as? what kind of decision are you referring to? | 08:59 |
indus | nothing ,maybe iam just sore due to the kick | 09:00 |
indus | but i now understand i violated one of the guidelines | 09:00 |
indus | of not listening to an op so fair enough i guess | 09:01 |
bazhang | it's not one op targeting you or some such | 09:01 |
indus | i argued with him in #ubuntu | 09:01 |
indus | true | 09:01 |
bazhang | the channel is a shared resource, and we try to keep it running as smoothly as possible | 09:02 |
indus | i know bazhang , and you know, my intentions are always to help in there | 09:02 |
bazhang | that's why we insist people keep the noise (chat) to #ubuntu-offtopic , and support in #ubuntu | 09:02 |
indus | but i guess the kicks in a way help you learn more restraint | 09:03 |
indus | i understand bazhang | 09:06 |
bazhang | indus, try to /join #ubuntu , and please obey the channel guidelines and code of conduct in future, thanks. | 09:08 |
indus | bazhang, thank you | 09:08 |
indus | bazhang, i have 2 ips banned is both lifted | 09:08 |
indus | this one and one more last night | 09:09 |
bazhang | indus, you tried joining yet? | 09:09 |
indus | yes still banned this one | 09:09 |
bazhang | indus, try now please | 09:11 |
indus | ah yes works now | 09:11 |
indus | ok thank you | 09:11 |
bazhang | okay | 09:11 |
indus | bye | 09:11 |
bazhang | see you | 09:11 |
indus | yes see you around | 09:11 |
indus | also, i forward apologies to ikonia | 09:12 |
ikonia | howdy rocket16 | 11:08 |
rocket16 | Hello respected operators, | 11:08 |
ikonia | rocket16: how can we help today ? | 11:08 |
rocket16 | ikonia: Fine, thanks, :) | 11:08 |
rocket16 | ikonia: I need a suggeston, friend. | 11:08 |
ikonia | please ask | 11:09 |
rocket16 | That is, I heard from some people, that in our custom channels, we can't use any term related to Ubuntu, is it so? | 11:09 |
ikonia | what channel ? | 11:10 |
rocket16 | I mean, like #ubundu-india-users won't be allowed to continue, according to what I heard. Is this information correct? | 11:10 |
ikonia | wnad what sort of terms (can you give me some examples) | 11:10 |
ikonia | rocket16: let me guess, has this come from Indus ? | 11:10 |
rocket16 | ikonia: I mean, the new channels we created on Freenode, :) | 11:10 |
rocket16 | ikonia: Sure, I mean, the names of channels with the word "Ubuntu". | 11:11 |
rocket16 | ikonia: Like, #ubuntuindia or #ubuntuusers | 11:11 |
ikonia | rocket16: the #ubuntu-* name space is controlled by the Ubuntu IRC channels, so if you want to make an ubuntu channel then you'll need to speak tot he ubuntu IRC council | 11:11 |
ikonia | rocket16: you know there is #ubuntu-in ? | 11:11 |
ikonia | which is the official ubuntu india loco channel | 11:12 |
rocket16 | ikonia: Yes, :) I joined already, but most of the time, it remains quiet. | 11:12 |
ikonia | rocket16: so how would creating another indian channel fix that ? | 11:12 |
rocket16 | ikonia: Thanks for the information, friend. That was what I intended to know, :) really thanks for the help. | 11:12 |
rocket16 | ikonia: Well, I did not think of creating another channel like Ubuntu-india, I just was thinking of creating a new one, and assigning a name to it, :) | 11:13 |
ikonia | ah ok | 11:13 |
ikonia | rocket16: did Indus tell you this ? | 11:13 |
rocket16 | ikonia: Since #ubuntu is trademarked, so I'd assign a new name to it. Thanks for the help, friend. | 11:14 |
ikonia | rocket16: could you please answer the question | 11:14 |
rocket16 | ikonia: Indus? Is this the nickname of any person? If so, he hadn't, | 11:14 |
ikonia | ok, thank you | 11:14 |
rocket16 | ikonia: I didn't talk to anyone named Indus here, | 11:14 |
ikonia | he queried similar query | 11:14 |
ikonia | so I wondered if he had told you the wrong info | 11:14 |
rocket16 | ikonia: Thanks friend. See you again, :) bye. | 11:14 |
ikonia | welcome | 11:14 |
rocket16 | Bye all operators, :) thanks. | 11:14 |
* gnomefreak doesnt believe him | 11:15 | |
ikonia | I don't either | 11:15 |
ikonia | the odds of indus being upset about this, then the next day another indian user query it are not good | 11:15 |
gnomefreak | Indus? Is this the nickname of any person? is what bothers me after he dodged the ? every time you asked. but nothing can be done exept look, for a channel | 11:17 |
ikonia | I know they know each other as I watched them talk in #ubuntu-in | 11:18 |
gnomefreak | why dont them make an -in-ot without the #ubuntu part | 11:18 |
ikonia | they don't need one | 11:19 |
gnomefreak | or ask for official -ot channel | 11:19 |
ikonia | #ubuntu-in has some solid users | 11:19 |
gnomefreak | oh | 11:19 |
ikonia | it's an open discussion channel any way | 11:19 |
gnomefreak | so they want a channel without ops in it. i thought there were a few of them | 11:19 |
ikonia | I didn't think they wanted a channel with out ops | 11:21 |
ikonia | did I miss-read that ? | 11:21 |
gnomefreak | i was thinking since they wanted another channel that was a way for them to to get around his ban | 11:28 |
gnomefreak | so they can speak freely without worrying about being banned | 11:29 |
bazhang | his bans are removed (indus) | 11:34 |
h00k | KaoS``: how can we help you? | 14:27 |
Pici | ikonia: poke | 14:31 |
Pici | h00k: ikonia has forwarded all of shellium here for some reason. | 14:33 |
h00k | ah, that's right. there were some problems with that, I remember that now | 14:33 |
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey | ||
ikonia | Pici: poke back | 14:45 |
Pici | ikonia: So... shellium | 14:46 |
ikonia | I'm drafting a wiki page at the moment for a communication method between us/shellium if there are problem users | 14:46 |
Pici | ikonia: But all shellium hosts are forwarded here right now. | 14:46 |
ikonia | the admin team from shellium have been very helpful and are very keen to not have their resources explited | 14:46 |
ikonia | yes, I put that forward on while it was being worked through, I'd manually granted a few exmpts, as the shellium throughput was low beyond problem users it was an easy process to manage | 14:47 |
ikonia | I'm putting an agenda on the next irccc to discuss these open shell servers and how/why they are treated differently from things like web chat | 14:47 |
ikonia | it will be all documented and resolved before the weekend | 14:48 |
=== popey_ is now known as popey | ||
ubottu | BluesKaj called the ops in #kubuntu (amigad) | 15:25 |
highvoltage | I'm finally identified again \o/ | 15:25 |
* nhandler talks to amigad | 15:25 | |
bazhang | no voice though. weird | 15:25 |
jussi | peoples, if you use chanserv, please note it in here so we know who did it? | 15:26 |
nhandler | It was noted. And I was just thinking, would anyone else find it useful to have ubottu report new bans/quiets as they are set in here? That way, people could quickly see that a ! o p s call was actioned. | 15:28 |
ikonia | please no | 15:29 |
nixternal | nhandler: why talk to amigad? he didn't even do anything to warrant the +q....he was helping, said a couple of things being kind of funny | 15:33 |
nixternal | tis the reason I did the -q | 15:33 |
nixternal | stop being anal ops :p | 15:33 |
nhandler | nixternal: Because I didn't see those earlier messages. I just saw a couple questionable messages there and an OPs call. Note that it was a simple quiet with a PM, not a kickban or anything like that. | 15:34 |
nixternal | still, an anal move in my eyes..don't make me hunt you down and steal your bike! | 15:36 |
nixternal | don't make me come over to the grove...not my kind of ghetto, but I will if I have to :p | 15:37 |
nhandler | :) | 15:37 |
nixternal | i woke up to early this morning...don't have anything to do really until this evening...should just go for a ride I guess | 15:46 |
h00k | nixternal: you tweeted/dented something hilarious the other day, I just forget what it was. | 15:49 |
nixternal | probably a good thing that you forgot :) | 15:49 |
h00k | nixternal: it wasn't the mac/iphone rant, but it was similar. | 15:50 |
nixternal | mactards > freetards? | 15:51 |
h00k | yeah, it wasn't that one, | 15:51 |
nixternal | hehe | 15:51 |
nixternal | nhandler: I am hungry, buy me lunch! | 15:51 |
h00k | I think it was the Eris/Pants one. | 15:51 |
nixternal | damn, it is only 10am | 15:51 |
h00k | says the internet stalker. I'm not odd, I swear :( | 15:52 |
nixternal | oh...yeah, i got quite a few DMs on that one... a couple from Verizon, a couple from Htc...they loved it | 15:52 |
h00k | hahaha | 15:52 |
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth | ||
ikonia | chum_chum in ubuntu is a known problem user under another nick | 16:16 |
ikonia | I can't remember which one though | 16:16 |
IdleOne | ikonia: he is responding to someone who told him to use clamav | 16:17 |
ikonia | yes, I know that, but I'm trying to remember his other nicks | 16:17 |
IdleOne | Hello experiMENTAL | 16:30 |
experiMENTAL | hi | 16:30 |
IdleOne | you had questions about the channel rules? | 16:30 |
experiMENTAL | is it against channel rules if i'll ask same question like 1 time an hour? | 16:30 |
IdleOne | no | 16:31 |
experiMENTAL | ty | 16:31 |
IdleOne | provided it is on topic | 16:31 |
IdleOne | experiMENTAL: was there anything else? | 16:32 |
experiMENTAL | can you see my question on ubuntu channel? | 16:34 |
IdleOne | experiMENTAL: If that is all please part this channel, we have a no idling rule. Thank you. | 16:34 |
IdleOne | yes I saw your question | 16:34 |
experiMENTAL | ty. bye | 16:34 |
IdleOne | ikonia: do KaoS`` and zz_b0w need exempts? | 16:34 |
ikonia | actually, I'll remove the forward now I have a process in place | 16:35 |
IdleOne | ok | 16:35 |
ikonia | done | 16:36 |
IdleOne | KaoS`` and zz_b0w you should now be able to join #ubuntu. Please part this channel. | 16:36 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu-offtopic, Seveas-train said: !u =~ s/'l8'/'l8r'/ | 16:47 |
IdleOne | added a mark for tPl0ch has quit (Quit: My balls are itching, need a wash...) | 17:08 |
ikonia | there is no forward in place now | 17:42 |
ikonia | (hasn't been since ove an hour ago | 17:42 |
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage | ||
octavio | Hello, I appear as banned from #ubuntu, but dont know the reason, i usually make use of #lubuntu and #ubuntu-es but not that channel. I think someone has been using my nick (octavio wasn't registered but was in use so i came to #freenode to get it registered for me). | 22:01 |
ikonia | octavio: 1 moment | 22:02 |
ikonia | octavio: what channel | 22:02 |
ikonia | from #ubuntu ? | 22:02 |
octavio | yes | 22:02 |
ikonia | ahhh | 22:09 |
ikonia | you're not banned | 22:09 |
ikonia | you're using web chat | 22:09 |
ikonia | webchat should forward you to #ubuntu-proxy-users but for some reason it's not | 22:09 |
octavio | oh thats the problem lol :) | 22:09 |
ikonia | if you manually join that channel, the bot will allow you to join #ubuntu | 22:09 |
octavio | it is ok if i use chatzilla? (firefox add-on) | 22:10 |
ikonia | sure | 22:11 |
octavio | Well it just work thank you ikonia | 22:11 |
octavio | greetings from Sonora, Mexico :) | 22:12 |
ubottu | In ubottu, hiddenknowledge said: !help is Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 23:52 |
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