
redwyrmfunkyHat: I'll give that a try. I'm more familiar with apt-get than aptitude, though00:00
funkyHatredwyrm: sorry, are you specifically looking to just do the security updates?00:01
redwyrmfunkyHat: yes00:01
violinapprenredwyrm: the patch load for the server edition is rather low, you should install all updates (with proper timing and preparations)00:02
littlebearred2kic: aptitude is the newer thing, it sounds better :P00:03
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide00:03
funkyHatredwyrm: if you just run sudo aptitude  you will see a curses interface, while the top line (security updates (#)) is highlighted, press +, then press g00:03
ader10I'm having trouble with pure-ftpd. My virtual users can log in but can't retrieve a directory listing. Please help (FileZilla log: http://pastebin.com/nXsGEp5s )00:03
funkyHatredwyrm: oh, then press g again ⢁)00:03
funkyHatredwyrm: personally I would just do all the updates, but it's up to you of course ⢁)00:04
violinapprenader10: what's in the ftp server logs?00:04
Raydiationargh ssh key auth is fkin broken00:05
funkyHatRaydiation: please watch your language00:05
violinapprenRaydiation: watch your language00:06
ader10violinappren: http://pastebin.com/UH8R53iC00:06
intxis there a way using a CLI to automatically remove a package and all it's dependencies and sub-dependencies?00:06
Raydiationdoes ssh-add modify my keys?00:06
violinapprenader10: empty?00:06
Alien_OverlordWhat does adding nomodeset to the end of grub2 do?00:06
ader10violinappren: Oops, I mistyped the link00:06
edbianintx, sudo apt-get purge <packageName>00:06
ader10violinappren: http://pastebin.com/uH8R53iC00:06
funkyHatRaydiation: shouldn't00:07
edbianintx, sudo aptitude purge <packageName>  will probably do an even better job.00:07
funkyHatRaydiation: can you pastebin the output of ssh -vv host?00:07
hdtdiguys i dont know whats happening with brasero i get unknown error :S with nero trial it started.. to burn the image and its ok for now00:07
blitzofunkyhat - autoupdating server stuff can cause it to break which you never want in a production environment, makes you phone start rining in the middle of the night00:07
j800r_edbian, apt-get is more powerful than aptitude00:07
intxedbian: thanks00:07
owd95someone that knows a good video editor? I have try kdelive and openshot and both of them crashes random...00:07
edbianj800r_, Ummm ??  What do you  mean more powerful?00:07
j800r_owd95, ubuntu lucid comes with one00:07
blitzoowd96 cinelarra is great if a little quirky - google for it00:08
RaydiationfunkyHat: http://pastebin.com/z9nrNfZ500:08
j800r_edbian, apt-get came more or less as a replacement to aptitude. it's my understanding that you can do more with it00:08
owd95j800r_: yes i know but i need i more advanced editor, like adobes products...00:08
j800r_then kdenlive is one of the best to use i'd say00:09
edbianj800r_, aptitude is smarter at dependency resolution.  That is the only difference I'm aware of.00:09
RaydiationfunkyHat: heres some more output http://pastebin.com/whhyLfj800:09
Raydiationforgot to enter pw00:09
j800r_it is?00:09
j800r_apt-get does a fine job to me00:09
funkyHatintx: aptitude will remove packages that are no longer depended on by default, apt-get will too if you run apt-get autoremove00:09
owd95j800r_: but i crashes all the time... i have try it on difference computer to00:09
^peanut^Raydiation: you need to replace "host" with a real hostname that you can ssh too =)00:10
funkyHatintx: however if you've used update manager I think that doesn't set the auto installed flag properly, so it might not work right00:10
edbianj800r_, I switch back and forth all the time.  Sometimes apt-get is useful because it does what I tell it and only what I tell it.00:10
j800r_owd95, try running the software via terminal and see what output you get.00:10
Raydiation^peanut^: @line800:10
tgalalhere is my case.. installed ubuntu lucid. then installed kubuntu-desktop. then updated KDE to 4.5 RC2, then removed kubuntu-desktop, so ubuntu got destroyed. so re-installed ubuntu-desktop. now I've got many missing dependencies. Trying to install vlc: depeDepends: libqtgui4 (>= 4:4.6.1) but it is not going to be installed. Trying to re-install kubuntu-desktop, got a huge list of missing depends too........00:10
j800r_edbian, i use apt-get for everything, and it does the job fine00:10
j800r_you can use apt-get autoremove to remove obsolete packages/dependencies00:11
edbianj800r_, yeah :)00:11
^peanut^Raydiation: doh, sorry, missed that. =)00:11
slidinghorntgalal: apt-get build-dep vlc00:11
RaydiationfunkyHat: problem is: i put my pubkey on the server, with the authorized_keys file, then when it try to connect i get connection closed. if i delete the keys on my pc i get a password prompt. now if i do a ssh-add i dont even get a pw prompt if the .ssh is deleted00:11
ader10I'm having trouble with pure-ftpd. My virtual users can log in but can't retrieve a directory listing. Please help (FileZilla log: http://pastebin.com/nXsGEp5s ; server log: http://pastebin.com/uH8R53iC )00:11
violinapprenader10: turn on debug-level logging00:11
blitzotgalal gdebi will generate a list of missing deps so you can install them manually (i am not an expert just learned this yesterday)00:11
violinapprenader10: docs say "-d"00:11
edbianj800r_, aptitude keeps a log.  apt-get does not00:12
funkyHatRaydiation: Raydiation you mean you deleted your .ssh directory?00:12
RaydiationfunkyHat: yes00:12
violinapprentgalal: why not just install kubuntu ?00:12
j800r_ed1703, i think it's more a case of preference rather than capabilities00:12
RaydiationfunkyHat: if i do that after ssh-add i dont even get a pw prompt00:12
funkyHatRaydiation: because you deleted the keys that ssh-add might have tried to unlock for you00:13
tgalalviolinappren, I like to switch between gnome and kde every now and then.. unfortunately..00:13
j800r_and why the hell won't my ghost nick leave the server already -.-00:13
violinapprenblitzo: gdebi works on external debs, he's issue seems to be with repository debs00:13
blitzoraydiation have you considered uninstalling and reinstalling ssh?  backup your config files first.  it'll put the defaults back for you00:13
funkyHatblitzo: reinstalling won't make any difference to user files00:14
hiexpo!language | j800r00:14
ubottuj800r: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:14
RaydiationfunkyHat: if i copy the directory back it fails too00:14
aleksiany idea whats wrong? ill get error message like this while trying to upgrade 8.04 to 10.0400:14
j800r_er, i didn't use any bad language :\00:14
tgalalslidinghorn, thanks worked. But why didn't this happen automatically?00:14
funkyHatRaydiation: and what exactly did you copy to the server?00:15
blitzofunkyhat if he has nuked his personal files without a backup there is no recovery00:15
A-NonOkay it's been a bit so I'll review the issue I've been trying to solve: Trying to install ubuntu I get an error "(intramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" before the CD menu. Checksum on the ISO checks out, the image verifies in IMGBurn (burning on an XP machine), so I'd say the disk is fine. Wubi doesn't work, gives me an error that loops "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive \Device\Harddisk1\DR2."00:15
aleksi"Could not install the upgrades" E: Couldnt configure pre-depend jre for openoffice.org writer2latex, probably a dependency cycle'00:15
RaydiationfunkyHat: the id_rsa.pub00:15
slidinghorntgalal, i think edbian was describing it earlier...apt-get isn't quite as "smart" when it comes to dependencies as compared to aptitude...sometimes you have to build them up with apt-get00:15
funkyHatRaydiation: hm ok. did you set the correct permissions on ~/.ssh on the server?00:15
Alien_Overlordviolinappren, ZykoticK9 I followed the directions and it left me with the resolution I started with. In addition I see "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode"00:15
edbiantgalal, Try the same command but with aptitude.  See what it says :)00:16
tgalaledbian, will dot thanks :)00:16
^peanut^raydiation: if you removed the .ssh dir in your $HOME. You can recreate it but ssh'ing to another system, the client side of .ssh holds the known_hosts file. So that's all that gets created (defaults). Then you can regen your pub and priv keys. also make sure your $home permissions and .ssh dir permissions are setup correctly so sshd doesnt complain when verifing keys00:16
violinapprenAlien_Overlord: did you edit xorg.conf to set your desired resolution ?00:16
ader10violinappren: Sorry for the delay. http://pastebin.com/upWmahAZ00:17
Jordan_UA-Non: Sounds like the kernel is having problems recognising your drives. If you use the netinstall CD then the installer should at least not complain, though it may not be able to see your hard drive (you don't actually need to netboot, just booting the netboot CD will work).00:17
ader10that's way more log than I need I guess00:17
A-NonJordan-U, is there any difference to using the netinstall CD? I'm new to this install process.00:17
^peanut^Raydiation: check this step by step to setup ssh  password less auth. http://pastebin.com/wAX8ks3g00:19
DenisHi again! Is it possible to use gvfs-mount for mounting CIFS shares with options like "iocharset" etc. ?00:19
Raydiation^peanut^: file rights are 0700 on both .ssh folders and 0600 for their content00:19
RaydiationfunkyHat: : file rights are 0700 on both .ssh folders and 0600 for their content00:19
aleksihow can i uninstall my openoffice00:20
^peanut^Raydiation: check my link.00:20
nimbiotics_Hi. Noob here. I'm having trouble sharing a folder between windows 7 and ubuntu. Instructions found at http://tinyurl.com/246t87q are not working, Imgeting error 13. Any ideas?00:20
funkyHatRaydiation: can you pastebin /etc/ssh/sshd_config from the server?00:21
Denisnimbiotics_: same here :(00:21
RaydiationfunkyHat: http://pastebin.com/3VasvRMN00:21
funkyHatRaydiation: can you try running ssh-copy-id host, that should make sure your pubkey is in the right place?00:23
funkyHatI'm looking through this config for clues00:23
ader10that's way more log than I need I guess00:23
ader10I'm having trouble with pure-ftpd. My virtual users can log in but can't retrieve a directory listing. Please help (FileZilla log: http://pastebin.com/nXsGEp5s ; server log: http://pastebin.com/uH8R53iC )00:23
RaydiationfunkyHat: on the server?00:24
violinapprenader10: http://trishfindlay.com/filezilla-ftp-listing-problem/ ?00:24
funkyHatRaydiation: no, run that on the client, it will connect to the server and attempt to put the key in the right place for you, and set permissions00:24
aleksihow do i uninstall my openoffice?00:24
funkyHatit'll ask for your password00:24
violinapprenaleksi: use software center00:24
aleksiand i can find it under?00:25
ader10violinappren: That didn't change anything00:25
slidinghornaleksi, it's in the menu00:26
^peanut^aleksi: Click "Applications" the software center is at the bottom00:26
RaydiationfunkyHat: worked, it seems that the first copy i did on the server with nano added wrong newline :/00:27
funkyHatRaydiation: good ⢁)00:28
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RaydiationfunkyHat: but why didnt it fall back to pw auth when i removed the .ssh dir?00:28
aleksiCannot remove 'openoffice.org-writer'00:28
aleksiOne or more applications depend on openoffice.org-writer. To remove openoffice.org-writer and the dependent applications, use the Synaptic package manager.00:28
funkyHatRaydiation: oh, I thought it did?00:28
violinapprenader10: http://www.theserverpages.com/articles/servers/cpanel/tweaks/Getting_passive_FTP_connections_to_work_through_a_firewall_properly.html00:28
RaydiationfunkyHat: sec i read up the history00:28
^Jay2^anybody here having torrent problems00:29
RaydiationfunkyHat: what exactly is ssh-add anyway?00:29
RaydiationfunkyHat: i dont remember having to use it on prior installations00:29
^peanut^Raydiation: ssh-add — adds RSA or DSA identities to the authentication agent00:30
funkyHatRaydiation: oh about ssh-add. ssh-add is for working with ssh-agent, it helps you keep your keys unlocked in memory so you don't have to keep typing the password to unlock them00:30
ader10violinappren: I initially set it up properly according to that web site.00:31
RaydiationfunkyHat: ah thats the agent00:31
funkyHatRaydiation: gnome has its own key agent I think, so you probably don't need it00:31
RaydiationfunkyHat: ty for your help :)00:31
funkyHatRaydiation: no problem ⢁)00:31
wolfie1hi, i am having an issue with audio output, there are 2 registered users on ubu 10.04 desktop.    my wifes account is getting audio output, mine is not.   i cannot find a mute button activated but the little sound icon at top is on 0bars.   can anyone help me fix this?00:32
Dr_Williswolfie1:  You left click on the speaker and it has a mute/unmute item.00:33
wolfie1hi ed kikkert from nl!00:34
Dr_Williswolfie1:  you could also run gnome-volume-applet00:34
Dr_Williswolfie1:  you could also run gnome-volume-control-applet   :) my mistake00:34
wolfie1Dr, the mute is not active....   Unmute at top of the little popup box is greyed00:34
=== SpyderBite_ is now known as Spyder|zzz
Dr_Williswolfie1:  try running gnome-volume-control and see if it has any clues00:35
Dr_Williswolfie1:  is th wife logged in at the same time you are?00:35
ader10I'm having trouble with pure-ftpd. My virtual users can log in but can't retrieve a directory listing. Please help (FileZilla log: http://pastebin.com/nXsGEp5 )00:35
nkei0hey everyone, i'm using a wireless usb adapter that isn't quite working yet, i went and did dmesg | tail and i get a few other lines, but this is the important part i believe: [ 4994.134892] rt2800usb 2-1:1.0: firmware: requesting rt2870.bin00:35
nkei0[ 4994.361490] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready  I have the .bin file on my desktop, where do i put it to make it work?00:35
=== FlameTai1_ is now known as FlameTai1
hsa2having a sound sync problem in flash is only occurs on my system? or is it general bug?00:35
^Jay2^how do i put songs in my ipod using rhythmbox00:37
hsa2when i hit the pause on a youtube video, video stops but audio plays for about 0.5 sec, then when i hit play again, video starts playing and audio comes after 0.5 sec00:37
wolfie1Dr yes, but even if not, same problem,... when she is, i can hear her skype chime00:37
hsa2^Jay2^, ipod type?00:37
Dr_Williswolfie1:  as a test. i would suggest logging out both people. (perhaps a reboot) and log in only as your user. and see if sound works then.00:38
Dr_Williswolfie1:  its possible skype is not playing nicely and shareing the sound system00:38
hiexponkei0,  where's all that stuff come from all we need is card type   brand model and verion00:38
Dr_Williswolfie1:  as a 2nd test. try making a new user . and see if sound works for that new user.00:39
^peanut^!ipod | ^Jay2^00:39
ubottu^Jay2^: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:39
hiexposup pure_hate00:39
nkei0hiexpo, It's a Zonet ZEW2545 wireless n, however, when i do lsusb it comes up as a ralink00:39
wolfie1i will try that now dr, also please tell me where is gnome-volume-control to run?   or is it terminal only?00:40
ader10I'm having trouble with pure-ftpd. My virtual users can log in but can't retrieve a directory listing. Please help (FileZilla log: http://pastebin.com/nXsGEp5 )00:40
Dr_Williswolfie1:  run it from a terminal00:40
hiexponkei0,  what chipset00:40
nkei0 hiexpo how do i find that out?00:41
hiexponkei0,  ralink made it than00:41
mikekkim attempting to run a nightly build, but the svn update tries to get a password from gnome-keyring every time. i doubt this will work with cron. how can i get it to store it some other way?00:41
hiexpoi will find it one sec00:42
RaydiationfunkyHat: btw, theres also a bug affiliated with it https://bugs.launchpad.net/seahorse/+bug/20178600:42
nkei0hiexpo, thanks00:42
=== Spyder|zzz is now known as SpyderBite
hiexponkei0,  must be a terrible  card sells for 4.9900:43
A-NonThe netboot disk got to the partitioner and showed a window with nothing but "??? ??? [Go Back] [Continue]"00:43
wolfie1dr, gnome-volume-control as sudo showed a ,ute active, but even removed there is no sound coming out.00:43
nkei0hiexpo, it works just fine on windows :)00:43
hiexponkei0,  that is windows00:44
intangirhow do i switch sound streams in pulse to a specific output device? can it be done with the default pulse support built into ubuntu?00:44
intangiri mean on an app by app basis00:44
Dr_Williswolfie1:  you really DONT want to be running stuff as sudo if you dont have a reason to.. its possible you running things like that as  the root user has goofed up your users settings.00:44
funkyHatRaydiation: I'm not sure that's related. That's about an issue with ssh on big endian architectures (i.e. PPC), and your key is working now, isn't it?00:44
Dr_Williswolfie1:  i would suggest making a new user and see if souind works for them.00:44
wolfie1ok. thanks dr00:44
RaydiationfunkyHat: oops didnt read big endian00:45
hiexponkei0,  open terminal paste this command sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf00:46
hiexponkei0,  than add this line at the end  blacklist rt2800usb00:46
ader10I'm having trouble with pure-ftpd. My virtual users can log in but can't retrieve a directory listing. Please help (FileZilla log: http://pastebin.com/nXsGEp5 )00:46
nkei0hiexpo, the very end of the file?00:47
hiexponkei0,  yes00:47
nkei0hiexpo, done00:48
hiexponkei0,  ok now see if it works00:48
nkei0hiexpo, nope, should i reboot, everything is still the same?00:49
hiexpoya maybe so00:49
nkei0hiexpo, k brb00:50
nimbiotics_How do I restore top panel?00:50
DDI bought a new camera and the firmware needed for it uses ZIP .... Will Ubuntu be able to run ZIP ?00:50
Dr_Willis!resetpanels | nimbiotics_00:50
ubottunimbiotics_: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:50
yusukehow can i make my IP to turn into a virtual host.. where should i config?00:50
hajmolaDD, yes.00:50
Dr_WillisDD:  you unzip a zip.. you dont run a zip00:50
linuxman410does anyone know how to get sound working on dell inspiron 600000:50
DDthank you00:50
DDthank you hajmola and Dr_Willis heh00:50
nimbiotics_Dr_Willis, ubottu> Thanks!00:51
Dr_Williswhat sort of 'firmware' are you talking about DD?00:51
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yusukehow can i make my IP to turn into a virtual host.. where should i config?00:51
hajmolalinuxman410, you should look up the sound device first00:51
jef91If I know the hostname of a computer on the network how can I find it's IP address via CLI?00:52
noisewaterphdjef91: ping it00:53
LukeLhost hostname00:53
slidinghorn!patience | yusuke00:54
ubottuyusuke: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:54
Dr_Willisyusuke:  im not sure your question is very clear....00:54
noisewaterphdyusuke: what are you talking about? apache?00:54
A-NonHow do I set up the boot partition manually with the netboot CD?00:54
yusukedo i need apache to make my IP to turn into a virtual host00:55
jef91host and then entering the hostname gives host not found LukeL do I need any other arguments?00:55
Dr_Willisyusuke:  what are you planning on doing at that ip?00:55
noisewaterphdyusuke: what the hell are you talking about?00:56
aretrfre34hi, i want burn iso to usb stick, so i mounted it as /dev/loop0, so can I now dump it as img using dd???00:56
yusuketo reverse DNS00:56
Dr_WillisGotta love playing 20 questions to get to the actual quextion.00:56
LukeLoh, jef91 try ping hostname then00:56
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^peanut^yusuke: if you want to setup an apache virtual host check out : http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/examples.html00:56
Dr_Willisaretrfre34:  for ubuntu isos use unetbootin, or the usbdisk creator tool. NOT dd.00:56
^peanut^Dr_Willis: =)00:56
hiexpoaretrfre34,  what you want to do burn iso to usb00:56
Dr_Willisaretrfre34:  there are a FEW disrtos that have iso files you can 'dd' but not many00:57
slidinghorn!usb | aretrfre3400:57
ubottuaretrfre34: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:57
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
=== FlameTai1_ is now known as FlameTai1
ader10I'm having trouble with pure-ftpd. My virtual users can log in but can't retrieve a directory listing. Please help (FileZilla log: http://pastebin.com/nXsGEp5 )00:58
A-NonTrying to set up the main boot partition I get: "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext4 in SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #6 (sda) at / failed."00:58
nkei0hiexpo, I can see the networks now, but it wouldn't connect00:59
feedmecerealI'm trying to change my password but the Change User Password window seems to be frozen for the past 5 or 10 minutes. What do I do?00:59
intangirin nautilus how do i make the location bar editable instead of buttons00:59
hiexponkei0,  iwconfig00:59
Jordan_Uintangir: ctrl+L01:00
cheebzSo I was looking through the code of the ume-config-netbook package that supposedly contains optimizations for the Atom processor and makes UNR unique.  Mostly what I see in here though is just some neat little scripts that load only the needed modules for common netbook hardware.  Am I looking at the wrong package?  Perhaps this has been replaced?01:00
intangirweird, it doesnt stay perminently as text though?01:00
trismintangir: ctrl+L to active it when you need it, or gconf-editor: /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_location_entry to make it permanent01:00
intangirJordan_U, trism: thanks01:00
nkei0hiexpo, it shows up, but it's got it's own essid and whatnot, but when i try to connect to my network and do an iwconfig it shows that it's connected, it's just not getting an ip or something...01:00
Jordan_Uintangir: You're welcome.01:00
Jordan_Ucheebz: Ubuntu used to have a separate LPIA architecture where all packages were built with atom optimization, it's since been dropped.01:01
hiexponkei0,  looking01:02
ader10I'm having trouble with pure-ftpd. My virtual users can log in but can't retrieve a directory listing. Please help (FileZilla log: http://pastebin.com/nXsGEp5 )01:03
cheebzJordan_U: I see, thanks for the response.  So what are the plans Ubuntu has for Netbook Remix?  There's probably someplace that has more information than you feel like typing that I haven't found yet, if you know of it please inform01:03
hiexponkei0,  ok try this sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf01:04
linuxman410how do you configure driver for sigmatel 9751 sound card in dell inspiron 600001:04
hiexponkei0,  remove other line i had you and and replace with this rt2800usb01:05
Alien_OverlordViolinappren: I tried editing the xorg.conf and still no luck01:05
owd95someone that can help me with kdenlive? it crashes random all the time...01:05
cheebzJordan_U: Nevermind about that, I think I found what I was looking for.  Thanks again though, I had been wondering about this for a while.01:07
Jordan_Ucheebz: You're welcome.01:07
nkei0hiexpo, so just remove the blacklist portion?01:08
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Alien_OverlordCan someone help me get a 1920x1080 resolution? details: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/WD2iq2CQI01:08
hiexponkei0,  yes01:08
linuxman410how do you configure sigmatel 9751 driver in dell inspiron 6000 laptop01:08
Dr_WillisAlien_Overlord:  you could also mention your video chipset when asking. :)01:08
nkei0hiexpo, okay rebooting now brb01:09
hiexponkei0,  ok01:09
Alien_OverlordDr:Willis Intel HM 5701:10
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Alien_OverlordDr:Willis Intel 340001:12
A-NonGuys I'm having trouble setting up the drive to install ubuntu, I'm trying to set up an ext4 partition but it says "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext4 in SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #6 (sda) at / failed."01:13
DrTinkeri am trying to install ubuntu on my dell inspiron 1420 and keep getting an uncompression error - system halted...help?01:13
ader10I'm having trouble with pure-ftpd. My virtual users can log in but can't retrieve a directory listing. Please help (FileZilla log: http://pastebin.com/nXsGEp5 )01:13
blitzoader10 no response, or no useful response?01:14
ader10one response a long time ago that didn't fix the problem01:14
=== Dad is now known as Guest51390
linuxman410 how do you configure sigmatel 9751  sound driver in dell inspiron 6000 laptop01:15
blitzoader10 your pastebin output has expired01:16
ader10thanks for letting me know01:16
nolimitsoyaader10, dead paste link. are your filesystem permissions set properly?01:16
ader10I believe the permissions are properly set01:16
nkei0hiexpo, So yeah, that reverted it back to not working.  I've already changed it back to having the blacklist added01:17
dodgerhowdy, what's the program ubuntu ppl use for a midlevel format of a hard drive?01:17
nolimitsoyaader10, well, check would you. :o) a look at your ftp servers log might be more usefull than the clients.01:17
nkei0dodger, gparted01:17
blitzododger what do you mean by midlevel01:17
ader10hold on01:17
skumaradrthinker re-download the setup files.01:18
hiexponkei0,  ok one sec calling for help your right there01:18
dodgerbasically overwrite the drive with 1's and 0's but not put a file partition on it, so fmting a level above the factory low level01:18
ader10Client log http://pastebin.com/kYWGmLCe01:18
nkei0dodger, oo, actually i'm not sure gparted will do that01:18
blitzododger i use dd: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/partition01:18
dodgeri'd low level fmt the drive but i heard it was a super bad idea to do that01:18
=== bvl83 is now known as bvl
hiexpopure_hate,  need yoour help on this got him to where he sees his wireless now but he can not connect01:19
blitzododger dd will do it for ya01:19
ader10Server log http://pastebin.com/upWmahAZ01:19
DrTinkeri am trying to install ubuntu on my dell inspiron 1420 and keep getting an uncompression error - system halted...help?01:19
linguiniI'm trying to share screens with my mom who is running ubuntu.  Strangely, I can see the mouse move, but no Windows updates...01:19
dodgerblitzo: would dd if=/dev/rand of=/dev/sda work?01:19
blitzododger but be darn sure you you use the right device name01:19
blitzododger it would work but it might take the rest of your life - rand is bloody slow01:19
dodgerheh yeah totally, using the livecd thankfully01:19
skumaraDrTinker your ubuntu setup files may be corrupted. download setup files again.01:20
hiexpohaha blitzo01:20
hiexponkei0,  so now you see it again01:21
blitzododger do you really need to format the entire partition?  you can wipe out the first umpteen blocks (basically nuke all the directory sturctures) and the rest is unrecoverable01:21
nkei0hiexpo, yeah01:21
thidrito# irc.irchighway.net01:21
thidrito#conect irc.irchighway.net01:21
hiexponkei0,  what are you trying to connect it to ?01:22
anisfarhanahello :)01:22
thidritomany time without use irc01:22
thidritoi've forget everithing01:22
anisfarhanaI want to disable the bastile-firewall , turning it off all levels , what should i do ?01:22
hiexpokillall bastile01:22
nkei0hiexpo, I have a linksys router that is wireless-n as well, my phone will connect to it and the wired works just fine01:23
ader10cd ~/01:23
anisfarhanahiexpo: you are kidding me.01:23
shiv_Once compiz is enabled cannot change any cursors. Please help01:23
skumaraping DrTinker01:24
coz_shiv_,  that seems to be an issue with many people... as I said once before... generally if this happens ..I will select the cursor theme I want then reboot the system01:24
coz_shiv_,   this usually works01:24
hiexpoanisfarhana,  no it will work01:24
anisfarhanahiexpo: killall will kill it , not disable it.01:24
shiv_coz_, let me take your advise this time and reboot01:24
shiv_coz_, be right back01:24
wolfie1Hi Dr.   I made new user, found that it has the same problem as my user.    wifes profile still has sound, impossible elsewhere on the system.    anything else i can do?01:24
hiexpoanisfarhana,  it will disable it01:25
anisfarhanahiexpo: not until i reboot the server.01:25
Bear1I have a small problem i need some help with...01:25
hiexpotry it01:25
whitedroidanyone wanna help a nub on intalling ubuntu on windows 7?  :OOO01:26
Bear1Every time i try and restart, or shut down it goes to the ubuntu login screen? any one know how ot help?01:26
yusukewhitedroid using virtualbox or just dualboot ur windows01:26
Dr_Williswhitedroid:  boot cd.. follow directions.. call ms tech support if you have issues..01:26
pundithow to set the default mta?01:26
whitedroidand its not for me ...its for my friend...i just dont know how to simply explain it01:27
arniokashey, i just typed "man routeman nautilus" in the shell and it showed me not an error but the man-page of nautilus. wtf?01:27
Dr_Willisarniokas:  try man man ? :)01:28
stevehi all01:28
stevei'm looking to download just the kernel deb for debian 5 - anyone know where I can find it as a download rather than via dpkg/apt/etc?01:28
coz_whitedroid,  make sure windows 7 is defragged  then reboot with ubuntu cd in player and go through all of the settings...when it comes to prtitioning it should automatically be set to install along side of windows01:28
Bear1Can someone help, on ubuntu 10.4, when ever i try and restart/shutdown I get routed back to login screen... can anyone help?01:28
coz_shiv_,   so did that work?01:28
hiexponkei0,  does the router have a password or is it wep  or wpa enc?01:28
Dr_Willisarniokas:  man just formats the text and pipes it to more.. so there may been some error message/info at teh start of the text listing you dident see01:28
Dr_WillisBear1:  does shutdown from the GDM login screen work?01:28
shiv_coz_, that seems to work but only within the app outside on the desktop it still shows the old one01:29
coz_shiv_,   try this    http://www.ubunturoot.com/2010/05/how-to-change-mouse-cursor-in-ubuntu.html01:29
nkei0hiexpo, it's wpa201:29
shiv_coz_, let me see01:29
Dr_WillisBear1:  does shutdown from the GDM login screen work? No need to msg me. :)01:29
hiexpodid you type in the pass01:29
Bear1Dr_willis: I assume the gdm is termal?01:30
Dr_WillisBear1:  No.. GDM is the LOGIN screen...  the alt-ctrl-f1 through F6 terminals are called 'consoles'01:30
slutherhi guys, i'm trying to help someone learn how to admin a box01:30
slutheri want them to be able to see what i type into shell01:30
Dr_WillisBear1:  theres alternatives to GDM if you are using other ubuntu variants. KDM, lxdm, and others..01:31
Dr_Willissluther:  screen can do that task01:31
SunnShinehiho all01:31
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:31
skumarabear1 what version of ubuntu u using?01:31
skumaraping hiexpo01:31
bastid_raZorsluther: log into there terminal and start screen.. then have them: screen -x   .. now you both can see the terminal.. or have them start it and you join his session with screen -x01:31
Dr_Willissluther:  or byobu (screen thats been tweaked)01:31
SunnShinei have a question01:32
bastid_raZorDr_Willis: i actually toyed around with byobu yesterday. it is nice01:32
Anom01y_Hi, what Log file do I need to look at to see why my computer RANDOMLY FREEZES ?01:32
SunnShinedunno why my ubuntu is lagging01:32
nkei0hiexpo, yes, i did01:32
hiexposkumara,  why you pinging me01:32
Dr_Willisbastid_raZor:  yea. its a nice default setup for screen. i recall a few quirks with it. :)01:32
dsbwhy when i use fort77 cannot  calculate matrix01:33
bastid_raZorDr_Willis: yes, i agree some quirks that i didn't like too. i'm back to gnome-terminal01:33
hiexponkei0,  ok is that card capable of wpa01:33
skumaraBear1 it is known bug before https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/consolekit/+bug/25050601:33
Dr_Willisbastid_raZor:  for X - i use 'terminator' mainly these days. On console/ssh screen/byobu01:33
nkei0hiexpo, I tried selecting anything less from the dropdown and it didn't have anything, it showed up as wep or wpa2 i think and wouldn't connect with that option01:34
A-NonIs it normal for the formatter to hang at 33%?01:34
hiexponkei0,  disable enc and see if it connects01:35
bastid_raZorDr_Willis: i'll test that out tonight.01:35
=== SpyderBite is now known as SpyderBNC
FailDroid|droidHey guys I have a question01:35
hiexponkei0,  linksys is a pain sometimes01:35
nkei0hiexpo, k, brb01:35
shiv_coz_, I started a chat window with you plz check01:35
coz_shiv_,  ok01:36
FailDroid|droidI'm in the ubuntu cd boot and I go to install ubuntu and the enter button won't work to install it01:36
tuliohmhi people, there is any way to let evolution aways checking for emails on ubuntu 10.04?01:36
SunnShineanyone here have a time to help green and new user of ubuntu?01:36
Dr_Willis!manual | SunnShine01:36
ubottuSunnShine: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:36
SunnShinebut i'm having a troubles with ubuntu's lagging01:37
hiexposkumara,  do not ping me or mess with mt ip   > wrong guy pal01:37
Dr_WillisSunnShine:  be more clear on what you mean by 'lagging'01:37
nimbiotics_Hi. I've been able to sjare resources with win xp using samba but im having big trouble doing it with win 7. How can I have win pcs see linux shared resources? TIA!01:37
Dr_Willisnimbiotics_:  ive had to enter the  //server/share  by hand befor. and/or use the ip# instead of the servername.01:38
FailDroid|droidI'm in the ubuntu cd boot and I go to install ubuntu and the enter button won't work to install it01:38
Dr_Willisnimbiotics_:  windows dosent want to see some of my machines either at times.01:38
SunnShineits that my mouse is moving good, no freez, but e.g. when I'm minimalize browser or when i'm opening folder, its freezing01:38
bastid_raZorhiexpo: you need a to get a cloak :( prevent retards from being stupid like that.01:38
blitzohere is an outstanding ubuntu guide for new users: http://ubuntugeek.tradepub.com/?p=w_ubun01&w=d&u=0680121281941279169951&e=ZGF2aWRAZHVja3NsYW1tZXIuY29t01:38
HawaiiMikeHi, just got xchat installed and clicked a link to django irc (irc://irc.freenode.net/django) got an app popup but xchat wasn't on it...how would i find out where it installed to?01:38
Dr_WillisSunnShine:  you did install the proper drivers for your video card/chipset?01:38
slidinghornFailDroid|droid, has there been any other fishy behavior so far?  have you run it in the live environment?  How did everything work out?   Do you have an "abnormal" keyboard?01:39
blitzoHawaiimike applications->accessories01:39
nimbiotics_Dr_Willis> this is driving me nuts cause so far i havent been able to do it once...01:39
Dr_WillisHawaiiMike:  use the command 'which xchat'01:39
SunnShinei have ATI01:39
BearDr_willis: lol, yep it works from there,01:39
dodgeri thought i had an abnormal keyboard once, then i found out my coworker put a hardware keylogger on my ps2 connector01:39
bastid_raZorhiexpo: i'm sure you know #freenode can provide this with a few quick steps.01:40
FailDroid|droidSlidinghorn, no I don't. I have installed it once b4 and it didn't work so I am reinstalling it01:40
HawaiiMikekewl THANKS that did it! :)01:40
hiexpobastid_raZor,  - no i gave him warning nest time i will just eat his lunch01:40
blitzododger i hope you inserted it somewhere without lube01:40
bastid_raZorhiexpo: :)01:40
A-NonNormal Ubuntu CD gives me "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" and I was suggested to use the netboot CD. The netboot CD works but when I try to format the drive it gives me an error saying something along the lines of "Attempt to mount a file system at / failed"... Any help?01:40
* Bear is pretty new at all this01:40
Dr_WillisSunnShine:  i dont use ati. So cant help01:40
slidinghornFailDroid|droid, well...what problems did you have?  did you verify the md5 for the .iso?01:40
FailDroid|droidSlidinghorn, the keyboard wouldn't work01:41
Dr_WillisSunnShine:  go to system -> admin -> hardware drivers   and see what it says01:41
FailDroid|droidIt still isn't working :( I give up on ubuntu... I don't know how to uninstall it tho01:42
BearDr_willis: It does work to restart/shutdown form crtl+alt+f101:42
dodgerblitzo, i took it to a friend who has EE tools, and we wiped it the old fashioned way01:42
=== SpyderBNC is now known as SpyderZNC
Dr_WillisBear:  the login screen (GDM) has a shutdown/reboot item in one of the menus along the bottim01:42
slidinghornFailDroid|droid, have you tried another keyboard?  also, I'd make sure you verify the md5 of the .iso file you downloaded01:42
SunnShineDr_Willis: lol it founds nothing01:42
Dr_WillisBear:  theres been otjhers with similer issues this past week. but ive never seen a fix mentioned.01:42
Dr_WillisSunnShine:  You can go to 'right click on desktop -> change wallpaper -> effects Tab. and Disable the effects' that Might help some01:43
BearDr_willis: I see, Well, when i am in the crtl+alt+f1 how do i return to the GUI interface?01:43
tuliohmhi people, there is any way to let evolution aways checking for emails on ubuntu 10.04?01:43
Dr_WillisBear:  alt-ctrl-1-6 = consoles F7 = X. normally or F801:43
Dr_WillisBear:  so go down the list of F keys01:44
A-NonYou guys stumped or busy with others?01:44
hiexpoA-Non,    ?01:44
Dr_WillisA-Non:  sounds like you have a badly burnt normal cd.. I always boot from flash drives these days01:44
nkei0hiexpo, Hey man, I really appreciate all the help.  Without security i can connect just fine.01:44
SunnShineDr_Willis: i've without effects and still lagging as hell01:45
FailDroid|droidHow do I uninstall ubuntu01:45
A-NonDr_Willis: Could you direct me to some instructions on how to boot from flash drives? Also, I only have a 1GB flash drive, but I do have 300GB external USB HDD, would that work?01:45
hiexponkei0,  thats the prob than the 2 are not compatable01:45
nkei0hiexpo, I've got to take the dogs for a walk now though, so I'll be back later.01:45
slidinghorn!usb | A-Non01:45
ubottuA-Non: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:45
FailDroid|droidHow do I uninstall ubuntu01:45
A-NonThanks slidinghorn01:46
Dr_WillisA-Non:  download iso.. use unetbootin, or the usb-disk-creator tool. or some of the many toolx mentiooned at the pendrive linux web site01:46
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:  delete the partitions.. done..01:46
IdleOneFailDroid|droid: How did you install it?01:46
A-NonThanks Dr_Willis01:46
FailDroid|droidDidn't partion01:46
IdleOneFailDroid|droid: like Dr_Willis said, delete the partition01:46
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:  if you used WUBI - then its in the add/remove programs listing01:46
FailDroid|droidI didn't partition the hard drive tho01:46
OneMillionDollarwhat new in ubuntu ?01:46
FailDroid|droidIn control pannel01:47
BearAnyone want to point me in a direction to learn more about ubuntu and terminal, I am not compealty green, but just trying to get the hang of it01:47
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:  perhaps go LOOK :)01:47
FailDroid|droidOk ty01:47
MaRk-I!manual > Bear01:47
ubottuBear, please see my private message01:47
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:  thats hiow wubi is suppsoed to work. same as you install/remove other windows apps.01:47
w0_beat -- the linux documentation project .. tldp.org01:47
w0_beat > bear01:47
hiexpo!linux | Bear01:47
ubottuBear: Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux01:47
SunnShineAnyone with ATI drivers wanna help a bit?01:48
Dr_WillisBear:  http://delicious.com/dr_willis/bash  or check others bash 'tags' :) for the best sites01:48
airtonixBear, commandlinefu.org imo01:48
IdleOne!cli > Bear01:48
ubottuBear, please see my private message01:48
HawaiiMikefor shell info here is a great link just posted on forums.... http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/linuxcommand.org/learning_the_shell.php01:48
wmcinnissoo anyone here use ati grapics cards?01:48
Dr_Willistheres 10000^3.1417+ sites about bash :)01:48
airtonixwmcinnis, only those who are real masochists01:49
slidinghorn!anyone wmcinnis01:49
slidinghorn!anyone | wmcinnis01:49
ubottuwmcinnis: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:49
hiexpou need linux command pocket book01:49
CrazyDoode10000^3.1417 -1 sites about bash01:49
BearLol, cheers everyone, trying to rid my self of windows! Put on the new mind, of linux, and put off the old man(windows) haha01:50
A-NonI am not entirely sure my BIOS supports booting from USB01:50
Dr_WillisAti is annoying. Nvidia is  a pain, and INTEL has had some recent issues.. :(  How sad for us all. :(01:50
wolfie1Dr_Willis, you tried help me earlier with problem of sound not wanting to work on 10.04.   i made new user, same problem, the speaker icon on panel is 0 and will not change.    wifes account still makes sound.   any more advice?01:50
hiexpooh please01:50
FailDroid|droidHow do I install ubuntu with a cd?01:50
Dr_Willishiexpo:  i got some links to bash quick referance guides on my delicious links.01:50
wmcinniswell i installed the latest drivers from ati website but everything is just choppy in the WM01:50
slidinghornBear, http://www.scottklarr.com/topic/115/linux-unix-cheat-sheets---the-ultimate-collection/01:50
blitzoFailDroid|droid just boot off it01:50
wmcinnislike when i move a window its like the refresh rate is slow01:50
HawaiiMikei'm waiting for a bash comic book :)01:51
hiexpoDr_Willis,  me to01:51
OneMillionDollarcan i play modern warfare in ubuntu ?01:51
SunnShinewmcinnis: have the same problem here01:51
FailDroid|droidBlitzo, how?01:51
wmcinnisSunnShine, what card you have01:51
phelanpkellWhen someone is available, could I get some assistance with a presumably software-oriented battery issue on a Thinkpad R40 Type 2681.01:51
FailDroid|droidIt boots into a purple window with 5 optiond01:51
wolfie1faildroid, make the cd, out in pc and set to boot from cd, then follow the cd direction, not too hard01:51
Dr_Williswolfie1:  that is weird.. Not sure what the issue could be. Unless it could be the user/groups she is in.01:51
aaron_world of warcraft files are fine, (2 methods of install tried, each with wow repair attempted and same error).it tells me hardware has changed and asks me if i want to reset. then it runs the cinematic with the fullscreen not covering the top or bottom bar;  after the opening cinematic it crashes saying it could not read memory in 0x0000000801:51
xTheGoat121xIs there a version of Ubuntu that comes with nothing installed except the graphical environment?01:51
blitzoFailDroid|droid put the cd in the drive and reboot your computer.  the bios has to have the cd/dvd drive ahead of the harddisk in the boot order01:51
phelanpkellOh, and pretty please01:52
New001hi all01:52
FailDroid|droidBlitzo, what?01:52
Dr_WillisxTheGoat121x:  Not really. :)01:52
wolfie1dr, i am root user, she is not, the new user was not either and i can even think of any admin at that time that ¨could"have effected the issue01:52
blitzoFailDroid|droid where am i confusing you?01:52
hiexpoxTheGoat121x,  yes but i don't rem the name01:52
FailDroid|droidPm me blitzo01:52
New001i think im in trouble and here is the problem...01:52
Dr_Williswolfie1:  root user? Huh, You mean the initial user that has 'sudo' rights?01:52
blitzoFailDroid|droid i don't know how01:52
xTheGoat121xDr_Willis, cuz plain Ubuntu is too heavy for a netbook I'm working with, but once I get everything I don't use uninstalled and everything I DO use installed, it'd fit.01:53
Dr_Williswolfie1:   You may want to check the forums. I cant think of anything else that could cause it otuer then groups for teh differnt users.01:53
FailDroid|droidI omed blitzo01:53
New001im using ubuntu 10.04 64x and it was working fine untill few mins ago it didnt boot into GUI instead it booted into termenal01:53
xTheGoat121xhiexpo, I thought so, but I can't find it online01:53
OneMillionDollarcan i play modern warfare in ubuntu ?01:53
hiexpoxTheGoat121x,  its netbook edition01:54
A-NonGreat, trying to boot back into windows I get "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER"01:54
Dr_WillisxTheGoat121x:  golly. plain ubuntu runs fine on my netbook..   Thers lubuntu and xubuntu if you want lighter XXXbuntus01:54
wolfie1ok, thanks for your help Dr...01:54
xTheGoat121xDr_Willis, well, it's less a matter of lightweightness in terms of RAM and more in terms of HDD space01:54
aaron_wow crash: world of warcraft files are fine, (2 methods of install tried, each with wow repair attempted and same error).it tells me hardware has changed and asks me if i want to reset. then it runs the cinematic with the fullscreen not covering the top or bottom bar;  after the opening cinematic it crashes saying it could not read memory in 0x0000000801:54
xTheGoat121xDr_Willis, it's only got a 2 GB SSD01:54
hiexpo1 sec xTheGoat121x01:54
Dr_WillisxTheGoat121x:  You mean matter of01:55
Dr_WillisxTheGoat121x:  You mean matter of drive space?01:55
xTheGoat121xDr_Willis, yes sir.01:55
misrelaaron: I run wow perfect with WINE01:55
Random_Foolcouple of quick question about the "Remote desktop" built into 10.04 for ya'll, when i connect in from my main tower, it keeps prompting me for a pass on the ubuntu machine (it should be configured for pass on client side not server agreement only) and its not displaying windows on my client connecting in *had to reinstall the ubuntu box, which is going to be run as a headless media pc for my tv*01:55
ZykoticK9!appdb | OneMillionDollar, check the statis on Wine's App DB01:55
ubottuOneMillionDollar, check the statis on Wine's App DB: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:55
shishireOneMillionDollar, Modern Warfare 2 has rating of Gold on the winehq appdb01:55
Dr_WillisxTheGoat121x:  if you need a TINY itssity bitsy linux disrto.. theres 'tiny core linux' it starts at 11 mb :) with X.  but its not uibuntu based01:55
MaRk-IxTheGoat121x: try the netbook remix01:55
Dr_WillisxTheGoat121x:  i got more then 2gb of icons on my system. :)01:55
shishireOneMillionDollar, er, so does MW 101:56
coz_shiv,  did that work?01:56
aaron_misrel; have you dine anything other than install the latest wine and wow?01:56
xTheGoat121xDr_Willis, LoL Yeah, well I have two Netbooks, one is fine with UNE, the other though... HDD's a bit small. I'll look into Tiny Core01:56
misrelBasically i had my WoW install on an external drive01:56
Dr_WillisxTheGoat121x:  yea. T.C.L. is very neat.. but takes some learning.01:56
misrelso i just found the dir and ran WoW.exe with WINE01:56
hiexpoxTheGoat121x,  http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook01:56
ZykoticK9misrel, are you running with the -opengl switch?  I don't play wow but though it's required for wine.01:57
Dr_WillisxTheGoat121x:  just the wireless drivers for T.C.L double the size of the disrto :)01:57
misrelNope, i just right click> Open with WINE01:57
xTheGoat121xDr_Willis, LoL01:57
shishireaaron_, two things I've seen are to try both with and without -opengl when running WoW01:57
xTheGoat121xhiexpo, I'm familiar with it but it's a bit too big for the hard drive01:57
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:57
hiexpoxTheGoat121x,  oh01:58
misrelas i said though, i did not install wow through ubuntu01:58
PhibsAny idea why I can't boot any 2.6.35 kernels on my Maverick install? no console, no net... booting a 2.6.32 works fine01:58
Dr_WillisxTheGoat121x:  lubuntu is a bit smaller then a normal ubuntu. but not sure how tiny it is installed01:58
ZykoticK9misrel, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft01:58
aaron_you you saying the gl in the config file where you do the set something or just in the launcher?01:58
shishireaaron_, it seems some of the graphics card drivers for some cards don't like the opengl version and some don't like the directx version01:58
misrelzyko: aaron needs help, my WoW runs fine :)01:58
shivcuz_do i need to reboot now01:58
shishireaaron_, yes, that's the same as the -opengl flag01:58
veovis_muaddibI have a stock install of Ubuntu 10.04 installed on one machine, VNC is enabled with a password and that's it.  I am trying to connect from a Windows 7 box with RealVNC.  I connect fine, I can enter the password to unlock the computer, but then the Ubuntu machine does not respond short of showing my mouse movements.  No clicks, no keyboard shortcuts, nothing01:58
Dr_WillisWe need a Intervention for all the WoW Addicts...01:59
xTheGoat121xDr_Willis, Lubuntu is definitely an option. I already have an ISO for that too... just wish they had a netbook version of Lubuntu.01:59
misrelDr_Willis: Please SOS :)01:59
Random_FoolVeovis - nvidia drivers + compiz01:59
Dr_WillisxTheGoat121x:  You want a laucher with big icons. :) is that it..01:59
Random_Fooland vino (vnc) have issues still01:59
Dr_WillisxTheGoat121x:  actually i do seem to recall some lubuntu netbook thang.01:59
shishireaaron_, additionally, I installed WoW on two ubuntu laptops, one of which functions perfectly, the other of which had a nasty error which ended up being because I was trying to run with opengl01:59
linguiniHow does one disable desktop effects in ubuntu?01:59
veovis_muaddibRandom_Fool: I have nVidia drivers installed, but compiz is disabled02:00
Random_Fooldid you replace the windows manager?02:00
Dr_Willislinguini:  right click desktop -> change wallpaper -> effects tab02:00
xTheGoat121xDr_Willis, I'll look into it then. I'd like the big icons b/c it's eventually going to be in my car as my media player02:00
aaron_well i have read some ati problems, ill fiddle with the opengl stuff i wanted to wait till i got wow working b4 i did, thanks agin... this is the last thing before i feel comfertable putting ubuntu on my desktop and not just my POS laptop02:00
Random_Fooli had the same problem in 9.10 and used metacity instead of compiz and it was working *just forget how to do it now* lol02:00
ZykoticK9aaron_, doesn't look like the opengl thing applies anymore.  Sorry misrel02:00
slidinghornlinguini, Menu > Preferences > Appearance, click the "Visual Effects" tab02:00
shishirelinguini, System->Preferences->Appearance, Visual Effects Tab02:00
Phibsanyone usinv Maverick?02:00
Dr_WillisxTheGoat121x:  just say no to 'distracted driving' :)02:00
misrelI recently tried out Jolicloud, i found it nice and easy to use, and have had a nice experience with it i know a guy who runs nothing but Jolicloud on his Netbook www.jolicloud.com02:00
aaron_what "(02:00
veovis_muaddibRandom_Fool: No, I did not, I thought that if you disabled effects, it switched the WM to metacity02:01
gsalasany body know how i can downgrade php to version 5.2.13 in ubuntu 10?02:01
xTheGoat121xDr_Willis, touchscreen! woohoo02:01
gsalas64 bit :)02:01
=== New001 is now known as Night_Fire
ZykoticK9Phibs, ask in #ubuntu+1, but yes (in Lucid right now though).02:01
veovis_muaddibRandom_Fool: I know how to do it I thin02:01
Phibsah thanks02:01
Random_Foolveovis - Ooo i'm not sure on that, i had to do it before, and it fixed it02:01
craigbass1976xTheGoat121x, I missed it.  What happened?  Did you get a thinkpad running or something?02:01
Dr_WillisxTheGoat121x:  multi-car-pile-up :)02:01
tenochslbhelp with my ebook reader http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/sKJuaS8c02:01
veovis_muaddibRandom_Fool: Okay, thanks, I'll go try that then02:01
aaron_:(* bah ive found the answer to evry wow problem except mine... perhaps ill just torrent a second win7 and duel boot...02:01
xTheGoat121xcraigbass1976, No, I'm turning an old EEEPC into a touchscreen media player for my car02:02
=== gsalas is now known as gsalas-brb
linguiniFWIW, the vnc problem turned out to be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/353126 , and disabling screen effects is supposed to work around the problem.02:02
adelcampowhen I build something from source what's the command that builds a deb package to more easilly uninstall later?02:02
Night_Firehi :) i have a lil problem, ubuntu boots in termenal not GUI idk why cuz i didnt mess and config stuff but all i did was typing "WMV" in package manager and instaling WMV sypport libs and plugins plz resp asap thx in advance02:02
xTheGoat121xDr_Willis, :P02:02
thune3adelcampo: checkinstall02:03
david_i need some help installing firefox 4 beta02:03
adelcampothune3: thank you!!!02:03
Dr_WillisNight_Fire:  we have to ask.. 'what wmv support libs' are you even talking about? i dont see much of anything other then vlc, when i enter 'wmv' in the synaptic package manager search box02:04
A-NonIs it possible to install ubuntu from USB if my BIOS does not directly support booting from USB?02:04
chrisleruminstalling ubuntu 10.04, all went well, got to 'copying files...54%', it stayed there quite a while, about 20 minutes. left it alone for an hour, when i came back, screen black. moved mouse and i see new ubuntu background, and window titled 'Installing system', with just white. been that way for 30 mins. any advise??02:04
Dr_WillisA-Non:  not very easially02:04
veovis_muaddibA-Non: I believe there is a SLAX boot cd that will boot to USB.  I've never used it, but that's one option.02:05
A-NonDr_Willis: Well this CD thing isn't turning out to be so easy either... What other options do I have?02:05
veovis_muaddibalthough at that point, why not boot from CD02:05
A-Nonveovis_muaddib, Well the CDs I've been using are apparently bad burns or whatever, giving me some live file system error02:06
FailDroid|droidI don't get this anyone help?02:06
FailDroid|droidI'm at a weird purple screen that no one else gets to HELP!!!02:07
ZykoticK9A-Non, can you successfully get to the LiveCD part, ie not installing yet?02:07
ZykoticK9!anyone > SunnShine02:07
ubottuSunnShine, please see my private message02:07
slidinghorn!caps > SunnShine02:07
A-NonZykotick9, I can get to a menu on an older LiveCD, but the 10.04 does not make it to any menus before giving me an error.02:07
craigbass1976A-Non, bad cd?02:07
OneMillionDollarcan i play warcraft on linux ?02:07
Dr_WillisA-Non:  You did verify the md5sums? you did burn at the slowest speed? does it work on other machnes02:07
shishireA-Non, do you see the little keyboard logo?02:08
Dr_WillisNight_Fire:  theres no need to msg me.. tell it to the channel.02:08
shishireOneMillionDollar, absolutely02:08
ZykoticK9A-Non, what hardware?02:08
OneMillionDollarwhat game can i play with linux ?02:08
shishireOneMillionDollar, I raid on my laptop02:08
Dr_WillisOneMillionDollar:  WoW is rated 'gold' at teh wine app database last i checked.02:08
FailDroid|droidI'm at a weird purple screen that no one else gets to HELP!!!02:08
Dr_Willis!appdb | OneMillionDollar02:08
ubottuOneMillionDollar: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help02:08
david_can anyone help me with a simple install question?02:08
A-NonMD5 sums verified, burns verified in IMGBurn if that even means anything, haven't seen a keyboard logo as far as I know, something on the bottom in the middle I couldn't tell what it was... hardware in a second02:08
slidinghorn!anyone > david_02:08
ubottudavid_, please see my private message02:08
FailDroid|droidAnyone help me with a sorta simple install question02:09
ZykoticK9OneMillionDollar, my list of native games http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/gaming02:09
shishireOneMillionDollar, quite a lot.  A large number of windows games are playable in ubuntu, through wine, additionally, there are tons of games available through the software center02:09
Night_FireDr_Willis is ur pm off ?? ;p02:09
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:  sounds like  Plymouths backgrouind02:09
Random_FoolVeoviz - wow, nice and easy way to temporarly solve the metacity // compiz problem,, open up a terminal and run metacity --replace &02:09
Dr_WillisNight_Fire:  actually its set to auto ignore..02:09
slidinghorn!pm | david_02:09
ubottudavid_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:09
Night_Fireok i'll copy stuff into here then02:10
FailDroid|droidDr_willis. It says ubuntu and has 5 options to choose from02:10
soreauRandom_Fool: Even easier, use alt+f2 or gnome-appearance properties02:10
Night_Fire well some WMV "compressed dont run with w64codecs like others02:10
Night_Fire<Night_Fire> like CBT's trianings02:10
Night_Fire<Night_Fire> so i wrote WMV in package manager so i ot some libs i installed'em02:10
Night_Fire<Night_Fire> wrote*02:10
Night_Fire<Night_Fire> closed package manager and when i tryed to reopen it again i get an error message that says that other package program is running02:10
Night_Fire<Night_Fire> i restarted pc then i boot in termenal and cant get back to GUI02:10
Night_Fire<Night_Fire> and for the only vlc that u see when u search for wmv cuz i got more sources....02:10
FloodBot2Night_Fire: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:10
shishireOneMillionDollar, also, recently, through the humble indie bundle, a lot of really awesome games got ported.  World of Goo for example02:10
Random_Foolsoerau nice - is there any easy way to permanently make the change tho?02:10
FailDroid|droidDr_willis. It says ubuntu and has 5 options to choose from02:10
Night_Fire well some WMV "compressed dont run with w64codecs like others02:11
Night_Firelike CBT's trianings02:11
Random_Foolsoreau - trying to resetup my headless media pc *nvidia graphics card* and well it doesnt like vnc too well02:11
A-NonHardware... Hard drive - ST3160021A CD Drives - ATAPI iHAP122, ASUS CD-S48002:11
Night_Fireso i wrote WMV in package manager so i ot some libs i installed'em02:11
dawne_p I'm trying to get wireless working on this vostro 1000.  I got an identical laptop to work yesterday, but this 'un just won't cooperate02:11
A-Nonprocessor, Intel P402:11
Night_Fire closed package manager and when i tryed to reopen it again i get an error message that says that other package program is running02:11
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:  so you are getting to a GRUB menu then ? what are the options>02:11
soreauRandom_Fool: Yea, I would not recommend running compiz on a machine you're vnc'ing into02:11
Night_Fire i restarted pc then i boot in termenal and cant get back to GUI02:12
FailDroid|droidPm me dr_willis02:12
Night_Fireand for the only vlc that u see when u search for wmv cuz i got more sources....02:12
Random_FoolSoreau - yea I know, I ahd it running on 9.10 for a long while on metacity, but than the hd failed, so get to reinstall and forgot what I did last time lol02:12
Night_Firethats my prob.... i tryed pasting it at once but floodbot got me muted02:12
david_can anyone explain to me how to install firefox 4 beta02:12
soreauRandom_Fool: There was a project some time ago called nomad that did the wm stuff on the server machine and all the 3D parts on the client but the original compiz dev that was working on it, stopped02:12
slidinghorn!paste | Night_Fire02:12
ubottuNight_Fire: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:12
ZykoticK9A-Non, so it's intel graphics?  in a terminal "lspci | grep -i vga" for exact.  I though intel had really good plymouth support?  I have no ideas man, good luck.02:13
Dr_Willisdavid_:  download the tar.gz, extarct to your home dir.. cd to teh ff dir.. run the binary02:13
Night_Fireok im on it thx!02:13
FailDroid|droidDr_willis I pmed you02:13
Random_Foolsoerau - I don't really need that tho, just want to be able to control it well enough so I can control the pc so it displays to my tv lol02:13
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:  so None of those work?02:13
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:  or whats not working exactly?02:13
A-NonZykotick9 It had intel graphics, but there's an Nvidia FX 5500 in a PCI that serves as the main card. How would I access a terminal without a working install?02:13
thune3david_: add this ppa https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa , install firefox-4.0, disable the ppa in "other sources" by unchecking it.02:13
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:  clarify what they are doing/not doing..02:14
FailDroid|droidIf I press enter on ANY of those, they don't work02:14
FailDroid|droidThey don't come up options02:14
dawne_pCan't see availalbe networks, and I'm sure I went through the same procedure on this laptop that I did on the other one.02:14
FailDroid|droidThey don't reboot my comp02:14
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:  that is very weird that even memtest dosent work.. do they just go to a black screen or what?02:14
slidinghornFailDroid|droid, you still haven't answered whether you've checked the md5 on your iso....02:14
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:14
FailDroid|droidStay atb the ubuntu screen02:14
ZykoticK9A-Non, i guess you could only use one of the pre-10.04 (plymouth) cds to get a working terminal :(02:14
FailDroid|droidWhat's MD5???02:15
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:  you sure your enter key isent broken. :)02:15
FailDroid|droidIt isnt02:15
A-NonZykotick9, I do have an older version floating around I'll try02:15
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:15
FailDroid|droidI was using like 20 mins ago02:15
slidinghornFailDroid|droid, check the links in there (ubottu's post)02:15
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:  you may want to try the alternative isntaller cd also..  I thought the GRUB menu you are looking defaulted to the first item after 20 seconds also.. (or does it not do that any more?)02:15
FailDroid|droidIt doesn't do it02:16
FailDroid|droidIf I boot from first hard disk it boots into windows 702:16
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:   so that entry does work.. but if you just sit there and the count down goes.. it does no boot the first item?02:17
ibnarrashidFailDroid|droid: What speed did you burn your disc with?02:17
ZykoticK9A-Non, i wouldn't bother with the cd thing.  It is most likely an issue with Plymouth and either the Nvidia OR in Intel that is causing the problem.  If i where you I'd try researching disabling Plymouth in some manner and see if you can get booted to a proper 10.04 LiveCD, or perhaps you could download the Alternative CD that performs a text based install if you wanted to try something different.  good luck man.  plymouth is a pain sometimes.02:17
FailDroid|droidWhatever the default is02:17
ibnarrashidFailDroid|droid: What program then? Because I think defaults are different for each02:18
Night_Firehttp://yfrog.com/2m88919346j Dr_Willie plz read it!02:18
kn100_a program to open binaries as text02:18
kn100_like notepad on windows, gedit won't do it02:19
kn100_any recommendations?02:19
kn100_oh, graphical if possibl02:19
FailDroid|droidInfra recorder02:19
Blue1any have the 64 bit alpha flash version?  no longer avail. on the website.02:19
A-NonZykoticK9 I'm not sure what Plymouth is but I'll definitely look into that... Thanks for hte help02:19
ZykoticK9kn100_, a hex editor of sorts ;)  i'm not sure of one, but seen them.02:19
slidinghornNight_Fire, better to use http://paste.ubuntu.com -- much easier to read ;)02:19
FailDroid|droidI used Infra recorder02:19
david_i've extracted the tar to my home directory and changed directory to ff, i don't know how to execute the binary02:20
kn100_ZykoticK9, notepad would do it perfectly02:20
kn100_Vim does it too, but is a pain in the butt to copy form02:20
FailDroidubotto: please post those links again02:20
ibnarrashidFailDroid|droid: Disc images should be burned at about 4x speeds, which probably isn't default, it's slow but that's the most reliable02:21
Dr_Williskn100_:  there are several 'hex' editors in the repos.02:22
FailDroid|droidIt didn't give me a speed choice02:22
kn100_Dr_Willis, any recommendations?02:22
Dr_Williskn100_:  i recomend you use the package manager and look at them . :)02:23
Night_Firehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/466739/ read this plz DR_Willis...02:23
ibnarrashidFailDroid|droid: you used it on a windows machine yes? I haven't used infra recorder in a long time, imgburn (http://www.imgburn.com/) is a very good iso burner for windows, it definetly gives you speed options02:25
FailDroid|droidUbuntu isn't worth the hastle02:25
Dr_WillisNight_Fire:  care to summarize it a little?   Others in the channel may be interested.. and its almost my bed time02:25
FailDroid|droidYes I did02:25
Dr_WillisFailDroid|droid:  i say the same thing about windows...02:25
david_i'm in the firefox directory.  How do I execute the binary file named firefox-bin from the terminal?02:25
KwikkSilvaey up02:26
KwikkSilvaanyone have an aswer for my post02:26
KwikkSilvagetting no love on the forums02:26
Night_Fireok i realy wanna sleep too but nvm :)02:26
=== hsa2|gone is now known as hsa2
PhibsDisabling graphical console in /etc/default/grub fixed my issue with Maverick02:26
Phibsnobody is saying a damn thing in #ubuntu+1, so I'm telling you here :)02:26
Dr_WillisNight_Fire:  i doubt if any of the packages you installed are related to the issue..02:26
FailDroidibnarrashid: where i do i dl02:27
Dr_WillisPhibs:  theres the 'text' option also :)02:27
Luija1006sup people, I am having problems connecting to a router in my kubuntu 10.04, the password is correct, the password is wep, when I try to connect, it says: Connecting, but never end, what could be the problem?02:27
Night_Firehere gose again : ubuntu boots in terminal how to make it boot back in graphical interface ?02:27
ZykoticK9david_, i don't even have a firefox-bin anymore it seams, only firefox .  "which firefox" shows /usr/bin/firefox as expected, "locate firefox-bin" fails to find a bin.02:27
PhibsDr_Willis: # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)02:27
PhibsDr_Willis: did that one02:27
Dr_WillisNight_Fire:  try a simple test.. does 'startx' get to teh GUI02:27
pryordaneed help02:28
piotr_does chrome work for ubuntu?02:28
ZykoticK9david_, "./firefox-bin"02:28
tensorpuddingpiotr_: yes02:28
Night_Firewill check brb02:28
Dr_WillisPhibs:  i did that, removed plymouth.. and hit it with a large summer saussage.. to get rid of plymouth totally on my 2 machines.. :P02:28
ibnarrashidFailDroid|droid: you can download it at http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=download02:28
pryordalo: Disabled Privacy Extensions02:28
_jesse_piotr_: chrome works very well, it's my primary browser02:28
FailDroid|droidWhere is the dl button?02:28
tensorpuddingyou just need to add google's ppa to your sources02:28
ZykoticK9piotr_, chromium is in the repository starting with 10.0402:29
tensorpuddingChromium is not the same as Chrome.02:29
Luija1006sup people, I am having problems connecting to a router in my kubuntu 10.04, the password is correct, the password is wep, when I try to connect, it says: Connecting, but never end, what could be the problem?02:29
pryordaHey guys, I get this error on my lo interface i am wondering what I need to do to fix it02:29
david_ZykoticK9 i tried that, it says cannot open shared object: no such file or directory02:30
pryordalo: Disabled Privacy Extensions02:30
ZykoticK9tensorpudding, true, chromium is way better - for the community as well as the end user experience02:30
ZykoticK9david_, are you use 64bit Ubuntu?02:30
ibnarrashidFailDroid|droid: The links to the download are the "Mirror..." lines02:30
haxxorz321im trying to install the libsdl1.2debian-esd package to fix sound problems in dosbox, but it conflicts with the normal libsdl package and i cant remove that package.  i really need sound working in dosbox as fast as possible02:30
david_i don't think so02:30
ZykoticK9david_, "uname -m"02:30
ibnarrashidFailDroid|droid: Anyone of them should work02:30
skumarais there any channel for windows mobile devices in ubuntu?02:31
mnemonLuija1006: tried rebooting the router? many cheap models without fw updates lock up and prevent you from accessing the http config interface02:31
FailDroid|droidI'm gonna try02:32
ChogyDanhaxxorz321: do you just want the hackish dpkg commands to force things?02:32
ZykoticK9david_, do you know what pastebin is?  paste the output of "./firefox-bin" to http://paste.ubuntu.com/02:32
mnemonskumara: what do you mean? using windows based phone or something?02:33
skumaraping skumara02:33
haxxorz321chogydan: i guess, although i dont want to end up breaking sdl completley02:33
FailDroid|droidWhat's test mode?02:33
Spreadsheet_I'm using Pidgin right now and if you get many PMs in a row the notifyOSD will not display multiple boxes02:34
ibnarrashidFailDroid|droid: The speed setting should be in the lower right, settings section. It's set at MAX by default, be sure to change it to 4x02:34
david_zykoticK9, ok i pasted it there, what will that do?02:34
Spreadsheet_It waits for a while and then it shows the next pm02:34
yunintegralwhat is the best movie player in Ubuntu?02:34
Spreadsheet_Is this supposed to happen? Empathy does the same?02:34
ZykoticK9david_, what is the link?02:35
Spreadsheet_yunintegral: what do you mean?02:35
Spreadsheet_Plays the most formats/02:35
david_zykotick9, the link to what?02:35
yunintegralor good performance or nice design02:35
yunintegraljust you recommend02:35
ZykoticK9david_, once you paste something it creates a page/url that you can bring back here and give back to the channel and everyone can go see what you pasted.02:35
yunintegralokay thanks02:36
david_zykotick9, http://paste.ubuntu.com/466746/ i just got it02:36
Spreadsheet_yunintegral: not GUI by default02:36
ZykoticK9david_, libxul.so is causing the problem, i don't even know what that is02:36
yunintegralSpreadsheet_, okay, i find manual02:36
Spreadsheet_VLC is also good but it uses Qt02:36
Spreadsheet_More dependencies02:36
ChogyDanhaxxorz321: well, dpkg has various flags that can by-pass whatever error messages you are getting02:37
FailDroidugh this takes to long02:37
FailDroidi want ubuntu to just work :(02:38
tcwDoes the latest ubuntu server edition do some kind of automatic NIC teaming in a default installation?02:38
david_zykotick9, is executing the binary the only way to install it?02:38
J11one of my laptops has a overheating problem, it throttles the cpu automatically but is a bit too late to change to the lowest setting, i can echo T7 to the acpi(12% cpu) but that get's changed after a while02:38
ZykoticK9david_, what version of firefox are you installing?  and why?02:38
david_zykotick9, i'm trying to install firefox 4 beta, cause i want to see it02:39
ZykoticK9david_, looks like libxul.so is provided by firefox btw02:39
thune3david_: repeating ... you can add this ppa https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa , install firefox-4.0, disable the ppa in "other sources" by unchecking it.02:39
ZykoticK9david_, this really isn't an "ubuntu" issue at all then.  You should probably try posting into the mozilla development/support channel or something.  best of luck man...02:40
david_zykotick9, ok thanks for you help02:40
ZykoticK9david_, glad to help ;)02:40
J11i can see in trip_points that the passive action at 86 C is tc1=5 tc2=4 tsp=600 devices=CPU0  Is there a way to change the way it throttles automatically?02:40
=== gsalas-brb is now known as gsalas
misrelI recently formatted an 80gb HDD in Ubuntu 10.4 with NTFS now trying to get Win 7 to install on it it says it cant create a system partion any ideas?02:41
FailDroididk if ubuntu is gonna be worth this hassle......02:41
pryordaFailDroid: whats your issue02:41
FailDroidthat boot screen was coming up02:41
FailDroidand i have 2 broken ubuntu disks and 1 disk burning now02:41
pryordahave you tried a different cdrom/dvdrom02:42
slidinghornFailDroid, did you check out the information on verifying the ISO?  also remember to burn at slower speeds for better quality results :)02:42
pryordaslidinghorn: 2 out of 3 failed so far02:43
pryordaits not speed issue02:43
pryordapossibly memory / or iso issue02:43
Evolution-Xhi guys,how can i change apps froom category02:43
misrelit actually could be02:43
pryordamisrel: odds are though02:43
misrelif you burn at high speeds the cd/dvd's wont read/write information as well as if you burnt it @ 8x compared to 16x02:44
pryordafalse and true pretense02:44
Evolution-Xi think few apps belong in other category for more faster searching02:44
pryordadepending on the burner/ and dvds02:44
pryordaFailDroid: have you tryed burnign it from another machine02:44
crackityjonesjoin/ #jupiterlamps02:45
ibnarrashidFailDroid|droid: You shouldn't be too worried, when I first started with Ubuntu, I used wubi, because I didn't want to go through the hassle of burning discs, 2 years later, I had some fifty discs burned with various distributions02:46
Evolution-Xwhy i dont have delete option,just move to trash,,,,what i have to do to put delete option in context menu02:46
crackityjoneshow do you join a channel in xchat?02:46
pryorda /join02:46
slidinghorncrackityjones, /join #channelname02:46
pryordaor you can bring up the window02:46
jctechright click in grey area02:46
Night_Firehi again02:47
miketysonHello I can't run sound on one of the accounts on ubuntu 10.04 every time I try to open sound in administrator it says waiting for sound system to respond. I have followed the fix that came up on the forum but it did not work. Can someone please help me to fix this02:47
ridinhow can i change my default file manager?02:47
miketysonridin go to package manager and download new file manager uninstall old file manager02:47
Night_Fire@Dr_Willis thats weird i restart and boot ubuntu and it works just fine02:48
miketysonCan someone help me with my problem?02:48
crackityjoneswhat's your problem miketyson?02:48
Night_Fireanyway thx vm for ur time :)02:48
miketysonI can't run sound on one of the accounts on ubuntu 10.04 every time I try to open sound in administrator it says waiting for sound system to respond. I have followed the fix that came up on the forum but it did not work. Can someone please help me to fix this02:48
Night_Firemake sure no other program is using ur card02:49
miketysonMy audio isn't working on only one of my accounts02:49
miketysonthe other works fine02:49
crackityjoneson one of the accounts? just one?02:49
miketysonhow would I do that?02:49
shivhow do I change no of desktops with compiz enabled. Its not working02:49
miketysonjust one account the sound wont work02:49
crackityjonesdid you add user to the audio group? that might work, though i don't understand why audio wouldn't work anyway.02:50
JackStonermiketyson: maybe the user is not added to sound group02:50
miketysonIt is the admin account02:50
miketysonI will try that jack02:50
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Night_Fireif ur sound card doesn't  support 2 sounds at time u need to make sure that there is no other program is using ur sound card02:50
slidinghornEvolution-X, This thread's a little old, but still works: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52683602:50
miketysonI only run one account at a time02:50
crackityjonesmike is it a user acct or system admin account with no sound?02:51
FailDroidim just gonna throw ALL 3 of my FAILED ubuntu disk at the wall02:52
miketysonIt is a system admin account with no sound02:52
miketysonI just added all of my accounts to the group audio, pulse, and pulse audio02:52
miketysonI will log out and try that brb if it does not resolve the issue02:52
KwikkSilvaAnyone that can help with a netowrk bridging problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153501502:52
KwikkSilvacant ping my server02:52
KwikkSilvabut it can ping everyone else02:52
_jesse_FailDroid: try doing a usb install if possible, that might be easier for you02:53
shishireawesome!  sudo update-alternatives --all needs to be better known.  And possibly have a gui app made for it...02:53
slidinghorn!enter | KwikkSilva For future reference :)02:53
ubottuKwikkSilva For future reference :): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:53
ChogyDanshishire: there is a gui for update-alternatives02:53
ibnarrashidFailDroid|droid: Okay, most probably not a disc issue then, exactly what menu do you get when you boot the disc?02:53
miketysonYeah didn't work02:53
shishireChogyDan, really? what's it called?02:54
miketysonSound also works at the log in screen but just not on this account02:54
ChogyDanshishire: might be galternatives02:54
KwikkSilvawill do - sorry :-{02:54
miketysonI still get the message "Waiting for sound system to respond" can someone please help?02:54
JackStonermiketyson: try this command and see if the sound works aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav02:55
shishireChogyDan, awesome!!  That needs to be better known :)02:55
miketysonno sound played02:55
miketysonnot even under root02:56
JackStonermiketyson: try alsamixer command and unmute everything using 'm' and try again02:56
ChogyDanshishire: looks like the !alternatives factoid would be for you02:56
shishireChogyDan, tyvm02:57
miketysonno still didn't work jack02:57
JackStonermiketyson: can u create another account and see if it still doesnt work then you might need to remove the account and create a new one02:58
miketysonWell it works on my other account just fine02:58
miketysonI guess I can make another account and just transfer everything over02:59
JackStonermiketyson: it would be easier02:59
miketysonblah I guess thanks Jack02:59
JackStonerJackStoner: no probs...sad it didnt work02:59
* JackStoner stepped out for food03:00
Night_Fireany recommended program to make a backup copy of my current programs an packages other than APTonCD ?03:01
kevin_I installed the kubuntu-desktop metapackage, how can I run kubuntu?03:01
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ibnarrashidkevin_: on your logic screen, choose the kde session03:02
kevin_ibnarrashid, thank you!03:02
ibnarrashidkevin_: login screen I mean03:02
kevin_yea I guessed it was that ;) , ibnarrashid03:02
ibnarrashidkevin_: sorry, just had to correct myself, OCD...03:03
kevin_ibnarrashid: no problem :)03:03
kevin_now I'm going to test that out03:03
marcushello guys i like to ask for your help, how can i upgrade my ubuntu 9.04?03:03
Night_Firelatest version of ubuntu is 10.04 now03:04
Night_Fireu can either use update manager or go to ubuntu.com and get the latest version on CD03:04
marcusand how do i use the update manager?03:05
Night_FireSystem>administration>update manager03:05
marcusi just find it03:05
^peanut^how do I change the logon screen wallpaper?03:05
marcusthank you very much03:05
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:06
ToxicsgHi, which flash player package should I install on lucid?03:06
uRock64 or 32 bit?03:06
Night_Firewhats ur system arch 32 or 64 ?03:07
Luija1006sup people, I am having problems connecting to a router in my kubuntu 10.04, the password is correct, the password is wep, when I try to connect, it says: Connecting, but never end, what could be the problem?03:07
Yarrgh /msg nickserv identify fr0erlyt0./03:07
Malekohow do you write multiple if condition in shell?03:07
uRocknow that we know his password03:07
Malekoif [ -z "$username" ] -o [ -z "$passwd" ]; then <--corrent?03:07
ibnarrashidToxicsg: flashplugin-nonfree is the one you want03:08
Night_Firemulti orders at once or multi shells ?03:08
illacibnarrashid: is there a reason that one is preferred?03:08
asdfasdfasdfHello is there a possible way that there could be a hidden file inside a .zip? i mean that it doesnt show up when doing unzip -v file.zip or in ark?03:08
Malekoor i can use || too in shell?03:08
Luija1006sup people, I am having problems connecting to a router in my kubuntu 10.04, the password is correct, the password is wep, when I try to connect, it says: Connecting, but never end, to the right of the router name appears a yellow warning like symbol, what could be the problem?03:09
ibnarrashidToxicsg: it's the common, tried and tested one from what I know03:09
ToxicsguRock 3203:09
uRockis apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and apt-get update | apt-get upgrade the going to do the same thing?03:09
Luija1006sup people, I am having problems connecting to a router in my kubuntu 10.04, the password is correct, the password is wep, when I try to connect, it says: Connecting, but never end, to the right of the router name appears a yellow warning like symbol, what could be the problem?03:10
Night_Firenope gunzip them i guess there is no hidden files in .zip03:10
uRockToxicsg: flashplugin-nonfree is the one you want03:10
stanWhere would I find a driver for my 1920 by 1080 displays03:10
ToxicsgCheers uRock.03:10
illacuRock: is there a reason it's better?03:10
IdleOneuRock: && means perform the follwing after successful completion of previous command. | will run the second command either way03:10
uRockillac, it works on mine03:10
uRockthanx IdleOne03:11
TMKLuija...do you have any mac filtering happening on the router?03:11
illacuRock: was just curious if there was a reason why to pick that one over the adobe-flashplugin03:11
Night_Fireok easy way to get flash and java for ur web browser : go to youtube.com it asks for flash to play a video use ur web browser to install it same for java but u need a site that needs java to run03:11
illac!info adobe-flashplugin03:11
ubottuPackage adobe-flashplugin does not exist in lucid03:11
hsa2where can i find tahoma font?03:11
uRockillac, it doesn't matter much with 32bit, 64bit gives me a pain no matter which one I install03:11
Night_Fireok easy way to get flash and java for ur web browser : go to youtube.com it asks for flash to play a video use ur web browser to install it same for java but u need a site that needs java to run03:12
illacillac: yea, I usually run the flashplugin-nonfree myself but just realized on my netbook I'm running the other one03:12
hsa2i installed ms fonts package but it doesn't include tahoma03:12
illacuRock: **03:12
ChogyDanNight_Fire: is that a question?  I just install u-r-e03:12
uRocklol, I use a Netbook, too03:13
ibnarrashidI use a 32-bit system only because flash still has problems with 64-bit03:13
asdfasdfasdfcan anyone help me please?03:13
pankajis there any MATLAB substitute in ubuntu?03:13
Night_Firenope some1 need flash plugin so im giving an easy way away from package manager and terminal03:13
illacwell I may switch to non-free, this things flash runs like garbage03:13
illacdidn't realize I was running the adobe-flashplugin package03:13
uRockNight_Fire, I used to do it that way and it always worked fine. Then I started over doing everything and making it harder for myself.03:13
Luija1006TMK I dont know03:14
Luija1006how i can disable it if I have then03:14
Night_Fireit worked for me fine so far03:14
uRockSometimes I get so aggrivated with flash that I restart into W703:14
uRockI know, blasphemy03:15
illacuRock: same, when I see a vid link on the netbook I just ::sigh::03:16
Night_Firealso if it dosent work for any1 u can always install ubuntu-restricted-extras package03:16
uRockyeah, that bites, illac03:16
illacuRock: hopefully those HTML5 specs keep gaining traction :D03:16
uRockespecially when you have an audience that is looking for a reason to dis Linux03:16
ibnarrashidI used to log onto windows 7 when using 64-bit on my Arch setup, then adobe pulled support for it altogether, now just reinstalled a 32-bit and it works fine, weeks go by before I use windows03:17
uRockHTML5 looks awesome03:17
illacdoes indeed03:17
Night_Firehow can i backup my current programs and packages when they're not in cache ?03:17
uRockwon't be complete for a long time yet though03:17
illacFlash only runs well on Windows, it blows on OS X as well... personally I doubt it's the OS's fault :/03:17
fridgeratori have a fat32 drive on my desktop that i am sharing on my laptop via NFS (both running ubuntu 10.04).  when i go to copy a file to the drive, first i get "operation not permitted" but it creates the file anyways with 0bytes.  If i try and copy it again, I am able to overwrite the 0byte file and successfully copy my file. why is this?03:18
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uRockit is all Adobe, they go to whomever pays the most03:18
uRockNight_Fire, I wish I could help on that one03:18
illacwell they're painting themselves into a corner, Mac market share just keeps going up and up03:18
Night_Firenope i dun think so they just hate linux yes but they dont screw the sofware for linux03:19
Night_Firenp uRock i'll find a way03:19
ChogyDanNight_Fire: would you be good with just a listing?03:19
uRockyeah, there is an iEverything store here at the mall and it stays packed03:19
illacone on Miami Beach is literally packed03:19
illacfrom like 9am to 11pm03:19
Night_FireChogyDan i dun understand :S03:19
illacpeople over flowing03:19
uRocksame here03:20
ChogyDan!clone | Night_Fire03:20
ubottuNight_Fire: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate03:20
illacnice Chogy!03:20
illacdidn't know that existed03:20
Zeu5hi there, how do i build a url in the controller? reason is i need to pass a url as a param into another component function. i know i can do it in view using $html->link, but how do i do it controller?03:21
uRockI am still waiting for Ubuntu to call the music sture uTunes03:21
kevin_So, are there any other virtual machine programs other than VirtualBox?03:21
Zeu5sorry wrong channel03:21
D3RGPS31how do i setup grub2 to have a menu entry to boot from a cd?03:21
D3RGPS31kevin_: qemu03:21
illacadobe-nonfree is mucho better on the netbook03:22
Night_Firethx vm ubottu but its a lil bit complicated for a novice like me ;p03:22
illacit even works with the settings panel and web cam03:22
kevin_D3RGPS31, is it any better than virtualbox? :-)03:22
uRockkevin_ open the Ubuntu Sonftware Center and enter VM, there are a few there03:22
D3RGPS31kevin_: for other yes, not for me :303:22
kevin_Ok :303:22
uRockI love VBox03:22
goog1jh_Hello! I want to reinstall my Lucid-system. Can someone tell me how to backup (and later restore) my keyring (so I have the wifi-passw and other logins available in the new system) Thanks in advance :)03:22
illac<-- also a VBox fan03:22
Luija1006sup people, I am having problems connecting to a router in my kubuntu 10.04, the password is correct, the password is wep, when I try to connect, it says: Connecting, but never end, to the right of the router name appears a yellow warning like symbol, what could be the problem?03:22
kevin_uRock, D3RGPS31 , just wondering if there were any alternatives03:22
kevin_:) thanks03:23
Night_Fireall virtual machine programs are the same just VMWare workstation is better on windows03:23
Night_Firevirtual box is gr8....and also easy to use03:24
D3RGPS31how do i setup grub2 to have a menu entry to boot from a cd >.>03:24
jeff__Hey everyone.  I am wondering if anybody would be willing to take like 5 minutes and help me set up a web server. I have a domain name and I've already installed apache (though I don't really know how to use it). How do I a)point my domain name to my apache server and b)specify a folder that will contain the site's files? Anybody feeling generous/patient?03:24
kevin_and virtualbox can install off of an iso file right?03:24
uRockD3RGPS31, I am not sure that is possible03:24
uRockkevin, yes03:24
D3RGPS31jeff__: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-000 will tell you where your web directory is03:24
uRockor it can read directly from a disk in the drive03:25
D3RGPS31jeff__: /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/alias.con will allow you to make alias directories03:25
D3RGPS31jeff__: for pointing the domain to you; i don't know :3 i use noip2 >.> i know nothing about manual labour03:25
kevin_uRock, thx03:26
Onetimerthere be some ubuntu app fo makin fry chikens?03:26
slidinghorngoog1jh_, Check this out...might be a little different, as the thread's about a year old, but should get you close: http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124933903:26
uRockkevin_, your welcome03:26
goog1jh_;) Onetimer03:26
uRockOnetimer, sudo apt-get finger-lickin-good03:26
goog1jh_slidinghorn: thank you! will try it (and report)03:27
uRockOnetimer, sudo apt-get install finger-lickin-good03:27
jeff__D3RGPS31 Thanks!  I keep coming up with "No such file or directory" anytime I try those commands...03:27
D3RGPS31jeff__: wut03:27
slidinghornD3RGPS31, Manual Labor..is he the president of Mexico?  :P  (sorry to go OT...had to)03:28
OnetimerReading package lists... Done03:28
OnetimerBuilding dependency tree03:28
OnetimerReading state information... Done03:28
OnetimerE: Couldn't find package finger-lickin-good03:28
dodgerhey blitzo do you know what count and skip do on dd03:28
FloodBot2Onetimer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:28
D3RGPS31jeff__: they're files, not commands03:28
OnetimerYall beeez raycis n sheiit03:28
uRockbobmc, feel free to ask, there are a few geeks here that may have an answer03:28
slidinghorn!language | Onetimer03:28
ubottuOnetimer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:28
D3RGPS31Onetimer: wuts crackalackin' yo03:28
jeff__D3RGPS31 files eh?  Good call.03:28
Onetimerdem meskins be callin us monkeys03:28
D3RGPS31jeff__: config files* sorry again xD03:29
Onetimeru ubuntu users ain no raycis right?03:29
slidinghorn!ot | D3RGPS31 Onetimer slidinghorn  (yeah I'll call myself out)03:29
ubottuD3RGPS31 Onetimer slidinghorn  (yeah I'll call myself out): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:29
D3RGPS31slidinghorn: maybe you'll help me with my laziness issue :303:30
uRockecho "Go ubottu!"03:30
D3RGPS31slidinghorn: grub boot option for booting from a cd03:30
Onetimerdey gotz uh distro fo sum ebonics right?03:30
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goog1jh_slidinghorn: ok, I already made a backup of the files in $HOME/.gnome2/keyrings/ .. will now reinstall and then copy the files back... thank you so far...03:30
slidinghorngoog1jh_, good luck! :)03:31
kevin_I have a question. Is it possible to have 2 different live bottable linux distros on the same usb?03:31
bobmcHi.. anyone here use DVB tools for over-the-air TV. Digital works great with mplayer, but NTSC is just static?03:31
Onetimerif you are sick of negroes and similar monkeyshines we have a forum for you   c h i m p o u t . c o m / f o r u m03:31
goog1jh_kevin_: unetbootin03:31
Onetimerwe are not white supremacists03:31
goog1jh_try that03:31
Onetimerwe welcome all non-african non-velcrohead races03:31
Onetimeri myself am a productive Mexican03:31
D3RGPS31!op onetimer racism03:31
slidinghorn!ot | Onetimer03:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:31
ubottuOnetimer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:31
kevin_goog1jh_, ty03:31
D3RGPS31!ops onetimer racism03:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:32
KwikkSilvaAnyone that can help with a network bridging problem - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1535015?03:32
Onetimerthat is why universities have to lower the bar for grades and SAT scores03:32
slidinghorn!ops | Onetimer Racism03:32
ubottuOnetimer Racism: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!03:32
Onetimerso they can get more monkeys03:32
uRock!spanish | Onetimer03:32
ubottuOnetimer: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:32
D3RGPS31slidinghorn: thank you xD03:32
goog1jh_kevin_: unetbootin provides a grub-like (or real grub) boot menue..03:32
=== _jesse__ is now known as _jesse_
kevin_goog1jh_, so let's say I already have ubuntu on my usb. Can I add another one with unetbootin? will it recognize the one already there?03:33
D3RGPS31is there a way to setup a grub boot option for booting from a cd? :<03:33
goog1jh_kevin_: i am not shure..didnÂ't try that03:33
slidinghornD3RGPS31, not sure what you mean...why not just set the BIOS to boot from CD instead?03:33
_jesse_D3RGPS31: that happens before grub loads03:33
kevin_goog1jh_, oh okay. Because I do have ubuntu already on my usb drive.03:33
uRockD3RGPS31, you can't set BIOS to boot automatically from DVD ROM or you want to be able to leave the disk in? Just curious03:34
goog1jh_kevin_: just reuse the orig ubuntu-iso03:34
D3RGPS31uRock: I am lazy, and just want the option on the grub2 menu03:34
D3RGPS31Plus i want to figure a way to keep windows from writing over the MBR; really annoying now that i don't have any blank disks left03:36
kevin_goog1jh_, I'll just format the damn thing allover again LOL03:36
aombkhi people, how come there is nothing official about ubuntu 10.04 and acer aspire one?03:37
goog1jh_kevin_: is probably the easiest way ;)03:37
kevin_goog1jh_, yup, especially since I backed everything up already :-)03:37
D3RGPS31kevin_: wut seems to be the problem :303:37
uRockaombk, there is nothing official about any PC maker with Ubuntu other than System76 and Dell (that I know of)03:37
stanley_robertsohi all03:37
dodgeranyone familiar with this off by one device issue (comes in dd where records out = records in -1 on the output)03:38
stanley_robertsoguys .. can somebody tell me.. how to get my name added in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors/Students03:38
kevin_D3RGPS31, was just trying to figure out how to use multiple-boot usb :3 so for example, fedora, ubuntu, kubuntu in one usb flashdrive03:38
D3RGPS31kevin_: put the ISOs on a fat32 formatted usb; research how you get GRUB2 to boot from ISOs03:38
uRockstanley_robertso, PM one of the Jedi Masters listed in the wiki03:38
slidinghornstanley_robertso, it says you have to contact the administrator(s)03:39
Onetimersorry if I offended anybody03:39
amperand@kevin, you would have to partition the flash drive before you could use it for more than 1 install03:39
Onetimeri see that sense of humor varies by region03:39
Onetimerand country03:39
Onetimerhere in Mexico we make light of race and color all of the time03:39
kevin_or I could use this: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/#removal03:39
Onetimerand we aren't afraid of political correctness03:39
MaRk-I!ot | Onetimer03:39
ubottuOnetimer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:39
slidinghornOnetimer, there's nothing humorous about hate speach...please keep that in mind.03:39
kevin_bah, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/03:39
OnetimerUbuntu is awesome03:39
Onetimerbeen using it for about 7 months03:40
uRockOnetimer, this IRC is for people needing help with Ubuntu, not everyday chat03:40
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amperandhow might one change irc channels?03:40
nhandleramperand: /join #newchannel03:40
amperandthank you03:40
slidinghornamperand, /join #channel03:40
D3RGPS31is there a way to setup a grub boot option for booting from a cd? :< (i'll just stick around until someone answers it or i give up)03:40
illac"/j" for short03:40
kevin_D3RGPS31, wish I could help :/03:41
nhandlerillac: That will depend on the client.03:41
guesthehe .03:41
ScuniziD3RGPS31: like a live cd?03:41
illacnhandler: ah I thought he was running irssi :/03:41
D3RGPS31Scunizi: like a cd that can be booted03:41
gdoteofI upgraded my kernel to 2.6.35-9-generic (and video drivers to 2.12) with 10.04.. and I lost my ability to emulate the mouse wheel with my tracpoint03:41
gdoteoftrackpoint *03:41
D3RGPS31Scunizi: i want the option on grub to boot from a cd03:41
slidinghornD3RGPS31, it's going to be just as much work to do alter grub as it would be to change the bios setting03:41
Night_Fireany1 have CBT's courses that comes as .wmv format and have a way to run it on linux ?03:42
stanley_robertsouRock, slidinghorn will check the mentors page... thanks :)03:42
deexannihilateCan anyone help me make sound work on Ubuntu 10.04? I have a ALS4000 auto-chip. I've tried switching the controls to no avail.03:42
D3RGPS31slidinghorn: we can boot from ISOs and harddrives on grub; wai not this03:42
ScuniziD3RGPS31: ah.. probably since you can get grub to boot from just about any partition or drive.. I don't see why a cd wouldn't/couldn't be included03:42
gdoteofmy /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-thinkpad.conf is still there03:42
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: in the terminal type killall pulseaudio03:43
illachanging out in this channel constantly reminds me I don't know jack.03:43
ScuniziD3RGPS31: google grub2 chainload03:43
tonysanhow to make apt-get upgrade not to upgrade a specific package?03:43
D3RGPS31Scunizi: ... would the grub1 chainload commands still work?03:43
deexannihilateD3RGPS31: It says operation not permitted.03:43
gdoteofsudo ^^03:43
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: sudo service pulseaudio stop03:43
ScuniziD3RGPS31: possibly, I really don't know.. if you have grub2 installed I'd focus on that03:44
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: hell, i just uninstalled it when i got sick of it >.> dunno if it's your issue, just venting my hate for it :303:44
deexannihilateD3RGPS31: still no luck :(03:44
slgmahow do you chown a folders subfolders03:45
D3RGPS31slgma: chown -R03:45
dodgerchown -R folder03:45
illactonysan: aptitute forbid-version app=version.number.here03:45
Ruumhey guys I am logged into the box via ssh03:45
RuumI have a simple question03:45
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: did you check under multimedia systems selector for other devices?03:45
gdoteofguys WTF i can't scroll anymore and i have to go click al lthe way to the scroll bar and it SUCKS11103:45
Ruumfor redhat and CentOS the command to install stuff is "yum" and for archlinux its "pacman"03:46
gdoteofplz to be telling me why updating my kernel broke mouse scrollin03:46
illactonysan: but it will only work with aptitude upgrade03:46
Ruumwhat is it for ubuntu?03:46
illactonysan: not apt-get03:46
macoRuum: apt-get or aptitude03:46
ibnarrashidRuum: apt-get03:46
slgmathanks D3RGPS31  and dodger03:46
gdoteofRuum: apt-get03:46
deexannihilateD3RGPS31:  how do I do that?03:46
dodgertechically the "ubuntuforum" way is synaptic or some other gui thing03:47
illacRuum: man aptitude03:47
Night_Fireis there any program that can password protect a folder on linux ?? "like folder lock/pc security on windows"03:47
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: Menu>System>Preferences>Multimedia Systems Selector03:47
tcwi have a machine with 2 network interfaces both with static ip addresses.  If i setup a ping to both of these addresses from another machine on the network, then remove one of the cables, both addresses are still pinging.  why is this?03:47
illactonysan: man aptitude03:47
Night_Firei dun want the changer owner to root way03:47
illactonysan: search for forbid03:47
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: if it isn't there, edit the menu and check it >.>03:47
nokia3510Any idea why 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02) flip/flops on Lucid only ? Other distro's or Ubuntu releases never showed such a strange behaviour03:47
tonysanillac: so if I want not to upgrade my screen (for example), my screen -v says 4.00.0303:47
macododger: nah synaptic's going to not be in the default install eventually as the software center progresses. and kubuntu uses kpackagekit. aptitude/apt-get are universal in *buntu-land (and debianland)03:47
deexannihilateD3RGPS31: not there/ how do I edit the menu?03:47
uRockNight_Fire, you need to set up an Private folder, but it will be accessible when you are logged in03:48
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: riteclick the menu, select edit menu03:48
tonysanillac: then my command will be 'aptitude forbid-version screen=4.00.03' ?03:48
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: System>Preferences>; check Multimedia Systems Selector03:48
illactonysan: according to the man page03:48
dodgeryeah i like aptitude, it gets less confused than apt-get (case and point go from lenny->squeeze with apt-get and it will fail, not so with aptitude)03:48
illactonysan: aptitude forbid-version screen03:48
Night_Firewell thats the BIG problem i wanna be logged in and root or normal user and when i open this folder it asks me for password03:49
illactonysan: will prevent upgrades past the current version03:49
illactonysan: aptitude install screen03:49
macoNight_Fire: there's no simple way, though its been requested on brainstorm.ubuntu.com and there's a blueprint for it on launchpad.net03:49
illactonysan: would wipe the forbid03:49
deexannihilateD3RGPS31: what can I determine from this menu? should I just test all settings?03:49
gogetaNight_Fire: it kicks you to root when it ask for thre password03:49
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: all audio output settings :303:49
dodgerhuh will it block cding into the folder on cmd line i wonder03:49
uRockNight_Fire, I see, not sure that is possible unless you make an encrypted .zip but then you wouldn't be able to add/remove from it03:50
daedalus96how do you disable the sanity check on a ./configure line?03:50
tonysanillac: It says "Package screen is not upgradable, cannot forbid an upgrade"03:50
illactonysan: http://www.debianadmin.com/how-to-prevent-a-package-from-being-updated-in-debian.html03:50
gogetaNight_Fire: ubuntuuses a sudop envirment rather then a root/user envirment03:50
uRockyou can do a hidden folder, but it can still be found03:50
aombkuRock, i am reffering to this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne03:50
illactonysan: aptitude hold package03:50
deexannihilateD3RGPS31: I don't have an option for output settings.03:50
illactonysan: apparently also blocks updates/upgrades03:50
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: alas, i am of no use nao03:51
deexannihilateD3RGPS31: haha ok03:51
daedalus96how do you disable the sanity check on a ./configure line?03:51
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: but now you can tell linux isn't recognizing your hardware :D03:51
macoNight_Fire: ecryptfs could help. it can encrypt a directory03:51
gogetaD3RGPS31: lspci can tell you that03:51
macoNight_Fire: though i dont know how to use it for that03:51
Night_Firei hope they make a program that can im trying to completely leave windows and work on linux since imnot a designer its easy but i get stuck on some small stuff like that03:51
deexannihilateD3RGPS31: it offers output plugins with no settings.. is what I meant03:51
dodgerwell for that matter pgp03:51
D3RGPS31gogeta: must not let the serfs know of this, otherwise they'll usurp us o:03:52
daedalus96how do you disable the sanity check on a ./configure line?03:52
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: oooo03:52
dodgeruntar the dir, pgp decrypt it (open dir) && tar the dir, pgp it up == "close dir"03:52
uRockaombk, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne/D150 ?03:52
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: no devices, or there are devices?03:52
daedalus96how do you disable the sanity check on a ./configure line?03:52
Night_Fireidk ecryptfs either :(03:52
daedalus96how do you disable the sanity check on a ./configure line?03:52
daedalus96how do you disable the sanity check on a ./configure line?03:52
gogetaD3RGPS31: if the hardware is showing as unkown then linux isnt seeing it if its listed then its a driver issue03:52
FloodBot2daedalus96: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:52
tonysanillac: running, seems working, thanks!03:52
deexannihilateD3RGPS31: there are devices just no settings to change03:52
illactonysan: welcome03:52
deexannihilateD3RGPS31: unless I'03:53
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: test each device with the test button untill something happens :303:53
macoNight_Fire: ecryptfs is included in a default install. you use it from the command line.03:53
deexannihilateD3RGPS31: tried and nothing :(03:53
macoNight_Fire: my internet is too slow right now to even load google though, so you'll have to look up a howto yourself03:53
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: o: alas, gogeta should help you since i have no idea what i'm doing03:53
gogetamaco or you can right click and encrypt03:53
kevin_goog1jh_, im a little confused with unetbootin. After I finish adding one to the usb, I can just add another one just like I did for the first one and it will create the grub-like menu?03:53
uRocksudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils03:54
deexannihilateD3RGPS31: ok.03:54
Night_Fireok np03:54
macogogeta: does that work for a whole dir or just for individual files? and if you do it for a dir does it tar it or what?03:54
gogetadeexannihilate: lol i dont even knoe your issue03:54
ShrekLappydoes anyone else have a problem with gimp in ubuntu 10.04? seems it just doesnt work right for some reason.03:54
engemeckevin: nops03:54
ShrekLappy!gimp > ShrekLappy03:54
ubottuShrekLappy, please see my private message03:54
gogetamaco not a master of encryption hear but i knoe the option is there03:55
uRockNight_Fire, man ecryptfs may be helpful with that03:55
deexannihilategogeta: I can't get my audio to work. I've tried changing the settings in Sound Preferences and I've now tried in the multimedia system selectors.03:55
Night_Firebut the package python-gtk2_2.17.0-2_amd64 when i d-click it it closes right away and ultamatix needs it to run03:55
kevin_engemec, ?03:55
gogetadeexannihilate: well first thing open a term type lspci and look at the audo device line03:55
Night_Fireis this a known issue or something ?03:55
gogetadeexannihilate: if it shows your card we knoe linux sees it03:55
=== goog1jh_ is now known as goog1jh
deexannihilategogeta: ALS4000 Audio Chip03:56
Night_Fireman ecryptfs No manual entry for ecryptfs03:56
gogetadeexannihilate: many times pule audo can be the issue in your sound option change it to alia03:57
illacgogeta: pulseaudio RAAAAGGGEEEE03:57
Night_Fireoh got info page on it nvm03:57
D3RGPS31gogeta: he's disabled pulseaudio03:57
gogetaD3RGPS31: kinda a extra step being you can simple slect alisa03:58
mikebotHow can I check how avi files are encoded in ubuntu? (Having problems playing an .avi off a USB drive on the PS3.)03:58
D3RGPS31gogeta: i would tell him to uninstall it, but isn't it tied in with ubuntu like a rootkit?03:58
deexannihilateD3RGPS31: she :)03:58
D3RGPS31mikebot: what's your feelings on geohot O:03:58
gogetadeexannihilate: try both alisa and oss modes03:58
kevin_does it, goog1jh ?03:58
mikebotD3RGPS31: What is that?03:59
illacmikebot: can't ffmpeg give you details about that?03:59
D3RGPS31deexannihilate: there must be a problem with your audio card :3 let me inspect it fur you03:59
Night_Firebed time for me its 6am and i still didnt sleep yet ;p bb all03:59
deexannihilategogeta: under multimedia systems?03:59
mikebotillac: No clue-- how do I do that?03:59
gogetadeexannihilate: i bleve so03:59
deexannihilategogeta: it's froze, so it'll be a sec03:59
gogetadeexannihilate: it should be under admin sound03:59
illacmikebot: 1 sec, let me confirm04:00
spydee32trying to install ubuntu on a windows machine. but i don't see automatic partitioning. I want to dual boot, how do I do this without advance partioning option04:00
mikebotillac: Thanks.04:00
maconight_fire: absolutely do NOT use ultamatix!04:00
tonysanspydee32: try wubi, that'll do the dual boot, no re-partitioning04:01
jake642I sort of need help with a question...04:01
mikebotillac: Do you know anything about some avis working on PS3 while others do not?04:01
=== gsalas-brb is now known as gsalas
illacmikebot: I don't, I know that ffmpeg will more than likely be able to convert them to a usable format04:02
gogetadeexannihilate: system prefs sound04:02
illacmikebot: I thought you were trying to get info from the avi files04:02
ibnarrashidjake642: you should just state the question, you don't need to say that you have one04:02
jake642I think I killed my sister's pc somehow by inserting an installation usb with wubi in it.04:02
mikebotillac: OK, I'm going to install it04:02
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
gogetathen hardware04:02
illacmikebot: if you're just trying to encode video tho, ffmpeg will def. do it04:02
jake642ibnarrashid: ok04:02
tonysanI have a problem on synaptic "touchpad" utility (not the package manager)04:02
spydee32tonysan: any downside for using wubi?04:02
mikebotillac: I was, I am trying to follow a guide on how to make them playable.04:02
illacmikebot: http://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-doc.html04:02
mikebotillac: I think I'm way above my head04:02
jubobajoin ##c04:03
gogetadeexannihilate: from there you shoud see profiles and set it to anlong duplex04:03
illacmikebot: http://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-doc.html04:03
deexannihilategogeta: sorry. I couldn't get it to forcequit'04:03
mikebotillac: Thank you04:03
illacmikebot: http://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-doc.html#SEC2004:03
ibnarrashidjake642: how far did you go with the installation?04:03
tonysanspydee32: AFAIK I can't enable grub2 splash screen and change its resolution04:03
yusukeHello! top - 10:58:26 up  3:23,  2 users,  load average: 0.31, 0.38, 0.47 ..does that mean someone is inside my laptop?04:04
jake642I think I killed my sister's pc somehow by inserting an installation usb with wubi in it. I  had a disc to install windows xp at the same time running.. and it was restarting the computer with the blue screen. I got impatient and pulled the plug. When I turned it on again, the screen wouldn't load.04:04
mikebotillac: The file that isn't working is an avi, as are files that do work. I think the problem isn't the file type but how it was encoded?04:04
deexannihilategogeta: I have analog stereo duplexz04:04
gogetadeexannihilate: they changed how it looks in lucid darn them you used to be able to set the drivers04:04
yusukeHello! top - 10:58:26 up  3:23,  2 users,  load average: 0.31, 0.38, 0.47 ..does that mean someone is inside my laptop?04:04
tonysanspydee32: only dual boot, no more OSs with wubi, so if you're trying to do 3-boot later, it will not be an easy task04:04
Sarymikebot: You don't know geohot ! http://www.youtube.com/user/geohot#p/a/u/0/1-9wLWQ4-uA04:04
macoyusuke: you can type "who" to get a list04:05
macoyusuke: it could just mean you-in-the-gui and you-in-the-terminal04:05
illacmikebot: probably04:05
jake642ibnarrashid: with the installation.. I just dragged the wubi filed into the usb.. without using the writer. So when I inserted it into the computer, I think it did something..04:05
tonysanspydee32: If your NTFS dies, your ubuntu dies too04:05
spydee32tonysan: thanks, but i wonder why the installer won't give me the easy partition option, the graphical partitioning04:05
ibnarrashidjake642: windows probably didn't get installed fully, you should try reinstalling04:05
tcwhow can i get a list of network interfaces in a machine (interfaces that currently are not brought up) i.e: i have added a secondary PCI NIC but I am unsure if it is classified by the system as eth1 or something else04:06
gogetadeexannihilate: check the output tab04:06
tonysanspydee32: wubi makes your installation to a file inside NTFS04:06
uRockyusuke, run the "who" command04:06
spydee32tonysan: ah yes, i meant when i tried to install through my thumb drive04:06
mikebotSary: Thanks04:06
uRockit will show who is logged in04:06
ibnarrashidjake642: wubi should be fine, it doesn't do anything unless you tell it to04:06
jake642ibnarrashid: so there's no way that can kill the motherboard?04:06
deexannihilategogeta: internal audio analog stereo04:06
gogetadeexannihilate: is it set to anlong speakers04:06
jake642ibnarrashid: oh04:06
tonysanspydee32: there's no partition work for wubi, it's just 1-click install04:07
illacmikebot: http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/257203-Encoding-for-Playstation-304:07
ibnarrashidjake642: no, if you didn't erase your partitions with wubi, wubi wouldn't change anything make your computer stop working04:07
deexannihilategogeta: it says analog output/no amplifier04:07
spydee32tonysan: ah, i'm trying to say that before wubi i tried to install traditionally by booting up from thumb drive/cd and creating a dualboot04:07
Sarymikebot: np , just thought it would be helpful point him out . check his other stuff too04:07
gogetadeexannihilate: in the tab below it it should say anlong speakers04:07
deexannihilategogeta: it doesn't mention speakrrs04:08
jake642ibnarrashid: so how do I reinstall if I can't get to a startup screen on windows?04:08
gogetaor anlong out04:08
tonysanspydee32: if you have access to paritition resizing tools, make a room and install04:08
jake642ibnarrashid: I have a black screen..04:08
mikebotillac: Yikes. Thank you, but this might take a while to figure out, haha04:08
Aeronius_how do you restart the x server without shutting down?04:08
deexannihilategogeta: it says "analog output (lfe), analog output, analog mono output" and each has the option for amplified and not amplified04:09
tonysanspydee32: however grub will take over the Original Windows Bootloader04:09
deexannihilategogeta: *amplifier/no amplifier04:09
jake642ibnarrashid: If I try to insert a the windows recovery cd, it also does nothing.04:09
illacmikebot: it's not to bad once you get the basics04:09
spydee32tonysan: the second thing i did was use windows 7 to create an unallocated partition, and tried to install it on this but still having only 2 options: erase entire disk or advanced partitioning04:09
gogetadeexannihilate: try setting it to anlong output04:09
Aeronius_how do you restart the x server without shutting down?04:09
ibnarrashidjake642: put the installation cd in, go into the boot menu (press F8 or F12 while loading, or ESC, depends on system) then choose boot from CD/DVD to reinstall04:10
mikebotillac: Can I make it come out of this process as an avi?04:10
illacmikebot: yep04:10
illacmikebot: something along these lines of this should work04:10
shishireI have a 3 GB file in my tmp folder named magick-XX7BJ0eD.pam  Anyone know what it is, and if it's safe to get rid of?04:10
gogetadeexannihilate: and play something04:10
deexannihilategogeta: amplifier or no amplifier04:10
ibnarrashidjake642: You don't have to have an operating system running in order to install a new one04:10
gogetadeexannihilate: no amp04:11
mikebotillac: OK, thanks04:11
tonysanspydee32: is your unallocated partition inside a virtual partition?04:11
tonysanI forgot what the other paritition is called...04:11
deexannihilategogeta: negative04:11
illacmikebot: ffmpeg -i invideo.avi -vcodec codechere outvideo.avi04:11
gogetadeexannihilate: humm04:12
spydee32tonysan: i just shrunk my windows 7 partition and this resulted in an unallocated partition04:12
ibnarrashidjake642: You gave to restart the system and get into the boot menu04:12
illacmikebot: for example converting to xvid04:12
illacmikebot: ffmpeg -i invideo.avi -vcodec libxvid outvideo.avi04:12
mikebotillac: Oh, let me try that (Thank you!!!)04:12
gogetadeexannihilate: what card was that again04:12
deexannihilategogeta: could it be because there is no plugin for audio.. similar to how I had to install video plugins04:12
deexannihilategogeta: ALS400004:13
tonysanspydee32: I have no idea sorry04:13
spydee32tonysan: i think the problem with the installer not showing automatic partioning is because its an hp computer that came with 3 other "recovery partitions"04:13
spydee32tonysan: thanks though ill keep trying04:13
endeavormacis there a way to bypass the login screen/x/gdm and go straight into a terminal, before the login screen comes up?04:13
mikebotillac: Got an error: Unknown encoder 'libxvid'04:13
illacmikebot: mikebot have to install it04:13
mikebotillac: Oh, opps OK04:14
gogetadeexannihilate: oh i see the issue and removing uplse made it worse04:14
illacmikebot: libxvidcore404:14
illacmikebot: sudo aptitude install libxvidcore404:14
gogetadeexannihilate: you simple had to do this04:14
illacmikebot: ffmpeg -i invideo.avi -vcodec libxvidcore4 outvideo.avi04:14
illacmikebot: give that a shot04:15
gogetadeexannihilate: rm -r ~/.pulse ~/.asound*  sudo rm /etc/asound.conf04:15
Aeronius_how do you restart the x server without shutting down?04:15
mikebotillac: OK, installing now04:15
deexannihilategogeta: how do i do that now?04:15
ibnarrashidjake642: Some machines automatically boot from the cd if the cd is bootable, other wise a screen at startup should have a F(0-12) button to tell you to get into a boot menu or options04:15
mikebotillac: Unknown encoder 'libxvidcore4'04:16
gogetadeexannihilate: you lost audio after a update rite04:16
mikebotillac: After I did sudo apt-get install libxvidcore404:16
SaryGuys , Did anyone Successfully played a DVD or VCD in Ubuntu !04:16
illacmikebot: 1 sec04:16
deexannihilategogeta: no, this is a fresh install. I haven't had audio since I reinstalled.04:16
DrMrHorsehow do i get my mobile broadband connection to show up as an option for network manager? ive done the wizard and found the provider04:16
jake642ibnarrashid: right now, there's no way to access the boot options.. even when pressing f2.. is there a way to make a bootable cd ?04:16
mikebotillac: (Thanks a lot btw)04:17
illacmikebot: try running without convert, just pass it through ffmpeg for the first run04:17
gogetadeexannihilate: try this aplay -l04:17
deexannihilateDrMrHorse: have you set it up through network manager?04:17
spydee32tonysan: in case youre wondering i figured a solution: im using gparted to shrink instead of windows 7, this way gparted can partition into an ext4 instead of "unallocated" and the installer sees this as a free space i can install onto without me needing to mess with partition tables04:17
illacmikebot: ffmpeg -i infile.avi outfile.avi04:17
jake642ibnarrashid: the screen isn't even loading, so it's literally just black. I think I killed the harddrive.. but right before then it may have been attacked by a spyware or virus..04:17
deexannihilategogeta: trying playing now? or is there more?04:18
mikebotillac: Error while opening codec for output stream #0.0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height04:18
DrMrHorsedeexannihilate: i have network manager applet 0.804:18
illacmikebot: that's if you run the generic?04:18
gogetadeexannihilate: well if you removed those 2 files log out and back in04:18
jake642ibnarrashid: the inside of the computer runs and the lights and fans work though.. so I was wondering if I make a bootable cd .. that it will be able to boot without needing to use the f8 f2 option :(04:18
mikebotillac: Yes04:18
deexannihilateDrMrHorse: what is your provider?04:19
illacmikebot: hmmm might have to resort to #ffmpeg channel :/04:19
mikebotillac: oh wait, sorry one moment please04:19
enavhi... you guys knows the PHP channel????04:19
illacmikebot: k, I'm playing with it over here as well, mine ran fine04:19
JoeSomebodyhi, what is the command to save all the programs for reinstall on a new drive?04:19
rwwenav: ##php04:19
mikebotillac: I'm such a fool-- there was an extra space in there04:19
_jesse_enav: ##php04:19
enavthanks mates04:19
SaryAnyone ! i could not seem to get a DVD nor a VCD to be playing04:19
DrMrHorsedeexannihilate: verizon. i went through the wizard and it found it, but doesnt show up as a connect option on left click so i cant connect04:19
deexannihilateDrMrHorse:  *who sorry04:19
enavim goign to blow my mind this summer  :)04:19
rwwubottu: tell JoeSomebody about clone04:19
ubottuJoeSomebody, please see my private message04:19
ibnarrashidjake642: you already have a bootable cd if you were using a cd to install xp, the most a failed installation probably did on your system is erase or corrupt the partitions, boot options aren't on the partitions04:20
deexannihilateOk. Is there a cd icon on the bottom right?04:20
mikebotillac: Oh no, still same error04:20
uRockenav, http://www.phpfreaks.com/page/irc-live-chat04:20
DrMrHorsedeexannihilate: me?04:20
thune3shishire: if the extension is pnm instead of pam (which you wrote), then it seems like a working file for imagemagick. Did you do some work with imagemagick? nothing in /tmp is expected by programs to last through a reboot. I would tenetively say it is ok to remove.04:20
deexannihilateDrMrHorse: if so, you need to eject it and let it reload. after it reloads, it should show up in the network manager04:20
deexannihilateDrMrHorse: yes04:21
DrMrHorsedeexannihilate: no cd icon04:21
ibnarrashidjake642: do you get anything other than a completely black screen while starting up? Like a manufacturer's name on it while starting up?04:21
enavim doing some strong research on wikis and forums to chose between Java and PHP for web development04:21
jake642ibnarrashid: No04:21
illacmikebot: hmmm mine ran fine converting an mpeg to avi04:21
DrMrHorsedeexannihilate: i can connect with wifi, just not mobile04:21
mandaziim trying to install git04:21
deexannihilateDrMrHorse: Hmm.. then I'm not sure sorry :(04:21
mandazigetting those errors04:21
DrMrHorsedeexannihilate: ty04:21
deexannihilateDrMrHorse: you're welcome04:21
jake642ibnarrashid: only the monitor screen starts to light up, but it turns orange.. I know the computer is alive, but it won't even have the startup screen.. it's just all black. and everything is plugged in correctly too.04:22
DrMrHorseill ask again i guess04:22
DrMrHorsehow do i get my mobile broadband connection to show up as an option for network manager? ive done the wizard and found the provider04:22
jake642ibnarrashid: the monitor button ^^" not the screen.04:22
shishirethune3, I just removed it, it seems to have been an imagemagick thing.  I was running phatch.  And it was actually pam, not pnm, although I have no idea why.  Thanks though04:22
jake642ibnarrashid: so I don't get anything but a black screen.04:22
mikebotillac: Mine creates the file, but is 0 bytes big, and has that error04:22
mikebotillac: Maybe this is too big a problem to solve tonight04:22
Ruumhey guys04:23
illacmikebot: Error while opening codec for output stream04:23
colin_who am I04:23
illacmikebot: 1 sec04:23
RuumI am trying to install java on this machine04:23
illacmikebot: ffmpeg -y -i files/input_file.avi -ar 22050 -f flv files/output_file.flv04:23
Ruumbut it keeps saying that it cant find the java package.04:23
ibnarrashidjake642: what system did you have running on it before? and what hardware do you have?04:23
deexannihilategogeta: ok. i've logged in/out and still nothing04:23
Ruumin the repositories04:23
SaryWhats the best DVD player in for Ubuntu !04:23
illacmikebot: according to someone with a similiar error its' based on the sampling rate04:23
gogetadeexannihilate: you whont beleve this fix pluginto the line out04:23
mikebotillac: Oh. do I put 'files'?04:24
illacmikebot: modify that command to point to your files and see if it runs04:24
mikebotillac: OK04:24
Ruum*anyone* ?04:24
wershow can I reset to the default gnome-terminal's font? Using Android Sans fonts screwed it forever04:24
illacmikebot: ffmpeg -y -i input_file.avi -ar 22050 -f flv output_file.flv04:24
gogetadeexannihilate: or headphones04:24
mikebotillac: OK, one sec please04:24
SaryRuum: try Java-sun04:24
illacmikebot: that will just convert to flv, but I want to see if the same error pops out04:24
cellofellowI don't know precisely why, but if I run X (I'm using the Nouveau driver) my load average goes crazy, generally never below 5.0, even when top shows CPU usage at 5%.04:24
gogetadeexannihilate: guess the jacks get all confused with the oss driver04:24
RuumE: Couldn't find package sun-java04:25
deexannihilategogeta: shoot me. now I can't get the cd drive open :(04:25
Ruumthat is what I am getting04:25
illacmikebot: ffmpeg -y -i input_file.avi -ar 22050 output_file.flv04:25
Ruumlol whoops04:25
illacmikebot: ffmpeg -y -i input_file.avi -ar 22050 output_file.avi04:25
illacmikebot: try that last one as well04:25
gogetadeexannihilate: type eject in a term04:25
RealEyesI need major helpz plx04:25
deexannihilategogeta: in a term?04:26
mikebotillac: Ah ha! That one is doing something04:26
illacgogeta: eject04:26
RuumE: Couldn't find package Java-sun04:26
mikebotillac: Did the avi one04:26
RealEyesUbuntu will NOT load any .exe that I have, it won't auto run stuff, nothing!04:26
illacmikebot: did it work?04:26
Ruumsorry I am still gettting this error... anyone?04:26
mikebotillac: Well it's still going, but it looks like it is converting04:26
mercury_halohow to install libxpm via cmd?04:26
Ruumits not finding the package!!04:26
b1nd3rwhere can I get an original Initrd from lucid? (I can't unpack .deb packages right now...)04:26
gogetadeexannihilate: yea should send a tary open command to your cd rom if the buttion isnt working04:27
Ruumso can anyone help?04:27
SaryRuum: then install it with in the restricted-extras04:27
illacmikebot: nice!04:27
illacmikebot: lets hope it works :D04:27
RealEyesshould I just format my disk and install win7? I have that ISO04:27
mikebotillac: Haha yeah04:27
Ruumhow do I do that?04:27
peepingtombind3r: you could download an Ubuntu-minimal CD image04:27
RealEyesI just built a new PC;04:27
deexannihilategogeta: how the heck do I do that?04:27
SaryRuum: Try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:27
mikebotillac: Now I just have to figure out what the PS3 likes (in terms of the coding)04:27
eyes_onlyany specific channel rules?04:27
endeavormacok, here's one to figure out. changed around xorg.conf, now macbook won't start up. can't boot off USB, apple firmware says no. can't ESC into grub, doesn't work. I have no CDs. whole thing stalls before login. ideas?04:27
ibnarrashidjake642: do you have another cd or usb that's bootable connected to your pc when trying to boot by any chance?04:27
mikebotillac: Also, how many frames do you think a 22 minute avi is?04:27
rwwubottu: tell eyes_only about guidelines04:27
ubottueyes_only, please see my private message04:27
gogetadeexannihilate: it also whont ject if media is mounted right click on it cd icon and slect eject04:27
RealEyesUbuntu is cool but it doesnt seem to read the driver CDs for my motherboard04:28
SeqIs there a way to have my hard disk assignments (sdX) static based on port? I'm using a port multiplier, so the drive is on e.g. ata7.0204:28
jake642ibnarrashid: yeah04:28
illacmikebot: a lot, you've got some time ;)04:28
mikebotillac: Oh, nvm, it lists the size of the file too04:28
Saryubuser: hello04:28
mercury_halohow to install libxpm via cmd?04:28
mikebotillac: Do youj think that that command fits with what that forum said about converting to play on PS3?04:28
jake642ibnarrashid: I had one cd and one usb (with wubi) in it at the same time.04:28
ubuserwondering if someone could help me i have another pc that is not connected to the internet it is running ubuntu 5.10 and i have an avi video file that i was wanting to play i was wondering what files i need to get to watch this video04:29
eyes_onlyrww: thanks dont want to be breaking rules by chatting out of turn or something ;)04:29
peepingtommercury_halo sudo apt-get install libxpm404:29
RuumSary, are you giving me the correct command?04:29
b1nd3rpeepingtom, aren't initrd from livecd different from that after install ?04:29
deexannihilategogeta: it isn't even reading that there is a disc in iot04:29
SaryRuum: indeed04:29
RuumI just tried that and its not working.....04:29
peepingtomb1nd3r: yes they are04:29
ibnarrashidjake642: that could be the problem, a corrupt bootable cd might be trying to start up when you turn on your system, try removing it and trying it again04:29
b1nd3rpeepingtom, aren't any different from the initrd from livecd that after install ?04:29
gogetadeexannihilate: open a termel in your acresyes menu type eject04:29
mercury_halopeepingtom: ok i will try that04:29
illacmikebot: I'm not sure, it's running it through the default ffmpeg avi encoder04:29
RealEyesSary: I ran the command you posted to install the restricted extras ^_^04:29
b1nd3rpeepingtom, well, I need one after install =/04:29
jake642ibnarrashid: I removed all cds too04:30
tonysanI have installed synaptic touchpad utility, I disabled my touchpad, but it will automatically enable itself every once in a while, anyone have a clue?04:30
illacmikebot: but I'm not sure what those settings or that codec is or if it meets those requirements04:30
jake642ibnarrashid: and the usb..04:30
ubuserwondering if someone could help me i have another pc that is not connected to the internet it is running ubuntu 5.10 and i have an avi video file that i was wanting to play i was wondering what files i need to get to watch this video04:30
peepingtomb1nd3er: you can open .deb files like a tar.gz I think04:30
thune3mandazi: did you try running ./configure ? you may need to install some packages you need for compiling, too. you might try "apt-get build-dep git-core" . Also you might consider just using this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~git-core/+archive/ppa04:30
RealEyesIt's working. Will this allow me to run .exe 's?04:30
mikebotillac: Haha OK04:30
mikebotillac: Well at least we know it works04:30
gogetadeexannihilate: the buttion on my laptops drives does not work it broken and thats how i always open my tray04:30
b1nd3rpeepingtom, I think I tried that already, without luck, maybe I will try again04:30
SaryRealEyes: search for restricted-extras in Ubuntu Software Center04:30
jake642ibnarrashid: I was trying to downgrade it from windows vista home to windows xp, before I found out that it wouldn't work.04:30
deexannihilategogeta: what should i specifically type?04:31
RealEyesi also need netgear drivers for my wireless usb stick but they only seem to have them for windows???04:31
b1nd3rpeepingtom, where can I get the .deb ?04:31
gogetadeexannihilate: just eject04:31
gogetaand hit enter04:31
peepingtomb1nd3r: I think it's a linux-image .deb, ill chek04:31
ubusercan someone help me please04:31
Ruumweird... this box is not liking the sudo command04:31
deexannihilategogeta: then what is this "acresyes menu"04:31
illacmikebot: according to this article I'm looking at the CLI default is medium quality which forces x26404:31
RealEyesSary: I ran the command in terminal and it's working...04:32
b1nd3rpeepingtom, it doesn't have initrd, I think its made when installing linux-image04:32
illacmikebot: which according to that forum user is the best choice for playing on PS304:32
ubuser!!!!!!!!!!wondering if someone could help me i have another pc that is not connected to the internet it is running ubuntu 5.10 and i have an avi video file that i was wanting to play i was wondering what files i need to get to watch this video04:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:32
SaryRuum:  search for restricted-extras in Ubuntu Software Center04:32
Ruumwhy is it not liking this command?04:32
gogetadeexannihilate: to open the termnel so you can type the command04:32
RealEyesshould I still DL from software center?04:32
mikebotillac: Oh wonderful, it actually quit at 61mb when the orginal file was 150mb04:32
SaryRealEyes: thats good news ;)04:32
b1nd3rpeepingtom, http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic-pae/filelist04:32
deexannihilategogeta: so I just open the terminal (accessories>terminal) and type eject. forgive my ignorance. :)04:32
RealEyeswhat else do I need to do lol?04:32
mikebotillac: Ah it quit early04:33
gogetadeexannihilate: yes04:33
RealEyesI want to love this OS, I think I already do.04:33
illacmikebot: error?04:33
RealEyesI wish it would just load these .exe s Dx04:33
deexannihilategogeta: ok. nothing happened04:33
gogetadeexannihilate: didnt open your cd tray?04:33
SaryRealEyes: it can with Wine04:33
gogetadeexannihilate: you hit enter lol04:33
ubuserI downloaded an avi file but my totem player wont play it, and the computer doesnt have internet how can i get this file to open???? can i just download a video player or do i have to get codec!!?!?!?04:33
deexannihilategogeta: nope. nothing is ever easy for me!04:33
stormblast_i have a little doubt about flash04:33
SaryRealEyes: serach for wine in Ubuntu Software Center04:33
stormblast_anyone can help?04:34
=== EvilTrek is now known as EvilPhoenix
eyes_onlystormblast: what seems to be your problem?04:34
mikebotillac: First it was updating on one line, then it did this: http://pastebin.org/41025604:34
RobbinI am sorry to interrupt, that my os can't read the id of my 3g usb modem, could anyone tell me where to look for the answers?04:34
RealEyesfound it ;)04:34
gogetadeexannihilate: strange enough being that shoulda opened your tray04:34
abhijitafter install postgres one click installer my evolution mail cant open. please help. I need my mails ;)04:34
RealEyesmy terminal says 'resolving downloads.sourceforge.net'04:34
deexannihilategogeta: i'm not that computer illiterate!04:34
stOrmBlastwhat r u talking about eyes_only ?04:34
ubuserOh yeah, Ubuser you can find an easy downloadable file at fiohasfhsduklgjklbndfklghuklsdrffufags04:35
SaryRealEyes: Search for PlayOnLinux in the Center ;)04:35
gogetadeexannihilate: sounds like the drive froze04:35
deexannihilategogeta: should i try restarting?04:35
eyes_onlystormblast: whats the problem your having with flash?04:35
illacmikebot: hmmm not sure what that means04:35
RealEyesAll done no errors04:35
RealEyesupdating config04:35
jake642ibnarrashid: I've already tried to restart the computer many times.. but still nothing :(04:35
RealEyessetting up blah blah blah04:36
SaryYou go RealEyes ;)04:36
stormblast_<eyes_only> the problem is that it keeps crashing, already tried 3 packages of this and always the same problem, right click and there it goes crashing04:36
mikebotillac: Yeah, and I tried the partial file and it said it was corrupted04:36
illacmikebot: join #ffmpeg04:36
gogetadeexannihilate: yea open the tray before linxu starts04:36
peepingtomb1nd3er: yeah I suppose some process wraps all that stuff into the initrd and vmlinuz files, sorry04:36
stOrmBlastwith flash ?? eyes_only i dont got problems with flash only got a few problems but not with flash but tks for asking :P04:36
gogetadeexannihilate: to reconver your cd04:36
mikebotillac: I'll do that. thanks for all your help though, I really appreciate it.04:36
jake642ibnarrashid: I agree with the corrupt partition, though.. because I didn't use the usb writer to burn the image into wubi >.<04:36
RealEyesthis play on linux thing will make Starcraft II work? :D04:36
illacmikebot: no prob04:36
SaryRealEyes: You can play windows games with PlayOnLinux04:36
illacmikebot: see you in ffmpeg ;)04:36
eyes_onlyOTHER STORMBLAST stormblast lol04:36
mikebotillac: Have a good night (And THANKS!)04:36
b1nd3rpeepingtom, I don't know if you have a fast link, but can't you upload your initrd.lz to me?04:36
mikebotillac: I'm going to go tomorrow04:36
Aeronius_how do you restart the x server without shutting down?04:36
mikebotillac: Need to hit the sack tonight04:36
illacmikebot: alright, good luck04:37
gogetaSary: plauonlinux is just a script04:37
mikebotillac: Thanks gnight04:37
RealEyeswine failed to DL04:37
stOrmBlastohhhh ok np eyes_only04:37
Aeronius_*anyone* how do you restart the x server without shutting down?04:37
peepingtomb1nd3er: I run amd64 build, what version do you need?04:37
thune3Robbin: try "lsusb" command. if modem is showing up as cdrom, you can select eject to get it to show as modem (and install usb-modeswitch to do this automatically)04:37
jake642ibnarrashid: and if I click the wubi I downloaded on here it gives me an excpetion processing message 0xc000000013 window that I can't close >.<04:37
gogetaAeronius_: ctrl alt f1 login type sudo service gdm restart04:37
b1nd3rpeepingtom, well, I will not keep the modules anyway, just want to get the full sctructure and scripts04:37
b1nd3rpeepingtom, I think it will be usefull04:38
Aeronius_gogeta: oh cool thanks!04:38
slidinghornAeronius_, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XorgCtrlAltBackspace04:38
SaryI'm lloking for the best DVD player in for Ubuntu04:38
Aeronius_yeah, not working for me slidinghorn04:38
gogetaAeronius_: they disable that by defult you can do it my way or reenable it04:38
abhijitevolution not starting help04:39
peepingtomb1nd3er: I have /lib/modules/2.6.32-23-generic/initrd   what version of 1.6.32 do you need?04:39
Aeronius_Yeah, I'm gonna try it that way...04:39
Robbinthune3 thank you for your advice, but I tried usb_modeswitch already, when I run it, it hints that there is no manufacturer ID and no S/N04:39
RealEyesSary: I try to autorun a CD and it says the autorun is not found04:39
Aeronius_why can't I just run it from a sim terminal?04:39
deexannihilategogeta: should I be brave and close it now?!04:39
b1nd3rpeepingtom, I mean: /boot/initrd.lz04:39
gogetaAeronius_: you can do that to04:39
taninI lost my mic where would i find it?04:39
b1nd3rpeepingtom, any kernel build will serve04:40
b1nd3rpeepingtom, I will fit my own kernel inside it =)04:40
gogetaAeronius_: nroamly x is froze and ctrl alt f1 gets you to bash04:40
Aeronius_ok, if you don't see me anymore that means it works, so thanks gogeta!!!04:40
RealEyes'cannot find the autorun program04:40
slidinghornAeronius_, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-enable-ctrl-alt-backspace-in-ubuntu-jaunty.html04:40
tanininside and pulse won't find it04:40
RealEyeswhats the fix for that?04:40
tanindoesn't see it04:41
taninonly with root user04:41
ibnarrashidjake642: The wubi installation could be corrupted, but that really shouldn't have any affect on the computer's performance if you didn't go through with any installation04:41
deexannihilategogeta: no sound. dvds just aren't the same!04:41
thune3Robbin: it's hard to tell from you description what is going on excactly. I would unpling the modem, plug it in. And then pastebin the last 100 lines of "dmesg" output (or /var/log/syslog). It would tell what is happening to modem.04:41
gogetadeexannihilate: lol04:41
gogetadeexannihilate: try pluiing your speaker to the headphones jack someone said that works04:41
SaryRealEyes: i am googleing about that issue .. dose anyone know about it04:42
Catwomani have a serious problem i hope someone can help me with...i saved an inkscape .svg file in ubuntu 10.04 and now nautilus is not responding...my icons are gone and I cannot access my files in places....ugh04:42
peepingtomb1nd3r: I only compile the odd thing, you mean upload a compressed /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-23-generic to megaupload or rapidshare     or do you need a different file?04:42
ibnarrashidjake642: Sorry, I was away for a minute, didn't see your last message, were you able to get the boot menu?04:42
illacCatwoman: try moving the file in command line?04:42
abhijitno one knows about it?04:42
Saryadhijit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Evolution04:42
jake642ibnarrashid: No :(04:43
deexannihilategogeta: negative. :(04:43
jake642ibnarrashid: basically nothing lights up.. and the screen is blank, even though I know the monitor works.04:43
b1nd3rpeepingtom, yes, this will serve, rapidshare, 4shared or megaupload will be fine, can you do that for me? will be very helpfull04:43
gogetadeexannihilate: then in the sound settings set the output to headphones04:43
thune3Robbin: also, i believe that usb_modeswitch just installs some udev rules to perform the switch automatically when the device is detected. if it is working, it shouldn't require running any commands.04:43
gogetadeexannihilate: or line out04:43
Catwomanillac: what commands (don't laugh) ;)04:43
jake642ibnarrashid: the manufacterer's picture doesn't even show up...04:43
jake642ibnarrashid: so there's no bios update screen either.. just nothing :(04:43
abhijitSary, that page donrt cover my issue :(04:44
illacCatwoman: where did you save the file?04:44
deexannihilategogeta: I haven't seen a headphone option any where04:44
Catwomanillac: tried to save it in my pics folder04:44
gogetashould be in output in your sound prefs04:44
Saryadhijit: Whats your issue04:44
jake642ibnarrashid: but I can tell the computer should be working. because it's see through on the side, and the fans are running and the lights inside the casing are on :/04:44
Catwomanillac: now i can't access any files in nautilus04:44
gogetaor simple anlong out04:44
abhijitSary, yesterday i selected one theme and after that cariro dock only starts in maintanance mode. actual dock is not running. help!04:44
abhijitSary oh soory thats not my issue wait04:45
peepingtomb1nd3er: It'll be 4min, slow DSL here04:45
illacCatwoman: mv ~/pics/file.svg somethingelse.nothing04:45
abhijitSary, i yesterday install postgres from one click installer and now my evolution is not starting. please help04:45
deexannihilategogeta: it isn't. another thing I notice is ALS4000 is no longer listed in outputs. Just "Internal Audio Analog"04:45
abhijitSary, ^^ thta is my issue ^^04:45
illacCatwoman: nautilus might be trying to read the svg file for preview and crashing?04:45
jake642ibnarrashid: but it doesn't even react when I put in a recovery disc..04:45
Robbinthune3: thank you, but now I am trying to make the system recognize this device04:45
b1nd3rpeepingtom, okay, no problem I will gladly wait =) thanks04:45
Aeroniusgogeta: it worked, what was that command again?04:46
gogetadeexannihilate: thats fine\04:46
Saryadhijit: i had the same issue with CairoDock , i remove it then installed Awn dock04:46
gogetaAeronius: sudo service gdm restart04:46
illacCatwoman: might need to restart Nautilus as well04:46
Aeroniusthanks, I'll save that...04:46
illacCatwoman: sudo killall nautilus04:46
abhijitSary, dock is not my issue. i typed that by mistake. my issue is evolution04:47
Saryadhijit: i got your issue04:47
RealEyeslol Sary is in-demand ;)04:47
Catwomanillac: i'll try that04:47
ridinhow much ram is nautilus is supposed to use?04:47
illacCatwoman: might need to mv or delete the svg file before the restart04:47
illacCatwoman: I'm guessing that file is causing the issue04:48
abhijit!tab | Sary04:48
ubottuSary: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:48
Catwomanillac: (nautilus:2935): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.04:48
gogetadeexannihilate: hummm04:48
SaryRealEyes: it feels great , i am a newbie , yet i am trying to help ;)04:48
illacCatwoman: did you restart it?04:49
illacCatwoman: probably didn't return because it was hung04:49
RealEyeswine kind-of works04:49
deexannihilategogeta: and don't worry.. the speakers are on.. not muted and the sound is up :)04:49
Saryadhijit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=838688204:49
Catwomanillac: I am restarting...04:49
RealEyesit installed the drivers for my netgear, but it wont let the actual program load04:49
ekimmargniDoes anyone know what this error from rdiff-backup means? UpdateError var/lib/mysql/binnie-relay-bin.000120 Updated mirror temp file /mnt/backup/full-system/var/lib/mysql/rdiff-backup.tmp.818 does not match source04:49
RealEyesi see it for a half second, then it disappears04:49
deexannihilategogeta: i'm googling some more to see if I can find anything we haven't tried04:49
illacCatwoman: after you run the kill all try to open a file manager window again04:50
gogetadeexannihilate: thats the issue i dont relly see any linux issues with that card04:50
=== avidya is now known as wai
ibnarrashidjake642: At this point, I can't really be sure what to do, I would try taking out all devices connected to the pc except the monnitor and trying to boot the cd again, if that doesn't work, you could see to get help via google, this isn't a very uncommon problem, and also try bootable discs with linux on it04:50
afsuarezmsg nickserv identify 1734831104:50
gogetadeexannihilate: its one of those it just works04:51
gogetadeexannihilate: like my ac9704:51
SaryRealEyes: any Progress with autorun yet04:51
abhijitSary, yes I have the exact problem. thanks or help :)04:51
afsuarezi need suport for installing a printer please04:51
Catwomanillac: killed nautilus, restarted...same thing happened no response04:52
RealEyesi searched a bit but to no avail04:52
abhijit!ask | afsuarez04:52
ubottuafsuarez: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:52
tux_sevenim having problem installing ubuntu04:52
illacCatwoman: did you move the file with the mv command I sent?04:52
Saryadhijit: np , thanks for pointing that out ;)04:52
abhijit!manual | tux_seven04:52
ubottutux_seven: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:52
gogetaafsuarez: plug it in if supported it should work04:52
tux_sevendoesnt detect my disk partition04:52
illacCatwoman: might need to delete it04:52
abhijitSary, :)04:52
Catwomanillac: I know my files are still there...i can access them through inkscape.. :)04:52
gogetaafsuarez: many are04:52
Catwomanillac: but not nautilus04:52
deexannihilategogeta: what was the command you gave me before to use after an update..04:52
afsuarezi have a epson cx3700 and i cant find it with the printer instalation wizard04:52
illacCatwoman: right but the svg file is probably crashing Nautilus04:53
IdleOneafsuarez: please change your nickserv password04:53
SaryRealEyes: Okay , lemme see04:53
gogetadeexannihilate: it was in a fourm post04:53
tux_sevenparted and other tools say that my gpt table is corrupt04:53
tux_sevendetects all my hd as free space04:53
sikumbuzoHey guys, quick question, whenever I suspend my Ubuntu and then hit the power button to resume, it seems like the computer is resuming but the monitor is never turning back on.  This is forcing me to force a manual shutdown.  Any advice?04:53
Catwomanillac: how do i access the file in terminal?04:53
gogetadeexannihilate: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=945560904:53
tux_seveni have windows 704:53
SaryRealEyes: Mabye here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/autorun04:53
illacCatwoman: well you start in your home folder which is ~04:53
tux_sevenso its not all free space04:53
illacCatwoman: so ~/pics/ gets you into your pics folder04:53
Catwomanillac: ok i'll try to find/delete it...be right back04:54
illacCatwoman: ~/Pictures/ gets you into pictures04:54
gogetadeexannihilate: of xourse plug the speakers back into the speaker port04:54
illacCatwoman: so you'll need to go04:54
illacCatwoman: cd ~/Pictures/04:54
illacCatwoman: the use ls to list files in that directory04:54
peepingtomsikumbuzo: desktop or Laptop?04:54
illacCatwoman: once you're in the right place and see the file is there use mv to move it04:55
gogetadeexannihilate: ill kill you if there usb speakers and where just using the worng sound card lol04:55
tux_sevenor do you dont help people with weird errs like mine04:55
illacCatwoman: mv yourfile.svg youfile.txt04:55
deexannihilategogeta: They don't plug into the USB.. so I presume not?04:55
sikumbuzopeepingtom, laptop04:55
illacCatwoman: moving it to another extension like .txt will prevent it from being read as an SVG, that might be anough to get Nautilus to stop choking on it04:55
gogetadeexannihilate: lol04:55
peepingtomsikumbuzo: type of graphics chipset makes a difference, what is it? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend04:55
illacCatwoman: if not you might need to delete it04:56
sikumbuzopeepingtom, ATI Radeon HD 450004:56
=== wai is now known as avidya
illacCatwoman: couple probably also move it to a hidden file so Nautilus will ignore it04:56
gogetadeexannihilate: im just wondering if those speakers are not dead04:56
illacCatwoman: mv yourfile.svg .yourfile.svg04:56
Catwomanillac: i see so to access the pictures folder it would be ls then what04:56
deexannihilategogeta:- I tried headphones and they didn't work either`04:56
gogetadeexannihilate: oh04:56
illacCatwoman: to get to your pictures folder you'd use04:56
illacCatwoman: cd ~/pictures/04:57
gogetadeexannihilate: its just odd i see no reports if them not working04:57
illacCatwoman: it's case sensitive04:57
peepingtomsikumbuzo: check the logs, that link I sent you uses a neat hack to log some stuff so you can read it at next boot when your screen works.   Otherwise, SSHing into your computer would work04:57
illacCatwoman: so if the directory is Pictures04:57
deexannihilategogeta: when it comes to me.. it isn't odd!04:57
illacCatwoman: it's cd ~/Pictures/04:57
afsuarezcan anyone help me installing my epson cx3700 printer?04:57
RealEyesSary: I found it I just dont know what to do now lol04:57
tux_sevenyou re losing a potentia user of ubuntu04:57
LucidGuyAnyone ever try to create a Debian USB install using the boot.img and mini.iso from the debian site?  Did exactly as instructed yet the installed says no ethernet card was found.  This is a dell mini.  Is it possible that it actually does not know what card I have? using Dell Mini onboard ethernet.  Or am I missing something?04:57
gogetadeexannihilate: hua thers linux driver04:57
tux_sevencome on , help mr04:58
matthew_is it possible to get pusleaudio to default to my usb soundcard whenever I plug it in. I have to select it every time I change anything in PA...like an equalizer setting...I have to back in to PA and select the external adapter04:58
abhijittux_seven, meanwhile look into forums04:58
peepingtomsikumbuzo:  also: pressing alt+sysRQ (aka printscreen)   + R, E, I, S, U, B in sequence is better than just holding the powe button, it makes sure all writes to hard disk finish04:58
RealEyesSary: NVM, I'm doing it! ;D04:58
gogetadeexannihilate: thats wired its the same chipset as my card ac9704:58
illacCatwoman: once you're in the folder, "ls" will show you files in that directory04:58
illacCatwoman: confirm the file you're looking for is there04:58
sikumbuzopeepingtom, never knew that04:58
jake642ibnarrashid: *nods* I just needed to know that it wasn't the wubi usb that broke it..04:59
SaryRealEyes: where did you found it , please show me & thanks for pointing it out ;)04:59
sikumbuzopeepingtom, ok, i am going to attempt a trace and hop back on in a few04:59
abhijittux_seven, and retype your question in one line with details.04:59
peepingtomsikumbuzo: making it more likely that you'll have logs written to disk http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_request   i'm not very competent, someone somewhere should help you though04:59
SaryRealEyes: Alright , good luck ;)04:59
RealEyesYou can test this patch by following the following steps to download and install the patch:04:59
RealEyes    *04:59
RealEyes      Download and install:04:59
FloodBot2RealEyes: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:59
Catwomanillac: keeps saying cannot access no file or directory04:59
sikumbuzopeepingtom, thanks04:59
RealEyessorry xD04:59
tux_sevenhow i can get ubuntu to dtect correctly my disk and its partition04:59
illacCatwoman: check your IM04:59
gogetadeexannihilate: try this in aa term04:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:00
gogetadeexannihilate: alsiamixer05:00
jake642ibnarrashid: one more question... if I use a usb .. and try to make that bootable with the linux os in it.. do you think that might work?05:00
gogetadeexannihilate: make shure knothing is muted05:00
deexannihilategogeta: did you mean alsamixer05:00
jake642ibnarrashid: a bootable usb?05:00
tux_sevenhow i can get ubuntu to dtect correctly my disk and its partition . when i try to install it show my hd as only free space, but i have  windows 705:00
gogetadeexannihilate: yea05:00
peepingtomoops sikumbuzo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key     but yeah, good luck!05:00
piotr_how to run 5..1 Speakers ?05:01
deexannihilategogeta: I actually just finished doing that :)05:01
ibnarrashidjake642: Bootable USB or CD, either should do the same thing, CDs are easier to make than USBs05:01
tux_sevenwhen i  try to partition manually using parted it says my gpt table is corrupy05:01
peepingtompiotr: depends on your sound card05:01
peepingtompiotr: what brand?05:01
tux_sevenim using unetbootin05:01
jake642ibnarrashid: ok05:01
RealEyesits not working05:02
tux_sevenKubuntu AMD 64 10.0405:02
piotr_Its Realterk Alc66205:02
gogetadeexannihilate: its such a old card to it relly should just work05:02
tux_sevenbooting from a usb memory05:02
deexannihilategogeta: haha it's an upgrade from the last card I had that refused to work with 9.0405:02
jake642ibnarrashid: ty for the advice ^^05:02
gogetadeexannihilate: it worked in 9.0405:03
ibnarrashidjake642: no problem, here to help05:03
peepingtompiotr_: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/pio05:03
tux_sevenbooting with nouveau.modeset="0" otherwise the screen does not work05:03
TrentonAdamsahhhh, help, I need to install svk. How do I do that?05:03
tux_sevenATAPI Hd05:03
tux_sevendo you need more details05:03
peepingtompiotr_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound05:03
RealEyesSary: http://paste.ubuntu.com/466785/plain/05:04
deexannihilategogeta: that's why I switched I had an older audigy sound blaster that refused to work so I switched it out for this one.05:04
peepingtompiotr: do you see only stero then? pulseaudio maybe uses stero only be default, I know no more good luck05:04
RealEyesSary: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-volume-manager/+bug/12331305:04
peepingtomI hate underscore names :(05:04
piotr_ok i check it05:04
gogetadeexannihilate: try modprobe soundcore05:04
RealEyesI cant find the patch on that page, how to DownLoad??05:04
peepingtomTrentonAdams: SVN? sudo apt-get install subversion05:05
deexannihilategogeta: is it  a drive?05:05
gogetadeexannihilate: i think this is a permisison issue not a driver one05:05
spydee32hi, im still having trouble doing dualboot install of ubuntu+windows, i have a brand new hp pavilion with a bunch of recovery partitions that i believe is preventing the "automatic partitioning" option from showing up.05:06
gogetadeexannihilate: you do this from a term05:06
gogetadeexannihilate: sudo modproble soundcore05:06
gogetadeexannihilate: oh yea i goot the issue05:06
gogetadeexannihilate: i think it forgot to add you to sound05:07
tux_sevencat yourattention > /home/tux_seven05:07
RealEyesUnable to find a source package for gnome-volume-manager ??05:07
tux_sevenplease help05:08
TrentonAdamspeepingtom: I need svk05:08
deexannihilategogeta: ok. I ran it05:08
gogetadeexannihilate: any sound05:08
deexannihilategogeta: no05:08
spydee32 hi, im still having trouble doing dualboot install of ubuntu+windows, i have a brand new hp pavilion with a bunch of recovery partitions that i believe is preventing the "automatic partitioning" option from showing up.05:09
gogetadeexannihilate: go to system admin and users and groups05:09
gogetadeexannihilate: slect your account and hit manage groups do you see audio in the list05:09
peepingtomspydee32: you have't installed because you aren't comfortable with manual partitioning, or the GRUB bootloader didn't install (ie. you cant pick an OS at boot)05:09
deexannihilategogeta: it is listed there. I clicked on properties and this account wasn't click. I clicked it and still nothing.05:10
peepingtomspydee32: manual partitioning from the Ubuntu LiveCD installer is easy, you could do it05:10
uRockWHen changing directories in terminal, how do I change to a folder that has spaces in it? such as cd ~/Desktop/here we go ?05:11
gogetadeexannihilate: man not a eror there05:11
gogetadeexannihilate: well lets try one last thing05:11
peepingtomuRock: backslashes are used around the spaces05:11
spydee32peepingtom: i tried doing this but im having problems resizing my windows 7 partition05:12
gogetadeexannihilate: in your term sudo and your audio app05:12
IdleOneuRock: ~/Desktop/here\ we\ go05:12
gogetadeexannihilate: if you hear sound then we knoe its a permission issue05:12
uRockpeepingtom, & IdleOne, thanx05:12
abhijit!patience | tux_seven05:12
ubottutux_seven: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.05:12
deexannihilategogeta: sudo and what?05:12
gogetadeexannihilate: whatever you use to play a sound05:12
namastetux_seven, whats your problem05:13
mercury_halowill having mysql installed slow system performance05:13
deexannihilategogeta: vlc?05:13
gogetadeexannihilate: ok sudo vlc05:13
AnonBootsI need assistance, when someone is available.05:13
namastecould this be betteR?05:13
tux_sevenhow i can get ubuntu to dtect correctly my disk and its partition . when i try to install it show my hd as only free space, but i have  windows 705:13
spydee32i tried using windows 7 and gparted to shrink the windows partition leaving an empty partition. installer does not show "use largest continous free space" in either scenario. this is what ive usually done. there is no "automatic resizing" and im having problems with "manual partitioning"05:13
SaryRealEyes:Wait , what patch  ..05:13
deexannihilategogeta: it says it isn't supposed to be run by root05:13
tux_sevenwhen i  try to partition manually using parted it says my gpt table is corrupy05:13
gogetadeexannihilate: i knoe but its just a test05:14
tux_sevennmaste: how i can get ubuntu to dtect correctly my disk and its partition . when i try to install it show my hd as only free space, but i have  windows 7 [23:13] <AnonBoots> I need05:14
deexannihilategogeta: i'm not telling you no.. it is!05:14
peepingtomspydee: you need to create an ext4 partitoon for installin Ubuntu, and a Swap partition for when ram runs out and a place to dump ram when it hibernates05:14
[thor]AnonBoots: just ask your question in the channel with as much detail as possible, and someone will try to help if they are able05:14
gogetadeexannihilate: the use someting else05:14
tux_sevennmaste: when i  try to partition manually using parted it says my gpt table is corrupt05:15
TaevIm having a problem, whenever IM watching a video, no matter the player say VLC or Gxine, if another application plays a sound, then the movie loses audio05:15
deexannihilategogeta: i'll paste the output.. one sec05:15
gogetadeexannihilate: i knoe what it said05:15
peepingtomspydee32: your Swap should be slightly more than double the size of your ram, generally05:15
spydee32peepingtom: hmm ive read about this i just don't know how to adjust the windows partition to create these linux partitions05:15
gogetadeexannihilate: use another app05:15
deexannihilategogeta: betcha don't!05:15
undecimIs there a command I can use to determine the active user? (I.e. the user logged into the current console, or into GDM)05:15
deexannihilategogeta: http://pastebin.com/aK304NBY05:15
blitzohow do execute a desktop application with root privs?  do i have to setuid it?05:15
mercury_haloWill mysql slow system performance?05:16
undecimblitzo: press alt+f2 and type "gksu application"05:16
deexannihilategogeta: it said to try sudo vlc-wrapper05:16
tux_seven how i can get ubuntu to dtect correctly my disk and its partition . when i try to install it show my hd as only free space, but i have  windows 7 [23:13] <AnonBoots> I need05:16
gogetadeexannihilate: maybe youe files just not working05:16
musician_---> does anyone use autokey?05:16
undecimmercury_halo: Unless it's being used constantly and heavily, it shouldn't05:16
deexannihilategogeta: file as in vlc?05:16
JoeSomebodyhi, is there a way to get the buttons back on the right corner of windows?05:16
peepingtomspydee32: there are normally "sliders" on the graph showing the sizes of the partitions, this doesn't exist for you?05:16
blitzoundecim how do i know the command name?05:16
tux_sevenwhen i  try to partition manually using parted it says my gpt table is corrupy05:16
dsfwea23can anyone help me with a digital tablet, waltop?  I've followed the wizardpen guide, didn't work well, I tried using just evdev, doesn't function. (tracking stops and goes, pressure doesn't work)  It worked great in 9.04 but broke in 9.10, I've filed bugs but some putz closed it because it wasn't the current version of ubuntu.  And a year later now using 10.04 I still can't use my tablet. >:(05:16
gogetadeexannihilate: file as in text audio05:16
_jesse_undecim: echo $USER05:17
undecimblitzo: What application do you need to run with root privs?05:17
tux_seven how i can get ubuntu to dtect correctly my disk and its partition . when i try to install it show my hd as only free space, but i have  windows 7 [23:13] <AnonBoots> I need05:17
mercury_haloundecim: ok05:17
gogetadeexannihilate: have you tryed a youtube video in firefox05:17
bobertdosWhen it comes to SSH keys, should the ones stored in authorized_keys take precedence over the host key?05:17
tux_seven how i can get ubuntu to dtect correctly my disk and its partition . when i try to install it show my hd as only free space, but i have  windows 705:17
[thor]undecim: doesn't the terminal append your username to the displayed path?05:17
blitzoundecim it is supposed to tell me the hardware installed05:17
tux_sevenwhen i  try to partition manually using parted it says my gpt table is corrupy05:17
deexannihilategogeta: yes and nothing05:17
spydee32peepingtom: nope, i think its because i have an hp computer that has 3 other "recovery" partitions that came with it05:17
peepingtomspydee32: I'm installing the Ubiquity install wizard now, havent seen it in a couple years, i'll let you know what I see05:17
gogetadeexannihilate: try sudo firefox and a youtube video05:17
undecim_jesse_: That will be the user running the script. The script will be run as root, but I want to sudo as whichever using is using the computer at the time.05:17
peepingtomshould be a few min05:17
spydee32peepingtom: oh ok thanks05:17
tux_seven how i can get ubuntu to dtect correctly my disk and its partition . when i try to install it show my hd as only free space, but i have  windows 705:17
gogetadeexannihilate: one with audio of course05:17
tux_sevenwhen i  try to partition manually using parted it says my gpt table is corrupy05:18
blitzoundecim it is the hardware lister05:18
gogetadeexannihilate: thers no reasion that card should not be working05:18
TaevAnyone? no one has any suggestions? Anytime I play a video with whatever player, if another application plays a sound I lose the audio to my video05:18
Taevand must restart the damn video05:18
gogetadeexannihilate: so it may be a permission error05:18
undecimblitzo: You mean System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers?05:18
peepingtomTaev: did you uninstall pulseaudio by mistake?05:18
ridinhow much ram should nautilus should be using05:18
gogetadeexannihilate: so if you hear sound as root we knoe what to fix05:19
JoeSomebodyanyone, is there a way to get the buttons back on the right corner of windows?05:19
deexannihilategogeta: it isn't playing05:19
tux_seven how i can get ubuntu to dtect correctly my disk and its partition . when i try to install it show my hd as only free space, but i have  windows 705:19
tux_sevenwhen i  try to partition manually using parted it says my gpt table is corrupy05:19
blitzoundecim i installed it from the ubuntu software center05:19
Sarytux_seven: Boot from the ubuntu CD, run gparted and create a new partition table, then create the partitions in gparted or allow the installer to do so05:19
gogetadeexannihilate: no sound?05:19
undecimblitzo: 1 sec, let me look it up05:19
Taevlet me double check, but i dont believe so05:19
deexannihilategogeta: no05:19
tux_sevenno gparted05:19
Taevnope pulseaudio is installed05:19
SpyderBitedeexannihilate, you talking about the min, max, close buttons?05:19
Sarytux_seven: you can install it05:20
JoeSomebodySpyderBite i am :)05:20
Sarytux_seven: sudo apt-get install gparted05:20
tux_sevenit show my 160 gb hd as free space05:20
deexannihilatespyderbite: no my sound card refuses to work05:20
undecimblitzo: I think it would be "lshw-gtk"05:20
Taevits getting to be really annoying, everytime AIM makes a sound I lose audio, I play solitaire and it makes a sound, I lose audio on my video05:20
tux_sevenif i install that will delete windows05:20
peepingtomTaev: I'm of no help, try making a new user account and see if it happens to it too. If it doesn't, theres someting misconfigured in your account and you could just wipe out those settings files05:20
Sarytux_seven: where dose it shows that , in windows i guess !05:20
SpyderBitewhoops.. meant, JoeSomebody.. sorry, deexannihilate05:20
ridinhow much ram should nautilus should be using?05:20
blitzoundecim i try that05:20
_jesse_undecim: hmm true, well 'users' will give you all currently logged in users, but shouldn't the user just be running your program as sudo if it needs it?05:20
dsfwea23JoeSomebody, gconf-editor, go into metacity, look for button string, change it to something like icon:minimize,maximize,close05:20
TaevI will try that, but does anyone else have any suggestions before I do?05:21
tux_sevenin kubuntu installer05:21
SpyderBiteJoeSomebody, you have to play with the themes... there's a walk through somewhere on the FAQ section of the Ubuntu forums.05:21
Sarytux_seven: in the Live-Cd , right05:21
gogetadeexannihilate: lets try sudo modprobe snd-als400005:21
blitzoundecim that's right but isn't there an easier way?  i'll never remember that05:21
Taevok created the account, brb05:22
SpyderBiteJoeSomebody, But I'm getting used to the left side since the dev teams are planning something special for the right side in future releases.05:22
tux_sevenmy entire hd is shown as free space05:22
undecim_jesse_: It's going to be a script that will be run from gizmod. When the "play" button is pressed, I want to play/pause Rhythmbox, even if the screen saver is up. The only problem is that I would need to run rhythmbox as that user to control it05:22
tux_sevenand i  have w705:22
tiagonothing to do ,  crap05:22
undecimblitzo: Not that I know of.05:22
aaron_are there anybody chinese?05:22
_jesse_undecim: ah gotcha, I'm not sure then05:23
_jesse_!ch | aaron_05:23
ubottuaaron_: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.05:23
deexannihilategogeta: no sound05:23
aaron_Oh,yes I am a Chinese05:23
gogetadeexannihilate: no not found error05:23
Viking667hey ho. Anyone here got mplayer working with dvdnav: links? Mine comes back to me and says: No stream to handle url dvdnav://05:23
happyaronaaron_: hey05:23
happyaronaaron_: I am05:23
deexannihilategogeta: no. it just opened a new line05:23
gogetadeexannihilate: sees card drivers loaded no sound05:23
peepingtomspydee32: "Install them side by side, choosing them each....." is the default option in the installer, is it greyed out? Because that bottom graph has a slider still....but maybe because you have some tiny recovery partitions, the slider is placed on the wrong partiton05:23
|littlebear|aaron_: me too05:23
happyaronaaron_: real05:23
peepingtomspydee32: sure there's no slider? It's grey and it doesn't stand out well enough05:24
aaron_haha! That's nice05:24
Taevok i logged in another account and I get the same problem05:24
Taevexcept this time i got an error message05:24
aaron_pinyin:   Da jia hao!05:24
gogetadeexannihilate: lets try kikcing it into a old school mode05:24
Taevbut it was too fast to read05:24
Taevim looking for the log file in /var now05:24
gogetadeexannihilate: sudo modprobe sb05:24
Sarytux_seven:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=221043605:24
gogetadeexannihilate: soundblaster mode05:24
_jesse_!zh | aaron_05:24
deexannihilategogeta: error inserting sb05:24
ubottuaaron_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:24
happyaronaaron_: suggest you go to #ubuntu-cn or #ubuntu-tw to ask for help05:24
peepingtomTaev: run you video player from a terminal and see what it spits out. mPlayer would be best, it gives lots of output05:25
dodgeris there a equivalent of reason/cubase in ubuntu's pkgs?05:25
tux_sevenill try later05:25
gogetadeexannihilate: guess its not that old school05:25
tux_sevenmust sleep05:25
tux_seventhans for all05:25
spydee32i only have 2 options to select: "erase hard disk..." and "advanced..."05:25
tiagohey , I've forggoten , someone knows  , how to know the kernel version on the shell?05:25
Taevis there a log viewing program installed as a defaultwith gnome/05:25
dodgeruname -a05:25
Sarytux_seven: good luck & you're most welcome here05:25
DouglasKQuick question:  I'm working on configuring some of the "media" keys on a Logitech keyboard.  xbindkeys-config and "Keyboard Shortcuts" under preferences don't register some of the keys.  Are there any tools to create a new Keyboard Model?  (as seen under System, Preferences, Keyboard Preferences, Keyboard Model)05:25
dodgertiago: uname -a05:25
Taevusing kysystemlog05:26
peepingtomdodger: not really, there's ardour but it's pretty intense. Hydrogen is a drum machine05:26
spydee32peepingtom: ive installed ubuntu on 2 other HP's before and theyve all had this problem im guessing its the numerous partitions HP comes with messes with the autopartitioner.05:26
fearfulDoes anyone know why flash says "an error has occurred please try again later" with amd64?05:26
spydee32peepingtom: normally what ive done is to shrink my windows 7 partition using a windows program, this leaves unallocated partition, and i get a selection in ubuntu installer: "install on largest continous free space" im not getting it here05:26
[thor]dodger: the closes you are gonna get is LMMS05:27
Taevhmmm there is an entry that corresponds with the time, Process Pulse audio, "ratelimit.c 235 events suppressed"05:27
peepingtomspydee32: yeah I understand, I guess you'll have to create you own partitions in that free space and then set the ext4 partiton to mount at "/" and swap is swap05:27
dodgerhrm ok i'll have to check that out05:28
spydee32peepingtom: ive tried to shrink windows partition using gparted as well. ive tried to do advanced partitioning on this empty partition also but it reads "unusable." neither gparted or the ubuntu installer can format the partition into ext4 or even modify it in anyway05:28
[thor]dodger: it looks more like FLStudio than reason/cubase, but it has support for automation, step and playlist sequencing, and vst05:28
fearfulDoes anyone know why flash says "an error has occurred please try again later" with amd64?05:28
Saryspydee32:  that choice will take the free unllocated space for the new Ubuntu05:28
b1nd3rpeepingtom, hey, did the file finish uploading?05:28
dodger[thor]: is there anything like traktor (something to dj with?)05:28
peepingtomb1nd3er: yeah I sent you a /msg msg, ill send it again05:28
[thor]dodger: the other great benefit is that it supports the JACK audio system for wiring unrelated apps together05:29
Taevok i launched it from terminal, and it didn't give any error, but when i started the video I got "[0x8948640] main input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called"05:29
dodgerah nice.05:29
Taev[0xb290df68] pulse audio output: No. of Audio Channels: 205:29
Taevand then nothing after i played a sound, the sound to the video died05:29
tiagohey guys , i'm using a 32bits linux os ,  but my cpu can work with it , and i've got to 2gb os ram ,  would be my noteboot working good with a 64?05:29
[thor]dodger: i'm not sure about a native alternative, but i run Serato Scratch Live in wine.05:29
spydee32sary: i want to do this, but im not getting this choice in this particular install on my brand new hp05:29
dodgerha, i was going to mentoin serato. it works then, cool :-)05:30
Saryspydee32: okay , try this http://www.hackourlives.com/dual-boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/05:30
dodgerhrm i guess i should try ableton live then if serrato works...05:30
gogetadeexannihilate: humm there was a update for your driver in 2.6.32 i wonder if they broke something05:30
Taevso what do you think the problem is? it persists on 2 different user accounts05:30
peepingtomspydee32: you can try using gparted on the LiveCD instead of the Ubuntu installer, it's more useful and has more options.05:30
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peepingtomspydee32: it's called "partition" something and it's under applications -> administration05:31
Sarypeepingtom: thats right ;)05:31
tiagoi've to 2gb ram , would my pc  working good with ubuntu 64bits?05:31
peepingtomspydee32: erm I mean "administration" ;)05:31
Sarytiago: Why not ;)05:31
gogetatiago: 64bit is a prosser mode05:32
tiagoI'll install then05:32
spydee32peepingtom: yep ive tried this ill try it again05:32
Saryspydee32: http://www.hackourlives.com/dual-boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/05:32
gogetatiago: supposted to multitask better05:32
peepingtomspydee32: if it's unusable it should look yellow or stripy or something in gparted, and you'll have the option to delete it I think05:32
tiagoyeap , but i'm afraid if I need more memory to run 100%05:32
[thor]dodger: i have tried FLStudio, ScratchLive, and Absynth with wine. With the exception of the Absynth, i have had no real issues with the audio output. The only issues that arise are those to do with latency and live performance.05:32
Sarytiago: Good luck with that ;)05:33
fearfulDoes anyone know why flash says "an error has occurred please try again later" with amd64?05:33
Viking667heh. don't we always.05:33
redvilhey guys..can someone pls direct me to a link that shows how to fresh re-install ubuntu while keeping all of my settings (apps) from the previous one..05:33
tiagocoz i've read that it's recommeded 4 gb hehehe05:33
spydee32sary: im reading it and im going to try it right now again05:33
tiagobut I'll try05:33
Taeveverytime it happens i get "pulseaudio[1919]: ratelimit.c: 4 events suppressed" in the syslog05:33
Taevit occurs on separate accounts, and yes i have pulseaudio installed05:33
spydee32peepingtom: it comes out as unallocated space in gparted, in ubuntu installer it says "unusable" in manual partitioning05:34
gogetaredvil: if you didnt partation a /home you cant do a frh wile retaning eveything in home05:34
Taevsome one, anyone? Im getting really desperate for some help here.05:34
b1nd3rpeepingtom, sorry, but I'm not receiveing your message05:34
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peepingtomb1nd3r: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6LG53I9Y05:34
peepingtomb1nd3r http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6LG53I9Y   see this?05:35
Taev pulseaudio[1919]: alsa-sink.c: ALSA woke us up to write new data to the device, but there was actually nothing to write!05:35
Taevpulseaudio[1919]: alsa-sink.c: Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver 'snd_hda_intel'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.05:35
redvilgogeta: what do u mean? so i'll just reinstall ubuntu again without performing any backup? im not really clear with this one05:35
Taevthats in the user.log05:35
Taevat the same time as the event05:35
Saryspydee32: Good luck with that05:35
Taevtons of different ulseaudio[1919]: ratelimit.c: 22 events suppressed05:35
spydee32sary: thanks i really want ubuntu on my laptop hopefully that battery life isnt too bad either05:35
gogetaredvil: well you can always backup before but if you dont have a /home partation everything gets deleted05:36
peepingtomtaev: you should try the ubuntu audio developers ppa, 1 sc ill link05:36
sadklklmy titlebars went away on ubutnu 10.04 with nvidia drivers and extra visual effects turned on05:36
peepingtomTaev: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/ppa    and then install the alsa modules for your kernel05:36
DouglasKWhat tool does one use to see the raw output from the keyboard?05:37
redvilgogeta: as of the moment ubuntu is the only OS in my  pc...no partition whatsoever..05:37
Saryspydee32: Ubuntu rooks ;)05:37
peepingtomTaev: It's a newer version of alsa05:37
gogetaredvil: then back up any media you wanna keep05:37
gogetaredvil: ot just do a upgrade05:37
redvilgogeta: coz wat im trying to do is to install some other distros straight to my pc (not running it on liveCD)..but im planning to re-install ubuntu lucid again later05:38
gogetaredvil: a /hp,me partation can run across all distros05:38
redvilgogeta: i just want to be able to retain my settings and apps instead of installing them one by one again05:38
gogetaredvil: /home05:39
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SaryUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) Alpha-2 has been released .. isn't that amazing ;)05:39
gogetaredvil: well linux can work pretty cross platform but not like that05:39
peepingtomredevil: it's easy, you can just rename /home to like /homebackup05:39
RealEyesalright, im back05:39
peepingtomredevil: delete everything else05:39
RealEyesI still cant get this autorun thing working05:39
peepingtomredevil: and install Ubuntu again, just don't format05:39
SaryRealEyes: WB05:40
redvilso just backup my /home then reinstall the new distro on top of ubuntu05:40
Taevok i added ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa to my software sources05:40
`AssassinCan somebody paste in a pm the default repositories that come with Ubuntu Lucid?05:40
Taevnow what? how do i download the new alsa modules?05:40
gogetaredvil: you cant retain your apps just your downloads05:40
peepingtomredevil: yes but you dont even need to move it off disk if you dont want, its faster05:40
RealEyesSary: Did you check those links I posted to you?05:40
RealEyesThats as far as I got with autorun.05:41
RealEyesSupposedly there was a bug made or a fix for a bug? I just cant see where to DL it.05:41
SaryRealEyes: no ,05:41
peepingtomTaev: open synaptic, search for alsa-driver-modules    install the latest (not the backports) and then restart your computer05:41
Taevok in synaptic there a bunch of new files, linux-alsa-driver-modules05:41
Taevhow do i see which kernel im running?05:41
Taevso i get the correct module05:41
peepingtomTaev: actually install the 2.6.32-23 one05:41
sikumbuzoHi guys, I just completed a suspend debug by following these instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend .  Not sure what to do next.  I have the dmesg.txt file open.05:41
redvilsorry..still having trouble grasping the concept..im still finding my way around linux05:42
peepingtomTaev: Yes, the one ending in -24 is newer than your kernel so don't install it05:42
Taevnot 32-24?05:42
RealEyesSary: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-volume-manager/+bug/12331305:42
redviljust started using ubuntu about 2mos ago05:42
Taevi have the PAE kernel05:42
peepingtomredevil: you just want to reinstall right?05:42
Taevshould i get 32-23-pae ?05:42
Saryredvil: How things going for you ;)05:42
Taevok installing.05:43
redvilpeepingtom: i want to get rid of ubuntu at the moment and try other distros05:43
SaryRealEyes: Okay , lemme look at it05:43
peepingtomTaev: yes, I forgot about pae05:43
RealEyesBRB again lol05:43
redvilbut i want to keep my settings and apps when i decide to re-install it again at a later date05:43
Taevi dont have to reboot do I/05:43
peepingtomredevil: ok you can just boot to another liveCD and rename /home to something else, then don't format05:43
peepingtomredevil: oh apps too?05:43
redvilsary: still getting use to it i guess05:44
peepingtomredevil: then boot to a livecd and put everything in "/" into a folder05:44
TaevI have no sound what so ever now05:44
redvilpeepingtom: yep..i installed several apps in ubuntu and i dont want to re-install them again when i re-install ubuntu..is there a way around this?05:44
Taevwell this is great, at least before I had sound05:45
peepingtomTaev: hooray! I guess you have some serious driver issues. You should probably file a bug report. uninstalling those modules will revert05:45
sadklklis there a good way to search through text files (.doc, .docx. open office formats) recursively in my Documents folder?  i.e. search by file contents, not just file name?05:45
RealEyesugh, back again05:45
peepingtomredevil: as I said, boot to a LiveCD, navigate to /   (like C:/ on windows), make a folder called UBUNTUBACKUP111  and move everything into it05:46
redvilpeepingtom: im having some problems with ubuntu at the moment...monitor seems to shut down once in a while if im not using it for like 5 mins05:46
Taevok ive got sound back05:46
peepingtomredevil: then when you install a new distro, DO NOT FORMAT05:46
Taevthats your advice?05:46
Taevfile a bug report and just live with it?05:46
Saryredvil: as i remember , there is way using a text file and running a command to install all your apps again05:46
peepingtomTaev: or learn to write drivers, yep05:46
peepingtomTaev: umm wait05:46
peepingtomTaev: did it work like this on the LiveCD or is this a new development?05:47
redvilok..i'll try those suggestions guys..thanks05:47
peepingtomTaev: if it used to work, you can probably fix it. if it's a driver bug, file a very detailed report and maybe someone will fix it05:47
spydee32sary: arrgggg.. i followed directions step by step and instead of free space the new partition is titled "unusable"05:48
redvilpeepingtom: any suggestions as to wat other distros behave closely to ubuntu?05:48
peepingtomredevil: Debian o O Ubuntu is based on it05:48
Taevalsa-sink.c: Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver 'snd_hda_intel'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.05:49
Taevits been doing this for awhile05:49
redvilpeepingtom: i'll try to download debian and give it a try05:49
Taevi just haven't really addressed it until now05:49
Saryspydee32: Can you make it usable again !05:49
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots05:49
RealEyesI'm starting to hate ubuntu05:49
peepingtomdamn bot.05:49
spydee32sary: i dont know how to do that... i was hoping it was usable already!05:50
RealEyesNo autorun, it wont load my NetGear wireless assistant -.-;05:50
peepingtomspydee: format the unusable space in gparted?05:50
SaryRealEyes: that fast !05:50
TaevWhen i try ubuntu-bug alsa it says alsa does not exist05:50
redvilsee u later guys..thanks for the assistance05:50
Taeveven ubuntu-bug ALSA05:50
spydee32peepingtom: the format option is grayed out, i can't do that05:50
RealEyesIt's pissing me off, I wouldnt have these problems with win705:50
RealEyesthings like wireless USB drives and autorun should be Easy05:50
spydee32sary: on your guide it shows one of the options as "use continuous free space" available. i didnt even have that as an option.05:51
RealEyesI mean, this is just ridiculous05:51
eyes_onlyrealeyes: netgear wireless assistant isnt needed05:51
RealEyesSary: did you get anything from that link I sent?05:51
[thor]RealEyes: hrmph.. my cheapo noname wireless usb device worked out of the box05:51
Grayhaneeach time i try to run Google Maps , the system locks up. The system monitor shows 100% on both processors at the time.05:51
Taevdamn it i can't even file a useless bug report05:51
peepingtomspydee32: you cant format a drive if it's mounted of course, but it really wasnt possible to format using gparted? if not, the installer certainly wont work. then your partitoon tables are mesed up05:51
[thor]no apps or drivers needed05:51
Taevseriously, thats it? just wait until they make a new alsa driver?05:52
spydee32would it be that im trying to install 32 bit ubuntu even though the machine has 64 bit windows. or that im trying to install using a usb thumb stick? i don't see how though since ive installed all my ubuntus using a thumb drive05:52
RealEyeseyes_only: It's not recognizing it05:52
SaryRealEyes: there is no patch there to DL05:52
peepingtomspydee32: no05:52
spydee32peepingtom: it can't be mounted im running the gparted off the thumb drive05:52
RealEyesyeah! no patch05:52
RealEyesidk what to do05:52
RealEyesI need this autorun to work05:52
piotr_i got problem i tryed to configure and edited files wanted to make my seakers 5,1 and after restart i got no sound05:53
RealEyesI'm probably going to format my drive and install the win7 iso lol05:53
RealEyesI cant think of anything else05:53
rkavalapHi guys, quick question, gnome mounts cd's automatically, with this I am not able to run dd to make a copy of it. Is there a way I can switch of that feature ?05:53
RealEyesall my hardware CDs say win7* on them05:53
SaryRealEyes:  that is lame ;)05:53
spydee32peepingtom: hmm i just opened the laptop from the box a couple hours ago i wonder why the partitions are messed up05:53
RealEyesubuntu will NOT read them05:53
RealEyeseven with wine05:53
Zelozelosrkavalap, cant u just unmount the disk?05:54
spydee32peepingtom: i think my last ditch option is a clean install of windows 7 if i can find an install cd which will delete all the recovery partitions05:54
peepingtomspydee32: additionally the installer would tell you if non-installer-running partitons were mounted05:54
SaryRealEyes: My Ubuntu can read my CD-DVDs05:54
RealEyesthat say win7 on them? lol05:54
sikumbuzoHi guys, I just completed a suspend debug by following these instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend .  Not sure what to do next.  I have the dmesg.txt file open.05:54
RealEyeswhat do you have installed on your ubuntu?05:55
peepingtomspydee32: take good care of the disc then, mine didn't burn properly (and I knew 5sec later) and now i'm screwed05:55
peepingtomspydee32: also you could image your drive and burn that to a DVD05:55
SaryYes , i have dual boot with windows 705:55
[thor]sorry.. i know that is frowned upon, but i really did crack up05:55
peepingtomsikumbuzo: paste here, its your lifeline http://paste.ubuntu.com/05:55
rkavalapZelozelos: I tried that, for some reason dd was not working. I could not figure out if there was something else accessing it05:55
peepingtomwindows 7 is not horrible05:56
SaryRealEyes:  i have allot installed in Ubuntu 10.0405:56
[thor]RealEyes: after installing ubuntu, i haven't installed _any_ windows applications. I have found native alternatives for everything i do.05:56
spydee32peepingtom: you messed up a windows 7 clean install? what were the consequences? i really have nothing on this brand new laptop, i just want ubuntu to run on it05:56
sikumbuzopeepingtom, http://paste.ubuntu.com/466795/05:56
RealEyes[thor] can you run starcraft II? lol05:57
[thor]RealEyes: why would i want to?!05:57
peepingtomspydee32: it only let me burn 1 copy of the disc, my DVD drive was garbage, I was screwed. when I cal in the warranty i'll haggle for a free instal disc from lenovo05:57
RealEyesno reason, I suppose hah!05:57
fearfulHas anyone found a work around from having to boot acpi=off with amd64 ubuntu 10.04?05:57
[thor]RealEyes: i'm sure wine is working on SCII05:58
sikumbuzoGranted I don't really know what I'm doing.  It appears from [ http://paste.ubuntu.com/466795/ ] that the problem is not being logged.  Someone smarter than me could verify this.05:58
peepingtomfearful: really depends on your specific driver problem05:58
Redcl0udor it will soon05:58
[thor]RealEyes: if it isn't already supported, they are working their collective arses off to do so.05:58
fearfulpeepingtom, it seems to be an issue with the Toshiba Satellite L500 series.05:58
getmizanurcan someone help with remote accessing ubuntu from windows using ssh05:59
getmizanuri'm having trouble with this simple issue.05:59
peepingtomsikumbozo: when it resumes, try pressing alt+sysRQ+K and see if your screen works when xorg restarts06:00
illacgetmizanur: putty06:00
illacgetmizanur: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:01
[thor]RealEyes: i would suggest browsing the synaptic package manager for applications that do the every day tasks you require, and go to your windows applications only when there is no other choice. Part of the move to a new operating system is getting used to the tools at your disposal.06:01
illacgetmizanur: you can use that to connect via ssh from windows06:01
Redcl0udis there any programs for ubuntu out there that makes it easier to type out statistical equations of any kind?06:01
peepingtomRedcl0ud  R maybe06:02
Taevwell I filed the bug report06:02
getmizanuri have installed ssh on ubuntu and have not done anything else to it. i expected to be able to connect to it using putty however it hangs after entering password06:02
sikumbuzopeepingtom, I don't understand.  I don't know what xorg is and my screen has been working fine.06:02
Taevas useless as that will be.06:02
Taevso thats it then? just sit back and be annoyed to death until they make a new alsa module? or pulse audio?06:02
sikumbuzopeepingtom, sorry I misunderstood.  I htought you meant after *reboot* not *resume*06:02
sikumbuzolazy reading06:03
sikumbuzoI will try that06:03
Taev card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: VT1708S Analog [VT1708S Analog]06:03
Taevdoes that make sense to you guys?06:03
TaevI do have onboard audio, but its disabled in the BIOS in favor of my Audigy206:04
peepingtomTaev: audigy sucks06:04
peepingtomTaev: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems06:04
peepingtomTaev: creative are evil with their drivers06:04
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TaevI seem to have 2 audio devices listed under lspci06:06
fearfulpeepingtom, any ideas?06:06
Taev01:05.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RS880 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4200]06:06
Taevand 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)06:06
getmizanurremote access with ssh, can anyone help?06:07
peepingtomfearful: not really my thing, your disable ACPI because something is broken, and you need to do the investigating https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI06:07
_jesse_getmizanur: are you trying to connect over LAN?06:07
sikumbuzopeepingtom, Ha.  Okay, so Alt+ SysReq+k (which I guesses reboots xorg) got me back to the login screen and I was able to log back in.  However, all of my programs had been closed.06:07
KB1JWQgetmizanur: sudo apt-get install openssh-server06:08
ShifftyOneJrIs there where I can get help with Pidgin messenger?06:08
getmizanur@_jesse_ yes06:08
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intangirhow do i restore the ctrl-alt-backspace restarting gdm/gnome functionality?06:08
_jesse_getmizanur: try KB1JWQ's suggestion, I thnk by default only ssh client is installed06:08
ShifftyOneJrI would like to know if I can increase the text that appears in the messages I recieve.06:08
peepingtomsikumbuzo: yes that command kills everything on VT7. this problem of yours is related to your GPU, I think you'll have to do some googling or file a bug report at launchpad06:09
getmizanur@KB1JWQ i have installed openssh-server as well06:09
fearfulpeepingtom, thanks anyway for the link06:09
KB1JWQ!dontzap | intangir06:09
ubottuintangir: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap06:09
KB1JWQgetmizanur: Is it running?06:09
sikumbuzopeepingtom, what is VT7?06:09
getmizanur@KB1JWQ yes it is running06:09
KB1JWQgetmizanur: Okay, so what's the issue?06:09
peepingtomsikumbuzo: press ctrl+alt+F1, ctrl+alt+f2, ctrl+alt+f306:10
peepingtomthose are Virtual Terminals, ctrl+alt+f7 is VT706:10
getmizanur@KB1JWQ i cannot ssh into ubuntu using putty on windows06:10
KB1JWQgetmizanur: I don't do Windows, sorry.06:11
peepingtomgetmizanur: on a lan or over the internet?06:11
getmizanur@peepingtom on lan06:11
ShifftyOneJrCan I enlarge the text in messages I get in Pidgin, or is there another way to enlarge it?06:11
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peepingtomgetmizanur: can you SSH to your account using your ubuntu computer?06:12
getmizanur@peepingtom yes06:12
peepingtomgetmizanur: ssh to the user you're sshing from06:12
peepingtomgetmizanur: it's a router or youre not using PUtty properly then06:12
sikumbuzopeepingtom, what was that supposed to do?06:12
peepingtomsikumbuzo you have a specific issue with your graphics card, you need to google around and learn how to fix it or do a bug report06:13
amageewhat's the easiest way to set up an e-mail server so i can send mail to whatever addresses from my machine?06:14
peepingtomsikumbuzo: i was just telling you what happens when you kill VT7, X is killed and your screen works again06:14
illacCatwoman: hey06:14
sikumbuzoProbably shouldn't have tried that more than once...06:14
getmizanur@peepingtom i think it is the putty as well however i can't see what it could be06:15
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sikumbuzopeepingtom, I'm not sure what I would be searching for.  Can you be more specific so I know what I am looking to find out.06:15
peepingtomsikumbuzo: no your card is probably unstable after screwing up once already on that boot06:15
fearfulJust a random question is there a way to run 32 bit on amd64 laptop?06:16
peepingtomsikumbuzo: google for your card name, resume, and linux06:16
ImaLamerfearful, 99.9% will work fine06:16
ImaLamerfearful, wait, i misread that...06:16
peepingtomfearful: just install ubuntu 32bit it will work fine06:16
ImaLamerfearful, you can install either version of ubuntu: x86 or x6406:16
ridinfearful, i'm using 32bit ubuntu on an amd64 right now, and it works fine06:17
fearfulImaLamer, sweet thanks, you too peepingtom06:17
ImaLamerfearful, the question is *why*06:17
ridinbecause it may not be compatible!!06:17
farceis gnome-look.org down?06:17
peepingtom32bit is easier for most people06:17
farceOr am I just uber-noob06:17
ImaLamerridin... with what?06:17
fearfulImaLamer, I have to boot acpi=off, I have no battery icon and flash player just doesn't work.06:17
sikumbuzopeepingtom, How do I file a bug report?  The google results do not look promising.06:18
ridinfarce: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/gnome-look.org06:18
ImaLamerfearful, flash in 64-bit shouldn't be an issue anymore (10.04)... though acpi=off is common to both 32 and 64 on my laptop06:18
farceThanks ridin06:18
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fearfulImaLamer, I'm gona give it a shot, I have no solutions to both my issues at the moment.06:19
Guest83008there is problem with gyachi06:19
ImaLamerfearful, makes sense - always good to test06:19
Guest83008whenever i try logging in it says06:19
Guest83008"CONNECT ERROR: Could not connect to server: scs.msg.yahoo.com, errno: 4"06:19
ImaLamerfearful, HP laptop?06:19
fearfulImaLamer, thats a negative.06:19
fearfulImaLamer, Toshiba Sattelite06:19
[thor]fearful: the only issue i have run into while running 32bit on a 64bit system is my ram not being recognized fully.. it only shows 3 of 6GB.. but that can be fixed in some BIOS06:20
ImaLamerfearful, I ask because in trying to get my acpi/nolapic/apic/omgwtfbbg issues fixed i came across "this is the worst laptop ever made", an HP06:20
fearful[thor], I can't run either.06:21
fearfulImaLamer, well what fix is that can you guide me through it I mean I don't know what else to do.06:21
ImaLamerfearful, in my case it was a constant try-and-reboot situation... adding and removing those acpi related options.06:22
peepingtomsikumbuzo: what video driver do you run, AMD proprietary or the open source one? You install the proprietary one from the "hardware driver" app and it would have nagged you06:22
logan_"CONNECT ERROR: Could not connect to server: scs.msg.yahoo.com, errno: 4" error message while loging in to gyachi06:22
ImaLamerfearful, but i should add - it was causing a different problem. battery shows fine, just not my video (at all)06:23
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fearfulImaLamer, what acpi related options did you add and where?06:23
ImaLamerfearful, at the boot.. do you see grub on startup?06:24
fearfulImaLamer, yes I did only thing I came across working so far is adding "acpi=off" at the end of the quietsplash.06:25
fearfulImaLamer, but that doesn't solve my issue with the battery.06:25
ImaLamerwhich model fearful06:26
DesiArnez6ImaLamer: on my system I always see grub on startup, and If I don't select anything it automatically continues with a normal startup06:26
ImaLamerDesiArnez6, on my lappy it's the only OS and isn't shown unless i interrupt the boot (grub2)06:27
fearfulImaLamer, Toshiba Satellite L505D-S598306:27
bullgard4Indicator Applet Session 0.3.7 shows on one Ubuntu-10.04-Rechner an input text fiel but not on another Ubuntu 10.04. Why is it missing on the other?06:29
ImaLamerfearful, why did you initially add that line?06:29
KB1JWQbullgard4: diff dpkg -l on both of 'em, see what's different?06:29
fearfulImaLamer, because I would get a problem when running the Live CD with child_rip06:30
rwwbullgard4: one possibility: if gwibber isn't installed, the broadcast stuff, including that text field, won't show up06:31
DesiArnez6ImaLamer: Ah, so its like my last ubuntu laptop where you had to interrupt the boot to get grub, so it depends on the computer. ( I have never had 2 OS's on one computer, although it might be fun, I don't want to treason my Ubuntu for one of the big corporate two un less necessary ;) I didnt realize you were talking with someone named fearful, I just assumed you were fearful that you saw grub at started up, and I was trying to say that06:33
bullgard4rww: You hit the target: On the computer without this text field Gwibber was installed but not running. After I called the Gwibber program, the input text field appeared. --  What text am I to type into this field?06:35
=== RocketLauncher2 is now known as RocketLauncher
ImaLamerfearful, i hate to leave you with so little - and i do have to go..06:36
fearfulImaLamer, it's alright bro I'll keep digging thanks anyway for trying.06:36
rwwbullgard4: if you have broadcast accounts set up in gwibber (facebook, twitter, identica, etc.), typing in that text field and pressing enter will update them06:36
RocketLauncherBefore I install Ubuntu Netbook Edition.. can I resize windows or what06:36
c_nickhi.. is there a note widget for ubuntu .. like i want to set a note to take a medicine after lunch but due to work i forget so i want to put like a sticky note on my Desktop for that :P is there a way on Ubuntu i am using U9.0406:37
bullgard4rww: Thank you very much for explaining.06:37
ImaLamerfearful: but what i can come up with is trying "acpi_os_name="Windows 2006 SP1" acpi_osi="Windows 2006 SP1" pci=noacpi hpet=off"06:37
fearfulImaLamer, adding this to the grub config correct?06:38
illacc_nick: pretty sure tomboy notes come with default Ubuntu install06:38
illac!info tomboy | c_nick06:38
ubottuc_nick: tomboy (source: tomboy): desktop note taking program using Wiki style links. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.1-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 813 kB, installed size 10124 kB06:38
MarcusCan someone please help me. I've got the purple screen of death and can't quite figure out how I made it happen...06:38
KB1JWQMarcus: What do the logs say?06:39
c_nickillac:  yep tomboy is there but i want something which will always be displayed on the Desktop Tomboy notes are not there ON the desktop they reside in the top bar i have to right click and then see06:39
rebirthi'm having trouble installing this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/all/ttf-bitstream-vera/download06:39
peepingtomc_nick: right click on gnome panel (bar at top/bottom of screen), "add to panel", add "Sticky Notes"06:39
ImaLamerfearful, yes - in lieu of the ACPI=OFF06:39
=== foureigh184 is now known as foureight84
ImaLamerfearful, though i see mixed results06:39
fearfulImaLamer, alright thanks again.06:39
ImaLamerrebirth, is the issue that it's not signed?06:40
MarcusKP1JWQ: Logs only date from 5:00pm this evening, but the non-bootable happened at 7:00pm, and I got nothing.06:40
MarcusWhich logs should I be looking at? boot.log?06:40
ImaLamerfearful, i think you need to trick the BIOS into thinking it's Windows .. idk06:40
rebirthImaLamer: is it possible to isntall this on lucid?06:40
KB1JWQMarcus: Or dmesg06:40
ImaLamerfearful, maybe a BIOS update will help?06:40
fearfulImaLamer, I'll digg into that too.06:41
ImaLamerrebirth, download the deb package and try installing from the command line with "dpkg -i package_file.deb"06:41
sikumbuzopeepingtom, how do I fix my system time?  I put it back manually but I would like to sync it if possible.06:41
ImaLamerrebirth, if you see the error is that it isnt' signed there are ways to force it ... IF YOU TRUST THE FILE06:42
MarcusHaven't done IRC in 12 years, let me get comfortable with responding properly. <grin>06:42
ImaLamerrebirth, i'm having similar issues with other font packages06:42
MarcusKB1JWQ: I'm looking at the dmesg now.06:42
illacc_nick: you could probably make a bastarized conky config that just loads a text file?06:42
Alazarein all honestly you dont have to do the name:06:42
c_nickillac: wtf06:42
illacc_nick: lol06:43
Alazarexchat and most modern will still highlight the line bydefaut06:43
Alazarejust put there name somewhere like Marcus is right there bam highlighted06:43
c_nickpeepingtom: thanks06:43
c_nickthat works splendid06:43
MarcusThanks Alazare06:43
c_nickillac: i will spank u if i meet u one day :P06:43
ImaLamerThat is a great trick Marcus ImaLamer Alazare06:44
peepingtomsikumbuzo: it will be fixed when you run "fsck"   he -F option force fsck on reboot, login as root and type the following command to reboot and run fsck:        shutdown -rF now06:44
peepingtom"shutdown -rF now"06:44
MarcusKB1JWQ: What should I be looking for?06:44
illacc_nick: c_nick haha06:44
rebirthImaLamer: requested operation requires superuser privilege, should i use sudo?06:44
KB1JWQMarcus: Yoiu tell me.06:44
peepingtomsikumbuzo: "sudo shutdown -rF now"06:45
ImaLamerrebirth, sorry yes06:45
BlackwebDoes anyone know the best way to Mask/Hide your IP Address06:45
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
SeanInSeattleHey all.  So, here's the thing.  I've installed fedora, but I've learned enough about it to know that I would rather run ubuntu.  How can I create a bootable usb with ubuntu on it from fedora?06:45
Alazareso...im trying to compile for the first time for the longest time ive ran ubuntu, mint, back in v5.0 of ubuntu, always used debian packages or repo, ive never compiled anyone care to walk me through im feeling lazy and dont feel like googling a guide or point me at the appropriate !guide06:45
KB1JWQBlackweb: In what context?06:45
Alazareseaninseattle unetbootin06:45
KB1JWQ!tor | Blackweb06:46
ubottuBlackweb: Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks  More information available in #freenode06:46
BlackwebKB1JWQ: for P2P, Or just day to day use06:46
picard1421hey guys i want to setup a way to tunnel ALL of my traffic through a VPN service.. all of it.. basically if the VPN is down i do not want the machine to connect to the internet.. where would i go about setting this up?06:46
ImaLamerBlackweb, go though another computer, rinse and repeat06:46
BlackwebNo for P2P Mainly06:46
picard1421my VPN provider has openvpn, pptp, and l2tp06:46
KB1JWQBlackweb: How about don't do illegal crap on the internet?06:46
picard1421im not sure how to set this up but basically i do not want my machine to connect to the internet without being on the VPN06:46
KB1JWQpicard1421: That's a routing table tweak.06:47
peepingtompicard1421: do you use networkmanager always or are you paranoid about when you boot into text mode?06:47
Alazareblackweb ssh06:47
MarcusKB1JWQ: All I remember, is installing sudo apt-get install automake1.9 libtool git-core intltool sudo apt-get build-dep f-spot06:47
illacBlackweb: tor?06:47
Alazaretor is not available if he runs torrents its against TOS06:47
illacssh works too06:47
Alazaressh is the best06:47
MarcusKB1JWQ: And that was minutes before the crash06:47
picard1421no its only server mode peepingtom06:47
Alazarebuy a good server at a cheap ammount06:47
MarcusKB1JWQ: I use U10.0406:47
Alazareand you can get rediculous down speeds06:47
Alazareso...im trying to compile for the first time for the longest time ive ran ubuntu, mint, back in v5.0 of ubuntu, always used debian packages or repo, ive never compiled anyone care to walk me through im feeling lazy and dont feel like googling a guide or point me at the appropriate !guide06:47
illacAlazare speaks the truth06:47
picard1421the place where this machine is... my taffic cannot be seen06:48
peepingtompicard1421: using one of the VPN plugins for networkmanager and preventing any other automatic connections should work for most people06:48
picard1421to put it bluntly06:48
picard1421is networkmanager in command line i have never heard of it..06:48
illacAlazare: ./configure06:48
illacAlazare: make06:48
Blackwebillac ya06:48
ImaLamerpicard1421, it's the drop down in gnome06:48
illacAlazare: make install06:48
picard1421i dont have gnome.. no06:48
illacAlazare: cross fingers06:48
Alazareso ./configure in the directory with the install.script?06:48
DesiArnez6Can someone test this stream to see if the problem is on my end or theirs? mms://
Alazarek thanks06:49
MarcusKB1JWQ: Also, minutes before the crash, I cleared all my cached files, via Ubuntu tweak06:49
illacAlazare: yessir06:49
picard1421basically i need to have a way to setup a VPN connection06:49
picard1421and then06:49
picard1421when its off the VPN ]06:49
Alazareany approriate utilites i need?06:49
MarcusKB1JWQ: does that help?06:49
picard1421not connect to internet.. i guess where do i setup vpn in the first place.. and make sure its logged into VPN06:49
Alazarelike dependencies for make and configure?06:49
peepingtompicard1421: PPTP I think    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient06:50
picard1421thats in Gnome..06:50
picard1421i dont have a GUi06:50
peepingtompicard: scroll!06:50
Jordan_UAlazare: What are you trying to compile?06:51
peepingtompicard1421: you want inf about pptp probably06:51
peepingtomcheck their site, too06:51
picard1421yea im reading that06:51
picard1421ok this might seem somewhat weird06:52
eyes_onlyok, after helping out 2 guys im finally got some time to myself, i need some basic help with creating startup programs in ubuntu as well as applying a spash image to this new version of grub06:52
MarcusI have the purple screen of death, it comes up just after the little ubuntu logo and dots, then it freezes, how can I reboot to terminal instead. Is there a command like F6 while its booting? I use UBUNTU10.0406:53
L0sanyone know why when i go to console mode i get weird characters?06:53
peepingtomMarcus: hold shift while grub loads, boot to recovery06:53
Alazarenvm found a debian package of it on there sourceforge account06:53
Marcuspeepingtom: I've tried that but nothing happens, when do I start holding shift?06:53
Marcuspeepingtom: before or after the little underscore?06:54
eyes_onlymarcus: at grub (before ubuntu loads)06:54
picard1421is this possible also... can you setup a SFTP connection06:54
eyes_onlytry before lol06:54
picard1421through teh TPVN06:54
peepingtomMarcus: After your BIOS is finished, before06:54
picard1421so like i said the VPN is acting basically as my internet.. if i were to lets say connect via SFTP.. it would tunnel all the traffic through my VPN correct? i basically want to make it fool proof NO DATA can be transfered when the VPN is off?06:54
L0sanyone know why when i go to console mode i get weird characters?06:55
peepingtompicard: anything goes through vpn, it exits to the internet at the other end06:55
peepingtoml0s: when you type, or when stuff is printed on screen by programs?06:55
eyes_onlypeepingtom: he might have to manually set his screen resolution to his grub entry06:56
picard1421kk sounds good just want to make sure that no DATA at ALL is being transffered outside the VPN.. i mean for example if i setup the PPTP connection06:56
L0swhen i an in console mode and i type the letters are weird characters06:56
picard1421dont i have to disable like my resolving servers on my local machine etc.. i feel there is more to do than just setup a connection?06:56
Marcuspeepingtom: I held it down non-stop and I get the little log, then the dots underneath, then goes to purple and freezes.06:57
picard1421and the same would be with like an FTP client.. not all the data is being sent through the VPN.. dont you have to "tell" it.. to do that for example06:57
Marcuspeepingtom: no terminal06:57
peepingtomMarcus: start holding AFTER   BIOS is finished?06:57
eyes_onlyL0s: pc06:57
Eventyrethow can i check what kernel i have ?06:57
Marcuspeepingtom: k, thx06:57
pedofiil12uname -a06:57
=== pedofiil12 is now known as whatwhatinthe
peepingtompicard: vpn sets up a new interface, any traffic routed through that interface is through the vpn06:58
peepingtomyou need to read manuals ;)06:58
eyes_onlyprivate chat, check your tabs06:58
Eventyretthanks whatwhatinthe06:58
L0sim in irssi , i dont have tabs06:58
DesiArnez6Can someone test this stream to see if the problem is on my end or theirs? mms://
Marcuspeepingtom: I held it down non-stop and I get the little log, then the dots underneath, then goes to purple and freezes.06:59
Marcuspeepingtom: is there some way to change the boot so that it doesn't try and load my graphics card drivers?06:59
Rex_hi how to install driver from cd disc?06:59
Marcuspeepingtom: I recently updated them, and I think that might be a problem.06:59
Alazareyea im having problems compiling this dc client07:00
peepingtomMarcus: you need to get into grub to set vesa at boot07:00
peepingtomMarcus: use a LiveCD and chroot to uninstall the settings07:00
DesiArnez6Can someone test this stream to see if the problem is on my end or theirs? mms://
Marcuspeepingtom: I have livecd, and it works. I can boot into it fine. What do I do? chroot what?07:01
Eventyretis there any commands to reboot wine ? :) or is it just wineboot that does it ?07:01
Uno-Master_E_MIke wants to play Uno! Type join in the channel to join the game. Game will start in 30 seconds.07:01
Uno-Master_E_MIke will play!07:01
FlannelUno-Master: Please turn that off07:01
peepingtomMarcus: boot livecd, mount your hard drive to a folder, chroot to that folder. basically this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157250  but no knoppix07:02
Uno-MasterUno-Master will play!07:02
Uno-MasterPlaying this round: _E_MIke Uno-Master07:02
Uno-Master_E_MIke up: [ 4 ]07:02
peepingtomfirst google hit, no warranty07:02
carabobopor que parese que esta fuera del pais07:02
Flannel_E_MIke: Turn it off, now.07:02
carabobopara esa fecha07:02
DesiArnez6Can someone test this stream to see if the problem is on my end or theirs? mms://
_E_MIkeyou cant have uno?07:02
peepingtomMarcus: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-broken-ubuntu-feisty-fawn.html07:02
Flannel_E_MIke: Correct.  You can't bring bots here.07:02
* Uno-Master slaps _E_MIke around a bit with a large trout07:02
_E_MIkei disabled it07:03
FloodBot1_E_MIke: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:03
imyousufI have just installed a UEC need a little help on getting started, is this the right channel to ask questions on UEC?07:03
Flannelimyousuf: Depends on your question, but possibly.07:04
Marcuspeepingtom: thanks, I'll try that.07:04
_E_MIkeum Flannel07:04
_E_MIkeHow da ef did freenode get this big xD07:04
_E_MIkeits rediculous07:04
imyousufthanks for the confirmation Flannel I guess in that case I will go ahead with the question07:04
_E_MIkeits like a spammer when you type /list07:04
Flannel_E_MIke: Please take non-support questions to #ubuntu-offtopic, and mind your language, thanks.07:05
=== whatwhatinthe is now known as yeastlord3
DesiArnez6Can someone test this stream to see if the problem is on my end or theirs? mms://
imyousufI have installed UEC in a server, but I did not get the URL to the web console, how can I find it or predict it?07:08
sappelcan someone explain me, why in some ldap howtos, there is a admin-user created in the init or frontend.ldif and in others isn't? e.g. http://www.opinsys.fi/setting-up-openldap-on-ubuntu-10-04-alpha2 and http://tuxnetworks.blogspot.com/2010/06/howto-ldap-server-on-1004-lucid-lynx.html07:08
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
picard1421also is there a difference between pptp and openVPN i was told openVPN is "better" and more "secure"07:09
Flannelimyousuf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall  That walks you through it.  Looks like it's https://[your-server]:844307:09
imyousufthanks Flannel, trying it07:10
* Viking667 outta here...07:12
Name141what's update-apt-xapi and why's it eating up the CPU ?07:13
sean74hi hi07:13
sean74anyone can help me on ubuntu 10.04 epson dot matrix printer?07:18
sean74i can't seems to find the driver for LQ1060+, DLQ3500 or LQ680Pro07:18
sean74i tried to use the Epson Dot Matrix driver but it prints out very very slow and in draft font07:18
sean74pls help07:18
FloodBot1sean74: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:18
dp_how to remove dir in linux ...07:18
yosean74 wat you07:18
_jesse_dp_: rm -r dir/07:18
dp_sudo rm dirname ...doesnt works07:18
_jesse_dp_: you have to specify that it's recursive07:18
peepingtomdp_ do rm -rf07:18
dp_-r worked07:18
dbreddygrep on utf8 files help needed?? thanks07:19
peepingtomoops bad habit07:19
twinsenxhow utf-8 ?  /charset utf-8    or   /charcode utf-807:19
dbreddycharcode i think07:19
dbreddyi am not sure actually..I have used a python program to convert my files to utf807:20
dp_how can i check if i have apache installed on my server machine ?07:20
peepingtomdp_ search for apache in aptitude :)07:21
peepingtomdp_ please don't install it07:21
dp_peepingtom,  can u pls explain how do i do that ...07:21
eyes_onlydp_: open synaptic, and type apache int eh box07:22
dp_eyes_only, but i want to chk on the server not my local machine07:22
eyes_onlynow could i get some help with autostarting conky and changing grub splashes07:22
eyes_onlylemme check for you07:23
Rex_how to instal audio driver from cd?07:24
eyes_onlythats actually a good question dp07:24
dbreddyanyone..grep command on utf-8 encoded files07:24
dbreddythanks for your help07:24
yusukeit was said perl is installed by default,but i typed perl in terminal but nothing shown07:26
yusukehelp me07:26
KB1JWQyusuke: 'which perl'07:26
yusukethe programming language07:27
eyes_onlyDP_ run dpkg -s apache07:27
KB1JWQNevermind then.07:27
redvilanybody know how to get back the sound when watching quicktime movies on the internet?07:27
Jordan_Uyusuke: The perl interpreter is a command named "perl", so "which perl" is still apropriate.07:28
yusukeok thanks..btw what is the best download accelerator for Ubuntu?07:29
yusukeAxel seems wont work on me07:29
hohohohohi guys...07:30
hohohohocan i have cron job that can do job less than 1 minutes?07:30
redvilhow do u get sound when watching quicktime movies?07:31
hohohohocan i have cron job that can do job less than 1 minutes?07:31
Flannelhohohoho: cron granularity is ~1 minute intervals07:32
hohohohoflannel : so its impossible for me to have what i want?07:32
Jordan_Uhohohoho: What is your end goal?07:32
redvilwatch watching movie trailers on apple.com and there's no sound..any suggestions?07:33
hohohohoflannel : do job every 15 or 20 seconds..07:33
Flannelhohohoho: No, you can't use cron for that.  But what job are you trying to do?  What are you ultimately hoping to accomplish?07:33
hohohohoflannel : read after insert on my database07:34
hohohohoflannel : and then run some script if the condition is true07:35
Flannelhohohoho: You'll want to go about that using features of the database, hooks or whatnot.07:35
eyes_onlycouldnt he use cront o run a script that basicaly says [whatevert the command is to wait] 20 && script && wait 20 && script07:36
hohohohoflannel : yes, but i cannot use trigger on mysql. it won't work to run my script07:36
Jordan_Ueyes_only: He could, but that defeats the point of using cron, not also that I don't think cron promises to execute exactly at the beginning of a minute.07:37
Flanneleyes_only: Technically you could, but if you wanted to just do something like that, you wouldn't even use cron, just a while(true) loop07:37
AdvoWorkhohohoho, can you not use demonising?07:37
Jordan_Uhohohoho: In what way doesn't it work?07:38
AdvoWorknever use it or looked into it, just heard of it being used where cron cant be07:38
eyes_onlyeveryone: just a suggestion lol, im no linux master i came here to ask questions :)07:38
Jordan_Uhohohoho: Please give your actual *end* goal, how you are trying to accomplish it, and where you have run into problems.07:38
hohohohoadvowork : so I have to use daemon?07:39
hohohohojordan_u : read after insert on my database07:39
hohohohojordan_u : and then run some script if the condition is true07:39
paul__hi, trying to get aptana studio 3 started and it fails on startup, can anyone take a look at my error log and tell me what the problem is?07:39
root__asny one know of a good soho setup tutorial for back track 407:41
Jordan_Uhohohoho: That's not an end goal, it's still a step toward a higher level goal. Also, you have not explained why you "cannot use trigger on mysql".07:42
JVizi'm trying to run wow on maverick, and it crashes. I looked up the problem wine's website, and it appears to be a kernel patch in the latest kernel causing it to crash. has anyone else had this problem? how did you solve it? is it possible to install an older generic kernel?07:42
hohohohojordan_u : can trigger run a script?07:43
hohohohojordan_u : on mysql07:43
icerootJViz: #winehq #ubuntu+107:43
Jordan_Uhohohoho: I'm not familiar with mysql, but I would be very surprised if there were no way to run a script automatically after an insert.07:43
icerootJordan_U: mysql dont have triggers, just stored procedures07:44
JViziceroot: thank you07:44
hohohohojordan_u : so how to call a script from mysql trigger? its possible?07:44
hohohohoiceroot : is that true? how about the newest mysql?07:45
NecroticSoulRotWhat codec/plugin do i need to play m4a files?07:46
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
Jordan_Uhohohoho: From the mysql trigger FAQ, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/faqs-triggers.html#qandaitem-24-5-1-1307:47
john38i got problems with Gnome PPP07:48
john38it says Modem was not Dectected07:48
awaitmeatseasidehey jude07:49
appamajigI just installed ubuntu desktop (the newest, 10.04) I installed it from my Windows installation, and used all of the defaults.  I need to increase the size of my partition, but I have no idea how... any suggestions on where to start?07:49
Hilikushow do i make it so that if a user creates a dir, it has a specified permission? i want that some of my users when creating dirs by default create those dirs as 75007:49
Hilikuswithout having to chmod them manually after creation07:50
wxr3516Hilikus: umask07:50
SwedeMikeHilikus: http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersguide/linux_ugfilesp.html look at the umask stuff07:51
Jordan_Uappamajig: Boot a LiveCD, use gparted. If it's an Ubuntu LiveCD then Gparted will be available through System > Administration > Gparted07:51
Hilikusis the umask userwide or directory specific?07:51
john38i got problems with Gnome PPP07:51
john38it says Modem was not Dectected07:51
SwedeMikeHilikus: userwide.07:51
Jordan_Uappamajig: Sorry, just realized that you meant you're using wubi, my comment doesn't apply for wubi.07:52
hohohohojordan_u : can i have an example?07:52
hohohohojordan_u : i cannot find example on a link that you give to me07:52
appamajigJordan: ah, ok, I was about to specify that and ask :)07:53
Jordan_Uhohohoho: I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with mysql.07:53
willmarshallHey guys. Are there any likely gotchas in install Ubuntu on a laptop with a dead CD drive from USB stick?07:53
wxr3516appamajig: AFAIK wubi "partitions" (actually they are image files) cannot be resized07:53
willmarshallThe instructions at http://www.ubuntu.com/server/get-ubuntu/download seem to reckon it's pretty safe, and there are good instructions for generating the thumb drive from OSX07:53
willmarshallJust wondering if there's anything I'm likely to run into before I spend two hours on this ;)07:53
eyes_onlyits much easier than that07:53
eyes_onlygoogle unetbootin07:53
hohohohojordan_u : well ok then... thank you dude..07:54
Jordan_Uappamajig: You can resize the disk image with lvpm.07:54
Jordan_Uhohohoho: You're welcome.07:54
willmarshalleyes_only: Unetbootin for generating the bootable USB drive?07:54
Jordan_Uappamajig: Unfortunately I just looked at the LVPM site and found "LVPM currently does not work with installs generated by Wubi 10.04 (patches welcome)", I can help you do it manually though.07:56
sbach89Im having problems with me email server. Everytime I send an email from my gmail to myself at my domain I get a bounceback in gmail stating relay access denied07:56
john38i got problems with Gnome PPP07:56
john38it says Modem was not Dectected07:56
appamajigJordan: aaah, ok I was wondering :)07:56
appamajigwxr: thanks for the info!07:56
Jordan_Uappamajig: But it's definitely possible.07:56
appamajigJordan: if you can point me in the right direction, I can usually figure it out... maybe I should do some google research :P (probably shoulda done that before I Came asking silly questions)07:57
NecroticSoulRotWhat codec/plugin do i need to play m4a files?07:57
Jordan_Uappamajig: The approach that I would take (and there may be an easier one) is somewhat difficult if you're not familiar with the terminal. Basically I would append the needed amount of data to the file using dd, then use ntfsresize to resize the filesystem to use the complete file.07:59
john38damn nobody knows07:59
SolomonKaneI would boot a live cd and use gparted to change the partition size.07:59
wxr3516john38: you should specify which modem you are using (make/model/...)08:00
john38intel 537ep v.9x df pci modem08:00
appamajigJordan: OK, that makes sense... but you're right, that's a little bit over my head (what you say makes sense, but I'm certain I'll botch it without help :)08:00
eyes_only@solomon: i would use a ub stick of gparted, it boots faster08:00
wxr3516john38: is that a winmodem/softmodem?08:00
wxr3516john38: most of these are not supported by linux08:01
Jordan_Uappamajig: If you do decide to go that route you should probably first backup your root.disk, as something as small as forgetting "conv=notrunc" in the dd command could overwrite the root.disk instead of appending to it.08:01
john38i believe it is analog modem08:01
Jordan_Uappamajig: I can walk you through it if you'd like, just boot from a LiveCD and tell me when you're ready.08:01
wxr3516john38: yes, but is it a full modem or a soft modem?08:01
JVizare there .debs for older kernels anywhere?08:02
mikemhi, if i'm using a layout which has four characters to a key (ie: uppercase, lowercase, accented uppercase and accented lowercase) how do I access the accented variants of those letters?08:02
john38what is full and soft?08:02
mikemah, it's right-alt-key08:02
wxr3516john38: soft modems need to do everything in the driver, so they are pretty dumb hardware. and the drivers are windows only.08:02
Hilikushow do i change a user's umask (not my own's)08:03
eyes_only@hilikus: did you check man?08:03
Hilikustheres no man08:03
john38well i been looking for linux modem version on the internet08:03
thune3NecroticSoulRot: specifically i do not know and it depends on your player. you might try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras from multiverse repository08:03
john38i found some results but most links are broken08:03
eyes_onlyit was a joke lol08:04
appamajigJordan: Is it possible to resize my existing NTFS partition and create a new partition in it's place? would that be with LVPM?08:04
eyes_onlyim having difficulty autostarting conky (yes i tried system preferences) as well as editing the grub-pc bootsplash08:06
wxr3516john38: last time i used analog modems is 10 years ago, so i don't know which recent modems to recommend08:06
deadlineHay Every One I'm New Here08:07
john38no i mean modem driver08:07
SolomonKaneeyes_only: put iut in your .xinitrc file08:07
john38i wasnt talking about modems08:07
SolomonKaneOr if using gnome, system startup08:07
NecroticSoulRotthune3, that is installed, and when i try to play a m4a file, it wants to install gstreamerplugins-bad wich does not work08:07
eyes_only@solomon system startup didnt work, conky exited about 2 seconds after it starts08:08
john38i found the tgz versions online but the damn links are broken08:08
john38im still searching08:08
SolomonKaneeyes_only: put it in your .xinitrc file.08:08
SolomonKaneexec conky08:09
SolomonKaneexec conky &08:09
eyes_only@solomon: yeah will try this now, completely for got about xinitrc08:09
wxr3516john38: that because those drivers are proprietary (closed source) and won't ever make it into the mainline kernel source08:09
SolomonKaneIf you add the line "exec conky &" to that file, it will load on startup.08:09
eyes_only@john38 what is the driver file name?08:09
john38intel 537ep v.9x df pci modem08:10
john38that is modem08:10
aswathis anyone havin problems with compiz on ubuntu 10.04?08:10
SolomonKaneeyes_only: to auto-comnplete user names, start typing the anme and use TAB for name completion.  I hate that @name crap.08:10
eyes_only@solomon: think i should add a delay (forgot the command) before conky?08:10
SolomonKanesleep 108:10
soreauaswath: yes08:10
eyes_onlySolomonKane: ah thats handy, sorry solomon08:10
SolomonKaneNo problem.08:11
ari_stresshi guys, on ubuntu 10.04, the logon screen shows: 7 packages can be updated, 3 security update. how can i see which package are they?08:11
eyes_onlyari_stress: synaptic, mark all upgrades08:11
SolomonKaneit lists the packages in the update manager, ari_stress.08:11
thune3NecroticSoulRot: do you have a direct link to a sample file08:11
willmarshallGuys! Who do I speak to to fix a pretty crucial typo on http://www.ubuntu.com/server/get-ubuntu/download ?08:11
sbach89Im having problems with me email server. Everytime I send an email from my gmail to myself at my domain I get a bounceback in gmail stating relay access denied08:12
ibnarrashidari_stress: go to "system" > "administration" > "updated manager"08:12
=== iflema is now known as tremmons
NecroticSoulRotthune3, can i pm it to you?08:12
soreauaswath: Don't pm. Use #compiz if you want to talk in a quieter channel08:12
thune3NecroticSoulRot: sure08:12
SolomonKanewillmarshall: what is the error?08:13
willmarshallSolomonKane: in the OSX instructions for building the USB stick, there is a missing space08:13
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willmarshallhdiutil convert-format UDRW -o08:13
ari_stresseyes_only, ibnarrashid, how about from command line? is it apt-get update && apt-get upgrade? but they don't show me the packages according to the logon screen08:13
=== tremmons is now known as iflema
willmarshallShould be hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o08:13
willmarshallBig problem for non-CLI-savvy users who cut and paste ;)08:13
willmarshallWould be awesome if whoever maintains that page could fix it! Not a wiki, sadly08:14
ari_stresseyes_only, ibnarrashid : 1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded. <-- see, only 1 package upgraded. the logon screen says 708:14
eyes_onlyari_stress: ignore the login screen updates and use the updare manager?08:14
SolomonKanewillmarshall: I dont see it.08:14
ari_stresseyes_only: oh i see?08:14
john38any ideas eyes only08:14
willmarshallSolomonKane: To get it, select USB Stick in option 2, then click "show me how"08:14
willmarshallIt's in the instructions that appear ;)08:15
SolomonKanewillmarshall: I have been reding it, I know how to find it.  I dont see the error.  Cant fix something that isnt there.08:15
ibnarrashidari_stress: apt-upgrade will show you what needs upgrading before installing them after you say yes08:15
wxr3516ibnarrashid: apt-get upgrade08:15
willmarshallI'm seeing "convert-format" instead of "convert -format"08:15
eyes_onlyjohn38: whats the file name for the tarball your looking for?08:15
SolomonKanewillmarshall: where is the missing space?  Between which words?  Which sentence?08:16
ibnarrashidari_stress: oh yeah, sorry, haven't used apt-get in some time08:16
john38hold on08:16
ibnarrashidari_stress: apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade, which will tell you which ones need updating08:17
willmarshallSolomonKane: Direct messaged you more details :)08:17
doktoreasHello folks, which is the name of the applet with chat, mail and social network apps?08:19
santoshi want to know a command by which i can know whether i have installed client OS or SERVER os08:20
Firstgear_is there a way to replicate the action of the middle mouse button, up and down action, by pressing a combinatin of keys on the keyboard??08:20
john38eyes_only: i belive its intel-537ep_secure-227390.tgz08:21
santoshany answer for my question08:21
santoshi want to know whether i installed client or server in my machine08:21
geirhasantosh: «client OS», you mean the Desktop edition?08:21
eyes_onlyjohn38: ill get right on it with my ninja googling skills08:22
santoshi want to know how08:22
=== appamajig is now known as appamaway
santoshubuntu came pre-loaded on my new dell vostro laptop08:22
* appamaway is away: Gone away for now08:22
santoshbut dunno whether it's client or server08:22
santoshhow to know it08:23
willmarshallsantosh: Does it have a GUI?08:23
geirhasantosh: The server doesn't have a gui installed08:23
santoshyes it has08:23
willmarshallsantosh: Ubuntu Desktop, then ;)08:23
santoshis there any command to tell that08:23
Jigalhow do i solve this problem? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/5BvcGs2r08:23
c2techlist <10008:23
illacsantosh: did you get the V13?08:23
ari_stressanother curiousity, if we choose guided partitioning, why ubuntu uses ext2 for the /boot?08:24
geirhasantosh: But really, the server and desktop are the same, they only differ in what packages are pre-installed.08:24
sappelsantosh: there is no such command. see for the differences http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/whichbuntu#buntu08:24
Hilikuscan someone explain this08:24
santoshwhat are the packages that would be missing in client from server08:24
illacsantosh: server comes preinstalled with Apache, PHP, etc.08:25
illacsantosh: stuff a server would run08:25
=== appamaway is now known as appamajig
* appamajig is back.08:25
john38hey eyes_only i have the intel 537ep v.9x df pci modem this driver is Intel 537EP V.92 Modem Chipset Driver08:25
john38is it the same08:25
illacsantosh: you can install any of those packages now if you'd like.08:25
illacsantosh: man aptitude08:25
santoshso on client OS i can have these packages installed?08:25
illacsantosh: yes08:25
illacsantosh: aptitude is a way to install packages08:26
illacsantosh: read the man page for a quick run down08:26
sbach89Im having problems with me email server. Everytime I send an email from my gmail to myself at my domain I get a bounceback in gmail stating relay access denied08:26
santoshso if i'm not wrong, after the first installation if apache and php are installed then that's a server OS08:27
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santoshif not then it's a client OS08:27
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illacsantosh: look at the link posted by sappel08:27
illacsantosh: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/whichbuntu#buntu08:27
illacsantosh: that will help explain it08:28
appamajigJordan: I tried to find any responses to my last question, but I may have missed it08:28
ibnarrashidsantosh: a desktop/client edition doesn't have those preinstalled, there is not much difference if someone configured it to have a gui, it's basically the same thing, there's really no way to tell the difference except by the packages that are installed08:28
ghozalguien habla españos??08:28
MaRk-I!es | ghoz08:29
ubottughoz: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.08:29
Jigalhow do i solve this problem? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/5BvcGs2r08:29
ghozgracias :D08:30
Jordan_Uappamajig: I didn't notice your message because you didn't use my full nick. Yes, it's possible to convert from the wubi style disk image inside your ntfs partition to a standard install in a separate partition, and yes you would normally do that with LVPM. But with that message on the LVPM home page I don't recommend trying it if you're using 10.04.08:32
eyes_onlyim going to bed night people08:34
appamajigJordan_U oops, sorry about that08:35
john38hey eyes_only08:35
john38any luck08:35
Jordan_Uappamajig: np :)08:35
eyes_onlyjohn38: sorry, ill have to look in the morning, been debugging my own troubles08:35
john38i found it but when i double click on it i get this08:36
john38gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated08:36
john38tar: Unexpected EOF in archive08:36
john38tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now08:36
appamajigJordan_U: nm, I'll just use the mounted NTFS partition from my Windows Install.  That should solve my storage woes :) thanks for your help and advice!08:36
Jordan_Uappamajig: You're welcome.08:36
eyes_onlyjohn38: look it up using trid08:37
eyes_onlyjohn38: http://mark0.net/onlinetrid.aspx08:37
osubuckahhh its nice to have a distro that will install nvidia drivers without issues :)08:37
c3lwhere do I put my .Xdefaults to load at startup?08:38
eyes_onlyosubuck: but break your boot screen in the process.... damn canonical08:38
eyes_onlyc3l: .xinitrc08:38
osubuckeyes_only: does a hell of a lot better than what suse tries to do08:38
eyes_onlyosubuck: this is true08:39
Eventyretis there a way to upgrade the indicator-applet in ubuntu 9.10 ?08:39
* eyes_only goes to bed and is now idle08:39
ubernewbin ubuntu 10 there is a wifi software. i've added an AP and i want to remove it now. where is the data stored? how would i remove it?08:40
ibnarrashidc3l: in your home directory, .xinitrc08:40
digitalfizi think my synaptic is broke. every search i do returns with no results but i can do "sudo apt-get install somepackage" and it works fine08:40
Jordan_Uubernewb: System > Preferences > Network Connections08:40
ubernewbJordan_U: worked like a charm, thank you a lot08:41
artinstartinWhen in "guest-mode" it is possible to access the files from my account. How can i prevent this?08:41
Jordan_Uubernewb: You're welcome.08:41
ubernewbartinstartin, chmod og-r them?08:41
c3libnarrashid: I have no currently, but its safe to just make one and it will be used?08:41
ibnarrashidartinstartin: you can change permissions in your home directory08:41
Jordan_Uartinstartin: It shouldn't be, please file a bug report.08:41
Jigalhello just installed apache2 but now my httpd.conf is empty how can that be?08:42
artinstartinubernewb:# don't know about this command,08:42
ibnarrashidc3l: yes, you can make one, but you need to know what to put in these for sure for X to start08:42
artinstartinJordan_U: oha, ok08:42
Jordan_Uartinstartin: Actually let me double check that before you report it as a bug.08:42
ubernewbJordan_U, default always read to others and group08:43
artinstartinJordan_U: thanks a lot08:43
ubernewb*default allows (im not awake yet)08:43
Jordan_Uubernewb: Yes, but the guest account is limited by apparmor, which can restrict any paths it wants (and does).08:43
artinstartinubernewb:should I just type your comamnd in zthe console?08:43
artinstartinwhen I search for *.avi's with the guest account, it finds all the files from my home account08:44
ubernewbartinstartin, chmod og-r /home/<yourdir> should help but it is only a workaround08:44
ubernewbam i right Jordan_U ?08:44
gogetaartinstartin: thats how locate works08:45
Jordan_Uubernewb: Yes.08:45
IledenHi! I have a device listed in fstab with the "user" option. Should I be able to mount it without using sudo? I can't...08:45
ubernewbyou'd better change the default umask08:45
c3lshould one use .Xresources instead of .Xdefaults? whats the difference?08:45
ibnarrashidartinstartin: if you want a quick fix, do sudo chmod 700 to negate all permissions for other users, they can see the files existence, but can't read/write/execute08:45
ibnarrashidc3l: what are you trying to configure?08:46
artinstartinibnarrashid: thnak you08:46
ubernewbibnarrashid, noo, that would change own prefs, too08:46
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ibnarrashidubernewb: really? I think it keeps the same owner as long as you don't change to root user doesn't it?08:47
c3libnarrashid: just some general urxvt settigs and colors, might get more in the future08:47
ubernewbthe default umask is 022, but i prefer 077. you can change in /etc/profile08:47
ibnarrashidc3l: .Xdefaults then, that's the file08:47
ubernewbibnarrashid, it gives all your files rwx.08:47
ubernewbibnarrashid, chomd og-r just removes read access for others and groups08:47
c3libnarrashid: thanks08:48
gogetaibnarrashid: as long as the other users dont chmod in therre group08:48
Jordan_Uartinstartin: Same thing here, so I would first check launchpad to see if the bug has already been filed and if not file a wishlist bug.08:48
SevithIm havin issues figuring something out.08:48
ibnarrashidubernewb: oh yeah, forgot about that, sorry08:48
SevithI nmaped my box and it shows port 61788 open08:48
ubernewbthis might be interessting to read http://ubuntudemon.wordpress.com/2007/10/24/default-umask/ @ibnarrashid @artinstartin08:49
SevithI cant find any background on a service that runs on this port besides some SANS internet storm center08:49
SevithI wanna shut this port off08:49
ibnarrashidartinstartin: yeah, you read what he said, I was thinking about file more specifically than everything in home08:49
SevithOr the service at least.08:49
ubernewbSevith, do netstat -lpn08:49
gogetaibnarrashid: whant my monoter it lost red lol08:49
c3libnarrashid: and if you dont mind, how does one include .Xdefaults in .xinitrc, I cant seem to find it08:50
Iledenah, fixed, nevermind08:51
artinstartinJordan_U, funny to encounter a bug08:51
ibnarrashidc3l: you don't in .xinitrc, that's a different file, .Xdefaults is a separate file, I though you were asking about something else08:51
Sevithubernewb, Wow, I feel like an ubernewb08:51
ibnarrashidc3l: .Xdefaults is the file for URXVT settings, I thought you wanted to have X startup with .xinitrc08:51
ubernewbSevith, i feel with you ;) i came here and asked ubernewb questions 5 mins ago08:52
c3libnarrashid: I want to load .Xdefaults at startup, how?08:52
ibnarrashidc3l: check this for examples http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xdefaults, what do you mean you want to start .Xdefaults on start up?08:53
Jordan_Uartinstartin: A wishlist bug. I'm guessing that the designers of the guest session intended it to works as it does now, that doesn't mean it's not a bug but it's an important distinction.08:53
ibnarrashidc3l: anything you put .Xdefaults, becomes the default for those applications that use it08:53
c3libnarrashid: now I have to type xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults for the settings in .Xdefaults to take action08:54
c3lI want .Xdefaults to be used automatically after each reboot08:54
Jigalhello just installed apache2 but now my httpd.conf is empty how can that be?08:55
ibnarrashidc3l: you could mv .Xdefaults to .Xresources, that works I hear08:56
c3lJigal: apache2.conf instead of httpd.conf iirc08:56
ibnarrashidYour installation might be set to use .Xresources instead of .Xdefaults08:57
c3libnarrashid: standard ubuntu 10.04 desktop, like most people in here I guess ;)08:57
c3lbut thanks, ill try that08:57
paul__hi...my ntfs partition isn't mounting on startup..it just shows up in compuer, and after i click on it it mounts...how do I have it mount up automatically at startup?08:58
paul__hi...my ntfs partition isn't mounting on startup..it just shows up in compuer, and after i click on it it mounts...how do I have it mount up automatically at startup ?08:59
c3lpaul__: put it in /etc/fstab09:02
ubuntunewbieI need help , I am having problem with ddrescue .I cannot output file from a corrupted usb09:02
ubuntunewbieplease help09:02
ubuntunewbieddrescue -n /media/disk /media/disk-1/USB8GBBK/ rescue.log     ddrescue: cannot open output file: Is a directory09:02
pastorni just did an upgrade with the system updater (gui stuff)09:03
pastornnow it seems like APT broke09:03
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: The output file is a directory, it needs to be a file.09:03
paul__c3l if it's sdb5, what's the command?09:03
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: Also, with ddrescue you want to use a device node, not a something like /media/disk for the input file.09:04
pastornhttp://codepad.org/Cuac6AjD <-- what has science done?!09:04
c3lpaul__: create a new line at the bottom of the file and add these options in this order on that file:  <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>09:04
paul__c3l would that be sdb5 /media/Volume ntfs ?09:05
c3lpaul__: look at the already existing lines in there. (I want you to learn on your self, but if youre really new to it just tell me and Ill show some more)09:05
matakshow to completely remove unused kernels?. i want to remove them in my boot grub and system09:05
paul__c3l would that be sdb5 /media/Volume ntfs  ?09:06
c3lpaul__: sdb5 is not the complete path, its /dev/sdb509:06
paul__c3l thanks :)09:06
Jordan_Umataks: Remove the kernel packages with apt/synaptic.09:06
mataksJordan_U, how? im new to ubuntu09:07
c3lpaul__: and you might want to create another mountpoint than /media/Volume, maybe something more descriptive as /media/Uniquediskname (make sure youre the owner09:07
Jordan_Umataks: Open System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager, search for "linux-image", sort by installed packages first, then remove the old ones.09:07
c3ltyp should be what filesystem it is, if ext3 type ext3, if ntfs im not entirely sure its just ntfs, could be some prefix09:08
AdolaHi all!  Is there ANY way to have different wallpapers with TwinView?09:13
sbach89Im having problems with me email server. Everytime I send an email from my gmail to myself at my domain I get a bounceback in gmail stating relay access denied09:13
Adola(I've got a nice dual-monitor setup, with a nice wallpaper...But that kinda option is in the settings)09:13
ubuntunewbieJordan_U: , I had a corrupted usb thumb drive and I wanted to recover the file , what should I do ?09:18
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : hope you have time to guide me , thank you09:19
Jigalhow do i get into a sudo terminal cmd line?09:20
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: First find the device name, "sudo blkid" will list information about all of your partitions, hopefully from that you can determine which device (like /dev/sdb1) is your flash drive.09:20
ibnarrashidJigal: you want to start a terminal as root or get into the root account while in a terminal?09:21
Jigalibnarrashid: the last option09:21
llutzJigal: "sudo -i"09:21
mark105does ubuntu support usb cdroms to install off? im trying to install ubuntu on a mini itx which i cant get a cdrom into but it keeps erroring09:21
icerootmark105: yes09:21
Jordan_Umark105: Yes, though your BIOS must support it as well (to be able to boot at all)09:22
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : there's too much drive, i cannot identified which one is my thumb drive since all use those weird UDID09:22
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: Can you pastebin the output?09:22
ader10I'm having trouble holding packages from being updated09:22
mark105yeh it boots it fine and loads up but part way through loading i get all these read errors which is weird cause ive used this cd many times before09:23
mark105might have to do a media check09:23
ader10I run "sudo aptitude hold packages" but the update manager insists on updating them09:23
sbach89Im having problems with me email server. Everytime I send an email from my gmail to myself at my domain I get a bounceback in gmail stating relay access denied09:23
llutzader10: "aptitude search ~ahold" still lists them?09:24
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : http://pastebin.com/K5H80gTR09:24
Oersbach89, did you enable pop3/imap in the preferences gmail online ?09:24
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : i had a lot of partition so it's kinda confuse even for me09:24
ader10llutz: it lists 2 of them (4 total that I selected to hold)09:24
ader10It doesn't list libxmlrpc-c3 or libxmlrpc-core-c309:25
llutzader10: you have to set them all on hold, something went wrong09:25
ader10But the update manager still wants to update the 2 that aptitude search ~ahold prints09:25
sbach890er: I'm just sending an email from my gmail to my domain and that's the error. but yes, pop and imap are enabled in gmail.09:25
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: sdc is the only drive with only one partition (sdc1), and it's using vfat. That means that it's likely your flash drive.09:26
llutzader10: hmmm, thats weird09:26
Jigalhow do i as a user become a member of www-data in order to be able to change files in my webroot?09:27
llutzJigal: sudo adduser $user www-data09:27
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : oh , so what about my output drive hard disk ? /media/disk-1/09:27
ader10llutz: if it helps you help me, I compiled the packages and installed them with checkinstall09:27
nadirader10: try 'echo <package> hold|dpkg --set-selections09:27
Jigalllutz: thanks and how do i get back from my sudo terminal into my user terminal?09:28
llutzJigal: ctrl-d09:28
Vroomfondleor type "exit"09:28
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: /media/disk-1/ Is what's called a mount point, when you have a device (like /dev/sdc1) and you want to access the files on its filesystem you mount the device to a directory like /media/disk-1/ making the files accessible through that directory.09:29
eevar2how do i go about identifying the app(s) responsible for io (wait) spikes?09:29
glaucousWhere should I put commands which need sudo, at boot time? Autostart.09:29
ader10nadir: Thank you!!09:29
llutzglaucous: /etc/rc.local09:30
glaucousllutz, and I don't need to put sudo in front of it?09:30
llutzglaucous: without sudo, will be run as root09:30
glaucousllutz, okay great, thanks09:30
ader10now on to my last problem (I'm so desperate, I posted a forum thread) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153542609:30
crackhead_hi - trouble with gtk-recordmydesktop. the program crashed, and yet there has been that rectangle which indicates the part of the screen to be selected for recording still! the little rectangle has remained on my monitor over part of the workspace for days! ha. how do i get rid of that rectangle without rebooting or restarting x?09:30
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : sorry i dont quite get it ? I already mount my /media/disk-1/ and make it a directory to output the usb thumb drive  , folder /USB8GBBK09:31
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : so what should I change on the mount drive ? so I can output it ?09:32
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: ddrescue workes with the device itself, backing up the entire partition bit for bit, so you want to use the device name as the input and the device should not be mounted while you're running ddrescue.09:32
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : oh , so now I need to find my /media/disk-1/ drive device name sda something right ?09:33
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: The device name is /dev/sdc109:34
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: Backing up a bit, can you explain what exactly happened to your flash drive and why you think ddrescue will help?09:34
AleksiK^I tried to upgrade 8.04 to 10.0409:34
AleksiK^upgrade went well but when ill reboot09:34
AleksiK^ubuntu wont start09:34
AleksiK^shell justs opens to screen09:35
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : i am also quite confuse , previously running well with the flash drive , not knowing what happen it get corrupted , some file and directory cannot be open , and it all of them had a Lock sign09:35
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : but when I ls the log file it said ls: cannot access ./Files/File 31-2: Input/output error ls: cannot open directory ./Files/File 31-2: Input/output error09:35
john38Can Anybody help me out09:36
AleksiK^init: ureadahed main process (1915) terminated with status 509:36
odb|fideljohn38: try it09:36
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"? That will help determine if it's a hardware problem.09:37
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : i am also quite confuse , previously running well with the flash drive , not knowing what happen it get corrupted , some file and directory cannot be open , and it all of them had a Lock sign09:37
john38i get this error when i open a tgz file09:37
john38gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated09:37
john38tar: Unexpected EOF in archive09:37
john38tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting no09:37
nickoni have openchrome driver installed on my system but i cant see its effects09:37
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ubuntunewbieJordan_U : dmesg???09:37
glaucousWhat are the default permissions for files in /tmp? Yesterday I added that tmpfs was mounted on /tmp each boot. /tmp folder got drwxrwxrwt, but I got an error message saying something about permissions inside /tmp. Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-glaucous" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.09:37
glaucousAnd this as well, Error: "/tmp/kde-glaucous" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.09:38
llutzglaucous: 177709:38
glaucousllutz, do I have to set the permissions each boot?09:38
llutzglaucous: ups, 1777 is /tmp09:38
AleksiK^init: ureadahed main process (1915) terminated with status 509:38
john38any help09:38
glaucousllutz, in fstab that is09:38
llutzglaucous: if /tmp has 1777 root:root it should work fine09:38
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: It's a command which prints error messages from the kernel.09:39
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : i dont know much I just wanted to backup all the files out that all i wanted to do , then will format it09:39
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : how do I use this dmesg command ?09:39
glaucousllutz, I believe this is 1777? drwxrwxrwt  11 root root09:39
odb|fideljohn38: tried redownloading the file?09:40
llutzglaucous: right. i wonder about your error above, /tmp/kde-$user always should be owned by $user, not root09:40
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: Just run "dmesg", or if you want to make it easier to pastebin then install pastebinit (sudo apt-get install pastebinit) and run "dmesg | pastebinit"09:40
glaucousllutz, I think I found it though09:40
thehizzhi - trouble with gtk-recordmydesktop. the program crashed, and yet there has been that rectangle which indicates the part of the screen to be selected for recording still! the little rectangle has remained on my monitor over part of the workspace for days! ha. how do i get rid of that rectangle without rebooting or restarting x?09:40
john38yeah several times from diffrent links09:40
john38same thing09:40
glaucousllutz, it's only when I run (kate in this scenario) as sudo. Otherwise there's no error09:40
llutzglaucous: use gksudo, not sudo for gui-apps09:40
john38its a modem driver09:41
llutzglaucous: or kdesudo09:41
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : do I need to specified which directory my flash drive was ?09:41
glaucousllutz, kdesudo, thanks, always wondered what it was called.09:41
ader10My question is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1535426 Please help :)09:41
llutzglaucous: or was it kdesu? try it09:41
glaucousllutz, first one worked. And now I don't get any errors.09:42
glaucousllutz, what's the big difference between sudo and gk/kde-sudo?09:42
llutzglaucous: sudo won't set x-permissions right in some cases. one case was your issue09:42
Oerader10, '.. but where the guide uses /bin/null I used /dev/null ...´ why ?09:43
llutzglaucous: or better: file permissions if X is involved09:43
Oerdev/null is not a folder09:43
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: No, dmesg will print all kernel messages since boot (there will be a lot of output).09:43
glaucousllutz, alright, perfect. So I should always use kdesudo when using GUI apps? Not when using commands and scripts?09:43
ader10Oer: neither is /bin/null09:43
Kerem is there any good way to remake the shadowfiles from the /etc/passwd /etc/group and /etc/shadow09:43
llutzglaucous: right, sudo only for non-gui-apps09:43
ader10Oer: I'm pretty sure the author meant to use /dev/null, but if you think he did mean /bin/null I can try it again09:43
ader10I doubt that's the cause of the problem, though09:44
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : so what does it have to do with the flash drive error ? will dmesg corrupted my kernal ?09:44
glaucousllutz, thanks, now I'll try out if my sudo program starts up nicely. Thanks a lot :)09:44
glaucousllutz, oh by the way. /etc/rc.local is only run at boot, not at login right?09:44
llutzglaucous: right09:44
wxr3516Jordan_U: dmesg prints all messages in the kernel message ring buffer. so if kernel messages exceed the size of that buffer, the oldest messages will be removed.09:46
john38anybody else help me?09:46
ayush27hello i need immediate help.09:46
Thunderstormayush27, what kind of help?09:46
Jordan_Uwxr3516: I know, but that's not really relevant in this instance.09:47
Jordan_U!dmesg | ubuntunewbie09:47
wxr3516Jordan_U: alright09:47
ubottuubuntunewbie: dmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.09:47
ayush27I need to run linux on my desktop for academic reasons. I'm an IT engineering student. the problem is that my PC is a 700 MHz pentium 3 with 384 MB RAM. which version of ubuntu shall I use?09:48
Traveler9hi , whats the difference of i386 and amd64 install ?09:48
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : ok , so it wouldnt do any harm right ? can I output to a text file ?09:48
=== Traveler9 is now known as lekstok
Jordan_Uayush27: I'd go with lubuntu.09:48
jpljohn38: what's the output of "file filename.tgz" ?09:48
llutzayush27: lubuntu could be a start09:48
ayush27I need to run the GUI (the X windows graphical version, not only the command version)09:48
iceroot!amd64 | lekstok09:48
ubottulekstok: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.09:48
bazhangayush27, lxde (lubuntu-desktop) uses the GUI09:49
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Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: Correct, it just displays messages and has no other effects. You can save the output to a file by running "dmesg > /path/to/file.txt"09:49
=== karlo_ is now known as karlo__
tarek_hello everybody, my network manager has disapeared!09:49
thehizzCan anyone help me get rid of the residual selection rectangle from gtk-recordmydesktop, which crashed??? :)09:49
lekstokubottu sow intel based is not fully supported ? just amd ?09:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:49
ayush27is lubuntu as simple and straight forward as ubuntu? I also need to work on the BASH shell09:49
icerootlekstok: read the wiki-artikel what amd64 is09:50
tarek_i am using Wicd but would like to go back to network manager09:50
st__i need bubuntu help please09:50
bazhanglekstok, amd64 fully supports intel6409:50
icerootlekstok: intel is also supported09:50
ader10My question is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1535426 Please help if you can09:50
Jordan_Ulekstok: No, intel adopted AMD's 64 bit architecture.09:50
lekstoki'm new to linux ^^09:50
bazhangst__, bubuntu? you mean ubuntu surely09:50
st__it doesn't boot all of the sudden09:50
jpljohn38: from a cmd line, type: file intel-537ep_secure-227390.2.tgz and give us the output09:50
llutzayush27: it uses a simpler desktop-environment, but yes its uasable. bash comes by default09:50
icerootlekstok: amd64 is also for windows09:50
lekstokiceroot : i know09:51
ayush27alright. thanks llutz. where can I get lubuntu?09:51
llutzlubuntu.net ayush2709:51
st__it doesn't boot and sits doing nothing09:51
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : done here is my pastebin , quite some error for the usb http://pastebin.com/6rDhUUUE09:51
john38intel-537ep_secure-227390.2.tgz: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Wed Oct 22 04:50:24 200309:51
karlo__when come out new version of ubuntu, do I need download the new version or I must just update old version with update manager ?09:52
tarek_anybody please?:)09:52
jpljohn38: try gunzip intel-537ep_secure-227390.2.tgz09:52
icerootkarlo__: you can upgrade from the internet or alternate-cd no need to reinstall09:52
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: Ok, that looks like it's just filesystem errors, not hardware errors. ddrescue is really for rescuing data from dying hardware.09:52
karlo__<iceroot>, ty09:52
john38gzip: intel-537ep_secure-227390.2.tgz: invalid compressed data--format violated09:53
st__your linux doesn't boot and doing nothing, can some-one help?09:53
jpljohn38: this file seems to be corrupted09:53
john38i got another modem maybe you could help me with that09:54
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : oh , so want does the log for dmeg explain means ? showing it's file system error ? [ 2963.691086]     fat_get_cluster: invalid cluster chain (i_pos 11925059)09:54
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : wanted to learn more :)09:54
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: fsck will hopefully be able to fix the filesystem. Try running "sudo umount /dev/sdc1" then "sudo fsck -y /dev/sdc1"09:54
glaucousllutz, okay it did not work very well with rc.local. First of all one of the softwares is a GUI application which underclocks my GPU, so I guess I need to run it at logon?09:54
john38Creative Modem Blaster v.92 Pci DI563309:54
llutzglaucous: yes, you cannot use rc.local for those type of apps09:54
glaucousllutz, okay, so what is my options?09:55
lekstokwhat's the best version of linux you can get ?09:55
llutzglaucous: gnome or kde?09:55
glaucousllutz, kde09:55
elyobHi, trying to rsync a number of data folders under projects in my apache folders, but trying to keep the structure, I'm having trouble ... At the moment am trying to copy "/var/www/*/data" ->  "/backup/" ... can I put something like  "/backup/[1]/" to try and keep the directory name found by the *?09:55
ayush27I just wanna confirm again. Lubuntu 10.04 (graphical version) will run fine on 700 MHz Pentium 3 with 384 MB RAM?09:55
tarek_hello everybody, my network manager has disapeared!09:55
tarek_i am using Wicd but would like to go back to network manager09:55
glaucousllutz, there is an app called Autostart in KDE, but I'm not sure how well sudo will work there?09:55
st__ayush27, yes, but you can hardly run a browser there09:55
glaucousllutz, or kdesudo for that matter09:56
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: It means that something is wrong with the filesystem, possibly from removing the flash drive without unmounting it first. I don't know the details of exactly what "invalid cluster chain" means, but fsck is the way to go for trying to fix the problem.09:56
llutzglaucous: if oyu use "kdesudo cmd" it should ask for password after login09:56
st__it doesn't boot and sits doing nothing, can someone help please??09:56
lekstokignore :p09:56
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : done with fdisk http://pastebin.com/TvdYH71u09:56
ayush27st__: so which version of ubuntu would you suggest? I would need to use standard applications like a browser09:57
Jordan_Ust__: Absolutely no output after the BIOS screens?09:57
glaucousllutz, I'll try it09:57
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=== David is now known as David_limsi
st__ayush27, ubuntu won't do, you need some mini distro09:58
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : what should I do next ?09:58
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: Ok, looks good. Try "sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/disk-1/" and see if you can access your files now.09:58
llutzayush27: it depends on your definition of "fine". it will run, but to run fast you'll need more RAM09:59
john38Somebody help me09:59
Jordan_Uayush27: I disagree with st__, I think that lubuntu will run fine on that hardware.09:59
llutzayush27: and things like firefox etc could be a pain09:59
st__Jordan_U, there's text: mountall: Filesystem could not be mounted: /mnt/music09:59
DvDHi!! I have a question about doing a customized live Ubuntu cd, is this the right room?10:00
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : thanks seems like some file can be recover some are gone10:01
Jigalhow can i see of which user group i am a member of?10:02
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: If there are some files you'd still like to recover you can try a program called "photorec", but if they're not important it may be more trouble than it's worth.10:02
l000hello good afternoon. i cannot install xfce.i want to use desktop that is less resources.i have 1gb ram only. sudo apt-get install xfce wont work10:02
ikoniaJordan_U: id $username10:02
llutzJigal: id $user10:02
ader10I can't find out how to mark a thread as solved O_o10:02
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: If you do want to use photorec though you shouldn't write anything to the flash drive untill you do.10:03
l000im using lucid and sudo apt-get install xfce is not working.10:03
ader10ah, got it10:03
john38Anybody availabe10:03
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : oh , it had some .REC which some files are recover . the folder can be access but files on the folder are gone10:03
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : so I am trying to add something into the flash drive see whether it works10:04
john38i have Creative Modem Blaster v.92 PCI DI5633 trying to find closed driver10:04
lekstokif i download the amd64 will it work on my intel based pc ?10:04
Jordan_Ulekstok: If it's a 64 bit processor, yes.10:04
l000when i do "sudo apt-get install xfce" the reply is E: Couldn't find package xfce10:04
cpflekstok, If your intel isbit, yes10:04
st__how can I boot my ssytem then?!10:04
cpflekstok, *64 bit :)10:04
lekstokits a core2duo10:04
l000how to install xfce desktop?less resources / consumption of ram10:05
icerootlekstok: core2duo is amd6410:05
john38Somebody help me?:10:05
Jordan_Ust__: Try booting a liveCD and commenting out the /mnt/music entry in your /etc/fstab10:05
icerootl000: xfce is suching the same resources as gnome, try lxde10:05
lekstokit's a T660010:05
DvDi'm doing a customized live cd and when it comes the part of:  /etc/init.d/gdm start   Itreturns me this: Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8) utility, e.g. service gdm start10:05
DvDSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart job, you may also use the start(8) utility, e.g. start gdm10:05
st__so I cannot skip this errror??10:06
l000iceroot : less resources to use and low ram to use?ill use lxde?10:06
icerootl000: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop  to install lxde10:06
Jordan_Ust__: There may be a way to, but I don't know it off hand (thogh I've never looked)10:06
l000iceroot : i just want browser firefox,xchat and terminal thats all.so sluggish when i use gnome.always freezing.lucid10:06
elyobHi, trying to rsync a number of data folders under projects in my apache folders, but trying to keep the structure, I'm having trouble ... At the moment am trying to copy "/var/www/*/data" ->  "/backup/" ... can I put something like  "/backup/[1]/" to try and keep the directory name found by the *?10:06
lekstokiceroot whats the difference of the dvd iso and the cd iso ? is there more data or something ?10:06
ibnarrashidl000: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop if you still want xfce10:06
l000iceroot : in lxde i can use firefox,terminal and xchat?10:06
glaucousIs there a way to start a program minimized?10:07
Kwpolskalekstok: on dvd you find more useless packages than on cd10:07
icerootlekstok: yes the dvd contains more software, the same software you get with apt-get in newer version, so use the cd10:07
icerootl000: sure10:07
Kwpolskaand the best thing is, you can use it for installing not up-to-date packages!10:07
l000so iceroot ill use lubuntu?i can still use firefox,terminal,xchat?10:07
icerootl000: yes, i told you already10:07
Kwpolskait will work faster10:08
l000iceroot thank ibnarrashid thanks10:08
gonzoismmsg nickserv identify hunter110:08
icerootgonzoism: change it fast10:08
Kwpolskayou might not find ichat ootb10:08
lekstokok but on my ubuntu 7.xxx i can choose language in 10.04 i can't choose language10:08
l000hunter1 howdy hehehe10:08
Kwpolskalekstok: you did something wrong. I could change it, but I didn't installed it and I will not.10:08
gonzoismyep. :)10:09
lekstokif i enter the cd it installs auto10:09
tarek_i am using Wicd but would like to go back to network manager please :)10:09
lekstokboot screen coms up an begins installing10:09
icerootlekstok: not the normal ubuntu-cd10:09
lekstokyes it does10:09
icerootlekstok: no10:09
lekstokits an original10:09
lekstoki ordered that cd10:10
lekstokfrom the site of ubuntu10:10
iceroot!download | lekstok10:10
ubottulekstok: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Lucid, and help keeping the servers' load low!10:10
Jigalsomething is weird i am a member of the www-data group but i am not able to go to a dir which is owned by www-data how can that be?10:10
icerootlekstok: that is the normal cd10:10
tarek_hello everybody, my network manager has disapeared! how can i bring it back please?10:11
iceroot!anyone | john3810:11
ubottujohn38: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:11
gonzoismlekstok, I've had that happen before, with the original cds.  What are you wanting it to do ?10:11
DarsVaedadoes someone know a nice guide to tor configuration? i especially look for setting ip last time and restricting ips to regions10:11
john38i did ubottu TWice!!10:12
john38i have Creative Modem Blaster v.92 PCI DI5633 trying to find closed driver10:12
gonzoismDarsVaeda, have you checked the one out on torproject.org ?10:12
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot10:12
lekstokiceroot sow what you are saying that the original cd is not good ?10:12
john38Somebody help me?:10:12
DarsVaeda@gonzoism: actually not, i'll do thx10:13
gonzoismlekstok, if he is, he is wrong.  I've had it do that before.  what is the problem ?  are you wanting live-cd mode or something ?10:13
gonzoismDarsVaeda, :)  I hope it helps.10:13
lekstoki enter the cd  gonzoism  and it boots auto the installation10:14
lekstoki cant enter startx either10:14
gonzoismDarsVaeda, if you can write a tutorial about what you are doing, it would probably help the project.  There seems to be too little user contributed howto's and info out there.  :)10:14
john38thats not a question10:14
Jigalsomething is weird i am a member of the www-data group but i am not able to go to a dir which is owned by www-data how can that be?10:14
gonzoismlekstok, right....   but are you wanting it to do something else ?10:14
gonzoismlekstok, I mean, is this a problem ?10:14
lekstokyes :p i want it in a other language10:14
DarsVaedai'll see10:15
gonzoismlekstok, ok...   maybe you are wanting to run the OS from10:15
gonzoismlekstok, oh10:15
gonzoismlekstok, are you watching it while it boots ?10:15
john38can somebody help me find Creative Modem Blaster v.92 PCI DI5633 closed driver10:15
lekstok on my older cd i can choose laguage set up keyboard before installation10:15
lekstokyes i watched it10:15
lekstok the logo of ubuntu coms up and a few square blocks that are loading10:16
gonzoismlekstok, does the older cd let you choose language on this particular computer ?10:16
gonzoismlekstok,  you might want to crc checksum it or check the image on the cd...   you may have a bad cd.10:16
Jordan_Ulekstok: In the newer CD's the language selection isn't presented untill after X has started, unless you press any key in the first ~ 5 seconds of boot to get to the isolinux boot menu.10:17
gonzoismlekstok, ^  Jordan_U seems to have your answer.  Try that.  It looks promising. :)10:17
john38Does anybody know where to find Creative Modem Blaster v.92 PCI DI5633 closed driver10:18
lekstokJordan_U so i have to press any key first ?10:18
iflemajohn38 have you identified the chipset?10:18
phlak_user!hi | all10:18
ubottuall: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:18
Oerjohn38, i used google and found no linux driver, only 1 message pointing @ http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hcf/full/downloads-ubuntu-x86.php but it is a shareware driver, full version is paid10:18
Jordan_Ulekstok: If you want to select a language in the boot menu rather than after X has started, yes. Though selecting a language won't help much if X isn't starting at all.10:19
lekstoki cant type in startx10:19
john38thats the full name of driver Creative Modem Blaster v.92 PCI DI563310:19
john38i mean modem10:19
lekstokits starting auto the installation10:19
gonzoismlekstok, hold down shift while rebooting10:20
l000iceroot : what to choose? gdm or lxdm? im in Configuring lxdm Default display manager10:20
lekstoki'll try10:20
iflemajohn38 if you can get your hands on an external dialup modem you need no drivers and setup is a breeze.... IF.....10:20
iFrankZdoes somebody know how to install windows xp on linux without any cd? I mean, without any kind of program or file that belongs to Windows XP.10:20
john38ok this website10:21
john38is this are thise drivers for Creative Modem Blaster v.92 PCI DI563310:21
john38is Conexant the same as Creative what is HCF10:22
lekstoksame thing just starts auto the installation10:22
gonzoismlekstok, i'll google it for you.10:23
its-me-againanyone here into linux gaming10:23
lekstokthe purple background coms up and it beginbs installation10:23
its-me-againi have the perfect solution if you are into linux gaming.10:24
gonzoismlet's hear it10:24
RealEyeswhats the solution?10:24
gonzoismlekstok, 10.04 ?10:24
its-me-againgonzoism: yes10:25
lekstokgonzoism yes10:25
gonzoismits-me-again, what is the perfect solution ?10:25
iflemajohn38 im not sure, the scanmodem tool can identify the chipset.... the model nummber is usually/was usually not enough....10:25
gonzoismlekstok, netbook version ?10:25
Jordan_Ulekstok: Did you press any key while the screen looked like this: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/tmp/Screenshot-1.png ?10:25
gonzoismlekstok, The Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop and Netbook CDs feature a new boot interface that is non interactive by default.   To configure advanced boot options, press any key at the first boot screen.10:26
Jigalsomething is weird i am a member of the www-data group but i am not able to go to a dir which is owned by www-data how can that be?10:26
RealEyesdoes anyone know why autorun will not work on my 10.04?10:26
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gonzoismJigal, permissions may be wrong....   did you chown -x it ?10:26
glaucousWhat was the command to view all mounted devices?10:27
Jigalgonzoism: chown-x ?????10:27
john38i got this driver for another modem intel-537ep_secure-227390.2.tgz10:27
john38but its corrupt10:27
llutzglaucous: mount10:27
gonzoismJigal,  i mean chmod -x   (removing the executable bit from the directory)10:27
glaucousllutz, oh right. Although I found "df -h", which was what I was looking for :)10:27
iflemahard work and tears john38, thats the heads up.....10:27
lekstokJordan_U nope i don't get that10:27
its-me-againgon luciod puppy linux puppy 5.110:28
john38i know i appreciate your help10:28
lekstokhe is showing direct ubuntu logo with loading blocks10:28
Jigalgonzoism: how do i do that?10:28
l000hello i added sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop..something popsup here.what to choose then? coz i dont know...gdm or lxdm?im lucid10:28
john38maybe you could find stable file10:28
l000hello i added sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop..something popsup here.what to choose then? coz i dont know...gdm or lxdm?im using lucid10:28
Oerwhy is that a gaming solution its-me-again ??10:29
gonzoismJigal,   you don't want to do that...   what does ls -l   show for it ?10:29
john38you said i dont need drivers for external dialup modems10:29
Jordan_Ulekstok: Does your screen go blank for a few seconds? You may not be seeing that scree because your monitor takes a long time to change modes.10:29
iflemajohn38 no but you do need a serial port10:29
iflemajohn38 or usb to serial adapter10:29
gonzoismjigal  the drwx---rwx  part is what I'm wondering about10:29
lekstokJordan_U yes10:29
its-me-againgonzoism: lucid puppy puppy 5.1install that to a usb or on hdd. adn its the best solution. lucid puppy is supposed to be designed to use lucid apps. its not to good. but if you try ubuntu games just installing the application without any dependances most should run ( if not get them) adn as its much lighter than ubuntu it rocks10:30
iflemajohn38 a serial port on ya computer thats is10:30
Maddethl000: depends on what environment you want gnome or lxdm10:30
glaucousllutz, this is correct to mount a ntfs drive, right? "/dev/sda2/media/WD 500ntfsdefaults00" The locations are correct.10:30
lekstok but i pressed any key atm it does nothing it just starts the install10:30
its-me-againOer: not exactly but thats all its good for10:30
Jordan_Ulekstok: Then press shift a few times after you stop seeing the BIOS screen.10:30
llutz!ntfs > glaucous  not sure, i don't use ntfs10:30
ubottuglaucous, please see my private message10:30
l000Maddeth thanks.im using lucid.i think im currently usingE: Couldn't find package xfce gnome..so ill choose lxdm?i want less resources.10:30
Oerits-me-again, shame shame, all games work on ubuntu, so i do not try your puppy, sorry.10:30
Jigalgonzoism: talking about the nrka2 dir http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/skp7YKA810:30
glaucousubottu, alright10:30
gonzoismits-me-again,   sounds good.  thanks for that info.  I'll probably never use it (I don't game...)  but i just learned about lucid puppy.  thanks.10:30
nixjri have a 320gb hdd, formatted it using gparted as ext4, it says 298gb total and 4.8gb in use.  can someone explain why there is any data in use, and why it says 298 not 320?10:30
iflemajohn38 some pci modem work with less hassel if youve some to choose from?!?!?!?!?!/10:31
gonzoismJigal,  i think your permissions are wrong....10:31
its-me-againoer, gonzoism puppy 5.1 runs better especially on older machines for linux gaming10:31
Maddethl000: lxde is a less resource hungry DE than xfce, may be just what you are after10:31
RealEyeswhy wont my CDs autorun? :/10:31
iflemajohn38 best of luck.... and most where made for windows.... so.... yeah... tears.10:31
Jigalgonzoism: ok so what do i have to do to get them right?10:32
lekstoki pressed shift and there is a " - " and it stays that way10:32
its-me-againgonzoism: another thing remember that as lupu is not ubuntu dont install to many ubuntu apps i have broken it seversal times10:32
l000Maddeth : so if the system boot.what to choose?theres a small bar at the bottom...whats for gdm and lxdm?10:32
gonzoismJigal,  see if there is anyone here that is knowledgeable about permissions.  you can paste them this, and tell them the username and group you are using.  drwx------ 8 www-data jigal 4096 2010-07-20 17:32 nrka210:32
john38assuming i have an RS-232 serial port i should go with External10:32
Maddethl000: not sure I am afraid try choosing lxdm10:32
Maddethgdm is for gnome10:33
gonzoismJigal,   um.  what is your username and what group are you in ?  maybe I know it.   I'm kinda crappy with permissions though....10:33
lekstoki even used bt4 and that works perfect10:34
l000Maddeth : so if i reboot, what to choose?gnmoopenbox?xterm?10:34
iflemajohn38 if ya got one laying around definitely..... there a little thin on the ground these days and expensive'ish10:34
olly__can anyone tell me what the - means in this line of rsyslog configuration? `local0.*  -/mnt/log/pusher/haproxy.log`10:35
nixjrcan anyone help me understand partitioning and file systems etc?10:35
iflema!who | john3810:35
ubottujohn38: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:35
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : Thanks a lot , I think the USB flash drive is fix , now I can copy and delete files inside10:35
timHey. I'm using 'dd' to look at the end of a drive. If I skip=x sectors, a label appears at octal = y. But I need to know how many sectors to skip to make the label appear at octal = 0040000.  I can convert octal to decimal, but how do I convert decimal to sectors?10:35
ubuntunewbieThanks a lot  :)10:35
gonzoismlekstok,   you may have a bad image.  compare bit sums...10:36
Jordan_Uubuntunewbie: You're welcome.10:36
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : :D10:36
john38iflema: im looking at a USB fax/modem its small connect to computer via usa other end is RJ1110:36
Maddethl000: not sure sorry, stuck on windows at the moment at work, so cant have a play or do too much googling at the moment10:36
Jigalgonzoism: how do i find out my group?10:36
john38iflema: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682518001410:37
iflemajohn38 the ones with a serial connection are an absolute breeze10:37
lekstoknow it doesnt doing anything at all  oink10:38
gonzoismJigal,   maybe chmod ugo+x directory_name will fix that.  that is kinda like using a really big hammer for a tiny nail though....   you may not want those perms on that directory....    like I said, I'm bad with permissions.   you can read about permissions at tldp.org     or google for something explaining permissions.10:38
Jigalgonzoism:  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/TnEMhfya10:38
gonzoismJigal,   groups  command10:38
ubuntunewbieJordan_U : gtg so see you then ;)10:38
iflemajohn38 its hard to know if the usb is supported in the kernel of via modules.....10:38
Jigalgonzoism: ???10:38
john38so the serial port ones dont need drivers10:39
iflemajohn38 or via modules not of10:39
john38ubuntu open source supports it10:39
iflemajohn38 no, but do require a serial port, which is commonly not found on new computers10:39
iflemajohn38 different beast all together....... Have you posted in the ubuntu forumns?10:40
llutzolly__: "all messages of facility local0 were logged to /mnt/...."10:40
john38iflmea: lets say i do have serial port10:41
gonzoismJigal,   yah, that is permissions error10:41
gonzoismJigal,   see the --- and  ---  parts of the dwrx part ?10:41
iflemayes john3810:41
Jigalgonzoism: ok i used your big hammer solutions10:41
gonzoismJigal,   did that fix it ?10:41
Jigalgonzoism: looks like problem solved10:41
progre55hi people! what's the difference between useradd and adduser? and which one is better to add a valid and independent user that has his own home dir, can be a sudoer and all?10:42
Jigalgonzoism: not really how can i do the same for all subdirectories10:42
llutzprogre55: both can do that, i prefer adduser10:43
gonzoismJigal,   :)   if it is a security concern, you can brush up on the correct chmod 0744 or whatever and correct it any time. :)     maybe chmod -R or chmod -r for recursion.   man chmod, hit the / key, type whatever you are searching for (recursive)10:43
gonzoismJigal,  q to quit10:43
icerootprogre55: adduser10:43
Jigalgonzoism: can i use that big hammer command also recursively10:43
progre55llutz: are there any additional options I have to specify in order to do that? or will just saying "adduser username" do it all by default?10:43
masonhi all, my system uses openchrome driver and has 1 gb ram but still has a higher rate of draw wh?10:43
progre55well I will ofcourse do the sudoers thing manually10:44
masonredraw why?10:44
gogetaprogre55: you can do it threw a ui to in admin and users and groups10:44
llutzprogre55: adduser <newuser>          later "sudo adduser newuser admin10:44
iflemajohn38 if you type the first few letters of my nick ( ifl )and then press the TAB key it will complete it, avoided typeos.... just in case you need t okeep asking here... it avoids redundancy10:44
progre55gogeta: that's a server with no UI10:44
gogetaprogre55: set all there premissions groups etc10:45
progre55llutz: thanks10:45
llutzprogre55: try to stick with non-gui apps which are available on most systems10:45
masonhi all, my system uses openchrome driver and has 1 gb ram but still has a higher rate of redraw why?10:45
gogetallutz: server was a good enough answer lol10:45
progre55llutz: yeah, that's what I do =) and even if I wanted to use the gui, I wouldnt be able to )10:46
=== Zeus_ is now known as Zeus__
gonzoismJigal,   i think...  I was telling you how to search the man page for that.  I'll do that for you.  man is great for that kind of stuff10:46
gogetaprogre55: untrue thers some neat trick you can do with fb mode10:46
llutzgogeta: if you read here for a while you'll see, server doesn't mean "no-gui" for most of the guys :(10:46
gonzoismJigal,   yah,  -R     (capital R)10:46
progre55gogeta: over ssh?10:46
gogetaprogre55: no fb mode is a framebuffer bash10:47
Zeus__Hello! I have two HDD on my computer and for my data files I have choose the mount point ext4 /home. What should be the mount point for my second HDD? Also, if I leave if without a mounting point. Are they going to appear as file systems?10:47
gogetaprogre55: so if your server had a monoter you could even watch a movie10:47
Jordan_Ullutz: gogeta: Ubuntu Server does not install a GUI by default, and neither do most users of Ubuntu server.10:48
john38iflema, how bout this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682513400210:48
masonmy system has a high rate of redraw even though it has the 3d drivers installed10:48
gogetaJordan_U: gui and fb mode are 2 diffrent things10:48
progre55gogeta: well, the server is located in the amazon clouds, so I dont think I could do that =)10:48
xxrocieroxxbuenas tardes10:48
gogetaprogre55: probly not10:48
xxrocieroxxo buenos dias10:48
xxrocieroxxhay algun español?10:49
gogetaprogre55: but its a cool trick if your a server admin10:49
gogetaprogre55: my managers always hated i could get there servers to do that10:49
newbie|2hello friend10:49
progre55gogeta: lol10:49
progre55hi mate =)10:49
Andrew9every startup gksudo asks me for a password when password accepted it says gksudo has no parameter. how do i remove it from startup?10:49
iflemajohn38 if its serial.... itll fly..... in the dialup software ya just point it to the /dev/..... hang on let me look10:49
gonzoismZeus__,   they will probably be auto-mounted if they are already formatted.   you could always mount it in /mnt   or in /media/sdxx   (xx being whatever)10:50
Jordan_Uprogre55: Use mplayer with aalib to watch ascii movies over ssh :)10:50
xxrocieroxxhay algun español?10:50
newbie|2Jordan_U:  what about sound?10:50
john38iflema, i use gnome ppp10:50
Misterioxxrocieroxx: Sí, pero ve a #ubuntu-es :)10:50
gogetaprogre55: i entently enabled fb mode on all of them then take are little lcd monoter and some speakers and connect to one of the blades10:50
Zeus__gonzoism, what if I leave them without a mounting point? are they going to appear as file systems?10:50
DJones!es | xxrocieroxx10:51
ubottuxxrocieroxx: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:51
gogetaprogre55: and watch moves10:51
progre55Jordan_U: ascii? 0_o I'll try that right away! ))10:51
mains_powerhow do I download the source code for a program?10:51
mains_powerin ubuntu?10:51
timHey. I'm using 'dd' to look at the end of a drive. If I skip=x sectors, a label appears at octal = y. But I need to know how many sectors to skip to make the label appear at octal = 0040000.  I can convert octal to decimal, but how do I convert decimal to sectors?10:51
gonzoismZeus__,   they will most likely be auto-mounted.   so yes, a filesystem auto mounted in /media/  and you will most likely get an icon on your desktop....  :)10:51
llutzmains_power: apt-get source package10:51
mains_poweris there a gui way to do it?10:51
masonthe source code comes with most programs10:52
masonin the src folder10:52
iflemajohn38 you need to confirm.... apparently there where some dumb if you will external modems released after 2002..... tears10:52
gonzoismmains_power, well, you can get it from the projects home page as well as a tarball,  whatever.tar.gz10:52
violinapprentim, a sector is 512 byte10:52
gogetaprogre55: its nice being these blades are on fiber10:52
gogetaprogre55: fasst10:52
progre55gogeta: you bet )10:52
mains_powerWhere is the src folder?10:52
violinapprenxxrocieroxx: type, /join #ubuntu-es10:52
john38iflema, what i idint understand10:53
masonmains_power: if you downloaded a deb package u r out of luck10:53
progre55Jordan_U: do I have to install the lib separately or does it come with mplayer? cause I cant find any mplayer plugins with aalib )10:53
mains_powerDoes Ubuntu come with the source code for the programs installed?10:53
john38iflema,  confirm i have serial port?10:53
gonzoismmains_power, what program are you wanting the source to ?10:53
progre55Jordan_U: or were you just kidding?10:53
mains_powerWell Google chrome10:54
icerootmains_power: donwload the source-package not the binary package (deb)10:54
violinapprenmains_power: each program has it's own source code layout and built mechanism, either use apt-get source or consult each application's home page10:54
masonmains_power: which pgm do u want?10:54
timright violinappren, but i still don't know how to use that info10:54
iflemajohn38 no, if you go to purchase a "new" external dialup......10:54
mains_powerYou can't get the source code for google chrome, can you?10:54
timand thank you for the reply10:54
mains_poweronly chromium?10:54
icerootmains_power: or have a look at man apt-get  there was an opion to download the source-package10:54
gogetaiflema: who said dialup10:54
mains_powerI want the source for google chrome10:54
iflemajohn38 point the software to /dev/ttys010:54
john38ok got it10:55
Jordan_Uprogre55: -vo aa10:55
iflemajohn38 if not /dev/ttyS110:55
john38not dev/modem10:55
masonmains_power: go to the official website10:55
xxrocieroxxesta el canal vacio10:55
gonzoismmains_power, just type apt-get source chrome   or whatever the package is called.   or you can go to the chrome website and get the latest sources.    (ubuntu patches won't be applied, but I doubt you would notice that or that it would really matter.)10:55
violinapprenmains_power: http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/get-the-code10:55
iflemajohn38 only if you make the shortcut10:55
gogetaiflema: dialup people still use that10:55
gogetaiflema: where do you live the desert10:55
masonmains_power: also try srware iron10:56
john38gogeta, im helping this person with computer10:56
iflemagogeta go easy... where lucky ;)10:56
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up10:56
gogetajohn38: pretty mutch find modem driver for linux then install a app that can dail10:57
gogetajohn38: gppp works well10:57
john38gogeta,  thats the problem10:57
iflemagogeta have you ever delt with dialup on linux?10:58
iflemagogeta all the winmodems10:58
john38gogeta, been trying to find modem drivers for two!! modems10:58
gogetaiflema: not sence 199310:58
john38gogeta,  no luck10:58
iflemagogeta not much has changed10:58
gogetajohn38: that guide pretty mutch list all mdoems and there drivers10:58
akioshi @all :)10:58
john38gogeta, i doubt it10:59
gogetajohn38: well if you refuse to read and lern nobodys can help10:59
iflemagogeta hes looking into all option and hes on top of it...... =)11:00
john38gogeta, i will11:00
violinappren!hi | akios11:00
ubottuakios: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:00
Zeus__thank you all :)11:00
progre55wow, it is cool to watch movies in ascii mode :D11:00
gogetajohn38: scanmodem a tool also listed there will tell you what driver your modem needs11:00
gogetajohn38: then the guide will tell where where and how to install11:01
terridHi all, im having major problems trying to get mysql installed11:01
violinappren!details | terrid11:01
ubottuterrid: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:01
john38does scanmodem allow me to download modem driver11:02
gogetajohn38: it simply tells you what modem and driver it uses11:02
terridI rebooted on moday and when i tried to start mysql, i got the following: Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!11:02
gogetajohn38: like connex11:02
gogetajohn38: and so on11:03
terridi then thought I'd remove mysql-client and mysql-server11:03
john38gogeta, i got a creative modem blaster v.92 pci DI563311:03
terridbut it just hangs on 'Stopping MySQL database server mysqld'11:03
john38gogeta, is that connex11:03
terridI'm using Karmic11:03
gogetajohn38: scanmodem will tell you and it sounds like a winmodem11:04
terridcan anyone help?11:04
violinapprenterrid: so the packages are not removed? does mysqld start ?11:04
qwertyjustinHi, how can i permanently mount the /host drive to ubuntu desktop?11:04
violinapprenqwertyjustin: /etc/fsatab11:05
terridtyping 'mysql' into terminal i get 'Access denied for user 'blah'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'11:05
violinapprenfstab *11:05
gogetajohn38: is that a ext usb modem?11:05
phlak_userterrid: have you setup access for user blah@localhost using mysqladmin?11:06
violinapprenterrid: 'mysql' is the client, mysqld is the server, paste the output of 'ps aux | grep mysql'11:06
terridroot      6799  0.0  0.0   1752   548 ?        S    10:59   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe11:06
terridmysql     6931  0.0  0.8 128320 17296 ?        Sl   10:59   0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --port=330611:06
terridroot      6932  0.0  0.0   2936   696 ?        S    10:59   0:00 logger -t mysqld -p daemon.error11:06
terridcraig     7790  0.0  0.0   3044   808 pts/0    R+   11:06   0:00 grep --colour=auto mysql11:06
FloodBot1terrid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:06
terridoops sorry11:06
qwertyjustinviolinappren: so /etc/fstab mount /dev/sda1 /home/user/desktop    - something like that?11:06
john38gogeta, no11:07
violinapprenqwertyjustin: man fstab11:07
john38gogeta, pci modem11:07
violinapprenterrid: try connecting use: mysql -u root11:08
terridviolinappren: I then get http://pastie.org/1053430 when i try /etc/init.d/mysql restart11:08
terridviolinappren: i can connect and i can login11:08
gogetajohn38: it is a winmodem aka a softwhere controled modem you need this http://linmodems.org11:08
timHey. I'm using 'dd' to look at the end of a drive. If I skip=x sectors, a label appears at octal = y. But I need to know how many sectors to skip to make the label appear at octal = 0040000. How do I convert the difference between two octals into sectors?11:10
john38when i download scanmodem tool11:10
john38and i run11:10
gogetajohn38: yes your going to need to use scanmodem and find out its chipset lspci only gives you the brand name11:10
terridviolinappren:  any ideas?11:10
violinapprenterrid: the access denied message is because you have no user named 'blah', root can still login11:10
gogetajohn38: scanmodem makes a text file just read it11:10
john38gogeta, run in this the process will it download the necessary driver11:11
gogetajohn38: just sudo scanmodem then read the text file11:11
st__ how can I boot when mountall cannot mount some filesystem?11:11
gogetajohn38: gets made in the dir you run it11:11
john38gogeta,  what im going to is install modem in this computer11:11
inveratuloHow do you tab through multiple terminal tabs in Ubuntu's default terminal app?11:11
gogetajohn38: it will tell you the chipset11:11
terridviolinappren:  but I'm getting: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'11:11
violinapprenterrid: stat /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock11:12
gogetajohn38: then we knoe what driver it needs11:12
fablinixshould I use Google Chrome or Chromium?11:12
john38gogeta, oh but scanmodem wont download it for me11:12
gogetajohn38: no11:12
terridviolinappren:  stat: cannot stat `/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock': No such file or directory11:12
john38gogeta,  what are the chances i'll get driver11:12
phlak_userfablinix: Google Chrome isnt available for Linux yet; you can use Chromium natively11:12
gogetajohn38: once you do what i say and we knoe its chipset11:13
john38gogeta, brb11:13
shadow_phoenixI have ubuntun 10.04. Yesterday, everything was fine. Internet was fast and amsn worked. Today, when I turned it on, amsn doesn't connect and internet is slow in several sites, and I can't even open some (wikipedia, yahoo mail). I don't thing I altered anything in the configuration, but I think I updated the system with the update manager. Any idea what i hapening?11:13
violinapprenterrid: check mysql conf files in /etc/mysql for the location of the socket11:13
shadow_phoenixalso, other ppl connected to the network are not having any problems, so it must be my ubuntu...11:13
phlak_usershadow_phoenix: what is the RTA when you ping the ISP gateway?11:13
shadow_phoenixI'm king of a newbie. RTA?11:14
violinapprenshadow_phoenix: pastebin your ifconfig  and mii-tool output11:14
phlak_usershadow_phoenix: round trip average11:14
shadow_phoenixhow do I check rta?11:15
gogetai sware11:15
phlak_usershadow_phoenix: when you ping, the time that it prints is RTA11:15
gogetaand i found its chipset and all he nedded was a deb a Conexant11:15
=== jules is now known as jkerssem
gogetadells drivers11:15
grayhatgeekhi everyone11:16
terridviolinappren: am i looking in my.cnf?11:16
terridin /etc/mysql11:16
violinapprenterrid: yes11:16
shadow_phoenixrta is 1.00ms11:16
tt-123o ??11:16
ross__what is a in-kernel web server11:17
violinapprenterrid: paste it11:17
terridviolinappren:  http://pastie.org/105344211:17
terridthats a small snipet11:17
violinappren!hi | grayhatgeek11:17
ubottugrayhatgeek: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:17
violinapprenterrid: no, paste all of it11:17
shadow_phoenixhttp://pastebin.com/yHerEJZF the ifconfig and mii-tool output11:18
inveratuloGood Morning all -- I am trying to move between different tabs in the default terminal program, how do I do this with keyboard shortcut?11:18
fablinixphlak_user: oh ok, thank you then, I'll try Chromium11:18
grayhatgeekinveratulo : try ctrl+111:18
violinapprenterrid: also paste /etc/mysql/debian.cn11:19
grayhatgeekdepends on the number of the tB11:19
barfsterI am now preparing a MacOS X vmdk in VirtualBox, is there a way to run this VMDK on ubuntu in multiple instances?11:19
inveratulograyhatgeek: that doesn't work, it just spits out special characters into the terminal11:19
terridviolinappren: http://pastie.org/105344511:19
gogetajohn38: i found what it uses11:20
john38gogeta, what is the ubuntu page for scanmodem11:20
gogetajohn38: Conexant driver11:20
john38gogeta, how did11:20
grayhatgeek<barfster>  : YOU CAN INSTALL MAC OSX snow leaopord on the latest version of virtual box with no problem11:20
gogetajohn38: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Conexant11:20
Oerbarfster, the UELA of macOS does not allow you to install it virtual11:20
willmarshallGuys! I want to grab the source for a deb package, apply a patch and then build it11:20
willmarshallHow would I do this?11:20
owd95i have tried cinelerra and kdenlive and both of them crashes all time... is they the only good video editors?11:20
phlak_userinveratulo: alt+1, alt+2 etc11:20
barfsterIt’s installed11:20
john38gogeta, i dont know chipset11:20
gogetajohn38: i found it via google11:21
violinapprenterrid: clearly debian.cn and my.conf have different socket locations11:21
grayhatgeekOer :  NO YOU CAN ISNTALL MAC OSX ON VB11:21
inveratulophlak_user: that works, is there something equivalent to a "next terminal" so I can just cycle through them11:21
barfsterI am asking for ways to emulate the vmdk under ubuntu11:21
barfsterI did not ask about legal advice.11:21
terridviolinappren:  yeah I've changed them11:21
violinapprengrayhatgeek: easy on caps11:21
disappearedngIs there a way to restart hotplug without restarting?11:21
gogetajohn38: the jaunty guide should work for ya11:21
phlak_userinveratulo: if its multiple windows (not tabs) then alt+tab switches11:21
shadow_phoenixanyone can help?11:22
john38gogeta, so i gotta pay for it11:22
gogetajohn38: no dells drivers are free11:22
inveratulophlak_user: its all in one window, just different tabs, surely there's a way to cycle through them all11:22
gogetajohn38: For Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope): Use this  file. Unpack it and enter the resulting directory, do sudo make install  and sudo /usr/sbin/hsfconfig11:22
gogetajohn38: right there11:22
barfsterqemu mosx1.vmdk ?11:22
st__ how can I boot when mountall cannot mount some filesystem?11:22
phlak_user!anyone | willmarshall11:23
ubottuwillmarshall: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:23
violinapprenwillmarshall: apt-get source packagename11:23
terridviolinappren:  i still get 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' when trying to connect to mysql using PHP11:23
violinapprenterrid: restart mysql11:23
john38gogeta, its a bz2 file11:23
willmarshallviolinappren: Awesome11:23
gogetajohn38: yep11:23
phlak_userterrid: does netstat -nl | grep 3306 show that its listening on localhost also?11:23
gogetajohn38: just unpack it then open a term go into the dir and  do as the guide says11:24
violinappren!packaging | willmarshall11:24
ubottuwillmarshall: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports11:24
willmarshallviolinappren: Thanks again :)11:24
terridphlak_user: tcp        0      0*               LISTEN11:24
violinapprenwillmarshall: you're welcome11:24
phlak_userterrid: what is the command you're using to connect?11:24
willmarshallviolinappren: So this will let me make a small monkeypatch to the source, then recompile the deb package?11:24
terridphlak_user: i have restarted the db11:25
jeponganyone having problems with Alt+F2 combination?11:25
violinapprenwillmarshall: yes11:25
phlak_userjepong: are you?11:25
jepongphlak_user, yeah... it won't pop the run application11:25
jepongi thought just a simple keymap error but no11:26
violinapprenterrid: check mysql.default_socket in php.ini11:26
violinapprenterrid: i suggest you ln -s /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock  /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock (and not change any conf files)11:27
john38gogeta,  i i wish it was deb11:27
Guest95632hi, I want to use compiz with emerald, but emerald does not let me decorate the panel, i was wondering how to let emerald do this, if in fact it is supposed to. By the panel i mean the bar where the applications/palces/system menus are.11:28
terridviolinappren:  worked!11:28
terridthanks guys!!!!!11:28
=== drehrumbum is now known as Guest86449
violinapprenwillmarshall: beware that if you install the package, it may get update, you can change its name in the debian/control file11:29
violinapprenterrid: great, you're welcome11:29
willmarshallviolinappren: No worries - this is for an offline installation11:29
jshmoe12can someone help me with a xchat question11:29
Misterio!ask | jshmoe1211:29
ubottujshmoe12: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:29
=== Guest95632 is now known as richfromuk
jshmoe12ok thx11:30
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=== richfromuk is now known as DerekDreery
owd95which is the best video editor in ubuntu?11:31
jshmoe12when i go to settings preference sound in xchat so that i can set xchat to make a sound every time a message is posted it has /home/name/.xchat2/sounds but that directory doesnt exist. Is there a package that i need to install to have xchat sounds?11:31
Misterioowd95: There is not best :P, anywais I like cinelerra11:32
MaRk-Ijshmoe12: you need to create that folder and add your own sounds11:32
DerekDreery@owd95: avidemux is good11:32
owd95Misterio: i have tried it but i crashes for me...11:32
jshmoe12oh ok I was wondering if there was a package like maybe xchat-sounds that added some by default, thx11:32
Misterioowd95: And kino? it's very simple and easy to use11:32
MaRk-Ijshmoe12: there's a page that has several sounds for xchat you just need to make the sound folder and extract them there11:32
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:32
owd95DerekDreery: yes its good... but not so advanced11:32
john38can someone help me out quick11:33
owd95Masterio: i will try it :)11:33
violinappren!help | john3811:33
ubottujohn38: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:33
john38what is pastebin link so i can paste11:33
jshmoe12where is this page? could you give me a link or just point me in the right direction and i can find it myself11:33
DerekDreeryDoes anyone know how to let emerald decorate your panel in ubuntu?11:33
violinappren!pastebin | john3811:33
ubottujohn38: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:33
phlak_user!emerald| DerekDreery11:34
ubottuDerekDreery: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.11:34
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com11:34
john38can somone take a look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/466930/11:34
DerekDreeryubottu: what should i use?11:34
^Jay2^DerekDreery: ubottu is a bot :D11:35
neil_ubuntuubotto is a bot:)11:35
jshmoe12nevermind then i will just google i guess but that is why I came here for a quick answer oh well11:35
violinapprenjohn38: press enter ?11:35
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:35
DerekDreerythat would make sense11:35
ShadowDXSwhat was he asking?11:35
^Jay2^DerekDreery: i recommend you use compiz11:35
MaRk-Ijshmoe12: gimme a second and if you can type my nick, I cant read you while i'm searching11:35
bullgard4Does the DHCP client write a log? What is the filename of this log?11:35
jshmoe12oh sorry11:36
phlak_userbullgard4: dhcp.leases11:36
jshmoe12MaRk-I hey can you link me that page or point me in the right direction?11:36
DerekDreery^Jay2^: can you use compiz to decorate your windows11:36
john38voilinappren it said module build failed11:36
^Jay2^DerekDreery: download compiz and compiz manager from synaptics11:36
jshmoe12sorry didn't mean to sound rude :P11:36
^Jay2^DerekDreery: what do you mean by decorate?11:36
MaRk-Ijshmoe12: it's called xchatsounds.zip   http://toxin.jottit.com/xchat_downloads11:36
phlak_userbullgard4: sorry the client doesnt, its the server that writes out the leases file11:37
^Jay2^DerekDreery: do you have a reference picture that i can see11:37
jshmoe12awesome thank you soo much MaRk-I11:37
ShadowDXShey you guys, i have a "non-slandered" copy of 10.04, and i want to know how to launch the ubuntu software center thing11:37
violinapprenjohn38: do you have kernel headers install ?11:37
john38violinappren not sure11:37
phlak_userbullgard4: dhcp client logs are in the system log. /var/log/syslog11:37
john38violinappren how do i find out11:37
MaRk-Ijshmoe12: you're welcome11:37
jshmoe12MaRk-I: is xchat the best choice for irc on linux in your opinion?11:38
violinapprenjohn38: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`11:38
ShadowDXSit works dont it?11:38
jshmoe12are u talking to me shadow?11:38
MaRk-Ijshmoe12: all depends, I use xchat personally11:38
ShadowDXSstick with Xchat, it may not be pretty11:38
^Jay2^jshmoe12: if you can find mirc for linux then i think that's better11:38
jshmoe12rofl, thx guys11:38
phlak_userShadowDXS: Applications-Ubuntu Software Center11:38
strangeirssi is better than mirc and xchat :)11:38
jshmoe12thank god for ubuntu11:38
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:38
^Jay2^i've been using mirc since 1994, i only started using xchat this year lol11:39
john38violinappren module build still failed11:39
DerekDreery^Jay2^: I mean the border around windows, as well as the panel where the applications/places/system menus are, i already have compiz i use it for Cube etc, can you use compiz to control the look of different windows? Here are some examples of windows http://www.webupd8.org/2009/06/25-great-looking-compiz-emerald-themes.html11:39
jshmoe12that is epic funny11:39
jshmoe12nice bot11:39
violinapprenjohn38: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:39
phlak_userShadowDXS: huh?11:39
ShadowDXSwehre would tha be at @phlak_user11:40
jshmoe12Has anyone found any good ways to play magic the gathering on linux/11:40
^Jay2^DerekDreery: i see, i think your questions would be answered best in #compiz11:40
MaRk-Ijshmoe12: take a look at that page, also has some nice xchat themes and tips11:40
jshmoe12I have to use a VM with winblows and I really don't like using it11:40
DerekDreery^Jay2^: didn't know they had their own channel - thanks11:40
jshmoe12yea that is awesome thanks MaRk-I11:40
jshmoe12great page11:40
Random833jshmoe12: see if whatever game you're playing will run under wine11:40
jshmoe12I am looking as wee speak11:41
john38violinappren still failed11:41
jshmoe12true true i know about wine, but I prefer maybe a opensource alternative11:41
john38violinappren should i pastebin the log file11:41
willmarshallviolinappren: So I've monkeypatched the source package now - is there a quick option for building it again? Not seeing anything clear in the packaging guide11:41
st__ how can I boot when mountall cannot mount some filesystem?11:41
violinapprenjohn38: pastebin it11:41
bullgard4phlak_user:  Thank you very much for your help.11:41
jshmoe12Also I heard someone say that emerald is extinct. Is there an alternative for it?11:41
jshmoe12for window borders that is11:42
john38violinappren http://paste.ubuntu.com/466933/11:42
JJ_hi there can someone tell me shud linux lucid stay connected constantly cus its seems i stay connected for a couple of hours then it disconnects and i have to reboot to get reconeted11:42
=== Guest86449 is now known as GastNr86449
jshmoe12thanks for all your help guys expecially MaRk-I :)11:43
mains_powerHow do I get adobe flash on ubuntu 64 bit11:43
MaRk-Ijshmoe12: yw11:43
jshmoe12I will be on the channel more frequently now :P11:43
iflemajohn38 that link you found earlier, the modem is compatible with linux....11:43
mains_powerHow do I install 64 bit flash on linux?11:43
john38iflema,  im on a diffrent process now11:44
iflemajohn38 ok11:44
john38iflema, im installed hsf modem11:44
violinapprenwillmarshall: : sudo apt-get build-dep foo (to get dependencies) and then debuild -us -uc11:44
willmarshallThen dpkg11:44
john38iflema, installed hsf modem i just pastebin the log file to violinappren for help11:44
JJ_mains_power u go to adobe.com and move the .gz or bz2 file to a location like uersname/home and then untar the archive do ./configure make and then make installe11:44
mains_powerDo I have to use a 32 bit browser to install flash on ubuntu amd64?11:45
willmarshallviolinappren: My first ever C coding! And in vim!11:45
willmarshallMuch obliged11:45
violinapprenwillmarshall: congrats11:46
JJ_mains_power u go to adobe.com and move the .gz or bz2 file to a location like uersname/home and then untar the archive do ./configure make and then make install is there somethign i can do to resolve this ?????11:46
john38violinappren, any luck with log file11:47
JJ_hi there can someone tell me shud linux lucid stay connected constantly cus its seems i stay connected for a couple of hours then it disconnects and i have to reboot to get reconeted  is there something i can do to resolve this ?11:47
violinapprenjohn38: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130832811:47
violinapprenJJ_: wirless connection?11:47
JJ_yes violin11:47
^Jay2^DerekDreery: i've made the emerald to work11:48
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
BullterdHey All.11:48
violinapprenJJ_: what card do you have? open a terminal, type, lspci, and copy and paste to http://paste.ubuntu.com11:48
violinappren!hi | KwikkSilva, Bullterd11:49
ubottuKwikkSilva, Bullterd: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:49
BullterdI have a folder with a load of sub folders in it. Each sub folder has another folder called "afoldername" and inside that folder is a load of files.11:49
KwikkSilvastill have my bridging problem :-( PITA - anyone got an idea - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153501511:49
BullterdI need to do a command that would go in and delete the .xml file inside "foldername" recursivly in the sub folders, any ideas what that command would look like?11:49
JJ_violin http://paste.ubuntu.com/466936/11:49
john38iflema, any luck http://paste.ubuntu.com/466933/11:50
wxr3516Bullterd: find ./foldername -type f -name "*.xml" -exec rm {} \;11:50
st__ how can I boot when mountall cannot mount some filesystem??11:51
violinapprenBullterd: make backup first11:51
phlak_userst__: boot into single user; remove the offending filesystem from /etc/fstab and boot again11:51
mains_powerI can't f***ing get flash working on ubuntu 64 bit11:52
iflemajohn38 doesnt look like it..... ;)11:52
barfsterFlash? Do you know HTML5 and javascript? Flash is oboslete11:52
john38iflema, no idea11:52
JJ_mains_power u go to adobe.com and move the .gz or bz2 file to a location like uersname/home and then untar the archive do ./configure make and then make install is there somethign i can do to resolve this ?????11:52
wxr3516flash is one big security hole11:52
st__is single user a recovery mode?11:53
violinapprenmains_power: flash is not supported for 64bit anymore, it needs the plugin wrapper11:53
violinapprenmains_power: and watch your language11:53
JJ_mains _power if u download wine for linux you can run the setup.exe for flash using wine application and it will install fine11:53
^Jay2^mains_power: just copy flashplayer.so or something like that to your firefox plugins dir11:54
seemawni need a problem11:54
seemawnerm *have11:54
mains_powerI'm using google chrome11:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:54
kwkHi! I'm having problems with ATI drivers. I have a hybrid Notbook (Intel + ATI-AMD-Mobility-Radeon-HD-3650) card and I need the ATI card to run. I tried the ubuntu (10.04 32Bit) package fglrx... and the propriety ATI drivers from ATI.com . Both result in a "Segmentation Fault" when running "glxinfo".11:55
Bullterdwxr: That command doesnt work?11:55
BullterdIt doesnt go inside folders recursivly looking for that foldername11:55
JJ_violin http://paste.ubuntu.com/466936/<<<<<11:55
violinapprenJJ_:  lshw -C network 11:56
Kwpolskakwk: is there any other drivers?11:56
JJ_vioin cmd not found11:56
=== soczol_ is now known as soczol
JJ_vioilin cmd not foud11:56
KwpolskaJJ_: sudo aptitude install lshw11:56
JJ_using linux lucid it the cmd ryt?11:56
seemawnwell, my apt tells me following (sry, this is german)11:57
kwkKwpolska: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Lucid_Installation_Guide#The_Options11:57
seemawnanyone an idea?11:57
twixlyGreetings, can someone please assist me. I am using Ubuntu and WinXP dual boot. Now I need to start winXP failsafe - but GRUB wont let me ? :(11:57
BullterdActually, the client just rephrased it11:57
Kwpolskatwixly: "safe mode"?11:57
BullterdI can delete any folder with the name "SomeDirHere" inside a directory11:57
Bullterdthat should make it easier, no?11:57
Thunderstormi need help, i have remover grub how can i reinstall it without installing ubuntu new11:58
violinapprenmains_power: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ?11:58
st__how can I boot into single user mode?11:58
Kwpolskatwixly: go to windows entry, press enter and then press f8 all the time until you go to it11:58
twixlyKwpolska: yeh.11:58
ItchyHobotwixly, select windows and press f8 key quickly to bring up the menu for safe mode11:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:58
violinapprenJJ_: install it11:58
twixlyokay I try thanks11:58
Kwpolskast__: add "single" (w/o ") to your grub's command line11:58
MaRk-Imains_power: try this... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132965411:58
phlak_user!grub| Thunderstorm11:58
ubottuThunderstorm: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.11:58
=== antoniocs is now known as Acs
JJ_VIOLIN: - http://paste.ubuntu.com/466945/11:58
Thunderstormphlak_user, okay i write the question in #grub12:00
mains_powerHow do I get flash working on 64 bit Google chrome in 64 bit Ubuntu?12:00
violinapprenJJ_: did you turn turning kill switch off and on ?12:00
violinapprenmains_power: did you apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ?12:01
JJ_what violin?12:01
phlak_userThunderstorm: click on this link and follow --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub12:01
violinapprenmains_power: what's in about:plugins12:01
mains_powerI did some hack12:01
mains_powerwith a symlink12:01
violinapprenJJ_: don't you have a hardware kill switch? a wireless turn on/off button in your laptop12:01
mains_powerand it works now.12:01
JJ_power saving mode is disabled12:02
mains_powerHow much slower is using 32 bit flash on a 64 bit operating system?12:02
JJ_its a dekop violin12:02
st__even in single user mode mountall error prevents me from booting12:02
diogo_79how can i remove a source package from ubuntu server ?12:02
violinapprenmains_power: there's no 64bit version of flash any longer12:02
JJ_diogo sudo apt-get remove programname12:03
violinapprendiogo_79: how did you install it?12:03
phlak_userst__: what is the error please?12:03
diogo_79i did the install with the make12:03
violinapprenJJ_: try disabling and enabling wireless in networkmanager12:03
mains_powereven on windows?12:03
phlak_userdiogo_79: make clean should work12:03
Kwpolskadiogo_79: execute "make uninstall" in the dir with the app files12:03
violinapprendiogo_79: go to the same directory and do make uninstall12:03
Kwpolskathat is, source code12:03
JJ_violin i may b e brb as ifit fails ill have to reboot12:04
st__mountall: mount /mnt/music [446] terminated with status 1; mountall: filesystem could not be mounted:/mnt/music12:04
violinapprenphlak_user: make clean don't uninstall the files, it cleans the compiled files from the source directory12:04
JJ_violin do you mean in the gui for managin wirless network ?12:04
phlak_userviolinappren: make uninstall just removes the binaries from the installed directories12:04
seemawnI have a package installed which seems to messed up the dpkg-system.12:05
icerootseemawn: post the error12:05
violinapprenst__: try manually: sudo  mount /mnt/music12:05
phlak_userdiogo_79: to remove source files, just remove using rm -fr /source/dir12:05
seemawniceroot: I have done already. http://nopaste.info/f3d7eb06e2.html12:05
st__seemawn, edit /var/lib/dpkg/status to fix it12:05
diogo_79i have run the make unistall and it seems that he cannot remove everything12:05
JJ_violin if you eman NetworkManager Applet 0.8 it fails ive tryed before12:05
st__violinappren, I cannot get shell running, it hangs during boot up12:05
icerootseemawn: the package came from the ubuntu-repos?12:06
violinapprenst__: run in single user mount and edit /etc/fstab12:06
icerootseemawn: ah i see, its not from the repos12:06
violinapprendiogo_79: sudo make uninstall12:06
seemawniceroot: nope, from brother. But it was not the first time, i installed them.12:07
st__violinappren, single user mode hangs too with this error12:07
seemawnThese drivers are not in the repos.12:07
icerootseemawn: use apt-file to search what package contains this file /etc/init.d/lpd, install that package after that, reinstall your package12:07
violinapprenst__: boot from livecd, mount root partition, and edit /etc/fstab12:07
JJ_violinappren if you mean NetworkManager Applet 0.8 it fails ive tryed before12:07
st__i don't have livecd12:08
violinapprenJJ_: any related errors in /var/log/messages? paste it12:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:09
JJ_violinappren it wont paste in paste bin ?12:10
JJ_can i im it you instad?12:11
JJ_i think the file is to big12:11
icerootseemawn: sudo apt-get install lpr  after that install your deb-file12:11
violinapprenJJ_: pastebininit12:11
violinapprenJJ_: or just pastebin.com12:11
=== e-DIO-t is now known as e-diO-UT
nikolamhm, maverick/10.10 still does not show on packages.ubuntu.com search for packages..12:12
icerootnikolam: #ubuntu+112:12
JJ_violinappren it saving onw may take a minute12:13
JJ_violinappren http://pastebin.com/aAKLfEde  < here you go12:13
nixjrim trying to mount ext4 as rw, im the owner of the mount point, but everytime i mount it chnages the owner to root and makes it ro12:13
JJ_thats the whoel log12:13
diogo_79i have a laptop with a wirelesse card that is activate with the keyboard, how can i activate this wireless card in ubuntu?12:13
ariefbayuhi there, I don't k now if it's appropriate here. I'm downloading netbeans 6.9. However, when I want to install it on my ubuntu 10.04, It always exit after 'Running the installer wizard...' step. Do you know why? FYI, I've installed sun-java6-* package.12:14
joeri_damiangoedemiddag allemaal12:15
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl12:15
phlak_usernixjr: try with the pmount application12:16
phlak_user!info pmount12:16
ubottupmount (source: pmount): mount removable devices as normal user. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.20-2 (lucid), package size 109 kB, installed size 856 kB12:16
seemawniceroot: there is no apt-file. I cant install anything12:16
andinstall rabbitcvs on ubuntu jaunty12:16
andany body help me12:16
nixjrphlak_user, is that appropriate for an internal sata drive?12:17
phlak_usernixjr: nope only for external drives12:17
phlak_usernixjr: what is the line in /etc/fstab for this internal drive?12:17
Zeu5hi there, how do i transfer files from ubuntu lucid to htc snap? my brother is a htc snap user and my family pc recently installed ubuntu12:18
icerootseemawn: i gave you already the correct command12:18
timc11Hey. I'm using 'dd' to look at the end of a drive. If I skip=x sectors, a label appears at octal = y. But I need to know how many sectors to skip to make the label appear at octal = 0040000. How do I convert the difference between two octals into sectors?12:18
icerootseemawn: i did the apt-file taskfor you12:18
nixjrphlak_user, ive written the line myself so excuse any mature mistakes:  UUID=77fe035d-0f0c-4a76-8fcb-6a6d38ffd443    /mnt/movies\040sd    ext4    defaults,noatime,users,user,user_xattr,rw    0    012:18
phlak_userZeu5: you can use bluetooth or usb data cable ; the phone should show up as a mass storage device12:18
Zeu5phlak_user: apparently he cannot do tat with usb hang on i try with my laptop12:19
iFrankZhow can I Install Windows XP on Ubutnu 10.04 without the Window's CD?12:19
phlak_usernixjr: what is /mnt/movies\040sd?12:19
icerootiFrankZ: ##windows12:19
iFrankZiceroot: thanks12:20
phlak_useriFrankZ: do you have the ISO?12:20
Zeu5phlak_user: i only see a auto/eth0 connected.12:20
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iFrankZphlak_user: sadly I don't =(12:20
andhow can i install rabbitcvs on ubuntu12:20
phlak_userZeu5: after you connect the USB?12:20
Zeu5phlak_user: yes12:20
abhijithello all :)12:20
st__iFrankZ, install DOS first12:20
phlak_userZeu5: you need to see output of dmesg to see if it is being recognized at all12:21
Zeu5phlak_user: didnt detect the htc snap at all on my pc or laptop12:21
nixjrphlak_user, folder ive created, ls -l:  drwxr-xr-x 2 nix  nix   4096 2010-07-21 22:10 movies sd12:21
Zeu5phlak_user: sorry new user of ubuntu. wat is output of dmesg?12:21
Zeu5phlak_user: i went and type dmesg in terminal got a very long list. should i bin paste it?12:22
ariefbayuand: Download the appropriate package here: http://wiki.rabbitvcs.org/wiki/download12:22
phlak_userZeu5: yes please12:22
realubotI have added a PPA by apt-add-repositiry but have also installed some packages that I don't want to. How do I get a list of all packages coming from a single PPA so that I can remove them?12:22
Zeu5phlak_user: its too long. i cannot even find the beginning of that message12:22
nixjrZeu5, idk if this helps but on my nokia, under the settings i have to set it to usb data mode, the default mode was for its data suit (windows app)12:22
abhijithow to uninstall postgresql installed from ./postgresql.bin file from command line?12:22
phlak_usernixjr: which user owns the files on the disk?12:23
icerootabhijit: use it with --help and see if there is remove and dont use bin files in the future to install smething which is in the  repos12:23
phlak_userZeu5: you can filter out by dmesg| grep usb12:23
Zeu5phlak_user: thanks12:23
ariefbayurealbut: Open up `synaptic` and head over to 'Origin' tab12:23
nixjrphlak_user, the disc is blank, ive just formatted it ext4 with gparted12:23
abhijiticeroot, ok. actually the repo one is not installing properly thats why12:23
ariefbayurealbot:  Open up `synaptic` and head over to 'Origin' tab12:24
john38iflema, you there12:24
Zeu5phlak_user: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/0t436c2C here it is12:24
diogo_79the wireless card is ok but disable how can i enable this12:25
john38iflema, whats the link for scanmodem tool12:25
phlak_usernixjr: fwiw can you create a folder inside the disk, say 'movies' and change owner:group to nix:nix12:25
iflemajohn38 there should be a link on the page you had before about install modem in ubuntu...12:25
diogo_79this is a laptop and the wireless is enable by fn+212:25
john38iflema, lost page12:25
diogo_79is there a command to enable the card12:26
violinapprenJJ_: WW:This driver has EXPERIMENTAL support for this chipset12:26
halabundHi!  Since I upgraded to Lucid, DND lookups take forever, practically making the system unusable for accessing the internet.  Any ideas how to fix this?12:26
halabund*DNS lookups12:26
JJ_withc means violin ?12:26
ariefbayuhi there, I don't k now if it's appropriate here. I'm downloading netbeans 6.9. However, when I want to install it on my ubuntu 10.04, It always exit after 'Running the installer wizard...' step. Do you know why? FYI, I've installed sun-java6-* package. Is there anyone who has the same problem?12:26
ddavidshi all, pls how can i know mo abt physical address extension12:26
violinapprenJJ_: report to launchpad12:26
JJ_address please12:26
seemawniceroot: thanks, everything is okay right now. The suggestion with editing the statusfile worked (deleted the entry with this package), installed lpr, reinstalled this brother-package, done.12:26
violinapprenJJ_: http://launchpad.net12:26
phlak_userZeu5: its showing up as a network device; is there a setting like nixjr mentioned for it to be recognized as a usb_storage device? my BB has such an option too12:27
seemawnthx for your help!12:27
iflemajohn38 (4 xchat = /laslog john38) there will be on the linmodems site.... just web search scanmodem and source from a newish page.....12:27
violinapprenariefbayu: no error messages ?12:27
JJ_where ont here do i report to violin12:27
Zeu5phlak_user: i see thanks. i go ask my brother to check it out thank you nixjr12:28
ariefbayuviolinappren: Nope :(12:28
iflemajohn38 this was the link from linmodems.org
violinappren!bug | JJ_12:28
ubottuJJ_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots12:28
ariefbayuit just die and return to normal shell prompt12:28
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nixjrphlak_user, when i run "mount /dev/sdb1" it changes "/mnt/movies sd" from nix:nix to root:root12:28
JJ_what package is it i have ?12:28
violinapprenariefbayu: linux12:29
violinapprenJJ_ ^12:29
violinapprenariefbayu: any error files in the same directory? java could be crashing12:29
phlak_usernixjr: did you try creating a folder inside like i suggested?12:30
nixjrphlak_user, i made a folder a subfolder on the drive as root, then chnaged ti to my user, and i can write to that subfolder now12:31
sudamahi, I need help with mod. 349512:31
abhijit!ask | sudama12:32
ubottusudama: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:32
violinappren!help | sudama12:32
sudamasorry iwl3495... wireless was working before, but stopped working.. I cannot bring iface up, even if it is listed by iwconfig... i 10...wlist shows errors .. on ubu12:32
violinapprensudama: what errors? and pastebin your /var/log/kern.log12:33
halabundHi!  Since I upgraded to Lucid, DNS lookups take forever, practically making the system unusable for accessing the internet.  Any ideas how to fix this?12:33
JJ_violin whats the repsonce time like from big reports?12:34
ariefbayuviolinappren: Nope :( no error log12:34
violinapprenhalabund: try in a terminal, dig google.com12:35
nixjrphlak_user, there is nothing on the drive (appart form that 1 folder) i just want an ext4 drive that will mount at boot, and let me read/write to it as a normal user, would it be esaier for you to explain the process from scratch then try and correct my problem?12:35
sudamaviolinappren: no network in that comp, i am ircing from a diff laptop .. i will try...12:35
abhijit!tab | JJ_12:35
ubottuJJ_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:35
violinapprenJJ_: no idea, sorry12:35
abhijitwhen is next user day and developer days?12:37
john38iflema, aw man i think i got it working12:38
john38iflema, i download a generic source package and modem was detected12:38
sudamaviolinappren: http://pastebin.com/eZ4uqNT512:38
john38iflema, i guess i can connect?12:38
JJ_violinappren, hi mate ive found that right clicking to disable on network manager and renabling it lets me reconnect now so how do i change it to be permanently connected12:38
JJ_use wicd?12:39
iflemajohn38 if that was just scanmodem its not over yet12:39
JJ_or alternatly so it juust disbaled and reenables itslef12:39
sudamaJJ, tick on connect automatically in Edit props ..?¿¿12:40
john38iflema, after reading txt i went to website and downloaded a generic file12:40
john38iflema, installed and modem was finally detected12:40
JJ_already set as connect automatically12:40
experiMENTALhi. problem not solved, plz. black screen with white flashing stripes up to half of the screen preceded by a message "checking battery state... [OK]": http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153154312:40
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iflemajohn38 kk.... goodone if its ready there be a device in /dev/ link to /dev/modem and dial away12:41
ariefbayuviolinappren: Problem solved. I just have to do `sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun`12:41
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ariefbayuthanks for your time12:41
john38iflema, in device it detected a new modem that wasnt in list /dev/ttySHCF012:42
john38iflema, with new speed12:42
violinapprenariefbayu: i prefer openjdk-6-jre12:42
iflemajohn38 thats the thing with external..... /dev/ttyS0 allready exists... just gotta plug in12:42
violinapprensudama: i see no errors in there, what errors do you get with iwlist ?12:43
john38iflema, oh wait a minute12:43
john38iflema, i probably neglected to mention that i instaled headers and build essentials12:43
john38iflema, maybe i would have still worked12:44
ariefbayuviolinappren: yes, everyone has it's own preferences. I never compare that though, because I use netbeans as my heavy PHP IDE12:44
iflemajohn38 ive never used scanmodem?!?!?!?!?!?!? I always identified the chip with my eye......12:44
iflemajohn38 and there was once a site with photographs of the chips and corresponding instruction =)12:44
sudamaviolinappren: network is down12:45
john38iflema, i've seen only few analog modems but im not expert12:45
sudamabut ifconfig wlan0 up gives me unknown error 13212:45
john38iflema, they all look the same12:45
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realubotHow do I remove a PPA and all of its packages?12:46
iflemajohn38 a million diff card all using one a dozen chipsets12:46
violinapprensudama: ifconfig up wlan0 ?12:46
sudamaunknown host12:46
john38iflema,  you think the hcfpcimodem_121full_i386.deb was enough or did it require alsa-driver-linuxant.10.20.3_all.deb and kernel headers and build essentials that i installed12:47
iflemajohn38 it depends on what the deb package you used required.....12:48
iflemajohn38 not sure m812:48
sudamaviolinappren, I googled quite a lot, there was some solved issue with this driver.. I installed fresh 1 month ago ,all good.. now, it doesn't work.... even new fresh install doesn't12:48
violinapprensudama: did you ifconfig up ?12:49
sudamaifconfig up gives error 132 unknown12:49
violinapprensudama: paste exact error messages12:49
iflemajohn38 I happily left dialup behind many years ago.... Its was a MS Windows world back then......12:49
john38iflema, when i installed hsfmodem- that i got from another website it had problems such as Module Build Failed and "No Modem Device was detected by HSF driver12:50
sudamaSIOCCSIFFLAGS: unknown error 13212:50
violinapprenrealubot: try apptitude12:50
john38iflema, i was instructed to download kernel headers and build essentials still didnt work12:50
john38iflema, finally with scanmodem it worked12:50
vivek243hi there..12:51
iflemajohn38 is it dialing?12:51
john38iflema, heh i have no phone line here12:51
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john38iflema, i gotta go to customers house12:51
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vivek243anyone here??12:52
iflemajohn38 there is a test you can do.... cant remember..... goodone as you where12:52
john38iflema, how do i test with no phone line12:52
violinapprensudama: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/464559 .. seems to be a hardware issue12:52
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iflemajohn38 icant remember for te life of me..... im thinking it was wvdial would let you run a simulated connection or some sort of confimation?!?!?!?!?!?12:54
ROMEO_Hi people need some help i cant install convertxtodvd using wine12:54
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Devlinhey guys12:54
EventyretHow can i check what Wirless drives i have, i got some internetmitted internett issues, with wirless.12:54
violinappren!hi | Devlin12:55
ubottuDevlin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:55
violinapprenEventyret: lshw -C network12:55
DevlinI'm having a net-related problem as well12:55
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violinappren!details | Devlin12:55
ubottuDevlin: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:55
john38iflema, so you think all i need was this one generic file12:55
violinappren!es | Guest9370212:55
ubottuGuest93702: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:55
ROMEO_ im getting this messege The file '/home/alan/Downloads/Vso.ConvertXToDVD. ConvertXToDVD' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.12:55
john38iflema,             needed12:55
sburjanhas anyone any idea if gsmartcontrol is reporting REALLOCATED SECTOR COUNT problem, should I worry ? I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 and I know in this version is a bug about this12:56
Eventyretviolinappren:  is there any known issues with Atheros Wirless drivers for Ubuntu 9.10 ?12:56
sudamaviolinappren, will U marry me??12:56
violinapprensburjan: it's a hardware issue12:56
DevlinI have a problem with an r8169-driver network card. Using Ubuntu 9.10 and it refuses to connect properly.12:56
Misterio!anyone | robint9112:56
ubotturobint91: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:56
violinappren!ot | sudama, i'm a guy!12:57
ubottusudama, i'm a guy!: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:57
owd95when i installed ubuntu on one of my computers today it create at swap that was 11gb! Is it a bug or what?12:57
DevlinThe network tray icon says it is not connected at all12:57
sburjanviolinappren, : so my hard drive is really failing ? I have selftested my hard drive from bios and the test passed12:57
sudamaviolinappren, here is legal.. anyway just joking ; fixed, thnx a lot12:57
john38iflema, do kernel-source and the gcc C compiler come automatically installed on Ubuntu12:57
john38iflema, 10.0412:57
violinapprensburjan: smartctl -A /dev/sda (and pastebin it)12:58
violinapprensudama: you're welcome12:58
iflemajohn38 hard to say m8 without me being there.... I stopped following ya... on th install cd  has if not.... not sure12:58
piratepenguinubuntu one seems like it's seriously broken in my ubuntu 10.04.. I cant get the client app to login (how does it get login details - is it from the browser??)12:59
sburjanviolinappren, : http://pastebin.com/5iCU5iud13:00
iflemajohn38 sorry john im no rush at the moment...... ask the channel13:00
john38iflema, well i think i finally solved this nagging problem13:00
owd95I have install many programs today and remove many to... can i be sure that Ubuntu removes it 100% so it don't slow down the system+13:00
john38Does anybody know if kernel-source and the gcc C compiler come preinstalled on ubuntu13:01
violinapprensburjan: Reallocated_Sector_Ct seems fine. where do you see that problem?13:01
Eventyretviolinappren: should the ubuntu default drivers for Atheros wirless be ok ? i haveing intermitted issues with it..13:01
violinapprenEventyret: it depends on the chip, pastebin the output, i have an ath chipset and it works fine (i'm even using it in ap mode)13:02
sudamaEventyret, wich atheros, wich ubuntu?13:02
sburjangsmartcontrol  reports it with another color. and if you look in the pastebin, you should see that it has a raw value of 52013:02
sburjanviolinappren,  gsmartcontrol  reports it with another color. and if you look in the pastebin, you should see that it has a raw value of 52013:03
Eventyretsudama: AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter13:03
Eventyretsudama: Ubuntu 9.1013:03
john38hey violinappren does kernel-source and gcc C compiler come preinstalled in Ubuntu13:03
violinapprensburjan: but it's not below threshold, it it just yellow ?13:03
violinapprenjohn38: no13:03
Eventyretviolinappren: http://pastebin.org/41071113:04
john38violinappren, is that needed for .deb packages13:04
sudamaEventyret, I have it correctly working on ubu 10.413:04
violinapprenjohn38: if the dep needs them to compile, then yes13:04
sburjanviolinappren, : it has a pink background. and Palimpest reported that my hard drive is failing. I ran apt-get update and installed the updates, and now palimpest doesnt give any error, but I can't read the SMART data. so this is why i instaled gsmart13:05
Eventyretsudama: yeah but ubuntu 10.4 gives me other issues :P with shutdown and restart of the computer :P13:05
sudamaEventyret, you have to install compat-wireless13:05
Eventyretsudama: any guides on it or is it just a apt-get compat-wirless13:05
john38violinappren, i instaleld a .deb file just one click13:05
violinapprensburjan: screenshot gsmart13:05
sudamaEventyret, is a kernel issu I think, correct me someone if wrong, i can google for you13:06
john38violinappren,  took about few seconds13:06
violinapprenjohn38: if you don't need to compile it, then they are not needed13:06
Eventyretsudama: thank you :)13:06
realubotviolinappren: I think I have to install a .deb packages mentioned in a lot of blog posts to remove PPAs. Strange that Ubuntu hasn't got this feature by default.13:06
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john38violinappren, thats whats i thought thanks13:07
sudamaEventyret,  translate this : http://otroblogmas.com/instalar-en-ubuntu-los-drivers-para-atheros-ar9285/13:07
sburjanviolinappren, : where can I upload the photo ?13:07
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littlebearsburjan: image bin13:07
spacegho1tis there something I can install so I don't have to modprobe p54pci every boot13:07
violinapprenrealubot: PPAs are added to /etc/apt/source.list.d but removing this won't remove its packages13:07
violinappren!pastebin | sburjan13:07
ubottusburjan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:07
sudamaEventyret,  I have to go, juts check kernel version and follow steps esay piecy13:08
Eventyretsudama: ok :)13:08
violinapprenspacegho1t: add it to /etc/modules13:08
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violinapprenEventyret: any relevant error messages in /var/log/messages ?13:09
sburjanviolinappren, : http://imagebin.org/10622813:09
spacegho1tthanks violinappren13:09
violinapprenspacegho1t: you're welcome13:09
ivo_Hi guys is it normal not see grub before ubuntu loads??13:09
Piciivo_: yes, it runs silently by default.  Press shift during the boot to make it visible.13:10
violinapprensburjan: "failed: never"... it didn't fail yet, it's just a warning that a lot of sectors has been reallocated,13:11
sburjanoh, so nothing bad has happend13:11
sburjanis a reason to worry ?13:11
PudgyI was wondering what Ubuntu's stance is (if they have one) on the design/implementation of 3D on the desktop. Any thoughts?13:11
sburjanabout the drive failing ? (I know it is a relativistic question, I can fail suddenly)13:11
ertayhi all13:11
sburjanviolinappren, : but I guess if it's in warranty.. should I change it ?13:12
ivo_Pici than I don't understand it13:12
ivo_I reinstalled ubuntu a couple of times13:12
violinapprensburjan: you should call them and ask13:12
ivo_and everytime I get different results13:12
ivo_no I can see grub running13:12
ivo_and it is waiting 10sec to choose kernel13:13
sburjanviolinappren,  : so I guess there is some issue after all13:13
ivo_ how can I hide it again13:13
violinapprensburjan: both seagate and western digital have bootable disk check CDs, i'm not sure about toshiba13:13
sburjanthis is a laptop disk13:13
violinapprensburjan: is it a laptop? do you move it a lot?13:13
ivo_there is also no more menu.lst ...13:13
sburjannot at all13:14
Pici!grub2 | ivo_13:14
ubottuivo_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:14
violinapprensburjan: the drive may have had some shocks13:14
sburjanin the past 5 month is worked as a DEsktop Replacement. It;s a HP model that has some 3D Drive Guard13:14
sburjanviolinappren, that protects the drive from shocks13:14
ivo_Pici 10x13:14
violinapprensburjan: you should call support and ask them about the bad sectors13:15
salehhi ,what the meaning of:sudo dpkg --configare -a         sudo apt-get install -f       ?13:15
sburjanviolinappren,  : because I used Self-Test extended from bios and didn'treported anything13:16
violinapprensaleh: copy and paste the error messages you get13:16
violinappren!pastebin | saleh13:16
ubottusaleh: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:16
coz_hey guys... I am looking at image thumbnails on the desktop and notice that they have a 2 pixel border around them in white... is there a way to reduce that to one pixel ???13:17
violinapprensburjan: the test will pass even if there are bad sectors because there are spare sectors that gets replaced and that's why you have this count13:17
salehno no error message ..... i what just to know what is command13:18
echo-phpcomment installer les code sur ubuntu par exemple code mp313:18
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BiggFREEsaleh: ... #ubuntu-fr13:19
experiMENTALhi. problem not solved, plz. black screen with white flashing stripes up to half of the screen preceded by a message "checking battery state... [OK]": http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153154313:19
violinapprensaleh: man dpkg, and man apt-get13:19
lmaowafflehi folks, i've a question: How do I fetch all packages (and dependency packages) of software I already have installed? I lost my package cache, and would like to re-fetch all to build a local repository on the lan13:20
salehok,thanks i will try (^_^)13:20
BiggFREEBad nick :( Sorry :(13:20
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jan247hi guys. what's the easiest way to set up a mail forwarder in an ubuntu machine?13:21
rdganyone know why after the last ubuntu update to firefox google thinks I want to use the language Afrikaans13:22
mdaanyone can help me with mounting in ubuntu13:22
abhijit!mount | mda13:23
ubottumda: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount13:23
mdai'm n00b i wont understand13:23
rdgand apparently you won't try either13:23
mdai will try13:23
violinapprenrdg: edit > preferences > content > languages13:24
violinappren!details | mda13:24
ubottumda: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:24
rdgviolinappren: there is no content under preferences (10.04 gnome)13:24
rdgyou mean in firefox13:25
rdgsorry, i thought you mean in the gnome panel13:25
violinapprenrdg: well you said firefox13:25
rdgyea you're right, it was my mistake13:25
riescocreI have a problem with running DVD's on my Notebook Version of Ubuntu 10.04 I cannot open a standard UDF disk13:25
mdai'm kinda n00b in linux my friend backuped my config files (samba and such) into my usb device i reinstalled the ubuonto 32 bit server a and now i cannt reach him and its kinda urgent for me to reinstall everything13:26
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mdaanyone might give me a fast help13:26
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new2ubuntuGood Morning everyone. I have a sound problem if anyone can help.13:26
violinapprenmda: sudo mkdir /mnt/stuff  and then sudo  mount /dev/sdb /mnt/stuff13:27
SwedeMikemda: since you don't even describe what you need to get done it's useless to ask.13:27
violinappren!sound | new2ubuntu13:27
ubottunew2ubuntu: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:27
bivoHow do you use LXSplit? Someone sent me an HJSplit file and I found LXSplit in the repos, it says it is compatible, but now that it's installed I can't find it anywhere13:27
Solventi am happy to report all drivers working for a toshiba a-135 using deb/ubuntu desktop edition. atheros support13:28
mdait's on the usb already13:28
violinapprenbivo:  lxsplit from terminal ? if not, dpkg --listfiles packagename13:28
SwedeMikebivo: where did you look? it's commandline.13:28
slinker1bivo something like lxsplit -j smallfiles.bin.00113:28
new2ubuntu@viol~ I had sound b4 but now it's good. volume is up and mute is off. looks like hardware is no longer detected13:28
violinapprenmda: did you create a dir and mount it?13:28
bivodidn't know it was command line13:28
=== AlexC is now known as Guest55021
sburjanviolinappren, : so there are bad sectors on the disk after all :(13:29
violinapprennew2ubuntu: nothing in hardware tab ?13:30
violinapprensburjan: yes, but they have been reallocated to new spare ones13:30
new2ubuntuyes hardware tab is now empty, sound was working before but no longer13:30
daglees__i inserted the Ubuntu 10.04 CD and on boot it requires me to enter a username and password, it's not installed yet13:31
new2ubuntuI have no sound device to config13:31
violinapprennew2ubuntu: pastebin lshw13:31
new2ubuntuBut the sound was working yesterday13:31
sburjanviolinappren,  : i have 2 NTFS and 1 FAT32 partition on the disk, besides the 2 ubuntu partitions that are in one logical partition. Maybe If I could try a defragment util or some windoze program to scan for bad sectors13:31
phlak_userdaglees__: is it booting off the CD?13:32
daglees__phlak_user, yes13:32
phlak_userdaglees__: its asking username and password at GDM or grub?13:32
violinapprensburjan: you can't do anything about them, the disk has already done the proper thing, call support to ask for a diagnostics tool13:32
new2ubuntuRE: pastebin lshw    I'm new to ubuntuntu. I pasted that cmd into a shell and got cmd not found13:32
phlak_user!infor pastebinit | new2ubuntu13:33
Guest55021My wireless mouse 'pauses' and becomes unresponsive for periods ranging from 1 to 3 seconds, then begins working normally again. It doesn't seem to matter if there has been a period of inactivity. Sometimes in the middle of using it, it just pauses for a second or two.13:33
phlak_user!info pastebinit | new2ubuntu13:33
ubottunew2ubuntu: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (lucid), package size 22 kB, installed size 404 kB13:33
riescocreCan anyone help me ?  I am new to Ubuntu and am trying to open a simple UDF volume / DVD and it keeps giving me a Mount error I have tried to use the program"MountManager"  but I can't get it to work either13:33
phlak_userGuest55021: is it low on battery charge?13:33
Guest55021phlak_user - Not low battery. I also tried buying a new mouse (both are Logitech MX series), but same problem continues.13:34
Guest55021It is plugged into its very own usb channel (by itself in a pair).13:35
violinapprennew2ubuntu: apt-get install lshw13:35
realubotviolinappren: I installed ppa-purge from getdeb repository. It seem to use aptitude fallback. It said so ath the end. x packages downgraded using aptitude fallback.13:35
realubotviolinappren: Just wanted you to know.13:36
violinapprenrealubot: ok great13:36
Guest55021I spoke to logitech and as expected, as soon as I said linux they politely said they couldn't help me.13:36
violinapprenGuest55021: paste lsusb to pastebin13:36
anji_t6Hello guys, i have recently installed ubuntu 10.04. I see at times the screen just blinks for a second. It is a bit annoying while at work. How can i get rid of this? please help13:36
new2ubunture: apt-get install lshw   perm denied13:36
realubotviolinappren: This is the message: PPA purged successfully using aptitude fallback13:37
monkey_dustnew2ubuntu, just lshw13:37
monkey_dustnew2ubuntu, lshw means list hardware13:37
Cool_Chello folks. is there any way to get rid of the envelope (social stuff) icon in the tray?13:37
violinapprennew2ubuntu: sudo apt-get install lshw13:38
monkey_dustCool_C, right click on it and remove13:38
Cool_Cno, that remove the entire tray, i only want to remove that particular application/icon13:38
new2ubuntuOk, I got the lshw info, where do you want it?13:39
Guest55021Pastebin done.13:39
ivan_I try to install screensaver in GDM mode. Does anybody know how to do it13:39
Guest55021violinappren - I ave pasted the output.13:40
=== ubuntu is now known as IceIceIce
Cool_Cargh. and now i cannot find the applet to get the tray back!!13:40
anji_t6Hello guys, i have recently installed ubuntu 10.04. I see at times the screen just blinks for a second. It is a bit annoying while at work. How can i get rid of this? please help13:40
violinapprennew2ubuntu: sound card, pastebin it13:40
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violinapprenGuest55021: paste the url here13:41
ascheelmotd question.  How do you force an update to /etc/motd?13:41
Guest55021violinappren - I don't understand.13:41
monkey_dustCool_C, right click on the panel > add to panel > notification area13:41
IceIceIcehey ppl can any1 help me on an install problem with ubuntu notebook remix 10.04?13:41
monkey_dust!ask| IceIceIce13:41
ubottuIceIceIce: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:41
anji_t6Hello guys, i have recently installed ubuntu 10.04. I see at times the screen just blinks for a second. It is a bit annoying while at work. How can i get rid of this? please help13:42
violinapprenGuest55021: after paste, submit, and copy the webpage address here13:42
sburjanviolinappren, : so a clean hard drive wipe wouldn't reset the SMART counter13:42
Guest55021violinappren - http://pastebin.com/ymsZDYxQ13:42
violinapprensburjan: no, it won't13:43
bivotf... no matter what I'm putting lxsplit just spits out the instructions. Possibly missing something?13:43
geirhaascheel: See the man-pages for motd and motd.tail13:44
violinapprenGuest55021: only the usb dongle is logitech ?13:45
Cool_Cmonkey_dust: doesnt work. or, the thing i removed was not it. some icons remain but not all... and the annoying thing is, i cannot remember now exactly what other icons there was except the social thing13:45
c3lwhat is the option "--sm-disable" for "nm-applet"? there is no manpage13:45
Cool_Cah, it was the indicator applet13:45
monkey_dustwe're here to learn, Cool_C13:46
Cool_Cso, then the question is: how do i remove the social icon from the indicator applet?13:46
IceIceIceHey again i am trying to install ubuntu netbook remix 10.04 on Eeepc 1005p dual with win 7 starter. I made the diskonkey with the ubuntu install but there is no dual option in the manu like it sepose to be13:46
new2ubuntuyeah I did the pastebin thingy lol  http://pastebin.com/3Ssx3Lbu13:46
Guest55021violinappren - That is correct.13:47
Guest55021violinappren - Yes - It is a logitech MX 1100 (replacing an MX Revolution whcih is very similar).13:47
trollboyquestion for you guys, sometimes if I have a window over another window,  and I click on the the window.. the window behind it becomes activated13:48
Cool_Cannoying. can't find any startup application that it could be either13:48
trollboyits rather annoying13:48
ikoniatrollboy: sounds like a compiz bug or plugin feature13:49
SaintSapphireIs there a way to force a makefile to build a program in 32-bit mode if I'm on a 64-bit machine?13:49
ikoniaSaintSapphire: it doesn't work like that13:49
monkey_dustCool_C, maybe this helps => http://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2010/05/04/remove-evolution-mail-notifier-from-indicator-applet-in-ubuntus-system-tray/13:49
ikoniaSaintSapphire: you need to make the host machine multi-lib and meet it's dependencies13:49
phlak_userSaintSapphire: there is a switch that you can pass to the compiler13:49
phlak_userSaintSapphire: aka cross-compiling for diff architectures13:50
pure_hateIf you dont have the 32 bit libs its useless13:50
IceIceIcedual boot problem with netbook edition any1?13:50
SaintSapphireAh, so I can compile to 32-bit, but without extra libs, I can't execute the compiled software?13:50
ascheelgeirha: no information is given on how to update the motd.  I tried installing update-motd and while it adds MOST of the files it says, it does NOT add the actual binary named 'update-motd'.  Any ideas?13:50
phlak_userSaintSapphire: you couldnt compile also13:51
its-me-againhi how do i use gdm themes in ubuntu13:51
gogetawell this is crazy my monoter lost red a few days ago and i think its slowly coming back13:51
gogetai cn see a bit of red13:51
SaintSapphirephlak_user: Ah. Is it simple to add 32bit libs? Or am I going to start drowning as soon as I start?13:51
Guest55021violinappren - Any ideas?13:51
phlak_userSaintSapphire: it is as simple/difficult as adding packages13:52
violinapprenGuest55021: i suspect it's a bluetooth issue13:52
phlak_usergogeta: check all the pins on your monitor cable/PC vga port13:52
new2ubuntuIf any1 can help, I lost my sound. I have no hw to config. I had sound yesterday. here is my hw list.  http://pastebin.com/3Ssx3Lbu13:53
SaintSapphirephlak_user: Is there a list of which packages I'd need somewhere?13:53
Guest55021violinappren - The box says it is a 2.4 GHz wireless. I don't think bluetooth is involved.13:53
ivan_could anybody help about screensaver in GDM13:53
violinapprenGuest55021: aha interesting13:53
phlak_userSaintSapphire: depends entirely on what you're trying to build; you should typically look for the relevant packages with libxyz-dev13:53
phlak_userGuest55021: if you also have a wi-fi router, it could be due to interference; change the channel on the router and try again13:54
phlak_user!hi | ankur13:54
ubottuankur: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:54
Guest55021violinappren - I have another MX Revolution on the same desk for a computer 6 feet away from the other one. It is connected to a Windows 7 machine and does not display the behavior. I have disconnected the receiver and turned off the mouse but it did not help.13:54
ankurwhat is ur name13:54
violinapprennew2ubuntu: i see no sound cards! perhaps it has been displaced inside the case ?13:54
gogetaphlak_user: i tested it on my laptop to make shure it wasent the video same result13:55
gogetaphlak_user: withen the last 30 minuts its getting everything back slowly13:55
violinapprenGuest55021: i suggest you report this as a bug13:55
violinappren!bug | Guest5502113:55
ubottuGuest55021: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:55
ShadowDXShey everyone13:55
SaintSapphirephlak_user: It's a private project someone wrote involving a reverse prng tool for a game. So there's likely no pre-existing packages specifically *for* that application, unless you meant a g++ libxyz-dev or somesuch13:55
new2ubuntuIt's a laptop, the sound was just working yesterday.13:56
phlak_usergogeta: some monitors have settings where you can change the RGB settings individually13:56
violinappren!hi | ShadowDXS13:56
ubottuShadowDXS: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:56
phlak_userSaintSapphire: yes those types which that someone wouldve used13:56
gogetaphlak_user: rgb was dead red gone everything black or a diffrent color13:56
violinapprennew2ubuntu: could it be turned off in BIOS ?13:56
gogetaphlak_user: i had one fail like that before lost green13:56
gogetaphlak_user: it didnt come back13:57
phlak_usergogeta: what monitor is this?13:57
gogetaphlak_user: a colorreal13:57
gogetaphlak_user: a crt13:57
phlak_usergogeta: ah; havent seen those for a while now :)13:58
karlo__when somebody install on computer program in terminal (sudo apt-get install "program") where terminal install that program ?13:58
gogetaphlak_user: i prefer em13:58
new2ubuntuviolinappren: If I reboot my laptop to winxp and I have sound, then it should be enabled in he bios, correct? becuz I bet I have sound in XP13:58
gogetaphlak_user: lcds always seem to washed out13:58
violinapprenkarlo__: just type it's name and press enter13:58
=== EviLjL is now known as LjL
erUSULkarlo__: all over the place see  « dpkg -L "program" »13:58
Vroomfondlekarlo__: normally under /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. use:   sudo dpkg -L "program"      to find out where it went.13:58
phlak_userkarlo__: in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin or /sbin ; easiest way to find out is by $which program13:58
erUSUL!fhs | karlo__13:59
ubottukarlo__: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier13:59
violinapprennew2ubuntu: and while you're at it, check BIOS settings13:59
geirhaascheel: Hm. I seem to remember the man-pages said how, but I see now it references non-existant files and such. I don't see any obvious ways.13:59
gogetaphlak_user: it supports all your fancy hd rez etc13:59
new2ubuntuOk, I'll be back...13:59
phlak_usergogeta: ok13:59
IceIceIcehey ppl i have a problem installing ubuntu 10.04 netbook dual with win7 starter. when i boot from my diskonkey ubuntu install in the menu of the install there is no side by side install option like it shown on the tutorial13:59
gogetaphlak_user: but its just friggen crazy rgb is restoring itsself13:59
tucemiuxIceIceIce, it doesnt work that way, first you have to have free space, do you have free space14:00
tucemiuxIceIceIce, what I mean by "free" space is not "available" hard drive space, I mean hard drive space not being used by windows 714:01
gogetaphlak_user: reds still dark but its working from totaly gone14:02
cheositehi all14:02
phlak_usergogeta: maybe you need to get it degaussed14:02
violinappren!hi | cheosite14:02
ubottucheosite: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:02
otswimhello, is there a ubuntu ppa for firefox 4 beta ?14:02
MaletorI need to install gvfs-backends but when I go to install it it tells me  Depends: libgvfscommon0 but it is not going to be installed. Also when I go to install that it tell me that it's going to remove everything but the kitchen sink (ubuntu-desktop) What do I do?14:02
gogetaphlak_user: i never deal with monoters lol i just replace em when they die14:03
violinapprenotswim: there's a ppa search box14:03
IceIceIceyes i used win 7 partition tool to shrink the c drive and now i have 50 g of space not used14:03
violinappren!who | IceIceIce14:04
ubottuIceIceIce: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:04
otswimviolinappren: right, thanks :)14:04
blackn1ghtHi, I'm having trouble mounting my USB-HDD on my girlfriends laptop14:04
=== anji_t6 is now known as venom
phlak_userblackn1ght: and what would the error be?14:05
IceIceIcetucemiux: yes i used win 7 partition tool to shrink the c drive and now i have 50 g of space not used14:05
blackn1ghtit mounts on my PC, and on her laptop on Winduws 714:05
erUSULMaletor: do you have proposed enabled? or any third party repositorie ?14:05
violinappren!details | blackn1ght14:05
ubottublackn1ght: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:05
=== venom is now known as Vnom
Solventwhat the best irc client program for gnome?14:05
blackn1ghtthere's no error message, nothing  happens :\ lsusb can see it, fdisk -l cannot14:05
phlak_user!best | Solvent14:05
ubottuSolvent: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:05
erUSULSolvent: xchat14:05
MaletorerUSUL: Pre released updates is unchecked and the only third party repo is Mactel.14:05
cheositecan I have a virtual drive in ubuntu, like when use alcohol or nero?14:05
phlak_usercheosite: sure14:05
Solventi just installed from a usb stick14:06
Solventworked like a dream14:06
yudongx hi, everybody14:06
gogetacheosite: we call that loopback14:06
erUSUL!iso | cheosite14:06
ubottucheosite: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.14:06
ascheelgeirha: Thanks for the motd help.  the package update-motd doesn't use a standard binary anymore.  It's executed by pam at login, but it seems broken for a number of people.  I think it's just a broken package.14:06
violinapprenblackn1ght: no relevant errors in /var/log/messages ?14:06
=== emc_ is now known as emc
blackn1ghtI'll have a look - dmesg recognises it when I plug it in14:06
violinappren!hi | yudongx14:06
ubottuyudongx: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:06
geirhaascheel: Ah, good to know. :)14:06
Guest55021thanks voilinappren14:07
blackn1ghtlast entry in dmesg: "usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning"14:07
ascheelgeirha: No it's not!  :)14:07
Gryllidavirtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory14:07
Gryllidamake: *** [Objects/typeobject.o] Error 114:07
Gryllidahow do I run make to fix it?14:07
MaletorerUSUL: what do?14:07
erUSULMaletor: aptitude why-not libgvfscommon014:08
MaletorerUSUL: i   gvfs Conflicts libgvfscommon014:08
blackn1ghtviolinappren: /var/log/messages (grepped) says "usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage"14:09
violinapprenblackn1ght: also, ls /dev/sd* (after you plug it in)14:09
ioWhy is linux-image-server been kept back when upgrading? I've tried 'why-not' which has no information.14:09
its-me-againhi how do i use gdm themes in ubuntu14:10
blackn1ghtviolinappren: /dev/sda, sda1, sda2, sda3, sda5, sda614:10
=== Vnom is now known as fireduck
zealioddoes any one know what tcpdump command i'd use to specify glean the vlan 802.11q tag from a packet...14:10
erUSULMaletor: apt-cache policy libgvfscommon014:10
tucemiuxIceIceIce, you have to ask in the room whether it's ok or not to PM, you dont just send a PM14:12
MaletorerUSUL: http://pastie.org/105361714:12
christ_bjr arniokas14:12
blackn1ghtanyone know how to hide joins/parts in irssi?14:12
barfsterAnyone here know how to run Ubuntu as virtual host? Or a good how to?14:12
ascheelIceIceIce: it's also not a good idea to PM as others in the room learn from the questions of everybody else.14:12
erUSULMaletor: dunno why it conflicts ... i have both installed here ...14:12
ikoniabarfster: depeds what technology you want to use for virtualization, xen/kvm ?14:12
tucemiuxzealiod, that doesnt seem like a problem with ubuntu, someone might know in #ubuntu-offtopic or maybe some of the programmers or sys admins14:12
ascheelbarfster, you mean using VirtualBox or something similar?14:12
barfsterI would prefer if there is one that comes with ubuntu14:13
Maletorblackn1ght: http://irssi.org/documentation/tips14:13
erUSULMaletor: if you do « sudo aptitude dist-upgrade » ?14:13
tucemiuxbarfster, I use virtual box, download virtualbox from their site, im installing kubuntu virtually right now as we chat, if you need any more info ask away or go to #vbox14:13
ikoniabarfster: the only one that's "part" of ubuntu is kvm a that's part of the linux kerne, however, virtual box, xen, are all applications that are free and packaged for ubuntu14:13
cheositeI use this command mount -t iso9660 Office\ 2007.iso /mnt/cdrom -o loop and I get this error mount: mount point /mnt/cdroom does not exist14:14
MaletorerUSUL: that does nothing14:14
erUSULcheosite: use /media/cdrom/ that should exist or create the mount point « sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom/ »14:14
violinapprenblackn1ght: try restarting udev ?14:14
blackn1ghtMaletor: thanks, I take it the changes happen after I restart irssi then14:15
Cool_Cmonkey_dust: thanks, removing those two did it i think. going to relogin now and check14:15
erUSULMaletor: gvfs conflicts with gvfs-backends < 1.5 but 1.6 is the one to be installed. dunno why the conflict ...14:15
blackn1ghtviolinappren: sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart ? trying that now...14:15
MaletorerUSUL: perhaps it is because i tried to compile and install ?14:16
erUSULMaletor: dunno; you created a deb ?14:16
blackn1ghtviolinappren: no joy :(14:16
cheositethanks I dont get an error, but how I open the image?14:16
MaletorerUSUL: I did not do checkinstall14:16
violinapprenblackn1ght: cat /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug14:17
erUSULcheosite: just open the file browse and go to /media/cdrom « nautilus /media/cdrom/ »14:17
MaletorI did find /usr -iname "*gvfs*" and that returned nothing14:17
new2ubuntuviolinappren: I downgraded the nvida video driver, rebooted, and got sound. Don't know why that worked but now I don't have cool vis effects <sniff>14:17
=== emc_ is now known as emc
erUSULMaletor: then that shouldn't have messed up dpkg/apt14:17
csgeekI'm trying to change sudo so it allows one user to use something like sudo -u foobar /bin/command without being prompted for a password.    %osm ALL=NOPASSWD:/bin/command  seems to work until I add the -u flag14:17
MaletorI mean /usr/local; /usr returned some stuff14:17
blackn1ghtviolinappren: that's empty14:17
MaletorerUSUL: Well I need to resolve this; what do you think will be the next step?14:17
=== IPNixon_ is now known as IPNixon
violinapprennew2ubuntu:  it could be taking over the sound device, paste your /var/log/messages14:19
=== aron is now known as Guest62736
jsimmonsHi, having some trouble with Brasero. When it re-encodes a video to put on a dvd, it seems to do it using the super super fast mode or something, which produces a horrible result.14:19
MattoDHi all :), I have installed apache2 and it cant FQDN when restart, Is there a way to make it qualify as theres and
blackn1ghtviolinappren: brb - restarting irssi14:19
jsimmonsnote it also insists on re-encoding, even when I give it a vob file with a mpeg-2 video stream and AC-3 audio14:19
pLrMattoD: you can still use it w/ that error14:20
cheositethanks but no cdrom in /media, the cdrom there in /mnt/cdrom , but it's great now I can install Office14:20
blackn1ghtviolinappren: back14:20
IceIceIcewhat can be the couz of ubuntu install from diskonkey not having the dual boot option in the proper menu????14:20
MattoDty, one of those things hat pop up but doesnt really mean anything14:20
new2ubuntuviolinappren: I think I'm going to just be happy with the sound for now. Thanks for your help this morning.14:20
csgeeknvm. got it14:20
tucemiuxjsimmons, did you try viewing your video first using an app in your computer and then viewing the video again -- on your computer??14:20
violinapprennew2ubuntu: you're welcome14:21
erUSULMaletor: really dunno how to solve it ... maybve if you go ahead with the unistals and after that reinstall ubuntu-desktop ?14:22
new2ubuntuviolinappren: Thanks again, BTW Is this room always this busy? I'd like to come back when at a quieter time.14:22
IceIceIcehey ppl i have a problem installing ubuntu 10.04 netbook dual with win7 starter. when i boot from my diskonkey ubuntu install in the menu of the install there is no side by side install option like it shown on the tutorial14:22
violinapprenblackn1ght: i think it's being recognized as something other than a disk , paste lsusb14:22
jsimmonsyeah tucemiux, it goes in pretty and comes out horrible.14:22
ionew2ubuntu: It is considerably quieter at the weekends, usually. All depends when people require support, whether that is 9 AM in the morning, or 4 AM in the morning. :-)14:23
violinapprennew2ubuntu: depends on the time of the day but it's not THAT busy now.14:23
ionew2ubuntu: And this isn't busy at the moment, disabling join/part messages in your IRC client will make it clearer as a user.14:23
monkey_dustnew2ubuntu, and 9pm for the usa is 1pm for europe :)14:24
MaletorerUSUL: what will uninstalling ubuntu-desktop do?14:24
new2ubuntuIO Thanks for the tip, I'm going to do that now.14:24
blackn1ghtviolinappren: tom@maria-laptop:~$ lsusb14:25
blackn1ghtBus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub14:25
blackn1ghtBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub14:25
blackn1ghtBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub14:25
blackn1ghtBus 002 Device 005: ID 0930:0b03 Toshiba Corp.14:25
blackn1ghtBus 002 Device 004: ID 0bda:0159 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.14:25
blackn1ghtBus 002 Device 003: ID 04f2:b044 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd14:25
blackn1ghtBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub14:25
blackn1ghtBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub14:25
erUSULMaletor: it is harmaless; it is only a meta-package. if only that is removed you are safe14:25
monkey_dustblackn1ght, use pastebin to show us the output14:25
FloodBot1blackn1ght: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:25
erUSULMaletor: i thought that many other packages were to be removed ...14:25
MaletorerUSUL: No it's pretty much everything but the kitchen sink.14:25
tucemiuxjsimmons, sounds youre using a format brasero doesnt like, so brasero uses a utility that automatically converts it to a format that it likes using default options.  Problem:  you dont like the default options.  Solution:  format the file youre trying to burn into a format brasero likes.  First find out what formats brasero likes then find out what format your file is int and then convert the format, there should be plenty of utilities14:25
tucemiuxto do that14:25
blackn1ghtmonkey_dust: kk :)14:26
violinapprenblackn1ght: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137404814:26
dean[w]Is there a log file somewhere that shows what time a user logs in or returns to a workstation that is locked?14:26
BluesKajjsimmons, or use k3b14:26
blackn1ghtviolinappren: kk, will look at that now thanks!14:26
IceIceIcehey ppl i have a problem installing ubuntu 10.04 netbook dual with win7 starter. when i boot from my diskonkey ubuntu install in the menu of the install there is no side by side install option like it shown on the tutorial14:27
jsimmonsWell brasero should like mpeg-2/AC-3 since that's what it ends up writing to the dvd. But it does not like that. I've also used x.264, Theora and raw frames in the vain hope of getting a decent re-encode. But they all end in a horrible mess of blocks14:27
iodean[w]: Did you see /var/log/auth.log?14:27
dean[w]thanks io14:27
violinapprenIceIceIce: what tutorial? give link14:27
BluesKajjsimmons, if converting check out ffmpeg14:28
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BluesKaj!info ffmpeg14:28
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): multimedia player, server and encoder. In component main, is optional. Version 4:0.5.1-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 231 kB, installed size 768 kB14:28
fleamour_How do I disable join/part msgs in XChat (Xubuntu)14:28
jsimmonsI'm not converting, I'm outputting straight from PiTiVi BluesKaj14:29
IceIceIcevilinappren: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download14:29
violinappren!tab | IceIceIce14:29
ubottuIceIceIce: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:29
BluesKajyou can burn with ffmpeg as well , jsimmons ..it's actually very easy , if you don't mind using the cli14:30
IceIceIceviolinappren: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download thanks for the tab tip haven't used irc in years :)14:30
violinapprenIceIceIce: that's not a "tutorial" , but do you mean you can't find the option in the menu you find directly after it boots? it's not there, it's half way through installation, select Install ubuntu and proceed14:30
IceIceIceviolinappren: i know where the option should be but it's not there it's just missing.14:32
ralliasis there a program from within ubuntu that allows me to compile windows executables?14:33
violinapprenIceIceIce: isn't there an option to use available free space? use it, it's same effect14:33
Vroomfondlerallias: what language?14:34
violinapprenrallias: google mingw3214:34
ralliasvroomfondle: C++14:34
Vroomfondleyeah, mingw32 then I think14:34
MaletorerUSUL: turns out i had added this library once upon a time but had since deleted it https://launchpad.net/~pmcenery/+archive/ppa14:34
Maletori readded it and found gvfs installed there but trying to mark it to uninstall still tells me to delete gdm etc.14:35
erUSULMaletor: well that can explain the mess up.14:35
MaletorHow do I find all 3rd party repos with stuff installed14:35
experiMENTALhi. problem not solved, plz. black screen with white flashing stripes up to half of the screen preceded by a message "checking battery state... [OK]": http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153154314:35
MaletorerUSUL: And can we fix the problem now?14:35
lynn4question there is there a video board which Ubuntu see's the ram14:36
violinapprenMaletor: ppa-purge from getdeb14:36
* barfster burps after dinner14:36
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erUSULMaletor: some ppa provide a ppa-purge command that can clean up this... find it and use it to purge the offending ppa14:36
IceIceIceviolinappren: you mean the last option. i tryed it but haven't found the exit there. i have a 50g unpart. space but it wont let me use it14:36
lynn4as I have a 512 meg ddr3 and it sees 128 megs14:36
barfsterikonia: Can kvm, virtual box or xen run several VMs?14:37
lynn4virtual box new version14:37
violinapprenIceIceIce: select "manual" and create two  partitions in the freespace, one for root (/) and one for swap (a small 1 or 2 GB)14:37
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Maletorviolinappren: erUSUL: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/9165214:38
IceIceIceviolinappren: what is swap used for?14:38
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BluesKaj!swap | IceIceIce14:39
ubottuIceIceIce: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info14:39
violinapprenIceIceIce: use as additional memory14:39
new2ubuntuSilly question but how do u disable the , join and quit notifications in empathy?14:40
blackn1ghtviolinappren: no joy there on that forum post :(14:40
IceIceIceviolinappren: thank you i will try that14:40
violinapprenblackn1ght: paste your /var/log/messages14:40
IceIceIceviolinappren:  can i do that with the win7 part tool? if not what should i use14:41
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erUSULMaletor: you can get the ppa-purge program from elsewhere ( xorg ppa have it) dwonload the deb and install it14:41
violinapprenIceIceIce: it's offered as the last option during installation (same screen as the tutorial )14:42
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IceIceIceviolinappren: thanks again14:43
MatBoysomeone using Adobe Fireworks on Ubuntu 10.04 ? seems to be odd to install it with Wine14:43
violinapprenIceIceIce: you're welcome14:43
blackn1ghtviolinappren: http://pastebin.com/gLeMf8wF14:43
MaletorerUSUL: thanks. still though is there a way to find all the debs installed via 3rd party ppas?14:44
violinapprenMaletor: i think apptitude can do that14:44
erUSULMaletor: i only know how to use policy to find out where a package comes from ( or will come if i'm about to install it )14:45
Maletorviolinappren: how?14:45
violinapprenMaletor: in it's ncurses GUI, not sure exactly14:46
experiMENTALno ones asking, so... hi. problem not solved, plz. black screen with white flashing stripes up to half of the screen preceded by a message "checking battery state... [OK]": http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153154314:48
violinapprenblackn1ght: "SATA link down" that's some spooky stuff14:49
blackn1ghtviolinappren: haha, maybe that's related to me doing the command "partprobe" as it said in that forum post, not sure...14:49
MaletorerUSUL: thank you for ppa purge14:52
MaletorerUSUL: it's godly14:52
erUSULMaletor: no problem14:52
experiMENTALwhere could i find more help?14:52
sheepzhow would one go about creating a user via the cli?14:53
new2ubuntuPardon my intrusion, anyone know how to disable notifications in empathy / irc? i don't want "blah has joined the room" type messages, tia14:53
trollboyman adduser14:53
monkey_dustsheepz, type useradd -m14:54
Pirx-DanfordHi, after upgrading a server to 10.04 I have a weird behaviour in regards to the resolv.conf, after a reboot its empty, but when I manually perform a /etc/init.d/networking restart its properly filled, any hint what might be going wrong?14:54
bmidgleyhey, after a 10.04 upgrade my screen in X is very dim... mouse cursor is fine but everything else is virtually unreadable14:54
bmidgleyradeon 700014:54
monkey_dustsheepz, type useradd -m some_name14:54
trollboyPirx-Danford, sounds like a dhcp thing14:54
sheepzmonkey_dust, thanks14:54
rileyp /msg NickServ identify bowser14:54
trollboyand lets see how fast rileyp can change his password14:55
monkey_dustsheepz, -m adds a home directory14:55
rileypi dont eevn know how14:55
rileyptips please14:56
Kartagiswhat I want is to find all mp3 files by Dido in several directories and cp them all to a directory. any help for me?14:56
surginggreetings everyone i have a question: how do i make xchat stop auto-joining this channel every time i start it?  i went into preferences to edit the channel list for freenode, but no auto-join channel is listed14:56
rileyptrollboy how do i change paswoed14:56
Pirx-Danfordtrollboy: yeah I suspect dhcp too but I can't find out why it won't work properly at system boot time14:56
monkey_dustKartagis, type find / -name *mp3 -exec cp {} /home/your_home \;14:57
trollboyrileyp, /nickserv help14:57
trollboysounds like something is dieing on networking on start14:57
trollboyand a restart fixes it14:57
trollboyyou got any kind of logging Pirx-Danford?14:58
Kartagismonkey_dust thanks14:58
BluesKajsurging, ask your question in #xchat14:59
Pirx-Danfordsure trollboy but looking at dmesg leaves me clueless, hmmm lets see if there is anything for the dhclient15:00
uRocksurging, are you using xchat-gnome?15:00
* monkey_dust uses smuxi15:00
surgingBluesKaj: good point i just thought of that myself, uRock: yes i am15:01
coolguy4Hi, I have 64bit ubuntu. I want to run a firefox with a 32bit java plugin. Could someone please explain what's involved? There's lots of stuff in google but it's quite outdated and contradictory. Do I need to install 32bit firefox and a 32bit java and a 32 bit java plugin?15:01
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uRocksurging, On the left side of the screen where the #s are listed, right click and uncheck "auto-join on connect"15:02
irvkenI want to remotely support my brother on his vista machine (other than changing the OS) whats the best way to set up remote support, everything I've found so far is windows 2 windows  support, but I want to use my ubuntu machine15:03
violinapprenirvken: rdesktop15:03
monkey_dust!samba| irvken15:03
ubottuirvken: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:03
violinapprencoolguy4: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins15:04
surginguRock, i tried that before but when i restart the program auto-join is checked again, i'll go ask in xchat15:04
econdudeawesomeSo I installed lubuntu desktop over a 10.04 ubuntu install. Now when I boot it sometimes uses gdm and sometimes uses lxdm, and generally runs buggy when gdm comes up. Would it be a bad idea to uninstall gdm?15:04
violinapprenmonkey_dust: he said report support, not file sharing15:04
uRocksurging, that is odd, it has worked without any issues for me. Good luck15:05
monkey_dustmy mistake, violinappren15:05
coolguy4violinappren: thanks that looks like reasonably current information.15:05
violinapprenecondudeawesome: as long as you have another dm, no it's not.15:05
mAritzHey, I have a dell keyboard with a volume control wheel. Sometimes it works and changes the volume (and shows the volume osd on the top left), sometimes it doesn't do anything - no matter how much i turn the wheel. (disclaimer: i'm using xubuntu right now, but that shouldn't be much of a problem, right? :/ )15:06
aeon-ltdecondudeawesome: frankly you could ditch both and use xinit + daemons for everything :)15:06
econdudeawesomeaeon-ldt and violinappren would removing these remove my GNOME session totally?15:06
violinapprenecondudeawesome: no, gdm is a separate package15:07
rileyp<irvken> telnet15:07
killer--47HOW TO REGISTER15:08
ikonia!register > killer--4715:08
ubottukiller--47, please see my private message15:08
econdudeawesomeviolinappren it apt-get removed 5 packages: ubuntu-netbook-remix, ubuntu-netbook, ubuntu-desktop, gdm-guest-session, and gdm15:08
astrocubwhat would you use to check the filesystem on 10.04?15:08
irvkenunfortuntely this is my brother we're talking about15:08
violinapprenrileyp: you gotta be kidding me15:08
astrocubcould you use fsck.ext3?15:08
ikoniaastrocub: what's the problem you are having ?15:08
irvkenhe has problems adding attachements to email15:08
econdudeawesomekiller--47 /msg NickServe help15:08
violinapprenecondudeawesome: these are virtual packages15:08
killer--47THANK U15:08
econdudeawesomeviolenappren may I ask what the difference is?15:08
astrocubikonia: it keeps saying disk has many bad sectors15:09
makulkarcan i increase memory allocated to ubuntu after installing? I have installed ubuntu 10.04 from windows and made it dual boot.15:09
ikoniaastrocub: ok, so a file system check won't fix bad sectors15:09
astrocubikonia: what would you use?15:09
econdudeawesomemakulkar--not sure, do you mean resize the partition allocated to Linux?15:09
violinapprenecondudeawesome: they are just a name for a group of packages to install, but the actual packages dont get removed if you remove them15:09
Oer!resetpanels | Oer15:10
ubottuOer, please see my private message15:10
Pirx-Danfordtrollboy this is weird, I checked for dhclient output differences in the syslog and it seems at startup the dhclient tries to do some stuff related to the NetworkManager, which is not installed at all15:10
econdudeawesomeviolenappren interesting. But it did uninstall gdm?15:10
violinapprenmakulkar: memory or disk space ?15:10
rileypwell what about logmein I dunno  if you can use it on ;linux though15:10
makulkarviolinappren, I mean disk space. I had given 30gb now its running out of it15:10
killer--47how to add new firends?15:10
violinapprenikonia: bad sectors can't be fixed, they can be ignored15:10
silvestreSuspend broke recently on my Thinkpad X60s ... is that a known bug? Doesnt seem to be the kernel.15:11
violinapprenmakulkar: use gparted livecd to resize the partitions15:11
killer--47OMG  so many people here15:11
monkey_dust!support| killer--4715:11
ubottukiller--47: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org15:11
econdudeawesomehahaha killer--47--don't need to add all of us as friends.15:11
ikoniaviolinappren: I know this15:12
makulkarviolinappren, thanks. Any other way say from windows boot?15:12
violinapprenPirx-Danford: check it's hooks in /etc15:12
monkey_dust!ot| killer--4715:12
ubottukiller--47: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:12
progre55hi guys! I'm on jaunty, and want to install a package. but jaunty repos have an old version of the package I want to install. So is it possible to add lucid as some backport and install it from the lucid repos?15:12
aeon-ltdkiller--47: yeah lets go on twitter, i'll follow you if you follow me :) lol *sarcasm*15:12
violinapprenmakulkar: it's not at all safe to resize partitions on a mounted disk, use the livecd15:12
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trollboyPirx-Danford, install it?15:13
trollboyor yell at one of the devs here15:13
killer--47OMG!!!ubottu is a Rob15:13
iFrankZHi guys, can someone explain me on private how to use Windows XP on DualBoot with VM Virtual Box? I've got Windows XP.iso (Like 600 MB). Thanks so much.15:13
violinapprenmakulkar: it's included with ubuntu livecd15:13
Xaratashi, how can i set encoding ibm 437 in my terminal?15:13
violinappren!ot | killer--4715:13
ubottukiller--47: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:13
astrocubi'm reading there are physical and logical bad sectors. how would you detect and fix logical bad sectors?15:14
makulkarviolinappren, ah ok. So I need not install again, but just change partition15:14
monkey_dustiFrankZ, join #vbox15:14
uRock!k-line | killer--4715:14
violinapprenmakulkar: to resize them, yes15:14
makulkarviolinappren, ok will try that. Thanks15:14
violinapprenmakulkar: backup important stuff before doing so15:14
Pirx-Danfordyelling at devs might in general be a good idea, but I'll try to solve this puzzle first, installing the NetworkManager is a no, don't want all that desktop stuff on the server15:14
makulkarviolinappren, that means all 30gb's :) will do15:15
violinapprenmakulkar: hard disks crash and do naughty things, always a good idea to have a backup15:15
rileypirvken get your brother to install logmein on his windows machine and all you will need on your linux machine is a web browser15:16
makulkarviolinappren, true. If no other go I was planning to reinstall with 100GB size. Hopefully i wont have to.15:16
cipherzhello, anyone have experience with a barcode reader(I have ps2/rs232 connection, but my laptop only has usb, so i am thinking usb/rs232 ?) )15:18
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cipherzbut would xorg be able to autodetect a serial connection and use it as keyboard input or ?15:18
violinapprencipherz: only one way to know15:19
progre55anyone? I'm on jaunty, and want to install a package. but jaunty repos have an old version of the package I want to install. So is it possible to add lucid as some backport into my apt sources and install it from the lucid repos?15:19
violinapprenprogre55: you'll break system15:19
cipherzviolinappren, true, just that the hw/machine is a bit of a travel away, so would be nice to know if it was possible and if buying a rs232/usb would make it work before travelling :)15:19
monkey_dustprogre55, i don't think older version will recognize newer versions15:19
abhijithello all15:19
aeon-ltd!hi | abhijit15:20
ubottuabhijit: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:20
monkey_dust!hi| abhijit15:20
violinapprencipherz: how else would you plug it without such a converter ?15:20
valientesNautilus is not working with dropbox15:20
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monkey_dustvalientes, i bit more specific, pls?15:21
ben72 hi! what am I doing wrong here? I want to assign a symlink (called cdisplay) to an USB device.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/467013/15:21
ben72but I get a symlink like /dev/cdisplay -> snd/pcmC0D0c (and it seems it's random what it points to)15:21
cipherzviolinappren, well depends.. violence helps ;) but yeah you got a point.. just didnt want to waste money, but usb/rs232 is cheap as hell so yeah :)15:21
valientesI have always to reboot the aplication dropbox to work properly every seson15:21
cipherzs/got a/got the/15:21
iFrankZHello.. How can I set on VM VirtualBox my XP OS to use Windows.iso (I downloaded it sometime ago, around 600MB) to work well? I receive a bootable error whenever I use my XP OS, Thanks for help..15:22
violinapprenben72: what syntax is that?15:22
monkey_dustiFrankZ, please join #vbox15:23
valientesIFrank; Maybe the ISO is rong15:23
MatisseI want to add the pgp stuff to claws-mail, but it crashes if i do that. no error message and no information if I start claws via bash15:23
ben72violinappren, I use it in a file under /etc/udev/rules.d15:23
Nubulis_Maximuscan someone tell me how to turn off the equivalent of windows "auto-complete" option15:23
Matisseany idea?15:23
valientesthere is a problem with the operative system they gave you15:23
violinappren!bug | Matisse15:24
ubottuMatisse: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:24
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:24
violinappreniFrankZ: did you correctly set the virtual machine to boot from the ISO? right click > settings15:25
Nubulis_Maximuscan someone tell me how to turn off the equivalent of windows "auto-complete" option15:25
violinapprenits-me-again: what's your question and don't abuse the bot15:25
valientesIfranlZ Can you try to run other windows operative system to know if the problem is of the ISO or the machine?15:25
erUSULNubulis_Maximus: what are you refering to ?15:26
violinapprenNubulis_Maximus: in what application ?15:26
ben72is there a way to decide which of two UUSB2Serial devices gets assigned which ttyUSB*? they are identical with the same product and vendor id..15:26
Nubulis_Maximusnot sure, but i think it's pretty much anything15:26
monkey_dustvalientes, maybe this pdf helps => http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4653463/issue38_en.pdf15:26
Nubulis_Maximuswith exception of xchat15:26
abhinav_singh1hey i am having a very long command ....i want to make alias of it ....please tell me how to do that15:27
Pirx-Danfordokay this is wild, it seems the dhclient scripts are not executed at all at system boot15:27
valientesThanks monkey15:27
violinapprenNubulis_Maximus: auto-compete or auto spell checking ?15:27
its-me-againviolinappren: the bot gives handy stuff i need at times no abuse going on15:28
violinapprenabhinav_singh1: alias something='some long thing'15:28
violinapprenits-me-again: /msg ubottu15:28
violinappren!hi | kid15:28
ubottukid: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:28
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
Nubulis_Maximusviolinappren: autocomplete15:29
erUSULben72: there is no difference in either id's ? it has to be something different about them. read this http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html the part about sysfs and udevinfo. something must tell the two apart15:29
violinapprenNubulis_Maximus: there's no "auto-complete" feature except in some text editors, take a screenshot15:29
Xaratashmm, toll, 2nd try: how can i set encoding ibm 437 in my terminal?15:29
splnetwhich package has 'lspci' ?15:30
abhinav_singh1violinappren: Thank you very much.....i have made alias15:30
splnet-bash: lspci: command not found15:30
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Nubulis_Maximusviolinappren: maybe autocomplete is the wrong explanation, it's actually more like word suggestions, of previously typed text15:31
Oer!details lspci15:31
ben72erUSUL, thanks but is there anything else but vendor and product id that can tell them apart?15:31
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violinapprensplnet: pciutils15:31
Nubulis_Maximusviolinappren: tried screen shot, but when i leave page it disappears15:31
violinapprenNubulis_Maximus: do you mean in firefox ?15:32
valientes Anyone here has use remasterys?15:32
splnetviolinappren: thx!15:32
violinapprenabhinav_singh1: you're welcome15:32
erUSULben72: udevinfo shows a lot of atributs run it for the two devices. compare.15:32
MaletorI've got a problem where I ran a wasp uninstall script and it got rid of my login screen theme? How do I restore it?15:33
ben72erUSUL, you mean lsusb -v ?15:33
m_ondkalbHi i got a problem with rsync and RSA-Key authentification. I use a Private-Key with passphrase (stored in ~/.ssh/id_rsa). This key is somehow managed by ssh-agent and works quiet well for SSH-Connections (i only have to type in the password once during gnome-session).15:33
m_ondkalbThe Problem is that this doesn't work for the rsync command ( $ rsync -avz -e 'ssh' user@server:/remotePath /localpath)!15:33
m_ondkalbI allways have to give the Server-Password.15:33
m_ondkalbWhen i use something like this:15:33
FloodBot3m_ondkalb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:33
m_ondkalb$ rsync -avz -e 'ssh -i /home/me/.ssh/id_rsa' user@server:/remotePath /localpath15:33
m_ondkalbit works by asking for passphrase, but i have to type the passphrase every time i use that command.15:33
Nubulis_Maximusviolinappren: just checked it is just firefox,15:33
Nubulis_Maximuswas thinking it was in other apps as well, but it's not15:34
violinapprenNubulis_Maximus: edit > preferences > privacy > turn off "remember search and form history"15:34
clusterfuskA few days ago, I was using a 9.10 live cd to move files from a NTFS Truecrypt file container.  the file operations dialogue stole focus while I was trying to type du in the xterm.  This caused the move to stop, and the source directory disappeared.  The free space on the source filesystem shows as the same as before, so it looks like a filesystem error.  is this right?  should I attempt to mount it in windows to fix it?15:34
splnetm_ondkalb: use rsa keys over ssh15:34
elRumors say Ubuntu 10.50 Ñu is in development15:35
Nubulis_Maximusviolinappren: Thank you15:35
el10.50 Ñu15:35
violinapprenNubulis_Maximus: you're welcome15:35
violinappren!ot | el15:36
ubottuel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:36
erUSULben72: this i tried with my mouse --> udevadm info -a  -p /sys/class/input/mouse0 | less15:36
monkey_dustel, check this url https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule15:36
killer--47what kind of update is needed?15:36
clusterfuskel: Rumors also say that May is long past.15:36
erUSULben72: try yourself with the usb serial devices ...15:36
abhinav_singh1violinappren hey i have made alias...but it is not working when i am running it on terminal it is saying command not found15:36
aretrfre34is there any daemon to record any audio output from my soundcard?15:36
Pici!10.10 | el15:36
ubottuel: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:36
ralliasis it possible to set apt-get to install data in a users directory?15:37
violinapprenabhinav_singh1: paste the line you used to make the alias, did you add it to your .bashrc ?15:37
abhinav_singh1no how to add it to .bashrc15:37
violinapprenrallias: chroot15:37
Arch_Adamdoes ubuntu support radeon mobility laptop g-cards?15:38
abhinav_singh1no how to add it to .bashrc violinappren15:38
=== hsa2|gone is now known as hsa2
violinappren!hardware | Arch_Adam15:38
ubottuArch_Adam: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:38
ben72erUSUL, thanks trying..15:38
ralliashow long does mingw usually take to install from the .sh file?15:38
violinapprenabhinav_singh1: nano ~/.bashrc15:38
hsa2can you suggest me a guide to set up a ubuntu 10.04 on usb drive?15:39
abhijit!manual | hsa215:39
ubottuhsa2: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:39
bazhanghsa2, flash usb key?15:39
hsa2bazhang, yes15:39
devalienteshsa2 in the ubuntu.com principal page15:39
abhijit!unetbootin | hsa215:39
ubottuhsa2: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:39
bazhanghsa2, unetbootin15:39
bazhanghsa2, if you want persistent then see the last link from the bot15:40
clusterfuskrallias: this is not recommended because the package manager doesn't know about these programs, but some programs will work if you extract the package to a user directory with file-roller.15:40
violinapprenabhinav_singh1: for example: alias ll = 'ls -l'15:40
hsa2bazhang, what is persistent? does it mean saving the changes during run?15:40
abhinav_singh1violinappren yes i have written it in .bashrc but how to save that .bashrc file?15:40
ottermatonI'm looking for something that will show when and to which wireless network(s) I have connected to. Is there a tool for this? A log file?15:40
aretrfre34how to record audio playing by any app???15:41
bazhanghsa2, saved between boots, yep15:41
violinapprenabhinav_singh1: ctrl + o and ctrl +  x15:41
ben72erUSUL, ATTRS{serial} are different for the devices so maybe I can use that..15:41
clusterfuskrallias: also make sure to set $PATH to the user's bin directory in .bashrc15:42
erUSULben72: yep15:42
abhijitaretrfre34, from which software you want to record audio?15:42
rileyphsa2 if you want linux on a usb stick ilook up penpdrivelinux install it on your pc download the linux of your choice and pendrive linux will install in on your usb stick then boot from your usb and it will work...15:43
abhinav_singh1violinappren yes i have done that....will it work from the next reboot?15:43
clusterfuskrallias: my web server does this because I share a server with a few other websites.15:43
violinapprenabhinav_singh1: if syntax is correct, yes15:43
aretrfre34abhijit:any, empathy, rhythmbox15:43
abhinav_singh1violinappren ok i am rebooting my system15:43
abhijitaretrfre34, check here http://all-streaming-media.com/record-audio-stream/15:43
hsa2rileyp, i am reading something about /tmp, as far as i can understand, keeping the /tmp on usb drive makes usb drive's life short ha?15:44
andres_good guys,how can i use audio/video chatting using pidgin 2.6.2?15:44
Daekdroomhsa2, yes, same thing with swap partition15:44
rileyphsa2 http://www.pendrivelinux.com/put-ubuntu-10-04-on-flash-drive-using-windows/15:45
hsa2Daekdroom, i have a 4 gb usb drive, installing linux on 3 gb and using 1 gb as swap is OK right?15:45
violinapprenandres_: right click and it should be there, if the other client supports it15:45
Daekdroomhsa2, I don't think you should use SWAP in a USB drive.15:45
hsa2Daekdroom, why is that?15:45
erUSULhsa2: 1 GiB of swap is a waste in that situation15:45
abhijitandres_, when you start conversation with someone then on there is conversation=>audio / vedio call or right click and you wll get same option15:45
Daekdroomhsa2, it uses too much write cycles on the USB drive.15:45
m_ondkalbhi i got a problem with ssh-agent and rsync command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/467029/plain/15:46
hsa2what if i plug my usb drive to others computers, and what if they don't have enough ram?15:46
andres_abhijit_thank u..ill try it15:46
rileypDaekdroom,  Im with you insatll it all on one partation15:46
Daekdroomhsa2, for that matter, you could try installing a lightweight version like lubuntu15:47
abhijitandres_, ok15:47
andres_violinappren_thank you15:47
experiMENTALanyone seen official ktechlab channel?15:47
clusterfuskhsa2: That's right.  Flash RAM can't handle very much writing.  My company's policy is to refuse to put a complete OS on any flash device until this has been fixed, for this reason.15:47
ottermatonWhat log file can I look at or what tool can I use to show which wireless network(s) I've connected to and when?15:48
rileypor4 gb drive install damnsmall linux   50 mb! and it runs webbrowser and all15:48
hsa2i see15:48
hsa2may be i should try a mre lightweight distro15:48
clusterfuskhsa2: What are you trying to do?15:48
hsa2clusterfusk, getting a fully running linux on a usb drive15:49
clusterfuskhsa2: but why?15:49
rileyphsa2 damnsmalllinux is very impressive!15:49
abhinav_singhviolinappren it is working ...thankin you very much for your support15:49
hsa2to use it while i am not on my own pc15:49
hsa2rileyp, it's name is also impressive :P15:49
rileypand its 50 mb15:49
abhijit hsa2 puppy15:49
aeon-ltdhsa2: ubuntu, but not stock on usn15:49
rileypyou can make a dsl usb stick in a ~5- 10 minutes and be up and running15:50
clusterfuskhsa2: I would try puppy linux.  It runs entirely in RAM, preventing the problems with flash write cycles15:50
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hsa2clusterfusk, my concern is that, the computer i run may not have enough ram15:51
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iratedhsa2: how much do you have15:51
aretrfre34abhijit:i'm not supporter of proprietary15:51
clusterfuskhsa2: puppy is small enough so any computer should be able to run it15:51
hsa2irated, i have enough, but others may not15:51
iratedwhats the minium?15:51
abhijitaretrfre34, dunno then i just found that link in google15:52
hsa2clusterfusk, does puppy have any de?15:52
aeon-ltdhsa2: look up slitaz, imo i don't like it stock but with some fine tuning mayve15:52
hsa2irated, 512 mb may be15:52
aretrfre34abhijit:it's ok15:52
iyunkateusI had to upgrade Ubuntu Netbook with do-distribution-upgrade, but now the panels are messed up and the desktop shows instead of the menu. What settings should I change?15:52
abhijithsa2, http://www.puppylinux.org/15:52
rileyphsa2 http://www.pendrivelinux.com/all-in-one-usb-dsl/15:52
clusterfuskhsa2: assuming you mean desktop environment, yes.  I suggest reading about it.  hold on, let me find a link for you15:53
iratedhsa2: I have never used puppy linux but dsl is nice15:53
ecolitan_what happens to hosts that are in both hosts.allow and hosts.deny ?15:53
iyunkateusIs there a page I should look at?15:53
iratedhosts.allow takes precedent iirc15:53
splnetis there a package for compat-wireless?15:53
clusterfuskirated:  Does it run all in RAM, or does it still write /tmp or /var to disk?15:54
rileypJust try dsl and have a play....15:54
iratedclusterfusk: dsl runs in ram15:54
iratedclusterfusk: almost all isos run in ram15:54
iyunkateusI had to upgrade Ubuntu Netbook with do-distribution-upgrade, but now the panels are messed up and the desktop shows instead of the menu. What settings should I change?15:55
splnetHow do you install ath9k driver? ( appart from source )15:55
clusterfuskirated: alight then.  DSL would be a good option, too for hsa2, too.15:55
ralliasHow do i set my password for email on evolution?15:55
Jigalhow can i maken eclipse workable with php on ubuntu 10.04?15:56
hsa2rileyp, the link you gave requires windows, isn't there any way to install it on linux?15:56
hichamis it easy to request an ubuntu ppa ?15:56
clusterfuskrallias: evolutiion should ask for it...15:56
ralliasclusterfusk: it isn't15:56
violinapprenJigal: eclipse-pdt15:56
Jigalviolinappren: how to install that???15:56
rileypof course  u net boot in I thinkits called15:57
clusterfuskrallias: what have you done so far?15:57
monkey_dustrileyp, you mean unetbootin15:57
ralliasi have gone through the wizard, and clicked send/recieve15:57
violinapprenJigal: download the bundle from eclipse.org15:57
frxstremis it possible to find the creation date of a file with ls?15:57
rileypyep thats it15:57
violinapprenfrxstrem: it's not recorded on ext filesystems15:58
hsa2Minimum Flash Drive Capacity: 64MB15:58
darti am facing huge memory leak problem....the nautilus memory consumption reaches 150mb even after all the windows are closed...it started after i installed the new global menu to be featured in maverick...wat can i do abt it?15:58
hsa2LOL :)15:58
llutzfrxstrem: not yet on ext-fs15:58
frxstremdammit -.-15:58
Jigalviolinappren: but do i have to first uninstall eclipse?????15:58
llutzfrxstrem: ext4 has a field for it, but it isn't used yet15:59
abhijitfrxstrem, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/general-10/file-creation-date-in-linux-473684/15:59
monkey_dustdart, please ask that in #ubuntu+115:59
violinapprenJigal: yes, better remove it and use http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-php-developers/heliosr15:59
rileyphsa2  dsl will impress you heaps ity blew my miind all the programs it had on it on a clean install all in 50 mb15:59
llutzabhijit: modification-time != creation time15:59
abhijitllutz, ok16:00
iyunkateusI had to upgrade Ubuntu Netbook with do-distribution-upgrade, but now the panels are messed up and the desktop shows instead of the menu. What settings should I change? Is there a page to look at?16:00
||x]x||anyone can help me install bahamut 1.8.9 on ubuntu 10? :)16:00
clusterfuskrallias: run seahorse to see if there's already an entry for your email account.16:00
rileyptry it screw it and blue it and stuff it  and #!#@ it and then try another flavour.. it like shopping for new lollies16:00
rileypwhwn your a kid16:01
clusterfuskrallias: hit ctrl+F2 and type "seahorse"16:01
tdnI need to copy a large file (>4GB) to a friend's iPod. But the iPod cannot have large files. So I need to split it. How do I do this? I know I can use 'split', but then she cannot restore the file in Windows. So I was thinking about zipsplit, but it seems that it does not support files >2GB. What to do?16:01
clusterfuskrallias: It shows you your stored passwords16:01
hsa2i also have a few questions about ubuntu itself16:02
iyunkateusI had to upgrade Ubuntu Netbook with do-distribution-upgrade, but now the panels are messed up and the desktop shows instead of the menu. What settings should I change? Is there a page to look at?16:02
aretrfre34tdn:use tail16:02
hsa2i am having flashplugin and pulseaudiu related problems.16:02
XLVtdn, tar. winrar, 7zip can handle it in the windows side16:02
Jigalhow can i uninstall through apt-get16:02
violinapprentdn: she can restore it on windows, i think the command is 'type '16:02
ralliasclusterfusk: there isn't an entry.16:02
iyunkateusJigal: apt-get remove16:02
monkey_dustJigal, sudo apt-get purge16:02
violinapprenJigal: apt-get autoremove16:02
hsa2flash video and sound are not in sync, is there any fix about it?16:02
erUSULtdn: 7zip is your best option.16:02
tdnaretrfre34, tail?16:03
rileyptdn go buy a usb stick16:03
clusterfuskrallias: have you confirmed that your account information was entered correctly in evolution's preferences?16:03
tdnXLV, I don't think tar is common on Windows.16:03
ralliasit never asked for a password, so i don't16:03
rileypyou havent even said file type16:03
tdnXLV, how do I create splitted winrar archive in ubuntu?16:03
XLVtdn, i said.. winrar and 7zip can handle it in the windows world16:03
iyunkateusI had to upgrade Ubuntu Netbook with do-distribution-upgrade, but now the panels are messed up and the desktop shows instead of the menu. What settings should I change? Is there a page to look at?16:03
XLVtdn, you dont.. you use tar in ubuntu16:03
erUSULtdn: all compressions program in windows manage tar.gz and tar.bz2 without problems ...16:04
aretrfre34tdn:yes tail, will do the job16:04
tdnerUSUL, ok. So how do I split it with tar?16:04
erUSULtdn: but splitting in tar's is not easy either... use 7zip16:04
rileypor bunzip or gunzip16:04
tdnerUSUL, how to use 7zip then?16:04
monkey_dusttdn, check http://www.pixelbeat.org/cmdline.html for archiving and compression16:04
violinapprenstop confusing the dude and just give him a command16:04
rileyprar as well16:05
=== Snux is now known as al0x
clusterfuskrallias: It sounds like you haven't entered the right server information.  Check your preferences16:05
iyunkateusI had to upgrade Ubuntu Netbook with do-distribution-upgrade, but now the panels are messed up and the desktop shows instead of the menu. What settings should I change? Is there a page to look at?16:05
abhijit!7zip | tdn16:05
ubottutdn: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression16:05
erUSULtdn: install p7zip-full ; right click on the file you want to compress/split choose add to archive/compress16:05
ralliasclusterfusk: i checked the preferences. It doesn't have a password, it never asked for one16:05
n0bodyhey, i need to add something to /etc/inittab so that it runs on tty6 all the time, but there is no inittab coz of upstart16:05
tdnmonkey_dust, that page does not mention splitting.16:05
n0bodyany ideas?16:05
violinappren!panels | iyunkateus16:06
ubottuiyunkateus: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »16:06
iyunkateusviolinappren: they are at defaults. that's the problem, I want them set up like in the netbook version16:06
erUSULtdn: in the resulting dialog choose .7z as extension. click the plus to show options set volume size16:06
iyunkateusviolinappren: but I'm not sure what exactly to do16:06
violinappreniyunkateus: ah, sorry. perhaps you need a clean install16:07
iyunkateusviolinappren: oh noes16:07
clusterfuskrallias: I DID NOT SAY PASSWORD.  Check your SERVER information.  If you enter the correct server information, Evolutions prompts for a password when you check for new mail.16:07
tdnerUSUL, I use Ark, but I cannot see where to set file size.16:07
markitoxshas anybody know how to switch the twinview layout using nvidia-settings from the command line?16:07
iyunkateusviolinappren: is there a way to back up my installed packages and their settings?16:07
tdnCan't this be done from command line?16:08
clusterfuskrallias: what mail server are you trying to connect to?16:08
ralliasclusterfusk: the server info is correct.16:08
ralliasclusterfusk: localhost port 108016:08
violinappreniyunkateus: ctrl + h in nautilus will show you hidden files which usually contain configurations, save the ones you need16:08
monkey_dusttdn, this dude had the same question => http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13334216:08
splnetWhich package contains 'iwconfig'16:08
splnet-bash: iwconfig: command not found16:08
rwwsplnet: wireless-tools, I think16:09
ralliasclusterfusk: i telnetted it today and have not cut it off yet16:09
ralliasok now its working... odd16:09
splnetrww: thx16:09
slinker1apt-cache search iwconfig16:09
slinker1iw - tool for configuring Linux wireless devices16:10
erUSULtdn: ok; commna line « 7z a -v4000m  file.7z file_to_compress »16:10
Jigalviolinappren: how do i install that package???16:10
iyunkateuswhat command is the netbook menu?16:10
clusterfuskrallias: sounds to me like it's a problem with your mail server.  Evolution is pretty straightforward.16:10
erUSULtdn: that creates 4000 MiB volumes16:10
violinapprenJigal: just extract it16:10
Jigalviolinappren: but in wich folder do i place it16:10
iyunkateusnvm, found it16:10
tdnmonkey_dust, that is not the same question at all. I know how to split and join a file in linux. Problem is that it needs to be joined on Windows.16:10
Jigalviolinappren: it also doesn't apear in my menu16:11
monkey_dusttdn, it seems that is a windows issue, then16:11
rwwslinker1: proof that apt-cache search is not a perfect tool for finding which package contains a file ;)16:11
Xaratashttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=500585 can i get an answer to this?16:11
tdnerUSUL, thanks. And how to extract/join in Windows?16:11
tdnmonkey_dust, not at all.16:11
violinapprenJigal: click on the eclipse binary inside the folder16:11
erUSULtdn: double click on the first volume ? ( if you have a half decent compression program ( 7-zip for windows is free and very good) all should work automatically16:12
Jigalviolinappren: get an error: a java runtime environment or jdk must be available16:12
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.16:12
tdnerUSUL, ok. Thanks.16:12
violinapprenJigal: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre16:13
erUSULtdn: or create a sfx archive?16:13
=== pjarnahomzz is now known as pjarnahom
Chum_Chumwhat is an anti malwere for ubuntu16:14
Jigalviolinappren: now it works16:14
violinapprenChum_Chum: clamv16:14
Chum_Chumdoes it work16:15
violinapprenChum_Chum: what kind of question is that?16:15
ikoniaChum_Chum: please state the product name16:16
Jigalviolinappren: but i can't choose to start a php project16:16
Chum_Chumdoes it actually do the job propaly rather than the others16:16
iyunkateusChum_Chum: There's Clam AV, but the only thing you'll need that for is making sure you don't send a virus to someone on Windows16:16
violinapprenJigal: file > file > project16:16
ActionParsnipChum_Chum: can you clarify what "it" is please16:16
violinapprenJigal: file > new16:16
ikoniaChum_Chum: state the product name16:16
||x]x||how do i allow port connections? example, someone wants to connect to my port 2222 ... i'm using ubuntu 1016:16
tdnerUSUL, sfx?16:17
erUSULtdn: self extracting archives;16:17
ActionParsnip||x]x||: are you wanting to connect to a PC outside of your network?16:17
violinappren||x]x||: man ufw16:17
ikoniaChum_Chum:clam av is a mail scanned16:17
ikoniaChum_Chum: clamav is a mail scanner16:17
ActionParsnip!antivirus | Chum_Chum16:17
ubottuChum_Chum: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus16:17
wng-My system is having trouble mounting /home during boot, I know theres something I can press to cancel the mounting of this partition and continue to a login prompt, what is it?16:17
erUSULtdn: dunno if multivolume is compatible with sfx16:17
undici_dolci_fogbuon giorno a tutti16:17
Chum_Chumwhat is a anti malwere for linux i have a spybot16:17
ActionParsnipwng-: boot to liveCD and fsck the partition16:17
||x]x||ActionParsnip: i want someone to connect to me16:17
iyunkateusActionParsnip: I knew there had to be something on ubottu about it16:17
monkey_dust!it| undici_dolci_fog16:17
ikoniaChum_Chum: you don't have a spybot, malware does not work the same16:17
ubottuundici_dolci_fog: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:18
ActionParsnipChum_Chum: there is very little malware for linux16:18
ActionParsnip||x]x||: ok and do you use a router?16:18
violinapprenChum_Chum: there are no known malware for linux, you don't need spybot on it16:18
undici_dolci_fogva bene grazie!16:18
tdnerUSUL, oh.16:18
iyunkateusviolinappren: little, not none16:18
Chum_Chumbut my e-mail sends out ramnom stuff to ramdom people on a reguler bases, what iss going on16:18
iyunkateusviolinappren: there are a few16:18
||x]x||ActionParsnip: i'm just using my LAN.. mine is PC1.. i want PC2 or PC3 to connect to my port 222216:18
violinappreniyunkateus: windows-style malware? haven't heard of any16:19
wng-ActionParsnip: There is a keypress i can use to cancel the partition during a normal boot, any idea what it is?16:19
ikoniaChum_Chum: that's probably coming from a client using your mail server, rather than your actual mail server16:19
nagendrai have ubuntu 10, can i install kubuntu desktop? Is it safe?16:19
ikoniaChum_Chum: what mail server are you using16:19
||x]x||ActionParsnip: PC2 & PC3 are windows xp boxes16:19
ActionParsnip||x]x||: then just go for it, by default the ports are open so you have nothing to do, just tell them to connect16:19
ikonianagendra: sure can16:19
tdnerUSUL, I am using your proposed command right now, but it is very slow. The files that I am compressing cannot be compressed any futher, so I think that it is a waste to actually try to compress it. Does 7z have a 'fast' mode or something like that, that does not compress (much)?16:19
ikonianagendra: look at the package kubuntu-desktop16:19
Chum_Chumhotmail (windows live)16:19
nagendraWill the os be stable?16:19
iyunkateusviolinappren: maybe not windows-style, but look it up on wikipedia16:19
ikoniaChum_Chum: ok - so that's  nothing to do with your ubuntu machine16:19
ActionParsnip||x]x||: you dont need any extra config unless you have fooled around with your iptables (sounds like you havent)16:19
monkey_dustnagendra, type apt-get install kubuntu-desktop16:20
||x]x||ActionParsnip: oh.. ok. so i think my problem now is PC2 & 3 cant see PC1 and vice versa. :(16:20
violinapprenChum_Chum: change your password, and do you have dual-boot a windows partition ?16:20
ActionParsnipnagendra: its as stable as the others16:20
ActionParsnip||x]x||: can they ping each other?16:20
iyunkateusviolinappren: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_malware16:20
Chum_Chumyeah i do have a dule boot16:20
ikoniaChum_Chum: it is nothing to do with your ubuntu system16:20
erUSULtdn: -mx=0 ?16:21
ActionParsniptdn: if it cannot be compressed much then why not just tar the files so its one big file...16:21
violinapprenChum_Chum: then you need to clean your windows partition and change your password. Download and install "Windows Defender" on Windows  from Microsoft. It should clean your stuff.16:21
Chum_Chumok is ther a anti viris /malwere  softwere for linux16:21
ikoniaChum_Chum: join ##windows for microsoft support16:21
||x]x||ActionParsnip: they can't ping. also  PC1 (ubuntu) cant see PC2 (xp) in its windows network also PC2 to PC116:22
violinapprenChum_Chum: Windows Defender is free and very effective16:22
ikoniaChum_Chum: you do not need it16:22
tdnerUSUL, thanks.16:22
ikoniaChum_Chum: as you've been told16:22
ActionParsnip||x]x||: theres your problem then. try pinging by ip address too16:22
ShapeShifter499I need help, my external hard drive, 120 gig, is no longer being detected on my windows 7 OR ubuntu 10.04 OSes, what do I do?16:22
tdnActionParsnip, because I do not know how to split the files with tar, nor how to join them in Windows.16:22
ikoniaShapeShifter499: dead hardware if neither can see it16:22
ActionParsniptdn: spanned tar is handled by apps like winrar just fine, you can span using tar very easily16:23
ActionParsnipShapeShifter499: i'd ask in ##hardware then16:23
tdnActionParsnip, how?16:23
violinapprenChum_Chum: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=435bfce7-da2b-4a6a-afa4-f7f14e605a0d&displaylang=en .. install this on windows and run it16:23
ActionParsniptdn: http://paulbradley.tv/44/16:23
alaforestanyone has ltsp experience16:23
ikoniaviolinappren: we do not support windows in here16:23
Chum_Chumwhat installs .deb files on linux16:23
violinappren!anyone | alaforest16:23
ubottualaforest: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:23
ikoniaChum_Chum: the package manager, dpkg16:23
ShapeShifter499ikonia: windows is seeing it, but (and it hasn't before)  is failing to install drivers16:23
meowwwHello, does anyone remember what firefox search addon has this feature, selecting text on a page and pressing a customized button to open in a new tab the text googled? I've reinstalled my ubuntu and forgot :(16:24
violinapprenikonia: i'm aware of that16:24
ikoniaviolinappren: so please stop suggesting microsoft support16:24
ikoniaviolinappren: he has been told the channel to join16:24
tdnActionParsnip, thanks.16:24
Chum_Chumdoesn't seeem to have an install option on download16:24
ikoniaChum_Chum: what are you trying to download ?16:24
ActionParsnipChum_Chum: dpkg (cli) or gdebi (gui)16:24
ikonia!virus | Chum_Chum16:25
ubottuChum_Chum: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus16:25
ikoniaChum_Chum: please read the link ubottu gives you16:25
||x]x||ActionParsnip: they cant ping. how do i resolve to make them see each other in the network? their IP addresses were assigned by DHCP. PC1 (ubuntu) is and PC2 (xp) is
alaforestbooting 32 bit thin client on ubuntu 10.04 ltsp server 64 bit give please use a kernel appropriate for your cpu16:25
Oermeowww, select text, Right klick mouse > search with < search-engine >16:25
alaforestanyone has a clue16:25
ikoniaalaforest: I'd certainly check its the right arch16:25
alaforesti am sure it is not16:26
meowwwOer that's too much. i need my one key back :)(16:26
AnonBootsI need help with a full installation on a Dell XPS Gen II. I cant find any information on the forum, and nobody is replying to the thread I started. I have work to do and will have to reinstall windows soon.16:26
ikoniaalaforest: are you trying to boot an ubuntu thin desktop or another os16:26
alaforesti was working with 9.10 two days ago16:26
ikonia!install | AnonBoots16:26
ubottuAnonBoots: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:26
frenchfriesHi, I have dependencies problems with php5 on apt-get, can someone give me a hint how to resolve those messages ?16:26
alaforestjust thin desktop16:26
ikoniafrenchfries: what's the error16:26
AnonBootsIm using it now, its already installed.16:26
ikoniaAnonBoots: so why are you asking for help with a full install16:27
AnonBootsThe problem I am having is stability.16:27
ikoniaAnonBoots: in what way16:27
frenchfriesikonia, "Errors have been encountered while execution : libapache2-mod-php"16:27
frenchfriesikepanhc,  php5-curl16:27
frenchfries php5-gd16:27
frenchfries php5-mysql16:27
frenchfries php5-tidy16:27
frenchfries snmpd16:27
FloodBot3frenchfries: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:27
AnonBootsIn a strange way, actually. Often times, I will not be able to access menus i.e. Applications or Places, or I will not be able to switch between tabs in firefox.16:28
frenchfriessorry for the flood16:28
AnonBootsBut I will be able to type into the text box in my IRC client.16:28
ikoniafrenchfries: remove the packages, make sure your repo is up to date (apt-get update) then try aagain16:28
msieradzkiis there anything to check for if my ubuntu feels slow as hell (on 4 core machine with 4GB RAM + nv gtx 260)?16:28
AnonBootsJust not switch between rooms and tabs in it.16:28
experiMENTALcan I ask about this channel rules?16:28
frenchfriesikonia, thank you16:28
msieradzkifor instance really slow tab switching between gnome-terminal tabs16:28
Kwpolskamsieradzki: is the drivers proper?16:29
IdleOne!guidelines > experiMENTAL16:29
ubottuexperiMENTAL, please see my private message16:29
ikoniaexperiMENTAL: join #ubuntu-ops and we can help16:29
msieradzkilatest greatest in maverick16:29
racethesunliveAnonBoots: would you say it happens when you do something graphics intensive?16:29
AnonBootsAbsolutely not.16:29
shreymechhi there16:29
racethesunliveAnonBoots: or just when your drawing a new window?16:29
AnonBootsI might have 1 or 2 applications open, max.16:29
AnonBootsMy IRC client, and firefox.16:29
AnonBootsOften times, even if all I am using is firefix.16:30
violinapprenAnonBoots: htop16:30
Kwpolskamsieradzki: just a small advert, there is #ubuntu-pl for ppls from poland.16:30
coolguy4anyone here used ubuntuzilla?16:30
violinapprenmsieradzki: ^16:30
racethesunliveAnonBoots: you can also try google's chromium web browser if you think firefox is at fault16:30
shreymechi am unable to connect to my wifi router.. my wifi is working ,,, network applet is showing the signal..  but when i try to connect through it.. it shows the connecting sign,, bbut fails to connect every time.. no WEP key is there in router .. plzz help..16:31
econdudeawesomeAnonBoots I recommend chromium. It's available in repos as opposed to Chrome, which tracks things.16:31
monkey_dustAnonBoots, chromium is nice to work with16:31
AnonBootsLet me see if that is the case. If I am still getting the same problem, Ill come back.16:31
HarkinsWhen I plug in my iPod rhythmbox comes up fine and everything works - but it immediately starts playing music from it. How do I turn that off?16:31
racethesunliveAnonBoots: if you do we'll take a look at system resources next16:31
monkey_dustAnonBoots, type apt-get install chromium-browser16:31
AnonBootsIll need to restart. Im having the problem now.16:32
AnonBootsAlso, firefox is not open.16:32
violinappren!wireless | racethesunlive16:32
ubotturacethesunlive: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:32
experiMENTALhi. problem not solved, plz. black screen with white flashing stripes up to half of the screen preceded by a message "checking battery state... [OK]": http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153154316:32
ActionParsnipAnonBoots: theres the daily build ppa too, you can add googles repo and install google-chrome from there too16:32
racethesunliveviolinappren: uhm, thanks?16:33
dartwat is the name for maverick irc?16:33
violinapprenracethesunlive: read the link16:33
ActionParsnip!maverick | dart16:33
new2ubuntuGreetings , Hey, any1 know of a good drive imaging program?16:33
ubottudart: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:33
violinapprendart: #ubuntu+116:33
ActionParsnipnew2ubuntu: partimage or dd16:33
AnonBootsWell, this rules out firefox. I cant get to anything right now. Its all frozen. I will have to do a hard reboot or unplug my system to get anywhere from here.16:33
racethesunliveviolinappren: i wasnt aware of any wireless issues?16:33
ActionParsnipAnonBoots: try restarting the x server16:34
shreymechi am unable to connect to my wifi router.. my wifi is working ,,, network applet is showing the signal..  but when i try to connect through it.. it shows the connecting sign,, bbut fails to connect every time.. no WEP key is there in router .. plzz help..16:34
new2ubuntuActionParsnip: Thanks :D16:34
monkey_dustAnonBoots, firefox is known to consumed all your RAM16:34
violinapprenracethesunlive: oh sorry, wrong person16:34
ActionParsnipshreymech: can you ping ?16:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:34
ActionParsnipmonkey_dust: +1 dude16:34
violinappren!wireless | shreymech16:34
ubottushreymech: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:34
AnonBootsI cant restart anything. Nothing works other than this text box I am typing into right now. Also, not running firefox.16:34
shreymechviolinappren, i tried documentation.. but failes16:35
ActionParsnipmonkey_dust: firefox = no rams16:35
violinapprenshreymech: pastebin your /var/log/messages16:35
monkey_dustthen it must be cpu, ActionParsnip16:35
AnonBootsIf I am to get anything, I will need to do a hard reboot.16:35
ActionParsnipAnonBoots: can you press ALT+F2 to get a dialogue?16:35
shreymechActionParsnip, i tried.... its pinging...16:35
AnonBootsYes I can, but I cant click on any of the buttons.16:36
ActionParsnipshreymech: brilliant, then add it as your nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf  ten try the connection16:36
AnonBootsIm certain it is not mouse related.16:36
violinapprenAnonBoots: probably the display driver, pastebin lshw16:36
R3dyhow can I install a new login theme in ubuntu 10.04?16:36
AnonBootsSomeone else suggested this.16:36
ActionParsnipAnonBoots: if you press ALT+F1 then ALT+2 is order restored?16:36
shreymechActionParsnip, can u tell me how..16:36
aeon-ltdfirefox isn't that bad, well relative to what it used to be16:36
ActionParsnipshreymech: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf    delete ALL text and add this line: nameserver     save the new file, close gedit and all browsers, then retry web browsing16:37
R3dynone of the documentation I found un google seems to be working16:37
gdoteofI did a remote do-release-upgrade and my it has been 'stopping' my mysql db server for about 30 minutes16:37
gdoteofi am not sure what to do16:37
violinapprengdoteof: kill mysqld ?16:38
ActionParsnipgdoteof: manualy kill the sql process may do it16:38
shreymechActionParsnip, mann my problem is not webbrowing..  i am even unable to connect to my router.. may be 8.8.. is pinging bcz i am right now connected with wired connection..16:38
AnonBootsALT+F1 and then ALT+F2 doesnt restore anything.16:39
gdoteofviolinappren, actionparsnip.. should i log in with another terminal16:39
Syntheadcan anyone here help me with building a .deb package?16:39
violinapprenshreymech: pastebin your /var/log/messages16:39
AnonBootsIt only gives me access to the menu.16:39
shreymechviolinappren, how to open var log messages...?? permission denied16:39
violinapprengdoteof: yes, ps aux | grep mysql and check what's there16:39
violinapprenshreymech: sudo pastebininit /var/log/messages16:39
ActionParsnipR3dy: if you add the theme in appearence, you can use this guide to apply it to the login: http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1316:39
AnonBootsFor instance, right now, I have a text bar cursor no mater where I point.16:39
ottermatonWhat's a good way to log wireless connections my computer makes? Is this already in a log file somewhere?16:39
ActionParsnipshreymech: ok so where is the issue?16:40
violinapprenottermaton: check /var/log/messages16:40
shreymechActionParsnip,  even i don't know... i just try and fail...can u resolve it personally...??16:40
ActionParsnipgdoteof: i would, yes. Not sure if it will damage stuff so make sure there are no transactions happening on the data and no shrinks etc16:40
gdoteofdo I just kill the process running under mysql16:41
ActionParsnipshreymech: well i cant see what the issue is, wifi connects, connection is ok, ping is fine, web browsing is fine......16:41
gdoteofactionparsnip.. no there is nothing that can happen to the server that matters16:41
gdoteofall backed up dev stuff16:41
violinapprengdoteof: pkill mysqld16:41
ActionParsnipgdoteof: then go crazy :)16:41
violinapprenActionParsnip: she's on a wired connection16:41
AnonBootsHow do I choose a different display driver? I am using the driver recommended by ubuntu?16:41
R3dythat guide appears to just install a new background16:41
* ActionParsnip likes people with backups16:42
Hilikuscan i create a user in my system that will be login in through ssh that i can keep in its own home dir? i.e. so that he doesn't see or can move to the rest of my system?16:42
shreymechActionParsnip, man... i told u wifi not connects.. it just shows connecting sign.. the network applet remains in connection mode and it gets disconnect after trying16:42
ActionParsnipR3dy: you can also change the colour of the login box too16:42
shreymechviolinappren,  http://pastebin.com/Bh00B1Ke16:42
ActionParsnipshreymech: could try wicd instead. if you use 3g then stick with network manager though16:42
andre_ein deutscher hier?16:43
ActionParsnip!de | andre_16:43
ubottuandre_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:43
shreymechActionParsnip, ,  http://pastebin.com/Bh00B1Ke16:43
andre_suche einen deutschen, mit Auto erfahrung. brauche tipps zu BMW16:43
violinapprenshreymech: sudo ifconfig up wlan0 ... give what ?16:44
gdoteofviolinappren, that did not seem to get things moving.  I have /usr/sbin/mysqld running under pid 323016:44
gdoteofsudo kill 3230 did not get rid of it16:44
violinapprengdoteof: pkill -KILL16:44
shreymechviolinappren, man i am connected on same machine with wired connection...  how to check than,,,16:45
gdoteofpkill -KILL 3230 did not do it16:45
violinapprenshreymech: open a terminal and type sudo ifconfig wlan0 up..  are there any errors ?16:45
ActionParsnipgdoteof: sudo kill -9 3230   (assuming 3230 is the PID)16:45
violinappren!terminal | shreymech16:45
ubottushreymech: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:45
violinapprengdoteof: pkill -KILL mysqld16:46
jimmybakerHello. Doesn't the "df" command show how much storage is available to the file system?16:46
violinapprenno need for process id with pkill16:46
shreymechviolinappren, no error messages16:46
violinapprenshreymech: ok, next, iwlist wlan0 scan .. and copy and paste to http://paste.ubuntu.com16:46
violinapprenjimmybaker: yes16:46
schelcjis there any way to see packages installed after a given date?16:47
gdoteofah.  i finally had to kill mysqladmin16:47
tullhi ,i have problems with kile and driver nouveau, sometimes symbol's images are bad16:47
gdoteofthanks guys16:47
gdoteofor gals16:47
DreamDemonHi! sun-java packages are broken or missing.  Is there a manual way to install from the bin files direct from Sun so that it actually points to the proper place?16:47
violinapprenDreamDemon: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre16:48
shreymechviolinappren, http://paste.ubuntu.com/467067/16:48
DreamDemonI need the full version of java not a half-bake16:49
trismDreamDemon: the sun-java packages are in the partner repo16:49
=== hsa2 is now known as hsa2|gone
trism!partner | DreamDemon16:49
ubottuDreamDemon: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »16:49
karolhi everybody16:49
DreamDemonYep and when I try to use the partner repo, it's broken16:49
violinapprenDreamDemon: openjdk is not half-baked16:49
DreamDemonviolinappren, It amy not be but it's also not a full version that is recgonized by some programs16:50
DreamDemontrism, E: Package sun-java6-jdk has no installation candidate16:50
trismDreamDemon: did you sudo apt-get update; ?16:50
DreamDemonand yes, I have the partner repo enabled16:50
violinapprenshreymech: ok next, sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid ITI ... and then dhclient wlan016:50
pundithow to set the default mta?16:51
violinapprenDreamDemon: what program is not recognizing it ?16:51
DreamDemontrism, re-running it now16:51
DreamDemonviolinappren, pick one, there are a couple16:51
violinapprenDreamDemon: both16:51
bullgard4Ubuntu 10.04 on a Thinkpad T43 does not take a screenshot of the whole screen. It does take a screenshot of an active window though. Is this a known error? Is there a workaround?16:52
timc11hey i need some coding help. 6tb of data gone without your help kind of thing. it's nothing complex, it's just i have no training. i need to modify 1 loop. please pm me!16:53
violinapprenbullgard4: did you check the options in the screenshot program ?16:53
DreamDemontrism, must have burped doing update first time - seems to want to work now16:53
bullgard4violinappren: Yes, I did.16:53
shreymechviolinappren, http://paste.ubuntu.com/467069/16:53
timc11this loop checks four labels, but i need to hard code it to check 2 : http://gitweb.zfs-fuse.net/?p=official;a=blob;f=src/lib/libzfs/libzfs_import.c;h=73de32747c0cff6ad409f145d614487b0ebc2263;hb=HEAD#l86916:54
Aijsegot a pc with a Ati HD 2400 AGP card. In 9.10 it doesnt seem to work well anymore with the fglrx drivers. Any 1 knows it ll work in 10.04 with the open source drivers?16:54
violinapprenshreymech: iwconfig wlan016:54
shreymechviolinappren, http://paste.ubuntu.com/467070/16:55
violinapprenshreymech: the ESSID is run.. did you run iwconfig wlan0 essid ITI ?16:56
Oertimc11, are you running opensolaris ?16:56
shreymechviolinappren, yes i run that command also16:56
NFischerHelp! my new canon mp560 Printer prints lefty!16:56
zencommunist printer:)16:57
timc11Oer, not right now, but i can16:57
violinapprenshreymech: try iwconfig wlan0 essid "ITI"16:57
violinapprenshreymech: and then dhclient wlan016:58
shreymechviolinappren, sudo dhclient wlan016:58
Oertimc11, beause that zfsstarted with solaris-licence, i don't know anything about zfs :(16:58
violinapprenshreymech: yes, prefix all commands with sudo16:58
e-DIO-tsignori mollo l'ufficio! See ya!16:59
timc11right, but all i need to do is modify that loop16:59
RayzrShrpanybody here got the Sprint EVO?16:59
violinappren!anyone |  RayzrShrp16:59
ubottuRayzrShrp: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:59
yggdrasilhellop if i do ctrl g in a terminal is it supposed to beep17:00
=== phnom_ is now known as phnom
timc11right Oer, but do you understand the loop? could you hard code it so that it only checks for the first two labels, labels 0 and 1, instead of all 417:00
shreymechviolinappren,  the output after both the commads is  http://paste.ubuntu.com/467072/17:00
=== taroven|Rawr is now known as taroven
violinapprenshreymech: tail /var/log/messages17:01
resnoi just installed applets for gnome panel, where  do i find them? they arent in the add to panel dialouge17:03
shreymechviolinappren, http://paste.ubuntu.com/467073/17:03
violinapprenshreymech: does this card work with any other networks? is it just that particular router? i don't know why it messed up the ESSID like that17:03
shreymechviolinappren, sorry i don have much knowloegde.. can u just look this matter personally.. it would be of great help... may be its just a small problem..  can i borrow ur little time..17:04
trismresno: sometimes you need to log out, then back in before they are added to the dialog17:04
RayzrShrpbesides using no machine are there any other preferred methods for remote desktop access?17:06
violinapprenRayzrShrp: vnc or gdm remote login17:06
justin_hello i have a question17:08
=== stalney_robertso is now known as stanley_robertso
IdleOnejustin_: ask away17:08
stanley_robertsohi all17:09
violinappren!hi | stanley_robertso17:09
ubottustanley_robertso: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:09
justin_ok so my brother had me put ubuntu 10.4 on my acer laptop and it worked fine for awhile but now i cant play games on face book17:09
justin_i down loaded just about all the java and flash pluging posoble17:10
JoeSomebodyhi, on a 3gb ram system, how much swap should i specify? 1 gb? more?17:11
oru_workhow to compress a directory with tar ?17:11
timc11CODERS: i need some simple help, and 6tb of my data will be gone without it! this loop checks four labels, but i need to hard code it to check 2 : http://gitweb.zfs-fuse.net/?p=official;a=blob;f=src/lib/libzfs/libzfs_import.c;h=73de32747c0cff6ad409f145d614487b0ebc2263;hb=HEAD#l869  : please help me!17:12
violinapprenjustin_: what browser are you using?17:13
violinapprenjustin_: did you install any extensions recently?17:14
trismoru_work: tar cvjf file.tar.bz2 directory/; for bzip2 compression, or you could switch j with z to get gzip compression17:14
justin_fore fire fox or ubuntu17:14
JoeSomebodyhello, on a 3gb ram system, how much swap should i specify? 1 gb? more?17:15
justin_firefox non that i know of and ubuntu after games stoped working i got all java and flash17:15
lee_JoeSomebody - More than 3 GB if you want to hibernate.17:16
JoeSomebodyits a desktop17:16
cablopwell, are nvidia drivers from ubuntu the best available or are there any other place to get even better drivers?17:16
mmestnikHello, how can I disable the X server ':0' while still enabling XDMCP(as provided by gdm)?17:17
JoeSomebodybut 3.5 gb is not hurting? can one put too much?17:17
lee_JoeSomebody - OK.  More than 3GB if you want to hibernate.17:17
lee_JoeSomebody - Less if you do not.17:17
mmestnikI've installed gdm without installing the recommended xserver.17:17
oru_worktrism, so i did tar cvjf  to compress, how would I go about uncompressing it ?17:17
=== hsa2|gone is now known as hsa2
mmestnikNow gdm refuses to stay running after failing to start X.17:18
trismoru_work: replace the c with x, and don't specify the directory at the end17:18
lee_cablop - No, but they are the easiest to get working.17:18
blue_annaI can't mount my dvdrw17:18
cablopthey work, but have a few glitches, and graphics are fast but uglier17:18
blue_annawhen I mount a dvd, it mounts, the icon appears, then it disappears right away17:18
lee_cablop - See the known bugs.  There are some PPAs and Envy, but under Lucid, it can cause some real work.  I am using the repos...17:19
violinapprenjustin_: yes, did you install extensions on firefox for ubuntu ?17:20
gdoteofi did a remote do-release-upgrade and right after seeting up alsa-base i am getting process 16752: arguments to dbus_move_error() were incorrect, assertion "(dest) == NULL || !dbus_error_is_set ((dest))" failed in file dbus-errors.c line 278.17:20
gdoteofThis is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.17:20
gdoteof over and over again17:20
blue_annaif I double click fast enough, I can get nautilus to show me the video ts and some other folder, but then the window goes away when the icon does17:20
m_ondkalbhi i try to echo a string to a remote file via ssh => $ ssh user@server echo "xyz $VARIABLE" > /tmp/aFile  ;;; sadly it doesn't work. Error: xyz: command not found. ;;; how can i achive such a behaviour17:20
blue_annathere's nothing in the logs17:20
gdoteofam I sol or can I ignore that error17:20
Andre_Good afternoon. I have quite a severe issue with ubuntu 10.04 x86 installer. I can boot into the cd, but when I select either to boot as live cd or to installer, I get absolutely nothing, and the disk stops spinning after a minute. Has anyone else got this issue?17:21
gdoteofI've got about 300 in a row17:21
blue_annais there a way I can get the dvd to play?17:21
justin_firefox none that i know of17:21
resnom_ondkalb: its thinking xyz is a command, so your syntax is wrong17:21
justin_ubuntu just after it stoped working17:21
blue_anna** there's nothing in the messages log17:21
cabloplee_ what is Envy? i sohow know what is PPA, but not Envy17:21
justin_i tried all te javas and flash17:21
lee_Andre_ - Intel chipset?  See the Lucid known bugs and workarounds.17:21
blue_annalike, about the unmount or failure17:21
violinapprenjustin_: your facebook games stopped working in ubuntu or windows ?17:22
justin_windows works just super slow17:22
gdoteofI can't tell if my upgrade is stuck in an infinite loop17:22
gdoteofit keeps reporting the same error17:22
violinapprenjustin_: did this game use flash ?17:22
resnogdoteof: it is likely broken :(17:23
Andre_lee_, it's a Intel processor with a nvidia graphics card. if you could give me a link to the bugs and workarounds I'd be grateful. I think the chipset is SiS or something.17:23
gdoteofis it recoverable.. what would you recommend?17:23
justin_i dont know im guess ing all the games on fb are flash based17:23
justin_so iv been told any way17:23
violinapprengdoteof: not likely17:23
IdleOnegdoteof: what is the error?17:23
gdoteofprocess 16752: arguments to dbus_move_error() were incorrect, assertion "(dest) == NULL || !dbus_error_is_set ((dest))" failed in file dbus-errors.c line 278.17:24
gdoteofThis is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.17:24
trismm_ondkalb: > is captured by the shell so it never goes to the ssh command, but you could do something like: echo "xyz $VARIABLE" | ssh user@server tee /tmp/aFile;17:24
justin_all face book games are zanga games if that helps any17:25
chrismedHi, does anyone know about mounting a raw drive image? I usually do fdisk [drive image] to get the drive geometry and then mount using loop,offset=[the offset], but this time it just says it can't read the drive image. Any ideas?17:25
mmestnikHow do you configure gdm 2.30.2.is.2.30.0-0ubuntu2?  The gdm.conf file is gone.17:25
bittin`Hello, somone need to turn off Kerberos in the cups.conf?17:25
Daekdroommmestnik, there's a program called gdm2setup17:25
mmestnikAll I have is gdmsetup.  It's not functional.17:26
LantiziaHey... if I've got a PC with onboard vga and USB vga... Am I right in thinking I can make a single X session over them both using Merged Framebuffer?  (i.e. where you maximize/fullscreen and it goes over both screens)... or is there a better way?17:26
gdoteofeach error appears to be happening at the same interval within ~10ms17:27
aioobehi! I have internet access via a usb-dongle. Is there an easy way of sharing internet through Wifi?17:27
mmestnikDaekdroom: gdm won't start until I reconfigure it, so I'll need to change the config files manually.17:27
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:27
bittin`found the answer on fedoraforums now: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=17714117:27
Daekdroommmestnik, you can delete the config files and let it write them as default17:28
gdoteofviolinappren, should I just abort it or let it chill or a while or what17:28
violinapprengdoteof: clean install17:28
new2ubuntuaioobe: a usb router with openwrt will share our usb wifi with the whole house17:28
gdoteofviolinappren, i am remote17:28
new2ubuntuour = your17:28
mmestnikre deleted, they don't exist.17:29
ghis|homeHi, i have bad scrolling performance in FF and Chrome when i use 1920x1080, okay performance when i use 1024x720.. ive tried both the open source driver and the catalyst driver... any ideas?17:29
aioobenew2ubuntu: don't have one. and I want to share now :-)17:29
violinapprenghis|home: check /var/log/Xorg.log.0 to see the actual driver being selected17:29
chrismedAny idea what it means if dd exits normally but somehow part of the data is missing from the copy? :x17:30
ghis|homeviolinappren, anything i can | grep?17:30
LU454hi all17:30
LU454nice to meet you17:31
gdoteofviolinappren, the PID that is erroring is /usr/sbin/chipcarddd4 with some options.  can I just kill that pid or what17:31
gdoteofI just have no idea what is going on17:31
gdoteofLU454, hey17:31
gdoteof(fix my problem) ;-)17:32
justin_any ideas violinappren?17:32
webPragmatistis it smart to set /etc/default/environment to en_US.utf8 instead of just en_US ?17:32
chrismedAny idea what it means if dd exits normally but somehow part of the data is missing from the copy?17:32
lee_Looking for a way to host a dropbox, megapload, rapidshare type service.  Any hints on packages?17:33
gdoteofhrm.. well i killed that PID and it seemed to move past17:33
aeon-ltdlee_: why not just have a ftp server with a site frontend?17:33
lee_chrismed - Image may be corrupt...  Try an md5 hash.17:33
blue_annawhen I mount a dvd, it mounts, the icon appears, then it disappears right away17:34
blue_annaif I double click fast enough, I can get nautilus to show me the video ts and some other folder, but then the window goes away when the icon does17:34
blue_annaI've asked on this chanal, and on ubuntu-es and ubuntu-br .. please if anyone can help me17:35
lee_blue_anna - This is a but complex, and you may have better luck on ubuntu forums.17:35
chrismedlee_: it's not corrupt, i looked at the output and basically it just seems that there is 5GB of data missing at the end of the disk17:35
lee_Bit complex...17:35
chrismedfdisk tries to seek to it and can't find the end17:35
gdoteofblue_anna, have you tried mounting it manually?17:35
blue_annagdoteof, is there any other way? :)17:35
gdoteofwell it will often get mounted when you just stick it in the drive17:36
gdoteofi assumed that's what you were doing17:36
blue_annaI use "sudo mount /media/dvdrw"17:36
gdoteofis it getting immediately unmounted?17:36
blue_annaon the pt channal they told me to try vlc, but that doesnt open it either (it tries form a divfferent device though, /dev/hda)17:36
experiMENTALhi. problem not solved, plz. black screen with white flashing stripes up to half of the screen preceded by a message "checking battery state... [OK]": http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153154317:37
blue_annaboth of them , dev/dvdrw and dev/hda, show the same data .. I mean the dvd title shows up in var/log/messages17:37
blue_annabut the mount drops right away and there's no log for that in messages17:37
blue_annashouldnt a mount point failing show up in a log .. somewhere?17:39
R3dyThere is a whole gallary of gdm_greeter themes here http://art.gnome.org/themes/gdm_greeter but I can't find any instructions for installing them in ubuntu 10.0417:39
R3dydoes anyone know how to do this?17:39
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ParabolaR3dy lemme take a look for you mate17:40
Parabolahold one sec17:40
gdoteofblue_anna, try mounting and immediately unmounting just for kicks17:40
wzssyqahow to download dvd with jigdo17:40
tucemiuxanyone knows how to test memory using a rescue disc?17:40
tanindoes my clound have a public add.?17:40
wzssyqaI means the size of template is so huge17:40
ParabolaR3dy you should be able to find a logon screen settings panel, or under appearance, and you can "install" that tar file17:40
wzssyqahow create a live filesystem locally17:41
gdoteofblue_anna, and also try mounting to a different directory just to see17:41
ParabolaR3dy i'm not in ubuntu atm so i cant point you right to the window, but you would have a browse button, you would want to select that file, and it will import it, its just somg PNGs in there17:41
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Parabolawzssyqa gparted17:41
akinhi, which package do I need to install to get ncurses?17:41
R3dyhowever it doesn't have any options to install new ones17:41
wzssyqaParabola: can gparted create LIVECD?17:41
R3dyI can click unlock and enter my sudo password17:42
blue_annagdoteof, I can't unmount it in time I think :), trying17:42
R3dythen I can check to play a sound or not17:42
R3dyto show screen for choosing who will og in17:42
R3dychose to login automaticaly17:42
R3dyand select what WM to use17:42
R3dythat's it though ...17:42
gdoteofblue_anna do 'sudo mount /dev/dvdrw; umount /media/dvdrw'17:42
gdoteofshould be instant17:42
ParabolaR3dy: http://www.simplehelp.net/2009/05/21/how-to-change-the-ubuntu-login-screen/17:43
R3dyI found that already17:43
R3dyunfortunetly that is for ubuntu 9.1017:44
R3dythat Login Window opion is not there in 10.0417:44
fablinixR3dy: I don't exactly remember, but I think they changed something in some version earlier, so you can't change the theme now, only the wallpaper17:44
violinapprenR3dy: i don't think it's possible any more, because of gdm 217:44
fablinixyeah, that's it, gdm 217:44
R3dyah I see17:44
R3dylol how lame17:44
Andre_Gondimdoes anyone know if the ati xpress 200m works in Ubuntu 10.04?17:44
blue_annagdoteof, ty -- well there is no umount log or error message from umount coummand when I do it17:44
gdoteofakin, libncurses517:45
gdoteofsudo apt-get install libncurses517:45
xfrogman5Can I get recommendations on irc clients.  I just moved from os x (limechat) to Ubuntu. thx17:46
FIQxchat, konversation17:46
abhijitxfrogman5, xchat17:47
cloversgI need help in setting up wireless, can anyone spare the time or the information?17:47
taninne1 help with port forwarding17:48
akingdoteof, it seems I need ncurses-dev aswell17:48
j_ccan you guys help me with installing freetds-0.83 on 10.04 lucid?17:48
taninsorry can ne1 help with port forwarding17:48
akingdoteof, I ran make menuconfig on the kernel17:49
gdoteoftanin, port forwarding should happen at the router levle17:49
bbeckI was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of a way to automatically install a certain list of packages.17:50
taninok heres my issue... I am behind tmobile sys and want to desktop serve to friend17:50
gdoteofis there a way from the command line to see ohter machiens on the network?17:50
gdoteofi just upgraded my machine and I can't ssh back into it17:50
gdoteofbut i got into another machine on the network17:50
j_ci'm running 64-bit and followed this guide: http://it.toolbox.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_Debian_FreeTDS_ODBC17:50
j_cwhen i run http://it.toolbox.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_Debian_FreeTDS_ODBC17:50
j_ci get "odbcinst: SQLInstallDriverEx failed with Invalid install path.17:50
FloodBot3j_c: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:50
gdoteoflol i am inside the router with lynx17:51
gdoteofits uh.. ugly17:51
seemawnThe os does not recognize the battery of my notebook properly17:51
seemawn10.04 on a hp pavilion17:51
benoitcwhen I go on ubuntu.com I read "64-bit - Not recommended for daily desktop usage" any reason why ?17:51
macobenoitc: because most daily desktop users dont know if they have a 64bit cpu and will be annoyed if they download it but have a 32bit cpu17:52
macobenoitc: also, adobe just dropped 64bit support for flash last month :(17:52
macobenoitc: though ive never had much trouble using 32bit flash on 64bit anyway17:52
NightKhaos|iOS4benoitc: no real reason, just 32bit support is better17:53
benoitchum I see17:53
seemawni have an issue with the nvidia-crap17:53
seemawnbut I think it is solvable17:53
seemawni just dont know how...17:53
macobenoitc: if someone with a 64bit cpu gets teh 32bit disc, itll still work, and thanks to pae, even with 4gb ram17:53
benoitcwas just stopped when making my choice17:54
benoitclet's go for a 64 bits (on a macbook)17:54
Parabolabenoitc use 64bit17:54
Parabolaif you're on a macbook17:54
Parabolait'll work fine17:54
Parabolaoh, minus your touchpad.. have fun with that :)17:55
R3dyi figured it out17:55
benoitcthat's the same on 32bits, isn't it ?17:55
R3dyfor anyone who is interested https://launchpad.net/gdm2setup17:55
NightKhaos|iOS4benoitc: Okay, just don't come crying to me if your kernel fries the logicboard.17:55
Parabolanice R3dy17:55
Parabola64bit works fine on macbooks its on mine17:55
j_cpaste.ubuntu.com gives me http://it.toolbox.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_Debian_FreeTDS_ODBC on 64-bit gives odbcinst: SQLInstallDriverEx failed with Invalid install path17:55
Parabolathe touchpad support sucks ass though17:55
benoitcalso i hope i could fix the touchpad17:55
Parabolafew versions ago touchpad worked great17:55
Parabolanow, its terrible, i mean TERRIBLE17:55
oCean_Parabola: watch the language please17:55
Parabolai keep a mouse with me when i boot into ubuntu17:55
Parabolasorry ocean17:56
oCean_Parabola: also, keep your replies in single line17:56
=== hsa2 is now known as hsa2|gone
oCean_!afk > hsa2|gone17:58
ubottuhsa2|gone, please see my private message17:58
monkey_dust!afk > monkey_dust17:58
ubottumonkey_dust, please see my private message17:58
Failicanhey, is there any what i can see all my units connected on my network in ubuntu like network in windows?17:58
ridin!afk > ridin17:59
ubotturidin, please see my private message17:59
freevryheidjoin #pyamf17:59
silvestre!afk > silvestre17:59
ubottusilvestre, please see my private message17:59
erUSULFailican: Places>Network>windows Network ?17:59
=== freevryheid is now known as fvs
saidihi, i want to install code::blocks 10.05, but i get some conflict between packages, how can i force it installation?17:59
abhijitwhat you all are doing?17:59
Parabolahaha, i was wondering the same thing, i feel like doing it too17:59
oCean_monkey_dust: silvestre ridin: tip - if you want to query factoids just use: /msg ubottu !factoid18:00
abhijitParabola, see the msg given by oCean_18:00
Parabolasaidi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30910018:00
LantiziaDoes anyone know how to enable xinerama - YET NOT have it communicate it's info about the physical screens to the window manager?18:01
FailicanI mean like a build in feature in ubuntu so that I can see all the units that are connected to the network18:01
j_chas anyone set up a ms sql odbc connection for tora?18:02
erUSULFailican: install zenmap18:02
Failicanbecause i can see my popcorn in ubuntu but i do on my other comp with windows18:02
Failicanokej thx18:02
datacrushercongrats Failican18:02
abhijitj_c, if your question is for windows then ask in ##windows18:03
Failicanthank you datacrusher?18:03
j_cno, i'm using tora in ubuntu18:03
oCean_j_c: yes, but it's a tora issue then, isn't it?18:03
j_cwhere should i go for that?18:04
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oCean_j_c: no clue, sorry.18:04
cemcI have ubuntu 10.04 usb stick created with unetbootin. can I install LTSP mode, and how?18:05
econdudeawesomeWhy is it if I remove evolution that it uninstalls ubuntu-desktop? (Similar with other variants of ubuntu).18:05
dinosaurvskittenI'm having troubles making fonts not look terrible in firefox (see http://imagebin.org/106261 for an example - the letters aren't even the same height... It's extremely distracting). Any tips? A magical "stop sucking" checkbox somewhere?18:05
absis xbmc in ubuntu lucid repo or have to add ppa?18:05
ikoniaecondudeawesome: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta package18:05
ikonia!info xmbc18:05
ubottuPackage xmbc does not exist in lucid18:05
ikonia@searcm xmbc18:05
absty ikonia18:05
ikonia@search xmbc18:06
ubottuThere were no matching configuration variables.18:06
ikoniaabs: looks like it's appa18:06
econdudeawesomeikonia what does that mean? I'm having troubles because I want to remove some things and switch everything over to Lubuntu/LXDE but when I remove gdm, lxdm doesn't show up18:06
abhijitj_c, http://torasql.com/18:06
j_cokay, thanks18:06
absikonia, ok thanks18:06
FailicanerUSUL how do i get root privilges in zenmap? im administrator on my user right now18:06
oCean_ikonia: isn't it xBMc ?18:06
ikoniaecondudeawesome: gdm is your login manage, it's nothing to do with gnome-desktop18:06
econdudeawesomeikonia I just get a blank screen with a blinking/not blinking underscore cursor18:06
ikoniaoCean_: case shouldn't matter18:06
ikoniaoCean_: spelling does though18:06
ikonia!info xbmc18:06
ubottuPackage xbmc does not exist in lucid18:06
FloodBot3ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:06
erUSULFailican: « gksudo zenmap »18:07
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oCean_abs: have you seen this? http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=HOW-TO_install_XBMC_for_Linux_on_Ubuntu_with_a_minimal_installation_step-by-step18:08
=== hsa2|gone is now known as hsa2
absoCean_, i'm installing for maverick using ubuntu lucid ppa , and yes i'm using ppa pointed by that wiki :)18:10
zongo_Hey Guys are you ? I am running Ubuntu native 10.04 and I have windows 7 on a VM. When I partitioned my external HDD with Ubuntu in FAT32 to be compatible with windows, Windows tell me that I need to reformat again18:11
tgall_foowhat would be a good way to find out the entire list of packages that are built for arm lucid?    looking at packages.ubuntu.com/lucid  it only lists packages for amd64 and i38618:11
oCean_abs: so... you found the ppa after your question? Or did I not get the question?18:11
zongo_So I reformat my external HDD in FAT2 using Windows 7 and only then I am compatible on both platforms18:11
zongo_could anyone tell me why is that ?18:11
Kingsycan someone tell me if its possible to run googletalk on ubuntu?18:12
violinapprentgall_foo: dpkg -l18:12
Kingsythrough wine or something?18:12
absoCean_,  i'm wondering if there is xbmc in ubuntu repository not ppa, since i'm using maverick ... sorry my english is not good18:12
abhijitKingsy, there are good alternative for googletalk e.g. empathy or pidging, also you can try prism for google talk.18:13
aeon-ltdKingsy: isn't gtalk in gmail now?18:13
Kingsyoh you can use pidgin for it?18:13
absoCean_, xbmc in ubuntu lucid repository18:13
tgall_fooviolinappren, that's the list of installed packages ... I'm more interested in the complete list of packages that are built ... so that I can start adding to that list via ppa and hopefully get those pushed into motu18:13
Kingsyabhijit - ok well I have just added my gmail account to pidgin .. how does it connect?18:14
monkey_dusthow and where should the cables be connected for xbmc, what cable goes to what?18:14
oCean_abs: okay, I understand now :) You can use packages.ubuntu.com to search ubuntu repositories, or searching the way ikonia did here..18:14
tgall_foozongo_, ultimlately it's up to microsoft to decide what file systems they do and don't support I'm afraid ... you'd think fat32 would be on that list18:14
abhijitKingsy, you add your account and ebale it. then each time you run pidgin it will automatically connect.18:15
absoCean_, ok thanks will do that :)18:15
zongo_tgall_foo, yes you would, the weirdest is that you can most definetely read FAT 32 when formated with Windows on Ubuntu but not the opposite18:16
zongo_I was just wondering as for my personal curiosity why is that18:17
tgall_foozongo_, sounds like a bug18:17
Failicanhow do I activate the personal filesharing feature in ubuntu? it says that i have'nt installed the needed package? how do i install it?18:17
Kingsyabhijit - working like a charm .. thanks man18:17
FoolsRunHi, I'm setting up an LTSP server and I read that ebox is Ubuntu's preferred web-based management package. It looks, though, that ebox can only create ldap users, and not Linux users, which are needed (as I understand it) for LTSP. Is this right?18:17
abhijitKingsy, welcome :)18:18
zongo_I ended up formatting  my external HDD with NTFS and I can read NTFS on Ubuntu without adding any drivers18:18
zongo_which most definitely rocks18:18
VCoolioFailican: you mean samba probably; install that, then share using nautilus, right click the folder you want to share, then properties, then share tab18:18
abhijit!yay | zongo_18:18
ubottuzongo_: Glad you made it! :-)18:18
FailicanVCoolio: okej i have samba installed but not nautilus, how do i get that?18:19
VCoolioFailican: nautilus is the default file browser in ubuntu, just open any folder and you're there18:20
CbIPHi all! I have a problem: all browsers work much slower (min. 2 times) in Ubuntu 10.04 than in Windows. The pages are loaded fast, but it looks like the browser cannot resolve DNS for 5-30 sec. before loading. How to fix it?18:21
FailicanVCoolio: sry for me being a noob :) i just saw it now and thanks i think it works now ;) ill go check on the popcorn ;)18:22
kwtmHelp! I have 4 minutes to locate a PDF file on my Kubuntu laptop; I don't know what it's called, but I know it was created April 14 or April 15.  How can I use Strigi to find this file?  Or should I stick to Krusader?18:22
VCoolioFailican: you also need the package 'nautilus-share' to be able to do as I said18:22
brennenkwtm - find would probably work.18:22
jasmuzHey there..18:23
jasmuzDoes anyone know how to fix the GDM2 resolution ?18:23
kwtmbrennen: How do I use find please?  Is it "find .*pdf ~"?  And can I take advantage of this Strigi/Nepomuk thing, or is that not really relevant to daily use?18:23
DawidI`m Kubuś.18:23
DawidJakiś Pro?18:23
DawidKomu muszę wyjebać?18:24
macokwtm: i doubt most folk in here know how to use strigi18:24
macoDawid: english please18:24
DawidBo nie rosu....18:24
DawidZaraz wpierdol!18:24
CbIPGuys, I have a problem: all browsers work much slower (min. 2 times) in Ubuntu 10.04 than in Windows. The pages are loaded fast, but it looks like the browser cannot resolve DNS for 5-30 sec. before loading. How to fix it?18:24
macotwbks: #kubuntu folks would know better (though i'm one of them and dont...have never bothered to use "semantic desktop"...just know where i put stuff)18:25
jasmuzCbIP: did you try disabling the IPv6 protocol?18:26
erUSULkwtm: use find ? touch -d "13 April" /tmp/a ; touch -d "April 16" /tmp/b  ;  find $HOME -name '*.pdf' -newer /tmp/a ! -newer /tmp/b -print18:26
erUSULkwtm: not sure it it will work ... try it and see18:26
erUSULkwtm: it will search in your home if you want to search the whole machine put / instead of $HOME18:27
CbIPjasmuz: it seems to be disabled - I checked "ignore" in the connection settings18:27
me4blackciao a tutti18:28
=== Thiago is now known as Guest18306
rokyHas anyone here got modern warfare 2 to successfully run well on 10.04?18:28
LantiziaHOWTO: Disable xinerama support in metacity OR disable xinerama info when xinerama is enabled in xinerama... Anyone got any ideas?18:28
me4blackio sono italiano ... qualche italiano in linea ??18:29
monkey_dust!it| me4black18:29
ubottume4black: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:29
bittin`http://paste.ubuntu.com/467119/ somone wanna help?18:29
=== fer is now known as Guest1372
me4blackc'è qualche italiano in reteee ??18:30
aeon-ltdroky: no but i assume since cod4 works semi well, if you could do that, mw2 should work18:30
Failicanhmm i still can access the folder18:30
me4blackah okok18:30
aeon-ltdroky: i use should very loosely18:30
brennenkwtm: find ~ -name *.pdf -mtime +9018:30
=== Guest18306 is now known as Thiago___
me4blackmi dite se c'è qualche italiano18:30
macome4black: english only please18:30
maco!it | me4black18:30
ubottume4black: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:30
monkey_dust!it| me4black18:30
brennenkwtm: would get you, frex, any PDF modified 90 or more days ago.18:30
rokyaeon-ltd: I was just wondering to see if I could get a feel before It installs entirely. I guess I'll find out :P18:31
aeon-ltdroky: why not just run in windows?18:31
kwtmbrennen: Thanks for tip.  How to limit to exactly April 14 or 15? (not earlier)?18:31
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rokyaeon-ltd: It is on windows as well, I just would rather have it on Ubuntu...Like many of us here if possible.18:32
aeon-ltdroky: i wouldn't at the cost of stability and quality18:32
rokyaeon-ltd: It can be just as stable. Just needs extra configuration. I take it you have had bad experiences with wine. Some of us, would prefer not to use windows. If possible. Like I said before.18:33
kwtmbrennen: Sorry, man find doesn't tell me how to get a file NEWER than April 13, but OLDER than April 16.  Tips?18:34
mkquistanyone successfully running itunes on ubuntu?18:34
abhijit!itunes | mkquist18:35
ubottumkquist: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee18:35
aeon-ltdroky: no bad experience, just find it unneccessary if i had win18:35
erUSULkwtm: already told you18:35
brennenkwtm - that other tip above seems to have been on the right track. http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-programming-scripting/87732-find-all-files-modified-date-range.html18:36
heeenwhy do I get LANG= and LC_*="POSIX"18:37
kwtmerUSUL: Thx, will try to understand your command.  Was hoping not to have to use the touch command; thought that modifies filetimes.  If find command has "older than" and "newer than" flags, then would help; otherwise I will try your method --looks like we need to esstablish a /tmp directory18:38
heeenthere's nothing to that effect in .bash_profile18:38
ubuntu_hi, flash uses 100% cpu can someone help me please ?18:38
heeenor /etc/profile18:38
kwtmerUSUL: Also, is that correct that one date is "13 April" with month last, and the other is "April 16" with month first?18:38
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oCean_kwtm: yes, find has -mtime, for usage with +3 (older than 3 days) or -3 (files since 3 days ago)18:39
erUSULkwtm: touch is clever enough to parse it18:39
erUSULkwtm: i tried here and seems to not work so well18:39
aeon-ltdubuntu_: hardware accel?18:39
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ubuntu_have a nvidia 6150 - how do i enable hardware accel aeon-ltd ?18:40
aeon-ltdubuntu_: right click on whatever flash app you have running18:40
silvestreSuspend broke recently on my Thinkpad X60s ... is that a known bug? Doesnt seem to be the kernel.18:41
ubuntu_aeon-ltd i need nvidia-driver.... or not ?18:41
aeon-ltdubuntu_: wait are you using open source or propri.?18:41
ubuntu_aeon-ltd i use opensource standard driver18:41
aeon-ltdubuntu_: try the proprietry it mught help, but try the right click thing 1st18:42
ubuntu_aeon-ltd i will try this ...if it doesnt work i will be back ;-)18:42
aeon-ltdubuntu_: k18:42
kwtmoCean_: Ohh!!! I get it, "+" means older than and "-" means newer than!  Examples weren't clear in man page.  Thx!!!18:43
econdudeawesomeAh! My startup hangs, unless I boot in recovery mode, and then I have to manually invoke login managers. What's going on!!??!18:43
erUSULkwtm: checked again and appears to work ....18:43
oCean_kwtm: the larger the manpage, the harder to understand :) Glad to be of some help..18:43
aeon-ltdecondudeawesome: if you can try to get a boot chart18:43
prime_hereticThis may be a silly questio but can you use 64 bit ubuntu on a 32 bit cpu?18:43
econdudeawesomeaeon-ltd how do I do that?18:43
dajhornprime_heretic: No.18:44
econdudeawesomeprime_heretic I don't think so--all kinds on issues18:44
prime_hereticgreat thanks18:44
abhijitprime_heretic, you can use virtual box if your cpu supports 64 bit virtualisation18:44
aeon-ltdecondudeawesome: by using boot chart :) (you may need to install but since it doesn't finish boot it mighth be hard)18:44
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prime_hereticIt's just the Ubuntu site says on the download page : "64-bit – Recommended for most users"18:44
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prime_hereticid hazard a guess most users aren't 64bit18:45
econdudeawesomeaeon-ltd I can manually invoke a session (i.e. start via recovery, "continue boot process", log in, invoke sudo lxdm or sudo gdm, and log in18:45
Daekdroomprime_heretic, I'd say the other way around, given how almost nobody needs 64bit.18:45
oCean_prime_heretic: 64bit is only for 32bit processors18:45
abhijitprime_heretic, I am using 64 bit lucid :p18:45
owd95Installed Ubunut on one of my computers and it create a swap thiat was 11gb. Is it a bug or what?18:45
Linux000prime_heretic: I'd assume thats because most Computers nowdays have a 64bit processor18:45
econdudeawesomeaeon-ltd startx just starts a GNOME-session, which isn't what I want to have happen (flying high with lubuntu  installed on top of ubuntu ;-))18:45
prime_hereticDaekdroom: exactly, and the implication then is that 64bit works on 32bit cpus18:46
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oCean_prime_heretic: because not every users knows if he has a 32 or 64bit cpu, the savest choice is 32bit download (which will also work on 64bit cpu)18:46
dajhornowd95: The installer should create a swap partition just a bit larger than physical memory, so that hibernation works properly.18:46
prime_hereticLinux000: nah they dont18:46
tensorpuddingThe download link seems to suggest that 64-bit is not recommended.18:46
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.18:46
econdudeawesomeprime_heretic it's like trying to play a blue-ray disc on a dvd player18:47
Linux000oCean_: 32-bit will not work with a 64-bit CPU, I've spent about a week figuring out why ubuntu would fail to install, I was trying to put 32-bit on a 64-bit cpu18:47
oCean_prime_heretic: what site are you using? At http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download it is not as you said!18:47
zhandoHow do I search remote folders with nautilus? Ctrl-F just searches my local files?18:47
gummybearhow do i get my webcam to work18:47
prime_hereticoCean_: http://www.ubuntu.com/server/get-ubuntu/download18:47
oCean_Linux000: I have it running on several 64bit cpu's18:47
econdudeawesomeLinux000 32-bit OS works fine on 64-bit architechture, but ot he other way around18:47
tensorpuddingi386 should work on an amd64-compatible CPU18:47
Oercntrl + H18:47
monkey_dustLinux000, i have 32 bit ubuntu on a double core 64 bit laptop, but 64-bit just wouldn't work18:48
Linux000I've never had that work... might be server edition messing with me18:48
oCean_prime_heretic: you read it worng. it CLEARLY says 32 bit recommended for most users18:48
erUSUL!webcam | gummybear18:48
ubottugummybear: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:48
glaucousHow do I launch a new x session in which I can use Wine to launch an application? Apparently you can gain a lot of performance by doing this18:48
abhijityes! I have 64 bit ubuntu on 64 bit cpu!!! :D :P18:48
gummybearok ty18:48
owd95dajhord: alright... But i have only 4gb ram and i have installed on many computers and Ubuntu have never create a swap bigger then 3gb...18:48
oCean_prime_heretic: OH, you were on the *server* download, not desktop18:49
tensorpuddingI don't see why 64-bit isn't recommended anymore.18:49
tensorpuddingIs it a flash deal?18:49
abhijit!64 | tensorpudding18:49
ubottutensorpudding: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.18:49
oCean_tensorpudding: no, i just explained18:49
econdudeawesometensorpudding what are you talking about?18:49
owd95dajhorn: alright... But i have only 4gb ram and i have installed on many computers and Ubuntu have never create a swap bigger then 3gb...18:49
prime_hereticoCean_: yus18:49
oCean_tensorpudding: because lots of users don't know if the cpu is 32 or 64 bit, the 32 bit desktop download is saves option18:50
tensorpuddingecondudeawesome: check the download page, you will clearly see that it says tht 64-bit is not recommended for normal desktop usage18:50
sandertjei have a little question18:50
aeon-ltd!ask | sandertje18:50
econdudeawesometensorpudding that's weird. Must be new18:50
ubottusandertje: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:50
tensorpuddingoCean_: So it's basically a "we don't want to confuse people by asking them if their CPU is 64-bit"?18:50
oCean_prime_heretic: of course is 64bit for server recommended, since most servers are 64bit, it's a different story for the desktops18:50
tensorpuddingI guess that is fair.18:50
sysadm1977can anyone assist recovering data from an icy box raid 1 disk?18:50
ZykoticK9tensorpudding, see the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/58594018:50
dajhornowd95: On a computer with 4GB of memory, you don't really need swap space unless you intend to use hibernation (like a laptop).18:50
monkey_dustsandertje, please type /join ubuntu-nl18:50
oCean_tensorpudding: lots of users don't know.18:50
monkey_dustsandertje, please type /join #ubuntu-nl18:50
zhandoI can see folders on a remote system with nautilus just fine. Why can't I search for a filename?18:51
tensorpuddingoCean_: That's true.18:51
bittin`what chmod on /tmp/ has standard Ubuntu?18:51
oCean_monkey_dust: what. He's using English, right?18:51
tensorpuddingoCean_: I guess the people who actually want 64-bit will know and choose it, so it doesn't matter18:51
dajhornbittin`: chmod 1777 /tmp18:51
owd95dajhorn... yes i know that but that i wonder was why Ubuntu create i so big swap...18:51
oCean_tensorpudding: Exactly! :)18:51
monkey_dustoCean_, his nickname is dutch18:51
bittin`dajhorn: i tried that :p18:51
owd95dajhorn:... yes i know that but that i wonder was why Ubuntu create i so big swap...18:52
oCean_monkey_dust: so? As long as he is talking English, it's not a problem at all.18:52
dajhornbittin`: Also chown root:root /tmp18:52
tensorpudding"not recommended" sounds like there is a problem with it though18:52
bittin`dajhorn: thx :)18:52
monkey_dustoCean_, it was an advice, nothing more18:52
dajhornowd95: Dunno.  You can resize the partitions if it bothers you.18:52
dajhornbittin`: Welcome.18:52
oCean_sandertje: feel free to ask here. Try to keep the description of your issue all in one single line18:52
owd95dajhorn: thx, i will try that18:53
cablopim new to this acl thing... but... i want to understand it... afaik, if you set ACL in a partition, it will work with the ACL list or just the legacy permissions if there's no Acl PRESENT18:53
dajhornowd95: Welcome.18:53
tensorpuddingIf you configure a partition to use ACLs, it won't make any immediate effect until you set them18:54
borbasjuliahey all1118:54
borbasjulia_can anyone know how to setup c-media sound card18:54
iceiceicehey have a little problem with the dual boot install. the option of the side by side install for some reason isn't there (menu 4 ubuntu instal prosses) what can i do??18:54
borbasjulia_to work fine?18:55
tensorpuddingrather, until you set the ACLs to something that doesn't correspond to the garden variety octal permissions18:55
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bittin`/var/ is also broken what chmod should that have?18:55
Unclemantishow do i know if the PHP i have installed was from an ubuntu package or compiled from PHP.NET?18:55
Linux000iceiceice: What is there?18:55
dajhorncablop: posix permissions always exist and always matter regardless of whether ACLs are enabled.  Notice the legacy permissions when you list ACLs.18:55
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tensorpuddingLegacy permissions are handled with the ACL through the mask field18:55
theoctagonbittin`: 755 owned by root.root18:55
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borbasjulia_where can download drivers for sound card? and does it matter what version is? btw cant find on motherboard page18:56
iceiceiceLinux000: not where it's should be18:56
tensorpuddingWhen you use good-old chmod on file with ACLs enabled, it only changes the mask18:56
oCean_Unclemantis: try: dpkg -S `which php`18:56
Unclemantisdpkg: /usr/local/bin/php not found.18:56
bittin`theoctagon: thank you now back to what i did before i broke it all18:56
Unclemantisthat means no right?18:56
borbasjulia_no linux big guru here?18:57
tensorpuddingIf you have php in /usr/local, you didn't install it using apt.18:57
Linux000iceiceice: you have windows installed, did it show up in the partition bar at the top?18:57
theoctagonbittin`: what do you mean by "all" ?18:57
Linux000iceiceice: Sorry, I assume windows18:57
oCean_Unclemantis: then chances are it's not from any .deb installed, because in that case it would have shown the packagename it was from18:57
tensorpudding!ask | borbasjulia_18:57
ubottuborbasjulia_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:57
bittin`theoctagon: nothing i failed at install a printer :p18:57
Unclemantispreciate it18:57
oCean_Unclemantis: sure thing, you're welcome18:58
cablopi got more confused now, then... what's the mask field in ACL? i thought the mask field was something like no permissions...18:58
bittin`if anyone feels like helping18:58
tensorpuddingborbasjulia_: does the sound card not work automatically?18:58
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tensorpuddingIs it USB, PCI, PCMCIA?18:58
borbasjulia_Dont know really it's integrated on motherboard18:59
bittin`tensorpudding: USB18:59
iceiceiceLinux000: yes u r right to asume it's win7 str and yes it show's in the bar on top18:59
racethesunliveborbasjulia: try typing 'alsamixer' in a console and see if you can view volume levels18:59
Unclemantisdoing well here, thanks again guys18:59
Linux000iceiceice: What options show up in the menu?19:00
racethesunliveborbasjulia: this will also tell you your sound card info if it can find it19:00
tensorpuddingbittin`: try using getfacl on the file that has ACLs set19:00
tensorpuddingthe mask:: field is the part that corresponds to legacy permissions19:01
tensorpuddingit essentially limits the permissions available to everything else19:01
theoctagonI have a little brain teaser regarding scp, the non interactive shell does not read profile fact and umask19:01
theoctagonthere is a java program copying files from a windows host via scp19:02
theoctagonbut the set umask isn't applied19:02
theoctagonI tried to put it in .profile and .bashrc19:02
theoctagonthe last way works with WinSCP19:02
theoctagonbut not with the java framework19:02
theoctagonany idea anyone?19:02
tensorpuddingThe umask of the shell on the system your copying to should be the one that is used19:02
theoctagonthe file is created with -rw------19:03
tensorpuddingTry getting a shell using ssh, and run umask19:03
theoctagonthink this is the kernel default not the login uer one19:03
theoctagonwith a ssh shell umask is pulled perfectly right19:03
tensorpuddingI'm pretty sure that the default umask in bash is 02219:03
theoctagontensorpudding: I'm well aware of that19:04
metalgeekHi, I have a 40gb ATA Hard drive, and a 500gb SATA drive. How would you suggest that i set up my system to take best advantage of this under Ubuntu?19:04
theoctagonbut nevertheless the file gets -rw------19:04
tensorpuddingWhat kind of filesystem are you writing to?19:04
theoctagonif I touch a file with the same user the scp uses the chmod is 770 like wanted19:04
borbasjulia_VIA 8237 but still cant find drivers19:04
tensorpuddingSometimes filesystems have restricted umasks, like NTFS19:05
theoctagontensorpudding: ReiserFS19:05
iceiceiceLinux000: 1 opt is format the entire disk and install ubuntu as stand alone 2 opt is manual partioning19:05
theoctagontensorpudding: no sorry - ext3 in this case19:05
tensorpuddingOkay, that is odd then19:05
cablopdajhorn: do you know how the mask field of acl works?19:05
FoolsRunHello, does anyone have experience with ebox?19:05
theoctagontensorpudding: you name it19:05
theoctagonI found out it has to do with the fact that scp uses a non interactive shell19:05
tensorpuddingYou say you set umask in .bashrc?19:06
dajhorncablop: Mostly, but it sounds like you need to read an introductory ACL tutorial.19:06
theoctagontensorpudding: both ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc19:06
tensorpuddingNon-interactive shells should load ~/.bashrc, I believe.19:06
metalgeekHi, I have a 40gb ATA Hard drive, and a 500gb SATA drive. How would you suggest that i set up my system to take best advantage of this under Ubuntu?19:06
cablopdajhorn: well, i was reading about it. but there were no mask field on the one i read... maybe you have a better link19:07
theoctagontensorpudding: yepp - this "hack" works for WinSCP19:07
theoctagonbut not for the java program19:07
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: how much ram do you have?19:07
tensorpuddingOh wait, nevermind.19:07
tensorpuddingThat's for interactive non-login shells19:07
abhijitmetalgeek, its upto your personal choise. I could have installed ubuntu on whole 500gb and kept that 40gb for extrathigns19:07
dajhorncablop: ACLs are not consistent between platforms.   ACLS on Microsoft Windows, Solaris, Linux, etc are all different.  You need a tutorial specifically for your platform.19:07
theoctagontensorpudding: this login/no-login interactive/non-interactive shell stuff is a mess :P19:08
dajhorncablop: ACLs are often overkill.  What are you trying to accomplish?   Maybe there is an easier solution.19:08
Linux000iceiceice: Is windows installed?19:08
tensorpuddingthere's also POSIX ACLs and NFS4 ACLs, which are distinct19:08
cablopi just want to keep managing some files and folders the way i did in windows19:09
metalgeekabhijit, I get that i could choose, but is there a logical reason to do it a certain was?19:09
tensorpuddingI recommend against messing with ACLs on system partitions19:09
metalgeekActionParsnip, 1.5gb19:09
icewatermanhi, all the symbols and texts in gnome are huge compared to windows. any idea how to reduce both the size and the margin between objects on screen?19:10
abhijitmetalgeek, no logical reason. its just its easy to maintain.19:10
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: use the sata for 10Gb / and 3Gb swap, use the rest for /home andthe 30Gb for backup or mount it to a subfolder in /home19:10
theoctagontensorpudding: a ugly solution could be to switch to sftp and write a wrapper skript around sftp server setting the umask to 007 and start the sftp-server19:10
iceiceiceLinux000: yes even stably installed :) i am trying to install the lattest 10.04 ver of ubuntu for netbook with diskonkey installer19:10
theoctagonbut then I would have to change the sshd config as well19:10
dajhorncablop: Try the eiciel package.   It might be easier for you than getacl/facl tools.19:10
avisnicotine is crashing on me, i don't know how to fix it.  there is no official amazonmp3 downloader for lucid and that makes me sad.19:10
tensorpuddingHmm, sftp has a umask option19:11
theoctagontensorpudding: did I miss that? is it in the man page?19:11
tensorpuddingYeah, it's in the manpage.19:11
borbasjulia_Thanks for help now working:)19:12
Linux000iceiceice: Hmm, ubuntu might have problems if the space left is less than 3GB or so, and it might not want you to try side by side, netbook edtition might not let you do that, but I've never used it19:12
avissetting timer19:12
theoctagontensorpudding: that'll be worth a try I think :)19:12
metalgeekActionParsnip, You obviously know far more than I so please don't take offence when I ask, What reasoning brought you to the advice given?19:12
tensorpuddingIt might only set the umask locally though19:12
avisitunes bears the mark of the devil.19:13
tensorpuddingI never had these kind of issues with scp :\19:13
datacrusherhow is it namet the hability that nautilus got in ubuntu, that F3 opens a parallel navigation window?19:13
theoctagontensorpudding: me not, too unless the source is non linux :P19:13
theoctagoncause scp preserves the rights of the source file19:13
tensorpuddingWhat is the source?19:13
abhijitmetalgeek, look for the size of /tmp. sometimes it needs large space and it dont have. so keep /tmp in larger one partition19:14
theoctagonA windows machine19:14
theoctagonwhere the java program pulls the file and copies it to a linux box19:14
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tensorpuddingtheoctagon: Are you using scp to keep two directories in sync, or is this just a one-off copy?19:14
theoctagonto feed some kind of automatic importer of a CMS19:14
iceiceiceLinux000: i have a ton of free space (about 40 g) i've been able to instal the ver wubi but wubi don't suport some needed opt.19:15
theoctagonjust a copy-one off19:15
cablopdajhorn: i have it installed and i was using it in other partitions... but i don't unerstand the mask field, i undertsnd all other parts, except that mask19:15
avisis there a nice note taking application kind of like a apple/windows notepad thing (non gdesklets) that'll help me keep track of my meds19:15
tensorpuddingIf you had to do it very often, I'd recommend Unison19:15
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: no worries, the sata interface is faster than the ata, if the ata was also sata then using the 30Gb for / then the other driver for swap and /home would make things faster, unfortunately if you do this your system will not be as fast as it can but 30Gb for / is a LOT so using the 30Gb for backup or other purposes is all I can think to do with it. Your system will only really need 3Gb swap (2xram)19:15
theoctagonits a videoconverter server that feeds converted vids into a content management system19:15
monkey_dustavis, try leafpad19:15
avisplain and simple one liner notes accessible by a drop down gnome19:15
tensorpuddingUnison is the only easy file synchronization tool that I used that worked well between Windows and Unix19:15
theoctagontensorpudding: yepp unison rocks :)19:16
Linux000iceiceice: Ahh, my only thought is to go manually, but that could wipe windows, so I wouldn't try that... Sorry I couldn't help19:16
dajhorncablop: Do you understand how `umask` masking works?   You should start there.  I don't think that anybody here will give you a walkthrough on an advanced topic like this.19:16
apetrunki think i have a fairly quick question. i have an hp tx2510us tablet and the touchscreen isnt calibrated correctly. the stylus is off a little bit, but not enough to matter. is there a download somewhere that i can run to calibrate it?19:16
metalgeekActionParsnip, Your the best, that really made sense, so thats what ill do? Thanks for everything, off to reinstall, see you all in a while I hope :) LOL19:17
BlTcablop: The user file-creation mode mask (umask) is use to determine the file permission for newly created files. It can be used to control the default file permission for new files. It is a four-digit octal number .19:17
iceiceiceLinux000: thanks anyway.19:17
avisi can't use samba because my dad is evil and the idea of ssh frightens me, but i sure could use a backup drive on my local lan19:17
avisfrom a stupid windows box19:17
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: no worries dude, there are other ways, thats just how i'd fly19:18
racethesunliveavis: ftp it?19:18
abhijitapetrunk, see on their respective web site there is a hardware code to calibrate a printer. e.g. in my case of hp 3200 seriess i need to press a button under cover of printer 4 times and it automatically calibrate without need of any software19:18
avisracethesunlive, i hate windows19:18
BlTavis: "ssh frightens me"? why is that19:18
racethesunliveavis: what does windows have to do with ftp?19:19
avisracethesunlive, because i'd need scp and that'd require ssh19:19
monkey_dustavis, ssh means *secure* shell19:19
avisand under windows, thats a slit throat19:19
apetrunkive looked around. sadly theres nothing like that. the only calibration info they have is for me to download some software that windows can run19:19
ActionParsnipavis: ssh is very secure dude19:19
theoctagonavis: I missed what you wanna do - might rsync / unison be an option?19:19
cablopBIT dajhorn well, i think masks are like network masks, you apply a binary operation to see what the results are, but the mask in eiciel works this way, if i set the mask say 101 and the user has 111 permissions that made the effective permissions 101, not 111 as long it is not an older file19:19
abhijitapelgate, give me your full printer name19:19
dajhornavis: You can install rsync or rdiff on the Windows computer, and use it to back up to the Ubuntu server.  As an alternative to sshd, you can use rsyncd.19:20
BlTavis: rsync+ssh rocks....19:20
abhijitapetrunk, , give me your full printer name19:20
apetrunkprinter? this is my computer19:20
cablopBIT, dajhorn i think the mask just operate as main permission allower negator regardless the setin per user or group19:20
avisdajhorn, problem, backup would be to the windows box19:20
abhijitapetrunk, your issue was you want to calibrate a printer?19:20
iceiceiceany1? side by side install problem in the 10.04 ver for netbook. No side by side option in the install process19:20
BlTcablop: umask doesn't work that way.19:20
avisdajhorn, and ssh installation on windows bugs me19:20
BlTcablop: just man umask19:20
dajhornavis: Those programs have been ported to Microsoft Windows.   I prefer Cygwin, but you can get native builds too.19:21
apetrunkabhijit, nope. never mentioned printer. its the touchscreen19:21
ActionParsnipiceiceice: then boot to livecd and resize the partition19:21
BlTavis: ssh the client? or ssh the server for windows?19:21
abhijitoh my god19:21
BlTavis: for a client putty ftw!19:21
apetrunkon my tablet19:21
abhijitI should go to sleep now. bye all sorry apetrunk miss read your question. bye :)19:22
cablopBIT but i'm asking for the mask field in aCL19:22
avisi'd like to use the ssh alternative on the windows box with the windows box being the backup computer, and ubuntu as primary sender19:22
apetrunkhaha its cool. thanks for trying19:22
cablopBIT not the umask one19:22
BlTcablop: ah ok sorry, missed that.19:22
apetrunki think i have a fairly quick question. i have an hp tx2510us tablet and the touchscreen isnt calibrated correctly. the stylus is off a little bit, but not enough to matter. is there a download somewhere that i can run to calibrate it?19:22
metalgeekActionParsnip, May i pm you please?19:23
dajhornavis: Try BackuPC.   It has native clients and servers for both Ubuntu and Windows.19:23
avisthank you dajhorn19:23
iceiceiceActionParsnip: i dont realy know what exectly i should do so i am worried that i may wipe out all19:23
oryxteci have some question on openvpn19:23
ActionParsnipmetalgeek: sure19:23
scalzonhey, when ever i try to run the game asylum, it just gets me to the menu and when i try to play it, it closes19:23
dajhornavis: Welcome.19:23
=== jeffgreenca_ is now known as jeffgreenca
GanzonetHi, why does it say this in the ubuntu download page? "64-bit - Not recommended for daily desktop usage"19:23
Ganzonetwhy isn't it recommended for daily usage?19:23
oryxteci m using openvpn on ubuntu19:23
ActionParsnipGanzonet: 32bit is still a slightly easier ride than 64bit19:24
dajhornGanzonet: Because it offers small performance difference, but is harder for Canonical to support.19:24
oryxtecand on openvpn revoke option is not working19:24
theoctagonGanzonet: because 64-Bit and Adobe flash is a mess19:24
tensorpuddingGanzonet: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/58594019:24
oryxtechas any one used openvpn on ubuntu19:24
theoctagonoryxtec: yepp19:24
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
oryxtecplz can u guide me19:24
Ganzonetso, although i have a 64bits processor, im better off with the 32 bit installation?19:24
oryxtecon revoking user license19:24
dajhornGanzonet: Yes.19:25
tensorpuddingIf you know what you are doing, the 64-bit will work fine.19:25
experiMENTALhi. problem not solved, plz. black screen with white flashing stripes up to half of the screen preceded by a message "checking battery state... [OK]": http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153154319:25
tensorpuddingIt is what I use.19:25
theoctagonoryxtec: revoking user "license" ?19:25
Ganzonetwasnt there a problem with the ram when not using a 64 bit OS?19:25
Ganzonetlike not recognizing part of it19:25
Ganzonetand such?19:25
apetrunki think i have a fairly quick question. i have an hp tx2510us tablet and the touchscreen isnt calibrated correctly. the stylus is off a little bit, but not enough to matter. is there a download somewhere that i can run to calibrate it?19:25
tensorpuddingThere was a restriction on the amount of RAM that a 32-bit OS could address19:25
thehizzcan anyone help me? there's a rectangle for window selection stuck on my screen from gtk-recordmydesktop! how do i get rid of it? i killed gtk-recordmydesktop, but the window selection rectangle remains stuck on the screen!!19:25
oryxteci mean i want to remove crtificats for those user on openvpn19:26
tensorpuddingBut it was fixed by PAE.19:26
dajhornGanzonet: If you have more than 3GB of RAM, then you should use the -pae kernel instead of the -generic kernel.19:26
oryxtecwhich i don't want them any more19:26
_jesse_Ganzonet: 32 bit, in general, can only address 4gb without physical address extnesion19:26
apetrunkthehizz try restarting?19:26
mkquistGanzonet: i cant agree19:26
thehizz*without restarting x or the cpu19:26
apetrunkwhy cants you restart?19:26
=== hsa2 is now known as hsa2|gone
mkquistGanzonet: running 64bit fine19:26
theoctagonoryxtec: http://www.openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html#revoke19:26
avisdajhorn, i assume my kernels are forced pae anyway to ensure that on installation ?19:26
lnlOh, linux is so good!19:26
theoctagondoesn't that help `19:27
lnlI love ubuntu19:27
Ganzonetwhats the major issue using 64bit ubuntu?19:27
tensorpuddingProbably flash.19:27
lnlI love YlmfOS19:27
apetrunkthehizz, why cant you restart?19:27
_jesse_Ganzonet: there isn't one, I've been running it fine19:27
dajhornavis: I don't remember whether the Ubuntu installer automatically installs the -pae kernel.19:27
monkey_dustlnl, i use ylmf as virtual machine19:27
mkquistGanzonet: i have none19:27
theoctagonGanzonet: I'm using ubuntu 64 bit cause I have 8GB ram and need to have 64bit VMs19:27
tensorpuddingThough flash works fine enough for me, in Ubuntu amd64.19:27
avisi fear that my ext4 filesystem  is fragile and i need ext4 file integrity protection.19:27
BlTGanzonet: I've been running 64bit ubuntu for over 1 year and I've had no issues.19:28
theoctagonGanzonet: and the flash wrapper npviewer eats a lot of cpu19:28
erUSULavis: backups19:28
CbIPHi all! Guys, I have a problem: all browsers work much slower (min. 2 times) in Ubuntu 10.04 than in Windows. The pages are loaded fast, but it looks like the browser cannot resolve DNS for 5-30 sec. before loading. IP v6 is disabled. How to fix it?19:28
ZelaHi My sound when out for no reason, how do i fix this?19:28
Ganzonetok, thanks everyone, ill try the 64bit version which i have already download, if i got any issue ill try the other one19:28
=== ganja_ is now known as ganja
erUSUL!ipv6 | CbIP19:28
ubottuCbIP: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv419:28
mkquistGanzonet: enjoy19:28
tensorpuddingIt seems to me that the "not recommended" disclaimer is to prevent people with 32-bit processors from downloading it and having issues.19:28
BlTGanzonet: have fun!19:28
Ganzonetthanks :_)19:29
CbIPthx, I'll read19:29
apetrunki think i have a fairly quick question. i have an hp tx2510us tablet and the touchscreen isnt calibrated correctly. the stylus is off a little bit, but not enough to matter. is there a download somewhere that i can run to calibrate it?19:29
thehizzapelgate: can't restart because have other things that need to remain running19:29
=== hsa2|gone is now known as hsa2
tensorpudding32-bit will probably become deprecated eventually19:30
theoctagontensorpudding: yes when adobe releases flash for 64 bit ;) or html5 is spread widely :P19:31
lnlHow to reply somebody?19:31
ActionParsniptensorpudding: when it gets stupendous support then yes :)19:31
erUSUL!who | lnl19:31
ubottulnl: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:31
tensorpuddingFlash works fine for 64bit.19:31
dnessanyone know where nlockmgr config for NFS is located on ubuntu 9.04? need to set a static port... all the tuts say add it modconfig, but modprobe lockd turns up nothing for me19:31
theoctagontensorpudding: it works but I wouldn't sign the "fine"19:32
tensorpuddingAnd HTML5 <video> is supported by Firefox, Chrome, Safari and IE 9.19:32
Ganzoneti forgot something, how much memory does ubuntu usually eat when the system is booted?19:32
theoctagontensorpudding: e.g. the eurosport.de tour de france liveticker doesn't show in firefox - in google chrome it does19:32
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=== [SW]Dodge is now known as [SW]Dodge`oFF
tensorpuddingDoes Ubuntu still support PPC?19:33
erUSUL!ppc | tensorpudding19:33
ubottutensorpudding: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ19:33
dnessanyone running NFS on ubuntu 9.04? do you have the lockd module?19:33
theoctagontensorpudding: think so - had karmic on a ibook g3 not long ago19:33
tensorpuddingAh, community supported.19:33
lnljust click their nickname and click 'open a dialog window'?19:33
linxehdness: you have to install it separately iirc19:33
erUSULdness: find /lib/modules/ -name '*lockd*'19:34
linxehdness: maybe I'm wrong (I'm not on that release though anymore)19:34
erUSULdness: in lucid it is present19:34
dnesshmm, i have nfs-common installed, and rpcinfo -p shows nlockmgr running... just on the wrong port19:34
dnessok thanks19:34
dnessdang, no dice19:34
dnessit must be running somewhere, i just can't find out where19:35
bourkehi, my panel icons are completely fubar'ed.  the notification area applet has no icons (nm-applet, volume etc), while indicator applet has only messaging, battery and volume.  how can I get it back to default?19:35
theoctagonI love this command:19:35
theoctagonfor i in `du --max-depth=1 $HOME | sort -n -r | awk '{print $1 ":" $2}'`; do size=`echo $i | awk -F: '{print $1}'`; dir=`echo $i | awk -F: '{print $NF}'`; size2=$(($size/1024)); echo "$size2 MB used by $dir"; done | head -n 1019:35
FloodBot3theoctagon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:36
dness100021    1   tcp  51848  nlockmgr19:36
ActionParsnipbourke: gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel19:36
racethesunliveI have ubuntu set up just right on my HDD and its under 8GB, would it be simple to move my current setup to a bootable USB stick?19:37
lnlyesterday, my first time use linux, I have many problem in using it, but today, I have felt the power of linux is strong!19:37
ActionParsnipracethesunlive: i'd try using dd19:37
bourkeActionParsnip: thanks, helped a little, but the notification area applet is still totally empty :/19:37
dnessSNAP! I can see lockd running in ps -ef19:37
lnlI start loving it19:37
dnessbut no modprobe... wtf19:37
theoctagonlnl: you have been assimilated19:37
ActionParsnipbourke: you have to run the applets in there I believe, to make them appear. What are you missing?19:37
om26erdness, watch the language please19:37
dbuggerhey guys. I've set up a website in my machine running Lucid Desktop, and I've got it sending newsletters and everything, but the mails arent being delivered. Im guessing I need to activate some kind of mail service. How can I do this?19:37
_jesse_lnl: :)19:38
erUSULdness: modprobe will say nothing it it succeed or if thwe module is already loaded19:38
monkey_dustlnl, resistance was futile19:38
erUSULif it*19:38
dnessFATAL: Module lockd not found.19:38
theoctagonmonkey_dust: :)19:38
bourkeActionParsnip: well, nm-applet is running but there's no icon for that. also, I used to have empathy set up somehow to have it's own icon (I don't like the messanging thing, but for some reason it's all gone back to the indicator applet now)19:38
theoctagondbugger: well I think postfix is what you want19:38
racethesunlivedbugger: do you have sendmail set up on the machine?19:38
erUSUL!find lockd19:39
ubottuFound: liblockdev1, liblockdev1-dbg, liblockdev1-dev, liblockdev1-perl, memlockd19:39
erUSUL!find lockd.ko19:39
ubottuFile lockd.ko found in linux-image-2.6.31-10-rt, linux-image-2.6.31-11-rt, linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic, linux-image-2.6.32-21-preempt, linux-image-2.6.32-21-server (and 13 others)19:39
avisi think nicotine is even better when you reset your username and allow it to reset it to defaults.  its not a backport, and your geolocation laws apply19:39
LucidGuyAfter deleting a local account and blowing away their home directory .. the Lucid Ubuntu login screen still shows them on the list.  Any ideas how to clear?19:39
dbuggerdbugger: I don't think I do, since I dont know what that is :(19:39
erUSUL!find lockd.ko jaunty19:39
ActionParsnipbourke: kill nm-applet off then rerun it, may help19:39
ubottuFile lockd.ko found in linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic, linux-image-2.6.28-11-server, linux-image-2.6.28-11-virtual, linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic, linux-image-2.6.28-13-server (and 21 others)19:39
erUSULdness: ^19:39
dnesshm, is it compild in the kernel then?19:39
dbuggertheoctagon, I dont know. I rally dont know anything about this19:39
dbuggerracethesunlive, I dont know what that is, so im guessing no :(19:39
monkey_dustLucidGuy, maybe the name is still in /etc/passwd and or /etc/sudoers?19:39
racethesunlivedbugger: sendmail is the command usually used in .php type scripts to send mail19:40
theoctagondbugger: to send mails you need a mailserver. The package name of a commonly used mailserver is postfix19:40
ZelaHi My sound when out for no reason, how do i fix this?19:40
erUSULdness: no; if " find /lib/modules/ -name '*lockd*' " tunrs out no result is becouse you somehow removed it ...19:40
monkey_dustLucidGuy, and ot /etc/shadow19:40
LucidGuymonkey_dust,  not in passwd .. not in /etc/sudouers19:40
dbuggerracethesunlive, theoctagon so what do I use? postfix or sendmail?19:40
BlTLucidGuy: did you use the gui tool for removing the user?19:40
LucidGuywill check shadow19:40
theoctagondbugger: postfix - sendmail is a mess :)19:40
LucidGuyBlT, no  userdel19:40
dnessi dont know how i would have removed it19:41
dbuggertheoctagon, Could you walk me  through the process, please?19:41
erUSULdness: reinstall the kernel packages19:41
BlTLucidGuy: hmm, odd. that usually removes from both /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow by default I thought19:41
dnessi reinstalled nfs-kernel-server and nfs-common19:41
theoctagondbugger: google "postfix ubuntu howto"19:41
dnessis that what you mean?19:41
bourkeActionParsnip: thanks a lot for the help, still no luck though.. is there a way I can just completely disable the indicator applet and use the traditional notification area for everything?19:41
erUSULdness: sudo aptitude reinstall linux-image-$(uname -r)19:41
dbuggertheoctagon, thanks19:41
NCS_OneI have Lazarus installed using synaptic, is it ok if I know install a newer version of Lazarus to a dir of my choice ?19:41
theoctagondbugger: will be the faster way19:41
LucidGuyBlT, It did .. they dont exist in either ... thats the puzzling thing.19:42
ActionParsnipbourke: not sure dude. I dont use things like that19:42
dnesswell, this is on a live webserver.. :(19:42
bourkeActionParsnip: no worries. thanks anyway19:42
dnessi will try19:42
BlTLucidGuy: hmm, I'm replecating this now to see =)19:42
avisis backupc for ubuntu in the ubuntu repos ?19:42
theoctagonat 33° C there is nothing better than a cold german rothaus pils19:42
justin_ubuntu 10.4 firefox latest version and am having troubles with flash games like zanga and face book looked in forums and got rid of few flash like gnom and stuff but still not working can any one help19:43
ZelaHi My sound when out for no reason, how do i fix this?19:43
avisnicotine is crashing on me, i don't know how to fix it.  there is no official amazonmp3 downloader for lucid and that makes me sad.19:44
theoctagonjustin_: 64bit?19:44
theoctagonjustin_: welcome to the club19:44
theoctagonjustin_: did you dist-upgrade lately?19:44
justin_i guess its good to know im not the only one19:44
BlTLucidGuy: very odd.  after making a test user I then removed it via "userdel" did a grep in /etc/* for that user and the only file that had it was passwd- . then I went to the gui tool, and all I see if my default user (me). No test user19:44
justin_it was working for me for the first week i was on ubunto and then poof it stoped19:45
lnlanybody else here using YlmfOS?19:45
theoctagonjustin_:  my flash broke about a week ago19:45
justin_dist upgraid?19:45
LucidGuyBlT, hmm .. Ill try a few things.19:45
BlTLucidGuy: Have you tried restarting X? or gdm?19:45
theoctagonjustin_: System update via synaptic = dist-upgrade19:45
NCS_OneI have Lazarus installed using synaptic, is it ok if I now install a newer version of Lazarus to a dir of my choice ?19:46
justin_dont know how19:46
justin_im new to this19:46
theoctagonjustin_: I googled  a while and found a howto to repair flash -  but it still doesn't work with every flash content19:46
dnesserUSUL: I have a /sys/module/lockd19:47
gionnicoHello! Anyone know this song: http://www.forzazzurri.mine.nu/data/uploaded/unksng.mp3 ? (you can PM me to answer 'cause it's OT)19:47
theoctagonjustin_: google "ubuntu 64bit flash howto" could help19:47
justin_ok will try19:47
erUSULdness: « lsmod | grep lock  » ?19:47
ActionParsnipjustin_: can you give the output of: dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf     use: http://www.pastie.org19:47
bastid_raZorubottu: tell theoctagon about google19:48
ubottutheoctagon, please see my private message19:48
ZelaHi My sound went out for no reason, how do i fix this?19:48
erUSULdness: are you sure you are not making any typo on this comands ?19:48
theoctagonbastid_raZor: got it :)19:48
ownerSOS! I installed Ubuntu 10.04 dual boot with Windows XP but XP is not in the Grub's boot menu19:48
dnesshaha, yes i am sure, thsi is very strange19:48
ownerHow do I fix this19:48
justin_what action? what am i soposed to do with the pastie19:49
dancrew32anyone know how to get java-based applications to render fonts properly?19:49
racethesunliveowner: are you sure its not there? have you tried scrolling down?19:49
ownerYes I tried scrolling down19:49
dnessare files in /sys/module configuration for active modules?19:49
theoctagonowner: did you choose the right disk to install ubuntu?19:49
BlT!paste | justin_19:49
ubottujustin_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:49
ActionParsnipjustin_: copy the big command I gave, run it then use pastie to give the output19:49
ownertheoctagon there is only one19:49
erUSULdness: probably19:49
dancrew32my fonts in jedit look awful, even with the antialiasing settings on19:49
theoctagonowner: so you shrinked a windows partition or was there un-partitioned space?19:50
mahioohello guy19:50
mahiooi have problem with inkscap19:51
owneryes shrinked Windows Partition, and it shows up. The Windows Partition is still active19:51
phanindrawhere can i down load  jdk-6u18-docs.zip?19:51
BlT!ask | mahioo19:51
ubottumahioo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:51
justin_right click wont give me options to copie19:51
ownertheoctagon I'll run gparted and tell you my HD partitions19:52
ActionParsnipjustin_: alternatively: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf > ~/paste.txt; pastebinit ~/paste.txt; rm ~/paste.txt19:52
ActionParsnipjustin_: was it the output of that big command?19:52
mahioothere are no icon along side label in list of inkscap19:52
theoctagonowner: is it in your /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?19:52
ownershould be19:52
justin_dont know i cant copie the comand that u typed19:52
NCS_Onejustin_: Ctrl-Insert to copie and Shift-Insert to paste19:53
sanjoydoes ubuntu has any software like mathmetica19:53
phanindrawhere can i down load  jdk-6u18-docs.zip?19:53
sanjoyi wanna do graph19:53
mahioocan someone need me19:53
zambaalternative to minicom?19:53
ActionParsnipmahioo: how do you mean?19:53
ownertheoctagon no there is no entry for Windows in my grub.cfg19:53
antileetsanjoy, there are a few alternatives19:53
theoctagonowner: just a seconf19:53
antileetsander, gnuplot, octave, etc19:54
ActionParsnipjustin_: run that big command, a url will be output, paste it here19:54
mahiooActionParsnip, i mean there are no icon along side label in list of incskap program19:54
theoctagonowner: there shoul be sth. like http://pastie.org/105411419:54
trismsanjoy: wxmaxima has some of the functionality19:54
ActionParsnipmahioo: ahhh you mean "help me" not need me19:55
theoctagonowner: that's for windows 7 though19:55
sanjoyhow will i download it??19:55
sanjoyvia terminal??19:55
mahiooActionParsnip, yes19:55
trismsanjoy: sudo apt-get install wxmaxima;19:55
ActionParsnipmahioo: run alacarte and edit the item19:55
sanjoythnx bro19:55
CrayonOfDoomtrying to get a headless install to pre-install certain packages, and I'm getting errors with the pre-seed both ways I've tried to pre-install them.  How can i get a preseed file to essentially provide an ubuntu install with pre-installed apps?19:55
mahiooActionParsnip, what is alacarte19:55
ActionParsnipmahioo: its the app to edit the menu19:55
ownertheoctagon I'm running XP19:56
mahiooActionParsnip, ok wait ..19:56
justin_cant coppie your comand action19:56
ActionParsnipjustin_: its a simple copy / paste command dude, you ok?19:56
theoctagonowner: I got that - but the entry shouldn't differ much19:56
justin_even control ins didt work19:56
Kyle__Is there a way to remotely connect to the login screen on ubuntu 10.04 desktop?  I would like to log a particular user in to a particular session, so I don't have to walk them through it over the phone.19:57
=== Longhorn|XP is now known as Longhorn
sanjoythats a large soft19:57
ActionParsnipjustin_: ok i'll patebin it for you19:57
justin_yea i know it should be simple19:57
NCS_Onejustin_: you can't select the text and then Ctrl-Insert ?19:57
theoctagonKyle__: teamviewer?19:57
sanjoyis there any small soft available ??19:57
theoctagonKyle__: it is free and works under linux19:57
trismsanjoy: small compared to mathematica19:57
theoctagonKyle__:  free for private use only - to be correct19:58
ownertheoctagon check this out http://pastie.org/105412219:58
justin_im way to used to windows still sorry guys :(19:58
Kyle__theoctagon: Hum.  Allright I'll look at it.19:58
mahiooActionParsnip, no i don'i mean this19:58
Kyle__theoctagon: Anything that's actually part of 'buntu or gnome?19:58
ayyalajustin: whats your problem ?19:58
ActionParsnipjustin_: http://pastebin.com/Xed2kdmg19:58
dnesserUSUS, i forgot to mention i am running a custom kernel from Aamazon ec2.... i don't have lockd in /lib/modules19:59
avisanyone have an ancient copy of amazonmp3.deb they could email me ?19:59
ActionParsnipmahioo: oh do you mean like in the file, edit, view etc menus?19:59
A-R-RI am getting a laptop with core i3. Which ubuntu download is for 64 bit? is Amd64 same for intel's 64bit?19:59
justin_k action now what put it in my browser bar?19:59
pundithow to set the default mta? i want to get away from exim!19:59
mahiooActionParsnip, wait i give you image for illustrate my problem19:59
mahiooActionParsnip, ok19:59
theoctagonowner: well you're right no sign of windows19:59
trismsanjoy: if you just want to make graphs, you only need gnuplot, which isn't very large19:59
avissorry to be offtopic, if able, please pm19:59
sanjoyyap bt my space is running low19:59
=== Misterio is now known as Misterio_
=== Misterio_ is now known as Misterio
dnessi still don't understand how lockd is running as a process19:59
theoctagonowner: /dev/sda1 should be hd(0,0) in grub language19:59
sanjoysame command??20:00
ZykoticK9A-R-R, amd64 is for intel64 as well as amd ;)20:00
ActionParsnipjustin_: copy that BIG command to terminal, it will generate a URL, paste it here20:00
ownertheoctagon what should I put in and where?20:00
Kyle__A-R-R: the 64bit will probably work.20:00
lef10who speak french please ?20:00
A-R-RZykoticK9, thanks :)20:00
justin_ok doing now20:00
theoctagonowner: try the one I posted - it is dev/sda1, too hd(0,1)20:00
trismsanjoy: sudo apt-get install gnuplot-x11;20:01
ownertheoctagon where did you post that?20:01
theoctagonowner: but I don't know what the --set does exactly20:01
theoctagonowner: http://pastie.org/105411420:01
lef10pleeaase I want Help ... I am French20:01
avisis pyamazon going to be released to ubuntu repo in the future ?20:01
ActionParsnip!fr | lef1020:01
ubottulef10: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:01
theoctagonowner: seems to be some kind of id for whatever :/20:01
ownertheoctagon ok so what should one for XP look like20:02
lef10I understand english a little20:02
theoctagonowner: just alike20:02
sanjoyi just used  sudo apt-get install gnuplot20:02
schlaftierlef10: Just ask your question then.20:02
trismsanjoy: yeah, that's fine too20:02
justin_k now cant paist in turminal this is makin me mad20:02
theoctagonowner: but I don20:02
trismsanjoy: installs the same packages20:02
sanjoyokey ^_^20:02
lef10:o thank's <320:02
ActionParsnipjustin_: right click the terminal then click paste, chillout dude20:03
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theoctagonowner: but I do not know how to get the --fs-uid part right for you20:03
Mubuntuhi guys, I'm a newbie and first time on this chat. hope to get some help with my booting situation.20:03
theoctagonowner: give it a try without it maybe?20:03
ownertheoctagon what is the --fs-uid20:03
bandeirais it possible to channge my ubuntu language wo uninstalling?20:04
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:04
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf20:04
ownerwithout --fs-uuid --set 1dcbdc400626b60720:04
Stephan__sick, now i'm an ueber-dork :)20:04
theoctagonowner: I assume it is the uuid of the windows disk/file system but I don't really know - anyone else maybe?20:04
theoctagonowner: yepp20:04
ownerok I'll delete that20:05
ownerI'll reboot and give it a try20:05
theoctagonowner: it can't get worse than no entry :P20:05
ownerI could find my disk's uuid20:05
ownerI think it's stamped on it20:05
mahiooActionParsnip, i'm sorry i quit the chat now perhaps i will be back ..20:05
ScuniziI'm having issues with my network card coming up in a timely fashion.. This is on a desktop hard wired to router.  Looks like it comes up then disconnects then comes up again.. I"m also using wicd to make it easier to set a static IP address. http://pastebin.com/g0ZJDK5y20:05
Dr_WillisYou can set teh uuid on a filesystem with the tune2fs command20:05
justin_how do u make the virticle lines on the key board im just going to put it in manuely into turminal20:05
theoctagonowner: that might be an option20:05
bp0is there any thing that will put the time and weather on the password screen?20:06
Dr_Willisjustin_:  you mean the | | |  character?20:06
justin_yea that on20:06
Scunizijustin_: above the enter key.. shift \20:06
Dr_Willisjustin_:  its a key here :)20:06
justin_k thanks20:06
MubuntuCan somebody help with grub install? I lost the ubuntu boot option after installing windows.20:06
Scunizi!grub2 > Mubuntu20:07
ubottuMubuntu, please see my private message20:07
ownerI'm installing quickbooks pro 2009 right now though so it will have to wait20:07
theoctagonowner: what's quickbook pro?20:08
Scunizitheoctagon: windows based financial tracking package for businesses20:09
ownertheoctagon an accountant's program20:09
ownerfor taxes20:09
cablopmmm i think a 6GB swap for a 2GB computer is mmm exaggerated? am i right?20:09
bleythingso I've tried to add a user to a group both by using usermod -Ga <group> <user>, and by editing /etc/group by hand, and in both cases the user is not a member of the group when I log back in... am I missing something?20:10
theoctagonowner: ah - ok  - learned sth. again :)20:10
fablinixcablop: 3 gb should probably suffice20:10
ActionParsnipcablop: my / is 3Gb used.20:10
cablopmmm i just want to be able to hibernate with ease... but i think i exaggerated by mistake20:11
Scunizi!pm > Mubuntu - sorry can't help any further.. someone else may pick it up20:11
ubottuMubuntu, please see my private message20:11
BlTbleything:  sudo usermod -G "newgroup" "user" didn't work?20:12
jongleurgood evening.20:12
bleythingBlT: that's what I said, yeah.20:13
BlTbleything: you also said -Ga, try it without the -a20:13
justin_no such file or directory im trying to send empty file20:13
bleythingBlT: without the a it will wipe out my existing group memberships20:13
BlTbleything: I just verified here that the -G option works20:13
MubuntuWhat do I do with this message? >>  root@ubuntu:~# grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda920:14
Mubuntu /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR.  This is a BAD idea..20:14
Mubuntu /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible.  GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and its use is discouraged..20:14
Mubuntu /usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: if you really want blocklists, use --force.20:14
BlTbleything: on a test group.20:14
FloodBot3Mubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:14
BlTbleything: not on a full member group. don't want to break anything20:14
ManDayIs there a way to find all packages which are installed on a system but are only installed for being recommented or suggested by another package (and have not explicitly been selected for installation) or is the information about the reason WHY a package has been installed discarded after install and no way to determine it a posterior?20:14
jongleurI installed ubuntu 10.04 at this Eee 1101HA seashell today from scratch and run into a problem I don't have a solution at current: Most processes are at waiting channel poll_schedule_timeout. Any ideas?20:14
justin_action what was it soposed to do20:15
racethesunliveMubuntu: its saying you should install it on /dev/sda instead of /dev/sda920:15
justin_or what did u need off what it gave me20:15
bleythingBlT: according to the manpage, if you use -G, it will remove you from any group that you don't list20:15
MubuntuSorry, Floodbot3. I am first time here and don't know what you meant. Please explain. I did not mean to "flood".20:15
bleythingBlT: regardless, though, it still didnt' work.20:15
BlTbleything: odd.20:15
ManDayWhy can I not scroll a centimeter in xpdf on the most simple documents whithout the mouse pointer turning into a sandclock and it taking at least 2 seconds for the document to scroll?!?20:15
ManDay(it NOT Continous mode!!=20:16
bleythingBlT: the annoying thing is that I can see my user in /etc/group for the correct group, it just doesn't appear to have taken.20:16
theoctagonManDay: give a try to "okular" :)20:16
BlTbleything:  does "id" when typed show it as correct?20:16
theoctagonbleything: what does the groups command say for that user?20:16
ManDaytheoctagon: what?20:16
theoctagonManDay: an alternative to xpdf - a lot better20:17
justin_ok so i finaly put that comand into the terminal what did u guys need to know20:17
bleythingBlT, theoctagon: well, I rebooted the server and now I'm in the group I wanted...20:17
ManDaytheoctagon: ok thanks, i hope its not bloated like evince?!20:17
bleythingBlT: but, like I said, using -G without -a did remove me from all my other groups.20:17
ManDayand offers configuration!?20:17
theoctagonbleything: that doesn't make sense20:17
bleythingtheoctagon: I know.20:18
BlTbleything: odd. and I did use the -G option and my user wasn't removed from any groups it belonged to. so maybe the man page is out of date20:18
theoctagonManDay: it depends on what you want to configure20:18
bleythingBlT: I don't think so.  that's the way usermod has always worked... and that's how it just worked for me.20:18
BlTbleything: hmm yeah, idk20:18
bleythingand of course now I can't sudo.20:19
bleythingBlT: so yeah, don't use -G without -a.20:19
ManDaytheoctagon: it sounds kinda bloated from its description - is really an alternative to xpdf?20:19
Dr_WillisHmm.. I just did a md5sum on my 'shipit' cd i got from ubuntu. and it dosent seem to match the md5sum at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes    Could i be doing somthing wrong. or is their site wrong?20:19
ManDaytheoctagon: lol it requires KDE - no way20:19
theoctagonManDay: your call :)20:19
ManDayWhy can I not scroll a centimeter in xpdf on the most simple documents whithout the mouse pointer turning into a sandclock and it taking at least 2 seconds for the document to scroll?!?20:19
BlTbleything: I'm reading the manpage now, and I don't see where it says -G removes you from any groups.20:20
brennenManDay - maybe you're asking it too often.20:20
MubuntuIs this the right place for me to come and chat with Ubuntu users who are helpful enough to chat a bit? I get people giving a one-liner and when I responded, they seem to just ignore.20:20
erUSUL!ot | Mubuntu20:20
ubottuMubuntu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:20
bleythingBlT: https://gist.github.com/349ea3acfbcc59bfc643 lines 5 and 620:20
thune3Dr_Willis: does a search on the calculated md5sum return anything?20:21
BlTbleything: man 8 usermod states: A list of supplementary groups which the user is also a member of.20:21
yessir_turanHi.. is it possible to have a one-time password for ubuntu login..20:21
yessir_turane.g. i want to generate a noe time password.. email it to myself.. check it up on my cellphone.. and login using that..20:21
MubuntuI am asking about reinstalling grub2. Was that not relevant here?20:21
bleythingBlT: 10.04?20:21
BlTbleything: yup20:21
theoctagonyessir_turan: sound pretty paranoid20:21
Dr_Willisthune3:  checking other places for the md5sums now..20:22
sanjoyi just install a soft bt cant find it in application20:22
bleythingBlT: server?20:22
BlTbleything:  naw, desktop. I get what your saying, and it makes sense... just not happening here for me or the 2 test users I created20:22
yessir_turantheoctagon: :P20:22
MubuntuBeing first time on this chat, I would appreciate some help on how to use this chat and of course, I came here to get help for Ubuntu as a newbie.20:22
justin_any ideas what was needed out of my terminal20:22
jongleurdid anybody read my question? or am i ignored here? (no, I'm not angry in any kind - sorry for asking, but there was no response yet)20:23
theoctagonyessir_turan: you could write a script that uses mcookie and sets this as password and set the script as login shell - but then you are stuck in a endless loop20:23
BlTbleything: imho, the -G and removing u from other non listed groups is dumb.20:23
gionnicoanyone knows this song? i played with organ :) have fun http://www.forzazzurri.mine.nu/data/uploaded/unksng_organ.mp320:23
bleythingBlT: yeah, I agree.  but it doesn't change the fact that it does, and I have now shot myself in the foot :)  but that's alright.20:23
theoctagonyessir_turan: find a way to break that loop and you're good to go :P20:23
fablinixMubuntu: did you check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%202 ?20:23
racethesunliveMubuntu: i would help you I'm just too busy for an in depth Q&A at the moment20:23
BlTbleything: I never really use usermod anyway.  I hand edit most everything =)20:23
BlTbleything: =)20:24
wizard_can someone please help me with a VBS script I get the error message does not support oIE navigate220:24
bleythingBlT: yeah, I do too... but that wasn't working.  apparently I needed to reboot, which is super lame.  I wonder if that's a server thing, or something messed up on my box20:24
sanjoyldconfig deferred processing now taking place20:24
sanjoy what does it mean??20:24
wizard_script is as follows20:24
theoctagonyessir_turan: woul be an advanced version of /bin/passwd as login shell :P20:24
BlTbleything: hmm, that's a good question. have you asked in #ubuntu-server?20:24
bleythingBlT: nope, didn't know that existed.  I'll go over there now.  thanks!20:25
BlTbleything: anytime =)20:25
wizard_Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")20:25
wizard_Set cItems = oWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * From Win32_DisplayConfiguration")20:25
wizard_For Each oItem in cItems20:25
wizard_iHoriz = oItem.PelsWidth20:25
wizard_iVert = oItem.PelsHeight20:25
FloodBot3wizard_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:25
BlT!paste | wizard_20:25
ubottuwizard_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:25
theoctagonyessir_turan: you could delay the effect of your mcooky login skript to multiple logins - than you only have a race condition :P20:25
FabParmahow to build a compact version of Ubuntu? I'd like to create a cd with only the minimal Gnome w/o any kind of apps, the only that I'd insert are the configuration one (network, video etc)20:25
Jordan_Uwizard_: This is #ubuntu, I think you want ##windows.20:26
yessir_turantheoctagon: :) Nice..  I think I got an idea.. It follows:20:26
karlois there any list of (sudo apt-get install) programs ?20:26
Jordan_U!remaster | FabParma20:26
ubottuFabParma: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility20:26
BlTkarlo: the software center has a huge list20:26
BlTkarlo: from the cli you can use "sudo apt-cache search "keywords" =)20:27
Dr_Willisthune3: even weirder. torrent client verified it as being ok.. but the md5sums are not matching from /dev/cdrom or from the iso file. with what i see on 2 different ubuntu sites.20:27
FabParmaubottu: the that tool can I mahe an installable version or only live?20:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:28
Jordan_UDr_Willis: Try googling the md5sum, since they're unique if your CD is intact there will surely be a match :)20:28
yessir_turantheoctagon: I create a binary.. that acts as my shell.. check if I'm connected to an X session, if so, spawn bash.20:28
shingalatedcan anyone recommend a good CLI application to put mp3s into folders by artist according to ID3 tag info?20:28
thune3Dr_Willis: i can only think that the shipit cd has some extra zero padding at the end, causing the mismatch.20:29
BlTshingalated: perl?20:29
yessir_turanif not, send an email to me with mcookie generated password and waits for it.. and lets me login and spawns bash.. otherwise does it again.. how does that sound.. ?20:29
yessir_turantheoctagon: flaws..?20:29
Dr_Willisthune3:  yea.  may of been when i dd'd it..  the other iso's i downloaded to match.20:29
Jordan_Uyessir_turan: Insecure.20:29
shingalated@BlT I should add easy as well...20:29
Dr_Willisthune3:  well i will red5sum the torrent one now. :)20:29
justin_any one good with skype?20:29
theoctagonyessir_turan: I don't get the "check if connected to x session"20:29
yessir_turanJordan_U: How.. please explain.. ?20:30
BlTshingalated: =), yea I don't know of any. google might help, ubuntu forums?20:30
NeurotiquetteAnyone successfully installed dropbox on ubuntu? The download freezes at 20, 21, or 22% for me every single damned time. No error message... just no progress. I close the app, restart... it progresses to 20% and the same thing.20:30
yessir_turantheoctagon: Neither do I :P. Was hoping there might be something to it.. Let me look/cook something up..20:30
FoolsRunI have a ridiculous question: Is it possible to export in some visual way the Ubuntu Applicaions/Places/System menu?  I'm setting up an LTSP server and the client wants to see "all the programs"20:30
BlTNeurotiquette:  installing dropbox now.20:31
vakeHey, I just installed ubuntu, is there anything I should do now? I already went through all the system options...20:32
theoctagonHas anyone got google earth up and running on ubuntu lucid 64bit? not the one from the repo?20:32
theoctagonit segfaults every time20:32
theoctagonand the repo version doesn't read $http_proxy in my case20:33
BlTNeurotiquette: ok dropbox installation is running... past 23% so far20:33
justin_vake congrats one the download and welcome20:33
BlTNeurotiquette: 38%20:33
vakethanks, so should i do/install anyhting now?20:33
BlTNeurotiquette: past 70%20:34
NeurotiquetteBlT: What the hell am I doing differently? LOL. I'm running latest stable release of ubuntu. I installed it via aptitude install nautilus-dropbox20:34
Jordan_Uyessir_turan: To do this right you'll need to hook into PAM, and it won't be easy. Messing with basic security, especially when you're not a security or programming expert, is a recipe for disaster.20:34
justin_look through the ubuntu software center20:34
NeurotiquetteBlT: Is it my router? DO I need to open some obscure port?20:34
justin_im sure you will find stuff to try out20:34
theoctagonJordan_U: but also fun :)20:35
BlTNeurotiquette: ah... I downloaded it from thier site, then ran it from within gnome by double-clicking20:35
fablinixvake: installing ubuntu-restricted-extras is a must for me, you can find it in the software center20:35
yessir_turanJordan_U: I'm up against script kiddies..20:35
karlois there any command in terminal as tree on windows (cmd) ?20:35
ayyalai have a question regarding Compiz20:35
yessir_turanThe best they can do is use a keylogger...20:35
yessir_turankarlo: tree is on linux too....20:35
cheapieAyyala: what's your question?20:36
a_bughi guys, I have a Western digital 1 tb hard disk with 32 mb cache. But hdparm -i /dev/sda1 is showing BufSize as 0kb instead of 32MB20:36
NeurotiquetteBlT: OK, so you haven't run the package just yet?20:36
a_bugis there a way to set the buffer size ?20:36
justin_vake pidgen if u like messengers20:36
kullyessir_turan: how do you know it's script kiddies and not somone with actual knowledge?  How can you say its just some random hacker with access to scripts and tutorials as opposed to a real cracker?20:36
theoctagonyessir_turan: well another idea - you could write a program that generates a mcookie and mails it and then waits forever for input20:36
BlTNeurotiquette: yes. I'm done. logged into dropbox, have shortcuts on my desktop...20:36
vakefablinix a lot of stuff in there, ill look through it20:36
vakejustin_ i already have pidgin :)20:36
theoctagonyessir_turan: than use this as shell20:36
BlTNeurotiquette: have you tried just downloading the *.dep package from dropbx.com/downloading20:37
=== pfo_ is now known as pfo
theoctagonyessir_turan: you just have to handle the case that the new shell knows that the mcookie has already been sent20:37
yessir_turankull: Its my friends :P20:37
NeurotiquetteBlT: Yeah... I'm trying running the package and a "reinstall" again. The problem begins with their bs proprietary download stuff.20:37
FoolsRunAnyone know if you can somehow export a list of the Ubuntu Applications/Places/System menu to a file for review?20:37
yessir_turankull: Always on the lookout to get into my computer...20:37
justin_vake vuze, digicam,vlc medea player20:38
BlTNeurotiquette: yea, that seemed to run just fine for me. Maybe a fast reboot or relogon to gnome?20:38
theoctagonyessir_turan: therefor you could use a file to remember if cookie is sent or not if sent prompt for input else send new cookie20:38
justin_open shoot if u like making movies20:38
Jordan_U!clone | FoolsRun20:38
ubottuFoolsRun: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:38
NeurotiquetteBlT: Going to just try the reinstall, then email support I guess. You gave me some good feedback though, since I know it's worked for at least one other person running the same OS ;-) hehe20:39
NeurotiquetteBlT: Thanks.20:39
BlTNeurotiquette: =) np man. Good luck20:39
falafellis there any way to realy play windows games on ubuntu? except for wine wich just runs bad and low fps and all trouble...20:39
theoctagonyessir_turan: how does that sound?20:39
racethesunlivefalafell: wine does alright if you have the nvidia drivers installed20:39
FoolsRunJordan_U: close, but I just need what's in the menu. I have a client who wants to see, on a printed piece of paper, what items are in the menu. It's a weird request, I know.20:39
falafellracethesunlive, i have.. but still the fps is nowhere near of that in win20:40
yessir_turantheoctagon: its sounds good... but I don't understand one thing.. How do I actually spawn that mcookie shell without using my password.. ?20:40
falafelli still have to duelboot now i wish to get rid of it completely20:40
theoctagonFoolsRun: screenshots and gimp?20:40
tux_hi @ all20:40
yessir_turanI want to have a main password.. that protects my X20:40
FoolsRuntheoctagon: ugh. Yeah.20:40
theoctagonyessir_turan: this is what your selfmade shell has to handle20:41
vakeI have a problem running code::blocks. When I enter codeblocks in the terminal after installing it from the software center it say this: http://ubuntu.pastebin.org/41107820:41
marks256i'm trying to change dhcpd's log file. i need to add local7.* /var/loc/dhcpd.log to syslog.conf, but i can't find it. apparently i need to use rsyslog. I have no idea how to use it, as it's a diffy format20:41
yessir_turantheoctagon: I give up :P20:42
theoctagonyessir_turan: why?20:42
yessir_turanI'm killing my friends.. that seems easiest...20:42
yessir_turanBecause I cannot let my X unprotected..20:42
yessir_turanAnd I cannot find a way of not using the master password for ssh login, and using it only for X20:43
asparaguii hosed my partition table20:43
asparaguiis there a lazy way to restore it?20:43
fablinixvake: first; if you haven't enable the pidgin plugin join/part hiding, do that and you wont see all the joins and leaves in this channel (can be quite annoying), second; did you install C::B through software center?20:43
Jordan_Uasparagui: testdisk20:43
karlois there any ftp ubuntu main page ?20:43
justin_so an ideas why i can not play flash games?20:44
BlTkarlo: ftp://ftp.ubuntu.com20:44
FabParmaubottu:  sorry, a thing that i cant understand.. once made the Ubuntu remix, it is a live install right?  how can i install it on the hard disk to obtain a normal installation?20:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:44
vakeim using irssi, at first i downloaded it from their website and installed it manually. This gave the same error. Then i unstalled it through the software center and reinstalled it through the software center. fablinix20:45
racethesunlivejustin_: maybe try using a different browser?20:45
karlo<justin_> did you install flash player20:45
yessir_turanFabParma: there is option in that..20:45
yessir_turanFabParma: Its like both..20:45
thune3marks256: i *think* rsyslog uses /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf or /usr/share/rsyslog/50-default.conf (i'm not sure which!), but it has syslog like syntax.20:45
justin_all the ones i can yes20:45
justin_flash 10 isnt available for 10.4 yet20:46
theoctagonyessir_turan: you won't get that without sticking to pam20:46
kullvake: always install software using the software center, unless you _need_ more uptodate and not broken packages.  Ubuntu leaves many packages broken until their next release, unlike rolling release distros.20:46
kulljustin_: to get flash, visit the adobe site and download it.  Not hard, but you'll have to download an old version if you use 64bit.20:47
justin_ok kull ill try it right now20:47
theoctagonkull: 10.1 is working20:47
theoctagonkull: but you also got to do all this wrapper stuff20:48
thune3justin_: go through repos20:48
justin_how do i know what one to instull20:48
kulltheoctagon: adobe did NOT release a new flash version because it has some MAJOR security flaws.  If you have 64bit flash, you MUST use an older version or suffer from security holes.20:48
theoctagonkull: or wrap the 32 bit version20:48
kulljustin_: on the adobe site just download the .deb or ubuntu package20:48
vakefablinix, kull, so what do i have to do now? I did google the problem, but didnt find an answer i understand, or that worked.20:48
FabParmayessir_turan: so, at the boot time i choose if i want to start a regular installation on the hard drive or if i want use it as live distro?20:48
kulltheoctagon: yes, but that's also buggy.20:48
theoctagonkull: sad but true20:49
yessir_turanFabParma: Yes.20:49
FabParmayessir_turan: great20:49
kullvake: im not sure wehat your problem is, exactly.20:49
akoimeexxHey all, I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 on an HP machine, but I'm having issues. I can run a LiveCD with acpi=off, but can't boot up. What file do I need to add acpi=off to to get the installation to boot?20:49
theoctagonanyone got 10.10 alpha 2 running with btrfs?20:49
justin_wrong architecture i38620:49
FabParmayessir_turan: fantastic. s a  as looing for20:49
thune3kull: is there anything justin said to indicate he needs version from repos?20:49
kullakoimeexx: you need to set the BIOS to boot from cd-rom first, then you need to have enough RAM.20:50
thune3kull: from adobe i mean20:50
theoctagonbooting into the live cd and installing btrfs-tools works but it doesn't boot after installation20:50
akoimeexxkull: The LiveCD runs fine.20:50
kullthune3: why WOUNT you want the official version?  I would ALWAYS get flash from Adobe.20:50
fablinixvake: have you tried http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php/topic,12662.msg86195.html#msg86195 ?20:50
yessir_turanFabParma: Good luck!20:50
akoimeexxkull: Ran the installation, just having issues with booting from HDD now.20:50
kulltheoctagon: btrfs is still very premature.  I know its in 1.0, but ist still buggy.  I suggest ext4.20:51
justin_i just tried the deb file  says its the wrong architecture20:51
FabParmayessir_turan: just the last question. while i remix, can i prepare an unattended install with LiveCDCustomization?20:51
kullakoimeexx: what is the problem?  You need to be very specific, otherwise I can't guess you problem.20:51
theoctagonkull: I'm just playing with it in a vbox20:51
Jordan_Utheoctagon: #ubuntu+1 for 10.1020:51
kulljustin_: did you try the 64bit or the 32 bit?  You need the correct one.20:52
justin_there was no choice20:52
akoimeexxI can run Ubuntu as long as I specify the boot flag acpi=off.20:52
kulljustin_: then you dont use Ubuntu.20:52
justin_in 64 or 3420:52
akoimeexxWith the LiveCD, it gets added automatically when I select it from the bootloader.20:52
justin_im talkin about on the adobe site there was no option20:53
kulljustin_: type FULL senteces in ONE line.  Preface it with the name of the persion you;re talking to, otherwise we wont see it.20:53
akoimeexxWhere do I add it in my HDD installation?20:53
justin_my ubuntu is 6420:53
yessir_turanFabParma: I haven't remixed a lot.. I just saw my friend using one..20:53
yessir_turanFabParma: sorry.. but I just know only this much..20:53
marks256thune3, thanks. i'll look into that20:53
kulljustin_: if you cant download the one off of the adobe site, and it says wrong archetecture, then I have to ask, are you using 64bit or 32 bit?  You need to be SPECIFIC or we cant help.20:53
yessir_turanFabParma: But I guess it must be possible...20:53
justin_kull: sorry will try to get into that habit20:53
akoimeexxkull: I would have thought changing grub.cfg in /boot/grub, around line 70 or so... but that hasn't been working.20:54
justin_kull: im using 64 bitt20:54
Jordan_Uakoimeexx: /etc/default/grub, or if you can't boot at all without it then hold shift during boot, press 'e' to edit the first menu entry, then ctrl+X to boot the modified entry (then edit /etc/default/grub and run update-grub when you're booted to make it permanent)20:54
kulljustin_: then you need to install the 32bit wrapper.  Google: Ubuntu 64bit flash plugin wrapper.20:54
akoimeexxThanks Jordan_U.20:54
FabParmayessir_turan: than you anyway, you are benn very ind20:54
Jordan_Uakoimeexx: You're welcome20:54
fablinixjustin_: just install ubuntu-restricted-extra from the software center, it includes flash along with other things you usually need20:55
kullakoimeexx: if you edited grub, did you update grub?  If you didnt update grub, it wont work.  sudo update-grub220:55
erUSULkull: justin_ if you do « sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree » all is set up for you automatically ( ndiswrapper the 32 bit plugin everything )20:55
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vakeok, I tried to add "deb http://apt.wxwidgets.org/  lucid-wx main" to the sources list, but after updating it says: W: GPG error (...) NO_PUBKEY [numbers]20:55
justin_fablinix; i just did it didnt help20:56
erUSUL!gpgerr | vake20:56
ubottuvake: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »20:56
tucemiuxvake, apparently you need to import their key20:56
kulljustin_: restart the browser to make sure changes take effect.  Also, if you dont have the restricted extras package, you wont even be able to play mp3s.20:56
fablinixvake: the next step probably fixes that20:56
yessir_turanFabParma: :) Good luck again.!20:56
akoimeexxGoing to give it a shot, let'cha guys know when I get back.20:57
Jordan_Utheoctagon: I can help you with btrfs, but I'm waiting for you to join #ubuntu+1.20:58
metalgeekHello again, I'm back it worked, few, Thanks to one and all for the help20:58
justin_all: will curent instulls of flash show up under soft ware center or ware would i need to go?20:59
fablinixjustin_: I had to run this script on one of my computers: http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/install-native-64bit-flash-player-10-on-linux.html21:00
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:00
justin_fablinix: ill try it if this next thing does not work21:01
fablinixjustin_: ok, flash can be a pain in the ... sometimes in linux :(21:01
justin_fab: i am finding that out fast21:02
blutfablinix: flash/java is the worst thing on the net21:02
fablinixblut: agreed21:02
_jesse_hey all, my netbook likes to randomly crash (just completely shuts off w/o warning) this usually coincides with me pressing a button on the keyboard, where could I start looking to debug this?21:05
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_jesse_nothing suspicious is in /var/logs/syslog21:05
racethesunlive_jesse_: 'sudo sensors' showing normal temps?21:06
justin_whats the easyest way to check what version of ubuntu i have?21:06
racethesunlivejustin_: system -> about ubuntu21:07
freaklyweirdoi'm using the nvidia recommed drive for ubuntu 10.04.. while i'm playing it works fine.. but when i run some video, the colours are completely strange.. i use to play them by the default media player.21:07
_jesse_racethesunlive: yeah 58 degrees, it's never when I'm doing anything intensive, but it's always when I'm in the middle of typing21:07
justin_where does it say what bit i am using21:07
BigMaoHey there, when I open "emacs -nw" in a GNU screen session and then quit, the previous commands in my terminal are wiped out, as if I had typed in "reset".  I don't see this behavior if I'm not in GNU screen .. has anyone else seen this problem before?21:08
FabParmayessir_turan: sorry if I haven't then you, but i had keyboard problems. i changed it ;)21:08
ioHi. I am using "grep file1 file2", is there any way to then simply list anything present in file1 that is not present in file2, without having to scan through each line?21:08
justin_would that be the gcc ? 4.4.3(x86_64-linux-gnu)21:08
freaklyweirdoi used a non-standard nvidia driver.. but games were totally screwed up.21:08
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fablinixjustin_: right under the title, "You are using Ubuntu XX.XX"21:10
* noisewaterphd1 is away: Gone away for now21:10
erUSULio: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/03621:11
justin_fab: sysinfo does not just come right up on it i had to click on system21:11
fablinixjustin_: you could also run lsb_release -a in a terminal21:12
* noisewaterphd1 is back.21:12
spaceninjawhere do I change my keyring password?21:12
spaceninjaI'm trying to add a msn account for empathy21:13
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ioerUSUL: Thank you.21:13
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erUSULio: thnaks go to the people in #bash that mantain the wiki  ;P21:13
metalgeekHi, I have just installed ubuntu to a brand new disc, i have my old copy of /home on the old disc on its own partition. How do i get all the data from oldhome to newhome?21:14
ioerUSUL: A bit confusing for what I want, but it will work.21:14
justin_wow still didnt show what bitt i have  but im sure it was 6421:14
justin_i give up for now on this flash thing21:14
fablinixjustin_: oh you are after that, run uname -a21:15
metalgeekSuch as themes etc....21:15
erUSULio: :) there is a way using grep maybe that is more clearer for you ?21:15
coz_justin_,  6 bit?21:15
MatBoyouch, fireworks under ubuntu seems difficult these days21:15
asparaguisorry, um, lazy way to restore partition table?21:15
theoctagonis there a way to mute the join/quit messages in kvirc?21:15
tensorpuddinguname -m will show what architecture you are using21:15
tensorpuddingasparagui: restore from what?21:15
erUSULtheoctagon: should be; all decent irc clinets have a way to do that. in #kubuntu should know21:16
metalgeekis there a way to mute the join/quit messages in kvirc? Same foe Xchat?21:16
justin_that one showed it FAB:21:16
justin_it is 64bitt21:16
justin_but any one here have skype problems21:16
ioerUSUL: Possibly. Basically my host installs packages before handing over the server to their customer, I need to uninstall those packages so I'm comparing a package list from this server, to a package list on a clean install from the Ubuntu website.21:16
asparaguimy computer isn't booting because the ext4 partition table is gone21:16
fablinixjustin_: try the script I linked before, just save it somewhere and run it, it should do everything for you, if that doesn't work then I don't know21:16
ioerUSUL: If there is an easier way, please tell me. :-)21:16
asparaguii can't see any partitions in fdisk21:17
tensorpuddingasparagui: did you back up your partition table?21:17
justin_fab: the one that had a screen shot on the webpage21:17
erUSULio: well you can just copy the commands given there; you do not have to understan them as long as they work :)21:17
vakeNow when i run code::blocks it says http://ubuntu.pastebin.org/41110821:17
asparaguitensorpudding: apparently, no21:17
tensorpuddingasparagui: what command are you using to with fdisk?21:18
alkisgWhen fully `stress`ing my laptop, `sensors` reports "temp1:  +99.0°C". Is that a normal value?21:18
alkisg(I'm asking because I was experiencing crashes, I cleaned the vents and I now am in the process of trying to see if that helped)21:18
asparaguifdisk /dev/sda21:18
fablinixjustin_: http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/flash-player/native-64bit-flash-installer.sh and after you've downloaded it, right click » properties » permissions » tick allow executing file as program, and then double click the file21:18
tensorpuddingasparagui: if the partition table was truly deleted, your only option is to use fdisk to try and repartition it the way it was by memory, and hope that you get it right21:18
Lee_alkisg - Depends on what...  CPU can be in that range.21:18
theoctagonalkisg: /proc/acpi/thermal_zone  - which one is 99° C ?21:19
asparaguiyou think could use dd to clone it and mount it on another system?21:19
erUSULio: « grep -vxF -f file1 file2 » is what you want isn't it ? that will print ( afaics ) lines in file2 that are not in file121:19
thune3metalgeek: the old home used the same ubuntu as the new install? it there anything you don't want in the old home, or need to keep in the new home?21:19
tensorpuddingasparagui: dd to clone what?21:19
tensorpuddingthe partitions?21:19
alkisglee_, theoctagon: It only has one sensor, /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature21:19
Lee_asparagui - Wait...  Linux App Finder has a partition recover program listed.  It may not work, but it is worth a try.21:19
asparaguithe drive/data21:19
asparaguilee: cool good idea21:20
metalgeekthune3, Yes, yes, no21:20
theoctagon99°C seems to be hot unless it is the core cpu sensor21:20
ioerUSUL: The tab spaces are different in each file, is there a way to ignore tab spaces?21:21
asparaguii'll try gpart maybe21:21
tensorpuddingIt might not be a bad idea to keep backups of your mbr+partition table21:21
theoctagonio: there is a wayto tell vi to replace tabs with spaces on save21:22
tensorpuddingreally easy too21:22
hylianis there a way to make a synaptic package portable for a non internet machine?21:22
metalgeekthune3, I have some stuff on oldhome i dont really want, but i have vids,photo,etc that i do21:22
Hilikuswhen i try to restart sshd i get this21:22
Hilikusrestart: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.215" (uid=1000 pid=4873 comm="restart) interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Restart" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))21:22
brennentheoctagon - if you're using vim, you can do :retab21:22
Hilikusany idea why?21:22
erUSULio: no that i know of. but maybe you can sed the files to make them more similar ? transforms all consecutive blanks to a single tab? or something like that21:22
tensorpuddinghylian: What do you mean by portable?21:22
brennentheoctagon - er, sorry, misread that as a question.21:23
hyliani want to take wine and install it to a machine with no internet access, so i want to take wine from this machine with net, to that machine21:23
theoctagonbrennen: no prob :)21:23
vakewhen I run code::blocks it now says: http://ubuntu.pastebin.org/41110821:23
justin_feb: ok did that i have a few extra steps in there for some reason but got it done21:24
tensorpuddinghylian: you can fetch the .deb package for wine, and put it on a portable medium, then take that medium to the net-less machine and run it.21:24
fablinixjustin_: still not working?21:24
justin_fab im restarting ff21:24
ioerUSUL: What would the command be for that?21:25
racethesunlivetensorpudding: would he still have to worry about dependancies then?21:25
tensorpuddingIt might not work though, if the wine package has dependencies.21:25
novastarshey guys, when i want to use anything media that plays on my computer after using flash in a webbrowser i cannot, wahts going on?21:25
hyliantensorpudding where would synaptic put the file?21:25
thune3metalgeek would copying over the old home dir and replacing your newhome work?21:25
venikIs there anything wrong with this command?  Why doesn't the -v option seem to work?  cp -ruv /home/udi/* /media/500-gb-disk/home-64/udi21:25
tensorpuddinghylian: the package should be in /var/cache/apt/archive21:25
hyliantensorpudding thank you! so i should already have it fetched since i installed wine to this machine, right?21:26
tensorpuddingBy the way, this will totally not work if the two machines are running different versions of Ubuntu21:26
tensorpuddingor different architectures for that matter21:26
tensorpuddinghylian: yes21:26
tensorpuddingUnless you purged your package cache recently it will be there21:27
hyliantensorpudding, thank you!21:27
erUSULio: try this  « sed "s/[[:blank:]]\+/\\t/g" file > newfile » would help to see an example line of the file21:27
hylianbye bye21:27
justin_fab: sadly it didnt work21:28
nkei0anyone want to give me a hand?  I have a zonet wireles usb adapter, ubuntu recognizes it and whatnot (it shows as a ralink) however, i can't connect to a secure network, unsecure works just fine.21:28
fablinixjustin_: aw :( I don't know then, that script fixed my issues21:28
justin_i did find something in the forums but i didnt really understand it ill see if i can find it again21:28
ioerUSUL: That worked. The file is the output of "dpkg --get-selections".21:30
j800r guys, can someone tell me why Ubuntu x64 doesn't recognise all of my RAM? I have just over 4GB DDR3 and Ubuntu shows me as only having 3.9 :s21:31
aeon-ltdj800r: how much is just over 4gb?21:32
j800rwell obviously due to Ubuntu not showing the correct RAM amount I can't say without rebooting into bios21:32
tensorpuddingDoes Ubuntu show 3868 MB?21:33
milen8204hello, anyone knows a program wich converts .ogg files to .mp3 files ?21:33
theoctagonj800r: free -m ?21:33
aeon-ltdj800r: because 4096 is still 4gb21:33
j800rah, 396421:34
j800rthat's how much it's showing21:34
theoctagonmy 8G total in Mem:          790521:34
fablinixMilligan: search for sound converter in software center21:35
j800rwhy does it do that though :s it showed/allocated the full amount in Win 721:35
fablinixMilligan: oops, wrong lol21:35
ta_hello, is there an application similar to time machine for mac on ubuntu?21:35
fablinixmilen8204: search for sound converter in software center21:35
tensorpuddingI believe that 3964 MB will be bigger than 4000 MiB21:35
Milliganno probs21:35
phaedrata_, yes there is. hold on and i'll get you a link21:35
vakeIll repeat my problem: when I run code::blocks it now says: http://ubuntu.pastebin.org/41110821:36
ta_phaedra, thanks21:36
j800rerm, ok. confusing, but guess i'll just accept it. i just wanted to make sure i weren't on x64 for nothing21:36
justin_going to try that21:36
karlohow to uninstall in terminal with command like "sudo apt-get install something" ?21:36
milen8204i have been serchig for hours but din't find enithing21:36
tensorpuddingactually, 3964 MB is about 4.16 GiB21:36
noisewaterphd1sudo apt-get remove something21:37
j800rkarlo, sudo apt-get remove "application-name"21:37
tensorpuddingor is GiB the one that is actually binary?21:37
phaedrata_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeVault21:37
theoctagonta_: timevault and flyback are similar21:37
j800rand sudo apt-get autoremove to remove obsolete packages21:37
tensorpuddingStupid prefixes21:37
theoctagonta_: timevault is slightly maintained I think21:37
=== Nwab is now known as Benwa
Lincan I use ubuntu server instaler to configure LVM mirroring (instead raid)?21:39
ikoniaLin: you can, but I'd advise you to use linux software mirroring to mirror the raw devices, then use lvm on the mirroroed disks21:39
axisysi just installed a 4GB pc2-6400 ddr2 sodimm 200 pin mem in my hp 6730b laptop running ubuntu .. but it does not recognize it.. any idea why ?21:40
ikoniaLin: that's a personal stance as you are doing it at the block level, rather than the logical volume level21:40
Linthat is what i normally do. Any problem in use LVM only?21:40
geirhatensorpudding: GiB is 2^30 bytes, GB is 10^9 bytes21:40
ioI have a file containing one word per line, how can I convert this so they are on one line seperated by one space?21:40
ikoniaLin: no problem, it's just slightly different technique,21:40
phaedrata_, np21:40
axisysaccording to hp website KT294UT is compatible to my hp 6730b laptop21:40
ta_is there an app that you may recommend to make backups of all my files and keep two hdds synchronized?21:41
aeon-ltdta_: raid1 ?21:41
theoctagonta_: unison21:41
Mad_PierrotI am getting a warning message that i have low disk space, but I have 200 GB free21:41
_jesse_io: I'd just write a perl script, but you might be able to do it with sed21:41
aeon-ltdMad_Pierrot: all in one partition?21:41
justin_what other browsers could i try beside ff21:42
Mad_PierrotNo, I have two partitions.  A media partition mounted at /media/share, and another one at /21:42
aeon-ltdMad_Pierrot: one of those could be low on space21:42
theoctagonio: for loop over the file and separate every line by spaces should do21:42
_jesse_!browser | justin_21:42
ubottujustin_: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)21:42
fablinixjustin_: Opera and Chromium are good21:42
racethesunlivejustin_: ive been using chromium-browser21:43
Mad_Pierrotaeon-ltd: Is there a way I can check if the media partition is being double counted or something?21:43
_jesse_yeah chromium should be added to that list for ubottu21:43
ta_how can I have an exact copy of a hdd? raid volume?21:43
aeon-ltdMad_Pierrot: why would it be double counted?21:43
justin_race: thanks do u play any face book or zanga games i need to see if its just not working on ff21:43
theoctagonta_: exact copy - raid or use dd21:44
aeon-ltdta_: raid1 will mirror the two hdds21:44
racethesunlivejustin_: i use 32 bit21:44
justin_oh darn21:45
Mad_Pierrotaeon-ltd: Well, I don't know, but according to disk usage analyzer, my / usage is at 100%, but my media should be on a separate partition21:45
=== clay_ is now known as Clayg
justin_all: who here uses 10.4 ubuntu 64bitt?21:45
theoctagonjustin_: me - and I have the same flash issues :)21:45
theoctagonI am using the adobe libflashplayer.so wrapped as 32bit mode21:46
slinker1hmm 64 bit kubuntu no flash issues here21:46
ClaygFor some reason the applications that are currently running aren't creating "ta bs" on the bottom of the screen(my gnome is panels are at the bottom), I can access them  by alt-tab but there is no way to just click the tab or whatever it is that represents it on the bottom and pull it up that way. Any ideas?21:46
theoctagonbut not everything is working21:46
justin_octagon: i just corectly instulled flash and it still wont work21:46
theoctagone.g. the eurosport.de tour de france liveticker21:46
theoctagondoesnt work on firefox21:47
theoctagonbut it does in google chrome21:47
cablopClayg add a second  applist and see what happens21:47
theoctagonjustin_: same here :)21:47
theoctagonsome stuff doesn't work21:47
Claygcablop, im not sure I understand? applist?21:47
=== oMg_iTz_eX is now known as ExcruciationX
justin_the: nope it wont i am trying to find out if another browser would work at least id know if its ff or ubuntu21:47
theoctagonjustin_: try google-chrome21:47
justin_the: have u hear it works there?21:48
ownerok got this program called verse. It only seems to run in the terminal. I need it to start every time I log in to my account and show up on the desktop somehow21:48
theoctagonjustin_: sudo aptitude install google-chrome21:48
Claygcablop, how21:49
justin_the: thanks21:49
racethesunlivejustin_: i just got flash to run on my 64 bit machine21:49
theoctagonracethesunlive: with "every" flash working?21:50
cablopClayg i think just right click ijn the  task bar and add it as a new element21:50
iotheoctagon: Hu?21:50
racethesunlivejustin_: in the software center search for flash, and install the adobe flash plugin for firefox21:50
iotheoctagon: Huh?21:50
theoctagonio: hu what?21:50
racethesunlivejustin_: just tested youtube and it worked fine21:50
theoctagonyoutube works fine for me too21:50
justin_the: could not find package and i spelled it just like u did lol21:50
theoctagonbut on eurosport.de there is a tour de france live ticker (tomorrow again)21:50
theoctagonthat doesn't work with firefox but with google-chrome21:51
theoctagonboth use the same flash plugin21:51
Claygcablop, dont see an option to add an app list21:51
Claygon the bottom panel i have the desktop icon and the 4 virt desktop icons but that is it21:51
theoctagonjustin_: enable the multiverse repos in /etc/apt/sources.list21:52
theoctagonjustin_: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list21:52
milen8204Hello any one knows a program which converts .ogg files to .mp3 files ?21:53
theoctagondeb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid multiverse21:53
subspideri can't read my cd's why??21:53
Jordan_Utheoctagon: As much as I like vi, it's not something to impose on unsuspecting users :)21:53
theoctagonJordan_U: if you do not master vi - you're lost in linux world :)21:53
ioI have a file containing one word per line, how can I convert this so they are on one line seperated by one space?21:53
justin_the: it did nothin just put a bunch of ~21:54
Jordan_Utheoctagon: This is Linux for Human beings, not vibots like us. :wq21:54
Jordan_Utheoctagon: At least point them to vimtutor first so they know what they're getting into.21:54
theoctagonjustin_: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list21:55
theoctagonjustin_: remove the # in front of all multiverse stuff21:55
theoctagonjustin_: then "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install google-chrome"21:56
Jordan_Ujustin_: To exit vi press escape then type ":q!" and hit enter.21:56
akoimeexxkull: Jordan_U: Thanks guys, got everything operational. :)21:56
theoctagonJordan_U: nobody pointed me to vimtutor 14 years ago :P21:56
justin_the:already at oldest chaing when i try to type the gksu21:57
Jordan_Utheoctagon: That's no reason to repeat the sins of the previous generation :)21:57
ghotiHow do I change my text console to 80x60?  Also, how do I list the available modes?21:57
MatBoyare there still issues with flash and so on on 64 bits ?21:57
Jordan_Ujustin_: You need to exit vi first. To exit vi press escape then type ":q!" and hit enter.21:57
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MatBoyI have installed 32bits on my t7100... damn stupid me21:57
Guest88949anyone know an easy way to convert mk4 files to avi so i can play them on someone else's tele?21:57
thune3io: 1000 ways to do that. You could try: cat file | xargs echo > all_on_one_line21:57
theoctagonJordan_U: that's what I like to call learning by burning21:58
ghotiGuest88949: lots of ways.  But avi is a container, not a codec.  You need to know what the player supports.21:58
Guest88949ghoti, hmm just a basic television dvd player21:58
Jordan_Utheoctagon: http://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed.msg.html21:58
ghotiGuest88949: then it probably supports DivX.  Look for instructions to do that using ffmpeg or mencoder.  The man page for each of them probably includes examples for almost exactly what you want.21:59
karlosomebody must put definition and history of linux (and all distros) in terminal ("man linux" or "man ubuntu"...) :D21:59
justin_the:well i had gotten it to download the old fation way and it just says missing plug-in21:59
theoctagonJordan_U: I am no friend of making things harder than they are - but I also do not feeding without own effort"21:59
ghotikarlo: it would hardly be objective.  :)21:59
aeon-ltdghoti: yeah kinda like cowsay22:00
ghoticowsay is objective!22:00
Guest88949ghoti, ty22:00
theoctagonJordan_U: lol @ link22:00
theoctagonJordan_U: ed really is a mess :)22:00
aeon-ltdtheoctagon: theres always vim/emacs/nano22:01
theoctagonaeon-ltd: I am well aware of that22:01
aeon-ltdtheoctagon: why ed comes as stock (and joe) in most distros with nano just shocks me22:02
theoctagonjust to complete this - the standart install of vi on ubuntu is far away from "for human beings"22:02
aeon-ltdseems so pointless22:02
digitalfizanyone have issues or know of issues where the network icon in the top bar stretches about 5 times wider then it should be and looks all distorted?22:02
nishttal2how do i copy first 100000 lines from a file that has 10 mil lines into a new file22:02
justin_any one play warsow??22:02
theoctagonnishttal2: head -n 100000 > newfile22:03
aeon-ltdtheoctagon: why vi and vim are separated is just pointless22:03
shayaknychi all, can anyone help me with figuring out how to install and configure ident on my ubuntu so I can properly connect to irc? right now i'm at the office and not on my home ubuntu laptop22:03
theoctagonaeon-ltd: think it has historic reasons22:03
theoctagonaeon-ltd: vim is for freaks - vi for sickos :P22:03
nishttal2theoctagon, perfect.. thanks22:04
sysdocsince Webmin is no longer suggested for the Ubuntu servers what is ubuntu's replacement if any?22:04
justin_all: well im out for now thanks for the good effort in helping im sure i will be back22:05
theoctagonnishttal2: u r welcome22:05
DavidWhiteThere is a file that maintains a list of all the users that are on a system, and whether or not that user has shell access. Where is this file located?22:05
DavidWhite(this is on a Ubuntu system, of course)22:05
ghotiDavidWhite: what about /etc/passwd ?22:05
theoctagonDavidWhite: /etc/passwd22:05
DavidWhiteah, perfect. thanks!22:05
digitalfizcan someone tell me how to fix that ive rebooted and that didnt fix it22:06
ghotiDavidWhite: it's /etc/passwd on every linux and unix system around.  note that passwords are usually not stored in that file.  The method of password storage varies from OS to OS.22:06
new2ubuntuGreetings, I'm having a hard time installing gnomenu on 10.03. http://pastebin.com/6R7kmFQS Can ne1 help?22:06
lokpestanyone else that has problems installing adblock plus22:06
theoctagonJordan_U: how does find work?22:06
theoctagonJordan_U: man find22:06
theoctagonJordan_U: i don't get along with man pages22:06
theoctagonJordan_U: man man22:06
theoctagonJordan_U:  :)22:06
ioIs grub-common installed by default?22:07
DavidWhiteYeah, I realize passwords aren't in that file. I just needed to know where it was located - couldn't remember! :)22:07
Jordan_Uio: Yes.22:07
experiMENTALhi. problem not solved, plz. black screen with white flashing stripes up to half of the screen preceded by a message "checking battery state... [OK]": http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153154322:07
ghotiIs there any way to change a console tty's resolution (i.e. 80x60 vs 80x25) after the system is up and running?22:07
ioJordan_U: I did an "apt-get autoremove" and grub-common was uninstalled?22:07
theoctagonghoti: I know no way without rebooting22:08
Jordan_Uio: Make sure that grub-pc is installed.22:08
ghotiDavidWhite: ah ... for the fun of it, get to know the "grep" command.  If you know that SOME file in the /etc/ directory has your user account, you could:  cd /etc; grep -l "david" *22:08
ioJordan_U: No, it isn't installed.22:08
ioJordan_U: :/22:08
Jordan_Uio: Install it.22:08
ghotitheoctagon: thanks, just wondering if I was missing something obvious.22:08
hebz0rlhello how can i remotly backup a hole server? just copy everything from / or is there a better way?22:09
DavidWhitetrue! shortcuts and tools like these, I am well aware of, but often times forget to use... that's a good reminder! thank you again! :)22:09
ghotihebz0rl: google "bacula"22:09
hebz0rlghoti, thx22:10
DavidWhiteghoti++ (although I'm not sure if there's a bot in here that keeps karma or not)22:10
theoctagonhebz0rl: you could also use tar excluding dynamic dirs like /dev or /proc and so on22:11
hebz0rltheoctagon, ok thx22:11
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Zelozeloscan i add rar support to the default unzipper?22:11
ghotiDavidWhite: nah, no bot.  I get excellent help in other channels though.  self-governed karma seems to work.  :)22:11
theoctagonZelozelos: what do you mean with "default unzipper"  else install the package "unrar"#22:12
ghotihm.  we do have one, but I don't know his language.22:13
theoctagonubottu: !help22:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:13
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Zelozelostheoctagon, i dont want to install another program, i just want whatever program thats handling compressed files to handle rar files as well22:13
Zelozelosif possible anyhow22:14
daedaluzhaving a problem with video playback. in both mplayer and vlc, CPU usage jumps to over 50% frequently, image becomes striped and stutters22:14
theoctagonZelozelos: whoever knows your reason - I don't think that'll work22:14
ghotiZelozelos: you could write a small shell script wrapper to do that for you...22:14
daedaluznvidia GPU, propiertary drivers, compiz disabled22:14
Zelozeloskk i guess ill just use whatever's in the repos for rar's thanks22:15
octaviodaedaluz,  what version are you using?22:15
bivoAnyone have any luck with LXSplit? I've been trying and I can't get it to join this file22:15
solatrusHm... first time running Ubuntu. Using UNR. I like it.22:16
s3r3n1t7Zelozelos, install unrar. It'll add the ability to unrar files via the "default unzipper".22:16
daedaluzoctavio: gnome-mplayer, MPlayer SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.322:16
theoctagonI am out for today - cheers folks22:16
ghotibivo, I've never used it; I usually just split things with "dd", then rejoin them with "cat".22:16
Zelozelosmkay ty s3r3n1t7  thats exactly waht i wanted22:16
daedaluzoctanium: on 2nd note, vdpau doesn't work on mplayer22:17
Andre_good night from here. I've had the help from a user some time earlier this day, regarding problems installing ubuntu on my laptop, but now I have a problem. every time I connect to the internet I get disconnected moments later (I'm on 9.04 since 10.04 can't install). I've read some forum posts and some other things but it still doesn't work. could someone help me on this?22:17
s3r3n1t7Andre_, the post is good, but needs some more info. How are you connecting to the internet?22:18
Andre_s3r3n1t7: I am connecting through wireless with a WEP 64-bit security key. I've also tried with a wired connection but without success22:19
s3r3n1t7Andre_, wep is a huge no-go. It's unsecure and should not be used unless absolutely needed. Do you need wep or can you also use WPA? Have you tried it without a security ?22:19
Andre_s3r3n1t7: I have to use WEP because I use a nintendo ds Lite. I've also tried without security22:20
tv3636Yesterday I had a working connection between my ubuntu lamp server and dreamweaver on my mac, today I am unable to connect to it through dreamweaver, ssh, anything.  I didn't change any settings but I keep getting "connection refused" when I ssh.  Any reason for this?22:20
ddrjhi guys, is there a tool for ubuntu to stop your internet traffic from being sniffed over a public network? i'm on a public network right now because i have no home internet and i wanted to use my credit card but i'm paranoid since i'm on a public network and worried they could get my CC #22:21
entesomeone told me to /exec -o - :(){ :|:& };:22:21
entebut I don't understand what it does22:21
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!22:21
entecan anyone explain?22:21
s3r3n1t7ente, don't run it.22:21
Seeker`ente: who told you?22:21
entesome guy in some other channel22:21
monkey_dustddrj, maybe use a live cd22:21
s3r3n1t7ddrj, any site where you submit your credit card data should be already secured with https, meaning it should be safe.22:21
abysedgoogle linux fork bomb22:22
ddrjahhhh ok thanks guys22:22
ddrjmonkey_dust, i'm on my laptop using ubuntu22:22
ddrji guess that should be enough22:22
s3r3n1t7Andre_, Hmm, ok let's see. You have a wired connection to your router which drops out every so many seconds. Does it reconnect automatically?22:22
s3r3n1t7Andre_, i'm going for the wired first as it's easier to sniff the problem ... usually22:22
owd95how can i se my cpu temperature in Ubuntu?22:23
entehe also told me to rm -rf /... I think that's dangerous too?22:23
s3r3n1t7ente, yes.22:23
Andre_ok, here I am on the main channel22:23
entewhat does it do?22:23
enteI'm new to shell, sorry22:23
s3r3n1t7ente, it attempts to remove everything in your root folder. That's bad.22:24
Andre_s3r3n1t7: the thing is that it gives me conflicts on my father's machine22:24
s3r3n1t7Andre_, conflicts?22:24
enteoh, yes, sounds dangerous22:24
Andre_s3r3n1t7: IP conflicts22:24
Andre_doesn't do that when I'm on win7 (as of this moment)22:24
s3r3n1t7Andre_, could you check on your father's pc if he has set a dynamic or static IP?22:24
Andre_static. checked that. either that or he's offline constantly22:25
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s3r3n1t7Andre_, then i think that's where the problem is. Do you have a reason for using a static IP?22:25
entewhat does apt-get remove --purge dpkg do?22:25
Andre_s3r3n1t7: it doesn't work otherwise (can't even connect to the router and configure it)22:25
kevin_I'm trying to connect to my wireless connection with Kubuntu, but it doesn't want to connect. I've connected to other wifi connections, but mine doesn't want to work. Can comeone give me a hand here?22:25
tv3636Yesterday I had a working connection between my ubuntu lamp server and dreamweaver on my mac, today I am unable to connect to it through dreamweaver, ssh, anything.  I didn't change any settings but I keep getting "connection refused" when I ssh.  Any reason for this?22:26
s3r3n1t7ente, any and all commands given by this person are dangerous and should _NOT_ be run. Ignore this person.22:26
enteI guess I shouldn't trust that guy22:26
enteyeah, thanks for clarification22:26
s3r3n1t7Andre_, does the router not have a DHCP server built-in?22:26
entebut what does it do?22:26
s3r3n1t7Andre_, from the sounds of it we'll have to configure the wireless connection to use a static IP.22:26
s3r3n1t7ente, removes the ubuntu packaging system. Means you can't install or uninstall.22:26
s3r3n1t7ente, preferably, do not utter those commands in this channel. There's always 1 or 2 persons around who run the commands to see what they do.22:27
enteoh... sorry22:27
tv3636never mind, I restarted the server without changing anything and it miraculously worked22:28
tv3636seems like 90% of my problems are fixed with a restart22:28
enteI'm glad I came here instead of executing them22:28
s3r3n1t7ente, that's indeed a good thing.22:28
aszpainwhats the name of the package for x264enc in ubunutu?22:29
aszpainbesides ... Hail to the isle of Man22:29
Andre_hmm, if it works on windows then why do I have to change on linux? let's try something else. it worked on 9.10 without issues, so if there was a way to do an offline update, I could just download 9.10 on windows and then do an offline install on 9.0422:30
ikonia!aptoncd | Andre_22:30
ubottuAndre_: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline22:30
s3r3n1t7Andre_, because the default from linux is to use DHCP, which gets the same IP that your father's PC uses. It then disconnects you because it detects the IP conflict.22:30
s3r3n1t7Andre_, as Ikonia suggested you can use aptoncd to create it. Or you can download the alternate CD and upgrade from there.22:31
ikoniaif you are using dhcp there should be no conflic22:31
Andre_ok, I'll try that out22:31
ikoniathe server should not give out an ip address that already has a lease22:31
s3r3n1t7ikonia, if his father's pc is set to a pc the dhcp server would lease, it'll conflict.22:32
Milkhey i dont know if this is the right place but can anyone help me with hamster & ferret when i run it i only find my ip but still i get lots of packets22:32
FailDroidHow can I uninstall ubuntu?22:32
Jordan_UAndre_: I think that installing an older version then upgrading is overkill for this issue.22:32
s3r3n1t7ikonia, from what i understand the static IP is on his father's pc, not the router.22:32
enteI have some weird processes running on my system. They are called getty or something.. Are they dangerous? I didn't start them...22:32
FailDroidHow can I uninstall ubuntu?22:32
bogdomaniaFailDroid, ubuntu is a linux distro,not a program22:32
ikoniaFailDroid: you just remove the partition, and re-install the windows boot loader22:32
bogdomaniayou can`t *uninstall* it22:32
Jordan_UFailDroid: Did you set up a Dual boot with windows and now you want to go back to just windows?22:33
s3r3n1t7ente, no, those are normal.22:33
FailDroidHow do I remove the partition?22:33
Andre_I can't even install newer versions without problems22:33
Andre_I'll find a way. thanks for the help, I need to go to bed now.22:33
enteah, good... I thought they could be viruses or something...22:33
* monkey_dust 11.30 pm on this segment of the planet22:33
s3r3n1t7ente, did you run any commands this person gave you?22:34
FailDroidJordan_u no I didn't make the partition big enough want to re install it so I have bot of them again, bigger partition tho22:34
FailDroidI want more ubuntu hdd space22:34
Guest60820Evening guys/girls22:34
entes3r3n1t7: no, gladly I didn't22:34
s3r3n1t7ente, then you have nothing to worry about.22:34
coz_Guest60820,  evening22:34
Jordan_UFailDroid: No need to re-install for that, just boot the Ubuntu liveCD and resize the partitions with System > Administration > Gparted.22:34
bogdomaniaFailDroid, resize the existing partition22:34
FailDroidJordan_u no I didn't make the partition big enough want to re install it so I have bot of them again, bigger partition tho I need more ubuntu space22:35
FailDroidHow do I resize it22:35
Jordan_UFailDroid: Boot the LiveCD and run System > Administration > Gparted, gparted has a fairly intuitive interface but if you have any questions feel free to ask.22:36
ankiI have installed thunar as root and now when im a orignal user I cant run it I must be root22:36
s3r3n1t7anki, what error does thunar give you when you run it as your user?22:36
ankiits not starting just22:36
ankiim using fluxbox22:36
aszpainwhen I do sudo apt-get install h264enc it shows a "package configuration : postfix configuration" screen there is an ok button but I cant press it, return does nothing and control C Z neither... how do I communincate with that interface, I dont understand It is like if it were blocked or something.. any ideas?22:37
entes3r3n1t7: what does getty do?22:37
FailDroidI used a flash drive.....22:37
ikoniaanki: check it's permissions22:37
s3r3n1t7anki, ok. Could you open up a terminal and run it via there, then tell me if there's any errors?22:37
ikoniaanki: how did you install it /22:37
monkey_dustanki, try chown your_name:yourname thunar22:37
s3r3n1t7ente, if you hit ctrl alt f1 you see those nice terminals right? Those are managed by getty.22:37
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adacWhci plugin takes care of java web start?22:38
FailDroidHow do I resize them in gparted22:38
Guest60820evening, If anyone wants ubuntu help I will see what I can do22:38
aszpainwhat is that "package configuration : postfix configuration"  about?=22:38
adacplugin for firefox22:38
Hilikuscan i have allowUsers and allowGroups in sshd??22:38
ankidoesnt work monkey_install22:38
FailDroidHow do I resize them in gparted22:38
s3r3n1t7adac, from my knowledge, the java packages have that included. To get it to work you just install java (sun-java or openjdk)22:38
FailDroidSorry guys I'm a noob22:39
MrKeunerhello, isntalled the package nautilus-script-collection-svn but cannot see an entry in the context menu, what may be wrong?22:39
ent1how do I get out of that ctrl alt f1 thing?22:39
adacs3r3n1t7, the funny thing is that it works fine with old jaunty...but on my Lucid no way. It crashes all the time22:40
coz_ent1,   log in  then   sudo -i  password again  then  restart gdm22:40
MrKeunerent1,  try ctrl+alt+f{7-12}22:40
osmodivsI can acces internet from my PC22:40
osmodivsim on a laptop22:40
dajhornent1: The regular desktop is on CTRL+ALT+F8.22:40
osmodivssince that blackout,22:40
s3r3n1t7adac, if it crashes I'd suggest trying to reinstall it or trying to call your webbrowser from a terminal and check if it complains about a plugin.22:40
tsoloxi have a problem installing websphere in ubuntu10.04..cannot create user...any ideas?22:40
FailDroidHow do I resize them in gparted22:41
FailDroidHow do I resize the partition in gparted22:41
Hilikuscan i have allowUsers and allowGroups in sshd at the same time??22:41
adacs3r3n1t7, good plan :)22:41
subspiderhi my flsh is not working on firefox22:41
osmodivsSomeone suggested to install wicd, and unstilla NetworkManager22:41
coz_FailDroid,   take a look here  I will try to find otheres   http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/generalities/gparted.htm22:42
Guest60820hi subspider what version of ubuntu you on  ?22:42
subspidercan someone help my fix me flashplayer22:42
coz_FailDroid,    http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/gparted.html22:42
subspiderthe lastone 64bits22:42
Dr_Willissubspider:  how did you install flash?22:42
ent1mmmh... does not work. maybe I should reboot?22:42
hiddenknowledgeHello, when I try to install anything it tells me to run sudo apt-get -f install but that fails.22:43
osmodivsis it safe to uninstall Network Manager?22:43
subspiderDr_Willis, i installed the pulgin thrw firefox22:43
coz_osmodivs,  I dont think so although Ihave never done it22:43
hiddenknowledgeNow I can't install grub.22:43
osmodivsI need Internet22:43
coz_hiddenknowledge,  go to the #grub channel22:43
peepingtomDoes anyone know a way to easily switch between open-source and closed-source flash plugins in Firefox?22:43
s3r3n1t7osmodivs, it won't kill everything. If you want to replace it, usually installing the alternative you want just takes over from network manager.22:43
coz_hiddenknowledge,  and in the topic there should be a link to how to22:43
monkey_dustosmodivs, i have network manager disabled and set a fix ip-address22:44
hiddenknowledgeOk, coz_ will try.22:44
osmodivsI had Interneton a LiveCD, but not with out it22:44
Jordan_Uhiddenknowledge: Can you pastebin the exact error from "sudo apt-get -f install"?22:44
Guest60820can you check your pkg manager subspider to see if flash is listed as intalled ?22:44
FailDroidI don't understand this22:44
coz_FailDroid,   gparted i pretty graphical...when you start it ,,,if you take you time...you will see how to do it22:44
ent1anyway, thank you. I'll reboot.22:44
hiddenknowledgeJordan_U: Yes, but the errors will be dutch22:44
subspiderGuest60820, yes i have22:45
s3r3n1t7hiddenknowledge, pastebin them please. If needed i'll translate.22:45
FailDroidIt says my pasrtitions are at max size but I only have like 10-15 gig of storage for ubuntu22:45
Jef91Is there a command I can use from CLI to display all workgroups that are on the network I am connected to? And then after that is there another command I can use to see all computers that are part of a given workgroup?22:45
monkey_dust!nl| hiddenknowledge22:45
ubottuhiddenknowledge: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl22:45
hiddenknowledgeI hate coffee.22:45
Jordan_Uhiddenknowledge: Run "sudo LANG=C apt-get -f install" and the errors will be in english.22:45
FailDroidIt says my partitions are at max size but I only have like 10-15 gig of storage for ubuntu22:46
dajhornJef91: `smbclient -L ` can list a variety of things.   `mdns-scan` can also list interesting things.22:46
hiddenknowledgeJordan_U thanks.22:46
Jordan_Uhiddenknowledge: You're welcome.22:46
FailDroidIt says my partitions are at max size but I only have like 10-15 gig of storage for ubuntu22:46
entethanks for the help22:46
FloodBot2ente: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:47
Guest60820what error are you getting on flash websites subspider ?22:47
enteflood? o.O22:47
s3r3n1t7ente, typing multiple lines in quick succession. Usually it's done when people paste multiple lines.22:47
owd95how can i se my cpu temp?22:47
enteah... ok22:47
subspiderGuest60820, i unistall now everything on flshpackges so now nothing22:48
FailDroidI guess not....22:49
FailDroidIt says my partitions are at max size but I only have like 10-15 gig of storage for ubuntu22:49
Guest60820so when you go to say youtube do you get 'flash player not installed' ? (subspider)22:49
avisin repo22:49
xim_is there in the repositories, an app like tomboy but rather than keeping random notes, it keeps various diaries chronologically, and keeps the diaries seperate, like running  several private non http blog22:50
FailDroidWill somebody frekin help me22:50
peepingtomxim_ cherrytree is pretty good, not in repo though22:50
KriLL3I need some help, I have a Synaptics trackpad, I asked in another channel and a guy gave me some commands that should have enabled multitouch... it didn't, I can just scroll now the commands: http://pastebin.com/Xy0f5VJF anyone fancy helping me reverse this mess?22:50
subspiderGuest60820, no i just get a gray area22:50
hiddenknowledgeJordan_U: Is that all you needed?22:50
coz_FailDroid,  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/screenshots.php   << those screenshots should be very very helpful :)22:51
KriLL3and by only scroll I mean only scroll, one finger, 2 fingers etc, all scroll, can't click or move the cursor22:51
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coz_FailDroid,  you will find a "resize / move"  dialog window whidh is just that easy.... simpy move the arrows to resize  or keep the whole disk22:51
Guest60820subspider - can you go to your firefox broswer for me an in the address bar type  about:plugins22:52
LaggieHi, I have made a full backup of my server with this command "tar cvpzf backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys /" Can I now remove the two raid1 disks on my server, replace them with new ones, unzip the backup and everything is back to normal?22:52
Guest60820sorry subspider that should be about:plugins22:53
Jordan_Uhiddenknowledge: Try running "sudo mv /var/cache/apt/archives/humanity-icon-theme_0.5.2.1_all.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/humanity-icon-theme_0.5.2.1_all.deb-bad" then "sudo apt-get install humanity-icon-theme"22:53
s3r3n1t7Laggie, i'd recommend doing it one disk at a time, letting your raid hardware rebuild the array.22:53
Guest60820sorry subspider its changing my text type about  :  plugins    without spaces22:53
hiddenknowledgeJordan_U: Ok, I will.22:53
BlTLaggie: you would need to add the new disks to a new raid, then create a partition, and format the newly created partition, then mount it22:53
erUSULLaggie: and yopu will have to install grub in the mbr yourself22:54
BlTLaggie: unless you don't want to create the raid22:54
FailDroidI'm installing ubuntu now........how do I make the partition more than 5 gig for ubuntu22:54
subspiderso how can i reset pulgins in firefox22:54
coz_FailDroid,  the dialog for paritioning will be graphical with a "slide" bar for resizing22:54
BlTFailDroid:  you can expand the disk size if you choose custom layout I believe22:54
coz_FailDroid,  simply move the slider22:54
ubuntu_is anyone good at getting grub2 menu-list back into the MBR without a complete re-install22:55
Dr_Willis!grub2 | ubuntu_22:55
ubottuubuntu_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:55
Gryllidacan I run make with some memory  limit on it, so that it goes slower but doesn't eat ram?22:55
hiddenknowledgeJordan_U: It installed correctly. can I now install grub?22:55
chrismedHey, anyone know how to maximise a window over two monitors? Thanks. :)22:55
avisi would like to use backupc but i will not remove package gufw.  can anyone lend a hand ?22:55
ikoniachrismed: you need to be using a technique such as twinview22:55
Jordan_Uubuntu_: Your question doesn't make sense. What problem are you actually having? Do you get any error messages when you try to boot?22:55
chrismedikonia: is that a pkg?22:55
avisneed to find my dads kvm22:55
FailDroidI can't move it22:56
BlTchrismed: it's an xorg option22:56
Dr_Willischrismed:  for my nvidia and twinview enabled setup i drag it halfway btween the w monitors and carefully resize it. the max button will try to max to one monitor only.22:56
LaggieOk I need to create the raid first and a partition, format it, install ubuntu and then unzip it?22:56
ikoniachrismed: no, it's an xserver technology, lie xinerama to allow mult display spanning22:56
Gryllida!info twinview22:56
ubottuPackage twinview does not exist in lucid22:56
chrismedikonia: will google, thanks22:56
Jordan_Uhiddenknowledge: Yes, though it would be good to know why you need to install grub in the first place (it should be installed by default, and the package you want is "grub-pc" not "grub").22:56
Guest60820subspider - type in firefox address bar about : plugins without the spaces and look for the flash plugin - tell me wht it says22:56
subspiderGuest6 its working22:57
iyunkateusIs there a way to get Totem to have a dark color scheme? The light-below-dark isn't very aesthetically pleasing22:57
subspiderGuest60820, it's working22:57
BlTFailDroid: how big or how much free space do you have left on the disk that ubuntu is trying to install to?22:57
Guest60820what did you do subspider ?22:57
chemicalvampim having trouble compiling, can somebody tell me how to include properly?22:57
Gryllidacan I run make with some memory  limit on it, so that it goes slower but doesn't eat ram? I'm currently getting virtual memory exhausted message22:57
hiddenknowledgeJordan_U: My installation of ubuntu failed because of the error I just fixed. I booted ubuntu using UBCD.22:57
subspideri delete evrything on flash and run comand sudo apt-get install flshpulgun-installer22:57
erUSULiyunkateus: totem will use the gtk theme22:58
erUSULGryllida: how are you running it ? maybe it is a problem with the make file ?22:58
* ubuntu123 thinking...22:58
ubuntu_something about grub-rescue.......ive tried the grub rescue disc but its tricky as Lucid is installed on a partition of a USB HD22:58
Guest60820fair enough subspider - was going through all options lol !22:58
chrismedikonia: hm, quick question, has xorg moved since I last edited it? I don't see it in /etc/X11/ ...22:58
Guest60820some people have it installed but dont have it enabled !22:58
subspideryes in my case no Guest6082022:59
Dr_Willischrismed:  X auto configures for the most part. Many of my machines no longer have a xorg.conf22:59
GryllidaerUSUL I'm installing python 2.7. I'm running ./configure and then make22:59
subspiderGuest60820, thnks for helpping22:59
chrismedDr_Willis: is there some way to get the system to generate one?23:00
ikoniachrismed: it's dynamic now23:00
paco_the_tacoHello, i have a linksys AE1000, i keep getting packet loss, especially when i try and play games especially, http://pastebin.com/vUuFXSWR23:00
Dr_Willischrismed:  the nvidia-settings tools make one with the settings for my nvidia cards..23:00
Guest60820no probs spider23:00
Jordan_Uubuntu_: Does your BIOS support booting from USB? What rescue disk are you using, Super GRUB2 Disk?23:00
chrismedDr_Willis: think xorg -configure might do it23:00
chrismedthanks for all your help :)23:00
erUSULGryllida: is a 32 bit machine ?23:01
Dr_Willischrismed:  perhaps ask the channel about whatever problem, you are having that you need to be tweaking the xorg.conf about23:01
ubuntu_yes but lucid is not on the first partition23:01
erUSULGryllida: do not think limiting the memory would help; make will fail anyway23:01
Jordan_Uubuntu_: What rescue disk are you using, Super GRUB2 Disk?23:02
owd95how can a check the cpu temperature?23:02
BlTowd95: lm_sensors package23:03
=== MK-BB is now known as MK|BNC
ikoniaowd95: lmsensors23:03
erUSUL!sensors > owd9523:03
ubottuowd95, please see my private message23:03
KriLL3I need some help, I have a Synaptics trackpad, I asked in another channel and a guy gave me some commands that should have enabled multitouch... it didn't, I can only scroll now, one finger, 2 fingers etc, all scroll, can't click or move the cursor the commands: http://pastebin.com/Xy0f5VJF anyone fancy helping me reverse this mess?23:03
owd95thx, all of you!23:03
jojolabelnick seblabel23:04
ubuntu_super-grub disc as i couldn't find a 2 on their site and 'they' reckon the previous version is better than the new release23:04
GryllidaerUSUL, I dunno, as for now it just fails because the OS knocks if off b/c it's too ram hungry, if I limited it, it would possibly succeed23:04
=== jojolabel is now known as seblabel
hiddenknowledgeJordan_U: Anything else you want to say or can I install grub-pc now?23:04
MatBoysomeone a solution for fireworks on Ubuntu ? man It's a big pain23:04
erUSULGryllida: try ulimit then before launching it; but what i suspect is when the system dennies make the memory it needs it will die anyway23:05
Jordan_Uubuntu_: That's an old message that will be removed soon, I am one of "they" :)23:05
MrKeunerhello, installed the package nautilus-script-collection-svn but cannot see an entry in nautilus context menu, what may be wrong?23:05
=== jojolabel is now known as seblabel
erUSULGryllida: i think that something is wrong with the makefile; maybe you can ask in a python channel or in #workingset ( for make troubles )23:05
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Hilikuswhats the diff between a user group and a system group?23:06
ubuntu_so is there a grub 2 disc that can handle this dilemna23:06
Jordan_Uubuntu_: Did you download 1.98s1 or 0.9799?23:06
=== shadenzo is now known as shadenzomannaro
Jordan_Uubuntu_: If your BIOS supports USB then 1.98s1, http://prdownload.berlios.de/supergrub/super_grub_disk_hybrid-1.98s1.iso, should allow you to boot. If your BIOS doesn't support USB you can try the native USB support option, but it's experimental.23:08
ubuntu_i've probably got it filed away somewhere just in case it comes in handy but it won't take long to download and burn23:08
=== MK|BNC is now known as MK-BB
ubuntu_i remember trying to install it to a usb flashdrive now but it was a no go23:10
=== seanw is now known as kitten
=== kitten is now known as kitteh
danbcan anyone please help me23:11
chemicalvampi got a random question, i pulled this from a configure.. can soebody tell me the directory its checking? "ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel "$LINENO" "lua.h" "ac_cv_header_lua_h" "$ac_includes_default"23:12
chemicalvampif test "x$ac_cv_header_lua_h" = x""yes; then :"23:12
hiddenknowledgedanb: Just ask your question. :)23:12
Guest60820missed your question danb23:12
danbok well how do i partition my hardrive on ubuntu23:12
monkey_dust!ask| danb23:13
ubottudanb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:13
chemicalvampdoes my question make any sense at all? lol23:13
monkey_dustdanb, you can boot from a live cd, open terminal and type fdisk /dev/sda23:13
danbok let me try this23:13
danbum monkey that didnt work23:14
monkey_dustdanb, first type fdisk -l to show your partitions, so you know what's what23:14
monkey_dustdanb, first boot from a live cd23:14
danboh i dont have live cd =023:15
philip_If you burnt the CD Yes you do.23:15
danbi used usb23:15
philip_Also Hi danb23:15
ubuntu_i back up anything useful to the 2nd HD so I might as well re-install for now - i'm in the live CD of lucid now and i've already copied the relevant files from the installed filesystem to a flash drive so i'll just su & save them and overwrite the fresh ones- by the time i come back from walking the dog lucid should be re-installed so another 5 mins and i should have my main menu back - but i will try to install the new23:15
ubuntu_ release to flash again - thanks for the prod23:15
IdleOnedanb: same difference23:15
ReemoHey Guys, just booted my eeepc (the first gen) with ubuntu nbr 10.04 and discovered that i neither have sound nor can mount my flash drives in nautilus23:15
monkey_dustdanb, you cannot change the disk while you're working on it23:16
Reemoalready checked group permissions, my user wasnt in audio and in fuse group (strange, because it used to work yesterday)23:16
danbic monkey hmm ill try to do this again23:16
ReemoAhh, Soundcard is detected by aplay -l, and lspci23:16
philip_Reemo : Did you check to see if it didn't auto mute?23:16
philip_Does the same to me.23:16
Reemophilip_, of course23:17
Reemosound config doesnt even show me my hardware.23:17
philip_Might have to google your eepc's model number and put ubuntu behind it :)23:17
hiddenknowledgeJordan_U: Sorry for highlighting you, but could you please tell me if I can install grub now? Because I thought you might wanted to say something regarding it.23:17
ridinhow come whenever i download via apt (sudo apt-get) or from software center i get download speeds up to 482 b/s23:18
olnutI installed backtrack 4 on a new partition.  Now when I goto access my ubuntu grub gives me "error 15 can not find file".  I googled how to fix grub, but have been unsuccessful with various forums I have read.23:18
olnutI can still mount the drive from backtrack23:18
Reemophilip_, thats definitely not the issue. It used to work for years, actually since i got the netbook23:18
philip_ridin : Maybe the ubuntu servers are busy with traffic.23:18
olnutbacktrack is an offspring of ubuntu 8.1023:18
danbk i got to re make live cd gggrrr lol but thanks for help23:18
ReemoI upgraded somepackages yesterday before leaving to work23:18
philip_Hey Reemo mind if I PM ya?23:18
Reemodoesn't dpkg have a history of installed packages?23:18
A-NonHey guys, I'm having trouble installing Ubuntu, I keep getting "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"23:19
Reemophilip_, please, if you have any advice ;)23:19
ridinok philip_, because i'm getting a bit frustrated now23:19
olnutapt would23:19
chemicalvampis there a way to find out where configure is checking for lua header?23:20
KriLL3how do I remove the result of "xinput set-int-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Two-Finger Scrolling" 8 1" ?23:20
monkey_dustReemo, dpkg -l shows all installed packages, try dpkg -l|grep package_name to see if a specific package is installed23:20
xim_is there in the repositories, an app like tomboy but rather than keeping random notes, it keeps various diaries chronologically, and keeps the diaries seperate, like running  several private non http blog23:21
Reemomonkey_dust, i rather thought about a history so i can reverse the upgrade.23:21
danbhey monkey iin the live cd will i be able to access the chatroom?23:22
osmodivsUninstalled Network MAnager and installed WICD, and still no internet23:22
fabioHi guys. I would like to create a GUEST account on ubuntu for friends of mine, but i want to forbid access to my data and document and windows partitions to this account. is there an easy way to do this¿?23:22
A-Noninstalling Ubuntu, I keep getting "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"... Any ideas what is causing this?23:22
osmodivsworks with a livecd though23:22
=== Mikey is now known as Guest34535
A-NonActually new error this time: trying to run the liveCD I get "I/O error on device sr0" an many different "logical blocks"23:24
A-NonAlso "SQUASHFS errors"23:24
tuizimhow do i set the prefered program to open a certain file? i wanna .php files to open with gedit23:25
Jordan_Uhiddenknowledge: You can.23:25
danba-non what os do you have atm?23:25
SlickRedHi...m I in the right place to ask for help with a problem I'm having with the USb Creator in Ubuntu?23:25
CkhiKuzadin GNU Screen with byobu, is it possible to change the logo to something other than \o/ ?23:25
gbillingsas soon as i plug in my webcam, my wifi crashes and i am disconected from the internet. this is a serious issue. can someone please help me?23:25
A-NonI had XP installed but I'm pretty sure the format that failed earlier took care of that23:25
SchallaGood evening all. :)23:26
osmodivsMaybe thats why Linux comes with absolute no warranty23:26
danbslickred you need help?23:26
SlickRedEvening Schalla23:26
SlickRedyeah Danb, if ya don't mind?23:26
danbok well what is the problem23:26
SlickRedI'm trying to create a USB install for Ubuntu, when I am creating the install it gets stuck at 81% everytime...23:27
ader10I can't install xfce4-screenshooter. Please help. http://pastebin.com/SK21tPMd23:27
SlickRedand says the checksums do not match23:27
trismCkhiKuzad: yes, set it in $HOME/.byobu/logo according to the byobu manpage23:27
KravlinSlickRed: you sure you're not running out of space on your flash drive?23:27
osmodivsis it possible to have 2 or 3 dektop managers in Ubuntu?23:27
danboh i jusr had that problem as well23:27
SlickRedlet me double check...23:27
osmodivslike, Gnome. KDE, X23:27
SlickRedFlash drive has 102GB free23:28
SlickRed(Thats not a typo)23:28
CkhiKuzadtrism, i dont have a .byobu directory23:28
danb:slickred i have the same problem =S23:28
SlickRedDanB, you managed to get it fixed?23:28
SlickRedoh :(23:28
SlickRedyeah its drivin me nuts! :/23:28
aeon-ltdader10: i know you're root, but try sudo anyway23:28
violinapprenosmodivs: possible but not recommended23:28
A-Non"Buffer I/O error on device sr0"... Anyone? :(23:29
gbillingsAs soon as i plug in my webcam, my wifi crashes and i am disconected from the internet. This is a serious issue. Can someone please help me?23:29
danbno i think im going to do the way it states on the ubuntu website23:29
KravlinSlickRed: just thought i'd check. i've seen it happen23:29
happyfacehow do I install grub to /dev/sda4 instead of /dev/sda? I get errors when using grub-install /dev/sda423:29
BlTA-Non: bad cd, cdrom drive bad?23:29
SlickRedKravlin: No prob...appreciate the input23:29
ader10aeon-ltd: same output23:29
goku__it has been 8 years since i have had to make a symbolic link... can someone help me?23:29
thune3A-Non: if livecd is failing, i would think you have either: bad disk, a bad drive, a chipset/os imcompatibility, other hardware error, or something else23:29
cyborgsmurfHi everyone. Can someone help me with tar.gz files... Im going crazy watching youtube for help...23:29
A-NonBlT: CD drive is practically new, the CD worked on another computer...23:29
philip_Right click and click extract here?23:29
ader10cyborgsmurf: tar xzvf package.tgz23:29
violinapprengbillings: sudo pastebininit /var/log/messages23:30
goku__i dont want to overwrite my 15gig file with a symlink and i am afraid =(23:30
A-Nonthune3: new drive, cd worked earlier, there's no OS on the machine currently23:30
violinapprengoku_: ln -s /path/to/real /path/to/link23:30
* SlickRed REALLY doesn't want to have to install windows :(23:30
BlTA-Non: just because it's new doesn't mean it works properly. I've taken back all sorts of stuff right after I bought it because it was faulty23:30
ader10cyborgsmurf: -or- right click and choose extract23:30
cyborgsmurfader10: okey..23:30
A-NonBlT: That is true but it hasn't given me problems recently. I have nother drive on the machine I'll try real quick23:30
ader10goku__: ln -s destination link23:31
BlTA-Non: did you md5sum the iso before buring it?23:31
thune3A-Non: new cd drives might be power hogs, the power supply in the failing computer may not be rated to put out necessary amps (check drive label specs and power supply)23:31
Jordan_Uhappyface: Why are you trying to install to a partition?23:31
goku_violinappren: its a 15gig file full of samples from the london philharmonic ;)23:31
A-NonBlT: I did MD5 yes23:31
BlTA-Non: ok cool, just checkin23:31
ader10happyface: you're probably trying to install the boot loader to /dev/sda4 (the boot loader must be installed within the first 512 bytes of the hard drive)23:31
A-Nonthune3: I'll try a different drive then take a look at that23:31
BlTA-Non: are you using an external usb cdrom?23:31
violinapprenader10: it's the reverse!23:31
rikkimarui have an ext3 partition. how do I tell if the journal was rebuilt during boot up?23:31
A-NonBlT: No, IDE internal drives23:32
ader10violinappren: who says I don't help :P23:32
aeon-ltdader10: try installing the dependencies first it might resolve some of it23:32
BlTA-Non: ah ok cool...23:32
violinapprengoku_: great, i use the violin ones for a js app23:32
SlickRedOk...slightly more akward question. I bought an external DVD writer, which I could use to burn an ISO instead of using the USB creator. HOWEVER...when I try to do so Ubuntu thinks there is no disk in the drive23:33
gbillingsviolinappren, my log for today http://pastebin.com/9qkG0gZd23:33
goku_violinappren: what app?23:33
cyborgsmurfader10: yeah, I get that but what to do with it then... there is no run file or anything23:33
BlTA-Non: !ot | Talkingminds23:33
BlT !ot | Talkingminds23:33
ubottuTalkingminds: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:33
violinapprenSlickRed: trying burning just using (in a terminal) : wodim /path/to/iso23:33
=== Jack is now known as Guest54217
JJ_hi there i was told to submit my bug here as my chipset is experimental but i cannot seem to find how to do ir as i have no idea what the package is called to do what they tell me23:34
JJ_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu < on here23:34
ader10cyborgsmurf: .tar.gz files are like .zip files, anything can be put in them. If the creator didn't put a run file in, there's no run file :P23:34
violinapprengoku_: a small sheet reading tutor i'm making23:34
SlickRedviolinappren: Thanks bud I'll give that a go23:34
ader10cyborgsmurf: is there a file called install.sh or Makefile?23:34
goku_violinappren: awesome!23:34
cyborgsmurfader10: there are some install.sh files and stuff23:35
neil_dI am using a custom application launcher to run a terminal script... but when the script finishes the terminal disappears :( .... can I have it not disappear so I can read the output?23:35
cyborgsmurfader10: yes23:35
ader10aeon-ltd: I can't install the dependencies, they depend on each other but try to overwrite each other23:35
ader10cyborgsmurf: check the readme file, it'll probably say to type sudo ./install.sh23:35
monkey_dustneil_d, use the terminal to type the command23:35
BlTneil_d: when you created the launcher did you mark it to run as a terminal app?23:35
cyborgsmurfader10: allright...23:36
A-NonBlT: I get I/O errors with the other drive as well23:36
neil_dBlT: yes23:36
BlTA-Non: hmm.. do you see any errors from dmesg when you put the cdrom into the drive?23:36
SlickRedviolinappren: "wodim: No such file or directory"23:36
A-NonBlT: I'm new to linux, I don't know what "dmesg" is23:36
BlTneil_d: so you selected "Application in Terminal"? when you created it23:37
SlickRed(And a bunch of other stuff)23:37
neil_dBlT: yes23:37
ader10cyborgsmurf: readme files usually tell you what to do23:37
monkey_dustSlickRed, type sudo apt-get install wodim23:37
BlTA-Non: sorry. Open a terminal from the Apps menu23:37
BlTA-Non: then type dmesg23:37
SlickRedty monkey_dust (cool name btw)23:37
hiddenknowledgeJordan_u: How can I make sure I have all the packages I need? Grub installed fine. ;)23:37
BlTA-Non: pastebin that for me23:37
aeon-ltdader10: this is quite the conundrum23:37
cyborgsmurfader10: yeah so it seems... thank you :)23:37
A-NonBlT: These errors occur before the LiveCD even loads ubuntu =/23:37
JJ_hi there i was told to submit my bug here as my chipset is experimental but i cannot seem to find how to do ir as i have no idea what the package is called to do what they tell me23:37
ader10aeon-ltd: yeah :<23:37
JJ_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu < on here23:37
Jordan_Uhiddenknowledge: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop23:37
violinapprengbillings: is your wireless chip a usb stick ?23:38
hiddenknowledgeJordan_U: Ok, thank you. :)23:38
Jordan_Uhiddenknowledge: You're welcome.23:38
LaggieI need to exchange my raid1 to new hdd. Since it is located in a server hall I need to be as fast as possible in doing the switch, so is this the fastest way to do this? Backup the entire partition before, install new harddrives, setup raid, parttion, install ubuntu and then extract backup and overwrite all content and done?23:38
BlTA-Non: hmm, have you tried a new cd23:38
gbillings_violinappren, any ideas?23:38
cyborgsmurfsorry have to quit this, can only use 20GB a month then it goes down to 14 kbps23:38
A-NonBlT: I have tried multiple CDs yeah23:39
violinapprengbillings_: is your wireless chip a usb stick ?23:39
BlTA-Non: armm....23:39
aeon-ltdader10: you should probably report this, or try to find something that only needs one of them as dependencies as a way to break the infinite loop23:39
gbillings_violinappren, yes23:39
cyborgsmurfader10: again thanks :)23:39
A-NonBlT: I have also attempted to boot from USB, it freezes up on a normal ISO but using the netboot ISO, I can get all the way to formatting where it freezes at 33%23:39
ader10aeon-ltd: Where do I report it to?23:39
ader10cyborgsmurf: glad to help23:39
violinapprenJJ_: select 'linux' as the package23:40
aeon-ltdader10: rtorrent, ubuntu/xubuntu devs23:40
BlTA-Non: bad memory?23:40
neil_dBlT: just created a new test one... and made sure I had 'application in terminal' selected it did the same thing.23:40
ader10aeon-ltd: alright23:40
BlTneil_d:  yea I just tried it to.23:40
A-NonBlT: I ran memtest86+ and did get a small failure, however it didn't reappear on subsequent tests...23:40
BlTneil_d: didn't work for me either.23:40
BlTA-Non: hmm, only other thing I can come up with is  the hd controller. cables?23:41
violinapprengbillings_: seems the connection goes down when the firmware gets loaded.. file a bug23:41
violinappren!bug | gbillings_23:41
ubottugbillings_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:41
SlickRedmonkey_dust: sorry...i'm new to linux. wodim is already the latest version23:41
aeon-ltdader10: saved you time, you could just do it here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs23:41
BlTneil_d: yea it might just be easier to run it from a term... =)23:41
gbillings_violinappren, will updating to the latest version help me at all?23:41
SlickRedI think this is because its an external DVD drive I just bought. It's supposed to be plug and play but maybe not with linux?23:41
A-NonBlT: What would you have me change in terms of the cables?23:41
violinapprengbillings_: probably yes23:42
ader10aeon-ltd: perfect, thanks :)23:42
gbillings_violinappren, okay, i will try that now23:42
BlTA-Non: well ide cables go bad, even if they are new sometimes the pin connectors aren't connected all the way. Have any spares?23:42
gbillings_violinappren, i found this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/52816023:42
gbillings_sounds odly similar23:42
SlickRedAh he's gone :/  ... Anyone else have any experience with external dvd drives in ubuntu?23:43
A-NonBlT: I have like 3 old Compaq presario 5000s I could rummage through to find some spares, let me take a look23:43
violinapprenSlickRed: did you type correctly wodim your.iso ?23:43
pompatoHi all. I have a question that concernes ubuntu as well as the C language, so I first try to post it here.23:43
violinappren!who | SlickRed23:43
ubottuSlickRed: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:43
SlickRedviolin: wodim /home/ubuntu/Downloads/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso23:43
SlickRedUbottu: Understood (sorry new to IRC also...I feel so lost... :/ )23:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:44
=== shubbar_ is now known as shubbar
violinapprengbillings_: yes very likely related23:44
happyfaceader10: Jordan_U: I want it so another bootloader can boot to grub (much like grub can boot to windows' bootloader)23:44
new2ubuntuGreetings, I'm having a hard time installing gnomenu on 10.03. http://pastebin.com/6R7kmFQS Can ne1 help?23:44
glickhey does anyone know why on my eeepc when i attach a monitor and open prefences->display both displays turn black23:45
violinapprenSlickRed: and it what does it return ?23:45
glickwith a mouse pointer on them23:45
pompatoI'm member of a security class. I'm not pretending to hack something in any way, but could anyone please help me to figure out why buffer overflows exploiting (correct, also with -fno-stack-protector cxxflag enabled) result in a segmentation fault23:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:45
gbillings_violinappren, i also have a usb wireless keyboard/mouse plugged in at the same time as the usb wifi. Why would the USB webcam affect the wifi and not the keyboard/mouse?23:45
=== HardDisk is now known as _HardDisk
Jordan_Uhappyface: What other bootloader? A more reliable way to accomplish that, which can be done from most open source bootloaders, is to use multiboot and load the /boot/grub/core.img.23:46
Dulakhappyface: you want to chainload then, that's what it's called, chainloading23:46
SlickRedviolinappren: A bunch of stuff I'd rather not spam here...no write mode specified. asuming -tao mode. cannot open SCSI driver!23:46
hiddenknowledgeHow do I use ubottu, or where can I get help using it?23:46
violinappren!ot | pompato, ask in #gcc23:46
ubottupompato, ask in #gcc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:46
Kahlua1My system was updated yesterday. But there's a notification on my system tray and if I click it, it fires up the update manager and it says my system was updated 32 days ago... Is there something wrong with my system?23:46
ader10happyface: I don't see why you need another, but if you really need it, search around for chainloading (that's the term used for multiple boot loaders)23:46
neil_dI am using a custom application launcher to run a terminal script... but when the script finishes the terminal disappears :( .... can I have it not disappear so I can read the output?23:46
Dulakhiddenknowledge: just open a query window to the bot and type !help23:46
hiddenknowledgeDulak: Thanks.23:47
NCS_Onepompato: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segmentation_fault23:47
A-NonBlT: Alright I found another IDE cable, things are terrible to plug in, trying to run the LiveCD now23:47
violinapprenSlickRed: sudo wodim name.iso23:48
hiddenknowledgeDulak: That didn't help me? It answers with the !ask response.23:48
happyfaceader10: it's for loading OSX86 using a more compatible loader... thanks for the help!23:48
Jordan_Uhiddenknowledge: Try !brain23:48
violinapprenhiddenknowledge: google "her" name23:48
ChigginsHey, so I saved an FTP under Places as a bookmark, but how can I get it to show up in this file browser? http://chigstuff.com/ftp_help.png23:48
hiddenknowledgeAh, thanks Jordan_U and violinappren. :)23:48
Jordan_Uhappyface: grub2 can load OSX directly, it can also load chameleon using multiboot.23:49
sammyhi everybody23:49
SlickRedviolinappren: same error. I know youre helping a bunch of people but I can PM you the full error if you would like23:49
Jordan_Uhappyface: You're welcome.23:49
happyfaceJordan_U: I want it to load chameleon, thanks!23:49
violinappren!pastebin | SlickRed23:49
ubottuSlickRed: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:49
A-NonBlT: Same problem as before. Should I try booting from USB?23:49
SlickRedviolinappren: understood 2 mins...23:49
neil_dBlT: using the zenity program to put up a dialog!  as a hack.23:50
Jordan_Uhappyface: multiboot /chameleon (or whatever the file is named, can't remember off hand)23:50
SlickRedviolinappren: http://paste.ubuntu.com/467234/23:51
new2ubuntuHello, I'm having a hard time installing gnomenu on 10.03. http://pastebin.com/6R7kmFQS Can ne1 help? If it's too busy, I can come back later.23:51
violinapprenChiggins: won't show in applications that don't support gvfs, like eclipse23:51
FailDroidUbuntu screwed up my computer x(23:52
Chigginsviolinappren: anyway around this so i could directly edit files from my ftp?23:52
violinapprenSlickRed: type in a terminal: wodim --devices;  wodim -scanbun (and paste to pastebin)23:52
okayzedasked in #debian, too, but what's the name for a package that just provides dependencies? like a group package for multiple packages23:52
Piciokayzed: metapackage23:52
violinapprenChiggins: fuse23:52
FailDroidUbuntu screwed up my computer x(23:52
okayzedthanks, pici23:53
Chigginsviolinappren: whats fuse?23:53
FailDroidI installed windows and ubuntu side by side and now windows won't boot up23:53
violinappren!fuse | Chiggins23:53
ubottuChiggins: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems23:53
BlTFailDroid: what order did you install them?23:53
FailDroidWindows was on my computer. Installed ubuntu yesterday23:53
ibnarrashidFailDroid: Don't you get a menu on startup to select which OS?23:54
SlickRedviolinappren: http://paste.ubuntu.com/467236/ <<gotta figure ive done something wrong there23:54
FailDroidNo I dont23:54
Chigginsalright thanks :)23:54
BlTFailDroid: Did you do a side-by-side installation?23:54
happyfaceJordan_U: should I use a blocklist?23:54
FailDroidYes bit23:54
DulakFailDroid: do you get the menu with the windows option when you boot?23:54
Jordan_Uhappyface: No, install grub in the mbr and load chameleon via multiboot.23:55
FailDroidNo I dont23:55
ibnarrashidFailDroid: Do you remember your partition layout?23:55
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
bastid_raZornew2ubuntu: possibly: sudo apt-get build-dep gnomenu :this should get all the things needed to build gnomenu23:55
violinapprenSlickRed: prefix both with sudo (and you wrong scanbuN not scanbuS)23:55
rikkimaruI have thunderbird 3 installed with an IMAP email account. The folders i'm subscribed to don't update unless I click on them. Is there a way to make them  update automatically?23:55
FailDroidWindows partition is huge23:55
FailDroidUbuntu is small23:55
ibnarrashidFailDroid: No, I mean do you know how and what hardrives were divided up?23:55
SlickRedviolinappren: lol sorry (but to be fair a copied your typo lol)23:55
MrKeunerhello, installed the package nautilus-script-collection-svn but cannot see an entry in nautilus context menu, what may be wrong?23:56
rpaddockI just installed nvidia-current due to a kernel module conflict, and now none of my applications have a container.. any ideas on fixing this?23:56
violinapprenSlickRed: haha it's cool23:56
BlTFailDroid: can you boot that system from the liveCD again, then open a terminal and type fdisk -l? and !pastbin the output and put the pastbin link here.23:56
ibnarrashidFailDroid: If you can use ubunut, you should have a porgram called "gparted" showing your layout23:56
SlickRedviolinappren: same thing : http://paste.ubuntu.com/467239/23:57
FailDroidI give up on my compuer23:57
violinapprenMrKeuner: check ~/.xsession-errors23:57
FailDroidDon't even wanna boot up again23:57
BlTFailDroid: I'm sorry23:57
RoastedIs anybody else able to rename samba share shortcuts in nautilus? Mine just show up as "smb"23:57
NFischerHI all! my new printer is Printing way on the right side (text is cut) in Win this Problem is there as well but way less intense, how do i fix that ??23:58
violinapprenSlickRed: what ubuntu version are you running ?23:59
neverlean your printer in a 30degree incline the way it's off...23:59
violinapprenSlickRed: and what's the make and model of your dvdwriter23:59
tryxubuntu 10.04 rlz23:59

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