pittstains | not sure how else i'd unmount it because it's a remote server and the OS (/, /boot, everything) lives there | 00:00 |
Jordan_U | pittstains: You should *never* run fsck on a mounted extn filesystem. | 00:02 |
pittstains | i thought it was safe with the -ns flags | 00:02 |
pittstains | read-only mode | 00:02 |
pittstains | am i wrong about that? | 00:02 |
Jordan_U | No, that's correct. | 00:03 |
pittstains | Jordan_U: whew! so any idea about the proper way to repair it, given my circumstances? | 00:04 |
Jordan_U | pittstains: I think that even though it's safe, running fsck on a mounted system isn't meaningfull as a mounted FS looks like a broken one (the journal looks like it needs to be replayed, parts of the FS read earlier are inconsistent with parts read later if something changed) | 00:06 |
Jordan_U | pittstains: So you can "sudo touch /forcefsck" to cause an fsck to be run at next boot, but don't be too worried about errors from fsck on a mounted fs. | 00:07 |
pittstains | Jordan_U: thanks for that info. i generally don't work too close to the filesystem, so that's helpful info. however, i think i actually do have a problem: i deleted a large file and dh gives me the same output. | 00:08 |
pittstains | also, the file deleted instantly.... usually there's a little lag for big files | 00:08 |
pittstains | Jordan_U: will the forcefsck file be deleted after the next boot? also, which log should I check to see the results of the check? | 00:09 |
Jordan_U | pittstains: Do any applications still have the file open? | 00:09 |
pittstains | good question... it was a log file being written to by Apache (it had grown to 10GB) | 00:10 |
Jordan_U | (you can check that by running "sudo fuser /path/where/the/file/was". | 00:10 |
pittstains | doesn't show up under ls any more.... running fuser now... | 00:10 |
Jordan_U | pittstains: In unix files aren't truly deleted untill no references to them exist, that includes hard links and open file handles. | 00:11 |
pittstains | fuser says no such file or directory... if i restart apache that should close any handles though | 00:12 |
Jordan_U | pittstains: Try "sudo lsof | grep /path/to/file" instead. | 00:13 |
pittstains | lsof not found? | 00:14 |
Jordan_U | That's surprising, are you sure you spelled it correctly? | 00:14 |
pittstains | LSOF, right? | 00:16 |
fallous | should be in /usr/bin/ | 00:16 |
pittstains | oh, i forgot this is a debian box and not ubuntu -- should be the same though, right? | 00:17 |
Jordan_U | pittstains: sudo apt-get install lsof, and let's continue this in #debian since it's off topic here. | 00:18 |
pittstains | thanks, jordan | 00:19 |
yabbo | looks like ubuntu doesnt support this system | 00:24 |
yabbo | that sucks | 00:24 |
yabbo | too old of a dell | 00:25 |
yabbo | exit | 00:27 |
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk | ||
pittstains | for anyone who was following my convo with Jordan_U, the reason the file didn't delete is that Apache was still using it. restarting Apache freed up the file to be deleted, and df now reports as expected. | 00:30 |
DukeOfMilan | I'm trying to Kickstart a server but getting "bad archive mirror" w/ us.ubuntu.com/ubuntu, any ideas? | 00:33 |
jpds | DukeOfMilan: It's us.archive.ubuntu.com | 00:35 |
jpds | DukeOfMilan: Which are part of the US is the server physical based? | 00:36 |
DukeOfMilan | Right, sorry--typed it wrong. This is what I'm using: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu | 00:37 |
DukeOfMilan | SF Bay area | 00:37 |
jpds | That should work. | 00:37 |
DukeOfMilan | Here's the line from ks.cfg: | 00:38 |
DukeOfMilan | url --url http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu | 00:38 |
jpds | DukeOfMilan: You might want to use http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/ubuntu/ instead however - as that's based in California. | 00:38 |
DukeOfMilan | Hmm, I'll try that, thanks. | 00:39 |
DukeOfMilan | Can I just use it like that in the ks.cfg, or do I need to add: dists/lucid or anything more specific? | 00:39 |
jpds | I'm looking for Kickstart documentation on it just to be sure. | 00:41 |
DukeOfMilan | It didn't like the url I was using, and it takes like 15min to get to the part of the install where it fails. | 00:42 |
DukeOfMilan | I'm using "The Official ubuntu Server Book" as a guide, btw. | 00:44 |
jpds | DukeOfMilan: As far as I can see, that line should be fine. | 00:48 |
DukeOfMilan | I'm trying: url --url http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/ubuntu | 00:49 |
DukeOfMilan | I'll know in about 15min if it worked. :) | 00:49 |
jpds | DukeOfMilan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=880829 describes what it's trying to do internally. | 00:50 |
DukeOfMilan | jpds: same error message I'm getting, maybe same issue. | 00:52 |
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ruben23 | hi guys when i install ubuntu-server using a sas HDD do i need to laod drivers during the install or no need..? | 00:57 |
qman__ | ruben23, if it works, then no | 00:57 |
qman__ | "installing drivers" is basically a thing of the past | 00:58 |
ruben23 | ok | 00:58 |
qman__ | either it's in the kernel or it isn't, as long as you run the latest updates | 00:58 |
qman__ | and if it isn't in the kernel, but does exist, you'd have to compile it yourself anyway, quite the task | 00:59 |
silentwhisper | sir jeeves | 01:00 |
ruben23 | hi si rt-kernel used by ubuntu-server studio..? | 01:01 |
silentwhisper | my server is access denied | 01:01 |
silentwhisper | pls help how to troubleshoot | 01:01 |
silentwhisper | anyone pls help | 01:02 |
qman__ | !details | silentwhisper | 01:03 |
ubottu | silentwhisper: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 01:03 |
silentwhisper | when i try to browse http://bits.ath.cx | 01:05 |
silentwhisper | access denied appears on the screen | 01:05 |
silentwhisper | within the network ok | 01:05 |
silentwhisper | but outside the network access denied appear | 01:05 |
ruben23 | any used rt kernel on ubutu-server..? | 01:06 |
silentwhisper | it been a week i keep receiving this error | 01:07 |
silentwhisper | i was able to make right less than a week | 01:07 |
silentwhisper | untill access denied appears | 01:08 |
qman__ | silentwhisper, what software are you using? what do you expect to see? what authentication mechanism is in use? | 01:09 |
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silentwhisper | im using ubuntu 10.04 deskstop and installed apache2 | 01:10 |
silentwhisper | at local host is says "it works" | 01:10 |
silentwhisper | but in the internet error | 01:10 |
qman__ | silentwhisper, that access denied page is not an apache access denide page | 01:11 |
qman__ | first make sure that URL is pointing to your server, and that ports are forwarded | 01:11 |
silentwhisper | http://paste.ubuntu.com/466724/ | 01:11 |
silentwhisper | yes sir im using dyndns | 01:12 |
silentwhisper | and my port 80 is forwarded | 01:12 |
silentwhisper | im using ddclient to update my ip regularly | 01:12 |
silentwhisper | this http service is intermittent | 01:12 |
qman__ | silentwhisper, it is a DNS issue | 01:13 |
qman__ | accessing your IP works | 01:13 |
qman__ | | 01:13 |
qman__ | it isn't pointing to your IP | 01:13 |
qman__ | ;; ANSWER SECTION: | 01:13 |
qman__ | bits.ath.cx.60INA222.127.223.69 | 01:13 |
silentwhisper | what seems to be the problem sir? | 01:15 |
qman__ | bits.ath.cx does not point to you | 01:15 |
silentwhisper | how can i fix it? | 01:16 |
qman__ | so it's either the wrong URL, or your dyndns is configured wrong, or you have a dynamic IP and it's not updating | 01:16 |
qman__ | any number of reasons | 01:16 |
silentwhisper | for sure i have dynamic ip | 01:16 |
qman__ | you need to have a script or service to update the IP information with dyndns | 01:17 |
silentwhisper | because my service provide is for home user only | 01:17 |
silentwhisper | how can i do that? | 01:17 |
qman__ | I don't know how to do it with dyndns.org, I use afraid.org myself | 01:17 |
qman__ | but there should be instructions at dyndns.org | 01:18 |
silentwhisper | i'll check on it also | 01:18 |
silentwhisper | thanks qman | 01:22 |
silentwhisper | i'll try it | 01:22 |
silentwhisper | how did you found out my hosts is not redirected correctly to my ip | 01:23 |
qman__ | the error page that was showing is not an apache error page, it's some other software | 01:24 |
qman__ | so then I compared the results of `dig bits.ath.cx` to the IP you are chatting from | 01:25 |
qman__ | and they are different | 01:25 |
qman__ | I then tested browsing to your IP, which worked | 01:25 |
silentwhisper | wow | 01:26 |
silentwhisper | thanks | 01:26 |
silentwhisper | you can get my ip while were chatting? | 01:26 |
qman__ | yes | 01:26 |
qman__ | freenode does not obfuscate them | 01:27 |
qman__ | /whois me, and you'll se mine | 01:27 |
cjs | How do I detach a logical volume (i.e., make it disappear from /dev/mapper)? | 01:27 |
cjs | Ah, vgchange -a n <name>. | 01:29 |
silentwhisper | i type /whois qman but no output | 01:30 |
qman__ | /whois qman__ | 01:30 |
silentwhisper | "/whois qman" | 01:30 |
qman__ | and it may not show up on this screen depending on your chat client | 01:30 |
qman__ | xchat shows it in the 'server' tab | 01:31 |
silentwhisper | it does not show up | 01:31 |
qman__ | ah, you are using xchat | 01:31 |
qman__ | in that case, you can also right click on my name, and hover it | 01:31 |
qman__ | and it will show you | 01:32 |
silentwhisper | real name,user,country | 01:33 |
qman__ | yes | 01:33 |
qman__ | under user, it shows you my IP, though my ISP has reverse DNS so it shows you the name | 01:33 |
silentwhisper | reverse dns | 01:34 |
silentwhisper | ah | 01:34 |
Moltar | Hi. I'm having a problem with a GPT formatted boot volume, my server gets a 'boot failure' after the installer has completed installing into the GPT partitions. I'm using 10.04 server. Could anyone suggest a fix or a way to troubleshoot this? | 01:35 |
tcw | Does the latest ubuntu server edition do some kind of automatic NIC teaming in a default installation? | 02:37 |
silentwhisper | help pls | 03:22 |
silentwhisper | i have dynamic ip | 03:22 |
silentwhisper | which is the best dns to use and easy to configure | 03:23 |
twb | Any of the ones your PPP/PPPoE/PPPoA client can auto-update | 03:26 |
twb | Since you're probably doing PPPoA on an appliance modem/router with its default proprietary firmware, that set may well be the empty set. | 03:27 |
silentwhisper | which is easier to use dydns,no ip,afraid etc | 03:32 |
silentwhisper | and which client is easier to configure | 03:32 |
silentwhisper | i have a dynamic ip | 03:32 |
twb | Most clients support a large number of providers. | 03:35 |
silentwhisper | which client is easier to configure for different dns | 03:42 |
twb | I can't comment on that. | 03:43 |
silentwhisper | when you are setting a server using dynamic ip what client you usually use? | 03:47 |
twb | I don't. I have a class C. | 03:50 |
tcw | years ago no-ip was pretty easy to use | 03:51 |
tcw | havnt used it in 5+ years though | 03:51 |
tcw | assume its only gotten easier | 03:51 |
twb | What they all boil down to is a post-ACK hook that issues an HTTP POST with the appropriate username, password and IP fields. | 03:54 |
tcw | how can i get a list of network interfaces in a machine (interfaces that currently are not brought up) i.e: i have added a secondary PCI NIC but I am unsure if it is classified by the system as eth1 or something else | 04:06 |
twb | tcw: ip link show | 04:23 |
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Hilikus | hey guys | 05:29 |
Hilikus | i have a backup system set up using passwordless ssh login. for some reason, if the user disconnect unexpectedly (their internet died) my system only realises the user disconnected after like 2-3 hours | 05:30 |
Hilikus | any idea why is that? | 05:30 |
Hilikus | is it rsyncd or is it sshd or what? | 05:30 |
twb | Because you aren't using -oBatchMode=yes ? | 05:33 |
Hilikus | where?? | 05:33 |
twb | In your .ssh/config or on the command line. | 05:34 |
Hilikus | in the client's ssh client?? | 05:34 |
twb | In whatever is invoking SSH | 05:34 |
Hilikus | and this is a switch in ssh? i'll look it up | 05:35 |
Hilikus | sounds about right, but i still don't understand what it does | 05:37 |
Hilikus | whats password querying?? | 05:37 |
Hilikus | i just want to make sure i'm not making my system more vulnerable my setting this to yes | 05:37 |
silentwhisper | hi to all | 06:00 |
silentwhisper | i learned setting webserver using apache | 06:02 |
silentwhisper | what service i must learn next | 06:03 |
silentwhisper | im studying on my own please guide mo | 06:03 |
silentwhisper | guide me | 06:03 |
silentwhisper | pls | 06:04 |
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Hilikus | silentwhisper: ssh? it depends what you're interested in? | 06:59 |
Hilikus | samba? | 06:59 |
larsemil | silentwhisper: what do you want to do? | 07:08 |
larsemil | silentwhisper: you have php support? mysql? that would be something | 07:08 |
kblin | hi folks | 07:13 |
kblin | it looks like myu ipv6-only system only tries to look up A records for hostnames instead of AAAA records. is there a setting I need to pass to the resolver to make it look for IPv6 records as well? | 07:14 |
kblin | ah, nvm, pebkac. I keep forgetting to use ping6 | 07:20 |
twb | Does lucid's slapd have that weird thing I heard about, where the config is stored *in* the database? | 07:28 |
joschi | twb: yes | 07:37 |
joschi | twb: but it's not specific to lucid | 07:37 |
twb | Where can I read about that? | 07:37 |
joschi | twb: it's the new, "better" way of configuration propagated by the openldap people | 07:37 |
twb | "sudo -ux getent passwd x" fails, but "getent passwd x" works, which indicates there's a missing access parameter -- but on my 8.04 system BOTH work, and it has an identical slapd.conf | 07:37 |
joschi | twb: unfortunately, it's still incomplete, e.g. it's not possible to configure the meta-backend through the cn=config interface | 07:38 |
twb | joschi: well, I remember the #openldap people griping about Ubuntu adopting it before it was really ready | 07:38 |
joschi | twb: http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/slapdconf2.html | 07:38 |
joschi | twb: "Unlike previous OpenLDAP releases, the slapd(8) runtime configuration in 2.3 (and later) is fully LDAP-enabled and can be managed using the standard LDAP operations with data in LDIF." | 07:38 |
twb | Does that mean that slapd.conf is not changed at all -- it's simply EXPOSED via the LDAP API? | 07:39 |
joschi | twb: no. either you use the traditional slapd.conf, then it's just a read-only version in cn-config | 07:39 |
joschi | twb: or you exclusively use cn=config and have no slapd.conf at all | 07:40 |
joschi | twb: the data is then stored in /etc/ldap/slapd.d/... | 07:40 |
joschi | twb: on the plus side, you can change slapd's configuration on the fly without a restart/reload using cn=config | 07:40 |
twb | Hm. I have a new lucid install (i.e. not upgraded), and it has a slapd.conf. How did it get there, if Ubuntu doesn't use it by default? | 07:40 |
joschi | twb: see /etc/default/slapd | 07:41 |
* twb looks | 07:41 | |
twb | SLAPD_CONF= (i.e. the empty string) in there, which means "use slapd.conf" according to the comments. | 07:42 |
joschi | twb: do you have a different ubuntu lucid than me? mine says: "If empty, use the compiled-in default (/etc/ldap/slapd.d)." | 07:44 |
twb | Oh oh oh oh oh | 07:45 |
twb | I'm very very very very stupid | 07:45 |
twb | I forgot that the DESKTOPS are migrating 10.04, but the server is still hardy | 07:45 |
twb | Sorry for wasting your time | 07:47 |
silentwhisper | next i want to try i mail server | 07:47 |
silentwhisper | can you guide me | 07:47 |
twb | The problem must be elsewhere | 07:47 |
silentwhisper | pls | 07:48 |
Jeeves_ | silentwhisper: Try the Ubuntu Server Guide | 07:48 |
Jeeves_ | Morning, all | 07:48 |
silentwhisper | hi good am to you too | 07:55 |
silentwhisper | here in our country, its 2 in the afternoon | 07:56 |
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ader10 | My question is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1535426 Please help if you can | 09:42 |
zul | ivoks: around? | 09:55 |
ader10 | somebody answered my question | 10:02 |
silentwhisper | need guide how to set up a typical mailserver | 10:47 |
silentwhisper | help | 10:47 |
larsemil | silentwhisper: have you looked at the server guide? | 10:49 |
larsemil | http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/email-services.html | 10:50 |
TeTeT | smoser: do you maintain the euca2ools for Karmic? there is a question in the answer tracker that looks like a bug to me: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+question/118429 | 11:07 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #608154 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "MySQL bug(s) crash akonadiserver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608154 | 11:16 |
smoser | TeTeT, i will look later | 11:35 |
andol | joschi: Just curious, you don't happen to be the same joschi the one on serverfault? | 11:50 |
joschi | andol: I am | 11:50 |
andol | joschi: Ok, was mostly curious, having seen the same nick both there and here. | 11:51 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #608177 in squid (main) "squid crashed with SIGFPE in main()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608177 | 11:57 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #608182 in nut (main) "problems with ups (mge pulsar es 8+)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608182 | 12:02 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #608189 in samba (main) "package smbclient 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: ile tar rovinato - l'archivio del pacchetto è danneggiato" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608189 | 12:26 |
kaushal | hi | 13:06 |
kaushal | is there a way to know the controller card details on ubuntu server 8.04 ? | 13:07 |
pmatulis | kaushal: start with 'lspci -vvnn' | 13:07 |
kirkland | SpamapS: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-maverick-uec-monitoring | 13:20 |
_chris_ | can i somehow tail the activity of a port ? | 13:23 |
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SpamapS | _chris_: sure, you can use tcpdump to sniff the traffic, or you could log using iptables | 13:34 |
pmatulis | shouldn't 'mount -a' mount nfs shares? | 13:47 |
SpamapS | pmatulis: unless it has a 'noauto' option | 13:48 |
kirkland | ccheney: please push to lp:~uec-provisioning/uec-provisioning/trunk | 13:49 |
pmatulis | SpamapS: thanks | 13:49 |
_chris_ | SpamapS, thx thats what i was looking for :) | 14:02 |
andreserl | ttx, howdy!! Can you take care of bug #607835 when you have the time please? | 14:33 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 607835 in drbd8 "New Upstream Release DRBD" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/607835 | 14:33 |
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ttx | andreserl: please subscribe me to it, will do in my next sponsoring spree if nobody beats me to it | 14:41 |
andreserl | ttx, ok thanks :) | 14:42 |
benedikt | where does libvirt/kvm store its disc images by default? | 14:49 |
edwin_ | i want to set up a mail server | 14:56 |
edwin_ | please guide me | 14:56 |
kim0 | edwin_: check this out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix | 14:58 |
edwin_ | thanks kim8 | 15:05 |
edwin_ | but how can we retrieve the mail | 15:05 |
edwin_ | typically what i see is user can retrieve mail through website am i right? | 15:06 |
\sh | edwin_: http://workaround.org/ispmail/lenny <- this is for debian, but works on ubuntu...follow the steps... | 15:06 |
edwin_ | postfix is commandline type | 15:07 |
edwin_ | not gui type | 15:07 |
edwin_ | for user | 15:07 |
kim0 | edwin_: you'd need a webmail (which is a separate thing) .. try http://openwebmail.lagmonster.org/ or atmail.com | 15:10 |
kim0 | edwin_: or search for zimbra.com .. it's an all in one monster solution .. probably close to what you're looking for | 15:10 |
edwin_ | thanks guys for the links | 15:12 |
edwin_ | nowadays how is an emailserver setup for user | 15:14 |
edwin_ | is it gui type / still shell type/commdline type? | 15:14 |
Wampyre | Hi | 15:18 |
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Wampyre | I have a service that is set to start with runlevel 2, but it's not doing so. Once the computer starts up, I can start the service manually using the same script. What do I need to check? | 15:18 |
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sommer | morning all | 15:44 |
Jeeves_ | Hi | 15:45 |
Wampyre | Ola! | 15:45 |
Jeeves_ | Wampyre: Is it upstart or plain-old init? | 15:45 |
Wampyre | How can I find out? | 15:46 |
rapha | Hi all, does Ubuntu Server not have PEM installed anymore? | 15:46 |
qbitza | Wampyre, update-rc.d | 15:47 |
Wampyre | The script exists in /etc/rc2.d | 15:47 |
Jeeves_ | Wampyre: So it's plain-old init :) | 15:47 |
rapha | (Also there don't seem to be any PEM packages - I'm trying to get vsftpd virtual users working as per ftp://vsftpd.beasts.org/users/cevans/untar/vsftpd-2.2.2/EXAMPLE/VIRTUAL_USERS/README - can somebody help me?) | 15:48 |
Jeeves_ | Wampyre: Convert it to upstart | 15:48 |
qbitza | Wampyre, as in sudo update-rc.d <service> defaults | 15:48 |
Jeeves_ | that's easy | 15:48 |
qbitza | update-rc.d shouldn't be bothered | 15:48 |
qbitza | It can do either, afaik | 15:48 |
jjohansen | Daviey: Bug #599450 | 15:49 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 599450 in linux "[apparmor] getattr handled incorrectly in 2.6.35-6.7" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/599450 | 15:49 |
Wampyre | qbitza, I've done that, while installing the application. It has created the necessary scripts, but the service is still not starting. | 15:49 |
Wampyre | Jeeves_, how do I convert it to upstart? | 15:50 |
ScottK | Good morning sommer. | 15:50 |
sommer | :-) | 15:50 |
Jeeves_ | Wampyre: Read the files in /etc/init | 15:50 |
Jeeves_ | There pretty logical | 15:50 |
Jeeves_ | upstart is the way to go anyways, so. | 15:51 |
qbitza | Wympyre, I agree with Jeeves, upstart is the way of the future | 15:51 |
qbitza | Wampyre, is this your own script? | 15:51 |
Wampyre | Nope, comes with the software | 15:52 |
Wampyre | I just needed to update the paths in it. | 15:53 |
Jeeves_ | Wampyre: Which software | 15:59 |
Wampyre | zabbix | 15:59 |
Wampyre | Apparently it depends on mysql starting before it does. | 16:00 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #608292 in bind9 (main) "Sync bind9 1:9.7.1.dfsg.P2-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608292 | 16:01 |
phretor | I had several LocalForward entries in my .ssh/config and I would like to open an ssh connection to the machines in a sort of "background mode" - is this possible? | 16:07 |
Jeeves_ | phretor: What do you mean? | 16:07 |
Jeeves_ | phretor: You mean that a script can open connections without usernames and passwords? | 16:08 |
phretor | Jeeves_: well, I'd like to put the ssh client in the background so I don't have to open another shell to, say, connect to locally forwarded ports. | 16:08 |
Wampyre | In an upstart script, the start on parameter tells the script what to depend on? | 16:08 |
Jeeves_ | Wampyre: Yes | 16:09 |
Jeeves_ | You can configure your own events (i believe) and runlevels | 16:09 |
Wampyre | How would I create a dependency upon mysql? | 16:09 |
Jeeves_ | That's a good one :) | 16:10 |
Wampyre | so just; start on (mysql) ? | 16:11 |
Jeeves_ | that might work, yes | 16:11 |
Jeeves_ | Wampyre: I'm trying to find some documentation on that | 16:13 |
Jeeves_ | Wampyre: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html | 16:14 |
Jeeves_ | In the bottom, it talks about initctl -emit | 16:14 |
Jeeves_ | initctl emit | 16:14 |
Jeeves_ | Wampyre: Have a look at /etc/init/mountall.conf | 16:15 |
Jeeves_ | 'emits' is the configuration keyword | 16:15 |
Jeeves_ | So if you change mysql.conf to 'emits mysql', than zabbix will start when mysql is started | 16:15 |
Jeeves_ | Upstart is pretty cool, actually. | 16:16 |
Wampyre | Ah! So if I add "emits mysql" to mysql.conf, then I can use "start on (mysql)" | 16:16 |
Jeeves_ | Too bad that so many programs aren't fixed to use it yet | 16:16 |
Jeeves_ | Wampyre: That's how I read it, yes :) | 16:16 |
Jeeves_ | Anyways, I'm afk for a while | 16:17 |
Wampyre | Thanks ffor the assistance :) | 16:17 |
Jeeves_ | np | 16:21 |
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates | ||
remix_tj | anyone has experience with postfix and postfixadmin's vacation? | 16:30 |
remix_tj | i got this vacation working only for an email. | 16:30 |
remix_tj | there is no way to get it working for other emails... | 16:30 |
lamont | remix_tj: postfixadmin's vacation? do you mean the vacation package, or some other thing? | 16:34 |
remix_tj | some other thing | 16:34 |
remix_tj | a postfix vacation with a sql backend | 16:35 |
lamont | it's specific to postfix? | 16:35 |
remix_tj | what do you mean? | 16:35 |
lamont | when you say "a postfix vacation", do you mean that it's specific to postfix, or that it's "just another vacation binary" that happens to have an sql backend? | 16:36 |
remix_tj | uh, seems to be a postfix problem, because the vacation script gets not called | 16:41 |
remix_tj | i've an email (a@b.it) which is (when vacation is active for that user) an alias for a@b.it,a@b.it@autoreply.b.it | 16:42 |
remix_tj | the mail gets delivered to a@b.it but not to the autoreply one, which is the address that generates the automatic email | 16:42 |
Hilikus | can i create a user in my system that will be login in through ssh that i can keep in its own home dir? i.e. so that he doesn't see or can move to the rest of my system? | 16:43 |
lamont | that'd be because postfix explicitly blocks routing via multiple @s | 16:43 |
pmatulis | Hilikus: yes | 16:43 |
lamont | --> broken vacation package if it's depending on source routed email to work | 16:44 |
pmatulis | Hilikus: "chrooted ssh" | 16:44 |
Hilikus | pmatulis: is that a chroot jail? | 16:44 |
Hilikus | ok, thats what i thought | 16:44 |
Hilikus | thanks pmatulis | 16:44 |
lamont | sadly, chroots are frequently trivial to escape | 16:44 |
Hilikus | yes, i've heard | 16:44 |
Hilikus | any other idea lamont | 16:45 |
Hilikus | ? | 16:45 |
pmatulis | lamont: oh, how so? | 16:45 |
pmatulis | lamont: ssh ones specifically | 16:45 |
lamont | pmatulis: dunno about ssh in specific, but various approaches exist, depending on the environment handed to the user in the chroot | 16:45 |
lamont | if you can get root inside the chroot, then the most trivial is to mount the real root disk somewhere, and chroot into that. | 16:46 |
hallyn | (use pivot_root to prevent the usual chdir-based chroot escapes) | 16:46 |
Hilikus | i want to give access to a user to come in and see their backups and their backups only. maybe i can restrict the also the commands allowed in the console?? to just do ls and get or whatever download command is needed? | 16:46 |
lamont | Hilikus: sounds like you want sftp-only | 16:47 |
Hilikus | i thought sftp still needed ssh access and a system account | 16:47 |
Hilikus | but yes,i was thinking of using sftp | 16:47 |
lamont | yeah. ISTR sftp-only users were possible with modern ssh | 16:48 |
remix_tj | lamont: but the strange thing is that works for assistenza@b.c.it@autoreply.b.c.it but not for lorenzettoluca@b.c.it@autoreply.b.c.it | 16:48 |
lamont | interesting | 16:48 |
pmatulis | Hilikus: yes, sftp chroots are built-in | 16:48 |
Hilikus | i don't have any ftp or sftp daemons running and i can connect to my server using sftp currently | 16:48 |
pmatulis | Hilikus: it'a a hidden/internal subsystem to ssh | 16:49 |
Hilikus | so, since i there's no daemon, where do i tell it it is a sftp-only access?? | 16:49 |
remix_tj | lamont: that's why i'm asking for help, this is driving me crazy :-) | 16:49 |
pmatulis | Hilikus: ask the great oracle | 16:49 |
Hilikus | i'm not sure what to search for | 16:50 |
pmatulis | Hilikus: "sftp chroot" | 16:50 |
Hilikus | thanks pmatulis | 16:50 |
pmatulis | Hilikus: you're welcome | 16:50 |
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MTecknology | How should I go about adding a module to ejabberd? | 16:59 |
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oru_work | how to compress a directory with tar ? | 17:11 |
FunnyLookinHat | tar -czvf file directory | 17:12 |
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kalkin- | hi guys | 17:48 |
kalkin- | i'm trying to rebuild php with --with-curlwrappers | 17:48 |
kalkin- | i followed this guid http://panthar.org/2006/06/15/php-with-mssql-on-ubuntu-606/ | 17:49 |
kalkin- | with php 5.2 it works flawless | 17:49 |
kalkin- | but with 10.4 and php 5.3 it fails | 17:49 |
kalkin- | this are the errors i get | 17:49 |
kalkin- | dpkg-source: info: use the '3.0 (quilt)' format to have separate and documented changes to upstream files, see dpkg-source(1) | 17:49 |
kalkin- | dpkg-source: unrepresentable changes to source | 17:49 |
kalkin- | dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -b php5-5.3.2 gave error exit status 1 | 17:49 |
kalkin- | any idea whats wrong? | 17:49 |
SuperLag | Can you pass a regex to apt-get? How would you say, apt-get install all-of-the-tomcat6-packages | 17:51 |
pmatulis | SuperLag: apt-get install tomcat* | 17:53 |
pmatulis | or tomcat6* | 17:53 |
SuperLag | excellent, thank you | 17:53 |
pmatulis | SuperLag: test with simulate switch (-s) | 17:53 |
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SandGorgon | hi guys.. i have gotten a hosted ubuntu 8.04 and am deploying my web app for the first time. my question is about security - what is a reasonably good, reasonably out-of-the-box intrusion detection system - I have heard about OSSEC and Snort | 18:04 |
hazmat | regarding using cloud-config on ec2 w/ lucid, are packages supposed to be installed before the runcmd are executed? | 18:06 |
hazmat | hmm.. it looks like cloud-init is parallelized via upstart so the command execution portion (runcmd) can't depend on packages installed by cloud-init.. | 18:11 |
ejat | any respond / update on bug 337976 | 18:16 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 337976 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Package Redhat's oVirt for use on Ubuntu" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/337976 | 18:16 |
pmatulis | ejat: read the bug to find out | 18:37 |
dupondje | Hi guys, I would like to know if its possible get get new debian php package getting sru'ed | 19:21 |
dupondje | fixes quite some amount of dirty bugs | 19:21 |
io | I have a dedicated server from a host that refuses to use a clean image from the Ubuntu website without installing a ton of packages before handing it over to their customer. Is there a straight forward way of comparing what packages a clean image usually gives, against their image, so that I can remove the additional packages they install? | 19:26 |
Jeeves_ | dpkg --get-selections | 19:27 |
io | Jeeves_: manpage has little information. What does that do? | 19:31 |
Jeeves_ | io: it shows which packages are installed on your system | 19:34 |
bjorr | anyone help out with a strange nagios error? | 19:34 |
Jeeves_ | So if you do it on both machines, you can create a diff on both configurations | 19:34 |
Jeeves_ | bjorr: Maybe | 19:34 |
bjorr | fuck already broke rule 1 | 19:34 |
bjorr | ill pastebin | 19:35 |
Jeeves_ | bjorr: And there's the second! :) No swearing :) | 19:35 |
bjorr | http://pastebin.com/0B494S4Y | 19:36 |
io | Jeeves_: That shows both packages from a clean image, and packages that somebody has installed? | 19:36 |
bjorr | from /var/log/nagios/nagios.log | 19:36 |
Jeeves_ | io: All installed packages | 19:36 |
bjorr | already been to #nagios, we couldnt solve it there | 19:36 |
Jeeves_ | bjorr: It segfaults | 19:36 |
bjorr | ive crawled forums all day for this | 19:36 |
Jeeves_ | bjorr: Try to start it witouth daemonizing | 19:37 |
io | Jeeves_: Is there a list of packages installed on a clean image? | 19:37 |
bjorr | how do I do that? | 19:37 |
Jeeves_ | io: Yes, just after you installed a machine and typed 'dpkg --get-selections' | 19:38 |
Jeeves_ | bjorr: /usr/sbin/nagios3 /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg | 19:38 |
Jeeves_ | bjorr: Without the -d switch, Nagios won't daemonize to the background | 19:38 |
Jeeves_ | O | 19:38 |
Jeeves_ | I'd love to help further, but I promised my wife I'd watch a movie with her. :) | 19:39 |
io | Jeeves_: What extra packages does -server install? | 19:39 |
Jeeves_ | So I gotta go. | 19:39 |
Jeeves_ | io: No clue. | 19:39 |
pmatulis | Jeeves_: enjoy | 19:39 |
Jeeves_ | Thanks! | 19:39 |
bjorr | No dice jeeves | 19:39 |
bjorr | damn you jeeves wife! i needed him more! | 19:43 |
Lichte | I just installed 10.04 and nothing comes up on the screen when I start it up........is there some kind of framebuffer turned on during install ??? | 19:51 |
Lichte | I can't ssh in either since it's turned off by default | 19:51 |
NightDragon | (13:54.25) • [ NightDragon ]: hey guys | 19:57 |
NightDragon | (13:54.28) • [ NightDragon ]: question | 19:57 |
NightDragon | (13:54.48) • [ NightDragon ]: ...my department wants to digitize all of their paper files. Does anyone have a good suggestion for a document management solution? | 19:57 |
NightDragon | (13:55.19) • [ NightDragon ]: i was going to suggest Acrobat for the software they use to ditgitize, but i'm guessing theres got to be a better way to manage the files then to just store them in folders | 19:57 |
NightDragon | err yeah | 19:57 |
NightDragon | that sucked | 19:57 |
NightDragon | ...but does anyone have some good advice? | 19:57 |
qman__ | NightDragon, if you can convince them to change, a wiki-style setup is much better to work with | 19:59 |
qman__ | but if not, there are still version control/management solutions for more traditional documents | 19:59 |
NightDragon | well these are student records that they are trying to digitize | 19:59 |
NightDragon | so we are trying to find a structured solution for records storage | 20:00 |
NightDragon | more then like a doku/wiki type setup, you know? | 20:00 |
NightDragon | unless wiki's apply to this sort of thing in some really nice way | 20:00 |
qman__ | not especially | 20:01 |
qman__ | it's just a great way to work with other people as opposed to word documents or PDFs | 20:01 |
qman__ | but if they're basically read-only, PDFs are a fine way to do it | 20:01 |
qman__ | however, it should be noted that plain text/markup is much easier to search than binary document formats | 20:02 |
NightDragon | well i was planning on suggesting PDF's as a format, as Acrobat is a _really_ good solution for digitizing records | 20:03 |
NightDragon | but i'm trying to find something that works well for storing/accessing them | 20:03 |
io | !info doxfs | 20:04 |
ubottu | Package doxfs does not exist in lucid | 20:04 |
pmatulis | !search doxfs | 20:06 |
ubottu | Found: | 20:06 |
bleything | I just had a weird experience with groups... I added my user to a group by hand-editing /etc/group, logged out and in, no dice. used usermod, same deal. then rebooted and it had taken effect | 20:25 |
bleything | are groups cached or something? | 20:26 |
pmatulis | bleything: next time use 'adduser' | 20:40 |
Lichte | I just installed 10.04 and nothing comes up on the screen when I start it up........is there some kind of framebuffer turned on during install ??? | 20:44 |
jord | Hi, how do I turn off any splash stuff on boot? I'm trying to figure out why the machine won't boot. | 20:46 |
pmatulis | jord: configure GRUB | 20:46 |
pmatulis | jord: how depends on GRUB1 or GRUB2 | 20:47 |
jord | pmatulis: I've got 10.04, so grub 2? | 20:48 |
Lichte | I have the same problem | 20:48 |
pmatulis | jord: /etc/default/grub for the latter | 20:48 |
pmatulis | jord: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="debug" for the most verbose boot | 20:49 |
jord | pmatulis: Cool, thanks. Will probably be back with more info :) | 20:49 |
jord | pmatulis: Ahh, I see | 20:49 |
pmatulis | jord: make sure you run 'update-grub' as the file says | 20:49 |
jord | pmatulis: Ok, will do | 20:49 |
bleything | pmatulis: will do, thanks. | 20:49 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #608423 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "post-start script broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/608423 | 21:05 |
Lichte | where do I go to allow ssh login on boot ? | 21:07 |
=== Mikey is now known as Guest94198 | ||
ScottK | Lichte: Install ssh is all you need to do. | 21:14 |
coxn | I want a script that, when run, has a session like this: http://sillyidea.pastebin.ca/1905532 | 21:31 |
coxn | Does such a thing exist in some corner? If not, if I were going to do that in python, what module(s) should I be looking at? | 21:31 |
Lichte | ScottK: can't do that, the screen goes blank during boot | 21:38 |
ScottK | If you don't have ssh installed, there's not much you can do then. | 21:38 |
Lichte | I guess I'll have to go back to 9.10 | 21:39 |
Jordan_U | Lichte: Did the LiveCD work correctly? | 21:43 |
jeremyn | i'm having a problem with amavisd-new, for some reason i get a "Virus scanning skipped: Exceeded storage quota" whenever it tries to process an email with a tar file attached. it doesn't have this problem with gz or zip files. it may have been like this since i set it up. any ideas? | 21:47 |
jeremyn | it has the problem with tar.gz files too | 21:47 |
jeremyn | the tar files i'm testing with only contain one very small text file | 21:48 |
Jordan_U | Lichte: Or, since we're in #ubuntu-server and you probably used the server CD, try holding shift during boot and adding "gfxpayload=text" (on its own line) to the first menu entry by pressing 'e' (press ctrl+X to boot the edited entry). | 21:50 |
Lichte | Jordan_U: yeah, no livecd for the server | 21:53 |
Lichte | Jordan_U: that goes at the end of the kernel line, no ? | 21:55 |
Jordan_U | Lichte: No, on its own line. | 21:55 |
Lichte | ok, I'm off to try again | 21:55 |
blackstar256 | are are some advantages of ubuntu server over other distrobutions | 21:56 |
Lichte | Jordan_U: that didn't work either | 21:58 |
Jordan_U | Lichte: Any output at all when you try to boot? | 21:59 |
Lichte | Jordan_U: when I erased the "quiet" at the end of the kernel line, I got some kernel output until the screen went blank again | 21:59 |
Lichte | Jordan_U: I can tell it's booting up by the HD activity | 22:00 |
Lichte | I just can't get any text output | 22:00 |
FunnyLookinHat | Is there a way to force my DNS to refresh? I'm fairly certain there isn't... but here's hoping :) | 22:01 |
Jordan_U | Lichte: You can use the server install CD to chroot in and install ssh. | 22:01 |
Lichte | Jordan_U: then what? How do I fix the screen output ? | 22:02 |
Jordan_U | Lichte: I think there's even an option to setup the chroot automagically, "repair broken system" or similar. | 22:02 |
Lichte | Jordan_U: I've done that too | 22:02 |
Jordan_U | Lichte: Check dmesg for anything that looks relevant. | 22:03 |
Lichte | I have 3 servers to upgrade, ,my boss isn't going to allow no screen output, I don't care personally, I'd rather have headless servers | 22:03 |
Jordan_U | Lichte: Try adding "nomodeset" to the kernel parameters. | 22:04 |
Lichte | Jordan_U: OK | 22:04 |
cloakable | FunnyLookinHat: more detail please :) how are you getting dns, and how do you want it to refresh? | 22:05 |
Jordan_U | Lichte: Or maybe hook a DVD player up to the monitor with a loop of random boot messages to make your boss happy :) | 22:05 |
Lichte | Jordan_U: :)) | 22:08 |
Lichte | Jordan_U: that worked! I now have sshd installed | 22:08 |
Lichte | nomodeset did the job | 22:08 |
Lichte | who's the genius that decided a graphical boot on a server was a good idea ?? | 22:09 |
sysdoc | Since webmin is no longer in the repos, is there a replacement for it?? | 22:10 |
cloakable | ebox :) | 22:10 |
FunnyLookinHat | cloakable: well - does my machine cache a host lookup after a single attempt for a while? Because I setup a cname over an hour ago and it still isn't showing up with host | 22:10 |
sysdoc | cloakable, thanks | 22:11 |
cloakable | FunnyLookinHat: I wouldn't know. so you have a caching nameserver installed? | 22:11 |
cloakable | FunnyLookinHat: *do | 22:12 |
FunnyLookinHat | cloakable: oh no I don't - I'm just fetching my DNS lookups from the DNS server provided by my ISP | 22:12 |
FunnyLookinHat | You can ignore me :) | 22:12 |
FunnyLookinHat | I've realized I'm just impatient | 22:12 |
cloakable | FunnyLookinHat: heh :) | 22:12 |
FunnyLookinHat | Ok - better question - I'm having trouble finding the syntax to upload just a single file with rsync over ssh | 22:13 |
cloakable | upload, or sync? | 22:13 |
FunnyLookinHat | upload. | 22:13 |
Hilikus | i'm having a problem with sshd. i created a group and added a user to that group | 22:13 |
Hilikus | then in my ssd_config i have | 22:13 |
FunnyLookinHat | cloakable: only want to use rsync because it compresses a bit | 22:13 |
Hilikus | AllowGroups backup_reader | 22:13 |
FunnyLookinHat | cloakable: otherwise scp would probably be fine | 22:13 |
Hilikus | but when the user tries to log in auth.log reports | 22:14 |
Hilikus | not allowed because not listed in AllowUsers | 22:14 |
Hilikus | am i missing something? my logic is that it should be allowed because even though it is not in AllowUsers, it is in AllowGroups | 22:14 |
cloakable | FunnyLookinHat: rsync -t <filename> server:/path/to/directory/ | 22:15 |
cloakable | FunnyLookinHat: I'd think, reading the manpage | 22:15 |
FunnyLookinHat | cloakable: Yeah that's what I thoguht - I was just checking if my interprettation of the manpage was right :) | 22:15 |
cloakable | FunnyLookinHat: :) | 22:16 |
Moltar | I'm having a problem with 10.04 server, it will not boot after the install when installing on a GPT formatted partition. The BIOS just says 'boot fail hard disk 0'. This is on an IBM x series server with a 3TB RAID volume. Can anyone suggest a way to troubleshoot this or maybe a pointer to some documentation? | 22:20 |
Jordan_U | Moltar: Software RAID or Fake RAID? | 22:21 |
Lichte | thanks for the help Jordan_U | 22:21 |
Jordan_U | Lichte: You're welcome. | 22:22 |
Lichte | laters | 22:22 |
Jordan_U | Moltar: Can you run this script: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/ and pastebin the RESULTS.txt? | 22:25 |
Hilikus | can i have allowUsers and allowGroups in sshd at the same time?? | 22:41 |
Moltar | Jordan_U: Hardware RAID, an IBM RAID controller | 22:42 |
pmatulis | Hilikus: the sshd_config man page will tell you | 22:42 |
Jordan_U | Moltar: Ok, then the fact that it's RAID should be irrelevant for this purpose. | 22:43 |
Hilikus | then i'm reading at the wrong place | 22:43 |
Hilikus | it doesn't say anything about itr | 22:43 |
Jordan_U | Moltar: The output from the boot info script would still be usefull. | 22:43 |
pmatulis | Hilikus: read the section explaining the AllowUsers parameter | 22:44 |
Moltar | Jordan_U: I tried that script yesterday and it complained that the 'core.img' file was not recognized in that small bios_grub flagged partition. But if I dump the first block with dd it looks the same as the core.img file to me. | 22:44 |
Jordan_U | Moltar: Did you do any repartitioning after installing grub? Does the script show grub as being installed to the mbr? (the full output would be usefull) | 22:45 |
Moltar | Jordan_U: OK, I'll have to reboot from the DVD in rescue mode and run that again. I've also tried using the efi boot option, with that I at least get what looks like the start of the kernel and initrd loading but nothing after the initrd message. | 22:45 |
Hilikus | pmatulis: i did, and still nothing specific about combining it with allowGroups | 22:48 |
Hilikus | for some reason the behaviour i'm seeing is that allowGroups is ignored, but that's not what the man says | 22:49 |
Hilikus | so i'm probably doing something wrong | 22:50 |
Hilikus | i want to allow certain users AND certain groups | 22:50 |
pmatulis | Hilikus: "The allow/deny directives are processed in the following order: DenyUsers, AllowUsers, DenyGroups, and finally AllowGroups." if you have restarted sshd and this statement proves to be wrong then open a bug | 22:54 |
Hilikus | that doesn't say anything about my questions. that's when there are conflicting permissions. it doesn't say that each directive overwrites everything below it | 22:56 |
Hilikus | eMBee August 2, 2006: i did a few quick tests on the interaction of AllowUsers and AllowGroups and it seems that they can’t really be used together | 22:57 |
Hilikus | hmmm | 22:57 |
Moltar | Jordan_U: I've screwed around with this system so much that I'm starting from scratch, I'll paste that RESULTS.txt from the bootinfo script after I reinstall to avoid totally confusing the issue | 22:58 |
silentwhisper | great day to everyone | 23:02 |
Hilikus | whats the diff between a user group and a system group? | 23:05 |
pmatulis | silentwhisper: thank you. to you as well | 23:53 |
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